path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/
diff options
author=Corey Hulen <>2015-06-14 23:53:32 -0800
committer=Corey Hulen <>2015-06-14 23:53:32 -0800
commit56e74239d6b34df8f30ef046f0b0ff4ff0866a71 (patch)
tree044da29848cf0f5c8607eac34de69065171669cf /Godeps/_workspace/src/
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2a887037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The draw2d Authors. All rights reserved.
+// created: 21/11/2010 by Laurent Le Goff
+package draw2d
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+type PathCmd int
+const (
+ MoveTo PathCmd = iota
+ LineTo
+ QuadCurveTo
+ CubicCurveTo
+ ArcTo
+ Close
+type PathStorage struct {
+ commands []PathCmd
+ vertices []float64
+ x, y float64
+func NewPathStorage() (p *PathStorage) {
+ p = new(PathStorage)
+ p.commands = make([]PathCmd, 0, 256)
+ p.vertices = make([]float64, 0, 256)
+ return
+func (p *PathStorage) Clear() {
+ p.commands = p.commands[0:0]
+ p.vertices = p.vertices[0:0]
+ return
+func (p *PathStorage) appendToPath(cmd PathCmd, vertices ...float64) {
+ if cap(p.vertices) <= len(p.vertices)+6 {
+ a := make([]PathCmd, len(p.commands), cap(p.commands)+256)
+ b := make([]float64, len(p.vertices), cap(p.vertices)+256)
+ copy(a, p.commands)
+ p.commands = a
+ copy(b, p.vertices)
+ p.vertices = b
+ }
+ p.commands = p.commands[0 : len(p.commands)+1]
+ p.commands[len(p.commands)-1] = cmd
+ copy(p.vertices[len(p.vertices):len(p.vertices)+len(vertices)], vertices)
+ p.vertices = p.vertices[0 : len(p.vertices)+len(vertices)]
+func (src *PathStorage) Copy() (dest *PathStorage) {
+ dest = new(PathStorage)
+ dest.commands = make([]PathCmd, len(src.commands))
+ copy(dest.commands, src.commands)
+ dest.vertices = make([]float64, len(src.vertices))
+ copy(dest.vertices, src.vertices)
+ return dest
+func (p *PathStorage) LastPoint() (x, y float64) {
+ return p.x, p.y
+func (p *PathStorage) IsEmpty() bool {
+ return len(p.commands) == 0
+func (p *PathStorage) Close() *PathStorage {
+ p.appendToPath(Close)
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) MoveTo(x, y float64) *PathStorage {
+ p.appendToPath(MoveTo, x, y)
+ p.x = x
+ p.y = y
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) RMoveTo(dx, dy float64) *PathStorage {
+ x, y := p.LastPoint()
+ p.MoveTo(x+dx, y+dy)
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) LineTo(x, y float64) *PathStorage {
+ p.appendToPath(LineTo, x, y)
+ p.x = x
+ p.y = y
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) RLineTo(dx, dy float64) *PathStorage {
+ x, y := p.LastPoint()
+ p.LineTo(x+dx, y+dy)
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) QuadCurveTo(cx, cy, x, y float64) *PathStorage {
+ p.appendToPath(QuadCurveTo, cx, cy, x, y)
+ p.x = x
+ p.y = y
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) RQuadCurveTo(dcx, dcy, dx, dy float64) *PathStorage {
+ x, y := p.LastPoint()
+ p.QuadCurveTo(x+dcx, y+dcy, x+dx, y+dy)
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) CubicCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y float64) *PathStorage {
+ p.appendToPath(CubicCurveTo, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y)
+ p.x = x
+ p.y = y
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) RCubicCurveTo(dcx1, dcy1, dcx2, dcy2, dx, dy float64) *PathStorage {
+ x, y := p.LastPoint()
+ p.CubicCurveTo(x+dcx1, y+dcy1, x+dcx2, y+dcy2, x+dx, y+dy)
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) ArcTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, angle float64) *PathStorage {
+ endAngle := startAngle + angle
+ clockWise := true
+ if angle < 0 {
+ clockWise = false
+ }
+ // normalize
+ if clockWise {
+ for endAngle < startAngle {
+ endAngle += math.Pi * 2.0
+ }
+ } else {
+ for startAngle < endAngle {
+ startAngle += math.Pi * 2.0
+ }
+ }
+ startX := cx + math.Cos(startAngle)*rx
+ startY := cy + math.Sin(startAngle)*ry
+ if len(p.commands) > 0 {
+ p.LineTo(startX, startY)
+ } else {
+ p.MoveTo(startX, startY)
+ }
+ p.appendToPath(ArcTo, cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, angle)
+ p.x = cx + math.Cos(endAngle)*rx
+ p.y = cy + math.Sin(endAngle)*ry
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) RArcTo(dcx, dcy, rx, ry, startAngle, angle float64) *PathStorage {
+ x, y := p.LastPoint()
+ p.ArcTo(x+dcx, y+dcy, rx, ry, startAngle, angle)
+ return p
+func (p *PathStorage) String() string {
+ s := ""
+ j := 0
+ for _, cmd := range p.commands {
+ switch cmd {
+ case MoveTo:
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("MoveTo: %f, %f\n", p.vertices[j], p.vertices[j+1])
+ j = j + 2
+ case LineTo:
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("LineTo: %f, %f\n", p.vertices[j], p.vertices[j+1])
+ j = j + 2
+ case QuadCurveTo:
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("QuadCurveTo: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", p.vertices[j], p.vertices[j+1], p.vertices[j+2], p.vertices[j+3])
+ j = j + 4
+ case CubicCurveTo:
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("CubicCurveTo: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", p.vertices[j], p.vertices[j+1], p.vertices[j+2], p.vertices[j+3], p.vertices[j+4], p.vertices[j+5])
+ j = j + 6
+ case ArcTo:
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("ArcTo: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", p.vertices[j], p.vertices[j+1], p.vertices[j+2], p.vertices[j+3], p.vertices[j+4], p.vertices[j+5])
+ j = j + 6
+ case Close:
+ s += "Close\n"
+ }
+ }
+ return s