path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/lib/jquery.contextmenu.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/lib/jquery.contextmenu.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/lib/jquery.contextmenu.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/lib/jquery.contextmenu.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42cc17e..0000000
--- a/trunk/etherpad/src/static/js/lib/jquery.contextmenu.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c)2005-2009 Matt Kruse (
- *
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- * This basically means you can use this code however you want for
- * free, but don't claim to have written it yourself!
- * Donations always accepted:
- *
- * Please do not link to the .js files on from
- * your site. Copy the files locally to your server instead.
- *
- */
- * jquery.contextmenu.js
- * jQuery Plugin for Context Menus
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 Matt Kruse (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- *
- * @version 1.0
- * @history 1.0 2008-10-20 Initial Release
- * @todo slideUp doesn't work in IE - because of iframe?
- * @todo Hide all other menus when contextmenu is shown?
- * @todo More themes
- * @todo Nested context menus
- */
- $.contextMenu = {
- shadow:true,
- shadowOffset:0,
- shadowOffsetX:5,
- shadowOffsetY:5,
- shadowWidthAdjust:-3,
- shadowHeightAdjust:-3,
- shadowOpacity:.2,
- shadowClass:'context-menu-shadow',
- shadowColor:'black',
- offsetX:0,
- offsetY:0,
- appendTo:'body',
- direction:'down',
- constrainToScreen:true,
- showTransition:'show',
- hideTransition:'hide',
- showSpeed:'',
- hideSpeed:'',
- showCallback:null,
- hideCallback:null,
- className:'context-menu',
- itemClassName:'context-menu-item',
- itemHoverClassName:'context-menu-item-hover',
- disabledItemClassName:'context-menu-item-disabled',
- disabledItemHoverClassName:'context-menu-item-disabled-hover',
- separatorClassName:'context-menu-separator',
- innerDivClassName:'context-menu-item-inner',
- themePrefix:'context-menu-theme-',
- theme:'default',
- separator:'context-menu-separator', // A specific key to identify a separator
- target:null, // The target of the context click, to be populated when triggered
- menu:null, // The jQuery object containing the HTML object that is the menu itself
- shadowObj:null, // Shadow object
- bgiframe:null, // The iframe object for IE6
- shown:false, // Currently being shown?
- useIframe:/*@cc_on @*//*@if (@_win32) true, @else @*/false,/*@end @*/ // This is a better check than looking at userAgent!
- bindTarget: 'contextmenu',
- // Create the menu instance
- create: function(menu,opts) {
- var cmenu = $.extend({},this,opts); // Clone all default properties to created object
- // If a selector has been passed in, then use that as the menu
- if (typeof menu=="string") {
- = $(menu);
- }
- // If a function has been passed in, call it each time the menu is shown to create the menu
- else if (typeof menu=="function") {
- cmenu.menuFunction = menu;
- }
- // Otherwise parse the Array passed in
- else {
- = cmenu.createMenu(menu,cmenu);
- }
- if ( {
- $(cmenu.appendTo).append(;
- }
- // Create the shadow object if shadow is enabled
- if (cmenu.shadow) {
- cmenu.createShadow(cmenu); // Extracted to method for extensibility
- if (cmenu.shadowOffset) { cmenu.shadowOffsetX = cmenu.shadowOffsetY = cmenu.shadowOffset; }
- }
- // when to hide the menu:
- // click anywhere in the body:
- $('body').bind('click',function(){cmenu.hide();});
- // right-click anywhere in the body:
- $('body').bind('contextmenu',function(){cmenu.hide();});
- // escape key:
- $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { cmenu.hide(); } });
- return cmenu;
- },
- // Create an iframe object to go behind the menu
- createIframe: function() {
- return $('<iframe frameborder="0" tabindex="-1" src="javascript:false" style="display:block;position:absolute;z-index:-1;filter:Alpha(Opacity=0);"/>');
- },
- // Accept an Array representing a menu structure and turn it into HTML
- createMenu: function(menu,cmenu) {
- var className = cmenu.className;
- $.each(cmenu.theme.split(","),function(i,n){className+=' '+cmenu.themePrefix+n});
- var $t = $('<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0></table>').click(function(){cmenu.hide(); return false;}); // We wrap a table around it so width can be flexible
- var $tr = $('<tr></tr>');
- var $td = $('<td></td>');
- var $div = $('<div class="'+className+'"></div>');
- // Each menu item is specified as either:
- // title:function
- // or title: { property:value ... }
- for (var i=0; i<menu.length; i++) {
- var m = menu[i];
- if (m==$.contextMenu.separator) {
- $div.append(cmenu.createSeparator());
- }
- else {
- for (var opt in menu[i]) {
- $div.append(cmenu.createMenuItem(opt,menu[i][opt])); // Extracted to method for extensibility
- }
- }
- }
- if ( cmenu.useIframe ) {
- $td.append(cmenu.createIframe());
- }
- $t.append($tr.append($td.append($div)))
- return $t;
- },
- // Create an individual menu item
- createMenuItem: function(label,obj) {
- var cmenu = this;
- if (typeof obj=="function") { obj={onclick:obj}; } // If passed a simple function, turn it into a property of an object
- // Default properties, extended in case properties are passed
- var o = $.extend({
- onclick:function() { },
- className:'',
- hoverClassName:cmenu.itemHoverClassName,
- icon:'',
- disabled:false,
- title:'',
- hoverItem:cmenu.hoverItem,
- hoverItemOut:cmenu.hoverItemOut
- },obj);
- // If an icon is specified, hard-code the background-image style. Themes that don't show images should take this into account in their CSS
- var iconStyle = (o.icon)?'background-image:url('+o.icon+');':'';
- var $div = $('<div class="'+cmenu.itemClassName+' '+o.className+((o.disabled)?' '+cmenu.disabledItemClassName:'')+'" title="'+o.title+'"></div>')
- // If the item is disabled, don't do anything when it is clicked
- .click(function(e){if(cmenu.isItemDisabled(this)){return false;}else{return,this,cmenu,e)}})
- // Change the class of the item when hovered over
- .hover( function(){,(cmenu.isItemDisabled(this))?cmenu.disabledItemHoverClassName:o.hoverClassName); }
- ,function(){,(cmenu.isItemDisabled(this))?cmenu.disabledItemHoverClassName:o.hoverClassName); }
- );
- var $idiv = $('<div class="'+cmenu.innerDivClassName+'" style="'+iconStyle+'">'+label+'</div>');
- $div.append($idiv);
- return $div;
- },
- // Create a separator row
- createSeparator: function() {
- return $('<div class="'+this.separatorClassName+'"></div>');
- },
- // Determine if an individual item is currently disabled. This is called each time the item is hovered or clicked because the disabled status may change at any time
- isItemDisabled: function(item) { return $(item).is('.'+this.disabledItemClassName); },
- // Functions to fire on hover. Extracted to methods for extensibility
- hoverItem: function(c) { $(this).addClass(c); },
- hoverItemOut: function(c) { $(this).removeClass(c); },
- // Create the shadow object
- createShadow: function(cmenu) {
- cmenu.shadowObj = $('<div class="'+cmenu.shadowClass+'"></div>').css( {display:'none',position:"absolute", zIndex:9998, opacity:cmenu.shadowOpacity, backgroundColor:cmenu.shadowColor } );
- $(cmenu.appendTo).append(cmenu.shadowObj);
- },
- // Display the shadow object, given the position of the menu itself
- showShadow: function(x,y,e) {
- var cmenu = this;
- if (cmenu.shadow) {
- cmenu.shadowObj.css( {
- width:("px",
- height:("px",
- top:(y+cmenu.shadowOffsetY)+"px",
- left:(x+cmenu.shadowOffsetX)+"px"
- }).addClass(cmenu.shadowClass)[cmenu.showTransition](cmenu.showSpeed);
- }
- },
- // A hook to call before the menu is shown, in case special processing needs to be done.
- // Return false to cancel the default show operation
- beforeShow: function() { return true; },
- // Show the context menu
- show: function(t,e) {
- var cmenu=this, x=e.pageX, y=e.pageY;
- = t; // Preserve the object that triggered this context menu so menu item click methods can see it
- if (cmenu.beforeShow()!==false) {
- // If the menu content is a function, call it to populate the menu each time it is displayed
- if (cmenu.menuFunction) {
- if ( { $(; }
- = cmenu.createMenu(cmenu.menuFunction(cmenu,t),cmenu);
- $(cmenu.appendTo).append(;
- }
- var $c =;
- x+=cmenu.offsetX; y+=cmenu.offsetY;
- var pos = cmenu.getPosition(x,y,cmenu,e); // Extracted to method for extensibility
- cmenu.showShadow(pos.x,pos.y,e);
- // Resize the iframe if needed
- if (cmenu.useIframe) {
- $c.find('iframe').css({width:$c.width()+cmenu.shadowOffsetX+cmenu.shadowWidthAdjust,height:$c.height()+cmenu.shadowOffsetY+cmenu.shadowHeightAdjust});
- }
- $c.css( {top:pos.y+"px", left:pos.x+"px", position:"absolute",zIndex:9999} )[cmenu.showTransition](cmenu.showSpeed,((cmenu.showCallback)?function(){;}:null));
- cmenu.shown=true;
- $(document).one('click',null,function(){cmenu.hide()}); // Handle a single click to the document to hide the menu
- }
- },
- // Find the position where the menu should appear, given an x,y of the click event
- getPosition: function(clickX,clickY,cmenu,e) {
- var x = clickX+cmenu.offsetX;
- var y = clickY+cmenu.offsetY
- var h = $(;
- var w = $(;
- var dir = cmenu.direction;
- if (cmenu.constrainToScreen) {
- var $w = $(window);
- var wh = $w.height();
- var ww = $w.width();
- if (dir=="down" && (y+h-$w.scrollTop() > wh)) { dir = "up"; }
- var maxRight = x+w-$w.scrollLeft();
- if (maxRight > ww) { x -= (maxRight-ww); }
- }
- if (dir=="up") { y -= h; }
- return {'x':x,'y':y};
- },
- // Hide the menu, of course
- hide: function() {
- var cmenu=this;
- if (cmenu.shown) {
- if (cmenu.iframe) {
- $(cmenu.iframe).hide();
- }
- if ( {
- }
- if (cmenu.shadow) {
- cmenu.shadowObj[cmenu.hideTransition](cmenu.hideSpeed);
- }
- if (cmenu.hideCallback) {
- }
- }
- cmenu.shown = false;
- }
- };
- // This actually adds the .contextMenu() function to the jQuery namespace
- $.fn.contextMenu = function(menu,options) {
- var cmenu = $.contextMenu.create(menu,options);
- return this.each(function(){
- $(this).bind(cmenu.bindTarget,function(e){,e);return false;});
- });
- };