diff options
authorEvgeny Fadeev <>2012-11-01 01:04:34 -0300
committerEvgeny Fadeev <>2012-11-01 01:04:34 -0300
commit667bcdb855644f3adbae0a041a15e52516142ab2 (patch)
parenta8ebdd9c1e5c76a7a9c7ad77ddda74eaa2d79ec4 (diff)
removed unused files
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 2060 deletions
diff --git a/askbot/ b/askbot/
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f4a31b..00000000
--- a/askbot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1629 +0,0 @@
-"""Forms, custom form fields and related utility functions
-used in AskBot"""
-import re
-from django import forms
-from askbot import const
-from askbot.const import message_keys
-from django.forms.util import ErrorList
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy, string_concat
-from django.utils.text import get_text_list
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django_countries import countries
-from askbot.utils.forms import NextUrlField, UserNameField
-from askbot.mail import extract_first_email_address
-from recaptcha_works.fields import RecaptchaField
-from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings
-from askbot.conf import get_tag_display_filter_strategy_choices
-from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE
-import logging
-def cleanup_dict(dictionary, key, empty_value):
- """deletes key from dictionary if it exists
- and the corresponding value equals the empty_value
- """
- if key in dictionary and dictionary[key] == empty_value:
- del dictionary[key]
-def format_form_errors(form):
- """Formats form errors in HTML
- if there is only one error - returns a plain string
- if more than one, returns an unordered list of errors
- in HTML format.
- If there are no errors, returns empty string
- """
- if form.errors:
- errors = form.errors.values()
- if len(errors) == 1:
- return errors[0]
- else:
- result = '<ul>'
- for error in errors:
- result += '<li>%s</li>' % error
- result += '</ul>'
- return result
- else:
- return ''
-def clean_marked_tagnames(tagnames):
- """return two strings - one containing tagnames
- that are straight names of tags, and the second one
- containing names of wildcard tags,
- wildcard tags are those that have an asterisk at the end
- the function does not verify that the tag names are valid
- """
- if askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS is False:
- return tagnames, list()
- pure_tags = list()
- wildcards = list()
- for tagname in tagnames:
- if tagname == '':
- continue
- if tagname.endswith('*'):
- if tagname.count('*') > 1:
- continue
- else:
- wildcards.append(tagname)
- else:
- pure_tags.append(tagname)
- return pure_tags, wildcards
-def filter_choices(remove_choices=None, from_choices=None):
- """a utility function that will remove choice tuples
- usable for the forms.ChoicesField from
- ``from_choices``, the removed ones will be those given
- by the ``remove_choice`` list
- there is no error checking, ``from_choices`` tuple must be as expected
- to work with the forms.ChoicesField
- """
- if not isinstance(remove_choices, list):
- raise TypeError('remove_choices must be a list')
- filtered_choices = tuple()
- for choice_to_test in from_choices:
- remove = False
- for choice in remove_choices:
- if choice == choice_to_test[0]:
- remove = True
- break
- if remove is False:
- filtered_choices += (choice_to_test, )
- return filtered_choices
-def need_mandatory_tags():
- """true, if list of mandatory tags is not empty"""
- from askbot import models
- return (
- askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED
- and len(models.tag.get_mandatory_tags()) > 0
- )
-def mandatory_tag_missing_in_list(tag_strings):
- """true, if mandatory tag is not present in the list
- of ``tag_strings``"""
- from askbot import models
- mandatory_tags = models.tag.get_mandatory_tags()
- for mandatory_tag in mandatory_tags:
- for tag_string in tag_strings:
- if tag_strings_match(tag_string, mandatory_tag):
- return False
- return True
-def tag_strings_match(tag_string, mandatory_tag):
- """true if tag string matches the mandatory tag,
- the comparison is not symmetric if tag_string ends with a
- wildcard (asterisk)
- """
- if mandatory_tag.endswith('*'):
- return tag_string.startswith(mandatory_tag[:-1])
- else:
- return tag_string == mandatory_tag
-COUNTRY_CHOICES = (('unknown', _('select country')),) + countries.COUNTRIES
-class CountryField(forms.ChoiceField):
- """this is better placed into the django_coutries app"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """sets label and the country choices
- """
- kwargs['choices'] = kwargs.pop('choices', COUNTRY_CHOICES)
- kwargs['label'] = kwargs.pop('label', _('Country'))
- super(CountryField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def clean(self, value):
- """Handles case of 'unknown' country selection
- """
- if self.required:
- if value == 'unknown':
- raise forms.ValidationError(_('Country field is required'))
- if value == 'unknown':
- return None
- return value
-class CountedWordsField(forms.CharField):
- """a field where a number of words is expected
- to be in a certain range"""
- def __init__(
- self, min_words=0, max_words=9999, field_name=None,
- *args, **kwargs
- ):
- self.min_words = min_words
- self.max_words = max_words
- self.field_name = field_name
- super(CountedWordsField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def clean(self, value):
- #todo: this field must be adapted to work with Chinese, etc.
- #for that we'll have to count characters instead of words
- if value is None:
- value = ''
- value = value.strip()
- word_count = len(value.split())
- if word_count < self.min_words:
- msg = ungettext_lazy(
- 'must be > %d word',
- 'must be > %d words',
- self.min_words - 1
- ) % (self.min_words - 1)
- #todo - space is not used in Chinese
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- string_concat(self.field_name, ' ', msg)
- )
- if word_count > self.max_words:
- msg = ungettext_lazy(
- 'must be < %d word',
- 'must be < %d words',
- self.max_words + 1
- ) % (self.max_words + 1)
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- string_concat(self.field_name, ' ', msg)
- )
- return value
-class DomainNameField(forms.CharField):
- """Field for Internet Domain Names
- todo: maybe there is a standard field for this?
- """
- def clean(self, value):
- #find a better regex, taking into account tlds
- domain_re = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z\d]+(\.[a-zA-Z\d]+)+')
- if domain_re.match(value):
- return value
- else:
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- '%s is not a valid domain name' % value
- )
-class TitleField(forms.CharField):
- """Fild receiving question title"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(TitleField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.required = kwargs.get('required', True)
- self.widget = forms.TextInput(
- attrs={'size': 70, 'autocomplete': 'off'}
- )
- self.max_length = 255
- self.label = _('title')
- self.help_text = _(
- 'please enter a descriptive title for your question'
- )
- self.initial = ''
- def clean(self, value):
- """cleans the field for minimum and maximum length
- also is supposed to work for unicode non-ascii characters"""
- if value is None:
- value = ''
- if len(value) < askbot_settings.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH:
- msg = ungettext_lazy(
- 'title must be > %d character',
- 'title must be > %d characters',
- askbot_settings.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH
- ) % askbot_settings.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH
- raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
- encoded_value = value.encode('utf-8')
- if len(value) == len(encoded_value):
- if len(value) > self.max_length:
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _(
- 'The title is too long, maximum allowed size is '
- '%d characters'
- ) % self.max_length
- )
- elif len(encoded_value) > self.max_length:
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _(
- 'The title is too long, maximum allowed size is '
- '%d bytes'
- ) % self.max_length
- )
- return value.strip() # TODO: test me
-class EditorField(forms.CharField):
- """EditorField is subclassed by the
- :class:`QuestionEditorField` and :class:`AnswerEditorField`
- """
- length_error_template_singular = 'post content must be > %d character',
- length_error_template_plural = 'post content must be > %d characters',
- min_length = 10 # sentinel default value
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- editor_attrs = kwargs.pop('editor_attrs', {})
- super(EditorField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.required = True
- widget_attrs = {'id': 'editor'}
- if askbot_settings.EDITOR_TYPE == 'markdown':
- self.widget = forms.Textarea(attrs=widget_attrs)
- elif askbot_settings.EDITOR_TYPE == 'tinymce':
- self.widget = TinyMCE(attrs=widget_attrs, mce_attrs=editor_attrs)
- self.label = _('content')
- self.help_text = u''
- self.initial = ''
- def clean(self, value):
- if value is None:
- value = ''
- if len(value) < self.min_length:
- msg = ungettext_lazy(
- self.length_error_template_singular,
- self.length_error_template_plural,
- self.min_length
- ) % self.min_length
- raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
- return value
-class QuestionEditorField(EditorField):
- """Editor field for the questions"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(QuestionEditorField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.length_error_template_singular = \
- 'question body must be > %d character'
- self.length_error_template_plural = \
- 'question body must be > %d characters'
- self.min_length = askbot_settings.MIN_QUESTION_BODY_LENGTH
-class AnswerEditorField(EditorField):
- """Editor field for answers"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(AnswerEditorField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.length_error_template_singular = 'answer must be > %d character'
- self.length_error_template_plural = 'answer must be > %d characters'
- self.min_length = askbot_settings.MIN_ANSWER_BODY_LENGTH
-def clean_tag(tag_name):
- """a function that cleans a single tag name"""
- tag_length = len(tag_name)
- if tag_length > askbot_settings.MAX_TAG_LENGTH:
- #singular form is odd in english, but required for pluralization
- #in other languages
- msg = ungettext_lazy(
- #odd but added for completeness
- 'each tag must be shorter than %(max_chars)d character',
- 'each tag must be shorter than %(max_chars)d characters',
- tag_length
- ) % {'max_chars': tag_length}
- raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
- #todo - this needs to come from settings
- tagname_re = re.compile(const.TAG_REGEX, re.UNICODE)
- if not
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _(message_keys.TAG_WRONG_CHARS_MESSAGE)
- )
- if askbot_settings.FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS:
- #a simpler way to handle tags - just lowercase thew all
- return tag_name.lower()
- else:
- try:
- from askbot import models
- stored_tag = models.Tag.objects.get(name__iexact=tag_name)
- return
- except models.Tag.DoesNotExist:
- return tag_name
-class TagNamesField(forms.CharField):
- """field that receives AskBot tag names"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(TagNamesField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.required = kwargs.get('required',
- askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED)
- self.widget = forms.TextInput(
- attrs={'size': 50, 'autocomplete': 'off'}
- )
- self.max_length = 255
- self.error_messages['max_length'] = _(
- 'We ran out of space for recording the tags. '
- 'Please shorten or delete some of them.'
- )
- self.label = _('tags')
- self.help_text = ungettext_lazy(
- 'Tags are short keywords, with no spaces within. '
- 'Up to %(max_tags)d tag can be used.',
- 'Tags are short keywords, with no spaces within. '
- 'Up to %(max_tags)d tags can be used.',
- askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST
- ) % {'max_tags': askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST}
- self.initial = ''
- def clean(self, value):
- from askbot import models
- value = super(TagNamesField, self).clean(value)
- data = value.strip()
- if len(data) < 1:
- if askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED:
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- )
- else:
- #don't test for required characters when tags is ''
- return ''
- split_re = re.compile(const.TAG_SPLIT_REGEX)
- tag_strings = split_re.split(data)
- entered_tags = []
- tag_count = len(tag_strings)
- if tag_count > askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST:
- max_tags = askbot_settings.MAX_TAGS_PER_POST
- msg = ungettext_lazy(
- 'please use %(tag_count)d tag or less',
- 'please use %(tag_count)d tags or less',
- tag_count) % {'tag_count': max_tags}
- raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
- if need_mandatory_tags():
- if mandatory_tag_missing_in_list(tag_strings):
- msg = _(
- 'At least one of the following tags is required : %(tags)s'
- ) % {'tags': get_text_list(models.tag.get_mandatory_tags())}
- raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
- cleaned_entered_tags = list()
- for tag in tag_strings:
- cleaned_tag = clean_tag(tag)
- if cleaned_tag not in cleaned_entered_tags:
- cleaned_entered_tags.append(clean_tag(tag))
- result = u' '.join(cleaned_entered_tags)
- if len(result) > 125:#magic number!, the same as max_length in db
- raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['max_length'])
- return u' '.join(cleaned_entered_tags)
-class WikiField(forms.BooleanField):
- """Rendered as checkbox turning post into
- "community wiki"
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(WikiField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.required = False
- self.initial = False
- self.label = _(
- 'community wiki (karma is not awarded & '
- 'many others can edit wiki post)'
- )
- self.help_text = _(
- 'if you choose community wiki option, the question '
- 'and answer do not generate points and name of '
- 'author will not be shown'
- )
- def clean(self, value):
- return value and askbot_settings.WIKI_ON
-class EmailNotifyField(forms.BooleanField):
- """Rendered as checkbox which turns on
- email notifications on the post"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(EmailNotifyField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.required = False
- self.widget.attrs['class'] = 'nomargin'
-class SummaryField(forms.CharField):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(SummaryField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.required = False
- self.widget = forms.TextInput(
- attrs={'size': 50, 'autocomplete': 'off'}
- )
- self.max_length = 300
- self.label = _('update summary:')
- self.help_text = _(
- 'enter a brief summary of your revision (e.g. '
- 'fixed spelling, grammar, improved style, this '
- 'field is optional)'
- )
-class EditorForm(forms.Form):
- """form with one field - `editor`
- the field must be created dynamically, so it's added
- in the __init__() function"""
- def __init__(self, editor_attrs=None):
- super(EditorForm, self).__init__()
- editor_attrs = editor_attrs or {}
- self.fields['editor'] = EditorField(editor_attrs=editor_attrs)
-class DumpUploadForm(forms.Form):
- """This form handles importing
- data into the forum. At the moment it only
- supports stackexchange import.
- """
- dump_file = forms.FileField()
-class ShowQuestionForm(forms.Form):
- """Cleans data necessary to access answers and comments
- by the respective comment or answer id - necessary
- when comments would be normally wrapped and/or displayed
- on the page other than the first page of answers to a question.
- Same for the answers that are shown on the later pages.
- """
- answer = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
- comment = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
- page = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
- sort = forms.CharField(required=False)
- def __init__(self, data, default_sort_method):
- super(ShowQuestionForm, self).__init__(data)
- self.default_sort_method = default_sort_method
- def get_pruned_data(self):
- nones = ('answer', 'comment', 'page')
- for key in nones:
- if key in self.cleaned_data:
- if self.cleaned_data[key] is None:
- del self.cleaned_data[key]
- if 'sort' in self.cleaned_data:
- if self.cleaned_data['sort'] == '':
- del self.cleaned_data['sort']
- return self.cleaned_data
- def clean(self):
- """this form must always be valid
- should use defaults if the data is incomplete
- or invalid"""
- if self._errors:
- #since the form is always valid, clear the errors
- logging.error(unicode(self._errors))
- self._errors = {}
- in_data = self.get_pruned_data()
- out_data = dict()
- if ('answer' in in_data) ^ ('comment' in in_data):
- out_data['show_page'] = None
- out_data['answer_sort_method'] = 'votes'
- out_data['show_comment'] = in_data.get('comment', None)
- out_data['show_answer'] = in_data.get('answer', None)
- else:
- out_data['show_page'] = in_data.get('page', 1)
- out_data['answer_sort_method'] = in_data.get(
- 'sort',
- self.default_sort_method
- )
- out_data['show_comment'] = None
- out_data['show_answer'] = None
- self.cleaned_data = out_data
- return out_data
-class ChangeUserReputationForm(forms.Form):
- """Form that allows moderators and site administrators
- to adjust reputation of users.
- this form internally verifies that user who claims to
- be a moderator acually is
- """
- user_reputation_delta = forms.IntegerField(
- min_value=1,
- label=_(
- 'Enter number of points to add or subtract'
- )
- )
- comment = forms.CharField(max_length=128)
- def clean_comment(self):
- if 'comment' in self.cleaned_data:
- comment = self.cleaned_data['comment'].strip()
- if comment == '':
- del self.cleaned_data['comment']
- raise forms.ValidationError('Please enter non-empty comment')
- self.cleaned_data['comment'] = comment
- return comment
- ('a', _('approved')),
- ('w', _('watched')),
- ('s', _('suspended')),
- ('b', _('blocked')),
- )
-ADMINISTRATOR_STATUS_CHOICES = (('d', _('administrator')),
- ('m', _('moderator')), ) \
-class ChangeUserStatusForm(forms.Form):
- """form that allows moderators to change user's status
- the type of options displayed depend on whether user
- is a moderator or a site administrator as well as
- what is the current status of the moderated user
- for example moderators cannot moderate other moderators
- and admins. Admins can take away admin status, but cannot
- add it (that can be done through the Django Admin interface
- this form is to be displayed in the user profile under
- "moderation" tab
- """
- user_status = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Change status to'))
- def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
- moderator = kwarg.pop('moderator')
- subject = kwarg.pop('subject')
- super(ChangeUserStatusForm, self).__init__(*arg, **kwarg)
- #select user_status_choices depending on status of the moderator
- if moderator.is_administrator():
- user_status_choices = ADMINISTRATOR_STATUS_CHOICES
- elif moderator.is_moderator():
- user_status_choices = MODERATOR_STATUS_CHOICES
- if subject.is_moderator() and subject != moderator:
- raise ValueError('moderator cannot moderate another moderator')
- else:
- raise ValueError('moderator or admin expected from "moderator"')
- #remove current status of the "subject" user from choices
- user_status_choices = filter_choices(
- remove_choices=[subject.status, ],
- from_choices=user_status_choices
- )
- #add prompt option
- user_status_choices = (('select', _('which one?')), ) \
- + user_status_choices
- self.fields['user_status'].choices = user_status_choices
- #set prompt option as default
- self.fields['user_status'].default = 'select'
- self.moderator = moderator
- self.subject = subject
- def clean(self):
- #if moderator is looking at own profile - do not
- #let change status
- if 'user_status' in self.cleaned_data:
- user_status = self.cleaned_data['user_status']
- #does not make sense to change own user status
- #if necessary, this can be done from the Django admin interface
- if self.moderator == self.subject:
- del self.cleaned_data['user_status']
- raise forms.ValidationError(_('Cannot change own status'))
- #do not let moderators turn other users into moderators
- if self.moderator.is_moderator() and user_status == 'moderator':
- del self.cleanded_data['user_status']
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _('Cannot turn other user to moderator')
- )
- #do not allow moderator to change status of other moderators
- if self.moderator.is_moderator() and self.subject.is_moderator():
- del self.cleaned_data['user_status']
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _('Cannot change status of another moderator')
- )
- #do not allow moderator to change to admin
- if self.moderator.is_moderator() and user_status == 'd':
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _("Cannot change status to admin")
- )
- if user_status == 'select':
- del self.cleaned_data['user_status']
- msg = _(
- 'If you wish to change %(username)s\'s status, '
- 'please make a meaningful selection.'
- ) % {'username': self.subject.username}
- raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
- return self.cleaned_data
-class SendMessageForm(forms.Form):
- subject_line = forms.CharField(
- label=_('Subject line'),
- max_length=64,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 64}, )
- )
- body_text = forms.CharField(
- label=_('Message text'),
- max_length=1600,
- widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 64})
- )
-class NotARobotForm(forms.Form):
- recaptcha = RecaptchaField(
- private_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_SECRET,
- public_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_KEY
- )
-class FeedbackForm(forms.Form):
- name = forms.CharField(label=_('Your name (optional):'), required=False)
- email = forms.EmailField(label=_('Email:'), required=False)
- message = forms.CharField(
- label=_('Your message:'),
- max_length=800,
- widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60})
- )
- no_email = forms.BooleanField(
- label=_("I don't want to give my email or receive a response:"),
- required=False
- )
- next = NextUrlField()
- def __init__(self, is_auth=False, *args, **kwargs):
- super(FeedbackForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.is_auth = is_auth
- if not is_auth:
- if askbot_settings.USE_RECAPTCHA:
- self._add_recaptcha_field()
- def _add_recaptcha_field(self):
- self.fields['recaptcha'] = RecaptchaField(
- private_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_SECRET,
- public_key=askbot_settings.RECAPTCHA_KEY
- )
- def clean(self):
- super(FeedbackForm, self).clean()
- if not self.is_auth:
- if not self.cleaned_data['no_email'] \
- and not self.cleaned_data['email']:
- msg = _('Please mark "I dont want to give my mail" field.')
- self._errors['email'] = self.error_class([msg])
- return self.cleaned_data
-class FormWithHideableFields(object):
- """allows to swap a field widget to HiddenInput() and back"""
- def hide_field(self, name):
- """replace widget with HiddenInput()
- and save the original in the __hidden_fields dictionary
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '__hidden_fields'):
- self.__hidden_fields = dict()
- if name in self.__hidden_fields:
- return
- self.__hidden_fields[name] = self.fields[name].widget
- self.fields[name].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
- def show_field(self, name):
- """restore the original widget on the field
- if it was previously hidden
- """
- if name in self.__hidden_fields:
- self.fields[name] = self.__hidden_fields.pop(name)
-class PostPrivatelyForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields):
- """has a single field `post_privately` with
- two related methods"""
- post_privately = forms.BooleanField(
- label = _('keep private within your groups'),
- required = False
- )
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- user = kwargs.pop('user', None)
- self._user = user
- super(PostPrivatelyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- if self.allows_post_privately() == False:
- self.hide_field('post_privately')
- def allows_post_privately(self):
- user = self._user
- return (
- askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED and \
- user and user.is_authenticated() and \
- user.can_make_group_private_posts()
- )
- def clean_post_privately(self):
- if self.allows_post_privately() == False:
- self.cleaned_data['post_privately'] = False
- return self.cleaned_data['post_privately']
-class DraftQuestionForm(forms.Form):
- """No real validation required for this form"""
- title = forms.CharField(required=False)
- text = forms.CharField(required=False)
- tagnames = forms.CharField(required=False)
-class DraftAnswerForm(forms.Form):
- """Only thread_id is required"""
- thread_id = forms.IntegerField()
- text = forms.CharField(required=False)
-class PostAsSomeoneForm(forms.Form):
- post_author_username = forms.CharField(
- initial=_('User name:'),
- help_text=_(
- 'Enter name to post on behalf of someone else. '
- 'Can create new accounts.'
- ),
- required=False,
- widget=forms.TextInput()
- )
- post_author_email = forms.CharField(
- initial=_('Email address:'),
- required=False,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'tipped-input'})
- )
- def get_post_user(self, user):
- """returns user on whose behalf the post or a revision
- is being made
- """
- username = self.cleaned_data['post_author_username']
- email= self.cleaned_data['post_author_email']
- if user.is_administrator() and username and email:
- post_user = user.get_or_create_fake_user(username, email)
- else:
- post_user = user
- return post_user
- def clean_post_author_username(self):
- """if value is the same as initial, it is reset to
- empty string
- todo: maybe better to have field where initial value is invalid,
- then we would not have to have two almost identical clean functions?
- """
- username = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_username', '')
- initial_username = unicode(self.fields['post_author_username'].initial)
- if username == initial_username:
- self.cleaned_data['post_author_username'] = ''
- return self.cleaned_data['post_author_username']
- def clean_post_author_email(self):
- """if value is the same as initial, it is reset to
- empty string"""
- email = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_email', '')
- initial_email = unicode(self.fields['post_author_email'].initial)
- if email == initial_email:
- email = ''
- if email != '':
- email = forms.EmailField().clean(email)
- self.cleaned_data['post_author_email'] = email
- return email
- def clean(self):
- """requires email address if user name is given"""
- username = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_username', '')
- email = self.cleaned_data.get('post_author_email', '')
- if username == '' and email:
- username_errors = self._errors.get(
- 'post_author_username',
- ErrorList()
- )
- username_errors.append(_('User name is required with the email'))
- self._errors['post_author_username'] = username_errors
- raise forms.ValidationError('missing user name')
- elif email == '' and username:
- email_errors = self._errors.get('post_author_email', ErrorList())
- email_errors.append(_('Email is required if user name is added'))
- self._errors['post_author_email'] = email_errors
- raise forms.ValidationError('missing email')
- return self.cleaned_data
-class AskForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm):
- """the form used to askbot questions
- field ask_anonymously is shown to the user if the
- if ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY live setting is True
- however, for simplicity, the value will always be present
- in the cleaned data, and will evaluate to False if the
- settings forbids anonymous asking
- """
- title = TitleField()
- tags = TagNamesField()
- wiki = WikiField()
- group_id = forms.IntegerField(required = False, widget = forms.HiddenInput)
- ask_anonymously = forms.BooleanField(
- label=_('ask anonymously'),
- help_text=_(
- 'Check if you do not want to reveal your name '
- 'when asking this question'
- ),
- required=False,
- )
- openid = forms.CharField(
- required=False, max_length=255,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 40, 'class': 'openid-input'})
- )
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(AskForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- #it's important that this field is set up dynamically
- self.fields['text'] = QuestionEditorField()
- #hide ask_anonymously field
- if askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY is False:
- self.hide_field('ask_anonymously')
- def clean_ask_anonymously(self):
- """returns false if anonymous asking is not allowed
- """
- if askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY is False:
- self.cleaned_data['ask_anonymously'] = False
- return self.cleaned_data['ask_anonymously']
- 'Subject line is expected in the format: '
- '[tag1, tag2, tag3,...] question title'
-class AskWidgetForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields):
- '''Simple form with just the title to ask a question'''
- title = TitleField()
- ask_anonymously = forms.BooleanField(
- label=_('ask anonymously'),
- help_text=_(
- 'Check if you do not want to reveal your name '
- 'when asking this question'
- ),
- required=False,
- )
- def __init__(self, include_text=True, *args, **kwargs):
- super(AskWidgetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- #hide ask_anonymously field
- if not askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY:
- self.hide_field('ask_anonymously')
- self.fields['text'] = QuestionEditorField()
- if not include_text:
- self.hide_field('text')
- #hack to make it validate
- self.fields['text'].required = False
- self.fields['text'].min_length = 0
-class CreateAskWidgetForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields):
- title = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
- include_text_field = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
- inner_style = forms.CharField(
- widget=forms.Textarea,
- required=False
- )
- outer_style = forms.CharField(
- widget=forms.Textarea,
- required=False
- )
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- from askbot.models import Group, Tag
- super(CreateAskWidgetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.fields['group'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(
- queryset=Group.objects.exclude_personal(),
- required=False
- )
- self.fields['tag'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Tag.objects.get_content_tags(),
- required=False)
- if not askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
- self.hide_field('group')
-class CreateQuestionWidgetForm(forms.Form, FormWithHideableFields):
- title = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
- question_number = forms.CharField(initial='7')
- tagnames = forms.CharField(label=_('tags'), max_length=50)
- search_query = forms.CharField(max_length=50, required=False)
- order_by = forms.ChoiceField(
- choices=const.SEARCH_ORDER_BY,
- initial='-added_at'
- )
- style = forms.CharField(
- widget=forms.Textarea,
- required=False
- )
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- from askbot.models import Group
- super(CreateQuestionWidgetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.fields['tagnames'] = TagNamesField()
- self.fields['group'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(
- queryset=Group.objects.exclude(name__startswith='_internal'),
- required=False
- )
-class AskByEmailForm(forms.Form):
- """:class:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm`
- validates question data, where question was posted
- by email.
- It is ivoked by the management command
- :mod:``
- Input is text data with attributes:
- * :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm.sender` - unparsed "from" data
- * :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm.subject` - subject line
- * :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmailForm.body_text` - body text of the email
- Cleaned values are:
- * ``email`` - email address
- * ``title`` - question title
- * ``tagnames`` - tag names all in one string
- * ``body_text`` - body of question text -
- a pass-through, no extra validation
- """
- sender = forms.CharField(max_length=255)
- subject = forms.CharField(
- max_length=255,
- error_messages={
- }
- )
- body_text = QuestionEditorField()
- def clean_sender(self):
- """Cleans the :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmail.sender` attribute
- If the field is valid, cleaned data will receive value ``email``
- """
- raw_email = self.cleaned_data['sender']
- email = extract_first_email_address(raw_email)
- if email is None:
- raise forms.ValidationError('Could not extract email address')
- self.cleaned_data['email'] = email
- return self.cleaned_data['sender']
- def clean_subject(self):
- """Cleans the :attr:`~askbot.forms.AskByEmail.subject` attribute
- If the field is valid, cleaned data will receive values
- ``tagnames`` and ``title``
- """
- raw_subject = self.cleaned_data['subject'].strip()
- if askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED:
- subject_re = re.compile(r'^\[([^]]+)\](.*)$')
- else:
- subject_re = re.compile(r'^(?:\[([^]]+)\])?(.*)$')
- match = subject_re.match(raw_subject)
- if match:
- #make raw tags comma-separated
- if is None: # no tags
- self.cleaned_data['tagnames'] = ''
- else:
- tagnames =';', ',')
- #pre-process tags
- tag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in tagnames.split(',')]
- tag_list = [re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', tag) for tag in tag_list]
- tag_list = [tag.replace(' ', '-') for tag in tag_list]
- #todo: use tag separator char here
- tagnames = ' '.join(tag_list)
- #clean tags - may raise ValidationError
- self.cleaned_data['tagnames'] = TagNamesField().clean(tagnames)
- #clean title - may raise ValidationError
- title =
- self.cleaned_data['title'] = TitleField().clean(title)
- else:
- raise forms.ValidationError(ASK_BY_EMAIL_SUBJECT_HELP)
- return self.cleaned_data['subject']
-class AnswerForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm):
- text = AnswerEditorField()
- wiki = WikiField()
- openid = forms.CharField(
- required=False, max_length=255,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 40, 'class': 'openid-input'})
- )
- email_notify = EmailNotifyField(initial=False)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(AnswerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.fields['text'] = AnswerEditorField()
- self.fields['email_notify'].widget.attrs['id'] = \
- 'question-subscribe-updates'
-class VoteForm(forms.Form):
- """form used in ajax vote view (only comment_upvote so far)
- """
- post_id = forms.IntegerField()
- # char because it is 'true' or 'false' as string
- cancel_vote = forms.CharField()
- def clean_cancel_vote(self):
- val = self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote']
- if val == 'true':
- result = True
- elif val == 'false':
- result = False
- else:
- del self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote']
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- 'either "true" or "false" strings expected'
- )
- self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote'] = result
- return self.cleaned_data['cancel_vote']
-class CloseForm(forms.Form):
- reason = forms.ChoiceField(choices=const.CLOSE_REASONS)
-class RetagQuestionForm(forms.Form):
- tags = TagNamesField()
- def __init__(self, question, *args, **kwargs):
- """initialize the default values"""
- super(RetagQuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.fields['tags'].initial = question.thread.tagnames
-class RevisionForm(forms.Form):
- """
- Lists revisions of a Question or Answer
- """
- revision = forms.ChoiceField(
- widget=forms.Select(
- attrs={'style': 'width:520px'}
- )
- )
- def __init__(self, post, latest_revision, *args, **kwargs):
- super(RevisionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- revisions = post.revisions.values_list(
- 'revision', 'author__username', 'revised_at', 'summary'
- )
- date_format = '%c'
- rev_choices = list()
- for r in revisions:
- rev_details = u'%s - %s (%s) %s' % (
- r[0], r[1], r[2].strftime(date_format), r[3]
- )
- rev_choices.append((r[0], rev_details))
- self.fields['revision'].choices = rev_choices
- self.fields['revision'].initial = latest_revision.revision
-class EditQuestionForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm):
- title = TitleField()
- tags = TagNamesField()
- summary = SummaryField()
- wiki = WikiField()
- reveal_identity = forms.BooleanField(
- help_text=_(
- 'You have asked this question anonymously, '
- 'if you decide to reveal your identity, please check '
- 'this box.'
- ),
- label=_('reveal identity'),
- required=False,
- )
- #todo: this is odd that this form takes question as an argument
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """populate EditQuestionForm with initial data"""
- self.question = kwargs.pop('question')
- self.user = kwargs['user']#preserve for superclass
- revision = kwargs.pop('revision')
- super(EditQuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- #it is important to add this field dynamically
- self.fields['text'] = QuestionEditorField()
- self.fields['title'].initial = revision.title
- self.fields['text'].initial = revision.text
- self.fields['tags'].initial = revision.tagnames
- self.fields['wiki'].initial =
- #hide the reveal identity field
- if not self.can_stay_anonymous():
- self.hide_field('reveal_identity')
- def has_changed(self):
- if super(EditQuestionForm, self).has_changed():
- return True
- if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
- return self.question.is_private() \
- != self.cleaned_data['post_privately']
- else:
- return False
- def can_stay_anonymous(self):
- """determines if the user cat keep editing the question
- anonymously"""
- return (askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY
- and self.question.is_anonymous
- and self.user.is_owner_of(self.question)
- )
- def clean_reveal_identity(self):
- """cleans the reveal_identity field
- which determines whether previous anonymous
- edits must be rewritten as not anonymous
- this does not necessarily mean that the edit will be anonymous
- only does real work when question is anonymous
- based on the following truth table:
- is_anon can owner checked cleaned data
- - * * * False (ignore choice in checkbox)
- + + + + True
- + + + - False
- + + - + Raise(Not owner)
- + + - - False
- + - + + True (setting "can" changed, say yes)
- + - + - False, warn (but prev edits stay anon)
- + - - + Raise(Not owner)
- + - - - False
- """
- value = self.cleaned_data['reveal_identity']
- if self.question.is_anonymous:
- if value is True:
- if self.user.is_owner_of(self.question):
- #regardless of the ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY
- return True
- else:
- self.show_field('reveal_identity')
- del self.cleaned_data['reveal_identity']
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _(
- 'Sorry, only owner of the anonymous '
- 'question can reveal his or her '
- 'identity, please uncheck the '
- 'box'
- )
- )
- else:
- can_ask_anon = askbot_settings.ALLOW_ASK_ANONYMOUSLY
- is_owner = self.user.is_owner_of(self.question)
- if can_ask_anon is False and is_owner:
- self.show_field('reveal_identity')
- raise forms.ValidationError(
- _(
- 'Sorry, apparently rules have just changed - '
- 'it is no longer possible to ask anonymously. '
- 'Please either check the "reveal identity" box '
- 'or reload this page and try editing the question '
- 'again.'
- )
- )
- return False
- else:
- #takes care of 8 possibilities - first row of the table
- return False
- def clean(self):
- """Purpose of this function is to determine whether
- it is ok to apply edit anonymously in the synthetic
- field edit_anonymously. It relies on correct cleaning
- if the "reveal_identity" field
- """
- super(EditQuestionForm, self).clean()
- reveal_identity = self.cleaned_data.get('reveal_identity', False)
- stay_anonymous = False
- if reveal_identity is False and self.can_stay_anonymous():
- stay_anonymous = True
- self.cleaned_data['stay_anonymous'] = stay_anonymous
- return self.cleaned_data
-class EditAnswerForm(PostAsSomeoneForm, PostPrivatelyForm):
- summary = SummaryField()
- wiki = WikiField()
- def __init__(self, answer, revision, *args, **kwargs):
- self.answer = answer
- super(EditAnswerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- #it is important to add this field dynamically
- self.fields['text'] = AnswerEditorField()
- self.fields['text'].initial = revision.text
- self.fields['wiki'].initial =
- def has_changed(self):
- #todo: this function is almost copy/paste of EditQuestionForm.has_changed()
- if super(EditAnswerForm, self).has_changed():
- return True
- if askbot_settings.GROUPS_ENABLED:
- return self.answer.is_private() \
- != self.cleaned_data['post_privately']
- else:
- return False
-class EditTagWikiForm(forms.Form):
- text = forms.CharField(required=False)
- tag_id = forms.IntegerField()
-class EditUserForm(forms.Form):
- email = forms.EmailField(
- label=u'Email',
- required=True,
- max_length=255,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35})
- )
- realname = forms.CharField(
- label=_('Real name'),
- required=False,
- max_length=255,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35})
- )
- website = forms.URLField(
- label=_('Website'),
- required=False,
- max_length=255,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35})
- )
- city = forms.CharField(
- label=_('City'),
- required=False,
- max_length=255,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35})
- )
- country = CountryField(required=False)
- show_country = forms.BooleanField(
- label=_('Show country'),
- required=False
- )
- show_marked_tags = forms.BooleanField(
- label=_('Show tag choices'),
- required=False
- )
- birthday = forms.DateField(
- label=_('Date of birth'),
- help_text=_(
- 'will not be shown, used to calculate '
- 'age, format: YYYY-MM-DD'
- ),
- required=False,
- widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 35})
- )
- about = forms.CharField(
- label=_('Profile'),
- required=False,
- widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 60})
- )
- def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
- super(EditUserForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- logging.debug('initializing the form')
- if askbot_settings.EDITABLE_SCREEN_NAME:
- self.fields['username'] = UserNameField(label=_('Screen name'))
- self.fields['username'].initial = user.username
- self.fields['username'].user_instance = user
- self.fields['email'].initial =
- self.fields['realname'].initial = user.real_name
- self.fields['website'].initial =
- self.fields['city'].initial = user.location
- if is None:
- country = 'unknown'
- else:
- country =
- self.fields['country'].initial = country
- self.fields['show_country'].initial = user.show_country
- self.fields['show_marked_tags'].initial = user.show_marked_tags
- if user.date_of_birth is not None:
- self.fields['birthday'].initial = user.date_of_birth
- self.fields['about'].initial = user.about
- self.user = user
- def clean_email(self):
- """For security reason one unique email in database"""
- if != self.cleaned_data['email']:
- #todo dry it, there is a similar thing in openidauth
- if askbot_settings.EMAIL_UNIQUE is True:
- if 'email' in self.cleaned_data:
- try:
- User.objects.get(email=self.cleaned_data['email'])
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- return self.cleaned_data['email']
- except User.MultipleObjectsReturned:
- raise forms.ValidationError(_(
- 'this email has already been registered, '
- 'please use another one')
- )
- raise forms.ValidationError(_(
- 'this email has already been registered, '
- 'please use another one')
- )
- return self.cleaned_data['email']
-class TagFilterSelectionForm(forms.ModelForm):
- email_tag_filter_strategy = forms.ChoiceField(
- initial = const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED,
- label = _('Choose email tag filter'),
- widget = forms.RadioSelect
- )
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(TagFilterSelectionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- choices = get_tag_display_filter_strategy_choices()
- self.fields['email_tag_filter_strategy'].choices = choices
- class Meta:
- model = User
- fields = ('email_tag_filter_strategy',)
- def save(self):
- before = self.instance.email_tag_filter_strategy
- super(TagFilterSelectionForm, self).save()
- after = self.instance.email_tag_filter_strategy
- if before != after:
- return True
- return False
-class EmailFeedSettingField(forms.ChoiceField):
- def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
- kwarg['widget'] = forms.RadioSelect
- super(EmailFeedSettingField, self).__init__(*arg, **kwarg)
-class EditUserEmailFeedsForm(forms.Form):
- 'all_questions': 'q_all',
- 'asked_by_me': 'q_ask',
- 'answered_by_me': 'q_ans',
- 'individually_selected': 'q_sel',
- 'mentions_and_comments': 'm_and_c',
- }
- 'all_questions': 'n',
- 'asked_by_me': 'n',
- 'answered_by_me': 'n',
- 'individually_selected': 'n',
- 'mentions_and_comments': 'n',
- }
- 'all_questions': 'i',
- 'asked_by_me': 'i',
- 'answered_by_me': 'i',
- 'individually_selected': 'i',
- 'mentions_and_comments': 'i',
- }
- asked_by_me = EmailFeedSettingField(
- label=_('Asked by me')
- )
- answered_by_me = EmailFeedSettingField(
- label=_('Answered by me')
- )
- individually_selected = EmailFeedSettingField(
- label=_('Individually selected')
- )
- all_questions = EmailFeedSettingField(
- label=_('Entire forum (tag filtered)'),
- )
- mentions_and_comments = EmailFeedSettingField(
- label=_('Comments and posts mentioning me'),
- )
- def set_initial_values(self, user=None):
- from askbot import models
- KEY_MAP = dict([(v, k) for k, v in self.FORM_TO_MODEL_MAP.iteritems()])
- if user is not None:
- settings = models.EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter(subscriber=user)
- initial_values = {}
- for setting in settings:
- feed_type = setting.feed_type
- form_field = KEY_MAP[feed_type]
- frequency = setting.frequency
- initial_values[form_field] = frequency
- self.initial = initial_values
- return self
- def reset(self):
- """equivalent to set_frequency('n')
- but also returns self due to some legacy requirement
- todo: clean up use of this function
- """
- if self.is_bound:
- self.cleaned_data = self.NO_EMAIL_INITIAL
- self.initial = self.NO_EMAIL_INITIAL
- return self
- def get_db_model_subscription_type_names(self):
- """todo: refactor this - too hacky
- should probably use model form instead
- returns list of values acceptable in
- ``attr::models.user.EmailFeedSetting.feed_type``
- """
- return self.FORM_TO_MODEL_MAP.values()
- def set_frequency(self, frequency='n'):
- data = {
- 'all_questions': frequency,
- 'asked_by_me': frequency,
- 'answered_by_me': frequency,
- 'individually_selected': frequency,
- 'mentions_and_comments': frequency
- }
- if self.is_bound:
- self.cleaned_data = data
- self.initial = data
- def save(self, user, save_unbound=False):
- """with save_unbound==True will bypass form
- validation and save initial values
- """
- from askbot import models
- changed = False
- for form_field, feed_type in self.FORM_TO_MODEL_MAP.items():
- s, created = models.EmailFeedSetting.objects.get_or_create(
- subscriber=user,
- feed_type=feed_type
- )
- if save_unbound:
- #just save initial values instead
- if form_field in self.initial:
- new_value = self.initial[form_field]
- else:
- new_value = self.fields[form_field].initial
- else:
- new_value = self.cleaned_data[form_field]
- if s.frequency != new_value:
- s.frequency = new_value
- changed = True
- else:
- if created:
- if form_field == 'individually_selected':
- user.followed_threads.clear()
- return changed
-class SubscribeForEmailUpdatesField(forms.ChoiceField):
- """a simple yes or no field to subscribe for email or not"""
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- kwargs['widget'] = forms.widgets.RadioSelect
- kwargs['error_messages'] = {
- 'required': _('please choose one of the options above')
- }
- kwargs['choices'] = (
- ('y', _('okay, let\'s try!')),
- (
- 'n',
- _('no %(sitename)s email please, thanks')
- % {'sitename': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME}
- )
- )
- super(SubscribeForEmailUpdatesField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-class SimpleEmailSubscribeForm(forms.Form):
- subscribe = SubscribeForEmailUpdatesField()
- def save(self, user=None):
- EFF = EditUserEmailFeedsForm
- #here we have kind of an anomaly - the value 'y' is redundant
- #with the frequency variable - needs to be fixed
- if self.is_bound and self.cleaned_data['subscribe'] == 'y':
- email_settings_form = EFF()
- email_settings_form.set_initial_values(user)
- logging.debug('%s wants to subscribe' % user.username)
- else:
- email_settings_form = EFF(initial=EFF.NO_EMAIL_INITIAL)
-, save_unbound=True)
-class GroupLogoURLForm(forms.Form):
- """form for saving group logo url"""
- group_id = forms.IntegerField()
- image_url = forms.CharField()
-class EditGroupMembershipForm(forms.Form):
- """a form for adding or removing users
- to and from user groups"""
- user_id = forms.IntegerField()
- group_name = forms.CharField()
- action = forms.CharField()
- def clean_action(self):
- """allowed actions are 'add' and 'remove'"""
- action = self.cleaned_data['action']
- if action not in ('add', 'remove'):
- del self.cleaned_data['action']
- raise forms.ValidationError('invalid action')
- return action
-class EditRejectReasonForm(forms.Form):
- reason_id = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
- title = CountedWordsField(
- min_words=1, max_words=4, field_name=_('Title')
- )
- details = CountedWordsField(
- min_words=6, field_name=_('Description')
- )
-class ModerateTagForm(forms.Form):
- tag_id = forms.IntegerField()
- thread_id = forms.IntegerField(required = False)
- action = forms.CharField()
- def clean_action(self):
- action = self.cleaned_data['action']
- assert(action in ('accept', 'reject'))
- return action
-class ShareQuestionForm(forms.Form):
- thread_id = forms.IntegerField()
- recipient_name = forms.CharField()
diff --git a/askbot/mail/ b/askbot/mail/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d426e80..00000000
--- a/askbot/mail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-"""functions that send email in askbot
-these automatically catch email-related exceptions
-import os
-import smtplib
-import logging
-from django.core import mail
-from django.conf import settings as django_settings
-from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
-from django.forms import ValidationError
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from django.utils.translation import string_concat
-from django.template import Context
-from django.utils.html import strip_tags
-from askbot import exceptions
-from askbot import const
-from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings
-from askbot.utils import url_utils
-from askbot.utils.file_utils import store_file
-from askbot.utils.html import absolutize_urls
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-#todo: maybe send_mail functions belong to models
-#or the future API
-def prefix_the_subject_line(subject):
- """prefixes the subject line with the
- from live settings, which take default from django
- """
- prefix = askbot_settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX
- if prefix != '':
- subject = prefix.strip() + ' ' + subject.strip()
- return subject
-def extract_first_email_address(text):
- """extract first matching email address
- from text string
- returns ``None`` if there are no matches
- """
- match =
- if match:
- return
- else:
- return None
-def thread_headers(post, orig_post, update):
- """modify headers for email messages, so
- that emails appear as threaded conversations in gmail"""
- suffix_id = django_settings.SERVER_EMAIL
- if update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ASK_QUESTION:
- msg_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': msg_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ANSWER:
- msg_id = "NA-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': msg_id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_QUESTION:
- msg_id = "UQ-%s-%s-%s" % (, post.last_edited_at, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': msg_id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_QUESTION:
- msg_id = "CQ-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': msg_id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_ANSWER:
- msg_id = "UA-%s-%s-%s" % (, post.last_edited_at, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': msg_id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_ANSWER:
- msg_id = "CA-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': msg_id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- else:
- # Unknown type -> Can't set headers
- return {}
- return headers
-def clean_html_email(email_body):
- """needs more clenup might not work for other email templates
- that do not use table layout
- """
- soup = BeautifulSoup(email_body)
- body_element = soup.find('body')
- phrases = map(
- lambda s: s.strip(),
- filter(bool, body_element.get_text().split('\n'))
- )
- return '\n\n'.join(phrases)
-def send_mail(
- subject_line = None,
- body_text = None,
- from_email = django_settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL,
- recipient_list = None,
- activity_type = None,
- related_object = None,
- headers = None,
- raise_on_failure = False,
- ):
- """
- todo: remove parameters not relevant to the function
- sends email message
- logs email sending activity
- and any errors are reported as critical
- in the main log file
- related_object is not mandatory, other arguments
- are. related_object (if given, will be saved in
- the activity record)
- if raise_on_failure is True, exceptions.EmailNotSent is raised
- """
- body_text = absolutize_urls(body_text)
- try:
- assert(subject_line is not None)
- subject_line = prefix_the_subject_line(subject_line)
- msg = mail.EmailMultiAlternatives(
- subject_line,
- clean_html_email(body_text),
- from_email,
- recipient_list,
- headers = headers
- )
- msg.attach_alternative(body_text, "text/html")
- msg.send()
- if related_object is not None:
- assert(activity_type is not None)
- except Exception, error:
- logging.critical(unicode(error))
- if raise_on_failure == True:
- raise exceptions.EmailNotSent(unicode(error))
-def mail_moderators(
- subject_line = '',
- body_text = '',
- raise_on_failure = False,
- headers = None
- ):
- """sends email to forum moderators and admins
- """
- body_text = absolutize_urls(body_text)
- from django.db.models import Q
- from askbot.models import User
- recipient_list = User.objects.filter(
- Q(status='m') | Q(is_superuser=True)
- ).filter(
- is_active = True
- ).values_list('email', flat=True)
- recipient_list = set(recipient_list)
- from_email = ''
- if hasattr(django_settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL'):
- from_email = django_settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
- try:
- msg = mail.EmailMessage(
- subject_line,
- body_text,
- from_email,
- recipient_list,
- headers = headers or {}
- )
- msg.content_subtype = 'html'
- msg.send()
- except smtplib.SMTPException, error:
- logging.critical(unicode(error))
- if raise_on_failure == True:
- raise exceptions.EmailNotSent(unicode(error))
-INSTRUCTIONS_PREAMBLE = _('<p>To ask by email, please:</p>')
- '<li>Type title in the subject line</li>'
- '<li>Type details of your question into the email body</li>'
-"""<li>The beginning of the subject line can contain tags,
-<em>enclosed in the square brackets</em> like so: [Tag1; Tag2]</li>"""
-"""<li>In the beginning of the subject add at least one tag
-<em>enclosed in the brackets</em> like so: [Tag1; Tag2].</li>"""
-"""<p>Note that a tag may consist of more than one word, to separate
-the tags, use a semicolon or a comma, for example, [One tag; Other tag]</p>"""
-def bounce_email(
- email, subject, reason = None, body_text = None, reply_to = None
- """sends a bounce email at address ``email``, with the subject
- line ``subject``, accepts several reasons for the bounce:
- * ``'problem_posting'``, ``unknown_user`` and ``permission_denied``
- * ``body_text`` in an optional parameter that allows to append
- extra text to the message
- """
- if reason == 'problem_posting':
- error_message = _(
- '<p>Sorry, there was an error posting your question '
- 'please contact the %(site)s administrator</p>'
- ) % {'site': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME}
- if askbot_settings.TAGS_ARE_REQUIRED:
- error_message = string_concat(
- '<ul>',
- '</ul>',
- )
- else:
- error_message = string_concat(
- '<ul>',
- '</ul>',
- )
- elif reason == 'unknown_user':
- error_message = _(
- '<p>Sorry, in order to post questions on %(site)s '
- 'by email, please <a href="%(url)s">register first</a></p>'
- ) % {
- 'site': askbot_settings.APP_SHORT_NAME,
- 'url': url_utils.get_login_url()
- }
- elif reason == 'permission_denied' and body_text is None:
- error_message = _(
- '<p>Sorry, your question could not be posted '
- 'due to insufficient privileges of your user account</p>'
- )
- elif body_text:
- error_message = body_text
- else:
- raise ValueError('unknown reason to bounce an email: "%s"' % reason)
- #print 'sending email'
- #print email
- #print subject
- #print error_message
- headers = {}
- if reply_to:
- headers['Reply-To'] = reply_to
- send_mail(
- recipient_list = (email,),
- subject_line = 'Re: ' + subject,
- body_text = error_message,
- headers = headers
- )
-def extract_reply(text):
- """take the part above the separator
- and discard the last line above the separator
- """
- if
- text = const.REPLY_SEPARATOR_REGEX.split(text)[0]
- text_lines = text.splitlines(False)
- #log last 10 lines of text - to capture email responses
- logging.debug('reply-border-separator|' + '|'.join(text_lines[-10:]))
- #here we need code stripping the "On ... somebody wrote:"
- return '\n'.join(text_lines[:-3])
- else:
- return text
-def process_attachment(attachment):
- """will save a single
- attachment and return
- link to file in the markdown format and the
- file storage object
- """
- file_storage, file_name, file_url = store_file(attachment)
- markdown_link = '[%s](%s) ' % (, file_url)
- file_extension = os.path.splitext([1]
- #todo: this is a hack - use content type
- if file_extension.lower() in ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif'):
- markdown_link = '!' + markdown_link
- return markdown_link, file_storage
-def extract_user_signature(text, reply_code):
- """extracts email signature as text trailing
- the reply code"""
- striped_text = strip_tags(text)
- if reply_code in striped_text:
- #extract the signature
- tail = list()
- for line in reversed(striped_text.splitlines()):
- #scan backwards from the end until the magic line
- if reply_code in line:
- break
- tail.insert(0, line)
- #strip off the leading quoted lines, there could be one or two
- #also strip empty lines
- while tail and (tail[0].startswith('>') or tail[0].strip() == ''):
- tail.pop(0)
- return '\n'.join(tail)
- else:
- return ''
-def process_parts(parts, reply_code = None):
- """Process parts will upload the attachments and parse out the
- body, if body is multipart. Secondly - links to attachments
- will be added to the body of the question.
- Returns ready to post body of the message and the list
- of uploaded files.
- """
- body_markdown = ''
- stored_files = list()
- attachments_markdown = ''
- for (part_type, content) in parts:
- if part_type == 'attachment':
- markdown, stored_file = process_attachment(content)
- stored_files.append(stored_file)
- attachments_markdown += '\n\n' + markdown
- elif part_type == 'body':
- body_markdown += '\n\n' + content.strip('\n\t ')
- elif part_type == 'inline':
- markdown, stored_file = process_attachment(content)
- stored_files.append(stored_file)
- body_markdown += markdown
- #if the response separator is present -
- #split the body with it, and discard the "so and so wrote:" part
- if reply_code:
- signature = extract_user_signature(body_markdown, reply_code)
- else:
- signature = None
- body_markdown = extract_reply(body_markdown)
- body_markdown += attachments_markdown
- return body_markdown.strip(), stored_files, signature
-def process_emailed_question(
- from_address, subject, body_text, stored_files,
- tags=None, group_id=None
- """posts question received by email or bounces the message"""
- #a bunch of imports here, to avoid potential circular import issues
- from askbot.forms import AskByEmailForm
- from askbot.models import ReplyAddress, User
- from askbot.mail import messages
- reply_to = None
- try:
- #todo: delete uploaded files when posting by email fails!!!
- data = {
- 'sender': from_address,
- 'subject': subject,
- 'body_text': body_text
- }
- form = AskByEmailForm(data)
- if form.is_valid():
- email_address = form.cleaned_data['email']
- user = User.objects.get(email__iexact = email_address)
- if user.can_post_by_email() is False:
- raise PermissionDenied(messages.insufficient_reputation(user))
- body_text = form.cleaned_data['body_text']
- stripped_body_text = user.strip_email_signature(body_text)
- signature_not_detected = (
- stripped_body_text == body_text and user.email_signature
- )
- #ask for signature response if user's email has not been
- #validated yet or if email signature could not be found
- if user.email_isvalid is False or signature_not_detected:
- reply_to = ReplyAddress.objects.create_new(
- user = user,
- reply_action = 'validate_email'
- ).as_email_address()
- message = messages.ask_for_signature(user, footer_code = reply_to)
- raise PermissionDenied(message)
- tagnames = form.cleaned_data['tagnames']
- title = form.cleaned_data['title']
- #defect - here we might get "too many tags" issue
- if tags:
- tagnames += ' ' + ' '.join(tags)
- user.post_question(
- title=title,
- tags=tagnames.strip(),
- body_text=stripped_body_text,
- by_email=True,
- email_address=from_address,
- group_id=group_id
- )
- else:
- raise ValidationError()
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- bounce_email(email_address, subject, reason = 'unknown_user')
- except User.MultipleObjectsReturned:
- bounce_email(email_address, subject, reason = 'problem_posting')
- except PermissionDenied, error:
- bounce_email(
- email_address,
- subject,
- reason = 'permission_denied',
- body_text = unicode(error),
- reply_to = reply_to
- )
- except ValidationError:
- if from_address:
- bounce_email(
- from_address,
- subject,
- reason = 'problem_posting',
- )