path: root/infrastructure/ace/www/ace2_outer.js
diff options
authorEgil Moeller <>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
committerEgil Moeller <>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
commitd56b9b3b82cdebcaeb00eec0fcb4326ad21adaa8 (patch)
treeb1dfe31956f3fc86e3408f1efac5e12acf65b11a /infrastructure/ace/www/ace2_outer.js
parentc1894c8e0a52f4e3d2f89fa92f0066bbf0fcf1b1 (diff)
parent103d4926ae6c61824dc0b48be7bf66f08830ed47 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'infrastructure/ace/www/ace2_outer.js')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infrastructure/ace/www/ace2_outer.js b/infrastructure/ace/www/ace2_outer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fc20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infrastructure/ace/www/ace2_outer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+Ace2Editor.registry = { nextId: 1 };
+function Ace2Editor() {
+ var thisFunctionsName = "Ace2Editor";
+ var ace2 = Ace2Editor;
+ var editor = {};
+ var info = { editor: editor, id: (ace2.registry.nextId++) };
+ var loaded = false;
+ var actionsPendingInit = [];
+ function pendingInit(func, optDoNow) {
+ return function() {
+ var that = this;
+ var args = arguments;
+ function action() {
+ func.apply(that, args);
+ }
+ if (optDoNow) {
+ optDoNow.apply(that, args);
+ }
+ if (loaded) {
+ action();
+ }
+ else {
+ actionsPendingInit.push(action);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function doActionsPendingInit() {
+ for(var i=0;i<actionsPendingInit.length;i++) {
+ actionsPendingInit[i]();
+ }
+ actionsPendingInit = [];
+ }
+ ace2.registry[] = info;
+ editor.importText = pendingInit(function(newCode, undoable) {
+ info.ace_importText(newCode, undoable); });
+ editor.importAText = pendingInit(function(newCode, apoolJsonObj, undoable) {
+ info.ace_importAText(newCode, apoolJsonObj, undoable); });
+ editor.exportText = function() {
+ if (! loaded) return "(awaiting init)\n";
+ return info.ace_exportText();
+ };
+ editor.getFrame = function() { return info.frame || null; };
+ editor.focus = pendingInit(function() { info.ace_focus(); });
+ editor.adjustSize = pendingInit(function() {
+ var frameParent = info.frame.parentNode;
+ var parentHeight = frameParent.clientHeight;
+ // deal with case where iframe is hidden, no clientHeight
+ = (parentHeight ? parentHeight+"px" :
+ info.ace_editorChangedSize();
+ });
+ editor.setEditable = pendingInit(function(newVal) { info.ace_setEditable(newVal); });
+ editor.getFormattedCode = function() { return info.ace_getFormattedCode(); };
+ editor.setOnKeyPress = pendingInit(function (handler) { info.ace_setOnKeyPress(handler); });
+ editor.setOnKeyDown = pendingInit(function (handler) { info.ace_setOnKeyDown(handler); });
+ editor.setNotifyDirty = pendingInit(function (handler) { info.ace_setNotifyDirty(handler); });
+ editor.setProperty = pendingInit(function(key, value) { info.ace_setProperty(key, value); });
+ editor.getDebugProperty = function(prop) { return info.ace_getDebugProperty(prop); };
+ editor.setBaseText = pendingInit(function(txt) { info.ace_setBaseText(txt); });
+ editor.setBaseAttributedText = pendingInit(function(atxt, apoolJsonObj) {
+ info.ace_setBaseAttributedText(atxt, apoolJsonObj); });
+ editor.applyChangesToBase = pendingInit(function (changes, optAuthor,apoolJsonObj) {
+ info.ace_applyChangesToBase(changes, optAuthor, apoolJsonObj); });
+ // prepareUserChangeset:
+ // Returns null if no new changes or ACE not ready. Otherwise, bundles up all user changes
+ // to the latest base text into a Changeset, which is returned (as a string if encodeAsString).
+ // If this method returns a truthy value, then applyPreparedChangesetToBase can be called
+ // at some later point to consider these changes part of the base, after which prepareUserChangeset
+ // must be called again before applyPreparedChangesetToBase. Multiple consecutive calls
+ // to prepareUserChangeset will return an updated changeset that takes into account the
+ // latest user changes, and modify the changeset to be applied by applyPreparedChangesetToBase
+ // accordingly.
+ editor.prepareUserChangeset = function() {
+ if (! loaded) return null;
+ return info.ace_prepareUserChangeset();
+ };
+ editor.applyPreparedChangesetToBase = pendingInit(
+ function() { info.ace_applyPreparedChangesetToBase(); });
+ editor.setUserChangeNotificationCallback = pendingInit(function(callback) {
+ info.ace_setUserChangeNotificationCallback(callback);
+ });
+ editor.setAuthorInfo = pendingInit(function(author, authorInfo) {
+ info.ace_setAuthorInfo(author, authorInfo);
+ });
+ editor.setAuthorSelectionRange = pendingInit(function(author, start, end) {
+ info.ace_setAuthorSelectionRange(author, start, end);
+ });
+ editor.getUnhandledErrors = function() {
+ if (! loaded) return [];
+ // returns array of {error: <browser Error object>, time: +new Date()}
+ return info.ace_getUnhandledErrors();
+ };
+ editor.execCommand = pendingInit(function(cmd, arg1) {
+ info.ace_execCommand(cmd, arg1);
+ });
+ // calls to these functions ($$INCLUDE_...) are replaced when this file is processed
+ // and compressed, putting the compressed code from the named file directly into the
+ // source here.
+ var $$INCLUDE_CSS = function(fileName) {
+ return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+fileName+'"/>';
+ };
+ var $$INCLUDE_JS = function(fileName) {
+ return '\x3cscript type="text/javascript" src="'+fileName+'">\x3c/script>';
+ };
+ var $$INCLUDE_CSS_Q = function(fileName) {
+ return '\'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+fileName+'"/>\'';
+ };
+ var $$INCLUDE_JS_Q = function(fileName) {
+ return '\'\\x3cscript type="text/javascript" src="'+fileName+'">\\x3c/script>\'';
+ };
+ editor.destroy = pendingInit(function() {
+ info.ace_dispose();
+ info.frame.parentNode.removeChild(info.frame);
+ delete ace2.registry[];
+ info = null; // prevent IE 6 closure memory leaks
+ });
+ editor.init = function(containerId, initialCode, doneFunc) {
+ editor.importText(initialCode);
+ info.onEditorReady = function() {
+ loaded = true;
+ doActionsPendingInit();
+ doneFunc();
+ };
+ (function() {
+ var doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" '+
+ '"">';
+ var iframeHTML = ["'"+doctype+"<html><head>'"];
+ // these lines must conform to a specific format because they are passed by the build script:
+ iframeHTML.push($$INCLUDE_CSS_Q("editor.css syntax.css inner.css"));
+ //iframeHTML.push(INCLUDE_JS_Q_DEV("ace2_common_dev.js"));
+ //iframeHTML.push(INCLUDE_JS_Q_DEV("profiler.js"));
+ iframeHTML.push($$INCLUDE_JS_Q("ace2_common.js skiplist.js virtual_lines.js easysync2.js cssmanager.js colorutils.js undomodule.js contentcollector.js changesettracker.js linestylefilter.js domline.js"));
+ iframeHTML.push($$INCLUDE_JS_Q("ace2_inner.js"));
+ iframeHTML.push('\'\\n<style type="text/css" title="dynamicsyntax"></style>\\n\'');
+ iframeHTML.push('\'</head><body id="innerdocbody" class="syntax" spellcheck="false">&nbsp;</body></html>\'');
+ var outerScript = 'editorId = "''"; editorInfo = parent.'+
+ thisFunctionsName+'.registry[editorId]; '+
+ 'window.onload = function() '+
+ '{ window.onload = null; setTimeout'+
+ '(function() '+
+ '{ var iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME"); '+
+ 'iframe.scrolling = "no"; var outerdocbody = document.getElementById("outerdocbody"); '+
+ 'iframe.frameBorder = 0; iframe.allowTransparency = true; '+ // for IE
+ 'outerdocbody.insertBefore(iframe, outerdocbody.firstChild); '+
+ 'iframe.ace_outerWin = window; '+
+ 'readyFunc = function() { editorInfo.onEditorReady(); readyFunc = null; editorInfo = null; }; '+
+ 'var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;; doc.write('+
+ iframeHTML.join('+')+'); doc.close(); '+
+ '}, 0); }';
+ var outerHTML = [doctype, '<html><head>',
+ $$INCLUDE_CSS("editor.css"),
+ // bizarrely, in FF2, a file with no "external" dependencies won't finish loading properly
+ // (throbs busy while typing)
+ '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="data:text/css,"/>',
+ '\x3cscript>', outerScript, '\x3c/script>',
+ '</head><body id="outerdocbody"><div id="sidediv"><!-- --></div><div id="linemetricsdiv">x</div><div id="overlaysdiv"><!-- --></div></body></html>'];
+ var outerFrame = document.createElement("IFRAME");
+ outerFrame.frameBorder = 0; // for IE
+ info.frame = outerFrame;
+ document.getElementById(containerId).appendChild(outerFrame);
+ var editorDocument = outerFrame.contentWindow.document;
+ editorDocument.write(outerHTML.join(''));
+ editorDocument.close();
+ editor.adjustSize();
+ })();
+ };
+ return editor;