path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad_userlist.js
diff options
authorAlexander Sulfrian <>2010-06-08 08:22:05 +0200
committerAlexander Sulfrian <>2010-06-08 08:22:05 +0200
commitd7c5ad7d6263fd1baf9bfdbaa4c50b70ef2fbdb2 (patch)
treeae0b65da6432f4c26c8d5a7319efbda5d172846c /trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad_userlist.js
parentfa61221dcd89fcd72cba2c97971626f456c86e5d (diff)
reverted folder structure change for better mergeing with upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad_userlist.js')
1 files changed, 604 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad_userlist.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad_userlist.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13bfd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/pad_userlist.js
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+var paduserlist = (function() {
+ var rowManager = (function() {
+ // The row manager handles rendering rows of the user list and animating
+ // their insertion, removal, and reordering. It manipulates TD height
+ // and TD opacity.
+ function nextRowId() {
+ return "usertr"+(nextRowId.counter++);
+ }
+ nextRowId.counter = 1;
+ // objects are shared; fields are "domId","data","animationStep"
+ var rowsFadingOut = []; // unordered set
+ var rowsFadingIn = []; // unordered set
+ var rowsPresent = []; // in order
+ var ANIMATION_START = -12; // just starting to fade in
+ var ANIMATION_END = 12; // just finishing fading out
+ function getAnimationHeight(step, power) {
+ var a = Math.abs(step/12);
+ if (power == 2) a = a*a;
+ else if (power == 3) a = a*a*a;
+ else if (power == 4) a = a*a*a*a;
+ else if (power >= 5) a = a*a*a*a*a;
+ return Math.round(26*(1-a));
+ }
+ var OPACITY_STEPS = 6;
+ var scheduleAnimation = padutils.makeAnimationScheduler(animateStep, ANIMATION_STEP_TIME,
+ LOWER_FRAMERATE_FACTOR).scheduleAnimation;
+ var NUMCOLS = 4;
+ // we do lots of manipulation of table rows and stuff that JQuery makes ok, despite
+ // IE's poor handling when manipulating the DOM directly.
+ function getEmptyRowHtml(height) {
+ return '<td colspan="'+NUMCOLS+'" style="border:0;height:'+height+'px"><!-- --></td>';
+ }
+ function isNameEditable(data) {
+ return (! && (data.status != 'Disconnected');
+ }
+ function replaceUserRowContents(tr, height, data) {
+ var tds = getUserRowHtml(height, data).match(/<td.*?<\/td>/gi);
+ if (isNameEditable(data) && tr.find("td.usertdname input:enabled").length > 0) {
+ // preserve input field node
+ for(var i=0; i<tds.length; i++) {
+ var oldTd = $(tr.find("td").get(i));
+ if (! oldTd.hasClass('usertdname')) {
+ oldTd.replaceWith(tds[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tr.html(tds.join(''));
+ }
+ return tr;
+ }
+ function getUserRowHtml(height, data) {
+ var nameHtml;
+ var isGuest = ( != 'p');
+ if ( {
+ nameHtml = padutils.escapeHtml(;
+ if (isGuest && pad.getIsProPad()) {
+ nameHtml += ' (Guest)';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ nameHtml = '<input type="text" class="editempty newinput" value="unnamed" '+
+ (isNameEditable(data) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled" ')+
+ '/>';
+ }
+ return ['<td style="height:',height,'px" class="usertdswatch"><div class="swatch" style="background:'+data.color+'">&nbsp;</div></td>',
+ '<td style="height:',height,'px" class="usertdname">',nameHtml,'</td>',
+ '<td style="height:',height,'px" class="usertdstatus">',padutils.escapeHtml(data.status),'</td>',
+ '<td style="height:',height,'px" class="activity">',padutils.escapeHtml(data.activity),'</td>'].join('');
+ }
+ function getRowHtml(id, innerHtml) {
+ return '<tr id="'+id+'">'+innerHtml+'</tr>';
+ }
+ function rowNode(row) {
+ return $("#"+row.domId);
+ }
+ function handleRowData(row) {
+ if ( && == 'Disconnected') {
+ row.opacity = 0.5;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete row.opacity;
+ }
+ }
+ function handleRowNode(tr, data) {
+ if (data.titleText) {
+ tr.attr('title', data.titleText);
+ }
+ else {
+ tr.removeAttr('title');
+ }
+ }
+ function handleOtherUserInputs() {
+ // handle 'INPUT' elements for naming other unnamed users
+ $("#otheruserstable input.newinput").each(function() {
+ var input = $(this);
+ var tr = input.closest("tr");
+ if (tr.length > 0) {
+ var index = tr.parent().children().index(tr);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ var userId = rowsPresent[index];
+ rowManagerMakeNameEditor($(this), userId);
+ }
+ }
+ }).removeClass('newinput');
+ }
+ // animationPower is 0 to skip animation, 1 for linear, 2 for quadratic, etc.
+ function insertRow(position, data, animationPower) {
+ position = Math.max(0, Math.min(rowsPresent.length, position));
+ animationPower = (animationPower === undefined ? 4 : animationPower);
+ var domId = nextRowId();
+ var row = {data: data, animationStep: ANIMATION_START, domId: domId,
+ animationPower: animationPower};
+ handleRowData(row);
+ rowsPresent.splice(position, 0, row);
+ var tr;
+ if (animationPower == 0) {
+ tr = $(getRowHtml(domId, getUserRowHtml(getAnimationHeight(0), data)));
+ row.animationStep = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ rowsFadingIn.push(row);
+ tr = $(getRowHtml(domId, getEmptyRowHtml(getAnimationHeight(ANIMATION_START))));
+ }
+ handleRowNode(tr, data);
+ if (position == 0) {
+ $("table#otheruserstable").prepend(tr);
+ }
+ else {
+ rowNode(rowsPresent[position-1]).after(tr);
+ }
+ if (animationPower != 0) {
+ scheduleAnimation();
+ }
+ handleOtherUserInputs();
+ return row;
+ }
+ function updateRow(position, data) {
+ var row = rowsPresent[position];
+ if (row) {
+ = data;
+ handleRowData(row);
+ if (row.animationStep == 0) {
+ // not currently animating
+ var tr = rowNode(row);
+ replaceUserRowContents(tr, getAnimationHeight(0),
+ "td").css('opacity', (row.opacity === undefined ? 1 : row.opacity));
+ handleRowNode(tr, data);
+ handleOtherUserInputs();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function removeRow(position, animationPower) {
+ animationPower = (animationPower === undefined ? 4 : animationPower);
+ var row = rowsPresent[position];
+ if (row) {
+ rowsPresent.splice(position, 1); // remove
+ if (animationPower == 0) {
+ rowNode(row).remove();
+ }
+ else {
+ row.animationStep = - row.animationStep; // use symmetry
+ row.animationPower = animationPower;
+ rowsFadingOut.push(row);
+ scheduleAnimation();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // newPosition is position after the row has been removed
+ function moveRow(oldPosition, newPosition, animationPower) {
+ animationPower = (animationPower === undefined ? 1 : animationPower); // linear is best
+ var row = rowsPresent[oldPosition];
+ if (row && oldPosition != newPosition) {
+ var rowData =;
+ removeRow(oldPosition, animationPower);
+ insertRow(newPosition, rowData, animationPower);
+ }
+ }
+ function animateStep() {
+ // animation must be symmetrical
+ for(var i=rowsFadingIn.length-1;i>=0;i--) { // backwards to allow removal
+ var row = rowsFadingIn[i];
+ var step = ++row.animationStep;
+ var animHeight = getAnimationHeight(step, row.animationPower);
+ var node = rowNode(row);
+ var baseOpacity = (row.opacity === undefined ? 1 : row.opacity);
+ if (step <= -OPACITY_STEPS) {
+ node.find("td").height(animHeight);
+ }
+ else if (step == -OPACITY_STEPS+1) {
+ node.html(getUserRowHtml(animHeight,"td").css(
+ 'opacity', baseOpacity*1/OPACITY_STEPS);
+ handleRowNode(node,;
+ }
+ else if (step < 0) {
+ node.find("td").css('opacity', baseOpacity*(OPACITY_STEPS-(-step))/OPACITY_STEPS).height(animHeight);
+ }
+ else if (step == 0) {
+ // set HTML in case modified during animation
+ node.html(getUserRowHtml(animHeight,"td").css(
+ 'opacity', baseOpacity*1).height(animHeight);
+ handleRowNode(node,;
+ rowsFadingIn.splice(i, 1); // remove from set
+ }
+ }
+ for(var i=rowsFadingOut.length-1;i>=0;i--) { // backwards to allow removal
+ var row = rowsFadingOut[i];
+ var step = ++row.animationStep;
+ var node = rowNode(row);
+ var animHeight = getAnimationHeight(step, row.animationPower);
+ var baseOpacity = (row.opacity === undefined ? 1 : row.opacity);
+ if (step < OPACITY_STEPS) {
+ node.find("td").css('opacity', baseOpacity*(OPACITY_STEPS - step)/OPACITY_STEPS).height(animHeight);
+ }
+ else if (step == OPACITY_STEPS) {
+ node.html(getEmptyRowHtml(animHeight));
+ }
+ else if (step <= ANIMATION_END) {
+ node.find("td").height(animHeight);
+ }
+ else {
+ rowsFadingOut.splice(i, 1); // remove from set
+ node.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ handleOtherUserInputs();
+ return (rowsFadingIn.length > 0) || (rowsFadingOut.length > 0); // is more to do
+ }
+ var self = {
+ insertRow: insertRow,
+ removeRow: removeRow,
+ moveRow: moveRow,
+ updateRow: updateRow
+ };
+ return self;
+ }()); ////////// rowManager
+ var myUserInfo = {};
+ var otherUsersInfo = [];
+ var otherUsersData = [];
+ var colorPickerOpen = false;
+ function rowManagerMakeNameEditor(jnode, userId) {
+ setUpEditable(jnode, function() {
+ var existingIndex = findExistingIndex(userId);
+ if (existingIndex >= 0) {
+ return otherUsersInfo[existingIndex].name || '';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }, function(newName) {
+ if (! newName) {
+ jnode.addClass("editempty");
+ jnode.val("unnamed");
+ }
+ else {
+ jnode.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ pad.suggestUserName(userId, newName);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function renderMyUserInfo() {
+ if ( {
+ $("#myusernameedit").removeClass("editempty").val(
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#myusernameedit").addClass("editempty").val(
+ "< enter your name >");
+ }
+ if (colorPickerOpen) {
+ $("#myswatchbox").addClass('myswatchboxunhoverable').removeClass(
+ 'myswatchboxhoverable');
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#myswatchbox").addClass('myswatchboxhoverable').removeClass(
+ 'myswatchboxunhoverable');
+ }
+ $("#myswatch").css('background', pad.getColorPalette()[myUserInfo.colorId]);
+ }
+ function findExistingIndex(userId) {
+ var existingIndex = -1;
+ for(var i=0;i<otherUsersInfo.length;i++) {
+ if (otherUsersInfo[i].userId == userId) {
+ existingIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return existingIndex;
+ }
+ function setUpEditable(jqueryNode, valueGetter, valueSetter) {
+ jqueryNode.bind('focus', function(evt) {
+ var oldValue = valueGetter();
+ if (jqueryNode.val() !== oldValue) {
+ jqueryNode.val(oldValue);
+ }
+ jqueryNode.addClass("editactive").removeClass("editempty");
+ });
+ jqueryNode.bind('blur', function(evt) {
+ var newValue = jqueryNode.removeClass("editactive").val();
+ valueSetter(newValue);
+ });
+ padutils.bindEnterAndEscape(jqueryNode, function onEnter() {
+ jqueryNode.blur();
+ }, function onEscape() {
+ jqueryNode.val(valueGetter()).blur();
+ });
+ jqueryNode.removeAttr('disabled').addClass('editable');
+ }
+ function showColorPicker() {
+ if (! colorPickerOpen) {
+ var palette = pad.getColorPalette();
+ for(var i=0;i<palette.length;i++) {
+ $("#mycolorpicker .n"+(i+1)+" .pickerswatch").css(
+ 'background', palette[i]);
+ }
+ $("#mycolorpicker").css('display', 'block');
+ colorPickerOpen = true;
+ renderMyUserInfo();
+ }
+ // this part happens even if color picker is already open
+ $("#mycolorpicker .pickerswatchouter").removeClass('picked');
+ $("#mycolorpicker .pickerswatchouter:eq("+(myUserInfo.colorId||0)+")").
+ addClass('picked');
+ }
+ function getColorPickerSwatchIndex(jnode) {
+ return Number(jnode.get(0).className.match(/\bn([0-9]+)\b/)[1])-1;
+ }
+ function closeColorPicker(accept) {
+ if (accept) {
+ var newColorId = getColorPickerSwatchIndex($("#mycolorpicker .picked"));
+ if (newColorId >= 0) { // fails on NaN
+ myUserInfo.colorId = newColorId;
+ pad.notifyChangeColor(newColorId);
+ }
+ }
+ colorPickerOpen = false;
+ $("#mycolorpicker").css('display', 'none');
+ renderMyUserInfo();
+ }
+ function updateInviteNotice() {
+ if (otherUsersInfo.length == 0) {
+ $("#otheruserstable").hide();
+ $("#nootherusers").show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#nootherusers").hide();
+ $("#otheruserstable").show();
+ }
+ }
+ var knocksToIgnore = {};
+ var guestPromptFlashState = 0;
+ var guestPromptFlash = padutils.makeAnimationScheduler(
+ function () {
+ var prompts = $("#guestprompts .guestprompt");
+ if (prompts.length == 0) {
+ return false; // no more to do
+ }
+ guestPromptFlashState = 1 - guestPromptFlashState;
+ if (guestPromptFlashState) {
+ prompts.css('background', '#ffa');
+ }
+ else {
+ prompts.css('background', '#ffe');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }, 1000);
+ var self = {
+ init: function(myInitialUserInfo) {
+ self.setMyUserInfo(myInitialUserInfo);
+ $("#otheruserstable tr").remove();
+ if (pad.getUserIsGuest()) {
+ $("#myusernameedit").addClass('myusernameedithoverable');
+ setUpEditable($("#myusernameedit"),
+ function() {
+ return || '';
+ },
+ function(newValue) {
+ = newValue;
+ pad.notifyChangeName(newValue);
+ // wrap with setTimeout to do later because we get
+ // a double "blur" fire in IE...
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ renderMyUserInfo();
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ }
+ // color picker
+ $("#myswatchbox").click(showColorPicker);
+ $("#mycolorpicker .pickerswatchouter").click(function() {
+ $("#mycolorpicker .pickerswatchouter").removeClass('picked');
+ $(this).addClass('picked');
+ });
+ $("#mycolorpickersave").click(function() {
+ closeColorPicker(true);
+ });
+ $("#mycolorpickercancel").click(function() {
+ closeColorPicker(false);
+ });
+ //
+ },
+ setMyUserInfo: function(info) {
+ myUserInfo = $.extend({}, info);
+ renderMyUserInfo();
+ },
+ userJoinOrUpdate: function(info) {
+ if ((! info.userId) || (info.userId == myUserInfo.userId)) {
+ // not sure how this would happen
+ return;
+ }
+ var userData = {};
+ userData.color = pad.getColorPalette()[info.colorId];
+ =;
+ userData.status = '';
+ userData.activity = '';
+ = info.userId;
+ // Firefox ignores \n in title text; Safari does a linebreak
+ userData.titleText = [info.userAgent||'', info.ip||''].join(' \n');
+ var existingIndex = findExistingIndex(info.userId);
+ var numUsersBesides = otherUsersInfo.length;
+ if (existingIndex >= 0) {
+ numUsersBesides--;
+ }
+ var newIndex = padutils.binarySearch(numUsersBesides, function(n) {
+ if (existingIndex >= 0 && n >= existingIndex) {
+ // pretend existingIndex isn't there
+ n++;
+ }
+ var infoN = otherUsersInfo[n];
+ var nameN = (||'').toLowerCase();
+ var nameThis = (||'').toLowerCase();
+ var idN = infoN.userId;
+ var idThis = info.userId;
+ return (nameN > nameThis) || (nameN == nameThis &&
+ idN > idThis);
+ });
+ if (existingIndex >= 0) {
+ // update
+ if (existingIndex == newIndex) {
+ otherUsersInfo[existingIndex] = info;
+ otherUsersData[existingIndex] = userData;
+ rowManager.updateRow(existingIndex, userData);
+ }
+ else {
+ otherUsersInfo.splice(existingIndex, 1);
+ otherUsersData.splice(existingIndex, 1);
+ otherUsersInfo.splice(newIndex, 0, info);
+ otherUsersData.splice(newIndex, 0, userData);
+ rowManager.updateRow(existingIndex, userData);
+ rowManager.moveRow(existingIndex, newIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ otherUsersInfo.splice(newIndex, 0, info);
+ otherUsersData.splice(newIndex, 0, userData);
+ rowManager.insertRow(newIndex, userData);
+ }
+ updateInviteNotice();
+ },
+ userLeave: function(info) {
+ var existingIndex = findExistingIndex(info.userId);
+ if (existingIndex >= 0) {
+ var userData = otherUsersData[existingIndex];
+ userData.status = 'Disconnected';
+ rowManager.updateRow(existingIndex, userData);
+ if (userData.leaveTimer) {
+ window.clearTimeout(userData.leaveTimer);
+ }
+ // set up a timer that will only fire if no leaves,
+ // joins, or updates happen for this user in the
+ // next N seconds, to remove the user from the list.
+ var thisUserId = info.userId;
+ var thisLeaveTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
+ var newExistingIndex = findExistingIndex(thisUserId);
+ if (newExistingIndex >= 0) {
+ var newUserData = otherUsersData[newExistingIndex];
+ if (newUserData.status == 'Disconnected' &&
+ newUserData.leaveTimer == thisLeaveTimer) {
+ otherUsersInfo.splice(newExistingIndex, 1);
+ otherUsersData.splice(newExistingIndex, 1);
+ rowManager.removeRow(newExistingIndex);
+ updateInviteNotice();
+ }
+ }
+ }, 8000); // how long to wait
+ userData.leaveTimer = thisLeaveTimer;
+ }
+ updateInviteNotice();
+ },
+ showGuestPrompt: function(userId, displayName) {
+ if (knocksToIgnore[userId]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var encodedUserId = padutils.encodeUserId(userId);
+ var actionName = 'hide-guest-prompt-'+encodedUserId;
+ padutils.cancelActions(actionName);
+ var box = $("#guestprompt-"+encodedUserId);
+ if (box.length == 0) {
+ // make guest prompt box
+ box = $('<div id="guestprompt-'+encodedUserId+'" class="guestprompt"><div class="choices"><a href="javascript:void(paduserlist.answerGuestPrompt(\''+encodedUserId+'\',false))">Deny</a> <a href="javascript:void(paduserlist.answerGuestPrompt(\''+encodedUserId+'\',true))">Approve</a></div><div class="guestname"><strong>Guest:</strong> '+padutils.escapeHtml(displayName)+'</div></div>');
+ $("#guestprompts").append(box);
+ }
+ else {
+ // update display name
+ box.find(".guestname").html('<strong>Guest:</strong> '+padutils.escapeHtml(displayName));
+ }
+ var hideLater = padutils.getCancellableAction(actionName, function() {
+ self.removeGuestPrompt(userId);
+ });
+ window.setTimeout(hideLater, 15000); // time-out with no knock
+ guestPromptFlash.scheduleAnimation();
+ },
+ removeGuestPrompt: function(userId) {
+ var box = $("#guestprompt-"+padutils.encodeUserId(userId));
+ // remove ID now so a new knock by same user gets new, unfaded box
+ box.removeAttr('id').fadeOut("fast", function() {
+ box.remove();
+ });
+ knocksToIgnore[userId] = true;
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ delete knocksToIgnore[userId];
+ }, 5000);
+ },
+ answerGuestPrompt: function(encodedUserId, approve) {
+ var guestId = padutils.decodeUserId(encodedUserId);
+ var msg = {
+ type: 'guestanswer',
+ authId: pad.getUserId(),
+ guestId: guestId,
+ answer: (approve ? "approved" : "denied")
+ };
+ pad.sendClientMessage(msg);
+ self.removeGuestPrompt(guestId);
+ }
+ };
+ return self;