import AccountSettings from '../models/accountSettings'; import Actions from '../models/actions'; import Activities from '../models/activities'; import Announcements from '../models/announcements'; import Boards from '../models/boards'; import CardComments from '../models/cardComments'; import Cards from '../models/cards'; import ChecklistItems from '../models/checklistItems'; import Checklists from '../models/checklists'; import CustomFields from '../models/customFields'; import Integrations from '../models/integrations'; import InvitationCodes from '../models/invitationCodes'; import Lists from '../models/lists'; import Rules from '../models/rules'; import Settings from '../models/settings'; import Swimlanes from '../models/swimlanes'; import Triggers from '../models/triggers'; import UnsavedEdits from '../models/unsavedEdits'; import Users from '../models/users'; // Anytime you change the schema of one of the collection in a non-backward // compatible way you have to write a migration in this file using the following // API: // // Migrations.add(name, migrationCallback, optionalOrder); // Note that we have extra migrations defined in `sandstorm.js` that are // exclusive to Sandstorm and shouldn’t be executed in the general case. // XXX I guess if we had ES6 modules we could // `import { isSandstorm } from sandstorm.js` and define the migration here as // well, but for now I want to avoid definied too many globals. // In the context of migration functions we don't want to validate database // mutation queries against the current (ie, latest) collection schema. Doing // that would work at the time we write the migration but would break in the // future when we'll update again the concerned collection schema. // // To prevent this bug we always have to disable the schema validation and // argument transformations. We generally use the shorthandlers defined below. const noValidate = { validate: false, filter: false, autoConvert: false, removeEmptyStrings: false, getAutoValues: false, }; const noValidateMulti = { ...noValidate, multi: true }; Migrations.add('board-background-color', () => { const defaultColor = '#16A085'; Boards.update( { background: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { background: { type: 'color', color: defaultColor, }, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('lowercase-board-permission', () => { ['Public', 'Private'].forEach(permission => { Boards.update( { permission }, { $set: { permission: permission.toLowerCase() } }, noValidateMulti, ); }); }); // Security migration: see Migrations.add('change-attachments-type-for-non-images', () => { const newTypeForNonImage = 'application/octet-stream'; Attachments.find().forEach(file => { if (!file.isImage()) { Attachments.update( file._id, { $set: { 'original.type': newTypeForNonImage, 'copies.attachments.type': newTypeForNonImage, }, }, noValidate, ); } }); }); Migrations.add('card-covers', () => { Cards.find().forEach(card => { const cover = Attachments.findOne({ cardId: card._id, cover: true }); if (cover) { Cards.update(card._id, { $set: { coverId: cover._id } }, noValidate); } }); Attachments.update({}, { $unset: { cover: '' } }, noValidateMulti); }); Migrations.add('use-css-class-for-boards-colors', () => { const associationTable = { '#27AE60': 'nephritis', '#C0392B': 'pomegranate', '#2980B9': 'belize', '#8E44AD': 'wisteria', '#2C3E50': 'midnight', '#E67E22': 'pumpkin', '#CD5A91': 'moderatepink', '#00AECC': 'strongcyan', '#4BBF6B': 'limegreen', '#2C3E51': 'dark', '#27AE61': 'relax', '#568BA2': 'corteza', }; Boards.find().forEach(board => { const oldBoardColor = board.background.color; const newBoardColor = associationTable[oldBoardColor]; Boards.update( board._id, { $set: { color: newBoardColor }, $unset: { background: '' }, }, noValidate, ); }); }); Migrations.add('denormalize-star-number-per-board', () => { Boards.find().forEach(board => { const nStars = Users.find({ 'profile.starredBoards': board._id }).count(); Boards.update(board._id, { $set: { stars: nStars } }, noValidate); }); }); // We want to keep a trace of former members so we can efficiently publish their // infos in the general board publication. Migrations.add('add-member-isactive-field', () => { Boards.find({}, { fields: { members: 1 } }).forEach(board => { const allUsersWithSomeActivity = _.chain( Activities.find( { boardId: board._id }, { fields: { userId: 1 } }, ).fetch(), ) .pluck('userId') .uniq() .value(); const currentUsers = _.pluck(board.members, 'userId'); const formerUsers = _.difference(allUsersWithSomeActivity, currentUsers); const newMemberSet = []; board.members.forEach(member => { member.isActive = true; newMemberSet.push(member); }); formerUsers.forEach(userId => { newMemberSet.push({ userId, isAdmin: false, isActive: false, }); }); Boards.update(board._id, { $set: { members: newMemberSet } }, noValidate); }); }); Migrations.add('add-sort-checklists', () => { Checklists.find().forEach((checklist, index) => { if (!checklist.hasOwnProperty('sort')) { checklist._id, { $set: { sort: index } }, noValidate, ); } checklist.items.forEach((item, index) => { if (!item.hasOwnProperty('sort')) { { _id: checklist._id, 'items._id': item._id }, { $set: { 'items.$.sort': index } }, noValidate, ); } }); }); }); Migrations.add('add-swimlanes', () => { Boards.find().forEach(board => { const swimlaneId = board.getDefaultSwimline()._id; Cards.find({ boardId: board._id }).forEach(card => { if (!card.hasOwnProperty('swimlaneId')) { { _id: card._id }, { $set: { swimlaneId } }, noValidate, ); } }); }); }); Migrations.add('add-views', () => { Boards.find().forEach(board => { if (!board.hasOwnProperty('view')) { { _id: board._id }, { $set: { view: 'board-view-swimlanes' } }, noValidate, ); } }); }); Migrations.add('add-checklist-items', () => { Checklists.find().forEach(checklist => { // Create new items _.sortBy(checklist.items, 'sort').forEach((item, index) => {{ title: item.title ? item.title : 'Checklist', sort: index, isFinished: item.isFinished, checklistId: checklist._id, cardId: checklist.cardId, }); }); // Delete old ones { _id: checklist._id }, { $unset: { items: 1 } }, noValidate, ); }); }); Migrations.add('add-profile-view', () => { Users.find().forEach(user => { if (!user.hasOwnProperty('profile.boardView')) { // Set default view { _id: user._id }, { $set: { 'profile.boardView': 'board-view-lists' } }, noValidate, ); } }); }); Migrations.add('add-card-types', () => { Cards.find().forEach(card => { { _id: card._id }, { $set: { type: 'cardType-card', linkedId: null, }, }, noValidate, ); }); }); Migrations.add('add-custom-fields-to-cards', () => { Cards.update( { customFields: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { customFields: [], }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-requester-field', () => { Cards.update( { requestedBy: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { requestedBy: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-assigner-field', () => { Cards.update( { assignedBy: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { assignedBy: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-parent-field-to-cards', () => { Cards.update( { parentId: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { parentId: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-subtasks-boards', () => { Boards.update( { subtasksDefaultBoardId: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { subtasksDefaultBoardId: null, subtasksDefaultListId: null, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-subtasks-sort', () => { Boards.update( { subtaskSort: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { subtaskSort: -1, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-subtasks-allowed', () => { Boards.update( { allowsSubtasks: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { allowsSubtasks: true, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-subtasks-allowed', () => { Boards.update( { presentParentTask: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { presentParentTask: 'no-parent', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-authenticationMethod', () => { Users.update( { authenticationMethod: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { authenticationMethod: 'password', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('remove-tag', () => { Users.update( {}, { $unset: { 'profile.tags': 1, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('remove-customFields-references-broken', () => { Cards.update( { 'customFields.$value': null }, { $pull: { customFields: { value: null }, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-product-name', () => { Settings.update( { productName: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { productName: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-hide-logo', () => { Settings.update( { hideLogo: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { hideLogo: false, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-custom-html-after-body-start', () => { Settings.update( { customHTMLafterBodyStart: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { customHTMLafterBodyStart: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-custom-html-before-body-end', () => { Settings.update( { customHTMLbeforeBodyEnd: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { customHTMLbeforeBodyEnd: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-displayAuthenticationMethod', () => { Settings.update( { displayAuthenticationMethod: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { displayAuthenticationMethod: true, }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-defaultAuthenticationMethod', () => { Settings.update( { defaultAuthenticationMethod: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { defaultAuthenticationMethod: 'password', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); Migrations.add('add-templates', () => { Boards.update( { type: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { type: 'board', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); Swimlanes.update( { type: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { type: 'swimlane', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); Lists.update( { type: { $exists: false, }, swimlaneId: { $exists: false, }, }, { $set: { type: 'list', swimlaneId: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); Users.find({ 'profile.templatesBoardId': { $exists: false, }, }).forEach(user => { // Create board and swimlanes Boards.insert( { title: TAPi18n.__('templates'), permission: 'private', type: 'template-container', members: [ { userId: user._id, isAdmin: true, isActive: true, isNoComments: false, isCommentOnly: false, }, ], }, (err, boardId) => { // Insert the reference to our templates board Users.update(user._id, { $set: { 'profile.templatesBoardId': boardId }, }); // Insert the card templates swimlane Swimlanes.insert( { title: TAPi18n.__('card-templates-swimlane'), boardId, sort: 1, type: 'template-container', }, (err, swimlaneId) => { // Insert the reference to out card templates swimlane Users.update(user._id, { $set: { 'profile.cardTemplatesSwimlaneId': swimlaneId }, }); }, ); // Insert the list templates swimlane Swimlanes.insert( { title: TAPi18n.__('list-templates-swimlane'), boardId, sort: 2, type: 'template-container', }, (err, swimlaneId) => { // Insert the reference to out list templates swimlane Users.update(user._id, { $set: { 'profile.listTemplatesSwimlaneId': swimlaneId }, }); }, ); // Insert the board templates swimlane Swimlanes.insert( { title: TAPi18n.__('board-templates-swimlane'), boardId, sort: 3, type: 'template-container', }, (err, swimlaneId) => { // Insert the reference to out board templates swimlane Users.update(user._id, { $set: { 'profile.boardTemplatesSwimlaneId': swimlaneId }, }); }, ); }, ); }); }); Migrations.add('fix-circular-reference_', () => { Cards.find().forEach(card => { if (card.parentId === card._id) { Cards.update(card._id, { $set: { parentId: '' } }, noValidateMulti); } }); }); Migrations.add('mutate-boardIds-in-customfields', () => { CustomFields.find().forEach(cf => { CustomFields.update( cf, { $set: { boardIds: [cf.boardId], }, $unset: { boardId: '', }, }, noValidateMulti, ); }); }); const modifiedAtTables = [ AccountSettings, Actions, Activities, Announcements, Boards, CardComments, Cards, ChecklistItems, Checklists, CustomFields, Integrations, InvitationCodes, Lists, Rules, Settings, Swimlanes, Triggers, UnsavedEdits, Users, ]; Migrations.add('add-missing-created-and-modified', () => { Promise.all( => db .rawCollection() .update( { modifiedAt: { $exists: false } }, { $set: { modifiedAt: new Date() } }, { multi: true }, ) .then(() => db .rawCollection() .update( { createdAt: { $exists: false } }, { $set: { createdAt: new Date() } }, { multi: true }, ), ), ), ) .then(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console'Successfully added createdAt and updatedAt to all tables'); }) .catch(e => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(e); }); }); Migrations.add('fix-incorrect-dates', () => { const tables = [ AccountSettings, Actions, Activities, Announcements, Boards, CardComments, Cards, ChecklistItems, Checklists, CustomFields, Integrations, InvitationCodes, Lists, Rules, Settings, Swimlanes, Triggers, UnsavedEdits, ]; // Dates were previously created with which is a number, not a date tables.forEach(t => t .rawCollection() .find({ $or: [{ createdAt: { $type: 1 } }, { updatedAt: { $type: 1 } }] }) .forEach(({ _id, createdAt, updatedAt }) => { t.rawCollection().update( { _id }, { $set: { createdAt: new Date(createdAt), updatedAt: new Date(updatedAt), }, }, ); }), ); });