path: root/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt b/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt
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+++ b/doc/man/bcfg2-lint.conf.txt
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+.. vim: ft=rst
+bcfg2-lint.conf includes configuration parameters for bcfg2-lint.
+File format
+The file is INI-style and consists of sections and options. A section
+begins with the name of the sections in square brackets and continues
+until the next section begins.
+Options are specified in the form "name=value".
+The file is line-based each newline-terminated line represents either a
+comment, a section name or an option.
+Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored, as are lines containing
+only whitespace.
+The file consists of one *[lint]* section, up to one *[errors]* section,
+and then any number of plugin-specific sections, documented below. (Note
+that this makes it quite feasible to combine your *bcfg2-lint.conf* into
+your :manpage:`bcfg2.conf(5)` file, if you so desire).
+Global options
+These options apply to *bcfg2-lint* generally, and must be in the
+*[lint]* section.
+ A comma-delimited list of plugins to run. By default, all plugins
+ are run. This can be overridden by listing plugins on the command
+ line. See :manpage:`bcfg2-lint(8)` for a list of the available
+ plugins.
+Error handling
+Error handling is configured in the *[errors]* section. Each option
+should be the name of an error and one of *error*, *warning*, or
+*silent*, which tells :program:`bcfg2-lint` how to handle the
+warning. Error names and their defaults can be displayed by running
+:program:`bcfg2-lint` with the *--list-errors* option.
+Plugin options
+These options apply only to a single plugin. Each option should be in a
+section named for its plugin; for instance, options for the InfoXML
+plugin would be in a section called *[InfoXML]*.
+If a plugin is not listed below, then it has no configuration.
+In many cases, the behavior of a plugin can be configured by modifying
+how errors from it are handled. See ERROR HANDLING, above.
+The *Comments* plugin configuration specifies which VCS keywords and
+comments are required for which file types. The valid types of file are
+*global* (all file types), *bundler* (non-templated bundle files),
+*genshibundler* (templated bundle files), *properties* (property files),
+*cfg* (non-templated Cfg files), *genshi* or *cheetah* (templated Cfg
+files), *infoxml* (info.xml files), and *probe* (probe files).
+The specific types (i.e., types other than "global") all supplement
+global; they do not override it. The exception is if you specify an
+empty option, e.g.:
+ cfg_keywords =
+By default, the *$Id$* keyword is checked for and nothing else.
+Multiple keywords or comments should be comma-delimited.
+ * *<type>_keywords*
+Ensure that files of the specified type have the given VCS keyword. Do
+*not* include the dollar signs. I.e.:
+ infoxml_keywords = Revision
+ infoxml_keywords = $Revision$
+ * *<type>_comments*
+Ensure that files of the specified type have a comment containing the
+given string. In XML files, only comments are checked. In plain text
+files, all lines are checked since comment characters may vary.
+ A comma-delimited list of attributes to require on *<Info>* tags.
+ Default is "owner,group,mode".
+ The threshold at which MergeFiles will suggest merging config files
+ and probes. Default is 75% similar.
+ The full path to the XML Schema files. Default is
+ `/usr/share/bcfg2/schema`. This can be overridden with the
+ *--schema* command-line option.
+See Also