diff options
authorEvgeny Fadeev <>2013-02-25 14:45:51 -0300
committerEvgeny Fadeev <>2013-02-25 14:45:51 -0300
commit539530acca3e43768b901648ccfb448402355267 (patch)
parentdcad148a1ada77ed40f223c776227acf6db701ab (diff)
parent2707ad6b1599a15689390b1932e7f376cbbe0385 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
-rw-r--r--askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/django.mobin0 -> 159291 bytes
-rw-r--r--askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.mobin0 -> 4865 bytes
4 files changed, 6510 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/ b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8961c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c68e27bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -0,0 +1,6215 @@
+# English translation for CNPROG package.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Gang Chen, 2010 Askbot
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the CNPROG package.
+# Evgeny Fadeev <>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: 0.7\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 18:58-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-25 12:29+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dario Kolak <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!= 1;\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Croatian\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: CROATIA\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+msgid "Sorry, but anonymous visitors cannot access this function"
+msgstr "Nažalost anonimni posjetitelji ne mogu koristiti ovu funkciju"
+msgid " - "
+msgstr " - "
+msgid "Individual question feed"
+msgstr "Kanal pojedinog pitanja"
+msgid "latest questions"
+msgstr "najnovije pitanje"
+msgid "select country"
+msgstr "odaberite državu"
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Država"
+msgid "Country field is required"
+msgstr "Polje država je nužno"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:45
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:49
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:40
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:45
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "naslov"
+msgid "please enter a descriptive title for your question"
+msgstr "unesite naslov vašeg pitanja"
+#, python-format
+msgid "title must be > %d character"
+msgid_plural "title must be > %d characters"
+msgstr[0] "duljina naslova mora biti > %d znaka"
+msgstr[1] "duljina naslova mora biti > %d znakova"
+#, python-format
+msgid "The title is too long, maximum allowed size is %d characters"
+msgstr "Naslov je predugačak, dozvoljena duljina iznosi %d znakova"
+#, python-format
+msgid "The title is too long, maximum allowed size is %d bytes"
+msgstr "Naslov je predugačak, dozvoljena veličina iznosi %d bajta"
+msgid "content"
+msgstr "sadržaj"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/edit_post.html:21
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/meta_nav.html:5
+msgid "tags"
+msgstr "oznake"
+#, python-format
+msgid "Tags are short keywords, with no spaces within. Up to %(max_tags)d tag can be used."
+msgid_plural "Tags are short keywords, with no spaces within. Up to %(max_tags)d tags can be used."
+msgstr[0] "Oznake su ključne riječi bez razmaka. Možete koristiti do %(max_tags)d oznake."
+msgstr[1] "Oznake su ključne riječi bez razmaka. Možete koristiti do %(max_tags)d oznaka."
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:58
+msgid "tags are required"
+msgstr "oznake su nužne"
+#, python-format
+msgid "please use %(tag_count)d tag or less"
+msgid_plural "please use %(tag_count)d tags or less"
+msgstr[0] "koristite %(tag_count)d oznaku ili manje"
+msgstr[1] "koristite %(tag_count)d oznaka ili manje"
+#, python-format
+msgid "At least one of the following tags is required : %(tags)s"
+msgstr "Najmanje jedna od sljedećih oznaka je nužna: %(tags)s"
+#, python-format
+msgid "each tag must be shorter than %(max_chars)d character"
+msgid_plural "each tag must be shorter than %(max_chars)d characters"
+msgstr[0] "svaka oznaka mora biti kraća od %(max_chars)d znaka"
+msgstr[1] "svaka oznaka mora biti kraća od %(max_chars)d znakova"
+msgid "In tags, please use letters, numbers and characters \"-+.#\""
+msgstr " \"U oznakama možete koristiti slova, brojeve i znakove \"-+.#\""
+msgid "community wiki (karma is not awarded & many others can edit wiki post)"
+msgstr "wiki zajednica (karma se ne nagrađuje, a drugi korisnici mogu uređivati wiki postove)"
+msgid "if you choose community wiki option, the question and answer do not generate points and name of author will not be shown"
+msgstr "ako odaberete mogućnost wiki zajednica, pitanje i odgovor ne donosi bodove, a ime autora neće biti prikazano"
+msgid "update summary:"
+msgstr "ažuriraj sažetak:"
+msgid "enter a brief summary of your revision (e.g. fixed spelling, grammar, improved style, this field is optional)"
+msgstr "unesite kratak sažetak vaše prerade (npr. ispravljen pravopis, gramatika, stil ..., ovo polje je neobvezno)"
+msgid "Enter number of points to add or subtract"
+msgstr "Unesite broj bodova za dodati ili oduzeti"
+#: const/
+msgid "approved"
+msgstr "odobren"
+#: const/
+msgid "watched"
+msgstr "pod nadzorom"
+#: const/
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspendiran"
+#: const/
+msgid "blocked"
+msgstr "blokiran"
+msgid "administrator"
+msgstr "administrator"
+#: const/
+msgid "moderator"
+msgstr "moderator"
+msgid "Change status to"
+msgstr "Promjeni status u"
+msgid "which one?"
+msgstr "koji"
+msgid "Cannot change own status"
+msgstr "Ne može promijeniti svoj status"
+msgid "Cannot turn other user to moderator"
+msgstr "Ne može promijeniti drugog korisnika u moderatora"
+msgid "Cannot change status of another moderator"
+msgstr "Ne može promijeniti status drugog moderatora"
+msgid "Cannot change status to admin"
+msgstr "Ne može promijeniti status u admin"
+#, python-format
+msgid "If you wish to change %(username)s's status, please make a meaningful selection."
+msgstr "Ako želite promijeniti status korisnika %(username)s , suvislo odaberite."
+msgid "Subject line"
+msgstr "Subjekt linija"
+msgid "Message text"
+msgstr "Tekst poruke"
+msgid "Your name (optional):"
+msgstr "Vaše ime (neobvezno):"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Your message:"
+msgstr "Vaša poruka:"
+msgid "I don't want to give my email or receive a response:"
+msgstr "Ne želim dati svoj email i primati odgovore:"
+msgid "Please mark \"I dont want to give my mail\" field."
+msgstr "Označite polje \"Ne želim dati svoj email\" ."
+msgid "ask anonymously"
+msgstr "pitaj anonimno"
+msgid "Check if you do not want to reveal your name when asking this question"
+msgstr "Odaberite ako ne želite da vaše ime bude prikazano"
+msgid "Subject line is expected in the format: [tag1, tag2, tag3,...] question title"
+msgstr "Napišite subjekt u obliku: [oznaka1, oznaka2, oznaka3,...] naslov pitanja"
+msgid "You have asked this question anonymously, if you decide to reveal your identity, please check this box."
+msgstr "Postavili ste pitanje anonimno. Ako odlučite otkriti svoj identitet označite okvir za izbor."
+msgid "reveal identity"
+msgstr "objavi identitet"
+msgid "Sorry, only owner of the anonymous question can reveal his or her identity, please uncheck the box"
+msgstr "Samo vlasnik anonimnog pitanja može objaviti svoj identitet, uklonite oznaku s okvira za izbor"
+msgid "Sorry, apparently rules have just changed - it is no longer possible to ask anonymously. Please either check the \"reveal identity\" box or reload this page and try editing the question again."
+msgstr "Nažalost, pravila su se promijenila - više nije moguće anonimno postavljati pitanje. Označite okvir za izbor \"objavi identitet\" ili učitajte ponovo ovu stranicu i pokušajte ponovo urediti pitanje. "
+msgid "Real name"
+msgstr "Pravo ime"
+msgid "Website"
+msgstr "Web stranica"
+msgid "City"
+msgstr "Grad"
+msgid "Show country"
+msgstr "Prikaži državu"
+msgid "Date of birth"
+msgstr "Datum rođenja"
+msgid "will not be shown, used to calculate age, format: YYYY-MM-DD"
+msgstr "neće biti prikazan, koristi se za izračun godina, oblik: GGGG-MM-DD"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+msgid "Screen name"
+msgstr "Ime na zaslonu"
+msgid "this email has already been registered, please use another one"
+msgstr "ova email adresa već je registrirana, odaberite drugu"
+msgid "Choose email tag filter"
+msgstr "Odaberite email filter oznaku"
+msgid "Asked by me"
+msgstr "Moje pitanje"
+msgid "Answered by me"
+msgstr "Moj odgovor"
+msgid "Individually selected"
+msgstr "Individualno odabrano"
+msgid "Entire forum (tag filtered)"
+msgstr "Cjeli forum (filtriran oznakom)"
+msgid "Comments and posts mentioning me"
+msgstr "Komentari i postovi u kojima se spominjem"
+msgid "please choose one of the options above"
+msgstr "odaberite jednu od gornjih opcija"
+msgid "okay, let's try!"
+msgstr "uredu, pokušajmo!"
+#, python-format
+msgid "no %(sitename)s email please, thanks"
+msgstr "bez %(sitename)s emaila molim, hvala"
+#: tests/
+msgid "======= Reply above this line. ====-=-="
+msgstr "======= Odgovorite iznad ove linije. ========"
+msgid "Your message was malformed. Please make sure to qoute the original notification you received at the end of your reply."
+msgstr "Vaša poruka nije ispravno formirana. Provjerite da li ste na kraju vašeg odgovora stavili u navodne znake originalnu obavijest koju ste primili."
+msgid "You were replying to an email address unknown to the system or you were replying from a different address from the one where you received the notification."
+msgstr "Odgovorili ste na email adresu nepoznatu sistemu ili ste odgovorili s različite adrese od one na koju ste primili obavijest."
+msgid "about/"
+msgstr "onama/"
+msgid "faq/"
+msgstr "cpp/"
+msgid "privacy/"
+msgstr "privatnost/"
+msgid "help/"
+msgstr "pomoc/"
+msgid "answers/"
+msgstr "odgovori/"
+msgid "edit/"
+msgstr "uredi/"
+msgid "revisions/"
+msgstr "revizije/"
+msgid "questions"
+msgstr "pitanja"
+msgid "questions/"
+msgstr "pitanja/"
+msgid "ask/"
+msgstr "pitaj/"
+msgid "retag/"
+msgstr "ponovi_oznaku/"
+msgid "close/"
+msgstr "zatvori/"
+msgid "reopen/"
+msgstr "ponovo_otvori/"
+msgid "answer/"
+msgstr "odgovor/"
+msgid "vote/"
+msgstr "glasaj/"
+msgid "widgets/"
+msgstr "dodatci/"
+msgid "tags/"
+msgstr "oznake/"
+msgid "subscribe-for-tags/"
+msgstr "pretplata-na-oznake/"
+msgid "users/"
+msgstr "korisnici/"
+msgid "subscriptions/"
+msgstr "pretplate/"
+msgid "users/update_has_custom_avatar/"
+msgstr "korisnici/azuriranje_ima_prilagodjen_avatar/"
+msgid "badges/"
+msgstr "znacke/"
+msgid "messages/"
+msgstr "poruke/"
+msgid "markread/"
+msgstr "procitano/"
+msgid "upload/"
+msgstr "posalji/"
+msgid "feedback/"
+msgstr "povrat/"
+msgid "question/"
+msgstr "pitanje/"
+#: setup_templates/
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/providers_javascript.html:7
+msgid "account/"
+msgstr "racun/"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Access control settings"
+msgstr "Postavke za kontrolu pristupa"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow only registered user to access the forum"
+msgstr "Dozvoli pristup forumu samo registriranim korisnicima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Badge settings"
+msgstr "Postavke znacki"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Disciplined: minimum upvotes for deleted post"
+msgstr "Discipliniran: minimum pozitivnih glasova za obrisane postove"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Peer Pressure: minimum downvotes for deleted post"
+msgstr "Pritisak Skupine: minimum negativnih glasova za obrisane postove"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Teacher: minimum upvotes for the answer"
+msgstr "Učitelj: minimum pozitivnih glasova za odgovor"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Nice Answer: minimum upvotes for the answer"
+msgstr "Lijep odgovor: minimum pozitivnih glasova za odgovor"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Good Answer: minimum upvotes for the answer"
+msgstr "Dobar Odgovor: minimum pozitivnih glasova za odgovor"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Great Answer: minimum upvotes for the answer"
+msgstr "Odličan odgovor: minimum pozitivnih glasova za odgovor"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Nice Question: minimum upvotes for the question"
+msgstr "Lijepo Pitanje: minimum pozitivnih glasova za pitanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Good Question: minimum upvotes for the question"
+msgstr "Dobro Pitanje: minimum pozitivnih glasova za pitanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Great Question: minimum upvotes for the question"
+msgstr "Odlično pitanje: minimum pozitivnih glasova za pitanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Popular Question: minimum views"
+msgstr "Popularno Pitanje: minimum pogleda"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Notable Question: minimum views"
+msgstr "Značajno Pitanje: minimum pogleda"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Famous Question: minimum views"
+msgstr "Slavno Pitanje: minimum pogleda"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Self-Learner: minimum answer upvotes"
+msgstr "Samouk: minimum pozitivnih glasova za odgovor"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Civic Duty: minimum votes"
+msgstr "Građanska Dužnost: minimum glasova"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enlightened Duty: minimum upvotes"
+msgstr "Nadahnuta Dužnost: minimum pozitivnih glasova"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Guru: minimum upvotes"
+msgstr "Guru: minimum pozitivnih glasova"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Necromancer: minimum upvotes"
+msgstr "Čarobnjak: minimum pozitivnih glasova"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Necromancer: minimum delay in days"
+msgstr "Čarobnjak: minimum odgoda u danima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Associate Editor: minimum number of edits"
+msgstr "Pomoćnik Urednika: minimalan broj uređivanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Favorite Question: minimum stars"
+msgstr "Omiljeno Pitanje: minimum zvijezda"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Stellar Question: minimum stars"
+msgstr "Zvijezdano Pitanje: minimum zvijezda"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Commentator: minimum comments"
+msgstr "Komentator: minimum komentara"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Taxonomist: minimum tag use count"
+msgstr "Klasifikator: minimalan broj korištenih oznaka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enthusiast: minimum days"
+msgstr "Entuzijast: minimum dana"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Email and email alert settings"
+msgstr "Postavke za email i email upozorenja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Prefix for the email subject line"
+msgstr "Prefiks za email subjekt"
+#: conf/
+msgid "This setting takes default from the django settingEMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX. A value entered here will overridethe default."
+msgstr "Ova postavke uzima vrijednost zadanu u django postavci EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX. Unešena vrijednost zamijenit će zadanu vrijednost."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable email alerts"
+msgstr "Omogući upozorenja emailom"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Maximum number of news entries in an email alert"
+msgstr "Maksimalan broj stavki vijesti u email upozorenju"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default notification frequency all questions"
+msgstr "Zadana učestalost obavještavanja za: sva pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Option to define frequency of emailed updates for: all questions."
+msgstr "Opcija za definiranje učestalosti primanja email statusa za: sva pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default notification frequency questions asked by the user"
+msgstr "Zadana učestalost obavještavanja za korisnikova pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Option to define frequency of emailed updates for: Question asked by the user."
+msgstr "Opcija za definiranje učestalosti primanja email statusa za: Korisnikova pitanja."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default notification frequency questions answered by the user"
+msgstr "Zadana učestalost obavještavanja za korisnikova pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Option to define frequency of emailed updates for: Question answered by the user."
+msgstr "Opcija za definiranje učestalosti primanja email statusa za: Pitanja odgovorena od strane korisnik."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default notification frequency questions individually selected by the user"
+msgstr "Zadana učestalost obavještavanja za pitanja odabrana od strane korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Option to define frequency of emailed updates for: Question individually selected by the user."
+msgstr "Opcija za definiranje učestalosti primanja email statusa za: Pitanja izabrana od strane korisnika."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default notification frequency for mentions and comments"
+msgstr "Zadana učestalost obavještavanja za spominjanje i komentiranje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Option to define frequency of emailed updates for: Mentions and comments."
+msgstr "Opcija za definiranje učestalosti primanja email statusa za: Spominjanje i komentiranje."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Send periodic reminders about unanswered questions"
+msgstr "Periodno pošalji obavijesti o neodgovorenim pitanjima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "NOTE: in order to use this feature, it is necessary to run the management command \"send_unanswered_question_reminders\" (for example, via a cron job - with an appropriate frequency) "
+msgstr "NAPOMENA: da bi koristili ovo svojstvo potrebno je pokrenuti komandu \"send_unanswered_question_reminders\" (npr. putem cron posla - sa prikladnom učestalošću)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Days before starting to send reminders about unanswered questions"
+msgstr "Broj dana prije početka slanja obavijesti o neodgovorenim pitanjima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "How often to send unanswered question reminders (in days between the reminders sent)."
+msgstr "Koliko često slati obavijesti o neodgovorenim pitanjima (u danima između poslanih obavijesti)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Max. number of reminders to send about unanswered questions"
+msgstr "Maksimalan broj poslanih obavijesti o neodgovorenim pitanjima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Send periodic reminders to accept the best answer"
+msgstr "Periodno pošalji obavijesti za prihvaćanje najboljeg odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "NOTE: in order to use this feature, it is necessary to run the management command \"send_accept_answer_reminders\" (for example, via a cron job - with an appropriate frequency) "
+msgstr "NAPOMENA: da bi koristili ovo svojstvo potrebno je pokrenuti komandu \"send_accept_answer_reminders\" (npr. putem cron posla - sa prikladnom učestalošću)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Days before starting to send reminders to accept an answer"
+msgstr "Broj dana prije početka slanja obavijesti za prihvaćanje odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "How often to send accept answer reminders (in days between the reminders sent)."
+msgstr "Koliko često slati obavijesti za prihvaćanje odgovora (u danima između poslanih obavijesti)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Max. number of reminders to send to accept the best answer"
+msgstr "Maksimalan broj poslanih obavijesti za prihvaćanje najboljeg odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Require email verification before allowing to post"
+msgstr "Zahtjevaj potvrdu emaila prije dopuštenja objave postova"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Active email verification is done by sending a verification key in email"
+msgstr "Aktivacija se izvodi slanje potvrdnog ključa u emailu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow only one account per email address"
+msgstr "Dozvoli smo jedan račun po email adresi"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Fake email for anonymous user"
+msgstr "Napravi nepostojeći email za anonimne korisnike"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use this setting to control gravatar for email-less user"
+msgstr "Koristi ovu postavku za kontrolu gavatara za korisnike bez emaila"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow posting questions by email"
+msgstr "Dozvoli objavu pitanja bez emaila"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Before enabling this setting - please fill out IMAP settings in the file"
+msgstr "Prije omogućavanja ove postavke popunite IMAP postavku u datoteci"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Replace space in emailed tags with dash"
+msgstr "Zamjeni razmake između oznaka sa crticama u oznakama poslanim emailom"
+#: conf/
+msgid "This setting applies to tags written in the subject line of questions asked by email"
+msgstr "Ova postavka se odnosi na oznake napisane u subjekt liniji pitanja postavljenog putem emaila."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable posting answers and comments by email"
+msgstr "Omogući objavljivanje odgovora i komentara putem emaila"
+#: conf/
+msgid "To enable this feature make sure lamson is running"
+msgstr "Prije omogućavanja ovog svojstva provjerite da li lamson radi"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Reply by email hostname"
+msgstr "Odgovori putem poslužiteljevog emaila"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Email replies having fewer words than this number will be posted as comments instead of answers"
+msgstr "Email odgovori koji imaju manje riječi od ovog broja biti će objavljeni kao komentari ,a ne kao odgovori"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Keys for external services"
+msgstr "Ključevi za vanjske servise"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Google site verification key"
+msgstr "Google potvrdni ključ"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "This key helps google index your site please obtain is at <a href=\"%(url)s?hl=%(lang)s\">google webmasters tools site</a>"
+msgstr "Ovaj ključ pomaže Google-u indeksirati vašu internet stranicu. Nabavite ga na ovoj <a href=\"%(url)s?hl=%(lang)s\">stranici</a>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Google Analytics key"
+msgstr "Google Analytics ključ"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Obtain is at <a href=\"%(url)s\">Google Analytics</a> site, if you wish to use Google Analytics to monitor your site"
+msgstr "Nabavite ga na <a href=\"%(url)s\">Google Analytics</a> stranici ako želite koristiti Google Analytics za nadgledanje vaše internet stranice. "
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable recaptcha (keys below are required)"
+msgstr "Omogući recaptchu (ključevi ispod su obvezni)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Recaptcha public key"
+msgstr "Recaptcha javni ključ"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Recaptcha private key"
+msgstr "Recaptcha privatni ključ"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Recaptcha is a tool that helps distinguish real people from annoying spam robots. Please get this and a public key at the <a href=\"%(url)s\">%(url)s</a>"
+msgstr "Recaptcha je alat koji pomaže odvojiti prave ljude od robota za neželjenu poštu. Javni ključ nabavite ovdje: <a href=\"%(url)s\">%(url)s</a>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Facebook public API key"
+msgstr "Facebook javni API ključ"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Facebook API key and Facebook secret allow to use Facebook Connect login method at your site. Please obtain these keys at <a href=\"%(url)s\">facebook create app</a> site"
+msgstr "Facebook API ključ i Facebook secret omogućuju korištenje Facebook Connect prijave na vašoj stranici. Nabavite ključeve na stranici<a href=\"%(url)s\">kreiraj facebook aplikaciju</a> "
+#: conf/
+msgid "Facebook secret key"
+msgstr "Facebook tajni ključ"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Twitter consumer key"
+msgstr "Twitter korisnički ključ"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please register your forum at <a href=\"%(url)s\">twitter applications site</a>"
+msgstr "Registrirajte svoj forum na stranici <a href=\"%(url)s\">twitter aplikacije</a>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Twitter consumer secret"
+msgstr "Twitter korisnička tajna"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LinkedIn consumer key"
+msgstr "LinkedIn korisnički ključ"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please register your forum at <a href=\"%(url)s\">LinkedIn developer site</a>"
+msgstr "Registrirajte svoj forum na stranici <a href=\"%(url)s\">LinkedIn stranica za programere</a>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LinkedIn consumer secret"
+msgstr "LinkedIn korisnička tajna"
+#: conf/
+msgid " consumer key"
+msgstr " korisnički ključ"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please register your forum at <a href=\"%(url)s\"> applications site</a>"
+msgstr "Registrirajte svoj forum na <a href=\"%(url)s\"> aplikacije</a>"
+#: conf/
+msgid " consumer secret"
+msgstr " korisnički ključ"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Flatpages - about, privacy policy, etc."
+msgstr "Statične stranice - o nama, pravila o privatnosti, itd."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Text of the Q&A forum About page (html format)"
+msgstr "Tekst O nama stranice (html format) na P&O forumu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Save, then <a href=\"\">use HTML validator</a> on the \"about\" page to check your input."
+msgstr "Spremi, zatim <a href=\"\">upotrijebi HTML validator</a>\" na \"onama\" stranici radi provjere unosa."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Text of the Q&A forum FAQ page (html format)"
+msgstr "Tekst ČPP stranice (html format) na P&O forumu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Save, then <a href=\"\">use HTML validator</a> on the \"faq\" page to check your input."
+msgstr "Spremi, zatim <a href=\"\">upotrijebi HTML validator</a>\" na \"cpp\" stranici radi provjere unosa."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Text of the Q&A forum Privacy Policy (html format)"
+msgstr "Tekst stranice Police Privatnosti (html format) na P&O forumu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Save, then <a href=\"\">use HTML validator</a> on the \"privacy\" page to check your input."
+msgstr "Spremi, zatim <a href=\"\">upotrijebi HTML validator</a>\" na \"privatnost\" stranici radi provjere unosa."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Data entry and display rules"
+msgstr "Pravila unosa i prikaza podataka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable embedding videos. "
+msgstr "Omogući umetanje videa"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "<em>Note: please read <a href=\"%(url)s\">read this</a> first.</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Napomena: prvo pročitajte <a href=\"%(url)s\">ovo</a>.</em>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable community wiki feature"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje svojstva wiki zajednice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow asking questions anonymously"
+msgstr "Dopusti anonimno postavljanje pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Users do not accrue reputation for anonymous questions and their identity is not revealed until they change their mind"
+msgstr "Za objavu anonimnih pitanja korisnicima ne raste ugled, a njihov identitet se ne otkriva dok ne promjene mišljenje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow posting before logging in"
+msgstr "Dozvoli objavljivanje postova prije prijave"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check if you want to allow users start posting questions or answers before logging in. Enabling this may require adjustments in the user login system to check for pending posts every time the user logs in. The builtin Askbot login system supports this feature."
+msgstr "Označite ako želite omogućiti objavu pitanja ili odgovora prije prijave. Ova opcija zahtjeva prilagodbu sistema za prijavu korisnika radi provjere postova na čekanju svaki put kad se korisnik prijavi. Askbot sistem za provjeru ima ovo svojstvo."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow swapping answer with question"
+msgstr "Dozvoli zamjenu odgovora sa pitanjem"
+#: conf/
+msgid "This setting will help import data from other forums such as zendesk, when automatic data import fails to detect the original question correctly."
+msgstr "Ova postavka pomaže prenijeti podatke s drugih foruma kao što su zendesk, kada automatsko unošenje podataka ne uspije pravilno otkriti originalno pitanje."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Maximum length of tag (number of characters)"
+msgstr "Maksimalna duljina oznake (broj znakova)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Minimum length of title (number of characters)"
+msgstr "Maksimalna duljina naslova (broj znakova)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Minimum length of question body (number of characters)"
+msgstr "Maksimalna duljina pitanja (broj znakova)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Minimum length of answer body (number of characters)"
+msgstr "Maksimalna duljina odgovora (broj znakova)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Are tags required?"
+msgstr "Da li su oznake nužne?"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Mandatory tags"
+msgstr "Nužne oznake"
+#: conf/
+msgid "At least one of these tags will be required for any new or newly edited question. A mandatory tag may be wildcard, if the wildcard tags are active."
+msgstr "Najmanje jedna od ovih oznaka biti će nužna za bilo koje novo ili novo uređeno pitanje. Nužna oznaka može biti višeznačnik, ako su su oznake za višeznačnike aktivne."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Force lowercase the tags"
+msgstr "Nametni oznake u malim slovima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Attention: after checking this, please back up the database, and run a management command: <code>python fix_question_tags</code> to globally rename the tags"
+msgstr "Pozor: nakon što ovo označite, napravite kopiju baze podataka i pokrenite komandu: <code>python fix_question_tags</code> za globalnu promjenu naziva oznaka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Format of tag list"
+msgstr "Format liste oznaka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Select the format to show tags in, either as a simple list, or as a tag cloud"
+msgstr "Odaberite format prikaza oznaka u obliku jednostavne liste ili oblaka oznaka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use wildcard tags"
+msgstr "Koristi višeznačne oznake"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Wildcard tags can be used to follow or ignore many tags at once, a valid wildcard tag has a single wildcard at the very end"
+msgstr "Višeznačne oznake se mogu koristiti za praćenje ili ignoriranje više oznaka odjednom, ispravna višeznačna oznaka ima jedan višeznačnik na samom kraju"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default max number of comments to display under posts"
+msgstr "Zadan maksimalan broj komentara prikazanih ispod postova"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Maximum comment length, must be < %(max_len)s"
+msgstr "Maksimalna duljina komentara mora biti < %(max_len)s"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Limit time to edit comments"
+msgstr "Ograniči vrijeme za uređivanje komentara"
+#: conf/
+msgid "If unchecked, there will be no time limit to edit the comments"
+msgstr "Ako nije označeno, vrijeme za uređivanje komentara neće biti ograničeno"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Minutes allowed to edit a comment"
+msgstr "Dozvoljen broj minuta za uređivanje komentara"
+#: conf/
+msgid "To enable this setting, check the previous one"
+msgstr "Za omogućavanje ove postavke označite prethodni"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Save comment by pressing <Enter> key"
+msgstr "Sačuvajte komentar pritiskom tipke <Enter>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Minimum length of search term for Ajax search"
+msgstr "Minimalna duljina traženog pojma za Ajax pretragu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Must match the corresponding database backend setting"
+msgstr "Mora odgovarati pozadinskoj postavci baze podataka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Do not make text query sticky in search"
+msgstr "U pretrazi ne pravi tekstualni upit ljepljivim"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to disable the \"sticky\" behavior of the search query. This may be useful if you want to move the search bar away from the default position or do not like the default sticky behavior of the text search query."
+msgstr "Označite za deaktiviviranje \"ljepljivog\" ponašanja za traženi upit. Ovo može biti korisno ako želite promijeniti prostor za pretraživanje izvan zadanog položaja ili vam se ne sviđa zadano ljepljivo ponašanje tekstualnog upita"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Maximum number of tags per question"
+msgstr "Maksimalan broj oznaka po pitanju"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Number of questions to list by default"
+msgstr "Zadan broj pitanja na listi"
+#: conf/
+msgid "What should \"unanswered question\" mean?"
+msgstr "Što bi \"neodgovoreno ptanje\" trebalo značiti?"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LDAP login configuration"
+msgstr "Konfiguracija LDAP prijave"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use LDAP authentication for the password login"
+msgstr "Koristi LDAP provjeru valjanosti za prijavu lozinkom"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LDAP URL"
+msgstr "LDAP URL"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LDAP BASE DN"
+msgstr "LDAP BASE DN"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LDAP Search Scope"
+msgstr "LDAP Raspon Pretrage"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LDAP Server USERID field name"
+msgstr "LDAP Server USERID naziv polja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "LDAP Server \"Common Name\" field name"
+msgstr "LDAP Server \"Uobičajeno Ime\" naziv polja "
+#: conf/
+msgid "LDAP Server EMAIL field name"
+msgstr "LDAP Server EMAIL naziv polja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Common left sidebar"
+msgstr "Uobičajeni lijevi rubni stupac"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable left sidebar"
+msgstr "Omogući lijevi rubni stupac"
+#: conf/
+msgid "HTML for the left sidebar"
+msgstr "HTML za lijevi rubni stupac"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use this area to enter content at the LEFT sidebarin HTML format. When using this option, please use the HTML validation service to make sure that your input is valid and works well in all browsers."
+msgstr "Koristi ovo područje za unos sadržaja u LIJEVOM rubnom stupcu u HTML formatu. Prilikom korištenja ove mogućnosti koristite HTML validator kako bi ste provjerili da je vaš unos ispravan te da je prikaz ispravan u u svim preglednicima."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Content License"
+msgstr "Licenca sadržaja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show license clause in the site footer"
+msgstr "Prikaži klauzulu licence u podnožju stranice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Short name for the license"
+msgstr "Kratko ime licence"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Full name of the license"
+msgstr "Puno ime licence"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0"
+msgstr "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Add link to the license page"
+msgstr "Napravi vezu na stranicu licence"
+#: conf/
+msgid "License homepage"
+msgstr "Početna stranica licence"
+#: conf/
+msgid "URL of the official page with all the license legal clauses"
+msgstr "URL službene stranice sa svim klauzulama licence"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use license logo"
+msgstr "Koristi logo licence"
+#: conf/
+msgid "License logo image"
+msgstr "Slika loga licence"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Login provider setings"
+msgstr "Postavke za pružatelja prijave"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show alternative login provider buttons on the password \"Sign Up\" page"
+msgstr "Na stranici \"Prijava\" prikaži gumb za alternativne pružatelje prijave"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Always display local login form and hide \"Askbot\" button."
+msgstr "Uvijek prikaži lokalni prijavni obrazac i sakri \"Askbot\" gumb."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Activate to allow login with self-hosted wordpress site"
+msgstr "Aktiviraj za dopuštenje prijave sa svoje wordpress internet stranice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "to activate this feature you must fill out the wordpress xml-rpc setting bellow"
+msgstr "za aktiviranje ovog svojstva morate popuniti wordpress xml-rpc postavke ispod"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Fill it with the wordpress url to the xml-rpc, normally"
+msgstr "Popunite sa wordpress url-om na xml-rpc, uobičajeno"
+#: conf/
+msgid "To enable, go to Settings->Writing->Remote Publishing and check the box for XML-RPC"
+msgstr "Za omogućavanje idite na Settings->Writing->Remote Publishing i označite okvir za izbor za XML-RPC"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Upload your icon"
+msgstr "Pošaljite vašu ikonu"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Activate %(provider)s login"
+msgstr "Aktivirajte %(provider)s prijavu"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Note: to really enable %(provider)s login some additional parameters will need to be set in the \"External keys\" section"
+msgstr "Napomena: za omogućavanje %(provider)s prijave potrebno je podesiti dodatne parametre u dijelu \"Vanjski ključevi\""
+#: conf/
+msgid "Markup in posts"
+msgstr "Obilježja u postovima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable code-friendly Markdown"
+msgstr "Omogućite prijateljski kod Markdown"
+#: conf/
+msgid "If checked, underscore characters will not trigger italic or bold formatting - bold and italic text can still be marked up with asterisks. Note that \"MathJax support\" implicitly turns this feature on, because underscores are heavily used in LaTeX input."
+msgstr "Ako je označeno, znakovi podvlačenja neće aktivirati kurziv ili podebljano formatiranje - podebljan i kurziv tekst se mogu označiti sa zvjezdicama. Napomena da \"MathJax podrška\" implicitno uključuje ovo svojstvo zato što se znakovi podvlačenja puno koriste u LaTeX unosu."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Mathjax support (rendering of LaTeX)"
+msgstr "Podrška za Mathjax (izvođenje LaTeXa)"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "If you enable this feature, <a href=\"%(url)s\">mathjax</a> must be installed on your server in its own directory."
+msgstr "Ako omogućite ovo svojstvo, <a href=\"%(url)s\">mathjax</a> mora biti instaliran na vašem poslužitelju u svojem direktoriju."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Base url of MathJax deployment"
+msgstr "Osnovni url MathJax implementacije"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Note - <strong>MathJax is not included with askbot</strong> - you should deploy it yourself, preferably at a separate domain and enter url pointing to the \"mathjax\" directory (for example:"
+msgstr "Napomena - <strong>MathJax nije uključen u askbot</strong> - trebate ga sami instalirati. po mogućnosti na drugoj domeni i unijeti url koji pokazuje na \"mathjax\" direktorij (npr."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable autolinking with specific patterns"
+msgstr "Omogući automatsko spajanje s pojedinim obrazcima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "If you enable this feature, the application will be able to detect patterns and auto link to URLs"
+msgstr "Ako omogućite ovo svojstvo aplikacija će moći pronaći obrazce i automatski spojiti s URL-ovima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Regexes to detect the link patterns"
+msgstr "Regularni izrazi za pronalazak veze na obrazce"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enter valid regular expressions for the patters, one per line. For example to detect a bug pattern like #bug123, use the following regex: #bug(\\d+). The numbers captured by the pattern in the parentheses will be transferred to the link url template. Please look up more information about regular expressions elsewhere."
+msgstr "Unesite ispravan regularni izraz za obrazac, jedan po liniji. Na primjer za pronalazak greške obrasca kao #bug123 koristite sljedeći regularni izraz: #bug(\\d+). Brojevi unutar zagrada obrasca biti će pretvoreni u url vezu na predložak. Za više informacija o regularnim izrazima pogledajte drugdje."
+#: conf/
+msgid "URLs for autolinking"
+msgstr "URL-ovi za automatsko spajanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Here, please enter url templates for the patterns entered in the previous setting, also one entry per line. <strong>Make sure that number of lines in this setting and the previous one are the same</strong> For example template\\1 together with the pattern shown above and the entry in the post #123 will produce link to the bug 123 in the redhat bug tracker."
+msgstr "Unesite url predložaka za obrasce unijete u prethodnoj postavci, također jednu po liniji. <strong>Provjerite da li je broj linija u ovoj postavci jednak broju u prethodnoj</strong>. Naprimjer predložak\\1 zajedno s obrascem prikazanim iznad i unosom u postu #123, kreirati će vezu na grešku 123 u redhat sistemu za praćenje greški."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Karma thresholds"
+msgstr "Granice karme"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Upvote"
+msgstr "Pozitivan glas"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Downvote"
+msgstr "Negativan glas"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Answer own question immediately"
+msgstr "Odmah odgovorite na svoje pitanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Accept own answer"
+msgstr "Prihvatite svoj odgovor"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Flag offensive"
+msgstr "Označi kao uvredljivo"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Leave comments"
+msgstr "Ostavi komentara"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Delete comments posted by others"
+msgstr "Obriši komentare drugih korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Delete questions and answers posted by others"
+msgstr "Obriši pitanja i odgovore drugih korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Upload files"
+msgstr "Pošaljite datoteke"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Close own questions"
+msgstr "Zatvorite svoja pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Retag questions posted by other people"
+msgstr "Ponovo označi pitanja drugih korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Reopen own questions"
+msgstr "Ponovo otvori svoja pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Edit community wiki posts"
+msgstr "Uređivanje postova wiki zajednice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Edit posts authored by other people"
+msgstr "Uređivanje postova drugih korisnika "
+#: conf/
+msgid "View offensive flags"
+msgstr "Pregled uvredljivih oznaka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Close questions asked by others"
+msgstr "Zatvori pitanja drugih korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Lock posts"
+msgstr "Zaključaj postove"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Remove rel=nofollow from own homepage"
+msgstr "Ukloni rel=nofollow sa svoje početne stranice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "When a search engine crawler will see a rel=nofollow attribute on a link - the link will not count towards the rank of the users personal site."
+msgstr "Kada pauk tražilice vidi rel=nofollow atribut na a vezi - veza neće važiti za rangiranje osobne internet stranice korisnika."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Post answers and comments by email"
+msgstr "Objavi odgovore i komentare putem emaila"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Karma loss and gain rules"
+msgstr "Pravila za dobivanje i gubljenje karme"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Maximum daily reputation gain per user"
+msgstr "Maksimalna dnevna količina dobivenog ugleda po korisniku"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Gain for receiving an upvote"
+msgstr "Dobit za primanje pozitivnog glasa"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Gain for the author of accepted answer"
+msgstr "Dobit za autora prihvaćenog odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Gain for accepting best answer"
+msgstr "Dobit za prihvaćanje najboljeg odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Gain for post owner on canceled downvote"
+msgstr "Dobit za vlasnika posta na obustavljenom negativnom glasu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Gain for voter on canceling downvote"
+msgstr "Dobit za glasača na obustavljenom negativnom glasu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for voter for canceling of answer acceptance"
+msgstr "Gubitak za glasača za obustavljanje prihvaćanja odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for author whose answer was \"un-accepted\""
+msgstr "Gubitak za glasača čiji odgovor je bio \"neprihvacen\""
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for giving a downvote"
+msgstr "Gubitak za davanje negativnog glasa"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for owner of post that was flagged offensive"
+msgstr "Gubitak za vlasnika posta označenog kao uvredljiv"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for owner of post that was downvoted"
+msgstr "Gubitak za vlasnika posta koji je dobio negativan glas"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for owner of post that was flagged 3 times per same revision"
+msgstr "Gubitak za vlasnika posta koji je označen 3 puta po istoj reviziji"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for owner of post that was flagged 5 times per same revision"
+msgstr "Gubitak za vlasnika posta koji je označen 5 puta po istoj reviziji"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Loss for post owner when upvote is canceled"
+msgstr "Gubitak za vlasnika posta kada je pozitivan glas obustavljen"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Main page sidebar"
+msgstr "Rubni stupac glavne stranice"
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+msgid "Custom sidebar header"
+msgstr "Prilagođeno zaglavlje rubnog stupca"
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use this area to enter content at the TOP of the sidebarin HTML format. When using this option (as well as the sidebar footer), please use the HTML validation service to make sure that your input is valid and works well in all browsers."
+msgstr "Koristi ovo područje za unos sadržaja u GORNJEM DIJELU rubnog stupca u HTML formatu. Prilikom korištenja ove mogućnosti koristite HTML validator kako bi ste provjerili da je vaš unos ispravan te da je prikaz ispravan u u svim preglednicima."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show avatar block in sidebar"
+msgstr "Prikaži blok avatara u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Uncheck this if you want to hide the avatar block from the sidebar "
+msgstr "Uklonite oznaku ako želite sakriti blok avatara u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Limit how many avatars will be displayed on the sidebar"
+msgstr "Limitiraj koliko će avatara biti prikazano u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show tag selector in sidebar"
+msgstr "Prikaži izbornik oznaka u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Uncheck this if you want to hide the options for choosing interesting and ignored tags "
+msgstr "Uklonite oznaku ako želite sakriti mogućnost za odabiranje zanimljivih i ignoriranih oznaka"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show tag list/cloud in sidebar"
+msgstr "Prikaži listu/oblak oznaka u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Uncheck this if you want to hide the tag cloud or tag list from the sidebar "
+msgstr "Ukloni oznaku ako želite sakriti listu ili oblak oznaka iz rubnog stupca"
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+msgid "Custom sidebar footer"
+msgstr "Prilagođeno podnožje rubnog stupca"
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use this area to enter content at the BOTTOM of the sidebarin HTML format. When using this option (as well as the sidebar header), please use the HTML validation service to make sure that your input is valid and works well in all browsers."
+msgstr "Koristi ovo područje za unos sadržaja u DONJEM DIJELU rubnog stupca u HTML formatu. Prilikom korištenja ove mogućnosti koristite HTML validator kako bi ste provjerili da je vaš unos ispravan te da je prikaz ispravan u svim preglednicima."
+#: conf/
+msgid "User profile sidebar"
+msgstr "Rubni stupac korisničkog profila"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Question page sidebar"
+msgstr "Rubni stupac stranice Pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show tag list in sidebar"
+msgstr "Prikaži listu oznaka u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Uncheck this if you want to hide the tag list from the sidebar "
+msgstr "Uklonite oznaku ako želite sakriti listu oznaka iz rubnog stupca"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show meta information in sidebar"
+msgstr "Prikaži meta informacije u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Uncheck this if you want to hide the meta information about the question (post date, views, last updated). "
+msgstr "Uklonite oznaku ako želite sakriti meta informacije o pitanju (datum objave, preglede, zadnje ažuriranje)."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show related questions in sidebar"
+msgstr "Prikaži slična pitanja u rubnom stupcu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Uncheck this if you want to hide the list of related questions. "
+msgstr "Uklonite oznaku ako želite sakriti listu sličnih pitanja."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Bootstrap mode"
+msgstr "Bootstrap način"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Activate a \"Bootstrap\" mode"
+msgstr "Aktivirajte \"Bootstarp\" način"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Bootstrap mode lowers reputation and certain badge thresholds, to values, more suitable for the smaller communities, <strong>WARNING:</strong> your current value for Minimum reputation, Bagde Settings and Vote Rules will be changed after you modify this setting."
+msgstr "Bootstrap način smanjuje ugled i određene postavke za značke na vrijednosti prilagođene manjim zajednicama <strong>OPREZ:</strong> vaše trenutne vrijednosti za Minimum ugleda, Postavke Znački i Pravila Glasanja promjenit će se nakon što promjenite ovu postavku."
+#: conf/
+msgid "URLS, keywords & greetings"
+msgstr "URL-ovi, ključne riječi i pozdravi"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Site title for the Q&A forum"
+msgstr "Naslov stranice za P&O forum"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Comma separated list of Q&A site keywords"
+msgstr "Lista ključnih riječi odvojenih zarezom za P&O stranicu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Copyright message to show in the footer"
+msgstr "Poruka o autorskim pravima prikazana u podnožju stranice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Site description for the search engines"
+msgstr "Opis internet stranice za tražilice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Short name for your Q&A forum"
+msgstr "Kratko ime za vaš P&O forum"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Base URL for your Q&A forum, must start with http or https"
+msgstr "Osnovni URL za vaš P&O forum, mora početi s http ili https"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable greeting for anonymous user"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje pozdrava anonimnog korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Text shown in the greeting message shown to the anonymous user"
+msgstr "Tekst prikazan u pozdravnoj poruci za anonimnog korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use HTML to format the message "
+msgstr "Koristi HTML format poruke"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Feedback site URL"
+msgstr "URL stranice sa povratnom informacijom"
+#: conf/
+msgid "If left empty, a simple internal feedback form will be used instead"
+msgstr "Ako se ostavi prazno biti će korišten jednostavan obrazac za povratnu informaciju"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Skin: view, vote and answer counters"
+msgstr "Tema: brojači pregleda, glasova i odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Vote counter value to give \"full color\""
+msgstr "Vrijednost brojača glasova za dodjeljivanje \"pune boje\""
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for votes = 0"
+msgstr "Pozadinska boja za glasove = 0"
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+#: conf/
+msgid "HTML color name or hex value"
+msgstr "HTML naziv boje ili hex vrijednost"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for votes = 0"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za glasove = 0"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for votes"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za glasove"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for votes"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za glasove"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for votes = MAX"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za glasove = MAX"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for votes = MAX"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za glasove = MAX"
+#: conf/
+msgid "View counter value to give \"full color\""
+msgstr "Vrijednost brojača pregleda za dodjeljivanje \"pune boje\""
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for views = 0"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za preglede = 0"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for views = 0"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za preglede = 0"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for views"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za za preglede"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for views"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za preglede"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for views = MAX"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za preglede = MAX"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for views = MAX"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za preglede = MAX"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Answer counter value to give \"full color\""
+msgstr "Vrijednost brojača odgovora za dodjeljivanje \"pune boje\""
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for answers = 0"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za odgovore = 0"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for answers = 0"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za odgovore = 0"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for answers"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za odgovore "
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for answers"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za odgovore"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for answers = MAX"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za odgovore = MAX"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for answers = MAX"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za odgovore = MAX"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Background color for accepted"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine za prihaćene"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Foreground color for accepted answer"
+msgstr "Primarna boja za prihvaćene odgovora"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Logos and HTML <head> parts"
+msgstr "Logo i HTML <head> dijelovi"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Q&A site logo"
+msgstr "Logo P&O stranice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "To change the logo, select new file, then submit this whole form."
+msgstr "Za promjenu loga odaberite novu datoteku zatim podnesite cjeli obrazac."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show logo"
+msgstr "Prikaži logo"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check if you want to show logo in the forum header or uncheck in the case you do not want the logo to appear in the default location"
+msgstr "Označite ako želite da logo bude u zaglavlju foruma ili uklonite oznaku ako ne želite da logo bude prikazan na zadanom mjestu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Site favicon"
+msgstr "Favicon stranice"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "A small 16x16 or 32x32 pixel icon image used to distinguish your site in the browser user interface. Please find more information about favicon at <a href=\"%(favicon_info_url)s\">this page</a>."
+msgstr "Mala ikona veličine 16x16 ili 32x32 piksela koja se koristi za razlikovanje vaše stranice u pregledniku. Pronađite više informacija o faviconu na <a href=\"%(favicon_info_url)s\">ovoj stranici</a>."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Password login button"
+msgstr "Gumb za prijavu lozinkom"
+#: conf/
+msgid "An 88x38 pixel image that is used on the login screen for the password login button."
+msgstr "Slika veličine 88x38 piksela koja se koristi na prijavnom zaslonu za gumb za prijavu lozinkom"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Show all UI functions to all users"
+msgstr "Prikaži sve UI funkcije svim korisnicima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "If checked, all forum functions will be shown to users, regardless of their reputation. However to use those functions, moderation rules, reputation and other limits will still apply."
+msgstr "U slučaju odabira sve funkcije foruma biti će prikazane korisnicima bez obzira na njihov ugled, ali za korištenje tih funkcija, moderatorskih pravila, ugleda i ostalog, ograničenja će se i dalje primjenjivati"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Select skin"
+msgstr "Odaberite temu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Customize HTML <HEAD>"
+msgstr "Prilagodi HTML <HEAD>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Custom portion of the HTML <HEAD>"
+msgstr "Prilagođen dio HTML <HEAD>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "<strong>To use this option</strong>, check \"Customize HTML &lt;HEAD&gt;\" above. Contents of this box will be inserted into the &lt;HEAD&gt; portion of the HTML output, where elements such as &lt;script&gt;, &lt;link&gt;, &lt;meta&gt; may be added. Please, keep in mind that adding external javascript to the &lt;HEAD&gt; is not recommended because it slows loading of the pages. Instead, it will be more efficient to place links to the javascript files into the footer. <strong>Note:</strong> if you do use this setting, please test the site with the W3C HTML validator service."
+msgstr "<strong>Za korištenje ove mogućnosti</strong>, označite \"Prilagodi HTML &lt;HEAD&gt;\" gore. Sadržaj u kvadratu biti će ugrađen u &lt;HEAD&gt; dio HTML koda, gdje elementi kao što su &lt;script&gt;, &lt;link&gt;, &lt;meta&gt; mogu biti dodani. Imajte na umu da se dodavanje vanjske javascript datoteke u &lt;HEAD&gt; se ne preporučuje jer usporava učitavanje stranice. Efikasnije je staviti veze na javascript datoteke u podnožje stranice. <strong>Napomena:</strong> ako ćete koristiti ovu postavku, testirajte stranicu sa W3C HTML validatorom."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Custom header additions"
+msgstr "Dodatci prilagođenog zaglavlja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Header is the bar at the top of the content that contains user info and site links, and is common to all pages. Use this area to enter contents of the headerin the HTML format. When customizing the site header (as well as footer and the HTML &lt;HEAD&gt;), use the HTML validation service to make sure that your input is valid and works well in all browsers."
+msgstr "Zaglavlje je dio na vrhu sadržaja koji sadrži podatke o korisniku i poveznice na druge stranice te je uobičajen na svim stranicama. Koristite ovo područje za unos sadržaja zaglavlja u HTML formatu. Prilikom prilagodbe zaglavlja stranice (kao i podnožja i HTML &lt;HEAD&gt;) koristite HTML validator da bi ste provjerili da unos ispravno radi u svim preglednicima."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Site footer mode"
+msgstr "Mod podnožja stranice"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Footer is the bottom portion of the content, which is common to all pages. You can disable, customize, or use the default footer."
+msgstr "Podnožje je donji dio sadržaja uobičajen svim stanicama. Možete onemogućiti, prilagoditi ili koristiti zadano podnožje."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Custom footer (HTML format)"
+msgstr "Prilagđeno podnožje (HTML format)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "<strong>To enable this function</strong>, please select option 'customize' in the \"Site footer mode\" above. Use this area to enter contents of the footer in the HTML format. When customizing the site footer (as well as the header and HTML &lt;HEAD&gt;), use the HTML validation service to make sure that your input is valid and works well in all browsers."
+msgstr "<strong>Za korištenje ove mogućnosti</strong>, označite \"Mod podnožja stranice\" gore. Koristite ovo područje za unos sadržaja podnožja u HTML formatu. Prilikom prilagođavanja podnožja stranice (kao i zaglavlja i HTML &lt;HEAD&gt;), koristite HTML validator da bi ste provjerili da unos ispravno radi u svim preglednicima."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Apply custom style sheet (CSS)"
+msgstr "Primjeni prilagođenu listu stilova (CSS)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check if you want to change appearance of your form by adding custom style sheet rules (please see the next item)"
+msgstr "Označite ako želite promjeniti izgled vašeg foruma dodavanjem prilagođene liste stilova (pogledajte sljedeću stavku)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Custom style sheet (CSS)"
+msgstr "Prilagođena lista stilova (CSS)"
+#: conf/
+msgid "<strong>To use this function</strong>, check \"Apply custom style sheet\" option above. The CSS rules added in this window will be applied after the default style sheet rules. The custom style sheet will be served dynamically at url \"&lt;forum url&gt;/custom.css\", where the \"&lt;forum url&gt; part depends (default is empty string) on the url configuration in your"
+msgstr "<strong>Za korištenje ove funkcije</strong> označite \"Primjeni prilagođenu listu stilova (CSS)\" gore. CSS pravila dodana u ovom prozoru će se primijeniti nakon zadane liste stilova. Prilagođena lista stilova izvršavati će se dinamički na url-u \"&lt;forum url&gt;/custom.css\" gdje \"&lt;forum url&gt; dio ovisi (zadan je prazan niz) o url konfiguraciji datotke. "
+#: conf/
+msgid "Add custom javascript"
+msgstr "Dodaj prilagođen javascript"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable javascript that you can enter in the next field"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje javascripta koji možete unijeti u sljedećem polju"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Custom javascript"
+msgstr "Prilagođen javascript"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Type or paste plain javascript that you would like to run on your site. Link to the script will be inserted at the bottom of the HTML output and will be served at the url \"&lt;forum url&gt;/custom.js\". Please, bear in mind that your javascript code may break other functionalities of the site and that the behavior may not be consistent across different browsers (<strong>to enable your custom code</strong>, check \"Add custom javascript\" option above)."
+msgstr "Utipkajte ili zalijepite javascript koji želite da se izvrši na vašoj internet stranici. Link na skriptu biti će unešen na dnu HTML izlaza i služit će se na urlu \"&lt;forum url&gt;/custom.js\". Imajte na umu da javascript može pokvariti druge funkcije na stranici te da izvršavanje možda neće biti jednako u svim preglednicima(<strong>za omogućavanje prilagođenog koda</strong>, označite \"Dodaj prilagođen javascript\" opciju iznad.)."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Skin media revision number"
+msgstr "Broj revizije teme"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Will be set automatically but you can modify it if necessary."
+msgstr "Biti će postavljeno automatski, ali u slučaju potrebe možete ga prilagoditi."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Hash to update the media revision number automatically."
+msgstr "Jedinstvena vrijednost za automatsko ažuriranje broja medijske revizije"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Will be set automatically, it is not necesary to modify manually."
+msgstr "Biti će određena automatski, nije potrebno ručno podesiti."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Sharing content on social networks"
+msgstr "Dijeljenje sadržaja na društvenim mrežama"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable sharing of questions on Twitter"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje dijeljenja pitanja na Twitteru"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable sharing of questions on Facebook"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje dijeljenja pitanja na Facebooku"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable sharing of questions on LinkedIn"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje dijeljenja pitanja na LinkedInu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable sharing of questions on"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje dijeljenja pitanja na"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check to enable sharing of questions on Google+"
+msgstr "Označite za omogućavanje dijeljenja pitanja na Google+u"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Akismet spam protection"
+msgstr "Akismet zaštita od neželjene pošte"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Enable Akismet spam detection(keys below are required)"
+msgstr "Omogući Akismet otkrivanje neželjene pošte (nužni su ključevi ispod)"
+#: conf/
+#, python-format
+msgid "To get an Akismet key please visit <a href=\"%(url)s\">Akismet site</a>"
+msgstr "Za dobivanje Akismet ključa posjetite <a href=\"%(url)s\">Akismet stranicu</a>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Akismet key for spam detection"
+msgstr "Akismet ključ za otkrivanje neželjene pošte"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Reputation, Badges, Votes & Flags"
+msgstr "Ugled, Značke, Glasovi i Zastave"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Static Content, URLS & UI"
+msgstr "Statični Sadržaj, URLOVI i Korisničko sučelje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Data rules & Formatting"
+msgstr "Pravila o podacima i Formatiranju"
+#: conf/
+msgid "External Services"
+msgstr "Vanjski Servisi"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Login, Users & Communication"
+msgstr "Prijava, Korisnici i Komunikacija"
+#: conf/
+msgid "User settings"
+msgstr "Korisničke postavke"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow editing user screen name"
+msgstr "Dopusti uređivanje prikaznog imena korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow users change own email addresses"
+msgstr "Dopusti korisnicima promijenu svoje email adrese"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow account recovery by email"
+msgstr "Dopusti obnavljanje računa putem emaila "
+#: conf/
+msgid "Allow adding and removing login methods"
+msgstr "Dopusti dodavanje i oduzimanje metoda prijave"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Minimum allowed length for screen name"
+msgstr "Minimalna dozvoljena duljina prikaznog imena"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default avatar for users"
+msgstr "Zadani avatar za korisnike"
+#: conf/
+msgid "To change the avatar image, select new file, then submit this whole form."
+msgstr "Za promjenu slike avatara, odaberite novu datoteku, zatim podnesite cijeli obrazac."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Use automatic avatars from"
+msgstr "Automatski koristi avatare iz"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Check this option if you want to allow the use of for avatars. Please, note that this feature might take about 10 minutes to become fully effective. You will have to enable uploaded avatars as well. For more information, please visit <a href=\"\">this page</a>."
+msgstr "Odaberite ovu mogućnost ako želite koristiti avatare iz Imajte na umu da ovo svojstvo treba 10 minuta za potpunu aktivaciju. Morati ćete također omogućiti slanje avatara. Za više informacija posjetite <a href=\"\">ovu stranicu</a>."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Default Gravatar icon type"
+msgstr "Zadan tip Gavatar ikone"
+#: conf/
+msgid "This option allows you to set the default avatar type for email addresses without associated gravatar images. For more information, please visit <a href=\"\">this page</a>."
+msgstr "Ova opcija vam omogućava zadavanje tipa avatara za email adrese bez povezanih gavatar slika. Za više informacija posjetite <a href=\"\">ovu stranicu</a>."
+#: conf/
+msgid "Name for the Anonymous user"
+msgstr "Ime za Anonimnog korisnika"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Vote and flag limits"
+msgstr "Limit za glasanje i označavanje zastavom"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Number of votes a user can cast per day"
+msgstr "Broj glasova koje korisnik dnevno može odbaciti"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Maximum number of flags per user per day"
+msgstr "Maksimalan broj zastava po korisniku po danu"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Threshold for warning about remaining daily votes"
+msgstr "Granica za upozorenje o preostalim dnevnim glasovima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Number of days to allow canceling votes"
+msgstr "Broj dana za dopuštanje otkazivanja glasova"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Number of days required before answering own question"
+msgstr "Broj dana potrebnih prije mogućnosti odgovaranja na svoje pitanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Number of flags required to automatically hide posts"
+msgstr "Broj zastava potrebnih za automatsko skrivanje posta"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Number of flags required to automatically delete posts"
+msgstr "Broj zastava potrebnih za automatsko brisanje posta"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Minimum days to accept an answer, if it has not been accepted by the question poster"
+msgstr "Minimalan broj dana za prihvaćanje odgovora, ako ga nije prihvatila osoba koja je postavila pitanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Embeddable widgets"
+msgstr "Dodatci za ugrađivanje"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Number of questions to show"
+msgstr "Broj prikazanih pitanja"
+#: conf/
+msgid "To embed the widget, add the following code to your site (and fill in correct base url, preferred tags, width and height):<iframe src=\"{{base_url}}/widgets/questions?tags={{comma-separated-tags}}\" width=\"100%\" height=\"300\"scrolling=\"no\"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>"
+msgstr "Za ugrađivanje dodatka dodajte sljedeći kod u vašu internet stranicu (i popunite ispravan osnovni url, željene oznake, širinu i visinu):<iframe src=\"{{base_url}}/widgets/questions?tags={{comma-separated-tags}}\" width=\"100%\" height=\"300\"scrolling=\"no\"><p>Vaš preglednik ne podržava iframeove.</p></iframe>"
+#: conf/
+msgid "CSS for the questions widget"
+msgstr "CSS za dodatke s pitanjima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Header for the questions widget"
+msgstr "Zaglavlje za dodatak s pitanjima"
+#: conf/
+msgid "Footer for the questions widget"
+msgstr "Podnožje za dodatak s pitanjima"
+#: const/
+msgid "duplicate question"
+msgstr "duplikat pitanje"
+#: const/
+msgid "question is off-topic or not relevant"
+msgstr "pitanje je izvan teme ili nije važno"
+#: const/
+msgid "too subjective and argumentative"
+msgstr "previše subjektivno i polemično"
+#: const/
+msgid "not a real question"
+msgstr "nije pravo pitanje"
+#: const/
+msgid "the question is answered, right answer was accepted"
+msgstr "pitanje je odgovoreno, ispravan odgovor je prihvaćen"
+#: const/
+msgid "question is not relevant or outdated"
+msgstr "pitanje nije relevantno ili je zastarilo"
+#: const/
+msgid "question contains offensive or malicious remarks"
+msgstr "pitanje sadrži uvredljive ili zle primjedbe"
+#: const/
+msgid "spam or advertising"
+msgstr "spam ili oglašavanje"
+#: const/
+msgid "too localized"
+msgstr "previše lokaliziran"
+#: const/
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:18
+msgid "newest"
+msgstr "najnovije"
+#: const/
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:27
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:15
+msgid "oldest"
+msgstr "najstarije"
+#: const/
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktivno"
+#: const/
+msgid "inactive"
+msgstr "ne aktivno"
+#: const/
+msgid "hottest"
+msgstr "popularna"
+#: const/
+msgid "coldest"
+msgstr "ne popularna"
+#: const/
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:21
+msgid "most voted"
+msgstr "s najviše glasova"
+#: const/
+msgid "least voted"
+msgstr "s najmanje glasova"
+#: const/
+msgid "relevance"
+msgstr "relevantnost"
+#: const/
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:50
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:62
+msgid "all"
+msgstr "sva"
+#: const/
+msgid "unanswered"
+msgstr "0 odgovora"
+#: const/
+msgid "favorite"
+msgstr "omiljena"
+#: const/
+msgid "list"
+msgstr "lista"
+#: const/
+msgid "cloud"
+msgstr "oblak"
+#: const/
+msgid "Question has no answers"
+msgstr "Pitanje nema odgovore"
+#: const/
+msgid "Question has no accepted answers"
+msgstr "Pitanje nema prihvaćene odgovore"
+#: const/
+msgid "asked a question"
+msgstr "postavio/la pitanje"
+#: const/
+msgid "answered a question"
+msgstr "odgovorio/la na pitanje"
+#: const/
+#: const/
+msgid "commented question"
+msgstr "komentirao/la pitanje"
+#: const/
+#: const/
+msgid "commented answer"
+msgstr "komentirao/la odgovor"
+#: const/
+msgid "edited question"
+msgstr "uredio/la pitanje"
+#: const/
+msgid "edited answer"
+msgstr "uredio/la odgovor"
+#: const/
+msgid "received badge"
+msgstr "primio/la značku"
+#: const/
+msgid "marked best answer"
+msgstr "označio/la najbolji odgovor"
+#: const/
+msgid "upvoted"
+msgstr "dao/la pozitivan glas"
+#: const/
+msgid "downvoted"
+msgstr "dao/la negativan glas"
+#: const/
+msgid "canceled vote"
+msgstr "poništio/la glas"
+#: const/
+msgid "deleted question"
+msgstr "obrisano pitanje"
+#: const/
+msgid "deleted answer"
+msgstr "obrisan odgovor"
+#: const/
+msgid "marked offensive"
+msgstr "označeno kao uvredljivo"
+#: const/
+msgid "updated tags"
+msgstr "ažurirane oznake"
+#: const/
+msgid "selected favorite"
+msgstr "odabran omiljeni"
+#: const/
+msgid "completed user profile"
+msgstr "završen korisnički profil"
+#: const/
+msgid "email update sent to user"
+msgstr "email dopuna poslana korisniku"
+#: const/
+msgid "reminder about unanswered questions sent"
+msgstr "poslana napomena o ne odgovorenim pitanjima"
+#: const/
+msgid "reminder about accepting the best answer sent"
+msgstr "poslana napomena o prihvaćanju najboljeg odgovora"
+#: const/
+msgid "mentioned in the post"
+msgstr "spomenut u postu"
+#: const/
+msgid "answered question"
+msgstr "odgovoreno pitanje"
+#: const/
+msgid "accepted answer"
+msgstr "prihvaćen odgovor"
+#: const/
+msgid "[closed]"
+msgstr "[zatvoreno]"
+#: const/
+msgid "[deleted]"
+msgstr "[obrisano]"
+#: const/
+#: views/
+msgid "initial version"
+msgstr "prva verzija"
+#: const/
+msgid "retagged"
+msgstr "ponovo označeno"
+#: const/
+msgid "off"
+msgstr "isključeno"
+#: const/
+msgid "exclude ignored"
+msgstr "isključi ignorirano"
+#: const/
+msgid "only selected"
+msgstr "samo odabrano"
+#: const/
+msgid "instantly"
+msgstr "odmah"
+#: const/
+msgid "daily"
+msgstr "dnevno"
+#: const/
+msgid "weekly"
+msgstr "tjedno"
+#: const/
+msgid "no email"
+msgstr "bez emaila"
+#: const/
+msgid "identicon"
+msgstr "identicon"
+#: const/
+msgid "mystery-man"
+msgstr "tajanstven čovjek"
+#: const/
+msgid "monsterid"
+msgstr "monsterid"
+#: const/
+msgid "wavatar"
+msgstr "wavatar"
+#: const/
+msgid "retro"
+msgstr "retro"
+#: const/
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:38
+msgid "gold"
+msgstr "zlatni"
+#: const/
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:48
+msgid "silver"
+msgstr "srebrni"
+#: const/
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:55
+msgid "bronze"
+msgstr "brončani"
+#: const/
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nijedan"
+#: const/
+msgid "Gravatar"
+msgstr "Gavatar"
+#: const/
+msgid "Uploaded Avatar"
+msgstr "Poslan Avatar"
+#: const/
+msgid "most relevant questions"
+msgstr "najralevantnija pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see most relevant questions"
+msgstr "najrelevantnija pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "by relevance"
+msgstr "po relevantnosti"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see the oldest questions"
+msgstr "najstarijia pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "by date"
+msgstr "datumu"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see the newest questions"
+msgstr "najnovija pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see the least recently updated questions"
+msgstr "zadnje ažurirana pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "by activity"
+msgstr "aktivnosti"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see the most recently updated questions"
+msgstr "zadnje ažurirana pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see the least answered questions"
+msgstr "zadnje odgovorena pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "by answers"
+msgstr "odgovoru"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see the most answered questions"
+msgstr "pitanja s najviše odgovora"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see least voted questions"
+msgstr "zadnje glasana pitanja"
+#: const/
+msgid "by votes"
+msgstr "glasovima"
+#: const/
+msgid "click to see most voted questions"
+msgstr "pitanja s najviše glasova"
+#: const/
+msgid "Sorry, your account appears to be blocked and you cannot make new posts until this issue is resolved. Please contact the forum administrator to reach a resolution."
+msgstr "Čini se da je vaš račun blokiran stoga ne možete objavljivati nove postove dok se spor ne riješi. Kontaktirajte administratora foruma za rješenje."
+#: const/
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, your account appears to be suspended and you cannot make new posts until this issue is resolved. You can, however edit your existing posts. Please contact the forum administrator to reach a resolution."
+msgstr "Čini se da je vaš račun blokiran stoga ne možete objavljivati nove postove dok se spor ne riješi. Možete samo uređivati postojeće postove. Kontaktirajte administratora foruma za rješenje."
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Welcome! Please set email address (important!) in your profile and adjust screen name, if necessary."
+msgstr "Dobrodošli! Unesite email adresu (važno!) u vaš profil te ako je potrebno, podesite prikazno ime."
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "i-names are not supported"
+msgstr "i-imena nisu podržana"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please enter your %(username_token)s"
+msgstr "Unesite vaše %(username_token)s"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Please, enter your user name"
+msgstr "Unesite vaše korisničko ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Please, enter your password"
+msgstr "Unesite vašu lozinku"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Please, enter your new password"
+msgstr "Unesite vašu novu lozinku"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Passwords did not match"
+msgstr "Lozinke nisu iste"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please choose password > %(len)s characters"
+msgstr "Unesite lozinku > %(len)s znakova"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Current password"
+msgstr "Trenutna lozinka"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Old password is incorrect. Please enter the correct password."
+msgstr "Stara lozinka nije točna. Unesite ispravnu lozinku."
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Sorry, we don't have this email address in the database"
+msgstr "Unešena email adresa se ne nalazi u našoj bazi podataka"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Your user name (<i>required</i>)"
+msgstr "Vaše korisničko ime (<i>nužno</i>)"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "sorry, there is no such user name"
+msgstr "ne postoji takvo korisničko ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: setup_templates/
+msgid "signin/"
+msgstr "prijava/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "signout/"
+msgstr "odjava/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "complete/"
+msgstr "zavrsi/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "complete-oauth/"
+msgstr "zavrsi-oauth/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "register/"
+msgstr "registracija/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "signup/"
+msgstr "upis/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "logout/"
+msgstr "odjava/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "recover/"
+msgstr "obnova/"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(site)s user name and password"
+msgstr "%(site)s korisničko ime i lozinka"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:115
+msgid "Create a password-protected account"
+msgstr "Kreiraj račun zaštićen lozinkom"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Promjenite lozinku"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Sign in with Yahoo"
+msgstr "Yahoo prijava"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "AOL screen name"
+msgstr "AOL prikazno ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "OpenID url"
+msgstr "OpenID url"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Flickr user name"
+msgstr "Flickr korisničko ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Technorati user name"
+msgstr "Technorati korisničko ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "WordPress blog name"
+msgstr "WordPress blog ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Blogger blog name"
+msgstr "Blogger blog ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "LiveJournal blog name"
+msgstr "LiveJournal blog ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "ClaimID user name"
+msgstr "ClaimID korisničko ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Vidoop user name"
+msgstr "Vidoop korisničko ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Verisign user name"
+msgstr "Verisign korisničko ime"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Change your %(provider)s password"
+msgstr "Promjenite %(provider)s lozinku"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Click to see if your %(provider)s signin still works for %(site_name)s"
+msgstr "Kliknite da vidite da li %(provider)s prijava još radi za %(site_name)s"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Create password for %(provider)s"
+msgstr "Kreirajte lozinku za %(provider)s"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Connect your %(provider)s account to %(site_name)s"
+msgstr "Spojite vaš %(provider)s račun s %(site_name)s"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Signin with %(provider)s user name and password"
+msgstr "Prijavite se sa %(provider)s korisničkim imenom i lozinkom"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sign in with your %(provider)s account"
+msgstr "Prijavite se sa %(provider)s korisničkim računom"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "OpenID %(openid_url)s is invalid"
+msgstr "OpenID %(openid_url)s je neispravan"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unfortunately, there was some problem when connecting to %(provider)s, please try again or use another provider"
+msgstr "Nažalost, nastali su problemi prilikom spajanja na %(provider)s, pokušajte ponovo ili koristite drugog pružatelja"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Your new password saved"
+msgstr "Vaša nova lozinka je sačuvana"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "The login password combination was not correct"
+msgstr "Kombinacija prijavne lozinke nije ispravna"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Please click any of the icons below to sign in"
+msgstr "Za prijavu kliknite na bilo koju od donjih ikona"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Account recovery email sent"
+msgstr "Email za obnovu računa je poslan"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Please add one or more login methods."
+msgstr "Dodajte jedan ili više načina prijave."
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "If you wish, please add, remove or re-validate your login methods"
+msgstr "Ako želite., dodajte, uklonite ili ponovo potvrdite načine prijave"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Please wait a second! Your account is recovered, but ..."
+msgstr "Pričekajte trenutak! Vaš račun je obnovljen, ali ..."
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Sorry, this account recovery key has expired or is invalid"
+msgstr "Ovaj ključ za obnovu računa nije ispravan ili je istekao"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Login method %(provider_name)s does not exist"
+msgstr "%(provider_name)s način prijave ne postoji"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Oops, sorry - there was some error - please try again"
+msgstr "Uups, oprostite - dogodila se greška - pokušajte ponovo"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your %(provider)s login works fine"
+msgstr "Vaša %(provider)s prijava radi"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "your email needs to be validated see %(details_url)s"
+msgstr "Your email needs to be validated. Please see details <a id='validate_email_alert' href='%(details_url)s'>here</a>."
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Recover your %(site)s account"
+msgstr "Obnovite vaš %(site)s račun"
+#: deps/django_authopenid/
+msgid "Please check your email and visit the enclosed link."
+msgstr "Provjerite vaš email i posjetite priloženu vezu."
+#: deps/livesettings/
+#: deps/livesettings/
+msgid "Site"
+msgstr "Internet stranica"
+#: deps/livesettings/
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Glavna"
+#: deps/livesettings/
+msgid "Base Settings"
+msgstr "Osnovne Postavke"
+#: deps/livesettings/
+msgid "Default value: \"\""
+msgstr "Zadana vrijednost: \"\""
+#: deps/livesettings/
+msgid "Default value: "
+msgstr "Zadana vrijednost:"
+#: deps/livesettings/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Default value: %s"
+msgstr "Zadana vrijednost: %s"
+#: deps/livesettings/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Allowed image file types are %(types)s"
+msgstr "Za slike su dozvoljeni %(types)s tipovi datoteka"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/_admin_site_views.html:4
+msgid "Sites"
+msgstr "Internet stranice"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:11
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:23
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "Dokumentacija"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:11
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:23
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:143
+msgid "Change password"
+msgstr "Promjeni lozinku"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:11
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:23
+msgid "Log out"
+msgstr "Odjava"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:14
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:26
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Početna"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:15
+msgid "Edit Group Settings"
+msgstr "Uredi Postavke Grupa"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:22
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:50
+msgid "Please correct the error below."
+msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below."
+msgstr[0] "Ispravite grešku ispod."
+msgstr[1] "Ispravite greške ispod."
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:28
+#, python-format
+msgid "Settings included in %(name)s."
+msgstr "Postavke uključene u %(name)s."
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/group_settings.html:62
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:97
+msgid "You don't have permission to edit values."
+msgstr "Nemate dozvolu za uređivanje vrijednosti."
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:27
+msgid "Edit Site Settings"
+msgstr "Uredi Postavke Stranice"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:43
+msgid "Livesettings are disabled for this site."
+msgstr "Instant postavke su nisu moguće za ovu stranicu."
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:44
+msgid "All configuration options must be edited in the site file"
+msgstr "Sve konfiguracijske mogućnosti moraju se urediti u datoteci"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:66
+#, python-format
+msgid "Group settings: %(name)s"
+msgstr "Postavke za grupu: %(name)s"
+#: deps/livesettings/templates/livesettings/site_settings.html:93
+msgid "Uncollapse all"
+msgstr "Složi sve"
+#: importers/stackexchange/management/commands/
+msgid "Congratulations, you are now an Administrator"
+msgstr "Čestitamo, postali ste Administrator"
+#: management/commands/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Accept the best answer for %(question_count)d of your questions"
+msgstr "Prihvati najbolji odgovor za %(question_count)d vaših pitanja"
+#: management/commands/
+msgid "Please accept the best answer for this question:"
+msgstr "Prihvatite najbolji odgovor za ovo pitanje:"
+#: management/commands/
+msgid "Please accept the best answer for these questions:"
+msgstr "Prihvatite najbolji odgovor za ova pitanja:"
+#: management/commands/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(question_count)d updated question about %(topics)s"
+msgid_plural "%(question_count)d updated questions about %(topics)s"
+msgstr[0] "%(question_count)d ažurirano pitanje o %(topics)s"
+msgstr[1] "%(question_count)d ažurirana pitanja o %(topics)s"
+#: management/commands/
+#, python-format
+msgid "<p>Dear %(name)s,</p><p>The following question has been updated %(sitename)s</p>"
+msgid_plural "<p>Dear %(name)s,</p><p>The following %(num)d questions have been updated on %(sitename)s:</p>"
+msgstr[0] "<p>Dragi %(name)s,</p><p>Sljedeće pitanje je ažurirano %(sitename)s</p>"
+msgstr[1] "<p>Dragi %(name)s,</p><p>Sljedećih %(num)d pitanja je ažurirano na %(sitename)s:</p>"
+#: management/commands/
+msgid "new question"
+msgstr "novo pitanje"
+#: management/commands/
+#, python-format
+msgid "<p>Please remember that you can always <a hrefl\"%(email_settings_link)s\">adjust</a> frequency of the email updates or turn them off entirely.<br/>If you believe that this message was sent in an error, please email about it the forum administrator at %(admin_email)s.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Your friendly %(sitename)s server.</p>"
+msgstr "<p>Upamtite da uvijek možete <a hrefl\"%(email_settings_link)s\">namjestiti</a> učestalost slanja ažuriranja putem email ili ih potpuno isključiti.<br/>Ako smatrate da je ova poruka poslana greškom, kontaktirajte administratora fouma na %(admin_email)s.</p><p>S štovanjem,</p><p>Vaš %(sitename)s poslužitelj.</p>"
+#: management/commands/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(question_count)d unanswered question about %(topics)s"
+msgid_plural "%(question_count)d unanswered questions about %(topics)s"
+msgstr[0] "%(question_count)d ne odgovoreno pitanje o %(topics)s"
+msgstr[1] "%(question_count)d ne odgovorenih pitanja o %(topics)s"
+#: middleware/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please log in to use %s"
+msgstr "Za korištenje %s potrebna je prijava"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, you cannot accept or unaccept best answers because your account is blocked"
+msgstr "Ne možete prihvatiti ili odbiti najbolji odgovor jer je vaš račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, you cannot accept or unaccept best answers because your account is suspended"
+msgstr "Ne možete prihvatiti ili odbiti najbolji odgovor jer je vaš račun suspendiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid ">%(points)s points required to accept or unaccept your own answer to your own question"
+msgstr "Potrebno je >%(points)s bodova za prihvaćanje ili odbijanje svojeg odgovora na svoje pitanje "
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, you will be able to accept this answer only after %(will_be_able_at)s"
+msgstr "Biti ćete u mogućnosti prihvatiti ovaj odgovor nakon %(will_be_able_at)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, only moderators or original author of the question - %(username)s - can accept or unaccept the best answer"
+msgstr "Samo moderatori ili autor pitanja - %(username)s - može prihvatiti ili odbiti najbolji odgovor "
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, you cannot vote for your own posts"
+msgstr "Ne možete glasati za svoje postove"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry your account appears to be blocked "
+msgstr "Izgleda da je vaš račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry your account appears to be suspended "
+msgstr "Izgleda da je vaš račun suspendiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid ">%(points)s points required to upvote"
+msgstr "Potrebno je >%(points)s za davanje pozitivnog glasa"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid ">%(points)s points required to downvote"
+msgstr "Potrebno je >%(points)s za davanje negativnog glasa"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, blocked users cannot upload files"
+msgstr "Blokirani korisnici ne mogu slati datoteke"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, suspended users cannot upload files"
+msgstr "Suspendirani korisnici ne mogu slati datoteke"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "sorry, file uploading requires karma >%(min_rep)s"
+msgstr "Slanje datoteka zahtjeva veličinu karme >%(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, comments (except the last one) are editable only within %(minutes)s minute from posting"
+msgid_plural "Sorry, comments (except the last one) are editable only within %(minutes)s minutes from posting"
+msgstr[0] "Komentari (osim zadnjeg) se mogu uređivati unutar %(minutes)s minute od objave posta"
+msgstr[1] "Komentari (osim zadnjeg) se mogu uređivati unutar %(minutes)s minuta od objave posta"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, but only post owners or moderators can edit comments"
+msgstr "Samo vlasnici posta ili moderatori mogu uređivati komentare"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is suspended you can comment only your own posts"
+msgstr "Zato što vam je račun suspendiran možete komentirati samo svoje postove"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to comment any post a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s points is required. You can still comment your own posts and answers to your questions"
+msgstr "Za komentiranje postova potrebno je imati ugled od najmanje %(min_rep)s bodova. Trenutno možete komentirati samo svoje postove i odgovore na pitanja."
+#: models/
+msgid "This post has been deleted and can be seen only by post owners, site administrators and moderators"
+msgstr "Ovaj post je obrisan, a mogu ga vidjeti samo vlasnik posta, administrator i moderatori."
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, only moderators, site administrators and post owners can edit deleted posts"
+msgstr "Samo moderatori, administratori i vlasnici posta mogu uređivati obrisane postove"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot edit posts"
+msgstr "Ne možete uređivati postove zato što vam je račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is suspended you can edit only your own posts"
+msgstr "Ne možete uređivati postove zato što vam je račun suspendiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to edit wiki posts, a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za uređivanje wiki postova, potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s "
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to edit other people's posts, a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za uređivanje postova drugih korisnika, potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, cannot delete your question since it has an upvoted answer posted by someone else"
+msgid_plural "Sorry, cannot delete your question since it has some upvoted answers posted by other users"
+msgstr[0] "Ne možete obrisati vaše pitanje zato što ima odgovor s pozitivnim glasom kojeg je objavio drugi korisnik"
+msgstr[1] "Ne možete obrisati vaše pitanje zato što ima odgovore s pozitivnim glasom kojeg su objavili drugi korisnici"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot delete posts"
+msgstr "Ne možete obrisati postove jer vam je račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is suspended you can delete only your own posts"
+msgstr "Možete brisati samo svoje postove jer vam je račun suspendiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to deleted other people' posts, a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za brisanje postova drugih korisnika potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot close questions"
+msgstr "Ne možete zatvoriti pitanja jer vam je račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is suspended you cannot close questions"
+msgstr "Ne možete zatvoriti pitanja jer vam je račun suspendiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to close other people' posts, a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za zatvaranje postova drugih korisnika potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to close own question a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za zatvaranje svojih pitanja potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, only administrators, moderators or post owners with reputation > %(min_rep)s can reopen questions."
+msgstr "Samo administratori, moderatori i vlasnici posta sa ugledom > %(min_rep)s mogu ponovo otvoriti pitanja."
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to reopen own question a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za ponovo otvaranje svojih pitanja potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+msgid "You have flagged this question before and cannot do it more than once"
+msgstr "Već ste označili zastavom ovo pitanje i ne možete ga označiti ponovo"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot flag posts as offensive"
+msgstr "Ne možete označiti postove kao uvedljive jer vam je račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to flag posts as offensive a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za označavanje postova uvredljivim potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, you have exhausted the maximum number of %(max_flags_per_day)s offensive flags per day."
+msgstr "Iscrpili ste maksimalan broj od %(max_flags_per_day)s uvredljivih zastava po danu."
+#: models/
+msgid "cannot remove non-existing flag"
+msgstr "ne mogu ukloniti nepostojeću zastavu"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot remove flags"
+msgstr "Ne možete ukloniti zastave jer vam je račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, your account appears to be suspended and you cannot remove flags. Please contact the forum administrator to reach a resolution."
+msgstr "Ne možete ukloniti zastave jer vam je račun suspendiran. Kontaktirajte administratora foruma radi rješavanja problema."
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to flag posts a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)d is required"
+msgid_plural "Sorry, to flag posts a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)d is required"
+msgstr[0] "Za označavanje posta zastavom potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)d"
+msgstr[1] "Za označavanje postova zastavom potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)d"
+#: models/
+msgid "you don't have the permission to remove all flags"
+msgstr "nemate dozvolu za uklanjanje svih zastava"
+#: models/
+msgid "no flags for this entry"
+msgstr "nema zastava na ovom unosu"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, only question owners, site administrators and moderators can retag deleted questions"
+msgstr "Samo vlasnici pitanja, administratori i moderatori mogu ponovo označiti obrisana pitanja"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot retag questions"
+msgstr "Ne možete ponovo označiti pitanja jer vam je račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is suspended you can retag only your own questions"
+msgstr "Ne možete ponovo označiti pitanja jer vam je račun suspendiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to retag questions a minimum reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za ponovo označavanje pitanja potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is blocked you cannot delete comment"
+msgstr "Ne možete obrisati komentar jer vam je račun blokiran"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, since your account is suspended you can delete only your own comments"
+msgstr "Ne možete obrisati svoje komentare jer vam je račun suspendiran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, to delete comments reputation of %(min_rep)s is required"
+msgstr "Za brisanje komentara potreban je minimalan ugled od %(min_rep)s"
+#: models/
+msgid "sorry, but older votes cannot be revoked"
+msgstr "stari glasovi se ne mogu opozvati"
+#: models/
+#: utils/
+#, python-format
+msgid "on %(date)s"
+msgstr "na %(date)s"
+#: models/
+msgid "in two days"
+msgstr "za dva dana"
+#: models/
+msgid "tomorrow"
+msgstr "sutra"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "in %(hr)d hour"
+msgid_plural "in %(hr)d hours"
+msgstr[0] "za %(hr)d sat"
+msgstr[1] "za %(hr)d sati"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "in %(min)d min"
+msgid_plural "in %(min)d mins"
+msgstr[0] "za %(min)d minut"
+msgstr[1] "za %(min)d minuta"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(days)d day"
+msgid_plural "%(days)d days"
+msgstr[0] "%(days)d dan"
+msgstr[1] "%(days)d dana"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "New users must wait %(days)s before answering their own question. You can post an answer %(left)s"
+msgstr "Novi korisnici mogu odgovaranje na svoje pitanje nakon %(days)s dana. Možete objaviti odgovor %(left)s"
+#: models/
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback_email.txt:9
+msgid "Anonymous"
+msgstr "Anoniman"
+#: models/
+msgid "Site Adminstrator"
+msgstr "Administartor"
+#: models/
+msgid "Forum Moderator"
+msgstr "Forum Moderator"
+#: models/
+msgid "Suspended User"
+msgstr "Suspendiran Korisnik"
+#: models/
+msgid "Blocked User"
+msgstr "Blokiran Korisnik"
+#: models/
+msgid "Registered User"
+msgstr "Registrian Korisnik"
+#: models/
+msgid "Watched User"
+msgstr "Korisnik pod Smotrom"
+#: models/
+msgid "Approved User"
+msgstr "Odobren Korisnik"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(username)s karma is %(reputation)s"
+msgstr "%(username)s karma je %(reputation)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "one gold badge"
+msgid_plural "%(count)d gold badges"
+msgstr[0] "jedna zlatna značka"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)d zlatnih znački"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "one silver badge"
+msgid_plural "%(count)d silver badges"
+msgstr[0] "jedna srebrna značka"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)d srebrnih znački"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "one bronze badge"
+msgid_plural "%(count)d bronze badges"
+msgstr[0] "jedna brončana značka"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)d brončanih znački"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(item1)s and %(item2)s"
+msgstr "%(item1)s i %(item2)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(user)s has %(badges)s"
+msgstr "%(user)s ima %(badges)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "\"%(title)s\""
+msgstr "\"%(title)s\""
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Congratulations, you have received a badge '%(badge_name)s'. Check out <a href=\"%(user_profile)s\">your profile</a>."
+msgstr "Čestitamo, dobili ste značku '%(badge_name)s'. Provjerite <a href=\"%(user_profile)s\">vaš profil</a>."
+#: models/
+#: views/
+msgid "Your tag subscription was saved, thanks!"
+msgstr "Vaša pretplata na oznaku je sačuvana, hvala!"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Deleted own post with %(votes)s or more upvotes"
+msgstr "Obrisani postovi sa %(votes)s ili više pozitivnih glasova"
+#: models/
+msgid "Disciplined"
+msgstr "Discipliniran"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Deleted own post with %(votes)s or more downvotes"
+msgstr "Obrisani postovi sa %(votes)s ili više negativnih glasova"
+#: models/
+msgid "Peer Pressure"
+msgstr "Pritisak Skupine"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Received at least %(votes)s upvote for an answer for the first time"
+msgstr "Prvi put primljeno najmanje %(votes)s pozitivnih glasova za odgovor"
+#: models/
+msgid "Teacher"
+msgstr "Učitelj"
+#: models/
+msgid "Supporter"
+msgstr "Pristalica"
+#: models/
+msgid "First upvote"
+msgstr "Prvi pozitivan glas"
+#: models/
+msgid "Critic"
+msgstr "Kritičar"
+#: models/
+msgid "First downvote"
+msgstr "Prvi negativan glas"
+#: models/
+msgid "Civic Duty"
+msgstr "Građanska Dužnost"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Voted %(num)s times"
+msgstr "Glasano %(num)s puta"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Answered own question with at least %(num)s up votes"
+msgstr "Odgovor na svoje pitanje sa najmanje %(num)s pozitivnih odgovora"
+#: models/
+msgid "Self-Learner"
+msgstr "Samouk"
+#: models/
+msgid "Nice Answer"
+msgstr "Lijep odgovor"
+#: models/
+#: models/
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Answer voted up %(num)s times"
+msgstr "Odgovor pozitivno glasan %(num)s puta"
+#: models/
+msgid "Good Answer"
+msgstr "Dobar Odgovor"
+#: models/
+msgid "Great Answer"
+msgstr "Odličan Odgovor"
+#: models/
+msgid "Nice Question"
+msgstr "Lijepo Pitanje"
+#: models/
+#: models/
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Question voted up %(num)s times"
+msgstr "Pitanje pozitivno glasano %(num)s puta"
+#: models/
+msgid "Good Question"
+msgstr "Dobro Pitanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Great Question"
+msgstr "Odlično pitanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Student"
+msgstr "Student"
+#: models/
+msgid "Asked first question with at least one up vote"
+msgstr "Postavljeno prvo pitanje s najmanje jednim pozitivnim glasom"
+#: models/
+msgid "Popular Question"
+msgstr "Popularno Pitanje"
+#: models/
+#: models/
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Asked a question with %(views)s views"
+msgstr "Postavljeno pitanje sa %(views)s pregleda"
+#: models/
+msgid "Notable Question"
+msgstr "Značajno Pitanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Famous Question"
+msgstr "Slavno Pitanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Asked a question and accepted an answer"
+msgstr "Postavljeno pitanje i prihvaćen odgovor"
+#: models/
+msgid "Scholar"
+msgstr "Naučnik"
+#: models/
+msgid "Enlightened"
+msgstr "Nadahnut"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "First answer was accepted with %(num)s or more votes"
+msgstr "Prvi odgovor je prihvaćen sa %(num)s ili više glasova"
+#: models/
+msgid "Guru"
+msgstr "Guru"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Answer accepted with %(num)s or more votes"
+msgstr "Odgovor prihvaćen sa %(num)s ili više glasova"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Answered a question more than %(days)s days later with at least %(votes)s votes"
+msgstr "Odgovoreno na pitanje više od %(days)s dana kasnije sa najmanje %(votes)s glasova"
+#: models/
+msgid "Necromancer"
+msgstr "Čarobnjak"
+#: models/
+msgid "Citizen Patrol"
+msgstr "Građanska Patrola"
+#: models/
+msgid "First flagged post"
+msgstr "Prvi post označen zastavom"
+#: models/
+msgid "Cleanup"
+msgstr "Čišćenje"
+#: models/
+msgid "First rollback"
+msgstr "Prvo vraćanje unazad"
+#: models/
+msgid "Pundit"
+msgstr "Pundit"
+#: models/
+msgid "Left 10 comments with score of 10 or more"
+msgstr "Ostavi 10 komentara da rezultatom 10 ili više"
+#: models/
+msgid "Editor"
+msgstr "Urednik"
+#: models/
+msgid "First edit"
+msgstr "Prvo uređivanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Associate Editor"
+msgstr "Pomoćnik Urednika"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Edited %(num)s entries"
+msgstr "Uređeno %(num)s unosa"
+#: models/
+msgid "Organizer"
+msgstr "Organizator"
+#: models/
+msgid "First retag"
+msgstr "Prvo ponovno označavanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Autobiographer"
+msgstr "Životopisac"
+#: models/
+msgid "Completed all user profile fields"
+msgstr "Ispunjena sva polja korisničkog profila"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Question favorited by %(num)s users"
+msgstr "Omiljeno pitanje kod %(num)s korisnika"
+#: models/
+msgid "Stellar Question"
+msgstr "Zvjezdano Pitanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Favorite Question"
+msgstr "Omiljeno Pitanje"
+#: models/
+msgid "Enthusiast"
+msgstr "Entuzijast"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Visited site every day for %(num)s days in a row"
+msgstr "Posjetio stranicu svaki dan %(num)s dana u nizu"
+#: models/
+msgid "Commentator"
+msgstr "Komentator"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Posted %(num_comments)s comments"
+msgstr "Objavio %(num_comments)s komentara"
+#: models/
+msgid "Taxonomist"
+msgstr "Klasifikator"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Created a tag used by %(num)s questions"
+msgstr "Kreirao oznaku korištenu u %(num)s pitanja"
+#: models/
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "Stručnjak"
+#: models/
+msgid "Very active in one tag"
+msgstr "Vrlo aktivan u jednoj oznaci"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, this question has been deleted and is no longer accessible"
+msgstr "Ovo pitanje je obrisano i više nije dostupno."
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, the answer you are looking for is no longer available, because the parent question has been removed"
+msgstr "Odgovor koji tražite više nije dostupan zato što je roditeljsko pitanje obrisano"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, this answer has been removed and is no longer accessible"
+msgstr "Ovaj odgovor je obrisan i više nije dostupan"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, the comment you are looking for is no longer accessible, because the parent question has been removed"
+msgstr "Komentar koji tražite više nije dostupan zato što je roditeljsko pitanje obrisano"
+#: models/
+msgid "Sorry, the comment you are looking for is no longer accessible, because the parent answer has been removed"
+msgstr "Komentar koji tražite više nije dostupan zato što je roditeljski odgovor obrisan"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "\" and \"%s\""
+msgstr "\" i \"%s\""
+#: models/
+msgid "\" and more"
+msgstr "\" i više"
+#: models/
+msgid "edited by email"
+msgstr "uređeno putem emaila"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "<em>Changed by moderator. Reason:</em> %(reason)s"
+msgstr "<em>Promijenio moderator. Razlog:</em> %(reason)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(points)s points were added for %(username)s's contribution to question %(question_title)s"
+msgstr "%(points)s bodova je dodano zbog doprinosa korisnika %(username)s pitanju %(question_title)s"
+#: models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(points)s points were subtracted for %(username)s's contribution to question %(question_title)s"
+msgstr "%(points)s bodova je oduzeto zbog doprinosa korisnika %(username)s pitanju %(question_title)s"
+#: models/
+msgid "interesting"
+msgstr "zanimljivo"
+#: models/
+msgid "ignored"
+msgstr "ignorirano"
+#: models/
+msgid "Entire forum"
+msgstr "Cjeli forum"
+#: models/
+msgid "Questions that I asked"
+msgstr "Moja pitanja"
+#: models/
+msgid "Questions that I answered"
+msgstr "Moji odgovori na pitanja"
+#: models/
+msgid "Individually selected questions"
+msgstr "Individualno odabrana pitanja"
+#: models/
+msgid "Mentions and comment responses"
+msgstr "Odgovori na spomen i komentar"
+#: models/
+msgid "Instantly"
+msgstr "Odmah"
+#: models/
+msgid "Daily"
+msgstr "Dnevno"
+#: models/
+msgid "Weekly"
+msgstr "Tjedno"
+#: models/
+msgid "No email"
+msgstr "Bez emaila"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/authopenid_macros.html:63
+msgid "Please enter your <span>user name</span>, then sign in"
+msgstr "Unesite vaše <span>korisničko ime</span>, zatim se prijavite"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/authopenid_macros.html:64
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:97
+msgid "(or select another login method above)"
+msgstr "(ili odaberite drugi način prijave gore)"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/authopenid_macros.html:66
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:113
+msgid "Sign in"
+msgstr "Prijavi me"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:2
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:8
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:49
+msgid "Change Email"
+msgstr "Promjeni Email"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:10
+msgid "Save your email address"
+msgstr "Spremi email adresu"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:15
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">Enter your new email into the box below</span> if \n"
+"you'd like to use another email for <strong>update subscriptions</strong>.\n"
+"<br>Currently you are using <strong>%%(email)s</strong>"
+msgstr ""
+"<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">Unesite vašu novu email adrestu ispod</span> ako \n"
+"ako želite koristiti drugu email adresu za <strong>ažuriranje pretplata</strong>.\n"
+"<br>Trenutno koristite <strong>%%(email)s</strong>"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:19
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<span class='strong big'>Please enter your email address in the box below.</span>\n"
+"Valid email address is required on this Q&amp;A forum. If you like, \n"
+"you can <strong>receive updates</strong> on interesting questions or entire\n"
+"forum via email. Also, your email is used to create a unique \n"
+"<a href='%%(gravatar_faq_url)s'><strong>gravatar</strong></a> image for your\n"
+"account. Email addresses are never shown or otherwise shared with anybody\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<span class='strong big'>Unesite vašu email adresu ispod.</span>\n"
+"Ispravna email adresa potrebna je za P&amp;O forum. Ako želite, \n"
+"možete <strong>primati dopune</strong> interesantnih pitanja ili cijelog\n"
+"foruma putem emaila. Također vaš email se koristi za kreiranje jedinstvene \n"
+"<a href='%%(gravatar_faq_url)s'><strong>gravatar</strong></a> slike za vaš\n"
+"račun. Email adrese se ne prikazuju niti dijele s drugima"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:38
+msgid ""
+"<strong>Your new Email:</strong> \n"
+"(will <strong>not</strong> be shown to anyone, must be valid)"
+msgstr ""
+"<strong>Vaš novi Email:</strong> \n"
+"(<strong>neće</strong> biti prikazan nikome, mora biti ispravan)"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:49
+msgid "Save Email"
+msgstr "Spremi Email"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:51
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:25
+#: skins/default/templates/close.html:16
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:64
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:36
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:22
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:27
+#: skins/default/templates/subscribe_for_tags.html:16
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:102
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Odustani"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:58
+msgid "Validate email"
+msgstr "Potvrdi email"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:61
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">An email with a validation link has been sent to \n"
+"%%(email)s.</span> Please <strong>follow the emailed link</strong> with your \n"
+"web browser. Email validation is necessary to help insure the proper use of \n"
+"email on <span class=\\\"orange\\\">Q&amp;A</span>. If you would like to use \n"
+"<strong>another email</strong>, please <a \n"
+"href='%%(change_email_url)s'><strong>change it again</strong></a>."
+msgstr ""
+"<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">Poslan vam je email s potvrdnom vezom \n"
+"%%(email)s.</span> <strong>Otvorite vezu u emailu</strong> sa \n"
+"sa preglednikom. Potvrda je potrebna radi uvjeravanja u ispravno korištenje\n"
+"emaila u <span class=\\\"orange\\\">P&amp;O</span>. Ako želite koristiti \n"
+"<strong>drugi email</strong>, <a \n"
+"href='%%(change_email_url)s'><strong>promjenite ga ponovo</strong></a>."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:70
+msgid "Email not changed"
+msgstr "Email nije promjenjen"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:73
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">Your email address %%(email)s has not been changed.\n"
+"</span> If you decide to change it later - you can always do it by editing \n"
+"it in your user profile or by using the <a \n"
+"href='%%(change_email_url)s'><strong>previous form</strong></a> again."
+msgstr ""
+"<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">Vaša email adresa %%(email)s nije promijenjena.\n"
+"</span> Ako je kasnije odlučite promijeniti - to možete učinit \n"
+"u promjenom vašeg korisničkog profila ili korištenjem <a \n"
+"href='%%(change_email_url)s'><strong>prethodnog obrasca</strong></a> ponovo."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:80
+msgid "Email changed"
+msgstr "Email je promjenjen"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:83
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<span class='big strong'>Your email address is now set to %%(email)s.</span> \n"
+"Updates on the questions that you like most will be sent to this address. \n"
+"Email notifications are sent once a day or less frequently - only when there \n"
+"are any news."
+msgstr ""
+"<span class='big strong'>Vaša email adresa je promijenjena u %%(email)s.</span> \n"
+"Dopune pitanja biti će poslane na ovu email adresu. \n"
+"Email napomene se šalju jednom dnevno - samo kad ima novosti. "
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:91
+msgid "Email verified"
+msgstr "Email potvrđen"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:94
+msgid ""
+"<span class=\\\"big strong\\\">Thank you for verifying your email!</span> Now \n"
+"you can <strong>ask</strong> and <strong>answer</strong> questions. Also if \n"
+"you find a very interesting question you can <strong>subscribe for the \n"
+"updates</strong> - then will be notified about changes <strong>once a day</strong>\n"
+"or less frequently."
+msgstr ""
+"<span class=\\\"big strong\\\">Hvala na potvrdi emaila!</span> Sada \n"
+"možete <strong>postaviti</strong> i <strong>odgovarati</strong> na pitanja. \n"
+"Ako nađete interesantno pitanje možete se <strong>pretplatiti na dopune \n"
+"pitanja</strong> - o promjenama ćete biti obaviješteni <strong>jednom dnevno</strong>\n"
+"ili manje učestalo."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:102
+msgid "Validation email not sent"
+msgstr "Potvrdni email nije poslan"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/changeemail.html:105
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<span class='big strong'>Your current email address %%(email)s has been \n"
+"validated before</span> so the new key was not sent. You can <a \n"
+"href='%%(change_link)s'>change</a> email used for update subscriptions if \n"
+msgstr ""
+"<span class='big strong'>Vaša trenutna email adresa %%(email)s je \n"
+"već potvrđena</span> stoga nije poslan novi ključ. Ako je potrebno <a \n"
+"href='%%(change_link)s'>možete promijeniti</a> email za ažuriranje \n"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/complete.html:21
+msgid "Registration"
+msgstr "Registracija"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/complete.html:23
+msgid "User registration"
+msgstr "Registracija korisnika"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/complete.html:60
+msgid "<strong>Receive forum updates by email</strong>"
+msgstr "<strong>Primajte dopune s foruma putem emaila</strong>"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/complete.html:64
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:46
+msgid "please select one of the options above"
+msgstr "odaberite jednu od gornjih mogućenosti"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/complete.html:67
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:4
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:53
+msgid "Signup"
+msgstr "Upiši me"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/confirm_email.txt:1
+msgid "Thank you for registering at our Q&A forum!"
+msgstr "Hvala što ste se registrirali na naš P&O forum!"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/confirm_email.txt:3
+msgid "Your account details are:"
+msgstr "Detalji vašeg računa su:"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/confirm_email.txt:5
+msgid "Username:"
+msgstr "Korisničko ime:"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/confirm_email.txt:6
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Lozinka:"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/confirm_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please sign in here:"
+msgstr "Upišite se ovdje:"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/confirm_email.txt:11
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/email_validation.txt:13
+msgid ""
+"Q&A Forum Administrator"
+msgstr ""
+"S štovanjem,\n"
+"P&O Forum Administrator"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/email_validation.txt:1
+msgid "Greetings from the Q&A forum"
+msgstr "Pozdrav od P&O foruma"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/email_validation.txt:3
+msgid "To make use of the Forum, please follow the link below:"
+msgstr "Za korištenje Foruma, pratite vezu ispod:"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/email_validation.txt:7
+msgid "Following the link above will help us verify your email address."
+msgstr "Pratite vezu iznad kako bi mogli potvrdite vašu email adresu."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/email_validation.txt:9
+msgid ""
+"If you believe that this message was sent in mistake - \n"
+"no further action is needed. Just ignore this email, we apologize\n"
+"for any inconvenience"
+msgstr ""
+"Ako smatrate da je ova poruka poslana greškom - \n"
+"daljnji potezi nisu potrebni. Ignorirajte ovu poruku. \n"
+"Ispričavamo se zbog greške"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/logout.html:3
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Sign out"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/logout.html:5
+msgid "You have successfully logged out"
+msgstr "Uspješno ste se odjavili"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/logout.html:7
+msgid "However, you still may be logged in to your OpenID provider. Please logout of your provider if you wish to do so."
+msgstr "Moguće je da ste i dalje prijavljeni kod vašeg OpenID pružatelja usluge pristupa. Ako želite odjavite se sa vašeg pružatelja usluge pristupa."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:4
+msgid "User login"
+msgstr "User login"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:14
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+" Your answer to %(title)s %(summary)s will be posted once you log in\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+"<span class=\"strong big\">Your answer to </span> <i>\"<strong>%(title)s</strong> %(summary)s...\"</i> <span class=\"strong big\">is saved and will be posted once you log in.</span>"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:21
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Your question \n"
+" %(title)s %(summary)s will be posted once you log in\n"
+" "
+msgstr "<span class=\"strong big\">Your question</span> <i>\"<strong>%(title)s</strong> %(summary)s...\"</i> <span class=\"strong big\">is saved and will be posted once you log in.</span>"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:28
+msgid "Choose your favorite service below to sign in using secure OpenID or similar technology. Your external service password always stays confidential and you don't have to rememeber or create another one."
+msgstr "Izaberite vaš omiljeni servis za prijavu korištenjem sigurnog OpenID-a ili slične tehnologije. Lozinka vašeg vanjskog servisa uvijek ostaje tajna i ne morate pamtiti ili kreirati drugu. "
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:31
+msgid "It's a good idea to make sure that your existing login methods still work, or add a new one. Please click any of the icons below to check/change or add new login methods."
+msgstr "Dobra je ideja provjeriti da li vaši postojeći načini prijave rade ili dodati novi način. Kliknite na bilo koju ikonu dolje i provjerite/promijenite ili dodajte novu metodu za prijavu."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:33
+msgid "Please add a more permanent login method by clicking one of the icons below, to avoid logging in via email each time."
+msgstr "Dodajte trajniji način prijave klikom na jednu od ikona dolje, kako bi ste izbjegli prijavljivanje putem email svaki put."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:37
+msgid "Click on one of the icons below to add a new login method or re-validate an existing one."
+msgstr "Kliknite na jednu od ikona dolje za dodavanje novih načina prijave ili ponovnu potvrdu postojećih."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:39
+msgid "You don't have a method to log in right now, please add one or more by clicking any of the icons below."
+msgstr "Nemate način prijave, dodajte jedan ili više klikom na jednu od ikona dolje."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:42
+msgid "Please check your email and visit the enclosed link to re-connect to your account"
+msgstr "Provjerite vaš email i posjetite vezu u prilogu radi ponovnog spajanja vašeg računa"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:89
+msgid "or enter your <span>user name and password</span>, then sign in"
+msgstr "ili unesite vaše <span>korisničko ime i lozinku</span>, zatim se prijavite"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:93
+msgid "Please, sign in"
+msgstr "Prijavite se"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:100
+msgid "Login failed, please try again"
+msgstr "Prijava nije uspjela, pokušajte ponovo"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:104
+msgid "Login or email"
+msgstr "Korisničko ime ili email"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:108
+#: utils/
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Lozinka"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:120
+msgid "To change your password - please enter the new one twice, then submit"
+msgstr "Za promjenu vaše lozinke unesite novu dva puta zatim podnesite"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:124
+msgid "New password"
+msgstr "Nova lozinka"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:133
+msgid "Please, retype"
+msgstr "Ponovo unesite"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:157
+msgid "Here are your current login methods"
+msgstr "Ovo su vaše trenutni načini prijave"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:161
+msgid "provider"
+msgstr "pružatelj usluge pristupa"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:162
+msgid "last used"
+msgstr "zadnji korišten"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:163
+msgid "delete, if you like"
+msgstr "obrišite ako želite"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:177
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:13
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:4
+msgid "delete"
+msgstr "obriši"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:179
+msgid "cannot be deleted"
+msgstr "ne može se obrisati"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:192
+msgid "Still have trouble signing in?"
+msgstr "Imate i dalje problema s prijavom?"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:197
+msgid "Please, enter your email address below and obtain a new key"
+msgstr "Unesite vašu email adresu ispod i preuzmite novi ključ"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:199
+msgid "Please, enter your email address below to recover your account"
+msgstr "Unesite vašu email adresu ispod za obnovu vašeg računa"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:202
+msgid "recover your account via email"
+msgstr "obnovite račun putem emaila"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:213
+msgid "Send a new recovery key"
+msgstr "Pošalji novi ključ za obnovu"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signin.html:215
+msgid "Recover your account via email"
+msgstr "Obnovite račun putem emaila"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:10
+msgid "Please register by clicking on any of the icons below"
+msgstr "Registrirajte se klikom na jednu od ikona ispod"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:23
+msgid "or create a new user name and password here"
+msgstr "ili kreirajte novo korisničko ime i lozinku ovdje"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:25
+msgid "Create login name and password"
+msgstr "Kreiraj korisničko ime i lozinku"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:26
+msgid ""
+"<span class='strong big'>If you prefer, create your forum login name and \n"
+"password here. However</span>, please keep in mind that we also support \n"
+"<strong>OpenID</strong> login method. With <strong>OpenID</strong> you can \n"
+"simply reuse your external login (e.g. Gmail or AOL) without ever sharing \n"
+"your login details with anyone and having to remember yet another password."
+msgstr ""
+"<span class='strong big'>Ako želite, kreirajte vaše forum ime i lozinku ovdje. \n"
+"</span> Imajte na umu da da podržavamo \n"
+"<strong>OpenID</strong> način prijave. Sa <strong>OpenID-om</strong> možete \n"
+"jednostavno upotrijebiti postojeći račun (npr. Gmail ili Yahoo) bez dijeljenja \n"
+"vaših podataka za prijavu ili potrebe za pamćenjem nove lozinke."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:41
+msgid "<strong>Receive periodic updates by email</strong>"
+msgstr "<strong>Periodno primaj dopune putem emaila</strong>"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:50
+msgid "Please read and type in the two words below to help us prevent automated account creation."
+msgstr "Pročitajte i unesite dvije riječi ispod i pomozite nam spriječiti automatsko kreiranje računa."
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:55
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "ili"
+#: skins/common/templates/authopenid/signup_with_password.html:56
+msgid "return to OpenID login"
+msgstr "vrati na OpenID prijavu"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/add.html:3
+msgid "add avatar"
+msgstr "dodaj avatar"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/add.html:5
+msgid "Change avatar"
+msgstr "Promijeni avatar"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/add.html:6
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/change.html:7
+msgid "Your current avatar: "
+msgstr "Vaš trenutni avatar:"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/add.html:9
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/change.html:11
+msgid "You haven't uploaded an avatar yet. Please upload one now."
+msgstr "Niste još poslali avatar. Pošaljite ga."
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/add.html:13
+msgid "Upload New Image"
+msgstr "Pošalji Novu Sliku"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/change.html:4
+msgid "change avatar"
+msgstr "promjeni avatar"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/change.html:17
+msgid "Choose new Default"
+msgstr "Odaberit novi Zadani"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/change.html:22
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Pošalji"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/confirm_delete.html:2
+msgid "delete avatar"
+msgstr "obriši avatar"
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/confirm_delete.html:4
+msgid "Please select the avatars that you would like to delete."
+msgstr "Odaberite avatare koje želite obrisati."
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/confirm_delete.html:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have no avatars to delete. Please <a href=\"%(avatar_change_url)s\">upload one</a> now."
+msgstr "Nema avatara za brisanje. <a href=\"%(avatar_change_url)s\">Pošaljite jedan</a> sad."
+#: skins/common/templates/avatar/confirm_delete.html:12
+msgid "Delete These"
+msgstr "Obriši Ove"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:2
+msgid "swap with question"
+msgstr "zamjeni sa pitanjem"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:7
+msgid "permanent link"
+msgstr "stalna veza"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:8
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:45
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:40
+msgid "link"
+msgstr "veza"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:13
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:4
+msgid "undelete"
+msgstr "vrati obrisano"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:19
+msgid "remove offensive flag"
+msgstr "ukloni zastavu uvredljivo"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:21
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:16
+msgid "remove flag"
+msgstr "ukloni zastavu"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:26
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:35
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:14
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:20
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:27
+msgid "report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)"
+msgstr "prijavi kao uvredljivo (npr. sadrži neželjen sadržaj, oglase, zlonamjeran tekst itd.)"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:28
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:37
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:22
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:29
+msgid "flag offensive"
+msgstr "označi zastavom uvredljivo"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_controls.html:41
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:36
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:311
+#: skins/default/templates/revisions.html:38
+#: skins/default/templates/revisions.html:41
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "uredi"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_vote_buttons.html:6
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:24
+msgid "this answer has been selected as correct"
+msgstr "ovaj odgovor je odabran kao točan"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/answer_vote_buttons.html:8
+msgid "mark this answer as correct (click again to undo)"
+msgstr "označi ovaj odgovor kao točan (kliknite ponovo za poništavanje)"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/closed_question_info.html:2
+#, python-format
+msgid "The question has been closed for the following reason <b>\"%(close_reason)s\"</b> <i>by"
+msgstr "Pitanje je zatvoreno zbog sljedećih razloga <b>\"%(close_reason)s\"</b> <i>od strane"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/closed_question_info.html:4
+#, python-format
+msgid "close date %(closed_at)s"
+msgstr "datum zatvaranja %(closed_at)s"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:6
+msgid "reopen"
+msgstr "ponovo otvori"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:8
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:67
+msgid "close"
+msgstr "zatvori"
+#: skins/common/templates/question/question_controls.html:35
+msgid "retag"
+msgstr "ponovo označi"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/edit_post.html:22
+msgid ", one of these is required"
+msgstr ", jedno od ovoga je nužno"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/edit_post.html:31
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/edit_post.html:36
+msgid "tags:"
+msgstr "oznake:"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/edit_post.html:32
+msgid "(required)"
+msgstr "(nužno)"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/edit_post.html:58
+msgid "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview"
+msgstr "Aktiviraj/deaktiviraj prikaz Markdown uređivača u stvarnom vremenu"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/edit_post.html:60
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:61
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:64
+#: skins/default/templates/ask.html:49
+#: skins/default/templates/ask.html:52
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:73
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:76
+#: skins/default/templates/question/javascript.html:85
+#: skins/default/templates/question/javascript.html:88
+msgid "hide preview"
+msgstr "sakri prikaz"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/related_tags.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:4
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Oznake"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/tag_selector.html:4
+msgid "Interesting tags"
+msgstr "Zanimljive oznake"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/tag_selector.html:19
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/tag_selector.html:36
+msgid "add"
+msgstr "+"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/tag_selector.html:21
+msgid "Ignored tags"
+msgstr "Ignorirane oznake"
+#: skins/common/templates/widgets/tag_selector.html:38
+msgid "Display tag filter"
+msgstr "Prikaži filter oznaka"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:10
+msgid "Page not found"
+msgstr "Stranica nije pronađena"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:13
+msgid "Sorry, could not find the page you requested."
+msgstr "Tražena stranica nije pronađena."
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:15
+msgid "This might have happened for the following reasons:"
+msgstr "Ovo se moglo dogoditi zbog sljedećih razloga:"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:17
+msgid "this question or answer has been deleted;"
+msgstr "ovo pitanje ili odgovor je obrisano;"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:18
+msgid "url has error - please check it;"
+msgstr "url ima grešku - provjerite"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:19
+msgid "the page you tried to visit is protected or you don't have sufficient points, see"
+msgstr "stranice koju ste htjeli posjetiti je zaštićena ili nemate dovoljno bodova za pregled"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:19
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/footer.html:39
+msgid "faq"
+msgstr "čpp"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:20
+msgid "if you believe this error 404 should not have occured, please"
+msgstr "ako smatrate da se 404 greška nije smjela dogoditi, "
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:21
+msgid "report this problem"
+msgstr "prijavite ovaj problem"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:30
+#: skins/default/templates/500.jinja.html:11
+msgid "back to previous page"
+msgstr "natrag na prethodnu stranicu"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:31
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/scope_nav.html:6
+msgid "see all questions"
+msgstr "sva pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/404.jinja.html:32
+msgid "see all tags"
+msgstr "sve oznake"
+#: skins/default/templates/500.jinja.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/500.jinja.html:5
+msgid "Internal server error"
+msgstr "Interna greška poslužitelja"
+#: skins/default/templates/500.jinja.html:8
+msgid "system error log is recorded, error will be fixed as soon as possible"
+msgstr "greška na sistemu je zabilježena, greška će biti uklonjena u najkraćem mogućem vremenu"
+#: skins/default/templates/500.jinja.html:9
+msgid "please report the error to the site administrators if you wish"
+msgstr "ako želite prijavite grešku administratoru"
+#: skins/default/templates/500.jinja.html:12
+msgid "see latest questions"
+msgstr "zadnja pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/500.jinja.html:13
+msgid "see tags"
+msgstr "sve oznake"
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:10
+msgid "Edit answer"
+msgstr "Uredi odgovor"
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:10
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:9
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:5
+#: skins/default/templates/revisions.html:7
+msgid "back"
+msgstr "nazad"
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:14
+msgid "revision"
+msgstr "revizija"
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:17
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:16
+msgid "select revision"
+msgstr "odaberite reviziju"
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:24
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:35
+msgid "Save edit"
+msgstr "Sačuvaj uređeno"
+#: skins/default/templates/answer_edit.html:64
+#: skins/default/templates/ask.html:52
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:76
+#: skins/default/templates/question/javascript.html:88
+msgid "show preview"
+msgstr "pokaži prikaz"
+#: skins/default/templates/ask.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/ask_button.html:5
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/ask_form.html:43
+msgid "Ask Your Question"
+msgstr "Postavi Pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/badge.html:5
+#: skins/default/templates/badge.html:9
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_recent.html:19
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:108
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(name)s"
+msgstr "%(name)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/badge.html:5
+msgid "Badge"
+msgstr "Značka"
+#: skins/default/templates/badge.html:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "Badge \"%(name)s\""
+msgstr "Značka \"%(name)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/badge.html:9
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_recent.html:17
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:106
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(description)s"
+msgstr "%(description)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/badge.html:14
+msgid "user received this badge:"
+msgid_plural "users received this badge:"
+msgstr[0] "korisnik je dobio ovu značku:"
+msgstr[1] "korisnici su dobili ove značke:"
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:5
+msgid "Badges"
+msgstr "Značke"
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:7
+msgid "Community gives you awards for your questions, answers and votes."
+msgstr "Zajednica vam daje nagrade za vaša pitanja, odgovore i glasove."
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:8
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Below is the list of available badges and number \n"
+" of times each type of badge has been awarded. Have ideas about fun \n"
+"badges? Please, give us your <a href='%%(feedback_faq_url)s'>feedback</a>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ispod se nalazi lista dostupnih znački i koliko \n"
+" puta je svaka značka nagrađena. Imate ideju o zabavnim \n"
+"značkama? Dajte nam svoje <a href='%%(feedback_faq_url)s'>svoje mišljenje</a>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:36
+msgid "Community badges"
+msgstr "Badge levels"
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:38
+msgid "gold badge: the highest honor and is very rare"
+msgstr "zlatna značka: najčasnija i vrlo je rijetka"
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:41
+msgid ""
+"Gold badge is the highest award in this community. To obtain it have to show \n"
+"profound knowledge and ability in addition to your active participation."
+msgstr ""
+"Zlatna značka je najveća nagrada u ovoj zajednici. Za njeno dobivanje morate \n"
+"uz aktivno sudjelovanje pokazati profinjeno znanje i sposobnost "
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:47
+msgid "silver badge: occasionally awarded for the very high quality contributions"
+msgstr "srebrna značka: daje se povremeno za vrlo kvalitetan doprinos"
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:51
+msgid "msgid \"silver badge: occasionally awarded for the very high quality contributions"
+msgstr "msgid \"srebrna značka: daje se povremeno za vrlo kvalitetan doprinos"
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:54
+#: skins/default/templates/badges.html:58
+msgid "bronze badge: often given as a special honor"
+msgstr "brončana značka: često se daje kao posebna čast"
+#: skins/default/templates/close.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/close.html:5
+msgid "Close question"
+msgstr "Zatvori pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/close.html:6
+msgid "Close the question"
+msgstr "Zatvori to pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/close.html:11
+msgid "Reasons"
+msgstr "Razlozi"
+#: skins/default/templates/close.html:15
+msgid "OK to close"
+msgstr "Uredu, zatvori"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:5
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:20
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:16
+#: views/
+msgid "FAQ"
+msgstr "ČPP"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:5
+msgid "Frequently Asked Questions "
+msgstr "Često Postavljena Pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:6
+msgid "What kinds of questions can I ask here?"
+msgstr "Koja pitanja mogu ovdje postaviti?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:7
+msgid "Most importanly - questions should be <strong>relevant</strong> to this community."
+msgstr "Najvažnije - pitanja moraju biti <strong>relevantna</strong> za ovu zajednicu"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:8
+msgid "Before you ask - please make sure to search for a similar question. You can search questions by their title or tags."
+msgstr "Prije nego postavite pitanje - provjerite da li ima sličnih pitanja. Pitanja možete tražiti po naslovu ili oznakama."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:10
+msgid "What kinds of questions should be avoided?"
+msgstr "Koja pitanja treba izbjegavati?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:11
+msgid "Please avoid asking questions that are not relevant to this community, too subjective and argumentative."
+msgstr "Izbjegavajte postavljati pitanja koja nisu relevantna za ovu zajednicu, previše subjektivna ili raspravna pitanja."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:13
+msgid "What should I avoid in my answers?"
+msgstr "Što trebam izbjegavati u dogovorima?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:14
+msgid "is a <strong>question and answer</strong> site - <strong>it is not a discussion group</strong>. Please avoid holding debates in your answers as they tend to dilute the essense of questions and answers. For the brief discussions please use commenting facility."
+msgstr "je <strong>pitanje i odgovor</strong> stranica - <strong>nije grupa za raspravu</strong>. Pokušajte izbjegavati rasprave u svojim odgovorima jer znaju razvodniti bit pitanja i odgovora. Za kratke diskusije koristite komentare."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:15
+msgid "Who moderates this community?"
+msgstr "Tko uređuje ovu zajednicu?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:16
+msgid "The short answer is: <strong>you</strong>."
+msgstr "Kratak odgovor je: <strong>vi</strong>."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:17
+msgid "This website is moderated by the users."
+msgstr "Ovu internet stranicu uređuju korisnici."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:18
+msgid "Karma system allows users to earn rights to perform a variety of moderation tasks"
+msgstr "Sistem karme omogućava korisnicima da zarade prava na izvođenje raznih uređivačkih zadataka"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:20
+msgid "How does karma system work?"
+msgstr "Kako funkcionira sistem karme?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:21
+msgid "When a question or answer is upvoted, the user who posted them will gain some points, which are called \\\"karma points\\\". These points serve as a rough measure of the community trust to him/her. Various moderation tasks are gradually assigned to the users based on those points."
+msgstr "Kada se pitanje ili odgovor pozitivno ocjeni korisnik koji ih je objavio dobiva bodove, koji se zovu \\\"karma bodovi\\\". Ti bodovi služe kao gruba procjena povjerenja zajednice u njega/nju. Prema tim bodovima razne mogućnosti uređivanja se postupno dodjeljuju korisnicima.\" "
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:22
+#, python-format
+msgid "For example, if you ask an interesting question or give a helpful answer, your input will be upvoted. On the other hand if the answer is misleading - it will be downvoted. Each vote in favor will generate <strong>%(REP_GAIN_FOR_RECEIVING_UPVOTE)s</strong> points, each vote against will subtract <strong>%(REP_LOSS_FOR_RECEIVING_DOWNVOTE)s</strong> points. There is a limit of <strong>%(MAX_REP_GAIN_PER_USER_PER_DAY)s</strong> points that can be accumulated for a question or answer per day. The table below explains reputation point requirements for each type of moderation task."
+msgstr "Na primjer, ako postavite zanimljivo pitanje ili date koristan odgovor, uaš unos će biti pozitivno ocijenjen. S druge strane ako je odgovor navodi na pogrešno mišljenje - biti će negativno ocijenjen. Svaki glas za dodat će <strong>%(REP_GAIN_FOR_RECEIVING_UPVOTE)s</strong> bodova, svaki glas protiv će oduzeti <strong>%(REP_LOSS_FOR_RECEIVING_DOWNVOTE)s</strong> bodova. Postoji limit od <strong>%(MAX_REP_GAIN_PER_USER_PER_DAY)s</strong> bodova koji se mogu dnevno dobiti za pitanja i dogovore. Tablica ispod objašnjava potreban broj bodova za izvođenje svakog tipa uređivanja."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:32
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_votes.html:13
+msgid "upvote"
+msgstr "pozitivan glas"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:36
+msgid "add comments"
+msgstr "dodaj komentare"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:40
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_votes.html:15
+msgid "downvote"
+msgstr "negativan glas"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:43
+msgid " accept own answer to own questions"
+msgstr "prihvati svoj odgovor na svoje pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:47
+msgid "open and close own questions"
+msgstr "otvori i zatvori svoja pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:51
+msgid "retag other's questions"
+msgstr "ponovo označi pitanja drugih korisnika"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:56
+msgid "edit community wiki questions"
+msgstr "uredi pitanja wiki zajednice"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:61
+msgid "edit any answer"
+msgstr "uredi bilo koji odgovor"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:65
+msgid "delete any comment"
+msgstr "obriši bilo koji komentar"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:69
+msgid "How to change my picture (gravatar) and what is gravatar?"
+msgstr "Kako da promjenim sliku (gavatar) i što je gavatar?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:70
+msgid "<p>The picture that appears on the users profiles is called <strong>gravatar</strong> (which means <strong>g</strong>lobally <strong>r</strong>ecognized <strong>avatar</strong>).</p><p>Here is how it works: a <strong>cryptographic key</strong> (unbreakable code) is calculated from your email address. You upload your picture (or your favorite alter ego image) the website <a href=''><strong></strong></a> from where we later retreive your image using the key.</p><p>This way all the websites you trust can show your image next to your posts and your email address remains private.</p><p>Please <strong>personalize your account</strong> with an image - just register at <a href=''><strong></strong></a> (just please be sure to use the same email address that you used to register with us). Default image that looks like a kitchen tile is generated automatically.</p>"
+msgstr "<p>Slika prikazana na profilu korisnika je <strong>gravatar</strong> (što znači <strong>g</strong>lobalno <strong>p</strong>repoznatljiv <strong>avatar</strong>).</p><p>To ovako funkcionira: <strong>kriptiran ključ</strong> (neslomljiv kod) se kreira iz vaše email adrese. Pošaljete svoju sliku (ili sliku vašeg omiljenog alter ega) na intarnet stranicu <a href=''><strong></strong></a> odakle ćete kasnije preuzimati sliku pomoću ključa.</p><p>Tako sve stranice kojima vjerujete mogu prikazati vašu sliku pokraj vaših postova, a vaša email adresa ostaje privatna.</p><p><strong>Uredite vaš račun</strong> sa slikom registriranom na <a href=''><strong></strong></a> (molimo vas da koristite istu email adresu s kojom ste se registrirali kod nas). Zadana slika koja izgleda kao kuhinjske pločice dodjeljuje se automatski.</p>"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:71
+msgid "To register, do I need to create new password?"
+msgstr "Da li trebam kreirati novu lozinku za registraciju?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:72
+msgid "No, you don't have to. You can login through any service that supports OpenID, e.g. Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc.\""
+msgstr "Ne, ne morate. Možete se prijaviti putem bilo kojeg servisa koji podržava OpenID, tj. Google, Yahoo, AOL, itd.\""
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:73
+msgid "\"Login now!\""
+msgstr "\"Prijavi sad!\""
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:75
+msgid "Why other people can edit my questions/answers?"
+msgstr "Zašto drugi korisnici mogu uređivati moja pitanja/odgovore?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:76
+msgid "Goal of this site is..."
+msgstr "Cilj ove internet stranice je ..."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:76
+msgid "So questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced users of this site and this improves the overall quality of the knowledge base content."
+msgstr "Zato da se pitanja i odgovori mogu uređivati kao wiki stranice putem iskusnih korisnika ove stranice što unapređuje kvalitetu sadržaja."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:77
+msgid "If this approach is not for you, we respect your choice."
+msgstr "Ako vam ovaj pristup ne odgovara, poštujemo vaš izbor."
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:79
+msgid "Still have questions?"
+msgstr "Imate drugih pitanja?"
+#: skins/default/templates/faq_static.html:80
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please <a href='%%(ask_question_url)s'>ask</a> your question, help make our community better!"
+msgstr "<a href='%%(ask_question_url)s'>Postavi pitanje</a>, pomozi učiti zajednicu boljom!"
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:3
+msgid "Feedback"
+msgstr "Povratna informacija"
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:5
+msgid "Give us your feedback!"
+msgstr "Dajte nam povratnu informaciju!"
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:14
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+" <span class='big strong'>Dear %(user_name)s</span>, we look forward to hearing your feedback. \n"
+" Please type and send us your message below.\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+" <span class='big strong'>Dragi/a %(user_name)s</span>, želimo od vas čuti povratnu informaciju. \n"
+" Pošaljite nam poruku.\n"
+" "
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:21
+msgid ""
+" <span class='big strong'>Dear visitor</span>, we look forward to hearing your feedback.\n"
+" Please type and send us your message below.\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+" <span class='big strong'> Dragi posjetitelju </span>, želimo od vas čuti povratnu informaciju. \n"
+" Pošaljite nam poruku.\n"
+" "
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:30
+msgid "(to hear from us please enter a valid email or check the box below)"
+msgstr "(ako želite informacije od nas unesite ispravnu email adresu ili označite okvir za izbor ispod)"
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:37
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:46
+msgid "(this field is required)"
+msgstr "(ovo polje je nužno)"
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:55
+msgid "(Please solve the captcha)"
+msgstr "(Riješite captchu)"
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback.html:63
+msgid "Send Feedback"
+msgstr "Pošalji Povratnu Informaciju"
+#: skins/default/templates/feedback_email.txt:2
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Hello, this is a %(site_title)s forum feedback message.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pozdrav, ovo je povratna poruka sa %(site_title)s foruma.\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:2
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:4
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Pomoć"
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "Welcome %(username)s,"
+msgstr "Dobrodošao/la %(username)s,"
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:9
+msgid "Welcome,"
+msgstr "Dobrodošli,"
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:13
+#, python-format
+msgid "Thank you for using %(app_name)s, here is how it works."
+msgstr "Hvala što koristite %(app_name)s, ovako funkcionira stranica"
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:16
+msgid "This site is for asking and answering questions, not for open-ended discussions."
+msgstr "Ova internet stranica je za postavljanje i odgovaranje na pitanja, ne za bezgranične rasprave."
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:17
+msgid "We encourage everyone to use “question” space for asking and “answer” for answering."
+msgstr "Podupiremo svakog da koristi prostor \"pitanje\" za postavljanje i prostor \"odgovor\" za odgovaranje."
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:20
+msgid ""
+"Despite that, each question and answer can be commented – \n"
+" the comments are good for the limited discussions."
+msgstr ""
+"Usprkos tomu, svako pitanje i odgovor se mogu komentirati – \n"
+" komentari su dobri za ograničene rasprave."
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:24
+#, python-format
+msgid "Voting in %(app_name)s helps to select best answers and thank most helpful users."
+msgstr "Glasanjem u %(app_name)s pomažete pri odabiru najboljih odgovora i zahvaljujete najkorisnijim korisnicima."
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:26
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Please vote when you find helpful information,\n"
+" it really helps the %(app_name)s community."
+msgstr ""
+"Glasajte kad pronađete korisne informacije, \n"
+" to pomaže %(app_name)s zajednici."
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:29
+msgid ""
+"Besides, you can @mention users anywhere in the text to point their attention,\n"
+" follow users and conversations and report inappropriate content by flagging it."
+msgstr ""
+"Osim toga, možete @spomenuti korisnike bilo gdje u tekstu da im privučete, \n"
+" pažnju, pratiti korisnike i razgovore te prijaviti neprikladan sadržaj."
+#: skins/default/templates/help.html:32
+msgid "Enjoy."
+msgstr "Uživajte."
+#: skins/default/templates/import_data.html:2
+#: skins/default/templates/import_data.html:4
+msgid "Import StackExchange data"
+msgstr "Unesi StackExchange podatke"
+#: skins/default/templates/import_data.html:13
+msgid ""
+"<em>Warning:</em> if your database is not empty, please back it up\n"
+" before attempting this operation."
+msgstr ""
+"<em>Upozorenje:</em> ako vaša baza podataka nije prazna, napravite kopiju\n"
+" prije izvršenja."
+#: skins/default/templates/import_data.html:16
+msgid ""
+"Upload your stackexchange dump .zip file, then wait until\n"
+" the data import completes. This process may take several minutes.\n"
+" Please note that feedback will be printed in plain text.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pošaljite vašu stackexchange dump .zip datoteku, zatim\n"
+" pričekajte do kraja prijenosa podataka. Ovo može potrajati nekoliko \n"
+" minuta. Imajte na umu da će te dobiti povratni ispis u tekstualnoj datoteci.\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/import_data.html:25
+msgid "Import data"
+msgstr "Unesi podatke"
+#: skins/default/templates/import_data.html:27
+msgid ""
+"In the case you experience any difficulties in using this import tool,\n"
+" please try importing your data via command line: <code>python load_stackexchange path/to/</code>"
+msgstr ""
+"Ukoliko naiđete na probleme prilikom korištenja alata za prijenosa podataka, \n"
+" probajte unijeti vaše podatke putem komandne linije: <code>python load_stackexchange path/to/</code>"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "<p>Dear %(receiving_user_name)s,</p>"
+msgstr "<p>Dragi/ga %(receiving_user_name)s,</p>"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:3
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s left a <a href=\"%(post_url)s\">new comment</a>:</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s je ostavio <a href=\"%(post_url)s\">novi komentar</a>:</p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:8
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s left a <a href=\"%(post_url)s\">new comment</a></p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s je ostavio <a href=\"%(post_url)s\">novi komentar</a></p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:13
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s answered a question \n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s je odgovorio na pitanje \n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:19
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s posted a new question \n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s je objavio novo pitanje \n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:25
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s updated an answer to the question\n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s je ažurirao odtovor na pitanje\n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:31
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s updated a question \n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>%(update_author_name)s je ažurirao pitanje \n"
+"<a href=\"%(post_url)s\">%(origin_post_title)s</a></p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:37
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<p>Please note - you can easily <a href=\"%(user_subscriptions_url)s\">change</a>\n"
+"how often you receive these notifications or unsubscribe. Thank you for your interest in our forum!</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Imajte na umu - možete jednostavno <a href=\"%(user_subscriptions_url)s\">promijeniti</a>\n"
+"koliko često primate obavijesti ili se odjaviti s pretplate . Hvala na interesu!</p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification.html:42
+msgid "<p>Sincerely,<br/>Forum Administrator</p>"
+msgstr "<p>S štovanjem,<br/>Forum Administrator</p>"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification_reply_by_email.html:3
+msgid ""
+"======= Reply above this line. ====-=-=\n"
+msgstr ""
+"======= Odgovorite iznad ove linije. ====-=-=\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/instant_notification_reply_by_email.html:8
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You can post an answer or a comment by replying to email notifications. To do that\n"
+"you need %(reply_by_email_karma_threshold)s karma, you have %(receiving_user_karma)s karma. \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Možete objaviti odgovor ili komentar odgovorom na email obavijest. Za to\n"
+"trebate %(reply_by_email_karma_threshold)s karme, vaša karma je%(receiving_user_karma)s. \n"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "Share this question on %(site)s"
+msgstr "Podijelite ovo pitanje na %(site)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:16
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:436
+#, python-format
+msgid "follow %(alias)s"
+msgstr "prati %(alias)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:19
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:439
+#, python-format
+msgid "unfollow %(alias)s"
+msgstr "prestani pratiti %(alias)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:20
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:440
+#, python-format
+msgid "following %(alias)s"
+msgstr "pratim %(alias)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:33
+msgid "current number of votes"
+msgstr "trenutan broj glasova"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:46
+msgid "anonymous user"
+msgstr "anonimni korisnik"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:79
+msgid "this post is marked as community wiki"
+msgstr "ovaj post je označen kao wiki zajednica"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:82
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"This post is a wiki.\n"
+" Anyone with karma &gt;%(wiki_min_rep)s is welcome to improve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Ovaj post je wiki.\n"
+" Svatko sa &gt;%(wiki_min_rep)s karmom može ga unaprijediti."
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:88
+msgid "asked"
+msgstr "pitano"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:90
+msgid "answered"
+msgstr "odgovoreno"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:92
+msgid "posted"
+msgstr "objavljeno"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:122
+msgid "updated"
+msgstr "ažurirano"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:202
+#, python-format
+msgid "see questions tagged '%(tag)s'"
+msgstr "pogledajte pitanja označena sa '%(tag)s'"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:304
+msgid "delete this comment"
+msgstr "obriši ovaj komentar"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:507
+#: templatetags/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(username)s gravatar image"
+msgstr "%(username)s gravatar slika"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:516
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(username)s's website is %(url)s"
+msgstr "%(username)s internet stranica je %(url)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:531
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:532
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:570
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:571
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "prethodni"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:543
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:582
+msgid "current page"
+msgstr "trenutna stranica"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:545
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:552
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:584
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:591
+#, python-format
+msgid "page %(num)s"
+msgstr "stranica %(num)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:556
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:595
+msgid "next page"
+msgstr "sljedeća stranica"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:607
+#, python-format
+msgid "responses for %(username)s"
+msgstr "odazivi za %(username)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:610
+#, python-format
+msgid "you have %(response_count)s new response"
+msgid_plural "you have %(response_count)s new responses"
+msgstr[0] "imate %(response_count)s novi odaziv"
+msgstr[1] "imate %(response_count)s novih odaziva"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:613
+msgid "no new responses yet"
+msgstr "nema novih odaziva"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:628
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:629
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(new)s new flagged posts and %(seen)s previous"
+msgstr "%(new)s novih postova sa zastavom i %(seen)s prethodnih"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:631
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:632
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(new)s new flagged posts"
+msgstr "%(new)s novih postova sa zastavom"
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:637
+#: skins/default/templates/macros.html:638
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(seen)s flagged posts"
+msgstr "%(seen)s postova sa zastavom "
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page.html:11
+msgid "Questions"
+msgstr "Pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question.html:110
+msgid "post a comment / <strong>some</strong> more"
+msgstr "objavite komentar / <strong>više</strong>"
+#: skins/default/templates/question.html:113
+msgid "see <strong>some</strong> more"
+msgstr "pogledaj <strong>više</strong>"
+#: skins/default/templates/question.html:117
+#: skins/default/templates/question/javascript.html:20
+msgid "post a comment"
+msgstr "objavi komentar"
+#: skins/default/templates/question.html:135
+#: skins/default/templates/question/content.html:40
+msgid "Answer Your Own Question"
+msgstr "Odgovorite na Svoje Pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/question.html:140
+msgid "Post Your Answer"
+msgstr "Objavite Svoj Odgovor"
+#: skins/default/templates/question.html:146
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/ask_form.html:41
+msgid "Login/Signup to Post"
+msgstr "Prijava/Upis za Objavu"
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/question_edit.html:9
+msgid "Edit question"
+msgstr "Uredi pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:5
+msgid "Retag question"
+msgstr "Ponovo označi pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:21
+msgid "Retag"
+msgstr "Ponovo označi"
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:28
+msgid "Why use and modify tags?"
+msgstr "Zašto koristiti i mijenjati oznake?"
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:30
+msgid "Tags help to keep the content better organized and searchable"
+msgstr "Oznake pomažu pri organizaciji i pretraživanju sadržaja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:32
+msgid "tag editors receive special awards from the community"
+msgstr "urednici oznaka primaju posebnu nagradu od zajednice"
+#: skins/default/templates/question_retag.html:59
+msgid "up to 5 tags, less than 20 characters each"
+msgstr "do 5 oznaka, manje od 20 znakova za svaku"
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:5
+msgid "Reopen question"
+msgstr "Ponovo otvori pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:6
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Naslov"
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:11
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"This question has been closed by \n"
+" <a href=\"%(closed_by_profile_url)s\">%(closed_by_username)s</a>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ovo pitanje je zatvorio \n"
+" <a href=\"%(closed_by_profile_url)s\">%(closed_by_username)s</a>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:16
+msgid "Close reason:"
+msgstr "Razlog zatvaranja:"
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:19
+msgid "When:"
+msgstr "Kada:"
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:22
+msgid "Reopen this question?"
+msgstr "Ponovo otvori ovo pitanje?"
+#: skins/default/templates/reopen.html:26
+msgid "Reopen this question"
+msgstr "Ponovo otvori ovo pitanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/reply_by_email_error.html:1
+msgid ""
+"<p>The system was unable to process your message successfully, the reason being:<p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Sistem nije uspješno obradio vašu poruku zbog:<p>\n"
+#: skins/default/templates/revisions.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/revisions.html:7
+msgid "Revision history"
+msgstr "Povijest revizije"
+#: skins/default/templates/revisions.html:23
+msgid "click to hide/show revision"
+msgstr "kliknite za prikaz/skrivanje revizije"
+#: skins/default/templates/revisions.html:29
+#, python-format
+msgid "revision %(number)s"
+msgstr "revizija broj %(number)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/subscribe_for_tags.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/subscribe_for_tags.html:5
+msgid "Subscribe for tags"
+msgstr "Pretplatite se na oznake"
+#: skins/default/templates/subscribe_for_tags.html:6
+msgid "Please, subscribe for the following tags:"
+msgstr "Pretplatite se na sljedeće oznake:"
+#: skins/default/templates/subscribe_for_tags.html:15
+msgid "Subscribe"
+msgstr "Pretplatite se"
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:8
+#, python-format
+msgid "Tags, matching \"%(stag)s\""
+msgstr "Oznake, slične \"%(stag)s\""
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:10
+msgid "Tag list"
+msgstr "Lista oznaka"
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:14
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:9
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/tab_bar.html:15
+msgid "Sort by &raquo;"
+msgstr "Sortiraj po"
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:19
+msgid "sorted alphabetically"
+msgstr "sortirano po abecedi"
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:20
+msgid "by name"
+msgstr "po imenu"
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:25
+msgid "sorted by frequency of tag use"
+msgstr "sortirano po učestalosti upotrebe oznake"
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:26
+msgid "by popularity"
+msgstr "po popularnosti"
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:31
+#: skins/default/templates/tags.html:56
+msgid "Nothing found"
+msgstr "Ništa nije pronađeno"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:6
+msgid "Users"
+msgstr "People"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:14
+msgid "see people with the highest reputation"
+msgstr "korisnici sa najvećim ugledom"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:15
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:25
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_reputation.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:23
+msgid "karma"
+msgstr "karma"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:20
+msgid "see people who joined most recently"
+msgstr "najnoviji korisnici "
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:21
+msgid "recent"
+msgstr "najnoviji"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:26
+msgid "see people who joined the site first"
+msgstr "najstariji korisnici"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:32
+msgid "see people sorted by name"
+msgstr "korisnici sortirani po imenu"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:33
+msgid "by username"
+msgstr " korisničkom imenu"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:39
+#, python-format
+msgid "users matching query %(suser)s:"
+msgstr "korisnici koji odgovaraju upitu %(suser)s:"
+#: skins/default/templates/users.html:42
+msgid "Nothing found."
+msgstr "Ništa nije pronađeno."
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:4
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(q_num)s question"
+msgid_plural "%(q_num)s questions"
+msgstr[0] "%(q_num)s pitanje"
+msgstr[1] "%(q_num)s pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "with %(author_name)s's contributions"
+msgstr "sa %(author_name)s doprinosima"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:12
+msgid "Tagged"
+msgstr "Označeno"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:24
+msgid "Search tips:"
+msgstr "Savjeti za pretraživanje:"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:27
+msgid "reset author"
+msgstr "vrati autora u izvorno stanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:29
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:32
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:18
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:21
+msgid " or "
+msgstr "ili"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:30
+msgid "reset tags"
+msgstr "vrati oznake u izvorno stanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:33
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:36
+msgid "start over"
+msgstr "počni ispočetka"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:38
+msgid " - to expand, or dig in by adding more tags and revising the query."
+msgstr "- za proširenje ili idi dublje dodavanjem više oznaka i mijenjanjem upita."
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:41
+msgid "Search tip:"
+msgstr "Savjet za pretragu:"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/headline.html:41
+msgid "add tags and a query to focus your search"
+msgstr "dodajte oznake i upit za poboljšanje pretrage"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:4
+msgid "There are no unanswered questions here"
+msgstr "Ovdje nema ne odgovorenih pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:7
+msgid "No questions here. "
+msgstr "Trenutno nema pitanja."
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:8
+msgid "Please follow some questions or follow some users."
+msgstr "Možete pratiti pitanja ili korisnike."
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:13
+msgid "You can expand your search by "
+msgstr "Možete proširiti pretragu po"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:16
+msgid "resetting author"
+msgstr "vraćanje autora u izvorno stanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:19
+msgid "resetting tags"
+msgstr "vraćanje oznaka u izvorno stanje"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:22
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:25
+msgid "starting over"
+msgstr "ponovo iz početka"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/nothing_found.html:30
+msgid "Please always feel free to ask your question!"
+msgstr "Slobodno postavi pitanje!"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/questions_loop.html:11
+msgid "Did not find what you were looking for?"
+msgstr "Niste pronašli što ste tražili?"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/questions_loop.html:12
+msgid "Please, post your question!"
+msgstr "Objavite vaše pitanje!"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/tab_bar.html:10
+msgid "subscribe to the questions feed"
+msgstr "pretplatite se na pitanja kanal"
+#: skins/default/templates/main_page/tab_bar.html:11
+msgid "RSS"
+msgstr "RSS"
+#: skins/default/templates/meta/bottom_scripts.html:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please note: %(app_name)s requires javascript to work properly, please enable javascript in your browser, <a href=\"%(noscript_url)s\">here is how</a>"
+msgstr "Napomena: %(app_name)s za ispravan rad zahtjeva javascript, omogućite javascript u vašem pregledniku, <a href=\"%(noscript_url)s\">ovako</a> "
+#: skins/default/templates/meta/editor_data.html:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "each tag must be shorter that %(max_chars)s character"
+msgid_plural "each tag must be shorter than %(max_chars)s characters"
+msgstr[0] "svaka oznaka mora biti kraća od %(max_chars)s znaka"
+msgstr[1] "svaka oznaka mora biti kraća od %(max_chars)s znakova"
+#: skins/default/templates/meta/editor_data.html:9
+#, python-format
+msgid "please use %(tag_count)s tag"
+msgid_plural "please use %(tag_count)s tags or less"
+msgstr[0] "koristite %(tag_count)s znak"
+msgstr[1] "koristite %(tag_count)s znakova ili manje\" "
+#: skins/default/templates/meta/editor_data.html:10
+#, python-format
+msgid "please use up to %(tag_count)s tags, less than %(max_chars)s characters each"
+msgstr "koristite do %(tag_count)s oznaka, manje od %(max_chars)s znakova za svaku"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:3
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+" %(counter)s Answer\n"
+" "
+msgid_plural ""
+" %(counter)s Answers\n"
+" "
+msgstr[0] ""
+" %(counter)s Odgovor\n"
+" "
+msgstr[1] ""
+" %(counter)s Odgovora\n"
+" "
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:11
+msgid "Sort by »"
+msgstr "Sortiraj po"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:14
+msgid "oldest answers will be shown first"
+msgstr "stariji odgovori biti će prikazani prvi"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:17
+msgid "newest answers will be shown first"
+msgstr "noviji odgovori biti će prikazani prvi"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/answer_tab_bar.html:20
+msgid "most voted answers will be shown first"
+msgstr "odgovori s najviše glasova biti će prikazani prvi"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/new_answer_form.html:16
+msgid "Login/Signup to Answer"
+msgstr "Prijava/Upis za Odgovor"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/new_answer_form.html:24
+msgid "Your answer"
+msgstr "Vaš odgovor"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/new_answer_form.html:26
+msgid "Be the first one to answer this question!"
+msgstr "Odgovorite prvi na ovo pitanje!"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/new_answer_form.html:32
+msgid "<span class='strong big'>Please start posting your answer anonymously</span> - your answer will be saved within the current session and published after you log in or create a new account. Please try to give a <strong>substantial answer</strong>, for discussions, <strong>please use comments</strong> and <strong>please do remember to vote</strong> (after you log in)!"
+msgstr "<span class='strong big'>Počnite objavljivati odgovore anonimno</span> - vaši odgovori biti će privremeno sačuvani i objavljeni nakon što se prijavite ili kreirate novi korisnički račun. Pokušajte dati <strong>značajan odgovor</strong>, za raspravu, <strong>koristite komentare</strong> i <strong> ne zaboravite glasati</strong> (nakon što se prijavite)!"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/new_answer_form.html:36
+msgid "<span class='big strong'>You are welcome to answer your own question</span>, but please make sure to give an <strong>answer</strong>. Remember that you can always <strong>revise your original question</strong>. Please <strong>use comments for discussions</strong> and <strong>please don't forget to vote :)</strong> for the answers that you liked (or perhaps did not like)!"
+msgstr "<span class='big strong'>Možete odgovoriti na svoje pitanje</span>, ali pazite da ispravno <strong>odgovorite</strong>. Imajte na umu da uvijek možete <strong>korigirati vaše originalno pitanje</strong>. <strong>Koristite komentare za raspravu</strong> i <strong>ne zaboravite glasati</strong> za odgovore koji vam se sviđaju (ili ne sviđaju)."
+#: skins/default/templates/question/new_answer_form.html:38
+msgid "<span class='big strong'>Please try to give a substantial answer</span>. If you wanted to comment on the question or answer, just <strong>use the commenting tool</strong>. Please remember that you can always <strong>revise your answers</strong> - no need to answer the same question twice. Also, please <strong>don't forget to vote</strong> - it really helps to select the best questions and answers!"
+msgstr "<span class='big strong'>Pokušajte dati značajan odgovor</span>. Ako želite komentirati pitanje ili odgovor, <strong>koristite alat za komentiranje</strong>. Upamtite da uvjek možete <strong>izmjeniti vaše odgovore</strong> - nema potrebe za dvostruki odgovor na isto pitanje. Također <strong>ne zaboravite glasati</strong> - to pomaže odabrati najbolja pitanja i odgovore!"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sharing_prompt_phrase.html:2
+#, python-format
+msgid "Know someone who can answer? Share a <a href=\"%(question_url)s\">link</a> to this question via"
+msgstr "Znate nekog tko zna odgovor? Podijelite <a href=\"%(question_url)s\">link</a> na ovo pitanje koristeći"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sharing_prompt_phrase.html:8
+msgid " or"
+msgstr "ili"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sharing_prompt_phrase.html:10
+msgid "email"
+msgstr "email"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:6
+msgid "Question tools"
+msgstr "Alat za pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:9
+msgid "click to unfollow this question"
+msgstr "kliknite za prestanak praćenja ovog pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:10
+msgid "Following"
+msgstr "Praćenje"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:11
+msgid "Unfollow"
+msgstr "Prekini praćenje"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:15
+msgid "click to follow this question"
+msgstr "kliknite za praćenje ovog pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:16
+msgid "Follow"
+msgstr "Prati"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:23
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(count)s follower"
+msgid_plural "%(count)s followers"
+msgstr[0] "%(count)s pratitelj"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)s pratitelja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:29
+msgid "email the updates"
+msgstr "pošalji dopune emailom"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:32
+msgid "<strong>Here</strong> (once you log in) you will be able to sign up for the periodic email updates about this question."
+msgstr "<strong>Ovdje</strong> (nakon što se prijavite) ćete se moći prijaviti za periodne email obavijesti o dopunama ovog pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:37
+msgid "subscribe to this question rss feed"
+msgstr "pretplatite se na rss kanal ovog pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:38
+msgid "subscribe to rss feed"
+msgstr "pretplatite se na rss kanal"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:46
+msgid "Stats"
+msgstr "Statistika"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:48
+msgid "Asked"
+msgstr "Pitano"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:51
+msgid "Seen"
+msgstr "Pogledan"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:51
+msgid "times"
+msgstr "puta"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:54
+msgid "Last updated"
+msgstr "Zadnje ažuriranje"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/sidebar.html:62
+msgid "Related questions"
+msgstr "Slična pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/subscribe_by_email_prompt.html:5
+msgid "Email me when there are any new answers"
+msgstr "U slučaju novih odgovora pošalji mi email"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/subscribe_by_email_prompt.html:11
+msgid "once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here"
+msgstr "nakon što se prijavite ovdje ćete se moći pretplatiti na bilo koje dopune"
+#: skins/default/templates/question/subscribe_by_email_prompt.html:12
+msgid "<span class='strong'>Here</span> (once you log in) you will be able to sign up for the periodic email updates about this question."
+msgstr "<span class='strong'>Ovdje</span> (nakon što se prijavite) ćete se moći prijaviti za povremene email obavijesti o dopunama ovog pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user.html:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(username)s's profile"
+msgstr "%(username)s profil"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:4
+msgid "Edit user profile"
+msgstr "Uredi korisnički profil"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:7
+msgid "edit profile"
+msgstr "uredi profil"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:21
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:15
+msgid "change picture"
+msgstr "promjeni sliku"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:25
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:19
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "ukloni"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:32
+msgid "Registered user"
+msgstr "Registrirani korisnik"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:39
+msgid "Screen Name"
+msgstr "Pokazno ime"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:59
+msgid "(cannot be changed)"
+msgstr "(ne može se promijeniti)"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_edit.html:101
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_email_subscriptions.html:22
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Ažuriraj"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_email_subscriptions.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:42
+msgid "subscriptions"
+msgstr "preplate"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_email_subscriptions.html:7
+msgid "Email subscription settings"
+msgstr "Postavke za email pretplate"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_email_subscriptions.html:9
+msgid "<span class='big strong'>Adjust frequency of email updates.</span> Receive updates on interesting questions by email, <strong><br/>help the community</strong> by answering questions of your colleagues. If you do not wish to receive emails - select 'no email' on all items below.<br/>Updates are only sent when there is any new activity on selected items."
+msgstr "<span class='big strong'>Podesite učestalost email dopuna.</span> Primajte dopune zanimljivih pitanja putem emaila, <strong><br/>pomozite zajednici</strong> odgovorom na pitanja vaših kolega. Ako ne želite primati emailove - odaberite 'bez emaila' na svim stavkama ispod.<br/>Dopune se šalju jedino ako postoji nova aktivnost na odabranim stavkama."
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_email_subscriptions.html:23
+msgid "Stop Email"
+msgstr "Isključi Email"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_favorites.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:27
+msgid "followed questions"
+msgstr "praćena pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:18
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:12
+msgid "inbox"
+msgstr "sandučić"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:34
+msgid "Sections:"
+msgstr "Odabiri:"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:38
+#, python-format
+msgid "forum responses (%(re_count)s)"
+msgstr "forum odgovori (%(re_count)s)"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "flagged items (%(flag_count)s)"
+msgstr "označene stavke (%(flag_count)s)"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:49
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:61
+msgid "select:"
+msgstr "odaberi:"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:51
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:63
+msgid "seen"
+msgstr "pregledan"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:52
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:64
+msgid "new"
+msgstr "novi"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:53
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:65
+msgid "none"
+msgstr "nijedan"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:54
+msgid "mark as seen"
+msgstr "označi kao pogledan"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:55
+msgid "mark as new"
+msgstr "označi kao nov"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:56
+msgid "dismiss"
+msgstr "odbaci"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:66
+msgid "remove flags"
+msgstr "ukloni zastave"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_inbox.html:68
+msgid "delete post"
+msgstr "obriši post"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:36
+msgid "update profile"
+msgstr "ažuriraj profil"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:40
+msgid "manage login methods"
+msgstr "uredi načine prijave"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:53
+msgid "real name"
+msgstr "pravo ime"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:58
+msgid "member since"
+msgstr "član od"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:63
+msgid "last seen"
+msgstr "zadnji put viđen"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:69
+msgid "website"
+msgstr "internet stranica"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:75
+msgid "location"
+msgstr "lokacija"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:82
+msgid "age"
+msgstr "dob"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:83
+msgid "age unit"
+msgstr "jedinica dobi"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:88
+msgid "todays unused votes"
+msgstr "dnevni glasovi"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_info.html:89
+msgid "votes left"
+msgstr "glasova preostalo"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:48
+msgid "moderation"
+msgstr "uređenje"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:8
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(username)s's current status is \"%(status)s\""
+msgstr "%(username)s trenutni status je \"%(status)s\""
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:11
+msgid "User status changed"
+msgstr "Promijenjen status korisnika"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:20
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Spremi"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:25
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your current reputation is %(reputation)s points"
+msgstr "Vaš trenutni ugled iznosi %(reputation)s bodova"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:27
+#, python-format
+msgid "User's current reputation is %(reputation)s points"
+msgstr "Trenutni ugled korisnika iznosi %(reputation)s bodova"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:31
+msgid "User reputation changed"
+msgstr "Ugled korisnika promijenjen"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:38
+msgid "Subtract"
+msgstr "Oduzmi"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:39
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Dodaj"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:43
+#, python-format
+msgid "Send message to %(username)s"
+msgstr "Pošalji poruke korisniku %(username)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:44
+msgid "An email will be sent to the user with 'reply-to' field set to your email address. Please make sure that your address is entered correctly."
+msgstr "Email će biti poslan korisniku sa 'odgovori' poljem sa vezom na vašu email adresu. Provjerite da li je vaša email adresa ispravna."
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:46
+msgid "Message sent"
+msgstr "Poruka poslana"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:64
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Pošalji poruku"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:74
+msgid "Administrators have privileges of normal users, but in addition they can assign/revoke any status to any user, and are exempt from the reputation limits."
+msgstr "Administratori imaju privilegije kao i normalni korisnici, ali mogu dodijeliti/opozvati bilo koji status bilo kojeg korisnika i izuzeti su od limita ugleda."
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:77
+msgid "Moderators have the same privileges as administrators, but cannot add or remove user status of 'moderator' or 'administrator'."
+msgstr "Moderatori imaju iste privilegije kao administratori, ali ne mogu dati ili oduzeti status 'moderator' ili 'administrator'."
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:80
+msgid "'Approved' status means the same as regular user."
+msgstr "Status 'Odobren' znači isto kao i uobičajeni korisnik"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:83
+msgid "Suspended users can only edit or delete their own posts."
+msgstr "Suspendirani korisnici mogu samo uređivati ili brisati svoje postove."
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_moderate.html:86
+msgid "Blocked users can only login and send feedback to the site administrators."
+msgstr "Blokirani korisnici se mogu samo prijaviti i poslati povratnu informaciju administratorima."
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_network.html:5
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:18
+msgid "network"
+msgstr "mreža"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_network.html:10
+#, python-format
+msgid "Followed by %(count)s person"
+msgid_plural "Followed by %(count)s people"
+msgstr[0] "Praćen od %(count)s osobe"
+msgstr[1] "Praćen od %(count)s ljudi"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_network.html:14
+#, python-format
+msgid "Following %(count)s person"
+msgid_plural "Following %(count)s people"
+msgstr[0] "Prati %(count)s osobu"
+msgstr[1] "Prati %(count)s osoba"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_network.html:19
+msgid "Your network is empty. Would you like to follow someone? - Just visit their profiles and click \"follow\""
+msgstr "Vaša mreža je prazna. Želite li pratiti nekoga? Posjetite profil drugog korisnika i kliknite \"prati\""
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_network.html:21
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(username)s's network is empty"
+msgstr "%(username)s mreža je prazna"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_recent.html:4
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:29
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:31
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "aktivnost"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_recent.html:24
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_recent.html:28
+msgid "source"
+msgstr "izvor"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_reputation.html:11
+msgid "Your karma change log."
+msgstr "Podaci o promijeni vaše karme."
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_reputation.html:13
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(user_name)s's karma change log"
+msgstr "Podaci o promjeni karme za %(user_name)s"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:5
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:7
+msgid "overview"
+msgstr "pregled"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:11
+#, python-format
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Question"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Questions"
+msgstr[0] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Pitanje"
+msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:16
+msgid "Answer"
+msgid_plural "Answers"
+msgstr[0] "Odgovor"
+msgstr[1] "Odgovori"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:24
+#, python-format
+msgid "the answer has been voted for %(answer_score)s times"
+msgstr "odgovor je glasan %(answer_score)s puta"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:34
+#, python-format
+msgid "(%(comment_count)s comment)"
+msgid_plural "the answer has been commented %(comment_count)s times"
+msgstr[0] "(%(comment_count)s komentar)"
+msgstr[1] "odgovor je komentiran %(comment_count)s puta"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:44
+#, python-format
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">%(cnt)s</span> Vote"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(cnt)s</span> Votes "
+msgstr[0] "<span class=\"count\">%(cnt)s</span> Glas"
+msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">%(cnt)s</span> Glasova"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:50
+msgid "thumb up"
+msgstr "palac gore"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:51
+msgid "user has voted up this many times"
+msgstr "korisnik je pozitivno glasao ovoliko puta"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:54
+msgid "thumb down"
+msgstr "palac dolje"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:55
+msgid "user voted down this many times"
+msgstr "korisnik je negativno glasao ovoliko puta"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:63
+#, python-format
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tag"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Tags"
+msgstr[0] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Oznaka"
+msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Oznake"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:97
+#, python-format
+msgid "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Badge"
+msgid_plural "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Badges"
+msgstr[0] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Značka"
+msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">%(counter)s</span> Značke"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_stats.html:120
+msgid "Answer to:"
+msgstr "Odgovor na:"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:5
+msgid "User profile"
+msgstr "Korisnički profil"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:10
+#: views/
+msgid "comments and answers to others questions"
+msgstr "komentari i odgovori na druga pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:16
+msgid "followers and followed users"
+msgstr "pratitelji i praćeni korisnici"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:21
+msgid "Graph of user karma"
+msgstr "graf korisnikove karme"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:25
+msgid "questions that user is following"
+msgstr "pitanja koje korisnici prate"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:34
+#: views/
+msgid "user vote record"
+msgstr "zapis glasova korisnika"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:36
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_votes.html:4
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "glasovi"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:40
+#: views/
+msgid "email subscription settings"
+msgstr "postavke za email pretplate"
+#: skins/default/templates/user_profile/user_tabs.html:46
+#: views/
+msgid "moderate this user"
+msgstr "uredi ugled korisnika"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:3
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:3
+msgid "Tips"
+msgstr "Savjeti"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:6
+msgid "give an answer interesting to this community"
+msgstr "napišite odgovor zanimljiv ovoj zajednici"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:9
+msgid "try to give an answer, rather than engage into a discussion"
+msgstr "pokušajte dati odgovor, ne se uključiti u raspravu"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:12
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:8
+msgid "provide enough details"
+msgstr "dajte dovoljno informacija"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:15
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:11
+msgid "be clear and concise"
+msgstr "budite jasni i precizni"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:20
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:16
+msgid "see frequently asked questions"
+msgstr "pogledajte često postavljena pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:27
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:22
+msgid "Markdown basics"
+msgstr "Markdown osnove"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:31
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:26
+msgid "*italic*"
+msgstr "*kurziv*"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:34
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:29
+msgid "**bold**"
+msgstr "**podebljano**"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:38
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:33
+msgid "*italic* or _italic_"
+msgstr "*kurziv* ili _kurziv_"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:41
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:36
+msgid "**bold** or __bold__"
+msgstr "**podebljano** ili __podebljano__"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:45
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:49
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:40
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:45
+msgid "text"
+msgstr "tekst"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:49
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:45
+msgid "image"
+msgstr "slika"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:53
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:49
+msgid "numbered list:"
+msgstr "brojčana lista:"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:58
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:54
+msgid "basic HTML tags are also supported"
+msgstr "podržane su osnovne HTML oznake"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/answer_edit_tips.html:63
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:59
+msgid "learn more about Markdown"
+msgstr "naučite više o Markdownu"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/ask_form.html:6
+msgid "login to post question info"
+msgstr "prijavite se za objavu informacija o pitanju"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/ask_form.html:7
+msgid "<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">You are welcome to start submitting your question anonymously</span>. When you submit the post, you will be redirected to the login/signup page. Your question will be saved in the current session and will be published after you log in. Login/signup process is very simple. Login takes about 30 seconds, initial signup takes a minute or less."
+msgstr "<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">Možete početi postavljati pitanja anonimno</span>. Nakon što predate post biti ćete preusmjereni na stranicu za prijavu/upis. Vaše pitanje biti će privremeno sačuvano i objavljeno nakon prijave. Proces prijave/upisa je jednostavan. Prijava traje oko 30 sekundi, a prvi upis oko minute."
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/ask_form.html:11
+#, python-format
+msgid "<span class='strong big'>Looks like your email address, %%(email)s has not yet been validated.</span> To post messages you must verify your email, please see <a href='%%(email_validation_faq_url)s'>more details here</a>.<br>You can submit your question now and validate email after that. Your question will saved as pending meanwhile."
+msgstr "<span class='strong big'>Izgleda da vaša email adresa, %%(email)s nije potvrđena.</span> Za objavljivanje poruka morate potvrditi vaš email, pogledajte <a href='%%(email _validation_faq_url)s'>više informacija ovdje</a>.<br>Možete podnijet vaša pitanja sada i potvrditi email kasnije. Vaša pitanja će u međuvremenu biti sačuvana i na čekanju."
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/contributors.html:3
+msgid "Contributors"
+msgstr "Aktivni korisnici"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/footer.html:33
+#, python-format
+msgid "Content on this site is licensed under a %(license)s"
+msgstr "Sadržaj na ovoj stanici je pod %(license)s licencom"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/footer.html:38
+msgid "about"
+msgstr "o nama"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/footer.html:40
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/user_navigation.html:17
+msgid "help"
+msgstr "pomoć"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/footer.html:42
+msgid "privacy policy"
+msgstr "pravila o privatnosti"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/footer.html:51
+msgid "give feedback"
+msgstr "povratna informacija"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/logo.html:3
+msgid "back to home page"
+msgstr "nazad na početnu stranicu"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/logo.html:4
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(site)s logo"
+msgstr "%(site)s logo"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/meta_nav.html:10
+msgid "users"
+msgstr "people"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/meta_nav.html:15
+msgid "badges"
+msgstr "značke"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_edit_tips.html:5
+msgid "ask a question interesting to this community"
+msgstr "postavi pitanje zanimljivo ovoj zajednici"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_summary.html:12
+msgid "view"
+msgid_plural "views"
+msgstr[0] "pogled"
+msgstr[1] "pogleda"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_summary.html:29
+msgid "answer"
+msgid_plural "answers"
+msgstr[0] "odgovor"
+msgstr[1] "odgovora"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/question_summary.html:40
+msgid "vote"
+msgid_plural "votes"
+msgstr[0] "glas"
+msgstr[1] "glasova"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/scope_nav.html:6
+msgid "ALL"
+msgstr "SVA"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/scope_nav.html:8
+msgid "see unanswered questions"
+msgstr "ne odgovorena pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/scope_nav.html:8
+msgstr "BEZ ODGOVORA"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/scope_nav.html:11
+msgid "see your followed questions"
+msgstr "moja praćena pitanja"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/scope_nav.html:11
+msgid "FOLLOWED"
+msgstr "PRATIM"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/scope_nav.html:14
+msgid "Please ask your question here"
+msgstr "Postavi pitanje ovdje"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/user_long_score_and_badge_summary.html:3
+msgid "karma:"
+msgstr "karma:"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/user_long_score_and_badge_summary.html:7
+msgid "badges:"
+msgstr "značke:"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/user_navigation.html:9
+msgid "sign out"
+msgstr "odjava"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/user_navigation.html:12
+msgid "Hi, there! Please sign in"
+msgstr "Pozdrav! Prijavite se"
+#: skins/default/templates/widgets/user_navigation.html:15
+msgid "settings"
+msgstr "postavke"
+#: templatetags/
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "0"
+#: utils/
+#: views/
+#: views/
+msgid "Oops, apologies - there was some error"
+msgstr "Uups, oprostite - došlo je do greške"
+#: utils/
+msgid "Please login to post"
+msgstr "Prijavite se za objavu posta"
+#: utils/
+msgid "Spam was detected on your post, sorry for if this is a mistake"
+msgstr "Neželjen sadržaj otkriven je u vašem postu, ispričavamo se ako je ovo greška"
+#: utils/
+msgid "this field is required"
+msgstr "ovo polje je nužno"
+#: utils/
+msgid "Choose a screen name"
+msgstr "Odaberite prikazno ime"
+#: utils/
+msgid "user name is required"
+msgstr "Korisničko ime je nužno"
+#: utils/
+msgid "sorry, this name is taken, please choose another"
+msgstr "ovo ime je zauzeto, odaberite drugo"
+#: utils/
+msgid "sorry, this name is not allowed, please choose another"
+msgstr "ovo ime nije dozvoljeno, odaberite drugo"
+#: utils/
+msgid "sorry, there is no user with this name"
+msgstr "ne postoji korisnik s tim imenom"
+#: utils/
+msgid "sorry, we have a serious error - user name is taken by several users"
+msgstr "oprostite, nastala je velika greška - više korisnika ima isto korisničko ime"
+#: utils/
+msgid "user name can only consist of letters, empty space and underscore"
+msgstr "korisničko ime može sadržavati samo slova, razmake i znakove podvlačenja"
+#: utils/
+msgid "please use at least some alphabetic characters in the user name"
+msgstr "koristite najmanje nekoliko slova u korisničkom imenu"
+#: utils/
+msgid "Your email <i>(never shared)</i>"
+msgstr "Vaša email adresa"
+#: utils/
+msgid "email address is required"
+msgstr "email adresa je nužna"
+#: utils/
+msgid "please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "unesite ispravnu email adresu"
+#: utils/
+msgid "this email is already used by someone else, please choose another"
+msgstr "ovaj email adresa se već koristi, odaberite drugu"
+#: utils/
+msgid "password is required"
+msgstr "lozinka je obvezna"
+#: utils/
+msgid "Password <i>(please retype)</i>"
+msgstr "Lozinka <i>(ponovo)</i>"
+#: utils/
+msgid "please, retype your password"
+msgstr "ponovo napišite vašu lozinku"
+#: utils/
+msgid "sorry, entered passwords did not match, please try again"
+msgstr "lozinke ne odgovaraju, pokušajte ponovo"
+#: utils/
+msgid "2 days ago"
+msgstr "prije 2 dana"
+#: utils/
+msgid "yesterday"
+msgstr "jučer"
+#: utils/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(hr)d hour ago"
+msgid_plural "%(hr)d hours ago"
+msgstr[0] "prije %(hr)d sat"
+msgstr[1] "prije %(hr)d sati"
+#: utils/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(min)d min ago"
+msgid_plural "%(min)d mins ago"
+msgstr[0] "prije %(min)d minute"
+msgstr[1] "prije %(min)d minuta"
+#: utils/
+msgid ""
+"<p>To ask by email, please:</p>\n"
+" <li>Format the subject line as: [Tag1; Tag2] Question title</li>\n"
+" <li>Type details of your question into the email body</li>\n"
+"<p>Note that tags may consist of more than one word, and tags\n"
+"may be separated by a semicolon or a comma</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Za pitanje putem emaila:</p>\n"
+" <li>Formirajte subjekt liniju ovako: [Oznaka1; Oznaka2] Naslov pitanja</li>\n"
+" <li>U tijelo emaila unesite detalje vašeg pitanja</li>\n"
+"<p>Imajte na umu da se oznake mogu sastojati od više riječi i \n"
+"mogu biti odvojene točka-zarezom ili zarezom</p>\n"
+#: utils/
+#, python-format
+msgid "<p>Sorry, there was an error posting your question please contact the %(site)s administrator</p>"
+msgstr "<p>Prilikom objave vašeg pitanja dogodila se greška. Kontaktirajte %(site)s administratora</p>"
+#: utils/
+#, python-format
+msgid "<p>Sorry, in order to post questions on %(site)s by email, please <a href=\"%(url)s\">register first</a></p>"
+msgstr "<p>Za objavu pitanja na %(site)s stranici putem emaila, <a href=\"%(url)s\">prvo se registrirajte</a></p>"
+#: utils/
+msgid "<p>Sorry, your question could not be posted due to insufficient privileges of your user account</p>"
+msgstr "<p>Vaše pitanje nije objavljeno zbog nedovoljnih prava vašeg korisničkog računa</p>"
+#: views/
+msgid "Successfully uploaded a new avatar."
+msgstr "Uspješno ste poslali novi avatar."
+#: views/
+msgid "Successfully updated your avatar."
+msgstr "Uspješno ste ažurirali vaš avatar."
+#: views/
+msgid "Successfully deleted the requested avatars."
+msgstr "Uspješno ste obrisali zatražene avatare."
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry, but anonymous users cannot access the inbox"
+msgstr "Anonimni korisnici nemaju pravo pristupa sandučiću"
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry, anonymous users cannot vote"
+msgstr "Anonimni korisnici ne mogu glasati"
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry you ran out of votes for today"
+msgstr "Ostali ste bez glasova danas"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have %(votes_left)s votes left for today"
+msgstr "Ostalo vam je %(votes_left)s glasova za danas"
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry, something is not right here..."
+msgstr "Nešto nije u redu ..."
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry, but anonymous users cannot accept answers"
+msgstr "Anonimni korisnici ne mogu prihvaćati odgovore"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your subscription is saved, but email address %(email)s needs to be validated, please see <a href=\"%(details_url)s\">more details here</a>"
+msgstr "Vaša pretplata je sačuvana, ali email adresa %(email)s mora biti potvrđena, pogledajte više detalja <a href=\"%(details_url)s\">ovdje</a>"
+#: views/
+msgid "email update frequency has been set to daily"
+msgstr "učestalost email dopune je postavljena na dnevno"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Tag subscription was canceled (<a href=\"%(url)s\">undo</a>)."
+msgstr "Pretplata na oznaku je otkazana (<a href=\"%(url)s\">vrati</a>)."
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please sign in to subscribe for: %(tags)s"
+msgstr "Prijavite se za pretplatu na: %(tags)s"
+#: views/
+msgid "Please sign in to vote"
+msgstr "Prijavite se za glasanje"
+#: views/
+msgid "Please sign in to delete/restore posts"
+msgstr "Prijavite se za brisanje/obnovu postova"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "About %(site)s"
+msgstr "O %(site)s stranici"
+#: views/
+msgid "Q&A forum feedback"
+msgstr "P&O forum povratna informacija"
+#: views/
+msgid "Thanks for the feedback!"
+msgstr "Hvala na povratnoj informaciji!"
+#: views/
+msgid "We look forward to hearing your feedback! Please, give it next time :)"
+msgstr "Zanima nas vaše mišljenje! Dajte ga sljedeći put :)"
+#: views/
+msgid "Privacy policy"
+msgstr "Pravila o privatnosti"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(q_num)s question, tagged"
+msgid_plural "%(q_num)s questions, tagged"
+msgstr[0] "%(q_num)s pitanje, označeno"
+msgstr[1] "%(q_num)s pitanja, označeno"
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry, the comment you are looking for has been deleted and is no longer accessible"
+msgstr "Komentar koji tražite je obrisan i više nije dostupan"
+#: views/
+msgid "moderate user"
+msgstr "uredi korisnika"
+#: views/
+msgid "user profile"
+msgstr "korisnički profil"
+#: views/
+msgid "user profile overview"
+msgstr "pregled korisničkog profila"
+#: views/
+msgid "recent user activity"
+msgstr "zadnje aktivnosti korisnika"
+#: views/
+msgid "profile - recent activity"
+msgstr "profil - zadnje aktivnosti"
+#: views/
+msgid "profile - responses"
+msgstr "profil - odazivi"
+#: views/
+msgid "profile - votes"
+msgstr "profil - glasovi"
+#: views/
+msgid "user karma"
+msgstr "korisnikova karma"
+#: views/
+msgid "Profile - User's Karma"
+msgstr "Profil - Korisnikova Karma"
+#: views/
+msgid "users favorite questions"
+msgstr "omiljena pitanja korisnika"
+#: views/
+msgid "profile - favorite questions"
+msgstr "profil - omiljena pitanja"
+#: views/
+#: views/
+msgid "changes saved"
+msgstr "promjene sačuvane"
+#: views/
+msgid "email updates canceled"
+msgstr "email dopune opozvane"
+#: views/
+msgid "profile - email subscriptions"
+msgstr "profil - email pretplate"
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry, anonymous users cannot upload files"
+msgstr "Anonimni korisnici ne mogu postati datoteke"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "allowed file types are '%(file_types)s'"
+msgstr "dopušteni tipovi datoteka su '%(file_types)s'"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "maximum upload file size is %(file_size)sK"
+msgstr "maksimalna veličina poslane datoteke je %(file_size)sK"
+#: views/
+msgid "Error uploading file. Please contact the site administrator. Thank you."
+msgstr "Nastala je greška prilikom slanja datoteke. Kontaktirajte administratora. Hvala."
+#: views/
+msgid "<span class=\"strong big\">You are welcome to start submitting your question anonymously</span>. When you submit the post, you will be redirected to the login/signup page. Your question will be saved in the current session and will be published after you log in. Login/signup process is very simple. Login takes about 30 seconds, initial signup takes a minute or less."
+msgstr "<span class=\\\"strong big\\\">Možete početi postavljati pitanja anonimno</span>. Nakon što predate post biti ćete preusmjereni na stranicu za prijavu/upis. Vaše pitanje biti će privremeno sačuvano i objavljeno nakon prijave. Proces prijave/upisa je jednostavan. Prijava traje oko 30 sekundi, a prvi upis oko minute."
+#: views/
+msgid "Please log in to answer questions"
+msgstr "Prijavite se za odgovaranje na pitanja"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, you appear to be logged out and cannot post comments. Please <a href=\"%(sign_in_url)s\">sign in</a>."
+msgstr "Niste prijavljeni stoga ne možete objavljivati komentare. <a href=\"%(sign_in_url)s\">Prijavite se</a>."
+#: views/
+msgid "Sorry, anonymous users cannot edit comments"
+msgstr "Anonimni korisnici ne mogu uređivati komentare"
+#: views/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sorry, you appear to be logged out and cannot delete comments. Please <a href=\"%(sign_in_url)s\">sign in</a>."
+msgstr "Niste prijavljeni stoga ne možete brisati komentare. <a href=\"%(sign_in_url)s\">Prijavite se</a>."
+#: views/
+msgid "sorry, we seem to have some technical difficulties"
+msgstr "Oprostite, imamo tehničkih poteškoća"
+#~ msgid "logout"
+#~ msgstr "sign out"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "As a registered user you can login with your OpenID, log out of the site "
+#~ "or permanently remove your account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Clicking <strong>Logout</strong> will log you out from the forum but will "
+#~ "not sign you off from your OpenID provider.</p><p>If you wish to sign off "
+#~ "completely - please make sure to log out from your OpenID provider as "
+#~ "well."
+#~ msgid "Email verification subject line"
+#~ msgstr "Verification Email from Q&A forum"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "how to validate email info with %(send_email_key_url)s %(gravatar_faq_url)"
+#~ "s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<form style='margin:0;padding:0;' action='%(send_email_key_url)"
+#~ "s'><p><span class=\"bigger strong\">How?</span> If you have just set or "
+#~ "changed your email address - <strong>check your email and click the "
+#~ "included link</strong>.<br>The link contains a key generated specifically "
+#~ "for you. You can also <button style='display:inline' "
+#~ "type='submit'><strong>get a new key</strong></button> and check your "
+#~ "email again.</p></form><span class=\"bigger strong\">Why?</span> Email "
+#~ "validation is required to make sure that <strong>only you can post "
+#~ "messages</strong> on your behalf and to <strong>minimize spam</strong> "
+#~ "posts.<br>With email you can <strong>subscribe for updates</strong> on "
+#~ "the most interesting questions. Also, when you sign up for the first time "
+#~ "- create a unique <a href='%(gravatar_faq_url)s'><strong>gravatar</"
+#~ "strong></a> personal image.</p>"
diff --git a/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/ b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..292f645e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f68c382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/askbot/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: 0.7\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 18:58-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-22 03:03+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dario Kolak <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:73
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to remove your %s login?"
+msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti svoj %s prijavu?"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:90
+msgid "Please add one or more login methods."
+msgstr "Dodajte jednu ili više načina prijave."
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:93
+msgid "You don't have a method to log in right now, please add one or more by clicking any of the icons below."
+msgstr "Nemate način prijave, dodajte jednu ili više klikom na ikone ispod."
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:135
+msgid "passwords do not match"
+msgstr "lozinke ne odgovaraju"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:161
+msgid "Show/change current login methods"
+msgstr "Prikaži/promijeni trenutne načine prijave"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:226
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Please enter your %s, then proceed"
+msgstr "Unesite vaš %s zatim nastavite"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:228
+msgid "Connect your %(provider_name)s account to %(site)s"
+msgstr "Spojite svoj %(provider_name)s korisnički račun i %(site)s"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:322
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Change your %s password"
+msgstr "Promjenite svoju %s lozinku"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:323
+msgid "Change password"
+msgstr "Promijeni lozinku"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:326
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Create a password for %s"
+msgstr "Promijeni lozinku za %s"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:327
+msgid "Create password"
+msgstr "Kreiraj lozinku"
+#: skins/common/media/jquery-openid/jquery.openid.js:343
+msgid "Create a password-protected account"
+msgstr "Kreirajte korisnički račun zaštićen lozinkom"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:28
+msgid "loading..."
+msgstr "učitavanje ..."
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:318
+msgid "insufficient privilege"
+msgstr "nedovoljne privilegije"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:319
+msgid "cannot pick own answer as best"
+msgstr "sorry, you cannot accept your own answer"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:324
+msgid "please login"
+msgstr "prijavite se"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:326
+msgid "anonymous users cannot follow questions"
+msgstr "anonimni korisnici ne mogu pratiti pitanja"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:327
+msgid "anonymous users cannot subscribe to questions"
+msgstr "anonimni korisnici se ne mogu pretplatiti na pitanja"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:328
+msgid "anonymous users cannot vote"
+msgstr "sorry, anonymous users cannot vote "
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:330
+msgid "please confirm offensive"
+msgstr "are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "please confirm removal of offensive flag"
+msgstr "are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:332
+msgid "anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts"
+msgstr "anonimni korisnici ne mogu označavati postove kao uvredljive"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:333
+msgid "confirm delete"
+msgstr "are you sure you want to delete this?"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:334
+msgid "anonymous users cannot delete/undelete"
+msgstr "sorry, anonymous users cannot delete or undelete posts"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:335
+msgid "post recovered"
+msgstr "your post is now restored!"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:336
+msgid "post deleted"
+msgstr "your post has been deleted"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:1206
+msgid "add comment"
+msgstr "dodaj komentar"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:1209
+msgid "save comment"
+msgstr "save comment"
+#: skins/common/media/js/post.js:1874
+msgid "Please enter question title (>10 characters)"
+msgstr "Unesite naslov pitanja (>10 znakova)"
+#: skins/common/media/js/tag_selector.js:15
+msgid "Tag \"<span></span>\" matches:"
+msgstr "Oznaka \"<span></span>\" odgovara:"
+#: skins/common/media/js/tag_selector.js:84
+#, perl-format
+msgid "and %s more, not shown..."
+msgstr "i %s više, nije prikazano ..."
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:14
+msgid "Please select at least one item"
+msgstr "Odaberite barem jednu stavku"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:58
+msgid "Delete this notification?"
+msgid_plural "Delete these notifications?"
+msgstr[0] "Obrisati ovu obavijest ?"
+msgstr[1] "Obrisati ove obavijesti?"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:65
+msgid "Close this entry?"
+msgid_plural "Close these entries?"
+msgstr[0] "Zatvoriti ovaj unos?"
+msgstr[1] "Zatvoriti ove unose?"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:72
+msgid "Remove all flags on this entry?"
+msgid_plural "Remove all flags on these entries?"
+msgstr[0] "Ukloniti sve zastave na ovom unosu?"
+msgstr[1] "Ukloniti sve zastave na ovim unosima?"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:79
+msgid "Delete this entry?"
+msgid_plural "Delete these entries?"
+msgstr[0] "Obrisati ovaj unos?"
+msgstr[1] "Obrisati ove unose?"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:159
+msgid "Please <a href=\"%(signin_url)s\">signin</a> to follow %(username)s"
+msgstr "<a href=\"%(signin_url)s\">Prijavite se</a> za praćenje korsnika %(username)s"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:191
+#, perl-format
+msgid "unfollow %s"
+msgstr "prestani pratit %s"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:194
+#, perl-format
+msgid "following %s"
+msgstr "pratim %s"
+#: skins/common/media/js/user.js:200
+#, perl-format
+msgid "follow %s"
+msgstr "prati %s"
+#: skins/common/media/js/utils.js:44
+msgid "click to close"
+msgstr "kliknite za zatvaranje"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:26
+msgid "bold"
+msgstr "podebljano"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:27
+msgid "italic"
+msgstr "kurzivno"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:28
+msgid "link"
+msgstr "veza"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:29
+msgid "quote"
+msgstr "navodni znak"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:30
+msgid "preformatted text"
+msgstr "uređen tekst"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:31
+msgid "image"
+msgstr "slika"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:32
+msgid "attachment"
+msgstr "privitak"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:33
+msgid "numbered list"
+msgstr "numerirana lista"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:34
+msgid "bulleted list"
+msgstr "lista s oznakama"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:35
+msgid "heading"
+msgstr "zaglavlje"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:36
+msgid "horizontal bar"
+msgstr "horizontalna linija"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:37
+msgid "undo"
+msgstr "vratiti"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:38
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:1053
+msgid "redo"
+msgstr "ponovo učiniti"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:47
+msgid "enter image url"
+msgstr "enter URL of the image, e.g. or upload an image file"
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:48
+msgid "enter url"
+msgstr "enter Web address, e.g. \"page title\""
+#: skins/common/media/js/wmd/wmd.js:49
+msgid "upload file attachment"
+msgstr "Please choose and upload a file:"
+#~ msgid "tags cannot be empty"
+#~ msgstr "please enter at least one tag"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "%s content minchars"
+#~ msgstr "please enter more than %s characters"
+#~ msgid "%s title minchars"
+#~ msgstr "please enter at least %s characters"
+#~ msgid "Follow"
+#~ msgstr "Follow"
+#~ msgid "<div>Following</div><div class=\"unfollow\">Unfollow</div>"
+#~ msgstr "<div>Following</div><div class=\"unfollow\">Unfollow</div>"
+#~ msgid "enter %s more characters"
+#~ msgstr "please enter at least %s more characters"
+#~ msgid "confirm abandon comment"
+#~ msgstr "Are you sure you do not want to post this comment?"
+#~ msgid "confirm delete comment"
+#~ msgstr "do you really want to delete this comment?"
+#~ msgid "click to edit this comment"
+#~ msgstr "click to edit this comment"
+#~ msgid "edit"
+#~ msgstr "edit"