path: root/templates/content/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js
diff options
authorEvgeny Fadeev <>2010-02-09 16:48:38 -0500
committerEvgeny Fadeev <>2010-02-09 16:48:38 -0500
commit3c4c71fc19865bfb75231c425fae31c6b2c211de (patch)
tree535fc16fef76b1e89e136c3e4a0947fe8613fe01 /templates/content/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js
parentbdf1cc4f9dd3f0ac06ba1af3c7d35c72cc358297 (diff)
started working towards skinning forum app - first step - move templates to app
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/content/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/templates/content/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js b/templates/content/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js
deleted file mode 100644
index da9bf396..00000000
--- a/templates/content/js/com.cnprog.i18n.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-//var i18nLang;
-var i18nZh = {
- 'insufficient privilege':'用户权限不在操作范围',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'不能设置自己的回答为最佳答案',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'匿名用户不能收藏问题,请先',
- 'please login':'注册或者登录',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'匿名用户不能投票',
- '>15 points requried to upvote':'需要+15积分才能投支持票。',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'需要+100积分才能投反对票。',
- 'please see': '查看',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'不能给自己的帖子投票',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的投票。',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'这个投票已经过时,不能撤销。',
- 'please confirm offensive':"确定要归类该帖为广告、人身攻击、恶意言论吗?",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'匿名用户不能操作,请先',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'不能重复操作。',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'对不起,您已用完今日所有的5次‘水帖’操作。',
- 'need >15 points to report spam':"需要+15积分才能归类‘垃圾帖’。",
- 'confirm delete':"确定要删除/撤销删除该帖吗?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"匿名用户不能删除或撤销删除帖子",
- 'post recovered':"操作成功!该帖子已被恢复。",
- 'post deleted':"操作成功!该帖子已删除。",
- 'add comment':'添加评论',
- 'community karma points':'社区积分',
- 'to comment, need':'评论需要',
- 'delete this comment':'删除此评论',
- 'hide comments':"隐藏评论",
- 'add a comment':"添加评论",
- 'comments':"评论",
- 'confirm delete comment':"真要删除此评论吗?",
- 'characters':'字符',
- 'can write':'还可写',
- 'click to close':'点击消息框关闭',
- 'loading...':'读取中...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'标签不能为空。',
- 'tablimits info':"最多5个标签,每个标签长度小于20个字符。",
- 'content cannot be empty':'内容不能为空。',
- 'content minchars': '请输入至少 {0} 字符。',
- 'please enter title':'请输入标题。',
- 'title minchars':"请输入至少 {0} 字符。",
- 'delete':'删除',
- 'undelete': '取消',
- 'bold':'粗体',
- 'italic':'斜体',
- 'link':'超链接',
- 'quote':'引用',
- 'preformatted text':'代码',
- 'image':'图片',
- 'numbered list':'数字编号列表',
- 'bulleted list':'项目符号列表',
- 'heading':'标题',
- 'horizontal bar':'水平线',
- 'undo':'撤销',
- 'redo':'重做',
- 'enter image url':'<b>输入图片地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的截图\"',
- 'enter url':'<b>输入Web地址</b></p><p>示例:<br /> \"我的网站\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'或者上传本地图片:'
-var i18nEn = {
- 'need >15 points to report spam':'need >15 points to report spam ',
- '>15 points requried to upvote':'>15 points required to upvote ',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'please enter at least one tag',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'sorry, anonymous users cannot vote ',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'sorry, anonymous users cannot select favorite questions ',
- 'to comment, need': '(to comment other people\'s posts, karma ',
- 'please see':'please see ',
- 'community karma points':' or more is necessary) - ',
- 'upload image':'Upload image:',
- 'enter image url':'enter URL of the image, e.g. \"image title\"',
- 'enter url':'enter Web address, e.g. \"page title\"',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays vote cap',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'sorry, you cannot accept your own answer',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'sorry, older votes cannot be revoked',
- 'please confirm offensive':'are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays cap of flagging offensive messages ',
- 'confirm delete':'are you sure you want to delete this?',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':'sorry, anonymous users cannot delete or undelete posts',
- 'post recovered':'your post is now restored!',
- 'post deleted':'your post has been deleted',
- 'confirm delete comment':'do you really want to delete this comment?',
- 'can write':'have ',
- 'tablimits info':'up to 5 tags, no more than 20 characters each',
- 'content minchars': 'please enter more than {0} characters',
- 'title minchars':"please enter at least {0} characters",
- 'characters':'characters left',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'sorry, you cannot vote for your own posts',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'cannot flag message as offensive twice ',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 points required to downvote '
-var i18nEs = {
- 'insufficient privilege':'privilegio insuficiente',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'no puede escoger su propia respuesta como la mejor',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'usuarios anonimos no pueden seleccionar',
- 'please login':'por favor inicie sesión',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'usuarios anónimos no pueden votar',
- '>15 points requried to upvote': '>15 puntos requeridos para votar positivamente',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 puntos requeridos para votar negativamente',
- 'please see': 'por favor vea',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'no se puede votar por sus propias publicaciones',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'cuota de votos diarios excedida',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'no puede revocar un voto viejo',
- 'please confirm offensive':"por favor confirme ofensiva",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'usuarios anónimos no pueden marcar publicaciones como ofensivas',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'no puede marcar mensaje como ofensivo dos veces',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'cuota para marcar ofensivas ha sido excedida',
- 'need >15 points to report spam':"necesita >15 puntos para reportar spam",
- 'confirm delete':"¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"usuarios anónimos no pueden borrar o recuperar publicaciones",
- 'post recovered':"publicación recuperada",
- 'post deleted':"publicación borrada。",
- 'add comment':'agregar comentario',
- 'community karma points':'reputación comunitaria',
- 'to comment, need':'para comentar, necesita reputación',
- 'delete this comment':'borrar este comentario',
- 'hide comments':"ocultar comentarios",
- 'add a comment':"agregar comentarios",
- 'comments':"comentarios",
- 'confirm delete comment':"¿Realmente desea borrar este comentario?",
- 'characters':'caracteres faltantes',
- 'can write':'tiene ',
- 'click to close':'haga click para cerrar',
- 'loading...':'cargando...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'las etiquetas no pueden estar vacías',
- 'tablimits info':"hasta 5 etiquetas de no mas de 20 caracteres cada una",
- 'content cannot be empty':'el contenido no puede estar vacío',
- 'content minchars': 'por favor introduzca mas de {0} caracteres',
- 'please enter title':'por favor ingrese un título',
- 'title minchars':"por favor introduzca al menos {0} caracteres",
- 'delete':'borrar',
- 'undelete': 'recuperar',
- 'bold': 'negrita',
- 'italic':'cursiva',
- 'link':'enlace',
- 'quote':'citar',
- 'preformatted text':'texto preformateado',
- 'image':'imagen',
- 'numbered list':'lista numerada',
- 'bulleted list':'lista no numerada',
- 'heading':'标题',
- 'horizontal bar':'barra horizontal',
- 'undo':'deshacer',
- 'redo':'rehacer',
- 'enter image url':'introduzca la URL de la imagen, por ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo de imagen\"',
- 'enter url':'introduzca direcciones web, ejemplo:<br /> \"titulo del enlace\"</p>"',
- 'upload image':'cargar imagen:',
- 'questions/' : 'preguntas/',
- 'vote/' : 'votar/'
-var i18n = {
- 'en':i18nEn,
- 'zh_CN':i18nZh,
- 'es':i18nEs
-var i18n_dict = i18n[i18nLang];