@ECHO OFF REM ------------------------------------------------------------ REM # Debug OIDC OAuth2 etc. REM SET DEBUG=true REM ------------------------------------------------------------ SET ROOT_URL=http://localhost SET PORT=80 SET MONGO_URL=mongodb:// REM https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Troubleshooting-Mail REM SET MAIL_URL=smtps://username:password@email-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com:587/ REM SET MAIL_FROM="Wekan Boards " REM # If you disable Wekan API with false, Export Board does not work. SET WITH_API=true REM # ==== RICH TEXT EDITOR IN CARD COMMENTS ==== REM # https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2560 SET RICHER_CARD_COMMENT_EDITOR=false REM # ==== MOUSE SCROLL ==== REM # https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/2949 SET SCROLLINERTIA=0 SET SCROLLAMOUNT=auto REM # ==== CARD OPENED, SEND WEBHOOK MESSAGE ==== SET CARD_OPENED_WEBHOOK_ENABLED=false REM # ==== Allow to shrink attached/pasted image ==== REM # https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2544 REM SET MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL=1024 REM SET IMAGE_COMPRESS_RATIO=80 REM # ==== PASSWORD BRUTE FORCE PROTECTION ==== REM #https://atmospherejs.com/lucasantoniassi/accounts-lockout REM #Defaults below. Uncomment to change. wekan/server/accounts-lockout.js REM SET ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_KNOWN_USERS_FAILURES_BEFORE=3 REM SET ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_KNOWN_USERS_PERIOD=60 REM SET ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_KNOWN_USERS_FAILURE_WINDOW=15 REM SET ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_UNKNOWN_USERS_FAILURES_BERORE=3 REM SET ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_UNKNOWN_USERS_LOCKOUT_PERIOD=60 REM SET ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_UNKNOWN_USERS_FAILURE_WINDOW=15 REM # ==== NOTIFICATION TRAY AFTER READ DAYS BEFORE REMOVE ===== REM # Number of days after a notification is read before we remove it. REM # Default: 2 REM SET NOTIFICATION_TRAY_AFTER_READ_DAYS_BEFORE_REMOVE=2 REM # ==== BIGEVENTS DUE ETC NOTIFICATIONS ===== REM # https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2541 REM # Introduced a system env var BIGEVENTS_PATTERN default as "NONE", REM # so any activityType matches the pattern, system will send out REM # notifications to all board members no matter they are watching REM # or tracking the board or not. Owner of the wekan server can REM # disable the feature by setting this variable to "NONE" or REM # change the pattern to any valid regex. i.e. '|' delimited REM # activityType names. REM # a) Example REM SET BIGEVENTS_PATTERN=due REM # b) All REM SET BIGEVENTS_PATTERN=received|start|due|end REM # c) Disabled SET BIGEVENTS_PATTERN=NONE REM # ==== EMAIL DUE DATE NOTIFICATION ===== REM # https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/2536 REM # System timelines will be showing any user modification for REM # dueat startat endat receivedat, also notification to REM # the watchers and if any card is due, about due or past due. REM # Notify due days, default is None. REM # SET NOTIFY_DUE_DAYS_BEFORE_AND_AFTER=2,0 REM # Notify due at hour of day. Default every morning at 8am. Can be 0-23. REM # If env variable has parsing error, use default. Notification sent to watchers. REM SET NOTIFY_DUE_AT_HOUR_OF_DAY=8 REM # ==== EMAIL NOTIFICATION TIMEOUT, ms ===== REM # Defaut: 30000 ms = 30s REM SET EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT=30000 REM # CORS: Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Example: * REM SET CORS=* REM # To enable the Set Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. "Authorization,Content-Type" is required for cross-origin use of the API. REM SET CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS=Authorization,Content-Type REM # To enable the Set Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. This is not needed for typical CORS situations. Example: * REM SET CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS=* REM # Optional: Integration with Matomo https://matomo.org that is installed to your server REM # The address of the server where Matomo is hosted. REM # example: - MATOMO_ADDRESS=https://example.com/matomo REM SET MATOMO_ADDRESS= REM # The value of the site ID given in Matomo server for Wekan REM # example: - MATOMO_SITE_ID=12345 REM SET MATOMO_SITE_ID= REM # The option do not track which enables users to not be tracked by matomo REM # example: - MATOMO_DO_NOT_TRACK=false REM SET MATOMO_DO_NOT_TRACK= REM # The option that allows matomo to retrieve the username: REM # example: MATOMO_WITH_USERNAME=true REM SET MATOMO_WITH_USERNAME=false REM # Enable browser policy and allow one trusted URL that can have iframe that has Wekan embedded inside. REM # Setting this to false is not recommended, it also disables all other browser policy protections REM # and allows all iframing etc. See wekan/server/policy.js SET BROWSER_POLICY_ENABLED=true REM # When browser policy is enabled, HTML code at this Trusted URL can have iframe that embeds Wekan inside. REM SET TRUSTED_URL= REM # What to send to Outgoing Webhook, or leave out. Example, that includes all that are default: cardId,listId,oldListId,boardId,comment,user,card,commentId . REM # example: WEBHOOKS_ATTRIBUTES=cardId,listId,oldListId,boardId,comment,user,card,commentId REM SET WEBHOOKS_ATTRIBUTES= REM ------------------------------------------------------------ REM # Enable the OAuth2 connection REM # OAuth2 docs: https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/OAuth2 REM # example: OAUTH2_ENABLED=true REM SET OAUTH2_ENABLED=false REM # OAuth2 Client ID, for example from Rocket.Chat. Example: abcde12345 REM # example: OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=abcde12345 REM SET OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID= REM # OAuth2 Secret, for example from Rocket.Chat: Example: 54321abcde REM # example: OAUTH2_SECRET=54321abcde REM SET OAUTH2_SECRET= REM # OAuth2 Server URL, for example Rocket.Chat. Example: https://chat.example.com REM # example: OAUTH2_SERVER_URL=https://chat.example.com REM SET OAUTH2_SERVER_URL= REM # OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint. Example: /oauth/authorize REM # example: OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT=/oauth/authorize REM SET OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT= REM # OAuth2 Userinfo Endpoint. Example: /oauth/userinfo REM # example: OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT=/oauth/userinfo REM SET OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT= REM # OAuth2 Token Endpoint. Example: /oauth/token REM # example: OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=/oauth/token REM SET OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT= REM # OAUTH2 ID Token Whitelist Fields. REM SET OAUTH2_ID_TOKEN_WHITELIST_FIELDS=[] REM # OAUTH2 Request Permissions. REM SET OAUTH2_REQUEST_PERMISSIONS='openid profile email' REM # OAuth2 ID Mapping REM SET OAUTH2_ID_MAP= REM # OAuth2 Username Mapping REM SET OAUTH2_USERNAME_MAP= REM # OAuth2 Fullname Mapping REM SET OAUTH2_FULLNAME_MAP= REM # OAuth2 Email Mapping REM SET OAUTH2_EMAIL_MAP= REM ------------------------------------------------------------ REM # LDAP_ENABLE : Enable or not the connection by the LDAP REM # example : LDAP_ENABLE=true REM SET LDAP_ENABLE=false REM # LDAP_PORT : The port of the LDAP server REM # example : LDAP_PORT=389 REM SET LDAP_PORT=389 REM # LDAP_HOST : The host server for the LDAP server REM # example : LDAP_HOST=localhost REM SET LDAP_HOST= REM # LDAP_BASEDN : The base DN for the LDAP Tree REM # example : LDAP_BASEDN=ou=user,dc=example,dc=org REM SET LDAP_BASEDN= REM # LDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK : Fallback on the default authentication method REM # example : LDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK=true REM SET LDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK=false REM # LDAP_RECONNECT : Reconnect to the server if the connection is lost REM # example : LDAP_RECONNECT=false REM SET LDAP_RECONNECT=true REM # LDAP_TIMEOUT : Overall timeout, in milliseconds REM # example : LDAP_TIMEOUT=12345 REM SET LDAP_TIMEOUT=10000 REM # LDAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT : Specifies the timeout for idle LDAP connections in milliseconds REM # example : LDAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT=12345 REM SET LDAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT=10000 REM # LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT : Connection timeout, in milliseconds REM # example : LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=12345 REM SET LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=10000 REM # LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION : If the LDAP needs a user account to search REM # example : LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION=true REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION=false REM # LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN : The search user DN REM # example: LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN= REM # The search user DN - You need quotes when you have spaces in parameters REM # 2 examples: REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN="CN=ldap admin,CN=users,DC=domainmatter,DC=lan" REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN="CN=wekan_adm,OU=serviceaccounts,OU=admin,OU=prod,DC=mydomain,DC=com" REM # LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_PASSWORD : The password for the search user REM # example : AUTHENTIFICATION_PASSWORD=admin REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_PASSWORD= REM # LDAP_LOG_ENABLED : Enable logs for the module REM # example : LDAP_LOG_ENABLED=true REM SET LDAP_LOG_ENABLED=false REM # LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC : If the sync of the users should be done in the background REM # example : LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC=true REM SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC=false REM # LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_INTERVAL : At which interval does the background task sync in milliseconds REM # At which interval does the background task sync in milliseconds. REM # Leave this unset, so it uses default, and does not crash. REM # https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/2354#issuecomment-515305722 SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_INTERVAL='' REM # LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED : REM # example : LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED=true REM SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED=false REM # LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_IMPORT_NEW_USERS : REM # example : LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_IMPORT_NEW_USERS=true REM SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_IMPORT_NEW_USERS=false REM # LDAP_ENCRYPTION : If using LDAPS REM # example : LDAP_ENCRYPTION=ssl REM SET LDAP_ENCRYPTION=false REM # LDAP_CA_CERT : The certification for the LDAPS server. Certificate needs to be included in this docker-compose.yml file. REM # example : LDAP_CA_CERT=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIE+zCCA+OgAwIBAgIkAhwR/6TVLmdRY6hHxvUFWc0+Enmu/Hu6cj+G2FIdAgIC...-----END CERTIFICATE----- REM SET LDAP_CA_CERT= REM # LDAP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED : Reject Unauthorized Certificate REM # example : LDAP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=true REM SET LDAP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=false REM # Option to login to the LDAP server with the user's own username and password, instead of an administrator key. Default: false (use administrator key). REM SET LDAP_USER_AUTHENTICATION=true REM # Which field is used to find the user for the user authentication. Default: uid. REM SET LDAP_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FIELD=uid REM # LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER : Optional extra LDAP filters. Don't forget the outmost enclosing parentheses if needed REM # example : LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER= REM SET LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER= REM # LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE : base (search only in the provided DN), one (search only in the provided DN and one level deep), or sub (search the whole subtree) REM # example : LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE=one REM SET LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE= REM # LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FIELD : Which field is used to find the user REM # example : LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FIELD=uid REM SET LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FIELD= REM # LDAP_SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE : Used for pagination (0=unlimited) REM # example : LDAP_SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE=12345 REM SET LDAP_SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE=0 REM # LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT : The limit number of entries (0=unlimited) REM #33 example : LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT=12345 REM SET LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT=0 REM # LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_ENABLE : Enable group filtering REM # example : LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_ENABLE=true REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_ENABLE=false REM # LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTCLASS : The object class for filtering REM # example : LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTCLASS=group REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTCLASS= REM # LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE : REM # example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE= REM # LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE : REM # example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE= REM # LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_FORMAT : REM # example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_FORMAT= REM # LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_NAME : REM # example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_NAME= REM # LDAP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD : This field is sometimes class GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) REM # example : LDAP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD=guid REM SET LDAP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD= REM # LDAP_UTF8_NAMES_SLUGIFY : Convert the username to utf8 REM # example : LDAP_UTF8_NAMES_SLUGIFY=false REM SET LDAP_UTF8_NAMES_SLUGIFY=true REM # LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD : Which field contains the ldap username REM # example : LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD=username REM SET LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD= REM # LDAP_MERGE_EXISTING_USERS : REM # example : LDAP_MERGE_EXISTING_USERS=true REM SET LDAP_MERGE_EXISTING_USERS=false REM # LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_ENABLE : allow existing account matching by e-mail address when username does not match REM # example: LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_ENABLE=true REM SET LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_ENABLE=false REM # LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_REQUIRE : require existing account matching by e-mail address when username does match REM # example: LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_REQUIRE=true REM SET LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_REQUIRE=false REM # LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_VERIFIED : require existing account email address to be verified for matching REM # example: LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_VERIFIED=true REM SET LDAP_EMAIL_MATCH_VERIFIED=false REM # LDAP_EMAIL_FIELD : which field contains the LDAP e-mail address REM # example: LDAP_EMAIL_FIELD=mail REM SET LDAP_EMAIL_FIELD= REM # LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA : REM # example : LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA=true REM SET LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA=false REM # LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP : REM # example : LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP={"cn":"name", "mail":"email"} REM SET LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP= REM # LDAP_SYNC_GROUP_ROLES : REM # example : REM # SET LDAP_SYNC_GROUP_ROLES= REM # LDAP_DEFAULT_DOMAIN : The default domain of the ldap it is used to create email if the field is not map correctly with the LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP REM # example : REM SET LDAP_DEFAULT_DOMAIN= REM # Enable/Disable syncing of admin status based on ldap groups: REM SET LDAP_SYNC_ADMIN_STATUS=true REM # Comma separated list of admin group names to sync. REM SET LDAP_SYNC_ADMIN_GROUPS=group1,group2 REM ------------------------------------------------ REM # Enable/Disable password login form. REM SET PASSWORD_LOGIN_ENABLED=true REM ------------------------------------------------ REM # Login to LDAP automatically with HTTP header. REM # In below example for siteminder, at right side of = is header name. REM SET HEADER_LOGIN_ID=HEADERUID REM SET HEADER_LOGIN_FIRSTNAME=HEADERFIRSTNAME REM SET HEADER_LOGIN_LASTNAME=HEADERLASTNAME REM SET HEADER_LOGIN_EMAIL=HEADEREMAILADDRESS REM ------------------------------------------------ REM # LOGOUT_WITH_TIMER : Enables or not the option logout with timer REM # example : LOGOUT_WITH_TIMER=true REM SET LOGOUT_WITH_TIMER= REM # LOGOUT_IN : The number of days REM # example : LOGOUT_IN=1 REM SET LOGOUT_IN= REM # LOGOUT_ON_HOURS : The number of hours REM # example : LOGOUT_ON_HOURS=9 REM SET LOGOUT_ON_HOURS= REM # LOGOUT_ON_MINUTES : The number of minutes REM # example : LOGOUT_ON_MINUTES=55 REM SET LOGOUT_ON_MINUTES= node main.js