#!/bin/bash function wekan_repo_check(){ git_remotes="$(git remote show 2>/dev/null)" res="" for i in $git_remotes; do res="$(git remote get-url $i | sed 's/.*wekan\/wekan.*/wekan\/wekan/')" if [[ "$res" == "wekan/wekan" ]]; then break fi done if [[ "$res" != "wekan/wekan" ]]; then echo "$PWD is not a wekan repository" exit; fi } # If you want to restart even on crash, uncomment while and done lines. #while true; do wekan_repo_check cd .build/bundle #export MONGO_URL='mongodb://' #export MONGO_URL='mongodb://' export MONGO_URL='mongodb://' # Production: https://example.com/wekan # Local: http://localhost:2000 #export ipaddress=$(ifdata -pa eth0) export ROOT_URL='http://localhost:2000' # https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Troubleshooting-Mail # https://github.com/wekan/wekan-mongodb/blob/master/docker-compose.yml export MAIL_URL='smtp://user:pass@mailserver.example.com:25/' # This is local port where Wekan Node.js runs, same as below on Caddyfile settings. export WITH_API=true export KADIRA_OPTIONS_ENDPOINT= export PORT=2000 #export LDAP_ENABLE=true node main.js # & >> ../../wekan.log cd ../.. #done