path: root/collections/users.js
diff options
authorMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:20:58 +0200
committerMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:33:50 +0200
commit2dbea30842ec63a68055245fe26633bb7913daf3 (patch)
treee9143893a3d3bf4ad34dd3a97d6f3466561c8756 /collections/users.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'collections/users.js')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/collections/users.js b/collections/users.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dcccf12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collections/users.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+Users = Meteor.users;
+// Search a user in the complete server database by its name or username. This
+// is used for instance to add a new user to a board.
+var searchInFields = ['username', ''];
+Users.initEasySearch(searchInFields, {
+ use: 'mongo-db',
+ returnFields: searchInFields
+ boards: function() {
+ return Boards.find({ userId: this._id });
+ },
+ starredBoards: function() {
+ var starredBoardIds = this.profile.starredBoards || [];
+ return Boards.find({_id: {$in: starredBoardIds}});
+ },
+ hasStarred: function(boardId) {
+ var starredBoardIds = this.profile.starredBoards || [];
+ return _.contains(starredBoardIds, boardId);
+ },
+ isBoardMember: function() {
+ var board = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard'));
+ return board && _.contains(_.pluck(board.members, 'userId'), this._id) &&
+ _.where(board.members, {userId: this._id})[0].isActive;
+ },
+ isBoardAdmin: function() {
+ var board = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard'));
+ if (this.isBoardMember(board))
+ return _.where(board.members, {userId: this._id})[0].isAdmin;
+ }
+Users.before.insert(function(userId, doc) {
+ doc.profile = {};
+ // connect profile.status default
+ doc.profile.status = 'offline';
+ // slugify to username
+ //doc.username = getSlug(, '');
+if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ // Each board document contains the de-normalized number of users that have
+ // starred it. If the user star or unstar a board, we need to update this
+ // counter.
+ // We need to run this code on the server only, otherwise the incrementation
+ // will be done twice.
+ Users.after.update(function(userId, user, fieldNames) {
+ // The `starredBoards` list is hosted on the `profile` field. If this
+ // field hasn't been modificated we don't need to run this hook.
+ if (! _.contains(fieldNames, 'profile'))
+ return;
+ // To calculate a diff of board starred ids, we get both the previous
+ // and the newly board ids list
+ var getStarredBoardsIds = function(doc) {
+ return doc.profile && doc.profile.starredBoards;
+ };
+ var oldIds = getStarredBoardsIds(this.previous);
+ var newIds = getStarredBoardsIds(user);
+ // The _.difference(a, b) method returns the values from a that are not in
+ // b. We use it to find deleted and newly inserted ids by using it in one
+ // direction and then in the other.
+ var incrementBoards = function(boardsIds, inc) {
+ _.forEach(boardsIds, function(boardId) {
+ Boards.update(boardId, {$inc: {stars: inc}});
+ });
+ };
+ incrementBoards(_.difference(oldIds, newIds), -1);
+ incrementBoards(_.difference(newIds, oldIds), +1);
+ });
+ // XXX i18n
+ Users.after.insert(function(userId, doc) {
+ var ExampleBoard = {
+ title: 'Welcome Board',
+ userId: doc._id,
+ permission: 'private'
+ };
+ // Insert the Welcome Board
+ Boards.insert(ExampleBoard, function(err, boardId) {
+ _.forEach(['Basics', 'Advanced'], function(title) {
+ var list = {
+ title: title,
+ boardId: boardId,
+ userId: ExampleBoard.userId,
+ // XXX Not certain this is a bug, but we except these fields get
+ // inserted by the Lists.before.insert collection-hook. Since this
+ // hook is not called in this case, we have to dublicate the logic and
+ // set them here.
+ archived: false,
+ createdAt: new Date()
+ };
+ Lists.insert(list);
+ });
+ });
+ });