path: root/trunk/infrastructure/ace/www/multilang_lexer.js
diff options
authorEgil Moeller <>2010-03-22 00:16:53 +0100
committerEgil Moeller <>2010-03-22 00:16:53 +0100
commitfc00cfedd6c25d1634a1e0d28a7b7bc5f42e1cd7 (patch)
tree928419d6bfe794865e4b8f0634bd792f795c4b8a /trunk/infrastructure/ace/www/multilang_lexer.js
parent0fdab3db005c4fa31fb8306b573c0b35073d3e56 (diff)
parentd56b9b3b82cdebcaeb00eec0fcb4326ad21adaa8 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into plugin-framework
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/infrastructure/ace/www/multilang_lexer.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/infrastructure/ace/www/multilang_lexer.js b/trunk/infrastructure/ace/www/multilang_lexer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9617981..0000000
--- a/trunk/infrastructure/ace/www/multilang_lexer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-AceLexer = (function lexer_init() {
-function makeIncrementalLexer(lineParser) {
- var parseLine = lineParser.parseLine;
- var initialState = lineParser.initialState;
- var getClassesForScope = lineParser.getClassesForScope;
- var lineData = newSkipList(); // one entry per line
- var buffer = ""; // full text of document, each line ending with \n
- var lineStatus = ""; // one char per line in buffer, (d)irty/(u)ncolored/(c)olored
- var nextLineDataId = 1;
- // "dirty" lines are unparsed lines. Other lines have properties startState,endState.
- // "uncolored" lines are parsed but the data has not been handled by ACE.
- function roundBackToLineIndex(charOffset) { // charOffset is [0,document length]
- return lineData.indexOfOffset(charOffset);
- // result is [0,num lines]
- }
- function roundForwardToLineIndex(charOffset) { // charOffset is [0,document length]
- var idx = lineData.indexOfOffset(charOffset);
- var newCharOffset = lineData.offsetOfIndex(idx);
- if (newCharOffset < charOffset) {
- // rounded back, round forward instead
- return idx + 1;
- }
- return idx;
- // result is [0,num lines]
- }
- function updateBuffer(newBuffer, spliceStart, charsRemoved, charsAdded) {
- // newBuffer is string to replace buffer, other args explain the splice
- // that happened between the old buffer and newBuffer
- // determine range of lines (and character offsets of line boundaries) affected
- var spliceStartLineIndex = roundBackToLineIndex(spliceStart);
- var spliceStartCharOffset = lineData.offsetOfIndex(spliceStartLineIndex);
- var spliceEndLineIndex = roundForwardToLineIndex(spliceStart + charsRemoved);
- var spliceEndCharOffset = lineData.offsetOfIndex(spliceEndLineIndex);
- var extraBeginChars = spliceStart - spliceStartCharOffset;
- var extraEndChars = spliceEndCharOffset - (spliceStart + charsRemoved);
- var newChars = newBuffer.substring(spliceStart - extraBeginChars,
- spliceStart + charsAdded + extraEndChars);
- var newLineEntries = [];
- newChars.replace(/[^\n]*\n/g, function(line) {
- newLineEntries.push({ width: line.length, key: String(nextLineDataId++) });
- });
- lineData.splice(spliceStartLineIndex, spliceEndLineIndex - spliceStartLineIndex,
- newLineEntries);
- var newDirtyStatus = "";
- for(var i=0;i<newLineEntries.length;i++) newDirtyStatus += "d";
- var extraDirty = 0;
- if ((! newDirtyStatus) && spliceEndLineIndex < lineStatus.length &&
- spliceEndLineIndex > spliceStartLineIndex) {
- // pure deletion of one or more lines, mark the next line after
- // the deletion as dirty to trigger relexing
- newDirtyStatus = "d";
- extraDirty = 1;
- }
- lineStatus = lineStatus.substring(0, spliceStartLineIndex) +
- newDirtyStatus + lineStatus.substring(spliceEndLineIndex + extraDirty);
- buffer = newBuffer;
- }
- function findBeginningOfDirtyRegion(dirtyLineIndex) {
- // search backwards for a line that is either the first line
- // or is preceded by a non-dirty line.
- var cleanLine = Math.max(lineStatus.lastIndexOf("c", dirtyLineIndex),
- lineStatus.lastIndexOf("u", dirtyLineIndex));
- // cleanLine is now either -1 (if all lines are dirty back to beginning of doc)
- // or the index of a clean line
- return cleanLine + 1;
- }
- function findEndOfUncoloredRegion(uncoloredLineIndex) {
- // search forwards for a line that is not uncolored,
- // or return number of lines in doc if end of doc is hit.
- var idx1 = lineStatus.indexOf("c", uncoloredLineIndex);
- var idx2 = lineStatus.indexOf("d", uncoloredLineIndex);
- if (idx1 < 0) {
- if (idx2 < 0) return lineStatus.length;
- else return idx2;
- }
- else {
- if (idx2 < 0) return idx1;
- else return Math.min(idx1, idx2);
- }
- }
- function getLineText(lineIndex) {
- var lineEntry = lineData.atIndex(lineIndex);
- var lineTextStart = lineData.offsetOfIndex(lineIndex);
- var lineTextEnd = lineTextStart + lineEntry.width;
- return buffer.substring(lineTextStart, lineTextEnd);
- }
- function setLineStatus(lineIndex, status) {
- lineStatus = lineStatus.substring(0, lineIndex) + status +
- lineStatus.substring(lineIndex+1);
- }
- function lexCharRange(charRange, isTimeUp) {
- if (isTimeUp()) return;
- var lexStart = roundBackToLineIndex(charRange[0]);
- var lexEnd = roundForwardToLineIndex(charRange[1]);
- // can't parse a dirty line in the middle of a dirty region,
- // no sensible start state; so find beginning of dirty region
- var nextCandidate = findBeginningOfDirtyRegion(lexStart);
- while (! isTimeUp()) {
- // find a dirty line to parse; if may be before lexStart,
- // but stop at lexEnd.
- var nextDirty = lineStatus.indexOf("d", nextCandidate);
- if (nextDirty < 0 || nextDirty >= lexEnd) {
- break;
- }
- var theLineIndex = nextDirty;
- var theLineEntry = lineData.atIndex(theLineIndex);
- var lineText = getLineText(theLineIndex);
- // assert: previous line is not dirty
- var startState;
- if (theLineIndex > 0) {
- startState = lineData.atIndex(theLineIndex-1).endState;
- }
- else {
- startState = initialState;
- }
- var tokenWidths = [];
- var tokenNames = [];
- var tokenFunc = function(str, cls) {
- tokenWidths.push(str.length);
- tokenNames.push(cls);
- }
- var endState = parseLine(lineText, startState, tokenFunc);
- theLineEntry.startState = startState;
- theLineEntry.endState = endState;
- theLineEntry.tokenWidths = tokenWidths;
- theLineEntry.tokenNames = tokenNames;
- setLineStatus(theLineIndex, "u");
- nextCandidate = theLineIndex + 1;
- if (nextCandidate < lineStatus.length &&
- lineStatus.charAt(nextCandidate) != "d" &&
- lineData.atIndex(nextCandidate).startState != endState) {
- // state has changed, lexing must continue past end of dirty
- // region
- setLineStatus(nextCandidate, "d");
- }
- }
- }
- function forEachUncoloredSubrange(startChar, endChar, func, isTimeUp) {
- var startLine = roundBackToLineIndex(startChar);
- var endLine = roundForwardToLineIndex(endChar);
- var nextCandidate = startLine;
- while (! isTimeUp()) {
- var nextUncolored = lineStatus.indexOf("u", nextCandidate);
- if (nextUncolored < 0 || nextUncolored >= endLine) {
- break;
- }
- var uncoloredEndLine = findEndOfUncoloredRegion(nextUncolored);
- var rangeStart = Math.max(startChar, lineData.offsetOfIndex(nextUncolored));
- var rangeEnd = Math.min(endChar, lineData.offsetOfIndex(uncoloredEndLine));
- func(rangeStart, rangeEnd, isTimeUp);
- nextCandidate = uncoloredEndLine;
- }
- }
- function getSpansForRange(startChar, endChar, func, justPeek) {
- var startLine = roundBackToLineIndex(startChar);
- var endLine = roundForwardToLineIndex(endChar);
- function doToken(tokenStart, tokenWidth, tokenClass) {
- // crop token to [startChar,endChar] range
- if (tokenStart + tokenWidth <= startChar) return;
- if (tokenStart >= endChar) return;
- if (tokenStart < startChar) {
- tokenWidth -= (startChar - tokenStart);
- tokenStart = startChar;
- }
- if (tokenStart + tokenWidth > endChar) {
- tokenWidth -= (tokenStart + tokenWidth - endChar);
- }
- if (tokenWidth <= 0) return;
- func(tokenWidth, tokenClass);
- }
- for(var i=startLine; i<endLine; i++) {
- var status = lineStatus.charAt(i);
- var lineEntry = lineData.atIndex(i);
- var charOffset = lineData.offsetOfIndex(i);
- if (status == "d") {
- doToken(charOffset, lineEntry.width, "dirty");
- }
- else {
- var tokenWidths = lineEntry.tokenWidths;
- var tokenNames = lineEntry.tokenNames;
- for(var j=0;j<tokenWidths.length;j++) {
- var w = tokenWidths[j];
- doToken(charOffset, w, getClassesForScope(tokenNames[j]));
- charOffset += w;
- }
- if (status != "c" && ! justPeek) {
- setLineStatus(i, "c");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function markRangeUncolored(startChar, endChar) {
- var startLine = roundBackToLineIndex(startChar);
- var endLine = roundForwardToLineIndex(endChar);
- function stripColors(statuses) {
- var a = [];
- for(var i=0;i<statuses.length;i++) {
- var x = statuses.charAt(i);
- a.push((x == 'c') ? 'u' : x);
- }
- return a.join('');
- }
- lineStatus = lineStatus.substring(0, startLine) +
- stripColors(lineStatus.substring(startLine, endLine)) +
- lineStatus.substring(endLine);
- }
- function _vars() {
- return {lineData:lineData, buffer:buffer, lineStatus:lineStatus, nextLineDataId:nextLineDataId,
- lineParser:lineParser};
- }
- return {
- updateBuffer: updateBuffer,
- lexCharRange: lexCharRange,
- getSpansForRange: getSpansForRange,
- forEachUncoloredSubrange: forEachUncoloredSubrange,
- markRangeUncolored: markRangeUncolored,
- _vars: _vars
- };
-function makeSimpleLexer(lineParser) {
- var parseLine = lineParser.parseLine;
- var initialState = lineParser.initialState;
- var getClassesForScope = lineParser.getClassesForScope;
- function lexAsLines(str, tokenFunc, newLineFunc) {
- if (str.charAt(str.length-1) != '\n') {
- str = str+'\n';
- }
- function doToken(txt, scope) {
- tokenFunc(txt, getClassesForScope(scope));
- }
- var state = initialState;
- str.replace(/[^\n]*\n/g, function(line) {
- state = parseLine(line, state, doToken);
- newLineFunc();
- });
- }
- function lexString(str, tokenFunc) {
- lexAsLines(str, tokenFunc, function() {});
- }
- return {lexString:lexString, lexAsLines:lexAsLines};
-function codeStringToHTML(codeString) {
- var simpleLexer = makeSimpleLexer(grammars["source.js"]);
- var atLineStart = true;
- var html = [];
- function tokenFunc(txt, type) {
- var cls = type;
- if (cls) html.push('<tt class="',cls,'">');
- else html.push('<tt>');
- html.push(escapeHTML(txt),'</tt>');
- atLineStart = false;
- }
- function newLineFunc() {
- html.push('<br/>\n');
- atLineStart = true;
- }
- simpleLexer.lexAsLines(codeString, tokenFunc, newLineFunc);
- if (atLineStart) html.push('<br/>\n');
- return html.join('');
-function escapeHTML(s) {
- var re = /[&<>\'\" ]/g;
- if (! re.MAP) {
- // persisted across function calls!
- re.MAP = {
- '&': '&amp;',
- '<': '&lt;',
- '>': '&gt;',
- '"': '&#34;',
- "'": '&#39;',
- ' ': '&#160;'
- };
- }
- return s.replace(re, function(c) { return re.MAP[c]; });
-function getIncrementalLexer(type) {
- return makeIncrementalLexer(grammars["text.html.basic"]);//grammars[type]);
-function getSimpleLexer(type) {
- return makeSimpleLexer(grammars[type]);
-return {getIncrementalLexer:getIncrementalLexer, getSimpleLexer:getSimpleLexer,
- codeStringToHTML:codeStringToHTML};