path: root/forum/deps/livesettings/
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authorEvgeny Fadeev <>2010-06-12 22:51:11 -0400
committerEvgeny Fadeev <>2010-06-12 22:51:11 -0400
commit3a3a11d32c72ab79ce94679aae7a549230c7104f (patch)
tree3ac36a302b85d5497b3d335238044c8f481ac0fd /forum/deps/livesettings/
parent8b6a10ead45bcd915f5da223de2b3fd3c30fc7b5 (diff)
moved livesettings and django_authopenid into forum/deps
Diffstat (limited to 'forum/deps/livesettings/')
1 files changed, 545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/forum/deps/livesettings/ b/forum/deps/livesettings/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f604af99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forum/deps/livesettings/
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+from django.conf import settings as djangosettings
+from django.test import TestCase
+import keyedcache
+from forum.deps.livesettings import *
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger('test');
+class ConfigurationFunctionTest(TestCase):
+ def testSetSingleConfigItem(self):
+ value = IntegerValue(BASE_GROUP, 'SingleItem')
+ config_register(value)
+ self.assert_(config_exists(BASE_GROUP, 'SingleItem'))
+ def testSetTwoConfigItems(self):
+ s = [IntegerValue(BASE_GROUP, 'testTwoA'), StringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'testTwoB')]
+ config_register_list(*s)
+ self.assert_(config_exists(BASE_GROUP, 'testTwoA'))
+ self.assert_(config_exists(BASE_GROUP, 'testTwoB'))
+ def testSetGroup(self):
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('test1','test1')
+ value = IntegerValue(g1, 'SingleGroupedItem')
+ config_register(value)
+ self.assertFalse(config_exists(BASE_GROUP, 'SingleGroupedItem'))
+ self.assert_(config_exists(g1, 'SingleGroupedItem'))
+class ConfigurationTestSettings(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g = ConfigurationGroup('test2','test2')
+ self.g = g
+ config_register(StringValue(g, 's1'))
+ config_register(IntegerValue(g, 's2', default=10))
+ config_register(IntegerValue(g, 's3', default=10))
+ def testSetSetting(self):
+ c = config_get('test2', 's1')
+ c.update('test')
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, 'test')
+ self.assertEqual(c.setting.value, 'test')
+ def testSettingDefault(self):
+ c = config_get('test2', 's2')
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, 10)
+ def testSetAndReset(self):
+ """Test setting one value and then updating"""
+ c = config_get('test2', 's1')
+ c.update('test1')
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, 'test1')
+ # should be true, since it is an update
+ self.assert_(c.update('test2'))
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, 'test2')
+ def testTwice(self):
+ """Config items should respond False to duplicate requests to update."""
+ c = config_get('test2', 's1')
+ c.update('test1')
+ self.assertFalse(c.update('test1'))
+ def testDeletesDefault(self):
+ c = config_get('test2', 's3')
+ # false because it isn't saving a default value
+ self.assertFalse(c.update(10))
+ self.assert_(c.update(20))
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, 20)
+ try:
+ s = c.setting
+ except SettingNotSet:
+"Should have a setting now")
+ # now delete and go back to no setting by setting the default
+ self.assert_(c.update(10))
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, 10)
+ try:
+ s = c.setting
+'Should throw SettingNotSet')
+ except SettingNotSet:
+ pass
+class ConfigTestDotAccess(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g = ConfigurationGroup('test3','test3')
+ self.g = g
+ c1 = config_register(BooleanValue(g, 's1', default=True))
+ c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g, 's2', default=10))
+ c2.update(100)
+ def testDotAccess(self):
+ self.assert_(ConfigurationSettings().test3.s1.value)
+ self.assertEqual(ConfigurationSettings().test3.s2.value, 100)
+ def testSettingProperty(self):
+ c = config_get('test3','s2')
+ s = c.setting
+ self.assert_(s.value, 100)
+ def testDictValues(self):
+ d = self.g.dict_values()
+ self.assertEqual(d, {'s1': True, 's2' : 100})
+class ConfigTestModuleValue(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g = ConfigurationGroup('modules','module test')
+ self.g = g
+ self.c = config_register(ModuleValue(g, 'test'))
+ # def testModule(self):
+ # c = config_get('modules', 'test')
+ # c.update('satchmo_store')
+ # self.assert_(hasattr(self.c.value, 'get_version'))
+class ConfigTestSortOrder(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('group1', 'Group 1', ordering=-1001)
+ g2 = ConfigurationGroup('group2', 'Group 2', ordering=-1002)
+ g3 = ConfigurationGroup('group3', 'Group 3', ordering=-1003)
+ self.g1 = g1
+ self.g2 = g2
+ self.g3 = g3
+ self.g1c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c1'))
+ self.g1c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c2'))
+ self.g1c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c3'))
+ self.g2c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c1'))
+ self.g2c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c2'))
+ self.g2c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c3'))
+ self.g3c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g3, 'c1'))
+ self.g3c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g3, 'c2'))
+ self.g3c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g3, 'c3'))
+ def testGroupOrdering(self):
+ mgr = ConfigurationSettings()
+ self.assertEqual(mgr[2].key, self.g1.key)
+ self.assertEqual(mgr[1].key, self.g2.key)
+ self.assertEqual(mgr[0].key, self.g3.key)
+class TestMultipleValues(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('m1', 'Multiple Group 1', ordering=1000)
+ self.g1 = g1
+ self.g1c1 = config_register(MultipleStringValue(g1,
+ 'c1',
+ choices=((1,'one'),(2,'two'),(3,'three'))))
+ def testSave(self):
+ c = config_get('m1','c1')
+ c.update([1,2])
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, [1,2])
+ def testAddChoice(self):
+ config_add_choice('m1','c1',(4, 'four'))
+ c = config_get('m1','c1')
+ self.assertEqual(c.choices, ((1,'one'),(2,'two'),(3,'three'),(4,'four')))
+ def testChoiceValues(self):
+ self.g1c1.update([1,2])
+ self.assertEqual(self.g1c1.value, [1,2])
+ self.assertEqual(self.g1c1.choice_values, [(1, 'one'),(2, 'two')])
+ choices = config_choice_values('m1', 'c1')
+ self.assertEqual(choices, [(1, 'one'),(2, 'two')])
+class TestMultipleValuesWithDefault(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('mv2', 'Multiple Group 2', ordering=1000)
+ self.g1 = g1
+ self.g1c1 = config_register(MultipleStringValue(g1,
+ 'c1',
+ choices=((1,'one'),(2,'two'),(3,'three')),
+ default=[1,2]))
+ def testDefault(self):
+ c = config_get('mv2','c1')
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, [1,2])
+ c.update([1,2,3])
+ self.assertEqual(c.value, [1,2,3])
+class ConfigTestChoices(TestCase):
+ def testAddPreregisteredChoice(self):
+ """Test that we can register choices before the config is actually set up."""
+ config_add_choice('ctg1', 'c1', ('a', 'Item A'))
+ config_add_choice('ctg1', 'c1', ('b', 'Item B'))
+ config_add_choice('ctg1', 'c1', ('c', 'Item C'))
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('ctg1', 'Choice 1', ordering=1000)
+ config_register(StringValue(g1, 'c1'))
+ c = config_get('ctg1','c1')
+ self.assertEqual(c.choices, [('a','Item A'), ('b','Item B'), ('c','Item C')])
+class ConfigTestRequires(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('req1', 'Requirements 1', ordering=1000)
+ self.g1 = g1
+ bool1 = config_register(BooleanValue(g1, 'bool1', default=False, ordering=1))
+ bool2 = config_register(BooleanValue(g1, 'bool2', ordering=2))
+ self.g1c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c1', requires=bool1, ordering=3))
+ self.g1c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c2', requires=bool2, ordering=4))
+ self.g1c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c3', ordering=5))
+ bool2.update(True)
+ def testSimpleRequires(self):
+ v = config_value('req1', 'bool2')
+ self.assertTrue(v)
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g1]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['bool1', 'bool2', 'c2','c3'])
+ c = config_get('req1','bool1')
+ c.update(True)
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g1]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['bool1', 'bool2', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'])
+class ConfigTestRequiresChoices(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('req2', 'Requirements 2', ordering=1000)
+ self.g1 = g1
+ choices1 = config_register(MultipleStringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'rc1', ordering=1))
+ self.g1c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c1', requires=choices1, ordering=3))
+ self.g1c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c2', requires=choices1, ordering=4))
+ self.g1c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c3', ordering=5))
+ choices1.update('c1')
+ g2 = ConfigurationGroup('req3', 'Requirements 3', ordering=1000)
+ self.g2 = g2
+ choices2 = config_register(StringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'choices2', ordering=1))
+ self.g2c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c1', requires=choices2, ordering=3))
+ self.g2c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c2', requires=choices2, ordering=4))
+ self.g2c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c3', requires=choices2, ordering=5))
+ choices2.update('c1')
+ def testSimpleRequiresChoices(self):
+ v = config_value('BASE', 'rc1')
+ self.assertEquals(v, ['c1'])
+ g = config_get_group('req2')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in g]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c1','c3'])
+ c = config_get('BASE', 'rc1')
+ c.update(['c1','c2'])
+ g = config_get_group('req2')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in g]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])
+ def testRequiresSingleValue(self):
+ v = config_value('BASE', 'choices2')
+ self.assertEquals(v, 'c1')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g2]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c1'])
+ c = config_get('BASE', 'choices2')
+ c.update('c2')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g2]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c2'])
+class ConfigTestRequiresValue(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('reqval', 'Requirements 3', ordering=1000)
+ self.g1 = g1
+ choices1 = config_register(MultipleStringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'valchoices', ordering=1))
+ self.g1c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c1', requires=choices1, requiresvalue='foo', ordering=3))
+ self.g1c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c2', requires=choices1, requiresvalue='bar', ordering=4))
+ self.g1c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c3', ordering=5))
+ choices1.update('foo')
+ g2 = ConfigurationGroup('reqval2', 'Requirements 4', ordering=1000)
+ self.g2 = g2
+ choices2 = config_register(StringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'valchoices2', ordering=1,
+ choices=(('a','test a'),('b', 'test b'),('c', 'test c'))))
+ self.g2c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c1', requires=choices2, requiresvalue='a', ordering=3))
+ self.g2c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c2', requires=choices2, requiresvalue='b', ordering=4))
+ self.g2c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g2, 'c3', requires=choices2, requiresvalue='c', ordering=5))
+ choices2.update('a')
+ def testRequiresValue(self):
+ v = config_value('BASE', 'valchoices')
+ self.assertEquals(v, ['foo'])
+ g = config_get_group('reqval')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in g]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c1','c3'])
+ c = config_get('BASE', 'valchoices')
+ c.update(['foo','bar'])
+ g = config_get_group('reqval')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in g]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])
+ def testRequiresSingleValue(self):
+ v = config_value('BASE', 'valchoices2')
+ self.assertEquals(v, 'a')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g2]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c1'])
+ c = config_get('BASE', 'valchoices2')
+ c.update('b')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g2]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c2'])
+class ConfigTestGroupRequires(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ choices1 = config_register(MultipleStringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'groupchoice', ordering=1))
+ choices2 = config_register(MultipleStringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'groupchoice2', ordering=1))
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('groupreq', 'Requirements 4', ordering=1000, requires=choices1)
+ self.g1 = g1
+ self.g1c1 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c1', ordering=3))
+ self.g1c2 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c2', requires=choices2, requiresvalue='bar', ordering=4))
+ self.g1c3 = config_register(IntegerValue(g1, 'c3', ordering=5))
+ def testRequiresValue(self):
+ c = config_get('BASE', 'groupchoice')
+ self.assertEquals(c.value, [])
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g1]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, [])
+ c2 = config_get('BASE', 'groupchoice2')
+ c2.update('bar')
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g1]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c2'])
+ c.update(['groupreq'])
+ keys = [cfg.key for cfg in self.g1]
+ self.assertEqual(keys, ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])
+class ConfigCollectGroup(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ choices = config_register(MultipleStringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'collect', ordering=1))
+ self.choices = choices
+ g1 = ConfigurationGroup('coll1', 'Collection 1')
+ g2 = ConfigurationGroup('coll2', 'Collection 2')
+ g3 = ConfigurationGroup('coll3', 'Collection 3')
+ g1c1 = config_register(StringValue(g1, 'test'))
+ g1c2 = config_register(StringValue(g1, 'test1'))
+ g2c1 = config_register(StringValue(g2, 'test'))
+ g3c1 = config_register(StringValue(g3, 'test'))
+ g1c1.update('set a')
+ g1c2.update('set b')
+ g2c1.update('set a')
+ g3c1.update('set d')
+ choices.update(['coll1','coll3'])
+ def testCollectSimple(self):
+ v = config_collect_values('BASE', 'collect', 'test')
+ self.assertEqual(v, ['set a', 'set d'])
+ def testCollectUnique(self):
+ self.choices.update(['coll1','coll2','coll3'])
+ v = config_collect_values('BASE', 'collect', 'test', unique=False)
+ self.assertEqual(v, ['set a', 'set a', 'set d'])
+ v = config_collect_values('BASE', 'collect', 'test', unique=True)
+ self.assertEqual(v, ['set a', 'set d'])
+class LongSettingTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ wide = config_register(LongStringValue(BASE_GROUP, 'LONG', ordering=1, default="woot"))
+ self.wide = wide
+ self.wide.update('*' * 1000)
+ def testLongStorage(self):
+ w = config_value('BASE', 'LONG')
+ self.assertEqual(len(w), 1000)
+ self.assertEqual(w, '*'*1000)
+ def testShortInLong(self):
+ self.wide.update("test")
+ w = config_value('BASE', 'LONG')
+ self.assertEqual(len(w), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(w, 'test')
+ def testDelete(self):
+ remember =
+ self.wide.update('woot')
+ try:
+ q = LongSetting.objects.get(pk = remember)
+"Should be deletec")
+ except LongSetting.DoesNotExist:
+ pass
+class OverrideTest(TestCase):
+ """Test settings overrides"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ # clear out cache from previous runs
+ keyedcache.cache_delete()
+ djangosettings.LIVESETTINGS_OPTIONS = {
+ 1 : {
+ 'DB' : False,
+ 'SETTINGS' : {
+ 'overgroup' : {
+ 's2' : '100',
+ 'choices' : '["one","two","three"]'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ g = ConfigurationGroup('overgroup','Override Group')
+ self.g = g
+ config_register(StringValue(g, 's1'))
+ config_register(IntegerValue(g, 's2', default=10))
+ config_register(IntegerValue(g, 's3', default=10))
+ config_register(MultipleStringValue(g, 'choices'))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ djangosettings.LIVESETTINGS_OPTIONS = {}
+ def testOverriddenSetting(self):
+ """Accessing an overridden setting should give the override value."""
+ c = config_get('overgroup', 's2')
+ self.assertEquals(c.value, 100)
+ def testCantChangeSetting(self):
+ """When overridden, setting a value should not work, should get the overridden value"""
+ c = config_get('overgroup', 's2')
+ c.update(1)
+ c = config_get('overgroup', 's2')
+ self.assertEquals(c.value, 100)
+ def testNotOverriddenSetting(self):
+ """Settings which are not overridden should return their defaults"""
+ c = config_get('overgroup', 's3')
+ self.assertEquals(c.value, 10)
+ def testOverriddenListSetting(self):
+ """Make sure lists work when overridden"""
+ c = config_get('overgroup', 'choices')
+ v = c.value
+ self.assertEqual(len(v), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(v[0], "one")
+ self.assertEqual(v[1], "two")
+ self.assertEqual(v[2], "three")