#!/bin/bash # first read settings source $SNAP/bin/wekan-read-settings &>/dev/null if [ "$CADDY_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then # tweak port nunmber as it has been remapped export PORT=${CADDY_PORT} &>/dev/null fi echo -e "Wekan: The open-source kanban.\n" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Debug OIDC OAuth2 etc." echo -e "To enable the Debug of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME debug='true'" echo -e "\t-Disable the Debug of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME debug='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To enable the MONGO_URL of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME mongo-url='...'" echo -e "\t-Disable the MONGO_URL of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME mongo-url=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Make sure you have connected all interfaces, check more by calling $ snap interfaces ${SNAP_NAME}" echo -e "\n" echo -e "${SNAP_NAME} has multiple services, to check status use systemctl" echo -e "\t$ systemctl status snap.$SNAP_NAME.*" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To make backup of wekan's database use: $ ${SNAP_NAME}.database-backup [backup file]" echo -e "\t backup file is optional parameter, if not passed backup is created in directory:" echo -e "\t\t${SNAP_COMMON}/db-backups" echo -e "To list existing backups in default directory: $ ${SNAP_NAME}.database-list-backups" echo -e "To restore wekan's database use: ${SNAP_NAME}.database-restore " echo -e "\n" echo -e "wekan can be configured to share mongodb with other services using content interface" echo -e "\t-sharing mongodb from $SNAP_NAME to other snap(s):" echo -e "\t\t-connect mongodb-slot with plug from corresponding snap(s)" echo -e "\t\t-configure corresponding service to use mongodb unix socket in shared directory, socket file name is: mongodb-$MONGODB_PORT.sock" echo -e "\t-sharing mongodb from other snap to $SNAP_NAME:" echo -e "\t\t-connect mongodb-plug with slot from snap providing mongodb" echo -e "\t\t-disable mongodb in $SNAP_NAME by calling: $ snap set $SNAP_NAME set disable-mongodb='true'" echo -e "\t\t-set mongodb-bind-unix-socket to point to serving mongodb. Use relative path inside shared directory, e.g run/mongodb-27017.sock" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To enable the API of wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME with-api='true'" echo -e "\t-Disable the API:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME with-api='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Accounts lockout known users failures before, greater than 0. Default: 3" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME accounts-lockout-known-users-failures-before='3'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Accounts lockout know users period, in seconds. Default: 60" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME accounts-lockout-known-users-period='60'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Accounts lockout unknown failure window, in seconds. Default: 15" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME accounts-lockout-known-users-failure-window='15'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Accounts lockout unknown users failures before, greater than 0. Default: 3" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME accounts-lockout-unknown-users-failures-before='3'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Accounts lockout unknown users lockout period, in seconds. Default: 60" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME accounts-lockout-unknown-users-lockout-period='60'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Accounts lockout unknown users failure window, in seconds. Default: 15" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME accounts-lockout-unknown-users-failure-window='15'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Rich text editor in card comments. Default: true https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2560" echo -e "Default:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME richer-card-comment-editor='true'" echo -e "Disabled:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME richer-card-comment-editor='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Card opened, send webhook message. Default: false https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/2518" echo -e "Enable:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME card-opened-webhook-enabled='true'" echo -e "Disable, default:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME card-opened-webhook-enabled='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Max image pixel: Allow to shrink attached/pasted image https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2544" echo -e "Example:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME max-image-pixel='1024'" echo -e "Disabled:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME max-image-pixel=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Image compress ratio: Allow to shrink attached/pasted image https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2544" echo -e "Example:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME image-compress-ratio='80'" echo -e "Disabled:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME image-compress-ratio=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Allow to set attachment upload into specified server location. Create that directory first. https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2603" echo -e "Example:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME attachments-store-path='/var/snap/wekan/common/attachments'" echo -e "Disabled:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME attachments-store-path=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "BIGEVENTS DUE ETC NOTIFICATIONS https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2541" echo -e "Big events pattern: Notify always due etc regardless of notification settings. Default: due, All: received|start|due|end, Disabled: NONE" echo -e "Default:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME bigevents-pattern='due'" echo -e "All:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME bigevents-pattern='received|start|due|end'" echo -e "Disabled:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME bigevents-pattern='NONE'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "EMAIL DUE DATE NOTIFICATION https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2536" echo -e "System timelines will be showing any user modification for dueat startat endat receivedat, also notification to the watchers and if any card is due, about due or past due." echo -e "Notify due days, number less than 15 or negative number accepted, you can specify multiple days delimited by ','. Default: NONE" echo -e "To enable different Notify for Due Days on 2 days before, and on the event day " echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME notify-due-days-before-and-after='2,0'" echo -e "\t-Disable Notifying for Due Days:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME notify-due-days-before-and-after=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Notify due at hour of day. Default every morning at 8am. Can be 0-23." echo -e "If env variable has parsing error, use default. Notification sent to watchers." echo -e "To enable different Notify Due At Hour Of Day than default 8:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME notify-due-at-hour-of-day='10'" echo -e "\t-To set back default 8 of Notify Due at Hour of Day:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME notify-due-at-hour-of-day=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To enable the Email Notification Timeout of wekan in ms, default 30000 (=30s):" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME email-notification-timeout='10000'" echo -e "\t-Disable the Email Notification Timeout of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME email-notification-timeout='30000'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To enable the CORS of wekan, to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin header:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME cors='*'" echo -e "\t-Disable the CORS:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME cors=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To enable the Set Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. \"Authorization,Content-Type\" is required for cross-origin use of the API." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME cors-allow-headers='Authorization,Content-Type'" echo -e "\t-Disable the Set Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. \"Authorization,Content-Type\" is required for cross-origin use of the API." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME cors-allow-headers=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To enable the Set Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. This is not needed for typical CORS situations. Example: *" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME cors-expose-headers='*'" echo -e "\t-Disable the Set Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. This is not needed for typical CORS situations. Example: ''" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME cors-expose-headers=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Enable browser policy and allow one trusted URL that can have iframe that has Wekan embedded inside." echo -e "\t\t Setting this to false is not recommended, it also disables all other browser policy protections" echo -e "\t\t and allows all iframing etc. See wekan/server/policy.js" echo -e "To enable the Browser Policy of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME browser-policy-enabled='true'" echo -e "\t-Disable the Browser Policy of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME browser-policy-enabled='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "When browser policy is enabled, HTML code at this URL can have iframe that embeds Wekan inside." echo -e "To enable the Trusted URL of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME trusted-url='https://example.com'" echo -e "\t-Disable the Trusted URL of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME trusted-url=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "What to send to Outgoing Webhook, or leave out. Example, that includes all that are default: cardId,listId,oldListId,boardId,comment,user,card,commentId ." echo -e "To enable the Webhooks Attributes of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME webhooks-attributes='cardId,listId,oldListId,boardId,comment,user,card,commentId'" echo -e "\t-Disable the Webhooks Attributes of Wekan to send all default ones:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME webhooks-attributes=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Client ID." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Client ID of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-client-id='54321abcde'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Client ID of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-client-id=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 login style: popup or redirect. Default: redirect" echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 login style popup of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-login-style='popup'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 login style popup of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-login-style='redirect'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Secret." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Secret of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-secret='54321abcde'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Secret of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-secret=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Server URL." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Server URL of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-server-url='https://chat.example.com'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Server URL of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-server-url=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-auth-endpoint='/oauth/authorize'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-auth-endpoint=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Userinfo Endpoint." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Userinfo Endpoint of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-userinfo-endpoint='/oauth/authorize'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Userinfo Endpoint of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-userinfo-endpoint=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Token Endpoint." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Token Endpoint of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-token-endpoint='/oauth/token'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Token Endpoint of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-token-endpoint=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 ID Token Whitelist Fields." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 ID Token Whitelist Fields of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-id-token-whitelist-fields=[]" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 ID Token Whitelist Fields of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-id-token-whitelist-fields=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Request Permissions." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Request Permissions of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-request-permissions=\"'openid profile email'\"" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Request Permissions of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-request-permissions=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 ID Mapping." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 ID Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-id-map='username.uid'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 ID Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-id-map=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Username Mapping." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Username Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-username-map='username'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Username Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-username-map=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Fullname Mapping." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Fullname Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-fullname-map='fullname'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Fullname Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-fullname-map=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "OAuth2 Email Mapping." echo -e "To enable the OAuth2 Email Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-email-map='email'" echo -e "\t-Disable the OAuth2 Email Mapping of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME oauth2-email-map=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Enable." echo -e "To enable the ldap of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-enable='true'" echo -e "\t-Disable the ldap of Wekan:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-enable='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Port." echo -e "The port of the ldap server:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-port='12345'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Host." echo -e "The host server for the LDAP server:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-host='localhost'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Base Dn." echo -e "The base DN for the LDAP Tree:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-basedn='ou=user,dc=example,dc=org'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Login Fallback." echo -e "Fallback on the default authentication method:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-login-fallback='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Reconnect." echo -e "Reconnect to the server if the connection is lost:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-reconnect='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Timeout." echo -e "Overall timeout, in milliseconds:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-timeout='12345'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Idle Timeout." echo -e "Specifies the timeout for idle LDAP connections in milliseconds:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-idle-timeout='12345'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Connect Timeout." echo -e "Connection timeout, in milliseconds:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-connect-timeout='12345'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Authentication." echo -e "If the LDAP needs a user account to search:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-authentication='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Authentication User Dn." echo -e "The search user Dn, 2 examples:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-authentication-userdn='CN=ldap admin,CN=users,DC=domainmatter,DC=lan'" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-authentication-userdn='CN=wekan_adm,OU=serviceaccounts,OU=admin,OU=prod,DC=mydomain,DC=com'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Authentication Password." echo -e "The password for the search user:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-authentication-password='admin'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Log Enabled." echo -e "Enable logs for the module:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-log-enabled='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Background Sync." echo -e "If the sync of the users should be done in the background:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-background-sync='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Background Sync Interval." echo -e "At which interval does the background task sync in milliseconds." echo -e "Leave this unset, so it uses default, and does not crash." echo -e "https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/2354#issuecomment-515305722" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-background-sync-interval=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Background Sync Keep Existant Users Updated." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-background-sync-keep-existant-users-updated='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Background Sync Import New Users." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-background-sync-import-new-users='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Encryption." echo -e "Allow LDAPS:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-encryption='ssl'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Ca Cert." echo -e "The certification for the LDAPS server:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-ca-cert=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIE+zCCA+OgAwIBAgIkAhwR/6TVLmdRY6hHxvUFWc0+Enmu/Hu6cj+G2FIdAgIC...-----END CERTIFICATE-----" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Reject Unauthorized." echo -e "Reject Unauthorized Certificate:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-reject-unauthorized='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Option to login to the LDAP server with the user's own username and password, instead of an administrator key. Default: false (use administrator key)." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-user-authentication='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Which field is used to find the user for the user authentication. Default: uid." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-user-authentication-field='uid'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap User Search Filter." echo -e "Optional extra LDAP filters. Don't forget the outmost enclosing parentheses if needed:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-user-search-filter=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap User Search Scope." echo -e "base (search only in the provided DN), one (search only in the provided DN and one level deep), or sub (search the whole subtree). Example: one" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-user-search-scope=one" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap User Search Field." echo -e "Which field is used to find the user:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-user-search-field='uid'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Search Page Size." echo -e "Used for pagination (0=unlimited):" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-search-page-size='12345'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Search Size Limit." echo -e "The limit number of entries (0=unlimited):" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-search-size-limit='12345'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Group Filter Enable." echo -e "Enable group filtering:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-group-filter-enable='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Group Filter ObjectClass." echo -e "The object class for filtering:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-group-filter-objectclass='group'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Group Filter Id Attribute." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-group-filter-group-id-attribute=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Group Filter Member Attribute." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-group-filter-group-member-attribute=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Group Filter Member Format." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-group-filter-group-member-format=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Group Filter Group Name." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-group-filter-group-name=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Unique Identifier Field." echo -e "This field is sometimes class GUID (Globally Unique Identifier):" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-unique-identifier-field=guid" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Utf8 Names Slugify." echo -e "Convert the username to utf8:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-utf8-names-slugify='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Username Field." echo -e "Which field contains the ldap username:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-username-field='username'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Fullname Field." echo -e "Which field contains the ldap fullname:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-fullname-field='fullname'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Merge Existing Users." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-merge-existing-users='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Email Match Enable." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-email-match-enable='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Email Match Require." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-email-match-require='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Email Match Verified." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-email-match-verfied='false'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Fullname Field." echo -e "Which field contains the ldap email address:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-fullname-field='fullname'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Sync User Data." echo -e "Enable synchronization of user data:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-sync-user-data='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Sync User Data Fieldmap." echo -e "A field map for the matching:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-sync-user-data-fieldmap={\"cn\":\"name\", \"mail\":\"email\"}" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Sync Group Roles." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-sync-group-roles=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Ldap Default Domain." echo -e "The default domain of the ldap it is used to create email if the field is not map correctly with the LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-default-domain=''" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Enable/Disable syncing of admin status based on LDAP groups." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-sync-admin-status='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Comma separated list of admin group names to sync." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME ldap-sync-admin-groups='group1,group2'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Logout with timer." echo -e "Enable or not the option that allows to disconnect an user after a given time:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME logout-with-timer='true'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Login to LDAP automatically with HTTP header." echo -e "In below example for siteminder, at right side of = is header name." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME header-login-id='HEADERUID'" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME header-login-firstname='HEADERFIRSTNAME'" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME header-login-lastname='HEADERLASTNAME'" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME header-login-email='HEADEREMAILADDRESS'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Logout in." echo -e "Logout in how many days:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME logout-in='1'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Logout on hours." echo -e "Logout in how many hours:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME logout-on-hours='9'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Logout on minutes." echo -e "Logout in how many minutes:" echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME logout-on-minutes='5'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Default authentication method." echo -e "The default authentication method used if a user does not exist to create and authenticate. Method can be password or ldap." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME default-authentication-method='ldap'" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Linked cards enabled." echo -e "Enable or not the linked cards feature." echo -e "\t$ snap set $SNAP_NAME linked-cards-enabled='false'" echo -e "\n" # parse config file for supported settings keys echo -e "wekan supports settings keys" echo -e "values can be changed by calling\n$ snap set $SNAP_NAME =''" echo -e "list of supported keys:" for key in ${keys[@]} do default_value="DEFAULT_$key" description="DESCRIPTION_$key" snappy_key="KEY_$key" echo -e "\t${!snappy_key}: ${!description}" if [ "x" == "x${!key}" ]; then echo -e "\t\tNo value set, using default value: '${!default_value}'" else echo -e "\t\tCurrent value set to: '${!key}', (default value: '${!default_value}')" fi done echo -e "\n!!!! Some changes result in restart of some or all services, use with caution !!!!!"