path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/templates/pad/padview_body.ejs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/templates/pad/padview_body.ejs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/templates/pad/padview_body.ejs b/trunk/etherpad/src/templates/pad/padview_body.ejs
deleted file mode 100644
index e18ff12..0000000
--- a/trunk/etherpad/src/templates/pad/padview_body.ejs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-<% /* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License. */ %><%
- helpers.addBodyClass(bodyClass);
- helpers.setHtmlTitle(toHTML(padId + " / " + rlabel));
- helpers.setBodyId("padviewbody");
- helpers.includeCss("broadcast.css");
- helpers.setRobotsPolicy({index: false, follow: false})
- helpers.includeJQuery();
- helpers.includeCometJs();
- helpers.includeJs("json2.js");
- helpers.includeJs("pad_utils.js");
- helpers.includeJs("broadcast_slider.js");
- helpers.includeJs("broadcast_revisions.js");
- helpers.includeJs("easysync2_client.js");
- helpers.includeJs("domline_client.js");
- helpers.includeJs("linestylefilter_client.js");
- helpers.includeJs("cssmanager_client.js");
- helpers.includeJs("broadcast.js");
- helpers.addToHead('\n<style type="text/css" title="dynamicsyntax"></style>\n');
- function dfmt(t) {
- var d = new Date(t);
- return d.toString();
- }
- function exportOption(type, label, requiresOffice, url, title) {
- url = url || '/ep/pad/export/'+padId+'/'+revisionId+'?format='+type;
- var aStart =
- ['<a',
- (requiresOffice && ! hasOffice ? ' class="disabledexport"' : ' href="'+url+'"'),
- '>'].join('');
- var r = ['<div class="exportlink" id="export', type, '"'];
- if (title) {
- r.push(' title="'+title+'"');
- }
- r.push('>');
- r.push('<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">');
- r.push('<tr>');
- r.push('<td class="exportpic" valign="middle">');
- r.push(aStart, '<img src="/static/img/may09/'+type+'.gif" />', '</a>');
- r.push('<td class="labelcell" valign="middle">');
- r.push(aStart, label, '</a>');
- if (title) {
- r.push('<sup>?</sup>')
- }
- r.push('</td>');
- r.push('</tr>');
- r.push('</table>');
- r.push('</div>');
- return r.join('');
- }
-<div id="padpage">
-<div id="topbar" style="margin: 7px; margin-top: 0px;">
- <div id="topbarleft"><!-- --></div>
- <div id="topbarright"><!-- --></div>
- <div id="topbarcenter">
- <a href="/" id="topbaretherpad">EtherPad</a>
- </div>
-<% if (isProAccountHolder) { %>
- <div id="accountnav"><%= toHTML( %>
- <a href="/ep/account/sign-out">(sign out)</a>
- </div>
-<% } else if (isPro) { %>
- <div id="accountnav">
- <a href="<%= signinUrl %>">sign in</a>
- </div>
-<% } %>
-<div id="timeslider-wrapper">
-<div id="error" style="display: none">It looks like you're having connection troubles. <a href="/ep/pad/view/<%= padId %>/latest">Reconnect now</a>.</div>
-<div id="timeslider" unselectable="on" style="display: none">
- <div id="timeslider-left"></div>
- <div id="timeslider-right"></div>
- <div id="timer"><%= dateFormat %></div>
- <div id="timeslider-slider">
- <div id="ui-slider-handle">
- </div>
- <div id="ui-slider-bar">
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="playpause_button">
- <div id="playpause_button_icon" class=""></div>
- </div>
- <div id="steppers">
- <div class="stepper" id="leftstar"></div>
- <div class="stepper" id="rightstar"></div>
- <div class="stepper" id="leftstep"></div>
- <div class="stepper" id="rightstep"></div>
- </div>
-<div id="rightbars">
-<div id="rightbar"><a id="viewlatest" href="/ep/pad/view/<%= padId %>/latest">
-<% if (revisionId != "latest") { %>View latest content<% } else { %>Viewing latest content<% } %></a><br>
-<a class="tlink" href="/ep/pad/view/<%= padId %>/<%= revisionId %>" thref="/ep/pad/view/<%= padId %>/rev.%revision%">Link to this version</a>
-<% if (readOnly === false) { %><br><a class="tlink" href="/ep/pad/view/<%= roPadId %>/<%= revisionId %>" thref="/ep/pad/view/<%= roPadId %>/rev.%revision%">Link to read-only page</a><br><a href="/<%= padId %>">Edit this pad</a><% } %>
-<h2>Download as</h2>
-<img src="/static/img/may09/html.gif"><a class="tlink" href="/ep/pad/export/<%= padId %>/<%= revisionId %>?format=html" thref="/ep/pad/export/<%= padId %>/rev.%revision%?format=html">HTML</a><br>
-<img src="/static/img/may09/txt.gif" ><a class="tlink" href="/ep/pad/export/<%= padId %>/<%= revisionId %>?format=html" thref="/ep/pad/export/<%= padId %>/rev.%revision%?format=txt" >Plain text</a><br>
-<div id="legend">
-<table id="authorstable" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-<div id="padmain"
- <% if (request.userAgent.isIPhone()) { %> style="font-size: 3em;" <% } %>
-<div id="titlebar"><h1><%= padTitle %></h1><div id="revision"><span id="revision_label"><%= rlabel %></span><br><span id="revision_date">
-<%= ["Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"][new Date(savedWhen).getMonth()] %>
-<%= new Date(savedWhen).getDate() %>,
-<%= new Date(savedWhen).getFullYear() %>
- <div id="padcontent"
- <% if (request.userAgent.isIPhone()) { %> style="font-size: 1.3em;" <% } %>
- >
-<%= padHTML %></div>