path: root/modules/
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authorSean B. Palmer <>2008-02-21 12:06:33 +0000
committerSean B. Palmer <>2008-02-21 12:06:33 +0000
commit7931fab14599b739c18c8f1ebcc24b75688dbc09 (patch)
treebf4df9757f10c155e3b6f78aed48f15884ebbbe6 /modules/
Phenny2, now being tested on Freenode as the main phenny.
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b487c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+""" - Phenny Tell and Ask Module
+Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer,
+Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
+import os, re, time, random
+import web
+maximum = 4
+lispchannels = frozenset([ '#lisp', '#scheme', '#opendarwin', '#macdev',
+'#fink', '#jedit', '#dylan', '#emacs', '#xemacs', '#colloquy', '#adium',
+'#growl', '#chicken', '#quicksilver', '#svn', '#slate', '#squeak', '#wiki',
+'#nebula', '#myko', '#lisppaste', '#pearpc', '#fpc', '#hprog',
+'#concatenative', '#slate-users', '#swhack', '#ud', '#t', '#compilers',
+'#erights', '#esp', '#scsh', '#sisc', '#haskell', '#rhype', '#sicp', '#darcs',
+'#hardcider', '#lisp-it', '#webkit', '#launchd', '#mudwalker', '#darwinports',
+'#muse', '#chatkit', '#kowaleba', '#vectorprogramming', '#opensolaris',
+'#oscar-cluster', '#ledger', '#cairo', '#idevgames', '#hug-bunny', '##parsers',
+'#perl6', '#sdlperl', '#ksvg', '#rcirc', '#code4lib', '#linux-quebec',
+'#programmering', '#maxima', '#robin', '##concurrency', '#paredit' ])
+def loadReminders(fn):
+ result = {}
+ f = open(fn)
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line:
+ tellee, teller, verb, timenow, msg = line.split('\t', 4)
+ result.setdefault(tellee, []).append((teller, verb, timenow, msg))
+ f.close()
+ return result
+def dumpReminders(fn, data):
+ f = open(fn, 'w')
+ for tellee in data.iterkeys():
+ for remindon in data[tellee]:
+ line = '\t'.join((tellee,) + remindon)
+ f.write(line + '\n')
+ f.close()
+ return True
+def setup(self):
+ fn = self.nick + '-' + + '.tell.db'
+ self.tell_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.phenny'), fn)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.tell_filename):
+ try: f = open(self.tell_filename, 'w')
+ except OSError: pass
+ else:
+ f.write('')
+ f.close()
+ self.reminders = loadReminders(self.tell_filename) # @@ tell
+def f_remind(phenny, input):
+ teller = input.nick
+ # @@ Multiple comma-separated tellees? Cf. Terje, #swhack, 2006-04-15
+ verb, tellee, msg = input.groups()
+ tellee_original = tellee.rstrip(',:;')
+ tellee = tellee.lower()
+ if not os.path.exists(phenny.tell_filename):
+ return
+ if len(tellee) > 20:
+ return phenny.reply('That nickname is too long.')
+ timenow = time.strftime('%d %b %H:%MZ', time.gmtime())
+ if not tellee in (teller.lower(), phenny.nick, 'me'): # @@
+ # @@ <deltab> and year, if necessary
+ warn = False
+ if not phenny.reminders.has_key(tellee):
+ phenny.reminders[tellee] = [(teller, verb, timenow, msg)]
+ else:
+ if len(phenny.reminders[tellee]) >= maximum:
+ warn = True
+ phenny.reminders[tellee].append((teller, verb, timenow, msg))
+ # @@ Stephanie's augmentation
+ response = "I'll pass that on when %s is around." % tellee_original
+ if warn: response += (" I'll have to use a pastebin, though, so " +
+ "your message may get lost.")
+ rand = random.random()
+ if rand > 0.9999: response = "yeah, yeah"
+ elif rand > 0.999: response = "%s: yeah, sure, whatever" % teller
+ phenny.reply(response)
+ elif teller.lower() == tellee:
+ phenny.say('You can %s yourself that.' % verb)
+ else: phenny.say("Hey, I'm not as stupid as Monty you know!")
+ dumpReminders(phenny.tell_filename, phenny.reminders) # @@ tell
+f_remind.rule = ('$nick', ['tell', 'ask'], r'(\S+) (.*)')
+def getReminders(phenny, channel, key, tellee):
+ lines = []
+ template = "%s: %s <%s> %s %s %s"
+ today = time.strftime('%d %b', time.gmtime())
+ for (teller, verb, datetime, msg) in phenny.reminders[key]:
+ if datetime.startswith(today):
+ datetime = datetime[len(today)+1:]
+ lines.append(template % (tellee, datetime, teller, verb, tellee, msg))
+ try: del phenny.reminders[key]
+ except KeyError: phenny.msg(channel, 'Er...')
+ return lines
+def message(phenny, input):
+ if not input.sender.startswith('#'): return
+ tellee = input.nick
+ channel = input.sender
+ if not os.path.exists(phenny.tell_filename):
+ return
+ reminders = []
+ remkeys = list(reversed(sorted(phenny.reminders.keys())))
+ for remkey in remkeys:
+ if not remkey.endswith('*'):
+ if tellee.lower() == remkey:
+ reminders.extend(getReminders(phenny, channel, remkey, tellee))
+ elif tellee.lower().startswith(remkey.rstrip('*')):
+ reminders.extend(getReminders(phenny, channel, remkey, tellee))
+ for line in reminders[:maximum]:
+ phenny.say(line)
+ if reminders[maximum:]:
+ try:
+ if origin.sender in lispchannels:
+ chan = origin.sender
+ else: chan = 'None'
+ result ='',
+ {'channel': chan,
+ 'username': phenny.nick,
+ 'title': 'Further Messages for %s' % tellee,
+ 'colorize': 'None',
+ 'text': '\n'.join(reminders[maximum:]) + '\n',
+ 'captcha': 'lisp',
+ 'captchaid': 'bdf447484f62a3e8b23816f9acee79d9'
+ }
+ )
+ uris = re.findall('\d+', result)
+ uri = list(reversed(uris)).pop()
+ if not origin.sender in lispchannels:
+ message = '%s: see %s for further messages' % (tellee, uri)
+ phenny.say(message)
+ except:
+ error = '[Sorry, some messages were elided and lost...]'
+ phenny.say(error)
+ if len(phenny.reminders.keys()) != remkeys:
+ dumpReminders(phenny.tell_filename, phenny.reminders) # @@ tell
+message.rule = r'(.*)'
+message.priority = 'low'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print __doc__.strip()