path: root/webapp
diff options
authorenahum <>2016-12-11 01:49:38 -0300
committerGitHub <>2016-12-11 01:49:38 -0300
commit40afc39684890d9560f3ff34a9435c003dbba999 (patch)
tree61ab9b986eaa8a0e11c280080cc44f14b6e4e929 /webapp
parentddacfa58ba25002a7c3c35a1fe89898bb6e78c0a (diff)
translations PR 20161208 (#4740)
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp')
11 files changed, 262 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/de.json b/webapp/i18n/de.json
index 733eeb999..d77111fff 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/de.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/de.json
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"add_emoji.header": "Hinzufügen",
"add_emoji.image": "Bild",
"add_emoji.image.button": "Auswählen",
- "": "Choose the image for your emoji. The image can be a gif, png, or jpeg file with a max size of 1 MB. Dimensions will automatically resize to fit 128 by 128 pixels but keeping aspect ratio.",
+ "": "Wählen Sie ein Bild für Ihr Emoji. Das Bild kann ein gif, png oder jpg mit einer maximalen Größe von 1 MB sein. Die Größe wird automatisch auf 128x128 Pixel unter Einhaltung des Seitenverhältnisses eingepasst.",
"add_emoji.imageRequired": "Für das Emoji ist ein Bild erforderlich",
"": "Name",
"": "Wählen Sie einen Namen für Ihren Emoji. Der Name darf maximal 64 Zeichen lang sein und kann aus Kleinbuchstaben, Zahlen und den Symbolen '-' und '_' bestehen.",
@@ -299,8 +299,8 @@
"admin.general.configuration": "Konfiguration",
"admin.general.localization": "Lokalisation",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Einstellen welche Sprachen für die Benutzer in den Kontoeinstellungen verfügbar sein sollen (lassen Sie dieses Feld leer um alle unterstützten Sprachen zur Verfügung zu stellen). Wenn Sie neue Sprachen manuell hinzufügen. die <strong>Standardsprache Client</strong> muss vorher geändert werden.<br /><br />Möchten Sie uns bei der Übersetzung unterstützen? Treten Sie dem <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> bei um Ihren Beitrag zu leisten.",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesNoResults": "No results found",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesNotPresent": "The default client language must be included in the available list",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesNoResults": "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesNotPresent": "Die Standardsprache für die Benutzer muss in der Liste der verfügbaren Sprachen aufgeführt sein",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Verfügbare Sprachen:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Standard Sprache für neu angelegte Nutzer und Seiten wo sich der Nutzer noch nicht angemeldet hat.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Standardsprache Client:",
@@ -351,16 +351,16 @@
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Bezeichnung Ihres S3 Bucket des AWS.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "z.B.: \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
- "admin.image.amazonS3EndpointDescription": "Hostname of your S3 Compatible Storage provider. Defaults to ``.",
- "admin.image.amazonS3EndpointTitle": "Amazon S3 Endpoint:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3EndpointDescription": "Hostname Ihres S3 kompatiblen Speicheranbieters. Standardmäßig ''.",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3EndpointTitle": "Amazon S3 Endpunkt:",
"admin.image.amazonS3IdDescription": "Erhalten Sie diesen Wert von Ihrem Amazon EC2 Administrator.",
"admin.image.amazonS3IdExample": "z.B.: \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3IdTitle": "Amazon S3 Zugangsschlüssel-ID:",
"admin.image.amazonS3RegionDescription": "AWS Region Ihres S3 Bucket.",
"admin.image.amazonS3RegionExample": "z.B.: \"us-east-1\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3RegionTitle": "Amazon S3 Region:",
- "admin.image.amazonS3SSLDescription": "When false, allow insecure connections to Amazon S3. Defaults to secure connections only.",
- "admin.image.amazonS3SSLTitle": "Enable Secure Amazon S3 Connections:",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SSLDescription": "Wenn falsch werden unsichere Verbindungen zu Amazon S3 erlaubt. Standardmäßig werden nur sichere Verbindungen verwendet.",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SSLTitle": "Aktiviere sichere Amazon S3 Verbindungen:",
"admin.image.amazonS3SecretDescription": "Erhalten Sie diesen Wert von Ihrem Amazon EC2 Administrator.",
"admin.image.amazonS3SecretExample": "z.B.: \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3SecretTitle": "Amazon S3 geheimer Zugangsschlüssel:",
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) Das Attribut im AD/LDAP-Server wird dazu verwendet, den Vornamen von Nutzern in Mattermost zu füllen. Wenn aktiv, können Nutzer ihren Vornamen nicht ändern, da er mit dem LDAP-Server synchronisiert wird. Wenn nicht gesetzt, können Nutzer ihren eigenen Vornamen in den Kontoeinstellungen ändern.",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "z.B.: \"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "Attribut Vorname",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "Das Attribut des AD/LDAP Server, welches von Mattermost als eindeutiger Identifikator benutzt wird. Es sollte ein AD/LDAP Attribut sein, dessen Wert sich nicht ändert, z.B. Nutzername oder UID. Wenn die ID eines Nutzer sich ändert, wird Mattermost einen neues Konto erstellen, welches nicht mit dem Alten verbunden ist. Dieser Wert wird für den Login in Mattermost als \"AD/LDAP Nutzername\" auf der Anmeldeseite verwendet. Normalerweise ist das Attribut dasselbe wie das vorherige Feld \"Attribut Benutzername\". Wenn ihr Team, zur Anmeldung an andere Dienste mittels AD/LDAP, die Formulierung Domäne\\Benutzername verwendet, wählen Sie Domäne\\Benutzername in diesem Feld, um die Konsistenz zwischen den Seiten beizubehalten.",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "Das Attribut des AD/LDAP Server, welches von Mattermost als eindeutiger Identifikator benutzt wird. Es sollte ein AD/LDAP Attribut sein, dessen Wert sich nicht ändert, z.B. Nutzername oder UID. Wenn die ID eines Nutzer sich ändert, wird Mattermost einen neues Konto erstellen, welches nicht mit dem Alten verbunden ist. Dieser Wert wird für den Login in Mattermost als \"AD/LDAP Nutzername\" auf der Anmeldeseite verwendet. Normalerweise ist das Attribut dasselbe wie das vorherige Feld \"Attribut Benutzername\". Wenn ihr Team, zur Anmeldung an andere Dienste mittels AD/LDAP, die Formulierung Domäne\\\\Benutzername verwendet, wählen Sie Domäne\\\\Benutzername in diesem Feld, um die Konsistenz zwischen den Seiten beizubehalten.",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "z.B.: \"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "Attribut ID: ",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) Das Attribut im AD/LDAP-Server wird dazu verwendet, den Nachnamen von Nutzern in Mattermost zu füllen. Wenn aktiv, können Nutzer ihren Vornamen nicht ändern, da er mit dem LDAP-Server synchronisiert wird. Wenn nicht gesetzt, können Nutzer ihren eigenen Nachnamen in den Kontoeinstellungen ändern.",
@@ -497,9 +497,9 @@
"admin.logs.reload": "Erneut laden",
"admin.logs.title": "Serverprotokoll",
"admin.metrics.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost will enable performance monitoring collection and profiling. Please see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> to learn more about configuring performance monitoring for Mattermost.",
- "admin.metrics.enableTitle": "Performance Monitoring aktivieren",
+ "admin.metrics.enableTitle": "Performance Monitoring aktivieren:",
"admin.metrics.listenAddressDesc": "The address the server will listen on to expose performance metrics.",
- "admin.metrics.listenAddressEx": "z.B.: \":8065\"",
+ "admin.metrics.listenAddressEx": "z.B.: \":8067\"",
"admin.metrics.listenAddressTitle": "Empfangs-Adresse:",
"": "Hilfe",
"admin.nav.logout": "Abmelden",
@@ -650,8 +650,8 @@
"admin.service.corsTitle": "Erlaube Cross Origin Requests von:",
"admin.service.developerDesc": "Wenn wahr werden Javascript Fehler in einer roten Zeile im oberen Bereich des Interfaces angezeigt. Nicht empfohlen für Produktivumgebungen. ",
"admin.service.developerTitle": "Aktiviere Entwickler Modus: ",
- "admin.service.forward80To443": "Forward port 80 to 443:",
- "admin.service.forward80To443Description": "Forwards all insecure traffic from port 80 to secure port 443",
+ "admin.service.forward80To443": "Port 80 auf 443 weiterleiten:",
+ "admin.service.forward80To443Description": "Leitet alle unsicheren Anfragen von Port 80 auf den sicheren Port 443 um",
"admin.service.googleDescription": "Diesen Key setzen um den Titel von eingebetteten YouTube Videovorschauen anzeigen zu lassen. Ohne den Schlüssel werden YouTube Vorschauen basierend auf den Hyperlinks in Nachrichten und Kommentaren erstellt, sie werden aber nicht den Video Titel enthalten. Sehen Sie sich das <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Developers Tutorial</a> für eine Anleitung, wie Sie an den Schlüssel kommen, an.",
"admin.service.googleExample": "z.B.: \"7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gsg3fgGOXJAQ43QV\"",
"admin.service.googleTitle": "Google API Key:",
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@
"admin.service.insecureTlsTitle": "Erlaube unsichere ausgehende Verbindungen: ",
"admin.service.integrationAdmin": "Verwaltung der Integrationen auf Admins beschränken:",
"admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "Wenn wahr, können Webhooks und Slash-Befehle nur durch Team- und Systemadministratoren erstellt, bearbeitet oder betrachtet werden. OAuth 2.0 Anwendungen nur durch Systemadministratoren. Integrationen stehen allen Benutzern zur Verfügung nachdem ein Systemadministrator sie erstellt hat.",
- "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFile": "Let's Encrypt Certificate Cache File:",
- "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFileDescription": "Certificates retrieved and other data about the Let's Encrypt service will be stored in this file.",
+ "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFile": "Let's Encrylt Zertifikat Cache Datei:",
+ "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFileDescription": "Zertifikate und andere Daten über den Let's Encrypt Dienst werden in dieser Datei gespeichert.",
"admin.service.listenAddress": "Empfangs-Adresse:",
"admin.service.listenDescription": "Die Adresse und Port an die gebunden und gehört wird. Bei Angabe von \":8065\" wird an alle Netzwerkkarten gebunden. Bei Angabe von \"\" wird nur an die Netzwerkkarte mit der IP Adresse gebunden. Wenn Sie einen Port eines niedrigen Levels wählen (auch \"System Ports\" oder \"Well Known Ports\" im Bereich 0-1023), müssen Sie Berechtigungen für das Binden an den Port haben. Auf Linux können Sie \"sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./bin/platform\" verwenden um Mattermost das Binden an Well Known Ports zu erlauben.",
"admin.service.listenExample": "z.B.: \":8065\"",
@@ -674,8 +674,8 @@
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Aktiviere ausgehende Webhooks: ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "Wenn wahr, werden Webhooks, Slash-Befehlen und anderen Integrationen wie <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zapier</a> erlaubt, den Benutzernamen zu ändern, mit dem sie Nachrichten senden. Hinweis: Kombiniert mit der Erlaubnis, das Profilbild zu ändern, können Benutzer Phishing-Attacken ausführen, indem Sie sich als andere Nutzer ausgeben.",
"admin.service.overrideTitle": "Erlaube Integrationen den Benutzernamen zu ändern:",
- "admin.service.readTimeout": "Read Timeout:",
- "admin.service.readTimeoutDescription": "Maximum time allowed from when the connection is accepted to when the request body is fully read.",
+ "admin.service.readTimeout": "Lese-Zeitüberschreitung:",
+ "admin.service.readTimeoutDescription": "Maximale erlaubte Zeit zwischen Verbindungsannahme bis die Anfrage komplett gelesen wurde.",
"admin.service.securityDesc": "Wenn Wahr werden Systemadministratoren durch E-Mails informiert, dass ein sicherheitsrelevantes Update in den letzen 12 Stunden angekündigt wurde. Setzt voraus, dass E-Mail aktiviert wurde.",
"admin.service.securityTitle": "Sicherheitsbenachrichtigungen aktivieren: ",
"admin.service.segmentDescription": " ist ein Online Dienst der zur optionalen Erhebung von detaillierten Systemstatistiken. Sie können einen Schlüssel über einen kostenlosen Account bei erhalten.",
@@ -691,18 +691,18 @@
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Die Anzahl der Tage seit der letzten Anmeldung des Benutzers bis zum Ablauf der Sitzung. Wenn die Authentifizierungsmethode SAML oder GitLab ist, wird der Benutzer automatisch wieder angemeldet sofern er noch bei SAML oder GitLab angemeldet ist. Bei Änderung dieser Einstellung tritt die neue Sitzungsdauer in Kraft nachdem der Benutzer sich das nächste Mal anmeldet.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "Wenn wahr wird der /loadtest Slash-Befehl aktiviert um Testaccounts, -daten und Textformatierungen zu laden. Änderung erfordern einen Server Neustart.",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "Aktiviere Testkommandos: ",
- "admin.service.tlsCertFile": "TLS Certificate File:",
- "admin.service.tlsCertFileDescription": "The certificate file to use.",
- "admin.service.tlsKeyFile": "TLS Key File:",
- "admin.service.tlsKeyFileDescription": "The private key file to use.",
- "admin.service.useLetsEncrypt": "Use Let's Encrypt:",
- "admin.service.useLetsEncryptDescription": "Enable the automatic retreval of certificates from the Let's Encrypt. The certificate will be retrieved when a client attempts to connect from a new domain. This will work with multiple domains.",
+ "admin.service.tlsCertFile": "TLS Zertifikatsdatei:",
+ "admin.service.tlsCertFileDescription": "Das zu verwendende Zertifikat.",
+ "admin.service.tlsKeyFile": "TLS Schlüsseldatei:",
+ "admin.service.tlsKeyFileDescription": "Der zu verwendende private Schlüssel.",
+ "admin.service.useLetsEncrypt": "Let's Encrypt verwenden:",
+ "admin.service.useLetsEncryptDescription": "Aktiviere automatischen Abruf von Zertifikaten über Let's Encrypt. Das Zertifikat wird abgerufen wenn ein Client versucht von einer neuen Domains zuzugreifen. Dies funktioniert mit mehreren Domains.",
"admin.service.webSessionDays": "Sitzungsdauer AD/LDAP und E-Mail (in Tagen):",
"admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "Die Anzahl der Tage seit der letzten Anmeldung des Benutzers bis zum Ablauf der Sitzung. Bei Änderung dieser Einstellung tritt die neue Sitzungsdauer in Kraft nachdem der Benutzer sich das nächste Mal anmeldet.",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "Wenn wahr werden eingehende Webhooks erlaubt. Um Phishing Attacken vorzubeugen werden alle Posts von Webhooks mit dem BOT Tag versehen. <a href='' target='_blank'>Dokumentation</a> für mehr Details.",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Aktiviere eingehende Webhooks: ",
- "admin.service.writeTimeout": "Write Timeout:",
- "admin.service.writeTimeoutDescription": "If using HTTP (insecure), this is the maximum time allowed from the end of reading the request headers until the response is written. If using HTTPS, it is the total time from when the connection is accepted until the response is written.",
+ "admin.service.writeTimeout": "Schreibe-Zeitüberschreitung:",
+ "admin.service.writeTimeoutDescription": "Wenn HTTP verwendet wird (unsicher), ist dies die maximale erlaubte Zeit vom ende des Lesens der Anfrage bis die Antwort geschrieben wurde. Wenn HTTPS verwendet wird ist es die komplette Zeit von Verbindungsannahme bis die Antwort geschrieben wurde.",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Team aus dem Seitenmenü hinzufügen",
"admin.sidebar.advanced": "Erweitert",
"admin.sidebar.audits": "Compliance und Prüfung",
@@ -807,9 +807,9 @@
"": "Maximale Anzahl an Kanälen pro Team, inklusive aktiven und gelöschten Kanälen.",
"": "z.B.: \"100\"",
"": "Maximal Kanäle pro Team:",
- "": "Maximum total number of users in a channel before users typing messages, @all, @here, and @channel no longer send notifications because of performance.",
+ "": "Maximale Anzahl von Benutzern in einem Kanal bis Benutzer mit @all,@here und @channel keine Benachrichtigungen aufgrund von Performance auslösen können.",
"": "z.B.: \"1000\"",
- "": "Max Notifications Per Channel:",
+ "": "Maximale Benachrichtigungen pro Kanal:",
"": "Maximale Anzahl an Benutzern pro Team, inklusive Aktive und Inaktive Benutzer.",
"": "z.B.: \"25\"",
"": "Max Benutzer pro Team:",
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@
"channel_header.addToFavorites": "Zu Favoriten hinzufügen",
"": "Kanal",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "Bearbeite Kanaltitel",
- "channel_header.delete": "Lösche {term}...",
+ "channel_header.delete": "Lösche {term}",
"channel_header.flagged": "Markierte Nachrichten",
"": "Gruppe",
"channel_header.leave": "Verlasse {term}",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "Datei wird hochgeladen",
"create_comment.files": "Dateien werden hochgeladen",
"create_post.comment": "Kommentar",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}",
"": "Senden",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Tastenkürzel werden auf Ihrem Gerät nicht unterstützt.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Nachrichten senden</h4><p>Geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein und drücken Sie <strong>Enter</strong> um sie senden.</p><p>Klicken Sie den <strong>Anhang</strong> Button um ein Bild oder eine Datei hochzuladen.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Schreiben Sie eine Nachricht...",
"create_team.agreement": "Wenn Sie die Erstellung Ihres Accounts fortsetzen und {siteName} nutzen, verstehen Sie sich mit unseren <a href={TermsOfServiceLink}>Nutzungsbedingungen</a> und <a href={PrivacyPolicyLink}>Datenschutzbedingungen</a> einverstanden. Wenn Sie nicht zustimmen, dürfen Sie {siteName} nicht nutzen.",
"create_team.display_name.back": "Zurück zum vorherigem Schritt",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Der Name muss mindestens 2 Zeichen und darf maximal 15 Zeichen lang sein",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name muss zwischen {min} und {max} Zeichen lang sein. Sie können eine längere Teambeschreibung später hinzufügen.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "Benennen Sie Ihr Team in jeglicher Sprache. Ihr Teamname wird in Menüs und Überschriften angezeigt.",
"": "Weiter",
"create_team.display_name.required": "Dieses Feld ist erforderlich",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "Einladungscode",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "Teamverzeichnis wurde deaktiviert. Bitten Sie einen Systemadministrator das Teamverzeichnis in der Systemkonsole des Teams zu aktivieren.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "Team Verzeichnis ist für dieses System ausgeschaltet.",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Klicken Sie auf 'Bearbeiten' um eine Teambeschreibung hinzuzufügen.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Dieses Team mit aufzuführen wird den Team Namen im Teamverzeichnis auf der Startseite zeigen und einen Link zur Registrierungsseite bereitstellen.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Team im Teamverzeichnis aufführen",
"": "Nein",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "Erlaube jedem Benutzer mit einem Account auf diesem Server diesem Team beizutreten",
"general_tab.regenerate": "Neu generieren",
"general_tab.required": "Dieses Feld wird erforderlich",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Teambeschreibung",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Die Teambeschreibung bieten weitere Informationen um Benutzern die Wahl des richtigen Teams zu ermöglichen. Maximal 50 Zeichen.",
"general_tab.teamName": "Teamname",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Setzen Sie den Namen Ihres Teams wie er beim Anmelden und auf der Sidebar erscheinen soll.",
"general_tab.title": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
@@ -1595,10 +1599,10 @@
"password_send.description": "Um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen, geben Sie die E-Mail-Adresse an, die Sie zur Registrierung verwendet haben",
"": "E-Mail",
"password_send.error": "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.",
- "": "If the account exists, a password reset email will be sent to: <br/><b>{email}</b><br/><br/>",
+ "": "Wenn ein Zugang existiert wird eine Passwort Zurücksetzen E-Mail gesendet an: <br/><b>{email}</b><br/><br/>",
"password_send.reset": "Mein Passwort zurücksetzen",
"password_send.title": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
- "pdf_preview.max_pages": "Herunterladen um mehr Seiten zu lesen.",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "Herunterladen um mehr Seiten zu lesen",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Erneut versuchen",
"permalink.error.access": "Der dauerhafte Link verweist auf eine gelöschte Nachricht oder einen Kanal auf den Sie keinen Zugriff haben.",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "Antworten",
"posts_view.loadMore": "Weitere Nachrichten laden",
"posts_view.newMsg": "Neue Nachrichten",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(Klicken zum Hinzufügen)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(Klicken zum Entfernen)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} and {lastUser}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "Sie",
"removed_channel.channelName": "der Kanal",
"removed_channel.from": "Entfernt von ",
"removed_channel.okay": "Ok",
@@ -1642,7 +1652,7 @@
"": "Markieren",
"": "Demarkieren",
"rhs_comment.permalink": "Dauerhafter Link",
- "rhs_header.backToCallTooltip": "Back to Call",
+ "rhs_header.backToCallTooltip": "Zurück zu Telefonat",
"rhs_header.backToFlaggedTooltip": "Zurück zu markierten Nachrichten",
"rhs_header.backToResultsTooltip": "Zurück zu den Suchergebnissen",
"rhs_header.closeSidebarTooltip": "Sidebar schließen",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " Fehler beim Export: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " Fehler beim Import: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "Importieren",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>Um ein Team von Slack zu Importieren gehen Sie zu Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export. Slack erlaubt nicht das exportieren von Dateien, Bildern, privaten Gruppen und Direktnachrichten. Daher unterstützt der Slack Import zu Mattermost nur die Textnachrichten in Slacks öffentlichen Teamkanälen.</p><p>Der Slack Import zu Mattermost ist 'Beta'. Slack Bot Nachrichten werden noch nicht importiert.</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "Dokumentation",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Import von Slack (Beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " Importiere...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " Import erfolgreich: ",
@@ -1833,7 +1848,7 @@
"tutorial_tip.seen": "Wurde bereits angezeigt? ",
"update_command.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"update_command.confirm": "Slash-Befehl bearbeiten",
- "update_command.question": "Your changes may break the existing slash command. Are you sure you would like to update it?",
+ "update_command.question": "Ihre Änderungen könnten einen existierenden Slash-Befehl außer Kraft setzen. Sind Sie sich sicher dass Sie ihn aktualisieren möchten?",
"update_command.update": "Aktualisieren",
"": "Datei zum Hochladen hier ablegen.",
"user.settings.advance.embed_preview": "Zeige experimentelle Vorschauen von Linkinhalten, sofern verfügbar",
@@ -1970,7 +1985,7 @@
"user.settings.mfa.qrCode": "QR-Code",
"user.settings.mfa.remove": "MFA von Ihrem Zugang entfernen",
"user.settings.mfa.removeHelp": "Entfernen des MFA multi-factor authentication bedeutet das Sie nicht länger einen zusätzlichen Zugangs-Token für die Anmeldung benötigen.",
- "user.settings.mfa.secret": "Schlüssel:",
+ "user.settings.mfa.secret": "Schlüssel",
"user.settings.mfa.title": "Multi-Faktor Authentifizierung einschalten",
"user.settings.modal.advanced": "Erweitert",
"user.settings.modal.confirmBtns": "Ja, verwerfen",
@@ -1987,7 +2002,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.comments": "Antwort-Benachrichtigungen",
"user.settings.notifications.commentsAny": "Eine Benachrichtigung für Meldungen in Diskussionsfaden auslösen, welche ich gestartet habe oder an denen ich teilnehme",
"user.settings.notifications.commentsInfo": "Zusätzlich zu Benachrichtigung wenn Sie erwähnt werden können Sie hier wählen ob Sie auch bei Antworten benachrichtigt werden wollen.",
- "user.settings.notifications.commentsNever": "Keine Benachrichtigung bei Antworten auslösen, sofern ich nicht erwähnt wurde.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.commentsNever": "Keine Benachrichtigung bei Antworten auslösen, sofern ich nicht erwähnt wurde",
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Löse Benachrichtigungen für Mitteilungen aus die ich starte",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Desktop Benachrichtigungen senden",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allFirefoxForever": "Für alle Aktivitäten, zeige unbegrenzt",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "Für alle Aktivitäten, mit Ton, zeige unbegrenzt",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "Für alle Aktivitäten, mit Ton, zeige für {seconds} Sekunden",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "Mitteilungsdauer",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Wählen Sie für wie lange die Desktopbenachrichtigung auf dem Bildschirm stehen soll.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Stellt ein wie lange Desktopbenachrichtigungen auf dem Bildschirm verbleiben wenn Firefox oder Chrome verwendet wird. Desktopbenachrichtigungen in Edge und Safari können maximal für 5 Sekunden auf dem Bildschirm bleiben.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "Für Erwähnungen und Direktnachrichten, zeige unbegrenzt",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "Für Erwähnungen und Direktnachrichten, zeige für {seconds} Sekunden",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "Für Erwähnungen und Direktnachrichten, ohne Ton, zeige unbegrenzt",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "E-Mail Benachrichtigungen werden bei Erwähnungen und Direktnachrichten gesendet, sobald Sie von {siteName} mehr als 5 Minuten offline oder abwesend waren.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "E-Mail Benachrichtigung",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Benachrichtigungen",
- "": "Desktopbenachrichtigungen sind für Firefox, Safari und Chrome verfügbar.",
+ "": "Desktopbenachrichtigungen sind in Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome und Mattermost Desktop Apps verfügbar.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nie",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Keine Wörter konfiguriert",
"": "Aus",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Ihr groß-/kleinschreibungsabhängiger Benutzername \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Weitere nicht groß-/kleinschreibungsabhängige Wörter, getrennt mit Komma:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "Bitte konfigurieren Sie die Benachrichtigungstöne in Ihren Browsereinstellungen",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Benachrichtigungstöne sind verfügbar in IE11, Edge, Safari und Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Benachrichtigungstöne sind in IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome und den Mattermost Desktop Apps verfügbar.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "Teamweite Erwähnungen \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Benachrichtigungseinstellungen",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Erwähnung Ihres Benutzernamens \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Wörter, welche Erwähnungen auslösen",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Für alle Aktivitäten",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "Für alle Aktivitäten wenn abwesend oder offline",
@@ -2064,7 +2078,7 @@
"": "AD/LDAP",
"": "Anmeldung durchgeführt durch GitLab",
"": "Anmeldung via AD/LDAP",
- "": "Anmeldung durchgeführt durch GitLab",
+ "": "Anmeldung durchgeführt durch SAML",
"": "Zeigen und beenden von aktiven Sitzungen",
"": "Anmeldemethode",
"": "Neues Passwort",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/en.json b/webapp/i18n/en.json
index 55768d7c6..5cc7f0bbf 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/en.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/en.json
@@ -1264,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "Invite Code",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "Team Directory has been disabled. Please ask a System Admin to enable the Team Directory in the System Console team settings.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "Team directory is turned off for this system.",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Including this team will display the team name from the Team Directory section of the Home Page, and provide a link to the sign-in page.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Include this team in the Team Directory",
"": "No",
@@ -1271,13 +1272,12 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "Allow any user with an account on this server to join this team",
"general_tab.regenerate": "Regenerate",
"general_tab.required": "This field is required",
- "general_tab.teamName": "Team Name",
- "general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Set the name of the team as it appears on your sign-in screen and at the top of the left-hand sidebar.",
"general_tab.teamDescription": "Team Description",
"general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Team description provides additional information to help users select the right team. Maximum of 50 characters.",
+ "general_tab.teamName": "Team Name",
+ "general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Set the name of the team as it appears on your sign-in screen and at the top of the left-hand sidebar.",
"general_tab.title": "General Settings",
"general_tab.yes": "Yes",
- "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.",
"get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?",
"get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android",
"get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app",
@@ -1793,8 +1793,8 @@
"team_import_tab.failure": " Import failure: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "Import",
"team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "documentation",
- "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
"team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
"team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
"team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
"team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/es.json b/webapp/i18n/es.json
index bcc000380..793781410 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/es.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/es.json
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(Opcional) el atributo en el servidor AD/LDAP que se utilizará para rellenar el nombre de los usuarios en Mattermost. Cuando se establece, los usuarios no serán capaces de editar su nombre, ya que se sincroniza con el servidor AD/LDAP. Cuando se deja en blanco, los usuarios pueden establecer su propio nombre en la Configuración de la Cuenta.",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "Ej.: \"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "Atributo del Nombre",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "El atributo en el servidor AD/LDAP que será utilizado para poblar el identificador único en Mattermost. Debe ser un atributo de AD/LDAP que no cambie con el tiempo, como el nombre de usuario o el uid. Si el atributo del identificador cambia, se creará una nueva cuenta en Mattermost que no está asociada a la anterior. Este valor es utilizado para iniciar sesión en Mattermost en el campo \"Usuario AD/LDAP\" en la página de inicio de sesión. Normalmente este atributo es el mismo que el campo “Atributo Usuario”. Si el equipo normalmente utiliza dominio\\usuario para iniciar sesión en otros servicios con AD/LDAP, puedes elegir llenar este campo como dominio\\usuario para mantener consistencia entre los servicios.",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "El atributo en el servidor AD/LDAP que será utilizado para poblar el identificador único en Mattermost. Debe ser un atributo de AD/LDAP que no cambie con el tiempo, como el nombre de usuario o el uid. Si el atributo del identificador cambia, se creará una nueva cuenta en Mattermost que no está asociada a la anterior. Este valor es utilizado para iniciar sesión en Mattermost en el campo \"Usuario AD/LDAP\" en la página de inicio de sesión. Normalmente este atributo es el mismo que el campo “Atributo Usuario”. Si el equipo normalmente utiliza dominio\\\\usuario para iniciar sesión en otros servicios con AD/LDAP, puedes elegir llenar este campo como dominio\\\\usuario para mantener consistencia entre los servicios.",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "Ej.: \"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "Atributo ID: ",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Opcional) el atributo en el servidor AD/LDAP que se utilizará para rellenar el apellido de los usuarios en Mattermost. Cuando se establece, los usuarios no serán capaces de editar su apellido, ya que se sincroniza con el servidor AD/LDAP. Cuando se deja en blanco, los usuarios pueden establecer su propio apellido en la Configuración de la Cuenta.",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "Subiendo archivo",
"create_comment.files": "Subiendo archivos",
"create_post.comment": "Comentario",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Tu mensaje es demasiado largo. Cantidad de caracteres: {length}/{limit}",
"": "Mensaje",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Los Accesos rápidos de teclado no son compatibles con su dispositivo.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Enviar Mensajes</h4><p>Escribe aquí para redactar un mensaje y presiona <strong>RETORNO</strong> para enviarlo.</p><p>Haz clic en el botón de <strong>Adjuntar</strong> para subir una imagen o archivo.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Escribe un mensaje...",
"create_team.agreement": "Al proceder con la creación de tu cuenta y utilizar {siteName}, estás de acuerdo con nuestros <a href={TermsOfServiceLink}>Términos de Servicio</a> y <a href={PrivacyPolicyLink}>Políticas de Privacidad</a>. Si no estás de acuerdo, no puedes utilizar {siteName}.",
"create_team.display_name.back": "Volver al paso anterior",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "El nombre debe ser de 2 o más caracteres hasta un máximo de 15",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "El nombre debe ser {min} o más caracteres hasta un máximo de {max}. Puedes agregar una descripción mas larga al equipo más adelante.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "Nombre de tu equipo en cualquier idioma. El nombre del equipo se muestra en menús y encabezados.",
"": "Siguiente",
"create_team.display_name.required": "Este campo es requerido",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "Código de Invitación",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "El directorio de Equipos ha sido deshabilitado. Por favor solicita a un Administrador de Sistema que habilite la opción de Directorio de Equipos en la Consola del Sistema.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "El directorio de Equipos ha sido deshabilitado para este sistema.",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Clic en 'Editar' para añadir una descripción del equipo.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Incluir este equipo mostrará el nombre del equipo en la sección de Directorio de Equipos en la página de inicio, y proveerá un enlace para la página de inicio de sesión.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Incluir este Equipo en el Directorio de Equipos",
"": "No",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "Permitir que se una al equipo cualquier usuario con una cuenta en este servidor",
"general_tab.regenerate": "Regenerar",
"general_tab.required": "Este campo es obligatorio",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Descripción del Equipo",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Descripción del equipo proporciona información adicional para ayudar a los usuarios a seleccionar el equipo adecuado. Máximo de 50 caracteres.",
"general_tab.teamName": "Nombre del Equipo",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Asigna el nombre del equipo como aparecerá en la página de inicio de sesión y en la parte superior izquierda de la barra lateral.",
"general_tab.title": "Configuración General",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "Responder",
"posts_view.loadMore": "Cargar más mensajes",
"posts_view.newMsg": "Nuevos Mensajes",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} {count, plural, one {nuevo mensaje} other {nuevos mensajes}} ▼",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(clic para agregar)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(clic para quitar)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} y {lastUser}</b> reaccionaron con <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reaccionó con <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "Tú",
"removed_channel.channelName": "el canal",
"removed_channel.from": "Removido de ",
"removed_channel.okay": "OK",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " No se pudo exportar: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " Fallo al importar: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "Importar",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>Para importar un equipo desde Slack dirígete a Slack > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export. Slack no permite exportar archivos, imágenes, grupos privados o mensajes directos almacenados en Slack. Por ende, importar desde Slack hacia Mattermost sólo soporta los mensajes de texto de los canales públicos de tu equipo en Slack.</p><p>Importar desde Slack hacia Mattermost está en fase \"Beta\". Los mensajes de bots actualmente no son importados.</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "documentación",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Exportador Avanzado de Slack",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Importar de Slack a Mattermost admite la importación de los mensajes en los canales públicos del equipo de Slack.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "Para importar un equipo desde Slack, ve a {exportInstructions}. Revisa la {uploadDocsLink} para conocer más.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "Para importar mensajes con archivos adjuntos, revisa {slackAdvancedExporterLink} para más detalles.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Importar desde Slack (Beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " Importando...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " Importado con éxito: ",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "Para toda actividad, con sonido, que se muestran de forma permanente",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "Para toda actividad, con sonido, que se muestran por {seconds} segundos",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "Duración de la notificación:",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Determina el tiempo que las notificaciones de escritorio permanecerán en la pantalla.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Determina el tiempo que las notificaciones de escritorio permanecerá en la pantalla cuando se utiliza Firefox o Chrome. Las notificaciones de escritorio en Edge y Safari sólo puede permanecer en la pantalla por un máximo de 5 segundos.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "Para las menciones y mensajes directos, que se muestran de forma permanente",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "Para las menciones y mensajes directos, que se muestran por {seconds} segundos",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "Para las menciones y mensajes directos, sin sonido, que se muestran de forma permanente",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "El correo electrónico que se envía para notificaciones de menciones y mensajes directos cuando estás ausente o desconectado de {siteName} por más de 5 minutos.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notificaciones de correo",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notificaciones",
- "": "Las notificaciones de escritorio están disponibles en Firefox, Safari y Chrome.",
+ "": "Las notificaciones de escritorio están disponibles en Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome y Aplicaciones de Escritorio de Mattermost.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nunca",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "No hay palabras configuradas",
"": "Apagado",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Tu nombre de usuario sin distinción de mayúsculas \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Otras palabras sin distinción de mayúsculas, separadas por comas:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "Por favor configura los sonidos de notificación en los ajustes de tu navegador",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "El sonido de las notificaciones está disponible en IE11, Edge, Safari y Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Los sonidos de notificación están disponibles en IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome y Aplicaciones de Escritorio de Mattermost.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "Menciones para todo el equipo \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Configuracón de Notificaciones",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Tu nombre de usuario mencionado \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Palabras que desencadenan menciones",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Para toda actividad",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "Para toda la actividad cuando esté ausente o desconectado",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/fr.json b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
index a9e8a17ab..3cb262cb1 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "Téléchargement en cours",
"create_comment.files": "Téléchargements en cours",
"create_post.comment": "Commentaire",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}",
"": "Article",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Les raccourcis clavier ne sont pas pris en charge sur votre appareil.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Envoyer des messages</h4><p>Entrez votre message ici et tapez <strong>Entrée</strong> pour l'envoyer.</p><p>Cliquez sur le bouton <strong>pièce-jointe</strong> pour télécharger une image ou un fichier.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Écrire un message...",
"create_team.agreement": "En créant votre compte et en utilisant votre {siteName}, vous acceptez nos <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Terms of Service</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. Si vous n’acceptez pas, vous ne pouvez utilisé votre {siteName}.",
"create_team.display_name.back": "Retour à l’étape précedente",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Le nom doit comporter au minimum 2 caractères avec un maximum de 15",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be {min} or more characters up to a maximum of {max}. You can add a longer team description later.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "Nommez votre équipe dans toutes les langues. Votre nom d'équipe sera montré dans les menus et rubriques.",
"": "Suivant",
"create_team.display_name.required": "Ce champ est obligatoire",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "Code d'invitation",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "L'annuaire d'équipe a été désactivé. Veuillez demander à un administrateur système d'activer l'annuaire d'équipe dans la console système.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "L'annuaire des équipes est désactivé sur ce site. ",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Inclure cette équipe affichera le nom de l'équipe dans l'annuaire sur la page d'accueil, ainsi qu'un lien pour rejoindre cette équipe.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Afficher cette équipe dans l'annuaire",
"": "Non",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "Permettre à n'importe quel utilisateur disposant d'un compte de rejoindre cette équipe",
"general_tab.regenerate": "Générer de nouveau",
"general_tab.required": "Ce champ est obligatoire",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Team Description",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Team description provides additional information to help users select the right team. Maximum of 50 characters.",
"general_tab.teamName": "Nom de l'équipe",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Choisissez le nom de l'équipe tel qu'il apparait sur les pages de connexion et en haut de la barre latérale.",
"general_tab.title": "Paramètres généraux",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "Répondre",
"posts_view.loadMore": "Charger plus de messages",
"posts_view.newMsg": "Nouveaux messages",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(click to add)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(click to remove)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} and {lastUser}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "You",
"removed_channel.channelName": "le canal",
"removed_channel.from": "Retiré de ",
"removed_channel.okay": "Ok",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " Impossible d'exporter : {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " Échec de l'import ",
"team_import_tab.import": "Importer",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>Pour importer une équipe depuis Slack, veuillez aller dans Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export. Slack ne permet pas d'exporter les fichiers, images, groupes privés ou messages privés. L'import de Mattermost ne prend donc en charge que l'import des messages des canaux publics de Slack.</p><p>L'import depuis Slack est actuellement en \"Beta\". Les messages des robots Slack ne sont pas encore importés.</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "documentation",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Importer depuis Slack (Beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " Import...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " Import réussi : ",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "Pour toute activité, avec son, visible indéfiniment",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "Pour toute activité, avec son, visible {seconds} secondes",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "Durée de notification",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Définit combien de temps les notifications de bureau resteront à l'écran.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Sets how long desktop notifications will remain on screen when using Firefox or Chrome. Desktop notifications in Edge and Safari can only stay on screen for a maximum of 5 seconds.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "Pour les mentions et messages privés, visible indéfiniment",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "Pour les mentions et messages privés, visible {seconds} secondes",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "Pour les mentions et messages privés, sans son, visible indéfiniment",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Les notifications par courriel sont envoyées pour les mentions et les messages privés après que vous êtes hors-ligne plus de 60 secondes ou parti de {siteName} pendant plus de 5 minutes.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notifications par courriel",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notifications",
- "": "Les notifications de bureau sont disponibles sur Firefox, Safari et Chrome.",
+ "": "Desktop notifications are available on Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Jamais",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Aucun mot configuré",
"": "Désactivé",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Votre nom d'utilisateur (insensible à la casse) \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Autres mots insensibles à la casse, séparés par des virgules :",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "Configurez les sons des notifications dans les préférences de votre navigateur",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Les sons de notification sont disponibles sur Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome et Safari.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Notification sounds are available on IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "Mentions à toute l'équipe \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Paramètres de notification",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Votre nom d'utilisateur mentionné \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Mots qui déclenchent des mentions",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Pour toute l'activit",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "Pour toutes les activités lorsque vous etes en absent ou hors ligne",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ja.json b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
index a9264babc..e7ffd7598 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ja.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
"admin.metrics.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost will enable performance monitoring collection and profiling. Please see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> to learn more about configuring performance monitoring for Mattermost.",
"admin.metrics.enableTitle": "Enable Performance Monitoring:",
"admin.metrics.listenAddressDesc": "The address the server will listen on to expose performance metrics.",
- "admin.metrics.listenAddressEx": "例: \":8065\"",
+ "admin.metrics.listenAddressEx": "例: \":8067\"",
"admin.metrics.listenAddressTitle": "接続待ちアドレス:",
"": "ヘルプ",
"admin.nav.logout": "ログアウト",
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
"": "例 \"100\"",
"": "チーム毎の最大チャンネル数:",
"": "Maximum total number of users in a channel before users typing messages, @all, @here, and @channel no longer send notifications because of performance.",
- "": "例: \"10000\"",
+ "": "例 \"1000\"",
"": "Max Notifications Per Channel:",
"": "チーム毎のユーザー数合計の最大値です。有効なユーザーと無効なユーザーの両方が数えられます。",
"": "例: \"25\"",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "ファイルのアップロード",
"create_comment.files": "複数ファイルのアップロード",
"create_post.comment": "コメント",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}",
"": "投稿",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "このデバイスではキーボードショートカットはサポートされていません。",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>メッセージを送信する</h4><p>ここにメッセージを書き、<strong>ENTER</strong>を押すことで投稿します。</p><p><strong>添付</strong>ボタンを押すことで画像やファイルをアップロードします。</p>",
"create_post.write": "メッセージを書き込んでいます…",
"create_team.agreement": "アカウントを作成し{siteName}を利用する前に<a href={TermsOfServiceLink}>使用条件</a>と<a href={PrivacyPolicyLink}>プライバシーポリシー</a>に同意してください。同意できない場合は{siteName}は使用できません。",
"create_team.display_name.back": "前のステップに戻る",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "名前は2文字以上の15文字以下にしてください",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be {min} or more characters up to a maximum of {max}. You can add a longer team description later.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "チーム名はどんな言語でも使うことができます。チーム名はメニューと画面上部に表示されます。",
"": "次へ",
"create_team.display_name.required": "この項目は必須です",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "招待コード",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "チーム一覧が無効になっています。システム管理者にシステムコンソールのチームの設定でチーム一覧を有効化するように依頼してください。",
"general_tab.dirOff": "このシステムでは、チーム一覧は無効になっています。",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "ホームページのチーム一覧にチーム名が表示され、サインインページへのリンクが提供されます。",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "チーム一覧に追加する",
"": "いいえ",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "このサーバーにアカウントを持つ全てのユーザーが、このチームに参加できるようにする",
"general_tab.regenerate": "再生成する",
"general_tab.required": "この項目は必須です",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Team Description",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Team description provides additional information to help users select the right team. Maximum of 50 characters.",
"general_tab.teamName": "チーム名",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "サインイン画面とサイドバーの左上に表示されるチームの名称を設定します。",
"general_tab.title": "全般の設定",
@@ -1320,7 +1324,7 @@
"help.composing.types": "## メッセージのタイプ\n元のスレッドの会話として返信します。",
"help.formatting.checklist": "角括弧で囲うことでタスクリストを作成する:",
"help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] 項目1\n- [ ] 項目2\n- [x] 完了した項目",
- "help.formatting.code": "## コードブロックk\n\nそれぞれの行を4つのスペースでインデントするか、コードの上下の行に```を書くことでコードブロックを作成できます。",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## コードブロック\n\nそれぞれの行を4つのスペースでインデントするか、コードの上下の行に```を書くことでコードブロックを作成できます。",
"help.formatting.codeBlock": "コードブロック",
"help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
"help.formatting.emojis": "## 絵文字\n\n`:`を入力することで絵文字自動補完を開くことができます。全絵文字のリストは [こちら](で見ることができます。使いたい絵文字がない場合、あなた自身の[カスタム絵文字](を作成することができます。",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "返信する",
"posts_view.loadMore": "もっとメッセージを読み込む",
"posts_view.newMsg": "新しいメッセージ",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(click to add)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(click to remove)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} and {lastUser}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "あなた",
"removed_channel.channelName": "チャンネル",
"removed_channel.from": "以下から削除する ",
"removed_channel.okay": "削除する",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " エクスポートできません: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " インポート失敗: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "インポートする",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>Slackのチームをインポートするには、Slackに行き、Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Exportを実行してください。Slackではファイル、画像、プライベートグループ、ダイレクトメッセージをエクスポートすることはできません</p><p>MattermostへのSlackのインポート機能は「ベータ版」です。Slack botの投稿はまだインポートできません。</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "説明文書",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Slackからインポート(ベータ版)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " インポートしています…",
"team_import_tab.successful": " インポートに成功しました: ",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "全てのアクティビティーについて、通知音有りで無期限に表示します",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "全てのアクティビティーについて、通知音有りで{seconds}秒間表示します",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "通知持続時間",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "デスクトップ通知がスクリーン上に何秒間表示されるかを設定します。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Sets how long desktop notifications will remain on screen when using Firefox or Chrome. Desktop notifications in Edge and Safari can only stay on screen for a maximum of 5 seconds.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "あなたについての投稿とダイレクトメッセージについて無期限に表示します",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "あなたについての投稿とダイレクトメッセージについて{seconds}秒間表示します",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "あなたについての投稿とダイレクトメッセージについて、通知音無しで無期限に表示します",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "あなたについての投稿とダイレクトメッセージに関して、電子メール通知を送ります。{siteName}から5分間以上離れている場合に送ります。",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "電子メール通知",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
- "": "デスクトップ通知はFirefox、Safari、Chromeで利用可能です。",
+ "": "Desktop notifications are available on Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "通知しない",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "設定された単語はありません",
"": "オフ",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "あなたのユーザー名は、大文字小文字を区別せず\"{username}\"です",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "他の単語をカンマで区切って入力してください。大文字小文字は区別されません:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "ブラウザーの設定画面で、通知音について設定してください",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "通知音はIE11、Egde、Safari、Chromeで利用可能です。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Notification sounds are available on IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "チーム全体についての「@all」",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "通知の設定",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "あなたのユーザー名についての「@{username}」",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "あなたについての投稿となる単語",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "全てのアクティビティーについて",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "離席中もしくはオフライン時の全てのアクティビティーについて",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ko.json b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
index 4c4e018d3..24d26b46b 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ko.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the first name of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their first name, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When left blank, users can set their own first name in Account Settings.",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "예시 \"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "이름 속성",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used as a unique identifier in Mattermost. It should be an LDAP attribute with a value that does not change, such as username or uid. If a user’s ID Attribute changes, it will create a new Mattermost account unassociated with their old one. This is the value used to log in to Mattermost in the \"LDAP Username\" field on the sign in page. Normally this attribute is the same as the “Username Attribute” field above. If your team typically uses domain\\username to sign in to other services with LDAP, you may choose to put domain\\username in this field to maintain consistency between sites.",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "AD/LDAP 서버에서 속성(attribute) 의 경우 Mattermost 에서 고유한 식별자로 사용 됩니다. username과 uid 등은 변경되지 않는 값을 가진 AD / LDAP 의 속성이어야합니다. 사용자 ID 특성이 변경된 경우 이전과 관련되지 않은 새로운 Mattermost 계정이 생성됩니다. 이것은 로그인 페이지의 \"AD / LDAP 사용자 이름\"필드에 Mattermost에 로그인하는 데 사용되는 값입니다. 일반적으로이 속성은 위의 \"사용자 이름 속성 '필드와 같습니다. 팀이 일반적으로 도메인 username을 사용하여 AD / LDAP를 사용하여 다른 서비스에 로그인하는 경우 사이트 간의 일관성을 유지하기 위해 도메인 사용자 이름을이 필드에 입력 할 수 있습니다.",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "예시 \"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID 속성: ",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the last name of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their last name, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When left blank, users can set their own last name in Account Settings.",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "파일 업로드 중",
"create_comment.files": "파일 업로드 중",
"create_post.comment": "답글",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}",
"": "글",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Keyboard shortcuts are not supported on your device.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>메시지 보내기</h4><p>보내고 싶은 메시지를 작성하고 <strong>Enter</strong>키를 눌러 보내세요.</p><p><strong>첨부</strong> 버튼을 눌러 이미지나 파일을 업로드하세요.</p>",
"create_post.write": "메시지를 입력하세요...",
"create_team.agreement": "By proceeding to create your account and use {siteName}, you agree to our <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Terms of Service</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. If you do not agree, you cannot use {siteName}.",
"create_team.display_name.back": "이전 단계로 돌아가기",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be 4 or more characters up to a maximum of 15",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be {min} or more characters up to a maximum of {max}. You can add a longer team description later.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "팀 이름을 자유롭게 입력하세요. 설정한 팀 이름은 메뉴와 상단의 헤더에 표시됩니다.",
"": "다음",
"create_team.display_name.required": "필수 항목입니다.",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "가입 링크",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "Team Directory has been disabled. Please ask a System Admin to enable the Team Directory in the System Console team settings.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "Team directory is turned off for this system.",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Including this team will display the team name from the Team Directory section of the Home Page, and provide a link to the sign-in page.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Include this team in the Team Directory",
"": "아니요",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "계정이 있는 사용자가 이 팀에 가입하는 것을 허용합니까?",
"general_tab.regenerate": "재성성",
"general_tab.required": "필수 항목입니다.",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Team Description",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Team description provides additional information to help users select the right team. Maximum of 50 characters.",
"general_tab.teamName": "팀 이름",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "설정한 팀 이름은 로그인 화면과 왼쪽 사이드바 상단에 표시됩니다.",
"general_tab.title": "일반 설정",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "답글",
"posts_view.loadMore": "메시지 더 보기",
"posts_view.newMsg": "새로운 메시지",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(click to add)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(click to remove)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} and {lastUser}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "You",
"removed_channel.channelName": "the channel",
"removed_channel.from": "Removed from ",
"removed_channel.okay": "확인",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " 내보낼 수 없습니다: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " 가져오기 실패: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "가져오기",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>To import a team from Slack go to Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export. Slack does not allow you to export files, images, private groups or direct messages stored in Slack. Therefore, Slack import to Mattermost only supports importing of text messages in your Slack team's public channels.</p><p>The Slack import to Mattermost is in 'Beta'. Slack bot posts do not yet import and Slack @mentions are not currently supported.</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "문서",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Slack에서 가져오기 (Beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " 가져오는 중...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " 가져오기 성공: ",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "모든 활동에 대해 무기한 보여줍니다.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "모든 활동에 대해 {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "알림 지속시간",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "데스크탑 알림이 얼마나 긴 시간동안 화면에 지속되게 할 것인지 선택합니다.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Sets how long desktop notifications will remain on screen when using Firefox or Chrome. Desktop notifications in Edge and Safari can only stay on screen for a maximum of 5 seconds.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해 무기한 보여줍니다",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해, {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해, 소리 없이 무기한 보여줍니다.",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "이메일 알림은 멘션 혹은 개인 메세지를 받았을때, 당신이 {siteName}로부터 오프라인 상태로 60초가 지났거나 자리비움상태로 5분 이상 지났을때 알림이 갑니다.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "이메일 알림",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "알림",
- "": "데스크탑 알림은 Firefox, Safari, Chrome 브라우저에서 사용할 수 있습니다.",
+ "": "Desktop notifications are available on Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "사용 안함",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "설정한 단어가 없습니다",
"": "사용 안함",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "내 사용자명 \"{username}\" (대소문자 구별 안함)",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "다른 알림받을 단어들을 쉼표로 구분하여 입력: (대소문자 구별 안함)",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "브라우저 설정에서 알림 소리를 변경하세요",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "알림음은 IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome 브라우저에서 사용할 수 있습니다.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Notification sounds are available on IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "팀 전체 멘션 \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "알림 설정",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "내 사용자명을 멘션 \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "멘션 알림",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "For all activity",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "오프라인이거나 자리비움 상태일 때의 모든 활동",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/nl.json b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
index 75bf3e092..c698d8aa7 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/nl.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "Bestand uploaden",
"create_comment.files": "Bestand uploaden",
"create_post.comment": "Commentaar",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}",
"": "Bericht",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Toetsenbord snelkoppelingen worden niet ondersteund op jouw apparaat.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Versturen van berichten</h4><p>Tik hier om een bericht te maken en druk op <strong>Enter</strong> op het te versturen.</p><p>Klik de <strong>Bijlage</strong> knop om een beeld of bestand te uploaden.</p> ",
"create_post.write": "Schrijf een bericht...",
"create_team.agreement": "Door verder te gaan maak je jouw account en gebruik je {siteName}, je gaat akkoord met onze <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Voorwaarden</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. Als je niet akkoord gaat, kan je geen gebruik maken van {siteName}.",
"create_team.display_name.back": "Terug naar de vorige stap",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Uw naam moet langer zijn dan 4 tekens met een maximum van 15",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be {min} or more characters up to a maximum of {max}. You can add a longer team description later.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "Geef uw team een naam – in eender welke taal. De naam van uw team wordt in menu's en kopteksten getoond.",
"": "Volgende",
"create_team.display_name.required": "Dit is een verplicht veld",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "Uitnodigings-code",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "Team Directory is uitgeschakeld. Vraag je systeembeheerder om de Team Directory aan te zetten in de Systeem Console team instellingen.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "Team-adresboek staat uit voor dit systeem",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Invoegen van dit team zal de team naam zichtbaar maken in de Team Directory sectie op de hoofdpaginam en zal een link naar de login pagina maken.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Voeg dit team toe aan aan de Team Gids",
"": "Nee",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "Sta iedere gebruiker met een account op deze server om lid te worden van dit team",
"general_tab.regenerate": "Opnieuw genereren",
"general_tab.required": "Dit veld is verplicht",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Team Description",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Team description provides additional information to help users select the right team. Maximum of 50 characters.",
"general_tab.teamName": "Team naam",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Zet de teamnaam zoals die zal verschijnen op uw login scherm en bovenaan de navigatiekolom aan de linkerkant.",
"general_tab.title": "Algemene instellingen",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "Antwoord",
"posts_view.loadMore": "Laad meer berichten",
"posts_view.newMsg": "Nieuwe berichten",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(click to add)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(click to remove)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} and {lastUser}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "You",
"removed_channel.channelName": "het kanaal",
"removed_channel.from": "Verwijderd van ",
"removed_channel.okay": "OK",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " Kan niet exporteren: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " Importeren mislukt: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "Importeer",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>Om een team vanuit Slack te importeren ga naar Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export. Slack staat niet om bestanden, afbeeldingen, privé groepen of directe berichten te exporteren vanuit Slack. Daarom zal de import naar Mattermost alleen tekstberichten importeren in jouw publieke kanalen.</p><p>De Slack import naar Mattermost is in 'Beta'. Slack bot berichten worden nog niet geïmporteerd</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "documentatie",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Importeer van Slack (beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " Importeren...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " Importeren is gelukt: ",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "Voor alle activiteit, met geluid, onbeperkt tonen ",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "Voor alle activiteit, met geluid, tonen voor {seconds} secondes",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "Duur van notificatie",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Stel in hoe lang desktop notificaties op het scherm zichtbaar zullen zijn.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Sets how long desktop notifications will remain on screen when using Firefox or Chrome. Desktop notifications in Edge and Safari can only stay on screen for a maximum of 5 seconds.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "Voor vermeldingen en directe berichten, toon altijd",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "Voor vermeldingen en directe berichten, toon voor {seconds} secondes",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "Voor vermeldingen en directe berichten, zonder geluid, toon altijd",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "E-mailmeldingen worden verzonden voor vermeldingen en rechtstreekse berichten nadat u bent offline bent of weg van {siteName} voor meer dan 5 minuten.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "E-mail meldingen",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Meldingen",
- "": "Desktop notificaties zijn beschikbaar op Firefox, Safari en Chrome",
+ "": "Desktop notifications are available on Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nooit",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Geen woorden geconfigureerd",
"": "Uit",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Uw niet-hoofdlettergevoelige gebruikersnaam \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Andere niet-hoofdlettergevoelige woorden, gescheiden door komma's:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "Configureer de meldings-geluiden in de instellingen van uw browser",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Notificatie geluiden zijn beschikbaar in IE11, Edge, Safari en Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Notification sounds are available on IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "Team-vermeldingen \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Meldings-instellingen",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Uw gebruikersnaam vermeld \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Woorden die een vermelding triggeren",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Voor alle activiteiten",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "Voor alle activiteit wanneer afwezig of offline",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
index be6c82db3..ec86e7827 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(Opcional) O atributo no servidor AD/LDAP que será usado para preencher o primeiro nome dos usuários no Mattermost. Quando definido, os usuários não serão capazes de editar o seu primeiro nome, uma vez que é sincronizado com o servidor LDAP. Quando deixado em branco, os usuários poderão definir seu próprio primeiro nome em Configurações de Conta.",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "Ex.: \"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "Primeiro Nome do Atributo",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "O atributo no servidor AD/LDAP que vai ser utilizado como um identificador único no Mattermost. Ele deve ser um atributo AD/LDAP com um valor que não muda, como nome de usuário ou uid. Se atributo Id do usuário mudar, isto irá criar uma nova conta Mattermost não associada com a sua antiga. Este é o valor utilizado para efetuar login no Mattermost no campo \"Nome de usuário AD/LDAP\" na página de login. Normalmente, este atributo é o mesmo que o campo “Atributo Nome de Usuário” acima. Se sua equipe usa tipicamente de domínio\\nome de usuário para fazer login em outros serviços com AD/LDAP, você pode optar por colocar domínio\\nome de usuário neste campo para manter a consistência entre os sites.",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "O atributo no servidor AD/LDAP que vai ser utilizado como um identificador único no Mattermost. Ele deve ser um atributo AD/LDAP com um valor que não muda, como nome de usuário ou uid. Se atributo Id do usuário mudar, isto irá criar uma nova conta Mattermost não associada com a sua antiga. Este é o valor utilizado para efetuar login no Mattermost no campo \"Nome de usuário AD/LDAP\" na página de login. Normalmente, este atributo é o mesmo que o campo “Atributo Nome de Usuário” acima. Se sua equipe usa tipicamente de domínio\\\\nome de usuário para fazer login em outros serviços com AD/LDAP, você pode optar por colocar domínio\\\\nome de usuário neste campo para manter a consistência entre os sites.",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "Ex.: \"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "Atributo ID: ",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Opcional) O atributo no servidor AD/LDAP que será usado para preencher o último nome dos usuários no Mattermost. Quando definido, os usuários não serão capazes de editar o seu último nome, uma vez que é sincronizado com o servidor LDAP. Quando deixado em branco, os usuários poderão definir seu próprio sobrenome em Configurações de Conta.",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "Enviando arquivo",
"create_comment.files": "Enviando arquivos",
"create_post.comment": "Comentário",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Sua mensagem é muito longa. Número de caracteres: {length}/{limit}",
"": "Post",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Atalhos do teclado não está disponível no seu dispositivo.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Enviando Mensagens</h4><p>Digite aqui para escrever uma mensagem e pressione <strong>ENTER</strong> para posta-lá.</p><p>Clique no botão <strong>Anexo</strong> para enviar uma imagem ou arquivo.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Escreva uma mensagem...",
"create_team.agreement": "Para prosseguir e criar sua conta e utilizar {siteName}, você deve concordar com o nosso <a href={TermsOfServiceLink}>Termos de Serviço</a> e com a <a href={PrivacyPolicyLink}>Política de Privacidade</a>. Se você não concordar, não poderá utilizar o {siteName}.",
"create_team.display_name.back": "Voltar para o passo anterior",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "O nome deve ter 2 ou mais caracteres até um máximo de 15",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "O nome deve ter {min} ou mais caracteres até um máximo de {max}. Você pode adicionar uma descrição da equipe depois.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "Nome da sua equipe em qualquer idioma. Seu nome de equipe é mostrado em menus e títulos.",
"": "Próximo",
"create_team.display_name.required": "Este campo é obrigatório",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "Código de Convite",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "Diretório de equipe foi desativado. Por favor peça a um Administrador de Sistema para ativar o Diretório de Equipe nas configurações do Console do Sistema.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "Diretório de equipe está desativado para este sistema.",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Clique 'Editar' para adicionar uma descrição da equipe",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Incluindo esta equipe irá exibir o nome da equipe da seção Diretório Equipe da página inicial, e fornecer um link para a página de login.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Incluir esta equipe no Diretório de Equipe",
"": "Não",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "Permitir que qualquer usuário com uma conta neste servidor possa se juntar a esta equipe",
"general_tab.regenerate": "Re-Gerar",
"general_tab.required": "Este campo é obrigatório",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Descrição da Equipe",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Descrição da equipe fornece informações adicionais para ajudar os usuários a selecionar a equipe correta. Máximo de 50 caracteres.",
"general_tab.teamName": "Nome da Equipe",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Defina o nome da equipe como aparece na sua tela de login e no topo na lateral esquerda.",
"general_tab.title": "Definições Gerais",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "Responder",
"posts_view.loadMore": "Carregar mais mensagens",
"posts_view.newMsg": "Novas Mensagens",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(clique para adicionar)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(clique para remover)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} e {lastUser}</b> reagiram com <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reagiu com <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "Você",
"removed_channel.channelName": "o canal",
"removed_channel.from": "Removido de ",
"removed_channel.okay": "Ok",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " Não foi possível exportar: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " Falha na importação: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "Importar",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>Para importar uma equipe do Slack, vá para a Slack > Definições de Equipe > Importar/Exportar Dados > Exportar > Iniciar Exportação. Slack não permite que você exporte arquivos, imagens, grupos privados ou as mensagens diretas armazenadas no Slack. Portanto, Importação Slack para Mattermost só suporta a importação de mensagens de texto dos canais públicos da sua equipe Slack.</p><p>A Importação Slack para Mattermost está em 'Beta'. Mensagens do Slack bot ainda não podem ser importadas.</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "documentação",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Configurações de Equipe > Importar/Exportar Dados > Exportar > Iniciar Exportação",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Exportador Avançado Slack",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Importação Slack para Mattermost suporta a importação de mensagens nos canais públicos da sua equipe Slack.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "Para importar uma equipe do Slack, vá para {exportInstructions}. Veja {uploadDocsLink} para saber mais.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "Para importar postagens com arquivos anexos, veja {slackAdvancedExporterLink} para detalhes.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Importar do Slack (Beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " Importando...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " Importado com sucesso: ",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "Para toda atividade, com som, mostrada indefinidamente",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "Para toda atividade, sem som, mostrada por {seconds} segundos",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "Duração da notificação",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Define quanto tempo a notificação no desktop permanece na tela.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Define o tempo que as notificações no desktop permanecerão na tela ao usar o Firefox ou o Chrome. As notificações no desktop no Edge e no Safari só podem permanecer na tela por um máximo de 5 segundos.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "Para menções e mensagens diretas, mostrada indefinidamente",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "Para menções e mensagens diretas, mostradas por {seconds} segundos",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "Para menções e mensagens diretas, sem som, mostrada indefinidamente",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Notificações de e-mail são enviadas por menções e mensagens diretas, quando você está desconectado ou ausente do {siteName} por mais de 5 minutos.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notificações por email",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notificações",
- "": "Notificações no desktop estão disponíveis no Firefox, Safari e Chrome.",
+ "": "Notificações no desktop estão disponíveis no Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome e Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nunca",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Nenhuma palavra configurada",
"": "Desligado",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Seu usuário não sensível a maiúsculas \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Outras palavras não sensível a maiúscula, separadas por virgulas:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "Por favor configurar sons de notificações nas configurações do seu navegador",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Sons para notificações está disponível no IE11, Edge, Safari e Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Sons para notificações estão disponíveis no IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome e Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "Mencionar toda a equipe \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Configurações de Notificação",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Seu usuário mencionado \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Palavras que desencadeiam menções",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Para todas as atividades",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "Para toda atividade quando ausente ou desconectado",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ru.json b/webapp/i18n/ru.json
index cb5a723ad..f6dbead52 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ru.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ru.json
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(Опционально) Этот атрибут для AD/LDAP сервера который будет использоваться для заполнения имени пользователя в Mattermost. Если он установлен, пользователи не смогут редактировать свои имена т.к. они будут синхронизироваться с LDAP сервером. Если атрибут не заполнен, пользователи смогут изменить их собственные имена в Настройках пользователя.",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "Например: \"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "Атрибут имени",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "Атрибут LDAP, который будет использоваться в качестве уникального идентификатора. Укажите атрибут, значение которого не будет меняться, например имя пользователя или его uid. Если значение этого атрибута изменится, в Mattermost будет создана новая учетная запись, не имеющая к старой никакого отношения. Значение этого атрибута используется в поле \"Имя пользователя LDAP\" на странице входа в Mattermost. В большинстве случаев это тот же атрибут, что используется в качестве \"Атрибута имени пользователя\" выше. Если ваша команда обычно использует учетные записи в стиле домен\\пользователь для входа в другие сервисы с использованием LDAP, вы можете указать это же значение и здесь, для сохранения единообразия.",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "Атрибут LDAP, который будет использоваться в качестве уникального идентификатора. Укажите атрибут, значение которого не будет меняться, например имя пользователя или его uid. Если значение этого атрибута изменится, в Mattermost будет создана новая учетная запись, не имеющая к старой никакого отношения. Значение этого атрибута используется в поле “Имя пользователя LDAP“ на странице входа в Mattermost. В большинстве случаев это тот же атрибут, что используется в качестве \"Атрибута имени пользователя\" выше. Если ваша команда обычно использует учетные записи в стиле домен\\\\пользователь для входа в другие сервисы с использованием LDAP, вы можете указать это же значение и здесь, для сохранения единообразия.",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "Например: \"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID атрибут:",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Опционально) Этот атрибут для AD/LDAP сервера который будет использоваться для заполнения фамилии пользователя в Mattermost. Если он установлен, пользователи не смогут редактировать свои фамилии т.к. они будут синхронизироваться с LDAP сервером. Если атрибут не заполнен, пользователи смогут изменить их собственные фамилии в Настройках пользователя.",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "Загрузка файла",
"create_comment.files": "Загрузка файлов",
"create_post.comment": "Комментарий",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}",
"": "Сообщение",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Горячие клавиши не поддерживаются на вашем устройстве.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Отправка сообщений</h4><p>Напишите здесь сообщение и нажмите <strong>Enter</strong> для отправки.</p><p>Нажмите кнопку <strong>Вложение</strong> для загрузки изображения или файла.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Ваше сообщение...",
"create_team.agreement": "By proceeding to create your account and use {siteName}, you agree to our <a href={TermsOfServiceLink}>Terms of Service</a> and <a href={PrivacyPolicyLink}>Privacy Policy</a>. If you do not agree, you cannot use {siteName}.",
"create_team.display_name.back": "На предыдущий шаг",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Имя должно быть больше двух символов и меньше 15",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be {min} or more characters up to a maximum of {max}. You can add a longer team description later.",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "Название команды на любом языке. Название команды будет показано в меню и заголовках.",
"": "Далее",
"create_team.display_name.required": "Обязательное поле",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "Код приглашения",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "Team Directory has been disabled. Please ask a System Admin to enable the Team Directory in the System Console team settings.",
"general_tab.dirOff": "Team Directory выключена для этой системы.",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Including this team will display the team name from the Team Directory section of the Home Page, and provide a link to the sign-in page.",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "Include this team in the Team Directory",
"": "Нет",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "Разрешить вход любому пользователю с учетной записью на этом сервере",
"general_tab.regenerate": "Regenerate",
"general_tab.required": "Обязательное поле",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "Team Description",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Team description provides additional information to help users select the right team. Maximum of 50 characters.",
"general_tab.teamName": "Название команды",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "Установите название команды, отображаемое на экране входа и в левом верхнем углу боковой панели.",
"general_tab.title": "Общие настройки",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "Ответить",
"posts_view.loadMore": "Больше сообщений",
"posts_view.newMsg": "Новые сообщения",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(click to add)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(click to remove)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} and {lastUser}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "You",
"removed_channel.channelName": "канал",
"removed_channel.from": "Удалено из ",
"removed_channel.okay": "Хорошо",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " Невозможно экспортировать: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " Ошибка импорта: ",
"team_import_tab.import": "Импорт",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>Для импорта команды из Slack перейдите в Slack > Настройки команды > Импорт/Экспорт данных > Экспорт > Начать экспорт. Slack не позволяет экспортировать файлы, изображения, личные группы и личные сообщения. Поэтому из Slack в Mattermost будут импортированы только текстовые сообщения из публичных каналов вашей команды в Slack.</p><p>Импорт из Slack в Mattermost находится в состоянии 'Бета'. Посты Slack-ботов пока не импортируются.</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "документация",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "Импортировать из Slack (Beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " Импортирование...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " Импорт успешно завершён: ",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "Для всей активности со звуком, показывать бесконечно",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "Для всей активности со звуком, показывать на {seconds} секунд",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "Длительность уведомления",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Установить как долго уведомления отображаются на рабочем столе",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Sets how long desktop notifications will remain on screen when using Firefox or Chrome. Desktop notifications in Edge and Safari can only stay on screen for a maximum of 5 seconds.",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "При упоминаниях и личных сообщениях, не скрывать автоматически",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "При упоминаниях и личных сообщениях, скрыть через {seconds} секунд",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "При упоминаниях и личных сообщениях, без звука, не скрывать автоматически",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Почтовые уведомления при упоминаниях и личных сообщениях начинают отправляться если вы не в сети или отошли с {siteName} больше чем на 5 минут.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Email уведомления",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Уведомления",
- "": "Уведомления на рабочем столе доступны в Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.",
+ "": "Desktop notifications are available on Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Никогда",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "No words configured",
"": "Выкл",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Ваше независимое от регистра имя пользователя \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Другие независящие от регистра слова, разделенные запятыми:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "Пожалуйста, настройте звуковые уведомления в настройках браузера",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Звуки уведомлений доступны в IE11, Edge, Safari and Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Notification sounds are available on IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "Team-wide mentions \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Настройки уведомлений",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Ваше имя пользователя упомянутое как \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Ключевые слова для упоминаний",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "При любой активности",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "Для всей активности когда отошел или оффлайн",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
index ad0dff723..b84e63f3a 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"add_emoji.header": "添加",
"add_emoji.image": "图像",
"add_emoji.image.button": "选择",
- "": "Choose the image for your emoji. The image can be a gif, png, or jpeg file with a max size of 1 MB. Dimensions will automatically resize to fit 128 by 128 pixels but keeping aspect ratio.",
+ "": "选择个文件做为您的表情符。图库可为最大 1 MB 的 gif, png 或 jpeg 文件。如果尺寸超过 128 像素长 128 像素高将自动缩小但将保留比例。",
"add_emoji.imageRequired": "表情符号需要个图片",
"": "名称",
"": "选择一个多达64个小写字母,数字以及符号 '-' 和 '_' 字符组成的用户名用于表情符号。",
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "第一个完全符合触发关键字",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "第一字以触发关键字为开头",
"admin.advance.cluster": "高可用性 (Beta)",
- "admin.advance.metrics": "Performance Monitoring (Beta)",
+ "admin.advance.metrics": "性能监视 (Beta)",
"admin.audits.reload": "重新载入用户活动日志",
"admin.audits.title": "用户活动日志",
"": "邮件验证",
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(可选) AD/LDAP服务器中的属性用来填充 Mattermost 用户的名字。当设置后,用户将没法修改他们的名字,因为它时和 LDAP 服务器同步的。当留空时,用户可以在帐号设置里修改名字。",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "例如 \"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "姓属性",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此属性在 AD/LDAP 服务器作为 Mattermost 中一个被用于做唯一标识符值。它将不可被修改,类似用户名或者用户ID。如果一个用户的ID属性被修改,它将创建一个新的 Mattermost 账户并且与之前的用户无关。它被用于在 Mattermost 登录时“AD/LDAP 用户名”字段在登录页面。一般该属性字段与上面的“用户名属性”字段相同。如果你的团队通常使用 域名\\用户名 登录到其他 AD/LDAP 服务,你可以选择在本栏使用 域名\\用户名 以跟其他站点保持一致。",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此属性在 AD/LDAP 服务器作为 Mattermost 中一个被用于做唯一标识符值。它将不可被修改,比如用户名或 uid。如果一个用户的 ID 属性被修改,它将创建一个新的 Mattermost 账户并且与之前的用户无关。它被用于在 Mattermost 登录时“AD/LDAP 用户名”字段在登录页面。一般该属性字段与上面的“用户名属性”字段相同。如果你的团队通常使用 域名\\\\用户名 登录到其他 AD/LDAP 服务,你可以选择在本栏使用 域名\\\\用户名 以跟其他站点保持一致。",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "例如 \"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID属性:",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(可选) AD/LDAP服务器中的属性用来填充 Mattermost 用户的姓氏。当设置后,用户将没法修改他们的姓氏,因为它时和 LDAP 服务器同步的。当留空时,用户可以在帐号设置里修改姓氏。",
@@ -496,10 +496,10 @@
"admin.log.logSettings": "日志设置",
"admin.logs.reload": "重载",
"admin.logs.title": "服务器日志",
- "admin.metrics.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost will enable performance monitoring collection and profiling. Please see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> to learn more about configuring performance monitoring for Mattermost.",
- "admin.metrics.enableTitle": "Enable Performance Monitoring:",
- "admin.metrics.listenAddressDesc": "The address the server will listen on to expose performance metrics.",
- "admin.metrics.listenAddressEx": "例如 \":8065\"",
+ "admin.metrics.enableDescription": "当设置为是时,Mattermost 会启用性能监控收集和分析。请查看<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文档</a>了解更多Mattermost 性能监控配置信息。",
+ "admin.metrics.enableTitle": "开启性能监视:",
+ "admin.metrics.listenAddressDesc": "服务端监听的地址以公开性能指标数据。",
+ "admin.metrics.listenAddressEx": "例如 \":8067\"",
"admin.metrics.listenAddressTitle": "监听地址:",
"": "帮助",
"admin.nav.logout": "注销",
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@
"admin.service.integrationAdmin": "限制只有管理员能管理整合:",
"admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "当设为是时,webhhoks 和斜杠命令只由团队和系统管理员可以创建、修改和查看,同时只有系统管理员可以操作 OAuth 2.0 应用。整合在管理员创建后所有人可以使用。",
"admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFile": "Let's Encrypt 证书缓存文件:",
- "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFileDescription": "Certificates retrieved and other data about the Let's Encrypt service will be stored in this file.",
+ "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFileDescription": "从 Let's Encrypt 服务获取的证书和其他数据将储存于此文件。",
"admin.service.listenAddress": "监听地址:",
"admin.service.listenDescription": "绑定和监听的地址和端口。指定 \":8065\" 将会绑定所有网络接口。指定 \"\" 将只绑定拥有此 IP 的网络接口。如果您选择一个低级端口 (叫 \"system ports\" 或 \"well-known ports\" 于 0-1023 之间),您必须要拥有权限才能绑定到此端口。在 Linux 上您可以使用:\"sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./bin/platform\" 以允许 Mattermost 绑定知名端口。",
"admin.service.listenExample": "例如 \":8065\"",
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "当设为是时,webhooks、斜杠命令以及其他整合比如 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zapier</a> 会允许修改发出信息的用户名。注意:和允许整合覆盖头像配合将可能造成用户被钓鱼攻击。",
"admin.service.overrideTitle": "允许整合覆盖用户名:",
"admin.service.readTimeout": "读取超时:",
- "admin.service.readTimeoutDescription": "Maximum time allowed from when the connection is accepted to when the request body is fully read.",
+ "admin.service.readTimeoutDescription": "从连接接收到请求本体完全读取的时间限制。",
"admin.service.securityDesc": "当设置为是时,如果在过去12小时内有发布安全修正将会发送通知给系统管理员。需要启用电子邮件。",
"admin.service.securityTitle": "启用安全警报:",
"admin.service.segmentDescription": "Segment.com是个可选详细跟踪系统统计的在线服务。您可以在Segment.com注册个免费帐号获取钥匙。",
@@ -694,15 +694,15 @@
"admin.service.tlsCertFile": "TLS 证书文件:",
"admin.service.tlsCertFileDescription": "使用的证书文件。",
"admin.service.tlsKeyFile": "TLS 密钥文件:",
- "admin.service.tlsKeyFileDescription": "The private key file to use.",
+ "admin.service.tlsKeyFileDescription": "使用的私钥文件。",
"admin.service.useLetsEncrypt": "使用 Let's Encrypt:",
- "admin.service.useLetsEncryptDescription": "Enable the automatic retreval of certificates from the Let's Encrypt. The certificate will be retrieved when a client attempts to connect from a new domain. This will work with multiple domains.",
+ "admin.service.useLetsEncryptDescription": "开启自动从 Let's Encrypt 获取证书。证书将在客户端尝试从新的域名连接时获取。此功能可以在多域名使用。",
"admin.service.webSessionDays": "AD/LDAP 和电子邮件的会话时长 (天):",
"admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "从用户上一次输入他们的认证到会话过期的天数。修改此设定后,新的会话时常将在用户下一次输入认证后生效。",
"admin.service.webhooksDescription": "设为是时,允许传入webhooks。为了避免钓鱼攻击,所有webhooks的帖文会标上BOT标签。参见 <a href='' target='_blank'>文档</a> 了解详情。",
"admin.service.webhooksTitle": "启用传出的 Webhooks:",
"admin.service.writeTimeout": "写入超时:",
- "admin.service.writeTimeoutDescription": "If using HTTP (insecure), this is the maximum time allowed from the end of reading the request headers until the response is written. If using HTTPS, it is the total time from when the connection is accepted until the response is written.",
+ "admin.service.writeTimeoutDescription": "如果使用 HTTP (不安全),这是从读取请求头结尾到写入完响应最大允许的时间。如果使用 HTTPS,这将是从接受连接到写入完响应的总时间。",
"admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "从侧边栏菜单添加团队",
"admin.sidebar.advanced": "高级",
"admin.sidebar.audits": "合规性与审计",
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "日志",
"admin.sidebar.login": "登录",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "日志",
- "admin.sidebar.metrics": "Performance Monitoring (Beta)",
+ "admin.sidebar.metrics": "性能监视 (Beta)",
"admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Mattermost 应用链接",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "通知",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
@@ -807,9 +807,9 @@
"": "每个团队最多频道数,包括活动的和已删除的频道。",
"": "例如 \"100\"",
"": "每团队最多频道数:",
- "": "Maximum total number of users in a channel before users typing messages, @all, @here, and @channel no longer send notifications because of performance.",
- "": "例如\"10000\"",
- "": "Max Notifications Per Channel:",
+ "": "因性能限制输入消息、@all、@here 以及 @channel 发通知的最大频道总用户数 。",
+ "": "例如 \"1000\"",
+ "": "每频道最大通知数:",
"": "每个团队最多用户数,包括启用的和停用的用户。",
"": "例如 \"25\"",
"": "每个团队最多用户数:",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "文件上传",
"create_comment.files": "文件上传",
"create_post.comment": "评论",
+ "create_post.error_message": "您的消息太长。字数:{length}/{limit}",
"": "发布",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "您的设备不支持键盘快捷键。",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>发送信息</h4><p>在这输入信息并按<strong>回车</strong>发送。</p><p>点击<strong>附件</strong>按钮上传图片或文件。</p>",
"create_post.write": "写一个消息...",
"create_team.agreement": "如果继续创建您的帐户和使用{siteName},您需要同意<a href={TermsOfServiceLink}>服务条款</a>和<a href={PrivacyPolicyLink}>隐私政策</a>。如果不同意,您将不能使用{siteName}。",
"create_team.display_name.back": "返回上一步",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "名称必须是2到15个字符",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "名称必须在 {min} 于 {max} 个字符之间。您可以之后添加更长的团队描述。",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "您可以使用任何语言命名您的团队。您的团队名称将显示在菜单和标题栏上。",
"": "下一步",
"create_team.display_name.required": "此栏必须填写",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "邀请码",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "团队目录已被禁用。请联系系统管理员到系统控制台中启用团队目录。",
"general_tab.dirOff": "此系统的团队目录已关闭。",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "点击 '修改' 添加团队描述。",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "包含此团队将在首页的团队目录里显示该团队名,并提供一个链接到登陆页面。",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "团队目录中已包括这个团队",
"": "否",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "允许任何在本服务器上的用户加入此团队",
"general_tab.regenerate": "重新生成",
"general_tab.required": "该字段不能为空",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "团队描述",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "团队描述提供更多信息帮助用户选择何时的团队。最多 50 字符。",
"general_tab.teamName": "团队名称",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "设置出现在您登录界面左侧边栏顶部的团队名称。",
"general_tab.title": "基本设置",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "回复",
"posts_view.loadMore": "载入更多消息",
"posts_view.newMsg": "新消息",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(点击添加)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(点击删除)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} 以及 {lastUser}</b> 的反应:<b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{users}</b> 的反应:<b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "您",
"removed_channel.channelName": "频道",
"removed_channel.from": "删除从",
"removed_channel.okay": "确定",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": "不能导出: {error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": "导入失败:",
"team_import_tab.import": "导入",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>从 Slack 中导入一个团队:前往 Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export。Slack不允许您导出存储在Slack中的文件、图片、私人组或私信。因此,导入至 Mattermost 中的 Slack 只支持导入您 Slack 团队公共频道中的文本信息。</p><p>Mattermost 中的 Slack 导入功能是Beta版本。导入 Slack bot 的信息暂不支持。</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "文档",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack 高级导出",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "从Slack(Beta)导入",
"team_import_tab.importing": "导入...",
"team_import_tab.successful": "导入成功:",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "所有活动,有声,一直显示",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "所有活动,有声,显示 {seconds} 秒",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "通知时长",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "设置桌面通知将在屏幕显示多久。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "设置在火狐或 Chrome 下桌面通知在屏幕显示的时间。在 Edge 以及 Safari 下只能最多 5 秒。",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "提及和私信,一直显示",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "提及和私信,显示 {seconds} 秒",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "提及和私信,无声,一直显示",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "当您离开{siteName}超过5分钟或离线,系统将发送提及和私信的电子邮件通知。",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "邮件通知",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
- "": "桌面通知可在 火狐, Safari 以及 Chrome 下使用。",
+ "": "桌面通知可在 IE11、Edge、Safari、Chrome 以及 Mattermost 桌面应用使用。",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "从不",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "敏感词没有配置",
"": "关闭",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "不区分大小写的用户名\"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "其他不区分大小写的词汇,以逗号分隔:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "请在您的浏览器中配置消息通知声音设置",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "通知声音可在 IE11, Edge, Safari 以及 Chrome 下使用。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "通知声音可在 IE11、Edge、Safari、Chrome 以及 Mattermost 桌面应用使用。",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "团队范围的提及\"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "通知设置",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "您提到的用户名“@{username}”",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "触发提及词",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "所有活动",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "所有离开或离线时的活动",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
index 73d9aef77..2c0f52efd 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(非必須) 用於設定 Mattermost 使用者名字的 AD/LDAP 伺服器屬性。當設定之後由於將會跟 LDAP 伺服器同步名字,使用者將無法編輯。留白時使用者可以在帳號設定中設定他們自己的名字。",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "如:\"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "名字屬性",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此屬性在 AD/LDAP 伺服器上的值將會被用做 Mattermost 裡獨特、唯一的識別值。該屬性值最好不會變更,例如使用者名稱 或 uid。如果一個使用者的這個屬性值有所變更,Mattermost 將會根據新值建立一個跟原本帳戶無關的新帳戶。這將是未來使用者在 Mattermost 登入頁面所要填入\"AD/LDAP 使用者名稱\"欄位的值。通常此屬性設定成與上面的\"用戶名稱\"屬性相同。如果您的團隊習慣用 domain\\username 登入其他使用 AD/LDAP 認證的服務,最好在本欄位填入 domain\\username 以保持一致性。",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此屬性在 AD/LDAP 伺服器上的值將會被用做 Mattermost 裡獨特、唯一的識別值。此屬性應該選用不會變更的屬性,例如使用者名稱 或 uid。如果一個使用者的這個屬性值有所變更,Mattermost 將會根據新值建立一個跟原本帳戶無關的新帳戶。這將是未來使用者在 Mattermost 登入頁面所要填入\"AD/LDAP 使用者名稱\"欄位的值。通常此屬性設定成與上面的\"用戶名稱\"屬性相同。如果您的團隊習慣用 domain\\\\username 登入其他使用 AD/LDAP 認證的服務,最好在本欄位填入 domain\\\\username 以保持一致性。",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "如:\"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID 的屬性:",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(非必須) 用於設定 Mattermost 使用者姓氏的 AD/LDAP 伺服器屬性。當設定之後由於將會跟 LDAP 伺服器同步姓氏,使用者將無法編輯。留白時使用者可以在帳號設定中設定他們自己的姓氏。",
@@ -1139,13 +1139,14 @@
"create_comment.file": "上傳檔案",
"create_comment.files": "上傳多個檔案",
"create_post.comment": "註解",
+ "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}",
"": "訊息",
"create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "此裝置不支援鍵盤快速鍵。",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>發送訊息</h4><p>在這邊輸入訊息並按下 <strong>Enter</strong> 來發文。</p><p>按下<strong>附件</strong>按鈕來上傳圖片或是檔案。</p>",
"create_post.write": "輸入訊息...",
"create_team.agreement": "一旦建立帳號使用{siteName},即表示您同意<a href={TermsOfServiceLink}>服務條款</a>以及<a href={PrivacyPolicyLink}>隱私政策</a>。如果您不同意,請停止使用{siteName}。",
"create_team.display_name.back": "回到上一步",
- "create_team.display_name.charLength": "名稱長度為2到15字元",
+ "create_team.display_name.charLength": "名字必須至少有{min}個字、最多{max}。等等有增加較長團隊敘述的方法。",
"create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "團隊可以用任何語言取名。團隊名稱將會顯示在選單跟畫面上方。",
"": "下一步",
"create_team.display_name.required": "此欄位是必需的",
@@ -1263,6 +1264,7 @@
"general_tab.codeTitle": "邀請碼",
"general_tab.dirDisabled": "團隊列表已被關閉。請向系統管理員要求開啟系統控制台中的團隊列表。",
"general_tab.dirOff": "此系統的團隊列表已被關閉。",
+ "general_tab.emptyDescription": "按下'編輯'以增加團隊敘述。",
"general_tab.includeDirDesc": "在首頁的團隊列表顯示此團隊名字、提供通往登入頁面的連結。",
"general_tab.includeDirTitle": "加入團隊列表",
"": "否",
@@ -1270,6 +1272,8 @@
"general_tab.openInviteTitle": "允許任何在此服務器有帳號的使用者加入此團隊",
"general_tab.regenerate": "重新產生",
"general_tab.required": "此欄位是必需的",
+ "general_tab.teamDescription": "團隊敘述",
+ "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "團隊敘述提供額外的訊息幫助使用者選擇正確的團隊。最多為50個字。",
"general_tab.teamName": "團隊名稱",
"general_tab.teamNameInfo": "設定出現於登入畫面跟側邊欄左上的團隊名稱。",
"general_tab.title": "一般設定",
@@ -1620,6 +1624,12 @@
"post_info.reply": "回覆",
"posts_view.loadMore": "載入更多訊息",
"posts_view.newMsg": "新訊息",
+ "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "{count} new {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below",
+ "reaction.clickToAdd": "(請按這裡增加)",
+ "reaction.clickToRemove": "(請按這裡移除)",
+ "reaction.multipleReacted": "<b>{users} and {lastUser}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "reaction.oneReacted": "<b>{user}</b> reacted with <b>:{emojiName}:</b>",
+ "": "You",
"removed_channel.channelName": "頻道",
"removed_channel.from": "從下者中被移除:",
"removed_channel.okay": "確定",
@@ -1782,7 +1792,12 @@
"team_export_tab.unable": " 無法匯出:{error}",
"team_import_tab.failure": " 匯入失敗:",
"team_import_tab.import": "匯入",
- "team_import_tab.importHelp": "<p>由 Slack 匯入團隊:前往 Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export。Slack 無法匯出 Slack 當中的檔案、圖片、私人群組或直接訊息。因此 Mattermost 的匯入 Slack 功能只支援匯入在您 Slack 團隊的公開頻道中的文字訊息</p><p>Mattermost 的匯入 Slack 功能是 beta 版。目前無法匯入Slack bot 的貼文。</p>",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "說明文件",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack 進階匯出",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "由 Slack 匯入 Mattermost 支援匯入 Slack 團隊公開頻道的訊息。",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "由 Slack 匯入團隊,請至 {exportInstructions}。請參閱{uploadDocsLink}。",
+ "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "匯入帶有檔案的訊息,請參閱{slackAdvancedExporterLink}。",
"team_import_tab.importSlack": "由 Slack 匯入 (Beta)",
"team_import_tab.importing": " 匯入中...",
"team_import_tab.successful": " 匯入成功:",
@@ -1997,7 +2012,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "所有的活動,有通知音效,一直顯示",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "所有的活動,有通知音效,顯示 {seconds} 秒",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "通知長度",
- "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "設定桌面通知在畫面上顯示多久。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "設定在 Firefox 或 Chrome 中桌面通知將停留在畫面上多久。Edge 與 Safari 的桌面通知最多僅能停留5秒。",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "提及跟直接訊息,一直顯示",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "提及跟直接訊息,顯示 {seconds} 秒",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "提及跟直接訊息,無通知音效,一直顯示",
@@ -2018,7 +2033,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "在離線或是離開 {siteName} 超過 5 分鐘時,會發送電子郵件以通知關於您的提及與直接訊息。",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "電子郵件通知",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
- "": "Firefox、Safari、Chrome 可以使用桌面通知。",
+ "": "桌面通知支援 Edge、Firefox、Safari、Chrome 跟 Mattermost 桌面應用程式。",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "永不",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "沒有設定單字",
"": "關閉",
@@ -2030,10 +2045,9 @@
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "您的使用者名稱,不區分大小寫:\"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "其他不區分大小寫的字,用逗號分隔:",
"user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "請在瀏覽器設置中設定通知聲音",
- "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "IE11、Edge、Safari、Chrome 可以使用通知音效。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "通知音效支援 IE11、Edge、Safari、Chrome 跟 Mattermost 桌面應用程式。",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "對團隊全員的提及 \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "通知設定",
- "user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "提及您的使用者名稱 \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "觸發提及的字",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "所有的活動",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "離開或離線時的所有活動",