// a map of notification service, like email, web, IM, qq, etc. // serviceName -> callback(user, title, description, params) // expected arguments to callback: // - user: Meteor user object // - title: String, TAPi18n key // - description, String, TAPi18n key // - params: Object, values extracted from context, to used for above two TAPi18n keys // see example call to Notifications.notify() in models/activities.js const notifyServices = {}; Notifications = { subscribe: (serviceName, callback) => { notifyServices[serviceName] = callback; }, unsubscribe: serviceName => { if (typeof notifyServices[serviceName] === 'function') delete notifyServices[serviceName]; }, getUsers: watchers => { const users = []; watchers.forEach(userId => { const user = Users.findOne(userId); if (user) users.push(user); }); return users; }, notify: (user, title, description, params) => { for (const k in notifyServices) { const notifyImpl = notifyServices[k]; if (notifyImpl && typeof notifyImpl === 'function') notifyImpl(user, title, description, params); } }, };