path: root/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
diff options
authorEvgeny Fadeev <>2009-07-10 19:14:09 -0400
committerEvgeny Fadeev <>2009-07-10 19:14:09 -0400
commit5b45e526c74faf55110ff0afdcba19797d7e0f4d (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
parentbb801f2bbd9f26bebca846b71e8947a1951f86a5 (diff)
deleted all
Diffstat (limited to 'locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1430 deletions
diff --git a/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cad5b51..00000000
--- a/locale/zh-cn/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1430 +0,0 @@
-#author Evgeny Fadeev (
-#site-specific messages
-msgid "site title"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "site slogan"
-msgstr "程序员问答社区"
-msgid "meta site keywords, comma separated"
-msgstr "技术问答社区,中国程序员,编程技术社区,程序员社区,程序员论坛,程序员wiki,程序员博客"
-msgid "meta site content"
-msgstr "中国程序员的编程技术问答社区。我们做专业的、可协作编辑的技术问答社区。"
-msgid "copyright message"
-msgstr "Copyright(c)2009.CNPROG.COM"
-msgid "Connect your OpenID with this site"
-msgstr "绑定OpenID"
-msgid "Connect your OpenID with your account on this site"
-msgstr "绑定OpenID帐号"
-msgid "Your OpenID is accepted. Please complete this to finish the registration. "
-msgstr "您的OpenID帐号已经验证通过! 请完成最后一步 - 绑定OpenID到您的帐号。"
-#minimal length of user name may be language specific
-msgid "username too short"
-msgstr "用户名太短,请使用三个或三个以上字符"
-#translation and user name validation are language-specific
-msgid "invalid user name"
-msgstr "用户名只能包含英文字母、数字和下划线"
-#chinese translation is domain specific
-msgid "question if off-topic or not relevant"
-msgstr "不是编程技术问题"
-msgid "Login name"
-msgstr "用户名"
-msgid "welcome to website!"
-msgstr "CNProg欢迎您!"
-msgid "what is this website"
-msgstr "CNProg是一个<strong>面向程序员</strong>的可协作编辑的<strong>开放源代码问答社区</strong>。"
-msgid "what can one do on this website"
-msgstr "您可以在这里提问各类<strong>程序技术问题</strong> - 问题不分语言和平台。 同时也希望您对力所能及的问题,给予您的宝贵答案。"
-msgid "Goal of this site is..."
-msgstr "CNProg 是为了帮助程序员解决更多问题,更加方便的解决问题。"
-msgid "how privacy policy can be changed"
-msgstr "我们可能在事先通知或不通知的情况下随时更改此'隐私政策',我们建议用户时常查看CNProg隐私政策的改动,在任何改动生效后您的继续访问和使用本站,我们假设您已同意了CNProg以上的所有条款。"
-msgid "general message about privacy"
-msgstr "CNProg承认用户隐私的重要性。本文件概述在您浏览CNProg过程中所接收和收集的个人信息的种类,以及CNProg所采取的保护信息的一些措施。CNProg希望这将有助于您在知情的情况下,就和我们 共享个人信息的问题作出决定。"
-msgid "cookie policy details"
-msgstr "访问CNProg时,我们会向您的计算机发送一个或多个专门用于识别您的浏览器的Cookie(包含一个字符串的小文件)。 "
-"使用 Cookie 的目的是通过储存用户偏好、跟踪用户倾向(例如搜索"
-"方法)来提高我们的服务质量。大多数浏览器的初始设置均为接受 Cookie,但也可以将其重置为拒绝所有 Cookie 或在收到 Cookie 时提示。不过,如果禁用 Cookie,某些功能和服务可能无法正常运行。"
-msgid "details on sharing data with third parties"
-msgstr "CNProg可能会收集和统计用户访问本站的概况数据。例如,CNProg可能会检测网站最流行的部分功能。CNProg可能会公开显示或者提供给第三方使用该数据。但是,CNProg不会公开您的身份信息。"
-msgid "details on personal information policies"
-msgstr "在登录使用CNProg的提问和回答功能时,我们要求使用者提供用户名、密码、电子邮件等信息。CNProg收集这类关于个人身份的信息只是为了登录系统获得使用功能的目的。我们不会向任何其他社区用 户、个人或第三方透露您的密码或者电子邮件信息。用户可以选择性地填写用户资料、个人网站、年龄、城市等信息,我们收集这些内容为了使用户能够更容易和更满意地使用CNProg提供的网页和服务。"
-msgid "Community gives you awards for your questions, answers and votes."
-msgstr "提出问题,给予回答,投出你的票 - CNProg 会针对你在社区的表现,授予你各类奖牌。"
-msgid "what technical information is collected about visitors"
-msgstr "当您访问本网站或使用我们的某些在线服务时,服务器会自动记录信息,包括但不限于URL、IP地址、浏览器的类型、屏幕分辨率、系统类型和使用的语言以及访问日期和时间。我们的目的是为了向您>提供更好的用户服务,包括可能为您提供定制的在线服务。"
-msgid "please make your answer relevant to this community"
-msgstr "您的问题与编程相关吗?"
-#templates/book.html 78
-msgid "reading channel"
-msgstr "读书频道"
-msgid "[author]"
-msgstr "【作者】"
-msgid "[publisher]"
-msgstr "【出版社】"
-msgid "[publication date]"
-msgstr "【出版日期】"
-msgid "[price]"
-msgstr "【价格】"
-msgid "[pages]"
-msgstr "【页数】"
-msgid "[tags]"
-msgstr "【标签】"
-msgid "author blog"
-msgstr "作者博客"
-msgid "book directory"
-msgstr "书籍目录"
-msgid "buy online"
-msgstr "网上购买"
-msgid "book technical Q&A"
-msgstr "图书相关的技术答疑"
-msgid "reader questions"
-msgstr "答读者问"
-msgid "ask the author"
-msgstr "向作者提问"
-msgid "this question was selected as favorite"
-msgstr "这个问题被"
-msgid "number of times"
-msgstr "位用户收藏"
-msgid "votes"
-msgstr "票"
-msgid "the answer has been accepted to be correct"
-msgstr "有答案已被接受为正确答案"
-msgid "views"
-msgstr "浏览"
-#must have extra space after in english
-msgid "see questions tagged"
-msgstr "查看有关"
-#book.html line 123 must be empty in english
-msgid "using tags"
-msgstr "的问题"
-#this is how above two are supposed to be
-msgid "see questions tagged '%s'"
-msgstr "查看有关'%s'的问题"
-msgid "subscribe to book RSS feed"
-msgstr "RSS订阅该图书最新问题"
-msgid "subscribe to the questions feed"
-msgstr "订阅最>新问题"
-msgid "congratulations, community gave you a badge"
-msgstr "恭喜您,社区给您颁发了奖牌"
-msgid "see"
-msgstr "查看"
-msgid "profile"
-msgstr "个人资料"
-msgid "Close question"
-msgstr "关闭问题"
-msgid "Close the question"
-msgstr "由于以下原因,你要关闭这个问题"
-msgid "Reasons"
-msgstr "原因"
-msgid "OK to close"
-msgstr "确定关闭"
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "取消"
-msgid "about"
-msgstr "关于本站"
-msgid "faq"
-msgstr "常见问题"
-msgid "blog"
-msgstr "Blog"
-msgid "contact us"
-msgstr "联系我们"
-msgid "privacy policy"
-msgstr "隐私政策"
-msgid "give feedback"
-msgstr "问题反馈"
-msgid "current revision"
-msgstr "当前版本"
-msgid "community wiki"
-msgstr "社区Wiki"
-msgid "Home"
-msgstr "首页"
-msgid "Questions"
-msgstr "问题列表"
-msgid "User questions"
-msgstr "个问题"
-msgid "newest"
-msgstr "最新问题"
-msgid "latest questions"
-msgstr "最新问题"
-msgid " - "
-msgstr "-"
-msgid "last updated questions"
-msgstr "最新更新的问题"
-msgid "hottest"
-msgstr "热门问题"
-msgid "hottest questions"
-msgstr "被回复最多的问题"
-msgid "most voted"
-msgstr "最有价值的问题"
-msgid "most voted questions"
-msgstr "投票次数最多的问题"
-msgid "all questions"
-msgstr "全部问题"
-msgid "answers"
-msgstr "回答"
-msgid "Answers"
-msgstr "个回答"
-msgid "number of votes"
-msgstr "票数"
-msgid "Recent tags"
-msgstr "最新标签"
-msgid "popular tags"
-msgstr "受欢迎的标签"
-msgid "Recent awards"
-msgstr "最新奖牌"
-msgid "given to"
-msgstr "授予"
-msgid "all awards"
-msgstr "所有奖牌"
-msgid "subscribe to last 30 questions by RSS"
-msgstr "RSS订阅最新30个问题"
-msgid "Still looking for more? See"
-msgstr "在寻找更多问题吗?请查阅"
-msgid "complete list of questions"
-msgstr "全部问题列表"
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "或者"
-msgid "."
-msgstr "。"
-msgid "Please help us answer"
-msgstr "请帮助我们回答"
-msgid "unanswered questions"
-msgstr "没有回答的问题"
-msgid "Unanswered questions"
-msgstr "没有回答的问题"
-msgid "Revision history"
-msgstr "版本历史"
-msgid "back"
-msgstr "返回"
-msgid "revision"
-msgstr "版本"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "编辑"
-msgid "asked"
-msgstr "提问于"
-msgid "updated"
-msgstr "更新于"
-msgid "Tag list"
-msgstr "标签列表"
-msgid "by name"
-msgstr "按名称排序"
-msgid "sorted alphabetically"
-msgstr "按名称的字母先后顺序排序"
-msgid "by polularity"
-msgstr "按流行程度排序"
-msgid "sorted by frequency of tag use"
-msgstr "按标签被使用的次数排序"
-msgid "All tags matching query"
-msgstr "匹配查询"
-msgid "all tags - make this empty in english"
-msgstr "的所有标签"
-msgid "Nothing found."
-msgstr "没有找到相关数据。"
-msgid "previous"
-msgstr "上一页"
-msgid "current page"
-msgstr "当前页"
-msgid "next page"
-msgstr "下一页"
-msgid "page number "
-msgstr "第"
-msgid "number - make blank in english"
-msgstr "页"
-msgid "Change tags"
-msgstr "修改问题标签"
-msgid "tags are required"
-msgstr "标签不能为空。"
-msgid "please use 5 tags or less"
-msgstr "最多只能有5个标签"
-#todo: remove magic numbers from this file
-msgid "up to 5 tags, less than 20 characters each"
-msgstr "最多5个标签,每个标签长度小于20个字符。"
-msgid "Change now"
-msgstr "现在修改"
-#synonym of above in Edit question
-msgid "Save edit"
-msgstr "现在修改"
-msgid "uses tags for the classification of questions"
-msgstr "用标签来分类系统的信息"
-msgid "tag editors receive special awards from the community"
-msgstr "修改标签的用户将授予特殊的社区奖牌"
-msgid "Why use and modify tags?"
-msgstr "为什么我只能修改问题标签?"
-msgid "Found by tag"
-msgstr "标签问题"
-msgid "Found by title"
-msgstr "查询结果"
-msgid "All questions"
-msgstr "所有问题"
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "活跃问题"
-msgid "most recently asked questions"
-msgstr "最新加入系统的问题"
-msgid "most recently updated questions"
-msgstr "最近被更新的问题"
-msgid "latest questions info"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/questions.html:109
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\thave total %(q_num)s questions tagged %(tagname)s\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"\t\t\thave total %(q_num)s questions tagged %(tagname)s\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"<div class=\"questions-count\">%(q_num)s</div>"
-"个标记为<span class=\"tag\">%(tagname)s</span></p>"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"<div class=\"questions-count\">%(q_num)s</div>"
-"个标记为<span class=\"tag\">%(tagname)s</span></p>"
-#: templates/questions.html:109
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\thave total %(q_num)s questions containing %(searchtitle)s\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"\t\t\thave total %(q_num)s questions containing %(searchtitle)s\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"<div class=\"questions-count\">%(q_num)s</div>"
-"个标题含有<span class=\"tag\">%(searchtitle)s</span></p>"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"<div class=\"questions-count\">%(q_num)s</div>"
-"个标题含有<span class=\"tag\">%(searchtitle)s</span></p>"
-#in unanswered.html and somewhere else
-msgid "Have a total of"
-msgstr "您正在浏览所有"
-msgid "number of questions"
-msgstr "个"
-msgid "number of <strong>unanswered</strong> questions"
-msgstr "个 <span class=\"darkred\"><strong>没有回答的</strong></span> 问题。"
-msgid "tagged with"
-msgstr "标记为"
-msgid "whose title contains"
-msgstr "标题含有"
-msgid "number of questions end of sentence"
-msgstr "的问题。"
-msgid "Questions are sorted by the <strong>time of last update</strong>."
-msgstr "问题按<strong>最后更新时间</strong>显示排序。"
-msgid "Most recently answered ones are shown first."
-msgstr "最后被回答或者>更新的问题将显示在最前面。"
-msgid "Questions sorted by <strong>number of responses</strong>."
-msgstr "问题按<strong>回复数量</strong>显示排序。"
-msgid "Most answered questions are shown first"
-msgstr "回复最多的问题将显示在最前面。"
-msgid "Questions are sorted by the <strong>number of votes</strong>."
-msgstr "问题按<strong>投票数量</strong>显示排序。"
-msgid "Most voted questions are shown first"
-msgstr "投票最多的问题将显示在最前面。"
-msgid "Related tags"
-msgstr "相关标签"
-msgid "Reopen question"
-msgstr "重设问题"
-msgid "Open the previously closed question"
-msgstr "你将打开这个已经被关闭的问题"
-msgid "The question was closed for the following reason"
-msgstr "问题曾以"
-msgid "reason - leave blank in english"
-msgstr "的原因被"
-msgid "on"
-msgstr "于"
-msgid "date closed"
-msgstr "关闭"
-msgid "reopen this question"
-msgstr "确定打开这个问题"
-msgid "Edit user profile"
-msgstr "修改个人资料"
-msgid "edit profile"
-msgstr "修改资料"
-msgid "image associated with your email address"
-msgstr "和您的邮件地址是绑定的"
-msgid "avatar"
-msgstr "修改头像"
-msgid "Registered user"
-msgstr "注册用户"
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "更新"
-msgid "User profile"
-msgstr "用户概览"
-msgid "overview"
-msgstr "概览"
-msgid "recent activity"
-msgstr "最近活动"
-msgid "comments and answers to others questions"
-msgstr "其他用户的回复和评论"
-msgid "responses"
-msgstr "回应"
-msgid "reputation history"
-msgstr "积分"
-msgid "reputation"
-msgstr "积分"
-msgid "graph of user reputation"
-msgstr "用户的社区积分历史"
-msgid "user vote record"
-msgstr "用户所有投票"
-msgid "casted votes"
-msgstr "投票"
-msgid "questions that user selected as his/her favorite"
-msgstr "用户收藏的问题"
-msgid "users favorite questions"
-msgstr "用户收藏的问题"
-msgid "favorites"
-msgstr "收藏"
-msgid "favorite-questions"
-msgstr "收藏"
-msgid "user preference settings"
-msgstr "用户参数的设置"
-msgid "settings"
-msgstr "设置"
-msgid "preferences"
-msgstr "设置"
-msgid "About"
-msgstr "关于本站"
-msgid "logout"
-msgstr "退出登录"
-msgid "Logout"
-msgstr "退出登录"
-msgid "As a registered user you can login with your OpenID, log out of the site or permanently remove your account."
-msgstr "您是系统的<strong class=\"darkred\">注册</strong>用户,可以随时使用OpenID帐号登录系统或者注销登录。"
-msgid "Logout now"
-msgstr "点击退出登录"
-msgid "Frequently Asked Questions "
-msgstr "常见问题"
-msgid "What kinds of questions can I ask here?"
-msgstr "我可以在这里提问什么样的问题?"
-msgid "What questions should I avoid asking?"
-msgstr "什么样的问题我不该在这里提问?"
-msgid "Most importanly - questions should be <strong>relevant</strong> to this community."
-msgstr "毫无疑问,首先必须是<span class=\"yellowbg\">技术编程问题!</span>"
-msgid "Before asking the question - please make sure to use search to see whether your question has alredy been answered."
-msgstr "提问之前,充分利用系统的自动查找、标签和搜索,看看是否已经有一样的问题并有了答案。"
-msgid "What should I avoid in my answers?"
-msgstr "什么样的回答是不受欢迎的?"
-msgid "Who moderates this community?"
-msgstr "谁是社区的管理员?"
-msgid "Please avoid asking questions that are not relevant to this community, too subjective and argumentative."
-msgstr "<span class=\"yellowbg\">与程序员或技术无关的,引起争吵或太过于主观性等违背社区宗旨的内容。</span>本站建立是为了帮助大众程序员解决实际技术问题,我们需要实际的问题!"
-msgid "is a Q&A site, not a discussion group. Therefore - please avoid having discussions in your answers, comment facility allows some space for brief discussions."
-msgstr "希望用户提供针对提问的技术回答,可以是进一步了解问题实质,给予参考方案,或完全解决问题的回答。我们希望通过问答的形式解决用户的实际问题。因此,<span class=\"yellowbg\">我们不>欢迎在回答中出现不是回答问题的内容,包括针对他人回答的讨论,和其他无意义的浪费网络资源行为</span>。CNProg建议您使用<span class=\"yellowbg\">评论</span>功能来讨论你的意见和想法。"
-msgid "The short answer is: <strong>you</strong>."
-msgstr "答案是:<span class=\"yellowbg\">每个用户。</span>"
-msgid "The reputation system allows users earn the authorization to perform a variety of moderation tasks."
-msgstr "通过积分运作,<span class=\"yellowbg\">每个用户都有权限创建标签,进行对所有问题、回答的投票、编辑、关闭等操作。</span>"
-msgid "This website is moderated by the users."
-msgstr "社区没有严格意义上的管理员身份"
-msgid "How does reputation system work?"
-msgstr "什么是社区积分?"
-msgid "Anyone can ask questions and give answers, points are not necessary for that."
-msgstr "对于正常使用社区进行提问、回答而言,积分不是必须的。"
-msgid "As we've said before, users help running this site. Point system helps select users who can administer this community."
-msgstr "我们一再声明,CNProg由你来运行和维护。如果你想帮助我们来运作CNProg,你需要一定的积分等级。"
-msgid "Reputation points roughly measure how community trusts you. These points are given to you directly by other members of the community."
-msgstr "<span class=\"yellowbg\">积分是一种用来粗略衡量社区对你有多信任的数据。</span>积分不是有谁来支付或直接给予你的,而是你通过获得其他用户的支持和信任“赚得”的。"
-msgid "For example, if you ask an interesting question or give a helpful answer, your input will be upvoted and you will gain more trust in the community."
-msgstr "举例来说,如果你提了一个非常有帮助的问题或者做了很有用的回答,你将会被其他用户投赞成票。"
-msgid "If on the other hand someone gives a misleading answer, the answer will be voted down and he/she loses some points."
-msgstr "相反,你提了不受欢迎的问题,或者误导用户的回答,你将可能被其他用户投反对票。每个赞成"
-msgid "Each vote in favor will generate <strong>10</strong> points, each vote against will subtract <strong>2</strong> points."
-msgstr "票会帮你产生<strong>10</strong>个社区积分,每个反对票会相应扣除你<strong>2</strong>个积分。"
-msgid "Through the votes of other people you can accumulate a maximum of <strong>200</strong> points."
-msgstr "每天通过别人投赞成票,你最多只能产生<strong>200</strong>个积分,这是上限。"
-msgid "After accumulating certain number of points, you can do more:"
-msgstr "当你累计到一定>积分,你可以在社区做更多的事情:"
-msgid "upvote"
-msgstr "投赞成票"
-msgid "use tags"
-msgstr "标记垃圾帖"
-msgid "add comment"
-msgstr "添加评论"
-#todo - check if it's indeed plural
-msgid "add comments"
-msgstr "添加评论"
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "评论"
-msgid "downvote"
-msgstr "投反对票"
-msgid "retag questions"
-msgstr "给任何问题整理标签"
-msgid "edit community wiki questions"
-msgstr "编辑wiki类问题"
-msgid "edit any answer"
-msgstr "编辑任何问题或答案"
-msgid "reopen any closed questions"
-msgstr "打开关闭任何人的问题"
-msgid "delete any comment"
-msgstr "删除任何一个评论"
-msgid "delete any questions and answers and perform other moderation tasks"
-msgstr "删除任何一个问题或答案,及其他管理功能"
-msgid "To register, do I need to create new password?"
-msgstr "我需要注册一个新用户吗?"
-msgid "Why other people can edit my questions/answers?"
-msgstr "为什么其他人可以修改我的问题/回答?"
-msgid "Still have questions?"
-msgstr "还有其他问题?"
-msgid "Please ask your question, help make our community better!"
-msgstr "如果您对社区还有其他疑问,请一起来完善我们的"
-msgid "No, you don't have to. You can login through any service that supports OpenID, e.g. Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc."
-msgstr "不需要。社区提供了OpenID的登录支持,你要用Google、Yahoo等任何支持OpenID登录的帐号就可以使用系统。"
-msgid "Login now!"
-msgstr "马上登录"
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "登录"
-msgid "So questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced users of this site and this improves the overall quality of the knowledge base content."
-msgstr "所以问题和答案都是如Wiki一样可编辑的,我们希望社区能帮助用户沉淀、积累更多有用的知识和经验。"
-msgid "If this approach is not for you, we respect your choice."
-msgstr "如果您不喜欢这种方式,我们尊重你的选择。"
-msgid "Privacy policy"
-msgstr "隐私政策"
-msgid "Site Visitors"
-msgstr "网站访问者"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "个人身份信息"
-msgid "Other Services"
-msgstr "其他服务"
-msgid "Policy Changes"
-msgstr "政策更改"
-msgid "Sorry, could not find the page you requested."
-msgstr "对不起,没有找到您请求的页面!"
-msgid "This might have happened for the following reasons:"
-msgstr "有可能是以下原因导致:"
-msgid "this question or answer has been deleted;"
-msgstr "你正在查看的问题或者回答已经被删除;"
-msgid "url has error - please check it;"
-msgstr "请求的地址有误 - 请核实原始URL地址;"
-msgid "the page you tried to visit is protected or you don't have sufficient points, see"
-msgstr "访问的页面被保护或你的积分不够,参见"
-msgid "if you believe this error 404 should not have occured, please"
-msgstr "如果你确信不该出现404错误,请"
-msgid "report this problem"
-msgstr "报告这个问题"
-msgid "back to previous page"
-msgstr "返回前页"
-msgid "see all questions"
-msgstr "查看最新问题"
-msgid "see all tags"
-msgstr "查看标签列表"
-msgid "Edit answer"
-msgstr "修改回答"
-msgid "hide preview"
-msgstr "禁用预览"
-msgid "show preview"
-msgstr "启用预览"
-msgid "select revision"
-msgstr "选择版本"
-msgid "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview"
-msgstr "打开或者关闭Markdown编辑器的实时预览"
-msgid "toggle preview"
-msgstr "预览开关"
-msgid "question tips"
-msgstr "受欢迎的提问"
-msgid "answer tips"
-msgstr "受欢迎的提问"
-msgid "try to give an answer, rather than engage into a discussion"
-msgstr "建议您提的问题是可以被答复的,而不仅仅是可以讨论。"
-msgid "please try to provide details"
-msgstr "请详细描述您的问题。"
-msgid "be clear and concise"
-msgstr "我们推荐您使用中文描述问题,这样可以得到更多的答复机会。"
-msgid "see frequently asked questions"
-msgstr "查看常见问题"
-msgid "learn more about Markdown"
-msgstr "有关Markdown详细说明"
-msgid "basic HTML tags are also supported"
-msgstr "基本的HTML标签也是支持的"
-msgid "numbered list:"
-msgstr "列表:"
-msgid "image"
-msgstr "图片"
-msgid "text"
-msgstr "文本"
-msgid "title"
-msgstr "标题"
-msgid "Markdown tips"
-msgstr "Markdown快速参考"
-msgid "*italic* or _italic_"
-msgstr "*斜体* 或者 _斜体_"
-msgid "**bold** or __bold__"
-msgstr "**加粗** 或者 __加粗__ "
-msgid "link"
-msgstr "链接"
-msgid "Badge"
-msgstr "奖牌"
-msgid "The users have been awarded with badges:"
-msgstr "用户已被授予该奖牌:"
-msgid "posts per page"
-msgstr "每页显示"
-msgid "i like this post (click again to cancel)"
-msgstr "这篇帖子有价值(再次点击取消操作)"
-msgid "i like this answer (click again to cancel)"
-msgstr "这篇帖子有价值(再次点击取消操作)"
-msgid "current number of votes"
-msgstr "当前总票数"
-msgid "i dont like this post (click again to cancel)"
-msgstr "这篇帖子没有价值(再次点击取消操作)"
-msgid "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)"
-msgstr "这篇帖子没有价值(再次点击取消操作)"
-msgid "mark this question as favorite (click again to cancel)"
-msgstr "我要收藏这个问题(再次点击取消操作)"
-msgid "remove favorite mark from this question (click again to restore mark)"
-msgstr "我要收藏这个问题(再次点击取消操作)"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "删除"
-#todo please check this in chinese
-msgid "undelete"
-msgstr "取消"
-#: templates/unanswered.html:98
-#, python-format
-msgid "have %(num_q)s unanswered questions"
-msgstr ""
-"<div class=\"questions-count\">%(num_q)s</div>"
-"个<p>问题按 <strong>问题创建时间</strong> 排序。最新加入的问题将显示在最前面。</p>"
-msgid "Change password"
-msgstr "修改密码"
-msgid "Change email"
-msgstr "更换电子邮件"
-msgid "Change OpenID"
-msgstr "更换OpenID地址"
-msgid "Delete account"
-msgstr "删除帐号"
-msgid "User login"
-msgstr "用户登录"
-msgid "we support two login modes"
-msgstr "CNProg支持<b>两种</b>登录模式。您可以使用帐号、密码登录,或者使用OpenID登录。"
-msgid "Login with your OpenID"
-msgstr "使用OpenID登录"
-msgid "select openid provider"
-msgstr "1)请选择您的帐号类:"
-msgid "verify openid link and login"
-msgstr "2)型并完成正确的OpenID地址(如:替换“{username}”为您的对应帐号):"
-msgid "reopen"
-msgstr "打开"
-msgid "close"
-msgstr "关闭"
-msgid "report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)"
-msgstr "检举该帖为垃“水帖”(含广告、人身攻击、恶意言论等)"
-msgid "flag offensive"
-msgstr "垃圾帖?"
-msgid "login"
-msgstr "登录"
-msgid "back to home page"
-msgstr "回到首页"
-msgid "questions"
-msgstr "问题"
-msgid "tags"
-msgstr "标签"
-msgid "users"
-msgstr "用户"
-msgid "books"
-msgstr "读书"
-msgid "badges"
-msgstr "奖牌榜"
-msgid "my profile"
-msgstr "我的资料"
-msgid "ask a question"
-msgstr "我要提问"
-msgid "Ask a question"
-msgstr "我要提问"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "搜索"
-msgid "update profile"
-msgstr "更新我的资料"
-msgid "real name"
-msgstr "姓名"
-msgid "member for"
-msgstr "已加入"
-msgid "ago"
-msgstr "前"
-msgid "last seen"
-msgstr "上次活动时间"
-msgid "user website"
-msgstr "个人网站"
-msgid "location"
-msgstr "城市"
-msgid "age"
-msgstr "年龄"
-msgid "age unit"
-msgstr "岁"
-msgid "todays unused votes"
-msgstr "今日剩余投票数"
-msgid "votes left"
-msgstr "票"
-msgid "this answer has been selected as correct"
-msgstr "该回答已被设为最佳答案"
-msgid "the answer has been voted for %d times"
-msgstr "该回答总共有%d个投票"
-msgid "the answer has been commented %d times"
-msgstr "该回答有%d条评论"
-msgid "votes total"
-msgstr "个投票"
-msgid "user has voted up this many times"
-msgstr "该用户投的赞成票总数"
-msgid "user has voted down this many times"
-msgstr "用户投的反对票总数"
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr "个标签"
-msgid "see other questions tagged '%s'"
-msgstr "查看有关'%s'的问题"
-msgid "Badges"
-msgstr "枚奖牌"
-msgid "Badge summary"
-msgstr "奖牌列表"
-msgid "Users"
-msgstr "用户列表"
-msgid "recent"
-msgstr "最新加入"
-msgid "oldest"
-msgstr "最先加入"
-msgid "by username"
-msgstr "用户名"
-msgid "user name"
-msgstr "用户名"
-msgid "users matching query %s:"
-msgstr "匹配查询 '<span class=\"darkred\"><strong>%s</strong></span>' 的所有用户名:"
-msgid "Below is the list of available badges and number of times each type of badge has been awarded."
-msgstr "这里列出社区所有的奖牌,以及到目前为此,每个奖牌被授予的用户人数。"
-msgid "Community badges"
-msgstr "社区奖牌"
-msgid "gold badge: the highest honor and is very rare"
-msgstr "金牌:十分罕见之最高荣耀"
-msgid "silver badge: occasionally awarded for the very high quality contributions"
-msgstr "银牌:偶尔颁发之优质奖章"
-msgid "gold"
-msgstr "金牌"
-msgid "Gold badge is very rare."
-msgstr "金牌是十分罕见的。"
-msgid "To obtain it you have to show profound knowledge and ability in addition to actively participating in the community."
-msgstr "你不仅要参与社区的提问、回答、投票等活动,而且需要有高深的知识和能力才能获得。"
-msgid "Gold badge is the highest award in this community."
-msgstr "获得金牌意味着你在某个层次上已经达到了顶峰。"
-msgid "silver"
-msgstr "银牌"
-msgid "Obtaining silver badge requires significant patience."
-msgstr "银牌需要经过长时间的奋斗才能获得。"
-msgid "If you got one, you have very significantly contributed to this community"
-msgstr "它是不同寻常的荣誉,只要你付出足够的努力就会得到。"
-msgid "bronze badge: often given as a special honor"
-msgstr "铜牌:时常授予之特殊荣誉"
-msgid "If you are active in this community, you will will get this medal - still it is a special honor."
-msgstr "铜牌会在你活跃于社区时产生,它相对容易获得,但也是一种特殊的荣誉。"
-msgid "Use"
-msgstr "使用"
-msgid "learn more about OpenID"
-msgstr "了解更多有关OpenID的信息"
-msgid "Get your own"
-msgstr "获取您自己的"
-msgid "User name"
-msgstr "您的大名"
-msgid "Email: (won't be shown to anyone)"
-msgstr "电子邮件:(不会公开显示)"
-msgid "Ask your question"
-msgstr "现在提问"
-#page title
-msgid "Edit question"
-msgstr "修改问题"
-msgid "The question has been closed for the following reason \"%s\" by"
-msgstr "问题以“%s”的原因已被"
-msgid "%s ago"
-msgstr "于%s<font class=\"darkred\">关闭</font>"
-msgid "oldest answers"
-msgstr "最先回答"
-msgid "newest answers"
-msgstr "最近回答"
-msgid "popular answers"
-msgstr "投票最多"
-msgid "oldest answers will be shown first"
-msgstr "最先回答显示在最前面"
-msgid "newest answers will be shown first"
-msgstr "最晚回答显示在最前面"
-msgid "most voted answers will be shown first"
-msgstr "投票次数最多的显示在最前面"
-msgid "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)"
-msgstr "最佳答案(再次点击取消操作)"
-msgid "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct"
-msgstr "这个答案已经被提问作者标记为最佳答案"
-msgid "answer permanent link"
-msgstr "该回答的链接地址"
-msgid "permanent link"
-msgstr "永久链接"
-msgid "Your answer"
-msgstr "您的回答"
-msgid "Answer the question"
-msgstr "回答该问题"
-msgid "Login to answer"
-msgstr "登录并回答该问题"
-msgid "Question tags"
-msgstr "您正在浏览的问题含有以下标签"
-msgid "Question asked"
-msgstr "提问时间"
-msgid "question was seen"
-msgstr "目前浏览数量"
-msgid "times"
-msgstr "次"
-msgid "last updated"
-msgstr "最后更新时间"
-msgid "related questions"
-msgstr "相似的问题"
-msgid "profile - responses"
-msgstr "回应 - 用户资料"
-msgid "user reputation in the community"
-msgstr "用户社区积分"
-msgid "profile - user reputation"
-msgstr "积分 - 用户资料"
-msgid "profile - favorite questions"
-msgstr "收藏 - 用户资料"
-msgid "profile - votes"
-msgstr "投票 - 用户资料"
-msgid "profile - user preferences"
-msgstr "设置 - 用户资料"
-msgid "uploading images is limited to users with >60 reputation points"
-msgstr "上传图片只限于积分+60以上注册用户!"
-#todo take these out of settings
-msgid "allowed file types are 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'png', 'tiff'"
-msgstr "只允许上传'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'png', 'tiff'类型的文件!"
-msgid "maximum upload file size is %sK"
-msgstr "只允许上传%sK大小的文件!"
-msgid "Error uploading file. Please contact the site administrator. Thank you."
-msgstr "在文件上传过程中产生了错误,请联系管理员,谢谢^_^"
-msgid "please enter a descriptive title for your question"
-msgstr "请输入对问题具有描述性质的标题 - “帮忙!紧急求助!”不是建议的提问方式。"
-msgid "title must be > 10 characters"
-msgstr "标题的长度必须大于10"
-msgid "content"
-msgstr "内容"
-msgid "question content must be > 10 characters"
-msgstr "内容至少要10个字符"
-msgid "please use space to separate tags (this enables autocomplete feature)"
-msgstr "多个标签请用空格间隔-最多5个标签。(优先使用自动匹配的英文标签。)"
-msgid "tags must be shorter than 20 characters"
-msgstr "每个标签的长度不超过20"
-msgid "please use following characters in tags: letters 'a-z', numbers, and characters '.-_#'"
-msgstr "标签请使用英文字母,中文或者数字字符串(. - _ # 也可以)"
-msgid "if you choose community wiki option, the question and answer do not generate points and name of author will not be shown"
-msgstr "选择社区wiki模式,问答不计算积分,签名也不显示作者信息"
-msgid "update summary:"
-msgstr "更新概要:"
-msgid "enter a brief summary of your revision (e.g. fixed spelling, grammar, improved style, this field is optional)"
-msgstr "输入本次修改的简单概述(如:修改了别字,修正了语法,改进了样式等。非必填项。)"
-msgid "this email does not have to be linked to gravatar"
-msgstr "不会公开,用于头像显示服务"
-msgid "Real name"
-msgstr "真实姓名"
-msgid "Website"
-msgstr "个人网站"
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr "城市"
-msgid "Date of birth"
-msgstr "生日"
-msgid "will not be shown, used to calculate age, format: YYYY-MM-DD"
-msgstr "不会公开,只会显示您的年龄,格式为:YYYY-MM-DD"
-msgid "Profile"
-msgstr "个人简介"
-msgid "this email has already been registered, please use another one"
-msgstr "该电子邮件已被注册,请选择另一个再试。"
-msgid "duplicate question"
-msgstr "完全重复的问题"
-msgid "too subjective and argumentative"
-msgstr "太主观性、引起争吵的问题"
-msgid "is not an answer to the question"
-msgstr "不是一个可以回答的“问题”"
-msgid "the question is answered, right answer was accepted"
-msgstr "问题已经解决,已得到正确答案"
-msgid "problem is not reproducible or outdated"
-msgstr "已经过时、不可重现的问题"
-msgid "question contains offensive inappropriate, or malicious remarks"
-msgstr "恶意言论"
-msgid "spam or advertising"
-msgstr "垃圾广告"
-msgid "question"
-msgstr "提问"
-msgid "answer"
-msgstr "回答"
-msgid "commented question"
-msgstr "评论问题"
-msgid "edited question"
-msgstr "修改问题"
-msgid "edited answer"
-msgstr "修改回答"
-msgid "received award"
-msgstr "获奖"
-msgid "marked best answer"
-msgstr "标记最佳答案"
-msgid "upvoted"
-msgstr "投赞成票"
-msgid "downvoted"
-msgstr "投反对票"
-msgid "canceled vote"
-msgstr "撤销投票"
-msgid "deleted question"
-msgstr "删除问题"
-msgid "deleted answer"
-msgstr "删除回答"
-msgid "marked offensive"
-msgstr "标记垃圾帖"
-msgid "updated tags"
-msgstr "更新标签"
-msgid "selected favorite"
-msgstr "收藏"
-msgid "completed user profile"
-msgstr "完成个人所有资料"
-msgid "[closed]"
-msgstr "[已关闭]"
-msgid "[deleted]"
-msgstr "[已删除]"
-msgid "initial version"
-msgstr "初始版本"
-msgid "retagged"
-msgstr "更新了标签"
-#todo: review this message may be confusing user
-msgid "This account already exists, please use another."
-msgstr "输入您的新帐号或者指定已经存在的帐号。"
-msgid "Sorry, looks like we have some errors:"
-msgstr "请注意以下错误:"
-msgid "New account"
-msgstr "新帐号"
-msgid "Use login name and password"
-msgstr "使用帐号密码登录"
-msgid "User name (<i>will be shown to others, cannot be modified</i>)"
-msgstr "用户名(<i>在社区显示友好名称,不可更改</i>)"
-msgid "Email (<i>not shared with anyone</i>)"
-msgstr "电子邮件(<i>用于头像显示服务</i>)"
-msgid "create account"
-msgstr "创建帐号"
-msgid "Existing account"
-msgstr "已经存在的用户"
-msgid "password"
-msgstr "密码"
-msgid "Password"
-msgstr "密码"
-msgid "Register"
-msgstr "确认"
-msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr "忘记密码?"
-msgid "Create new account"
-msgstr "注册新帐号"
-msgid "Send new password"
-msgstr "发送新密码"
-msgid "Lost your password? No problem - here you can reset it."
-msgstr "丢失了您的密码? 你可以在这里重设密码。"
-msgid "Please enter your username below and new password will be sent to your registered e-mail"
-msgstr "请输入用户名,新的密码会发送到你注册时候填写的电子邮件。"
-msgid "Reset password"
-msgstr "重设密码"
-msgid "return to login"
-msgstr "返回登录"
-msgid "back to login"
-msgstr "返回登录"
-#todo - check translation or see if it's indeed true
-msgid "Note: your new password will be activated only after you click the activation link in the email message"
-msgstr "注意: 新的密码只有您在激活邮件中的链接后才会被激活。"
-msgid "Signup"
-msgstr "注册帐号"
-msgid "We support two types of user registration: conventional username/password, and"
-msgstr "我们支持两种注册方式,你可以使用常规的用户名、密码方式注册,或者"
-msgid "the OpenID method"
-msgstr "使用OpenID帐号注册"
-msgid "Conventional registration"
-msgstr "请注意以下错误:"
-msgid "choose a user name"
-msgstr "选择一个用户名"
-msgid "your email address"
-msgstr "您的电子邮件地址"
-msgid "choose password"
-msgstr "密码"
-msgid "retype password"
-msgstr "确认密码"
-msgid "Register with your OpenID"
-msgstr "使用OpenID注册"
-msgid "sorry, this name can not be used, please try another"
-msgstr "对不起,您不能注册该用户名,请换一个试试"
-msgid "this name is already in use - please try anoter"
-msgstr "该用户名已被注册,请换一个试试"
-msgid "Why use OpenID?"
-msgstr "为什么需要OpenID登录?"
-msgid "with openid it is easier"
-msgstr "构建在OpenID网络认证上的本系统,不需要你注册新的帐号,即可使用我们系统的所有功能"
-msgid "openid is supported open standard"
-msgstr "OpenID是有开放标准,并且有相关的基金组织提供支持"
-msgid "Find out more"
-msgstr "查看更多"
-msgid "Get OpenID"
-msgstr "获取OpenID"
-msgid "openid is widely adopted"
-msgstr "全世界有1.6亿OpenID帐号,和10,000个支持OpenID的站点"
-msgid "reuse openid"
-msgstr "用同一个帐号可登录互联网所有激活OpenID的网站"