path: root/webapp/i18n
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Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/i18n')
10 files changed, 1583 insertions, 378 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/de.json b/webapp/i18n/de.json
index 099dd30d6..729407a13 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/de.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/de.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "Beschreibung des eingehenden Webhooks.",
"add_command.displayName": "Anzeigename",
"": "Anzeigename für den Slash Befehl mit bis zu 64 Zeichen.",
- "add_command.header": "Hinzufügen",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Antwort Icon",
"": "(optional) Wählen Sie ein überschreibendes Profilbild für die Antwort für diesen Slash Befehl. Geben Sie eine URL zu einem .png oder .jpg mit mind. 128x128 Pixeln.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "Die Art des Anfragekommandos gesendet an die Anfrage URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "Speichern",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "Befehl Trigger Wort",
"": "Auslösewort muss eindeutig sein, und kann nicht mit einem Slash beginnen oder Leerzeichen enthalten.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Beispiele: client, mitarbeiter, patient, wetter",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "Beschreibung des eingehenden Webhooks.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Anzeigename",
"": "Anzeigename des eingehenden Webhooks mit bis zu 64 Zeichen.",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "Hinzufügen",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Name",
"": "Speichern",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "Die Weiterleitungs-URI zu der der Service weiterleiten wird sobald der Benutzer die Autorisation Ihrer Anwendung erlaubt oder abgelehnt hat, behandelt außerdem Autorisationscodes bzw. Zugriffstokens. Muss eine gültige URL sein und mit http:// oder https:// beginnen.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "Eine oder mehere Callback URLs werden benötigt",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Beschreibung für Ihre OAuth 2.0 Anwendung.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Beschreibung für die OAuth 2.0 Anwendung ist erforderlich.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Please send data to the following URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Hinzufügen",
"": "Die URL für die Homepage der OAuth 2.0 Anwendung. Stellen Sie sicher das Sie HTTP oder HTTPS in Ihrer URL basierend Ihrer Serverkonfiguration verwenden.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "Homepage der OAuth 2.0 Anwendung ist erforderlich.",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "Anzeigename für Ihre OAuth 2.0 Anwendung aus bis zu 64 Zeichen.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "Name der OAuth 2.0 Anwendung ist erforderlich.",
"": "Wenn wahr wird die OAuth 2.0 Anwendung durch den Mattermost Server als vertrauenswürdig markiert und fordert den Benutzer nicht auf die Autorisation zu akzeptieren. Wenn falsch wird ein zusätzliches Fenster angezeigt in dem der Benutzer gebeten wird die Autorisierung zu akzeptieren oder abzulehnen.",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Callback URLs (eine pro Zeile)",
"": "Die URL an die die Nachricht gesendet wird.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Eine oder mehere Callback URLs werden benötigt",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "Beschreibung für Ihren ausgehenden Webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Anzeigename",
"": "Anzeigename für Ihren ausgehenden Webhook aus bis zu 64 Zeichen.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Hinzufügen",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Name",
"": "Speichern",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Triggerwörter (eine pro Zeile)",
"": "Nachrichten die mit mit einem der spezifizierten Wörtern beginnen lösen den ausgehenden Webhook aus. Optional wenn Kanal gewählt wird.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Ein gültiger Kanal oder eine Liste von Triggerwörtern wird benötigt",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "Erfahren Sie mehr zum Erstellen und Ausrollen Ihrer eigenen mobilen App aus einem <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>.",
"": "Verbindung nicht erfolgreich: {error}",
"": "Es wurden keine Fehler beim Sendern der E-Mail gemeldet. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihr Postfach um sicherzugehen.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.",
+ "": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in <b>Account Settings > Notifications</b>.",
+ "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "Senden eines Ausschnitts der vollständigen Nachricht",
"": "Sende allgemeine Beschreibung mit Benutzer- und Kanalnamen",
"": "32 Zeichen langer Salt der zum Signieren von E-Mail Einladungen hinzugefügt wird. Zufallsgeneriert bei Installation. \"Neu generieren\" klicken um einen neuen Salt zu erstellen.",
@@ -242,7 +254,7 @@
"": "Anzeigename des E-Mail Accounts, welcher zum Senden von Benachrichtigungsmails von Mattermost verwendet wird.",
"": "z.B.: \"\", \"\"",
"": "Absenderadresse:",
- "": "Adresse in der Fußzeile von Benachrichtigungen",
+ "": "Adresse in der Fußzeile von Benachrichtigungen:",
"": "Name und Adresse der Organisation bzw. des Unternehmens, wie sie in E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen von Mattermost angezeigt werden sollen, z.B. \"© Musterfirma GmbH, Musterstraße 23, 59424 Musterhausen, Deutschland\". Wenn dieses Feld leer bleibt, werden der Name und Adresse der Organisation nicht angezeigt.",
"": "Normalerweise wahr in Produktionsumgebungen. Wenn wahr versucht Mattermost E-Mail Benachrichtigungen zu versenden. Entwickler sollten dies auf falsch für eine schnellere Entwicklung setzen.<br />Durch setzen auf wahr wird der Vorschau Modus Banner entfernt (benötigt aus- und einloggen nach Änderung).",
"": "Aktiviere E-Mail Benachrichtigungen: ",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "Speicher",
"admin.general.configuration": "Konfiguration",
"admin.general.localization": "Lokalisation",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Festlegen welche Sprachen für die Benutzer in den Benutzereinstellungen verfügbar sein sollen (dieses Feld leer lassen um alle unterstützten Sprachen verfügbar zu machen).<br /><br />Möchten Sie uns bei der Übersetzung unterstützen? Treten Sie dem <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> bei um Ihren Beitrag zu leisten.",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available). If you’re manually adding new languages, the <strong>Default Client Language</strong> must be added before saving this setting.<br /><br />Would like to help with translations? Join the <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> to contribute.",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Verfügbare Sprachen:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Standard Sprache für neu angelegte Nutzer und Seiten wo sich der Nutzer noch nicht angemeldet hat.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Standardsprache Client:",
@@ -477,7 +489,7 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Anmelden mit OAuth 2.0 Provider nicht erlauben",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Wenn wahr kann Mattermost als OAuth 2.0 Dienstprovider auftreten und API Anfragen von externen Anwendungen erlauben.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Aktiviere OAuth 2.0 Dienstprovider: ",
"": "OAuth 2.0 Service Provider auswählen:",
@@ -640,9 +652,9 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "Session Cache (Minuten):",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "Die Anzahl von Minuten in denen der Sitzungs-Cache im Speicher gehalten wird.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "z.B.: \"30\"",
- "admin.service.siteURL": "Site URL:",
- "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, from which users will access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
- "admin.service.siteURLExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.service.siteURL": "URL der Seite:",
+ "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "Die URL, inklusive Port und Protokoll, mit der Benutzer auf Mattermost zugreifen können. Leer lassen um automatisch basierend von eingehendem Verkehr zu ermitteln.",
+ "admin.service.siteURLExample": "z.B.: \"\"",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Sessiondauer für SSO Anwendungen (Tage):",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Die Anzahl der Tage seit der letzten Anmeldung des Benutzers bis zum Ablauf der Sitzung. Wenn die Authentifizierungsmethode SAML oder GitLab ist, wird der Benutzer automatisch wieder angemeldet sofern er noch bei SAML oder GitLab angemeldet ist. Bei Änderung dieser Einstellung tritt die neue Sitzungsdauer in Kraft nachdem der Benutzer sich das nächste Mal anmeldet.",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "Wenn wahr wird der /loadtest Slash Befehl aktiviert um Testaccounts, -daten und -Textformatierungen zu laden. Änderung erfordern einen Server Neustart.",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "Protokollierung",
"admin.sidebar.login": "Anmelden",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Protokolle",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "ANDERE",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "Kanal",
"channel_flow.create": "Erstelle {term}",
"": "Gruppe",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "Channel URL must be 2 or more lowercase alphanumeric characters",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "Ungültiger Kanal Name",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "Setze {term} URL",
"": "Kanal",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "Dateien werden hochgeladen",
"create_post.comment": "Kommentar",
"": "Senden",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Keyboard shortcuts are not supported on your device.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Nachrichten senden</h4><p>Geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein und drücken Sie <strong>Enter</strong> um sie senden.</p><p>Klicken Sie den <strong>Anhang</strong> Button um ein Bild oder eine Datei hochzuladen.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Schreiben Sie eine Nachricht...",
"create_team.agreement": "Wenn Sie die Erstellung Ihres Accounts fortsetzen und {siteName} nutzen, verstehen Sie sich mit unseren <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Nutzungsbedingungen</a> und <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Datenschutzbedingungen</a> einverstanden. Wenn Sie nicht zustimmen, dürfen Sie {siteName} nicht nutzen.",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "Speichern",
"email_signup.address": "E-Mail-Adresse",
"email_signup.createTeam": "Team erstellen",
- "email_signup.emailError": "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.",
"email_signup.find": "Finde meine Teams",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: Sie sind fast fertig",
"email_verify.failed": " Fehler beim Senden der Bestätigungsmail.",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "Senden Sie Teammitgliedern den unten stehenden Link damit diese sich für dieses Team registrieren können. Der Team Einladungslink kann mit mehreren Teammitgliedern geteilt werden da er sich nicht ändert, sofern er nicht in den Teameinstellungen durch den Team Admin geändert wird.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "Erstellung von Benutzern wurde für Ihr Team deaktiviert. Für Details, fragen Sie bitte Ihren Administrator.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "Team Einladungslink",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Attaching Files\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Executing Commands\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Sending Messages\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Example:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point')",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "Executing Commands",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "Slash Befehle",
"installed_commands.add": "Slash Befehl hinzufügen",
"installed_commands.empty": "Keine Befehle gefunden",
@@ -1219,7 +1321,7 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "Beschreibung",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "Keine OAuth 2.0 Applikationen gefunden",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 Applikationen",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 Applikationen sind für jeden auf dem Server verfügbar",
+ "": "OAuth 2.0 Applikationen sind für jeden auf dem Server verfügbar.",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "Homepage",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "Icon URL",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "Ist vertrauenswürdig: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "Dokumentation",
"": "Suche ausgehende Webhooks",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "Ein privater Webhook",
+ "integrations.add": "Hinzufügen",
"integrations.command.description": "Slash Befehle senden Events an externe Integrationen",
"integrations.command.title": "Slash Befehle",
+ "integrations.done": "Erledigt",
"integrations.header": "Integration",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Eingehende Webhooks erlauben externe Integrationen Nachrichten zu senden",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Eingehende Webhooks",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "Der Name muss 3 bis 15 Zeichen enthalten",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "Name für neues Team eingeben",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "Bitte geben Sie einen Team Namen ein",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "You will be removed from all public channels and private groups. If the team is private you will not be able to rejoin the team. Are you sure?",
+ "": "Nein",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "Leave the team?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "Ja",
"loading_screen.loading": "Laden",
"login.changed": " Anmeldemethode erfolgreich geändert",
"login.create": "Jetzt neuen Erstellen",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse oder Benutzernamen ein",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Benutzername oder {ldapUsername} ein",
"login.noLdapUsername": "Bitte geben Sie Ihren {ldapUsername} ein",
+ "login.noMethods": "Keine Registrierungsmethoden konfiguriert, bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Systemadministrator.",
"login.noPassword": "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein",
"login.noUsername": "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen oder {ldapUsername} ein",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>Ein Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passwortes wurde an <b>{email}</b> geschickt</p>",
"password_send.reset": "Mein Passwort zurücksetzen",
"password_send.title": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Erneut versuchen",
"permalink.error.access": "Der dauerhafte Link verweist auf eine gelöschte Nachricht oder einen Kanal auf den Sie keinen Zugriff haben.",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Teamauswahl",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "Team Einladungslink erhalten",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "Team Einstellungen",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "Zeige Mitglieder",
+ "": "E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "Ihre Teams: ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "Oder erstellen Sie ein Team",
"signup_team.disabled": "Teamerstellung wurde deaktiviert. Bitte kontaktieren Sie einen Administrator.",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "Benachrichtigt jedem in diesem Kanal, in {townsquare} benachrichtigt er das gesamte Team",
"": "Benachrichtigt jeden in diesem Kanal",
"": "Benachrichtigt jeden der im Kanal und online ist",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "Kanalmitglieder",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Nicht im Kanal",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Spezielle Nennungen",
"": "Private Gruppen",
"": "Öffentliche Kanäle",
"": "Download",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {Feature} other {Features}} aktiviert",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "Wenn aktiviert werden Nachrichten formatiert, sodass Links erstellt, Emojis angezeigt, Text formatiert und Zeilenumbrüche hinzugefügt werden. Standardmäßig ist dies aktiviert. Ändern der Einstellung erfordert ein Neuladen der Seite.",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "Formatierung von Nachrichten aktivieren",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "Zeige Markdown Vorschauoption im der Nachrichten Eingabefeld",
"": "Aus",
"user.settings.advance.on": "Ein",
@@ -1744,16 +1866,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Nennung für jeden Kommentar in den Sie posten",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Desktop Benachrichtigungen senden",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "Töne der Desktopbenachrichtigungen",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "E-Mail Benachrichtigungen werden bei Nennungen und Direktnachrichten gesendet, sobald Sie mehr als 60 Sekunden offline oder für mehr als 5 Minuten von {siteName} abwesend waren.",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "E-Mail Benachrichtigung",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Benachrichtigungen werden in eine einzelne E-Mail kombiniert und zur hier gewählten maximalen Frequenz versendet.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "E-Mail Benachrichtigungen werden bei Nennungen und Direktnachrichten gesendet, sobald Sie von {siteName} mehr als 5 Minuten offline oder abwesend waren.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Desktop Benachrichtigungen senden",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Jede Stunde",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "{count, plural, one {Jede Minute} other {Alle {count, number} Minuten}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Benachrichtigungen",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Sofort",
"": "Desktopbenachrichtigung ist für Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer und Edge verfügbar.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nie",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Keine Wörter konfiguriert",
"": "Aus",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Ein",
"user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "Nur für Nennungen und Direktnachrichten",
- "user.settings.notifications.push": "Mobile Push-Nachrichten",
+ "user.settings.notifications.push": "Mobile Push-Nachrichten versenden",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "Ihr groß-/kleinschreibungsabhängiger Vorname \"{first_name}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Ihr groß-/kleinschreibungsabhängiger Benutzername \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Weitere nicht groß-/kleinschreibungsabhängige Wörter, getrennt mit Komma:",
@@ -1763,15 +1889,23 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Benachrichtigungseinstellungen",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Nennung Ihres Benutzernamens \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Wörter, welche Nennungen auslösen",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Für alle Aktivitäten",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "Deaktiviert durch den Systemadministrator",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "Push Mitteilungen für mobile Geräte wurden durch den Systemadministrator deaktiviert.",
"": "Benachrichtigung werden zu Ihrem Smartphone gesendet sobald es in Mattermost eine neue Benachrichtigung gibt.",
"": "Aus",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "Nur für Erwähungen und Direktnachrichten",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "Schließen",
"": "Aktuelles Passwort",
- "": "Bitte geben Sie Ihr aktuelles Passwort ein",
+ "": "Bitte geben Sie Ihr aktuelles Passwort ein.",
"": "E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort",
"": "GitLab",
"": "Google",
@@ -1803,7 +1937,7 @@
"": "Ihr Passwort muss aus mindestens {min} Zeichen bestehen und mindestens einen Großbuchstaben und ein Symbol (wie \"~!@#$%^&*()\") enthalten.",
"": "Einloggen findet über GitLab statt. Die Adresse kann nicht aktualisiert werden.",
"": "Einloggen findet über LDAP statt. Die Adresse kann nicht aktualisiert werden.",
- "": "Die eingegebenen neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
+ "": "Die eingegebenen neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.",
"": "Ungültige minimale Länge, kann keine Vorschau anzeigen.",
"": "Passwort erneut eingeben",
"": "SAML",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/en.json b/webapp/i18n/en.json
index 0fb75e8b8..f78083c2f 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/en.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/en.json
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
"": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_command.displayName": "Display Name",
"": "Display name for your slash command made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Response Icon",
"": "(Optional) Choose a profile picture override for the post responses to this slash command. Enter the URL of a .png or .jpg file at least 128 pixels by 128 pixels.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
"": "The type of command request issued to the Request URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "Save",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "Command Trigger Word",
"": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Examples: client, employee, patient, weather",
@@ -67,8 +69,6 @@
"add_command.username": "Response Username",
"": "(Optional) Choose a username override for responses for this slash command. Usernames can consist of up to 22 characters consisting of lowercase letters, numbers and they symbols \"-\", \"_\", and \".\" .",
"add_command.username.placeholder": "Username",
- "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
- "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_emoji.cancel": "Cancel",
"add_emoji.header": "Add",
"add_emoji.image": "Image",
@@ -91,12 +91,18 @@
"": "Description for your incoming webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Display Name",
"": "Display name for your incoming webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Name",
"": "Save",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "The redirect URIs to which the service will redirect users after accepting or denying authorization of your application, and which will handle authorization codes or access tokens. Must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "One or more callback URLs are required",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Description for your OAuth 2.0 application.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Description for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Please send data to the following URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Add",
"": "The URL for the homepage of the OAuth 2.0 application. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "Homepage for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
@@ -104,13 +110,7 @@
"": "Display name for your OAuth 2.0 application made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "Name for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
"": "When true, the OAuth 2.0 application is considered trusted by the Mattermost server and doesn't require the user to accept authorization. When false, an additional window will appear, asking the user to accept or deny the authorization.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Please send data to the following URL.",
- "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
- "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
- "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
- "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Callback URLs (One Per Line)",
"": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "One or more callback URLs are required",
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@
"": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Display Name",
"": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Name",
"": "Save",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Trigger Words (One Per Line)",
"": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@
"": "No errors were reported while sending an email. Please check your inbox to make sure.",
"": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.",
"": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.",
- "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in <b>Account Settings > Notifications</b>.",
+ "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "Send full message snippet",
"": "Send generic description with user and channel names",
"": "32-character salt added to signing of email invites. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.",
@@ -1199,7 +1199,6 @@
"": "Send teammates the link below for them to sign-up to this team site. The Team Invite Link can be shared with multiple teammates as it does not change unless it's regenerated in Team Settings by a Team Admin.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "User creation has been disabled for your team. Please ask your Team Administrator for details.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "Team Invite Link",
- "installed_commands.header": "Slash Commands",
"help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
"help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
"help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
@@ -1339,11 +1338,11 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "documentation",
"": "Search Outgoing Webhooks",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "A Private Webhook",
+ "integrations.add": "Add",
"integrations.command.description": "Slash commands send events to external integrations",
"integrations.command.title": "Slash Command",
- "integrations.header": "Integrations",
"integrations.done": "Done",
- "integrations.add": "Add",
+ "integrations.header": "Integrations",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Incoming webhooks allow external integrations to send messages",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Incoming Webhook",
"integrations.oauthApps.description": "OAuth 2.0 allows external applications to make authorized requests to the Mattermost API.",
@@ -1409,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "Please enter your email or username",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Please enter your email, username or {ldapUsername}",
"login.noLdapUsername": "Please enter your {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noMethods": "No sign in methods are enabled. Please contact your System Administrator.",
"login.noPassword": "Please enter your password",
"login.noUsername": "Please enter your username",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Please enter your username or {ldapUsername}",
@@ -1427,7 +1427,6 @@
"login_mfa.submit": "Submit",
"login_mfa.token": "MFA Token",
"login_mfa.tokenReq": "Please enter an MFA token",
- "login.noMethods": "No sign in methods are enabled. Please contact your System Administrator.",
"member_item.makeAdmin": "Make Admin",
"member_item.member": "Member",
"member_list.noUsersAdd": "No users to add.",
@@ -1477,7 +1476,6 @@
"navbar_dropdown.teamSettings": "Team Settings",
"navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "View Members",
"": "Direct Message",
- "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"password_form.change": "Change my password",
"": "Click <a href={url}>here</a> to log in.",
"password_form.enter": "Enter a new password for your {siteName} account.",
@@ -1492,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>A password reset link has been sent to <b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "Reset my password",
"password_send.title": "Password Reset",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Cancel",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Retry",
"permalink.error.access": "Permalink belongs to a deleted message or to a channel to which you do not have access.",
@@ -1590,19 +1589,19 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "Invite New Member",
"sidebar_right_menu.logout": "Logout",
"sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "Manage Members",
- "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "View Members",
"sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "Download Native App",
"sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "Recent Mentions",
"": "Report a Problem",
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Team Selection",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "Get Team Invite Link",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "Team Settings",
- "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
- "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "View Members",
+ "": "Email and Password",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
"": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
"signup.office365": "Office 365",
- "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
- "": "Email and Password",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "Your teams: ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "Or Create a Team",
"signup_team.disabled": "Team creation has been disabled. Please contact an administrator for access.",
@@ -1870,8 +1869,8 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Notifications are combined into a single email and sent at the maximum frequency selected here.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Email notifications that are sent for mentions and direct messages when you are offline or away from {siteName} for more than 5 minutes.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Send email notifications",
- "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Every hour",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notifications",
"user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Immediately",
"": "Desktop notifications are available on Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Edge.",
@@ -1890,20 +1889,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Notification Settings",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Your username mentioned \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Words that trigger mentions",
- "": "Online, away or offline",
- "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
- "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
- "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "Disabled by System Administrator",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "Push notifications for mobile devices have been disabled by your System Administrator.",
"": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device when there is activity in Mattermost.",
"": "Off",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "Close",
"": "Current Password",
"": "Please enter your current password.",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/es.json b/webapp/i18n/es.json
index 625a5026e..342e64388 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/es.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/es.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "Descripción del webhook de entrada.",
"add_command.displayName": "Nombre a mostrar",
"": "Nombre a mostrar para el comando de barra el cual puede tener hasta 64 caracteres.",
- "add_command.header": "Agregar un Comando de Barra",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "El comando de barra se ha establecido. El siguiente token se enviará con el mensaje saliente. Por favor utilízalo para verificar que la petición proviene de su equipo de Mattermost (ver la <a href=\"\">documentación</a> para más detalles).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Icono de Respuesta",
"": "(Opcional) Escoge una imagen de perfil que reemplazara los mensajes publicados por este comando de barra. Ingresa el URL de un archivo .png o .jpg de al menos 128 pixels por 128 pixels.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,16 +51,17 @@
"": "El tipo de comando que se utiliza al hacer una solicitud al URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "Guardar",
- "add_command.trigger": "Palabra Gatilladora del Comando",
- "": "La palabra gatilladora debe ser única y no puede comenzar con una barra así como no puede tener espacios.",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
+ "add_command.trigger": "Palabra que desencadena el Comando",
+ "": "La palabra que desencadena el comando debe ser única y no puede comenzar con una barra así como no puede tener espacios.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Ejemplos: cliente, empleado, paciente, clima",
"add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Reservado: {link}",
"add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "ver la lista de comandos de barra predefinidos",
- "add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Gatillador del comando ej. \"hola\"",
- "add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "La palabra gatilladora debe tener entre {min} y {max} caracteres",
- "add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "La palabra gatilladora no puede comenzar con /",
- "add_command.triggerInvalidSpace": "La palabra gatilladora no debe contener espacios",
- "add_command.triggerRequired": "Se requiere una palabra gatilladora",
+ "add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Palabra que desencadena el comando ej. \"hola\"",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "La palabra que desencadena el comando debe tener entre {min} y {max} caracteres",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "La palabra que desencadena el comando no puede comenzar con /",
+ "add_command.triggerInvalidSpace": "La palabra que desencadena el comando no debe contener espacios",
+ "add_command.triggerRequired": "Se requiere una palabra que desencadene el comando",
"add_command.url": "URL de Solicitud",
"": "El URL para recibir el evento de la solicitud HTTP POST o GET cuando se ejecuta el comando de barra.",
"add_command.url.placeholder": "Debe comenzar con http:// o https://",
@@ -72,13 +73,13 @@
"add_emoji.header": "Agregar",
"add_emoji.image": "Imagen",
"add_emoji.image.button": "Seleccionar",
- "": "Selecciona la imagen para tu emoji. La imagen puede ser un archivo gif, png o jpeg con un tamaño máximo de 64KB y una dimensión de hasta 128 x 128 pixels.",
- "add_emoji.imageRequired": "Se require una imagen para el emoji",
+ "": "Selecciona la imagen para tu emoticon. La imagen puede ser un archivo gif, png o jpeg con un tamaño máximo de 64KB y una dimensión de hasta 128 x 128 pixels.",
+ "add_emoji.imageRequired": "Se require una imagen para el emoticon",
"": "Nombre",
- "": "Elige un nombre para tu emoji hecho de hasta 64 caracteres que consisten en letras minúsculas, números y los símbolos '-' y '_'.",
- "add_emoji.nameInvalid": "El nombre de un emoji sólo puede contener números, letras y los símbolos '-' y '_'.",
- "add_emoji.nameRequired": "Es necesario un nombre para el emoji",
- "add_emoji.nameTaken": "Este nombre ya está en uso por un emoji del sistema. Por favor, elija otro nombre.",
+ "": "Elige un nombre para tu emoticon hecho de hasta 64 caracteres que consisten en letras minúsculas, números y los símbolos '-' y '_'.",
+ "add_emoji.nameInvalid": "El nombre de un emoticon sólo puede contener números, letras y los símbolos '-' y '_'.",
+ "add_emoji.nameRequired": "Es necesario un nombre para el emoticon",
+ "add_emoji.nameTaken": "Este nombre ya está en uso por un emoticon del sistema. Por favor, elija otro nombre.",
"add_emoji.preview": "Vista previa",
"add_emoji.preview.sentence": "Esta es una frase con una {image} en ella.",
"": "Guardar",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "Descripción del webhook de entrada.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Nombre a mostrar",
"": "Nombre a mostrar para el webhook de entrada el cual puede tener hasta 64 caracteres.",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "Agregar un Webhook de Entrada",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "El webhook de entrada se ha establecido. Por favor enviar los datos a la siguiente dirección URL (ver la <a href=\"\">documentación</a> para más detalles).",
"": "Nombre",
"": "Guardar",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>Dirección URL</b>: {url}",
"": "Las URIs de redirección al cual el servicio redirigirá a los usuarios luego de permitir o denegar la autorización para tu aplicación, y el cual manejará los códigos de autorización o tokens de acceso.Debe ser una URL válida y comenzar con http:// o https://.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "Se require uno o más URLs para los callback",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>ID de Cliente</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Secreto de Cliente</b>: {secret}",
"": "Descripción para tu aplicación de OAuth 2.0.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "La descripción para tu aplicación de OAuth 2.0 es obligatoria.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "La aplicación de OAuth 2.0 se ha establecido. Por favor utiliza el siguiente ID de Cliente y Secreto de Cliente cuando solicites autorización para tu aplicación.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Por favor enviar los datos a la siguiente dirección URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Agregar",
"": "La dirección URL de la página web de la aplicación OAuth 2.0. Asegúrese de utilizar HTTP o HTTPS en la dirección URL dependiendo de la configuración del servidor.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "La página web para la aplicación OAuth 2.0 es obligatoria.",
@@ -104,12 +110,13 @@
"": "Nombre a mostrar para la aplicación OAuth 2.0 el cual puede tener hasta 64 caracteres.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "El nombre de la aplicación OAuth 2.0 es obligatorio.",
"": "Cuando es verdadero, la aplicación OAuth 2.0 es considerada de confianza para el servidor Mattermost y no requiere que el usuario otorgue autorización. Cuando es falso, aparecerá una pantalla adicional, preguntando al usuario si desea permitir o denegar la autorización.",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>Dirección URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Callback URLs (Uno por Línea)",
"": "El URL a donde serán enviados los mensajes.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Se require uno o más URLs para los callback",
"add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "Cancelar",
"": "Canal",
- "": "Canal público que recibe el mensaje del webhook. Opcional si al menos una Palabra Gatilladora es especificada.",
+ "": "Canal público que recibe el mensaje del webhook. Opcional si al menos una Palabra que desencadena la acción es especificada.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "Selecciona el tipo de contenido que será enviado con la respuesta.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "Si se escoge applicatoin/x-www-form-urlencoded, el servidor asume que los parametros serán codificados en formato URL.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "Si se escoge applicaton/json, el servidor asume que estarán enviando la data en formato JSON.",
@@ -118,16 +125,17 @@
"": "Descripción del webhook de salida.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Nombre a mostrar",
"": "Nombre a mostrar para el webhook de salida el cual puede tener hasta 64 caracteres.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Agregar Webhook de Salida",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "El webhook de salida ha sido establecido. El siguiente token se enviará con el mensaje saliente. Por favor utilízalo para verificar que la petición proviene de su equipo de Mattermost (ver la <a href=\"\">documentación</a> para más detalles).",
"": "Nombre",
"": "Guardar",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Palabras gatilladoras (Una por Línea)",
- "": "Los mensajes que comiencen con una de las palabras especificadas gatillarán el webhook de salida. Opcional si se selecciona un Canal.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Se require al menos un canal válido o una lista de palabras gatilladoras",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Gatillar Cuando",
- "": "Escoge cuando se gatillan los webhooks de salida; si la primera palabra del mensaje coincide exactamente con una Palabra Gatilladora o si comienza con una Palabra Gatilladora.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "La primera palabra coincide exactamente con una palabra gatilladora",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "La primera palabra empieza con una palabra gatilladora",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Palabras que desencadenan acciones (Una por Línea)",
+ "": "Los mensajes que comiencen con una de las palabras especificadas desencadenarán el webhook de salida. Opcional si se selecciona un Canal.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Se require al menos un canal válido o una lista de palabras que desencadenen la acción",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "Desencadenar Cuando",
+ "": "Escoge cuando se desencadenan los webhooks de salida; si la primera palabra del mensaje coincide exactamente con una Palabra que desencadena la acción o si comienza con una Palabra que desencadena la acción.",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "La primera palabra coincide exactamente con una palabra que desencadena la acción",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "La primera palabra empieza con una palabra que desencadena la acción",
"admin.advance.cluster": "Alta Disponibilidad (Beta)",
"admin.audits.reload": "Recargar",
"admin.audits.title": "Auditorías del Servidor",
@@ -201,17 +209,17 @@
"admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Agrega un vínculo a una página de descarga de las aplicaciones de Mattermost. Cuando un enlace está presente la opción \"Descargar Aplicaciones de Mattermost\" aparecerá en el Menú Principal para que los usuarios puedan encontrar la página de descarga. Deja este campo en blanco para ocultar la opción desde el Menú Principal.",
"admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Enlace de Descarga de la página Aplicaciones de Mattermost:",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "Marca Personalizada",
- "admin.customization.customEmoji": "Emoji Personalizados",
- "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Permite a los usuarios crear emoji personalizados para su uso en los mensajes. Cuando se activa, Emoji Personalizados se puede acceder a los ajustes al ingresar a un equipo y hacer clic en los tres puntos por encima del canal en la barra lateral y seleccionar \"Emoji Personalizados\".",
- "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "Habilitar Emoji Personalizados:",
+ "admin.customization.customEmoji": "Emoticones Personalizados",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Permite a los usuarios crear emoticones personalizados para su uso en los mensajes. Cuando se activa, Emoticones Personalizados se puede acceder a los ajustes al ingresar a un equipo y hacer clic en los tres puntos por encima del canal en la barra lateral y seleccionar \"Emoticones Personalizados\".",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "Habilitar Emoticones Personalizados:",
"admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Agrega un enlace para descargar la aplicación para iOS. Los usuarios que tienen acceso al sitio en un navegador de web móvil serán presentados con una página que les da la opción de descargar la aplicación. Deja este campo en blanco para evitar que la página aparezca.",
"admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Enlace de Descarga de la Aplicación para iOS:",
"admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Enlaces de Aplicaciones Nativas",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Permitir la creación de emoji a los Administradores de Sistema y Equipo",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "Permitir a todos que puedan crear emoji personalizados",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "Restringir la creación de emoji personalizados a ciertos usuarios.",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationSystemAdmin": "Sólo permitir la creación de emoji personalizados a los adminstradores de sistema",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationTitle": "Restringir Creación de Emoji Personalizados:",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Permitir la creación de emoticones a los Administradores de Sistema y Equipo",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "Permitir a todos que puedan crear emoticones personalizados",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "Restringir la creación de emoticones personalizados a ciertos usuarios.",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationSystemAdmin": "Sólo permitir la creación de emoticones personalizados a los adminstradores de sistema",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationTitle": "Restringir Creación de Emoticones Personalizados:",
"": "Legal y Soporte",
"admin.database.title": "Configuración de la base de datos",
"admin.developer.title": "Configuración de Desarrollo",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "Conoce más acerca de como compilar y desplegar tus propias aplicaciones moviles desde un <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">App Store de Empresa</a>.",
"": "Conexión fallida: {error}",
"": "No fueron reportados errores mientras se enviada el correo. Favor validar en tu bandeja de entrada.",
+ "": "El procesamiento por lotes de correos electrónicos no puede ser activado cuando el modo de Alta Disponibilidad está habilitado.",
+ "": "El procesamiento por lotes de correos electrónicos no puede ser activado a menos que la URL del Sitio sea configurada en <b>Configuración > URL del Sitio</b>.",
+ "": "Cuando es verdadero, los usuarios podrán recibir notificaciones por correo electrónico de múltiples mensajes directos y menciones combinados en un sólo correo electrónico, configurable en <b>Configurar Cuenta > Notificaciones</b>.",
+ "": "Habilitar procesamiento por lotes de correos electrónicos:",
"": "Enviar el mensaje completo",
"": "Enviar descripción generica con nombres de usuario y canal",
"": "32-caracter salt añadido a la firma de invitación de correos. Aleatoriamente generado en la instalación. Click \"Regenerar\" para crear nuevo salt.",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "Almacenamiento",
"admin.general.configuration": "Configuración",
"admin.general.localization": "Idiomas",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Asigna que idiomas están disponibles para los usuarios en Configuración de la Cuenta (deja este campo en blanco para habilitar todos los idiomas soportados).<br /><br />¿Te gustaría ayudar con las traducciones? Únete al <a href='' target='_blank'>Servidor de Traducciones de Mattermost</a> para contribuir.",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Asigna que idiomas están disponibles para los usuarios en Configuración de la Cuenta (al dejar este campo en blanco todos los idiomas estarán disponibles). Si está agregando un nuevo idioma manualmente, el <strong>Idioma predeterminado para el Cliente</strong> debe ser agregado antes de guardar estos ajustes.<br /><br />Te gustaría ayudar con las traducciones? Únete al <a href='' target='_blank'>Servidor de Traducciones de Mattermost</a> para contribuir.",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Idiomas disponibles:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Idioma predeterminado para nuevos usuarios y páginas donde el usuario no ha iniciado sesión.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Idioma predeterminado para el Cliente:",
@@ -477,7 +489,7 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "No permitir el inicio de sesión por medio de un proveedor de OAuth 2.0",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Cuando es verdadero, Mattermost puede actuar como proveedor de servicios de OAuth 2.0 permitiendo que Mattermost autorize solicitudes a las API por aplicaciones externas.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Habilitar el Proveedor de Servicios de OAuth 2.0: ",
"": "Selecciona un proveedor de servicio de OAuth 2.0",
@@ -660,7 +672,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.configuration": "Configuración",
"admin.sidebar.connections": "Conexiones",
"admin.sidebar.customBrand": "Marca Personalizada",
- "admin.sidebar.customEmoji": "Emoji Personalizados",
+ "admin.sidebar.customEmoji": "Emoticones Personalizados",
"admin.sidebar.customIntegrations": "Integraciones Personalizadas",
"admin.sidebar.customization": "Personalización",
"admin.sidebar.database": "Base de Datos",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "Registros",
"admin.sidebar.login": "Inicio de Sesión",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Registros",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Enlaces de Aplicaciones Nativas",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Notificaciones",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "OTROS",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "Canal",
"channel_flow.create": "Crear {term}",
"": "Grupo",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "Dirección URL del canal debe ser de 2 o más caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "Nombre de Canal Inválido",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "Asignar URL de {term}",
"": "Canal",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "Subiendo archivos",
"create_post.comment": "Comentario",
"": "Mensaje",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Los Accesos rápidos de teclado no son compatibles con su dispositivo.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Enviar Mensajes</h4> <p>Escribe aquí para redactar un mensaje y presiona <strong>Retorno</strong> para enviarlo.</p><p>Pincha el botón de <strong>Adjuntar</strong> para subir una imagen o archivo.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Escribe un mensaje...",
"create_team.agreement": "Al proceder con la creación de tu cuenta y utilizar {siteName}, estás de acuerdo con nuestros <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Términos de Servicio</a> y <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Políticas de Privacidad</a>. Si no estás de acuerdo, no puedes utilizar {siteName}.",
@@ -1061,9 +1076,9 @@
"create_team.team_url.teamUrl": "URL del Equipo",
"create_team.team_url.unavailable": "Este URL no está disponible. Por favor intenta con otro.",
"create_team.team_url.webAddress": "Escoge la dirección web para tu nuevo equipo:",
- "custom_emoji.empty": "No se encontraron emoji personalizados",
- "custom_emoji.header": "Emoji Personalizados",
- "": "Buscar Emoji Personalizado",
+ "custom_emoji.empty": "No se encontraron emoticones personalizados",
+ "custom_emoji.header": "Emoticones Personalizados",
+ "": "Buscar Emoticon Personalizado",
"delete_channel.cancel": "Cancelar",
"": "canal",
"delete_channel.confirm": "Confirmar BORRAR Canal",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "Guardar",
"email_signup.address": "Correo electrónico",
"email_signup.createTeam": "Crear Equipo",
- "email_signup.emailError": "Por favor ingresa una dirección de correos válida",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "Por favor ingresa una dirección correo electrónico válida.",
"email_signup.find": "Encontrar mi equipo",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: Ya casi estás listo",
"email_verify.failed": " Falla al enviar el correo de verificación.",
@@ -1108,15 +1123,15 @@
"email_verify.verifiedBody": "<p>Tu correo electrónico ha sido verificado!! Pincha <a href={url}>aquí</a> para iniciar sesión.</p>",
"email_verify.verifyFailed": "Falla al verificar tu correo electrónico.",
"emoji_list.actions": "Acciones",
- "emoji_list.add": "Agregar Emoji Personalizado",
+ "emoji_list.add": "Agregar Emoticon Personalizado",
"emoji_list.creator": "Creado por",
"emoji_list.delete": "Eliminar",
- "emoji_list.empty": "No se encontraron Emoji Personalizados",
- "": "Los emoji personalizado están disponibles para todos los usuarios del servidor. Escribe ':' en el cuadro de mensaje para que aparezca el menú de selección de emoji. Otros usuarios pueden necesitar refrescar la página antes de que los nuevos emojis aparezcan.",
- "emoji_list.help2": "Sugerencia: Si agregas #, ##, ### como primer carácter en una nueva línea que contiene emoji, puede utilizar un mayor tamaño del emoji. Para probarlo, enviar un mensaje, por ejemplo: '# :smile:'.",
+ "emoji_list.empty": "No se encontraron Emoticones Personalizados",
+ "": "Los emoticones personalizado están disponibles para todos los usuarios del servidor. Escribe ':' en el cuadro de mensaje para que aparezca el menú de selección de emoticones. Otros usuarios pueden necesitar refrescar la página antes de que los nuevos emoticones aparezcan.",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "Sugerencia: Si agregas #, ##, ### como primer carácter en una nueva línea que contiene un emoticon, puede utilizar un mayor tamaño del emoticon. Para probarlo, enviar un mensaje, por ejemplo: '# :smile:'.",
"emoji_list.image": "Imagen",
"": "Nombre",
- "": "Buscar Emoji Personalizado",
+ "": "Buscar Emoticon Personalizado",
"emoji_list.somebody": "Alguien en otro equipo",
"error.not_found.link_message": "Volver a Mattermost",
"error.not_found.message": "La página que está intentando acceder no existe",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "Envía el siguiente enlace a tus compañeros para que se registren a este equipo. El enlace de invitación al equipo puede ser compartido con multiples compañeros y el mismo no cambiará a menos que sea regenerado en la Configuración del Equipo por un Administrador del Equipo.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "La creación de usuario ha sido deshabilitada para tu equipo. Por favor solicita más detalles a tu administrador de equipo.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "Enlace de Invitación al Equipo",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Descarga de Archivos\nDescargar un archivo adjunto haciendo clic en el icono de descarga junto a la miniatura del archivo o abriendo el archivo en vista previa y haciendo clic en **Descargar**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Arrastrar y Soltar\nSubir un archivo o un conjunto de archivos arrastrando los archivos desde tu computadora en la barra lateral derecha o en el centro del panel. Arrastrar y soltar adjunta los archivos a los mensajes, a continuación, puede escribir un mensaje y pulse la tecla **RETORNO** para publicar.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Icono para Adjuntar\nAlternativamente, subir archivos, haciendo clic en el icono gris en forma clip en el interior del campo de entrada del mensaje. Esto abre en su sistema un visor de archivos donde se puede navegar a los archivos que desee y, a continuación, haz clic en **Abrir** para subir los archivos del mensaje. Si lo desea, escriba un mensaje y, a continuación, pulse **RETORNO** para publicar.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## Limitaciones del Tamaño de Archivo\nMattermost admite un máximo de cinco archivos adjuntos por mensaje, cada uno con un tamaño máximo de archivo de 50 mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Métodos para Adjuntar\nAdjuntar un archivo mediante la función de arrastrar y soltar o haciendo clic en el icono de archivo adjunto en el campo de entrada del mensaje.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Vista previa de documentos (Word, Excel, PPT) todavía no es compatible.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pegar Imágenes\nEn los navegadores Chrome y Edge, también es posible subir archivos pegandolos desde el portapapeles. Esta función todavía no es compatible con otros navegadores.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## Vista Previa de Archivos\nMattermost tiene una función de previsualización de archivos que se utiliza para ver algunos medios, descarga de archivos y compartir enlaces públicos. Haga clic en la miniatura de un archivo adjunto para abrirlo en la vista previa.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Compartir Enlaces Públicos\nEnlaces públicos permiten compartir archivos adjuntos con personas fuera de su equipo de Mattermost. Abra el archivo en vista previa haciendo clic en la miniatura de un archivo adjunto, a continuación, haga clic en **Obtener Enlace Público**. Esto abre un cuadro de diálogo con un enlace a la copia. Cuando el enlace es compartido y abierto por otro usuario, el archivo se descargará automáticamente.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "Si **Obtener Enlace Público** no es visible en la vista previa y prefiere la función habilitada, usted puede solicitar a su Administrador de Sistema que habilite la característica de la Consola del Sistema bajo **Seguridad** > **Enlaces**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Tipos de Medios Admitidos\nSi estás tratando de previsualizar un tipo de medio que no es compatible, la vista previa del archivo se abrirá con un icono estándar del tipo de archivo. Los formatos de medios permitidos dependen en gran medida de su navegador y sistema operativo, pero los siguientes formatos son compatibles con Mattermost en la mayoría de los navegadores:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Imágenes: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Vídeo: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documentos: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Adjuntar Archivos\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Comandos integrados\nLos siguientes comandos de barra están disponibles en todas las instalaciones de Mattermost:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Empezieza escribiendo `/ ` y una lista de opciones de comandos de barra aparecerá encima del campo de texto. Las sugerencias de autocompletado ayudan al proveer un ejemplo formateado en texto de color negro y una breve descripción del comando de barra en texto de color gris.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Comandos Personalizados\nComandos de barra peronalizados se integran con aplicaciones externas. Por ejemplo, un equipo puede configurar comandos de barra personalizados para comprobar la salud interna de registros con `/paciente joe smith` o compruebe semanalmente el clima en una ciudad con `/clima de toronto en la semana`. Consulte con su Administrador del Sistema o abra la lista de autocompletado escribiendo `/` para determinar si su equipo tiene configurado algunos comandos de barra personalizados.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Los comandos de barra Personalizados están deshabilitados de forma predeterminada y pueden ser activados por el Administrador del Sistema en la **Consola del Sistema** > **Integraciones** > **Integraciones Personalizadas**. Aprende más acerca de la configuración personalizada de comandos de barra en la [documentación para desarrollar comandos de barra](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Los comandos de barra realizan operaciones en Mattermost escribiendo en el campo de texto. Introduzca un `/` seguido por un comando y algunos argumentos para realizar acciones.\n\nTodas las instalaciones de Mattermost vienen con comandos de barra integrados y los comandos de barra personalizados se pueden configurar para interactuar con aplicaciones externas. Aprende más acerca de la configuración personalizada de comandos de barra en la [documentación para desarrollar comandos de barra](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Ejecutar Comandos\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Eliminar un mensaje\nElimina un mensaje haciendo clic en el icono **[...]** junto a cualquier mensaje de texto que has compuesto, a continuación, haz clic en **Borrar**. Los Administradores de Sistema y Equipo pueden borrar cualquier mensaje en su sistema o equipo.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editar un Mensaje\nEdita un mensaje haciendo clic en el icono **[...]** junto a cualquier mensaje de texto que has compuesto, a continuación, haz clic en **Editar**. Después de realizar modificaciones en el texto del mensaje, pulse la tecla **RETORNO** para guardar las modificaciones. La edición del mensaje no desencadenan nuevas notificaciones a @menciones, notificaciones de escritorio o sonidos.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Enlace a un mensaje\nLa característica de **Enlace Permanente** crea un vínculo de cualquier mensaje. Al compartir este enlace con otros usuarios en el canal les permite ver el mensaje vinculado en los Archivos de Mensajes. Los usuarios que no son miembros del canal de donde se envió el mensaje no podrán ver el enlace permanente. Obtén el enlace permanente a cualquier mensaje haciendo clic en el icono **[...]** al lado del mensaje de texto > **Enlace Permanente** > **Copiar Enlace**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Publicar un Mensaje\nPublica un mensaje escribiendo en el campo de texto, a continuación, pulsa **RETORNO** para enviar. Usa **Mayus + RETORNO** para crear una nueva línea sin necesidad de enviar el mensaje. Para enviar mensajes pulsando **Ctrl+Retorno** ve al **Menú Principal > Configuración de la Cuenta > Enviar mensajes en Ctrl + Retorno**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Mensajes\nLos mensajes pueden ser considerados mensajes padre. Son los mensajes que a menudo comienzan con un hilo de respuestas. Los mensajes son compuestos y enviados desde el campo de texto en la parte inferior del panel central.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Respuestas\nResponde a un mensaje haciendo clic en el icono responder junto a cualquier mensaje de texto. Esta acción abre la barra lateral derecha (RHS), donde se puede ver el hilo de mensajes, a continuación, redacta y envía tu respuesta. Las respuestas tienen una ligera sangría en el centro del panel para indicar que ellos son hijos de los mensajes de los padres.\n\nA la hora de componer una respuesta en la barra lateral derecha, haz clic en el icono de expandir/contraer el cual es dos flechas en la parte superior de la barra lateral para que sea más fácil de leer.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Enviar Mensajes\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Tipos de Mensaje\nResponde a mensajes a fin de mantener conversaciones organizadas en hilos.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Haz una lista de tareas al incluir entre corchetes:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Primer elemento\n- [ ] Segundo elemento\n- [x] Elemento completado",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Bloque de Código\n\nCrea un bloque de código al dejar una sangría de cuatro espacios en cada línea, o mediante la colocación de ``` en la línea de arriba y debajo del código.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "Bloque de código",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emoticones\n\nAbra el autocompletado de emoticones escribiendo `:`. Una lista completa de los emoticones se puede encontrar [aquí]( También es posible crear tu propio [Emoticon Personalizado]( si el emoticon que deseas utilizar no existe.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Ejemplo:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**Tema de GitHub**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Encabezados\n\nHaz una encabezado escribiendo # y un espacio antes de lo que será tu título. Para títulos más pequeños, utiliza más # pegados el uno del otro.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternativamente, se puede subrayar el texto usando `===` o `---` para crear encabezados.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Encabezado Grande\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Encabezado Grande\n### Encabezado más pequeño\n#### Encabezado aún más pequeño",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## Imágenes entre líneas\n\nCrear imágenes en línea con el uso de un `!` seguido por el texto alternativo en corchetes y el vínculo entre paréntesis. Agrega un pase de texto colocandondolo entre comillas después del enlace.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![texto alternativo](enlace \"coloca el pase de texto\")\n\ny\n\n[![Estatus de Construcción](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## Código entre líneas\n\nCrea código fuente entre líneas al rodear el texto con comillas simples inclinadas.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown hace que sea fácil para darle formato a los mensajes. Escribe un mensaje como lo harías normalmente, y el uso de estas reglas para hacerla con formato especial.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Líneas\n\nCrea una línea mediante el uso de tres `*`, `_`, o `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Revisa Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Enlaces\n\nCrea enlaces etiquetados al poner el texto deseado entre corchetes y el enlace asociado entre paréntesis.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* primer elemento de la lista\n* segundo elemento de la lista\n * elemento de dos sub-puntos",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Listas\n\nCrea una lista con `*` o `-` como viñetas. Agrega sangría a una viñeta al agregar dos espacios en frente de ella.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Tema Monokai**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Haz una lista ordenada al usar números en su lugar:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Primer elemento\n2. Segundo elemento",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Bloque de citas\n\nCrea bloque de citas usando `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> bloque de citas` se representa como:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> bloque de citas",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Se representa como:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Tema Solarizar Oscuro**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Tema Solarizar Claro**",
+ "": "## Estilo de Texto\n\nPuedes utilizar cualquiera `_` o `*` alrededor de una palabra para hacer cursiva. Uso dos para que aparezca en negrita.\n\n* `_cursiva_` se representa como _cursiva_\n* `**negrita**` se representa como **negrita**\n* `**_negrita en cursiva_**` se representa como **_negrita en cursiva_**\n* `~~tachado~~` se representa como ~~tachado~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Los lenguages soportados son:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Resaltado de Sintaxis\n\nPara agregar el resaltado de sintaxis, escribe el lenguaje para ser destacado después del ``` en el comienzo del bloque de código. Mattermost también ofrece cuatro tipos diferentes de temas para códigos (GitHub, Solarizar Oscuro, Solarizar Claro, Monokai) que puede ser cambiado en **Configuración de la Cuenta** > **Visualización** > **Tema** > **Tema Personalizado** > **Estilos del Canal Central**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hola, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Alineado a la izquierda | Alineado al Centro | Alineado a la Derecha |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Columna izquierda 1 | este texto | $100 |\n| Columna izquierda 2 | es | $10 |\n| Columna izquierda 3 | centrado | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tablas\n\nCrea una tabla mediante la colocación de una línea discontinua bajo la fila del encabezado y separando las columnas con un tubo `|`. (Las columnas no tienen que ser alineadas perfectamente para que funcione). Elija cómo alinear las columnas de la tabla mediante la inclusión de dos puntos `:` dentro de la fila de encabezado.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formato de Texto\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Aprende más acerca de:",
+ "": "Adjuntar Archivos",
+ "": "Ejecutar Comandos",
+ "": "Redactacción de Mensajes y Respuestas",
+ "": "Dar formato a los Mensajes usando Markdown",
+ "": "Mencionar a los Compañeros de Equipo",
+ "": "Mensajería Básica",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nSe puede mencionar un canal completo escribiendo `@channel`. Todos los miembros del canal recibirán una notificación de mención que se comporta de la misma manera como si los miembros hubieran sido citados personalmente.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel gran trabajo en las entrevistas de esta semana. Creo que hemos encontrado algunos excelentes candidatos potenciales!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Menciones\nUtiliza las @menciones para conseguir la atención de determinados miembros del equipo.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Menciones Recientes\nHaz clic en el `@` junto al campo de búsqueda para consultar tus más recientes @menciones y las palabras que desencadenan menciones. Haz clic en **Ir** al lado de un resultado de búsqueda en el lado derecho para saltar el panel central al canal y ubicación donde se encuentra el mensaje con la mención.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mencionar a Compañeros de Equipo\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Palabras que desencadenan Menciones\nAdemás de ser notificados por el nombre de usuario @usuario y @channel, podrás personalizar palabras que desencadenan notificaciones de menciones en **Configuración de la Cuenta** > **Notificaciones** > **lPalabras que desencadenan menciones**. De forma predeterminada, recibirás las notificaciones de mención cuando tu nombre sea utilizado, y podrás agregar más palabras escribiéndolas en el cuadro de entrada separadas por comas. Esto es útil si deseas ser notificado de todos los mensajes en ciertos temas, por ejemplo, \"entrevista\" o \"marketing\".",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Usuario\nSe pueden mencionar a un compañero de equipo mediante el símbolo `@`, además de su nombre de usuario para enviar una notificación de mención.\n\nEscribe `@` para que aparezca una lista de los miembros del equipo que pueden ser mencionados. Para filtrar la lista, escribe las primeras letras de cualquier nombre de usuario, nombre, apellido o apodo. Las flechas de **Arriba** y **Abajo** pueden ser utilizadas para desplazarse a través de las entradas en la lista y pulsando **RETORNO** seleccione el usuario a mencionar. Una vez seleccionado, el nombre de usuario reemplazará automáticamente el nombre completo o apodo.\nEn el ejemplo siguiente se envía una notificación de mención especial a **alice** la cual la alerta que sobre el canal y el mensaje en donde ella ha sido mencionado. Si **alice** está ausente de Mattermost y tiene las [notificaciones de correo electrónico]( activadas, recibirá una alerta de correo electrónico de su mención, junto con el mensaje de texto.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "Si el usuario que estás mencionando no pertenece al canal, un Mensaje del Sistema te será enviado para hacértelo saber. Este es un mensaje temporal sólo visto por la persona que lo desencadenó. Para agregar el mencionado usuario al canal, ve al menú desplegable junto al nombre del canal y selecciona **Agregar Miembros**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice ¿cómo fue tu entrevista con el nuevo candidato?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Adjunta archivos** arrastrando y soltando en Mattermost o haciendo clic en el icono de archivo adjunto en el cuadro de entrada de texto.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Añadir rápidamente emoticones** escribiendo \":\", que abrirá un lista de autocompletado de emoticones. Si los emoticones no cubren lo que quieres expresar, también puede crear el tuyo propio con [Emoticones Personalizados](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Dar formato a tus mensajes** usando Markdown que soporta estilos de texto, encabezados, enlaces, emoticones, bloques de código, citas de texto, tablas, listas e imágenes en línea.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notificar a los compañeros de equipo** cuando es necesario escribiendo `@usuario`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Responde a los mensajes** haciendo clic en la flecha que aparece junto al mensaje de texto.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Mensajería Básica\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Escribe mensajes** usando la caja de entrada de texto en la parte inferior de Mattermost. Pulse **RETORNO** para enviar un mensaje. Usa **Mayus+RETORNO** para crear una nueva línea sin enviar el mensaje.",
"installed_command.header": "Comandos de Barra",
"installed_commands.add": "Agregar Comandos de Barra",
"installed_commands.empty": "No se encontraron comandos",
@@ -1209,8 +1311,8 @@
"installed_integrations.regenToken": "Regenerar Token",
"installed_integrations.showSecret": "Mostrar Clave Secreta",
"installed_integrations.token": "Token: {token}",
- "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Gatillar Cuando: {triggerWhen}",
- "installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Palabras Gatilladoras: {triggerWords}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "Desencadenar Cuando: {triggerWhen}",
+ "installed_integrations.triggerWords": "Palabras que desencadenan acciones: {triggerWords}",
"installed_integrations.unnamed_oauth_app": "Aplicación OAuth 2.0 sin nombre",
"installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}",
"installed_oauth_apps.add": "Agregar Aplicación OAuth 2.0",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "documentación",
"": "Buscar Webhooks de Salida",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "Un Webhook Privado",
+ "integrations.add": "Agregar",
"integrations.command.description": "Comandos de barra envían eventos a integraciones externar",
"integrations.command.title": "Comando de Barra",
+ "integrations.done": "Hecho",
"integrations.header": "Integraciones",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Webhooks de entrada permiten a las integraciones externas enviar mensajes",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Webhook de Entrada",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "El nombre debe tener entre 3 y 15 caracteres",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "Ingresa el nombre del nuevo equipo",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "Por favor ingresa el nombre del equipo",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "Serás removido de todos los canales públicos y grupos privados. si el equipo es privado no podrás unirte de nuevo al equipo. ¿Estás seguro?",
+ "": "No",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "¿Abandonar Equipo?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "Sí",
"loading_screen.loading": "Cargando",
"login.changed": " Cambiado el método de inicio de sesión satisfactoriamente",
"login.create": "Crea una ahora",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "Por favor, introduzca su correo electrónico o nombre de usuario",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Por favor, introduzca su correo electrónico, nombre de usuario o {ldapUsername}",
"login.noLdapUsername": "Por favor, introduzca su {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noMethods": "No hay métodos de inicio de sesión configurados, por favor contacta a tu Administrador de Sistema.",
"login.noPassword": "Por favor ingresa tu contraseña.",
"login.noUsername": "Por favor, introduzca su nombre de usuario",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Por favor, introduzca su nombre de usuario o {ldapUsername}",
@@ -1352,7 +1461,7 @@
"navbar_dropdown.accountSettings": "Configurar Cuenta",
"navbar_dropdown.console": "Consola de Sistema",
"navbar_dropdown.create": "Crear nuevo Equipo",
- "navbar_dropdown.emoji": "Emoji Personalizados",
+ "navbar_dropdown.emoji": "Emoticones Personalizados",
"": "Ayuda",
"navbar_dropdown.integrations": "Integraciones",
"navbar_dropdown.inviteMember": "Invitar Nuevo Miembro",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>Se ha enviado un enlace para restablecer la contraseña a <b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "Restablecer mi contraseña",
"password_send.title": "Restablecer Contraseña",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": " Sólo se muestran las primeras cinco páginas en la vista previa de archivos PDF.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Cancelar",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Reintentar",
"permalink.error.access": "El Enlace permanente pertenece a un mensaje eliminado o a un canal al cual no tienes acceso.",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Seleccionar Equipo",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "Enlace Invitación al Equipo",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "Configurar Equipo",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "Ver Miembros",
+ "": "Email and Password",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "Tus equipos: ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "O Crea un Equipo",
"signup_team.disabled": "La creación de Equipos ha sido deshabilitada.",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifica a todos en el canal, utiliza en {townsquare} para notificar a todo el equipo",
"": "Notifica a todas las personas en el canal",
"": "Notifica a todos en el canal que estén en línea",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "Miembros del Canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "No en el Canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Menciones especiales",
"": "Grupos Privados",
"": "Canales Públicos",
"": "descargar",
@@ -1583,7 +1703,7 @@
"tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "Instalar las apps para {link} para un fácil acceso y notificaciones sobre la marcha.",
"tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS y Android",
"": "Siguiente",
- "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>Bienvenido a:</h3> <h1>Mattermost</h1> <p>Las comunicaciones de tu equipo en un solo lugar, con búsquedas instantáneas y disponible desde donde sea.</p> <p>Mantén a tu equipo conectado para ayudarlos a conseguir lo que realmente importa.</p>",
+ "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>Bienvenido a:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>Las comunicaciones de tu equipo en un sólo lugar, con búsquedas instantáneas y disponible desde donde sea.</p><p>Mantén a tu equipo conectado para ayudarlos a conseguir lo que realmente importa.</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Cómo funciona Mattermost:</h3> <p>Las comunicaciones ocurren en los canales de discusión los cuales son públicos, o en grupos privados e incluso con mensajes privados.</p> <p>Todo lo que ocurre es archivado y se puede buscar en cualquier momento desde cualquier dispositivo con acceso a Mattermost.</p>",
"tutorial_intro.skip": "Saltar el tutorial",
"": "Necesitas algo, escribemos a ",
@@ -1597,9 +1717,11 @@
"user.settings.advance.embed_preview": "Mostrar vistas previas experimentales del contenido de los enlaces, cuando esté disponible",
"user.settings.advance.embed_toggle": "Capacidad de Mostrar/Esconder las previsualizaciones",
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {Característica} other {Caracteristicas}} Habilitadas",
- "user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "Si está activada, se dará formato a los mensajes, creando enlaces, mostrando emoji, el estilo del texto, y añadir saltos de línea. De forma predeterminada, esta opción está habilitada. El cambio de esta configuración requiere que la página se actualice.",
+ "user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "Si está activada, se dará formato a los mensajes, creando enlaces, mostrando emoticones, el estilo del texto, y añadir saltos de línea. De forma predeterminada, esta opción está habilitada. El cambio de esta configuración requiere que la página se actualice.",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "Habilitar el Formato de Mensajes",
- "user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "Mostrar la previsualización de mensajes escritos con markdown",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "Cuando está \"Encendido\", un Mensaje del Sistema diciendo que un usuario se ha unido o abandonado el canal será visible. Cuando está \"Apagado\", los Mensajes de Sistema sobre los usuarios que se unen o abandonan el canal estarán ocultos. Un mensaje se seguirá mostrando cuando eres agregado a un canal, por lo que puedes recibir una notificación.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Habilitar Menajes de Union/Abandono",
+ "user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "Mostrar la vista previa de mensajes escritos con markdown",
"": "Apagado",
"user.settings.advance.on": "Encendido",
"user.settings.advance.preReleaseDesc": "Marca las características de pre-lanzamiento que quieras previsualizar. Es posible que necesites refrescar la página antes de que los cambios se vean reflejados.",
@@ -1744,16 +1866,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Mención de cualquier comentario en tus mensajes",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Enviar notifiaciones de escritorio",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "Sonidos de notificación de escritorio",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Las notificaciones por correo son enviadas para menciones y mensajes directos después de que estés fuera de línea por más de 60 segundos o sin participar en {siteName} por más de 5 minutos.",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notificaciones de correo",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Las notificaciones son combinadas en un solo correo electrónico y es enviado una vez se cumpla la máxima frecuencia seleccionada aquí.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Las notificaciones por correo son enviadas para menciones y mensajes directos después de que estés fuera de línea o ausente de {siteName} por más de 5 minutos.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Enviar notificaciones de correo electrónico",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Cada hora",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Cada {count, plural, one {minuto} other {{count, number} minutos}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notificaciones",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Inmediatamente",
"": "Las notificaciones de escritorio están disponibles en Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, y Edge.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nunca",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "No hay palabras configuradas",
"": "Apagado",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Encendido",
"user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "Sólo para menciones y mensajes directos",
- "user.settings.notifications.push": "Notificaciones push a móviles",
+ "user.settings.notifications.push": "Enviar notificaciones push móvil",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "Tu nombre con distinción de mayúsculas \"{first_name}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Tu nombre de usuario sin distinción de mayúsculas \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Otras palabras sin distinción de mayúsculas, separadas por comas:",
@@ -1762,16 +1888,24 @@
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "Menciones para todo el equipo \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Configuracón de Notificaciones",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Tu nombre de usuario mencionado \"@{username}\"",
- "user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Palabras que gatillan menciones",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Para toda actividad",
+ "user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Palabras que desencadenan menciones",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "Deshabilitado por el administrador del sistema",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "Las Notificaciones Push para dispositivos móviles han sido deshabilitadas por el Administrador del Sistema.",
"": "Se enviarán notificaciones a tu dispositivo móvil cuando haya actividad en Mattermost.",
"": "Apagado",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "Sólo para menciones y mensajes directos",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "Cerrar",
"": "Contraseña Actual",
- "": "Por favor ingresa tu contraseña actual",
+ "": "Por favor ingresa tu contraseña actual.",
"": "Correo electrónico y Contraseña",
"": "GitLab",
"": "Google",
@@ -1803,7 +1937,7 @@
"": "La contraseña debe contener al menos {min} caracteres compuesta de al menos una letra mayúscula y al menos un símbolo (por ejemplo,\"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
"": "El inicio de sesión ocurre a través GitLab. La contraseña no se puede actualizar.",
"": "El inicio de sesión ocurre a través LDAP. La contraseña no se puede actualizar.",
- "": "La nueva contraseña que ingresaste no coincide",
+ "": "La nuevas contraseñas que ingresaste no coinciden.",
"": "Longitud mínima no válida, no se puede mostrar la vista previa.",
"": "Reescribe la Nueva Contraseña",
"": "SAML",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/fr.json b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
index 0a2591fac..d574a7c29 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "Description de votre webhook entrant.",
"add_command.displayName": "Nom d'affichage",
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre commande slash, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
- "add_command.header": "Ajouter",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Icône de la réponse",
"": "Choisissez une photo de profil pour les réponses à cette commande slash. Entrez l'URL d'un fichier .png ou .jpg d'au moins 128x128 pixels.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "Le type de méthode de requête HTTP envoyé à cette URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "Enregistrer",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "Mot-clé de déclenchement",
"": "Un mot déclencheur doit être unique, ne peut commencer par un slash ni contenir le moindre espace.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Exemples : client, employé, patient, météo",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "Description pour votre webhook entrant.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Nom à afficher",
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre webhook entrant, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "Ajouter",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Nom",
"": "Enregistrer",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "Les URIs de redirection vers lesquelles le service dirigera les utilisateurs après avoir accepté ou refusé l'autorisation de votre application, et qui gèreront les codes d'autorisation ou les jeton d'accès. Doit être une URL valide commençant par http:// ou https://.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "Saisissez une ou plusieurs URL de callback",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Description pour votre application OAuth 2.0.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "La description pour votre application OAuth 2.0 est requise.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Please send data to the following URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Ajouter",
"": "L'URL de la page d'accueil de votre application OAuth 2.0. Veillez à saisir HTTP ou HTTPS dans l'URL suivant votre configuration.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "La page d'accueil pour l'application OAuth 2.0 est requise.",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre application OAuth 2.0, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "Le nom pour l'application OAuth 2.0 est requis.",
"": "Si activé, l'application OAuth 2.0 est considérée comme étant de confiance par le serveur Mattermost et ne requerra pas l'approbation de l'utilisateur. Si désactivé, une fenêtre additionnelle apparaîtra, demandant à l'utilisateur d'accepter ou de refuser son autorisation.",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "URLs de rappel (un par ligne)",
"": "L'URL à laquelle les messages seront envoyés.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Un ou plusieurs rappel d’URL est demandé",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "Description pour votre webhook sortant.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Nom à afficher",
"": "Nom d'affichage pour votre webhook sortant, avec un maximum de 64 caractères.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Ajouter",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Nom",
"": "Enregistrer",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Mot-clé (Un par ligne)",
"": "Les messages qui débutent par un des mots spécifiés vont déclencher le webhook sortant. Optionnel si Canal est sélectionné.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Un canal valide ou une liste de mot-clé est demander",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "En savoir plus sur la compilation et le déploiement de vos propres applications mobiles à partir de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>.",
"": "Echec de la connexion : {error}",
"": "Aucune erreur signalée lors de l'envoi du courriel. Vérifiez votre boîte de réception ou vos spams.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.",
+ "": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in <b>Account Settings > Notifications</b>.",
+ "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "Envoyer un extrait du message complet",
"": "Envoyer une description générale avec les noms des utilisateurs et des canaux",
"": "Clé de salage de 32 caractères ajouté aux courriels d'invitation. Générée aléatoirement lors de l'installation. Cliquez sur \"Regénérer\" pour créer une nouvelle clé de salage.",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "Stockage",
"admin.general.configuration": "Configuration",
"admin.general.localization": "Localisation",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available).<br /><br />Would like to help with translations? Join the <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> to contribute.",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available). If you’re manually adding new languages, the <strong>Default Client Language</strong> must be added before saving this setting.<br /><br />Would like to help with translations? Join the <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> to contribute.",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Langues disponibles :",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "La langue par défaut est utilisé pour les nouveaux utilisateurs et les pages créées où l'utilisateur ne s'est pas connecté.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Langue par défaut :",
@@ -477,7 +489,7 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Ne pas autoriser la connexion à travers un fournisseur OAuth 2.0",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Activer le fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 : ",
"": "Choisissez un fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 :",
@@ -641,7 +653,7 @@
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "Durée pendant laquelle une session est gardée en mémoire.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Exemple : \"30\"",
"admin.service.siteURL": "Site URL:",
- "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, from which users will access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
+ "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, that users will use to access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
"admin.service.siteURLExample": "Ex \"\"",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Durée de la session SSO (en jours) :",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Le nombre de jours entre la dernière fois qu'un utilisateur a entré ses identifiants et l'expiration de la session de l'utilisateur. Si la méthode d'authentification est SAML ou GitLab, l'utilisateur pourra être automatiquement connecté à nouveau dans Mattermost s'ils sont déjà connectés dans SAML ou GitLab. Après le changement de ce paramètre, il prendra effet la prochaine fois que les utilisateurs entreront leurs identifiants.",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "Enregistrement",
"admin.sidebar.login": "S’identifier",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Journaux",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Liens vers les applications natives",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Notifications",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "AUTRES",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "Canal",
"channel_flow.create": "Créer {term}",
"": "Groupe",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "Channel URL must be 2 or more lowercase alphanumeric characters",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "Nom du canal incorrect",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "Choisir l'URL de {term}",
"": "Canal",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "Téléchargements en cours",
"create_post.comment": "Commentaire",
"": "Article",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Keyboard shortcuts are not supported on your device.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Envoyer des messages</h4><p>Entrez votre message ici et tapez <strong>Entrée</strong> pour l'envoyer.</p><p>Cliquez sur le bouton <strong>pièce-jointe</strong> pour télécharger une image ou un fichier.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Écrire un message...",
"create_team.agreement": "En créant votre compte et en utilisant votre {siteName}, vous acceptez nos <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Terms of Service</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. Si vous n’acceptez pas, vous ne pouvez utilisé votre {siteName}.",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "Enregistrer",
"email_signup.address": "Adresse électronique",
"email_signup.createTeam": "Créer une équipe",
- "email_signup.emailError": "Veuillez saisir une adresse électronique valide",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "Veuillez indiquer un courriel valide.",
"email_signup.find": "Rechercher mes équipes",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName} : Vous avez pratiquement terminé",
"email_verify.failed": " Échec de l'envoi du courriel de vérification.",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "Envoyez à vos collègues le lien ci-dessous pour leur permettre de s'inscrire à votre équipe. Le lien d'invitation peut être partagé par plusieurs personnes et ne change pas tant qu'il n'a pas été regénéré dans les paramètres de l'équipe par un responsable d'équipe.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "La création d'utilisateurs est désactivée pour votre équipe. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur système.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "Lien d'invitation à l'équipe",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Attaching Files\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Executing Commands\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Sending Messages\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Example:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point')",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "Executing Commands",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "Commandes Slash",
"installed_commands.add": "Ajout de la commande Slash",
"installed_commands.empty": "Pas de commande trouvée",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "documentation",
"": "Rechercher les webhooks sortants",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "Un webhook privé",
+ "integrations.add": "Ajouter",
"integrations.command.description": "Les commandes Slash envoient des évènements à des intégrations extérieures",
"integrations.command.title": "Commande Slash",
+ "integrations.done": "Aucun",
"integrations.header": "Intégrations",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Les webhooks entrants permettent des intégrations externes afin d'envoyer des messages",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Webhooks entrants",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "Le nom doit contenir de 3 à 15 caractères",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "Entrez le nom de votre nouvelle équipe",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "Saisissez le nom de votre équipe",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "You will be removed from all public channels and private groups. If the team is private you will not be able to rejoin the team. Are you sure?",
+ "": "Non",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "Leave the team?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "Oui",
"loading_screen.loading": "Chargement",
"login.changed": " Méthode de connexion changée",
"login.create": "Créer maintenant",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "Veuillez saisir votre adresse électronique ou votre nom d'utilisateur",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Veuillez entrer votre adresse électronique, votre nom d'utilisateur ou {ldapUsername}",
"login.noLdapUsername": "Veuillez saisir votre {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noMethods": "Aucune méthode configurée pour s'inscrive, veuillez contacter votre administrateur système.",
"login.noPassword": "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe",
"login.noUsername": "Veuillez entrer votre nom d'utilisateur",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur ou {ldapUsername}",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>Un lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe a été envoyé à <b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "Réinitialiser mon mot de passe",
"password_send.title": "Réinitialisation mot de passe",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Annuler",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Réessayer",
"permalink.error.access": "Ce lien correspond à un message supprimé ou appartenant à un canal auquel vous n'avez pas accès.",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Sélection de l'équipe",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "Obtenir un lien d'invitation d'équipe",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "Configuration de l'équipe",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "Voir les membres",
+ "": "Adresse électronique et mot de passe",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "Vos équipes : ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "Ou créez une équipe",
"signup_team.disabled": "Aucune méthode de création d'utilisateur n'est disponible. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur système pour obtenir un accès.",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "Avertit tout le monde dans le canal, utilisez dans {townsquare} pour notifier toute l'équipe",
"": "Notifier tout le monde dans le canal",
"": "Notifier toutes les personnes connectées dans ce canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "Channel Members",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Not in Channel",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Special Mentions",
"": "Groupes privés",
"": "Canaux publics",
"": "Télécharger",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {Feature} other {Features}} Activée",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "Si activé, les messages seront formatés pour créer des liens, montrer des emoji, le style du texte et ajouter des sauts de ligne. Par défaut, ce paramètre est activé. La modification de ce paramètre nécessite le rafraîchissement de la page.",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "Activé le formatage des messages",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "Voir l'option d'aperçu du markdown dans la zone de saisie de message",
"": "Désactivé",
"user.settings.advance.on": "Activé",
@@ -1744,9 +1866,13 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Mentionner n'importe quel commentaire sur votre message",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Envoyer des notifications sur le bureau",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "Sons des notifications",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Notifications are combined into a single email and sent at the maximum frequency selected here.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Les notifications par courriel sont envoyées pour les mentions et les messages privés après que vous êtes hors-ligne plus de 60 secondes ou parti de {siteName} pendant plus de 5 minutes.",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notifications par courriel",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Envoyer des notifications sur le bureau",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Every hour",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notifications",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Immediately",
"": "Les notifications sur le bureau sont disponibles avec Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer et Edge.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Jamais",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Aucun mot configuré",
@@ -1763,12 +1889,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Paramètres de notification",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Votre nom d'utilisateur mentionné \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Mots qui déclenchent des mentions",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Pour toute l'activit",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "Désactivé par l'administrateur système",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "Les notifications Push pour les appareils mobiles ont été désactivées par votre administrateur système .",
"": "Les alertes de notification sont envoyées à votre appareil mobile quand il y a de l’activité dans Mattermost .",
"": "Désactivé",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "Seulement pour les mentions et messages privés",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "Quitter",
"": "Mot de passe actuel",
"": "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe actuel",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ja.json b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
index 765161b4f..c82ad2bd5 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ja.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "内向きのウェブフックについての説明です。",
"add_command.displayName": "表示名",
"": "最大64文字のスラッシュコマンドの表示名",
- "add_command.header": "追加する",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "応答アイコン",
"": "(オプション) このスラッシュコマンドへの返信となる投稿のプロフィール画像を上書きする画像を選択します。最低128ピクセル×128ピクセルの大きさを持つ.pngまたは.jpgファイルのURLを指定してください。",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "リクエストURLに発行するコマンドリクエストの種類です。",
"": "POST",
"": "保存する",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>トークン</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "コマンドトリガーワード",
"": "トリガーワードは重複してはいけません。また、スラッシュで始めることや、スペースを含めることもできません。",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "例: client, employee, patient, weather",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "内向きのウェブフックについての説明です。",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "表示名",
"": "最大64文字の内向きのウェブフックの表示名です。",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "追加する",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "名前",
"": "保存する",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "アプリケーションの認可が承諾、もしくは拒否された場合にサービスがユーザーを転送する際や、認証コードやアクセストークンを扱う際のリダイレクトURLです。 http:// もしくは https:// で始まる有効なURLにしてください。",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "1つ以上のコールバックURLが必要です",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>クライアントID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>クライアント秘密情報</b>: {secret}",
"": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションの説明です。",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションの説明は必須です。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "以下のURLにデータを送信してください。",
"add_oauth_app.header": "追加する",
"": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションのホームページのURLです。サーバーの設定によりHTTPかHTTPSかは異なりますので注意してください。",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションのホームページは必須です。",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "最大64文字のOAuth 2.0アプリケーションの表示名",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションの名前は必須です。",
"": "有効な場合、OAuth 2.0アプリケーションはMattermostサーバによって信頼済みとみなされ、ユーザーに認可を要求しなくなります。無効な場合、ユーザーに認可を許可するか、もしくは拒否するかを確認するウィンドウを表示します。",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "コールバックURL(1つにつき1行)",
"": "メッセージ送信先のURL",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "1つ以上のコールバックURLが必要です",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "外向きのウェブフックについての説明",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "表示名",
"": "最大64文字の外向きのウェブフックの表示名",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "追加する",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "名前",
"": "保存する",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>トークン</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "トリガーワード(1つにつき1行)",
"": "ここで指定された単語の一つで始まるメッセージが外向きのウェブフックをトリガーします。チャンネルが選択されている場合のオプションです。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "有効なチャンネルまたはトリガーワードのリストが必要です",
@@ -145,7 +153,7 @@
"admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsEx": "例 \",\"",
"admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsTitle": "ノード間URL:",
"admin.cluster.loadedFrom": "この設定ファイルはノードID {clusterId} からロードされます。ロードバランサーからシステムコンソールにアクセスしている場合や問題が発生している場合は、<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">説明文書</a> のTroubleshooting Guideを参照してください。",
- "admin.cluster.noteDescription": "このセクションでの設定値の変更を有効にするにはサーバーを再起動させる必要があります。効果用モードを有効にした場合、システムコンソールは読み込み専用となり、設定ファイルからのみ変更可能となります。",
+ "admin.cluster.noteDescription": "このセクションでの設定値の変更を有効にするにはサーバーを再起動させる必要があります。高可用モードを有効にした場合、システムコンソールは読み込み専用となり、設定ファイルからのみ変更可能となります。",
"admin.cluster.should_not_change": "警告: これらの設定はクラスター内のほかのサーバーと同期されません。高可用なノード間接続は、全てのサーバーのconfig.jsonを同一に設定し、Mattermostを再起動するまで開始されません。クラスターからサーバーを追加/削除する方法については<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">説明文書</a>を参照してください。 ロードバランサーからシステムコンソールにアクセスしている場合や問題が発生している場合は、<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">説明文書</a> のTroubleshooting Guideを参照してください。",
"admin.cluster.status_table.config_hash": "設定ファイルのMD5ハッシュ値",
"admin.cluster.status_table.hostname": "ホスト名",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "あなた自身のためのモバイルアプリをコンパイルし展開する方法を<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">エンタープライズアプリストア</a>から学びます。",
"": "接続できません: {error}",
"": "電子メールを送信するに当たりエラーはありませんでした。受信ボックスを確認してください。",
+ "": "高可用モードを有効にした場合、電子メールバッチ処理を有効にすることはできません。",
+ "": "<b>設定 > サイトURL</b>のサイトURLを設定しない限り、電子メールバッチ処理を有効にすることはできません。",
+ "": "有効な場合、ユーザーはダイレクトメッセージやあなたについての投稿などを一通の電子メールにまとめた、電子メール通知を受けることができます。通知の内容は<b>アカウントの設定 > 通知</b>で設定できます。",
+ "": "電子メールバッチ処理:",
"": "メッセージ全文を送信する",
"": "ユーザーとチャンネル名を付けて一般的な説明を送信する",
"": "招待の電子メールの署名に32文字のソルトを付与します。これはインストールするたびにランダムに生成されます。新しいソルトを生成するには「再生成する」をクリックしてください。",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "ストレージ",
"admin.general.configuration": "設定",
"admin.general.localization": "言語",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "アカウント設定でユーザーが利用可能な言語を設定してください(空欄にすると全てのサポート済み言語が利用可能になります)。<br /><br />翻訳を手伝っていただけますか? 是非、<a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a>に参加してください。",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "アカウント設定でユーザーが利用可能な言語を設定してください(空欄にすると全てのサポート済み言語が利用可能になります)。手作業で新しい言語を追加する場合、この設定を保存する前に<strong>デフォルトのクライアント言語</strong>を追加しなくてはいけません。<br /><br />翻訳を手伝っていただけますか? 是非、<a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a>に参加してください。",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "利用可能な言語:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "新規作成ユーザーやログインしていない時に使用するデフォルト言語を選択してください。",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "デフォルトのクライアントの言語:",
@@ -350,10 +362,10 @@
"admin.image.maxFileSizeTitle": "最大ファイルサイズ:",
"admin.image.previewHeightDescription": "プレビューイメージの最大高さ(\"0\"を設定すると自動でサイズが決められます)を指定します。この値を変更することで、設定以降の画像サイズが変更されます。しかし設定以前の画像サイズは変更されません。",
"admin.image.previewHeightExample": "例: \"0\"",
- "admin.image.previewHeightTitle": "イメージプレビュー高さ:",
- "admin.image.previewWidthDescription": "プレビューイメージの最大幅(\"0\"を設定すると自動でサイズが決められます)を指定します。この値を変更することで、設定以降の画像サイズが変更されます。しかし設定以前の画像サイズは変更されません。",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightTitle": "画像プレビュー高さ:",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthDescription": "プレビュー画像の最大幅(\"0\"を設定すると自動でサイズが決められます)を指定します。この値を変更することで、設定以降の画像サイズが変更されます。しかし設定以前の画像サイズは変更されません。",
"admin.image.previewWidthExample": "例: \"1024\"",
- "admin.image.previewWidthTitle": "イメージプレビューの幅:",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthTitle": "画像プレビューの幅:",
"admin.image.profileHeightDescription": "プロフィール画像の高さです。",
"admin.image.profileHeightExample": "例: \"0\"",
"admin.image.profileHeightTitle": "プロフィール画像の高さ:",
@@ -477,11 +489,11 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "OAuth 2.0プロバイダーを通じてのサインインは許可されていません",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "有効な場合、MattermostへのAPIリクエストの認証を外部アプリケーションが行えるようにするOAuth 2.0サービスプロバイダーとしてMattermostが動作できるようになります。",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365(ベータ版)",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "有効な場合、外部アプリケーションからのAPIリクエストを認証できるOAuth 2.0サービスプロバイダーとしてMattermostを動作させることができるようになります。",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "OAuth 2.0サービスプロバイダーを有効にする: ",
"": "OAuth 2.0サービスプロバーダーを選択する:",
- "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>Microsoftアカウント、もしくはOffice365アカウントに<a href=''>ログイン</a>します。そのアカウントがユーザーにログインさせたい<a href=''>テナント</a>と同じテナントであることを確認してください。</li><li><a href=''></a>へ行き、<strong>アプリの追加</strong>をクリックし、アプリケーションの名前として<strong>Mattermost - <会社名></strong>を使用してください。</li><li><strong>アプリケーション シークレット</strong>の下にある<strong>新しいパスワードを生成</strong>をクリックし、表示されるパスワードを後で下記の項目を完成させるために保存しておいてください。</li><li><strong>プラットフォーム</strong>の下にある<strong>プラットフォームの追加</strong>をクリックし、<strong>ウェブ</strong>を選択した後、<strong>リダイレクト URI</strong>に<strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong>(例: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)を入力してください。また、<strong>暗黙的フローを許可する</strong>のチェックを外してください。</li><li>最後に <strong>保存</strong>をクリックして、下記の<strong>アプリケーション ID</strong>と<strong>アプリケーション シークレット パスワード</strong>を完成させてください。</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>Microsoftアカウント、もしくはOffice365アカウントに<a href=''>ログイン</a>します。そのアカウントが、ユーザーにログインさせたい<a href=''>テナント</a>と同じテナントであることを確認してください。</li><li><a href=''></a>へ行き、<strong>アプリの追加</strong>をクリックし、<strong>アプリケーションの名前</strong>として\"Mattermost - 会社名\"を使用してください。</li><li><strong>アプリケーション シークレット</strong>の下にある<strong>新しいパスワードを生成</strong>をクリックし、表示されるパスワードを下記の<strong>アプリケーション秘密パスワード</strong>欄に貼り付けてください。</li><li><strong>プラットフォーム</strong>の下にある<strong>プラットフォームの追加</strong>をクリックし、<strong>ウェブ</strong>を選択した後、<strong>リダイレクト URI</strong>に<strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong>(例: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)を入力してください。また、<strong>暗黙的フローを許可する</strong>のチェックを外してください。</li><li>最後に<strong>保存</strong>をクリックして、<strong>アプリケーション ID</strong>を下記の欄に貼り付けてください。</li></ol>",
"admin.office365.authTitle": "認証エンドポイント:",
"admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "Microsoftにアプリケーションを登録したときに受け取るアプリケーションID/クライアントIDです。",
"admin.office365.clientIdExample": "例 \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
@@ -640,9 +652,9 @@
"admin.service.sessionCache": "セッションキャッシュの有効期間(分):",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "セッションをメモリーにキャッシュしておく期間(分)です。",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "例: \"30\"",
- "admin.service.siteURL": "Site URL:",
- "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, from which users will access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
- "admin.service.siteURLExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.service.siteURL": "サイトURL:",
+ "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "ユーザーがMattermostにアクセスするための、ポート番号とプロトコルを含むURLです。内向きのトラフィックに基づいて自動的に設定する場合は空欄にしてください。",
+ "admin.service.siteURLExample": "例 \"\"",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "シングルサインオンのセッション維持期間 (日数):",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "ユーザーが最後に認証情報を入力したときから、そのユーザーのセッションが期限切れとなるまでの日数です。SAMLかGitLabによる認可の場合、SAMLかGitLabに既にログインしていれば、ユーザーは自動的にMattermostへ再ログインされます。この設定を変更した場合、次にユーザーが認証情報を入力してから有効になります。",
"admin.service.testingDescription": "有効な場合、テストアカウントとテストデータによる /loadtest スラッシュコマンドが使用可能になります。この設定を変更した場合、サーバーを再起動するまで設定は反映されません。",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "ログ",
"admin.sidebar.login": "ログイン",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "ログ",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "ネイティブアプリ用リンク",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "通知",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "その他",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "チャンネル",
"channel_flow.create": "{term}を作成する",
"": "グループ",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "チャンネルURLは2文字以上の小文字の英数字にしてください",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "不正なチャンネル名です",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "{term}のURLを設定する",
"": "チャンネル",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "複数ファイルのアップロード",
"create_post.comment": "コメント",
"": "投稿",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "このデバイスではキーボードショートカットはサポートされていません。",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>メッセージを送信しています</h4><p>ここのメッセージを書き、<strong>Enter</strong>を押すことで投稿します。</p><p><strong>添付</strong>ボタンを押すことで画像やファイルをアップロードします。</p>",
"create_post.write": "メッセージを書き込んでいます…",
"create_team.agreement": "アカウントを作成し{siteName}を利用する前に<a href='/static/help/terms.html'>使用条件</a>と<a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>プライバシーポリシー</a>に同意してください。同意できない場合は{siteName}は使用できません。",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "保存する",
"email_signup.address": "電子メールアドレス",
"email_signup.createTeam": "チームを作成する",
- "email_signup.emailError": "有効な電子メールアドレスを入力してください",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "有効な電子メールアドレスを入力してください。",
"email_signup.find": "参加しているチームを探す",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: ほとんど完了です",
"email_verify.failed": " 確認電子メールが送信できませんでした。",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "チームメイトに以下のリンクを送ることで、このチームサイトへの利用登録をしてもらえます。チーム招待リンクは、チーム管理者が再生成しない限り、複数のチームメイトで共有して使うことができます。",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "あなたのチームではユーザー作成は無効になっています。チーム管理者に詳細を問い合わせてください。",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "チーム招待リンク",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Attaching Files\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Executing Commands\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Sending Messages\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Example:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point')",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "Executing Commands",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "スラッシュコマンド",
"installed_commands.add": "スラッシュコマンドを追加する",
"installed_commands.empty": "スラッシュコマンドは作成されていません",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "説明文書",
"": "外向きのウェブフックを検索",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "プライベートなウェブフック",
+ "integrations.add": "追加する",
"integrations.command.description": "スラッシュコマンドは外部の統合機能にイベントを送信します",
"integrations.command.title": "スラッシュコマンド",
+ "integrations.done": "完了",
"integrations.header": "統合機能",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "内向きのウェブフックは外部の統合機能がメッセージを投稿するのに使います",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "内向きのウェブフック",
@@ -1263,7 +1367,7 @@
"invite_member.autoJoin": "招待された人は<strong>{channel}</strong>チャンネルに自動的に参加します。",
"invite_member.cancel": "キャンセル",
"invite_member.content": "あなたのチームでは電子メールは有効になっていません。電子メールによる招待状は送信できません。システム管理者に電子メールと電子メールによる招待を有効にするように連絡してください。",
- "invite_member.disabled": "あなたのチームではユーザー作成が無効になっています。チーム管理者に詳細を問い合わせてください。",
+ "invite_member.disabled": "あなたのチームではユーザー作成は無効になっています。チーム管理者に詳細を問い合わせてください。",
"invite_member.emailError": "有効な電子メールアドレスを入力してください",
"invite_member.firstname": "名前(ファーストネーム)",
"invite_member.inviteLink": "チーム招待リンク",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "名称は3文字以上15文字以下にしてください",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "新しいチーム名を入力してください",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "チーム名を入力してください",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "全ての公開チャンネルと非公開グループから脱退します。 チームが非公開な場合、再度参加することはできません。 実行してよろしいですか?",
+ "": "いいえ",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "チームから脱退しますか?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "はい",
"loading_screen.loading": "読み込み中です",
"login.changed": "サインイン方法が変更されました",
"login.create": "アカウントを作成する",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "電子メールアドレスまたはユーザー名を入力してください",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "電子メールアドレスまたはユーザー名、{ldapUsername}を入力してください",
"login.noLdapUsername": "{ldapUsername}を入力してください",
+ "login.noMethods": "利用登録方法が設定されていません。システム管理者に連絡してください。",
"login.noPassword": "パスワードを入力してください",
"login.noUsername": "ユーザー名を入力してください",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "ユーザー名または{ldapUsername}を入力してください",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>パスワード初期化リンクが<b>{email}</b>に送信されました</p>",
"password_send.reset": "自分のパスワードを初期化する",
"password_send.title": "パスワードの初期化",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "キャンセル",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "再試行",
"permalink.error.access": "削除されたメッセージまたはアクセス権限のないチャンネルへのパーマリンクです。",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "チームを切り替える",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "チーム招待リンクを入手",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "チームの設定",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "メンバーを見る",
+ "": "電子メールアドレスとパスワード",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "あなたの所属チーム: ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "またはチームを作成する",
"signup_team.disabled": "チーム作成機能は無効化されています。使用するにはシステム管理者に連絡してください。",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "チャンネルの全員に通知します。{townsquare}で使うとチーム全体に通知します。",
"": "チャンネルの全員に通知します。",
"": "チャンネル内のオンラインな全員へ通知します",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "チャンネルのメンバー",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Not in Channel",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Special Mentions",
"": "非公開グループ",
"": "公開チャンネル",
"": "ダウンロードする",
@@ -1583,7 +1703,7 @@
"tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "どこからでも利用できるように {link} 向けのアプリをインストールしましょう。",
"tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC / Mac / iOS / Android",
"": "次へ",
- "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>ようこそ</h3><h1>Mattermostへ</h1><p>あなたのチームの全てのコミュニケーションを一箇所で、すぐに検索可能で、どこからでもアクセスできるものにします。</p><p>チームがつながり、互いに助け合うことで、大切なことを成し遂げましょう</p>",
+ "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>ようこそ</h3><h1>Mattermostへ</h1><p>あなたのチームの全てのコミュニケーションを一箇所で、すぐに検索可能で、どこからでもアクセスできるものにします。</p><p>チームがつながり、互いに助け合うことで、大切なこと(what matters most)を成し遂げましょう</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Mattermostの使い方</h3><p>公開チャンネル、非公開グループ、ダイレクトメッセージでコミュニケーションします。</p><p>全てがアーカイブされ、ウェブにアクセスできるデスクトップ、ラップトップ、スマートフォンのいずれからでも検索できます。</p>",
"tutorial_intro.skip": "チュートリアルをスキップする",
"": "必要なことがあったら、電子メールを出してください: ",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {Feature} other {Features}}が有効化されました",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "有効化された場合、投稿は、リンクを作成したり、絵文字を表示したり、テキストに書式を設定したり、改行したりされます。デフォルトではこの設定は有効化されています。この設定を変更した場合には、ページを再読み込みしてください。",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "投稿の書式設定",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "メッセージ入力ボックスでMarkdownプレビューオプションを表示する",
"": "オフ",
"user.settings.advance.on": "オン",
@@ -1724,7 +1846,7 @@
"user.settings.mfa.qrCode": "QRコード",
"user.settings.mfa.remove": "あなたのアカウントからMFAを削除する",
"user.settings.mfa.removeHelp": "多要素認証を削除すると、サインインする際にスマートフォンを使ったパスコードの入力は不要になります。",
- "user.settings.mfa.title": "Multi-factor Authentication",
+ "user.settings.mfa.title": "多要素認証",
"user.settings.modal.advanced": "詳細",
"user.settings.modal.confirmBtns": "破棄します",
"user.settings.modal.confirmMsg": "保存されていない変更があります。変更を破棄しますか?",
@@ -1734,7 +1856,7 @@
"user.settings.modal.notifications": "通知",
"": "セキュリティー",
"user.settings.modal.title": "アカウントの設定",
- "user.settings.notifications.allActivity": "For all activity",
+ "user.settings.notifications.allActivity": "全てのアクティビティーについて",
"user.settings.notifications.channelWide": "チャンネル全体についての「@channel」、「@all」",
"user.settings.notifications.close": "閉じる",
"user.settings.notifications.comments": "コメントスレッド通知",
@@ -1744,34 +1866,46 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "あなたの投稿についての全てのコメントを通知する",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "デスクトップ通知を送る",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "デスクトップ通知音",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "通知は一通の電子メールにまとめられ、ここで選択した最長の頻度で送信されます。",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "あなたについての投稿とダイレクトメッセージに関して、電子メール通知を送ります。60秒以上オフラインであるか{siteName}から5分間以上離れている場合に送ります。",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "電子メール通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "電子メール通知を送信する",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "1時間毎",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "すぐに",
"": "デスクトップ通知は、Firefox、Safari、Chrome、Internet Explorer、Edgeで利用可能です。",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "通知しない",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "設定された単語はありません",
"": "オフ",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "オン",
"user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "あなたについての投稿とダイレクトメッセージに関してのみ",
- "user.settings.notifications.push": "Mobile push notifications",
+ "user.settings.notifications.push": "モバイルプッシュ通知を送信する",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "あなたの名(ファーストネーム)は大文字小文字を区別して\"{first_name}\"です",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "あなたのユーザー名は、大文字小文字を区別せず\"{username}\"です",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "他の単語をカンマで区切って入力してください。大文字小文字は区別されません:",
- "user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "Please configure notification sounds in your browser settings",
+ "user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "ブラウザーの設定画面で、通知音について設定してください",
"user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "デスクトップ通知は、Firefox、Safari、Chrome、Internet Explorer、Edgeで利用可能です。",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "チーム全体についての「@all」",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "通知の設定",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "あなたのユーザー名についての「@{username}」",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "誰かについての投稿となる単語",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "全てのアクティビティーについて",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "管理者によって無効化されています",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "モバイル端末向けのプッシュ通知は管理者によって無効化されています",
"": "Mattermostにアクティビティーがあると、あなたのモバイル端末に通知がプッシュされます。",
"": "オフ",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "あなたについての投稿とダイレクトメッセージに関して",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "閉じる",
"": "現在のパスワード",
- "": "現在のパスワードを入力してください",
+ "": "現在のパスワードを入力してください。",
"": "電子メールアドレスとパスワード",
"": "GitLab",
"": "Google",
@@ -1803,7 +1937,7 @@
"": "パスワードは少なくとも{min}文字以上にしてください。少なくとも1つの英大文字と記号 (例: \"~!@#$%^&*()\") も必要です。",
"": "GitLabでログインしています。パスワードは更新できません。",
"": "LDAPでログインしています。パスワードは更新できません。",
- "": "あなたの入力した新しい電子メールアドレスが一致しません。",
+ "": "あなたの入力した新しいパスワードが一致しません。",
"": "最小の長さが不正です。プレビューを表示できません。",
"": "新しいパスワードをもう一度入力してください",
"": "SAML",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ko.json b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
index 9f2ef93b2..05726deab 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ko.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "명령어에 대한 설명을 입력하세요.",
"add_command.displayName": "표시명",
"": "명령어의 표시명을 64글자 이내로 입력하세요.",
- "add_command.header": "추가",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "응답 아이콘",
"": "Choose a profile picture override for the post responses to this slash command. Enter the URL of a .png or .jpg file at least 128 pixels by 128 pixels.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "The type of command request issued to the Request URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "저장",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "명령어 트리거 단어",
"": "Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "예시: client, employee, patient, weather",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "Incoming webhook에 대한 설명을 입력하세요.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "표시명",
"": "Incoming webhook의 표시명을 64글자 이내로 입력하세요.",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "추가",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "이름",
"": "저장",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "The redirect URIs to which the service will redirect users after accepting or denying authorization of your application, and which will handle authorization codes or access tokens. Must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "One or more callback URLs are required",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Description for your OAuth 2.0 application.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Description for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Please send data to the following URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "추가",
"": "The URL for the homepage of the OAuth 2.0 application. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "Homepage for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "Display name for your OAuth 2.0 application made of up to 64 characters.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "Name for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
"": "When true, the OAuth 2.0 application is considered trusted by the Mattermost server and doesn't require the user to accept authorization. When false, an additional window will appear, asking the user to accept or deny the authorization.",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Callback URLs (One Per Line)",
"": "The URL that messages will be sent to.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "One or more callback URLs are required",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "Description for your outgoing webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "표시명",
"": "Display name for your outgoing webhook made of up to 64 characters.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "추가",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "이름",
"": "저장",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "트리거 단어 (줄 당 하나씩 입력합니다)",
"": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "유효한 채널과 트리거 단어 목록을 입력하세요",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "Learn more about compiling and deploying your own mobile apps from an <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>.",
"": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}",
"": "No errors were reported while sending an email. Please check your inbox to make sure.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.",
+ "": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in <b>Account Settings > Notifications</b>.",
+ "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "Send full message snippet",
"": "Send generic description with user and channel names",
"": "32-character salt added to signing of email invites. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "저장소",
"admin.general.configuration": "Configuration",
"admin.general.localization": "Localization",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available).<br /><br />Would like to help with translations? Join the <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> to contribute.",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available). If you’re manually adding new languages, the <strong>Default Client Language</strong> must be added before saving this setting.<br /><br />Would like to help with translations? Join the <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> to contribute.",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Available Languages:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Default language for newly created users and pages where the user hasn't logged in.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Default Client Language:",
@@ -477,11 +489,11 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Enable OAuth 2.0 Service Provider: ",
"": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
- "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Add an app</strong> and use <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> as the application name.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and save it to later complete the field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and complete the <strong>Application ID</strong> and <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> fields below.</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>여러분의 마이크로소프트 또는 오피스 365 계정에 <a href=''>로그인</a> 하십시요. 로그인하는 계정은 <a href=''>테넌트</a>의 >계정과 동일해야 합니다.</li><li><a href=''></a>을 방문하셔서, <strong>Go to app list</strong>의 <strong>Add an app</strong>를 클릭한 다음 \"Mattermost - 여러분의 회사 이름\"을 <strong>어플리케이션 이름</strong>으로 사용하십시요. </li><li><strong>Application Secrets</strong>에서, <strong>Generate New Password</strong>를 클릭한 다음 아래<strong>Application Secret Password</strong> 필드에 그 값을 복사하여 붙여넣으십시요.</li><li><strong>Platforms</strong>에서, <strong>Add Platform</strong>을 클릭한 다음, <strong>Web</strong>을 선택하고 <strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong> (예시: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)을 <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>에 기입하십시요. 또한 <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>의 체크를 해제하십시요.</li><li>마지막으로, <strong>Save</strong>를 클릭한 다음 아래의 <strong>Application ID</strong>붙여넣으십시요.</li></ol>",
"admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:",
"admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
"admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
@@ -641,7 +653,7 @@
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "The number of minutes to cache a session in memory.",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Ex \"30\"",
"admin.service.siteURL": "Site URL:",
- "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, from which users will access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
+ "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, that users will use to access Mattermost. Leave blank to automatically configure based on incoming traffic.",
"admin.service.siteURLExample": "Ex \"\"",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Session length for mobile apps (days):",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "로그",
"admin.sidebar.login": "로그인",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "서버 로그 보기",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "네이티브 앱 링크",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "알림",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "기타",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "채널",
"channel_flow.create": "Create {term}",
"": "그룹",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "Channel URL must be 2 or more lowercase alphanumeric characters",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "잘못된 채널 이름",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "Set {term} URL",
"": "채널",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "Files uploading",
"create_post.comment": "답글",
"": "글",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Keyboard shortcuts are not supported on your device.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>메시지 보내기</h4><p>보내고 싶은 메시지를 작성하고 <strong>Enter</strong>키를 눌러 보내세요.</p><p><strong>첨부</strong> 버튼을 눌러 이미지나 파일을 업로드하세요.</p>",
"create_post.write": "메시지를 입력하세요...",
"create_team.agreement": "By proceeding to create your account and use {siteName}, you agree to our <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Terms of Service</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. If you do not agree, you cannot use {siteName}.",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "아래 링크를 통해 팀에 가입할 수 있습니다. 팀 가입 링크는 여러 사람들에게 공유될 수 있고, 팀 관리자에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "팀의 신규 사용자 가입이 비활성화 되어있습니다. 팀 관리자에게 문의하세요.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "팀 가입 링크",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Attaching Files\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Executing Commands\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Sending Messages\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Example:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point')",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "Executing Commands",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "슬래시 명령어",
"installed_commands.add": "슬래시 명령어 추가",
"installed_commands.empty": "명령어가 없습니다.",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "문서",
"": "Outgoing Webhooks 검색하기",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "A Private Webhook",
+ "integrations.add": "추가",
"integrations.command.description": "슬래시 명령어는 외부에 연결한 서비스에 이벤트를 보냅니다.",
"integrations.command.title": "슬래시 명령어",
+ "integrations.done": "None",
"integrations.header": "통합 기능",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Incoming webhook은 외부 시스템에서 메시지를 받는 것을 허용합니다.",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Incoming Webhook",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "Name must be 3 or more characters up to a maximum of 15",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "You will be removed from all public channels and private groups. If the team is private you will not be able to rejoin the team. Are you sure?",
+ "": "아니요",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "Leave the team?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "네",
"loading_screen.loading": "불러오는 중",
"login.changed": " Sign-in method changed successfully",
"login.create": "Create one now",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "이메일 또는 사용자명을 입력하세요.",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "이메일, 사용자명 또는 {ldapUsername}을 입력하세요.",
"login.noLdapUsername": "{ldapUsername}을 입력하세요.",
+ "login.noMethods": "No sign in methods are enabled. Please contact your System Administrator.",
"login.noPassword": "비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
"login.noUsername": "사용자명을 입력하세요.",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "사용자명 또는 {ldapUsername}을 입력하세요.",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>A password reset link has been sent to <b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "Reset my password",
"password_send.title": "Password Reset",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "취소",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "다시 시도",
"permalink.error.access": "Permalink belongs to a deleted message or to a channel to which you do not have access.",
@@ -1438,7 +1548,7 @@
"rhs_root.permalink": "바로가기",
"search_bar.cancel": "취소",
"": "검색",
- "search_bar.usage": "<h4>검색 옵션</h4><ul><li><b>\"따옴표\"</b><span>를 사용하여 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.</span></li><li><b>from:</b><span> 을 사용하여 특정 작성자를 검색하거나 </span><b>in:</b><span> 을 사용하여 특정 채널에 대해 검색할 수 있습니다.</span></li></ul>",
+ "search_bar.usage": "<h4>검색 옵션</h4><ul><li><b>\"따옴표\"</b><span>를 사용해서 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.</span></li><li><b>from:</b><span> 를 사용해서 특정 사용자의 포스트를 검색하거나, </span><b>in:</b><span>을 사용하여 특정 채널의 포스트를 검색할 수 있습니다.</span></li></ul>",
"search_header.results": "검색 결과",
"search_header.title2": "최근 멘션",
"search_header.title3": "Flagged Posts",
@@ -1446,7 +1556,7 @@
"search_item.jump": "바로가기",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>문구의 일부분을 검색하려면(예: \"rea\", 를 검색하여 \"reach\" 또는 \"reaction\") 단어 앞 또는 뒤에 와일드카드 문자(*)를 붙여보세요.</li><li>두 글자 검색이나 \"this\", \"a\", \"is\"같이 일반적인 단어는 과도한 결과를 반환하기 때문에 검색결과에 표시되지 않습니다.</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "검색 결과가 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요.",
- "search_results.usage": "<li><b>\"따옴표\"</b>를 사용하여 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.</li><li><b>from:</b> 을 사용하여 특정 작성자를 검색하거나 <b>in:</b> 을 사용하여 특정 채널에 대해 검색할 수 있습니다.</li></ul>",
+ "search_results.usage": "<ul><li><b>\"따옴표\"</b>를 사용하여 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.</li><li><b>from:</b> 을 사용하여 특정 작성자를 검색하거나 <b>in:</b> 을 사용하여 특정 채널에 대해 검색할 수 있습니다.</li></ul>",
"setting_item_max.cancel": "취소",
"": "저장",
"setting_item_min.edit": "편집",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "팀 선택",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "팀 가입 링크",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "팀 설정",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "회원 보기",
+ "": "이메일과 비밀번호",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "가입한 팀: ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "팀 생성하기",
"signup_team.disabled": "팀을 생성할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요.",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifies everyone in the channel, use in {townsquare} to notify the whole team",
"": "Notifies everyone in the channel",
"": "Notifies everyone in the channel and online",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "Channel Members",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Not in Channel",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Special Mentions",
"": "비공개 그룹",
"": "공개 채널",
"": "다운로드",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number}개 기능 활성화",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "활성화 하면 링크, 이모티콘, 글자 스타일 등을 사용할 수 있습니다. 기본적으로 활성화 되있습니다. 설정을 변경하려면 페이지 새로고침이 필요합니다.",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "마크다운으로 글쓰기",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "메시지 입력창에 마크다운 미리보기 옵션을 표시",
"": "끄기",
"user.settings.advance.on": "켜기",
@@ -1744,9 +1866,13 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "내 글의 모든 답글에 대한 알림 받기",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "데스크탑 알림 받기",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "데스크탑 알림 소리",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Notifications are combined into a single email and sent at the maximum frequency selected here.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Email notifications are sent for mentions and direct messages after you’ve been offline for more than 60 seconds or away from {siteName} for more than 5 minutes.",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "이메일 알림",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "데스크탑 알림 받기",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Every hour",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "알림",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Immediately",
"": "데스크탑 알림은 Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge 에서 사용이 가능합니다.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "알림을 받지 않기",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "설정한 단어가 없습니다",
@@ -1763,12 +1889,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "알림 설정",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "내 사용자명을 멘션 \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "언급에 대한 알림",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "For all activity",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 됨",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "모바일 기기를 위한 푸시 알림 기능이 시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 되었습니다.",
"": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device when there is activity in Mattermost.",
"": "Off",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "For mentions and direct messages",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "닫기",
"": "현재 비밀번호",
"": "현재 비밀번호를 입력해주세요",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/nl.json b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
index b66e0f014..3a54efeea 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/nl.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "Omschrijving van jouw inkomende webhook.",
"add_command.displayName": "Weergavenaam",
"": "Weergavenaam voor jouw slash commando tot 64 karakters.",
- "add_command.header": "Toevoegen",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Reactie icoon",
"": "Kies een alternatieve profielafbeelding om bij de berichten uit slash opdrachten te plaatsen. Kies een URL die naar een .png of .jpg bestand wijst, die minstens 128 bij 128 pixels groot is.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "Het type opdracht dat aangevraagd is via de aanvraag URL.",
"": "POST",
"": "Opslaan",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "Opdracht Trigger-woord",
"": "Trigger woord moet uniek zijn, en kan niet beginnen met een slash of spaties bevatten.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Voorbeelden: klant, werknemer, patient, weer",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "Omschrijving van jouw inkomende webhook.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Weergavenaam",
"": "Weergavenaam voor jouw inkomende webhook van maximaal 64 karakters.",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "Toevoegen",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Naam",
"": "Opslaan",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "De doorstuur URL's waarnaar de service zal doorsturen nadat gebruikers de autorisatie van de applicatie hebben afgewezen of toegestaan, welke de autorisatie codes of tokens zal afhandelen. Moet een geldige URL zijn en beginnen met http:// of https://.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "En of meerdere callback URL's zijn vereist",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Omschrijving voor jouw OAuth 2.0 applicatie.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Omschrijving voor jouw OAuth 2.0 applicatie is verplicht.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Stuur data naar de volgende URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Toevoegen",
"": "De URL van de homepagina van de OAuth 2.0 applicatie. Gebruik HTTP of HTTPS in de URL afhankelijk van de configuratie.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "Homepagina van de OAuth 2.0 applicatie is verplicht. ",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "Weergavenaam voor jouw OAuth 2.0 applicatie van maximaal 64 karakters.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "Naam van de OAuth 2.0 applicatie is verplicht.",
"": "Wanneer waar, de OAuth 2.0 applicatie is vertrouwd door de Mattermost server en verplicht de gebruiker niet om autorisatie te accepteren. Wanneer niet waar, zal er additioneel venster verschijnen, met de vraag of de gebruiker dit verzoek wil toestaan of afwijzen.",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "Aanvraag URL's (Een per regel)",
"": "De URL waar berichten naartoe worden gezonden.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "En of meerdere aanvraag URL's zijn vereist",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "Omschrijving van jouw uitgaande webhook.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Weergavenaam",
"": "Weergavenaam voor jouw uitgaande webhook van maximaal 64 karakters.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Toevoegen",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Naam",
"": "Opslaan",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Activeer woorden (één per regel)",
"": "Berichten die starten met 1 van de gespecificeerde woorden zullen de uitgaande webhook triggeren. Optioneel als het Kanaal is geselecteerd.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Een geldig kanaal, of een lijst van activeer-woorden is vereist",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "Meer informatie over het maken en implementeren van uw eigen mobiele apps van een <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>.",
"": "Verbinding was niet succesvol: {error}",
"": "Het versturen van een e-mail lijkt foutloos verlopen. Controleer de mail ter bevestiging.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.",
+ "": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in <b>Account Settings > Notifications</b>.",
+ "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "Stuur een bericht met samenvatting",
"": "Stuur een algemeen bericht met de gebruiker en kanaal namen",
"": "32-karakter 'salt' word gebruikt voor het versturen van e-mail uitnodigingen. Deze worden willekeurig gegenereerd tijdens de installatie. Klik op \"Opnieuw Genereren\" om een nieuwe 'salt' te maken.",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "Opslag",
"admin.general.configuration": "Configuratie",
"admin.general.localization": "Lokalisatie",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Selecteer welke talen er beschikbaar zijn voor gebruikers in de Account Instellingen (laat dit veld leeg om alle talen beschikbaar te stellen).<br /><br />Wil je helpen met vertalen? Word lid van de <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a>.",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Stel in welke talen beschikbaar zijn om tussen te wisselen in de Acount Instellingen (laat dit veld leeg om alle ondersteunde talen beschikbaar te stellen). Als je handmatig nieuwe talen opgeeft, de <strong>Standaard Taal</strong> moet worden toegevoegd voor je dit opslaat.<br /><br />Wil je helpen met vertalen? Word lid van de <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Vertaal Server</a>.",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Beschikbare talen:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Standaard taal voor nieuw aangemaakte gebruikers en pagina's bij eerste bezoek.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Standaard client taal:",
@@ -477,7 +489,7 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Sta niet toe in te loggen via een OAuth 2.0 provider",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Wanneer dit aanstaat kan Mattermost fungeren als een OAuth 2.0 service provider welke Mattermost in staat stelt externe applicaties toe om geautoriseerde verzoeken te sturen naar de Mattermost API.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Aanzetten van OAuth 2.0 Service Provider:",
"": "Selecteer OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "Loggen",
"admin.sidebar.login": "Login",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Logs",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Native App Links ",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Meldingen",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "ANDERE",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "Kanaal",
"channel_flow.create": "Maak {term} URL aan",
"": "Groep",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "Kanaal URL moet 2 of meer kleine alfanumerieke karakters bevatten",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "Ongeldige kanaal naam",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "Instelling {term} URL",
"": "Kanaal",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "Bestand uploaden",
"create_post.comment": "Commentaar",
"": "Bericht",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Toetsenbord snelkoppelingen worden niet ondersteund op jouw apparaat.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Versturen van berichten</h4><p>Tik hier om een bericht te maken en druk op <strong>Enter</strong> op het te versturen.</p><p>Klik de <strong>Bijlage</strong> knop om een beeld of bestand te uploaden.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Schrijf een bericht...",
"create_team.agreement": "Door verder te gaan maak je jouw account en gebruik je {siteName}, je gaat akkoord met onze <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Voorwaarden</a> and <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Privacy Policy</a>. Als je niet akkoord gaat, kan je geen gebruik maken van {siteName}.",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "Opslaan",
"email_signup.address": "E-mail adres",
"email_signup.createTeam": "Team aanmaken",
- "email_signup.emailError": "Vul een geldig e-mail adres in",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "Vul een geldig e-mail adres in. ",
"email_signup.find": "Vind mijn teams",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: U bent bijna klaar",
"email_verify.failed": " Mislukt om een verificatie mail te sturen.",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "Stuur teamleden de link hieronder om zichzelf in te schrijven bij dit team. De Team Uitnodigings Link kan worden gedeeld met zoveel teamleden als nodig is en zal niet veranderen tenzij het is hergenereerd in de Team Instellingen door een Team Admin. ",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "Het maken van gebruikers is uitgeschakeld voor uw team. Vraag uw team beheerder voor meer informatie.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "Team uitnodigingslink",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Attaching Files\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Executing Commands\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Sending Messages\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Example:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point')",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "Executing Commands",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "Slash opdrachten",
"installed_commands.add": "Slash opdracht toevoegen",
"installed_commands.empty": "Geen opdrachten gevonden",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "documentatie",
"": "Zoek Uitgaande Webhooks",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "Een privé webhook",
+ "integrations.add": "Toevoegen",
"integrations.command.description": "Slash opdrachten sturen events naar externe integraties",
"integrations.command.title": "Slash opdracht",
+ "integrations.done": "Gereed",
"integrations.header": "Integraties",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Inkomende webhooks laten externel integraties toe om berichten te sturen",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Inkomende webhook",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "De naam moet 3 of meer tekens zijn met een maximum van 15",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "Voer de team naam in",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "Voer de team naam in",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "You will be removed from all public channels and private groups. If the team is private you will not be able to rejoin the team. Are you sure?",
+ "": "Nee",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "Verlaat het team?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "Ja",
"loading_screen.loading": "Bezig te laden",
"login.changed": " Inlog methode succesvol gewijzigd",
"login.create": "Maak er nu een",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "Geeft uw e-mail adres of gebruikersnaam in",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Geeft uw e-mail adres, gebruikersnaam of {ldapUsername} in",
"login.noLdapUsername": "Geef uw {ldapUsername} in",
+ "login.noMethods": "Er zijn geen inlog-methodes geconfigureerd, neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder.",
"login.noPassword": "Geef uw wachtwoord in",
"login.noUsername": "Geef uw gebruikersnaam in",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Geef uw gebruikersnaam of {ldapUsername} in",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>Een wachtwoord reset link is verstuurd naar <b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "Reset wachtwoord",
"password_send.title": "Wachtwoord reset",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Annuleren",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Probeer opnieuw",
"permalink.error.access": "Permalink behoort toe aan een verwijderd bericht of aan een kanaal waar je geen toegang tot hebt.",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Team Selectie",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "Verkrijg team uitnodigings-link",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "Team instellingen",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "Bekijk Leden",
+ "": "E-mail en wachtwoord",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "Je teams:",
"signup_team.createTeam": "Of maak een team",
"signup_team.disabled": "Het aanmaken van nieuwe teams is uigeschakeld. Neem contact op met een beheerder voor toegang.",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notificeert iedereen in het kanaal, gebruik in {townsquare} to notificeer het hele team",
"": "Notificeer iedereen in het kanaal",
"": "Notificeert iedereen in het kanaal en online",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "Kanaal Leden",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Niet in kanaal",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Speciale Vermeldingen",
"": "Privé groepen",
"": "Publieke kanalen",
"": "downloaden",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {Feature} other {Features}} Ingeschakeld",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "Indien ingeschakeld, worden berichten opgemaakt met links, emoji, stijl van de tekst, en regeleinden toevoegen. Standaard is deze instelling ingeschakeld. Het wijzigen van deze instelling vereist dat de pagina vernieuwd wordt.",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "Bericht opmaak inschakelen",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "Toon markdown voorbeeld optie in bericht invoerveld",
"": "Uit",
"user.settings.advance.on": "Aan",
@@ -1744,16 +1866,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Vermeld alle reacties op jouw bericht",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Verstuur desktop meldingen",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "Desktop meldings-geluid",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Notifications are combined into a single email and sent at the maximum frequency selected here.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "E-mailmeldingen worden verzonden voor vermeldingen en rechtstreekse berichten nadat u bent offline bent voor meer dan 60 seconden of weg van {siteName} voor meer dan 5 minuten.",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "E-mail meldingen",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Stuur desktop meldingen",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Elk uur",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Meldingen",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Onmiddellijk",
"": "Desktop meldingen zijn beschikbaar op Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, en de Edge.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nooit",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Geen woorden geconfigureerd",
"": "Uit",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Aan",
"user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "Enkele voor vermeldingen en privé berichten",
- "user.settings.notifications.push": "Mobiele push meldingen",
+ "user.settings.notifications.push": "Stuur mobiele push meldingen",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "Uw hoofdlettergevoelige eerste naam \"{first_name}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "Uw niet-hoofdlettergevoelige gebruikersnaam \"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "Andere niet-hoofdlettergevoelige woorden, gescheiden door komma's:",
@@ -1763,12 +1889,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Meldings-instellingen",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Uw gebruikersnaam vermeld \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Woorden die een vermelding triggeren",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Voor alle activiteiten",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "Uitgeschakeld door de systeembeheerder",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "Push notificaties voor mobiele apparaten zijn uitgezet door Uw Systeembeheerder. ",
"": "Meldingen worden verstuurd naar uw mobiele apparaat wanneer er activiteit is in Mattermost.",
"": "Uit",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "Voor vermeldingen en privé berichten",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "Afsluiten",
"": "Huidig wachtwoord",
"": "Voer uw huidige wachtwoord in",
@@ -1803,7 +1937,7 @@
"": "Jouw wachtwoord moet minimaal {min} karakters bevatten met minimaal een hoofdletter en een karakter (bv. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
"": "Aanmelden gebeurt via Gitlab. Uw wachtwoord kan niet bijgewerkt worden.",
"": "Aanmelden gebeurt via LDAP. Uw wachtwoord kan niet bijgewerkt worden.",
- "": "De wachtwoorden die u ingaf zijn niet identiek",
+ "": "De wachtwoorden die U ingaf zijn niet identiek",
"": "Verkeerde minimale lengte, kan de voorvertoning niet tonen.",
"": "Nieuw wachtwoord herhalen",
"": "SAML",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
index 4c720a02d..3113f53cd 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "Descrição do seu webhook de entrada.",
"add_command.displayName": "Nome de Exibição",
"": "Nome de exibição para seu comando slash contendo até 64 caracteres.",
- "add_command.header": "Adicionar",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "Your slash command has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_command.iconUrl": "Ícone de Resposta",
"": "(Opcional) Escolha uma imagem do perfil para substituir as respostas dos posts deste comando slash. Digite a URL de um arquivo .png ou .jpg com pelo menos 128 pixels por 128 pixels.",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "O tipo de solicitação do comando emitido para a URL requisitada.",
"": "POST",
"": "Salvar",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "Comando Palavra Gatilho",
"": "Palavra gatilho precisa ser única, e não pode começar com uma barra ou conter espaços.",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Exemplos: cliente, funcionario, paciente, tempo",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "Descrição do seu webhook de entrada.",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "Nome de Exibição",
"": "Nome de exibição para seu webhook de entrada contendo até 64 caracteres.",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "Adicionar",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Your incoming webhook has been set up. Please send data to the following URL (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Nome",
"": "Salvar",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "Os URIs de redirecionamento para o qual o serviço irá redirecionar os usuários depois de aceitar ou negar a autorização de sua aplicação, e que irá lidar com códigos de autorização ou tokens de acesso. Deve ser uma URL válida e começar com http:// ou https://.",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "Uma ou mais URLs callback são necessárias",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Descrição para sua aplicação OAuth 2.0.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Descrição para a aplicação OAuth 2.0 é obrigatória.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Please send data to the following URL.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Adicionar",
"": "A URL para a página inicial da aplicação OAuth 2.0. Certifique-se de usar HTTP ou HTTPS em sua URL dependendo da sua configuração do servidor.",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "Página Inicial para a aplicação OAuth 2.0 é obrigatória.",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "Nome de exibição para sua aplicação OAuth 2.0 contendo até 64 caracteres.",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "Nome para a aplicação OAuth 2.0 é obrigatória.",
"": "Quando verdadeiro, a aplicação OAuth 2.0 é considerado confiável pelo servidor Mattermost e não requer que o usuário aceite a autorização. Quando falso, uma janela adicional será exibida, solicitando ao usuário para aceitar ou negar a autorização.",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>URL(s)</b>: {url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "URLs Callback (Uma Por Linha)",
"": "A URL que as mensagens serão enviadas.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "Uma ou mais URLs callback são necessárias",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "Descrição do seu webhook de saída.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "Nome de Exibição",
"": "Nome de exibição para seu webhook de saída contendo até 64 caracteres.",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "Adicionar",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"": "Nome",
"": "Salvar",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "Palavras Gatilho (Uma Por Linha)",
"": "Mensagens que começam com uma das palavras especificadas irá disparar o webhook de saída. Opcional se o canal for selecionado.",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "Um canal válido ou uma lista de palavras gatilho é necessário",
@@ -226,6 +234,10 @@
"": "Leia mais sobre compilar e publicar seu próprio aplicativo móvel em <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>.",
"": "Conexão falhou: {error}",
"": "Nenhum erro foram relatados durante o envio de um e-mail. Por favor verifique a sua caixa de entrada para se certificar.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.",
+ "": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in <b>Configuration > SiteURL</b>.",
+ "": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in <b>Account Settings > Notifications</b>.",
+ "": "Enable Email Batching:",
"": "Enviar trecho de mensagem",
"": "Enviar descrição genérica com nomes do usuário e canal",
"": "Salt de 32-caracteres adicionados a assinatura de convites por e-mail. Aleatoriamente gerados na instalação. Click \"Re-Gerar\" para criar um novo salt.",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "Armazenamento",
"admin.general.configuration": "Configuração",
"admin.general.localization": "Regionalização",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Defina qual idioma está disponível para os usuários na Configurações de Conta (deixe este campo em branco para ter todos os idiomas suportados disponível).<br /><br />Gostaria de ajudar com as traduções? Junte-se ao <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> para contribuir.",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Defina qual idioma está disponível para os usuários em Configurações de Conta (deixe este campo em branco para ter todos os idiomas disponíveis). Se você está adicionando novos idiomas manualmente, o <strong>Idioma Padrão do Cliente</strong> precisa ser adicionado antes de salvar esta configuração.<br /><br />Gostaria de ajudar com tradução? Junte-se ao <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost Translation Server</a> para contribuir.",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Idiomas Disponíveis:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Linguagem padrão para os novos usuários criados e páginas onde o usuário não esteja logado.",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "Idioma Padrão do Cliente:",
@@ -477,7 +489,7 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Não é permitido login via um provedor OAuth 2.0",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Quando verdadeiro, Mattermost pode atuar como um provedor de serviços OAuth 2.0 pra permitir solicitações de API de aplicações externas.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Ativar Provedor de Serviço OAuth 2.0: ",
"": "Selecione provedor de serviço OAuth 2.0:",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "Acesso",
"admin.sidebar.login": "Login",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "Logs",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Links para App Nativos",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "Notificações",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "OUTROS",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "Canal",
"channel_flow.create": "Criar {term}",
"": "Grupo",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "URL do canal precisa ter 2 ou mais caracteres minúsculos alfanuméricos.",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "Nome do Canal Inválido",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "Ajustar URL {term}",
"": "Canal",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "Enviando arquivos",
"create_post.comment": "Comentário",
"": "Post",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Atalhos do teclado não está disponível no seu dispositivo.",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>Enviando Mensagens</h4><p>Digite aqui para escrever uma mensagem e pressione <strong>Enter</strong> para posta-lá.</p><p>Clique no botão <strong>Anexo</strong> para enviar uma imagem ou arquivo.</p>",
"create_post.write": "Escreva uma mensagem...",
"create_team.agreement": "Ao prosseguir para criar sua conta e usar {siteName}, você concorda com nosso <a href='/static/help/terms.html'>Termo de Serviço</a> e <a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>Politica de Privacidade</a>. Se você não concorda, você não pode usar {siteName}.",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "Salvar",
"email_signup.address": "Endereço de E-mail",
"email_signup.createTeam": "Criar Equipe",
- "email_signup.emailError": "Por favor introduza um endereço de e-mail válido",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "Por favor entre um endereço de e-mail válido.",
"email_signup.find": "Encontrar minhas equipes",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: Você está quase pronto",
"email_verify.failed": " Falha ao enviar verificação por email.",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "Enviar o link abaixo para sua equipe de trabalho para que eles se inscrevam no site da sua equipe. O Link de Convite de Equipe como ele não muda pode ser compartilhado com várias pessoas ao menos que seja re-gerado em Configurações de Equipe pelo Administrador de Equipe.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "Criação de usuários está desabilitada para sua equipe. Por favor peça ao administrador de equipe por detalhes.",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "Link para Convite de Equipe",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# Attaching Files\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# Executing Commands\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# Sending Messages\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "Example:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point')",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "Executing Commands",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "Comandos Slash",
"installed_commands.add": "Adicionar Comando Slash",
"installed_commands.empty": "Nenhum comando encotrado",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "documentação",
"": "Pesquisar Webhooks de Saída",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "Webhook Privado",
+ "integrations.add": "Adicionar",
"integrations.command.description": "Comandos slash envia evento para integrações externas",
"integrations.command.title": "Comando Slash",
+ "integrations.done": "Nenhum",
"integrations.header": "Integrações",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Webhooks de entrada permite que integrações externas envie mensagens",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Webhooks Entrada",
@@ -1281,6 +1385,10 @@
"ldap_signup.length_error": "O nome deve ser de 3 ou mais caracteres até um máximo de 15",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "Entre o nome da nova equipe",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "Por favor entre o nome da equipe",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "You will be removed from all public channels and private groups. If the team is private you will not be able to rejoin the team. Are you sure?",
+ "": "Não",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "Leave the team?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "Sim",
"loading_screen.loading": "Carregando",
"login.changed": " Método de login alterada com sucesso",
"login.create": "Crie um agora",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "Por favor digite seu email ou usuário",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "Por favor digite seu email, usuário ou {ldapUsername}",
"login.noLdapUsername": "Por favor digite seu {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noMethods": "Nenhum método de inscrição configurado, por favor contate seu administrador do sistema.",
"login.noPassword": "Por favor digite a sua senha",
"login.noUsername": "Por favor digite seu usuário",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "Por favor digite seu usuário ou {ldapUsername}",
@@ -1381,6 +1490,7 @@
"": "<p>Um link para resetar senha foi enviado para <b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "Resetar minha senha",
"password_send.title": "Resetar Senha",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "Cancelar",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "Tentar novamente",
"permalink.error.access": "O permalink pertence a uma mensagem deletada ou a um canal o qual você não tem acesso.",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "Selecionar Equipe",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "Obter Link para Convite de Equipe",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "Configurações da Equipe",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "Ver Membros",
+ "": "Email e Senha",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "Suas equipes: ",
"signup_team.createTeam": "Ou Criar uma Equipe",
"signup_team.disabled": "A criação de equipe foi desativada. Por favor, entre em contato com um administrador para o acesso.",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifique a todos no canal, use {townsquare} para notificar toda a equipe",
"": "Notifica todos no canal",
"": "Notifica todos online no canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "Membros do Canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Não no Canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "Menções Especiais",
"": "Grupos Privados",
"": "Canais Públicos",
"": "download",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {Recurso} other {Recursos}} Ativado",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "Se ativado, posts serão formatados para criar links, exibir emoji, estilo de texto e adicionar quebra de linhas. Por padrão é definido como ativado. Mudando está configuração será necessário recarregar a página.",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "Ativar Formatação de Post",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "Mostrar opção pré-visualização markdown na caixa de entrada de mensagens",
"": "Desligado",
"user.settings.advance.on": "On",
@@ -1744,9 +1866,13 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "Menção de quaisquer comentários em seu post",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "Enviar notificações de desktop",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "Som de notificação no Desktop",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Notifications are combined into a single email and sent at the maximum frequency selected here.",
"user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "Notificações de e-mail são enviadas por menções e mensagens diretas, depois de ter ficado offline por mais de 60 segundos ou longe do {siteName} por mais de 5 minutos.",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notificações por email",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Enviar notificações de desktop",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "Every hour",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notificações",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "Immediately",
"": "Notificações na área de trabalho estão disponíveis no Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, e Edge.",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "Nunca",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Nenhuma palavra configurada",
@@ -1763,15 +1889,23 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "Configurações de Notificação",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "Seu usuário mencionado \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "Palavras que desencadeiam menções",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "Para todas as atividades",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "Desativado pelo administrador do sistema",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "Notificações push para dispositivos móveis foram desativados pelo Administrador do Sistema.",
"": "Alertas de notificação são enviados para o seu dispositivo móvel quando há atividade no Mattermost.",
"": "Desligado",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "Somente para menções e mensagens diretas",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "Fechar",
"": "Senha Atual",
- "": "Por favor entre sua senha atual",
+ "": "Por favor entre sua senha atual.",
"": "Email e Senha",
"": "GitLab",
"": "Google",
@@ -1803,7 +1937,7 @@
"": "Sua senha deve conter pelo menos {min} caracteres constituídos por pelo menos uma letra maiúscula e pelo menos um símbolo (ex. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").",
"": "Login ocorreu através do GitLab. Senha não pode ser atualizada.",
"": "Login ocorreu através de LDAP. Senha não pode ser atualizada.",
- "": "As novas senhas que você inseriu não correspondem",
+ "": "As novas senhas que você inseriu não correspondem.",
"": "Comprimento mínimo inválido, não é possível mostrar pré-visualização.",
"": "Digite Novamente a nova Senha",
"": "SAML",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
index 6b0938583..e0188b360 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"activity_log.os": "系统: {os}",
"activity_log.sessionId": "会话ID: {id}",
"activity_log.sessionsDescription": "当您在设备的新浏览器中登录时,将创建会话。会话让您使用Mattermost时无需在系统管理员限定的时间段内重新登录。如果您希望早些退出,点击下方的‘注销’按钮结束会话。",
- "": "Android",
+ "": "安卓",
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android本地App",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone本地App",
"add_command.autocomplete": "自动完成:",
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "传入webhook的简述。",
"add_command.displayName": "显示名称",
"": "您的斜杠命令显示名,最多64字。",
- "add_command.header": "添加",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "您的斜杠命令已设定。以下令牌将包含在传出负载。请用这来验证请求是否来自您的Mattermost团队(详见<a href=\"\">文档</a>)。",
"add_command.iconUrl": "回复图标",
"": "(可选) 选择一个头像覆盖此斜杠命令产生的信息。输入的.png或.jpg文件URL至少128像素x128像素。",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "命令的类型发给请求URL的请求。",
"": "POST",
"": "保存",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>令牌</b>:{token}",
"add_command.trigger": "命令触发词",
"": "触发关键字必须唯一,且不能以斜杠开头或含空格。",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "例:client, employee, patient, weather",
@@ -90,13 +91,18 @@
"": "传入webhook的简述。",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "显示名称",
"": "传入webhook的显示名,最多64字。",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "添加",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "您的传入webhook已设定。请传数据至此网址(详见<a href=\"\">文档</a>)。",
"": "名称",
"": "保存",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>网址</b>:{url}",
"": "用户在接收或拒绝授权您的应用后重转向的网址,同时用来处理授权码或访问令牌。比为以 http:// 或 https:// 开头的有效网址。",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "需要一个或多个回调URL",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>客户端ID</b>:{id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>客户端秘密</b>:{secret}",
"": "您的 OAuth 2.0 应用描述。",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "OAuth 2.0 应用描述为必填。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "您的OAuth 2.0应用已设定。请在给您的应用请求授权时使用以下客户端ID和客户端秘密。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "请发送数据到以下网址。",
"add_oauth_app.header": "添加",
"": "OAuth 2.0 应用首页网址。请您确认有根据服务器设置使用 HTTP 或 HTTPS 网址。",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "OAuth 2.0 应用首页网址为必填。",
@@ -104,6 +110,7 @@
"": "您的 OAuth 2.0 应用显示名,最多64字。",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "OAuth 2.0 应用名为必填。",
"": "当设为是时,OAuth 2.0 应用将被 Mattermost 服务器信任且不需用户同意授权。当设为否时,将会弹出新窗口询问用户同意或拒绝授权。",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>网址</b>:{url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "回调URL(每行一个)",
"": "信息传输到的网址。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "需要一个或多个回调URL",
@@ -118,9 +125,10 @@
"": "您的传出webhook简述。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "显示名称",
"": "传出webhook的显示名,最多64字。",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "添加",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "您的传出webhook已设定。以下令牌将包含在传出负载。请用这来验证请求是否来自您的Mattermost团队(详见<a href=\"\">文档</a>)。",
"": "名称",
"": "保存",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>令牌</b>:{token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "触发词(一行一个)",
"": "以特定关键字的信息将触发传出webhook。如果有选择频道此项则为可选。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "需要一个有效的频道或一个触发字列表",
@@ -139,9 +147,9 @@
"admin.cluster.enableDescription": "当设为是时,Mattermost将以高可用性模式运行。请参考<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文档</a>了解Mattermost的高可用性。",
"admin.cluster.enableTitle": "开启高可用性模式:",
"admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressDesc": "服务器与其他服务器通讯的监听地址。",
- "admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressEx": "例如 \":8065\"",
+ "admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressEx": "例如 \":8075\"",
"admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressTitle": "互连节点监听地址:",
- "admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsDesc": "所有Mattermost服务器的内部/私有网址用逗号分开",
+ "admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsDesc": "所有Mattermost服务器的内部/私有网址用逗号分开。",
"admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsEx": "例如 \",\"",
"admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsTitle": "互连节点网址:",
"admin.cluster.loadedFrom": "此配置文件是从节点ID {clusterId} 加载的。请见我们的<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文档</a>中的排错手册如果您在通过负载均衡服务器访问系统控制且遇到问题。",
@@ -220,12 +228,16 @@
"": "开启使用邮件地址登入:",
"": "当设置为是时,Mattermost允许团队创建和使用电子邮件地址和密码注册帐户。此值唯一设为否的情况是你想使用OAuth或者LADP这种单点登录服务注册。",
"": "开启使用邮件地址创建帐号:",
- "": "当设置为是时,mattermost允许用户使用用户名和密码登录. 此设置通常只用于当电子邮件验证被禁用时.",
+ "": "当设置为是时,Mattermost允许用户使用用户名和密码登录。此设置通常只用于当电子邮件验证被禁用时。",
"": "开启使用用户名登入:",
"": "测试连接",
"": "了解更多关于编译和部署您自己的移动应用程序从一个<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Enterprise App Store</a>。",
"": "连接失败: {error}",
"": "发送电子邮件时没有错误的报告. 请务必检查您的收件箱.",
+ "": "批量电子邮件无法在高可用性下开启。",
+ "": "<b>设置 > 站点网址</b>中的站点网址配置后才能开启批量电子邮件。",
+ "": "当设为是时,用户可以将多条私信和提到合并到一条电子邮件通知,可在<b>帐号设置 > 通知</b>里设定。",
+ "": "开启批量电子邮件:",
"": "发送完整的消息片段",
"": "发送包含用户名称和频道名称的一般描述",
"": "32字符的盐值用于签署电子邮件邀请。安装时随机生成。点击 \"重新生成\" 生成新的盐值。",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "储存",
"admin.general.configuration": "配置",
"admin.general.localization": "本地化",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "设置用户在帐号设定里可用的语言 (留空将所有可用的语言为可用)。<br /><br />想要帮助翻译吗?加入<a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost 翻译服务器</a>。",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "设置用户在帐号设置可用的语言(留空将可用所有语言)。如果您手动添加新语言,必须在保存钱先添加<strong>默认客户端语言</strong>。<br /><br />想要帮忙防疫吗?加入<a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost 翻译服务器</a>。",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "可用的语言:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "新创建的用户以及未登入的用户的默认语言。",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "默认客户端语言:",
@@ -384,18 +396,18 @@
"admin.ldap.bindPwdTitle": "绑定密码:",
"admin.ldap.bindUserDesc": "用户名使用LDAP搜索.通常在Mattermost创建用户时使用.通过BASEDN字段指定LADP树可读数据的限制.",
"admin.ldap.bindUserTitle": "绑定用户名:",
- "admin.ldap.emailAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost邮箱的属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.emailAttrDesc": "LDAP服务器中属性用于填充Mattermost用户电子邮箱地址属性。",
"admin.ldap.emailAttrEx": "前“邮件”或“用户主名称”",
"admin.ldap.emailAttrTitle": "电子邮箱属性:",
"admin.ldap.enableDesc": "当设置为是时,Mattermost允许LADP登录",
"admin.ldap.enableTitle": "开启LDAP登入:",
- "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost用户姓的属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "LDAP服务器中属性用于填充Mattermost用户名字属性。",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "例如\"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "姓属性",
"admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此属性在LADP服务器作为Mattermost中一个被用于做唯一标识符值。它将不可被修改,类似用户名或者用户ID。如果一个用户的ID属性被修改,它将创建一个新的Mattermost账户并且与之前的用户无关。它被用于在Mattermost登录时“LDAP用户名”字段在登录页面。一般该属性字段与上面的“用户名属性”字段相同。如果你的团队通常使用 域名\\用户名 登录到其他LDAP服务,你可以选择在本栏使用 域名\\用户名 以跟其他站点保持一致。",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "例如\"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID属性:",
- "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost用户名的属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "LDAP服务器中属性用于填充Mattermost用户姓氏属性。",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrEx": "例如\"sn\"",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "姓氏属性:",
"admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "出现在登录页面登录框的占位符文本,默认为“LDAP用户名”。",
@@ -424,7 +436,7 @@
"admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "同步间隔(分钟)",
"admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "立即启动一个LDAP同步。",
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "开始LDAP同步",
- "admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "在LDAP服务器将用于填充mattermost用户名称的属性.它等同于ID属性.",
+ "admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "LDAP服务器中属性用于填充Mattermost用户名属性。这可以和ID属性一致。",
"admin.ldap.userFilterDisc": "(可选) 输入个LDAP筛选器用在搜索用户对象。只有被查询条件选中的用户才能访问Mattermost。对于活动目录,过滤禁用用户的查询是(&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))。",
"admin.ldap.userFilterEx": "例如 \"(objectClass=user)\"",
"admin.ldap.userFilterTitle": "用户筛选器:",
@@ -477,7 +489,7 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "不允许通过 OAuth 2.0 提供商登入",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "当设为是时,Mattermost 可做为 OAuth 2.0 服务提供商以给予外部应用的API请求授权。",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "启动 OAuth 2.0 服务提供商:",
"": "选择 OAuth 2.0 服务提供商:",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "日志",
"admin.sidebar.login": "登录",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "日志",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "原生应用网址",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "通知",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "其他",
@@ -708,17 +721,17 @@
"admin.sql.driverName": "驱动名:",
"admin.sql.keyDescription": "32位盐值字符用于加密和解密数据库敏感字段。",
"admin.sql.keyExample": "例如\"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
- "admin.sql.keyTitle": "静止加密Key: ",
- "admin.sql.maxConnectionsDescription": "最大数量的空闲连接开放数据库.",
+ "admin.sql.keyTitle": "储存加密密钥:",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsDescription": "数据库最大闲置连接数。",
"admin.sql.maxConnectionsExample": "例如\"10\"",
"admin.sql.maxConnectionsTitle": "最大空闲连接数:",
- "admin.sql.maxOpenDescription": "最大数量的开放连接开放数据库.",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenDescription": "数据库最大连接数。",
"admin.sql.maxOpenExample": "例如\"10\"",
"admin.sql.maxOpenTitle": "最大的开放连接: ",
- "admin.sql.noteDescription": "修改了这部分属性需要重启服务器才能生效.",
+ "admin.sql.noteDescription": "修改这段属性需要重启服务器才能生效。",
"admin.sql.noteTitle": "注释:",
"admin.sql.replicas": "数据源副本: ",
- "admin.sql.traceDescription": "(开发模式)当设置为是、,SQL语句执行过程会被写入到日志.",
+ "admin.sql.traceDescription": "(开发模式) 当设为是时,SQL 语句会被写入到日志。",
"admin.sql.traceTitle": "追踪:",
"admin.sql.warning": "警告:重新生成盐值可能导致一些列在数据库中返回空。",
"": "该链接有关于Mattermost部署的很多内容,例如你的组织的内容和受众群体.默认是Mattermost信息页面.",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "频道",
"channel_flow.create": "创建{term}",
"": "组",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "频道网址必须为至少2个小写英文数字字符",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "无效的频道名称",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "设置{term}URL",
"": "频道",
@@ -986,7 +1000,7 @@
"channel_notifications.preferences": "通知偏好 ",
"channel_notifications.sendDesktop": "发送桌面通知",
"channel_notifications.unreadInfo": "有未读消息时,侧边栏的频道名称粗体显示。只有当您被提及时选择“仅对提及”会加粗频道名称。",
- "channel_select.placeholder": "---选择一个频道---",
+ "channel_select.placeholder": "--- 选择一个频道 ---",
"": "(私信)",
"": "输入频道名。↑↓用来浏览,TAB选择,↵用来确认,ESC用来取消",
"channel_switch_modal.not_found": "无匹配项。",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "文件上传",
"create_post.comment": "评论",
"": "发布",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "您的设备不支持键盘快捷键。",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>发送信息</h4><p>键入此处写一条消息,然后按<strong>Enter键</strong>发送。</p><p>点击<strong>附件</strong>按钮上传图片或文件。</p>",
"create_post.write": "写一个消息...",
"create_team.agreement": "如果继续创建您的帐户和使用{siteName},您需要同意<a href='/static/help/terms.html'>服务条款</a>和<a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>隐私政策</a>。如果不同意,您将不能使用{siteName}。",
@@ -1097,7 +1112,7 @@
"": "保存",
"email_signup.address": "电子邮件地址",
"email_signup.createTeam": "创建团队",
- "email_signup.emailError": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址。",
"email_signup.find": "查找我的团队",
"email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: 你几乎完成了",
"email_verify.failed": "验证电子邮件发送失败。",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "向队友发送下方的链接以便其在此团队站点注册。团队邀请链接可以与多个队友分享,因为它不会改变,除非团队管理员在团队设置中重新生成。",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "创建用户已禁用。详情请联系您的团队管理员。",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "团队邀请链接",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### 下载文件\n点击文件预览图旁边的下载图标或者打开文件预览后点击**下载**。",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### 拖放\n从电脑拖动一个或多个文件到右侧栏或中间栏上传文件。拖放文件到消息输入框,你页可以附加消息并按**回车**发送。",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### 附件图标\n除此之外,也可以点击消息输入框里的回形针来上传文件。当您在系统的文件选择对话框里选择想要上传的文件后点击**打开**以上传文件到输入框。另外可以附加信息后按**回车**发布。",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## 文件大小限制\nMattermost支持最多每贴5个附件,每个文件最大50MB。",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## 附件方式\n用拖放或点击消息输入框里的附件图标以附上文件。",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "文档预览 (Word, Excel, PPT) 目前不支持。",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### 粘贴图片\n在Chrome和Edge浏览器里,图片也可以通过粘贴来上传。目前此功能暂不支持其他浏览器。",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost有自带的文件预览来预览媒体,下载文件和共享的公共链接。点击附件预览图打开文件预览。",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### 分享公开链接\n公开链接能让您共享附件到您Mattermost团队外的人。点击附件的缩略图以打开文件阅览器,然后点击**获取公开链接**。这将打开一个带链接的对话框。当链接被分享并被他人打开时,文件将自动开始下载。",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "如果**获取公开链接**没在文件预览器里显示并且您想要此功能,您可以向您的系统管理请求在系统控制台里的**安全** > **公开链接**开启此功能。",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### 支持的媒体类型\n如果您尝试预览一个不支持的媒体类型,文件预览器将显示标准媒体附件图标。支持的媒体格式跟您的浏览器和系统有关,不过以下是在大部分浏览器上Mattermost支持的格式:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- 图片:BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- 视频:MP4\n- 音频:MP3, M4A\n- 文档:PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# 附件\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## 自带命令\n以下是Mattermost自带的斜杠命令:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "在开始输入 `/` 时将会在输入框上方显示斜杠命令列表。此自动完成建议列表将以黑色字体显示例子以及灰色字体显示说明。",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# 执行命令\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## 删除消息\n点击您在自己发送的消息中想删除的消息旁的 **[...]** 文字图标,然后点击 **删除**。系统或团队管理员可以删除任何在系统或团队中的消息。",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## 修改消息\n点击您在自己发送的消息中想删除的消息旁的 **[...]** 文字图标,然后点击 **修改**。在修改消息内容后,按 **回车** 以保存改动。消息内容不触发新的 @mention 通知,桌面通知或通知声音。",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **Ctrl+Enter** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on Ctrl + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.",
+ "help.composing.title": "# 发送信息\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## 消息类型\n回复发文以串整理对话。",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "用半形方括号创建个任务列表:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] 第一条\n- [ ] 第二条\n- [x] 完成的条目",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## 代码块\n\n用四个空格缩进每行,或在代码上下方放上 ``` 创建代码块。",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "代码块",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here]( It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji]( if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.",
+ "help.formatting.example": "示例:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub 主题风格**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## 大标题\n### 小标题\n#### 更加小标题",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## 线\n\n用三个 `*`, `_` 或 `-` 创建一条分界线。",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[来看下Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## 链接\n\n将想显示的文字放进方括号和对应的链接到括号。",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* 列表项一\n* 列表项二\n * 列表项二子项') + '\n```",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## 列表\n\n用 `*` 或 `-` 创建项目。在前面添加两个空格以缩进项目。",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monoka主题风格**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. 第一项\n2. 第二项",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## 块引用\n\n用 `>` 创建块引用。",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> 块引用` 显示为:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> 块引用",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "渲染为:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark 主题风格**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light 主题风格**",
+ "": "## 文字风格\n\n您可以用 `_` 或 `*` 包围一个词来让它变斜体。用两个则是粗体。\n\n* `_斜体_` 显示为 _斜体_\n* `**粗体**` 显示为 **粗体**\n* `**_粗斜体_**` 显示为 **_粗斜体_**\n* `~~删除线~~` 显示为 ~~删除线~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "支持的语言:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| 靠左对齐 | 置中对齐 | 靠右对齐 |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| 左列 1 | 此文字 | $100 |\n| 左列 2 | 是 | $10 |\n| 左列 3 | 居中的 | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# 文字格式\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "了解更多:",
+ "": "附加文件",
+ "": "执行命令",
+ "": "编写消息和回复",
+ "": "用Markdown排版消息",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "基本消息",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# 提到团友\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice 新候选人的面试怎么样?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "用拖放或点击消息输入框里的附件图标以**附上文件**。",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# 消息基础\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "斜杠命令",
"installed_commands.add": "添加斜杠命令",
"installed_commands.empty": "未找到命令",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "文档",
"": "搜索传入Webhooks",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "私有Webhook",
+ "integrations.add": "添加",
"integrations.command.description": "发送事件到外部整合的斜杠命令",
"integrations.command.title": "斜线命令",
+ "integrations.done": "完成",
"integrations.header": "集成",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "传入的webhooks允许外部集成发送信息",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "引入Webhook",
@@ -1247,7 +1351,7 @@
"integrations.outgoingWebhook.title": "引出Webhook",
"intro_messages.DM": "这是您和{teammate}私信记录的开始。<br/>此区域外的人不能看到这里共享的私信和文件。",
"intro_messages.anyMember": " 任何成员可以加入和查看这个频道。",
- "intro_messages.beginning": "{name}开始",
+ "intro_messages.beginning": "{name} 的开始",
"": "频道",
"intro_messages.creator": "这是<strong>{name}</strong>{type}的开始,由<strong>{creator}</strong>在<strong>{date}</strong>建立",
"intro_messages.default": "<h4 class='channel-intro__title'>{display_name}的开始</h4><p class='channel-intro__content'><strong>欢迎进入{display_name}!</strong><br/><br/>这是团队成员登录后看到的第一个频道—使用它来发布每个人需要知道的更新信息。</p>",
@@ -1256,14 +1360,14 @@
"intro_messages.inviteOthers": "邀请其他人入组",
"intro_messages.noCreator": "这是{name}{type}的开始,于{date}建立。",
"intro_messages.offTopic": "<h4 class=\"channel-intro__title\">{display_name}的开始</h4><p class=\"channel-intro__content\">这是{display_name}的开始,一个用于非工作的频道.<br/></p>",
- "intro_messages.onlyInvited": "只有受邀的人才能看到这个私密小组.",
+ "intro_messages.onlyInvited": "只有受邀的人才能看到这个私有组。",
"intro_messages.setHeader": "设置标语",
"intro_messages.teammate": "这是你与组员私信记录的开始.此区外的人是看不到这里展示的私信和文件.",
"invite_member.addAnother": "添加另一个",
- "invite_member.autoJoin": "被邀请人将自动加入频道<strong>{channel}</strong>.",
+ "invite_member.autoJoin": "被邀请人将自动加入频道<strong>{channel}</strong>。",
"invite_member.cancel": "取消",
"invite_member.content": "您团队的电子邮件目前已被禁用,不能发送电子邮件邀请。请联系您的系统管理员启用电子邮件和邮件邀请。",
- "invite_member.disabled": "用户创建已被禁用.详情请您的团队管理员.",
+ "invite_member.disabled": "创建用户已禁用。详情请联系您的团队管理员。",
"invite_member.emailError": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址",
"invite_member.firstname": "姓",
"invite_member.inviteLink": "团队邀请链接",
@@ -1275,12 +1379,16 @@
"invite_member.send": "发送邀请",
"invite_member.send2": "邀请函",
"invite_member.sending": "发送",
- "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "你可以使用链接{link}邀请别人.",
+ "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "你可以使用链接{link}邀请别人。",
"ldap_signup.find": "寻找我的团队",
"ldap_signup.ldap": "用LDAP帐号建立团队",
"ldap_signup.length_error": "名称必须为3至15个字母",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "输入新团队名",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "请输入团队名",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "您将会从所有公共频道和私有组移除。如果团队是私有的,您将无法再加入。您确定吗?",
+ "": "否",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "退出团队?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "是",
"loading_screen.loading": "加载",
"login.changed": "登录方式修改成功",
"login.create": "现在创建一个",
@@ -1300,6 +1408,7 @@
"login.noEmailUsername": "请输入您的电子邮件或用户名",
"login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "请输入您的电子邮件,用户名或 {ldapUsername}",
"login.noLdapUsername": "请输入您的 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noMethods": "没有开启任何登入方式。请联系您的系统管理员。",
"login.noPassword": "请输入您的密码",
"login.noUsername": "请输入您的用户名",
"login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "请输入您的用户名或 {ldapUsername}",
@@ -1314,7 +1423,7 @@
"login.userNotFound": "我们找不到现有的帐户匹配您的凭证。",
"login.username": "用户名",
"login.verified": "验证电子邮件",
- "login_mfa.enterToken": "请输入您智能手机的身份验证令牌以便完成登录过程。",
+ "login_mfa.enterToken": "请输入您智能手机的验证令牌以便完成登录",
"login_mfa.submit": "提交",
"login_mfa.token": "多重验证令牌",
"login_mfa.tokenReq": "请输入多重验证令牌",
@@ -1381,17 +1490,18 @@
"": "<p>一个密码重置链接已被发送至<b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "重置我的密码",
"password_send.title": "密码重置",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF预览只显示前五页。",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "取消",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "重试",
"permalink.error.access": "此永久链接指向已删除的消息或者您没有权限访问的频道。",
"post_attachment.collapse": "收起...",
"post_attachment.more": "展开...",
- "post_body.commentedOn": "{name}{apostrophe}评论信息: ",
+ "post_body.commentedOn": "对 {name}{apostrophe} 的信息评论:",
"post_body.deleted": "(消息被删除)",
"post_body.plusMore": "添加{count}文件",
"post_body.plusOne": "添加1个文件",
"post_delete.notPosted": "无法发布评论",
- "post_delete.okay": "Okay",
+ "post_delete.okay": "确定",
"post_delete.someone": "有人删除了你想评论的信息。",
"post_focus_view.beginning": "开始频道归档",
"post_info.del": "删除",
@@ -1404,7 +1514,7 @@
"posts_view.newMsg": "新消息",
"removed_channel.channelName": "频道",
"removed_channel.from": "删除从",
- "removed_channel.okay": "Okay",
+ "removed_channel.okay": "确定",
"removed_channel.remover": "{remover}删除从{channel}",
"removed_channel.someone": "有人",
"rename_channel.cancel": "取消",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "团队选择",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "获取团队邀请链接",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "团队设置",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "查看成员",
+ "": "邮箱和密码",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "您的团队:",
"signup_team.createTeam": "或者创建一个团队",
"signup_team.disabled": "团队创建已被禁用。请联系管理员获得权限。",
@@ -1534,6 +1651,9 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "通知频道全员,使用在 {townsquare} 来通知团队",
"": "通知每个频道",
"": "通知所有在此频道在线的人",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "频道成员",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "不在频道中",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "特别提及",
"": "私有组",
"": "公共频道",
"": "下载",
@@ -1583,14 +1703,14 @@
"tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "安装 {link} 上的应用以便随时访问和获得通知。",
"tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS 以及安卓",
"": "下一步",
- "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>欢迎进入:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>您所有的团队会话都在这里,可在任何地方即时搜索。</p><p>随时和您的团队保持联系,帮助他们完成最重要的事情。</p>",
+ "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "<h3>欢迎来到:</h3><h1>Mattermost</h1><p>您所有的团队会话都在这里,可在任何地方即时搜索。</p><p>随时和您的团队保持联系,帮助他们完成最重要的事情。</p>",
"tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "<h3>Mattermost是如何工作的: </h3><p>交流发生在公共频道,私人组和私信中。</p><p>所有信息都能在任何联网的台式机、笔记本或手机中存档和搜索。</p>",
"tutorial_intro.skip": "跳过教程",
"": "如有任何需求,请邮件我们到",
"tutorial_intro.teamInvite": "邀请团队成员",
"tutorial_intro.whenReady": " 当您准备完毕。",
"": "下一步",
- "tutorial_tip.ok": "Okay",
+ "tutorial_tip.ok": "确定",
"tutorial_tip.out": "选择退出这些提示。",
"tutorial_tip.seen": "之前见过这吗?",
"": "拖动文件上传。",
@@ -1599,6 +1719,8 @@
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "已启用 {count, number} 项功能",
"user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "开启时,文章会显示链接,表情符,格式,以及添加断行。默认下,此选项时开启的。修改此设定需要刷新页面。",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "启用帖文格式",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "开启加入/退出信息",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "在消息输入框中显示markdown预览选项",
"": "关",
"user.settings.advance.on": "开",
@@ -1653,7 +1775,7 @@
"user.settings.display.messageDisplayTitle": "信息显示",
"user.settings.display.militaryClock": "24小时格式(例如:16:00)",
"user.settings.display.nameOptsDesc": "设置在帖子和私信列表中怎样显示其他用户的名字。",
- "user.settings.display.normalClock": "12小时格式(例如:下午4点)",
+ "user.settings.display.normalClock": "12小时格式(例如:4:00 PM)",
"user.settings.display.preferTime": "选择您喜欢的时间显示格式。",
"user.settings.display.showFullname": "显示姓名",
"user.settings.display.showNickname": "若存在昵称显示昵称,否则显示姓名",
@@ -1744,16 +1866,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "任何对你帖中的评论的提及",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "发送桌面通知",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "桌面通知声音",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "当您离线时间超过60秒或离开{siteName}超过5分钟,系统将发送提示和私信的电子邮件通知。",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "邮件通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "通知将根据这里设置的最高频率合并多条通知到一条电子邮件发送。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "当您离开{siteName}超过5分钟或离线,系统将发送提到和私信的电子邮件通知。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "发送电子邮件通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "每小时",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "每 {minute} 分钟",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "立刻",
"": "桌面通知在Firefox、Safari、Chrome、InternetExplorer和Edge中有效。",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "从不",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "敏感词没有配置",
"": "关",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "开",
"user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "只在提及和私信中",
- "user.settings.notifications.push": "手机推送",
+ "user.settings.notifications.push": "发送手机推送",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "您的敏感姓\"{first_name}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "不区分大小写的用户名\"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "其他不区分大小写的词汇,以逗号分隔:",
@@ -1763,12 +1889,20 @@
"user.settings.notifications.title": "通知设置",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "您提到的用户名“@{username}”",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "触发提及词",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "所有活动",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "被系统管理员禁用",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "移动设备推送通知已被系统管理员停用。",
"": "当 Mattermost 有活动时会推送通知到您的移动设备。",
"": "关",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "仅限提及和私信中",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "关闭",
"": "当前密码",
"": "请输入您的当前密码",
@@ -1818,7 +1952,7 @@
"user_list.notFound": "没有找到用户",
"view_image.loading": "加载中",
"": "下载",
- "view_image_popover.file": "{total}的文件{count}",
+ "view_image_popover.file": "文件 {total}/{count}",
"view_image_popover.publicLink": "获取公开链接",
"web.footer.about": "关于",
"": "帮助",
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
index 54bd426f8..48489e00a 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"activity_log.moreInfo": "更多資訊",
"activity_log.os": "作業系統:{os}",
"activity_log.sessionId": "工作階段 ID:{id}",
- "activity_log.sessionsDescription": "當您使用新的瀏覽器登入時工作階段會被建立。工作階段讓您可以在系統管理員設定的時間內不用重複登入。如果您想先行登出,請使用下方的 '登出' 按鈕以結束工作階段。",
+ "activity_log.sessionsDescription": "當使用新的瀏覽器登入時工作階段會被建立。工作階段讓您可以在系統管理員設定的時間內不用重複登入。如果想先行登出,請使用下方的 '登出' 按鈕以結束工作階段。",
"": "Android",
"activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android 原生應用程式",
"activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone 原生應用程式",
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"": "傳入的 Webhook 的敘述。",
"add_command.displayName": "顯示名稱",
"": "斜線命令的名字,最多64個字元。",
- "add_command.header": "新增",
+ "add_command.doneHelp": "已設定斜線命令。以下的 Token 將會隨著外送資料一起送出。請用它來確認該要求來自您的 Mattermost 團隊 (如需詳細資訊,請參閱<a href=\"\">說明文件</a>)。",
"add_command.iconUrl": "回應圖示",
"": "選擇圖片以置換此斜線命令回應貼文時所用的個人圖像(非必須)。輸入.png或.jpg檔案(長寬皆至少為128像素)的網址。",
"add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "",
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"": "發送給要求請的命令要求類型。",
"": "POST",
"": "儲存",
+ "add_command.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_command.trigger": "命令觸發關鍵字",
"": "觸發關鍵字必須是唯一的,且不能以斜線開頭或包含空白。",
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "如:client、employee、patient、weather",
@@ -72,13 +73,13 @@
"add_emoji.header": "新增",
"add_emoji.image": "圖片",
"add_emoji.image.button": "選擇",
- "": "為您的顏文字選擇圖片。圖片可以是gif、png或jpeg檔案,大小請在64KB以下,長寬請在128像素以內。",
- "add_emoji.imageRequired": "顏文字需要圖片",
+ "": "為繪文字選擇圖片。圖片可以是gif、png或jpeg檔案,大小請在64KB以下,長寬請在128像素以內。",
+ "add_emoji.imageRequired": "繪文字需要圖片",
"": "名字",
- "": "為您的顏文字選擇名稱,名稱以最多64個小寫英數字跟'-'和'_'組成。",
- "add_emoji.nameInvalid": "顏文字的名字只能含有小寫英數跟'-'和'_'。",
- "add_emoji.nameRequired": "顏文字需要名字。",
- "add_emoji.nameTaken": "這個名字已被系統顏文字所使用。請選其他的名字。",
+ "": "為繪文字選擇名稱,名稱以最多64個小寫英數字跟'-'和'_'組成。",
+ "add_emoji.nameInvalid": "繪文字的名字只能含有小寫英數跟'-'和'_'。",
+ "add_emoji.nameRequired": "繪文字需要名字。",
+ "add_emoji.nameTaken": "這個名字已被系統繪文字所使用。請選其他的名字。",
"add_emoji.preview": "預覽",
"add_emoji.preview.sentence": "這句話帶有 {image} 。",
"": "儲存",
@@ -90,20 +91,26 @@
"": "傳入的 Webhook 的敘述。",
"add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "顯示名稱",
"": "傳入的 Webhook 的名字,最多64個字元。",
- "add_incoming_webhook.header": "新增",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "已設定傳入的 Webhook。請發送資料至以下的網址 (如需詳細資訊,請參閱<a href=\"\">說明文件</a>)。",
"": "名字",
"": "儲存",
- "": "在使用者同意或是拒絕授權給您的應用程式之後使用者將會被重導向至此重導向網址,同時該網址將會處理授權碼或是存取 Token。必須是以 http:// 或 https:// 開頭的有效網址。",
+ "add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>網址</b>: {url}",
+ "": "在使用者同意或是拒絕授權給應用程式之後使用者將會被重導向至此重導向網址,同時該網址將會處理授權碼或是存取 Token。必須是以 http:// 或 https:// 開頭的有效網址。",
"add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "請填入一或多個回呼網址",
- "": "您的 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的敘述。",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>用戶端 ID</b>:{id}",
+ "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>用戶端密碼</b>:{secret}",
+ "": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式的敘述。",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "請填入 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的敘述。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "已設定 OAuth 2.0 應用程式。當應用程式要求認證時請用以下的用戶端 ID 與用戶端密碼。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "請發送資料到以下的網址。",
"add_oauth_app.header": "新增",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式的首頁網址。請確定您有根據伺服器設定使用正確的 HTTP 或 HTTPS 網址。",
+ "": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式的首頁網址。請根據伺服器設定選擇 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
"add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "請填入 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的首頁網址。",
- "": "(非必須) 指向您的 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的圖片的網址。請確保在網址中使用了 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
- "": "您的 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的顯示名稱,最多64個字元。",
+ "": "(非必須) 指向 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的圖片的網址。請確定在網址中使用了 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
+ "": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式的顯示名稱,最多64個字元。",
"add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "請填入 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的名字。",
"": "信任時,此 OAuth 2.0 應用程式將被 Mattermost 伺服器信任且不需要使用者同意授權。不信任時,將會出現新的視窗詢問使用者同意或是拒絕授權。",
+ "add_oauth_app.url": "<b>網址</b>:{url}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "回呼網址(一行一個)",
"": "訊息被送達的網址。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "請填入一或多個回呼網址",
@@ -111,16 +118,17 @@
"": "頻道",
"": "接收 Webhook 的公開頻道。有設定一個以上的觸發關鍵字時此項非必須。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "選擇回應送出時的內容型態。",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "如果選了 application/x-www-form-urlencoded,伺服器會假設您會將參數以 URL 格式編碼。",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "如果選了 application/json,伺服器會假設您將會發送 JSON 資料。",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "如果選了 application/x-www-form-urlencoded,伺服器將假設參數使用 URL 格式編碼。",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "如果選了 application/json,伺服器將假設發送的是 JSON 資料。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "內容型態",
"add_outgoing_webhook.description": "說明",
"": "傳出的 Webhook 的敘述。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "顯示名稱",
"": "傳出的 Webhook 的名字,最多64個字元。",
- "add_outgoing_webhook.header": "新增",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "已設定傳出的 Webhook。以下的 Token 將會隨著外送資料一起送出。請用它來確認該要求來自您的 Mattermost 團隊 (如需詳細資訊,請參閱<a href=\"\">說明文件</a>)。",
"": "名字",
"": "儲存",
+ "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "<b>Token</b>: {token}",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "關鍵觸發字(一行一個)",
"": "以觸發關鍵字開頭的訊息將會觸發傳出的 Webhook。有選擇頻道時此項非必須。",
"add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "請填入有效的頻道或觸發關鍵字清單",
@@ -136,7 +144,7 @@
"admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.authentication.saml": "SAML",
"admin.banner.heading": "註:",
- "admin.cluster.enableDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 將會運行於高可用性模式。請看<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件</a>以了解如何設定 Mattermost 的高可用性。",
+ "admin.cluster.enableDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 將會運行於高可用性模式。請參閱<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">說明文件</a>以了解如何設定 Mattermost 的高可用性。",
"admin.cluster.enableTitle": "啟用高可用性模式:",
"admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressDesc": "伺服器將會監聽此位址來跟其他伺服器通訊。",
"admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressEx": "例如:\":8065\"",
@@ -146,7 +154,7 @@
"admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsTitle": "節點間網址:",
"admin.cluster.loadedFrom": "此設定檔是從節點 ID {clusterId} 讀取。如果您是經由負載平衡器存取系統控制台且遇到了問題,請參閱<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件</a>中的疑難排解指引。",
"admin.cluster.noteDescription": "修改此節的屬性需要重啟伺服器以生效。啟用高可用性模式時,系統控制台會被設成唯讀,只能經由設定檔來修改。",
- "admin.cluster.should_not_change": "警告:這些設定可能不會跟此叢集內其他的伺服器同步。高可用性節點間通訊在您將所有伺服器的 config.json 修改成一樣並重新啟動 Mattermost 之前不會開始。如何從叢集中增加或移除伺服器請看<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件</a>。如果您是經由負載平衡器存取系統控制台且遇到了問題,請參閱<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件</a>中的疑難排解指引。",
+ "admin.cluster.should_not_change": "警告:這些設定可能不會跟此叢集內其他的伺服器同步。高可用性節點間通訊在所有伺服器的 config.json 被修改成一樣並重新啟動 Mattermost 之前不會開始。如何從叢集中增加或移除伺服器請看<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件</a>。如果您是經由負載平衡器存取系統控制台且遇到了問題,請參閱<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">文件</a>中的疑難排解指引。",
"admin.cluster.status_table.config_hash": "設定檔 MD5",
"admin.cluster.status_table.hostname": "主機名稱",
"": "節點 ID",
@@ -195,37 +203,41 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityTest": "測試連線",
"admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "連線安全:",
"admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS",
- "admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "加密 Mattermost 和您的伺服器之間的通訊。",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "加密 Mattermost 和伺服器之間的通訊。",
"admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "新增下載 Android 應用程式的連結。用行動網頁瀏覽器存取站台的使用者將會看到提示頁面以下載應用程式。此欄留空則不會出現提示頁面。",
"admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "Android 應用程式下載連結:",
"admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "新增前往 Mattermost 應用程式下載頁面的連結。當有連結時主選單將會新增 \"下載 Mattermost 應用程式\" 讓使用者前往下載頁面。此欄留空則主選單不會出現該選項。",
"admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost 應用程式下載頁面連結:",
"admin.customization.customBrand": "自訂品牌",
- "admin.customization.customEmoji": "自訂顏文字",
- "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "允許使用者新增用於訊息當中的自訂的顏文字。允許之後,自訂顏文字設定的檢視方式為:變更到一個團隊,按頻道側邊欄上面的三個點,然後選擇\"自訂顏文字\"。",
- "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "啟用自訂顏文字:",
+ "admin.customization.customEmoji": "自訂繪文字",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "允許使用者新增用於訊息當中的自訂繪文字。允許之後,自訂繪文字設定的檢視方式為:變更到一個團隊,按頻道側邊欄上面的三個點,然後選擇\"自訂繪文字\"。",
+ "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "啟用自訂繪文字:",
"admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "新增下載 iOS 應用程式的連結。用行動網頁瀏覽器存取站台的使用者將會看到提示頁面以下載應用程式。此欄留空則不會出現提示頁面。",
"admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS 應用程式下載連結:",
"admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "原生應用程式連結:",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "允許系統及團隊管理員新增自訂顏文字",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "允許所有人新增自訂顏文字",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "限制僅特定使用者可以新增自訂顏文字。",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationSystemAdmin": "只允許系統管理員新增顏文字",
- "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationTitle": "限制新增顏文字:",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "允許系統及團隊管理員新增自訂繪文字",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "允許所有人新增自訂繪文字",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "限制僅特定使用者可以新增自訂繪文字。",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationSystemAdmin": "只允許系統管理員新增繪文字",
+ "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationTitle": "限制新增繪文字:",
"": "法律與支援",
"admin.database.title": "資料庫設定",
"admin.developer.title": "開發者設定",
"": " 我理解並接受 Mattermost Hosted 推播通知服務<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">服務條款</a>與<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">隱私政策</a>。",
"": "啟用時 Mattermost 允許使用者用他們的電子郵件與密碼登入。",
"": "啟用電子郵件登入:",
- "": "啟用時 Mattermost 允許團隊以電子郵件與密碼註冊帳號。應該只在您想限制以 OAuth 或 LDAP 一類的單一登入服務註冊時,設為停用。",
+ "": "啟用時 Mattermost 允許團隊以電子郵件與密碼註冊帳號。應該只在想限制以 OAuth 或 LDAP 一類的單一登入服務註冊時,設為停用。",
"": "啟用以電子郵件建立帳號:",
"": "啟用時 Mattermost 允許使用者用他們的名稱與密碼登入。通常只有停用電子郵件地址驗證時才啟用。",
"": "啟用以使用者名稱登入:",
"": "測試連線",
- "": "從<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">企業 App 商店</a>瞭解編譯與佈署您自已的行動應用程式。",
+ "": "從<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">企業 App 商店</a>瞭解編譯與佈署自已的行動應用程式。",
"": "連線失敗:{error}",
- "": "傳送電子郵件時沒有報錯。請檢查您的收件匣確認。",
+ "": "成功傳送電子郵件。請檢查收件匣並確認。",
+ "": "高可用性模式啟用時不能啟用批次郵件。",
+ "": "啟用批次郵件前必須先設定站台網址 (<b>設定 > 站台網址</b>)。",
+ "": "啟用時,使用者可以讓多個直接訊息跟提及合併成單一封郵件,可在<b>帳號設定 > 通知</b>處設定。",
+ "": "啟用批次郵件:",
"": "發送完整的訊息",
"": "以使用者與頻道名稱發送一般說明",
"": "32字元的 Salt 用來簽署電子郵件邀請。於安裝時隨機產生。按\"重新產生\"建立新的 Salt。",
@@ -249,12 +261,12 @@
"": "32字元的 Salt 用來簽署重設密碼之電子郵件。於安裝時隨機產生。按\"重新產生\"建立新的 salt。",
"": "例如 \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
"": "密碼重設 Salt:",
- "": "選取\"發送帶有使用者跟頻道名稱的一般性描述\"時,推播會寄送一般性訊息,包含使用者與頻道名稱,但不包含訊息內容。<br /><br />選取\"發送完整的訊息\"時,則會引用觸發通知的訊息內文,有可能會帶有機密資料。如果您的推播服務在防火牆之外,那麼強烈建議本選項只在\"https\"協定時使用以加密連線內容。",
+ "": "選取\"發送帶有使用者跟頻道名稱的一般性描述\"時,推播會寄送一般性訊息,包含使用者與頻道名稱,但不包含訊息內容。<br /><br />選取\"發送完整的訊息\"時,則會引用觸發通知的訊息內文,有可能會帶有機密資料。如果推播服務在防火牆之外,那麼強烈建議本選項只在協定為 \"https\" 加密連線時使用。",
"": "推播內容:",
"": "正式環境通常為啟用。啟用時 Mattermost 會嘗試從推播主機發送推播通知。",
"": "不要發送推播通知",
- "": "詳細設置請看<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">推播通知文件</a>。",
- "": "在您的防火牆後方設置 Mattermost 推播通知服務時請使用。您可以使用 測試,這個服務會連接到 Apple AppStore 的 Mattermost iOS 樣本應用程式。請勿在正式環境使用此測試服務。",
+ "": "詳細設置請參閱<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">推播通知文件</a>。",
+ "": "在防火牆後方設置 Mattermost 推播通知服務時請使用。可以使用 測試,這個服務會連接到 Apple AppStore 的 Mattermost iOS 樣本應用程式。請勿在正式環境使用此測試服務。",
"": "例如:\"\"",
"": "推播通知伺服器:",
"": "啟用推播通知:",
@@ -282,7 +294,7 @@
"": "儲存區",
"admin.general.configuration": "設定",
"admin.general.localization": "語言",
- "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "設定使用者在帳號設定中可以選用哪些語言(此欄留空則將會開放所有支援的語言)。<br /><br />想要幫忙翻譯嘛?加入 <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost 翻譯伺服器</a> 來幫忙。",
+ "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "設定在帳號設定中使用者可以使用哪些語言 (留空則為全部支援的語言) 。如果要手動增加新語言,必須包含<strong>預設的用戶端語言</strong>在內。<br/><br/>想要幫忙翻譯嘛?加入 <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost 翻譯伺服器</a> 來幫忙。",
"admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "可用語言:",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "新建使用者及未登入頁面的預設語言。",
"admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "預設的用戶端語言:",
@@ -297,13 +309,13 @@
"admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "哪些人可以管理私人群組:",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "設定誰能建立、刪除、更名公開頻道與設定其標題的原則。",
"admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "哪些人可以管理公開頻道:",
- "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "設定誰能用<b>邀請新成員</b>發送邀請郵件或使用在主選單的<b>取得團隊邀請連結</b>來邀請他人加入團隊的原則。如果<b>取得團隊邀請連結</b>被用來分享邀請連結,您可以在希望加入的使用者加入團隊之後從<b>團隊設定</b> > <b>邀請碼</b>讓邀請碼過期。",
+ "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "設定誰能用<b>邀請新成員</b>發送邀請郵件或使用在主選單的<b>取得團隊邀請連結</b>來邀請他人加入團隊的原則。如果<b>取得團隊邀請連結</b>被用來分享邀請連結,可以在希望加入的使用者加入團隊之後從<b>團隊設定</b> > <b>邀請碼</b>讓邀請碼過期。",
"admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "允許發出團隊邀請的使用者:",
"admin.general.privacy": "隱私",
"admin.general.usersAndTeams": "使用者與團隊",
"admin.gitab.clientSecretDescription": "經由上方指示登入 GitLab 以取得該值。",
- "admin.gitlab.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>登入您的 GitLab 帳號並至個人檔案設定 -> 應用程式。</li><li>輸入轉址位址 \"<您的 mattermost 網址>/login/gitlab/complete\" (例:http://localhost:8065/login/gitlab/complete) 以及 \"<您的 mattermost 網址>/signup/gitlab/complete\"。</li><li>然後使用 GitLab 的 \"Application Secret Key\" 與 \"Application ID\" 欄位以完成下面的選項。</li><li>完成下面的端點網址。</li></ol>",
- "admin.gitlab.authDescription": "輸入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize (例如。根據伺服器的設定,網址您可能需要改用 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
+ "admin.gitlab.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>登入 GitLab 帳號並至個人檔案設定 -> 應用程式。</li><li>輸入轉址位址 \"<您的 mattermost 網址>/login/gitlab/complete\" (例:http://localhost:8065/login/gitlab/complete) 以及 \"<您的 mattermost 網址>/signup/gitlab/complete\"。</li><li>然後使用 GitLab 的 \"Application Secret Key\" 與 \"Application ID\" 欄位以完成下面的選項。</li><li>完成下面的端點網址。</li></ol>",
+ "admin.gitlab.authDescription": "輸入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize (例如。請根據伺服器設定選擇 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
"admin.gitlab.authExample": "如:\"https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize\"",
"admin.gitlab.authTitle": "認證端點:",
"admin.gitlab.clientIdDescription": "經由上方指示登入 GitLab 以取得該值",
@@ -314,18 +326,18 @@
"admin.gitlab.enableDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 允許使用 GitLab OAuth 建立團隊與註冊帳號。",
"admin.gitlab.enableTitle": "啟用以 GitLab 認證:",
"admin.gitlab.settingsTitle": "GitLab 設定",
- "admin.gitlab.tokenDescription": "輸入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token。根據伺服器的設定,網址您可能需要改用 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
+ "admin.gitlab.tokenDescription": "輸入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token。請根據伺服器設定選擇 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
"admin.gitlab.tokenExample": "如:\"https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token\"",
"admin.gitlab.tokenTitle": "Token 端點:",
- "admin.gitlab.userDescription": "輸入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user。根據伺服器的設定,網址您可能需要改用 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
+ "admin.gitlab.userDescription": "輸入 https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user。請根據伺服器設定選擇 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
"admin.gitlab.userExample": "如:\"https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user\"",
"admin.gitlab.userTitle": "使用者 API 端點:",
- "": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a>您的 Google帳號。</li><li>前往 <a href=''></a>,按左側邊列的<strong>憑證</strong>並輸入\"Mattermost - 您的公司名稱\"作為<strong>專案名稱</strong>,按<strong>建立</strong>。</li><li>按 <strong>OAuth 同意畫面</strong> 標題並輸入 \"Mattermost\" 作為 <strong>向使用者顯示的產品名稱</strong>。 按 <strong>儲存</strong> 。</li><li>在 <strong>憑證</strong> 標題下,按 <strong>建立憑證</strong>,選擇 <strong>OAuth 用戶端 ID</strong> 並選擇 <strong>網路應用程式</strong>。</li><li>在 <strong>限制</strong> 的 <strong>已授權的重新導向 URI</strong> 中輸入 <strong>您的 Mattermost 網址/signup/google/complete</strong> (如: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete)。 按 <strong>建立</strong>。</li><li>將 <strong>用戶端 ID</strong> 跟 <strong>用戶端密鑰</strong> 貼至下面的欄位,按下<strong>儲存</strong>。</li><li>最後,前往 <a href=''>Google+ API</a> 並按 <strong>啟用</strong>。這可能需要花上幾分鐘以在 Google 的系統完成散佈。</li></ol>",
+ "": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a> Google帳號。</li><li>前往 <a href=''></a>,按左側邊列的<strong>憑證</strong>並輸入\"Mattermost - 您的公司名稱\"作為<strong>專案名稱</strong>,按<strong>建立</strong>。</li><li>按 <strong>OAuth 同意畫面</strong> 標題並輸入 \"Mattermost\" 作為 <strong>向使用者顯示的產品名稱</strong>。 按 <strong>儲存</strong> 。</li><li>在 <strong>憑證</strong> 標題下,按 <strong>建立憑證</strong>,選擇 <strong>OAuth 用戶端 ID</strong> 並選擇 <strong>網路應用程式</strong>。</li><li>在 <strong>限制</strong> 的 <strong>已授權的重新導向 URI</strong> 中輸入 <strong>您的 Mattermost 網址/signup/google/complete</strong> (如: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete)。 按 <strong>建立</strong>。</li><li>將 <strong>用戶端 ID</strong> 跟 <strong>用戶端密鑰</strong> 貼至下面的欄位,按下<strong>儲存</strong>。</li><li>最後,前往 <a href=''>Google+ API</a> 並按 <strong>啟用</strong>。這可能需要花上幾分鐘以在 Google 的系統完成散佈。</li></ol>",
"": "認證端點:",
- "": "當您在 Google 註冊您的應用程式時收到的用戶端 ID。",
+ "": "在 Google 註冊應用程式時收到的用戶端 ID。",
"": "Ex \"\"",
"": "用戶端 ID:",
- "": "當您在 Google 註冊您的應用程式時收到的用戶端密鑰。",
+ "": "在 Google 註冊應用程式時收到的用戶端密鑰。",
"": "Ex \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"",
"": "用戶端密碼:",
"": "Token 端點:",
@@ -333,19 +345,19 @@
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "輸入 AWS S3 儲存貯體的名稱.",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "例如:\"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 儲存貯體:",
- "admin.image.amazonS3IdDescription": "從您的 Amazon EC2 管理員取得認證。",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdDescription": "從 Amazon EC2 管理員取得認證。",
"admin.image.amazonS3IdExample": "例如:\"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3IdTitle": "Amazon S3 存取金鑰識別碼:",
- "admin.image.amazonS3RegionDescription": "選擇您在建立 S3 儲存貯體時選用的 AWS 區域。",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionDescription": "選擇建立 S3 儲存貯體時選用的 AWS 區域。",
"admin.image.amazonS3RegionExample": "例如:\"us-east-1\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3RegionTitle": "Amazon S3 區域:",
- "admin.image.amazonS3SecretDescription": "從您的 Amazon EC2 管理員取得認證。",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretDescription": "從 Amazon EC2 管理員取得認證。",
"admin.image.amazonS3SecretExample": "例如:\"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3SecretTitle": "Amazon S3 Secret 存取金鑰:",
"admin.image.localDescription": "檔案跟圖片寫入的目錄。如果留白則預設為 ./data/。",
"admin.image.localExample": "例如 \"./data/\"",
"admin.image.localTitle": "本地儲存目錄:",
- "admin.image.maxFileSizeDescription": "最大所容許的訊息附件檔案大小(MB)。注意:請確認伺服器記憶體能夠承受您的設定。大的檔案大小會增加伺服器崩潰跟由於網路問題而上傳失敗的風險。",
+ "admin.image.maxFileSizeDescription": "最大所容許的訊息附件檔案大小(MB)。注意:請確認伺服器記憶體能夠承受設定。大檔案會增加伺服器崩潰以及由於網路問題而上傳失敗的風險。",
"admin.image.maxFileSizeExample": "50",
"admin.image.maxFileSizeTitle": "最大檔案大小:",
"admin.image.previewHeightDescription": "預覽圖最大高度(\"0\":自動)。改變這個值只會改變之後的圖片如何顯示,但不會改變以前的圖片。",
@@ -366,7 +378,7 @@
"admin.image.shareDescription": "允許使用者分享檔案與照片的公開連結。",
"admin.image.shareTitle": "啟用公開檔案連結:",
"admin.image.storeAmazonS3": "Amazon S3",
- "admin.image.storeDescription": "檔案跟圖片所存放的儲存系統。<br /><br />選擇 \"Amazon S3\" 會啟用對應欄位讓您填入 Amazon 的認證跟儲存貯體的詳細資料。<br /><br />選擇 \"本地檔案系統\" 會啟用對應欄位讓您填入本地檔案目錄。",
+ "admin.image.storeDescription": "檔案跟圖片所存放的儲存系統。<br /><br />選擇 \"Amazon S3\" 會啟用對應欄位以填入 Amazon 的認證跟儲存貯體的詳細資料。<br /><br />選擇 \"本地檔案系統\" 會啟用對應欄位以填入本地檔案目錄。",
"admin.image.storeLocal": "本地端檔案系統",
"admin.image.storeTitle": "檔案儲存系統:",
"admin.image.thumbHeightDescription": "上傳圖片的縮圖高度。改變這個值只會改變之後的縮圖如何顯示,但不會改變以前的縮圖。",
@@ -392,7 +404,7 @@
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "用於設定 Mattermost 使用者名字的 LDAP 伺服器屬性。",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "如:\"givenName\"",
"admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "名字屬性",
- "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此屬性在 LDAP 伺服器上的值將會被用做 Mattermost 裡獨特、唯一的識別值。該屬性值最好不會變更,例如使用者名稱 或 uid。如果一個使用者的這個屬性值有所變更,Mattermost 將會根據新值建立一個跟原本帳戶無關的新帳戶。這將是未來使用者在 Mattermost 登入頁面所要填入\"LDAP 使用者名稱\"欄位的值。通常此屬性設定成與上面的\"用戶名稱\"屬性相同。如果您的團隊習慣用 domain\\username 登入其他使用 LDAP 認證的服務,您也許應該在本欄位同樣放入 domain\\username 以便跟其它的站台保持一致。",
+ "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "此屬性在 LDAP 伺服器上的值將會被用做 Mattermost 裡獨特、唯一的識別值。該屬性值最好不會變更,例如使用者名稱 或 uid。如果一個使用者的這個屬性值有所變更,Mattermost 將會根據新值建立一個跟原本帳戶無關的新帳戶。這將是未來使用者在 Mattermost 登入頁面所要填入\"LDAP 使用者名稱\"欄位的值。通常此屬性設定成與上面的\"用戶名稱\"屬性相同。如果您的團隊習慣用 domain\\username 登入其他使用 LDAP 認證的服務,最好在本欄位填入 domain\\username 以保持一致性。",
"admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "例如:\"sAMAccountName\"",
"admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID 的屬性:",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "用於設定 Mattermost 使用者姓氏的 LDAP 伺服器屬性。",
@@ -462,7 +474,7 @@
"admin.log.levelDescription": "本設定決定記錄輸出到控制台的等級,ERROR:只輸出錯誤訊息。INFO:輸出錯誤訊息與啟動到初始化的訊息。 DEBUG:輸出開發時除錯的一切相關訊息。",
"admin.log.levelTitle": "控制台記錄等級:",
"admin.log.locationDescription": "記錄的輸出檔案。若留白則設為 ./logs/mattermost,輸出記錄到 ./logs/mattermost.log 檔案。記錄會自動輪替。每一萬行記錄會寫入同目錄的新檔,例如 mattermost.2015-09-23.001、mattermost.2015-09-23.002 等等。",
- "admin.log.locationPlaceholder": "輸入您的檔案位置",
+ "admin.log.locationPlaceholder": "輸入檔案位置",
"admin.log.locationTitle": "記錄檔案目錄:",
"admin.log.logSettings": "記錄檔設定值",
"admin.logs.reload": "重新載入",
@@ -477,16 +489,16 @@
"admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"": "不允許經由 OAuth 2.0 提供者登入",
- "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365",
+ "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
"admin.oauth.providerDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 將可以作為一個 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者以授權外部應用程式的 API 要求。",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "啟用 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者:",
"": "選擇 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者:",
- "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a>您的 Microsoft 或 Office 365 帳號。請確定該帳號跟其他使用者的登入帳號在同一個<a href=''>租用戶</a>下。</li><li>前往 <a href=''></a>,按 <strong>前往應用程式列表</strong> > <strong>新增應用程式</strong> 並用 \"Mattermost - 您的公司名稱\" 作為<strong>應用程式名稱</strong>。</li><li>在 <strong>應用程式密碼</strong> 下,按 <strong>產生新密碼</strong> 並黏貼至底下的<strong>應用程式密碼</strong>欄位。</li><li>在 <strong>平台</strong> 下,按 <strong>新增平台</strong> 選擇 <strong>Web</strong> 並在 <strong>重新導向 URI</strong> 欄位輸入 <strong>您的-mattermost-網址/signup/office365/complete</strong> (如:http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)。同時取消 <strong>允許隱含流程</strong>。</li><li>最後,按下 <strong>儲存</strong> 並貼上底下的<strong>應用程式識別碼</strong>欄位。</li></ol>",
+ "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a> Microsoft 或 Office 365 帳號。請確定該帳號跟其他使用者的登入帳號在同一個<a href=''>租用戶</a>下。</li><li>前往 <a href=''></a>,按 <strong>前往應用程式列表</strong> > <strong>新增應用程式</strong> 並用 \"Mattermost - 您的公司名稱\" 作為<strong>應用程式名稱</strong>。</li><li>在 <strong>應用程式密碼</strong> 下,按 <strong>產生新密碼</strong> 並黏貼至底下的<strong>應用程式密碼</strong>欄位。</li><li>在 <strong>平台</strong> 下,按 <strong>新增平台</strong> 選擇 <strong>Web</strong> 並在 <strong>重新導向 URI</strong> 欄位輸入 <strong>您的-mattermost-網址/signup/office365/complete</strong> (如:http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)。同時取消 <strong>允許隱含流程</strong>。</li><li>最後,按下 <strong>儲存</strong> 並貼上底下的<strong>應用程式識別碼</strong>欄位。</li></ol>",
"admin.office365.authTitle": "認證端點:",
- "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "當您在 Microsoft 註冊您的應用程式時收到的應用程式/用戶端識別碼。",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "在 Microsoft 註冊應用程式時收到的應用程式/用戶端識別碼。",
"admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
"admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "應用程式識別碼:",
- "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "當您在 Microsoft 註冊您的應用程式時收到的應用程式密碼。",
+ "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "在 Microsoft 註冊應用程式時收到的應用程式密碼。",
"admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
"admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "應用程式密碼:",
"admin.office365.tokenTitle": "Token 端點:",
@@ -536,23 +548,23 @@
"admin.reset_password.submit": "請輸入至少{chars}個字。",
"admin.reset_password.titleReset": "重置密碼",
"admin.reset_password.titleSwitch": "切換帳戶到電子郵件地址/密碼",
- "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLDesc": "輸入 https://<您的 mattermost 網址>/login/sso/saml。確定有根據伺服器設定在網址中使用了對應的 HTTP 或 HTTPS。此欄位又被稱為宣告取用者服務網址。",
+ "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLDesc": "輸入 https://<您的 mattermost 網址>/login/sso/saml。請根據伺服器設定選擇 HTTP 或 HTTPS。此欄位又被稱為宣告取用者服務網址。",
"admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLEx": "如:\"https://<您的 mattermost 網址>/login/sso/saml\"",
"admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLTitle": "服務提供者登入網址:",
"admin.saml.emailAttrDesc": "用於設定 Mattermost 使用者電子郵件位址的 SAML 宣告屬性。",
"admin.saml.emailAttrEx": "如:\"Email\"或\"PrimaryEmail\"",
"admin.saml.emailAttrTitle": "電子郵件位址屬性:",
- "admin.saml.enableDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 允許用 SAML 登入。詳細如何設定 Mattermost 和 SAML,請看<a href='' target='_blank'>文件</a>。",
+ "admin.saml.enableDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 允許用 SAML 登入。詳細如何設定 Mattermost 和 SAML,請參閱<a href='' target='_blank'>文件</a>。",
"admin.saml.enableTitle": "啟用 SAML 登入:",
"admin.saml.encryptDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 會解密利用您的服務提供者的公開憑證所加密的 SAML 宣告。",
"admin.saml.encryptTitle": "啟用加密:",
"admin.saml.firstnameAttrDesc": "用於設定 Mattermost 使用者名字的 SAML 宣告屬性。",
"admin.saml.firstnameAttrEx": "如 \"FirstName\"",
"admin.saml.firstnameAttrTitle": "名字屬性:",
- "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileDesc": "您的身分識別提供者所簽發的公開認證憑證。",
- "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "移除您的身分識別提供者所簽發的公開認證憑證。",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileDesc": "身分識別提供者所簽發的公開認證憑證。",
+ "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "移除身分識別提供者所簽發的公開認證憑證。",
"admin.saml.idpCertificateFileTitle": "身分識別提供者公開憑證:",
- "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlDesc": "您使用的身分識別提供者給 SAML 要求用的核發者網址。",
+ "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlDesc": "身分識別提供者進行 SAML 要求用的核發者網址。",
"admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlEx": "如:\"\"",
"admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlTitle": "身分識別提供者核發者網址:",
"admin.saml.idpUrlDesc": "Mattermost 發送 SAML 要求以開始登入程序的網址。",
@@ -573,8 +585,8 @@
"admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileDesc": "用以解密來自身份識別提供者的 SAML 宣告的私鑰。",
"admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileRemoveDesc": "移除用以解密來自身份識別提供者的 SAML 宣告的私鑰。",
"admin.saml.privateKeyFileTitle": "服務提供者私鑰:",
- "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileDesc": "對 SAML 要求進行簽章時所用的憑證。僅當 Mattermost 是服務提供者時,對身份識別提供者提出 SAML 登入要求時使用此憑證。",
- "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "移除對 SAML 要求進行簽章時所用的憑證。僅當 Mattermost 是服務提供者時,對身份識別提供者提出 SAML 登入要求時使用此憑證。",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileDesc": "當使用 Mattermost 作為身份識別提供者,在初始化 SAML 的登入要求時會使用此憑證來產生簽章。",
+ "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "當使用 Mattermost 作為身份識別提供者,在初始化 SAML 的登入要求時會使用此憑證來產生簽章。移除該憑證。",
"admin.saml.publicCertificateFileTitle": "服務提供者公開憑證:",
"admin.saml.remove.idp_certificate": "移除身份識別提供者憑證",
"admin.saml.remove.privKey": "移除服務提供者私鑰",
@@ -641,7 +653,7 @@
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "要將工作階段快取在記憶體中多久(分鐘)。",
"admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "例如:\"30\"",
"admin.service.siteURL": "站台網址:",
- "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "使用者用來存取 Mattermost 的網址,應包含通訊協定跟連接埠。留白則會自動根據傳入的流量設定。",
+ "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "使用者用來存取 Mattermost 的網址,應包含通訊協定跟連接埠。留白則會自動根據傳入資料設定。",
"admin.service.siteURLExample": "如:\"\"",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "SSO 的工作階段長度(以天計):",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "從使用者最後一次輸入他們的認證到工作階段過期之間的天數。如果認證方式是 SAML 或 GitLab 且他們已經登入 SAML 或 GitLab,使用者將會自動再次登入 Mattermost。修改設定之後新的工作階段長度會在下次使用者輸入認證之後開始生效。",
@@ -660,7 +672,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.configuration": "設定",
"admin.sidebar.connections": "連線",
"admin.sidebar.customBrand": "自訂品牌",
- "admin.sidebar.customEmoji": "自訂顏文字",
+ "admin.sidebar.customEmoji": "自訂繪文字",
"admin.sidebar.customIntegrations": "自訂整合",
"admin.sidebar.customization": "自訂",
"admin.sidebar.database": "資料庫",
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.logging": "記錄",
"admin.sidebar.login": "登入",
"admin.sidebar.logs": "記錄",
+ "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "原生應用程式連結:",
"admin.sidebar.notifications": "通知",
"admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0",
"admin.sidebar.other": "其它",
@@ -733,7 +746,7 @@
"": "隱私政策連結:",
"": "團隊主選單的幫助文件連結。預設連往使用者之間互助的論壇。在那邊可以搜尋跟詢問技術相關的問題。",
"": "回報錯誤連結:",
- "": "連結到使用者使用您的線上服務時的條款。預設情況下這會連到 \"Mattermost 使用條款 (終端使用者)\" 解釋使用者是在怎樣的條款下使用 Mattermost。如果您改變了預設連結以增加您自己的條款,新的條款必須包含連往預設條款的連結以讓使用者知道關於 Mattermost 軟體的使用條款。",
+ "": "連結到使用者使用您的線上服務時的條款。預設情況下這會連到 \"Mattermost 使用條款 (終端使用者)\" 解釋使用者是在怎樣的條款下使用 Mattermost。如果您改變了預設連結以增加自己的條款,新的條款必須包含連往預設條款的連結以讓使用者知道關於 Mattermost 軟體的使用條款。",
"": "服務條款連結:",
"admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "有發文的活躍使用者",
"admin.system_analytics.title": "系統",
@@ -759,7 +772,7 @@
"": "允許直接訊息的對象為:",
"": "'任何 Mattermost 伺服器上的使用者'讓使用者能對任何在這伺服器上的使用者開啟直接訊息頻道,即便他們沒有任何共通的團隊。'任何團隊成員'限制只能對在同一團隊的使用者開啟直接訊息頻道。",
"": "例如:\",\"",
- "": "若啟用,則您無法用如 www, admin, support, test, channel 等保留字建立團隊。",
+ "": "若啟用,則無法用如 www, admin, support, test, channel 等保留字建立團隊。",
"": "限制團隊名稱:",
"": "限制僅有特定的電子郵件網域能建立帳號:",
"": "任何 Mattermost 伺服器上的使用者",
@@ -782,7 +795,7 @@
"admin.userList.title2": "{team} ({count})的使用者",
"admin.user_item.authServiceEmail": ",<strong>登入方式:</strong>電子郵件",
"admin.user_item.authServiceNotEmail": ",<strong>登入方式:</strong>{service}",
- "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteDescription": "如果將自己從系統管理員降級且不存在其它有管理員權限的使用者。則您必須以終端機方式存取 Mattermost 伺服器並執行下列命令以重新指定新的系統管理員。",
+ "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteDescription": "如果將自己從系統管理員降級且不存在其它有管理員權限的使用者。則必須以終端機方式存取 Mattermost 伺服器並執行下列命令以重新指定新的系統管理員。",
"admin.user_item.confirmDemoteRoleTitle": "確認從系統管理員降級",
"admin.user_item.confirmDemotion": "降級確認",
"admin.user_item.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform -assign_role -team_name=\"您的團隊\" -email=\"\" -role=\"system_admin\"",
@@ -805,7 +818,7 @@
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Mattermost 不會傳送靜態檔案。",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
"admin.webserverModeGzipDescription": "Mattermost 伺服器將會傳送用 gzip 壓縮過的靜態檔案。",
- "admin.webserverModeHelpText": "gzip 壓縮會用於靜態內容檔案。一般建議啟用 gzip 以增進效能,除非您的環境有特定限制,像是不適合使用 gzip 的網頁代理。這設定在重啟伺服器後才生效。",
+ "admin.webserverModeHelpText": "gzip 壓縮會用於靜態內容檔案。一般建議啟用 gzip 以增進效能,除非環境有特定限制,像是不適合使用 gzip 的網頁代理。這設定在重啟伺服器後才生效。",
"admin.webserverModeTitle": "網頁伺服器模式:",
"admin.webserverModeUncompressed": "不壓縮",
"admin.webserverModeUncompressedDescription": "Mattermost 伺服器將會傳送不壓縮的靜態檔案。",
@@ -868,12 +881,12 @@
"audit_table.licenseRemoved": "成功移除授權",
"audit_table.loginAttempt": " (嘗試登入)",
"audit_table.loginFailure": " (登入失敗)",
- "audit_table.logout": "登出您的帳號",
+ "audit_table.logout": "登出帳號",
"audit_table.member": "成員",
"audit_table.nameUpdated": "更新 {channelName} 頻道/群組 名稱",
"audit_table.oauthTokenFailed": "無法取得 OAuth 存取 Token - {token}",
"audit_table.revokedAll": "撤消團隊現在所有的工作階段",
- "audit_table.sentEmail": "傳送郵件到 {email} 以重設您的密碼",
+ "audit_table.sentEmail": "傳送郵件到 {email} 以重設密碼",
"audit_table.session": "工作階段 ID",
"audit_table.sessionRevoked": "已撤消 id 為 {sessionId} 的工作階段",
"audit_table.successfullLicenseAdd": "成功加入新授權",
@@ -885,14 +898,14 @@
"audit_table.successfullWebhookCreate": "成功建立 Webhook",
"audit_table.successfullWebhookDelete": "成功刪除 Webhook",
"audit_table.timestamp": "時間戳記",
- "audit_table.updateGeneral": "已更新您帳戶的一般設定",
- "audit_table.updateGlobalNotifications": "已更新您的全域通知設定",
- "audit_table.updatePicture": "已更新您的個人圖像",
+ "audit_table.updateGeneral": "已更新帳戶的一般設定",
+ "audit_table.updateGlobalNotifications": "已更新全域通知設定",
+ "audit_table.updatePicture": "已更新個人圖像",
"audit_table.updatedRol": "已更新使用者角色為:",
"audit_table.userAdded": "新增用戶 {username} 到 {channelName} 頻道/群組",
"audit_table.userId": "使用者 ID",
"audit_table.userRemoved": "將用戶 {username} 從 {channelName} 頻道/群組 移除",
- "audit_table.verified": "成功確認您的電子郵件地址",
+ "audit_table.verified": "已確認電子郵件地址",
"authorize.access": "是否允許 <strong>{appName}</strong> 存取?",
"authorize.allow": "允許",
"": "應用程式 <strong>{appName}</strong> 想要能夠存取並修改您的基本資料。",
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@
"": "頻道",
"channel_flow.create": "建立 {term}",
"": "群組",
+ "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "頻道網址必須為小寫英數字、至少兩個字元",
"channel_flow.invalidName": "無效的頻道名稱",
"channel_flow.set_url_title": "設定 {term} 網址",
"": "頻道",
@@ -993,8 +1007,8 @@
"channel_switch_modal.submit": "切換",
"channel_switch_modal.title": "切換頻道",
"claim.account.noEmail": "沒有指定電子郵件",
- "claim.email_to_ldap.enterLdapPwd": "輸入您 LDAP 帳號的使用者 ID 與密碼",
- "claim.email_to_ldap.enterPwd": "輸入您的 {site} 電子郵件帳戶密碼",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.enterLdapPwd": "輸入 LDAP 帳號的使用者 ID 與密碼",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.enterPwd": "輸入 {site} 的電子郵件帳戶密碼",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapId": "LDAP ID",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "請輸入 LDAP ID。",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPasswordError": "請輸入 LDAP 密碼。",
@@ -1005,7 +1019,7 @@
"claim.email_to_ldap.ssoType": "設定完成後,將只能用 LDAP 登入",
"claim.email_to_ldap.switchTo": "切換帳號至 LDAP",
"claim.email_to_ldap.title": "由電子郵件地址/密碼帳號切換成 LDAP 帳號",
- "claim.email_to_oauth.enterPwd": "輸入您的 {site} 帳戶密碼",
+ "claim.email_to_oauth.enterPwd": "輸入 {site} 帳戶的密碼",
"claim.email_to_oauth.pwd": "密碼",
"claim.email_to_oauth.pwdError": "請輸入密碼",
"claim.email_to_oauth.ssoNote": "您必須已經有有效的 {type} 帳號",
@@ -1014,8 +1028,8 @@
"claim.email_to_oauth.title": "由電子郵件地址/密碼帳號切換成 {uiType} 帳號",
"claim.ldap_to_email.confirm": "密碼確認",
"": "用電子郵件地址 {email} 登入",
- "claim.ldap_to_email.enterLdapPwd": "輸入您 {site} 電子郵件帳戶的 {ldapPassword}",
- "claim.ldap_to_email.enterPwd": "輸入您的電子郵件帳戶新密碼",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.enterLdapPwd": "輸入 {site} 電子郵件帳戶的 {ldapPassword}",
+ "claim.ldap_to_email.enterPwd": "輸入電子郵件帳戶新密碼",
"claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPasswordError": "請輸入 LDAP 密碼。",
"claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPwd": "LDAP 密碼",
"claim.ldap_to_email.pwd": "密碼",
@@ -1026,7 +1040,7 @@
"claim.ldap_to_email.title": "切換 LDAP 帳戶到電子郵件地址/密碼",
"claim.oauth_to_email.confirm": "密碼確認",
"claim.oauth_to_email.description": "更改帳號類別後,將只能用電子郵件地址/密碼登入。",
- "claim.oauth_to_email.enterNewPwd": "為您在 {site} 的電子郵件帳戶輸入新密碼",
+ "claim.oauth_to_email.enterNewPwd": "為 {site} 的電子郵件帳戶輸入新密碼",
"claim.oauth_to_email.enterPwd": "請輸入密碼。",
"claim.oauth_to_email.newPwd": "新密碼",
"claim.oauth_to_email.pwdNotMatch": "密碼不相符。",
@@ -1041,6 +1055,7 @@
"create_comment.files": "上傳多個檔案",
"create_post.comment": "註解",
"": "訊息",
+ "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "此裝置不支援鍵盤快速鍵。",
"create_post.tutorialTip": "<h4>發送訊息</h4><p>在這邊輸入訊息並按下 <strong>Enter</strong> 來發文。</p><p>按下<strong>附加</strong>按鈕來上傳圖片或是檔案。</p>",
"create_post.write": "輸入訊息...",
"create_team.agreement": "一旦建立帳號使用{siteName},即表示您同意<a href='/static/help/terms.html'>服務條款</a>以及<a href='/static/help/privacy.html'>隱私政策</a>。如果您不同意,請停止使用{siteName}。",
@@ -1060,22 +1075,22 @@
"create_team.team_url.taken": "網址已被使用或是含有保留字",
"create_team.team_url.teamUrl": "團隊網址",
"create_team.team_url.unavailable": "不能使用這網址。請嘗試其他的。",
- "create_team.team_url.webAddress": "為您的新團隊選取網址:",
- "custom_emoji.empty": "沒有自訂顏文字",
- "custom_emoji.header": "自訂顏文字",
- "": "搜尋自訂顏文字",
+ "create_team.team_url.webAddress": "為新團隊選取網址:",
+ "custom_emoji.empty": "沒有自訂繪文字",
+ "custom_emoji.header": "自訂繪文字",
+ "": "搜尋自訂繪文字",
"delete_channel.cancel": "取消",
"": "頻道",
"delete_channel.confirm": "請確認刪除頻道",
"delete_channel.del": "刪除",
"": "群組",
- "delete_channel.question": "您確定要刪除{display_name} {term}嘛?",
+ "delete_channel.question": "確定要刪除{display_name} {term}嘛?",
"delete_post.cancel": "取消",
"delete_post.comment": "註解",
"delete_post.confirm": "請確認刪除{term}",
"delete_post.del": "刪除",
"": "訊息",
- "delete_post.question": "您確定要刪除{term}嘛?",
+ "delete_post.question": "確定要刪除{term}嘛?",
"delete_post.warning": "這篇文章有{count}個註解。",
"edit_channel_header_modal.cancel": "取消",
"edit_channel_header_modal.description": "修改頻道標題上面名字旁邊的文字。",
@@ -1097,26 +1112,26 @@
"": "儲存",
"email_signup.address": "電子郵件位址",
"email_signup.createTeam": "建立團隊",
- "email_signup.emailError": "請輸入一個有效的電子郵件位址",
+ "email_signup.emailError": "請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。",
"email_signup.find": "尋找我的團隊",
- "email_verify.almost": "{siteName}:您即將完成",
+ "email_verify.almost": "{siteName}:即將完成",
"email_verify.failed": "傳送驗證電子郵件失敗。",
- "email_verify.notVerifiedBody": "請驗證電子郵件地址。請檢查您的收信夾收信。",
+ "email_verify.notVerifiedBody": "電子郵件地址驗證。請檢查收信夾收信。",
"email_verify.resend": "重新發送電子郵件",
"email_verify.sent": " 驗證電子郵件已發送",
"email_verify.verified": "{siteName} 電子郵件已驗證",
"email_verify.verifiedBody": "<p>您的電子郵件已驗證!按<a href={url}>這邊</a>登入。</p>",
"email_verify.verifyFailed": "無法驗證電子郵件地址。",
"emoji_list.actions": "處理方式",
- "emoji_list.add": "新增自訂顏文字",
+ "emoji_list.add": "新增自訂繪文字",
"emoji_list.creator": "建立者",
"emoji_list.delete": "刪除",
- "emoji_list.empty": "沒有自訂顏文字",
- "": "自訂顏文字對此伺服器上的所有使用者開放。在訊息輸入框輸入 ':' 會叫出顏文字選單。其他使用者可能需要重新讀取頁面才會看見新的顏文字。",
- "emoji_list.help2": "提示:如果您增加 #、## 或 ### 作為含有顏文字的新行的第一個字元,您可以使用較大尺寸的顏文字。傳送如 '# :smile:' 的訊息來嘗試此功能。",
+ "emoji_list.empty": "沒有自訂繪文字",
+ "": "自訂繪文字對此伺服器上的所有使用者開放。在訊息輸入框輸入 ':' 會叫出繪文字選單。其他使用者可能需要重新讀取頁面才會看見新的繪文字。",
+ "emoji_list.help2": "提示:如果在含有繪文字該行增加 #、## 或 ### 當作第一個字元,可以使用較大尺寸的繪文字。傳送如 '# :smile:' 的訊息來嘗試此功能。",
"emoji_list.image": "圖片",
"": "名稱",
- "": "搜尋自訂顏文字",
+ "": "搜尋自訂繪文字",
"emoji_list.somebody": "其他團隊的某人",
"error.not_found.link_message": "回到 Mattermost",
"error.not_found.message": "您所存取的頁面不存在",
@@ -1125,7 +1140,7 @@
"error.not_supported.title": "不支援此瀏覽器",
"error_bar.expired": "企業版授權已過期。請在過期日起15天內更新授權。詳情請洽",
"error_bar.expiring": "企業版授權將在 {date} 過期。請聯繫 更新授權。",
- "error_bar.past_grace": "企業版授權已過期,詳情請洽您的系統管理員。",
+ "error_bar.past_grace": "企業版授權已過期,詳情請洽系統管理員。",
"error_bar.preview_mode": "預覽模式:電子郵件通知尚未設定",
"": "下載",
"file_info_preview.size": "大小 ",
@@ -1150,7 +1165,7 @@
"find_team.submitError": "請輸入一個有效的電子郵件位址",
"flag_post.flag": "標記以追蹤",
"flag_post.unflag": "取消標記",
- "general_tab.chooseName": "為您的團隊取名",
+ "general_tab.chooseName": "為團隊取名",
"general_tab.codeDesc": "按下'修改'來重新產生邀請碼。",
"general_tab.codeLongDesc": "邀請碼用來當作主選單中<strong>取得團隊邀請連結</strong>所產生的團隊邀請連結的一部分。重新產生會建立一個新的招待連結並且讓舊的連結失效。",
"general_tab.codeTitle": "邀請碼",
@@ -1184,6 +1199,93 @@
"": "傳送下面的連結給團隊成員,讓他們註冊此團隊站台。此連結可以讓多個團隊成員共用,在團隊管理員到團隊設定當中重新產生之前,這連結都不會改變。",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "在您的團隊新增成員已經被關閉。請跟團隊管理員詢問詳情。",
"get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "團隊邀請連結",
+ "help.attaching.downloading": "#### 下載檔案\n按檔案縮圖旁邊的下載圖示以下載附加檔案,或是打開檔案預覽並按**下載**。",
+ "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### 拖放功能\n從電腦拖拉檔案到右側邊欄或是中間來上傳檔案。拖放功能會將檔案附加至訊息輸入框,接著你可以輸入訊息或是直接按下**ENTER**發文。",
+ "help.attaching.icon": "#### 附加檔案圖示\n或者您也可以藉由按訊息輸入框裡面的灰色迴紋針以上傳檔案。這將會開啟系統的檔案瀏覽器,您可以在此尋找想要的檔案並按下**開啟**將檔案上傳至訊息輸入框。接著輸入訊息或是直接按下**ENTER**發文。",
+ "help.attaching.limitations": "## 檔案大小限制\n在 Mattermost 中,每個訊息最多可以附加五個檔案,每個檔案最大為 50Mb。",
+ "help.attaching.methods": "## 如何附加檔案\n拖放檔案或是按下訊息輸入框的附加檔案圖示。",
+ "help.attaching.notSupported": "尚未支援文件預覽 (Word, Excel, PPT)。",
+ "help.attaching.pasting": "#### 貼上\n使用 Chrome 跟 Edge 瀏覽器時,您也可以直接從剪貼簿貼上以上傳檔案。此功能尚未支援其他瀏覽器。",
+ "help.attaching.previewer": "## 檔案預覽器\nMattermost 有內建檔案預覽器用來觀看、下載檔案並分享公開連結。按附加檔案的縮圖便可以用檔案預覽器打開。",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### 分享公開連結\n公開連結讓您可以分享附加檔案給 Mattermost 團隊以外的人。按下附加檔案縮圖以打開檔案預覽器然後按**取得公開連結**。這會開啟一個帶有連結的對話框。當分享這個連結給他人並被他人打開的時候,會自動開始下載檔案。",
+ "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "如果檔案預覽器裡面找不到**取得公開連結**但想要啟用這功能,您可以詢問系統管理員請他在系統主控台裡的**安全** > **公開連結**處開啟。",
+ "help.attaching.supported": "#### 支援的媒體類型\n如果您嘗試預覽預覽器不支援的媒體,檔案預覽器會顯示附加檔案的標準圖示。支援的媒體格式跟瀏覽器以及作業系統高度相關,不過在大部分瀏覽器上使用 Mattermost 支援下列的格式:",
+ "help.attaching.supportedList": "- 圖片:BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- 影像:MP4\n- 聲音:MP3, M4A\n- 文件:PDF",
+ "help.attaching.title": "# 附加檔案\n_____",
+ "help.commands.builtin": "## 內建命令\n下列的斜線命令在所有的 Mattermost 上都可以使用:",
+ "help.commands.builtin2": "在訊息輸入框開頭輸入 `/` 將會顯示斜線命令列表。此列表會提供命令範例以及灰色的命令敘述。",
+ "help.commands.custom": "## 自訂命令\n自訂斜線命令以跟外部應用程式整合。舉例來說,團隊可以設定自訂斜線命令來看內部的健康資料 `/patient joe smith` 或看某城市的天氣周報 `/weather toronto week`。向系統管理員確認或是輸入 `/` 開啟自動完成列表來確認團隊有無設定任何自訂斜線命令。",
+ "help.commands.custom2": "自訂斜線命令預設為關閉,系統管理員可以在 **系統主控台** > **整合** > **Webhook 與命令** 中開啟。如需設定自訂斜線命令的詳細資訊,請參閱[開發者文件:斜線命令](",
+ "help.commands.intro": "斜線命令讓使用者能在 Mattermost 內藉由打字輸入進行操作。輸入 `/` 接著輸入命令跟一些參數來執行動作。\n\n所有的 Mattermost 都有內建斜線命令,自訂斜線命令可以設定以跟外部應用程式互動。如需設定自訂斜線命令的詳細資訊,請參閱[開發者文件:斜線命令](",
+ "help.commands.title": "# 執行指令\n___",
+ "help.composing.deleting": "## 刪除訊息\n按下您所輸入之任何文字訊息邊上的 **[...]** 圖示然後按**刪除**來刪除訊息。系統跟團隊管理員可以刪除他們系統或團隊中的任何訊息。",
+ "help.composing.editing": "## 編輯訊息\n按下您所輸入之任何文字訊息邊上的 **[...]** 圖示然後按**編輯**來編輯訊息。在完成變更之後按下 **ENTER** 以儲存。編輯訊息不會觸發新的@提及、桌面通知或是通知音效。",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## 訊息連結\n**永久網址**會建立連至訊息的連結。分享此連結給其他同頻道內的使用者可以讓他們觀看封存訊息中此連結所指向的訊息。不是訊息張貼頻道成員的使用者將無法觀看訊息。按下任何文字訊息邊上的 **[...]** 圖示然後按**永久網址** > **複製連結**來取得網址。",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## 張貼訊息\n在訊息輸入欄打字寫訊息然後按下 **ENTER** 發送。用 **Shift + ENTER** 在不發送訊息下新增行。**主選單 > 帳號設定 > 用 Ctrl + Enter 貼文**可以改成按 **Ctrl + Enter** 發送訊息。",
+ "help.composing.posts": "#### 發文\n發文可以視為母訊息。它們通常是回覆串起始的訊息。發文是在中間欄底部的文字輸入框編輯跟發送。",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### 回覆\n按任意訊息文字邊上的回覆圖示來回覆該訊息。這個動作會展開右側邊欄,在那邊可以看到訊息串並編輯與發送回覆。在中央欄裡回覆會稍微的被縮排用以標示它們是某母發文的子訊息。\n\n當在右側邊欄編輯回覆時,按下邊欄頂端雙箭頭的展開/關閉圖示以取得較好的觀看方式。",
+ "help.composing.title": "# 發送訊息\n_____",
+ "help.composing.types": "## 訊息類別\n回覆發文以利用回覆串來整理對話。",
+ "help.formatting.checklist": "用方括號建立工作清單:",
+ "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] 第一項\n- [ ] 第二項\n- [x] 已完成事項",
+ "help.formatting.code": "## 程式碼區塊\n\n以 4 個空白縮排每一行或是在程式碼的上下方放上 ``` 以建立程式碼區塊",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "程式碼區塊",
+ "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
+ "help.formatting.emojis": "## 繪文字\n\n輸入 `:` 打開繪文字自動完成。完整的繪文字列表在[這裡](。如果您想要用的繪文字不存在,也可以自己建立[自訂繪文字](。",
+ "help.formatting.example": "如:",
+ "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub 主題**",
+ "help.formatting.headings": "## 標題\n\n在標題前輸入 # 跟一個空白以建立標題。用多一點的 # 以建立小一點的標題。",
+ "help.formatting.headings2": "或是用 `===` 或 `---` 在文字的下一行劃線來建立標題。",
+ "help.formatting.headings2Example": "大標題\n-------------",
+ "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## 大標題\n### 小點的標題\n#### 更小的標題",
+ "help.formatting.images": "## 嵌入圖片\n\n建立嵌入圖片:在 `!` 後接著方括號再接著括號,方括號內放替代文字,括號內放圖片連結。在連結後加入用雙引號括起來的文字則可增加動態顯示文字。",
+ "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![替代文字](連結 \"動態顯示文字\")\n\n跟\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Github](](",
+ "help.formatting.inline": "## 嵌入程式碼\n\n用反引號括起文字用來將等寬文字嵌入普通文字中。",
+ "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown 讓設定訊息格式變得非常輕鬆。您只須如同平時一樣的輸入訊息,然後用以下的規則賦予其特定格式。",
+ "help.formatting.lines": "## 線\n\n用 3 個 `*`、`_` 或 `-` 來建立一條線。",
+ "help.formatting.linkEx": "[看看 Mattermost!](",
+ "help.formatting.links": "## 連結\n\n將想顯示的文字放入方括號跟對應的連結放入括號以建立連結。",
+ "help.formatting.listExample": "* 列表項目一\n* 列表項目二\n * 項目二子項目",
+ "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.",
+ "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:",
+ "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two",
+ "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.",
+ "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes",
+ "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**",
+ "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**",
+ "": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~",
+ "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "支援的語言:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`",
+ "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**",
+ "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }",
+ "help.formatting.tableExample": "| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |",
+ "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.",
+ "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____",
+ "help.learnMore": "Learn more about:",
+ "": "Attaching Files",
+ "": "# 執行指令\n___",
+ "": "Composing Messages and Replies",
+ "": "Formatting Messages using Markdown",
+ "": "Mentioning Teammates",
+ "": "Basic Messaging",
+ "": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.",
+ "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!",
+ "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.",
+ "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.",
+ "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____",
+ "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.",
+ "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications]( turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.",
+ "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?",
+ "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.",
+ "help.messaging.emoji": "**Quickly add emoji** by typing \":\", which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don't cover what you want to express, you can also create your own [Custom Emoji](",
+ "help.messaging.format": "**Format your messages** using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.",
+ "help.messaging.notify": "**Notify teammates** when they are needed by typing `@username`.",
+ "help.messaging.reply": "**Reply to messages** by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.",
+ "help.messaging.title": "# Messaging Basics\n_____",
+ "help.messaging.write": "**Write messages** using the text input box at the bottom of Mattermost. Press **ENTER** to send a message. Use **Shift+ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message.",
"installed_command.header": "斜線命令",
"installed_commands.add": "新增斜線命令",
"installed_commands.empty": "沒有命令",
@@ -1236,8 +1338,10 @@
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "說明文件",
"": "搜尋傳出的 Webhook",
"installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "私人 Webhook",
+ "integrations.add": "新增",
"integrations.command.description": "斜線命令用來傳送事件給外部整合功能",
"integrations.command.title": "斜線命令",
+ "integrations.done": "完成",
"integrations.header": "整合",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "傳入的 Webhook 讓外部整合功能可以傳送訊息",
"integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "傳入的 Webhook",
@@ -1245,7 +1349,7 @@
"integrations.oauthApps.title": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式",
"integrations.outgoingWebhook.description": "傳出的 Webhook 讓外部整合功能可以收訊並回應",
"integrations.outgoingWebhook.title": "傳出的 Webhook",
- "intro_messages.DM": "這是您跟{teammate}之間直接訊息的起頭。<br />直接訊息跟在這邊分享的檔案除了在此處以外的人都看不到。",
+ "intro_messages.DM": "這是跟{teammate}之間直接訊息的起頭。<br />直接訊息跟在這邊分享的檔案除了在此處以外的人都看不到。",
"intro_messages.anyMember": " 任何成員可以加入並閱讀此頻道。",
"intro_messages.beginning": "{name}的開頭",
"": "頻道",
@@ -1262,25 +1366,29 @@
"invite_member.addAnother": "增加其他人",
"invite_member.autoJoin": "被邀請的人會自動加入<strong>{channel}</strong>頻道。",
"invite_member.cancel": "取消",
- "invite_member.content": "目前此團隊的電子郵件功能被停用,沒有辦法寄送電子郵件邀請。請聯絡您的系統管理員以啟用電子郵件跟電子郵件邀請。",
- "invite_member.disabled": "在您的團隊新增成員已經被停用。請跟團隊管理員詢問詳情。",
+ "invite_member.content": "目前此團隊的電子郵件功能被停用,沒有辦法寄送電子郵件邀請。請聯絡系統管理員以啟用電子郵件跟電子郵件邀請。",
+ "invite_member.disabled": "在您的團隊新增成員已經被關閉。請跟團隊管理員詢問詳情。",
"invite_member.emailError": "請輸入一個有效的電子郵件位址",
"invite_member.firstname": "名字",
"invite_member.inviteLink": "團隊邀請連結",
"invite_member.lastname": "姓氏",
"invite_member.modalButton": "是,放棄它們",
- "invite_member.modalMessage": "您還有尚未寄送的邀請,您確定您要放棄它們嘛?",
+ "invite_member.modalMessage": "還有尚未寄送的邀請,確定要放棄它們嘛?",
"invite_member.modalTitle": "放棄邀請?",
"invite_member.newMember": "邀請新成員",
"invite_member.send": "發送邀請",
"invite_member.send2": "發送邀請",
"invite_member.sending": " 傳送中",
- "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "您也可以用{link}來邀請他人。",
+ "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "可以用{link}來邀請他人。",
"ldap_signup.find": "尋找我的團隊",
"ldap_signup.ldap": "用 LDAP 帳號建立團隊",
"ldap_signup.length_error": "名稱長度為3到15字元",
"ldap_signup.teamName": "輸入新團隊名稱",
"ldap_signup.team_error": "請輸入團隊名稱",
+ "leave_team_modal.desc": "將離開所有的公開頻道與私人群組。如果團隊是私人團隊,將無法重新加入。您確定嘛?",
+ "": "否",
+ "leave_team_modal.title": "離開團隊?",
+ "leave_team_modal.yes": "是",
"loading_screen.loading": "載入中",
"login.changed": " 已成功更改登入方法",
"login.create": "建立帳號",
@@ -1295,26 +1403,27 @@
"login.ldapUsername": "LDAP 使用者名稱",
"login.ldapUsernameLower": "LDAP 使用者名稱",
"login.noAccount": "沒有帳號嘛?",
- "login.noEmail": "請輸入您的電子郵件地址",
- "login.noEmailLdapUsername": "請輸入您的電子郵件地址或{ldapUsername}",
- "login.noEmailUsername": "請輸入您的電子郵件地址或使用者名稱",
- "login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "請輸入您的電子郵件地址、使用者名稱或 {ldapUsername}",
- "login.noLdapUsername": "請輸入您的 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noEmail": "請輸入電子郵件地址",
+ "login.noEmailLdapUsername": "請輸入電子郵件地址或{ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noEmailUsername": "請輸入電子郵件地址或使用者名稱",
+ "login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "請輸入電子郵件地址、使用者名稱或 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noLdapUsername": "請輸入 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noMethods": "No sign in methods are enabled. Please contact your System Administrator.",
"login.noPassword": "請輸入密碼",
- "login.noUsername": "請輸入您的使用者名稱",
- "login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "請輸入您的使用者名稱或 {ldapUsername}",
+ "login.noUsername": "請輸入使用者名稱",
+ "login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "請輸入使用者名稱或 {ldapUsername}",
"login.office365": "Office 365",
"login.on": "在 {siteName}",
"login.or": "或",
"login.password": "密碼",
"login.passwordChanged": " 已成功更新密碼",
- "login.session_expired": " 您的工作階段已逾期,請重新登入。",
+ "login.session_expired": " 工作階段已逾期,請重新登入。",
"login.signIn": "登入",
"login.signInWith": "登入方法:",
- "login.userNotFound": "無法找到您輸入的認證所對應的帳號。",
+ "login.userNotFound": "無法找到與您輸入的認證相符的帳號。",
"login.username": "使用者名稱",
"login.verified": " 電子郵件地址已驗證",
- "login_mfa.enterToken": "請輸入您的智慧型手機上認證器的 Token 以完成登入",
+ "login_mfa.enterToken": "請輸入智慧型手機上認證器的 Token 以完成登入",
"login_mfa.submit": "送出",
"login_mfa.token": "多重要素驗證 Token",
"login_mfa.tokenReq": "請輸入多重要素驗證 Token",
@@ -1352,7 +1461,7 @@
"navbar_dropdown.accountSettings": "帳號設定",
"navbar_dropdown.console": "系統控制台",
"navbar_dropdown.create": "建立團隊",
- "navbar_dropdown.emoji": "自訂顏文字",
+ "navbar_dropdown.emoji": "自訂繪文字",
"": "說明",
"navbar_dropdown.integrations": "整合",
"navbar_dropdown.inviteMember": "邀請新成員",
@@ -1369,18 +1478,19 @@
"": "直接傳訊",
"password_form.change": "變更密碼",
"": "按 <a href={url}>這裡</a>登入",
- "password_form.enter": "輸入您的{siteName} 帳戶新密碼",
+ "password_form.enter": "輸入 {siteName} 帳戶的新密碼",
"password_form.error": "請至少輸入{chars} 個字",
"password_form.pwd": "密碼",
"password_form.title": "密碼重設",
- "password_form.update": "您的密碼已成功變更。",
- "password_send.checkInbox": "請檢查您的收件夾。",
- "password_send.description": "輸入您用來註冊的電子郵件地址以重設密碼。",
+ "password_form.update": "密碼已成功變更。",
+ "password_send.checkInbox": "請檢查收件夾。",
+ "password_send.description": "輸入註冊的電子郵件地址以重設密碼。",
"": "電子郵件地址",
"password_send.error": "請輸入一個有效的電子郵件地址",
"": "<p>已寄送密碼重置連結到<b>{email}</b></p>",
"password_send.reset": "重置我的密碼",
"password_send.title": "密碼重設",
+ "pdf_preview.max_pages": "PDF previews only show the first five pages.",
"pending_post_actions.cancel": "取消",
"pending_post_actions.retry": "重試",
"permalink.error.access": "此永久連結通往被刪除的訊息或是您沒有觀看權限的頻道。",
@@ -1467,11 +1577,11 @@
"": "私人群組",
"sidebar.removeList": "從清單中移除",
"sidebar.tutorialScreen1": "<h4>頻道</h4><p><strong>頻道</strong>用來展開關於各種話題的對話。頻道對團隊全體都是開放可以任意讀寫的。需要私密通訊時,對單獨一人時使用<strong>直接訊息</strong>,對多人時使用<strong>私人群組</strong>。</p>",
- "sidebar.tutorialScreen2": "<h4>\"{townsquare}\"跟\"{offtopic}\"頻道</h4><p>以下為兩個一開始就建立好的公開頻道:</p><p><strong>{townsquare}</strong>是個給團隊之間溝通的地方,您的團隊全員都是這個頻道的成員。</p><p><strong>{offtopic}</strong>是個放鬆心情、聊與工作無關事情的地方。您和您的團隊可以決定要建立其他怎樣的頻道。</p>",
+ "sidebar.tutorialScreen2": "<h4>\"{townsquare}\"跟\"{offtopic}\"頻道</h4><p>以下為兩個一開始就建立好的公開頻道:</p><p><strong>{townsquare}</strong>是個給團隊之間溝通的地方,您的團隊全員都是這個頻道的成員。</p><p><strong>{offtopic}</strong>是個放鬆心情、聊與工作無關事情的地方。您和團隊可以決定要建立其他怎樣的頻道。</p>",
"sidebar.tutorialScreen3": "<h4>建立和加入頻道</h4><p>按<strong>\"更多...\"</strong>來建立新頻道或是加入現有的頻道。</p><p>您也可以藉由按在頻道或是私人群組標題旁邊的<strong>\"+\"符號</strong>來建立新頻道或是私人群組。</p>",
"sidebar.unreadAbove": "上面有未讀訊息",
"sidebar.unreadBelow": "下面有未讀訊息",
- "sidebar_header.tutorial": "<h4>主選單</h4><p>在<strong>主選單</strong>您可以<strong>邀請新成員</strong>,存取您的<strong>帳號設定</strong>並設定您的<strong>主題顏色</strong>。</p><p>團隊管理員也可以在此存取他們的<strong>團隊設定</strong>。</p><p>系統管理員會在此看到<strong>系統控制台</strong>以管理整個系統。</p>",
+ "sidebar_header.tutorial": "<h4>主選單</h4><p>在<strong>主選單</strong>可以<strong>邀請新成員</strong>,存取<strong>帳號設定</strong>並設定<strong>主題顏色</strong>。</p><p>團隊管理員也可以在此存取<strong>團隊設定</strong>。</p><p>系統管理員會在此看到<strong>系統控制台</strong>以管理整個系統。</p>",
"sidebar_right_menu.accountSettings": "帳號設定",
"sidebar_right_menu.console": "系統控制台",
"sidebar_right_menu.flagged": "被標記的訊息",
@@ -1485,6 +1595,13 @@
"sidebar_right_menu.switch_team": "選擇團隊",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "取得團隊邀請連結",
"sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "團隊設定",
+ "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "檢視成員",
+ "": "電子郵件跟密碼",
+ "signup.gitlab": "GitLab Single-Sign-On",
+ "": "Google Account",
+ "signup.ldap": "LDAP Credentials",
+ "signup.office365": "Office 365",
+ "signup.title": "Create an account with:",
"signup_team.choose": "您所屬的團隊:",
"signup_team.createTeam": "或是建立團隊",
"signup_team.disabled": "建立團隊功能已被停用。如須使用請聯絡系統管理員。",
@@ -1495,21 +1612,21 @@
"signup_team.no_teams": "沒有現成的團隊。請向管理員聯絡。",
"signup_team.no_teams_canCreate": "沒有現成的團隊。請按下\"建立團隊\"以建立。",
"signup_team.none": "沒有啟用的團隊建立方式。請聯絡管理員。",
- "signup_team_complete.completed": "您已經完成此邀請的註冊程序,或是此邀請已過期。",
+ "signup_team_complete.completed": "已經完成此邀請的註冊程序,或是此邀請已過期。",
"signup_team_confirm.checkEmail": "請檢查電子郵件<strong>{email}</strong><br />電子郵件中含有建立團隊的連結",
"signup_team_confirm.title": "註冊完成",
"signup_team_system_console": "前往系統控制台",
- "signup_user_completed.choosePwd": "輸入您的密碼",
- "signup_user_completed.chooseUser": "輸入您的使用者名稱",
+ "signup_user_completed.choosePwd": "輸入密碼",
+ "signup_user_completed.chooseUser": "輸入使用者名稱",
"signup_user_completed.create": "建立新帳號",
"signup_user_completed.emailHelp": "註冊需要有效的電子郵件",
"signup_user_completed.emailIs": "您的電子郵件是<strong>{email}</strong>。請使用這個電子郵件來登入{siteName}。",
- "signup_user_completed.expired": "您已經完成此邀請的註冊程序,或是此邀請已過期。",
+ "signup_user_completed.expired": "已經完成此邀請的註冊程序,或是此邀請已過期。",
"signup_user_completed.gitlab": "使用 GitLab",
"": "使用 Google",
"signup_user_completed.haveAccount": "已經有帳號了?",
"signup_user_completed.invalid_invite": "無效的邀請連結。請聯絡管理員。",
- "signup_user_completed.lets": "讓我們來建立您的帳號",
+ "signup_user_completed.lets": "讓我們來建立帳號吧",
"signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "此伺服器不開放註冊。請聯絡管理員索要邀請。",
"signup_user_completed.none": "沒有啟用的使用者建立方式。請聯絡系統管理員。",
"signup_user_completed.office365": "使用 Office 365",
@@ -1524,7 +1641,7 @@
"signup_user_completed.validEmail": "請輸入一個有效的電子郵件位址",
"signup_user_completed.welcome": "歡迎使用:",
"signup_user_completed.whatis": "您的電子郵件地址是?",
- "signup_user_completed.withLdap": "使用您的 LDAP 認證",
+ "signup_user_completed.withLdap": "使用 LDAP 認證",
"sso_signup.find": "尋找我的團隊",
"sso_signup.gitlab": "用 GitLab 帳號建立團隊",
"": "用 Google Apps 帳號建立團隊",
@@ -1534,11 +1651,14 @@
"suggestion.mention.all": "通知頻道全員。在{townsquare}使用來通知全團隊。",
"": "通知頻道全員",
"": "通知此頻道所有在線的人",
+ "suggestion.mention.members": "頻道成員",
+ "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "不在頻道中",
+ "suggestion.mention.special": "特別提及",
"": "私人群組",
"": "公開頻道",
"": "下載",
"team_export_tab.export": "匯出",
- "team_export_tab.exportTeam": "匯出您的團隊",
+ "team_export_tab.exportTeam": "匯出團隊",
"team_export_tab.exporting": " 匯出中...",
"team_export_tab.ready": " 準備完畢: ",
"team_export_tab.unable": " 無法匯出:{error}",
@@ -1597,12 +1717,14 @@
"user.settings.advance.embed_preview": "可以使用時,顯示實驗性的連結內容預覽",
"user.settings.advance.embed_toggle": "內嵌預覽顯示開關",
"user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "已啟用 {count, number} 項功能",
- "user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "啟用時,文章會顯示連結、顯示顏文字、套用樣式到文字上並自動斷行。此設定預設為開啟。修改此設定後需要重新讀取頁面以生效。",
+ "user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "啟用時,文章會顯示連結、顯示繪文字、套用樣式到文字上並自動斷行。此設定預設為開啟。修改此設定後需要重新讀取頁面以生效。",
"user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "啟用文章格式設定",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "When \"On\", System Messages saying a user has joined or left a channel will be visible. When \"Off\", the System Messages about joining or leaving a channel will be hidden. A message will still show up when you are added to a channel, so you can receive a notification.",
+ "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "Enable Join/Leave Messages",
"user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "在訊息輸入方塊顯示 Markdown 預覽選項",
"": "關閉",
- "user.settings.advance.on": "打開",
- "user.settings.advance.preReleaseDesc": "選用任何您想預覽的預先發佈功能。更改後可能需要重新讀取頁面以生效。",
+ "user.settings.advance.on": "啟用",
+ "user.settings.advance.preReleaseDesc": "選用任何想預覽的預先發佈功能。更改後可能需要重新讀取頁面以生效。",
"user.settings.advance.preReleaseTitle": "預覽預先發佈功能",
"user.settings.advance.sendDesc": "啟用時,'Enter'是插入新行而'Ctrl + Enter'是貼文。",
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "用 Ctrl + Enter 貼文",
@@ -1639,7 +1761,7 @@
"user.settings.display.collapseDesc": "可用時,展開連結以顯示內容預覽。",
"user.settings.display.collapseDisplay": "連結預覽",
"user.settings.display.collapseOff": "關閉",
- "user.settings.display.collapseOn": "打開",
+ "user.settings.display.collapseOn": "啟用",
"user.settings.display.fixedWidthCentered": "固定寬度,置中對齊",
"user.settings.display.fontDesc": "選擇 Mattermost 使用者介面的字型。",
"user.settings.display.fontTitle": "顯示字型",
@@ -1654,9 +1776,9 @@
"user.settings.display.militaryClock": "24 小時制(如:16:00)",
"user.settings.display.nameOptsDesc": "設定在訊息及直接訊息列表該如何顯示其他使用者的名字。",
"user.settings.display.normalClock": "12 小時制(如:4:00 PM)",
- "user.settings.display.preferTime": "選擇您喜好的時間顯示方式。",
+ "user.settings.display.preferTime": "選擇時間顯示方式。",
"user.settings.display.showFullname": "顯示姓跟名",
- "user.settings.display.showNickname": "有暱稱時顯示暱稱,不然顯示姓跟名",
+ "user.settings.display.showNickname": "有暱稱時顯示暱稱,沒有時顯示姓跟名",
"user.settings.display.showUsername": "顯示使用者名稱(預設)",
"user.settings.display.teammateDisplay": "團隊成員名稱顯示",
"user.settings.display.theme.customTheme": "自訂主題",
@@ -1666,15 +1788,15 @@
"user.settings.display.theme.themeColors": "主題配色",
"user.settings.display.theme.title": "主題",
"user.settings.display.title": "顯示設定",
- "user.settings.general.checkEmail": "請檢查您的電子郵件信箱 {email} 以驗證電子郵件地址。",
- "user.settings.general.checkEmailNoAddress": "請檢查您的電子郵件信箱以驗證新的電子郵件地址。",
+ "user.settings.general.checkEmail": "請檢查電子郵件信箱 {email} 以驗證電子郵件地址。",
+ "user.settings.general.checkEmailNoAddress": "請檢查電子郵件信箱以驗證新的電子郵件地址。",
"user.settings.general.close": "關閉",
"user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "電子郵件地址確認",
"": "電子郵件地址",
"user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "經由 GitLab 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "經由 Google 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "電子郵件地址將會用在登入、通知跟重置密碼。更改時需要重新驗證。",
- "user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "您的系統管理員已停用電子郵件。在被啟用之前將不會有通知郵件寄出。",
+ "user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "系統管理員已停用電子郵件。在被啟用之前將不會有通知郵件寄出。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "電子郵件地址將會用在登入、通知跟重置密碼。",
"user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "驗證用電子郵件已寄出到 {email} 。",
"user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "經由 LDAP 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
@@ -1682,9 +1804,9 @@
"user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "經由 Office 365 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "經由 SAML 登入。無法變更電子郵件地址。通知將會寄送到 {email}。",
"user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "您的新電子郵件地址跟舊的一樣。",
- "user.settings.general.emptyName": "按'編輯'以增加您的全名",
- "user.settings.general.emptyNickname": "按'編輯'以增加您的暱稱",
- "user.settings.general.field_handled_externally": "此欄位由您的登入提供者決定。如果您想變更它,您得經由登入提供者變更。",
+ "user.settings.general.emptyName": "按'編輯'以增加全名",
+ "user.settings.general.emptyNickname": "按'編輯'以增加暱稱",
+ "user.settings.general.field_handled_externally": "此欄位由您的登入提供者決定。如果想變更它,得經由登入提供者變更。",
"user.settings.general.firstName": "名字",
"user.settings.general.fullName": "全名",
"user.settings.general.imageTooLarge": "無法上傳個人圖像。檔案過大。",
@@ -1695,7 +1817,7 @@
"user.settings.general.loginLdap": "已經由 LDAP 登入 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "已經由 Office 365 登入 ({email})",
"user.settings.general.loginSaml": "已經由 SAML 登入 ({email})",
- "user.settings.general.newAddress": "新電子郵件地址:{email}<br />請檢查您的電子郵件信箱以驗證上面的地址。",
+ "user.settings.general.newAddress": "新電子郵件地址:{email}<br />請檢查電子郵件信箱以驗證上面的地址。",
"user.settings.general.nickname": "匿稱",
"user.settings.general.nicknameExtra": "暱稱讓您有個除了名字跟使用者名稱以外的稱呼。這通常使用在有多個人的名字跟使用者名稱聽起來差不多的情況。",
"user.settings.general.notificationsExtra": "預設情況下當有人輸入您的名字時您將會收到提及通知。請到{notify}以變更設定。",
@@ -1719,15 +1841,15 @@
"user.settings.languages.promote": "選擇 Mattermost 用哪種語言顯示使用者界面。<br /><br />想要幫忙翻譯嘛?加入 <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattermost 翻譯伺服器</a> 來幫忙。",
"user.settings.mfa.add": "為您的帳號加上多重要素驗證",
"user.settings.mfa.addHelp": "在密碼之上您還可以要求使用智慧型手機所產生的代碼來登入 Mattermost。<br/><br/>若要啟用,請從<a target='_blank' href=''>iTunes</a>或<a target='_blank' href=''>Google Play</a>下載 Google Authenticator。<br/><br/>1. 按上面的<strong>為您的帳號加上多重要素驗證</strong>。<br/>2. 用 Google Authenticator 掃描出來的 QR 碼。<br/>3. 輸入 Google Authenticator 產生的 Token 並點擊<strong>儲存</strong>。<br/><br/>登入時,除了您原本的認證以外還會被要求輸入來自 Google Authenticator 的 Token。",
- "user.settings.mfa.addHelpQr": "請用您的智慧型手機上的 Google Authenticator 應用程式掃描條碼,並將應用程式提供的 Token 填寫於此。",
+ "user.settings.mfa.addHelpQr": "請用智慧型手機上的 Google Authenticator 應用程式掃描條碼,並將應用程式提供的 Token 填寫於此。",
"user.settings.mfa.enterToken": "Token (僅限數字)",
"user.settings.mfa.qrCode": "條碼",
"user.settings.mfa.remove": "從您的帳號移除多重要素驗證",
- "user.settings.mfa.removeHelp": "刪除多重因子認證意味著您將不再需要一個基於手機的密碼以登入您的帳戶。",
+ "user.settings.mfa.removeHelp": "刪除多重因子認證後將不再需要一個基於手機的密碼以登入帳戶。",
"user.settings.mfa.title": "多重要素驗證",
"user.settings.modal.advanced": "進階",
"user.settings.modal.confirmBtns": "是,放棄它們",
- "user.settings.modal.confirmMsg": "您還有未儲存的變更,您確定要放棄它們嘛?",
+ "user.settings.modal.confirmMsg": "還有未儲存的變更,要放棄它們嘛?",
"user.settings.modal.confirmTitle": "放棄變更?",
"user.settings.modal.display": "顯示",
"user.settings.modal.general": "一般",
@@ -1744,34 +1866,46 @@
"user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "通知所有對您的貼文的註解",
"user.settings.notifications.desktop": "發送桌面通知",
"user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "桌面通知音效",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "電子郵件通知會為您離線超過60秒或是離開 {siteName} 5分鐘之後的提及與直接訊息而寄送。",
- "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "電子郵件通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "通知將會合併成一封電子郵件並根據這邊選擇的最長頻率發送。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "在離線或是離開 {siteName} 超過 5 分鐘時,會發送電子郵件以通知關於您的提及與直接訊息。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "發送電子郵件通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyHour": "每小時",
+ "user.settings.notifications.everyXMinutes": "每 {count} 分鐘",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
+ "user.settings.notifications.immediately": "立即",
"": "只有 Firefox、Safari、Chrome、Internet Explorer 和 Edge 可以使用桌面通知。",
"user.settings.notifications.never": "永不",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "沒有設定單字",
"": "關閉",
- "user.settings.notifications.on": "打開",
+ "user.settings.notifications.on": "啟用",
"user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "僅限於提及跟直接訊息",
- "user.settings.notifications.push": "行動推播",
- "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "您的區分大小寫的名字 \"{first_name}\"",
+ "user.settings.notifications.push": "發送行動推播",
+ "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "您的名字,區分大小寫:\"{first_name}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "您的使用者名稱,不區分大小寫:\"{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "其他不區分大小寫的字,用逗號分隔:",
- "user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "請在您的瀏覽器設置中設定通知聲音",
+ "user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "請在瀏覽器設置中設定通知聲音",
"user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "只有 Firefox、Safari、Chrome、Internet Explorer 和 Edge 可以使用桌面通知音效。",
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "對團隊全員的提及 \"@all\"",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "通知設定",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "提及您的使用者名稱 \"@{username}\"",
"user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "觸發提及的字",
- "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "所有的活動",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "For all activity when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "For all activity when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "For all activity when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.away": "Away or offline",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "被系統管理員停用",
"user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "行動裝置推播已被系統管理員停用。",
"": "當 Mattermost 有活動時會推發通知提醒到您的行動裝置。",
"": "關閉",
- "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "僅限於提及跟直接訊息",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "Offline",
+ "": "Online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "For mentions and direct messages when away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "For mentions and direct messages when offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "For mentions and direct messages when online, away or offline",
+ "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "Notification alerts are pushed to your mobile device depending on your online status.",
"": "關閉",
"": "目前的密碼",
- "": "請輸入您原先的密碼",
+ "": "請輸入原先的密碼。",
"": "電子郵件跟密碼",
"": "GitLab",
"": "Google",
@@ -1783,27 +1917,27 @@
"": "登入方式",
"": "新密碼",
"": "Office 365",
- "": "同時間只能只用一種登入方式。如果更換登入方式成功,將會寄送通知信給您。",
+ "": "同時間只能只用一種登入方式。如果更換登入方式成功,將會寄送通知信。",
"": "密碼",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母和一個數字。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母和一個大寫英文字母。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個大寫英文字母和一個數字。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個大寫英文字母、一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個大寫英文字母和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個數字。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母和一個數字。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母、一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
- "": "您的密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母和一個數字。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母和一個大寫英文字母。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個大寫英文字母和一個數字。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個大寫英文字母、一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個小寫英文字母、一個大寫英文字母和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個數字。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母和一個數字。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母、一個數字和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
+ "": "密碼最短必須有{min}個字元且至少有一個大寫英文字母和一個符號(\"~!@#$%^&*()\")。",
"": "經由 GitLab 登入。無法變更密碼。",
"": "經由 LDAP 登入。無法變更密碼。",
- "": "您輸入的新密碼不一致。",
+ "": "輸入的新密碼不一致。",
"": "無效的最短長度,無法顯示預覽。",
"": "再次輸入新密碼",
"": "SAML",