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+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2017 HashiCorp
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+# go-hclog
+[![Go Documentation](][godocs]
+`go-hclog` is a package for Go that provides a simple key/value logging
+interface for use in development and production environments.
+It provides logging levels that provide decreased output based upon the
+desired amount of output, unlike the standard library `log` package.
+It provides `Printf` style logging of values via `hclog.Fmt()`.
+It provides a human readable output mode for use in development as well as
+JSON output mode for production.
+## Stability Note
+While this library is fully open source and HashiCorp will be maintaining it
+(since we are and will be making extensive use of it), the API and output
+format is subject to minor changes as we fully bake and vet it in our projects.
+This notice will be removed once it's fully integrated into our major projects
+and no further changes are anticipated.
+## Installation and Docs
+Install using `go get`.
+Full documentation is available at
+## Usage
+### Use the global logger
+hclog.Default().Info("hello world")
+2017-07-05T16:15:55.167-0700 [INFO ] hello world
+(Note timestamps are removed in future examples for brevity.)
+### Create a new logger
+appLogger := hclog.New(&hclog.LoggerOptions{
+ Name: "my-app",
+ Level: hclog.LevelFromString("DEBUG"),
+### Emit an Info level message with 2 key/value pairs
+input := "5.5"
+_, err := strconv.ParseInt(input, 10, 32)
+if err != nil {
+ appLogger.Info("Invalid input for ParseInt", "input", input, "error", err)
+... [INFO ] my-app: Invalid input for ParseInt: input=5.5 error="strconv.ParseInt: parsing "5.5": invalid syntax"
+### Create a new Logger for a major subsystem
+subsystemLogger := appLogger.Named("transport")
+subsystemLogger.Info("we are transporting something")
+... [INFO ] my-app.transport: we are transporting something
+Notice that logs emitted by `subsystemLogger` contain `my-app.transport`,
+reflecting both the application and subsystem names.
+### Create a new Logger with fixed key/value pairs
+Using `With()` will include a specific key-value pair in all messages emitted
+by that logger.
+requestID := "5fb446b6-6eba-821d-df1b-cd7501b6a363"
+requestLogger := subsystemLogger.With("request", requestID)
+requestLogger.Info("we are transporting a request")
+... [INFO ] my-app.transport: we are transporting a request: request=5fb446b6-6eba-821d-df1b-cd7501b6a363
+This allows sub Loggers to be context specific without having to thread that
+into all the callers.
+### Using `hclog.Fmt()`
+var int totalBandwidth = 200
+appLogger.Info("total bandwidth exceeded", "bandwidth", hclog.Fmt("%d GB/s", totalBandwidth))
+... [INFO ] my-app: total bandwidth exceeded: bandwidth="200 GB/s"
+### Use this with code that uses the standard library logger
+If you want to use the standard library's `log.Logger` interface you can wrap
+`hclog.Logger` by calling the `StandardLogger()` method. This allows you to use
+it with the familiar `Println()`, `Printf()`, etc. For example:
+stdLogger := appLogger.StandardLogger(&hclog.StandardLoggerOptions{
+ InferLevels: true,
+// Printf() is provided by stdlib log.Logger interface, not hclog.Logger
+stdLogger.Printf("[DEBUG] %+v", stdLogger)
+... [DEBUG] my-app: &{mu:{state:0 sema:0} prefix: flag:0 out:0xc42000a0a0 buf:[]}
+Notice that if `appLogger` is initialized with the `INFO` log level _and_ you
+specify `InferLevels: true`, you will not see any output here. You must change
+`appLogger` to `DEBUG` to see output. See the docs for more information.
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+package hclog
+import (
+ "sync"
+var (
+ protect sync.Once
+ def Logger
+ // The options used to create the Default logger. These are
+ // read only when the Default logger is created, so set them
+ // as soon as the process starts.
+ DefaultOptions = &LoggerOptions{
+ Level: DefaultLevel,
+ Output: DefaultOutput,
+ }
+// Return a logger that is held globally. This can be a good starting
+// place, and then you can use .With() and .Name() to create sub-loggers
+// to be used in more specific contexts.
+func Default() Logger {
+ protect.Do(func() {
+ def = New(DefaultOptions)
+ })
+ return def
+// A short alias for Default()
+func L() Logger {
+ return Default()
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+package hclog
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "encoding"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "runtime"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+var (
+ _levelToBracket = map[Level]string{
+ Debug: "[DEBUG]",
+ Trace: "[TRACE]",
+ Info: "[INFO ]",
+ Warn: "[WARN ]",
+ Error: "[ERROR]",
+ }
+// Given the options (nil for defaults), create a new Logger
+func New(opts *LoggerOptions) Logger {
+ if opts == nil {
+ opts = &LoggerOptions{}
+ }
+ output := opts.Output
+ if output == nil {
+ output = os.Stderr
+ }
+ level := opts.Level
+ if level == NoLevel {
+ level = DefaultLevel
+ }
+ mtx := opts.Mutex
+ if mtx == nil {
+ mtx = new(sync.Mutex)
+ }
+ ret := &intLogger{
+ m: mtx,
+ json: opts.JSONFormat,
+ caller: opts.IncludeLocation,
+ name: opts.Name,
+ timeFormat: TimeFormat,
+ w: bufio.NewWriter(output),
+ level: level,
+ }
+ if opts.TimeFormat != "" {
+ ret.timeFormat = opts.TimeFormat
+ }
+ return ret
+// The internal logger implementation. Internal in that it is defined entirely
+// by this package.
+type intLogger struct {
+ json bool
+ caller bool
+ name string
+ timeFormat string
+ // this is a pointer so that it's shared by any derived loggers, since
+ // those derived loggers share the bufio.Writer as well.
+ m *sync.Mutex
+ w *bufio.Writer
+ level Level
+ implied []interface{}
+// Make sure that intLogger is a Logger
+var _ Logger = &intLogger{}
+// The time format to use for logging. This is a version of RFC3339 that
+// contains millisecond precision
+const TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z0700"
+// Log a message and a set of key/value pairs if the given level is at
+// or more severe that the threshold configured in the Logger.
+func (z *intLogger) Log(level Level, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if level < z.level {
+ return
+ }
+ t := time.Now()
+ z.m.Lock()
+ defer z.m.Unlock()
+ if z.json {
+ z.logJson(t, level, msg, args...)
+ } else {
+ z.log(t, level, msg, args...)
+ }
+ z.w.Flush()
+// Cleanup a path by returning the last 2 segments of the path only.
+func trimCallerPath(path string) string {
+ // lovely borrowed from zap
+ // nb. To make sure we trim the path correctly on Windows too, we
+ // counter-intuitively need to use '/' and *not* os.PathSeparator here,
+ // because the path given originates from Go stdlib, specifically
+ // runtime.Caller() which (as of Mar/17) returns forward slashes even on
+ // Windows.
+ //
+ // See
+ // and
+ //
+ // for discussion on the issue on Go side.
+ //
+ // Find the last separator.
+ //
+ idx := strings.LastIndexByte(path, '/')
+ if idx == -1 {
+ return path
+ }
+ // Find the penultimate separator.
+ idx = strings.LastIndexByte(path[:idx], '/')
+ if idx == -1 {
+ return path
+ }
+ return path[idx+1:]
+// Non-JSON logging format function
+func (z *intLogger) log(t time.Time, level Level, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ z.w.WriteString(t.Format(z.timeFormat))
+ z.w.WriteByte(' ')
+ s, ok := _levelToBracket[level]
+ if ok {
+ z.w.WriteString(s)
+ } else {
+ z.w.WriteString("[UNKN ]")
+ }
+ if z.caller {
+ if _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(3); ok {
+ z.w.WriteByte(' ')
+ z.w.WriteString(trimCallerPath(file))
+ z.w.WriteByte(':')
+ z.w.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(line))
+ z.w.WriteByte(':')
+ }
+ }
+ z.w.WriteByte(' ')
+ if != "" {
+ z.w.WriteString(
+ z.w.WriteString(": ")
+ }
+ z.w.WriteString(msg)
+ args = append(z.implied, args...)
+ var stacktrace CapturedStacktrace
+ if args != nil && len(args) > 0 {
+ if len(args)%2 != 0 {
+ cs, ok := args[len(args)-1].(CapturedStacktrace)
+ if ok {
+ args = args[:len(args)-1]
+ stacktrace = cs
+ } else {
+ args = append(args, "<unknown>")
+ }
+ }
+ z.w.WriteByte(':')
+ FOR:
+ for i := 0; i < len(args); i = i + 2 {
+ var val string
+ switch st := args[i+1].(type) {
+ case string:
+ val = st
+ case int:
+ val = strconv.FormatInt(int64(st), 10)
+ case int64:
+ val = strconv.FormatInt(int64(st), 10)
+ case int32:
+ val = strconv.FormatInt(int64(st), 10)
+ case int16:
+ val = strconv.FormatInt(int64(st), 10)
+ case int8:
+ val = strconv.FormatInt(int64(st), 10)
+ case uint:
+ val = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(st), 10)
+ case uint64:
+ val = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(st), 10)
+ case uint32:
+ val = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(st), 10)
+ case uint16:
+ val = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(st), 10)
+ case uint8:
+ val = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(st), 10)
+ case CapturedStacktrace:
+ stacktrace = st
+ continue FOR
+ case Format:
+ val = fmt.Sprintf(st[0].(string), st[1:]...)
+ default:
+ val = fmt.Sprintf("%v", st)
+ }
+ z.w.WriteByte(' ')
+ z.w.WriteString(args[i].(string))
+ z.w.WriteByte('=')
+ if strings.ContainsAny(val, " \t\n\r") {
+ z.w.WriteByte('"')
+ z.w.WriteString(val)
+ z.w.WriteByte('"')
+ } else {
+ z.w.WriteString(val)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ z.w.WriteString("\n")
+ if stacktrace != "" {
+ z.w.WriteString(string(stacktrace))
+ }
+// JSON logging function
+func (z *intLogger) logJson(t time.Time, level Level, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ vals := map[string]interface{}{
+ "@message": msg,
+ "@timestamp": t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000Z07:00"),
+ }
+ var levelStr string
+ switch level {
+ case Error:
+ levelStr = "error"
+ case Warn:
+ levelStr = "warn"
+ case Info:
+ levelStr = "info"
+ case Debug:
+ levelStr = "debug"
+ case Trace:
+ levelStr = "trace"
+ default:
+ levelStr = "all"
+ }
+ vals["@level"] = levelStr
+ if != "" {
+ vals["@module"] =
+ }
+ if z.caller {
+ if _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(3); ok {
+ vals["@caller"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)
+ }
+ }
+ args = append(z.implied, args...)
+ if args != nil && len(args) > 0 {
+ if len(args)%2 != 0 {
+ cs, ok := args[len(args)-1].(CapturedStacktrace)
+ if ok {
+ args = args[:len(args)-1]
+ vals["stacktrace"] = cs
+ } else {
+ args = append(args, "<unknown>")
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(args); i = i + 2 {
+ if _, ok := args[i].(string); !ok {
+ // As this is the logging function not much we can do here
+ // without injecting into logs...
+ continue
+ }
+ val := args[i+1]
+ switch sv := val.(type) {
+ case error:
+ // Check if val is of type error. If error type doesn't
+ // implement json.Marshaler or encoding.TextMarshaler
+ // then set val to err.Error() so that it gets marshaled
+ switch sv.(type) {
+ case json.Marshaler, encoding.TextMarshaler:
+ default:
+ val = sv.Error()
+ }
+ case Format:
+ val = fmt.Sprintf(sv[0].(string), sv[1:]...)
+ }
+ vals[args[i].(string)] = val
+ }
+ }
+ err := json.NewEncoder(z.w).Encode(vals)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+// Emit the message and args at DEBUG level
+func (z *intLogger) Debug(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ z.Log(Debug, msg, args...)
+// Emit the message and args at TRACE level
+func (z *intLogger) Trace(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ z.Log(Trace, msg, args...)
+// Emit the message and args at INFO level
+func (z *intLogger) Info(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ z.Log(Info, msg, args...)
+// Emit the message and args at WARN level
+func (z *intLogger) Warn(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ z.Log(Warn, msg, args...)
+// Emit the message and args at ERROR level
+func (z *intLogger) Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ z.Log(Error, msg, args...)
+// Indicate that the logger would emit TRACE level logs
+func (z *intLogger) IsTrace() bool {
+ return z.level == Trace
+// Indicate that the logger would emit DEBUG level logs
+func (z *intLogger) IsDebug() bool {
+ return z.level <= Debug
+// Indicate that the logger would emit INFO level logs
+func (z *intLogger) IsInfo() bool {
+ return z.level <= Info
+// Indicate that the logger would emit WARN level logs
+func (z *intLogger) IsWarn() bool {
+ return z.level <= Warn
+// Indicate that the logger would emit ERROR level logs
+func (z *intLogger) IsError() bool {
+ return z.level <= Error
+// Return a sub-Logger for which every emitted log message will contain
+// the given key/value pairs. This is used to create a context specific
+// Logger.
+func (z *intLogger) With(args ...interface{}) Logger {
+ var nz intLogger = *z
+ nz.implied = make([]interface{}, 0, len(z.implied)+len(args))
+ nz.implied = append(nz.implied, z.implied...)
+ nz.implied = append(nz.implied, args...)
+ return &nz
+// Create a new sub-Logger that a name decending from the current name.
+// This is used to create a subsystem specific Logger.
+func (z *intLogger) Named(name string) Logger {
+ var nz intLogger = *z
+ if != "" {
+ = + "." + name
+ } else {
+ = name
+ }
+ return &nz
+// Create a new sub-Logger with an explicit name. This ignores the current
+// name. This is used to create a standalone logger that doesn't fall
+// within the normal hierarchy.
+func (z *intLogger) ResetNamed(name string) Logger {
+ var nz intLogger = *z
+ = name
+ return &nz
+// Create a *log.Logger that will send it's data through this Logger. This
+// allows packages that expect to be using the standard library log to actually
+// use this logger.
+func (z *intLogger) StandardLogger(opts *StandardLoggerOptions) *log.Logger {
+ if opts == nil {
+ opts = &StandardLoggerOptions{}
+ }
+ return log.New(&stdlogAdapter{z, opts.InferLevels}, "", 0)
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index 000000000..362924887
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+package hclog
+import (
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+var (
+ DefaultOutput = os.Stderr
+ DefaultLevel = Info
+type Level int
+const (
+ // This is a special level used to indicate that no level has been
+ // set and allow for a default to be used.
+ NoLevel Level = 0
+ // The most verbose level. Intended to be used for the tracing of actions
+ // in code, such as function enters/exits, etc.
+ Trace Level = 1
+ // For programmer lowlevel analysis.
+ Debug Level = 2
+ // For information about steady state operations.
+ Info Level = 3
+ // For information about rare but handled events.
+ Warn Level = 4
+ // For information about unrecoverable events.
+ Error Level = 5
+// When processing a value of this type, the logger automatically treats the first
+// argument as a Printf formatting string and passes the rest as the values to be
+// formatted. For example: L.Info(Fmt{"%d beans/day", beans}). This is a simple
+// convience type for when formatting is required.
+type Format []interface{}
+// Fmt returns a Format type. This is a convience function for creating a Format
+// type.
+func Fmt(str string, args ...interface{}) Format {
+ return append(Format{str}, args...)
+// LevelFromString returns a Level type for the named log level, or "NoLevel" if
+// the level string is invalid. This facilitates setting the log level via
+// config or environment variable by name in a predictable way.
+func LevelFromString(levelStr string) Level {
+ // We don't care about case. Accept "INFO" or "info"
+ levelStr = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(levelStr))
+ switch levelStr {
+ case "trace":
+ return Trace
+ case "debug":
+ return Debug
+ case "info":
+ return Info
+ case "warn":
+ return Warn
+ case "error":
+ return Error
+ default:
+ return NoLevel
+ }
+// The main Logger interface. All code should code against this interface only.
+type Logger interface {
+ // Args are alternating key, val pairs
+ // keys must be strings
+ // vals can be any type, but display is implementation specific
+ // Emit a message and key/value pairs at the TRACE level
+ Trace(msg string, args ...interface{})
+ // Emit a message and key/value pairs at the DEBUG level
+ Debug(msg string, args ...interface{})
+ // Emit a message and key/value pairs at the INFO level
+ Info(msg string, args ...interface{})
+ // Emit a message and key/value pairs at the WARN level
+ Warn(msg string, args ...interface{})
+ // Emit a message and key/value pairs at the ERROR level
+ Error(msg string, args ...interface{})
+ // Indicate if TRACE logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
+ // are used to elide expensive logging code based on the current level.
+ IsTrace() bool
+ // Indicate if DEBUG logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
+ IsDebug() bool
+ // Indicate if INFO logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
+ IsInfo() bool
+ // Indicate if WARN logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
+ IsWarn() bool
+ // Indicate if ERROR logs would be emitted. This and the other Is* guards
+ IsError() bool
+ // Creates a sublogger that will always have the given key/value pairs
+ With(args ...interface{}) Logger
+ // Create a logger that will prepend the name string on the front of all messages.
+ // If the logger already has a name, the new value will be appended to the current
+ // name. That way, a major subsystem can use this to decorate all it's own logs
+ // without losing context.
+ Named(name string) Logger
+ // Create a logger that will prepend the name string on the front of all messages.
+ // This sets the name of the logger to the value directly, unlike Named which honor
+ // the current name as well.
+ ResetNamed(name string) Logger
+ // Return a value that conforms to the stdlib log.Logger interface
+ StandardLogger(opts *StandardLoggerOptions) *log.Logger
+type StandardLoggerOptions struct {
+ // Indicate that some minimal parsing should be done on strings to try
+ // and detect their level and re-emit them.
+ // This supports the strings like [ERROR], [ERR] [TRACE], [WARN], [INFO],
+ // [DEBUG] and strip it off before reapplying it.
+ InferLevels bool
+type LoggerOptions struct {
+ // Name of the subsystem to prefix logs with
+ Name string
+ // The threshold for the logger. Anything less severe is supressed
+ Level Level
+ // Where to write the logs to. Defaults to os.Stdout if nil
+ Output io.Writer
+ // An optional mutex pointer in case Output is shared
+ Mutex *sync.Mutex
+ // Control if the output should be in JSON.
+ JSONFormat bool
+ // Include file and line information in each log line
+ IncludeLocation bool
+ // The time format to use instead of the default
+ TimeFormat string
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+package hclog
+import (
+ "log"
+ "io/ioutil"
+// NewNullLogger instantiates a Logger for which all calls
+// will succeed without doing anything.
+// Useful for testing purposes.
+func NewNullLogger() Logger {
+ return &nullLogger{}
+type nullLogger struct{}
+func (l *nullLogger) Trace(msg string, args ...interface{}) {}
+func (l *nullLogger) Debug(msg string, args ...interface{}) {}
+func (l *nullLogger) Info(msg string, args ...interface{}) {}
+func (l *nullLogger) Warn(msg string, args ...interface{}) {}
+func (l *nullLogger) Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) {}
+func (l *nullLogger) IsTrace() bool { return false }
+func (l *nullLogger) IsDebug() bool { return false }
+func (l *nullLogger) IsInfo() bool { return false }
+func (l *nullLogger) IsWarn() bool { return false }
+func (l *nullLogger) IsError() bool { return false }
+func (l *nullLogger) With(args ...interface{}) Logger { return l }
+func (l *nullLogger) Named(name string) Logger { return l }
+func (l *nullLogger) ResetNamed(name string) Logger { return l }
+func (l *nullLogger) StandardLogger(opts *StandardLoggerOptions) *log.Logger {
+ return log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", log.LstdFlags)
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..8af1a3be4
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+// Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+package hclog
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "runtime"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+var (
+ _stacktraceIgnorePrefixes = []string{
+ "runtime.goexit",
+ "runtime.main",
+ }
+ _stacktracePool = sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ return newProgramCounters(64)
+ },
+ }
+// A stacktrace gathered by a previous call to log.Stacktrace. If passed
+// to a logging function, the stacktrace will be appended.
+type CapturedStacktrace string
+// Gather a stacktrace of the current goroutine and return it to be passed
+// to a logging function.
+func Stacktrace() CapturedStacktrace {
+ return CapturedStacktrace(takeStacktrace())
+func takeStacktrace() string {
+ programCounters := _stacktracePool.Get().(*programCounters)
+ defer _stacktracePool.Put(programCounters)
+ var buffer bytes.Buffer
+ for {
+ // Skip the call to runtime.Counters and takeStacktrace so that the
+ // program counters start at the caller of takeStacktrace.
+ n := runtime.Callers(2, programCounters.pcs)
+ if n < cap(programCounters.pcs) {
+ programCounters.pcs = programCounters.pcs[:n]
+ break
+ }
+ // Don't put the too-short counter slice back into the pool; this lets
+ // the pool adjust if we consistently take deep stacktraces.
+ programCounters = newProgramCounters(len(programCounters.pcs) * 2)
+ }
+ i := 0
+ frames := runtime.CallersFrames(programCounters.pcs)
+ for frame, more := frames.Next(); more; frame, more = frames.Next() {
+ if shouldIgnoreStacktraceFunction(frame.Function) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if i != 0 {
+ buffer.WriteByte('\n')
+ }
+ i++
+ buffer.WriteString(frame.Function)
+ buffer.WriteByte('\n')
+ buffer.WriteByte('\t')
+ buffer.WriteString(frame.File)
+ buffer.WriteByte(':')
+ buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(int(frame.Line)))
+ }
+ return buffer.String()
+func shouldIgnoreStacktraceFunction(function string) bool {
+ for _, prefix := range _stacktraceIgnorePrefixes {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(function, prefix) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+type programCounters struct {
+ pcs []uintptr
+func newProgramCounters(size int) *programCounters {
+ return &programCounters{make([]uintptr, size)}
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+package hclog
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "strings"
+// Provides a io.Writer to shim the data out of *log.Logger
+// and back into our Logger. This is basically the only way to
+// build upon *log.Logger.
+type stdlogAdapter struct {
+ hl Logger
+ inferLevels bool
+// Take the data, infer the levels if configured, and send it through
+// a regular Logger
+func (s *stdlogAdapter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
+ str := string(bytes.TrimRight(data, " \t\n"))
+ if s.inferLevels {
+ level, str := s.pickLevel(str)
+ switch level {
+ case Trace:
+ s.hl.Trace(str)
+ case Debug:
+ s.hl.Debug(str)
+ case Info:
+ s.hl.Info(str)
+ case Warn:
+ s.hl.Warn(str)
+ case Error:
+ s.hl.Error(str)
+ default:
+ s.hl.Info(str)
+ }
+ } else {
+ s.hl.Info(str)
+ }
+ return len(data), nil
+// Detect, based on conventions, what log level this is
+func (s *stdlogAdapter) pickLevel(str string) (Level, string) {
+ switch {
+ case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[DEBUG]"):
+ return Debug, strings.TrimSpace(str[7:])
+ case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[TRACE]"):
+ return Trace, strings.TrimSpace(str[7:])
+ case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[INFO]"):
+ return Info, strings.TrimSpace(str[6:])
+ case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[WARN]"):
+ return Warn, strings.TrimSpace(str[7:])
+ case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[ERROR]"):
+ return Error, strings.TrimSpace(str[7:])
+ case strings.HasPrefix(str, "[ERR]"):
+ return Error, strings.TrimSpace(str[5:])
+ default:
+ return Info, str
+ }
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+Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
+1. Definitions
+1.1. “Contributor”
+ means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the
+ creation of, or owns Covered Software.
+1.2. “Contributor Version”
+ means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a
+ Contributor and that particular Contributor’s Contribution.
+1.3. “Contribution”
+ means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
+1.4. “Covered Software”
+ means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the
+ notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and
+ Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions
+ thereof.
+1.5. “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”
+ means
+ a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in
+ Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
+ b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of version
+ 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of a
+ Secondary License.
+1.6. “Executable Form”
+ means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
+1.7. “Larger Work”
+ means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a separate
+ file or files, that is not Covered Software.
+1.8. “License”
+ means this document.
+1.9. “Licensable”
+ means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at the
+ time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the rights conveyed by
+ this License.
+1.10. “Modifications”
+ means any of the following:
+ a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, deletion
+ from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or
+ b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software.
+1.11. “Patent Claims” of a Contributor
+ means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, process,
+ and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such Contributor that
+ would be infringed, but for the grant of the License, by the making,
+ using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import, or transfer of
+ either its Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+1.12. “Secondary License”
+ means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser
+ General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public
+ License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses.
+1.13. “Source Code Form”
+ means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
+1.14. “You” (or “Your”)
+ means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
+ License. For legal entities, “You” includes any entity that controls, is
+ controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this
+ definition, “control” means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause
+ the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
+ outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
+2. License Grants and Conditions
+2.1. Grants
+ Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+ non-exclusive license:
+ a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
+ Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
+ modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
+ Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or as
+ part of a Larger Work; and
+ b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for
+ sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its Contributions
+ or its Contributor Version.
+2.2. Effective Date
+ The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution become
+ effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first distributes
+ such Contribution.
+2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
+ The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under this
+ License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the distribution
+ or licensing of Covered Software under this License. Notwithstanding Section
+ 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a Contributor:
+ a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or
+ b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party’s
+ modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
+ Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
+ Version); or
+ c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of its
+ Contributions.
+ This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, or
+ logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with the
+ notice requirements in Section 3.4).
+2.4. Subsequent Licenses
+ No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
+ distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this License
+ (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if permitted
+ under the terms of Section 3.3).
+2.5. Representation
+ Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its Contributions
+ are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to grant the
+ rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
+2.6. Fair Use
+ This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under applicable
+ copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other equivalents.
+2.7. Conditions
+ Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in
+ Section 2.1.
+3. Responsibilities
+3.1. Distribution of Source Form
+ All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
+ Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under the
+ terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source Code Form
+ of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this License, and how
+ they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not attempt to alter or
+ restrict the recipients’ rights in the Source Code Form.
+3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
+ If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
+ a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form,
+ as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the
+ Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by
+ reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost
+ of distribution to the recipient; and
+ b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this License,
+ or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the license for
+ the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the recipients’
+ rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
+3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
+ You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
+ provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for the
+ Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered Software
+ with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the Covered
+ Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this License permits
+ You to additionally distribute such Covered Software under the terms of
+ such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of the Larger Work may, at
+ their option, further distribute the Covered Software under the terms of
+ either this License or such Secondary License(s).
+3.4. Notices
+ You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices (including
+ copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or limitations
+ of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the Covered
+ Software, except that You may alter any license notices to the extent
+ required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
+3.5. Application of Additional Terms
+ You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
+ Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf
+ of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any such
+ warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by You
+ alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
+ liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
+ disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
+ jurisdiction.
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
+ If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
+ with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute, judicial
+ order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of this License
+ to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the limitations and the code
+ they affect. Such description must be placed in a text file included with all
+ distributions of the Covered Software under this License. Except to the
+ extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be
+ sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
+ understand it.
+5. Termination
+5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You
+ fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant,
+ then the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor
+ are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor
+ explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing basis,
+ if such Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by some
+ reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have come back into compliance.
+ Moreover, Your grants from a particular Contributor are reinstated on an
+ ongoing basis if such Contributor notifies You of the non-compliance by
+ some reasonable means, this is the first time You have received notice of
+ non-compliance with this License from such Contributor, and You become
+ compliant prior to 30 days after Your receipt of the notice.
+5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
+ infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, counter-claims,
+ and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version directly or
+ indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to You by any and
+ all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section 2.1 of this License
+ shall terminate.
+5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user
+ license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been
+ validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to
+ termination shall survive termination.
+6. Disclaimer of Warranty
+ Covered Software is provided under this License on an “as is” basis, without
+ warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including,
+ without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free of defects,
+ merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire
+ risk as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You.
+ Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You (not any
+ Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair, or
+ correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this
+ License. No use of any Covered Software is authorized under this License
+ except under this disclaimer.
+7. Limitation of Liability
+ Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including
+ negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who
+ distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any
+ direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
+ character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of
+ goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been
+ informed of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability
+ shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from such
+ party’s negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such limitation.
+ Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
+ consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may not apply to You.
+8. Litigation
+ Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts of
+ a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of business
+ and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that jurisdiction, without
+ reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing in this Section shall
+ prevent a party’s ability to bring cross-claims or counter-claims.
+9. Miscellaneous
+ This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject matter
+ hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
+ provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
+ enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a
+ contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not be used to construe
+ this License against a Contributor.
+10. Versions of the License
+10.1. New Versions
+ Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
+ 10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
+ publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
+ distinguishing version number.
+10.2. Effect of New Versions
+ You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version of
+ the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, or
+ under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
+ steward.
+10.3. Modified Versions
+ If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
+ create a new license for such software, you may create and use a modified
+ version of this License if you rename the license and remove any
+ references to the name of the license steward (except to note that such
+ modified license differs from this License).
+10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary Licenses
+ If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
+ Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
+ notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
+Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the
+ terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.
+ 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
+ distributed with this file, You can
+ obtain one at
+If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file, then
+You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a relevant
+directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a notice.
+You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
+Exhibit B - “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses” Notice
+ This Source Code Form is “Incompatible
+ With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by
+ the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
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+# Go Plugin System over RPC
+`go-plugin` is a Go (golang) plugin system over RPC. It is the plugin system
+that has been in use by HashiCorp tooling for over 4 years. While initially
+created for [Packer](, it is additionally in use by
+[Terraform](, [Nomad](, and
+While the plugin system is over RPC, it is currently only designed to work
+over a local [reliable] network. Plugins over a real network are not supported
+and will lead to unexpected behavior.
+This plugin system has been used on millions of machines across many different
+projects and has proven to be battle hardened and ready for production use.
+## Features
+The HashiCorp plugin system supports a number of features:
+**Plugins are Go interface implementations.** This makes writing and consuming
+plugins feel very natural. To a plugin author: you just implement an
+interface as if it were going to run in the same process. For a plugin user:
+you just use and call functions on an interface as if it were in the same
+process. This plugin system handles the communication in between.
+**Cross-language support.** Plugins can be written (and consumed) by
+almost every major language. This library supports serving plugins via
+[gRPC]( gRPC-based plugins enable plugins to be written
+in any language.
+**Complex arguments and return values are supported.** This library
+provides APIs for handling complex arguments and return values such
+as interfaces, `io.Reader/Writer`, etc. We do this by giving you a library
+(`MuxBroker`) for creating new connections between the client/server to
+serve additional interfaces or transfer raw data.
+**Bidirectional communication.** Because the plugin system supports
+complex arguments, the host process can send it interface implementations
+and the plugin can call back into the host process.
+**Built-in Logging.** Any plugins that use the `log` standard library
+will have log data automatically sent to the host process. The host
+process will mirror this output prefixed with the path to the plugin
+binary. This makes debugging with plugins simple. If the host system
+uses [hclog]( then the log data
+will be structured. If the plugin also uses hclog, logs from the plugin
+will be sent to the host hclog and be structured.
+**Protocol Versioning.** A very basic "protocol version" is supported that
+can be incremented to invalidate any previous plugins. This is useful when
+interface signatures are changing, protocol level changes are necessary,
+etc. When a protocol version is incompatible, a human friendly error
+message is shown to the end user.
+**Stdout/Stderr Syncing.** While plugins are subprocesses, they can continue
+to use stdout/stderr as usual and the output will get mirrored back to
+the host process. The host process can control what `io.Writer` these
+streams go to to prevent this from happening.
+**TTY Preservation.** Plugin subprocesses are connected to the identical
+stdin file descriptor as the host process, allowing software that requires
+a TTY to work. For example, a plugin can execute `ssh` and even though there
+are multiple subprocesses and RPC happening, it will look and act perfectly
+to the end user.
+**Host upgrade while a plugin is running.** Plugins can be "reattached"
+so that the host process can be upgraded while the plugin is still running.
+This requires the host/plugin to know this is possible and daemonize
+properly. `NewClient` takes a `ReattachConfig` to determine if and how to
+**Cryptographically Secure Plugins.** Plugins can be verified with an expected
+checksum and RPC communications can be configured to use TLS. The host process
+must be properly secured to protect this configuration.
+## Architecture
+The HashiCorp plugin system works by launching subprocesses and communicating
+over RPC (using standard `net/rpc` or [gRPC]( A single
+connection is made between any plugin and the host process. For net/rpc-based
+plugins, we use a [connection multiplexing](
+library to multiplex any other connections on top. For gRPC-based plugins,
+the HTTP2 protocol handles multiplexing.
+This architecture has a number of benefits:
+ * Plugins can't crash your host process: A panic in a plugin doesn't
+ panic the plugin user.
+ * Plugins are very easy to write: just write a Go application and `go build`.
+ Or use any other language to write a gRPC server with a tiny amount of
+ boilerplate to support go-plugin.
+ * Plugins are very easy to install: just put the binary in a location where
+ the host will find it (depends on the host but this library also provides
+ helpers), and the plugin host handles the rest.
+ * Plugins can be relatively secure: The plugin only has access to the
+ interfaces and args given to it, not to the entire memory space of the
+ process. Additionally, go-plugin can communicate with the plugin over
+ TLS.
+## Usage
+To use the plugin system, you must take the following steps. These are
+high-level steps that must be done. Examples are available in the
+`examples/` directory.
+ 1. Choose the interface(s) you want to expose for plugins.
+ 2. For each interface, implement an implementation of that interface
+ that communicates over a `net/rpc` connection or other a
+ [gRPC]( connection or both. You'll have to implement
+ both a client and server implementation.
+ 3. Create a `Plugin` implementation that knows how to create the RPC
+ client/server for a given plugin type.
+ 4. Plugin authors call `plugin.Serve` to serve a plugin from the
+ `main` function.
+ 5. Plugin users use `plugin.Client` to launch a subprocess and request
+ an interface implementation over RPC.
+That's it! In practice, step 2 is the most tedious and time consuming step.
+Even so, it isn't very difficult and you can see examples in the `examples/`
+directory as well as throughout our various open source projects.
+For complete API documentation, see [GoDoc](
+## Roadmap
+Our plugin system is constantly evolving. As we use the plugin system for
+new projects or for new features in existing projects, we constantly find
+improvements we can make.
+At this point in time, the roadmap for the plugin system is:
+**Semantic Versioning.** Plugins will be able to implement a semantic version.
+This plugin system will give host processes a system for constraining
+versions. This is in addition to the protocol versioning already present
+which is more for larger underlying changes.
+**Plugin fetching.** We will integrate with [go-getter](
+to support automatic download + install of plugins. Paired with cryptographically
+secure plugins (above), we can make this a safe operation for an amazing
+user experience.
+## What About Shared Libraries?
+When we started using plugins (late 2012, early 2013), plugins over RPC
+were the only option since Go didn't support dynamic library loading. Today,
+Go still doesn't support dynamic library loading, but they do intend to.
+Since 2012, our plugin system has stabilized from millions of users using it,
+and has many benefits we've come to value greatly.
+For example, we intend to use this plugin system in
+[Vault](, and dynamic library loading will
+simply never be acceptable in Vault for security reasons. That is an extreme
+example, but we believe our library system has more upsides than downsides
+over dynamic library loading and since we've had it built and tested for years,
+we'll likely continue to use it.
+Shared libraries have one major advantage over our system which is much
+higher performance. In real world scenarios across our various tools,
+we've never required any more performance out of our plugin system and it
+has seen very high throughput, so this isn't a concern for us at the moment.
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+package plugin
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "context"
+ "crypto/subtle"
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "hash"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "net"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ "unicode"
+ hclog ""
+// If this is 1, then we've called CleanupClients. This can be used
+// by plugin RPC implementations to change error behavior since you
+// can expected network connection errors at this point. This should be
+// read by using sync/atomic.
+var Killed uint32 = 0
+// This is a slice of the "managed" clients which are cleaned up when
+// calling Cleanup
+var managedClients = make([]*Client, 0, 5)
+var managedClientsLock sync.Mutex
+// Error types
+var (
+ // ErrProcessNotFound is returned when a client is instantiated to
+ // reattach to an existing process and it isn't found.
+ ErrProcessNotFound = errors.New("Reattachment process not found")
+ // ErrChecksumsDoNotMatch is returned when binary's checksum doesn't match
+ // the one provided in the SecureConfig.
+ ErrChecksumsDoNotMatch = errors.New("checksums did not match")
+ // ErrSecureNoChecksum is returned when an empty checksum is provided to the
+ // SecureConfig.
+ ErrSecureConfigNoChecksum = errors.New("no checksum provided")
+ // ErrSecureNoHash is returned when a nil Hash object is provided to the
+ // SecureConfig.
+ ErrSecureConfigNoHash = errors.New("no hash implementation provided")
+ // ErrSecureConfigAndReattach is returned when both Reattach and
+ // SecureConfig are set.
+ ErrSecureConfigAndReattach = errors.New("only one of Reattach or SecureConfig can be set")
+// Client handles the lifecycle of a plugin application. It launches
+// plugins, connects to them, dispenses interface implementations, and handles
+// killing the process.
+// Plugin hosts should use one Client for each plugin executable. To
+// dispense a plugin type, use the `Client.Client` function, and then
+// cal `Dispense`. This awkward API is mostly historical but is used to split
+// the client that deals with subprocess management and the client that
+// does RPC management.
+// See NewClient and ClientConfig for using a Client.
+type Client struct {
+ config *ClientConfig
+ exited bool
+ doneLogging chan struct{}
+ l sync.Mutex
+ address net.Addr
+ process *os.Process
+ client ClientProtocol
+ protocol Protocol
+ logger hclog.Logger
+ doneCtx context.Context
+// ClientConfig is the configuration used to initialize a new
+// plugin client. After being used to initialize a plugin client,
+// that configuration must not be modified again.
+type ClientConfig struct {
+ // HandshakeConfig is the configuration that must match servers.
+ HandshakeConfig
+ // Plugins are the plugins that can be consumed.
+ Plugins map[string]Plugin
+ // One of the following must be set, but not both.
+ //
+ // Cmd is the unstarted subprocess for starting the plugin. If this is
+ // set, then the Client starts the plugin process on its own and connects
+ // to it.
+ //
+ // Reattach is configuration for reattaching to an existing plugin process
+ // that is already running. This isn't common.
+ Cmd *exec.Cmd
+ Reattach *ReattachConfig
+ // SecureConfig is configuration for verifying the integrity of the
+ // executable. It can not be used with Reattach.
+ SecureConfig *SecureConfig
+ // TLSConfig is used to enable TLS on the RPC client.
+ TLSConfig *tls.Config
+ // Managed represents if the client should be managed by the
+ // plugin package or not. If true, then by calling CleanupClients,
+ // it will automatically be cleaned up. Otherwise, the client
+ // user is fully responsible for making sure to Kill all plugin
+ // clients. By default the client is _not_ managed.
+ Managed bool
+ // The minimum and maximum port to use for communicating with
+ // the subprocess. If not set, this defaults to 10,000 and 25,000
+ // respectively.
+ MinPort, MaxPort uint
+ // StartTimeout is the timeout to wait for the plugin to say it
+ // has started successfully.
+ StartTimeout time.Duration
+ // If non-nil, then the stderr of the client will be written to here
+ // (as well as the log). This is the original os.Stderr of the subprocess.
+ // This isn't the output of synced stderr.
+ Stderr io.Writer
+ // SyncStdout, SyncStderr can be set to override the
+ // respective os.Std* values in the plugin. Care should be taken to
+ // avoid races here. If these are nil, then this will automatically be
+ // hooked up to os.Stdin, Stdout, and Stderr, respectively.
+ //
+ // If the default values (nil) are used, then this package will not
+ // sync any of these streams.
+ SyncStdout io.Writer
+ SyncStderr io.Writer
+ // AllowedProtocols is a list of allowed protocols. If this isn't set,
+ // then only netrpc is allowed. This is so that older go-plugin systems
+ // can show friendly errors if they see a plugin with an unknown
+ // protocol.
+ //
+ // By setting this, you can cause an error immediately on plugin start
+ // if an unsupported protocol is used with a good error message.
+ //
+ // If this isn't set at all (nil value), then only net/rpc is accepted.
+ // This is done for legacy reasons. You must explicitly opt-in to
+ // new protocols.
+ AllowedProtocols []Protocol
+ // Logger is the logger that the client will used. If none is provided,
+ // it will default to hclog's default logger.
+ Logger hclog.Logger
+// ReattachConfig is used to configure a client to reattach to an
+// already-running plugin process. You can retrieve this information by
+// calling ReattachConfig on Client.
+type ReattachConfig struct {
+ Protocol Protocol
+ Addr net.Addr
+ Pid int
+// SecureConfig is used to configure a client to verify the integrity of an
+// executable before running. It does this by verifying the checksum is
+// expected. Hash is used to specify the hashing method to use when checksumming
+// the file. The configuration is verified by the client by calling the
+// SecureConfig.Check() function.
+// The host process should ensure the checksum was provided by a trusted and
+// authoritative source. The binary should be installed in such a way that it
+// can not be modified by an unauthorized user between the time of this check
+// and the time of execution.
+type SecureConfig struct {
+ Checksum []byte
+ Hash hash.Hash
+// Check takes the filepath to an executable and returns true if the checksum of
+// the file matches the checksum provided in the SecureConfig.
+func (s *SecureConfig) Check(filePath string) (bool, error) {
+ if len(s.Checksum) == 0 {
+ return false, ErrSecureConfigNoChecksum
+ }
+ if s.Hash == nil {
+ return false, ErrSecureConfigNoHash
+ }
+ file, err := os.Open(filePath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ defer file.Close()
+ _, err = io.Copy(s.Hash, file)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ sum := s.Hash.Sum(nil)
+ return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sum, s.Checksum) == 1, nil
+// This makes sure all the managed subprocesses are killed and properly
+// logged. This should be called before the parent process running the
+// plugins exits.
+// This must only be called _once_.
+func CleanupClients() {
+ // Set the killed to true so that we don't get unexpected panics
+ atomic.StoreUint32(&Killed, 1)
+ // Kill all the managed clients in parallel and use a WaitGroup
+ // to wait for them all to finish up.
+ var wg sync.WaitGroup
+ managedClientsLock.Lock()
+ for _, client := range managedClients {
+ wg.Add(1)
+ go func(client *Client) {
+ client.Kill()
+ wg.Done()
+ }(client)
+ }
+ managedClientsLock.Unlock()
+ wg.Wait()
+// Creates a new plugin client which manages the lifecycle of an external
+// plugin and gets the address for the RPC connection.
+// The client must be cleaned up at some point by calling Kill(). If
+// the client is a managed client (created with NewManagedClient) you
+// can just call CleanupClients at the end of your program and they will
+// be properly cleaned.
+func NewClient(config *ClientConfig) (c *Client) {
+ if config.MinPort == 0 && config.MaxPort == 0 {
+ config.MinPort = 10000
+ config.MaxPort = 25000
+ }
+ if config.StartTimeout == 0 {
+ config.StartTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
+ }
+ if config.Stderr == nil {
+ config.Stderr = ioutil.Discard
+ }
+ if config.SyncStdout == nil {
+ config.SyncStdout = ioutil.Discard
+ }
+ if config.SyncStderr == nil {
+ config.SyncStderr = ioutil.Discard
+ }
+ if config.AllowedProtocols == nil {
+ config.AllowedProtocols = []Protocol{ProtocolNetRPC}
+ }
+ if config.Logger == nil {
+ config.Logger = hclog.New(&hclog.LoggerOptions{
+ Output: hclog.DefaultOutput,
+ Level: hclog.Trace,
+ Name: "plugin",
+ })
+ }
+ c = &Client{
+ config: config,
+ logger: config.Logger,
+ }
+ if config.Managed {
+ managedClientsLock.Lock()
+ managedClients = append(managedClients, c)
+ managedClientsLock.Unlock()
+ }
+ return
+// Client returns the protocol client for this connection.
+// Subsequent calls to this will return the same client.
+func (c *Client) Client() (ClientProtocol, error) {
+ _, err := c.Start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ c.l.Lock()
+ defer c.l.Unlock()
+ if c.client != nil {
+ return c.client, nil
+ }
+ switch c.protocol {
+ case ProtocolNetRPC:
+ c.client, err = newRPCClient(c)
+ case ProtocolGRPC:
+ c.client, err = newGRPCClient(c.doneCtx, c)
+ default:
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown server protocol: %s", c.protocol)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ c.client = nil
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return c.client, nil
+// Tells whether or not the underlying process has exited.
+func (c *Client) Exited() bool {
+ c.l.Lock()
+ defer c.l.Unlock()
+ return c.exited
+// End the executing subprocess (if it is running) and perform any cleanup
+// tasks necessary such as capturing any remaining logs and so on.
+// This method blocks until the process successfully exits.
+// This method can safely be called multiple times.
+func (c *Client) Kill() {
+ // Grab a lock to read some private fields.
+ c.l.Lock()
+ process := c.process
+ addr := c.address
+ doneCh := c.doneLogging
+ c.l.Unlock()
+ // If there is no process, we never started anything. Nothing to kill.
+ if process == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // We need to check for address here. It is possible that the plugin
+ // started (process != nil) but has no address (addr == nil) if the
+ // plugin failed at startup. If we do have an address, we need to close
+ // the plugin net connections.
+ graceful := false
+ if addr != nil {
+ // Close the client to cleanly exit the process.
+ client, err := c.Client()
+ if err == nil {
+ err = client.Close()
+ // If there is no error, then we attempt to wait for a graceful
+ // exit. If there was an error, we assume that graceful cleanup
+ // won't happen and just force kill.
+ graceful = err == nil
+ if err != nil {
+ // If there was an error just log it. We're going to force
+ // kill in a moment anyways.
+ c.logger.Warn("error closing client during Kill", "err", err)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we're attempting a graceful exit, then we wait for a short period
+ // of time to allow that to happen. To wait for this we just wait on the
+ // doneCh which would be closed if the process exits.
+ if graceful {
+ select {
+ case <-doneCh:
+ return
+ case <-time.After(250 * time.Millisecond):
+ }
+ }
+ // If graceful exiting failed, just kill it
+ process.Kill()
+ // Wait for the client to finish logging so we have a complete log
+ <-doneCh
+// Starts the underlying subprocess, communicating with it to negotiate
+// a port for RPC connections, and returning the address to connect via RPC.
+// This method is safe to call multiple times. Subsequent calls have no effect.
+// Once a client has been started once, it cannot be started again, even if
+// it was killed.
+func (c *Client) Start() (addr net.Addr, err error) {
+ c.l.Lock()
+ defer c.l.Unlock()
+ if c.address != nil {
+ return c.address, nil
+ }
+ // If one of cmd or reattach isn't set, then it is an error. We wrap
+ // this in a {} for scoping reasons, and hopeful that the escape
+ // analysis will pop the stock here.
+ {
+ cmdSet := c.config.Cmd != nil
+ attachSet := c.config.Reattach != nil
+ secureSet := c.config.SecureConfig != nil
+ if cmdSet == attachSet {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Only one of Cmd or Reattach must be set")
+ }
+ if secureSet && attachSet {
+ return nil, ErrSecureConfigAndReattach
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the logging channel for when we kill
+ c.doneLogging = make(chan struct{})
+ // Create a context for when we kill
+ var ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
+ c.doneCtx, ctxCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+ if c.config.Reattach != nil {
+ // Verify the process still exists. If not, then it is an error
+ p, err := os.FindProcess(c.config.Reattach.Pid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Attempt to connect to the addr since on Unix systems FindProcess
+ // doesn't actually return an error if it can't find the process.
+ conn, err := net.Dial(
+ c.config.Reattach.Addr.Network(),
+ c.config.Reattach.Addr.String())
+ if err != nil {
+ p.Kill()
+ return nil, ErrProcessNotFound
+ }
+ conn.Close()
+ // Goroutine to mark exit status
+ go func(pid int) {
+ // Wait for the process to die
+ pidWait(pid)
+ // Log so we can see it
+ c.logger.Debug("reattached plugin process exited")
+ // Mark it
+ c.l.Lock()
+ defer c.l.Unlock()
+ c.exited = true
+ // Close the logging channel since that doesn't work on reattach
+ close(c.doneLogging)
+ // Cancel the context
+ ctxCancel()
+ }(p.Pid)
+ // Set the address and process
+ c.address = c.config.Reattach.Addr
+ c.process = p
+ c.protocol = c.config.Reattach.Protocol
+ if c.protocol == "" {
+ // Default the protocol to net/rpc for backwards compatibility
+ c.protocol = ProtocolNetRPC
+ }
+ return c.address, nil
+ }
+ env := []string{
+ fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", c.config.MagicCookieKey, c.config.MagicCookieValue),
+ fmt.Sprintf("PLUGIN_MIN_PORT=%d", c.config.MinPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("PLUGIN_MAX_PORT=%d", c.config.MaxPort),
+ }
+ stdout_r, stdout_w := io.Pipe()
+ stderr_r, stderr_w := io.Pipe()
+ cmd := c.config.Cmd
+ cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, os.Environ()...)
+ cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, env...)
+ cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
+ cmd.Stderr = stderr_w
+ cmd.Stdout = stdout_w
+ if c.config.SecureConfig != nil {
+ if ok, err := c.config.SecureConfig.Check(cmd.Path); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error verifying checksum: %s", err)
+ } else if !ok {
+ return nil, ErrChecksumsDoNotMatch
+ }
+ }
+ c.logger.Debug("starting plugin", "path", cmd.Path, "args", cmd.Args)
+ err = cmd.Start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // Set the process
+ c.process = cmd.Process
+ // Make sure the command is properly cleaned up if there is an error
+ defer func() {
+ r := recover()
+ if err != nil || r != nil {
+ cmd.Process.Kill()
+ }
+ if r != nil {
+ panic(r)
+ }
+ }()
+ // Start goroutine to wait for process to exit
+ exitCh := make(chan struct{})
+ go func() {
+ // Make sure we close the write end of our stderr/stdout so
+ // that the readers send EOF properly.
+ defer stderr_w.Close()
+ defer stdout_w.Close()
+ // Wait for the command to end.
+ cmd.Wait()
+ // Log and make sure to flush the logs write away
+ c.logger.Debug("plugin process exited", "path", cmd.Path)
+ os.Stderr.Sync()
+ // Mark that we exited
+ close(exitCh)
+ // Cancel the context, marking that we exited
+ ctxCancel()
+ // Set that we exited, which takes a lock
+ c.l.Lock()
+ defer c.l.Unlock()
+ c.exited = true
+ }()
+ // Start goroutine that logs the stderr
+ go c.logStderr(stderr_r)
+ // Start a goroutine that is going to be reading the lines
+ // out of stdout
+ linesCh := make(chan []byte)
+ go func() {
+ defer close(linesCh)
+ buf := bufio.NewReader(stdout_r)
+ for {
+ line, err := buf.ReadBytes('\n')
+ if line != nil {
+ linesCh <- line
+ }
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ // Make sure after we exit we read the lines from stdout forever
+ // so they don't block since it is an io.Pipe
+ defer func() {
+ go func() {
+ for _ = range linesCh {
+ }
+ }()
+ }()
+ // Some channels for the next step
+ timeout := time.After(c.config.StartTimeout)
+ // Start looking for the address
+ c.logger.Debug("waiting for RPC address", "path", cmd.Path)
+ select {
+ case <-timeout:
+ err = errors.New("timeout while waiting for plugin to start")
+ case <-exitCh:
+ err = errors.New("plugin exited before we could connect")
+ case lineBytes := <-linesCh:
+ // Trim the line and split by "|" in order to get the parts of
+ // the output.
+ line := strings.TrimSpace(string(lineBytes))
+ parts := strings.SplitN(line, "|", 6)
+ if len(parts) < 4 {
+ err = fmt.Errorf(
+ "Unrecognized remote plugin message: %s\n\n"+
+ "This usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\n"+
+ "needs to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.", line)
+ return
+ }
+ // Check the core protocol. Wrapped in a {} for scoping.
+ {
+ var coreProtocol int64
+ coreProtocol, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Error parsing core protocol version: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ if int(coreProtocol) != CoreProtocolVersion {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Incompatible core API version with plugin. "+
+ "Plugin version: %s, Core version: %d\n\n"+
+ "To fix this, the plugin usually only needs to be recompiled.\n"+
+ "Please report this to the plugin author.", parts[0], CoreProtocolVersion)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse the protocol version
+ var protocol int64
+ protocol, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Error parsing protocol version: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ // Test the API version
+ if uint(protocol) != c.config.ProtocolVersion {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Incompatible API version with plugin. "+
+ "Plugin version: %s, Core version: %d", parts[1], c.config.ProtocolVersion)
+ return
+ }
+ switch parts[2] {
+ case "tcp":
+ addr, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", parts[3])
+ case "unix":
+ addr, err = net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", parts[3])
+ default:
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Unknown address type: %s", parts[3])
+ }
+ // If we have a server type, then record that. We default to net/rpc
+ // for backwards compatibility.
+ c.protocol = ProtocolNetRPC
+ if len(parts) >= 5 {
+ c.protocol = Protocol(parts[4])
+ }
+ found := false
+ for _, p := range c.config.AllowedProtocols {
+ if p == c.protocol {
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Unsupported plugin protocol %q. Supported: %v",
+ c.protocol, c.config.AllowedProtocols)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ c.address = addr
+ return
+// ReattachConfig returns the information that must be provided to NewClient
+// to reattach to the plugin process that this client started. This is
+// useful for plugins that detach from their parent process.
+// If this returns nil then the process hasn't been started yet. Please
+// call Start or Client before calling this.
+func (c *Client) ReattachConfig() *ReattachConfig {
+ c.l.Lock()
+ defer c.l.Unlock()
+ if c.address == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if c.config.Cmd != nil && c.config.Cmd.Process == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // If we connected via reattach, just return the information as-is
+ if c.config.Reattach != nil {
+ return c.config.Reattach
+ }
+ return &ReattachConfig{
+ Protocol: c.protocol,
+ Addr: c.address,
+ Pid: c.config.Cmd.Process.Pid,
+ }
+// Protocol returns the protocol of server on the remote end. This will
+// start the plugin process if it isn't already started. Errors from
+// starting the plugin are surpressed and ProtocolInvalid is returned. It
+// is recommended you call Start explicitly before calling Protocol to ensure
+// no errors occur.
+func (c *Client) Protocol() Protocol {
+ _, err := c.Start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return ProtocolInvalid
+ }
+ return c.protocol
+func netAddrDialer(addr net.Addr) func(string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
+ return func(_ string, _ time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
+ // Connect to the client
+ conn, err := net.Dial(addr.Network(), addr.String())
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if tcpConn, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
+ // Make sure to set keep alive so that the connection doesn't die
+ tcpConn.SetKeepAlive(true)
+ }
+ return conn, nil
+ }
+// dialer is compatible with grpc.WithDialer and creates the connection
+// to the plugin.
+func (c *Client) dialer(_ string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
+ conn, err := netAddrDialer(c.address)("", timeout)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // If we have a TLS config we wrap our connection. We only do this
+ // for net/rpc since gRPC uses its own mechanism for TLS.
+ if c.protocol == ProtocolNetRPC && c.config.TLSConfig != nil {
+ conn = tls.Client(conn, c.config.TLSConfig)
+ }
+ return conn, nil
+func (c *Client) logStderr(r io.Reader) {
+ bufR := bufio.NewReader(r)
+ l := c.logger.Named(filepath.Base(c.config.Cmd.Path))
+ for {
+ line, err := bufR.ReadString('\n')
+ if line != "" {
+ c.config.Stderr.Write([]byte(line))
+ line = strings.TrimRightFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace)
+ entry, err := parseJSON(line)
+ // If output is not JSON format, print directly to Debug
+ if err != nil {
+ l.Debug(line)
+ } else {
+ out := flattenKVPairs(entry.KVPairs)
+ out = append(out, "timestamp", entry.Timestamp.Format(hclog.TimeFormat))
+ switch hclog.LevelFromString(entry.Level) {
+ case hclog.Trace:
+ l.Trace(entry.Message, out...)
+ case hclog.Debug:
+ l.Debug(entry.Message, out...)
+ case hclog.Info:
+ l.Info(entry.Message, out...)
+ case hclog.Warn:
+ l.Warn(entry.Message, out...)
+ case hclog.Error:
+ l.Error(entry.Message, out...)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Flag that we've completed logging for others
+ close(c.doneLogging)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d22c566ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "path/filepath"
+// Discover discovers plugins that are in a given directory.
+// The directory doesn't need to be absolute. For example, "." will work fine.
+// This currently assumes any file matching the glob is a plugin.
+// In the future this may be smarter about checking that a file is
+// executable and so on.
+// TODO: test
+func Discover(glob, dir string) ([]string, error) {
+ var err error
+ // Make the directory absolute if it isn't already
+ if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
+ dir, err = filepath.Abs(dir)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dir, glob))
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22a7baa6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package plugin
+// This is a type that wraps error types so that they can be messaged
+// across RPC channels. Since "error" is an interface, we can't always
+// gob-encode the underlying structure. This is a valid error interface
+// implementer that we will push across.
+type BasicError struct {
+ Message string
+// NewBasicError is used to create a BasicError.
+// err is allowed to be nil.
+func NewBasicError(err error) *BasicError {
+ if err == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return &BasicError{err.Error()}
+func (e *BasicError) Error() string {
+ return e.Message
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49fd21c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "context"
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "net"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// streamer interface is used in the broker to send/receive connection
+// information.
+type streamer interface {
+ Send(*ConnInfo) error
+ Recv() (*ConnInfo, error)
+ Close()
+// sendErr is used to pass errors back during a send.
+type sendErr struct {
+ i *ConnInfo
+ ch chan error
+// gRPCBrokerServer is used by the plugin to start a stream and to send
+// connection information to/from the plugin. Implements GRPCBrokerServer and
+// streamer interfaces.
+type gRPCBrokerServer struct {
+ // send is used to send connection info to the gRPC stream.
+ send chan *sendErr
+ // recv is used to receive connection info from the gRPC stream.
+ recv chan *ConnInfo
+ // quit closes down the stream.
+ quit chan struct{}
+ // o is used to ensure we close the quit channel only once.
+ o sync.Once
+func newGRPCBrokerServer() *gRPCBrokerServer {
+ return &gRPCBrokerServer{
+ send: make(chan *sendErr),
+ recv: make(chan *ConnInfo),
+ quit: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+// StartStream implements the GRPCBrokerServer interface and will block until
+// the quit channel is closed or the context reports Done. The stream will pass
+// connection information to/from the client.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerServer) StartStream(stream GRPCBroker_StartStreamServer) error {
+ doneCh := stream.Context().Done()
+ defer s.Close()
+ // Proccess send stream
+ go func() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-doneCh:
+ return
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return
+ case se := <-s.send:
+ err := stream.Send(se.i)
+ <- err
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ // Process receive stream
+ for {
+ i, err := stream.Recv()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-doneCh:
+ return nil
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return nil
+ case s.recv <- i:
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Send is used by the GRPCBroker to pass connection information into the stream
+// to the client.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerServer) Send(i *ConnInfo) error {
+ ch := make(chan error)
+ defer close(ch)
+ select {
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return errors.New("broker closed")
+ case s.send <- &sendErr{
+ i: i,
+ ch: ch,
+ }:
+ }
+ return <-ch
+// Recv is used by the GRPCBroker to pass connection information that has been
+// sent from the client from the stream to the broker.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerServer) Recv() (*ConnInfo, error) {
+ select {
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return nil, errors.New("broker closed")
+ case i := <-s.recv:
+ return i, nil
+ }
+// Close closes the quit channel, shutting down the stream.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerServer) Close() {
+ s.o.Do(func() {
+ close(s.quit)
+ })
+// gRPCBrokerClientImpl is used by the client to start a stream and to send
+// connection information to/from the client. Implements GRPCBrokerClient and
+// streamer interfaces.
+type gRPCBrokerClientImpl struct {
+ // client is the underlying GRPC client used to make calls to the server.
+ client GRPCBrokerClient
+ // send is used to send connection info to the gRPC stream.
+ send chan *sendErr
+ // recv is used to receive connection info from the gRPC stream.
+ recv chan *ConnInfo
+ // quit closes down the stream.
+ quit chan struct{}
+ // o is used to ensure we close the quit channel only once.
+ o sync.Once
+func newGRPCBrokerClient(conn *grpc.ClientConn) *gRPCBrokerClientImpl {
+ return &gRPCBrokerClientImpl{
+ client: NewGRPCBrokerClient(conn),
+ send: make(chan *sendErr),
+ recv: make(chan *ConnInfo),
+ quit: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+// StartStream implements the GRPCBrokerClient interface and will block until
+// the quit channel is closed or the context reports Done. The stream will pass
+// connection information to/from the plugin.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerClientImpl) StartStream() error {
+ ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+ defer cancelFunc()
+ defer s.Close()
+ stream, err := s.client.StartStream(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ doneCh := stream.Context().Done()
+ go func() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-doneCh:
+ return
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return
+ case se := <-s.send:
+ err := stream.Send(se.i)
+ <- err
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ for {
+ i, err := stream.Recv()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-doneCh:
+ return nil
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return nil
+ case s.recv <- i:
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Send is used by the GRPCBroker to pass connection information into the stream
+// to the plugin.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerClientImpl) Send(i *ConnInfo) error {
+ ch := make(chan error)
+ defer close(ch)
+ select {
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return errors.New("broker closed")
+ case s.send <- &sendErr{
+ i: i,
+ ch: ch,
+ }:
+ }
+ return <-ch
+// Recv is used by the GRPCBroker to pass connection information that has been
+// sent from the plugin to the broker.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerClientImpl) Recv() (*ConnInfo, error) {
+ select {
+ case <-s.quit:
+ return nil, errors.New("broker closed")
+ case i := <-s.recv:
+ return i, nil
+ }
+// Close closes the quit channel, shutting down the stream.
+func (s *gRPCBrokerClientImpl) Close() {
+ s.o.Do(func() {
+ close(s.quit)
+ })
+// GRPCBroker is responsible for brokering connections by unique ID.
+// It is used by plugins to create multiple gRPC connections and data
+// streams between the plugin process and the host process.
+// This allows a plugin to request a channel with a specific ID to connect to
+// or accept a connection from, and the broker handles the details of
+// holding these channels open while they're being negotiated.
+// The Plugin interface has access to these for both Server and Client.
+// The broker can be used by either (optionally) to reserve and connect to
+// new streams. This is useful for complex args and return values,
+// or anything else you might need a data stream for.
+type GRPCBroker struct {
+ nextId uint32
+ streamer streamer
+ streams map[uint32]*gRPCBrokerPending
+ tls *tls.Config
+ doneCh chan struct{}
+ o sync.Once
+ sync.Mutex
+type gRPCBrokerPending struct {
+ ch chan *ConnInfo
+ doneCh chan struct{}
+func newGRPCBroker(s streamer, tls *tls.Config) *GRPCBroker {
+ return &GRPCBroker{
+ streamer: s,
+ streams: make(map[uint32]*gRPCBrokerPending),
+ tls: tls,
+ doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+// Accept accepts a connection by ID.
+// This should not be called multiple times with the same ID at one time.
+func (b *GRPCBroker) Accept(id uint32) (net.Listener, error) {
+ listener, err := serverListener()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ err = b.streamer.Send(&ConnInfo{
+ ServiceId: id,
+ Network: listener.Addr().Network(),
+ Address: listener.Addr().String(),
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return listener, nil
+// AcceptAndServe is used to accept a specific stream ID and immediately
+// serve a gRPC server on that stream ID. This is used to easily serve
+// complex arguments. Each AcceptAndServe call opens a new listener socket and
+// sends the connection info down the stream to the dialer. Since a new
+// connection is opened every call, these calls should be used sparingly.
+// Multiple gRPC server implementations can be registered to a single
+// AcceptAndServe call.
+func (b *GRPCBroker) AcceptAndServe(id uint32, s func([]grpc.ServerOption) *grpc.Server) {
+ listener, err := b.Accept(id)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("[ERR] plugin: plugin acceptAndServe error: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ defer listener.Close()
+ var opts []grpc.ServerOption
+ if b.tls != nil {
+ opts = []grpc.ServerOption{grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(b.tls))}
+ }
+ server := s(opts)
+ // Here we use a run group to close this goroutine if the server is shutdown
+ // or the broker is shutdown.
+ var g run.Group
+ {
+ // Serve on the listener, if shutting down call GracefulStop.
+ g.Add(func() error {
+ return server.Serve(listener)
+ }, func(err error) {
+ server.GracefulStop()
+ })
+ }
+ {
+ // block on the closeCh or the doneCh. If we are shutting down close the
+ // closeCh.
+ closeCh := make(chan struct{})
+ g.Add(func() error {
+ select {
+ case <-b.doneCh:
+ case <-closeCh:
+ }
+ return nil
+ }, func(err error) {
+ close(closeCh)
+ })
+ }
+ // Block until we are done
+ g.Run()
+// Close closes the stream and all servers.
+func (b *GRPCBroker) Close() error {
+ b.streamer.Close()
+ b.o.Do(func() {
+ close(b.doneCh)
+ })
+ return nil
+// Dial opens a connection by ID.
+func (b *GRPCBroker) Dial(id uint32) (conn *grpc.ClientConn, err error) {
+ var c *ConnInfo
+ // Open the stream
+ p := b.getStream(id)
+ select {
+ case c = <
+ close(p.doneCh)
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting for connection info")
+ }
+ var addr net.Addr
+ switch c.Network {
+ case "tcp":
+ addr, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", c.Address)
+ case "unix":
+ addr, err = net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", c.Address)
+ default:
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Unknown address type: %s", c.Address)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return dialGRPCConn(b.tls, netAddrDialer(addr))
+// NextId returns a unique ID to use next.
+// It is possible for very long-running plugin hosts to wrap this value,
+// though it would require a very large amount of calls. In practice
+// we've never seen it happen.
+func (m *GRPCBroker) NextId() uint32 {
+ return atomic.AddUint32(&m.nextId, 1)
+// Run starts the brokering and should be executed in a goroutine, since it
+// blocks forever, or until the session closes.
+// Uses of GRPCBroker never need to call this. It is called internally by
+// the plugin host/client.
+func (m *GRPCBroker) Run() {
+ for {
+ stream, err := m.streamer.Recv()
+ if err != nil {
+ // Once we receive an error, just exit
+ break
+ }
+ // Initialize the waiter
+ p := m.getStream(stream.ServiceId)
+ select {
+ case <- stream:
+ default:
+ }
+ go m.timeoutWait(stream.ServiceId, p)
+ }
+func (m *GRPCBroker) getStream(id uint32) *gRPCBrokerPending {
+ m.Lock()
+ defer m.Unlock()
+ p, ok := m.streams[id]
+ if ok {
+ return p
+ }
+ m.streams[id] = &gRPCBrokerPending{
+ ch: make(chan *ConnInfo, 1),
+ doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+ return m.streams[id]
+func (m *GRPCBroker) timeoutWait(id uint32, p *gRPCBrokerPending) {
+ // Wait for the stream to either be picked up and connected, or
+ // for a timeout.
+ select {
+ case <-p.doneCh:
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ }
+ m.Lock()
+ defer m.Unlock()
+ // Delete the stream so no one else can grab it
+ delete(m.streams, id)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d490dafba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
+// source: grpc_broker.proto
+Package plugin is a generated protocol buffer package.
+It is generated from these files:
+ grpc_broker.proto
+It has these top-level messages:
+ ConnInfo
+package plugin
+import proto ""
+import fmt "fmt"
+import math "math"
+import (
+ context ""
+ grpc ""
+// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
+var _ = proto.Marshal
+var _ = fmt.Errorf
+var _ = math.Inf
+// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
+// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
+// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
+// proto package needs to be updated.
+const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion2 // please upgrade the proto package
+type ConnInfo struct {
+ ServiceId uint32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=service_id,json=serviceId" json:"service_id,omitempty"`
+ Network string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=network" json:"network,omitempty"`
+ Address string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=address" json:"address,omitempty"`
+func (m *ConnInfo) Reset() { *m = ConnInfo{} }
+func (m *ConnInfo) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
+func (*ConnInfo) ProtoMessage() {}
+func (*ConnInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor0, []int{0} }
+func (m *ConnInfo) GetServiceId() uint32 {
+ if m != nil {
+ return m.ServiceId
+ }
+ return 0
+func (m *ConnInfo) GetNetwork() string {
+ if m != nil {
+ return m.Network
+ }
+ return ""
+func (m *ConnInfo) GetAddress() string {
+ if m != nil {
+ return m.Address
+ }
+ return ""
+func init() {
+ proto.RegisterType((*ConnInfo)(nil), "plugin.ConnInfo")
+// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
+var _ context.Context
+var _ grpc.ClientConn
+// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
+// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
+const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion4
+// Client API for GRPCBroker service
+type GRPCBrokerClient interface {
+ StartStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (GRPCBroker_StartStreamClient, error)
+type gRPCBrokerClient struct {
+ cc *grpc.ClientConn
+func NewGRPCBrokerClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) GRPCBrokerClient {
+ return &gRPCBrokerClient{cc}
+func (c *gRPCBrokerClient) StartStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (GRPCBroker_StartStreamClient, error) {
+ stream, err := grpc.NewClientStream(ctx, &_GRPCBroker_serviceDesc.Streams[0],, "/plugin.GRPCBroker/StartStream", opts...)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ x := &gRPCBrokerStartStreamClient{stream}
+ return x, nil
+type GRPCBroker_StartStreamClient interface {
+ Send(*ConnInfo) error
+ Recv() (*ConnInfo, error)
+ grpc.ClientStream
+type gRPCBrokerStartStreamClient struct {
+ grpc.ClientStream
+func (x *gRPCBrokerStartStreamClient) Send(m *ConnInfo) error {
+ return x.ClientStream.SendMsg(m)
+func (x *gRPCBrokerStartStreamClient) Recv() (*ConnInfo, error) {
+ m := new(ConnInfo)
+ if err := x.ClientStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return m, nil
+// Server API for GRPCBroker service
+type GRPCBrokerServer interface {
+ StartStream(GRPCBroker_StartStreamServer) error
+func RegisterGRPCBrokerServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GRPCBrokerServer) {
+ s.RegisterService(&_GRPCBroker_serviceDesc, srv)
+func _GRPCBroker_StartStream_Handler(srv interface{}, stream grpc.ServerStream) error {
+ return srv.(GRPCBrokerServer).StartStream(&gRPCBrokerStartStreamServer{stream})
+type GRPCBroker_StartStreamServer interface {
+ Send(*ConnInfo) error
+ Recv() (*ConnInfo, error)
+ grpc.ServerStream
+type gRPCBrokerStartStreamServer struct {
+ grpc.ServerStream
+func (x *gRPCBrokerStartStreamServer) Send(m *ConnInfo) error {
+ return x.ServerStream.SendMsg(m)
+func (x *gRPCBrokerStartStreamServer) Recv() (*ConnInfo, error) {
+ m := new(ConnInfo)
+ if err := x.ServerStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return m, nil
+var _GRPCBroker_serviceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
+ ServiceName: "plugin.GRPCBroker",
+ HandlerType: (*GRPCBrokerServer)(nil),
+ Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{},
+ Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
+ {
+ StreamName: "StartStream",
+ Handler: _GRPCBroker_StartStream_Handler,
+ ServerStreams: true,
+ ClientStreams: true,
+ },
+ },
+ Metadata: "grpc_broker.proto",
+func init() { proto.RegisterFile("grpc_broker.proto", fileDescriptor0) }
+var fileDescriptor0 = []byte{
+ // 170 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
+ 0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x4c, 0x2f, 0x2a, 0x48,
+ 0x8e, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0xca, 0xcf, 0x4e, 0x2d, 0xd2, 0x2b, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x17, 0x62, 0x2b,
+ 0xc8, 0x29, 0x4d, 0xcf, 0xcc, 0x53, 0x8a, 0xe5, 0xe2, 0x70, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xcb, 0xf3, 0xcc, 0x4b,
+ 0xcb, 0x17, 0x92, 0xe5, 0xe2, 0x2a, 0x4e, 0x2d, 0x2a, 0xcb, 0x4c, 0x4e, 0x8d, 0xcf, 0x4c, 0x91,
+ 0x60, 0x54, 0x60, 0xd4, 0xe0, 0x0d, 0xe2, 0x84, 0x8a, 0x78, 0xa6, 0x08, 0x49, 0x70, 0xb1, 0xe7,
+ 0xa5, 0x96, 0x94, 0xe7, 0x17, 0x65, 0x4b, 0x30, 0x29, 0x30, 0x6a, 0x70, 0x06, 0xc1, 0xb8, 0x20,
+ 0x99, 0xc4, 0x94, 0x94, 0xa2, 0xd4, 0xe2, 0x62, 0x09, 0x66, 0x88, 0x0c, 0x94, 0x6b, 0xe4, 0xcc,
+ 0xc5, 0xe5, 0x1e, 0x14, 0xe0, 0xec, 0x04, 0xb6, 0x5a, 0xc8, 0x94, 0x8b, 0x3b, 0xb8, 0x24, 0xb1,
+ 0xa8, 0x24, 0xb8, 0xa4, 0x28, 0x35, 0x31, 0x57, 0x48, 0x40, 0x0f, 0xe2, 0x08, 0x3d, 0x98, 0x0b,
+ 0xa4, 0x30, 0x44, 0x34, 0x18, 0x0d, 0x18, 0x93, 0xd8, 0xc0, 0x4e, 0x36, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x7b, 0x5d, 0xfb, 0xe1, 0xc7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f57834856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package plugin;
+message ConnInfo {
+ uint32 service_id = 1;
+ string network = 2;
+ string address = 3;
+service GRPCBroker {
+ rpc StartStream(stream ConnInfo) returns (stream ConnInfo);
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44294d0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "fmt"
+ "net"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func dialGRPCConn(tls *tls.Config, dialer func(string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
+ // Build dialing options.
+ opts := make([]grpc.DialOption, 0, 5)
+ // We use a custom dialer so that we can connect over unix domain sockets
+ opts = append(opts, grpc.WithDialer(dialer))
+ // go-plugin expects to block the connection
+ opts = append(opts, grpc.WithBlock())
+ // Fail right away
+ opts = append(opts, grpc.FailOnNonTempDialError(true))
+ // If we have no TLS configuration set, we need to explicitly tell grpc
+ // that we're connecting with an insecure connection.
+ if tls == nil {
+ opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure())
+ } else {
+ opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(
+ credentials.NewTLS(tls)))
+ }
+ // Connect. Note the first parameter is unused because we use a custom
+ // dialer that has the state to see the address.
+ conn, err := grpc.Dial("unused", opts...)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return conn, nil
+// newGRPCClient creates a new GRPCClient. The Client argument is expected
+// to be successfully started already with a lock held.
+func newGRPCClient(doneCtx context.Context, c *Client) (*GRPCClient, error) {
+ conn, err := dialGRPCConn(c.config.TLSConfig, c.dialer)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Start the broker.
+ brokerGRPCClient := newGRPCBrokerClient(conn)
+ broker := newGRPCBroker(brokerGRPCClient, c.config.TLSConfig)
+ go broker.Run()
+ go brokerGRPCClient.StartStream()
+ return &GRPCClient{
+ Conn: conn,
+ Plugins: c.config.Plugins,
+ doneCtx: doneCtx,
+ broker: broker,
+ }, nil
+// GRPCClient connects to a GRPCServer over gRPC to dispense plugin types.
+type GRPCClient struct {
+ Conn *grpc.ClientConn
+ Plugins map[string]Plugin
+ doneCtx context.Context
+ broker *GRPCBroker
+// ClientProtocol impl.
+func (c *GRPCClient) Close() error {
+ return c.Conn.Close()
+// ClientProtocol impl.
+func (c *GRPCClient) Dispense(name string) (interface{}, error) {
+ raw, ok := c.Plugins[name]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown plugin type: %s", name)
+ }
+ p, ok := raw.(GRPCPlugin)
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("plugin %q doesn't support gRPC", name)
+ }
+ return p.GRPCClient(c.doneCtx,, c.Conn)
+// ClientProtocol impl.
+func (c *GRPCClient) Ping() error {
+ client := grpc_health_v1.NewHealthClient(c.Conn)
+ _, err := client.Check(context.Background(), &grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckRequest{
+ Service: GRPCServiceName,
+ })
+ return err
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a727393c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// GRPCServiceName is the name of the service that the health check should
+// return as passing.
+const GRPCServiceName = "plugin"
+// DefaultGRPCServer can be used with the "GRPCServer" field for Server
+// as a default factory method to create a gRPC server with no extra options.
+func DefaultGRPCServer(opts []grpc.ServerOption) *grpc.Server {
+ return grpc.NewServer(opts...)
+// GRPCServer is a ServerType implementation that serves plugins over
+// gRPC. This allows plugins to easily be written for other languages.
+// The GRPCServer outputs a custom configuration as a base64-encoded
+// JSON structure represented by the GRPCServerConfig config structure.
+type GRPCServer struct {
+ // Plugins are the list of plugins to serve.
+ Plugins map[string]Plugin
+ // Server is the actual server that will accept connections. This
+ // will be used for plugin registration as well.
+ Server func([]grpc.ServerOption) *grpc.Server
+ // TLS should be the TLS configuration if available. If this is nil,
+ // the connection will not have transport security.
+ TLS *tls.Config
+ // DoneCh is the channel that is closed when this server has exited.
+ DoneCh chan struct{}
+ // Stdout/StderrLis are the readers for stdout/stderr that will be copied
+ // to the stdout/stderr connection that is output.
+ Stdout io.Reader
+ Stderr io.Reader
+ config GRPCServerConfig
+ server *grpc.Server
+ broker *GRPCBroker
+// ServerProtocol impl.
+func (s *GRPCServer) Init() error {
+ // Create our server
+ var opts []grpc.ServerOption
+ if s.TLS != nil {
+ opts = append(opts, grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(s.TLS)))
+ }
+ s.server = s.Server(opts)
+ // Register the health service
+ healthCheck := health.NewServer()
+ healthCheck.SetServingStatus(
+ GRPCServiceName, grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING)
+ grpc_health_v1.RegisterHealthServer(s.server, healthCheck)
+ // Register the broker service
+ brokerServer := newGRPCBrokerServer()
+ RegisterGRPCBrokerServer(s.server, brokerServer)
+ = newGRPCBroker(brokerServer, s.TLS)
+ go
+ // Register all our plugins onto the gRPC server.
+ for k, raw := range s.Plugins {
+ p, ok := raw.(GRPCPlugin)
+ if !ok {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%q is not a GRPC-compatible plugin", k)
+ }
+ if err := p.GRPCServer(, s.server); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error registring %q: %s", k, err)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Stop calls Stop on the underlying grpc.Server
+func (s *GRPCServer) Stop() {
+ s.server.Stop()
+// GracefulStop calls GracefulStop on the underlying grpc.Server
+func (s *GRPCServer) GracefulStop() {
+ s.server.GracefulStop()
+// Config is the GRPCServerConfig encoded as JSON then base64.
+func (s *GRPCServer) Config() string {
+ // Create a buffer that will contain our final contents
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ // Wrap the base64 encoding with JSON encoding.
+ if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(s.config); err != nil {
+ // We panic since ths shouldn't happen under any scenario. We
+ // carefully control the structure being encoded here and it should
+ // always be successful.
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return buf.String()
+func (s *GRPCServer) Serve(lis net.Listener) {
+ // Start serving in a goroutine
+ go s.server.Serve(lis)
+ // Wait until graceful completion
+ <-s.DoneCh
+// GRPCServerConfig is the extra configuration passed along for consumers
+// to facilitate using GRPC plugins.
+type GRPCServerConfig struct {
+ StdoutAddr string `json:"stdout_addr"`
+ StderrAddr string `json:"stderr_addr"`
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2996c14c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "time"
+// logEntry is the JSON payload that gets sent to Stderr from the plugin to the host
+type logEntry struct {
+ Message string `json:"@message"`
+ Level string `json:"@level"`
+ Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
+ KVPairs []*logEntryKV `json:"kv_pairs"`
+// logEntryKV is a key value pair within the Output payload
+type logEntryKV struct {
+ Key string `json:"key"`
+ Value interface{} `json:"value"`
+// flattenKVPairs is used to flatten KVPair slice into []interface{}
+// for hclog consumption.
+func flattenKVPairs(kvs []*logEntryKV) []interface{} {
+ var result []interface{}
+ for _, kv := range kvs {
+ result = append(result, kv.Key)
+ result = append(result, kv.Value)
+ }
+ return result
+// parseJSON handles parsing JSON output
+func parseJSON(input string) (*logEntry, error) {
+ var raw map[string]interface{}
+ entry := &logEntry{}
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &raw)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Parse hclog-specific objects
+ if v, ok := raw["@message"]; ok {
+ entry.Message = v.(string)
+ delete(raw, "@message")
+ }
+ if v, ok := raw["@level"]; ok {
+ entry.Level = v.(string)
+ delete(raw, "@level")
+ }
+ if v, ok := raw["@timestamp"]; ok {
+ t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000Z07:00", v.(string))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ entry.Timestamp = t
+ delete(raw, "@timestamp")
+ }
+ // Parse dynamic KV args from the hclog payload.
+ for k, v := range raw {
+ entry.KVPairs = append(entry.KVPairs, &logEntryKV{
+ Key: k,
+ Value: v,
+ })
+ }
+ return entry, nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01c45ad7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "net"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ ""
+// MuxBroker is responsible for brokering multiplexed connections by unique ID.
+// It is used by plugins to multiplex multiple RPC connections and data
+// streams on top of a single connection between the plugin process and the
+// host process.
+// This allows a plugin to request a channel with a specific ID to connect to
+// or accept a connection from, and the broker handles the details of
+// holding these channels open while they're being negotiated.
+// The Plugin interface has access to these for both Server and Client.
+// The broker can be used by either (optionally) to reserve and connect to
+// new multiplexed streams. This is useful for complex args and return values,
+// or anything else you might need a data stream for.
+type MuxBroker struct {
+ nextId uint32
+ session *yamux.Session
+ streams map[uint32]*muxBrokerPending
+ sync.Mutex
+type muxBrokerPending struct {
+ ch chan net.Conn
+ doneCh chan struct{}
+func newMuxBroker(s *yamux.Session) *MuxBroker {
+ return &MuxBroker{
+ session: s,
+ streams: make(map[uint32]*muxBrokerPending),
+ }
+// Accept accepts a connection by ID.
+// This should not be called multiple times with the same ID at one time.
+func (m *MuxBroker) Accept(id uint32) (net.Conn, error) {
+ var c net.Conn
+ p := m.getStream(id)
+ select {
+ case c = <
+ close(p.doneCh)
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ m.Lock()
+ defer m.Unlock()
+ delete(m.streams, id)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting for accept")
+ }
+ // Ack our connection
+ if err := binary.Write(c, binary.LittleEndian, id); err != nil {
+ c.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return c, nil
+// AcceptAndServe is used to accept a specific stream ID and immediately
+// serve an RPC server on that stream ID. This is used to easily serve
+// complex arguments.
+// The served interface is always registered to the "Plugin" name.
+func (m *MuxBroker) AcceptAndServe(id uint32, v interface{}) {
+ conn, err := m.Accept(id)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("[ERR] plugin: plugin acceptAndServe error: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ serve(conn, "Plugin", v)
+// Close closes the connection and all sub-connections.
+func (m *MuxBroker) Close() error {
+ return m.session.Close()
+// Dial opens a connection by ID.
+func (m *MuxBroker) Dial(id uint32) (net.Conn, error) {
+ // Open the stream
+ stream, err := m.session.OpenStream()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Write the stream ID onto the wire.
+ if err := binary.Write(stream, binary.LittleEndian, id); err != nil {
+ stream.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Read the ack that we connected. Then we're off!
+ var ack uint32
+ if err := binary.Read(stream, binary.LittleEndian, &ack); err != nil {
+ stream.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if ack != id {
+ stream.Close()
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad ack: %d (expected %d)", ack, id)
+ }
+ return stream, nil
+// NextId returns a unique ID to use next.
+// It is possible for very long-running plugin hosts to wrap this value,
+// though it would require a very large amount of RPC calls. In practice
+// we've never seen it happen.
+func (m *MuxBroker) NextId() uint32 {
+ return atomic.AddUint32(&m.nextId, 1)
+// Run starts the brokering and should be executed in a goroutine, since it
+// blocks forever, or until the session closes.
+// Uses of MuxBroker never need to call this. It is called internally by
+// the plugin host/client.
+func (m *MuxBroker) Run() {
+ for {
+ stream, err := m.session.AcceptStream()
+ if err != nil {
+ // Once we receive an error, just exit
+ break
+ }
+ // Read the stream ID from the stream
+ var id uint32
+ if err := binary.Read(stream, binary.LittleEndian, &id); err != nil {
+ stream.Close()
+ continue
+ }
+ // Initialize the waiter
+ p := m.getStream(id)
+ select {
+ case <- stream:
+ default:
+ }
+ // Wait for a timeout
+ go m.timeoutWait(id, p)
+ }
+func (m *MuxBroker) getStream(id uint32) *muxBrokerPending {
+ m.Lock()
+ defer m.Unlock()
+ p, ok := m.streams[id]
+ if ok {
+ return p
+ }
+ m.streams[id] = &muxBrokerPending{
+ ch: make(chan net.Conn, 1),
+ doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+ return m.streams[id]
+func (m *MuxBroker) timeoutWait(id uint32, p *muxBrokerPending) {
+ // Wait for the stream to either be picked up and connected, or
+ // for a timeout.
+ timeout := false
+ select {
+ case <-p.doneCh:
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ timeout = true
+ }
+ m.Lock()
+ defer m.Unlock()
+ // Delete the stream so no one else can grab it
+ delete(m.streams, id)
+ // If we timed out, then check if we have a channel in the buffer,
+ // and if so, close it.
+ if timeout {
+ select {
+ case s := <
+ s.Close()
+ }
+ }
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+// The plugin package exposes functions and helpers for communicating to
+// plugins which are implemented as standalone binary applications.
+// plugin.Client fully manages the lifecycle of executing the application,
+// connecting to it, and returning the RPC client for dispensing plugins.
+// plugin.Serve fully manages listeners to expose an RPC server from a binary
+// that plugin.Client can connect to.
+package plugin
+import (
+ "context"
+ "errors"
+ "net/rpc"
+ ""
+// Plugin is the interface that is implemented to serve/connect to an
+// inteface implementation.
+type Plugin interface {
+ // Server should return the RPC server compatible struct to serve
+ // the methods that the Client calls over net/rpc.
+ Server(*MuxBroker) (interface{}, error)
+ // Client returns an interface implementation for the plugin you're
+ // serving that communicates to the server end of the plugin.
+ Client(*MuxBroker, *rpc.Client) (interface{}, error)
+// GRPCPlugin is the interface that is implemented to serve/connect to
+// a plugin over gRPC.
+type GRPCPlugin interface {
+ // GRPCServer should register this plugin for serving with the
+ // given GRPCServer. Unlike Plugin.Server, this is only called once
+ // since gRPC plugins serve singletons.
+ GRPCServer(*GRPCBroker, *grpc.Server) error
+ // GRPCClient should return the interface implementation for the plugin
+ // you're serving via gRPC. The provided context will be canceled by
+ // go-plugin in the event of the plugin process exiting.
+ GRPCClient(context.Context, *GRPCBroker, *grpc.ClientConn) (interface{}, error)
+// NetRPCUnsupportedPlugin implements Plugin but returns errors for the
+// Server and Client functions. This will effectively disable support for
+// net/rpc based plugins.
+// This struct can be embedded in your struct.
+type NetRPCUnsupportedPlugin struct{}
+func (p NetRPCUnsupportedPlugin) Server(*MuxBroker) (interface{}, error) {
+ return nil, errors.New("net/rpc plugin protocol not supported")
+func (p NetRPCUnsupportedPlugin) Client(*MuxBroker, *rpc.Client) (interface{}, error) {
+ return nil, errors.New("net/rpc plugin protocol not supported")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88c999a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "time"
+// pidAlive checks whether a pid is alive.
+func pidAlive(pid int) bool {
+ return _pidAlive(pid)
+// pidWait blocks for a process to exit.
+func pidWait(pid int) error {
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
+ defer ticker.Stop()
+ for range ticker.C {
+ if !pidAlive(pid) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70ba546bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// +build !windows
+package plugin
+import (
+ "os"
+ "syscall"
+// _pidAlive tests whether a process is alive or not by sending it Signal 0,
+// since Go otherwise has no way to test this.
+func _pidAlive(pid int) bool {
+ proc, err := os.FindProcess(pid)
+ if err == nil {
+ err = proc.Signal(syscall.Signal(0))
+ }
+ return err == nil
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f7b01809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "syscall"
+const (
+ // Weird name but matches the MSDN docs
+ exit_STILL_ACTIVE = 259
+ processDesiredAccess = syscall.STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ |
+// _pidAlive tests whether a process is alive or not
+func _pidAlive(pid int) bool {
+ h, err := syscall.OpenProcess(processDesiredAccess, false, uint32(pid))
+ if err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ var ec uint32
+ if e := syscall.GetExitCodeProcess(h, &ec); e != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return ec == exit_STILL_ACTIVE
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0cfc19e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "io"
+ "net"
+// Protocol is an enum representing the types of protocols.
+type Protocol string
+const (
+ ProtocolInvalid Protocol = ""
+ ProtocolNetRPC Protocol = "netrpc"
+ ProtocolGRPC Protocol = "grpc"
+// ServerProtocol is an interface that must be implemented for new plugin
+// protocols to be servers.
+type ServerProtocol interface {
+ // Init is called once to configure and initialize the protocol, but
+ // not start listening. This is the point at which all validation should
+ // be done and errors returned.
+ Init() error
+ // Config is extra configuration to be outputted to stdout. This will
+ // be automatically base64 encoded to ensure it can be parsed properly.
+ // This can be an empty string if additional configuration is not needed.
+ Config() string
+ // Serve is called to serve connections on the given listener. This should
+ // continue until the listener is closed.
+ Serve(net.Listener)
+// ClientProtocol is an interface that must be implemented for new plugin
+// protocols to be clients.
+type ClientProtocol interface {
+ io.Closer
+ // Dispense dispenses a new instance of the plugin with the given name.
+ Dispense(string) (interface{}, error)
+ // Ping checks that the client connection is still healthy.
+ Ping() error
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index 000000000..f30a4b1d3
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+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net"
+ "net/rpc"
+ ""
+// RPCClient connects to an RPCServer over net/rpc to dispense plugin types.
+type RPCClient struct {
+ broker *MuxBroker
+ control *rpc.Client
+ plugins map[string]Plugin
+ // These are the streams used for the various stdout/err overrides
+ stdout, stderr net.Conn
+// newRPCClient creates a new RPCClient. The Client argument is expected
+// to be successfully started already with a lock held.
+func newRPCClient(c *Client) (*RPCClient, error) {
+ // Connect to the client
+ conn, err := net.Dial(c.address.Network(), c.address.String())
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if tcpConn, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
+ // Make sure to set keep alive so that the connection doesn't die
+ tcpConn.SetKeepAlive(true)
+ }
+ if c.config.TLSConfig != nil {
+ conn = tls.Client(conn, c.config.TLSConfig)
+ }
+ // Create the actual RPC client
+ result, err := NewRPCClient(conn, c.config.Plugins)
+ if err != nil {
+ conn.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Begin the stream syncing so that stdin, out, err work properly
+ err = result.SyncStreams(
+ c.config.SyncStdout,
+ c.config.SyncStderr)
+ if err != nil {
+ result.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return result, nil
+// NewRPCClient creates a client from an already-open connection-like value.
+// Dial is typically used instead.
+func NewRPCClient(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, plugins map[string]Plugin) (*RPCClient, error) {
+ // Create the yamux client so we can multiplex
+ mux, err := yamux.Client(conn, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ conn.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Connect to the control stream.
+ control, err := mux.Open()
+ if err != nil {
+ mux.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Connect stdout, stderr streams
+ stdstream := make([]net.Conn, 2)
+ for i, _ := range stdstream {
+ stdstream[i], err = mux.Open()
+ if err != nil {
+ mux.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the broker and start it up
+ broker := newMuxBroker(mux)
+ go broker.Run()
+ // Build the client using our broker and control channel.
+ return &RPCClient{
+ broker: broker,
+ control: rpc.NewClient(control),
+ plugins: plugins,
+ stdout: stdstream[0],
+ stderr: stdstream[1],
+ }, nil
+// SyncStreams should be called to enable syncing of stdout,
+// stderr with the plugin.
+// This will return immediately and the syncing will continue to happen
+// in the background. You do not need to launch this in a goroutine itself.
+// This should never be called multiple times.
+func (c *RPCClient) SyncStreams(stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer) error {
+ go copyStream("stdout", stdout, c.stdout)
+ go copyStream("stderr", stderr, c.stderr)
+ return nil
+// Close closes the connection. The client is no longer usable after this
+// is called.
+func (c *RPCClient) Close() error {
+ // Call the control channel and ask it to gracefully exit. If this
+ // errors, then we save it so that we always return an error but we
+ // want to try to close the other channels anyways.
+ var empty struct{}
+ returnErr := c.control.Call("Control.Quit", true, &empty)
+ // Close the other streams we have
+ if err := c.control.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := c.stdout.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := c.stderr.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err :=; err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Return back the error we got from Control.Quit. This is very important
+ // since we MUST return non-nil error if this fails so that Client.Kill
+ // will properly try a process.Kill.
+ return returnErr
+func (c *RPCClient) Dispense(name string) (interface{}, error) {
+ p, ok := c.plugins[name]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown plugin type: %s", name)
+ }
+ var id uint32
+ if err := c.control.Call(
+ "Dispenser.Dispense", name, &id); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ conn, err :=
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p.Client(, rpc.NewClient(conn))
+// Ping pings the connection to ensure it is still alive.
+// The error from the RPC call is returned exactly if you want to inspect
+// it for further error analysis. Any error returned from here would indicate
+// that the connection to the plugin is not healthy.
+func (c *RPCClient) Ping() error {
+ var empty struct{}
+ return c.control.Call("Control.Ping", true, &empty)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bb18dd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "net"
+ "net/rpc"
+ "sync"
+ ""
+// RPCServer listens for network connections and then dispenses interface
+// implementations over net/rpc.
+// After setting the fields below, they shouldn't be read again directly
+// from the structure which may be reading/writing them concurrently.
+type RPCServer struct {
+ Plugins map[string]Plugin
+ // Stdout, Stderr are what this server will use instead of the
+ // normal stdin/out/err. This is because due to the multi-process nature
+ // of our plugin system, we can't use the normal process values so we
+ // make our own custom one we pipe across.
+ Stdout io.Reader
+ Stderr io.Reader
+ // DoneCh should be set to a non-nil channel that will be closed
+ // when the control requests the RPC server to end.
+ DoneCh chan<- struct{}
+ lock sync.Mutex
+// ServerProtocol impl.
+func (s *RPCServer) Init() error { return nil }
+// ServerProtocol impl.
+func (s *RPCServer) Config() string { return "" }
+// ServerProtocol impl.
+func (s *RPCServer) Serve(lis net.Listener) {
+ for {
+ conn, err := lis.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("[ERR] plugin: plugin server: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ go s.ServeConn(conn)
+ }
+// ServeConn runs a single connection.
+// ServeConn blocks, serving the connection until the client hangs up.
+func (s *RPCServer) ServeConn(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) {
+ // First create the yamux server to wrap this connection
+ mux, err := yamux.Server(conn, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ conn.Close()
+ log.Printf("[ERR] plugin: error creating yamux server: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ // Accept the control connection
+ control, err := mux.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ mux.Close()
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ log.Printf("[ERR] plugin: error accepting control connection: %s", err)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ // Connect the stdstreams (in, out, err)
+ stdstream := make([]net.Conn, 2)
+ for i, _ := range stdstream {
+ stdstream[i], err = mux.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ mux.Close()
+ log.Printf("[ERR] plugin: accepting stream %d: %s", i, err)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy std streams out to the proper place
+ go copyStream("stdout", stdstream[0], s.Stdout)
+ go copyStream("stderr", stdstream[1], s.Stderr)
+ // Create the broker and start it up
+ broker := newMuxBroker(mux)
+ go broker.Run()
+ // Use the control connection to build the dispenser and serve the
+ // connection.
+ server := rpc.NewServer()
+ server.RegisterName("Control", &controlServer{
+ server: s,
+ })
+ server.RegisterName("Dispenser", &dispenseServer{
+ broker: broker,
+ plugins: s.Plugins,
+ })
+ server.ServeConn(control)
+// done is called internally by the control server to trigger the
+// doneCh to close which is listened to by the main process to cleanly
+// exit.
+func (s *RPCServer) done() {
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ defer s.lock.Unlock()
+ if s.DoneCh != nil {
+ close(s.DoneCh)
+ s.DoneCh = nil
+ }
+// dispenseServer dispenses variousinterface implementations for Terraform.
+type controlServer struct {
+ server *RPCServer
+// Ping can be called to verify the connection (and likely the binary)
+// is still alive to a plugin.
+func (c *controlServer) Ping(
+ null bool, response *struct{}) error {
+ *response = struct{}{}
+ return nil
+func (c *controlServer) Quit(
+ null bool, response *struct{}) error {
+ // End the server
+ c.server.done()
+ // Always return true
+ *response = struct{}{}
+ return nil
+// dispenseServer dispenses variousinterface implementations for Terraform.
+type dispenseServer struct {
+ broker *MuxBroker
+ plugins map[string]Plugin
+func (d *dispenseServer) Dispense(
+ name string, response *uint32) error {
+ // Find the function to create this implementation
+ p, ok := d.plugins[name]
+ if !ok {
+ return fmt.Errorf("unknown plugin type: %s", name)
+ }
+ // Create the implementation first so we know if there is an error.
+ impl, err := p.Server(
+ if err != nil {
+ // We turn the error into an errors error so that it works across RPC
+ return errors.New(err.Error())
+ }
+ // Reserve an ID for our implementation
+ id :=
+ *response = id
+ // Run the rest in a goroutine since it can only happen once this RPC
+ // call returns. We wait for a connection for the plugin implementation
+ // and serve it.
+ go func() {
+ conn, err :=
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("[ERR] go-plugin: plugin dispense error: %s: %s", name, err)
+ return
+ }
+ serve(conn, "Plugin", impl)
+ }()
+ return nil
+func serve(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, name string, v interface{}) {
+ server := rpc.NewServer()
+ if err := server.RegisterName(name, v); err != nil {
+ log.Printf("[ERR] go-plugin: plugin dispense error: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ server.ServeConn(conn)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e808b99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "net"
+ "os"
+ "os/signal"
+ "runtime"
+ "strconv"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ ""
+ ""
+// CoreProtocolVersion is the ProtocolVersion of the plugin system itself.
+// We will increment this whenever we change any protocol behavior. This
+// will invalidate any prior plugins but will at least allow us to iterate
+// on the core in a safe way. We will do our best to do this very
+// infrequently.
+const CoreProtocolVersion = 1
+// HandshakeConfig is the configuration used by client and servers to
+// handshake before starting a plugin connection. This is embedded by
+// both ServeConfig and ClientConfig.
+// In practice, the plugin host creates a HandshakeConfig that is exported
+// and plugins then can easily consume it.
+type HandshakeConfig struct {
+ // ProtocolVersion is the version that clients must match on to
+ // agree they can communicate. This should match the ProtocolVersion
+ // set on ClientConfig when using a plugin.
+ ProtocolVersion uint
+ // MagicCookieKey and value are used as a very basic verification
+ // that a plugin is intended to be launched. This is not a security
+ // measure, just a UX feature. If the magic cookie doesn't match,
+ // we show human-friendly output.
+ MagicCookieKey string
+ MagicCookieValue string
+// ServeConfig configures what sorts of plugins are served.
+type ServeConfig struct {
+ // HandshakeConfig is the configuration that must match clients.
+ HandshakeConfig
+ // TLSProvider is a function that returns a configured tls.Config.
+ TLSProvider func() (*tls.Config, error)
+ // Plugins are the plugins that are served.
+ Plugins map[string]Plugin
+ // GRPCServer should be non-nil to enable serving the plugins over
+ // gRPC. This is a function to create the server when needed with the
+ // given server options. The server options populated by go-plugin will
+ // be for TLS if set. You may modify the input slice.
+ //
+ // Note that the grpc.Server will automatically be registered with
+ // the gRPC health checking service. This is not optional since go-plugin
+ // relies on this to implement Ping().
+ GRPCServer func([]grpc.ServerOption) *grpc.Server
+ // Logger is used to pass a logger into the server. If none is provided the
+ // server will create a default logger.
+ Logger hclog.Logger
+// Protocol returns the protocol that this server should speak.
+func (c *ServeConfig) Protocol() Protocol {
+ result := ProtocolNetRPC
+ if c.GRPCServer != nil {
+ result = ProtocolGRPC
+ }
+ return result
+// Serve serves the plugins given by ServeConfig.
+// Serve doesn't return until the plugin is done being executed. Any
+// errors will be outputted to os.Stderr.
+// This is the method that plugins should call in their main() functions.
+func Serve(opts *ServeConfig) {
+ // Validate the handshake config
+ if opts.MagicCookieKey == "" || opts.MagicCookieValue == "" {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,
+ "Misconfigured ServeConfig given to serve this plugin: no magic cookie\n"+
+ "key or value was set. Please notify the plugin author and report\n"+
+ "this as a bug.\n")
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ // First check the cookie
+ if os.Getenv(opts.MagicCookieKey) != opts.MagicCookieValue {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,
+ "This binary is a plugin. These are not meant to be executed directly.\n"+
+ "Please execute the program that consumes these plugins, which will\n"+
+ "load any plugins automatically\n")
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ // Logging goes to the original stderr
+ log.SetOutput(os.Stderr)
+ logger := opts.Logger
+ if logger == nil {
+ // internal logger to os.Stderr
+ logger = hclog.New(&hclog.LoggerOptions{
+ Level: hclog.Trace,
+ Output: os.Stderr,
+ JSONFormat: true,
+ })
+ }
+ // Create our new stdout, stderr files. These will override our built-in
+ // stdout/stderr so that it works across the stream boundary.
+ stdout_r, stdout_w, err := os.Pipe()
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error preparing plugin: %s\n", err)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ stderr_r, stderr_w, err := os.Pipe()
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error preparing plugin: %s\n", err)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ // Register a listener so we can accept a connection
+ listener, err := serverListener()
+ if err != nil {
+ logger.Error("plugin init error", "error", err)
+ return
+ }
+ // Close the listener on return. We wrap this in a func() on purpose
+ // because the "listener" reference may change to TLS.
+ defer func() {
+ listener.Close()
+ }()
+ var tlsConfig *tls.Config
+ if opts.TLSProvider != nil {
+ tlsConfig, err = opts.TLSProvider()
+ if err != nil {
+ logger.Error("plugin tls init", "error", err)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the channel to tell us when we're done
+ doneCh := make(chan struct{})
+ // Build the server type
+ var server ServerProtocol
+ switch opts.Protocol() {
+ case ProtocolNetRPC:
+ // If we have a TLS configuration then we wrap the listener
+ // ourselves and do it at that level.
+ if tlsConfig != nil {
+ listener = tls.NewListener(listener, tlsConfig)
+ }
+ // Create the RPC server to dispense
+ server = &RPCServer{
+ Plugins: opts.Plugins,
+ Stdout: stdout_r,
+ Stderr: stderr_r,
+ DoneCh: doneCh,
+ }
+ case ProtocolGRPC:
+ // Create the gRPC server
+ server = &GRPCServer{
+ Plugins: opts.Plugins,
+ Server: opts.GRPCServer,
+ TLS: tlsConfig,
+ Stdout: stdout_r,
+ Stderr: stderr_r,
+ DoneCh: doneCh,
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("unknown server protocol: " + opts.Protocol())
+ }
+ // Initialize the servers
+ if err := server.Init(); err != nil {
+ logger.Error("protocol init", "error", err)
+ return
+ }
+ // Build the extra configuration
+ extra := ""
+ if v := server.Config(); v != "" {
+ extra = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(v))
+ }
+ if extra != "" {
+ extra = "|" + extra
+ }
+ logger.Debug("plugin address", "network", listener.Addr().Network(), "address", listener.Addr().String())
+ // Output the address and service name to stdout so that core can bring it up.
+ fmt.Printf("%d|%d|%s|%s|%s%s\n",
+ CoreProtocolVersion,
+ opts.ProtocolVersion,
+ listener.Addr().Network(),
+ listener.Addr().String(),
+ opts.Protocol(),
+ extra)
+ os.Stdout.Sync()
+ // Eat the interrupts
+ ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
+ signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt)
+ go func() {
+ var count int32 = 0
+ for {
+ <-ch
+ newCount := atomic.AddInt32(&count, 1)
+ logger.Debug("plugin received interrupt signal, ignoring", "count", newCount)
+ }
+ }()
+ // Set our new out, err
+ os.Stdout = stdout_w
+ os.Stderr = stderr_w
+ // Accept connections and wait for completion
+ go server.Serve(listener)
+ <-doneCh
+func serverListener() (net.Listener, error) {
+ if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
+ return serverListener_tcp()
+ }
+ return serverListener_unix()
+func serverListener_tcp() (net.Listener, error) {
+ minPort, err := strconv.ParseInt(os.Getenv("PLUGIN_MIN_PORT"), 10, 32)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ maxPort, err := strconv.ParseInt(os.Getenv("PLUGIN_MAX_PORT"), 10, 32)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ for port := minPort; port <= maxPort; port++ {
+ address := fmt.Sprintf("", port)
+ listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
+ if err == nil {
+ return listener, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, errors.New("Couldn't bind plugin TCP listener")
+func serverListener_unix() (net.Listener, error) {
+ tf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "plugin")
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ path := tf.Name()
+ // Close the file and remove it because it has to not exist for
+ // the domain socket.
+ if err := tf.Close(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ l, err := net.Listen("unix", path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Wrap the listener in rmListener so that the Unix domain socket file
+ // is removed on close.
+ return &rmListener{
+ Listener: l,
+ Path: path,
+ }, nil
+// rmListener is an implementation of net.Listener that forwards most
+// calls to the listener but also removes a file as part of the close. We
+// use this to cleanup the unix domain socket on close.
+type rmListener struct {
+ net.Listener
+ Path string
+func (l *rmListener) Close() error {
+ // Close the listener itself
+ if err := l.Listener.Close(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Remove the file
+ return os.Remove(l.Path)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..033079ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+// ServeMuxMap is the type that is used to configure ServeMux
+type ServeMuxMap map[string]*ServeConfig
+// ServeMux is like Serve, but serves multiple types of plugins determined
+// by the argument given on the command-line.
+// This command doesn't return until the plugin is done being executed. Any
+// errors are logged or output to stderr.
+func ServeMux(m ServeMuxMap) {
+ if len(os.Args) != 2 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,
+ "Invoked improperly. This is an internal command that shouldn't\n"+
+ "be manually invoked.\n")
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ opts, ok := m[os.Args[1]]
+ if !ok {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown plugin: %s\n", os.Args[1])
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ Serve(opts)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d547aaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "io"
+ "log"
+func copyStream(name string, dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) {
+ if src == nil {
+ panic(name + ": src is nil")
+ }
+ if dst == nil {
+ panic(name + ": dst is nil")
+ }
+ if _, err := io.Copy(dst, src); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
+ log.Printf("[ERR] plugin: stream copy '%s' error: %s", name, err)
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f541d968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+package plugin
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "context"
+ "io"
+ "net"
+ "net/rpc"
+ ""
+ ""
+// TestOptions allows specifying options that can affect the behavior of the
+// test functions
+type TestOptions struct {
+ //ServerStdout causes the given value to be used in place of a blank buffer
+ //for RPCServer's Stdout
+ ServerStdout io.ReadCloser
+ //ServerStderr causes the given value to be used in place of a blank buffer
+ //for RPCServer's Stderr
+ ServerStderr io.ReadCloser
+// The testing file contains test helpers that you can use outside of
+// this package for making it easier to test plugins themselves.
+// TestConn is a helper function for returning a client and server
+// net.Conn connected to each other.
+func TestConn(t testing.T) (net.Conn, net.Conn) {
+ // Listen to any local port. This listener will be closed
+ // after a single connection is established.
+ l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Start a goroutine to accept our client connection
+ var serverConn net.Conn
+ doneCh := make(chan struct{})
+ go func() {
+ defer close(doneCh)
+ defer l.Close()
+ var err error
+ serverConn, err = l.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ }()
+ // Connect to the server
+ clientConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", l.Addr().String())
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Wait for the server side to acknowledge it has connected
+ <-doneCh
+ return clientConn, serverConn
+// TestRPCConn returns a rpc client and server connected to each other.
+func TestRPCConn(t testing.T) (*rpc.Client, *rpc.Server) {
+ clientConn, serverConn := TestConn(t)
+ server := rpc.NewServer()
+ go server.ServeConn(serverConn)
+ client := rpc.NewClient(clientConn)
+ return client, server
+// TestPluginRPCConn returns a plugin RPC client and server that are connected
+// together and configured.
+func TestPluginRPCConn(t testing.T, ps map[string]Plugin, opts *TestOptions) (*RPCClient, *RPCServer) {
+ // Create two net.Conns we can use to shuttle our control connection
+ clientConn, serverConn := TestConn(t)
+ // Start up the server
+ server := &RPCServer{Plugins: ps, Stdout: new(bytes.Buffer), Stderr: new(bytes.Buffer)}
+ if opts != nil {
+ if opts.ServerStdout != nil {
+ server.Stdout = opts.ServerStdout
+ }
+ if opts.ServerStderr != nil {
+ server.Stderr = opts.ServerStderr
+ }
+ }
+ go server.ServeConn(serverConn)
+ // Connect the client to the server
+ client, err := NewRPCClient(clientConn, ps)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ return client, server
+// TestGRPCConn returns a gRPC client conn and grpc server that are connected
+// together and configured. The register function is used to register services
+// prior to the Serve call. This is used to test gRPC connections.
+func TestGRPCConn(t testing.T, register func(*grpc.Server)) (*grpc.ClientConn, *grpc.Server) {
+ // Create a listener
+ l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ server := grpc.NewServer()
+ register(server)
+ go server.Serve(l)
+ // Connect to the server
+ conn, err := grpc.Dial(
+ l.Addr().String(),
+ grpc.WithBlock(),
+ grpc.WithInsecure())
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Connection successful, close the listener
+ l.Close()
+ return conn, server
+// TestPluginGRPCConn returns a plugin gRPC client and server that are connected
+// together and configured. This is used to test gRPC connections.
+func TestPluginGRPCConn(t testing.T, ps map[string]Plugin) (*GRPCClient, *GRPCServer) {
+ // Create a listener
+ l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Start up the server
+ server := &GRPCServer{
+ Plugins: ps,
+ Server: DefaultGRPCServer,
+ Stdout: new(bytes.Buffer),
+ Stderr: new(bytes.Buffer),
+ }
+ if err := server.Init(); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ go server.Serve(l)
+ // Connect to the server
+ conn, err := grpc.Dial(
+ l.Addr().String(),
+ grpc.WithBlock(),
+ grpc.WithInsecure())
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
+ }
+ brokerGRPCClient := newGRPCBrokerClient(conn)
+ broker := newGRPCBroker(brokerGRPCClient, nil)
+ go broker.Run()
+ go brokerGRPCClient.StartStream()
+ // Create the client
+ client := &GRPCClient{
+ Conn: conn,
+ Plugins: ps,
+ broker: broker,
+ doneCtx: context.Background(),
+ }
+ return client, server
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..836562412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
+# Folders
+# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0e5c79e1
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@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
+1. Definitions
+1.1. "Contributor"
+ means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the
+ creation of, or owns Covered Software.
+1.2. "Contributor Version"
+ means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a
+ Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
+1.3. "Contribution"
+ means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
+1.4. "Covered Software"
+ means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the
+ notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and
+ Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions
+ thereof.
+1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
+ means
+ a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in
+ Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
+ b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
+ version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of
+ a Secondary License.
+1.6. "Executable Form"
+ means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
+1.7. "Larger Work"
+ means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a
+ separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
+1.8. "License"
+ means this document.
+1.9. "Licensable"
+ means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether
+ at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the
+ rights conveyed by this License.
+1.10. "Modifications"
+ means any of the following:
+ a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
+ deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or
+ b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software.
+1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
+ means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
+ process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
+ Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the License,
+ by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import,
+ or transfer of either its Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+1.12. "Secondary License"
+ means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser
+ General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public
+ License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses.
+1.13. "Source Code Form"
+ means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
+1.14. "You" (or "Your")
+ means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
+ License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that controls, is
+ controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this
+ definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause
+ the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
+ outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
+2. License Grants and Conditions
+2.1. Grants
+ Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+ non-exclusive license:
+ a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
+ Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
+ modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
+ Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
+ as part of a Larger Work; and
+ b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for
+ sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
+ Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+2.2. Effective Date
+ The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
+ become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
+ distributes such Contribution.
+2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
+ The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
+ this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
+ distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
+ Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
+ Contributor:
+ a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or
+ b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
+ modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
+ Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
+ Version); or
+ c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
+ its Contributions.
+ This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
+ or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
+ the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
+2.4. Subsequent Licenses
+ No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
+ distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
+ License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
+ permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
+2.5. Representation
+ Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
+ Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to
+ grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
+2.6. Fair Use
+ This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
+ applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
+ equivalents.
+2.7. Conditions
+ Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in
+ Section 2.1.
+3. Responsibilities
+3.1. Distribution of Source Form
+ All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
+ Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
+ the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
+ Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
+ License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
+ attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
+ Form.
+3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
+ If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
+ a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form,
+ as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the
+ Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by
+ reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost
+ of distribution to the recipient; and
+ b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
+ License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
+ license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the
+ recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
+3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
+ You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
+ provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
+ the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
+ Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
+ Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
+ License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
+ under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
+ the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
+ Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
+ License(s).
+3.4. Notices
+ You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
+ (including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or
+ limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the
+ Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to the
+ extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
+3.5. Application of Additional Terms
+ You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
+ Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
+ behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
+ such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
+ You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
+ liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
+ disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
+ jurisdiction.
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
+ If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
+ with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute,
+ judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of
+ this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the
+ limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be placed in a
+ text file included with all distributions of the Covered Software under
+ this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute or regulation,
+ such description must be sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary
+ skill to be able to understand it.
+5. Termination
+5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You
+ fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant,
+ then the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor
+ are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor
+ explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing
+ basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by
+ some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have come back into
+ compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular Contributor are
+ reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor notifies You of the
+ non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the first time You have
+ received notice of non-compliance with this License from such
+ Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after Your receipt
+ of the notice.
+5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
+ infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
+ counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
+ directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
+ You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
+ 2.1 of this License shall terminate.
+5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user
+ license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been
+ validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to
+ termination shall survive termination.
+6. Disclaimer of Warranty
+ Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" basis,
+ without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory,
+ including, without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free
+ of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing.
+ The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software
+ is with You. Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect,
+ You (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing,
+ repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential
+ part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is authorized under
+ this License except under this disclaimer.
+7. Limitation of Liability
+ Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including
+ negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who
+ distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any
+ direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
+ character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of
+ goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been
+ informed of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability
+ shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from
+ such party's negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such
+ limitation. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
+ incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may
+ not apply to You.
+8. Litigation
+ Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts
+ of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of
+ business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
+ jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing
+ in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring cross-claims or
+ counter-claims.
+9. Miscellaneous
+ This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
+ matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+ unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+ necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that
+ the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not
+ be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
+10. Versions of the License
+10.1. New Versions
+ Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
+ 10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
+ publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
+ distinguishing version number.
+10.2. Effect of New Versions
+ You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
+ of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
+ or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
+ steward.
+10.3. Modified Versions
+ If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
+ create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
+ modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
+ any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
+ such modified license differs from this License).
+10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
+ Licenses If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is
+ Incompatible With Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of
+ the License, the notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be
+ attached.
+Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the
+ terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.
+ 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
+ distributed with this file, You can
+ obtain one at
+If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file,
+then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a
+relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a
+You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
+Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
+ This Source Code Form is "Incompatible
+ With Secondary Licenses", as defined by
+ the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4db7fc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Yamux
+Yamux (Yet another Multiplexer) is a multiplexing library for Golang.
+It relies on an underlying connection to provide reliability
+and ordering, such as TCP or Unix domain sockets, and provides
+stream-oriented multiplexing. It is inspired by SPDY but is not
+interoperable with it.
+Yamux features include:
+* Bi-directional streams
+ * Streams can be opened by either client or server
+ * Useful for NAT traversal
+ * Server-side push support
+* Flow control
+ * Avoid starvation
+ * Back-pressure to prevent overwhelming a receiver
+* Keep Alives
+ * Enables persistent connections over a load balancer
+* Efficient
+ * Enables thousands of logical streams with low overhead
+## Documentation
+For complete documentation, see the associated [Godoc](
+## Specification
+The full specification for Yamux is provided in the `` file.
+It can be used as a guide to implementors of interoperable libraries.
+## Usage
+Using Yamux is remarkably simple:
+func client() {
+ // Get a TCP connection
+ conn, err := net.Dial(...)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // Setup client side of yamux
+ session, err := yamux.Client(conn, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // Open a new stream
+ stream, err := session.Open()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // Stream implements net.Conn
+ stream.Write([]byte("ping"))
+func server() {
+ // Accept a TCP connection
+ conn, err := listener.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // Setup server side of yamux
+ session, err := yamux.Server(conn, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // Accept a stream
+ stream, err := session.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // Listen for a message
+ buf := make([]byte, 4)
+ stream.Read(buf)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be6ebca9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package yamux
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "net"
+// hasAddr is used to get the address from the underlying connection
+type hasAddr interface {
+ LocalAddr() net.Addr
+ RemoteAddr() net.Addr
+// yamuxAddr is used when we cannot get the underlying address
+type yamuxAddr struct {
+ Addr string
+func (*yamuxAddr) Network() string {
+ return "yamux"
+func (y *yamuxAddr) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("yamux:%s", y.Addr)
+// Addr is used to get the address of the listener.
+func (s *Session) Addr() net.Addr {
+ return s.LocalAddr()
+// LocalAddr is used to get the local address of the
+// underlying connection.
+func (s *Session) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
+ addr, ok := s.conn.(hasAddr)
+ if !ok {
+ return &yamuxAddr{"local"}
+ }
+ return addr.LocalAddr()
+// RemoteAddr is used to get the address of remote end
+// of the underlying connection
+func (s *Session) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
+ addr, ok := s.conn.(hasAddr)
+ if !ok {
+ return &yamuxAddr{"remote"}
+ }
+ return addr.RemoteAddr()
+// LocalAddr returns the local address
+func (s *Stream) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
+ return s.session.LocalAddr()
+// LocalAddr returns the remote address
+func (s *Stream) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
+ return s.session.RemoteAddr()
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f5293828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+package yamux
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+var (
+ // ErrInvalidVersion means we received a frame with an
+ // invalid version
+ ErrInvalidVersion = fmt.Errorf("invalid protocol version")
+ // ErrInvalidMsgType means we received a frame with an
+ // invalid message type
+ ErrInvalidMsgType = fmt.Errorf("invalid msg type")
+ // ErrSessionShutdown is used if there is a shutdown during
+ // an operation
+ ErrSessionShutdown = fmt.Errorf("session shutdown")
+ // ErrStreamsExhausted is returned if we have no more
+ // stream ids to issue
+ ErrStreamsExhausted = fmt.Errorf("streams exhausted")
+ // ErrDuplicateStream is used if a duplicate stream is
+ // opened inbound
+ ErrDuplicateStream = fmt.Errorf("duplicate stream initiated")
+ // ErrReceiveWindowExceeded indicates the window was exceeded
+ ErrRecvWindowExceeded = fmt.Errorf("recv window exceeded")
+ // ErrTimeout is used when we reach an IO deadline
+ ErrTimeout = fmt.Errorf("i/o deadline reached")
+ // ErrStreamClosed is returned when using a closed stream
+ ErrStreamClosed = fmt.Errorf("stream closed")
+ // ErrUnexpectedFlag is set when we get an unexpected flag
+ ErrUnexpectedFlag = fmt.Errorf("unexpected flag")
+ // ErrRemoteGoAway is used when we get a go away from the other side
+ ErrRemoteGoAway = fmt.Errorf("remote end is not accepting connections")
+ // ErrConnectionReset is sent if a stream is reset. This can happen
+ // if the backlog is exceeded, or if there was a remote GoAway.
+ ErrConnectionReset = fmt.Errorf("connection reset")
+ // ErrConnectionWriteTimeout indicates that we hit the "safety valve"
+ // timeout writing to the underlying stream connection.
+ ErrConnectionWriteTimeout = fmt.Errorf("connection write timeout")
+ // ErrKeepAliveTimeout is sent if a missed keepalive caused the stream close
+ ErrKeepAliveTimeout = fmt.Errorf("keepalive timeout")
+const (
+ // protoVersion is the only version we support
+ protoVersion uint8 = 0
+const (
+ // Data is used for data frames. They are followed
+ // by length bytes worth of payload.
+ typeData uint8 = iota
+ // WindowUpdate is used to change the window of
+ // a given stream. The length indicates the delta
+ // update to the window.
+ typeWindowUpdate
+ // Ping is sent as a keep-alive or to measure
+ // the RTT. The StreamID and Length value are echoed
+ // back in the response.
+ typePing
+ // GoAway is sent to terminate a session. The StreamID
+ // should be 0 and the length is an error code.
+ typeGoAway
+const (
+ // SYN is sent to signal a new stream. May
+ // be sent with a data payload
+ flagSYN uint16 = 1 << iota
+ // ACK is sent to acknowledge a new stream. May
+ // be sent with a data payload
+ flagACK
+ // FIN is sent to half-close the given stream.
+ // May be sent with a data payload.
+ flagFIN
+ // RST is used to hard close a given stream.
+ flagRST
+const (
+ // initialStreamWindow is the initial stream window size
+ initialStreamWindow uint32 = 256 * 1024
+const (
+ // goAwayNormal is sent on a normal termination
+ goAwayNormal uint32 = iota
+ // goAwayProtoErr sent on a protocol error
+ goAwayProtoErr
+ // goAwayInternalErr sent on an internal error
+ goAwayInternalErr
+const (
+ sizeOfVersion = 1
+ sizeOfType = 1
+ sizeOfFlags = 2
+ sizeOfStreamID = 4
+ sizeOfLength = 4
+ headerSize = sizeOfVersion + sizeOfType + sizeOfFlags +
+ sizeOfStreamID + sizeOfLength
+type header []byte
+func (h header) Version() uint8 {
+ return h[0]
+func (h header) MsgType() uint8 {
+ return h[1]
+func (h header) Flags() uint16 {
+ return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(h[2:4])
+func (h header) StreamID() uint32 {
+ return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(h[4:8])
+func (h header) Length() uint32 {
+ return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(h[8:12])
+func (h header) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Vsn:%d Type:%d Flags:%d StreamID:%d Length:%d",
+ h.Version(), h.MsgType(), h.Flags(), h.StreamID(), h.Length())
+func (h header) encode(msgType uint8, flags uint16, streamID uint32, length uint32) {
+ h[0] = protoVersion
+ h[1] = msgType
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(h[2:4], flags)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(h[4:8], streamID)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(h[8:12], length)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7abc7c744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package yamux
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+// Config is used to tune the Yamux session
+type Config struct {
+ // AcceptBacklog is used to limit how many streams may be
+ // waiting an accept.
+ AcceptBacklog int
+ // EnableKeepalive is used to do a period keep alive
+ // messages using a ping.
+ EnableKeepAlive bool
+ // KeepAliveInterval is how often to perform the keep alive
+ KeepAliveInterval time.Duration
+ // ConnectionWriteTimeout is meant to be a "safety valve" timeout after
+ // we which will suspect a problem with the underlying connection and
+ // close it. This is only applied to writes, where's there's generally
+ // an expectation that things will move along quickly.
+ ConnectionWriteTimeout time.Duration
+ // MaxStreamWindowSize is used to control the maximum
+ // window size that we allow for a stream.
+ MaxStreamWindowSize uint32
+ // LogOutput is used to control the log destination
+ LogOutput io.Writer
+// DefaultConfig is used to return a default configuration
+func DefaultConfig() *Config {
+ return &Config{
+ AcceptBacklog: 256,
+ EnableKeepAlive: true,
+ KeepAliveInterval: 30 * time.Second,
+ ConnectionWriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
+ MaxStreamWindowSize: initialStreamWindow,
+ LogOutput: os.Stderr,
+ }
+// VerifyConfig is used to verify the sanity of configuration
+func VerifyConfig(config *Config) error {
+ if config.AcceptBacklog <= 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("backlog must be positive")
+ }
+ if config.KeepAliveInterval == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("keep-alive interval must be positive")
+ }
+ if config.MaxStreamWindowSize < initialStreamWindow {
+ return fmt.Errorf("MaxStreamWindowSize must be larger than %d", initialStreamWindow)
+ }
+ return nil
+// Server is used to initialize a new server-side connection.
+// There must be at most one server-side connection. If a nil config is
+// provided, the DefaultConfiguration will be used.
+func Server(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, config *Config) (*Session, error) {
+ if config == nil {
+ config = DefaultConfig()
+ }
+ if err := VerifyConfig(config); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return newSession(config, conn, false), nil
+// Client is used to initialize a new client-side connection.
+// There must be at most one client-side connection.
+func Client(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, config *Config) (*Session, error) {
+ if config == nil {
+ config = DefaultConfig()
+ }
+ if err := VerifyConfig(config); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return newSession(config, conn, true), nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8446fa65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+package yamux
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "math"
+ "net"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+// Session is used to wrap a reliable ordered connection and to
+// multiplex it into multiple streams.
+type Session struct {
+ // remoteGoAway indicates the remote side does
+ // not want futher connections. Must be first for alignment.
+ remoteGoAway int32
+ // localGoAway indicates that we should stop
+ // accepting futher connections. Must be first for alignment.
+ localGoAway int32
+ // nextStreamID is the next stream we should
+ // send. This depends if we are a client/server.
+ nextStreamID uint32
+ // config holds our configuration
+ config *Config
+ // logger is used for our logs
+ logger *log.Logger
+ // conn is the underlying connection
+ conn io.ReadWriteCloser
+ // bufRead is a buffered reader
+ bufRead *bufio.Reader
+ // pings is used to track inflight pings
+ pings map[uint32]chan struct{}
+ pingID uint32
+ pingLock sync.Mutex
+ // streams maps a stream id to a stream, and inflight has an entry
+ // for any outgoing stream that has not yet been established. Both are
+ // protected by streamLock.
+ streams map[uint32]*Stream
+ inflight map[uint32]struct{}
+ streamLock sync.Mutex
+ // synCh acts like a semaphore. It is sized to the AcceptBacklog which
+ // is assumed to be symmetric between the client and server. This allows
+ // the client to avoid exceeding the backlog and instead blocks the open.
+ synCh chan struct{}
+ // acceptCh is used to pass ready streams to the client
+ acceptCh chan *Stream
+ // sendCh is used to mark a stream as ready to send,
+ // or to send a header out directly.
+ sendCh chan sendReady
+ // recvDoneCh is closed when recv() exits to avoid a race
+ // between stream registration and stream shutdown
+ recvDoneCh chan struct{}
+ // shutdown is used to safely close a session
+ shutdown bool
+ shutdownErr error
+ shutdownCh chan struct{}
+ shutdownLock sync.Mutex
+// sendReady is used to either mark a stream as ready
+// or to directly send a header
+type sendReady struct {
+ Hdr []byte
+ Body io.Reader
+ Err chan error
+// newSession is used to construct a new session
+func newSession(config *Config, conn io.ReadWriteCloser, client bool) *Session {
+ s := &Session{
+ config: config,
+ logger: log.New(config.LogOutput, "", log.LstdFlags),
+ conn: conn,
+ bufRead: bufio.NewReader(conn),
+ pings: make(map[uint32]chan struct{}),
+ streams: make(map[uint32]*Stream),
+ inflight: make(map[uint32]struct{}),
+ synCh: make(chan struct{}, config.AcceptBacklog),
+ acceptCh: make(chan *Stream, config.AcceptBacklog),
+ sendCh: make(chan sendReady, 64),
+ recvDoneCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ shutdownCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+ if client {
+ s.nextStreamID = 1
+ } else {
+ s.nextStreamID = 2
+ }
+ go s.recv()
+ go s.send()
+ if config.EnableKeepAlive {
+ go s.keepalive()
+ }
+ return s
+// IsClosed does a safe check to see if we have shutdown
+func (s *Session) IsClosed() bool {
+ select {
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+// CloseChan returns a read-only channel which is closed as
+// soon as the session is closed.
+func (s *Session) CloseChan() <-chan struct{} {
+ return s.shutdownCh
+// NumStreams returns the number of currently open streams
+func (s *Session) NumStreams() int {
+ s.streamLock.Lock()
+ num := len(s.streams)
+ s.streamLock.Unlock()
+ return num
+// Open is used to create a new stream as a net.Conn
+func (s *Session) Open() (net.Conn, error) {
+ conn, err := s.OpenStream()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return conn, nil
+// OpenStream is used to create a new stream
+func (s *Session) OpenStream() (*Stream, error) {
+ if s.IsClosed() {
+ return nil, ErrSessionShutdown
+ }
+ if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.remoteGoAway) == 1 {
+ return nil, ErrRemoteGoAway
+ }
+ // Block if we have too many inflight SYNs
+ select {
+ case s.synCh <- struct{}{}:
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return nil, ErrSessionShutdown
+ }
+ // Get an ID, and check for stream exhaustion
+ id := atomic.LoadUint32(&s.nextStreamID)
+ if id >= math.MaxUint32-1 {
+ return nil, ErrStreamsExhausted
+ }
+ if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&s.nextStreamID, id, id+2) {
+ goto GET_ID
+ }
+ // Register the stream
+ stream := newStream(s, id, streamInit)
+ s.streamLock.Lock()
+ s.streams[id] = stream
+ s.inflight[id] = struct{}{}
+ s.streamLock.Unlock()
+ // Send the window update to create
+ if err := stream.sendWindowUpdate(); err != nil {
+ select {
+ case <-s.synCh:
+ default:
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: aborted stream open without inflight syn semaphore")
+ }
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return stream, nil
+// Accept is used to block until the next available stream
+// is ready to be accepted.
+func (s *Session) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
+ conn, err := s.AcceptStream()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return conn, err
+// AcceptStream is used to block until the next available stream
+// is ready to be accepted.
+func (s *Session) AcceptStream() (*Stream, error) {
+ select {
+ case stream := <-s.acceptCh:
+ if err := stream.sendWindowUpdate(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return stream, nil
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return nil, s.shutdownErr
+ }
+// Close is used to close the session and all streams.
+// Attempts to send a GoAway before closing the connection.
+func (s *Session) Close() error {
+ s.shutdownLock.Lock()
+ defer s.shutdownLock.Unlock()
+ if s.shutdown {
+ return nil
+ }
+ s.shutdown = true
+ if s.shutdownErr == nil {
+ s.shutdownErr = ErrSessionShutdown
+ }
+ close(s.shutdownCh)
+ s.conn.Close()
+ <-s.recvDoneCh
+ s.streamLock.Lock()
+ defer s.streamLock.Unlock()
+ for _, stream := range s.streams {
+ stream.forceClose()
+ }
+ return nil
+// exitErr is used to handle an error that is causing the
+// session to terminate.
+func (s *Session) exitErr(err error) {
+ s.shutdownLock.Lock()
+ if s.shutdownErr == nil {
+ s.shutdownErr = err
+ }
+ s.shutdownLock.Unlock()
+ s.Close()
+// GoAway can be used to prevent accepting further
+// connections. It does not close the underlying conn.
+func (s *Session) GoAway() error {
+ return s.waitForSend(s.goAway(goAwayNormal), nil)
+// goAway is used to send a goAway message
+func (s *Session) goAway(reason uint32) header {
+ atomic.SwapInt32(&s.localGoAway, 1)
+ hdr := header(make([]byte, headerSize))
+ hdr.encode(typeGoAway, 0, 0, reason)
+ return hdr
+// Ping is used to measure the RTT response time
+func (s *Session) Ping() (time.Duration, error) {
+ // Get a channel for the ping
+ ch := make(chan struct{})
+ // Get a new ping id, mark as pending
+ s.pingLock.Lock()
+ id := s.pingID
+ s.pingID++
+ s.pings[id] = ch
+ s.pingLock.Unlock()
+ // Send the ping request
+ hdr := header(make([]byte, headerSize))
+ hdr.encode(typePing, flagSYN, 0, id)
+ if err := s.waitForSend(hdr, nil); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ // Wait for a response
+ start := time.Now()
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(s.config.ConnectionWriteTimeout):
+ s.pingLock.Lock()
+ delete(s.pings, id) // Ignore it if a response comes later.
+ s.pingLock.Unlock()
+ return 0, ErrTimeout
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return 0, ErrSessionShutdown
+ }
+ // Compute the RTT
+ return time.Now().Sub(start), nil
+// keepalive is a long running goroutine that periodically does
+// a ping to keep the connection alive.
+func (s *Session) keepalive() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(s.config.KeepAliveInterval):
+ _, err := s.Ping()
+ if err != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: keepalive failed: %v", err)
+ s.exitErr(ErrKeepAliveTimeout)
+ return
+ }
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return
+ }
+ }
+// waitForSendErr waits to send a header, checking for a potential shutdown
+func (s *Session) waitForSend(hdr header, body io.Reader) error {
+ errCh := make(chan error, 1)
+ return s.waitForSendErr(hdr, body, errCh)
+// waitForSendErr waits to send a header with optional data, checking for a
+// potential shutdown. Since there's the expectation that sends can happen
+// in a timely manner, we enforce the connection write timeout here.
+func (s *Session) waitForSendErr(hdr header, body io.Reader, errCh chan error) error {
+ t := timerPool.Get()
+ timer := t.(*time.Timer)
+ timer.Reset(s.config.ConnectionWriteTimeout)
+ defer func() {
+ timer.Stop()
+ select {
+ case <-timer.C:
+ default:
+ }
+ timerPool.Put(t)
+ }()
+ ready := sendReady{Hdr: hdr, Body: body, Err: errCh}
+ select {
+ case s.sendCh <- ready:
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return ErrSessionShutdown
+ case <-timer.C:
+ return ErrConnectionWriteTimeout
+ }
+ select {
+ case err := <-errCh:
+ return err
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return ErrSessionShutdown
+ case <-timer.C:
+ return ErrConnectionWriteTimeout
+ }
+// sendNoWait does a send without waiting. Since there's the expectation that
+// the send happens right here, we enforce the connection write timeout if we
+// can't queue the header to be sent.
+func (s *Session) sendNoWait(hdr header) error {
+ t := timerPool.Get()
+ timer := t.(*time.Timer)
+ timer.Reset(s.config.ConnectionWriteTimeout)
+ defer func() {
+ timer.Stop()
+ select {
+ case <-timer.C:
+ default:
+ }
+ timerPool.Put(t)
+ }()
+ select {
+ case s.sendCh <- sendReady{Hdr: hdr}:
+ return nil
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return ErrSessionShutdown
+ case <-timer.C:
+ return ErrConnectionWriteTimeout
+ }
+// send is a long running goroutine that sends data
+func (s *Session) send() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case ready := <-s.sendCh:
+ // Send a header if ready
+ if ready.Hdr != nil {
+ sent := 0
+ for sent < len(ready.Hdr) {
+ n, err := s.conn.Write(ready.Hdr[sent:])
+ if err != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: Failed to write header: %v", err)
+ asyncSendErr(ready.Err, err)
+ s.exitErr(err)
+ return
+ }
+ sent += n
+ }
+ }
+ // Send data from a body if given
+ if ready.Body != nil {
+ _, err := io.Copy(s.conn, ready.Body)
+ if err != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: Failed to write body: %v", err)
+ asyncSendErr(ready.Err, err)
+ s.exitErr(err)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // No error, successful send
+ asyncSendErr(ready.Err, nil)
+ case <-s.shutdownCh:
+ return
+ }
+ }
+// recv is a long running goroutine that accepts new data
+func (s *Session) recv() {
+ if err := s.recvLoop(); err != nil {
+ s.exitErr(err)
+ }
+// Ensure that the index of the handler (typeData/typeWindowUpdate/etc) matches the message type
+var (
+ handlers = []func(*Session, header) error{
+ typeData: (*Session).handleStreamMessage,
+ typeWindowUpdate: (*Session).handleStreamMessage,
+ typePing: (*Session).handlePing,
+ typeGoAway: (*Session).handleGoAway,
+ }
+// recvLoop continues to receive data until a fatal error is encountered
+func (s *Session) recvLoop() error {
+ defer close(s.recvDoneCh)
+ hdr := header(make([]byte, headerSize))
+ for {
+ // Read the header
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(s.bufRead, hdr); err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "closed") && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "reset by peer") {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: Failed to read header: %v", err)
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ // Verify the version
+ if hdr.Version() != protoVersion {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: Invalid protocol version: %d", hdr.Version())
+ return ErrInvalidVersion
+ }
+ mt := hdr.MsgType()
+ if mt < typeData || mt > typeGoAway {
+ return ErrInvalidMsgType
+ }
+ if err := handlers[mt](s, hdr); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+// handleStreamMessage handles either a data or window update frame
+func (s *Session) handleStreamMessage(hdr header) error {
+ // Check for a new stream creation
+ id := hdr.StreamID()
+ flags := hdr.Flags()
+ if flags&flagSYN == flagSYN {
+ if err := s.incomingStream(id); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the stream
+ s.streamLock.Lock()
+ stream := s.streams[id]
+ s.streamLock.Unlock()
+ // If we do not have a stream, likely we sent a RST
+ if stream == nil {
+ // Drain any data on the wire
+ if hdr.MsgType() == typeData && hdr.Length() > 0 {
+ s.logger.Printf("[WARN] yamux: Discarding data for stream: %d", id)
+ if _, err := io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, s.bufRead, int64(hdr.Length())); err != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: Failed to discard data: %v", err)
+ return nil
+ }
+ } else {
+ s.logger.Printf("[WARN] yamux: frame for missing stream: %v", hdr)
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Check if this is a window update
+ if hdr.MsgType() == typeWindowUpdate {
+ if err := stream.incrSendWindow(hdr, flags); err != nil {
+ if sendErr := s.sendNoWait(s.goAway(goAwayProtoErr)); sendErr != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[WARN] yamux: failed to send go away: %v", sendErr)
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Read the new data
+ if err := stream.readData(hdr, flags, s.bufRead); err != nil {
+ if sendErr := s.sendNoWait(s.goAway(goAwayProtoErr)); sendErr != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[WARN] yamux: failed to send go away: %v", sendErr)
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// handlePing is invokde for a typePing frame
+func (s *Session) handlePing(hdr header) error {
+ flags := hdr.Flags()
+ pingID := hdr.Length()
+ // Check if this is a query, respond back in a separate context so we
+ // don't interfere with the receiving thread blocking for the write.
+ if flags&flagSYN == flagSYN {
+ go func() {
+ hdr := header(make([]byte, headerSize))
+ hdr.encode(typePing, flagACK, 0, pingID)
+ if err := s.sendNoWait(hdr); err != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[WARN] yamux: failed to send ping reply: %v", err)
+ }
+ }()
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Handle a response
+ s.pingLock.Lock()
+ ch := s.pings[pingID]
+ if ch != nil {
+ delete(s.pings, pingID)
+ close(ch)
+ }
+ s.pingLock.Unlock()
+ return nil
+// handleGoAway is invokde for a typeGoAway frame
+func (s *Session) handleGoAway(hdr header) error {
+ code := hdr.Length()
+ switch code {
+ case goAwayNormal:
+ atomic.SwapInt32(&s.remoteGoAway, 1)
+ case goAwayProtoErr:
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: received protocol error go away")
+ return fmt.Errorf("yamux protocol error")
+ case goAwayInternalErr:
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: received internal error go away")
+ return fmt.Errorf("remote yamux internal error")
+ default:
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: received unexpected go away")
+ return fmt.Errorf("unexpected go away received")
+ }
+ return nil
+// incomingStream is used to create a new incoming stream
+func (s *Session) incomingStream(id uint32) error {
+ // Reject immediately if we are doing a go away
+ if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.localGoAway) == 1 {
+ hdr := header(make([]byte, headerSize))
+ hdr.encode(typeWindowUpdate, flagRST, id, 0)
+ return s.sendNoWait(hdr)
+ }
+ // Allocate a new stream
+ stream := newStream(s, id, streamSYNReceived)
+ s.streamLock.Lock()
+ defer s.streamLock.Unlock()
+ // Check if stream already exists
+ if _, ok := s.streams[id]; ok {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: duplicate stream declared")
+ if sendErr := s.sendNoWait(s.goAway(goAwayProtoErr)); sendErr != nil {
+ s.logger.Printf("[WARN] yamux: failed to send go away: %v", sendErr)
+ }
+ return ErrDuplicateStream
+ }
+ // Register the stream
+ s.streams[id] = stream
+ // Check if we've exceeded the backlog
+ select {
+ case s.acceptCh <- stream:
+ return nil
+ default:
+ // Backlog exceeded! RST the stream
+ s.logger.Printf("[WARN] yamux: backlog exceeded, forcing connection reset")
+ delete(s.streams, id)
+ stream.sendHdr.encode(typeWindowUpdate, flagRST, id, 0)
+ return s.sendNoWait(stream.sendHdr)
+ }
+// closeStream is used to close a stream once both sides have
+// issued a close. If there was an in-flight SYN and the stream
+// was not yet established, then this will give the credit back.
+func (s *Session) closeStream(id uint32) {
+ s.streamLock.Lock()
+ if _, ok := s.inflight[id]; ok {
+ select {
+ case <-s.synCh:
+ default:
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: SYN tracking out of sync")
+ }
+ }
+ delete(s.streams, id)
+ s.streamLock.Unlock()
+// establishStream is used to mark a stream that was in the
+// SYN Sent state as established.
+func (s *Session) establishStream(id uint32) {
+ s.streamLock.Lock()
+ if _, ok := s.inflight[id]; ok {
+ delete(s.inflight, id)
+ } else {
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: established stream without inflight SYN (no tracking entry)")
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-s.synCh:
+ default:
+ s.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: established stream without inflight SYN (didn't have semaphore)")
+ }
+ s.streamLock.Unlock()
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+# Specification
+We use this document to detail the internal specification of Yamux.
+This is used both as a guide for implementing Yamux, but also for
+alternative interoperable libraries to be built.
+# Framing
+Yamux uses a streaming connection underneath, but imposes a message
+framing so that it can be shared between many logical streams. Each
+frame contains a header like:
+* Version (8 bits)
+* Type (8 bits)
+* Flags (16 bits)
+* StreamID (32 bits)
+* Length (32 bits)
+This means that each header has a 12 byte overhead.
+All fields are encoded in network order (big endian).
+Each field is described below:
+## Version Field
+The version field is used for future backward compatibility. At the
+current time, the field is always set to 0, to indicate the initial
+## Type Field
+The type field is used to switch the frame message type. The following
+message types are supported:
+* 0x0 Data - Used to transmit data. May transmit zero length payloads
+ depending on the flags.
+* 0x1 Window Update - Used to updated the senders receive window size.
+ This is used to implement per-session flow control.
+* 0x2 Ping - Used to measure RTT. It can also be used to heart-beat
+ and do keep-alives over TCP.
+* 0x3 Go Away - Used to close a session.
+## Flag Field
+The flags field is used to provide additional information related
+to the message type. The following flags are supported:
+* 0x1 SYN - Signals the start of a new stream. May be sent with a data or
+ window update message. Also sent with a ping to indicate outbound.
+* 0x2 ACK - Acknowledges the start of a new stream. May be sent with a data
+ or window update message. Also sent with a ping to indicate response.
+* 0x4 FIN - Performs a half-close of a stream. May be sent with a data
+ message or window update.
+* 0x8 RST - Reset a stream immediately. May be sent with a data or
+ window update message.
+## StreamID Field
+The StreamID field is used to identify the logical stream the frame
+is addressing. The client side should use odd ID's, and the server even.
+This prevents any collisions. Additionally, the 0 ID is reserved to represent
+the session.
+Both Ping and Go Away messages should always use the 0 StreamID.
+## Length Field
+The meaning of the length field depends on the message type:
+* Data - provides the length of bytes following the header
+* Window update - provides a delta update to the window size
+* Ping - Contains an opaque value, echoed back
+* Go Away - Contains an error code
+# Message Flow
+There is no explicit connection setup, as Yamux relies on an underlying
+transport to be provided. However, there is a distinction between client
+and server side of the connection.
+## Opening a stream
+To open a stream, an initial data or window update frame is sent
+with a new StreamID. The SYN flag should be set to signal a new stream.
+The receiver must then reply with either a data or window update frame
+with the StreamID along with the ACK flag to accept the stream or with
+the RST flag to reject the stream.
+Because we are relying on the reliable stream underneath, a connection
+can begin sending data once the SYN flag is sent. The corresponding
+ACK does not need to be received. This is particularly well suited
+for an RPC system where a client wants to open a stream and immediately
+fire a request without waiting for the RTT of the ACK.
+This does introduce the possibility of a connection being rejected
+after data has been sent already. This is a slight semantic difference
+from TCP, where the conection cannot be refused after it is opened.
+Clients should be prepared to handle this by checking for an error
+that indicates a RST was received.
+## Closing a stream
+To close a stream, either side sends a data or window update frame
+along with the FIN flag. This does a half-close indicating the sender
+will send no further data.
+Once both sides have closed the connection, the stream is closed.
+Alternatively, if an error occurs, the RST flag can be used to
+hard close a stream immediately.
+## Flow Control
+When Yamux is initially starts each stream with a 256KB window size.
+There is no window size for the session.
+To prevent the streams from stalling, window update frames should be
+sent regularly. Yamux can be configured to provide a larger limit for
+windows sizes. Both sides assume the initial 256KB window, but can
+immediately send a window update as part of the SYN/ACK indicating a
+larger window.
+Both sides should track the number of bytes sent in Data frames
+only, as only they are tracked as part of the window size.
+## Session termination
+When a session is being terminated, the Go Away message should
+be sent. The Length should be set to one of the following to
+provide an error code:
+* 0x0 Normal termination
+* 0x1 Protocol error
+* 0x2 Internal error
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+package yamux
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "io"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+type streamState int
+const (
+ streamInit streamState = iota
+ streamSYNSent
+ streamSYNReceived
+ streamEstablished
+ streamLocalClose
+ streamRemoteClose
+ streamClosed
+ streamReset
+// Stream is used to represent a logical stream
+// within a session.
+type Stream struct {
+ recvWindow uint32
+ sendWindow uint32
+ id uint32
+ session *Session
+ state streamState
+ stateLock sync.Mutex
+ recvBuf *bytes.Buffer
+ recvLock sync.Mutex
+ controlHdr header
+ controlErr chan error
+ controlHdrLock sync.Mutex
+ sendHdr header
+ sendErr chan error
+ sendLock sync.Mutex
+ recvNotifyCh chan struct{}
+ sendNotifyCh chan struct{}
+ readDeadline atomic.Value // time.Time
+ writeDeadline atomic.Value // time.Time
+// newStream is used to construct a new stream within
+// a given session for an ID
+func newStream(session *Session, id uint32, state streamState) *Stream {
+ s := &Stream{
+ id: id,
+ session: session,
+ state: state,
+ controlHdr: header(make([]byte, headerSize)),
+ controlErr: make(chan error, 1),
+ sendHdr: header(make([]byte, headerSize)),
+ sendErr: make(chan error, 1),
+ recvWindow: initialStreamWindow,
+ sendWindow: initialStreamWindow,
+ recvNotifyCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
+ sendNotifyCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
+ }
+ s.readDeadline.Store(time.Time{})
+ s.writeDeadline.Store(time.Time{})
+ return s
+// Session returns the associated stream session
+func (s *Stream) Session() *Session {
+ return s.session
+// StreamID returns the ID of this stream
+func (s *Stream) StreamID() uint32 {
+ return
+// Read is used to read from the stream
+func (s *Stream) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ defer asyncNotify(s.recvNotifyCh)
+ s.stateLock.Lock()
+ switch s.state {
+ case streamLocalClose:
+ fallthrough
+ case streamRemoteClose:
+ fallthrough
+ case streamClosed:
+ s.recvLock.Lock()
+ if s.recvBuf == nil || s.recvBuf.Len() == 0 {
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ return 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ case streamReset:
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ return 0, ErrConnectionReset
+ }
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ // If there is no data available, block
+ s.recvLock.Lock()
+ if s.recvBuf == nil || s.recvBuf.Len() == 0 {
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ goto WAIT
+ }
+ // Read any bytes
+ n, _ = s.recvBuf.Read(b)
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ // Send a window update potentially
+ err = s.sendWindowUpdate()
+ return n, err
+ var timeout <-chan time.Time
+ var timer *time.Timer
+ readDeadline := s.readDeadline.Load().(time.Time)
+ if !readDeadline.IsZero() {
+ delay := readDeadline.Sub(time.Now())
+ timer = time.NewTimer(delay)
+ timeout = timer.C
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-s.recvNotifyCh:
+ if timer != nil {
+ timer.Stop()
+ }
+ goto START
+ case <-timeout:
+ return 0, ErrTimeout
+ }
+// Write is used to write to the stream
+func (s *Stream) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ s.sendLock.Lock()
+ defer s.sendLock.Unlock()
+ total := 0
+ for total < len(b) {
+ n, err := s.write(b[total:])
+ total += n
+ if err != nil {
+ return total, err
+ }
+ }
+ return total, nil
+// write is used to write to the stream, may return on
+// a short write.
+func (s *Stream) write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ var flags uint16
+ var max uint32
+ var body io.Reader
+ s.stateLock.Lock()
+ switch s.state {
+ case streamLocalClose:
+ fallthrough
+ case streamClosed:
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ return 0, ErrStreamClosed
+ case streamReset:
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ return 0, ErrConnectionReset
+ }
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ // If there is no data available, block
+ window := atomic.LoadUint32(&s.sendWindow)
+ if window == 0 {
+ goto WAIT
+ }
+ // Determine the flags if any
+ flags = s.sendFlags()
+ // Send up to our send window
+ max = min(window, uint32(len(b)))
+ body = bytes.NewReader(b[:max])
+ // Send the header
+ s.sendHdr.encode(typeData, flags,, max)
+ if err = s.session.waitForSendErr(s.sendHdr, body, s.sendErr); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ // Reduce our send window
+ atomic.AddUint32(&s.sendWindow, ^uint32(max-1))
+ // Unlock
+ return int(max), err
+ var timeout <-chan time.Time
+ writeDeadline := s.writeDeadline.Load().(time.Time)
+ if !writeDeadline.IsZero() {
+ delay := writeDeadline.Sub(time.Now())
+ timeout = time.After(delay)
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-s.sendNotifyCh:
+ goto START
+ case <-timeout:
+ return 0, ErrTimeout
+ }
+ return 0, nil
+// sendFlags determines any flags that are appropriate
+// based on the current stream state
+func (s *Stream) sendFlags() uint16 {
+ s.stateLock.Lock()
+ defer s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ var flags uint16
+ switch s.state {
+ case streamInit:
+ flags |= flagSYN
+ s.state = streamSYNSent
+ case streamSYNReceived:
+ flags |= flagACK
+ s.state = streamEstablished
+ }
+ return flags
+// sendWindowUpdate potentially sends a window update enabling
+// further writes to take place. Must be invoked with the lock.
+func (s *Stream) sendWindowUpdate() error {
+ s.controlHdrLock.Lock()
+ defer s.controlHdrLock.Unlock()
+ // Determine the delta update
+ max := s.session.config.MaxStreamWindowSize
+ var bufLen uint32
+ s.recvLock.Lock()
+ if s.recvBuf != nil {
+ bufLen = uint32(s.recvBuf.Len())
+ }
+ delta := (max - bufLen) - s.recvWindow
+ // Determine the flags if any
+ flags := s.sendFlags()
+ // Check if we can omit the update
+ if delta < (max/2) && flags == 0 {
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Update our window
+ s.recvWindow += delta
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ // Send the header
+ s.controlHdr.encode(typeWindowUpdate, flags,, delta)
+ if err := s.session.waitForSendErr(s.controlHdr, nil, s.controlErr); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// sendClose is used to send a FIN
+func (s *Stream) sendClose() error {
+ s.controlHdrLock.Lock()
+ defer s.controlHdrLock.Unlock()
+ flags := s.sendFlags()
+ flags |= flagFIN
+ s.controlHdr.encode(typeWindowUpdate, flags,, 0)
+ if err := s.session.waitForSendErr(s.controlHdr, nil, s.controlErr); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Close is used to close the stream
+func (s *Stream) Close() error {
+ closeStream := false
+ s.stateLock.Lock()
+ switch s.state {
+ // Opened means we need to signal a close
+ case streamSYNSent:
+ fallthrough
+ case streamSYNReceived:
+ fallthrough
+ case streamEstablished:
+ s.state = streamLocalClose
+ case streamLocalClose:
+ case streamRemoteClose:
+ s.state = streamClosed
+ closeStream = true
+ case streamClosed:
+ case streamReset:
+ default:
+ panic("unhandled state")
+ }
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ return nil
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ s.sendClose()
+ s.notifyWaiting()
+ if closeStream {
+ s.session.closeStream(
+ }
+ return nil
+// forceClose is used for when the session is exiting
+func (s *Stream) forceClose() {
+ s.stateLock.Lock()
+ s.state = streamClosed
+ s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ s.notifyWaiting()
+// processFlags is used to update the state of the stream
+// based on set flags, if any. Lock must be held
+func (s *Stream) processFlags(flags uint16) error {
+ // Close the stream without holding the state lock
+ closeStream := false
+ defer func() {
+ if closeStream {
+ s.session.closeStream(
+ }
+ }()
+ s.stateLock.Lock()
+ defer s.stateLock.Unlock()
+ if flags&flagACK == flagACK {
+ if s.state == streamSYNSent {
+ s.state = streamEstablished
+ }
+ s.session.establishStream(
+ }
+ if flags&flagFIN == flagFIN {
+ switch s.state {
+ case streamSYNSent:
+ fallthrough
+ case streamSYNReceived:
+ fallthrough
+ case streamEstablished:
+ s.state = streamRemoteClose
+ s.notifyWaiting()
+ case streamLocalClose:
+ s.state = streamClosed
+ closeStream = true
+ s.notifyWaiting()
+ default:
+ s.session.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: unexpected FIN flag in state %d", s.state)
+ return ErrUnexpectedFlag
+ }
+ }
+ if flags&flagRST == flagRST {
+ s.state = streamReset
+ closeStream = true
+ s.notifyWaiting()
+ }
+ return nil
+// notifyWaiting notifies all the waiting channels
+func (s *Stream) notifyWaiting() {
+ asyncNotify(s.recvNotifyCh)
+ asyncNotify(s.sendNotifyCh)
+// incrSendWindow updates the size of our send window
+func (s *Stream) incrSendWindow(hdr header, flags uint16) error {
+ if err := s.processFlags(flags); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Increase window, unblock a sender
+ atomic.AddUint32(&s.sendWindow, hdr.Length())
+ asyncNotify(s.sendNotifyCh)
+ return nil
+// readData is used to handle a data frame
+func (s *Stream) readData(hdr header, flags uint16, conn io.Reader) error {
+ if err := s.processFlags(flags); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Check that our recv window is not exceeded
+ length := hdr.Length()
+ if length == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Wrap in a limited reader
+ conn = &io.LimitedReader{R: conn, N: int64(length)}
+ // Copy into buffer
+ s.recvLock.Lock()
+ if length > s.recvWindow {
+ s.session.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: receive window exceeded (stream: %d, remain: %d, recv: %d)",, s.recvWindow, length)
+ return ErrRecvWindowExceeded
+ }
+ if s.recvBuf == nil {
+ // Allocate the receive buffer just-in-time to fit the full data frame.
+ // This way we can read in the whole packet without further allocations.
+ s.recvBuf = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, length))
+ }
+ if _, err := io.Copy(s.recvBuf, conn); err != nil {
+ s.session.logger.Printf("[ERR] yamux: Failed to read stream data: %v", err)
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ return err
+ }
+ // Decrement the receive window
+ s.recvWindow -= length
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
+ // Unblock any readers
+ asyncNotify(s.recvNotifyCh)
+ return nil
+// SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines
+func (s *Stream) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+ if err := s.SetReadDeadline(t); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := s.SetWriteDeadline(t); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future Read calls.
+func (s *Stream) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+ s.readDeadline.Store(t)
+ return nil
+// SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future Write calls
+func (s *Stream) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+ s.writeDeadline.Store(t)
+ return nil
+// Shrink is used to compact the amount of buffers utilized
+// This is useful when using Yamux in a connection pool to reduce
+// the idle memory utilization.
+func (s *Stream) Shrink() {
+ s.recvLock.Lock()
+ if s.recvBuf != nil && s.recvBuf.Len() == 0 {
+ s.recvBuf = nil
+ }
+ s.recvLock.Unlock()
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a73e9249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
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+package yamux
+import (
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+var (
+ timerPool = &sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ timer := time.NewTimer(time.Hour * 1e6)
+ timer.Stop()
+ return timer
+ },
+ }
+// asyncSendErr is used to try an async send of an error
+func asyncSendErr(ch chan error, err error) {
+ if ch == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ select {
+ case ch <- err:
+ default:
+ }
+// asyncNotify is used to signal a waiting goroutine
+func asyncNotify(ch chan struct{}) {
+ select {
+ case ch <- struct{}{}:
+ default:
+ }
+// min computes the minimum of two values
+func min(a, b uint32) uint32 {
+ if a < b {
+ return a
+ }
+ return b