path: root/packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm
diff options
authorRomulus Tsai 蔡仲明 <>2020-05-08 09:35:11 +0800
committerRomulus Tsai 蔡仲明 <>2020-05-08 09:35:11 +0800
commitcfcc73724fcd394150d1b815d0a7a4c466e216b5 (patch)
treea9648255f14cd8b0e1ad8eee1f8d42337a0668bc /packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm
parenta3658993128bdddd5d40f792c19281dc5eac51f5 (diff)
parent533bc045d06269dba2f42cdfe61817a1b3407974 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm/getSpecs.js b/packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm/getSpecs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2746bdbb..00000000
--- a/packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm/getSpecs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-const fetch = require('node-fetch');
-const cheerio = require('cheerio');
-const marked = require('../../../');
-const htmlDiffer = require('../../helpers/html-differ.js');
-const fs = require('fs');
- .then(res => res.text())
- .then(html => cheerio.load(html))
- .then($ => {
- const version = $('.version').text().match(/\d+\.\d+/)[0];
- if (!version) {
- throw new Error('No version found');
- }
- const specs = [];
- $('.extension').each((i, ext) => {
- const section = $('.definition', ext).text().trim().replace(/^\d+\.\d+(.*?) \(extension\)[\s\S]*$/, '$1');
- $('.example', ext).each((j, exa) => {
- const example = +$(exa).attr('id').replace(/\D/g, '');
- const markdown = $('.language-markdown', exa).text().trim();
- const html = $('.language-html', exa).text().trim();
- specs.push({
- section,
- html,
- markdown,
- example
- });
- });
- });
- return [version, specs];
- })
- .then(([version, specs]) => {
- specs.forEach(spec => {
- const html = marked(spec.markdown, {gfm: true});
- if (!htmlDiffer.isEqual(html, spec.html)) {
- spec.shouldFail = true;
- }
- });
- fs.writeFileSync(`gfm.${version}.json`, JSON.stringify(specs, null, 2) + '\n');
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error(err);
- });
diff --git a/packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm/gfm.0.29.json b/packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm/gfm.0.29.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d1d43e4..00000000
--- a/packages/markdown/marked/test/specs/gfm/gfm.0.29.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>foo</th>\n<th>bar</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>baz</td>\n<td>bim</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>",
- "markdown": "| foo | bar |\n| --- | --- |\n| baz | bim |",
- "example": 198
- },
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th align=\"center\">abc</th>\n<th align=\"right\">defghi</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td align=\"center\">bar</td>\n<td align=\"right\">baz</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>",
- "markdown": "| abc | defghi |\n:-: | -----------:\nbar | baz",
- "example": 199
- },
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>f|oo</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>b <code>|</code> az</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>b <strong>|</strong> im</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>",
- "markdown": "| f\\|oo |\n| ------ |\n| b `\\|` az |\n| b **\\|** im |",
- "example": 200
- },
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>abc</th>\n<th>def</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>bar</td>\n<td>baz</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<blockquote>\n<p>bar</p>\n</blockquote>",
- "markdown": "| abc | def |\n| --- | --- |\n| bar | baz |\n> bar",
- "example": 201
- },
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>abc</th>\n<th>def</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>bar</td>\n<td>baz</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>bar</td>\n<td></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p>bar</p>",
- "markdown": "| abc | def |\n| --- | --- |\n| bar | baz |\nbar\n\nbar",
- "example": 202
- },
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<p>| abc | def |\n| --- |\n| bar |</p>",
- "markdown": "| abc | def |\n| --- |\n| bar |",
- "example": 203
- },
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>abc</th>\n<th>def</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>bar</td>\n<td></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>bar</td>\n<td>baz</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>",
- "markdown": "| abc | def |\n| --- | --- |\n| bar |\n| bar | baz | boo |",
- "example": 204
- },
- {
- "section": "Tables",
- "html": "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>abc</th>\n<th>def</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n</table>",
- "markdown": "| abc | def |\n| --- | --- |",
- "example": 205
- },
- {
- "section": "Task list items",
- "html": "<ul>\n<li><input disabled=\"\" type=\"checkbox\"> foo</li>\n<li><input checked=\"\" disabled=\"\" type=\"checkbox\"> bar</li>\n</ul>",
- "markdown": "- [ ] foo\n- [x] bar",
- "example": 279
- },
- {
- "section": "Task list items",
- "html": "<ul>\n<li><input checked=\"\" disabled=\"\" type=\"checkbox\"> foo\n<ul>\n<li><input disabled=\"\" type=\"checkbox\"> bar</li>\n<li><input checked=\"\" disabled=\"\" type=\"checkbox\"> baz</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li><input disabled=\"\" type=\"checkbox\"> bim</li>\n</ul>",
- "markdown": "- [x] foo\n - [ ] bar\n - [x] baz\n- [ ] bim",
- "example": 280
- },
- {
- "section": "Strikethrough",
- "html": "<p><del>Hi</del> Hello, world!</p>",
- "markdown": "~~Hi~~ Hello, world!",
- "example": 491
- },
- {
- "section": "Strikethrough",
- "html": "<p>This ~~has a</p>\n<p>new paragraph~~.</p>",
- "markdown": "This ~~has a\n\nnew paragraph~~.",
- "example": 492
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>",
- "markdown": "",
- "example": 621
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p>Visit <a href=\"\"></a> for more information.</p>",
- "markdown": "Visit for more information.",
- "example": 622
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p>Visit <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<p>Visit <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
- "markdown": "Visit\n\nVisit",
- "example": 623
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n<p>(<a href=\"\"></a>)</p>",
- "markdown": "\n\n(",
- "example": 624
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>",
- "markdown": "",
- "example": 625
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\";hl=en\">;hl=en</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"></a>&amp;hl;</p>",
- "markdown": "\n\;",
- "example": 626
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\"\"></a>&lt;lp</p>",
- "markdown": "<lp",
- "example": 627
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n<p>(Visit <a href=\"\"></a>)</p>\n<p>Anonymous FTP is available at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
- "markdown": "\n\n(Visit\n\nAnonymous FTP is available at",
- "example": 628
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\"mailto:foo@bar.baz\">foo@bar.baz</a></p>",
- "markdown": "foo@bar.baz",
- "example": 629
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p>hello@mail+xyz.example isn't valid, but <a href=\"mailto:hello+xyz@mail.example\">hello+xyz@mail.example</a> is.</p>",
- "markdown": "hello@mail+xyz.example isn't valid, but hello+xyz@mail.example is.",
- "example": 630
- },
- {
- "section": "Autolinks",
- "html": "<p><a href=\"mailto:a.b-c_d@a.b\">a.b-c_d@a.b</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"mailto:a.b-c_d@a.b\">a.b-c_d@a.b</a>.</p>\n<p>a.b-c_d@a.b-</p>\n<p>a.b-c_d@a.b_</p>",
- "markdown": "a.b-c_d@a.b\n\na.b-c_d@a.b.\n\na.b-c_d@a.b-\n\na.b-c_d@a.b_",
- "example": 631
- },
- {
- "section": "Disallowed Raw HTML",
- "html": "<p><strong> &lt;title> &lt;style> <em></p>\n<blockquote>\n &lt;xmp> is disallowed. &lt;XMP> is also disallowed.\n</blockquote>",
- "markdown": "<strong> <title> <style> <em>\n\n<blockquote>\n <xmp> is disallowed. <XMP> is also disallowed.\n</blockquote>",
- "example": 653,
- "shouldFail": true
- }