SET MONGO_URL=mongodb:// SET ROOT_URL= SET MAIL_URL=smtp:// SET SET PORT=2000 REM If you disable Wekan API with false, Export Board does not work. SET WITH_API=true REM Optional: Integration with Matomo that is installed to your server REM The address of the server where Matomo is hosted. REM example: - MATOMO_ADDRESS= REM SET MATOMO_ADDRESS= REM The value of the site ID given in Matomo server for Wekan REM example: - MATOMO_SITE_ID=12345 REM SET MATOMO_SITE_ID= REM The option do not track which enables users to not be tracked by matomo REM example: - MATOMO_DO_NOT_TRACK=false REM SET MATOMO_DO_NOT_TRACK= REM The option that allows matomo to retrieve the username: REM example: MATOMO_WITH_USERNAME=true REM SET MATOMO_WITH_USERNAME=false REM Enable browser policy and allow one trusted URL that can have iframe that has Wekan embedded inside. REM Setting this to false is not recommended, it also disables all other browser policy protections REM and allows all iframing etc. See wekan/server/policy.js SET BROWSER_POLICY_ENABLED=true REM When browser policy is enabled, HTML code at this Trusted URL can have iframe that embeds Wekan inside. REM SET TRUSTED_URL= REM What to send to Outgoing Webhook, or leave out. Example, that includes all that are default: cardId,listId,oldListId,boardId,comment,user,card,commentId . REM example: WEBHOOKS_ATTRIBUTES=cardId,listId,oldListId,boardId,comment,user,card,commentId REM SET WEBHOOKS_ATTRIBUTES= REM Enable the OAuth2 connection REM example: OAUTH2_ENABLED=true REM SET OAUTH2_ENABLED=false REM OAuth2 docs: REM OAuth2 Client ID, for example from Rocket.Chat. Example: abcde12345 REM example: OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=abcde12345 REM SET OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID= REM OAuth2 Secret, for example from Rocket.Chat: Example: 54321abcde REM example: OAUTH2_SECRET=54321abcde REM SET OAUTH2_SECRET= REM OAuth2 Server URL, for example Rocket.Chat. Example: REM example: OAUTH2_SERVER_URL= REM SET OAUTH2_SERVER_URL= REM OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint. Example: /oauth/authorize REM example: OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT=/oauth/authorize REM SET OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT= REM OAuth2 Userinfo Endpoint. Example: /oauth/userinfo REM example: OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT=/oauth/userinfo REM SET OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT= REM OAuth2 Token Endpoint. Example: /oauth/token REM example: OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=/oauth/token REM SET OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT= REM LDAP_ENABLE : Enable or not the connection by the LDAP REM example : LDAP_ENABLE=true REM SET LDAP_ENABLE=false REM LDAP_PORT : The port of the LDAP server REM example : LDAP_PORT=389 REM SET LDAP_PORT=389 REM LDAP_HOST : The host server for the LDAP server REM example : LDAP_HOST=localhost REM SET LDAP_HOST= REM LDAP_BASEDN : The base DN for the LDAP Tree REM example : LDAP_BASEDN=ou=user,dc=example,dc=org REM SET LDAP_BASEDN= REM LDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK : Fallback on the default authentication method REM example : LDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK=true REM SET LDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK=false REM LDAP_RECONNECT : Reconnect to the server if the connection is lost REM example : LDAP_RECONNECT=false REM SET LDAP_RECONNECT=true REM LDAP_TIMEOUT : Overall timeout, in milliseconds REM example : LDAP_TIMEOUT=12345 REM SET LDAP_TIMEOUT=10000 REM LDAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT : Specifies the timeout for idle LDAP connections in milliseconds REM example : LDAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT=12345 REM SET LDAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT=10000 REM LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT : Connection timeout, in milliseconds REM example : LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=12345 REM SET LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=10000 REM LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION : If the LDAP needs a user account to search REM example : LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION=true REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION=false REM LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN : The search user DN REM example : LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_USERDN= REM LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_PASSWORD : The password for the search user REM example : AUTHENTIFICATION_PASSWORD=admin REM SET LDAP_AUTHENTIFICATION_PASSWORD= REM LDAP_LOG_ENABLED : Enable logs for the module REM example : LDAP_LOG_ENABLED=true REM SET LDAP_LOG_ENABLED=false REM LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC : If the sync of the users should be done in the background REM example : LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC=true REM SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC=false REM LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_INTERVAL : At which interval does the background task sync in milliseconds REM example : LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_INTERVAL=12345 REM SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_INTERVAL=100 REM LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED : REM example : LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED=true REM SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED=false REM LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_IMPORT_NEW_USERS : REM example : LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_IMPORT_NEW_USERS=true REM SET LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_IMPORT_NEW_USERS=false REM LDAP_ENCRYPTION : If using LDAPS REM example : LDAP_ENCRYPTION=ssl REM SET LDAP_ENCRYPTION=false REM LDAP_CA_CERT : The certification for the LDAPS server. Certificate needs to be included in this docker-compose.yml file. REM example : LDAP_CA_CERT=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIE+zCCA+OgAwIBAgIkAhwR/6TVLmdRY6hHxvUFWc0+Enmu/Hu6cj+G2FIdAgIC...-----END CERTIFICATE----- REM SET LDAP_CA_CERT= REM LDAP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED : Reject Unauthorized Certificate REM example : LDAP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=true REM SET LDAP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=false REM LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER : Optional extra LDAP filters. Don't forget the outmost enclosing parentheses if needed REM example : LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER= REM SET LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER= REM LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE : base (search only in the provided DN), one (search only in the provided DN and one level deep), or sub (search the whole subtree) REM example : LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE=one REM SET LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE= REM LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FIELD : Which field is used to find the user REM example : LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FIELD=uid REM SET LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FIELD= REM LDAP_SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE : Used for pagination (0=unlimited) REM example : LDAP_SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE=12345 REM SET LDAP_SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE=0 REM LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT : The limit number of entries (0=unlimited) REM example : LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT=12345 REM SET LDAP_SEARCH_SIZE_LIMIT=0 REM LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_ENABLE : Enable group filtering REM example : LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_ENABLE=true REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_ENABLE=false REM LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTCLASS : The object class for filtering REM example : LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTCLASS=group REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTCLASS= REM LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE : REM example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE= REM LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE : REM example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE= REM LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_FORMAT : REM example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_MEMBER_FORMAT= REM LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_NAME : REM example : REM SET LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_GROUP_NAME= REM LDAP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD : This field is sometimes class GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) REM example : LDAP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD=guid REM SET LDAP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD= REM LDAP_UTF8_NAMES_SLUGIFY : Convert the username to utf8 REM example : LDAP_UTF8_NAMES_SLUGIFY=false REM SET LDAP_UTF8_NAMES_SLUGIFY=true REM LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD : Which field contains the ldap username REM example : LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD=username REM SET LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD= REM LDAP_MERGE_EXISTING_USERS : REM example : LDAP_MERGE_EXISTING_USERS=true REM SET LDAP_MERGE_EXISTING_USERS=false REM LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA : REM example : LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA=true REM SET LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA=false REM LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP : REM example : LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP={"cn":"name", "mail":"email"} REM SET LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP= REM LDAP_SYNC_GROUP_ROLES : REM example : REM SET LDAP_SYNC_GROUP_ROLES= REM LDAP_DEFAULT_DOMAIN : The default domain of the ldap it is used to create email if the field is not map correctly with the LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP REM example : REM SET LDAP_DEFAULT_DOMAIN= cd .build\bundle node main.js cd ..\..