path: root/coffin/template/
diff options
authorEvgeny Fadeev <>2010-10-10 23:20:27 -0400
committerEvgeny Fadeev <>2010-10-10 23:20:27 -0400
commitd23043cfd1221546e63ac98723ae0329edecd42d (patch)
tree5791919f1004a7c166ad8ed18969692664b20ce7 /coffin/template/
parent077cbd288ad7fde99fe42693dddd473b7ea4b404 (diff)
removed coffin, from trunk, added dependencies and updated the version
Diffstat (limited to 'coffin/template/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/coffin/template/ b/coffin/template/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9994257..00000000
--- a/coffin/template/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-from jinja2 import nodes
-from jinja2.ext import Extension
-from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError
-from django.conf import settings
-from coffin.template import Library
-class LoadExtension(Extension):
- """The load-tag is a no-op in Coffin. Instead, all template libraries
- are always loaded.
- Note: Supporting a functioning load-tag in Jinja is tough, though
- theoretically possible. The trouble is activating new extensions while
- parsing is ongoing. The ``Parser.extensions`` dict of the current
- parser instance needs to be modified, but apparently the only way to
- get access would be by hacking the stack.
- """
- tags = set(['load'])
- def parse(self, parser):
- while not == 'block_end':
- return []
-"""class AutoescapeExtension(Extension):
- ""#"
- Template to output works in three phases in Jinja2: parsing,
- generation (compilation, AST-traversal), and rendering (execution).
- Unfortunatly, the environment ``autoescape`` option comes into effect
- during traversal, the part where we happen to have basically no control
- over as an extension. It determines whether output is wrapped in
- ``escape()`` calls.
- Solutions that could possibly work:
- * This extension could preprocess it's childnodes and wrap
- everything output related inside the appropriate
- ``Markup()`` or escape() call.
- * We could use the ``preprocess`` hook to insert the
- appropriate ``|safe`` and ``|escape`` filters on a
- string-basis. This is very unlikely to work well.
- There's also the issue of inheritance and just generally the nesting
- of autoescape-tags to consider.
- Other things of note:
- * We can access ``parser.environment``, but that would only
- affect the **parsing** of our child nodes.
- * In the commented-out code below we are trying to affect the
- autoescape setting during rendering. As noted, this could be
- necessary for rare border cases where custom extension use
- the autoescape attribute.
- Both the above things would break Environment thread-safety though!
- Overall, it's not looking to good for this extension.
- ""#"
- tags = ['autoescape']
- def parse(self, parser):
- lineno =
- old_autoescape = parser.environment.autoescape
- parser.environment.autoescape = True
- try:
- body = parser.parse_statements(
- ['name:endautoescape'], drop_needle=True)
- finally:
- parser.environment.autoescape = old_autoescape
- # Not sure yet if the code below is necessary - it changes
- # environment.autoescape during template rendering. If for example
- # a CallBlock function accesses ``environment.autoescape``, it
- # presumably is.
- # This also should use try-finally though, which Jinja's API
- # doesn't support either. We could fake that as well by using
- # InternalNames that output the necessary indentation and keywords,
- # but at this point it starts to get really messy.
- #
- # TODO: Actually, there's ``nodes.EnvironmentAttribute``.
- #ae_setting = object.__new__(nodes.InternalName)
- #nodes.Node.__init__(ae_setting, 'environment.autoescape', lineno=lineno)
- #temp = parser.free_identifier()
- #body.insert(0, nodes.Assign(temp, ae_setting))
- #body.insert(1, nodes.Assign(ae_setting, nodes.Const(True)))
- #body.insert(len(body), nodes.Assign(ae_setting, temp))
- return body
-class URLExtension(Extension):
- """Returns an absolute URL matching given view with its parameters.
- This is a way to define links that aren't tied to a particular URL
- configuration::
- {% url arg1,arg2,name1=value1 %}
- Known differences to Django's url-Tag:
- - In Django, the view name may contain any non-space character.
- Since Jinja's lexer does not identify whitespace to us, only
- characters that make up valid identifers, plus dots and hyphens
- are allowed. Note that identifers in Jinja 2 may not contain
- non-ascii characters.
- As an alternative, you may specifify the view as a string,
- which bypasses all these restrictions. It further allows you
- to apply filters:
- {% url "меткаda.some-view"|afilter %}
- """
- tags = set(['url'])
- def parse(self, parser):
- stream =
- tag =
- # get view name
- if stream.current.test('string'):
- viewname = parser.parse_primary()
- else:
- # parse valid tokens and manually build a string from them
- bits = []
- name_allowed = True
- while True:
- if stream.current.test_any('dot', 'sub'):
- bits.append(
- name_allowed = True
- elif stream.current.test('name') and name_allowed:
- bits.append(
- name_allowed = False
- else:
- break
- viewname = nodes.Const("".join([b.value for b in bits]))
- if not bits:
- raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' requires path to view" %
- tag.value, tag.lineno)
- # get arguments
- args = []
- kwargs = []
- while not stream.current.test_any('block_end', 'name:as'):
- if args or kwargs:
- stream.expect('comma')
- if stream.current.test('name') and stream.look().test('assign'):
- key = nodes.Const(
- stream.skip()
- value = parser.parse_expression()
- kwargs.append(nodes.Pair(key, value, lineno=key.lineno))
- else:
- args.append(parser.parse_expression())
- make_call_node = lambda *kw: \
- self.call_method('_reverse',
- args=[viewname, nodes.List(args), nodes.Dict(kwargs)],
- kwargs=kw)
- # if an as-clause is specified, write the result to context...
- if stream.next_if('name:as'):
- var = nodes.Name(stream.expect('name').value, 'store')
- call_node = make_call_node(nodes.Keyword('fail', nodes.Const(False)))
- return nodes.Assign(var, call_node)
- # ...otherwise print it out.
- else:
- return nodes.Output([make_call_node()]).set_lineno(tag.lineno)
- @classmethod
- def _reverse(self, viewname, args, kwargs, fail=True):
- from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch
- # Try to look up the URL twice: once given the view name,
- # and again relative to what we guess is the "main" app.
- url = ''
- try:
- url = reverse(viewname, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
- except NoReverseMatch:
- projectname = settings.SETTINGS_MODULE.split('.')[0]
- try:
- url = reverse(projectname + '.' + viewname,
- args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
- except NoReverseMatch:
- if fail:
- raise
- else:
- return ''
- return url
-class WithExtension(Extension):
- """Adds a value to the context (inside this block) for caching and
- easy access, just like the Django-version does.
- For example::
- {% with person.some_sql_method as total %}
- {{ total }} object{{ total|pluralize }}
- {% endwith %}
- TODO: The new Scope node introduced in Jinja2 6334c1eade73 (the 2.2
- dev version) would help here, but we don't want to rely on that yet.
- See also:
- """
- tags = set(['with'])
- def parse(self, parser):
- lineno =
- value = parser.parse_expression()
- name ='name')
- body = parser.parse_statements(['name:endwith'], drop_needle=True)
- return nodes.CallBlock(
- self.call_method('_render_block', args=[value]),
- [nodes.Name(name.value, 'store')], [], body).\
- set_lineno(lineno)
- def _render_block(self, value, caller=None):
- return caller(value)
-class CacheExtension(Extension):
- """Exactly like Django's own tag, but supports full Jinja2
- expressiveness for all arguments.
- {% cache gettimeout()*2 "foo"+options.cachename %}
- ...
- {% endcache %}
- This actually means that there is a considerable incompatibility
- to Django: In Django, the second argument is simply a name, but
- interpreted as a literal string. This tag, with Jinja2 stronger
- emphasis on consistent syntax, requires you to actually specify the
- quotes around the name to make it a string. Otherwise, allowing
- Jinja2 expressions would be very hard to impossible (one could use
- a lookahead to see if the name is followed by an operator, and
- evaluate it as an expression if so, or read it as a string if not.
- TODO: This may not be the right choice. Supporting expressions
- here is probably not very important, so compatibility should maybe
- prevail. Unfortunately, it is actually pretty hard to be compatibly
- in all cases, simply because Django's per-character parser will
- just eat everything until the next whitespace and consider it part
- of the fragment name, while we have to work token-based: ``x*2``
- would actually be considered ``"x*2"`` in Django, while Jinja2
- would give us three tokens: ``x``, ``*``, ``2``.
- General Syntax:
- {% cache [expire_time] [fragment_name] [var1] [var2] .. %}
- .. some expensive processing ..
- {% endcache %}
- Available by default (does not need to be loaded).
- Partly based on the ``FragmentCacheExtension`` from the Jinja2 docs.
- TODO: Should there be scoping issues with the internal dummy macro
- limited access to certain outer variables in some cases, there is a
- different way to write this. Generated code would look like this:
- internal_name = environment.extensions['..']._get_cache_value():
- if internal_name is not None:
- yield internal_name
- else:
- internal_name = "" # or maybe use [] and append() for performance
- internalname += "..."
- internalname += "..."
- internalname += "..."
- environment.extensions['..']._set_cache_value(internalname):
- yield internalname
- In other words, instead of using a CallBlock which uses a local
- function and calls into python, we have to separate calls into
- python, but put the if-else logic itself into the compiled template.
- """
- tags = set(['cache'])
- def parse(self, parser):
- lineno =
- expire_time = parser.parse_expression()
- fragment_name = parser.parse_expression()
- vary_on = []
- while not'block_end'):
- vary_on.append(parser.parse_expression())
- body = parser.parse_statements(['name:endcache'], drop_needle=True)
- return nodes.CallBlock(
- self.call_method('_cache_support',
- [expire_time, fragment_name,
- nodes.List(vary_on), nodes.Const(lineno)]),
- [], [], body).set_lineno(lineno)
- def _cache_support(self, expire_time, fragm_name, vary_on, lineno, caller):
- from django.core.cache import cache # delay depending in settings
- from django.utils.http import urlquote
- try:
- expire_time = int(expire_time)
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- raise TemplateSyntaxError('"%s" tag got a non-integer '
- 'timeout value: %r' % (list(self.tags)[0], expire_time), lineno)
- cache_key = u':'.join([fragm_name] + [urlquote(v) for v in vary_on])
- value = cache.get(cache_key)
- if value is None:
- value = caller()
- cache.set(cache_key, value, expire_time)
- return value
-class SpacelessExtension(Extension):
- """Removes whitespace between HTML tags, including tab and
- newline characters.
- Works exactly like Django's own tag.
- """
- tags = ['spaceless']
- def parse(self, parser):
- lineno =
- body = parser.parse_statements(['name:endspaceless'], drop_needle=True)
- return nodes.CallBlock(
- self.call_method('_strip_spaces', [], [], None, None),
- [], [], body
- ).set_lineno(lineno)
- def _strip_spaces(self, caller=None):
- from django.utils.html import strip_spaces_between_tags
- return strip_spaces_between_tags(caller().strip())
-# nicer import names
-load = LoadExtension
-url = URLExtension
-with_ = WithExtension
-cache = CacheExtension
-spaceless = SpacelessExtension
-register = Library()
-register.tag(spaceless) \ No newline at end of file