path: root/infrastructure/ace/www/lexer_support.js
diff options
authorEgil Moeller <>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
committerEgil Moeller <>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
commitd56b9b3b82cdebcaeb00eec0fcb4326ad21adaa8 (patch)
treeb1dfe31956f3fc86e3408f1efac5e12acf65b11a /infrastructure/ace/www/lexer_support.js
parentc1894c8e0a52f4e3d2f89fa92f0066bbf0fcf1b1 (diff)
parent103d4926ae6c61824dc0b48be7bf66f08830ed47 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'infrastructure/ace/www/lexer_support.js')
1 files changed, 1068 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infrastructure/ace/www/lexer_support.js b/infrastructure/ace/www/lexer_support.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d54f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infrastructure/ace/www/lexer_support.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1068 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* This file is also a Helma module, referenced by its path! */
+AceLexer = (function lexer_init() {
+// utility functions, make this file self-contained
+function forEach(array, func) {
+ for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
+ var result = func(array[i], i);
+ if (result) break;
+ }
+function map(array, func) {
+ var result = [];
+ // must remain compatible with "arguments" pseudo-array
+ for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
+ if (func) result.push(func(array[i], i));
+ else result.push(array[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+function filter(array, func) {
+ var result = [];
+ // must remain compatible with "arguments" pseudo-array
+ for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
+ if (func(array[i], i)) result.push(array[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+function isArray(testObject) {
+ return testObject && typeof testObject === 'object' &&
+ !(testObject.propertyIsEnumerable('length')) &&
+ typeof testObject.length === 'number';
+// these three lines inspired by Steven Levithan's XRegExp
+var singleLineRegex = /(?:[^[\\.]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$)|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?)+|\./g;
+var backReferenceRegex = /(?:[^\\[]+|\\(?:[^0-9]|$)|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?)+|\\([0-9]+)/g;
+var parenFindingRegex = /(?:[^[(\\]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$)|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?|\((?=\?))+|(\()/g;
+// Creates a function that, when called with (string, startIndex), finds the first of the patterns that
+// matches the string starting at startIndex (and anchored there). Expects startIndex < string.length.
+// The function returns a structure containing "whichCase", a number 0..(patterns.length-1) giving the
+// index of the pattern that matched, or -1 if no pattern did, and "result", an array of the kind
+// returned by RegExp.exec called on that pattern, or the array that would be returned by matching /[\S\s]/
+// (any single character) if no other pattern matched. Supports the flags 'i', 'm', and 's', where the
+// effect of 's' is to make dots match all characters, including newlines.
+// Patterns in general are not allowed to match zero-width strings, but a pattern that is specified
+// as a regular expression literal with the 'm' flag is considered special, and may be zero-width,
+// though as a consequence the match cannot include the final newline of the document. (Other flags
+// on regular expression literals are ignored; use the "flags" argument instead.)
+function makeRegexSwitch(patterns, flags) {
+ var numPatterns = patterns.length;
+ var patternStrings = map(patterns, function (p) {
+ if ((typeof p) == "string")
+ return p; // a string
+ else return p.source; // assume it's a regex
+ });
+ var patternZeros = map(patterns, function (p) {
+ // using "multiline" is a special way to indicate the reg-ex is zero-width
+ return ((typeof p) != "string") && p.multiline;
+ });
+ patternStrings.push("[\\S\\s]"); // default case
+ patternZeros.push(false);
+ // how many capturing groups each pattern has
+ var numGroups = map(patternStrings, function (p) {
+ var count = 0;
+ p.replace(parenFindingRegex, function (full,paren,offset) { if (paren) count++; });
+ return count;
+ });
+ // the group number for each case of the switch
+ var caseGroupNums = [];
+ var idx = 1;
+ forEach(numGroups, function (n) { caseGroupNums.push(idx); idx += n+1; });
+ // make a big alternation of capturing groups
+ var alternation = map(patternStrings, function(p, pi) {
+ // correct the back-reference numbers
+ p = p.replace(backReferenceRegex, function (full, num) {
+ if (num) return "\\"+((+num)+caseGroupNums[pi]);
+ else return full;
+ });
+ var extra = (patternZeros[pi] ? "[\\S\\s]": ""); // tack on another char for zero-widths
+ return '('+p+extra+')';
+ }).join('|');
+ // process regex flags
+ flags = (flags || "");
+ var realFlags = "g";
+ for(var i=0;i<flags.length;i++) {
+ var f = flags.charAt(i);
+ if (f == "i" || f == "m") realFlags += f;
+ else if (f == "s") {
+ alternation = alternation.replace(singleLineRegex,
+ function (x) { return x==='.' ? "[\\S\\s]" : x; });
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log(alternation);
+ var bigRegex = new RegExp(alternation, realFlags);
+ return function (string, matchIndex) {
+ bigRegex.lastIndex = matchIndex;
+ var execResult = bigRegex.exec(string);
+ var whichCase;
+ var resultArray = [];
+ // search linearly for which case matched in the alternation
+ for(var i=0;i<=numPatterns;i++) {
+ var groupNum = caseGroupNums[i];
+ if (execResult[groupNum]) {
+ whichCase = i;
+ for(var j=0;j<=numGroups[i];j++) {
+ var r = execResult[groupNum+j];
+ if (patternZeros[i] && j==0) {
+ r = r.substring(0, r.length-1);
+ }
+ resultArray[j] = r;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (whichCase == numPatterns)
+ whichCase = -1; // default case
+ return {whichCase: whichCase, result: resultArray};
+ }
+var tokenClasses = {
+ 'Token': '',
+ 'Text': '',
+ 'TEST': 'test',
+ 'Whitespace': 'w',
+ 'Error': 'err',
+ 'Other': 'x',
+ 'Dirty': 'dirty',
+ 'Keyword': 'k',
+ 'Keyword.Constant': 'kc',
+ 'Keyword.Declaration': 'kd',
+ 'Keyword.Pseudo': 'kp',
+ 'Keyword.Reserved': 'kr',
+ 'Keyword.Type': 'kt',
+ 'Name': 'n',
+ 'Name.Attribute': 'na',
+ 'Name.Builtin': 'nb',
+ 'Name.Builtin.Pseudo': 'bp',
+ 'Name.Class': 'nc',
+ 'Name.Constant': 'no',
+ 'Name.Decorator': 'nd',
+ 'Name.Entity': 'ni',
+ 'Name.Exception': 'ne',
+ 'Name.Function': 'nf',
+ 'Name.Property': 'py',
+ 'Name.Label': 'nl',
+ 'Name.Namespace': 'nn',
+ 'Name.Other': 'nx',
+ 'Name.Tag': 'nt',
+ 'Name.Variable': 'nv',
+ 'Name.Variable.Class': 'vc',
+ 'Name.Variable.Global': 'vg',
+ 'Name.Variable.Instance': 'vi',
+ 'Literal': 'l',
+ 'Literal.Date': 'ld',
+ 'String': 's',
+ 'String.Backtick': 'sb',
+ 'String.Char': 'sc',
+ 'String.Doc': 'sd',
+ 'String.Double': 's2',
+ 'String.Escape': 'se',
+ 'String.Heredoc': 'sh',
+ 'String.Interpol': 'si',
+ 'String.Other': 'sx',
+ 'String.Regex': 'sr',
+ 'String.Single': 's1',
+ 'String.Symbol': 'ss',
+ 'Number': 'm',
+ 'Number.Float': 'mf',
+ 'Number.Hex': 'mh',
+ 'Number.Integer': 'mi',
+ 'Number.Integer.Long': 'il',
+ 'Number.Oct': 'mo',
+ 'Operator': 'o',
+ 'Operator.Word': 'ow',
+ 'Punctuation': 'p',
+ 'Comment': 'c',
+ 'Comment.Multiline': 'cm',
+ 'Comment.Preproc': 'cp',
+ 'Comment.Single': 'c1',
+ 'Comment.Special': 'cs',
+ 'Generic': 'g',
+ 'Generic.Deleted': 'gd',
+ 'Generic.Emph': 'ge',
+ 'Generic.Error': 'gr',
+ 'Generic.Heading': 'gh',
+ 'Generic.Inserted': 'gi',
+ 'Generic.Output': 'go',
+ 'Generic.Prompt': 'gp',
+ 'Generic.Strong': 'gs',
+ 'Generic.Subheading': 'gu',
+ 'Generic.Traceback': 'gt'
+function makeTokenProducer(regexData, flags) {
+ var data = {};
+ var procCasesMap = {};
+ // topological sort of state dependencies
+ var statesToProcess = [];
+ var sortedStates = [];
+ var sortedStatesMap = {};
+ for(var state in regexData) statesToProcess.push(state);
+ while (statesToProcess.length > 0) {
+ var state = statesToProcess.shift();
+ var stateReady = true;
+ forEach(regexData[state], function (c) {
+ if ((typeof c) == "object" && c.include) {
+ var otherState = c.include;
+ if (/!$/.exec(otherState)) {
+ otherState = otherState.substring(0, otherState.length-1);
+ }
+ if (! sortedStatesMap[otherState]) {
+ stateReady = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (stateReady) {
+ sortedStates.push(state);
+ sortedStatesMap[state] = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // move to end of queue
+ statesToProcess.push(state);
+ }
+ }
+ forEach(sortedStates, function(state) {
+ var cases = regexData[state];
+ var procCases = [];
+ forEach(cases, function (c) {
+ if ((typeof c) == "object" && c.include) {
+ var otherState = c.include;
+ var isBang = false;
+ if (/!$/.exec(otherState)) {
+ // "bang" include, returns to other state
+ otherState = otherState.substring(0, otherState.length-1);
+ isBang = true;
+ }
+ forEach(procCasesMap[otherState], function (d) {
+ var dd = [d[0], d[1], d[2]];
+ if (isBang) {
+ if (! (d[2] && d[2][0] && d[2][0].indexOf('#pop') != 0)) {
+ dd[2] = ['#pop', otherState].concat(d[2] || []);
+ }
+ }
+ procCases.push(dd);
+ });
+ }
+ else procCases.push(c);
+ });
+ procCasesMap[state] = procCases;
+ data[state] = {
+ switcher: makeRegexSwitch(map(procCases, function(x) { return x[0]; }), flags),
+ tokenTypes: map(procCases, function(x) { return x[1]; }),
+ stateEffects: map(procCases, function(y) {
+ var x = y[2];
+ if (!x) return [];
+ if (isArray(x)) return x;
+ return [x];
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ // mutates stateStack, calls tokenFunc on each new token in order, returns new index
+ return function(string, startIndex, stateStack, tokenFunc) {
+ var stateBefore = stateStack.join('/');
+ while (true) { // loop until non-zero-length token
+ var stateData = data[stateStack[stateStack.length-1]];
+ var switcherResult = stateData.switcher(string, startIndex);
+ var whichCase = switcherResult.whichCase;
+ var regexResult = switcherResult.result;
+ var tokenTypes, stateEffects;
+ if (whichCase < 0) {
+ tokenTypes = 'Error';
+ stateEffects = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ tokenTypes = stateData.tokenTypes[whichCase];
+ stateEffects = stateData.stateEffects[whichCase];
+ }
+ if (stateEffects) {
+ forEach(stateEffects, function (se) {
+ if (se === '#pop') stateStack.pop();
+ else if (se === '#popall') {
+ while (stateStack.length > 0) stateStack.pop();
+ }
+ else stateStack.push(se);
+ });
+ }
+ var stateAfter = stateStack.join('/');
+ if (regexResult[0].length > 0) {
+ if ((typeof tokenTypes) === "object" && tokenTypes.bygroups) {
+ var types = tokenTypes.bygroups;
+ forEach(types, function (t,i) {
+ var tkn = { width:regexResult[i+1].length, type:t };
+ if (i == 0) tkn.stateBefore = stateBefore;
+ if (i == (types.length-1)) tkn.stateAfter = stateAfter;
+ tokenFunc(tkn);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ tokenFunc({ width:regexResult[0].length, type:tokenTypes,
+ stateBefore:stateBefore, stateAfter:stateAfter });
+ }
+ return startIndex + regexResult[0].length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function makeSimpleLexer(tokenProducer) {
+ function lexString(str, tokenFunc) {
+ var state = ['root'];
+ var idx = 0;
+ while (idx < str.length) {
+ var i = idx;
+ idx = tokenProducer(str, idx, state, function (tkn) {
+ tokenFunc(str.substr(i, tkn.width), tkn.type);
+ i += tkn.width;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function lexAsLines(str, tokenFunc, newLineFunc) {
+ str += "\n";
+ var nextNewline = str.indexOf('\n');
+ var curIndex = 0;
+ lexString(str, function(txt, typ) {
+ var wid = txt.length;
+ var widthLeft = wid;
+ while (widthLeft > 0 && curIndex + wid > nextNewline) {
+ var w = nextNewline - curIndex;
+ if (w > 0) {
+ tokenFunc(str.substr(curIndex, w), typ);
+ }
+ curIndex += (w+1);
+ widthLeft -= (w+1);
+ if (curIndex < str.length) {
+ newLineFunc();
+ nextNewline = str.indexOf("\n", curIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ if (widthLeft > 0) {
+ tokenFunc(str.substr(curIndex, widthLeft), typ);
+ curIndex += widthLeft;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return {lexString:lexString, lexAsLines:lexAsLines};
+var txtTokenProducer = makeTokenProducer(
+ {
+ 'root': [
+ [/.*?\n/, 'Text'],
+ [/.+/, 'Text']
+ ]
+ }, 's');
+var jsTokenProducer = makeTokenProducer(
+ {
+ 'root': [
+ [/\/\*[^\w\n]+appjet:version[^\w\n]+[0-9.]+[^\w\n]+\*\/[^\w\n]*(?=\n)/,
+ 'Comment.Special', 'main'],
+ [/(?:)/m, 'Text', ['main', 'regex-ready', 'linestart']]
+ ],
+ 'whitespace' : [
+ [/\n/, 'Text', 'linestart'],
+ [/[^\S\n]+/, 'Text'],
+ [/\/\*/, 'Comment', 'longcomment']
+ ],
+ 'common' : [
+ {include:'whitespace'},
+ [/\"/, 'String.Double', 'dstr'],
+ [/\'/, 'String.Single', 'sstr']
+ ],
+ 'regex-ready' : [
+ {include:'whitespace'},
+ [/\/(?:[^[\\\n\/]|\\.|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]\n]|\\.)+\]?)+\/[gim]*/, 'String.Regex'],
+ [/(?:)/m, 'Text', '#pop']
+ ],
+ 'main': [
+ [/\"\"\"/, 'String.Doc', 'mstr'],
+ {include:"common"},
+ [/<!--/, 'Comment'],
+ [/\/\/.*?(?=\n)/, 'Comment'],
+ [/[\{\}\[\]\(;]/, 'Punctuation', 'regex-ready'],
+ [/[\).]/, 'Punctuation'],
+ [/[~\^\*!%&<>\|=:,\/?\\]/, 'Operator', 'regex-ready'],
+ [/[+-]/, 'Operator'],
+ ['(import|break|case|catch|const|continue|default|delete|do|else|'+
+ 'export|for|function|if|in|instanceof|label|new|return|switch|this|'+
+ 'throw|try|typeof|var|void|while|with|abstract|boolean|byte|catch|char|'+
+ 'class|const|debugger|double|enum|extends|final|finally|float|goto|implements|'+
+ 'int|interface|long|native|package|private|protected|public|short|static|super|'+
+ 'synchronized|throws|transient|volatile|let|yield)\\b', 'Keyword'],
+ [/(true|false|null|NaN|Infinity|undefined)\b/, 'Keyword.Constant'],
+ [/[$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, 'Name.Other'],
+ [/[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?/, 'Number.Float'],
+ [/0x[0-9a-f]+/, 'Number.Hex'],
+ [/[0-9]+/, 'Number.Integer']
+ ],
+ 'csscommon': [ // common outside of style rule brackets
+ {include:'common'},
+ [/\{/, 'Punctuation', 'csscontent'],
+ [/\:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/, 'Name.Decorator'],
+ [/\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/, 'Name.Class'],
+ [/\#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/, 'Name.Function'],
+ [/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/, 'Name.Tag'],
+ [/[~\^\*!%&\[\]\(\)<>\|+=@:;,.\/?-]/, 'Operator']
+ ],
+ 'cssmain': [
+ [/(@media)([^\S\n]+)(\w+)([^\S\n]*)(\{)/, {bygroups:['Keyword', 'Text', 'String',
+ 'Text', 'Punctuation']}, 'cssmedia'],
+ {include:'csscommon'}
+ ],
+ 'cssmedia': [
+ {include:'csscommon'},
+ [/\}/, 'Punctuation', '#pop']
+ ],
+ 'csscontent': [
+ {include:'common'},
+ [/\}/, 'Punctuation', '#pop'],
+ [/url\(.*?\)/, 'String.Other'],
+ ['(azimuth|background-attachment|background-color|'+
+ 'background-image|background-position|background-repeat|'+
+ 'background|border-bottom-color|border-bottom-style|'+
+ 'border-bottom-width|border-left-color|border-left-style|'+
+ 'border-left-width|border-right|border-right-color|'+
+ 'border-right-style|border-right-width|border-top-color|'+
+ 'border-top-style|border-top-width|border-bottom|'+
+ 'border-collapse|border-left|border-width|border-color|'+
+ 'border-spacing|border-style|border-top|border|caption-side|'+
+ 'clear|clip|color|content|counter-increment|counter-reset|'+
+ 'cue-after|cue-before|cue|cursor|direction|display|'+
+ 'elevation|empty-cells|float|font-family|font-size|'+
+ 'font-size-adjust|font-stretch|font-style|font-variant|'+
+ 'font-weight|font|height|letter-spacing|line-height|'+
+ 'list-style-type|list-style-image|list-style-position|'+
+ 'list-style|margin-bottom|margin-left|margin-right|'+
+ 'margin-top|margin|marker-offset|marks|max-height|max-width|'+
+ 'min-height|min-width|opacity|orphans|outline|outline-color|'+
+ 'outline-style|outline-width|overflow|padding-bottom|'+
+ 'padding-left|padding-right|padding-top|padding|page|'+
+ 'page-break-after|page-break-before|page-break-inside|'+
+ 'pause-after|pause-before|pause|pitch|pitch-range|'+
+ 'play-during|position|quotes|richness|right|size|'+
+ 'speak-header|speak-numeral|speak-punctuation|speak|'+
+ 'speech-rate|stress|table-layout|text-align|text-decoration|'+
+ 'text-indent|text-shadow|text-transform|top|unicode-bidi|'+
+ 'vertical-align|visibility|voice-family|volume|white-space|'+
+ 'widows|width|word-spacing|z-index|bottom|left|'+
+ 'above|absolute|always|armenian|aural|auto|avoid|baseline|'+
+ 'behind|below|bidi-override|blink|block|bold|bolder|both|'+
+ 'capitalize|center-left|center-right|center|circle|'+
+ 'cjk-ideographic|close-quote|collapse|condensed|continuous|'+
+ 'crop|crosshair|cross|cursive|dashed|decimal-leading-zero|'+
+ 'decimal|default|digits|disc|dotted|double|e-resize|embed|'+
+ 'extra-condensed|extra-expanded|expanded|fantasy|far-left|'+
+ 'far-right|faster|fast|fixed|georgian|groove|hebrew|help|'+
+ 'hidden|hide|higher|high|hiragana-iroha|hiragana|icon|'+
+ 'inherit|inline-table|inline|inset|inside|invert|italic|'+
+ 'justify|katakana-iroha|katakana|landscape|larger|large|'+
+ 'left-side|leftwards|level|lighter|line-through|list-item|'+
+ 'loud|lower-alpha|lower-greek|lower-roman|lowercase|ltr|'+
+ 'lower|low|medium|message-box|middle|mix|monospace|'+
+ 'n-resize|narrower|ne-resize|no-close-quote|no-open-quote|'+
+ 'no-repeat|none|normal|nowrap|nw-resize|oblique|once|'+
+ 'open-quote|outset|outside|overline|pointer|portrait|px|'+
+ 'relative|repeat-x|repeat-y|repeat|rgb|ridge|right-side|'+
+ 'rightwards|s-resize|sans-serif|scroll|se-resize|'+
+ 'semi-condensed|semi-expanded|separate|serif|show|silent|'+
+ 'slow|slower|small-caps|small-caption|smaller|soft|solid|'+
+ 'spell-out|square|static|status-bar|super|sw-resize|'+
+ 'table-caption|table-cell|table-column|table-column-group|'+
+ 'table-footer-group|table-header-group|table-row|'+
+ 'table-row-group|text|text-bottom|text-top|thick|thin|'+
+ 'transparent|ultra-condensed|ultra-expanded|underline|'+
+ 'upper-alpha|upper-latin|upper-roman|uppercase|url|'+
+ 'visible|w-resize|wait|wider|x-fast|x-high|x-large|x-loud|'+
+ 'x-low|x-small|x-soft|xx-large|xx-small|yes)\\b', 'Keyword'],
+ ['(indigo|gold|firebrick|indianred|yellow|darkolivegreen|'+
+ 'darkseagreen|mediumvioletred|mediumorchid|chartreuse|'+
+ 'mediumslateblue|black|springgreen|crimson|lightsalmon|brown|'+
+ 'turquoise|olivedrab|cyan|silver|skyblue|gray|darkturquoise|'+
+ 'goldenrod|darkgreen|darkviolet|darkgray|lightpink|teal|'+
+ 'darkmagenta|lightgoldenrodyellow|lavender|yellowgreen|thistle|'+
+ 'violet|navy|orchid|blue|ghostwhite|honeydew|cornflowerblue|'+
+ 'darkblue|darkkhaki|mediumpurple|cornsilk|red|bisque|slategray|'+
+ 'darkcyan|khaki|wheat|deepskyblue|darkred|steelblue|aliceblue|'+
+ 'gainsboro|mediumturquoise|floralwhite|coral|purple|lightgrey|'+
+ 'lightcyan|darksalmon|beige|azure|lightsteelblue|oldlace|'+
+ 'greenyellow|royalblue|lightseagreen|mistyrose|sienna|'+
+ 'lightcoral|orangered|navajowhite|lime|palegreen|burlywood|'+
+ 'seashell|mediumspringgreen|fuchsia|papayawhip|blanchedalmond|'+
+ 'peru|aquamarine|white|darkslategray|ivory|dodgerblue|'+
+ 'lemonchiffon|chocolate|orange|forestgreen|slateblue|olive|'+
+ 'mintcream|antiquewhite|darkorange|cadetblue|moccasin|'+
+ 'limegreen|saddlebrown|darkslateblue|lightskyblue|deeppink|'+
+ 'plum|aqua|darkgoldenrod|maroon|sandybrown|magenta|tan|'+
+ 'rosybrown|pink|lightblue|palevioletred|mediumseagreen|'+
+ 'dimgray|powderblue|seagreen|snow|mediumblue|midnightblue|'+
+ 'paleturquoise|palegoldenrod|whitesmoke|darkorchid|salmon|'+
+ 'lightslategray|lawngreen|lightgreen|tomato|hotpink|'+
+ 'lightyellow|lavenderblush|linen|mediumaquamarine|green|'+
+ 'blueviolet|peachpuff)\\b', 'Name.Builtin'],
+ [/\!important/, 'Comment.Preproc'],
+ [/\#[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,6}/, 'Number'],
+ [/[\.-]?[0-9]*[\.]?[0-9]+(em|px|\%|pt|pc|in|mm|cm|ex)/, 'Number'],
+ [/-?[0-9]+/, 'Number'],
+ [/[~\^\*!%&<>\|+=@:,.\/?-]+/, 'Operator'],
+ [/[\[\]();]+/, 'Punctuation'],
+ [/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+/, 'Name']
+ ],
+ 'linestart': [
+ [/\/\*[^\w\n]+appjet:css[^\w\n]+\*\/[^\w\n]*(?=\n)/, 'Comment.Special',
+ ['#popall', 'root', 'cssmain']],
+ [/\/\*[^\w\n]+appjet:(\w+)[^\w\n]+\*\/[^\w\n]*(?=\n)/, 'Comment.Special',
+ ['#popall', 'root', 'main', 'regex-ready']],
+ [/(?:)/m, 'Text', '#pop']
+ ],
+ 'dstr': [
+ [/\"/, 'String.Double', '#pop'],
+ [/(?=\n)/m, 'String.Double', '#pop'],
+ [/(\\\\|\\\"|[^\"\n])+/, 'String.Double']
+ ],
+ 'sstr': [
+ [/\'/, 'String.Single', '#pop'],
+ [/(?=\n)/m, 'String.Single', '#pop'],
+ [/(\\\\|\\\'|[^\'\n])+/, 'String.Single']
+ ],
+ 'longcomment': [
+ [/\*\//, 'Comment', '#pop'],
+ [/\n/, 'Comment'],
+ [/.+?(?:\n|(?=\*\/))/, 'Comment']
+ ],
+ 'mstr': [
+ [/(\\\"\"\"|\n)/, 'String.Doc'],
+ [/\"\"\"/, 'String.Doc', '#pop'],
+ [/.+?(?=\\"""|"""|\n)/, 'String.Doc']
+ ]
+ }
+function escapeHTML(s) {
+ var re = /[&<>\'\" ]/g;
+ if (! re.MAP) {
+ // persisted across function calls!
+ re.MAP = {
+ '&': '&amp;',
+ '<': '&lt;',
+ '>': '&gt;',
+ '"': '&#34;',
+ "'": '&#39;',
+ ' ': '&#160;'
+ };
+ }
+ return s.replace(re, function(c) { return re.MAP[c]; });
+var simpleLexer = makeSimpleLexer(jsTokenProducer);
+function codeStringToHTML(codeString) {
+ var atLineStart = true;
+ var html = [];
+ function tokenFunc(txt, type) {
+ var cls = tokenClasses[type];
+ if (cls) html.push('<tt class="',tokenClasses[type],'">');
+ else html.push('<tt>');
+ html.push(escapeHTML(txt),'</tt>');
+ atLineStart = false;
+ }
+ function newLineFunc() {
+ html.push('<br/>\n');
+ atLineStart = true;
+ }
+ simpleLexer.lexAsLines(codeString, tokenFunc, newLineFunc);
+ if (atLineStart) html.push('<br/>\n');
+ return html.join('');
+/* ========== Incremental Lexer for ACE ========== */
+function makeIncrementalLexer(tokenProducer) {
+ var tokens = newSkipList();
+ var buffer = "";
+ var nextId = 1;
+ var dirtyTokenKeys = [];
+ var uncoloredRanges = [];
+ //top.dbg_uncoloredRanges = function() { return uncoloredRanges; }
+ //top.dbg_dirtyTokenKeys = function() { return dirtyTokenKeys; }
+ function mergeRangesIfTouching(a, b) {
+ // if a = [a0,a1] and b = [b0,b1] are overlapping or touching, return a single merged range
+ // else return null
+ var a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], b0 = b[0], b1 = b[1];
+ if (a1 < b0) return null;
+ if (b1 < a0) return null;
+ var c0 = ((a0 < b0) ? a0 : b0);
+ var c1 = ((a1 > b1) ? a1 : b1);
+ return [c0,c1];
+ }
+ function addUncoloredRange(rng) {
+ // shouldn't this merge existing ranges if the new range overlaps multiple ones?
+ var done = false;
+ forEach(uncoloredRanges, function (x, i) {
+ var merged = mergeRangesIfTouching(x, rng);
+ if (merged) {
+ uncoloredRanges[i] = merged;
+ done = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (! done) {
+ uncoloredRanges.push(rng);
+ }
+ }
+ function removeUncoloredRange(rng) {
+ var i = uncoloredRanges.length-1;
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ removeUncoloredRangeFrom(rng, i);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ function removeUncoloredRangeFrom(rangeToRemove, containingRangeIndex) {
+ var idx = containingRangeIndex;
+ var cont = uncoloredRanges[idx];
+ var rem0 = rangeToRemove[0], rem1 = rangeToRemove[1];
+ // limit to containing range
+ if (rem0 < cont[0]) rem0 = cont[0];
+ if (rem1 > cont[1]) rem1 = cont[1];
+ if (rem1 <= rem0) return;
+ // splice out uncoloredRanes[containingRangeIndex] for 0, 1, or 2 ranges
+ uncoloredRanges.splice(idx, 1);
+ if (cont[0] < rem0)
+ uncoloredRanges.splice(idx, 0, [cont[0], rem0]);
+ if (rem1 < cont[1])
+ uncoloredRanges.splice(idx, 0, [rem1, cont[1]]);
+ }
+ function prepareTokens(tokenArray) {
+ forEach(tokenArray, function (t) {
+ t.key = "$"+(nextId++);
+ });
+ return tokenArray;
+ }
+ function roundBackToTokenBoundary(charOffset) {
+ return tokens.indexOfOffset(charOffset);
+ }
+ function roundForwardToTokenBoundary(charOffset) {
+ var tokenEnd;
+ if (charOffset == tokens.totalWidth())
+ tokenEnd = tokens.length();
+ else {
+ var endToken = tokens.keyAtOffset(charOffset);
+ tokenEnd = tokens.indexOfKey(endToken);
+ // round up to nearest token boundary
+ if (charOffset > tokens.offsetOfKey(endToken)) {
+ tokenEnd++;
+ }
+ }
+ return tokenEnd;
+ }
+ // findLexingStartPoint and findLexingEndPoint take a character boundary
+ // (0 .. buffer.length) and return a token boundary (0 .. tokens.length())
+ // that, if not at the document edge, is such that the next token outside
+ // the boundary has a pre/post lexing state associated with it (i.e is not
+ // a dirty-region token or in the middle of a multi-token lexing rule).
+ function findLexingStartPoint(startChar) {
+ if (tokens.length() == 0) return 0;
+ var tokenStart = roundBackToTokenBoundary(startChar);
+ // expand to not break up a series of tokens from the same
+ // lexing rule, and to include dirty regions
+ if (tokenStart > 0) {
+ var tokenBefore = tokens.atIndex(tokenStart - 1);
+ while (tokenBefore && (! tokenBefore.stateAfter)) {
+ tokenStart--;
+ tokenBefore = tokens.prev(tokenBefore);
+ }
+ }
+ return tokenStart;
+ }
+ function findLexingEndPoint(endChar) {
+ if (tokens.length() == 0) return 0;
+ var tokenEnd = roundForwardToTokenBoundary(endChar);
+ // expand to not break up a series of tokens from the same
+ // lexing rule, and to include dirty regions
+ if (tokenEnd < tokens.length()) {
+ var tokenAfter = tokens.atIndex(tokenEnd);
+ while (tokenAfter && (! tokenAfter.stateBefore)) {
+ tokenEnd++;
+ tokenAfter =;
+ }
+ }
+ return tokenEnd;
+ }
+ function updateBuffer(newBuffer, spliceStart, charsRemoved, charsAdded) {
+ buffer = newBuffer;
+ // back up to new line
+ if (spliceStart > 0) {
+ var newStart = buffer.lastIndexOf('\n', spliceStart-1) + 1;
+ var charsBack = spliceStart - newStart;
+ spliceStart -= charsBack;
+ charsRemoved += charsBack;
+ charsAdded += charsBack;
+ }
+ // expand to lexing points
+ var tokenRangeStart = findLexingStartPoint(spliceStart);
+ var tokenRangeEnd = findLexingEndPoint(spliceStart + charsRemoved);
+ var dirtyWidth = 0;
+ // make sure to mark at least one token dirty so that deletions correctly cause
+ // rehighlighting; in practice doesn't come up often except when an entire line
+ // is cleanly deleted, like deleting a blank line (which doesn't usually affect highlighting)
+ while (dirtyWidth == 0) {
+ var curStart = tokens.offsetOfIndex(tokenRangeStart);
+ var curEnd = tokens.offsetOfIndex(tokenRangeEnd);
+ dirtyWidth = (curEnd - curStart) + (charsAdded - charsRemoved);
+ if (dirtyWidth == 0) {
+ if (curEnd >= tokens.totalWidth()) break;
+ tokenRangeEnd = findLexingEndPoint(curEnd+1);
+ }
+ }
+ var dirtyTokens = []; // 0 or 1 of them
+ if (dirtyWidth > 0) {
+ dirtyTokens.push({ width: dirtyWidth, type: 'Dirty' });
+ }
+ //console.log("%d, %d, %d, %d", charsRemoved, charsAdded,
+ //(curEnd - curStart), dirtyWidth);
+ tokens.splice(tokenRangeStart, tokenRangeEnd - tokenRangeStart,
+ prepareTokens(dirtyTokens));
+ if (tokens.totalWidth() != buffer.length) {
+ console.error("updateBuffer: Bad total token width: "+
+ tokens.totalWidth()+" not "+buffer.length);
+ }
+ forEach(dirtyTokens, function (t) { dirtyTokenKeys.push(t.key); });
+ dirtyTokenKeys = filter(dirtyTokenKeys, function (k) { return tokens.containsKey(k); });
+ //console.log("after update: %s", toSource(tokens.slice()));
+ function applySpliceToIndex(i) {
+ if (i <= spliceStart) return i;
+ if (i >= (spliceStart + charsRemoved)) return i + charsAdded - charsRemoved;
+ return spliceStart;
+ }
+ for(var i=uncoloredRanges.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ var r = uncoloredRanges[i];
+ r[0] = applySpliceToIndex(r[0]);
+ r[1] = applySpliceToIndex(r[1]);
+ if (r[1] <= r[0]) uncoloredRanges.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ function processDirtyToken(dirtyToken, isTimeUp, stopAtChar) {
+ //console.time("lexing");
+ //var p = PROFILER("lex", false);
+ var stateStack;
+ if (! tokens.prev(dirtyToken)) stateStack = ['root'];
+ else stateStack = tokens.prev(dirtyToken).stateAfter.split('/');
+ var newTokens = [];
+ var dirtyTokenIndex = tokens.indexOfEntry(dirtyToken);
+ var tokenCount = 0;
+ var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+ var stopBasedOnChar = (typeof(stopAtChar) == "number");
+ //p.mark("tokenize");
+ var curOffset = tokens.offsetOfEntry(dirtyToken);
+ var startedOffset = curOffset;
+ var oldToken = dirtyToken;
+ var oldTokenOffset = curOffset;
+ var done = false;
+ while ((! done) && (! isTimeUp()) && (! (stopBasedOnChar && curOffset >= stopAtChar))) {
+ curOffset = tokenProducer(buffer, curOffset, stateStack,
+ function (t) { newTokens.push(t); });
+ while (oldToken && (oldTokenOffset + oldToken.width <= curOffset)) {
+ oldTokenOffset += oldToken.width;
+ oldToken =;
+ }
+ if (curOffset == tokens.totalWidth()) {
+ // hit the end
+ done = true;
+ }
+ else if (oldTokenOffset == curOffset) {
+ // at a token boundary, the beginning of oldTokenOffset
+ if (stateStack.join('/') === oldToken.stateBefore) {
+ // state matches up, we can stop
+ done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var endedOffset = curOffset;
+ var dist = endedOffset - startedOffset;
+ var tokensToRemove;
+ var newDirtyToken;
+ if (dist < dirtyToken.width) {
+ tokens.setEntryWidth(dirtyToken, dirtyToken.width - dist);
+ tokensToRemove = 0;
+ newDirtyToken = dirtyToken;
+ }
+ else {
+ var nextLexingPoint = findLexingEndPoint(endedOffset);
+ var lexingPointChar = tokens.offsetOfIndex(nextLexingPoint);
+ if (lexingPointChar == endedOffset && (! done) && endedOffset < tokens.totalWidth()) {
+ // happened to stop at token boundary before end, but not done lexing,
+ // so make next token dirty
+ nextLexingPoint = findLexingEndPoint(endedOffset+1);
+ lexingPointChar = tokens.offsetOfIndex(nextLexingPoint);
+ }
+ var dirtyCharsLeft = lexingPointChar - endedOffset;
+ if (dirtyCharsLeft > 0) {
+ newDirtyToken = { width: dirtyCharsLeft, type: 'Dirty' };
+ newTokens.push(newDirtyToken);
+ }
+ tokensToRemove = nextLexingPoint - dirtyTokenIndex;
+ }
+ //p.mark("prepare");
+ prepareTokens(newTokens);
+ //p.mark("remove");
+ tokens.splice(dirtyTokenIndex, tokensToRemove, []);
+ //p.mark("insert");
+ tokens.splice(dirtyTokenIndex, 0, newTokens);
+ if (tokens.totalWidth() != buffer.length)
+ console.error("processDirtyToken: Bad total token width: "+
+ tokens.totalWidth()+" not "+buffer.length);
+ //p.end();
+ addUncoloredRange([startedOffset, endedOffset]);
+ //console.log("processed chars %d to %d", startedOffset, endedOffset);
+ //console.timeEnd("lexing");
+ return (newDirtyToken && newDirtyToken.key);
+ }
+ function lexSomeDirty(filter, isTimeUp) {
+ var newDirtyTokenKeys = [];
+ forEach(dirtyTokenKeys, function (dirtyKey) {
+ if (! tokens.containsKey(dirtyKey)) return;
+ var dirtyToken = tokens.atKey(dirtyKey);
+ var filterResult;
+ if ((! isTimeUp()) && ((filterResult = filter(dirtyToken)))) {
+ var stopAtChar;
+ if ((typeof filterResult) == "object" && (typeof filterResult.stopAtChar) == "number") {
+ stopAtChar = filterResult.stopAtChar;
+ }
+ var tkn = processDirtyToken(dirtyToken, isTimeUp, filterResult.stopAtChar);
+ if (tkn) newDirtyTokenKeys.push(tkn);
+ }
+ else {
+ // leave the token behind
+ newDirtyTokenKeys.push(dirtyKey);
+ }
+ if (tokens.totalWidth() != buffer.length)
+ console.error("Bad total token width: "+tokens.totalWidth()+" not "+buffer.length);
+ });
+ dirtyTokenKeys = newDirtyTokenKeys;
+ }
+ function lexCharRange(charRange, isTimeUp) {
+ //var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+ //function isTimeUp() { return ((new Date()).getTime() - startTime) > timeLimit; }
+ if (isTimeUp()) return;
+ lexSomeDirty(function (dirtyToken) {
+ var start = tokens.offsetOfEntry(dirtyToken);
+ var end = start + dirtyToken.width;
+ if (end <= charRange[0]) return false;
+ if (start >= charRange[1]) return false;
+ //console.log("tokenStart: %d, tokenEnd: %d, visStart: %d, visEnd: %d",
+ //start, end, charRange[0], charRange[1]);
+ var result = {};
+ if (charRange[1] < end) {
+ result.stopAtChar = charRange[1];
+ }
+ return result;
+ }, isTimeUp);
+ //if (isTimeUp()) return;
+ /*
+ // highlight the visible area
+ var i = uncoloredRanges.length-1;
+ // iterate backwards because we change the array
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ var rng = uncoloredRanges[i];
+ var start = rng[0], end = rng[1];
+ if (start < viewRange[0]) start = viewRange[0];
+ if (end > viewRange[1]) end = viewRange[1];
+ if (end > start) {
+ var charsRecolored = recolorFunc(start, end-start,
+ isTimeUp, getSpansForRange);
+ removeUncoloredSubrange([start, start+charsRecolored], i);
+ }
+ if (isTimeUp()) break;
+ i--;
+ }*/
+ }
+ function tokenToString(tkn) {
+ return toSource({width:tkn.width, type:tkn.type, stateBefore:tkn.stateBefore, stateAfter:tkn.stateAfter});
+ }
+ // Calls func(startChar, endChar) on each range of characters that needs to be colored
+ // in the DOM, based on calls to getSpansForRange (which removes chars from consideration)
+ // and lexCharRange (which calculates new colors and adds chars for consideration).
+ // There are usually relatively few uncolored ranges, each of which may be many lines,
+ // even the whole document.
+ // func must return true iff any tokens are accessed through getSpansForRange during
+ // the call. func should not do new lexing.
+ function forEachUncoloredRange(func, isTimeUp) {
+ var i = 0;
+ // uncoloredRanges will change during this function!
+ // Terminates is time runs out, whole document is colored,
+ // or the func "passes" on all ranges by returning false.
+ while (i < uncoloredRanges.length && ! isTimeUp()) {
+ var rng = uncoloredRanges[i];
+ var returnVal = func(rng[0], rng[1], isTimeUp);
+ if (returnVal) {
+ // func did something, uncolored ranges may have changed around
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Like forEachUncoloredRange, but "cropped" to the char range given. For example,
+ // if no "uncolored ranges" extend by a non-zero amount into the char range,
+ // func will never be called.
+ function forEachUncoloredSubrange(startChar, endChar, func, isTimeUp) {
+ forEachUncoloredRange(function (s, e, isTimeUp2) {
+ if (s < startChar) s = startChar;
+ if (e > endChar) e = endChar;
+ if (e > s) {
+ return func(s, e, isTimeUp2);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }, isTimeUp);
+ }
+ // This function takes note of what it's passed, and assumes that part of the
+ // DOM has been taken care of (unless justPeek).
+ // The "func" takes arguments tokenWidth and tokenClass, and is called on each
+ // token in the range, with the widths adding up to the range size.
+ function getSpansForRange(startChar, endChar, func, justPeek) {
+ if (startChar == endChar) return;
+ var startToken = tokens.atOffset(startChar);
+ var startTokenStart = tokens.offsetOfEntry(startToken);
+ var curOffset = startChar;
+ var curToken = startToken;
+ while (curOffset < endChar) {
+ var spanEnd;
+ if (curToken === startToken) {
+ spanEnd = startTokenStart + startToken.width;
+ }
+ else {
+ spanEnd = curOffset + curToken.width;
+ }
+ if (spanEnd > endChar) spanEnd = endChar;
+ if (spanEnd > curOffset) {
+ func(spanEnd - curOffset, tokenClasses[curToken.type]);
+ }
+ curOffset = spanEnd;
+ curToken =;
+ }
+ if (! justPeek) removeUncoloredRange([startChar, endChar]);
+ }
+ function markRangeUncolored(start, end) {
+ addUncoloredRange([start, end]);
+ }
+ return {
+ updateBuffer: updateBuffer,
+ lexCharRange: lexCharRange,
+ getSpansForRange: getSpansForRange,
+ forEachUncoloredSubrange: forEachUncoloredSubrange,
+ markRangeUncolored: markRangeUncolored
+ };
+/* ========== End Incremental Lexer ========== */
+tokenProds = {js: jsTokenProducer, txt: txtTokenProducer};
+function getTokenProducer(type) {
+ return tokenProds[type || 'txt'] || tokenProds['txt'];
+function getIncrementalLexer(type) {
+ return makeIncrementalLexer(getTokenProducer(type));
+function getSimpleLexer(type) {
+ return makeSimpleLexer(getTokenProducer(type));
+return {getIncrementalLexer:getIncrementalLexer, getSimpleLexer:getSimpleLexer,
+ codeStringToHTML:codeStringToHTML};