path: root/mediawiki/README
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Diffstat (limited to 'mediawiki/README')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mediawiki/README b/mediawiki/README
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index 00000000..b664a8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki/README
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+This is a rough example of integrated mediawiki authentication
+originally written to work on a customized MW (some tables are different from standard)
+so to adapt this to your case you'll most likely need to tweak this
+Also keep in mind that probably a better solution would be to create a single signon site.
+Author: (Evgeny)
+==Minimal directions==
+1) Add the following to your (with relevant modifications):
+USE_EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN = True #enable external legacy login
+EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND = 'mediawiki.auth.IncludeVirtualAuthenticationBackend'
+EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATION_MIDDLEWARE = 'mediawiki.middleware.IncludeVirtualAuthenticationMiddleware'
+EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN_MODULE = 'mediawiki' #current module
+EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN_PORT = 80 #port, probably 80
+MEDIAWIKI_SALT_PASSWORD=True #or False - depending on your LocalSettings.php
+MEDIAWIKI_COOKIE_DOMAIN='' #for cross subdomain login
+MEDIAWIKI_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = '' # probably '<dbname>_<dbtblprefix>_session'
+MEDIAWIKI_PHP_SESSION_PREFIX='sess_' #depends on your setup
+SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '' #use this notation for cross-subdomain login
+2) Configure apache to access forum "backend" via the wiki domain.
+Example configuration is in the end of the doc.
+3) Install two wiki extensions WsgiInjectableSpecialPage, UserRegister -
+the usual MW way. You might want to disable traditional wiki registration.
+4) grep files for 'yourwiki' and change that to your own taste - there are some
+hardcoded urls
+5) Templates are in templates/mediawiki - you probably will want to customize them,
+form js media: templates/content/js/mediawiki-login.js
+form css media: templates/content/style/mediawiki-login.css
+wiki and forum must live in the same mysql database for registration to work,
+however login will work even if this is not the case
+you must own both wiki and forum or there must be good trust relationship
+between the owners - because password is shared
+==Notes on how external login currently works.==
+password and login are entered in the login form.
+these are checked against mw api
+password is saved in the auth_user table (the django way)
+so if you at some point set USE_EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN = False
+wiki passwords and logins will still work on the forum
+login action is partially synchronized btw wiki and forum (from forum to wiki,
+but not the opposite way yet)
+when users first register - either on wiki or forum they are logged in on both
+on registration they receive a greeting email - you will want to customize messages
+technically, on the wiki registration form is injected via apache SSI
+- using include virtual call
+there is a possibility for cross-site scripting attack if wiki session is stolen
+==Apache setup example for the wiki==
+This assumes that wiki and forum facing the user are on different subdomains.
+Also this setup is just an example - you may do better :).
+Forum setup in apache is described in main osqa INSTALL document - that's extra.
+<VirtualHost your.ip:port>
+ ServerAdmin
+ DocumentRoot /path/to/wiki/root #dir containing wiki directory
+ ServerName
+ AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .php
+ Alias /backend/content/ /path/to/forum/templates/content/
+ AliasMatch (content\/style\/[^/]*\.css) /path/to/forum/templates/$1
+ AliasMatch (content\/.*) /path/to/forum/templates/$1
+ <Directory /path/to/forum/templates/content>
+ Order deny,allow
+ Allow from all
+ </Directory>
+ WSGIDaemonProcess my-forum-wiki-side #use daemon mode so to avoid potential timezone messups
+ WSGIProcessGroup my-forum-wiki-side
+ WSGIScriptAlias /backend /path/to/forum/cnprog.wsgi
+ CustomLog /var/log/httpd/yourwiki/access_log common
+ ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/yourwiki/error_log
+ LogLevel debug
+ DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
+<Directory /path/to/wiki/root>
+ Options Includes
+ <IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
+ php_admin_flag engine on
+ php_admin_flag safe_mode off
+ </IfModule>
+ <IfModule mod_php5.c>
+ php_admin_flag engine on
+ php_admin_flag safe_mode off
+ php_admin_value open_basedir "/path/to/wiki/root:.:/tmp" #tmp used for sessions
+ </IfModule>