path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad.js.old
diff options
authorAlexander Sulfrian <>2010-06-08 08:22:05 +0200
committerAlexander Sulfrian <>2010-06-08 08:22:05 +0200
commitd7c5ad7d6263fd1baf9bfdbaa4c50b70ef2fbdb2 (patch)
treeae0b65da6432f4c26c8d5a7319efbda5d172846c /trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad.js.old
parentfa61221dcd89fcd72cba2c97971626f456c86e5d (diff)
reverted folder structure change for better mergeing with upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad.js.old')
1 files changed, 1984 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad.js.old b/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad.js.old
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6191b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad.js.old
@@ -0,0 +1,1984 @@
+// initialization
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ if (!pad.initialized) {
+ pad.init();
+ }
+$(window).unload(function() {
+ if (pad.ace) {
+ pad.ace.destroy();
+ }
+pad = {
+ initTime: 0,
+ initialized: false,
+ myUserInfo: null, /* userInfo for this client's user */
+ debugEnabled: false,
+ userBoxIds: {},
+ lastBoxId: 0,
+ connectionState: 'DISCONNECTED',
+ notifyQueue: [],
+ lastNotify: 0,
+ persistLastNotify: false,
+ collabClient: null,
+ users: {},
+ ace: null,
+ padId: null,
+ wrapLines: true,
+ initialCookiePrefs: {},
+ revisionList: [],
+ clientTimeOffset: (+new Date()) - clientVars.serverTimestamp,
+ shownRevisions: 5,
+ sideBarVisible: true,
+ sideBoxVisibility: {},
+ diagnosticInfo: {},
+ experiencingConnectionTrouble: false,
+ padHasFocus: true,
+ isFreshCookie: false,
+ viewZoom: 100,
+ title: null,
+ password: null,
+ isEditingTitle: false
+pad.initCookie = function() {
+ pad.initialCookiePrefs = pad.getInitialCookiePrefs();
+pad.initPrefsPane = function() {
+ // Setup checkbox prefs.
+ function scbp(n, v) {
+ var t = pad.initialCookiePrefs[v];
+ pad.markPref(n, t);
+ }
+ scbp('wrap', 'wrapLines');
+ scbp('showcolors', 'showAuthorColors');
+ scbp('linenums', 'showLineNumbers');
+ scbp('fullwidth', 'fullWidth');
+ pad.setFullWidth(pad.initialCookiePrefs.fullWidth);
+ // events
+ function prefclick(elt) {
+ var d = $(elt);
+ var name = d.attr('id').substr("checkpref".length);
+ var t = !pad.isPrefMarked(name);
+ pad.markPref(name, t);
+ pad.updatePref(name, t);
+ pad.saveCookie();
+ }
+ $('div.prefcheckbox').mousedown(function(e) {
+ prefclick(this);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $('div.prefcheckbox').mouseup(pad.handlerPreventDefault);
+ $('div.prefcheckbox').click(pad.handlerPreventDefault);
+pad.initAce = function(donefunc) {
+ // ACE functions.
+ function editorReady() {
+ $('#editorcell').removeClass('editorcell_loading').addClass('editorcell_loaded');
+ $('#sidebar').removeClass('sidebar_loading');
+ $('#loadingbox').remove();
+ $(window).bind("resize", pad.resizePage);
+ setTimeout(function() { ace.focus(); pad.resizePage(); }, 0);
+ donefunc();
+ }
+ // Setup ace.
+ pad.dmesg("pad.init(): loading Ace2Editor");
+ var ace = new Ace2Editor();
+ ace.init("editorcontainer", "", editorReady);
+ ace.setProperty("wraps", pad.initialCookiePrefs.wrapLines);
+ ace.setProperty("showsAuthorColors", pad.initialCookiePrefs.showAuthorColors);
+ ace.setProperty("lineNumbers", pad.initialCookiePrefs.showLineNumbers);
+ if (pad.initialCookiePrefs.highlightJs === true) {
+ ace.setProperty("lexer", "js");
+ pad.markPref('jshighlight', true);
+ } else {
+ ace.setProperty("lexer", "txt");
+ pad.markPref('jshighlight', false);
+ }
+ // star window title on dirty
+ ace.setNotifyDirty(function() {
+ if (!pad.padHasFocus) {
+ var currentTitle = $(document).attr('title');
+ if (currentTitle.charAt(0) != '*') {
+ $(document).attr('title', '* '+currentTitle);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (pad.debugEnabled) {
+ ace.setProperty("dmesg", pad.dmesg);
+ }
+ pad.ace = ace;
+pad.initMyUserInfo = function() {
+ // assigned colorId
+ var colorId = clientVars.assignedColorId;
+ if (!clientVars.colorPalette[colorId]) {
+ colorId = Math.floor((Math.random() * clientVars.colorPalette.length));
+ }
+ // Populate user info.
+ pad.dmesg("clientVars: "+JSON.stringify(clientVars));
+ pad.myUserInfo = {
+ userId: (pad.initialCookiePrefs.userId || pad.uniqueId()),
+ name: pad.getDefaultUsername(),
+ ip: clientVars.clientIp,
+ colorId: colorId,
+ userAgent: pad.uaDisplay(clientVars.userAgent)
+ };
+ pad.userJoin(pad.myUserInfo);
+ pad.dmesg("myUserInfo: "+JSON.stringify(pad.myUserInfo));
+pad.initSideBoxes = function() {
+ // expand side-bars if cookie indicates
+ for (paneName in pad.initialCookiePrefs.sideBoxVisibility) {
+ if (pad.initialCookiePrefs.sideBoxVisibility[paneName]) {
+ pad.showSideBox(paneName);
+ }
+ }
+pad.initCollab = function() {
+ var collabOptions = {
+ colorPalette: clientVars.colorPalette
+ };
+ pad.collabClient = getCollabClient(pad.ace,
+ clientVars.collab_client_vars,
+ pad.myUserInfo,
+ collabOptions);
+ pad.collabClient.setOnClientMessage(pad.onClientMessage);
+ pad.collabClient.setOnServerMessage(pad.onServerMessage);
+ pad.collabClient.setOnUserJoin(pad.userJoin);
+ pad.collabClient.setOnUserLeave(pad.userLeave);
+ pad.collabClient.setOnUpdateUserInfo(pad.updateUserInfo);
+ pad.collabClient.setOnChannelStateChange(pad.channelStateChange);
+ pad.collabClient.setOnConnectionTrouble(pad.onConnectionTrouble);
+pad.initRevisions = function() {
+ // Render revision list.
+ pad.revisionList = clientVars.initialRevisionList;
+ pad.renderRevisionList();
+ // Events
+ $('#savenow').click(function(e) {
+ pad.saveRevision();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ });
+ setInterval(function() {
+ pad.renderRevisionList(true);
+ }, (2*60*1000)); // to update times correctly
+pad.initEvents = function() {
+ // shareurl click
+ $("#headurl").click(function() { selectElementContents($("#shareurl").get(0)); });
+ // feedback form
+ $('#feedbacksubmit').click(function(e) {
+ pad.submitfeedback();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ });
+ // sidepane expand/collapse events
+ $('#sidebar div.sideheadwrap').mousedown(function(e) {
+ var paneName = $(this).attr('id').substr("head".length);
+ if (pad.isSideBoxVisible(paneName)) {
+ pad.hideSideBox(paneName);
+ } else {
+ pad.showSideBox(paneName);
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $('#sidebar div.sideheadwrap').mouseup(pad.handlerPreventDefault);
+ $('#sidebar div.sideheadwrap').click(pad.handlerPreventDefault);
+ // ---- share link ----
+ $('#invitemore').show();
+ $('#invite_email_submit').click(pad.invitemoreSendEmail);
+ pad.setOnEnterKey('#invite_email, #invite_email_submit', pad.invitemoreSendEmail);
+ // ---- force reconnect ----
+ $('button.forcereconnect').click(function() {
+ pad.forceReconnect();
+ });
+pad.initFocusTracker = function() {
+ var myFrames = [];
+ function walkframes(frame, depth) {
+ try {
+ if (depth > 4) { return; }
+ myFrames.push(frame);
+ $(frame).contents().find('iframe').each(function() {
+ walkframes(this, depth+1);
+ });
+ } catch (ex) {/*swallow*/}
+ }
+ myFrames.push($(window));
+ $('iframe').each(function() { walkframes(this, 1); });
+ function onFocus() { pad.padHasFocus = true; }
+ function onBlur() { pad.padHasFocus = false; }
+ for (var i = 0; i < myFrames.length; i++) {
+ var f = myFrames[i];
+ $(f).focus(onFocus).blur(onBlur);
+ /*
+ if (f.contentDocument) {
+ $(f.contentDocument).click(onFocus);
+ }*/
+ }
+ /* $(document).click(onFocus); */
+ // Reclaim the title periodically
+ var focusedLastCheck = true;
+ setInterval(function() {
+ if (!focusedLastCheck && pad.padHasFocus) {
+ $(document).attr('title', 'EtherPad: '+pad.padId);
+ }
+ focusedLastCheck = pad.padHasFocus;
+ }, 1000);
+pad.initWelcomeMessage = function() {
+ if (pad.isFreshCookie && (clientVars.numConnectedUsers == 0)) {
+ pad.invitemoreShow();
+ }
+pad.initResizeTimer = function() {
+ pad.resizePage(true);
+ setInterval(function() { pad.resizePage(true); }, 2000);
+pad.initModalDialogs = function() {
+ pad.swallowAllMouseEvents($("#dialogtopbar"));
+pad.initImportExport = function() {
+ // pad.addExportFrames();
+ pad.addImportFrames();
+ $('#importfileinput').change(pad.fileInputUpdated);
+ $('#importform').submit(pad.fileInputSubmit);
+ $('.disabledexport').click(pad.cantExport)
+ // $('.requiresoffice').click(pad.exportDoLongClick);
+ // $('.exportlink').click(pad.exportHideMessages);
+pad.initRichText = function() {
+ $(".toptoolbarbutton").attr("unselectable", "on"); // for IE
+ $("#toptoolbar").removeClass("disabledtoolbar");
+pad.initViewBar = function() {
+ pad.setViewFont(pad.initialCookiePrefs.viewFont || 'normal'); // sets pad.viewFont
+ pad.setViewZoom(pad.initialCookiePrefs.viewZoom || 100); // sets pad.viewZoom
+ $("#bottoolbar").css('display', 'block'); // show it
+ $("#bottoolbar").removeClass("disabledtoolbar");
+ $("#viewzoommenu").change(function(evt) {
+ pad.setViewZoom(Number($("#viewzoommenu").val().substring(1))); // remove 'z' from val
+ });
+ $("#viewfontmenu").change(function(evt) {
+ pad.setViewFont($("#viewfontmenu").val());
+ });
+pad.initPadTitle = function() {
+ pad.title = clientVars.initialTitle;
+ pad.password = clientVars.initialPassword;
+ $("#padtitle").submit(function(evt) {
+ pad.submitTitle(true);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $("#padtitleedit").keyup(function(evt) {
+ if (evt.which == 27) {
+ // "escape" key
+ pad.submitTitle(false);
+ }
+ });
+ pad.renderPadTitle();
+pad.init = function() {
+ // note: order of init calls is important.
+ pad.debugEnabled = clientVars.debugEnabled;
+ pad.padId = clientVars.padId;
+ pad.diagnosticInfo.uniqueId = pad.uniqueId();
+ pad.dmesg("pad.init()");
+ pad.initCookie();
+ pad.initResizeTimer();
+ pad.initAce(function() {
+ document.domain = document.domain; // for comet, set after ACE creates its frames
+ pad.initMyUserInfo();
+ pad.initSideBoxes();
+ pad.initCollab();
+ pad.initRichText();
+ pad.initViewBar();
+ pad.initRevisions();
+ pad.initPrefsPane();
+ pad.initChat();
+ pad.initEvents();
+ pad.initFocusTracker();
+ pad.initPadTitle();
+ $('a#hidesidebar').show();
+ pad.initTime = +(new Date());
+ pad.initialized = true;
+ pad.saveCookie(); // must happen after pad.initialized = true.
+ pad.initModalDialogs();
+ pad.initImportExport();
+ pad.initWelcomeMessage();
+ pad.dmesg("pad.init(): done!");
+ });
+pad.getDefaultUsername = function() {
+ var cookieName =;
+ if (cookieName) {
+ return cookieName;
+ }
+ var nameGuess = clientVars.nameGuess;
+ if (nameGuess) { return nameGuess; }
+ return null;
+pad.getCurrentPageHeight = function() {
+ return $("#padcontent").offset().top + $("#padcontent").height() + 1;
+pad.resizePage = function(dontReschedule) {
+ // this method should not require any init to have happened
+ var visibleHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ var sizedContentHeight = $("#sizedcontent").height() - 2; // subtract 2 for border
+ var pageHeight = pad.getCurrentPageHeight();
+ var newHeight = visibleHeight - (pageHeight - sizedContentHeight);
+ var totalToolbarHeight = $("#toptoolbar").outerHeight() + $("#bottoolbar").outerHeight();
+ // editor (left column, 1)
+ var oldHeight1 = $("#editorcontainer").height() - totalToolbarHeight;
+ var newHeight1 = newHeight - totalToolbarHeight;
+ // sidebar (right column, 2)
+ var oldHeight2 = $("#sidebar").height();
+ var newHeight2 = newHeight;
+ if (newHeight1 != oldHeight1) {
+ $("#editorcontainer").css('height', newHeight1+"px");
+ if (pad.ace) {
+ pad.ace.adjustSize();
+ }
+ }
+ if (newHeight2 != oldHeight2) {
+ $("#sidebar").css('height', newHeight2+"px");
+ }
+ pad.repositionModals();
+ if (pad.initialized) {
+ pad.renderPadTitle();
+ }
+ if (! dontReschedule) {
+ // try again in a bit in case we missed the correct size,
+ // but don't let that call cause another setTimeout
+ setTimeout(function() { pad.resizePage(true); }, 100);
+ }
+pad.setOnEnterKey = function(eltpath, f) {
+ $(eltpath).keydown(function(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode == 13) {
+ f(e);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true; //continue event
+ });
+// New pad button.
+pad.newPad = function() {
+ $('#newpad').submit();
+// UI Preferences
+pad.isPrefMarked = function(n) {
+ var v = !!$('#checkpref'+n+' input').attr('checked');
+ pad.dmesg("isPrefMarked("+n+") = "+v);
+ return v;
+pad.markPref = function(n, t) {
+ var i = $('#checkpref'+n+' input');
+ if (t) {
+ i.attr('checked', 'checked');
+ } else {
+ i.removeAttr('checked');
+ }
+pad.updatePref = function(name, val) {
+ var ace = pad.ace;
+ if (name == "showcolors") {
+ ace.setProperty("showsAuthorColors", val);
+ }
+ if (name == "wrap") {
+ ace.setProperty("wraps", val);
+ }
+ if (name == "linenums") {
+ ace.setProperty("lineNumbers", val);
+ }
+ if (name == "jshighlight") {
+ if (val) {
+ ace.setProperty("lexer", "js");
+ } else {
+ ace.setProperty("lexer", "txt");
+ }
+ }
+ if (name == "fullwidth") {
+ pad.setFullWidth(val);
+ }
+pad.uniqueId = function() {
+ return [
+ clientVars.clientIp,
+ String(+(new Date())),
+ String(Math.floor(Math.random()*100000))
+ ].join('.');
+pad.getUserDisplayName = function(userInfo) {
+ // strip HTML from newName.
+ // TODO: better HTML escaping?
+ var name =;
+ if (!(typeof(name) == "string")) {
+ name = "unnamed";
+ if (userInfo.userId == pad.myUserInfo.userId) {
+ name += ' (me)';
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+// userJoin
+pad.userJoin = function(userInfo) {
+ pad.dmesg("pad.userJoin: ""/"+userInfo.userId);
+ pad.users[userInfo.userId] = userInfo;
+ var name = pad.escapeHtml(pad.getUserDisplayName(userInfo));
+ if (userInfo.userId != pad.myUserInfo.userId) {
+ var currentTime = +(new Date());
+ if ((currentTime - pad.initTime) > 1000*2) {
+ pad.notify('<i>'+name+'</i> has joined the pad.');
+ }
+ }
+ // assign an ID for the userbox div
+ var boxId = pad.userBoxIds[userInfo.userId];
+ if (!boxId) {
+ pad.lastBoxId++;
+ boxId = "userbox"+pad.lastBoxId;
+ pad.userBoxIds[userInfo.userId] = boxId;
+ var classNames = "userbox";
+ if (userInfo.userId == pad.myUserInfo.userId) { classNames += " me"; }
+ var userbox = '<div class="'+classNames+'" id="'+boxId+'"><!-- --></div>';
+ $('#userlist').append(userbox);
+ }
+ $('#userlist div.lastuser').removeClass('lastuser');
+ $('#'+boxId).addClass('lastuser').hide();
+ pad.updateUserBox(userInfo);
+ pad.updateChatHistoryForUser(userInfo);
+ // show
+ $('#'+boxId).fadeIn('slow');
+pad.updateUserBox = function(userInfo) {
+ var nameHtml = '<span class="username">' + pad.escapeHtml(pad.getUserDisplayName(userInfo)) + '</span>';
+ var changeLink = '';
+ var isMe = (userInfo.userId == pad.myUserInfo.userId);
+ if (isMe) {
+ changeLink = '<div id="rightuserlink">'+
+ '<a id="changenamelink" href="javascript: void;" class="small_link">edit name/color</a>'+
+ '</div>';
+ }
+ var displayIp = userInfo.ip + '/' + userInfo.userAgent;
+ var boxId = pad.userBoxIds[userInfo.userId];
+ var box = $('#'+boxId);
+ if (box.size() != 1) {
+ pad.notify("Warning: spurious user update for user &lt;"+userInfo.userId+"&gt;");
+ return;
+ }
+ var bgcolor = clientVars.colorPalette[userInfo.colorId];
+ box.empty().html([
+ '<div class="userinfowrap' + (isMe ? ' myuserwrap' : '') + '">',
+ '<div class="usercolor" style="background-color: ',bgcolor, '">',
+ '&nbsp;</div>',
+ '<div class="userinfo">',
+ changeLink,
+ ' <div>',
+ nameHtml,
+ ' </div>',
+ ' <div class="ip">',
+ displayIp,
+ ' </div>',
+ '</div>',
+ '<div style="clear: both;"><!-- --></div>',
+ '</div>'
+ ].join(''));
+ if (isMe) {
+ $('#userlist div.myuserwrap').click(pad.myUserInfoClick);
+ }
+pad.myUserInfoClick = function(e) {
+ if (pad.isEditingUserInfo) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ pad.oldColorId = pad.myUserInfo.colorId;
+ pad.isEditingUserInfo = true;
+ $('#userlist').hide().html([
+ '<div class="edituserinfo">',
+ '<h4>Name:</h4>',
+ '<p><input type="text" id="mynewname" /></p>',
+ '<h4>Color:</h4>',
+ pad.renderColorPicker(),
+ '<button id="savemyuserinfo">Save</button>',
+ '<button id="canceleditmyuserinfo">Cancel</button>',
+ '</div>'
+ ].join('')).fadeIn('fast', function() {});
+ $('input#mynewname').val(pad.getUserDisplayName(pad.myUserInfo)).focus().select();
+ pad.setOnEnterKey('input#mynewname', pad.saveMyNewUserInfo);
+ $('#canceleditmyuserinfo').click(pad.cancelEditMyUserInfo);
+ $('#savemyuserinfo').click(pad.saveMyNewUserInfo);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+pad.cancelEditMyUserInfo = function(e) {
+ if (pad.oldColorId != pad.myUserInfo.colorId) {
+ pad.myUserInfo.colorId = pad.oldColorId;
+ pad.collabClient.updateUserInfo(pad.myUserInfo);
+ }
+ $('#userlist').fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ pad.updateUserBox(pad.myUserInfo);
+ $('#userlist').fadeIn('fast');
+ pad.isEditingUserInfo = false;
+ });
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+pad.saveMyNewUserInfo = function(e) {
+ var newName = $('#mynewname').val();
+ if (newName != "unnamed (me)") {
+ = newName;
+ }
+ $('#userlist').fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ $('#userlist').html('Saving...');
+ pad.collabClient.updateUserInfo(pad.myUserInfo);
+ pad.saveCookie();
+ pad.updateUserBox(pad.myUserInfo);
+ $('#userlist').fadeIn('fast');
+ pad.isEditingUserInfo = false;
+ pad.updateChatHistoryForUser(pad.myUserInfo);
+ });
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+pad.renderColorPicker = function() {
+ function renderColorSquare(i) {
+ var classNames = "";
+ if (i == pad.myUserInfo.colorId) {
+ classNames += " selectedcolor";
+ }
+ var html = [
+ '<a class="'+classNames+'"',
+ ' id="colorchoice'+i+'"',
+ ' style="background: '+clientVars.colorPalette[i], ';"',
+ ' href="javascript:void pad.chooseNewColor('+i+');">',
+ '&nbsp;</a>'
+ ].join('');
+ return html;
+ }
+ var r = '<div id="colorpicker">';
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientVars.colorPalette.length; i++) {
+ r += renderColorSquare(i);
+ }
+ r += '<div style="clear: both;"><!-- --></div></div>';
+ return r;
+pad.chooseNewColor = function(colorId) {
+ pad.myUserInfo.colorId = colorId;
+ pad.collabClient.updateUserInfo(pad.myUserInfo);
+ $('#colorpicker a').removeClass('selectedcolor');
+ $('#colorpicker a#colorchoice'+colorId).addClass('selectedcolor');
+// userLeave
+pad.userLeave = function(userInfo) {
+ pad.dmesg("pad.userLeave: ""/"+userInfo.userId);
+ var box = $('#'+pad.userBoxIds[userInfo.userId]);
+ box.attr('id', ('oldbox'+(+(new Date()))));
+ delete pad.users[userInfo.userId];
+ delete pad.userBoxIds[userInfo.userId];
+ box.fadeOut('slow', function() {
+ box.remove();
+ var boxes = $('#userlist').children();
+ if (boxes.size() > 0) {
+ $(boxes.get(boxes.size()-1)).addClass('lastuser');
+ }
+ });
+ pad.updateChatHistoryForUser(userInfo);
+// updateUserInfo
+pad.updateUserInfo = function(userInfo) {
+ pad.updateUserBox(userInfo);
+ pad.updateChatHistoryForUser(userInfo);
+ // TODO: draw attention to the updated userbox somehow? flash it?
+ var oldInfo = pad.users[userInfo.userId];
+ if ( != {
+ var oldName = pad.escapeHtml(pad.getUserDisplayName(oldInfo));
+ var newName = pad.escapeHtml(pad.getUserDisplayName(userInfo));
+ pad.notify("<i>"+oldName+"</i> is now known as <i>"+newName+"</i>.");
+ }
+ if (oldInfo.colorId != userInfo.colorId) {
+ pad.notify("<i>"+pad.escapeHtml(pad.getUserDisplayName(userInfo))+"</i> has a new background color.");
+ }
+ pad.users[userInfo.userId] = userInfo;
+// channelStateChange
+pad.channelStateChange = function(newState, message) {
+ pad.connectionState = newState;
+ if (newState == "CONNECTED") {
+ $('#savenow').removeAttr('disabled');
+ pad.displayConnectionStatus('connected');
+ pad.notify("Connected to EtherPad synchronization server.");
+ }
+ if (newState == "RECONNECTING") {
+ $('#savenow').attr('disabled', true);
+ pad.displayConnectionStatus('connecting');
+ pad.notify("Lost connection with server. Attempting to reconnect...", true);
+ }
+ if (newState == "DISCONNECTED") {
+ pad.diagnosticInfo.disconnectedMessage = message;
+ pad.diagnosticInfo.padInitTime = pad.initTime;
+ pad.asyncSendDiagnosticInfo();
+ $('#savenow').attr('disabled', true);
+ pad.displayConnectionStatus('disconnected');
+ if (typeof top.ajlog == "string") { top.ajlog += ("Disconnected: "+message+'\n'); }
+ $('div#bigtoperror_wrap').addClass('hidden');
+ $('div.bigtoperror').hide();
+ pad.clearNotificationQueue();
+ if (pad.ace) {
+ pad.ace.setProperty("grayedOut", true);
+ pad.ace.setEditable(false);
+ }
+ if (message == "userdup") {
+ $('div#disconnected_userdup').show();
+ } else if (message == "looping") {
+ $('div#disconnected_looping').show();
+ $('div#reconnect_advise').show();
+ } else if (message == "slowcommit") {
+ $('div#disconnected_slowcommit').show();
+ $('div#reconnect_advise').show();
+ } else if (message == "initsocketfail") {
+ $('div#disconnected_initsocketfail').show();
+ $('div#reconnect_advise').show();
+ } else {
+ $('div#disconnected_unknown').show();
+ $('div#reconnect_advise').show();
+ }
+ pad.notify("Lost connection with server.");
+ $('div#bigtoperror_wrap').html();
+ $('div#bigtoperror_wrap').removeClass('hidden').fadeIn('fast', function() {
+ pad.resizePage();
+ });
+ $('div#userlist div.userbox').remove();
+ }
+// Notification system
+pad.notify = function(message, persist) {
+ pad.notifyQueue.push([message, persist]);
+ setTimeout(pad.processNotifyQueue, 50);
+pad.clearNotificationQueue = function() {
+ delete pad.notifyQueue;
+ pad.notifyQueue = [];
+pad.processNotifyQueue = function() {
+ if (pad.notifyQueue.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var msSinceLast = (+(new Date()) - pad.lastNotify);
+ if (msSinceLast < 1000) {
+ setTimeout(pad.processNotifyQueue, 1050-msSinceLast);
+ return;
+ }
+ var msg = pad.notifyQueue.shift();
+ $('#topbarmsg').fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ $('#topbarmsg').html(msg[0]).fadeIn('slow');
+ });
+ pad.lastNotify = +(new Date());
+ // set window title if blurred
+ function striptags(x) {
+ return x.replace(/<[^\>]+>/g, '');
+ }
+ if (!pad.padHasFocus) {
+ $(document).attr('title', '* '+striptags(msg[0]));
+ }
+ // clear it after 5 seconds unless "persist" was specified
+ pad.persistLastNotify = msg[1];
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if (!pad.persistLastNotify) {
+ $('#topbarmsg').fadeOut('slow');
+ }
+ }, 5000);
+// Cookies
+pad.saveCookie = function() {
+ if (!pad.initialized) { return; }
+ var prefs = {
+ userId: pad.myUserInfo.userId,
+ name:,
+ colorId: pad.myUserInfo.colorId,
+ wrapLines: pad.isPrefMarked('wrap'),
+ showAuthorColors: pad.isPrefMarked('showcolors'),
+ showLineNumbers: pad.isPrefMarked('linenums'),
+ highlightJs: pad.isPrefMarked('jshighlight'),
+ fullWidth: pad.isPrefMarked('fullwidth'),
+ sideBoxVisibility: pad.sideBoxVisibility,
+ viewZoom: pad.viewZoom,
+ viewFont: pad.viewFont
+ };
+ var expiresDate = new Date();
+ expiresDate.setFullYear(3000);
+ document.cookie = ('prefs='+escape(JSON.stringify(prefs))+
+ ';expires='+expiresDate.toGMTString());
+ // If the browser rejects the cookie, then show an error message.
+ if (clientVars.isProPad &&
+ !(document.cookie &&
+ (document.cookie.length > 0) &&
+ (document.cookie.indexOf('prefs') >= 0))) {
+ if (!pad.alreadyWarnedAboutNoCookies) {
+ alert("Warning: it appears that your browser does not have cookies enabled."+
+ " EtherPad uses cookies to keep track of unique users for the purpose"+
+ " of putting a quota on the number of active users. Using EtherPad without "+
+ " cookies may fill up your server's user quota faster than expected.");
+ pad.alreadyWarnedAboutNoCookies = true;
+ }
+ }
+pad.getInitialCookiePrefs = function() {
+ function _getExistingCookie() {
+ if (document.cookie.length < 1) {
+ pad.isFreshCookie = true;
+ return {};
+ }
+ var name = "prefs";
+ var start = document.cookie.indexOf(name + "=");
+ if (start == -1) {
+ pad.isFreshCookie = true;
+ return {};
+ }
+ start = start + name.length + 1;
+ var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", start);
+ if (end == -1) {
+ end = document.cookie.length;
+ }
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(unescape(document.cookie.substring(start, end)));
+ } catch (ex) {
+ pad.isFreshCookie = true;
+ return {};
+ }
+ }
+ var cp = _getExistingCookie();
+ // required cookie fields & defaults
+ function _setDefault(name, val) {
+ if (cp[name] === undefined) {
+ cp[name] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ _setDefault('sideBoxVisibility', {});
+ _setDefault('wrapLines', true);
+ _setDefault('showAuthorColors', true);
+ _setDefault('showLineNumbers', false);
+ _setDefault('fullWidth', false);
+ return cp;
+pad.forceReconnect = function(diagnosticInfo) {
+ $('form#reconnect input#padId').val(pad.padId);
+ pad.diagnosticInfo.collabDiagnosticInfo = pad.collabClient.getDiagnosticInfo();
+ $('form#reconnect input#diagnosticInfo').val(JSON.stringify(pad.diagnosticInfo));
+ $('form#reconnect input#missedChanges').val(JSON.stringify(pad.collabClient.getMissedChanges()));
+ $('form#reconnect').submit();
+pad.dmesg = function(m) {
+ if (pad.debugEnabled) {
+ $('#djs').append('<p>'+m+'</p>');
+ var djs = $('#djs').get(0);
+ djs.scrollTop = djs.scrollHeight;
+ }
+pad.showSideBar = function() {
+ $('#sidebarcell').show().addClass('visible');
+ $('a#showsidebar').hide();
+ $('a#hidesidebar').show();
+ pad.sideBarVisible = true;
+ pad.saveCookie();
+ return false;
+pad.hideSideBar = function() {
+ $('#sidebarcell').hide().removeClass('visible');
+ $('a#showsidebar').show();
+ $('a#hidesidebar').hide();
+ pad.sideBarVisible = false;
+ pad.saveCookie();
+ return false;
+pad.setFullWidth = function(fullWidth) {
+ if (fullWidth) {
+ //$('#padhead, #appjetfooter').fadeOut('fast').addClass('hidden');
+ $('body').removeClass('limwidth').addClass('fullwidth');
+ $('#widthlink').attr('title', "Use fixed pad width");
+ } else {
+ // hack:
+ $("#padtitle").css('width', '400px');
+ //$('#padhead, #appjetfooter').removeClass('hidden').fadeIn('fast');
+ $('body').removeClass('fullwidth').addClass('limwidth');
+ $('#widthlink').attr('title', "Use full window width");
+ }
+ if (pad.initialized) {
+ pad.resizePage();
+ }
+pad.toggleFullWidth = function() {
+ // fires when user clicks icon in corner; updates preferences
+ var oldValue = pad.isPrefMarked("fullwidth");
+ var newValue = ! oldValue;
+ pad.markPref("fullwidth", newValue);
+ pad.updatePref("fullwidth", newValue);
+ pad.saveCookie();
+pad.handlerPreventDefault = function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+pad.swallowAllMouseEvents = function(jqueryNodes) {
+ jqueryNodes.mousedown(pad.handlerPreventDefault);
+ jqueryNodes.mouseup(pad.handlerPreventDefault);
+// Saved Revisions
+pad.renderRevisionList = function(fast) {
+ var rlis = pad.revisionList;
+ var content = "";
+ for (var i = 0; (i < rlis.length) && (i < pad.shownRevisions); i++) {
+ var rnum = rlis.length - i;
+ var name = pad.escapeHtml(rlis[i].savedBy);
+ name += " ("+rlis[i].ip+")";
+ var when = pad.timediff(new Date(rlis[i].timestamp));
+ var viewLink = '/ep/pad/view/'+pad.padId+'/'+rlis[i].id;
+ var restoreLink = 'javascript:void pad.restoreRevision('+rnum+');';
+ var label = pad.escapeHtml(rlis[i].label || ('Revision '+rnum));
+ if (rlis[i].savedById == pad.myUserInfo.userId &&
+ ((+(new Date()) - rlis[i].timestamp) < (24*60*60*1000))) {
+ label = ('<a class="editrlabel small_link" href="javascript: void pad.editRevisionLabel('+rnum+');">'+
+ label + '</a>');
+ }
+ content += ('<div class="revisioninfo" id="revisioninfo_'+rnum+'">'+
+ ' <div class="rleft">'+
+ ' <div id="rlabel'+rnum+'">'+label+'</div>'+
+ ' <div class="ractions">'+
+ ' <a class="small_link" target="_blank" href="'+viewLink+'">view</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a class="small_link" href="'+restoreLink+'">restore</a>'+
+ ' </div>'+
+ ' </div>'+
+ ' <div class="rright">saved '+when+' by '+name+'</div>'+
+ ' <div style="clear: both;"><!-- --></div>'+
+ '</div>');
+ }
+ var areMore = (pad.shownRevisions < pad.revisionList.length);
+ var areFewer = (pad.shownRevisions > pad.REVISIONCOUNT_STEP);
+ content += '<div class="revisionbottomlinks">';
+ if (areMore || areFewer) {
+ content += 'show:&nbsp;';
+ }
+ if (areFewer) {
+ content += '<a class="small_link" href="javascript:void pad.fewerRevisions();">fewer</a>';
+ }
+ if (areMore && areFewer) {
+ content += '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
+ }
+ if (areMore) {
+ content += '<a class="small_link" href="javascript:void pad.moreRevisions();">more</a>';
+ }
+ content += '</div>';
+ if (fast) {
+ $('#revisionlist').html(content);
+ } else {
+ $('#revisionlist').hide().html(content).fadeIn('fast');
+ }
+pad.fewerRevisions = function() {
+ pad.shownRevisions -= pad.REVISIONCOUNT_STEP;
+ pad.renderRevisionList();
+pad.moreRevisions = function() {
+ pad.shownRevisions += pad.REVISIONCOUNT_STEP;
+ pad.renderRevisionList();
+pad.saveRevision = function() {
+ var mv = clientVars.accountPrivs.maxRevisions;
+ if ((mv != -1) && (pad.revisionList.length >= mv)) {
+ $('#savenow').hide();
+ $('#nosaveprivs').fadeIn('fast');
+ return;
+ }
+ $('#savenow').attr('disabled', true).val("Saving...");
+ var savedBy = || "unnamed";
+ pad.collabClient.callWhenNotCommitting(doAjax);
+ function doAjax() {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: '/ep/pad/saverevision',
+ data: {
+ padId: pad.padId,
+ savedBy: savedBy,
+ savedById: pad.myUserInfo.userId,
+ revNum: pad.collabClient.getCurrentRevisionNumber()
+ },
+ success: success,
+ error: error
+ });
+ }
+ function success(text) {
+ pad.revisionList = JSON.parse(text);
+ if (pad.revisionList.length > 0) {
+ pad.clientTimeOffset = +(new Date) - pad.revisionList[0].timestamp;
+ }
+ pad.renderRevisionList();
+ pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage({
+ type: 'newRevisionList',
+ revisionList: pad.revisionList,
+ savedBy: savedBy
+ });
+ $('#savenow').val("Save Now").removeAttr('disabled');
+ }
+ function error(e) {
+ alert("Oops! The server failed to save the revision. Please try again later.");
+ $('#savenow').val("Save Now").removeAttr('disabled');
+ }
+pad.restoreRevision = function(rnum) {
+ var i = pad.revisionList.length - rnum;
+ var rev = pad.revisionList[i];
+ var warning = ("Restoring this revision will replace the current"
+ + "pad with the text saved in revision \""
+ + ""+rev.label+"\". Are you sure you want to continue?");
+ if (confirm(warning)) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'get',
+ url: '/ep/pad/getrevisionatext',
+ data: {padId: pad.padId, revId:},
+ success: success,
+ error: error
+ });
+ }
+ function success(resultJson) {
+ var result = JSON.parse(resultJson);
+ pad.collabClient.addHistoricalAuthors(result.historicalAuthorData);
+ pad.ace.importAText(result.atext, result.apool, true);
+ }
+ function error(e) {
+ alert("Oops! There was an error retreiving the text (revNum= "+
+ rev.revNum+"; padId="+pad.padId);
+ }
+pad.editRevisionLabel = function(rnum) {
+ var i = pad.revisionList.length - rnum;
+ var rev = pad.revisionList[i];
+ $('#revisioninfo_'+rnum).html(
+ '<p class="revlabelprompt">Enter a label for revision #'+rnum+' and press return.</p>'+
+ '<input class="inputrevlabel"'+
+ ' id="inputrevlabel'+rnum+'" type="text" />'
+ );
+ $('input#inputrevlabel'+rnum).val(rev.label).focus().select();
+ pad.setOnEnterKey('#inputrevlabel'+rnum, function() {
+ pad.saveRevisionLabel(rnum);
+ });
+pad.saveRevisionLabel = function(rnum) {
+ var i = pad.revisionList.length - rnum;
+ var rev = pad.revisionList[i];
+ var newLabel = $('#inputrevlabel'+rnum).val();
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: '/ep/pad/saverevisionlabel',
+ data: {userId: pad.myUserInfo.userId,
+ padId: pad.padId,
+ revId:,
+ newLabel: newLabel},
+ success: success,
+ error: error
+ });
+ function success(text) {
+ pad.revisionList = JSON.parse(text);
+ pad.renderRevisionList();
+ pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage({
+ type: 'revisionLabel',
+ revisionList: pad.revisionList,
+ savedBy:,
+ newLabel: newLabel
+ });
+ }
+ function error(e) {
+ alert("Oops! There was an error saving that revision label. Please try again later.");
+ }
+// Feedback form.
+pad.submitfeedback = function() {
+ var feedback = $('#feedbackarea').val();
+ $('#feedbackarea').val('');
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: '/ep/pad/feedback',
+ data: {feedback: feedback, padId: pad.padId, username:},
+ success: success,
+ error: error
+ });
+ $('#feedbackresult #feedbackemail').html('feedback'+'@'+'etherpad'+'.com');
+ $('#feedbackbox').fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ $('#feedbackresult').fadeIn('slow', function() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $('#feedbackresult').fadeOut('slow', function() {
+ $('#feedbackbox').fadeIn('fast');
+ });
+ }, 10000);
+ });
+ });
+ function success(msg) {};
+ function error(e) {
+ alert("Oops! There was an error submitting the feedback. Please try again later.");
+ }
+// UA Display
+pad.uaDisplay = function(ua) {
+ var m;
+ function clean(a) {
+ var maxlen = 16;
+ a = a.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/g, '');
+ if (a.length > maxlen) {
+ a = a.substr(0,maxlen);
+ }
+ return a;
+ }
+ function checkver(name) {
+ var m = ua.match(RegExp(name + '\\/([\\d\\.]+)'));
+ if (m && m.length > 1) {
+ return clean(name+m[1]);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // firefox
+ if (checkver('Firefox')) { return checkver('Firefox'); }
+ // misc browsers, including IE
+ m = ua.match(/compatible; ([^;]+);/);
+ if (m && m.length > 1) {
+ return clean(m[1]);
+ }
+ // iphone
+ if (ua.match(/\(iPhone;/)) {
+ return 'iPhone';
+ }
+ // chrome
+ if (checkver('Chrome')) { return checkver('Chrome'); }
+ // safari
+ m = ua.match(/Safari\/[\d\.]+/);
+ if (m) {
+ var v = '?';
+ m = ua.match(/Version\/([\d\.]+)/);
+ if (m && m.length > 1) {
+ v = m[1];
+ }
+ return clean('Safari'+v);
+ }
+ // everything else
+ var x = ua.split(' ')[0];
+ return clean(x);
+// invitemoreClick
+pad.invitemoreShow = function() {
+ $('#invitemorelink').hide();
+ $('#inviteinstructions').fadeIn('fast');
+ $('#invite_email').focus();
+pad.invitemoreHide = function() {
+ $('#inviteinstructions').fadeOut('fast');
+ $('#invitemorelink').show();
+pad.invitemoreSendEmail = function() {
+ function msg(m) {
+ $('#invite_email_status').hide().html(m).fadeIn('fast');
+ }
+ var email = $('#invite_email').val();
+ if (!pad.validEmail(email)) {
+ msg("That doesn't look like a valid email address.");
+ return;
+ }
+ $('#invite_email_submit').attr('disabled', true).val('Sending...');
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: '/ep/pad/emailinvite',
+ data: {email: email,
+ padId: pad.padId,
+ username: ( || "someone")
+ },
+ success: function() {
+ $('#invite_email').val('');
+ msg("Email sent to "+email+".");
+ $('#invite_email_submit').val('Send').removeAttr('disabled');
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ msg("Oops! There was an error sending the invite. Please try again later.");
+ $('#invite_email_submit').val('Send').removeAttr('disabled');
+ }
+ });
+pad.validEmail = function(x) {
+ return (x.length > 0 &&
+ x.match(/^[\w\.\_\+\-]+\@[\w\_\-]+\.[\w\_\-\.]+$/));
+pad.getQueryParam = function(name) {
+ var params = {};
+ var query =;
+ var parts = query.split('&');
+ for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ var subparts = parts[i].split('=');
+ if (subparts.length == 2) {
+ params[subparts[0]] = subparts[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return params[name];
+pad.timediff = function(d) {
+ function format(n, word) {
+ n = Math.round(n);
+ return ('' + n + ' ' + word + (n != 1 ? 's' : '') + ' ago');
+ }
+ d = (+(new Date) - (+d) - pad.clientTimeOffset) / 1000;
+ if (d < 60) { return format(d, 'second'); }
+ d /= 60;
+ if (d < 60) { return format(d, 'minute'); }
+ d /= 60;
+ if (d < 24) { return format(d, 'hour'); }
+ d /= 24;
+ return format(d, 'day');
+pad.onClientMessage = function(m) {
+ if (m.type == 'newRevisionList') {
+ pad.revisionList = m.revisionList;
+ pad.notify(pad.escapeHtml(m.savedBy) + " saved a new revision.");
+ pad.renderRevisionList();
+ }
+ if (m.type == 'revisionLabel') {
+ pad.revisionList = m.revisionList;
+ pad.notify(pad.escapeHtml(m.savedBy) + ' labeled a revision, "'+pad.escapeHtml(m.newLabel)+'".');
+ pad.renderRevisionList();
+ }
+ if (m.type == 'chat') {
+ pad.receiveChat(m);
+ }
+ if (m.type == 'padtitle') {
+ pad.title = m.title;
+ pad.renderPadTitle();
+ if (m.changedBy) {
+ pad.notify(pad.escapeHtml(m.changedBy) + ' changed the pad title.');
+ }
+ }
+ if (m.type == 'padpassword') {
+ pad.password = m.password;
+ pad.renderPadTitle();
+ if (m.changedBy) {
+ pad.notify(pad.escapeHtml(m.changedBy) + (
+ m.password ? ' changed the pad password.' : ' removed password protection from this pad.'));
+ }
+ }
+pad.onServerMessage = function(m) {
+ if (m.type == 'NOTICE') {
+ if (m.text) {
+ $('#servermsg').hide().addClass('hidden');
+ $('#servermsgdate').html((new Date()).toString());
+ $('#servermsgtext').html(m.text);
+ $('#servermsg').removeClass('hidden').fadeIn('fast', function() { pad.resizePage(); });
+ pad.notify("Server Notice");
+ }
+ if (m.js) {
+ eval(m.js);
+ }
+ }
+pad.hideTopMsg = function(mn) {
+ var x = $('#'+mn+'msg');
+ x.fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ x.addClass('hidden');
+ pad.resizePage();
+ });
+pad.isSideBoxVisible = function(paneName) {
+ var head = $('#head'+paneName);
+ var box = $('#'+paneName);
+ return head.hasClass('sh_uncollapsed');
+pad.showSideBox = function(paneName) {
+ var head = $('#head'+paneName);
+ var box = $('#'+paneName);
+ head.removeClass('sh_collapsed').addClass('sh_uncollapsed');
+ box.fadeIn('fast', function() {});
+ pad.sideBoxVisibility[paneName] = true;
+ pad.saveCookie();
+ if (paneName == "chatbox") {
+ pad.onShowChatBox();
+ }
+pad.hideSideBox = function(paneName) {
+ var head = $('#head'+paneName);
+ var box = $('#'+paneName);
+ box.fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ head.removeClass('sh_uncollapsed').addClass('sh_collapsed');
+ pad.sideBoxVisibility[paneName] = false;
+ pad.saveCookie();
+ });
+pad.escapeHtml = function(x) {
+ return x.replace(/\</g, '&lt;').replace(/\>/g, '&gt;');
+// Chat
+pad.initChat = function() {
+ pad.setOnEnterKey('#chatinput', function() {
+ pad.sendChat();
+ });
+ pad.chatUserNums = {};
+ pad.lastChatUserNum = 0;
+ pad.numUnreadChatMessages = 0;
+ pad.initChatHistory();
+pad.sendChat = function() {
+ var lineText = $('#chatinput').val();
+ $('#chatinput').val('').focus();
+ var msg = {
+ type: 'chat',
+ userId: pad.myUserInfo.userId,
+ lineText: lineText
+ };
+ pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage(msg);
+ pad.receiveChat(msg);
+pad.updateChatHistoryForUser = function(userInfo) {
+ if (!(pad.chatUserNums && pad.users)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var userNum = pad.chatUserNums[userInfo.userId];
+ var bgcolor = '#fff';
+ if (pad.users[userInfo.userId]) {
+ // only color the chat if user is on the pad.
+ bgcolor = clientVars.colorPalette[userInfo.colorId];
+ }
+ var name = pad.escapeHtml(pad.getUserDisplayName(userInfo));
+ $('.chatusermessage'+userNum).css('background-color', bgcolor);
+ $('.chatusername'+userNum).html(name);
+pad.receiveChat = function(msg, quick) {
+ var userInfo = pad.users[msg.userId];
+ if (!userInfo) { return; }
+ if (!pad.chatUserNums[userInfo.userId]) {
+ pad.lastChatUserNum++;
+ pad.chatUserNums[userInfo.userId] = pad.lastChatUserNum;
+ userNum = pad.lastChatUserNum;
+ }
+ var userNum = pad.chatUserNums[userInfo.userId];
+ pad.renderChatLine(userNum, '.', +(new Date), msg.lineText);
+ pad.updateChatHistoryForUser(userInfo);
+ pad.notifyNewChatMessage(userInfo, msg);
+pad.renderChatLine = function(userNum, name, t, lineText) {
+ function chatTime() {
+ var x = '';
+ var d = new Date(t);
+ x += (d.getHours() < 10) ? ('0'+d.getHours()) : d.getHours();
+ x += ':';
+ x += (d.getMinutes() < 10) ? ('0'+d.getMinutes()) : d.getMinutes();
+ return x;
+ }
+ var displayName;
+ if (!name) {
+ name = "unnamed";
+ }
+ $('#chatmessages').append([
+ '<div class="chatmessage chatusermessage'+userNum+'">',
+ '<span class="chatname chatusername'+userNum+'">'+pad.escapeHtml(name)+'</span>',
+ '<span class="chattime">&nbsp;(', chatTime(t), ')</span>:&nbsp;',
+ '<span class="chatline">', pad.escapeHtml(lineText), '</span>',
+ '</div>'
+ ].join(''));
+pad.initChatHistory = function() {
+ var chatHistory = clientVars.chatHistory;
+ if (!chatHistory) { return; }
+ for (var i = 0; i < chatHistory.length; i++) {
+ var l = chatHistory[i];
+ pad.renderChatLine(0,, l.time, l.lineText);
+ }
+ pad.scrollChatBox();
+pad.onShowChatBox = function() {
+ $('#chatheadname').html('Chat');
+ $('#headchatbox').removeClass('sh_hilited');
+ pad.numUnreadChatMessages = 0;
+ pad.scrollChatBox();
+pad.scrollChatBox = function() {
+ var messageBox = $('#chatmessages').get(0);
+ messageBox.scrollTop = messageBox.scrollHeight;
+pad.notifyNewChatMessage = function(userInfo, msg) {
+ if (userInfo.userId != pad.myUserInfo.userId) {
+ var name = pad.escapeHtml(pad.getUserDisplayName(userInfo));
+ var text;
+ if (msg.lineText.length <= 40) {
+ text = msg.lineText;
+ } else {
+ text = (msg.lineText.substr(0, 37) + '...');
+ }
+ text = pad.escapeHtml(text);
+ pad.notify("<i>"+name+" says</i>: "+text);
+ }
+ if ($('#headchatbox').hasClass('sh_collapsed')) {
+ pad.numUnreadChatMessages++;
+ var pluralS = (pad.numUnreadChatMessages > 1 ? 's' : '');
+ $('#chatheadname').html('Chat <b>('+pad.numUnreadChatMessages+' unread message'+pluralS+')</b>');
+ if (!$('#headchatbox').hasClass('sh_hilited')) {
+ $('#headchatbox').addClass('sh_hilited');
+ }
+ }
+ pad.scrollChatBox();
+// Connection trouble
+pad.onConnectionTrouble = function(troubleStatus) {
+ if (troubleStatus == "OK") {
+ $('#savenow').removeAttr('disabled');
+ pad.displayConnectionStatus('connected');
+ if (pad.experiencingConnectionTrouble) {
+ pad.notify("Connection re-established!");
+ pad.experiencingConnectionTrouble = false;
+ }
+ } else if (troubleStatus == "SLOW") {
+ $('#savenow').attr('disabled', true);
+ pad.displayConnectionStatus('connecting');
+ if (!pad.experiencingConnectionTrouble) {
+ pad.experiencingConnectionTrouble = true;
+ pad.notify("The network seems slow. Waiting to hear back from the server...", true);
+ }
+ }
+// Connection Status Display
+pad.displayConnectionStatus = function(status) {
+ var cs = $('#connectionstatus');
+ cs.attr('class', status);
+ if (status == "connecting") { cs.html("Connecting..."); }
+ else if (status == "connected") { cs.html("Connected"); }
+ else if (status == "disconnected") { cs.html("Disconnected"); }
+ else { cs.html(status+'?'); }
+pad.asyncSendDiagnosticInfo = function() {
+ pad.diagnosticInfo.collabDiagnosticInfo = pad.collabClient.getDiagnosticInfo();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: '/ep/pad/connection-diagnostic-info',
+ data: {padId: pad.padId, diagnosticInfo: JSON.stringify(pad.diagnosticInfo)},
+ success: function() {},
+ error: function() {}
+ });
+ });
+// Modal Dialogs
+pad.repositionModals = function() {
+ var overlayNode = $("#modaloverlay");
+ var pageHeight = pad.getCurrentPageHeight();
+ overlayNode.height(pageHeight);
+ var dialogNode = $("#modaldialog");
+ var dialogHeight = dialogNode.outerHeight();
+ dialogNode.css('top', Math.round((pageHeight - dialogHeight)/2)+"px");
+// Import/Export
+pad.importClearTimeout = function() {
+ if (pad.currentImport) {
+ clearTimeout(pad.currentImport);
+ delete pad.currentImport;
+ }
+pad.importApplicationSuccessful = function(data, textStatus) {
+ if (data.substr(0, 2) == "ok") {
+ if ($('.importmessage').is(':visible')) {
+ $('.importmessage').hide();
+ }
+ $('#importmessagesuccess').html('<strong style="color: green">Import successful!</strong>').show();
+ $('#importformfilediv').hide();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $('#importmessagesuccess').fadeOut("slow", function() { $('#importformfilediv').show() });
+ }, 4000);
+ } else if (data.substr(0, 4) == "fail") {
+ pad.importErrorMessage("Couldn't update pad contents. Do you have \"cookies\" enabled in your web browser?");
+ } else if (data.substr(0, 4) == "msg:") {
+ pad.importErrorMessage(data.substr(4));
+ }
+ pad.importDone();
+pad.importSuccessful = function(token) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: '/ep/pad/impexp/import2',
+ data: {token: token, padId: pad.padId},
+ success: pad.importApplicationSuccessful,
+ error: pad.importApplicationFailed,
+ timeout: 25000 // 20 second timeout.
+ });
+ pad.addImportFrames();
+pad.importApplicationFailed = function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ pad.importErrorMessage("Error during conversion.");
+ pad.importDone();
+pad.importFailed = function(msg) {
+ pad.importErrorMessage(msg);
+ pad.importDone();
+ pad.addImportFrames();
+pad.importErrorMessage = function(msg) {
+ function showError(fade) {
+ $('#importmessagefail').html('<strong style="color: red">Import failed:</strong> '+
+ (msg || 'Please try a different file.'))[(fade?"fadeIn":"show")]();
+ }
+ if ($('.importmessage').is(':visible')) {
+ $('#importmessagesuccess').fadeOut("fast");
+ $('#importmessagefail').fadeOut("fast", function() { showError(true) });
+ } else {
+ showError();
+ }
+pad.fileInputUpdated = function() {
+ $('#importformfilediv').addClass('importformenabled');
+ $('#importsubmitinput').removeAttr('disabled');
+ $('#importmessagefail').fadeOut("fast");
+ $('#importarrow').show();
+ $('#importarrow').animate({paddingLeft:"0px"}, 500)
+ .animate({paddingLeft:"10px"}, 150, 'swing')
+ .animate({paddingLeft:"0px"}, 150, 'swing')
+ .animate({paddingLeft:"10px"}, 150, 'swing')
+ .animate({paddingLeft:"0px"}, 150, 'swing')
+ .animate({paddingLeft:"10px"}, 150, 'swing')
+ .animate({paddingLeft:"0px"}, 150, 'swing');
+pad.importDone = function() {
+ $('#importsubmitinput').removeAttr('disabled').val("Import Now");
+ setTimeout(function() { $('#importfileinput').removeAttr('disabled'); }, 0);
+ $('#importstatusball').hide();
+ pad.importClearTimeout();
+pad.fileInputSubmit = function() {
+ $('#importmessagefail').fadeOut("fast");
+ var ret = confirm("Importing a file will overwrite your existing document,"+
+ " and cannot be undone. If you want to keep your current"+
+ " document, download it or save a revision.\n\n"+
+ "Are you sure you want to proceed?");
+ if (ret) {
+ pad.currentImport = setTimeout(function() {
+ if (! pad.currentImport) {
+ return;
+ }
+ delete pad.currentImport;
+ pad.importFailed("Request timed out.");
+ }, 25000); // 20 second timeout.
+ $('#importsubmitinput').attr({disabled: true}).val("Importing...");
+ setTimeout(function() { $('#importfileinput').attr({disabled: true}) }, 0);
+ $('#importarrow').stop(true, true).hide();
+ $('#importstatusball').show();
+ }
+ return ret;
+pad.cantExport = function() {
+ var type = $(this);
+ if (type.hasClass("exporthrefpdf")) {
+ type = "PDF";
+ } else if (type.hasClass("exporthrefdoc")) {
+ type = "Microsoft Word";
+ } else if (type.hasClass("exporthrefodt")) {
+ type = "OpenDocument";
+ } else {
+ type = "this file";
+ }
+ alert("Exporting as "+type+" format is disabled. Please contact your"+
+ " system administrator for details.");
+ return false;
+// pad.exportDoNothingClickHandler = function() { return false; }
+// pad.exportDoLongClick = function() {
+// if ($(this).hasClass('exporthrefdoc')) {
+// pad.exportStartLong('doc');
+// } else if ($(this).hasClass('exporthrefpdf')) {
+// pad.exportStartLong('pdf');
+// } else {
+// return false;
+// }
+// setTimeout(pad.exportDisableOffice, 0);
+// return true;
+// }
+// pad.exportDisableOffice = function() {
+// $('.requiresoffice').unbind('click', pad.exportDoLongClick);
+// $('.requiresoffice').click(pad.exportDoNothingClickHandler);
+// $('.requiresoffice').addClass('disabledexport');
+// }
+// pad.exportEnableOffice = function() {
+// $('.exportspinner').hide();
+// $('.requiresoffice').removeClass('disabledexport');
+// $('.requiresoffice').unbind('click', pad.exportDoNothingClickHandler);
+// $('.requiresoffice').click(pad.exportDoLongClick);
+// }
+// pad.exportMessage = function(msg, head) {
+// function showMessage(fade) {
+// head = head || '<strong style="color: red">Export failed:</strong> ';
+// msg = msg || 'Please try a different file type or try again later.';
+// $('#exportmessage').html(head+msg)[(fade?"fadeIn":"show")]();
+// }
+// if ($('#exportmessage').is(":visible")) {
+// $('#exportmessage').fadeOut("fast", function() { showMessage(true) });
+// } else {
+// showMessage();
+// }
+// }
+// pad.exportDone = function(message) {
+// if (message == "ok") {
+// pad.exportMessage("downloading...", '<strong style="color: green">Conversion successful;</strong> ');
+// setTimeout(function() {
+// $('#exportmessage').fadeOut();
+// }, 4000);
+// } else if (message == "timeout") {
+// pad.exportMessage("Request timed out; please try a different file type or try again later.");
+// } else if (message == "nocookie") {
+// pad.exportMessage("Conversion in progress, please wait...", " ");
+// setTimeout(function() {
+// pad.exportDone("nocookie-delay");
+// }, 25000);
+// } else if (message == "nocookie-delay") {
+// pad.exportMessage("If your download hasn't started yet, then an error occurred; please try a different file type or try again later.", " ");
+// setTimeout(function() {
+// $('#exportmessage').fadeOut();
+// }, 10000);
+// } else {
+// pad.exportMessage("Error converting; please try a different file type or try again later.");
+// }
+// pad.exportEnableOffice();
+// if (! $.browser.opera) {
+// pad.addExportFrames();
+// }
+// }
+// pad.exportHideMessages = function() {
+// $('#exportmessage').fadeOut();
+// }
+// pad.exportStartLong = function(format) {
+// $('#exportspinner'+format).show();
+// $.ajax({
+// type: 'post',
+// url: '/ep/pad/impexp/exportsync',
+// data: { waiter: pad.exportSetCookie() },
+// success: function(data) { pad.exportDone(data); },
+// error: function(xhr, textStatus) { pad.exportDone(textStatus); },
+// timeout: 25000
+// });
+// }
+// pad.exportSetCookie = function() {
+// var cookieValue = Math.round(Math.random()*1e20);
+// document.cookie = "EPexport="+cookieValue;
+// if (!(document.cookie &&
+// (document.cookie.length > 0) &&
+// (document.cookie.indexOf('EPexport') >= 0))) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// return cookieValue;
+// }
+// pad.addExportFrames = function() {
+// $('.exportframe').remove();
+// $('#importexport').append(
+// $('<iframe style="display: none;" name="exportofficeiframe" class="exportframe"></iframe>'));
+// $('#importexport').append(
+// $('<iframe style="display: none;" name="exportiframe" class="exportframe"></iframe>'));
+// }
+pad.addImportFrames = function() {
+ $('.importframe').remove();
+ $('#importexport').append(
+ $('<iframe style="display: none;" name="importiframe" class="importframe"></iframe>'));
+// Rich text
+pad.isTopToolbarEnabled = function() {
+ return ! $("#toptoolbar").hasClass('disabledtoolbar');
+pad.isBotToolbarEnabled = function() {
+ return ! $("#bottoolbar").hasClass('disabledtoolbar');
+pad.toolbarClick = function(which) {
+ if (pad.isTopToolbarEnabled()) {
+ pad.ace.execCommand(which);
+ }
+ pad.ace.focus();
+// View bar
+pad.setViewZoom = function(percent) {
+ if (! (percent >= 50 && percent <= 1000)) {
+ // percent is out of sane range or NaN (which fails comparisons)
+ return;
+ }
+ pad.viewZoom = percent;
+ $("#viewzoommenu").val('z'+percent);
+ pad.updateAceFontAndSize();
+ pad.saveCookie(); // does nothing if we were called from init > initViewBar
+pad.setViewFont = function(font) {
+ pad.viewFont = font;
+ $("#viewfontmenu").val(font);
+ pad.updateAceFontAndSize();
+ pad.saveCookie();
+pad.updateAceFontAndSize = function() {
+ var baseSize = 12;
+ pad.ace.setProperty('textsize', Math.round(baseSize * pad.viewZoom / 100));
+ var face = "sans-serif";
+ if (pad.viewFont == 'code') {
+ face = "monospace";
+ }
+ pad.ace.setProperty('textface', face);
+// Pad title
+pad.renderPadTitle = function() {
+ if (pad.title) {
+ var theTitle = (pad.isEditingTitle ? "-" : pad.title);
+ $("#padtitle").css('display', 'block');
+ var padtitleWidth = $("#toptoolbar").width() - $("#toptoolbar .toptoolbarbutton:last").position().left - 80;
+ $("#padtitle").css('width', padtitleWidth+"px");
+ var shownLength = theTitle.length;
+ $("#padtitletitle").html(pad.escapeHtml(theTitle));
+ // while it wraps, shorten the displayed title
+ while ($("#padtitle .editlink").offset().top > $("#padtitle .padtitlepad").offset().top +
+ $("#padtitle .padtitlepad").height()) {
+ shownLength--;
+ $("#padtitletitle").html(pad.escapeHtml(theTitle.substring(0, shownLength)+"..."));
+ }
+ var titlePos = $("#padtitletitle").position();
+ var titleHeight = $("#padtitletitle").height();
+ var inputBox = $("#padtitleedit");
+ var inputWidth = $("#toptoolbar").width() - titlePos.left - 70;
+ inputBox.css({left: titlePos.left, top:, height: titleHeight,
+ width: inputWidth});
+ $("#toptoolbar .oklink").css({ top: 5, left: titlePos.left + inputWidth + 15 });
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#padtitle").css('display', 'none');
+ }
+ if (clientVars.isProPad) {
+ if (pad.password) {
+ $("#passwordlock").attr('title','Change password...').get(0).className = 'passwordlocked';
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#passwordlock").attr('title','Password protect...').get(0).className = 'passwordnone';
+ }
+ }
+pad.editTitle = function() {
+ $("#padtitleedit").val(pad.title).show().focus().select();
+ $("#padtitle .oklink").show();
+ $("#padtitle .editlink").hide();
+ pad.isEditingTitle = true;
+ pad.renderPadTitle();
+pad.submitTitle = function(acceptChanges) {
+ if (acceptChanges) {
+ var newTitle = $("#padtitleedit").val();
+ if (newTitle) {
+ newTitle = newTitle.substring(0, 80);
+ pad.title = newTitle;
+ pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage({
+ type: 'padtitle',
+ title: newTitle,
+ changedBy: || "unnamed"
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ $("#padtitleedit").hide();
+ $("#padtitle .oklink").hide();
+ $("#padtitle .editlink").show();
+ pad.isEditingTitle = false;
+ pad.renderPadTitle();
+pad.passwordClick = function() {
+ var oldPassword = pad.password;
+ var msg = (oldPassword ? "Enter a new password for this pad, or "+
+ "make blank to remove password protection:" :
+ "Choose a password that will be required to view this pad:");
+ var result = window.prompt(msg, oldPassword || '');
+ if ((typeof result) == "string") {
+ pad.password = (result || null); // empty string --> null
+ if (pad.password !== oldPassword) {
+ pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage({
+ type: 'padpassword',
+ password: pad.password,
+ changedBy: || "unnamed"
+ });
+ pad.renderPadTitle();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // user canceled
+ }
+}; \ No newline at end of file