path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/admincontrol.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/admincontrol.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1471 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/admincontrol.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/admincontrol.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f6428..0000000
--- a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/admincontrol.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1471 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-function _isAuthorizedAdmin() {
- if (!isProduction()) {
- return true;
- }
- return (getSession().adminAuth === true);
-var _mainLinks = [
- ['exceptions', 'Exceptions Monitor'],
- ['usagestats/', 'Usage Stats'],
- ['padinspector', 'Pad Inspector'],
- ['dashboard', 'Dashboard'],
- ['eepnet-licenses', 'EEPNET Licenses'],
- ['config', 'appjet.config'],
- ['shell', 'Shell'],
- ['timings', 'timing data'],
- ['broadcast-message', 'Pad Broadcast'],
-// ['analytics', 'Google Analytics'],
- ['varz', 'varz'],
- ['genlicense', 'Manually generate a license key'],
- ['flows', 'Flows (warning: slow)'],
- ['diagnostics', 'Pad Connection Diagnostics'],
- ['cachebrowser', 'Cache Browser'],
- ['pne-tracker', 'PNE Tracking Stats'],
- ['reload-blog-db', 'Reload blog DB'],
- ['pro-domain-accounts', 'Pro Domain Accounts'],
- ['beta-valve', 'Beta Valve'],
- ['reset-subscription', "Reset Subscription"]
-function onRequest(name) {
- if (name == "auth") {
- return;
- }
- if (!_isAuthorizedAdmin()) {
- getSession().cont = request.path;
- response.redirect('/ep/admin/auth');
- }
- var disp = new Dispatcher();
- disp.addLocations([
- [PrefixMatcher('/ep/admin/usagestats/'), forward(statscontrol)]
- ]);
- return disp.dispatch();
-function _commonHead() {
- return HEAD(STYLE(
- "html {font-family:Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;}",
- "body {padding: 2em;}"
- ));
-function render_auth() {
- var cont = getSession().cont;
- if (getSession().message) {
- response.write(DIV(P(B(getSession().message))));
- delete getSession().message;
- }
- if (request.method == "GET") {
- response.write(FORM({method: "POST", action: request.path},
- P("Are you an admin?"),
- LABEL("Password:"),
- INPUT({type: "password", name: "password", value: ""}),
- INPUT({type: "submit", value: "submit"})
- ));
- }
- if (request.method == "POST") {
- var pass = request.params.password;
- if (pass === appjet.config['etherpad.adminPass']) {
- getSession().adminAuth = true;
- if (cont) {
- response.redirect(cont);
- } else {
- response.redirect("/ep/admin/main");
- }
- } else {
- getSession().message = "Bad Password.";
- response.redirect(request.path);
- }
- }
-function render_main() {
- var div = DIV();
- div.push(A({href: "/"}, html("«"), " home"));
- div.push(H1("Admin"));
- _mainLinks.forEach(function(l) {
- div.push(DIV(A({href: l[0]}, l[1])));
- });
- if (sessions.isAnEtherpadAdmin()) {
- div.push(P(A({href: "/ep/admin/setadminmode?v=false"},
- "Exit Admin Mode")));
- }
- else {
- div.push(P(A({href: "/ep/admin/setadminmode?v=true"},
- "Enter Admin Mode")));
- }
- response.write(HTML(_commonHead(), BODY(div)));
-function render_config() {
- vars = [];
- eachProperty(appjet.config, function(k,v) {
- vars.push(k);
- });
- vars.sort();
- response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
- vars.forEach(function(v) {
- response.write("appjet.config."+v+" = "+appjet.config[v]+"\n");
- });
-function render_test() {
- response.setContentType("text/plain");
- response.write( + "\n");
- var m = new * 1000);
- response.write(m.toString() + "\n");
- m.get("test");
- return;
- response.write(m.toString());
-function render_dashboard() {
- var body = BODY();
- body.push(A({href: '/ep/admin/'}, html("« Admin")));
- body.push(H1({style: "border-bottom: 1px solid black;"}, "Dashboard"));
- /*
- body.push(H2({style: "color: #226; font-size: 1em;"}, "License"));
- var license = licensing.getLicense();
- body.push(P(TT(" Licensed To (name): "+license.personName)));
- body.push(P(TT(" Licensed To (organization): "+license.organizationName)));
- body.push(P(TT(" Software Edition: "+license.editionName)));
- var quota = ((license.userQuota > 0) ? license.userQuota : 'unlimited');
- body.push(P(TT(" User Quota: "+quota)));
- var expires = (license.expiresDate ? (license.expiresDate.toString()) : 'never');
- body.push(P(TT(" Expires: "+expires)));
- */
- /*
- body.push(H2({style: "color: #226; font-size: 1em;"}, "Active User Quota"));
- var activeUserCount = licensing.getActiveUserCount();
- var activeUserQuota = licensing.getActiveUserQuota();
- var activeUserWindowStart = licensing.getActiveUserWindowStart();
- body.push(P(TT(" Since ", B(activeUserWindowStart.toString()), ", ",
- "you have used ", B(activeUserCount), " of ", B(activeUserQuota),
- " active users.")));
- body.push(H2({style: "color: #226; font-size: 1em;"}, "Uptime"));
- body.push(P({style: "margin-left: 25px;"}, "Server running for "+renderServerUptime()+"."))
- body.push(H2({style: "color: #226; font-size: 1em;"}, "Response codes"));
- body.push(renderResponseCodes());
- body.push(H2({style: "color: #226; font-size: 1em;"}, "Comet Connections"));
- body.push(renderPadConnections());
- body.push(H2({style: "color: #226; font-size: 1em;"}, "Comet Stats"));
- body.push(renderCometStats());
- body.push(H2({style: "color: #226; font-size: 1em;"}, "Recurring revenue, monthly"));
- body.push(renderRevenueStats());
- response.write(HTML(_commonHead(), body));
-// Note: This function is called by the PNE dashboard (pro_admin_control.js)! Be careful.
-function renderPadConnections() {
- var d = DIV();
- var lastCount = cometlatencies.lastCount();
- if (lastCount.isDefined()) {
- var countMap = {};
- java.lang.Class.forName("java.lang.Object")),
- function(x) {
- countMap[x._1()] = x._2();
- });
- var totalConnected = 0;
- var ul = UL();
- eachProperty(countMap, function(k,v) {
- ul.push(LI(k+": "+v));
- if (/^\d+$/.test(v)) {
- totalConnected += Number(v);
- }
- });
- ul.push(LI(B("Total: ", totalConnected)));
- d.push(ul);
- } else {
- d.push("Still collecting data... check back in a minute.");
- }
- return d;
-// Note: This function is called by the PNE dashboard (pro_admin_control.js)! Be careful.
-function renderCometStats() {
- var d = DIV();
- var lastStats = cometlatencies.lastStats();
- var lastCount = cometlatencies.lastCount();
- if (lastStats.isDefined()) {
- d.push(P("Realtime transport latency percentiles (microseconds):"));
- var ul = UL();
- {
- ['50', '90', '95', '99', 'max'].forEach(function(id) {
- var fn = id;
- if (id != "max") {
- fn = ("p"+fn);
- id = id+"%";
- }
- ul.push(LI(id, ": <", s[fn](), html("&micro;"), "s"));
- });
- }));
- d.push(ul);
- } else {
- d.push(P("Still collecting data... check back in a minutes."));
- }
- /* ["p50", "p90", "p95", "p99", "max"].forEach(function(id) {
- ul.push(LI(B(
- return DIV(P(sprintf("50%% %d\t90%% %d\t95%% %d\t99%% %d\tmax %d",
- s.p50(), s.p90(), s.p95(), s.p99(), s.max())),
- P(sprintf("%d total messages", s.count())));
- }})).get();*/
- return d;
-// Note: This function is called by the PNE dashboard (pro_admin_control.js)! Be careful.
-function renderResponseCodes() {
- var statusCodeFrequencyNames = ["minute", "hour", "day", "week"];
- var data = { };
- var statusCodes = appstats.stati();
- for (var i = 0; i < statusCodes.length; ++i) {
- var name = statusCodeFrequencyNames[i];
- var map = statusCodes[i];
- map.foreach(scalaF1(function(pair) {
- if (! (pair._1() in data)) data[pair._1()] = {};
- var scmap = data[pair._1()];
- scmap[name] = pair._2().count();
- }));
- };
- var stats = TABLE({id: "responsecodes-table", style: "margin-left: 25px;",
- border: 1, cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 4},
- TR.apply(TR, {
- return TH({colspan: 2}, "Last", html("&nbsp;"), name);
- })));
- var sortedStati = [];
- eachProperty(data, function(k) {
- sortedStati.push(k);
- });
- sortedStati.sort();
- sortedStati.forEach(function(k, i) { // k is status code.
- var row = TR();
- statusCodeFrequencyNames.forEach(function(name) {
- row.push(TD({style: 'width: 2em;'}, data[k][name] ? k+":" : ""));
- row.push(TD(data[k][name] ? data[k][name] : ""));
- });
- stats.push(row);
- });
- return stats;
-// Note: This function is called by the PNE dashboard (pro_admin_control.js)! Be careful.
-function renderServerUptime() {
- var labels = ["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"];
- var ratios = [60, 60, 24];
- var time = appjet.uptime / 1000;
- var pos = 0;
- while (pos < ratios.length && time / ratios[pos] > 1.1) {
- time = time / ratios[pos];
- pos++;
- }
- return sprintf("%.1f %s", time, labels[pos]);
-function renderRevenueStats() {
- var subs = team_billing.getAllSubscriptions();
- var total = 0;
- var totalUsers = 0;
- subs.forEach(function(sub) {
- var users = team_billing.getMaxUsers(sub.customer);
- var cost = team_billing.calculateSubscriptionCost(users,;
- if (cost > 0) {
- totalUsers += users;
- total += cost;
- }
- });
- return "US $"+checkout.dollars(total)+", from "+subs.length+" domains and "+totalUsers+" users.";
-// Broadcasting Messages
-function render_broadcast_message_get() {
- var body = BODY(FORM({action: request.path, method: 'post'},
- H3('Broadcast Message to All Active Pad Clients:'),
- TEXTAREA({name: 'msgtext', style: 'width: 100%; height: 100px;'}),
- H3('JavaScript code to be eval()ed on client (optional, be careful!): '),
- TEXTAREA({name: 'jscode', style: 'width: 100%; height: 100px;'}),
- INPUT({type: 'submit', value: 'Broadcast Now'})));
- response.write(HTML(body));
-function render_broadcast_message_post() {
- var msgText = request.params.msgtext;
- var jsCode = request.params.jscode;
- if (!(msgText || jsCode)) {
- response.write("No mesage text or jscode specified.");
- response.stop();
- return;
- }
- collab_server.broadcastServerMessage({
- type: 'NOTICE',
- text: msgText,
- js: jsCode
- });
- response.write(HTML(BODY(P("OK"), P(A({href: request.path}, "back")))));
-function render_shell() {
- shell.handleRequest();
-// pad inspector
-function _getPadUrl(globalPadId) {
- var superdomain = pro_utils.getRequestSuperdomain();
- var domain;
- if (padutils.isProPadId(globalPadId)) {
- var domainId = padutils.getDomainId(globalPadId);
- domain = domains.getDomainRecord(domainId).subDomain +
- '.' + superdomain;
- }
- else {
- domain = superdomain;
- }
- var localId = padutils.globalToLocalId(globalPadId);
- return "http://"+httpHost(domain)+"/"+localId;
-function render_padinspector_get() {
- var padId = request.params.padId;
- if (!padId) {
- response.write(FORM({action: request.path, method: 'get', style: 'border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #eee; padding: .2em 1em;'},
- P("Pad Lookup: ",
- INPUT({name: 'padId', value: '<enter pad id>'}),
- INPUT({type: 'submit'}))));
- // show recently active pads; the number of them may vary; lots of
- // activity in a pad will push others off the list
- response.write(H3("Recently Active Pads:"));
- var recentlyActiveTable = TABLE({cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 6, border: 1,
- style: 'font-family: monospace;'});
- var recentPads = activepads.getActivePads();
- recentPads.forEach(function (info) {
- var time = info.timestamp; // number
- var pid = info.padId;
- model.accessPadGlobal(pid, function(pad) {
- if (pad.exists()) {
- var numRevisions = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
- var connected = collab_server.getNumConnections(pad);
- recentlyActiveTable.push(
- TR(TD(B(pid)),
- TD({style: 'font-style: italic;'}, timeAgo(time)),
- TD(connected+" connected"),
- TD(numRevisions+" revisions"),
- TD(A({href: qpath({padId: pid, revtext: "HEAD"})}, "HEAD")),
- TD(A({href: qpath({padId: pid})}, "inspect")),
- TD(A({href: qpath({padId: pid, snoop: 1})}, "snoop"))
- ));
- }
- }, "r");
- });
- response.write(recentlyActiveTable);
- response.stop();
- }
- if (startsWith(padId, '/')) {
- padId = padId.substr(1);
- }
- if (request.params.snoop) {
- sessions.setIsAnEtherpadAdmin(true);
- response.redirect(_getPadUrl(padId));
- }
- if (request.params.setsupportstimeslider) {
- var v = (String(request.params.setsupportstimeslider).toLowerCase() ==
- 'true');
- model.accessPadGlobal(padId, function(pad) {
- pad.setSupportsTimeSlider(v);
- });
- response.write("on pad "+padId+": setSupportsTimeSlider("+v+")");
- response.stop();
- }
- model.accessPadGlobal(padId, function(pad) {
- if (! pad.exists()) {
- response.write("Pad not found: /"+padId);
- }
- else {
- var headRev = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
- var div = DIV({style: 'font-family: monospace;'});
- if (request.params.revtext) {
- var i;
- if (request.params.revtext == "HEAD") {
- i = headRev;
- } else {
- i = Number(request.params.revtext);
- }
- var infoObj = {};
- div.push(H2(A({href: request.path}, "PadInspector"),
- ' > ', A({href: request.path+'?padId='+padId}, "/"+padId),
- ' > ', "Revision ", i, "/", headRev,
- SPAN({style: 'color: #949;'}, ' [ ', pad.getRevisionDate(i).toString(), ' ] ')));
- div.push(H3("Browse Revisions: ",
- ((i > 0) ? A({id: 'previous', href: qpath({revtext: (i-1)})}, '<< previous') : ''),
- ' ',
- ((i < pad.getHeadRevisionNumber()) ? A({id: 'next', href: qpath({revtext:(i+1)})}, 'next >>') : '')),
- DIV({style: 'padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc;'},
- pad.getRevisionText(i, infoObj)));
- if (infoObj.badLastChar) {
- div.push(P("Bad last character of text (not newline): "+infoObj.badLastChar));
- }
- } else if (request.params.dumpstorage) {
- div.push(P(collab_server.dumpStorageToString(pad)));
- } else if (request.params.showlatest) {
- div.push(P(pad.text()));
- } else {
- div.push(H2(A({href: request.path}, "PadInspector"), ' > ', "/"+padId));
- // no action
- div.push(P(A({href: qpath({revtext: 'HEAD'})}, 'HEAD='+headRev)));
- div.push(P(A({href: qpath({dumpstorage: 1})}, 'dumpstorage')));
- var supportsTimeSlider = pad.getSupportsTimeSlider();
- if (supportsTimeSlider) {
- div.push(P(A({href: qpath({setsupportstimeslider: 'false'})}, 'hide slider')));
- }
- else {
- div.push(P(A({href: qpath({setsupportstimeslider: 'true'})}, 'show slider')));
- }
- }
- }
- var script = SCRIPT({type: 'text/javascript'}, html([
- '$(document).keydown(function(e) {',
- ' var h = undefined;',
- ' if (e.keyCode == 37) { h = $("#previous").attr("href"); }',
- ' if (e.keyCode == 39) { h = $("#next").attr("href"); }',
- ' if (h) { window.location.href = h; }',
- '});'
- ].join('\n')));
- response.write(HTML(
- HEAD(SCRIPT({type: 'text/javascript', src: '/static/js/jquery-1.3.2.js?'+(+(new Date))})),
- BODY(div, script)));
- }, "r");
-function render_analytics() {
- response.redirect("");
-// eepnet license display
-function render_eepnet_licenses() {
- var data = sqlobj.selectMulti('eepnet_signups', {}, {orderBy: 'date'});
- var t = TABLE({border: 1, cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 2});
- var cols = ['date','email','orgName','firstName','lastName', 'jobTitle','phone','estUsers'];
- data.forEach(function(x) {
- var tr = TR();
- cols.forEach(function(colname) {
- tr.push(TD(x[colname]));
- });
- t.push(tr);
- });
- response.write(HTML(BODY({style: 'font-family: monospace;'}, t)));
-// pad integrity
-/*function render_changesettest_get() {
- var nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0xfffffff, 0x02345678, 4];
- var str = Changeset.numberArrayToString(nums);
- var result = Changeset.numberArrayFromString(str);
- var resultArray = result[0];
- var remainingString = result[1];
- var bad = false;
- if (remainingString) {
- response.write(P("remaining string length is: "+remainingString.length));
- bad = true;
- }
- if (nums.length != resultArray.length) {
- response.write(P("length mismatch: "+nums.length+" / "+resultArray.length));
- bad = true;
- }
- response.write(P(nums[2]));
- for(var i=0;i<nums.length;i++) {
- var a = nums[i];
- var b = resultArray[i];
- if (a !== b) {
- response.write(P("mismatch at element "+i+": "+a+" / "+b));
- bad = true;
- }
- }
- if (! bad) {
- response.write("SUCCESS");
- }
-function render_appendtest() {
- var padId = request.params.padId;
- var mode = request.params.mode;
- var text = request.params.text;
- model.accessPadGlobal(padId, function(pad) {
- if (mode == "append") {
- collab_server.appendPadText(pad, text);
- }
- else if (mode == "replace") {
- collab_server.setPadText(pad, text);
- }
- });
-//function render_flushall() {
-// dbwriter.writeAllToDB(null, true);
-// response.write("OK");
-//function render_flushpad() {
-// var padId = request.params.padId;
-// model.accessPadGlobal(padId, function(pad) {
-// dbwriter.writePad(pad, true);
-// });
-// response.write("OK");
-/*function render_foo() {
- locking.doWithPadLock("CAT", function() {
- sqlbase.createJSONTable("STUFF");
- sqlbase.putJSON("STUFF", "dogs", {very:"bad"});
- response.write(sqlbase.getJSON("STUFF", "dogs")); // {very:"bad"}
- response.write(',');
- response.write(sqlbase.getJSON("STUFF", "cats")); // undefined
- response.write("<br/>");
- sqlbase.createStringArrayTable("SEQUENCES");
- sqlbase.putStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 0, "1");
- sqlbase.putStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 1, "1");
- sqlbase.putStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 2, "2");
- sqlbase.putStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 3, "3");
- sqlbase.putStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 4, "5");
- sqlbase.putStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 30, "number30");
- sqlbase.putStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 29, "number29");
- sqlbase.deleteStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 29);
- sqlbase.putConsecutiveStringArrayElements("SEQUENCES", "fibo", 19, [19,20,21,22]);
- var a = [];
- for(var i=0;i<31;i++) {
- a.push(sqlbase.getStringArrayElement("SEQUENCES", "fibo", i));
- }
- response.write(a.join(',')); // 1,1,2,3,5,,, ... 19,20,21,22, ... ,,,number30
- });
-function render_timings() {
- var timer =;
- var opnames = timer.getOpNames();
- response.write(P(A({href: '/ep/admin/timingsreset'}, "reset all")));
- var t = TABLE({border: 1, cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 3, style: 'font-family: monospace;'});
- t.push(TR(TH("operation"),
- TH("sample_count"),
- TH("total_ms"),
- TH("avg_ms")));
- function r(x) {
- return sprintf("%09.2f", x);
- }
- var rows = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < opnames.length; i++) {
- var stats = timer.getStats(opnames[i]);
- rows.push([String(opnames[i]),
- Math.floor(stats[0]),
- stats[1],
- stats[2]]);
- }
- var si = Number( || 0);
- rows.sort(function(a,b) { return cmp(b[si],a[si]); });
- rows.forEach(function(row) {
- t.push(TR(TD(row[0]),
- TD(row[1]),
- TD(r(row[2])),
- TD(r(row[3]))));
- });
- response.write(t);
-function render_timingsreset() {
- response.redirect('/ep/admin/timings');
-// function render_jsontest() {
-// response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
-// var a = [];
-// a[0] = 5;
-// a[1] = 6;
-// a[9] = 8;
-// a['foo'] = "should appear";
-// jtest(a);
-// var obj1 = {
-// a: 1,
-// b: 2,
-// q: [true,true,,,,,,false,false,,,,{},{a:{a:{a:{a:{a:{a:[[{a:{a:false}}]]}}}}}}],
-// c: "foo",
-// d: {
-// nested: { obj: 'yo' },
-// bar: "baz"
-// },
-// e: 3.6,
-// 1: "numeric value",
-// 2: "anohter numeric value",
-// 2.46: "decimal numeric value",
-// foo: 3.212312310,
-// bar: 0.234242e-10,
-// baz: null,
-// ar: [{}, '1', [], [[[[]]]]],
-// n1: null,
-// n2: undefined,
-// n3: false,
-// n4: "null",
-// n5: "undefined"
-// };
-// jtest(obj1);
-// var obj2 = {
-// t1: 1232738532270
-// };
-// jtest(obj2);
-// // a javascript object plus numeric ids
-// var obj3 = {};
-// obj3["foo"] = "bar";
-// obj3[1] = "aaron";
-// obj3[2] = "iba";
-// jtest(obj3);
-// function jtest(x) {
-// response.write('----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n');
-// var str1 = JSON.stringify(x);
-// var str2 = fastJSON.stringify(x);
-// var str1_ = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(str1));
-// var str2_ = fastJSON.stringify(fastJSON.parse(str2));
-// response.write([str1,str2].join('\n') + '\n\n');
-// response.write([str1_,str2_].join('\n') + '\n\n');
-// }
-// }
-function render_varz() {
- var varzes = varz.getSnapshot();
- response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
- for (var k in varzes) {
- response.write(k+': '+varzes[k]+'\n');
- }
-function render_extest() {
- throw new Error("foo");
-function _diagnosticRecordToHtml(obj) {
- function valToHtml(o, noborder) {
- if (typeof (o) != 'object') {
- return String(o);
- }
- var t = TABLE((noborder ? {} : {style: "border-left: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid black;"}));
- if (typeof (o.length) != 'number') {
- eachProperty(o, function(k, v) {
- var tr = TR();
- tr.push(TD({valign: "top", align: "right"}, B(k)));
- tr.push(TD(valToHtml(v)));
- t.push(tr);
- });
- } else {
- if (o.length == 0) return "(empty array)";
- for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) {
- var tr = TR();
- tr.push(TD({valign: "top", align: "right"}, B(i)));
- tr.push(TD(valToHtml(o[i])));
- t.push(tr);
- }
- }
- return t;
- }
- return valToHtml(obj, true);
-function render_diagnostics() {
- var start = Number(request.params.start || 0);
- var count = Number(request.params.count || 100);
- var diagnostic_entries = sqlbase.getAllJSON("PAD_DIAGNOSTIC", start, count);
- var expandArray = request.params.expand || [];
- if (typeof (expandArray) == 'string') expandArray = [expandArray];
- var expand = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < expandArray.length; ++i) {
- expand[expandArray[i]] = true;
- }
- function makeLink(text, expand, collapse, start0, count0) {
- start0 = (typeof(start0) == "number" ? start0 : start);
- count0 = count0 || count;
- collapse = collapse || [];
- expand = expand || [];
- var collapseObj = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < collapse.length; ++i) {
- collapseObj[collapse[i]] = true;
- }
- var expandString =
- expandArray.concat(expand).filter(function(x) { return ! collapseObj[x] }).map(function(x) { return "expand="+encodeURIComponent(x) }).join("&");
- var url = request.path + "?start="+start0+"&count="+count0+"&"+expandString+(expand.length == 1 ? "#"+md5(expand[0]) : "");
- return A({href: url}, text);
- }
- var t = TABLE({border: 1, cellpadding: 2, style: "font-family: monospace;"});
- diagnostic_entries.forEach(function(ent) {
- var tr = TR()
- tr.push(TD({valign: "top", align: "right"}, (new Date(Number("-")[0]))).toString()));
- tr.push(TD({valign: "top", align: "right"},;
- if (expand[]) {
- tr.push(TD(A({name: md5(}, makeLink("(collapse)", false, [])), BR(),
- _diagnosticRecordToHtml(ent.value)));
- } else {
- tr.push(TD(A({name: md5(}, makeLink(_diagnosticRecordToHtml({padId: ent.value.padId, disconnectedMessage: ent.value.disconnectedMessage}), []))));
- }
- t.push(tr);
- });
- var body = BODY();
- body.push(P("Showing entries ", start, "-", start+diagnostic_entries.length, ". ",
- (start > 0 ? makeLink("Show previous "+count+".", [], [], start-count) : ""),
- (diagnostic_entries.length == count ? makeLink("Show next "+count+".", [], [], start+count) : "")));
- body.push(t);
- response.write(HTML(body));
-function render_testbillingdirect() {
- var invoiceId = billing.createInvoice();
- var ret = billing.directPurchase(invoiceId, 0, 'EEPNET', 500, 'DISCOUNT', {
- cardType: "Visa",
- cardNumber: "4501251685453214",
- cardExpiration: "042019",
- cardCvv: "123",
- nameSalutation: "Dr.",
- nameFirst: "John",
- nameMiddle: "D",
- nameLast: "Zamfirescu",
- nameSuffix: "none",
- addressStreet: "531 Main St. Apt. 1227",
- addressStreet2: "",
- addressCity: "New York",
- addressState: "NY",
- addressCountry: "US",
- addressZip: "10044"
- }, "https://""/ep/about/testbillingnotify");
- if (ret.status == 'success') {
- response.write(P("Success! Invoice id: "+ret.purchaseInfo.invoiceId+" for "+ret.purchaseInfo.cost));
- } else {
- response.write(P("Failure: "+ret.toSource()))
- }
-function render_testbillingrecurring() {
- var invoiceId = billing.createInvoice();
- var ret = billing.directPurchase(invoiceId, 0, 'EEPNET', 1, 'DISCOUNT', {
- cardType: "Visa",
- cardNumber: "4501251685453214",
- cardExpiration: "042019",
- cardCvv: "123",
- nameSalutation: "Dr.",
- nameFirst: "John",
- nameMiddle: "D",
- nameLast: "Zamfirescu",
- nameSuffix: "none",
- addressStreet: "531 Main St. Apt. 1227",
- addressStreet2: "",
- addressCity: "New York",
- addressState: "NY",
- addressCountry: "US",
- addressZip: "10044"
- }, "https://""/ep/about/testbillingnotify", true);
- if (ret.status == 'success') {
- var transactionId = billing.getTransaction(ret.purchaseInfo.transactionId).txnId;
- var purchaseId = ret.purchaseInfo.purchaseId;
- response.write(P("Direct billing successful. PayPal transaction id: ", transactionId));
- invoiceId = billing.createInvoice();
- ret = billing.asyncRecurringPurchase(
- invoiceId, purchaseId, transactionId, 500,
- "https://""/ep/about/testbillingnotify");
- if (ret.status == 'success') {
- response.write(P("Woot! Recurrent billing successful! ", ret.purchaseInfo.invoiceId, " for ", ret.purchaseInfo.cost));
- } else {
- response.write(P("Failure: "+ret.toSource()));
- }
- } else {
- response.write("Direct billing failure: "+ret.toSource());
- }
-function render_testbillingexpress() {
- var urlPrefix = "http://";
- var session = sessions.getSession();
- var notifyUrl = "http://""/ep/about/testbillingnotify";
- switch (request.params.step) {
- case '0':
- response.write(P("You'll be charged $400 for EEPNET. Click the link below to go to paypal."));
- response.write(A({href: urlPrefix+"?step=1"}, "Link"));
- break;
- case '1':
- var ret = billing.beginExpressPurchase(1, 'EEPNET', 400, 'DISCOUNT', urlPrefix+"?step=2", urlPrefix+"?step=0", notifyUrl);
- if (ret.status != 'success') {
- response.write("Error: "+ret.debug.toSource());
- response.stop();
- }
- session.purchaseInfo = ret.purchaseInfo;
- response.redirect(paypalPurchaseUrl(ret.purchaseInfo.token));
- break;
- case '2':
- var ret = billing.continueExpressPurchase(session.purchaseInfo);
- if (! ret.status == 'success') {
- response.write("Error: "+ret.debug.toSource());
- response.stop();
- }
- session.payerInfo = ret.payerInfo;
- response.write(P("You approved the transaction. Click 'confirm' to confirm."));
- response.write(A({href: urlPrefix+"?step=3"}, "Confirm"));
- break;
- case '3':
- var ret = billing.completeExpressPurchase(session.purchaseInfo, session.payerInfo, notifyUrl);
- if (ret.status == 'failure') {
- response.write("Error: "+ret.debug.toSource());
- response.stop();
- }
- if (ret.status == 'pending') {
- response.write("Your charge is pending. You will be notified by email when your payment clears. Your invoice number is "+session.purchaseInfo.invoiceId);
- response.stop();
- }
- response.write(P("Purchase completed: invoice # is "+session.purchaseInfo.invoiceId+" for "+session.purchaseInfo.cost));
- break;
- default:
- response.redirect(request.path+"?step=0");
- }
-function render_genlicense_get() {
- var t = TABLE({border: 1});
- function ti(id, label) {
- t.push(TR(TD({align: "right"}, LABEL({htmlFor: id}, label+":")),
- TD(INPUT({id: id, name: id, type: 'text', size: 40}))));
- }
- ti("name", "Name of Licensee");
- ti("org", "Name of Organization");
- ti("userQuota", "User Quota");
- t.push(TR(TD({align: "right"}, LABEL("Software Edtition:")),
- TD( SELECT({name: "edition"},
- OPTION({value: licensing.getEditionId('PRIVATE_NETWORK_EVALUATION')},
- "Private Network EVALUATION"),
- OPTION({value: licensing.getEditionId('PRIVATE_NETWORK')},
- "Private Network")))));
- ti("expdays", "Number of days until expiration\n(leave blank if never expires)");
- t.push(TR(TD({colspan: 2}, INPUT({type: "submit"}))));
- var f = FORM({action: request.path, method: "post"});
- f.push(t);
- response.write(HTML(BODY(f)));
-function render_genlicense_post() {
- var name =;
- var org =;
- var editionId = +request.params.edition;
- var editionName = licensing.getEditionName(editionId);
- var userQuota = +request.params.userQuota;
- var expiresTime = null;
- if (request.params.expdays) {
- expiresTime = +(new Date) + 1000*60*60*24*(+request.params.expdays);
- }
- var licenseKey = licensing.generateNewKey(
- name,
- org,
- expiresTime,
- editionId,
- userQuota
- );
- // verify
- if (!licensing.isValidKey(licenseKey)) {
- throw Error("License key I just created is not valid: "+licenseKey);
- }
- // TODO: write to database??
- //
- // display
- var licenseInfo = licensing.decodeLicenseInfoFromKey(licenseKey);
- var t = TABLE({border: 1});
- function line(k, v) {
- t.push(TR(TD({align: "right"}, k+":"),
- TD(v)));
- }
- var key = licenseKey.split(":")[2];
- if ((key.length % 2) != 0) {
- key = key + "+";
- }
- var keyLine1 = key.substr(0, key.length/2);
- var keyLine2 = key.substr(key.length/2, key.length);
- line("Name", licenseInfo.personName);
- line("Organization", licenseInfo.organizationName);
- line("Key", P(keyLine1, BR(), keyLine2));
- line("Software Edition", licenseInfo.editionName);
- line("User Quota", licenseInfo.userQuota);
- line("Expires", (+licenseInfo.expiresDate > 0) ? licenseInfo.expiresDate.toString() : "(never)");
- response.write(HTML(BODY(t)));
-function render_flows() {
- if (request.params.imgId && getSession()[request.params.imgId]) {
- var arr = getSession()[request.params.imgId];
- metrics[arr[0]](arr[1],[2]));
- response.stop();
- }
- function drawHistogram(name, h) {
- var imgKey = Math.round(Math.random()*1e12);
- print(IMG({src: request.path+"?imgId="+imgKey}));
- getSession()[imgKey] = ["respondWithPieChart", name, h];
- }
- var body = BODY();
- function print() {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- body.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- }
- var [startDate, endDate] = [7, 1].map(function(a) { return new Date( - 86400*1000*a); });
- var allFlows = metrics.getFlows(startDate, endDate);
- print(P("All flows:"));
- eachProperty(allFlows, function(k, flows) {
- print(P(k, html(" &raquo; ")));
- flows.forEach(function(flow) {
- print(P(flow.toString()));
- });
- });
- response.write(HTML(body));
- return;
- print(P("Parsing logs from: "+startDate+" through "+endDate));
- var fs =
- [metrics.getFunnel(startDate, endDate, ['/ep/about/pricing', '/ep/about/pricing-eepnet', '/ep/store/eepnet-eval-signup'], true),
- metrics.getFunnel(startDate, endDate, ['/ep/about/pricing', '/ep/about/pricing-free'], true),
- metrics.getFunnel(startDate, endDate, ['/ep/about/pricing', '/ep/about/pricing-eepod'], true),
- metrics.getFunnel(startDate, endDate, ['/ep/about/pricing', '/ep/store/eepnet-eval-signup'], true),
- metrics.getFunnel(startDate, endDate, ['/', '(pad)']),
- metrics.getFunnel(startDate, endDate, ['/', '/ep/pad/newpad'], true),
- metrics.getFunnel(startDate, endDate, ['/ep/about/screencast', '(pad)'])];
- function vcnt(i, i2) {
- return fs[i].visitorCounts[i2];
- }
- function pct(f) {
- return ""+Math.round(f*10000)/100+"%"
- }
- function cntAndPct(i, i2) {
- if (i2 === undefined) { i2 = 1; }
- return ""+vcnt(i, i2)+" ("+pct(vcnt(i, i2)/vcnt(i, i2-1))+")";
- }
- print(P("Of ", vcnt(0, 0), " visitors to the pricing page, ",
- cntAndPct(0), " of them viewed eepnet, (", cntAndPct(0, 2), " of those downloaded), ",
- cntAndPct(1), " of them viewed free, and ",
- cntAndPct(2), " of them viewed eepod. ",
- cntAndPct(3), " of them clicked on the eval signup link straight up."
- ),
- P("Of ", vcnt(4, 0), " visitors to the home page, ",
- cntAndPct(4), " of them went to a pad page in the same flow; ",
- cntAndPct(5), " of them clicked the new pad button immediately."),
- P("Of ", vcnt(6, 0), " vistitors to the screencast page, ",
- cntAndPct(6), " of them visisted a pad page in the same flow."));
- var origins = metrics.getOrigins(startDate, endDate, true);
- print(P("Flow first origins: "));
- drawHistogram("first origins", origins.flowFirsts);
- var firstHits = metrics.getOrigins(startDate, endDate, false, true);
- var padFirstHits = 0;
- var nonPadFirstHits = 0;
- print(P("First paths hit: "));
- drawHistogram("first paths", firstHits.flowFirsts);
- firstHits.flowFirsts.filter(function(x) {
- if (x.value != '/' && ! startsWith(x.value, "/ep/")) {
- padFirstHits += x.count;
- return false;
- }
- nonPadFirstHits += x.count;
- return true;
- });
- print(P("Some pad page: "+padFirstHits),
- P("Non-pad page: "+nonPadFirstHits));
- var exitsFromHomepage = metrics.getExits(startDate, endDate, '/', true);
- print(P("Exits from homepage: "));
- drawHistogram("exits", exitsFromHomepage.histogram)
- response.write(HTML(body));
-function render_padmigrations() {
- var residue = (request.params.r || 0);
- var modulus = (request.params.m || 1);
- var name = (request.params.n || (residue+"%"+modulus));
- pad_migrations.runBackgroundMigration(residue, modulus, name);
- response.write("done");
- return true;
-// TODO: add ability to delete entries?
-// TODO: show sizes?
-function render_cachebrowser() {
- var path = request.params.path;
- if (path && path.charAt(0) == ',') {
- path = path.substr(1);
- }
- var pathArg = (path || "");
- var c = appjet.cache;
- if (path) {
- path.split(",").forEach(function(part) {
- c = c[part];
- });
- }
- var d = DIV({style: 'font-family: monospace; text-decoration: none;'});
- d.push(H3("appjet.cache --> "+pathArg.split(",").join(" --> ")));
- var t = TABLE({border: 1});
- keys(c).sort().forEach(function(k) {
- var v = c[k];
- if (v && (typeof(v) == 'object') && (!v.getDate)) {
- t.push(TR(TD(A({style: 'text-decoration: none;',
- href: request.path+"?path="+pathArg+","+k}, k))));
- } else {
- t.push(TR(TD(k), TD(v)));
- }
- });
- d.push(t);
- response.write(d);
-function render_pne_tracker_get() {
- var data = sqlobj.selectMulti('pne_tracking_data', {}, {});
- data.sort(function(x, y) { return cmp(,; });
- var t = TABLE();
- var headrow = TR();
- ['date', 'remote host', 'keyHash', 'name', 'value'].forEach(function(x) {
- headrow.push(TH({align: "left", style: "padding: 0 6px;"}, x));
- });
- t.push(headrow);
- data.forEach(function(d) {
- var tr = TR();
- tr.push(TD(' ').slice(0,5).join('-')));
- if (d.remoteIp) {
- tr.push(TD(netutils.getHostnameFromIp(d.remoteIp) || d.remoteIp));
- } else {
- tr.push(TD("-"));
- }
- if (d.keyHash) {
- tr.push(TD(A({href: '/ep/admin/pne-tracker-lookup-keyhash?hash='+d.keyHash}, d.keyHash)));
- } else {
- tr.push(TD("-"));
- }
- tr.push(TD(;
- tr.push(TD(d.value));
- t.push(tr);
- });
- response.write(HTML(HEAD(html("<style>td { border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; border-right: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 0 6px; } \n tr:hover { background: #ffc; }</style>"),
- BODY({style: "font-family: monospace; font-size: 12px;"}, t))));
-function render_pne_tracker_lookup_keyhash_get() {
- var hash = request.params.hash;
- // brute force it
- var allLicenses = sqlobj.selectMulti('eepnet_signups', {}, {});
- var record = null;
- var i = 0;
- while (i < allLicenses.length && record == null) {
- var d = allLicenses[i];
- if (md5(d.licenseKey).substr(0, 16) == hash) {
- record = d;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if (!record) {
- response.write("Not found. Perhaps this was a test download from local development, or a paid customer whose licenses we don't currently look through on this page.");
- } else {
- var kl = keys(record).sort();
- var t = TABLE();
- kl.forEach(function(k) {
- t.push(TR(TH({align: "right"}, k+":"),
- TD({style: "padding-left: 1em;"}, record[k])));
- });
- response.write(HTML(BODY(DIV({style: "font-family: monospace;"},
- DIV(H1("Trial Signup Record:")), t))));
- }
-function render_reload_blog_db_get() {
- var d = DIV();
- if (request.params.ok) {
- d.push(DIV(P("OK")));
- }
- d.push(FORM({method: "post", action: request.path},
- INPUT({type: "submit", value: "Reload Blog DB Now"})));
- response.write(HTML(BODY(d)));
-function render_reload_blog_db_post() {
- blogcontrol.reloadBlogDb();
- response.redirect(request.path+"?ok=1");
-function render_pro_domain_accounts() {
- var accounts = sqlobj.selectMulti('pro_accounts', {}, {});
- var domains = sqlobj.selectMulti('pro_domains', {}, {});
- // build domain map
- var domainMap = {};
- domains.forEach(function(d) { domainMap[] = d; });
- accounts.sort(function(a,b) { return cmp(b.lastLoginDate, a.lastLoginDate); });
- var b = BODY({style: "font-family: monospace;"});
- b.push(accounts.length + " pro accounts.");
- var t = TABLE({border: 1});
- t.push(TR(TH("email"),
- TH("domain"),
- TH("lastLogin")));
- accounts.forEach(function(u) {
- t.push(TR(TD(,
- TD(domainMap[u.domainId].subDomain+"."+request.domain),
- TD(u.lastLoginDate)));
- });
- b.push(t);
- response.write(HTML(b));
-function render_beta_valve_get() {
- var d = DIV(
- P("Beta Valve Status: ",
- (pro_beta_control.isValveOpen() ?
- SPAN({style: "color: green;"}, B("OPEN")) :
- SPAN({style: "color: red;"}, B("CLOSED")))),
- P(FORM({action: '/ep/admin/beta-valve-toggle', method: "post"},
- BUTTON({type: "submit"}, "Toggle"))));
- var t = TABLE({border: 1, cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 4, style: "font-family: monospace;"});
- var signupList = sqlobj.selectMulti('pro_beta_signups', {}, {});
- signupList.sort(function(a, b) {
- return cmp(b.signupDate, a.signupDate);
- });
- d.push(HR());
- if (getSession().betaAdminMessage) {
- d.push(DIV({style: "border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 1em; background: #eee;"},
- getSession().betaAdminMessage));
- delete getSession().betaAdminMessage;
- }
- d.push(P(signupList.length + " beta signups"));
- d.push(FORM({action: '/ep/admin/beta-invite-multisend', method: 'post'},
- P("Send ", INPUT({type: 'text', name: 'count', size: 3}), " invites."),
- INPUT({type: "submit"})));
- t.push(TR(TH("id"), TH("email"), TH("signupDate"),
- TH("activationDate"), TH("activationCode"), TH(' ')));
- signupList.forEach(function(s) {
- var tr = TR();
- tr.push(TD(,
- TD(,
- TD(s.signupDate),
- TD(s.isActivated ? s.activationDate : "-"),
- TD(s.activationCode));
- if (!s.activationCode) {
- tr.push(TD(FORM({action: '/ep/admin/beta-invite-send', method: 'post'},
- INPUT({type: 'hidden', name: 'id', value:}),
- INPUT({type: 'submit', value: "Send Invite"}))));
- } else {
- tr.push(TD(' '));
- }
- t.push(tr);
- });
- d.push(t);
- response.write(d);
-function render_beta_valve_toggle_post() {
- pro_beta_control.toggleValve();
- response.redirect('/ep/admin/beta-valve');
-function render_beta_invite_send_post() {
- var id =;
- pro_beta_control.sendInvite(id);
- response.redirect('/ep/admin/beta-valve');
-function render_beta_invite_multisend_post() {
- var count = request.params.count;
- var signupList = sqlobj.selectMulti('pro_beta_signups', {}, {});
- signupList.sort(function(a, b) {
- return cmp(a.signupDate, b.signupDate);
- });
- var sent = 0;
- for (var i = 0; ((i < signupList.length) && (sent < count)); i++) {
- var record = signupList[i];
- if (!record.activationCode) {
- pro_beta_control.sendInvite(;
- sent++;
- }
- }
- getSession().betaAdminMessage = (sent+" invites sent.");
- response.redirect('/ep/admin/beta-valve');
-function render_usagestats() {
- response.redirect("/ep/admin/usagestats/");
-function render_exceptions() {
- exceptions.render();
-function render_setadminmode() {
- sessions.setIsAnEtherpadAdmin(
- String(request.params.v).toLowerCase() == "true");
- response.redirect("/ep/admin/");
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-// billing-related
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-// some of these functions are only used from selenium tests, and so have no UI.
-function render_setdomainpaidthrough() {
- var domainName = request.params.domain;
- var when = new Date(Number(request.params.paidthrough));
- if (! domainName || ! when) {
- response.write("fail");
- response.stop();
- }
- var domain = domains.getDomainRecordFromSubdomain(domainName);
- var domainId =;
- var subscription = team_billing.getSubscriptionForCustomer(domainId);
- if (subscription) {
- billing.updatePurchase(, {paidThrough: when});
- team_billing.domainCacheClear(domainId);
- response.write("OK");
- } else {
- response.write("fail");
- }
-function render_runsubscriptions() {
- team_billing.processAllSubscriptions();
- response.write("OK");
-function render_reset_subscription() {
- var body = BODY();
- if (request.isGet) {
- body.push(FORM({method: "POST"},
- "Subdomain: ", INPUT({type: "text", name: "subdomain"}), BUTTON({name: "clear"}, "Go")));
- } else if (request.isPost) {
- if (! request.params.confirm) {
- var domain = domains.getDomainRecordFromSubdomain(request.params.subdomain);
- var admins = pro_accounts.listAllDomainAdmins(;
- body.push(P("Domain ", domain.subDomain, ".", request.domain, "; admins:"));
- var p = UL();
- admins.forEach(function(admin) {
- p.push(LI(admin.fullName, " <",, ">"));
- });
- body.push(p);
- var subscription = team_billing.getSubscriptionForCustomer(;
- if (subscription) {
- body.push(P("Subscription is currently ", subscription.status, ", and paid through: ", checkout.formatDate(subscription.paidThrough), "."))
- body.push(FORM({method: "POST"},
- INPUT({type: "hidden", name: "subdomain", value: request.params.subdomain}),
- "Are you sure? ", BUTTON({name: "confirm", value: "yes"}, "YES")));
- } else {
- body.push(P("No current subscription"));
- }
- } else {
- var domain = domains.getDomainRecordFromSubdomain(request.params.subdomain);
- sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
- team_billing.resetMaxUsers(;
- sqlobj.deleteRows('billing_purchase', {customer:, type: 'subscription'});
- team_billing.domainCacheClear(;
- team_billing.clearRecurringBillingInfo(;
- });
- body.push("Done!")
- }
- }
- body.push(A({href: request.path}, html("&laquo; back")));
- response.write(HTML(body));
-} \ No newline at end of file