{% meta %} title: Bitcoin lecturer: Jeffrey Paul ([@sneakatdatavibe](https://twitter.com/sneakatdatavibe)) slides: location: Hörsaal der Informatik time: 18:00 Uhr parent_tmpl: _talks.html {% endmeta %} {% mark abstract %} Jeffrey Paul is going to give an introduction into Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital Peer-to-Peer currency with no central authority which enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Jeffrey Paul will describe how Bitcoin makes use of modern cryptography and how the decentralized algorithm behind Bitcoin works. Apart from that he will discuss some of the consequences the new currency could have on the society and the current economy. Jeffrey Paul is a American hacker and entrepreneur currently based in Berlin. Founder of datavibe.net (1999) and EEQJ (2009), he writes, presents, and consults on a wide range of topics including civil liberties and practical applications of networking, cryptography, and security systems. {% endmark %} {% mark links %} * [Bitcoin](http://bitcoin.org/) * [Satoshi Nakamoto](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Satoshi_Nakamoto) * [Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System](http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf) {% endmark %}