path: root/infrastructure/net.appjet.oui/logging.scala
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authorEgil Moeller <>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
committerEgil Moeller <>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
commitd56b9b3b82cdebcaeb00eec0fcb4326ad21adaa8 (patch)
treeb1dfe31956f3fc86e3408f1efac5e12acf65b11a /infrastructure/net.appjet.oui/logging.scala
parentc1894c8e0a52f4e3d2f89fa92f0066bbf0fcf1b1 (diff)
parent103d4926ae6c61824dc0b48be7bf66f08830ed47 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'infrastructure/net.appjet.oui/logging.scala')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infrastructure/net.appjet.oui/logging.scala b/infrastructure/net.appjet.oui/logging.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c384d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infrastructure/net.appjet.oui/logging.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package net.appjet.oui;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import{File, FileWriter, StringWriter, PrintWriter};
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentLinkedQueue, ConcurrentHashMap, CopyOnWriteArraySet};
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
+import scala.util.Sorting;
+import scala.ref.WeakReference;
+import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, HashMap};
+import scala.collection.jcl.{SetWrapper, Conversions};
+import org.json.{JSONObject, JSONArray};
+import org.mozilla.javascript.{Scriptable, Context};
+import Util.iteratorToRichIterator;
+import scala.collection.jcl.Conversions._;
+trait LoggablePropertyBag {
+ def date: Date;
+ def `type`: String = value("type").asInstanceOf[String];
+ def json: String;
+ def tabDelimited: String;
+ def keys: Array[String];
+ def value(k: String): Any;
+class LoggableFromScriptable(
+ scr: Scriptable,
+ extra: Option[scala.collection.Map[String, String]])
+ extends LoggablePropertyBag {
+ def this(scr: Scriptable) = this(scr, None);
+ if (extra.isDefined) {
+ for ((k, v) <- extra.get if (! scr.has(k, scr))) {
+ scr.put(k, scr, v);
+ }
+ }
+ val keys =
+ scr.getIds()
+ .map(_.asInstanceOf[String])
+ .filter(scr.get(_, scr) != Context.getUndefinedValue());
+ Sorting.quickSort(keys);
+ if (! scr.has("date", scr)) {
+ scr.put("date", scr, System.currentTimeMillis());
+ }
+ val date = new Date(scr.get("date", scr).asInstanceOf[Number].longValue);
+ val json = FastJSON.stringify(scr);
+ val tabDelimited = GenericLoggerUtils.dateString(date) + "\t" +
+ keys.filter("date" != _).map(value(_)).mkString("\t");
+ def value(k: String) = {
+ scr.get(k, scr);
+ }
+class LoggableFromMap[T](
+ map: scala.collection.Map[String, T],
+ extra: Option[scala.collection.Map[String, String]])
+ extends LoggablePropertyBag {
+ def this(map: scala.collection.Map[String, T]) = this(map, None);
+ val keys = map.keys.collect.toArray ++
+ Sorting.quickSort(keys);
+ def fillJson(json: JSONObject,
+ map: scala.collection.Map[String, T]): JSONObject = {
+ for ((k, v) <- map) {
+ v match {
+ case b: Boolean => json.put(k, b);
+ case d: Double => json.put(k, d);
+ case i: Int => json.put(k, i);
+ case l: Long => json.put(k, l);
+ case m: java.util.Map[_,_] => json.put(k, m);
+ case m: scala.collection.Map[String,T] =>
+ json.put(k, fillJson(new JSONObject(), m));
+ case c: java.util.Collection[_] => json.put(k, c);
+ case o: Object => json.put(k, o);
+ case _ => {};
+ }
+ }
+ json;
+ }
+ val json0 = fillJson(new JSONObject(), map);
+ if (extra.isDefined) {
+ for ((k, v) <- extra.get if (! json0.has(k))) {
+ json0.put(k, v);
+ }
+ }
+ if (! json0.has("date")) {
+ json0.put("date", System.currentTimeMillis());
+ }
+ val date = new Date(json0.getLong("date"));
+ val json = json0.toString;
+ val tabDelimited =
+ GenericLoggerUtils.dateString(date) + "\t" +
+ keys.filter("date" != _).map(value(_)).mkString("\t");
+ def value(k: String) = {
+ map.orElse(extra.getOrElse(Map[String, Any]()))(k);
+ }
+class LoggableFromJson(val json: String) extends LoggablePropertyBag {
+ val obj = new JSONObject(json);
+ val date = new Date(obj.getLong("date"));
+ val keys = obj.sortedKeys().map(String.valueOf(_)).collect.toArray;
+ def value(k: String) = obj.get(k);
+ val tabDelimited =
+ GenericLoggerUtils.dateString(date) + "\t"+
+ keys.filter("date" != _).map(value(_)).mkString("\t");
+object GenericLoggerUtils {
+ lazy val df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");
+ def dateString(date: Date) = df.format(date);
+ var extraPropertiesFunction: Option[() => Map[String, String]] = None;
+ def setExtraPropertiesFunction(f: () => Map[String, String]) {
+ extraPropertiesFunction = Some(() => {
+ try {
+ f();
+ } catch {
+ case e => withoutExtraProperties {
+ exceptionlog(e);
+ Map[String, String]();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ def getExtraProperties: Option[Map[String, String]] = {
+ if (shouldGetExtraProperties) {
+ withoutExtraProperties(;
+ } else {
+ None;
+ }
+ }
+ val registeredWranglers =
+ new ConcurrentHashMap[String, SetWrapper[WeakReference[LogWrangler]]];
+ def registerWrangler(name: String, wrangler: LogWrangler) {
+ wranglers(name) += wrangler.ref;
+ }
+ def clearWrangler(name: String, wrangler: LogWrangler) {
+ wranglers(name) -= wrangler.ref;
+ }
+ def wranglers(name: String) = {
+ if (! registeredWranglers.containsKey(name)) {
+ val set1 = Conversions.convertSet(
+ new CopyOnWriteArraySet[WeakReference[LogWrangler]]);
+ val set2 = registeredWranglers.putIfAbsent(
+ name, set1);
+ if (set2 == null) {
+ set1
+ } else {
+ set2
+ }
+ } else {
+ registeredWranglers.get(name);
+ }
+ }
+ def tellWranglers(name: String, lpb: LoggablePropertyBag) {
+ for (w <- wranglers(name)) {
+ w.get.foreach(_.tell(lpb));
+ if (! w.isValid) {
+ wranglers(name) -= w;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val shouldGetExtraProperties_var =
+ new NoninheritedDynamicVariable[Boolean](true);
+ def withoutExtraProperties[E](block: => E): E = {
+ shouldGetExtraProperties_var.withValue(false)(block);
+ }
+ def shouldGetExtraProperties = shouldGetExtraProperties_var.value;
+class GenericLogger(path: String, logName: String, rotateDaily: Boolean) {
+ val queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[LoggablePropertyBag];
+ var loggerThread: Thread = null;
+ var currentLogDay:Date = null;
+ var logWriter: FileWriter = null;
+ var logBase = config.logDir;
+ def setLogBase(p: String) { logBase = p }
+ var echoToStdOut = false;
+ def setEchoToStdOut(e: Boolean) {
+ echoToStdOut = e;
+ }
+ def stdOutPrefix = logName+": "
+ def initLogWriter(logDay: Date) {
+ currentLogDay = logDay;
+ // if rotating, log filename is logBase/[path/]logName/logName-<date>.jslog
+ // otherwise, log filename is logBase/[path/]logName.jslog
+ var fileName =
+ if (rotateDaily) {
+ val df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
+ logName + "/" + logName + "-" + df.format(logDay) + ".jslog";
+ } else {
+ logName + ".jslog";
+ }
+ if (path != null && path.length > 0) {
+ fileName = path + "/" + fileName;
+ }
+ val f = new File(logBase+"/"+fileName);
+ if (! f.getParentFile.exists) {
+ f.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+ }
+ logWriter = new FileWriter(f, true);
+ }
+ def rotateIfNecessary(messageDate: Date) {
+ if (rotateDaily) {
+ if (!((messageDate.getYear == currentLogDay.getYear) &&
+ (messageDate.getMonth == currentLogDay.getMonth) &&
+ (messageDate.getDate == currentLogDay.getDate))) {
+ logWriter.flush();
+ logWriter.close();
+ initLogWriter(messageDate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def flush() {
+ flush(java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ }
+ def close() {
+ logWriter.close();
+ }
+ def flush(n: Int) = synchronized {
+ var count = 0;
+ while (count < n && ! queue.isEmpty()) {
+ val lpb = queue.poll();
+ rotateIfNecessary(;
+ logWriter.write(lpb.json+"\n");
+ if (echoToStdOut)
+ print(lpb.tabDelimited.split("\n").mkString(stdOutPrefix, "\n"+stdOutPrefix, "\n"));
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ if (count > 0) {
+ logWriter.flush();
+ }
+ count;
+ }
+ def start() {
+ initLogWriter(new Date());
+ loggerThread = new Thread("GenericLogger "+logName) {
+ this.setDaemon(true);
+ override def run() {
+ while (true) {
+ if (queue.isEmpty()) {
+ Thread.sleep(500);
+ } else {
+ flush(1000);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main.loggers += this;
+ loggerThread.start();
+ }
+ def log(lpb: LoggablePropertyBag) {
+ if (loggerThread != null) {
+ queue.offer(lpb);
+ GenericLoggerUtils.tellWranglers(logName, lpb);
+ }
+ }
+ def logObject(scr: Scriptable) {
+ log(new LoggableFromScriptable(
+ scr, GenericLoggerUtils.getExtraProperties));
+ }
+ def log[T](m: scala.collection.Map[String, T]) {
+ log(new LoggableFromMap(
+ m, GenericLoggerUtils.getExtraProperties));
+ }
+ def log(s: String) {
+ log(Map("message" -> s));
+ }
+ def apply(s: String) {
+ log(s);
+ }
+ def apply(scr: Scriptable) {
+ logObject(scr);
+ }
+ def apply[T](m: scala.collection.Map[String, T]) {
+ log(m);
+ }
+object profiler extends GenericLogger("backend", "profile", false) {
+ def apply(id: String, op: String, method: String, path: String, countAndNanos: (Long, Long)) {
+ if (loggerThread != null)
+ log(id+":"+op+":"+method+":"+path+":"+
+ Math.round(countAndNanos._2/1000)+
+ (if (countAndNanos._1 > 1) ":"+countAndNanos._1 else ""));
+ }
+// def apply(state: RequestState, op: String, nanos: long) {
+// apply(state.requestId, op, state.req.getMethod(), state.req.getRequestURI(), nanos);
+// }
+ def time =
+ System.nanoTime();
+ // thread-specific stuff.
+ val map = new ThreadLocal[HashMap[String, Any]] {
+ override def initialValue = new HashMap[String, Any];
+ }
+ val idGen = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong(0);
+ val id = new ThreadLocal[Long] {
+ override def initialValue = idGen.getAndIncrement();
+ }
+ def reset() = {
+ map.remove();
+ id.remove();
+ }
+ def record(key: String, time: Long) {
+ map.get()(key) = (1L, time);
+ }
+ def recordCumulative(key: String, time: Long) {
+ map.get()(key) = map.get().getOrElse(key, (0L, 0L)) match {
+ case (count: Long, time0: Long) => (count+1, time0+time);
+ case _ => { } // do nothing, but maybe shoud error.
+ }
+ }
+ def print() {
+ for ((k, t) <- map.get()) {
+ profiler(""+id.get(), k, "/", "/", t match {
+ case (count: Long, time0: Long) => (count, time0);
+ case _ => (-1L, -1L);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ def printTiming[E](name: String)(block: => E): E = {
+ val startTime = time;
+ val r = block;
+ val endTime = time;
+ println(name+": "+((endTime - startTime)/1000)+" us.");
+ r;
+ }
+object eventlog extends GenericLogger("backend", "server-events", true) {
+ start();
+object streaminglog extends GenericLogger("backend", "streaming-events", true) {
+ start();
+object exceptionlog extends GenericLogger("backend", "exceptions", true) {
+ def apply(e: Throwable) {
+ val s = new StringWriter;
+ e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
+ log(Map(
+ "description" -> e.toString(),
+ "trace" -> s.toString()));
+ }
+ echoToStdOut = config.devMode
+ override def stdOutPrefix = "(exlog): ";
+ start();
+// object dprintln extends GenericLogger("backend", "debug", true) {
+// echoToStdOut = config.devMode;
+// }
+class STFULogger extends org.mortbay.log.Logger {
+ def debug(m: String, a0: Object, a1: Object) { }
+ def debug(m: String, t: Throwable) { }
+ def getLogger(m: String) = { this }
+ def info(m: String, a0: Object, a2: Object) { }
+ def isDebugEnabled() = { false }
+ def setDebugEnabled(t: Boolean) { }
+ def warn(m: String, a0: Object, a1: Object) { }
+ def warn(m: String, t: Throwable) { }
+case class Percentile(count: Int, p50: Int, p90: Int, p95: Int, p99: Int, max: Int);
+object cometlatencies {
+ var latencies = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Int];
+ def register(t: Int) = latencies.offer(t);
+ var loggerThread: Thread = null;
+ var lastCount: Option[Map[String, Int]] = None;
+ var lastStats: Option[Percentile] = None;
+ def start() {
+ loggerThread = new Thread("latencies logger") {
+ this.setDaemon(true);
+ override def run() {
+ while(true) {
+ Thread.sleep(60*1000); // every minute
+ try {
+ val oldLatencies = latencies;
+ latencies = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Int];
+ val latArray = oldLatencies.toArray().map(_.asInstanceOf[int]);
+ Sorting.quickSort(latArray);
+ def pct(p: Int) =
+ if (latArray.length > 0)
+ latArray(Math.floor((p/100.0)*latArray.length).toInt);
+ else
+ 0;
+ def s(a: Any) = String.valueOf(a);
+ lastStats = Some(Percentile(latArray.length,
+ pct(50), pct(90), pct(95), pct(99),
+ if (latArray.length > 0) latArray.last else 0));
+ eventlog.log(Map(
+ "type" -> "streaming-message-latencies",
+ "count" -> s(lastStats.get.count),
+ "p50" -> s(lastStats.get.p50),
+ "p90" -> s(lastStats.get.p90),
+ "p95" -> s(lastStats.get.p95),
+ "p99" -> s(lastStats.get.p99),
+ "max" -> s(lastStats.get.max)));
+ lastCount = Some({
+ val c = Class.forName("net.appjet.ajstdlib.Comet$");
+ c.getDeclaredMethod("connectionStatus")
+ .invoke(c.getDeclaredField("MODULE$").get(null))
+ }.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Int]]);
+ eventlog.log(
+ Map("type" -> "streaming-connection-count") ++
+ => (p._1, String.valueOf(p._2))));
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception => {
+ exceptionlog(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ loggerThread.start();
+ }
+ start();
+object executionlatencies extends GenericLogger("backend", "latency", true) {
+ start();
+ def time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+abstract class LogWrangler {
+ def tell(lpb: LoggablePropertyBag);
+ def tell(json: String) { tell(new LoggableFromJson(json)); }
+ lazy val ref = new WeakReference(this);
+ def watch(logName: String) {
+ GenericLoggerUtils.registerWrangler(logName, this);
+ }
+// you probably want to subclass this, or at least set data.
+class FilterWrangler(
+ `type`: String,
+ filter: LoggablePropertyBag => Boolean,
+ field: String) extends LogWrangler {
+ def tell(lpb: LoggablePropertyBag) {
+ if ((`type` == null || lpb.`type` == `type`) &&
+ (filter == null || filter(lpb))) {
+ val entry = lpb.value(field);
+ data(, entry);
+ }
+ }
+ var data: (Date, Any) => Unit = null;
+ def setData(data0: (Date, Any) => Unit) {
+ data = data0;
+ }
+class TopNWrangler(n: Int, `type`: String,
+ filter: LoggablePropertyBag => Boolean,
+ field: String)
+ extends FilterWrangler(`type`, filter, field) {
+ val entries = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, AtomicInteger]();
+ def sortedEntries = {
+ Sorting.stableSort(
+ convertMap(entries).toSeq,
+ (p1: (String, AtomicInteger), p2: (String, AtomicInteger)) =>
+ p1._2.get() > p2._2.get());
+ }
+ def count = {
+ (convertMap(entries) :\ 0) { (x, y) => x._2.get() + y }
+ }
+ def topNItems(n: Int): Array[(String, Int)] =
+ sortedEntries.take(n).map(p => (p._1, p._2.get())).toArray;
+ def topNItems: Array[(String, Int)] = topNItems(n);
+ data = (date: Date, value: Any) => {
+ val entry = value.asInstanceOf[String];
+ val i =
+ if (! entries.containsKey(entry)) {
+ val newInt = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ val oldInt = entries.putIfAbsent(entry, newInt);
+ if (oldInt == null) { newInt } else { oldInt }
+ } else {
+ entries.get(entry);
+ }
+ i.incrementAndGet();
+ }