path: root/api
diff options
author=Corey Hulen <>2016-01-08 12:41:26 -0600
committer=Corey Hulen <>2016-01-08 12:41:26 -0600
commit3fba8e42b140c1189bf3c06882cce5e2231e63da (patch)
tree7a0721cecf6624fc9c1fd71449628472b941ddeb /api
parent001a4448ca5fb0018eeb442915b473b121c04bf3 (diff)
partial fix for UI
Diffstat (limited to 'api')
5 files changed, 399 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/api/command.go b/api/command.go
index cff30cdbb..1e67453fb 100644
--- a/api/command.go
+++ b/api/command.go
@@ -4,45 +4,169 @@
package api
import (
- // "io"
- // "net/http"
+ //"io"
+ "net/http"
// "path"
// "strconv"
- // "strings"
+ "strings"
// "time"
l4g ""
- // ""
- // ""
+ ""
+ ""
-// type commandHandler func(c *Context, command *model.Command) bool
+type CommandProvider interface {
+ GetCommand() *model.Command
+ DoCommand(c *Context, channelId string, message string) *model.CommandResponse
-// var (
-// cmds = map[string]string{
-// "logoutCommand": "/logout",
-// "joinCommand": "/join",
-// "loadTestCommand": "/loadtest",
-// "echoCommand": "/echo",
-// "shrugCommand": "/shrug",
-// "meCommand": "/me",
-// }
-// commands = []commandHandler{
-// logoutCommand,
-// joinCommand,
-// loadTestCommand,
-// echoCommand,
-// shrugCommand,
-// meCommand,
-// }
-// commandNotImplementedErr = model.NewAppError("checkCommand", "Command not implemented", "")
-// )
-// var echoSem chan bool
+var commandProviders = make(map[string]CommandProvider)
+func RegisterCommandProvider(newProvider CommandProvider) {
+ commandProviders[newProvider.GetCommand().Trigger] = newProvider
+func GetCommandProvidersProvider(name string) CommandProvider {
+ provider, ok := commandProviders[name]
+ if ok {
+ return provider
+ }
+ return nil
func InitCommand(r *mux.Router) {
l4g.Debug("Initializing command api routes")
- // r.Handle("/command", ApiUserRequired(command)).Methods("POST")
+ sr := r.PathPrefix("/commands").Subrouter()
+ sr.Handle("/execute", ApiUserRequired(execute)).Methods("POST")
+ sr.Handle("/list", ApiUserRequired(listCommands)).Methods("POST")
+ sr.Handle("/create", ApiUserRequired(create)).Methods("POST")
+ sr.Handle("/list_team_commands", ApiUserRequired(listTeamCommands)).Methods("GET")
+ // sr.Handle("/regen_token", ApiUserRequired(regenOutgoingHookToken)).Methods("POST")
+ // sr.Handle("/delete", ApiUserRequired(deleteOutgoingHook)).Methods("POST")
+func listCommands(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ commands := make([]*model.Command, 0, 32)
+ for _, value := range commandProviders {
+ cpy := *value.GetCommand()
+ cpy.Token = ""
+ cpy.CreatorId = ""
+ cpy.Method = ""
+ cpy.URL = ""
+ cpy.Username = ""
+ cpy.IconURL = ""
+ commands = append(commands, &cpy)
+ }
+ w.Write([]byte(model.CommandListToJson(commands)))
+func execute(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ props := model.MapFromJson(r.Body)
+ command := strings.TrimSpace(props["command"])
+ channelId := strings.TrimSpace(props["channelId"])
+ if len(command) <= 1 || strings.Index(command, "/") != 0 {
+ c.Err = model.NewAppError("command", "Command must start with /", "")
+ return
+ }
+ if len(channelId) > 0 {
+ cchan := Srv.Store.Channel().CheckPermissionsTo(c.Session.TeamId, channelId, c.Session.UserId)
+ if !c.HasPermissionsToChannel(cchan, "checkCommand") {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ parts := strings.Split(command, " ")
+ trigger := parts[0][1:]
+ provider := GetCommandProvidersProvider(trigger)
+ if provider != nil {
+ message := strings.Join(parts[1:], " ")
+ response := provider.DoCommand(c, channelId, message)
+ if response.ResponseType == model.COMMAND_RESPONSE_TYPE_IN_CHANNEL {
+ post := &model.Post{}
+ post.ChannelId = channelId
+ post.Message = response.Text
+ if _, err := CreatePost(c, post, true); err != nil {
+ c.Err = model.NewAppError("command", "An error while saving the command response to the channel", "")
+ }
+ }
+ w.Write([]byte(response.ToJson()))
+ } else {
+ c.Err = model.NewAppError("command", "Command with a trigger of '"+trigger+"' not found", "")
+ }
+func create(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ if !*utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands {
+ c.Err = model.NewAppError("createCommand", "Commands have been disabled by the system admin.", "")
+ c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusNotImplemented
+ return
+ }
+ if *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations {
+ if !(c.IsSystemAdmin() || c.IsTeamAdmin()) {
+ c.Err = model.NewAppError("createCommand", "Integrations have been limited to admins only.", "")
+ c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ c.LogAudit("attempt")
+ cmd := model.CommandFromJson(r.Body)
+ if cmd == nil {
+ c.SetInvalidParam("createCommand", "command")
+ return
+ }
+ cmd.CreatorId = c.Session.UserId
+ cmd.TeamId = c.Session.TeamId
+ if result := <-Srv.Store.Command().Save(cmd); result.Err != nil {
+ c.Err = result.Err
+ return
+ } else {
+ c.LogAudit("success")
+ rcmd := result.Data.(*model.Command)
+ w.Write([]byte(rcmd.ToJson()))
+ }
+func listTeamCommands(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ if !*utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands {
+ c.Err = model.NewAppError("createCommand", "Commands have been disabled by the system admin.", "")
+ c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusNotImplemented
+ return
+ }
+ if *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations {
+ if !(c.IsSystemAdmin() || c.IsTeamAdmin()) {
+ c.Err = model.NewAppError("createCommand", "Integrations have been limited to admins only.", "")
+ c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if result := <-Srv.Store.Command().GetByTeam(c.Session.TeamId); result.Err != nil {
+ c.Err = result.Err
+ return
+ } else {
+ cmds := result.Data.([]*model.Command)
+ w.Write([]byte(model.CommandListToJson(cmds)))
+ }
// func command(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
diff --git a/api/command_echo.go b/api/command_echo.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d34578c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/command_echo.go
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package api
+import (
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ l4g ""
+ ""
+var echoSem chan bool
+type EchoProvider struct {
+func init() {
+ RegisterCommandProvider(&EchoProvider{})
+func (me *EchoProvider) GetCommand() *model.Command {
+ return &model.Command{
+ Trigger: "echo",
+ AutoComplete: true,
+ AutoCompleteDesc: "Echo back text from your account",
+ AutoCompleteHint: "\"message\" [delay in seconds]",
+ DisplayName: "echo",
+ }
+func (me *EchoProvider) DoCommand(c *Context, channelId string, message string) *model.CommandResponse {
+ maxThreads := 100
+ delay := 0
+ if endMsg := strings.LastIndex(message, "\""); string(message[0]) == "\"" && endMsg > 1 {
+ if checkDelay, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(message[endMsg:], " \"")); err == nil {
+ delay = checkDelay
+ }
+ message = message[1:endMsg]
+ } else if strings.Index(message, " ") > -1 {
+ delayIdx := strings.LastIndex(message, " ")
+ delayStr := strings.Trim(message[delayIdx:], " ")
+ if checkDelay, err := strconv.Atoi(delayStr); err == nil {
+ delay = checkDelay
+ message = message[:delayIdx]
+ }
+ }
+ if delay > 10000 {
+ return &model.CommandResponse{Text: "Delays must be under 10000 seconds", ResponseType: model.COMMAND_RESPONSE_TYPE_EPHEMERAL}
+ }
+ if echoSem == nil {
+ // We want one additional thread allowed so we never reach channel lockup
+ echoSem = make(chan bool, maxThreads+1)
+ }
+ if len(echoSem) >= maxThreads {
+ return &model.CommandResponse{Text: "High volume of echo request, cannot process request", ResponseType: model.COMMAND_RESPONSE_TYPE_EPHEMERAL}
+ }
+ echoSem <- true
+ go func() {
+ defer func() { <-echoSem }()
+ post := &model.Post{}
+ post.ChannelId = channelId
+ post.Message = message
+ time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)
+ if _, err := CreatePost(c, post, true); err != nil {
+ l4g.Error("Unable to create /echo post, err=%v", err)
+ }
+ }()
+ return &model.CommandResponse{}
diff --git a/api/command_echo_test.go b/api/command_echo_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a0bb4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/command_echo_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+package api
+import (
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestEchoCommand(t *testing.T) {
+ Setup()
+ team := &model.Team{DisplayName: "Name", Name: "z-z-" + model.NewId() + "a", Email: "", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN}
+ team = Client.Must(Client.CreateTeam(team)).Data.(*model.Team)
+ user1 := &model.User{TeamId: team.Id, Email: model.NewId() + "", Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "pwd"}
+ user1 = Client.Must(Client.CreateUser(user1, "")).Data.(*model.User)
+ store.Must(Srv.Store.User().VerifyEmail(user1.Id))
+ Client.LoginByEmail(team.Name, user1.Email, "pwd")
+ channel1 := &model.Channel{DisplayName: "AA", Name: "aa" + model.NewId() + "a", Type: model.CHANNEL_OPEN, TeamId: team.Id}
+ channel1 = Client.Must(Client.CreateChannel(channel1)).Data.(*model.Channel)
+ echoTestString := "/echo test"
+ r1 := Client.Must(Client.Command(channel1.Id, echoTestString, false)).Data.(*model.CommandResponse)
+ if r1 == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Echo command failed to execute")
+ }
+ time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+ p1 := Client.Must(Client.GetPosts(channel1.Id, 0, 2, "")).Data.(*model.PostList)
+ if len(p1.Order) != 1 {
+ t.Fatal("Echo command failed to send")
+ }
diff --git a/api/command_test.go b/api/command_test.go
index 8b996b9eb..8e0c2580e 100644
--- a/api/command_test.go
+++ b/api/command_test.go
@@ -3,15 +3,127 @@
package api
-// import (
-// "strings"
-// "testing"
-// "time"
-// ""
-// ""
-// ""
-// )
+import (
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestListCommands(t *testing.T) {
+ Setup()
+ team := &model.Team{DisplayName: "Name", Name: "z-z-" + model.NewId() + "a", Email: "", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN}
+ team = Client.Must(Client.CreateTeam(team)).Data.(*model.Team)
+ user1 := &model.User{TeamId: team.Id, Email: model.NewId() + "", Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "pwd"}
+ user1 = Client.Must(Client.CreateUser(user1, "")).Data.(*model.User)
+ store.Must(Srv.Store.User().VerifyEmail(user1.Id))
+ Client.LoginByEmail(team.Name, user1.Email, "pwd")
+ if results, err := Client.ListCommands(); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ } else {
+ commands := results.Data.([]*model.Command)
+ foundEcho := false
+ for _, command := range commands {
+ if command.Trigger == "echo" {
+ foundEcho = true
+ }
+ }
+ if !foundEcho {
+ t.Fatal("Couldn't find echo command")
+ }
+ }
+func TestCreateCommand(t *testing.T) {
+ Setup()
+ *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = true
+ team := &model.Team{DisplayName: "Name", Name: "z-z-" + model.NewId() + "a", Email: "", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN}
+ team = Client.Must(Client.CreateTeam(team)).Data.(*model.Team)
+ user := &model.User{TeamId: team.Id, Email: model.NewId() + "", Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "pwd"}
+ user = Client.Must(Client.CreateUser(user, "")).Data.(*model.User)
+ store.Must(Srv.Store.User().VerifyEmail(user.Id))
+ Client.LoginByEmail(team.Name, user.Email, "pwd")
+ cmd := &model.Command{URL: "", Method: model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST}
+ if _, err := Client.CreateCommand(cmd); err == nil {
+ t.Fatal("should have failed because not admin")
+ }
+ c := &Context{}
+ c.RequestId = model.NewId()
+ c.IpAddress = "cmd_line"
+ UpdateRoles(c, user, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN)
+ Client.LoginByEmail(team.Name, user.Email, "pwd")
+ var rcmd *model.Command
+ if result, err := Client.CreateCommand(cmd); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ } else {
+ rcmd = result.Data.(*model.Command)
+ }
+ if rcmd.CreatorId != user.Id {
+ t.Fatal("user ids didn't match")
+ }
+ if rcmd.TeamId != team.Id {
+ t.Fatal("team ids didn't match")
+ }
+ cmd = &model.Command{CreatorId: "123", TeamId: "456", URL: "", Method: model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST}
+ if result, err := Client.CreateCommand(cmd); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ } else {
+ if result.Data.(*model.Command).CreatorId != user.Id {
+ t.Fatal("bad user id wasn't overwritten")
+ }
+ if result.Data.(*model.Command).TeamId != team.Id {
+ t.Fatal("bad team id wasn't overwritten")
+ }
+ }
+ *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = false
+func TestListTeamCommands(t *testing.T) {
+ Setup()
+ *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = true
+ team := &model.Team{DisplayName: "Name", Name: "z-z-" + model.NewId() + "a", Email: "", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN}
+ team = Client.Must(Client.CreateTeam(team)).Data.(*model.Team)
+ user := &model.User{TeamId: team.Id, Email: model.NewId() + "", Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "pwd"}
+ user = Client.Must(Client.CreateUser(user, "")).Data.(*model.User)
+ store.Must(Srv.Store.User().VerifyEmail(user.Id))
+ Client.LoginByEmail(team.Name, user.Email, "pwd")
+ cmd1 := &model.Command{URL: "", Method: model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST}
+ cmd1 = Client.Must(Client.CreateCommand(cmd1)).Data.(*model.Command)
+ if result, err := Client.ListTeamCommands(); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ } else {
+ cmds := result.Data.([]*model.Command)
+ if len(hooks) != 1 {
+ t.Fatal("incorrect number of cmd")
+ }
+ }
+ *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = false
// func TestSuggestRootCommands(t *testing.T) {
// Setup()
diff --git a/api/user.go b/api/user.go
index d4c7fcaf5..494296fb5 100644
--- a/api/user.go
+++ b/api/user.go
@@ -1435,6 +1435,10 @@ func PermanentDeleteUser(c *Context, user *model.User) *model.AppError {
return result.Err
+ if result := <-Srv.Store.Command().PermanentDeleteByUser(user.Id); result.Err != nil {
+ return result.Err
+ }
if result := <-Srv.Store.Preference().PermanentDeleteByUser(user.Id); result.Err != nil {
return result.Err