path: root/src/lib/Bcfg2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Bcfg2/')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bcfg2/ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/
index d1e5dae68..ae79e1dd0 100644
--- a/src/lib/Bcfg2/
+++ b/src/lib/Bcfg2/
@@ -10,17 +10,20 @@ import Bcfg2.Client.Tools
# Compatibility imports
from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import ConfigParser
def bool_cook(x):
if x:
return True
return False
class OptionFailure(Exception):
-DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION = '/etc/bcfg2.conf' #/etc/bcfg2.conf
+DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION = '/etc/bcfg2.conf'
class DefaultConfigParser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser):
def get(self, section, option, **kwargs):
@@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ class Option(object):
def buildLongGetopt(self):
if self.odesc:
- return self.cmd[2:]+'='
+ return self.cmd[2:] + '='
return self.cmd[2:]
@@ -144,6 +147,7 @@ class Option(object):
# Default value not cooked
self.value = self.default
class OptionSet(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
dict.__init__(self, *args)
@@ -205,16 +209,19 @@ class OptionSet(dict):
val = option.value
self[key] = val
def list_split(c_string):
if c_string:
return re.split("\s*,\s*", c_string)
return []
def colon_split(c_string):
if c_string:
return c_string.split(':')
return []
def get_bool(s):
# these values copied from ConfigParser.RawConfigParser.getboolean
# with the addition of True and False
@@ -227,204 +234,406 @@ def get_bool(s):
raise ValueError
+ Accepts keyword argument list with the following values:
+ default: default value for the option
+ cmd: command line switch
+ odesc: option description
+ cf: tuple containing section/option
+ cook: method for parsing option
+ long_arg: (True|False) specifies whether cmd is a long argument
# General options
-CFILE = Option('Specify configuration file', DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION, cmd='-C',
- odesc='<conffile>')
-LOCKFILE = Option('Specify lockfile',
- "/var/lock/",
- cf=('components', 'lockfile'),
- odesc='<Path to lockfile>')
-HELP = Option('Print this usage message', False, cmd='-h')
-DEBUG = Option("Enable debugging output", False, cmd='-d')
-VERBOSE = Option("Enable verbose output", False, cmd='-v')
-DAEMON = Option("Daemonize process, storing pid", False,
- cmd='-D', odesc="<pidfile>")
-INSTALL_PREFIX = Option('Installation location', cf=('server', 'prefix'),
- default=DEFAULT_INSTALL_PREFIX, odesc='</path>')
-SENDMAIL_PATH = Option('Path to sendmail', cf=('reports', 'sendmailpath'),
- default='/usr/lib/sendmail')
-INTERACTIVE = Option('Run interactively, prompting the user for each change',
- default=False,
- cmd='-I', )
-ENCODING = Option('Encoding of cfg files',
- default='UTF-8',
- cmd='-E',
- odesc='<encoding>',
- cf=('components', 'encoding'))
-PARANOID_PATH = Option('Specify path for paranoid file backups',
- default='/var/cache/bcfg2', cf=('paranoid', 'path'),
- odesc='<paranoid backup path>')
-PARANOID_MAX_COPIES = Option('Specify the number of paranoid copies you want',
- default=1, cf=('paranoid', 'max_copies'),
- odesc='<max paranoid copies>')
-OMIT_LOCK_CHECK = Option('Omit lock check', default=False, cmd='-O')
-CORE_PROFILE = Option('profile', default=False, cmd='-p', )
-SCHEMA_PATH = Option('Path to XML Schema files', cmd='--schema',
- odesc='<schema path>',
- default="%s/share/bcfg2/schemas" % DEFAULT_INSTALL_PREFIX,
- long_arg=True)
-# Metadata options
-MDATA_OWNER = Option('Default Path owner',
- default='root', cf=('mdata', 'owner'),
- odesc='owner permissions')
-MDATA_GROUP = Option('Default Path group',
- default='root', cf=('mdata', 'group'),
- odesc='group permissions')
-MDATA_IMPORTANT = Option('Default Path priority (importance)',
- default='False', cf=('mdata', 'important'),
- odesc='Important entries are installed first')
-MDATA_PERMS = Option('Default Path permissions',
- '644', cf=('mdata', 'perms'),
- odesc='octal permissions')
-MDATA_PARANOID = Option('Default Path paranoid setting',
- 'true', cf=('mdata', 'paranoid'),
- odesc='Path paranoid setting')
-MDATA_SENSITIVE = Option('Default Path sensitive setting',
- 'false', cf=('mdata', 'sensitive'),
- odesc='Path sensitive setting')
+CFILE = \
+ Option('Specify configuration file',
+ cmd='-C',
+ odesc='<conffile>')
+ Option('Specify lockfile',
+ default='/var/lock/',
+ odesc='<Path to lockfile>',
+ cf=('components', 'lockfile'))
+HELP = \
+ Option('Print this usage message',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-h')
+DEBUG = \
+ Option("Enable debugging output",
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-d')
+ Option("Enable verbose output",
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-v')
+ Option("Daemonize process, storing pid",
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-D',
+ odesc='<pidfile>')
+ Option('Installation location',
+ odesc='</path>',
+ cf=('server', 'prefix'))
+ Option('Path to sendmail',
+ default='/usr/lib/sendmail',
+ cf=('reports', 'sendmailpath'))
+ Option('Run interactively, prompting the user for each change',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-I', )
+ Option('Encoding of cfg files',
+ default='UTF-8',
+ cmd='-E',
+ odesc='<encoding>',
+ cf=('components', 'encoding'))
+ Option('Specify path for paranoid file backups',
+ default='/var/cache/bcfg2',
+ odesc='<paranoid backup path>',
+ cf=('paranoid', 'path'))
+ Option('Specify the number of paranoid copies you want',
+ default=1,
+ odesc='<max paranoid copies>',
+ cf=('paranoid', 'max_copies'))
+ Option('Omit lock check',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-O')
+ Option('profile',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-p', )
+ Option('Path to XML Schema files',
+ default='%s/share/bcfg2/schemas' % DEFAULT_INSTALL_PREFIX,
+ cmd='--schema',
+ odesc='<schema path>',
+ long_arg=True)
+# Metadata options (mdata section)
+ Option('Default Path owner',
+ default='root',
+ odesc='owner permissions',
+ cf=('mdata', 'owner'))
+ Option('Default Path group',
+ default='root',
+ odesc='group permissions',
+ cf=('mdata', 'group'))
+ Option('Default Path priority (importance)',
+ default='False',
+ odesc='Important entries are installed first',
+ cf=('mdata', 'important'))
+ Option('Default Path permissions',
+ default='644',
+ odesc='octal permissions',
+ cf=('mdata', 'perms'))
+ Option('Default Path paranoid setting',
+ default='true',
+ odesc='Path paranoid setting',
+ cf=('mdata', 'paranoid'))
+ Option('Default Path sensitive setting',
+ default='false',
+ odesc='Path sensitive setting',
+ cf=('mdata', 'sensitive'))
# Server options
-SERVER_REPOSITORY = Option('Server repository path', '/var/lib/bcfg2',
- cf=('server', 'repository'), cmd='-Q',
- odesc='<repository path>')
-SERVER_PLUGINS = Option('Server plugin list', cf=('server', 'plugins'),
- # default server plugins
- default=[
- 'Bundler',
- 'Cfg',
- 'Metadata',
- 'Pkgmgr',
- 'Rules',
- 'SSHbase',
- ],
- cook=list_split)
-SERVER_MCONNECT = Option('Server Metadata Connector list', cook=list_split,
- cf=('server', 'connectors'), default=['Probes'], )
-SERVER_FILEMONITOR = Option('Server file monitor', cf=('server', 'filemonitor'),
- default='default', odesc='File monitoring driver')
-SERVER_FAM_IGNORE = Option('File globs to ignore',
- cf=('server', 'ignore_files'), cook=list_split,
- default=['*~', '.#*', '*#', '*.swp', '.*.swx', 'SCCS',
- '.svn', '4913', '.gitignore'])
-SERVER_LISTEN_ALL = Option('Listen on all interfaces',
- cf=('server', 'listen_all'),
- cmd='--listen-all',
- default=False,
- long_arg=True,
- cook=get_bool,
- odesc='True|False')
-SERVER_LOCATION = Option('Server Location', cf=('components', 'bcfg2'),
- default='https://localhost:6789', cmd='-S',
- odesc='https://server:port')
-SERVER_STATIC = Option('Server runs on static port', cf=('components', 'bcfg2'),
- default=False, cook=bool_cook)
-SERVER_KEY = Option('Path to SSL key', cf=('communication', 'key'),
- default=False, cmd='--ssl-key', odesc='<ssl key>',
- long_arg=True)
-SERVER_CERT = Option('Path to SSL certificate', default='/etc/bcfg2.key',
- cf=('communication', 'certificate'), odesc='<ssl cert>')
-SERVER_CA = Option('Path to SSL CA Cert', default=None,
- cf=('communication', 'ca'), odesc='<ca cert>')
-SERVER_PASSWORD = Option('Communication Password', cmd='-x', odesc='<password>',
- cf=('communication', 'password'), default=False)
-SERVER_PROTOCOL = Option('Server Protocol', cf=('communication', 'procotol'),
- default='xmlrpc/ssl')
+ Option('Server repository path',
+ default='/var/lib/bcfg2',
+ cmd='-Q',
+ odesc='<repository path>',
+ cf=('server', 'repository'))
+ Option('Server plugin list',
+ # default server plugins
+ default=[
+ 'Bundler',
+ 'Cfg',
+ 'Metadata',
+ 'Pkgmgr',
+ 'Rules',
+ 'SSHbase',
+ ],
+ cf=('server', 'plugins'),
+ cook=list_split)
+ Option('Server Metadata Connector list',
+ default=['Probes'],
+ cf=('server', 'connectors'),
+ cook=list_split)
+ Option('Server file monitor',
+ default='default',
+ odesc='File monitoring driver',
+ cf=('server', 'filemonitor'))
+ Option('File globs to ignore',
+ default=[
+ '*~',
+ '*#',
+ '.#*',
+ '*.swp',
+ '.*.swx',
+ 'SCCS',
+ '.svn',
+ '4913',
+ '.gitignore',
+ ],
+ cf=('server', 'ignore_files'),
+ cook=list_split)
+ Option('Listen on all interfaces',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='--listen-all',
+ odesc='True|False',
+ cf=('server', 'listen_all'),
+ cook=get_bool,
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Server Location',
+ default='https://localhost:6789',
+ cmd='-S',
+ odesc='https://server:port',
+ cf=('components', 'bcfg2'))
+ Option('Server runs on static port',
+ default=False,
+ cf=('components', 'bcfg2'),
+ cook=bool_cook)
+ Option('Path to SSL key',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='--ssl-key',
+ odesc='<ssl key>',
+ cf=('communication', 'key'),
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Path to SSL certificate',
+ default='/etc/bcfg2.key',
+ odesc='<ssl cert>',
+ cf=('communication', 'certificate'))
+ Option('Path to SSL CA Cert',
+ default=None,
+ odesc='<ca cert>',
+ cf=('communication', 'ca'))
+ Option('Communication Password',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-x',
+ odesc='<password>',
+ cf=('communication', 'password'))
+ Option('Server Protocol',
+ default='xmlrpc/ssl',
+ cf=('communication', 'procotol'))
# Client options
-CLIENT_KEY = Option('Path to SSL key', cf=('communication', 'key'),
- default=None, cmd="--ssl-key", odesc='<ssl key>',
- long_arg=True)
-CLIENT_CERT = Option('Path to SSL certificate', default=None, cmd="--ssl-cert",
- cf=('communication', 'certificate'), odesc='<ssl cert>',
- long_arg=True)
-CLIENT_CA = Option('Path to SSL CA Cert', default=None, cmd="--ca-cert",
- cf=('communication', 'ca'), odesc='<ca cert>',
- long_arg=True)
-CLIENT_SCNS = Option('List of server commonNames', default=None, cmd="--ssl-cns",
- cf=('communication', 'serverCommonNames'),
- odesc='<commonName1:commonName2>', cook=list_split,
- long_arg=True)
-CLIENT_PROFILE = Option('Assert the given profile for the host',
- default=False, cmd='-p', odesc="<profile>")
-CLIENT_RETRIES = Option('The number of times to retry network communication',
- default='3', cmd='-R', cf=('communication', 'retries'),
- odesc="<retry count>")
-CLIENT_DRYRUN = Option('Do not actually change the system',
- default=False, cmd='-n', )
-CLIENT_EXTRA_DISPLAY = Option('enable extra entry output',
- default=False, cmd='-e', )
-CLIENT_PARANOID = Option('Make automatic backups of config files',
- default=False,
- cmd='-P',
- cook=get_bool,
- cf=('client', 'paranoid'))
-CLIENT_DRIVERS = Option('Specify tool driver set', cmd='-D',
- cf=('client', 'drivers'),
- odesc="<driver1,driver2>", cook=list_split,
- default=Bcfg2.Client.Tools.default)
-CLIENT_CACHE = Option('Store the configuration in a file',
- default=False, cmd='-c', odesc="<cache path>")
-CLIENT_REMOVE = Option('Force removal of additional configuration items',
- default=False, cmd='-r', odesc="<entry type|all>")
-CLIENT_BUNDLE = Option('Only configure the given bundle(s)', default=[],
- cmd='-b', odesc='<bundle:bundle>', cook=colon_split)
-CLIENT_BUNDLEQUICK = Option('only verify/configure the given bundle(s)', default=False,
- cmd='-Q')
-CLIENT_INDEP = Option('Only configure independent entries, ignore bundles', default=False,
- cmd='-z')
-CLIENT_KEVLAR = Option('Run in kevlar (bulletproof) mode', default=False,
- cmd='-k', )
-CLIENT_FILE = Option('Configure from a file rather than querying the server',
- default=False, cmd='-f', odesc='<specification path>')
-CLIENT_QUICK = Option('Disable some checksum verification', default=False,
- cmd='-q', )
-CLIENT_USER = Option('The user to provide for authentication', default='root',
- cmd='-u', cf=('communication', 'user'), odesc='<user>')
-CLIENT_SERVICE_MODE = Option('Set client service mode', default='default',
- cmd='-s', odesc='<default|disabled|build>')
-CLIENT_TIMEOUT = Option('Set the client XML-RPC timeout', default=90,
- cmd='-t', cf=('communication', 'timeout'),
- odesc='<timeout>')
-CLIENT_DLIST = Option('Run client in server decision list mode', default='none',
- cf=('client', 'decision'),
- cmd='-l', odesc='<whitelist|blacklist|none>')
-CLIENT_DECISION_LIST = Option('Decision List', default=False,
- cmd="--decision-list", odesc='<file>',
- long_arg=True)
+ Option('Path to SSL key',
+ default=None,
+ cmd='--ssl-key',
+ odesc='<ssl key>',
+ cf=('communication', 'key'),
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Path to SSL certificate',
+ default=None,
+ cmd='--ssl-cert',
+ odesc='<ssl cert>',
+ cf=('communication', 'certificate'),
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Path to SSL CA Cert',
+ default=None,
+ cmd='--ca-cert',
+ odesc='<ca cert>',
+ cf=('communication', 'ca'),
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('List of server commonNames',
+ default=None,
+ cmd='--ssl-cns',
+ odesc='<CN1:CN2>',
+ cf=('communication', 'serverCommonNames'),
+ cook=list_split,
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Assert the given profile for the host',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-p',
+ odesc='<profile>')
+ Option('The number of times to retry network communication',
+ default='3',
+ cmd='-R',
+ odesc='<retry count>',
+ cf=('communication', 'retries'))
+ Option('Do not actually change the system',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-n')
+ Option('enable extra entry output',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-e')
+ Option('Make automatic backups of config files',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-P',
+ cf=('client', 'paranoid'),
+ cook=get_bool)
+ Option('Specify tool driver set',
+ default=Bcfg2.Client.Tools.default,
+ cmd='-D',
+ odesc='<driver1,driver2>',
+ cf=('client', 'drivers'),
+ cook=list_split)
+ Option('Store the configuration in a file',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-c',
+ odesc='<cache path>')
+ Option('Force removal of additional configuration items',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-r',
+ odesc='<entry type|all>')
+ Option('Only configure the given bundle(s)',
+ default=[],
+ cmd='-b',
+ odesc='<bundle:bundle>',
+ cook=colon_split)
+ Option('only verify/configure the given bundle(s)',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-Q')
+ Option('Only configure independent entries, ignore bundles',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-z')
+ Option('Run in kevlar (bulletproof) mode',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-k', )
+ Option('Configure from a file rather than querying the server',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-f',
+ odesc='<specification path>')
+ Option('Disable some checksum verification',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='-q')
+ Option('The user to provide for authentication',
+ default='root',
+ cmd='-u',
+ odesc='<user>',
+ cf=('communication', 'user'))
+ Option('Set client service mode',
+ default='default',
+ cmd='-s',
+ odesc='<default|disabled|build>')
+ Option('Set the client XML-RPC timeout',
+ default=90,
+ cmd='-t',
+ odesc='<timeout>',
+ cf=('communication', 'timeout'))
+ Option('Run client in server decision list mode',
+ default='none',
+ cmd='-l',
+ odesc='<whitelist|blacklist|none>',
+ cf=('client', 'decision'))
+ Option('Decision List',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='--decision-list',
+ odesc='<file>',
+ long_arg=True)
# bcfg2-test and bcfg2-lint options
-TEST_NOSEOPTS = Option('Options to pass to nosetests', default=[],
- cmd='--nose-options', cf=('bcfg2_test', 'nose_options'),
- odesc='<opts>', long_arg=True, cook=shlex.split)
-TEST_IGNORE = Option('Ignore these entries if they fail to build.', default=[],
- cmd='--ignore',
- cf=('bcfg2_test', 'ignore_entries'), long_arg=True,
- odesc='<Type>:<name>,<Type>:<name>', cook=list_split)
-LINT_CONFIG = Option('Specify bcfg2-lint configuration file',
- '/etc/bcfg2-lint.conf', cmd='--lint-config',
- odesc='<conffile>', long_arg=True)
-LINT_SHOW_ERRORS = Option('Show error handling', False, cmd='--list-errors',
- long_arg=True)
-LINT_FILES_ON_STDIN = Option('Operate on a list of files supplied on stdin',
- cmd='--stdin', default=False, long_arg=True)
+ Option('Options to pass to nosetests',
+ default=[],
+ cmd='--nose-options',
+ odesc='<opts>',
+ cf=('bcfg2_test', 'nose_options'),
+ cook=shlex.split,
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Ignore these entries if they fail to build.',
+ default=[],
+ cmd='--ignore',
+ odesc='<Type>:<name>,<Type>:<name>',
+ cf=('bcfg2_test', 'ignore_entries'),
+ cook=list_split,
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Specify bcfg2-lint configuration file',
+ default='/etc/bcfg2-lint.conf',
+ cmd='--lint-config',
+ odesc='<conffile>',
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Show error handling',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='--list-errors',
+ long_arg=True)
+ Option('Operate on a list of files supplied on stdin',
+ default=False,
+ cmd='--stdin',
+ long_arg=True)
# APT client tool options
-CLIENT_APT_TOOLS_INSTALL_PATH = Option('Apt tools install path',
- cf=('APT', 'install_path'),
- default='/usr')
-CLIENT_APT_TOOLS_VAR_PATH = Option('Apt tools var path',
- cf=('APT', 'var_path'), default='/var')
-CLIENT_SYSTEM_ETC_PATH = Option('System etc path', cf=('APT', 'etc_path'),
- default='/etc')
+ Option('Apt tools install path',
+ default='/usr',
+ cf=('APT', 'install_path'))
+ Option('Apt tools var path',
+ default='/var',
+ cf=('APT', 'var_path'))
+ Option('System etc path',
+ default='/etc',
+ cf=('APT', 'etc_path'))
# Logging options
-LOGGING_FILE_PATH = Option('Set path of file log', default=None,
- cmd='-o', odesc='<path>', cf=('logging', 'path'))
+ Option('Set path of file log',
+ default=None,
+ cmd='-o',
+ odesc='<path>',
+ cf=('logging', 'path'))
# Plugin-specific options
-CFG_VALIDATION = Option('Run validation on Cfg files', default=True,
- cf=('cfg', 'validation'), cmd='--cfg-validation',
- long_arg=True, cook=get_bool)
+ Option('Run validation on Cfg files',
+ default=True,
+ cmd='--cfg-validation',
+ cf=('cfg', 'validation'),
+ long_arg=True, cook=get_bool)
# Option groups
@@ -450,6 +659,7 @@ SERVER_COMMON_OPTIONS = dict(repo=SERVER_REPOSITORY,
class OptionParser(OptionSet):
OptionParser bootstraps option parsing,