{% meta %} title: Change Ubuntu Passphrase {% endmeta %} {% block content %} {% filter rst %} Change Ubuntu Passphrase ------------------------ About ===== This is a short howto on changing the harddrive passphrase on your ubuntu system. It was successfully tested on * Ubuntu Gutsy Where is your encrypted partition? ================================== * Have a look into ``/dev/mapper/``. There should be an entry called ``..._crypt``, usually its ``sda5_crypt``. * Whenever I use "sda5" later on, replace it by whatever ``..._crypt`` says in your setup. Changing the passphrase ======================= * You can't change the passphrase directly, add another passphrase and remove the old one. * Passphrases are stored in "slots". So your first password is in "slot 0", the second will be in "slot 1" and so on. * Be sure *never* to delete your *last passphrase*, or your data will be inaccessible forever. Adding an additional passphrase =============================== * Open a ``terminal``, and type: :: cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda5 * enter the current passphrase * enter the new/additional passphrase Removing a passphrase ===================== *Warning:* Do NOT delete the last available passphrase, or your data will be lost forever! * To delete the first passphrase (BE SURE THERE IS A SECOND ONE! TEST THE SECOND PASSPHRASE BEFORE DELETING THE FIRST!): cryptsetup luksDelKey /dev/sda5 0 * To delete the passphrase in the second slot (BE SURE THERE IS STILL ANOTHER PASSPHRASE PRESENT!): cryptsetup luksDelKey /dev/sda5 1 Links ===== * `arch wiki: Encrypted Devices Using LUKS `_ * `LUKS - Linux Unified Key Setup `_ errors / ideas / contact ======================== * This page is not available for public editing. * If you find an error, or want to make any contribution to this page, please contact us. {% endfilter %} {% endblock %}