#!/bin/bash source $SNAP/bin/config &>/dev/null echo -e "Wekan: The open-source Trello-like kanban.\n" echo -e "Make sure you have connected all interfaces, check more by calling $ snap interfaces" echo -e "\n" echo -e "${SNAP_NAME} has two services, to check status/restart/stop use systemd commands" echo -e "mongodb service:" echo -e "\t$ sudo systemctl status/start/stop/restart snap.$SNAP_NAME.mongodb" echo -e "wekan service" echo -e "\t$ sudo systemctl status/start/stop/restart snap.$SNAP_NAME.wekan" echo -e "\n" echo -e "To make backup of wekan's database use: $ ${SNAP_NAME}.database-backup [backup file]" echo -e "\t backup file is optional parameter, if not passed backup is created in directory:" echo -e "\t\t${SNAP_COMMON}/db-backups" echo -e "To list existing backups in default directory: $ ${SNAP_NAME}.database-list-backups" echo -e "To restore wekan's database use: ${SNAP_NAME}.database-restore " echo -e "\n" echo -e "wekan can be configured to share mongodb with other services using content interface" echo -e "\t-sharing mongodb from $SNAP_NAME to other snap(s):" echo -e "\t\t-connect mongodb-slot with plug from corresponding snap(s)" echo -e "\t\t-configure corresponding service to use mongodb unix socket in shared directory, socket file name is: mongodb-$MONGODB_PORT.sock" echo -e "\t-sharing mongodb from other snap to $SNAP_NAME:" echo -e "\t\t-connect mongodb-plug with slot from snap providing mongodb" echo -e "\t\t-disable mongodb in $SNAP_NAME by calling: $ snap set $SNAP_NAME set disable-mongodb='true'" echo -e "\t\t-set mongodb-bind-unix-socket to point to serving mongodb. Use relative path inside shared directory, e.g run/mongodb-27017.sock" echo -e "\n" # parse config file for supported settings keys echo -e "wekan supports settings keys" echo -e "values can be changed by calling\n$ snap set $SNAP_NAME =''" echo -e "list of supported keys:" for key in ${keys[@]} do default_value="DEFAULT_$key" description="DESCRIPTION_$key" snappy_key="KEY_$key" echo -e "\t${!snappy_key}: ${!description}" if [ "x" == "x${!key}" ]; then echo -e "\t\tNo value set, using default value: '${!default_value}'" else echo -e "\t\tCurrent value set to: '${!key}', (default value: '${!default_value}')" fi done echo -e "\nFor changes to take effect restart wekan service," echo -e "if mongodb key was change also restart mongodb service, before restarting wekan" echo -e "to restart mongodb: $ sudo systemctl restart snap.$SNAP_NAME.mongodb" echo -e "to restart wekan: $ sudo systemctl restart snap.$SNAP_NAME.wekan"