path: root/web/react/utils
diff options
authorJoramWilander <>2015-09-23 10:12:40 -0400
committerJoramWilander <>2015-09-23 10:12:40 -0400
commite4a15076f458be1416de25b2c45578975b914de5 (patch)
tree0c8a91d17ee2546ee9de969ede2e979c5a4f5a52 /web/react/utils
parent0391e5fe96d922f1e4a6ca2418a871ba1e88c9d2 (diff)
Implement UI theme colors.
Diffstat (limited to 'web/react/utils')
2 files changed, 282 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/web/react/utils/constants.jsx b/web/react/utils/constants.jsx
index 03e4635b5..41e9e9ca6 100644
--- a/web/react/utils/constants.jsx
+++ b/web/react/utils/constants.jsx
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ module.exports = {
PayloadSources: keyMirror({
@@ -110,5 +112,138 @@ module.exports = {
ONLINE_ICON_SVG: "<svg version='1.1' id='Layer_1' xmlns:dc='' xmlns:cc='' xmlns:rdf='' xmlns:svg='' xmlns:sodipodi='' xmlns:inkscape='' sodipodi:docname='TRASH_1_4.svg' inkscape:version='0.48.4 r9939' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' x='0px' y='0px' width='12px' height='12px' viewBox='0 0 12 12' enable-background='new 0 0 12 12' xml:space='preserve'><sodipodi:namedview inkscape:cy='139.7898' inkscape:cx='26.358185' inkscape:zoom='1.18' showguides='true' showgrid='false' id='namedview6' guidetolerance='10' gridtolerance='10' objecttolerance='10' borderopacity='1' bordercolor='#666666' pagecolor='#ffffff' inkscape:current-layer='Layer_1' inkscape:window-maximized='1' inkscape:window-y='-8' inkscape:window-x='-8' inkscape:window-height='705' inkscape:window-width='1366' inkscape:guide-bbox='true' inkscape:pageshadow='2' inkscape:pageopacity='0'><sodipodi:guide position='50.036793,85.991376' orientation='1,0' id='guide2986'></sodipodi:guide><sodipodi:guide position='58.426196,66.216355' orientation='0,1' id='guide3047'></sodipodi:guide></sodipodi:namedview><g><g><path class='online--icon' d='M6,5.487c1.371,0,2.482-1.116,2.482-2.493c0-1.378-1.111-2.495-2.482-2.495S3.518,1.616,3.518,2.994C3.518,4.371,4.629,5.487,6,5.487z M10.452,8.545c-0.101-0.829-0.36-1.968-0.726-2.541C9.475,5.606,8.5,5.5,8.5,5.5S8.43,7.521,6,7.521C3.507,7.521,3.5,5.5,3.5,5.5S2.527,5.606,2.273,6.004C1.908,6.577,1.648,7.716,1.547,8.545C1.521,8.688,1.49,9.082,1.498,9.142c0.161,1.295,2.238,2.322,4.375,2.358C5.916,11.501,5.958,11.501,6,11.501c0.043,0,0.084,0,0.127-0.001c2.076-0.026,4.214-1.063,4.375-2.358C10.509,9.082,10.471,8.696,10.452,8.545z'/></g></g></svg>",
OFFLINE_ICON_SVG: "<svg version='1.1' id='Layer_1' xmlns:dc='' xmlns:cc='' xmlns:rdf='' xmlns:svg='' xmlns:sodipodi='' xmlns:inkscape='' sodipodi:docname='TRASH_1_4.svg' inkscape:version='0.48.4 r9939' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' x='0px' y='0px' width='12px' height='12px' viewBox='0 0 12 12' enable-background='new 0 0 12 12' xml:space='preserve'><sodipodi:namedview inkscape:cy='139.7898' inkscape:cx='26.358185' inkscape:zoom='1.18' showguides='true' showgrid='false' id='namedview6' guidetolerance='10' gridtolerance='10' objecttolerance='10' borderopacity='1' bordercolor='#666666' pagecolor='#ffffff' inkscape:current-layer='Layer_1' inkscape:window-maximized='1' inkscape:window-y='-8' inkscape:window-x='-8' inkscape:window-height='705' inkscape:window-width='1366' inkscape:guide-bbox='true' inkscape:pageshadow='2' inkscape:pageopacity='0'><sodipodi:guide position='50.036793,85.991376' orientation='1,0' id='guide2986'></sodipodi:guide><sodipodi:guide position='58.426196,66.216355' orientation='0,1' id='guide3047'></sodipodi:guide></sodipodi:namedview><g><g><path fill='#cccccc' d='M6.002,7.143C5.645,7.363,5.167,7.52,4.502,7.52c-2.493,0-2.5-2.02-2.5-2.02S1.029,5.607,0.775,6.004C0.41,6.577,0.15,7.716,0.049,8.545c-0.025,0.145-0.057,0.537-0.05,0.598c0.162,1.295,2.237,2.321,4.375,2.357c0.043,0.001,0.085,0.001,0.127,0.001c0.043,0,0.084,0,0.127-0.001c1.879-0.023,3.793-0.879,4.263-2h-2.89L6.002,7.143L6.002,7.143z M4.501,5.488c1.372,0,2.483-1.117,2.483-2.494c0-1.378-1.111-2.495-2.483-2.495c-1.371,0-2.481,1.117-2.481,2.495C2.02,4.371,3.13,5.488,4.501,5.488z M7.002,6.5v2h5v-2H7.002z'/></g></g></svg>",
MENU_ICON: "<svg version='1.1' id='Layer_1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' x='0px' y='0px'width='4px' height='16px' viewBox='0 0 8 32' enable-background='new 0 0 8 32' xml:space='preserve'> <g> <circle cx='4' cy='4.062' r='4'/> <circle cx='4' cy='16' r='4'/> <circle cx='4' cy='28' r='4'/> </g> </svg>",
- COMMENT_ICON: "<svg version='1.1' id='Layer_2' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' x='0px' y='0px'width='15px' height='15px' viewBox='1 1.5 15 15' enable-background='new 1 1.5 15 15' xml:space='preserve'> <g> <g> <path fill='#211B1B' d='M14,1.5H3c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2v8c0,1.104,0.896,2,2,2h1.628l1.884,3l1.866-3H14c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2v-8 C16,2.396,15.104,1.5,14,1.5z M15,11.5c0,0.553-0.447,1-1,1H8l-1.493,2l-1.504-1.991L5,12.5H3c-0.552,0-1-0.447-1-1v-8 c0-0.552,0.448-1,1-1h11c0.553,0,1,0.448,1,1V11.5z'/> </g> </g> </svg>"
+ COMMENT_ICON: "<svg version='1.1' id='Layer_2' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' x='0px' y='0px'width='15px' height='15px' viewBox='1 1.5 15 15' enable-background='new 1 1.5 15 15' xml:space='preserve'> <g> <g> <path fill='#211B1B' d='M14,1.5H3c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2v8c0,1.104,0.896,2,2,2h1.628l1.884,3l1.866-3H14c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2v-8 C16,2.396,15.104,1.5,14,1.5z M15,11.5c0,0.553-0.447,1-1,1H8l-1.493,2l-1.504-1.991L5,12.5H3c-0.552,0-1-0.447-1-1v-8 c0-0.552,0.448-1,1-1h11c0.553,0,1,0.448,1,1V11.5z'/> </g> </g> </svg>",
+ default: {
+ type: 'Mattermost',
+ sidebarBg: '#fafafa',
+ sidebarText: '#999999',
+ sidebarUnreadText: '#333333',
+ sidebarTextHoverBg: '#e6f2fa',
+ sidebarTextHoverColor: '#999999',
+ sidebarTextActiveBg: '#e1e1e1',
+ sidebarTextActiveColor: '#111111',
+ sidebarHeaderBg: '#2389d7',
+ sidebarHeaderTextColor: '#ffffff',
+ onlineIndicator: '#7DBE00',
+ mentionBj: '#2389d7',
+ mentionColor: '#ffffff',
+ centerChannelBg: '#ffffff',
+ centerChannelColor: '#333333',
+ linkColor: '#2389d7',
+ buttonBg: '#2389d7',
+ buttonColor: '#FFFFFF'
+ },
+ slack: {
+ type: 'Slack',
+ sidebarBg: '#4D394B',
+ sidebarText: '#ab9ba9',
+ sidebarUnreadText: '#FFFFFF',
+ sidebarTextHoverBg: '#3e313c',
+ sidebarTextHoverColor: '#ab9ba9',
+ sidebarTextActiveBg: '#4c9689',
+ sidebarTextActiveColor: '#FFFFFF',
+ sidebarHeaderBg: '#4D394B',
+ sidebarHeaderTextColor: '#FFFFFF',
+ onlineIndicator: '#4c9689',
+ mentionBj: '#eb4d5c',
+ mentionColor: '#FFFFFF',
+ centerChannelBg: '#FFFFFF',
+ centerChannelColor: '#333333',
+ linkColor: '#2389d7',
+ buttonBg: '#26a970',
+ buttonColor: '#FFFFFF'
+ },
+ dark: {
+ type: 'Dark',
+ sidebarBg: '#1B2C3E',
+ sidebarText: '#bbbbbb',
+ sidebarUnreadText: '#fff',
+ sidebarTextHoverBg: '#4A5664',
+ sidebarTextHoverColor: '#bbbbbb',
+ sidebarTextActiveBg: '#39769C',
+ sidebarTextActiveColor: '#FFFFFF',
+ sidebarHeaderBg: '#1B2C3E',
+ sidebarHeaderTextColor: '#FFFFFF',
+ onlineIndicator: '#4c9689',
+ mentionBj: '#B74A4A',
+ mentionColor: '#FFFFFF',
+ centerChannelBg: '#2F3E4E',
+ centerChannelColor: '#DDDDDD',
+ linkColor: '#A4FFEB',
+ buttonBg: '#2B9C99',
+ buttonColor: '#FFFFFF'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarBg',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar BG'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarText',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar text color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarHeaderBg',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar Header BG'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarHeaderTextColor',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar Header text color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarUnreadText',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar unread text color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarTextHoverBg',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar text hover BG'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarTextHoverColor',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar text hover color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarTextActiveBg',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar text active BG'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sidebarTextActiveColor',
+ uiName: 'Sidebar text active color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'onlineIndicator',
+ uiName: 'Online indicator'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'mentionBj',
+ uiName: 'Mention jewel BG'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'mentionColor',
+ uiName: 'Mention jewel text color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'centerChannelBg',
+ uiName: 'Center channel BG'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'centerChannelColor',
+ uiName: 'Center channel text color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'linkColor',
+ uiName: 'Link color'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'buttonBg',
+ uiName: 'Button BG'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'buttonColor',
+ uiName: 'Button Color'
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
index 074591489..a8860eb94 100644
--- a/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
+++ b/web/react/utils/utils.jsx
@@ -542,7 +542,119 @@ export function toTitleCase(str) {
return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, doTitleCase);
-export function changeCss(className, classValue) {
+export function applyTheme(theme) {
+ if (theme.sidebarBg) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left', 'background:' + theme.sidebarBg, 1);
+ changeCss('@media(max-width: 768px){.search-bar__container', 'background:' + theme.sidebarBg, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarText) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav li>a, .sidebar--right', 'color:' + theme.sidebarText, 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav li>h4, .sidebar--left .add-channel-btn', 'color:' + changeOpacity(theme.sidebarText, 0.8), 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .add-channel-btn:hover, .sidebar--left .add-channel-btn:focus', 'color:' + theme.sidebarText, 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left, .sidebar--right .sidebar--right__header', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.sidebarText, 0.2), 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--right .sidebar-right__body', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.sidebarText, 0.2), 2);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .status path', 'fill:' + changeOpacity(theme.sidebarText, 0.5), 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarUnreadText) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav li>a.unread-title', 'color:' + theme.sidebarUnreadText + '!important;', 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarTextHoverBg) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav li>a:hover, .sidebar--left .nav li>a:focus', 'background:' + theme.sidebarTextHoverBg, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarTextHoverColor) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav li>a:hover, .sidebar--left .nav li>a:focus', 'color:' + theme.sidebarTextHoverColor, 2);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarTextActiveBg) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav a, .sidebar--left .nav a:hover, .sidebar--left .nav a:focus', 'background:' + theme.sidebarTextActiveBg, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarTextActiveColor) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav a, .sidebar--left .nav a:hover, .sidebar--left .nav a:focus', 'color:' + theme.sidebarTextActiveColor, 2);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarHeaderBg) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .team__header, .sidebar--menu .team__header', 'background:' + theme.sidebarHeaderBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.modal .modal-header', 'background:' + theme.sidebarHeaderBg, 1);
+ changeCss('#navbar .navbar-default', 'background:' + theme.sidebarHeaderBg, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .team__header .header__info, .sidebar--menu .team__header .header__info', 'color:' + theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .team__header .user__name, .sidebar--menu .team__header .user__name', 'color:' + changeOpacity(theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor, 0.8), 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .team__header:hover .user__name, .sidebar--menu .team__header:hover .user__name', 'color:' + theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.modal .modal-header .modal-title, .modal .modal-header .modal-title .name, .modal .modal-header button.close', 'color:' + theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor, 1);
+ changeCss('#navbar .navbar-default .navbar-brand .heading, ', 'color:' + theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor, 1);
+ changeCss('#navbar .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar, ', 'background:' + theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.onlineIndicator) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .status .online--icon', 'fill:' + theme.onlineIndicator, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.mentionBj) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav-pills__unread-indicator', 'background:' + theme.mentionBj, 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .badge', 'background:' + theme.mentionBj, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.mentionColor) {
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .nav-pills__unread-indicator', 'color:' + theme.mentionColor, 2);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--left .badge', 'color:' + theme.mentionColor, 2);
+ }
+ if (theme.centerChannelBg) {
+ changeCss('.app__content', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('#post-list .post-list-holder-by-time', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('#post-create', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.search-bar__container .search__form .search-bar', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.date-separator .separator__text, .new-separator .separator__text', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--right', 'background:' + theme.centerChannelBg, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.centerChannelColor) {
+ changeCss('.app__content', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
+ changeCss('#post-create', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
+ changeCss('.channel-header .heading', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.channel-header__info>div.dropdown .header-dropdown__icon', 'color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.8), 1);
+ changeCss('.channel-header #member_popover', 'color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.8), 1);
+ changeCss('.custom-textarea', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.2) + '!important; color: ' + theme.centerChannelColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.search-bar__container .search__form .search-bar', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.2) + '; color: ' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
+ changeCss('.search-bar__container .search__form', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.2), 1);
+ changeCss('.channel-intro .channel-intro__content', 'background:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.05), 1);
+ changeCss('.date-separator .separator__text, .new-separator .separator__text', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
+ changeCss('.date-separator .separator__hr, .new-separator .separator__hr, .post-right__container hr, .search-item-container', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.2), 1);
+ changeCss('.channel-intro', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.2), 1);
+ changeCss('.post.current--user .post-body, .post-comment', 'background:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 1);
+ changeCss('.post.current--user .post-body, .post-comment', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 2);
+ changeCss('@media(max-width: 1440px){.post.same--root', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 2);
+ changeCss('@media(max-width: 1800px){.inner__wrap.move--left', 'border-color:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 2);
+ changeCss('.post:hover, .sidebar--right .sidebar--right__header', 'background:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 1);
+ changeCss('.date-separator.hovered--before:after, .new-separator.hovered--before:after', 'background:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 1);
+ changeCss('.date-separator.hovered--after:before, .new-separator.hovered--after:before', 'background:' + changeOpacity(theme.centerChannelColor, 0.07), 1);
+ changeCss('.post.current--user:hover .post-body ', 'background: none;', 1);
+ changeCss('.sidebar--right', 'color:' + theme.centerChannelColor, 2);
+ }
+ if (theme.linkColor) {
+ changeCss('a, a:focus, a:hover', 'color:' + theme.linkColor, 1);
+ changeCss('.post .comment-icon__container', 'fill:' + theme.linkColor, 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.buttonBg) {
+ changeCss('.btn.btn-primary', 'background:' + theme.buttonBg, 1);
+ changeCss('.btn.btn-primary:hover, .btn.btn-primary:active, .btn.btn-primary:focus', 'background:' + changeColor(theme.buttonBg, -0.25), 1);
+ }
+ if (theme.buttonColor) {
+ changeCss('.btn.btn-primary', 'color:' + theme.buttonColor, 2);
+ }
+export function changeCss(className, classValue, classRepeat) {
// we need invisible container to store additional css definitions
var cssMainContainer = $('#css-modifier-container');
if (cssMainContainer.length === 0) {
@@ -552,9 +664,9 @@ export function changeCss(className, classValue) {
// and we need one div for each class
- var classContainer = cssMainContainer.find('div[data-class="' + className + '"]');
+ var classContainer = cssMainContainer.find('div[data-class="' + className + classRepeat + '"]');
if (classContainer.length === 0) {
- classContainer = $('<div data-class="' + className + '"></div>');
+ classContainer = $('<div data-class="' + className + classRepeat + '"></div>');
@@ -760,57 +872,47 @@ Image.prototype.load = function imageLoad(url, progressCallback) {
Image.prototype.completedPercentage = 0;
export function changeColor(colourIn, amt) {
- var usePound = false;
- var col = colourIn;
+ var hex = colourIn;
+ var lum = amt;
- if (col[0] === '#') {
- col = col.slice(1);
- usePound = true;
+ // validate hex string
+ hex = String(hex).replace(/[^0-9a-f]/gi, '');
+ if (hex.length < 6) {
+ hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];
+ lum = lum || 0;
- var num = parseInt(col, 16);
- var r = (num >> 16) + amt;
- if (r > 255) {
- r = 255;
- } else if (r < 0) {
- r = 0;
- }
- var b = ((num >> 8) & 0x00FF) + amt;
- if (b > 255) {
- b = 255;
- } else if (b < 0) {
- b = 0;
+ // convert to decimal and change luminosity
+ var rgb = '#';
+ var c;
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ c = parseInt(hex.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);
+ c = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(0, c + (c * lum)), 255)).toString(16);
+ rgb += ('00' + c).substr(c.length);
- var g = (num & 0x0000FF) + amt;
- if (g > 255) {
- g = 255;
- } else if (g < 0) {
- g = 0;
- }
+ return rgb;
- var pound = '#';
- if (!usePound) {
- pound = '';
+export function changeOpacity(oldColor, opacity) {
+ var color = oldColor;
+ if (color[0] === '#') {
+ color = color.slice(1);
- return pound + String('000000' + (g | (b << 8) | (r << 16)).toString(16)).slice(-6);
+ if (color.length === 3) {
+ const tempColor = color;
+ color = '';
-export function changeOpacity(oldColor, opacity) {
- var col = oldColor;
- if (col[0] === '#') {
- col = col.slice(1);
+ color += tempColor[0] + tempColor[0];
+ color += tempColor[1] + tempColor[1];
+ color += tempColor[2] + tempColor[2];
- var r = parseInt(col.substring(0, 2), 16);
- var g = parseInt(col.substring(2, 4), 16);
- var b = parseInt(col.substring(4, 6), 16);
+ var r = parseInt(color.substring(0, 2), 16);
+ var g = parseInt(color.substring(2, 4), 16);
+ var b = parseInt(color.substring(4, 6), 16);
return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + opacity + ')';