path: root/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib
diff options
authorLauri Ojansivu <>2019-04-20 15:18:33 +0300
committerLauri Ojansivu <>2019-04-20 15:18:33 +0300
commit73e265d8fd050ae3daa67472b4465a5c49d68910 (patch)
tree677b233934a43d8f873e24c794ce289d85e3a9b7 /packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib
parent6117097a93bfb11c8bd4c87a23c44a50e22ceb87 (diff)
Include to Wekan packages directory contents, so that meteor command would build all directly.
This also simplifies build scripts. Thanks to xet7 !
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib')
27 files changed, 2628 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/client.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/client.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31c9db74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/client.js
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+/* global
+ AT: false
+"use strict";
+// Allowed Internal (client-side) States
+AT.prototype.STATES = [
+ "changePwd", // Change Password
+ "enrollAccount", // Account Enrollment
+ "forgotPwd", // Forgot Password
+ "hide", // Nothing displayed
+ "resetPwd", // Reset Password
+ "signIn", // Sign In
+ "signUp", // Sign Up
+ "verifyEmail", // Email verification
+ "resendVerificationEmail", // Resend verification email
+AT.prototype._loginType = "";
+// Flag telling whether the whole form should appear disabled
+AT.prototype._disabled = false;
+// State validation
+AT.prototype._isValidState = function(value) {
+ return _.contains(this.STATES, value);
+// Flags used to avoid clearing errors and redirecting to previous route when
+// signing in/up as a results of a call to ensureSignedIn
+AT.prototype.avoidRedirect = false;
+AT.prototype.avoidClearError = false;
+// Token to be provided for routes like reset-password and enroll-account
+AT.prototype.paramToken = null;
+AT.prototype.loginType = function () {
+ return this._loginType;
+AT.prototype.getparamToken = function() {
+ return this.paramToken;
+// Getter for current state
+AT.prototype.getState = function() {
+ return this.state.form.get("state");
+// Getter for disabled state
+AT.prototype.disabled = function() {
+ return this.state.form.equals("disabled", true) ? "disabled" : undefined;
+// Setter for disabled state
+AT.prototype.setDisabled = function(value) {
+ check(value, Boolean);
+ return this.state.form.set("disabled", value);
+// Setter for current state
+AT.prototype.setState = function(state, callback) {
+ check(state, String);
+ if (!this._isValidState(state) || (this.options.forbidClientAccountCreation && state === 'signUp')) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(500, "Internal server error", "accounts-templates-core package got an invalid state value!");
+ }
+ this.state.form.set("state", state);
+ if (!this.avoidClearError) {
+ this.clearState();
+ }
+ this.avoidClearError = false;
+ if (_.isFunction(callback)) {
+ callback();
+ }
+AT.prototype.clearState = function() {
+ _.each(this._fields, function(field) {
+ field.clearStatus();
+ });
+ var form = this.state.form;
+ form.set("error", null);
+ form.set("result", null);
+ form.set("message", null);
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+AT.prototype.clearError = function() {
+ this.state.form.set("error", null);
+AT.prototype.clearResult = function() {
+ this.state.form.set("result", null);
+AT.prototype.clearMessage = function() {
+ this.state.form.set("message", null);
+// Initialization
+AT.prototype.init = function() {
+ console.warn("[AccountsTemplates] There is no more need to call AccountsTemplates.init()! Simply remove the call ;-)");
+AT.prototype._init = function() {
+ if (this._initialized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var usernamePresent = this.hasField("username");
+ var emailPresent = this.hasField("email");
+ if (usernamePresent && emailPresent) {
+ this._loginType = "username_and_email";
+ } else {
+ this._loginType = usernamePresent ? "username" : "email";
+ }
+ if (this._loginType === "username_and_email") {
+ // Possibly adds the field username_and_email in case
+ // it was not configured
+ if (!this.hasField("username_and_email")) {
+ this.addField({
+ _id: "username_and_email",
+ type: "text",
+ displayName: "usernameOrEmail",
+ placeholder: "usernameOrEmail",
+ required: true,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Only in case password confirmation is required
+ if (this.options.confirmPassword) {
+ // Possibly adds the field password_again in case
+ // it was not configured
+ if (!this.hasField("password_again")) {
+ var pwdAgain = _.clone(this.getField("password"));
+ pwdAgain._id = "password_again";
+ pwdAgain.displayName = {
+ "default": "passwordAgain",
+ changePwd: "newPasswordAgain",
+ resetPwd: "newPasswordAgain",
+ };
+ pwdAgain.placeholder = {
+ "default": "passwordAgain",
+ changePwd: "newPasswordAgain",
+ resetPwd: "newPasswordAgain",
+ };
+ this.addField(pwdAgain);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this.hasField("password_again")) {
+ throw new Error("AccountsTemplates: a field password_again was added but confirmPassword is set to false!");
+ }
+ }
+ // Possibly adds the field current_password in case
+ // it was not configured
+ if (this.options.enablePasswordChange) {
+ if (!this.hasField("current_password")) {
+ this.addField({
+ _id: "current_password",
+ type: "password",
+ displayName: "currentPassword",
+ placeholder: "currentPassword",
+ required: true,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensuser the right order of special fields
+ var moveFieldAfter = function(fieldName, referenceFieldName) {
+ var fieldIds = AccountsTemplates.getFieldIds();
+ var refFieldId = _.indexOf(fieldIds, referenceFieldName);
+ // In case the reference field is not present, just return...
+ if (refFieldId === -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var fieldId = _.indexOf(fieldIds, fieldName);
+ // In case the sought field is not present, just return...
+ if (fieldId === -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (fieldId !== -1 && fieldId !== (refFieldId + 1)) {
+ // removes the field
+ var field = AccountsTemplates._fields.splice(fieldId, 1)[0];
+ // push the field right after the reference field position
+ var newFieldIds = AccountsTemplates.getFieldIds();
+ var newReferenceFieldId = _.indexOf(newFieldIds, referenceFieldName);
+ AccountsTemplates._fields.splice(newReferenceFieldId + 1, 0, field);
+ }
+ };
+ // Ensuser the right order of special fields
+ var moveFieldBefore = function(fieldName, referenceFieldName) {
+ var fieldIds = AccountsTemplates.getFieldIds();
+ var refFieldId = _.indexOf(fieldIds, referenceFieldName);
+ // In case the reference field is not present, just return...
+ if (refFieldId === -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var fieldId = _.indexOf(fieldIds, fieldName);
+ // In case the sought field is not present, just return...
+ if (fieldId === -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (fieldId !== -1 && fieldId !== (refFieldId - 1)) {
+ // removes the field
+ var field = AccountsTemplates._fields.splice(fieldId, 1)[0];
+ // push the field right after the reference field position
+ var newFieldIds = AccountsTemplates.getFieldIds();
+ var newReferenceFieldId = _.indexOf(newFieldIds, referenceFieldName);
+ AccountsTemplates._fields.splice(newReferenceFieldId, 0, field);
+ }
+ };
+ // The final order should be something like:
+ // - username
+ // - email
+ // - username_and_email
+ // - password
+ // - password_again
+ //
+ // lets do it in reverse order...
+ moveFieldAfter("username_and_email", "username");
+ moveFieldAfter("username_and_email", "email");
+ moveFieldBefore("current_password", "password");
+ moveFieldAfter("password", "current_password");
+ moveFieldAfter("password_again", "password");
+ // Sets visibility condition and validation flags for each field
+ var gPositiveValidation = !!AccountsTemplates.options.positiveValidation;
+ var gNegativeValidation = !!AccountsTemplates.options.negativeValidation;
+ var gShowValidating = !!AccountsTemplates.options.showValidating;
+ var gContinuousValidation = !!AccountsTemplates.options.continuousValidation;
+ var gNegativeFeedback = !!AccountsTemplates.options.negativeFeedback;
+ var gPositiveFeedback = !!AccountsTemplates.options.positiveFeedback;
+ _.each(this._fields, function(field) {
+ // Visibility
+ switch(field._id) {
+ case "current_password":
+ field.visible = ["changePwd"];
+ break;
+ case "email":
+ field.visible = ["forgotPwd", "signUp", "resendVerificationEmail"];
+ if (AccountsTemplates.loginType() === "email") {
+ field.visible.push("signIn");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "password":
+ field.visible = ["changePwd", "enrollAccount", "resetPwd", "signIn", "signUp"];
+ break;
+ case "password_again":
+ field.visible = ["changePwd", "enrollAccount", "resetPwd", "signUp"];
+ break;
+ case "username":
+ field.visible = ["signUp"];
+ if (AccountsTemplates.loginType() === "username") {
+ field.visible.push("signIn");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "username_and_email":
+ field.visible = [];
+ if (AccountsTemplates.loginType() === "username_and_email") {
+ field.visible.push("signIn");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ field.visible = ["signUp"];
+ }
+ // Validation
+ var positiveValidation = field.positiveValidation;
+ if (_.isUndefined(positiveValidation)) {
+ field.positiveValidation = gPositiveValidation;
+ }
+ var negativeValidation = field.negativeValidation;
+ if (_.isUndefined(negativeValidation)) {
+ field.negativeValidation = gNegativeValidation;
+ }
+ field.validation = field.positiveValidation || field.negativeValidation;
+ if (_.isUndefined(field.continuousValidation)) {
+ field.continuousValidation = gContinuousValidation;
+ }
+ field.continuousValidation = field.validation && field.continuousValidation;
+ if (_.isUndefined(field.negativeFeedback)) {
+ field.negativeFeedback = gNegativeFeedback;
+ }
+ if (_.isUndefined(field.positiveFeedback)) {
+ field.positiveFeedback = gPositiveFeedback;
+ }
+ = field.negativeFeedback || field.positiveFeedback;
+ // Validating icon
+ var showValidating = field.showValidating;
+ if (_.isUndefined(showValidating)) {
+ field.showValidating = gShowValidating;
+ }
+ // Custom Template
+ if (field.template) {
+ if (field.template in Template) {
+ Template[field.template].helpers(AccountsTemplates.atInputHelpers);
+ } else {
+ console.warn(
+ "[UserAccounts] Warning no template " + field.template + " found!"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Initializes reactive states
+ var form = new ReactiveDict();
+ form.set("disabled", false);
+ form.set("state", "signIn");
+ form.set("result", null);
+ form.set("error", null);
+ form.set("message", null);
+ this.state = {
+ form: form,
+ };
+ // Possibly subscribes to extended user data (to get the list of registered services...)
+ if (this.options.showAddRemoveServices) {
+ Meteor.subscribe("userRegisteredServices");
+ }
+ //Check that reCaptcha site keys are available and no secret keys visible
+ if (this.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ var atSiteKey = null;
+ var atSecretKey = null;
+ var settingsSiteKey = null;
+ var settingsSecretKey = null;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha) {
+ atSiteKey = AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.siteKey;
+ atSecretKey = AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ }
+ if (Meteor.settings && Meteor.settings.public && Meteor.settings.public.reCaptcha) {
+ settingsSiteKey = Meteor.settings.public.reCaptcha.siteKey;
+ settingsSecretKey = Meteor.settings.public.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ }
+ if (atSecretKey || settingsSecretKey) {
+ //erase the secret key
+ if (atSecretKey) {
+ AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.secretKey = null;
+ }
+ if (settingsSecretKey) {
+ Meteor.settings.public.reCaptcha.secretKey = null;
+ }
+ var loc = atSecretKey ? "User Accounts configuration!" : "Meteor settings!";
+ throw new Meteor.Error(401, "User Accounts: DANGER - reCaptcha private key leaked to client from " + loc
+ + " Provide the key in server settings ONLY.");
+ }
+ if (!atSiteKey && !settingsSiteKey) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(401, "User Accounts: reCaptcha site key not found! Please provide it or set showReCaptcha to false.");
+ }
+ }
+ // Marks AccountsTemplates as initialized
+ this._initialized = true;
+AT.prototype.linkClick = function(route) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.disabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ AccountsTemplates.setState(route);
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.focusFirstInput) {
+ var firstVisibleInput = _.find(this.getFields(), function(f) {
+ return _.contains(f.visible, route);
+ });
+ if (firstVisibleInput) {
+ $("input#at-field-" + firstVisibleInput._id).focus();
+ }
+ }
+AT.prototype.logout = function() {
+ var onLogoutHook = AccountsTemplates.options.onLogoutHook;
+ Meteor.logout(function() {
+ if (onLogoutHook) {
+ onLogoutHook();
+ }
+ });
+AT.prototype.submitCallback = function(error, state, onSuccess) {
+ var onSubmitHook = AccountsTemplates.options.onSubmitHook;
+ if (onSubmitHook) {
+ onSubmitHook(error, state);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ if (_.isObject(error.details)) {
+ // If error.details is an object, we may try to set fields errors from it
+ _.each(error.details, function(error, fieldId) {
+ AccountsTemplates.getField(fieldId).setError(error);
+ });
+ } else {
+ var err = "error.accounts.Unknown error";
+ if (error.reason) {
+ err = error.reason;
+ }
+ if (err.substring(0, 15) !== "error.accounts.") {
+ err = "error.accounts." + err;
+ }
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("error", [err]);
+ }
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ // Possibly resets reCaptcha form
+ if (state === "signUp" && AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ grecaptcha.reset();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (onSuccess) {
+ onSuccess();
+ }
+ if (state) {
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+AccountsTemplates = new AT();
+// Initialization
+Meteor.startup(function() {
+ AccountsTemplates._init();
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/core.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/core.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c7bc07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Patterns for methods" parameters
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ changePwd: Match.Optional(String),
+ enrollAccount: Match.Optional(String),
+ forgotPwd: Match.Optional(String),
+ resetPwd: Match.Optional(String),
+ signIn: Match.Optional(String),
+ signUp: Match.Optional(String),
+ verifyEmail: Match.Optional(String),
+ resendVerificationEmail: Match.Optional(String),
+ accountsCreationDisabled: Match.Optional(String),
+ cannotRemoveService: Match.Optional(String),
+ captchaVerification: Match.Optional(String),
+ loginForbidden: Match.Optional(String),
+ mustBeLoggedIn: Match.Optional(String),
+ pwdMismatch: Match.Optional(String),
+ validationErrors: Match.Optional(String),
+ verifyEmailFirst: Match.Optional(String),
+ emailSent: Match.Optional(String),
+ emailVerified: Match.Optional(String),
+ pwdChanged: Match.Optional(String),
+ pwdReset: Match.Optional(String),
+ pwdSet: Match.Optional(String),
+ signUpVerifyEmail: Match.Optional(String),
+ verificationEmailSent: Match.Optional(String),
+ hasError: Match.Optional(String),
+ hasSuccess: Match.Optional(String),
+ isValidating: Match.Optional(String),
+ObjWithStringValues = Match.Where(function (x) {
+ check(x, Object);
+ _.each(_.values(x), function(value) {
+ check(value, String);
+ });
+ return true;
+ button: Match.Optional(STATE_PAT),
+ errors: Match.Optional(ERRORS_PAT),
+ info: Match.Optional(INFO_PAT),
+ inputIcons: Match.Optional(INPUT_ICONS_PAT),
+ maxAllowedLength: Match.Optional(String),
+ minRequiredLength: Match.Optional(String),
+ navSignIn: Match.Optional(String),
+ navSignOut: Match.Optional(String),
+ optionalField: Match.Optional(String),
+ pwdLink_link: Match.Optional(String),
+ pwdLink_pre: Match.Optional(String),
+ pwdLink_suff: Match.Optional(String),
+ requiredField: Match.Optional(String),
+ resendVerificationEmailLink_pre: Match.Optional(String),
+ resendVerificationEmailLink_link: Match.Optional(String),
+ resendVerificationEmailLink_suff: Match.Optional(String),
+ sep: Match.Optional(String),
+ signInLink_link: Match.Optional(String),
+ signInLink_pre: Match.Optional(String),
+ signInLink_suff: Match.Optional(String),
+ signUpLink_link: Match.Optional(String),
+ signUpLink_pre: Match.Optional(String),
+ signUpLink_suff: Match.Optional(String),
+ socialAdd: Match.Optional(String),
+ socialConfigure: Match.Optional(String),
+ socialIcons: Match.Optional(ObjWithStringValues),
+ socialRemove: Match.Optional(String),
+ socialSignIn: Match.Optional(String),
+ socialSignUp: Match.Optional(String),
+ socialWith: Match.Optional(String),
+ termsAnd: Match.Optional(String),
+ termsPreamble: Match.Optional(String),
+ termsPrivacy: Match.Optional(String),
+ termsTerms: Match.Optional(String),
+ title: Match.Optional(STATE_PAT),
+// Configuration pattern to be checked with check
+ // Behaviour
+ confirmPassword: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ defaultState: Match.Optional(String),
+ enablePasswordChange: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ enforceEmailVerification: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ focusFirstInput: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ forbidClientAccountCreation: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ lowercaseUsername: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ overrideLoginErrors: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ sendVerificationEmail: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ socialLoginStyle: Match.Optional(Match.OneOf("popup", "redirect")),
+ // Appearance
+ defaultLayout: Match.Optional(String),
+ hideSignInLink: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ hideSignUpLink: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ showAddRemoveServices: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ showForgotPasswordLink: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ showResendVerificationEmailLink: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ showLabels: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ showPlaceholders: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ // Client-side Validation
+ continuousValidation: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ negativeFeedback: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ negativeValidation: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ positiveFeedback: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ positiveValidation: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ showValidating: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ // Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
+ privacyUrl: Match.Optional(String),
+ termsUrl: Match.Optional(String),
+ // Redirects
+ homeRoutePath: Match.Optional(String),
+ redirectTimeout: Match.Optional(Number),
+ // Hooks
+ onLogoutHook: Match.Optional(Function),
+ onSubmitHook: Match.Optional(Function),
+ preSignUpHook: Match.Optional(Function),
+ postSignUpHook: Match.Optional(Function),
+ texts: Match.Optional(TEXTS_PAT),
+ //reCaptcha config
+ reCaptcha: Match.Optional({
+ data_type: Match.Optional(Match.OneOf("audio", "image")),
+ secretKey: Match.Optional(String),
+ siteKey: Match.Optional(String),
+ theme: Match.Optional(Match.OneOf("dark", "light")),
+ }),
+ showReCaptcha: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ "default": Match.Optional(String),
+ changePwd: Match.Optional(String),
+ enrollAccount: Match.Optional(String),
+ forgotPwd: Match.Optional(String),
+ resetPwd: Match.Optional(String),
+ signIn: Match.Optional(String),
+ signUp: Match.Optional(String),
+// Field pattern
+ _id: String,
+ type: String,
+ required: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ displayName: Match.Optional(Match.OneOf(String, Match.Where(_.isFunction), FIELD_SUB_PAT)),
+ placeholder: Match.Optional(Match.OneOf(String, FIELD_SUB_PAT)),
+ select: Match.Optional([{text: String, value: Match.Any}]),
+ minLength: Match.Optional(Match.Integer),
+ maxLength: Match.Optional(Match.Integer),
+ re: Match.Optional(RegExp),
+ func: Match.Optional(Match.Where(_.isFunction)),
+ errStr: Match.Optional(String),
+ // Client-side Validation
+ continuousValidation: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ negativeFeedback: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ negativeValidation: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ positiveValidation: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ positiveFeedback: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ // Transforms
+ trim: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ lowercase: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ uppercase: Match.Optional(Boolean),
+ transform: Match.Optional(Match.Where(_.isFunction)),
+ // Custom options
+ options: Match.Optional(Object),
+ template: Match.Optional(String),
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// AccountsTemplates object
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -------------------
+// Client/Server stuff
+// -------------------
+// Constructor
+AT = function() {
+ Each field object is represented by the following properties:
+ _id: String (required) // A unique field"s id / name
+ type: String (required) // Displayed input type
+ required: Boolean (optional) // Specifies Whether to fail or not when field is left empty
+ displayName: String (optional) // The field"s name to be displayed as a label above the input element
+ placeholder: String (optional) // The placeholder text to be displayed inside the input element
+ minLength: Integer (optional) // Possibly specifies the minimum allowed length
+ maxLength: Integer (optional) // Possibly specifies the maximum allowed length
+ re: RegExp (optional) // Regular expression for validation
+ func: Function (optional) // Custom function for validation
+ errStr: String (optional) // Error message to be displayed in case re validation fails
+// Allowed input types
+AT.prototype.INPUT_TYPES = [
+ "checkbox",
+ "email",
+ "hidden",
+ "password",
+ "radio",
+ "select",
+ "tel",
+ "text",
+ "url",
+// Current configuration values
+AT.prototype.options = {
+ // Appearance
+ //defaultLayout: undefined,
+ showAddRemoveServices: false,
+ showForgotPasswordLink: false,
+ showResendVerificationEmailLink: false,
+ showLabels: true,
+ showPlaceholders: true,
+ // Behaviour
+ confirmPassword: true,
+ defaultState: "signIn",
+ enablePasswordChange: false,
+ focusFirstInput: !Meteor.isCordova,
+ forbidClientAccountCreation: false,
+ lowercaseUsername: false,
+ overrideLoginErrors: true,
+ sendVerificationEmail: false,
+ socialLoginStyle: "popup",
+ // Client-side Validation
+ //continuousValidation: false,
+ //negativeFeedback: false,
+ //negativeValidation: false,
+ //positiveValidation: false,
+ //positiveFeedback: false,
+ //showValidating: false,
+ // Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
+ privacyUrl: undefined,
+ termsUrl: undefined,
+ // Hooks
+ onSubmitHook: undefined,
+AT.prototype.texts = {
+ button: {
+ changePwd: "updateYourPassword",
+ //enrollAccount: "createAccount",
+ enrollAccount: "signUp",
+ forgotPwd: "emailResetLink",
+ resetPwd: "setPassword",
+ signIn: "signIn",
+ signUp: "signUp",
+ resendVerificationEmail: "Send email again",
+ },
+ errors: {
+ accountsCreationDisabled: "Client side accounts creation is disabled!!!",
+ cannotRemoveService: "Cannot remove the only active service!",
+ captchaVerification: "Captcha verification failed!",
+ loginForbidden: "error.accounts.Login forbidden",
+ mustBeLoggedIn: "error.accounts.Must be logged in",
+ pwdMismatch: "error.pwdsDontMatch",
+ validationErrors: "Validation Errors",
+ verifyEmailFirst: "Please verify your email first. Check the email and follow the link!",
+ },
+ navSignIn: 'signIn',
+ navSignOut: 'signOut',
+ info: {
+ emailSent: "info.emailSent",
+ emailVerified: "info.emailVerified",
+ pwdChanged: "info.passwordChanged",
+ pwdReset: "info.passwordReset",
+ pwdSet: "Password Set",
+ signUpVerifyEmail: "Successful Registration! Please check your email and follow the instructions.",
+ verificationEmailSent: "A new email has been sent to you. If the email doesn't show up in your inbox, be sure to check your spam folder.",
+ },
+ inputIcons: {
+ isValidating: "fa fa-spinner fa-spin",
+ hasSuccess: "fa fa-check",
+ hasError: "fa fa-times",
+ },
+ maxAllowedLength: "Maximum allowed length",
+ minRequiredLength: "Minimum required length",
+ optionalField: "optional",
+ pwdLink_pre: "",
+ pwdLink_link: "forgotPassword",
+ pwdLink_suff: "",
+ requiredField: "Required Field",
+ resendVerificationEmailLink_pre: "Verification email lost?",
+ resendVerificationEmailLink_link: "Send again",
+ resendVerificationEmailLink_suff: "",
+ sep: "OR",
+ signInLink_pre: "ifYouAlreadyHaveAnAccount",
+ signInLink_link: "signin",
+ signInLink_suff: "",
+ signUpLink_pre: "dontHaveAnAccount",
+ signUpLink_link: "signUp",
+ signUpLink_suff: "",
+ socialAdd: "add",
+ socialConfigure: "configure",
+ socialIcons: {
+ "meteor-developer": "fa fa-rocket"
+ },
+ socialRemove: "remove",
+ socialSignIn: "signIn",
+ socialSignUp: "signUp",
+ socialWith: "with",
+ termsPreamble: "clickAgree",
+ termsPrivacy: "privacyPolicy",
+ termsAnd: "and",
+ termsTerms: "terms",
+ title: {
+ changePwd: "changePassword",
+ enrollAccount: "createAccount",
+ forgotPwd: "resetYourPassword",
+ resetPwd: "resetYourPassword",
+ signIn: "signIn",
+ signUp: "createAccount",
+ verifyEmail: "",
+ resendVerificationEmail: "Send the verification email again",
+ },
+AT.prototype.SPECIAL_FIELDS = [
+ "password_again",
+ "username_and_email",
+// SignIn / SignUp fields
+AT.prototype._fields = [
+ new Field({
+ _id: "email",
+ type: "email",
+ required: true,
+ lowercase: true,
+ trim: true,
+ func: function(email) {
+ return !_.contains(email, '@');
+ },
+ errStr: 'Invalid email',
+ }),
+ new Field({
+ _id: "password",
+ type: "password",
+ required: true,
+ minLength: 6,
+ displayName: {
+ "default": "password",
+ changePwd: "newPassword",
+ resetPwd: "newPassword",
+ },
+ placeholder: {
+ "default": "password",
+ changePwd: "newPassword",
+ resetPwd: "newPassword",
+ },
+ }),
+AT.prototype._initialized = false;
+// Input type validation
+AT.prototype._isValidInputType = function(value) {
+ return _.indexOf(this.INPUT_TYPES, value) !== -1;
+AT.prototype.addField = function(field) {
+ // Fields can be added only before initialization
+ if (this._initialized) {
+ throw new Error("AccountsTemplates.addField should strictly be called before AccountsTemplates.init!");
+ }
+ field = _.pick(field, _.keys(FIELD_PAT));
+ check(field, FIELD_PAT);
+ // Checks there"s currently no field called field._id
+ if (_.indexOf(_.pluck(this._fields, "_id"), field._id) !== -1) {
+ throw new Error("A field called " + field._id + " already exists!");
+ }
+ // Validates field.type
+ if (!this._isValidInputType(field.type)) {
+ throw new Error("field.type is not valid!");
+ }
+ // Checks field.minLength is strictly positive
+ if (typeof field.minLength !== "undefined" && field.minLength <= 0) {
+ throw new Error("field.minLength should be greater than zero!");
+ }
+ // Checks field.maxLength is strictly positive
+ if (typeof field.maxLength !== "undefined" && field.maxLength <= 0) {
+ throw new Error("field.maxLength should be greater than zero!");
+ }
+ // Checks field.maxLength is greater than field.minLength
+ if (typeof field.minLength !== "undefined" && typeof field.minLength !== "undefined" && field.maxLength < field.minLength) {
+ throw new Error("field.maxLength should be greater than field.maxLength!");
+ }
+ if (!(Meteor.isServer && _.contains(this.SPECIAL_FIELDS, field._id))) {
+ this._fields.push(new Field(field));
+ }
+ return this._fields;
+AT.prototype.addFields = function(fields) {
+ var ok;
+ try { // don"t bother with `typeof` - just access `length` and `catch`
+ ok = fields.length > 0 && "0" in Object(fields);
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw new Error("field argument should be an array of valid field objects!");
+ }
+ if (ok) {
+, function(field) {
+ this.addField(field);
+ }, this);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("field argument should be an array of valid field objects!");
+ }
+ return this._fields;
+AT.prototype.configure = function(config) {
+ // Configuration options can be set only before initialization
+ if (this._initialized) {
+ throw new Error("Configuration options must be set before AccountsTemplates.init!");
+ }
+ // Updates the current configuration
+ check(config, CONFIG_PAT);
+ var options = _.omit(config, "texts", "reCaptcha");
+ this.options = _.defaults(options, this.options);
+ // Possibly sets up reCaptcha options
+ var reCaptcha = config.reCaptcha;
+ if (reCaptcha) {
+ // Updates the current button object
+ this.options.reCaptcha = _.defaults(reCaptcha, this.options.reCaptcha || {});
+ }
+ // Possibly sets up texts...
+ if (config.texts) {
+ var texts = config.texts;
+ var simpleTexts = _.omit(texts, "button", "errors", "info", "inputIcons", "socialIcons", "title");
+ this.texts = _.defaults(simpleTexts, this.texts);
+ if (texts.button) {
+ // Updates the current button object
+ this.texts.button = _.defaults(texts.button, this.texts.button);
+ }
+ if (texts.errors) {
+ // Updates the current errors object
+ this.texts.errors = _.defaults(texts.errors, this.texts.errors);
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // Updates the current info object
+ = _.defaults(,;
+ }
+ if (texts.inputIcons) {
+ // Updates the current inputIcons object
+ this.texts.inputIcons = _.defaults(texts.inputIcons, this.texts.inputIcons);
+ }
+ if (texts.socialIcons) {
+ // Updates the current socialIcons object
+ this.texts.socialIcons = _.defaults(texts.socialIcons, this.texts.socialIcons);
+ }
+ if (texts.title) {
+ // Updates the current title object
+ this.texts.title = _.defaults(texts.title, this.texts.title);
+ }
+ }
+AT.prototype.configureRoute = function(route, options) {
+ console.warn('You now need a routing package like useraccounts:iron-routing or useraccounts:flow-routing to be able to configure routes!');
+AT.prototype.hasField = function(fieldId) {
+ return !!this.getField(fieldId);
+AT.prototype.getField = function(fieldId) {
+ var field = _.filter(this._fields, function(field) {
+ return field._id === fieldId;
+ });
+ return (field.length === 1) ? field[0] : undefined;
+AT.prototype.getFields = function() {
+ return this._fields;
+AT.prototype.getFieldIds = function() {
+ return _.pluck(this._fields, "_id");
+AT.prototype.getRoutePath = function(route) {
+ return "#";
+AT.prototype.oauthServices = function() {
+ // Extracts names of available services
+ var names;
+ if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ names = (Accounts.oauth && Accounts.oauth.serviceNames()) || [];
+ } else {
+ names = (Accounts.oauth && Accounts.loginServicesConfigured() && Accounts.oauth.serviceNames()) || [];
+ }
+ // Extracts names of configured services
+ var configuredServices = [];
+ if (Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration) {
+ configuredServices = _.pluck(Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration.find().fetch(), "service");
+ }
+ // Builds a list of objects containing service name as _id and its configuration status
+ var services =, function(name) {
+ return {
+ _id : name,
+ configured: _.contains(configuredServices, name),
+ };
+ });
+ // Checks whether there is a UI to configure services...
+ // XXX: this only works with the accounts-ui package
+ var showUnconfigured = typeof Accounts._loginButtonsSession !== "undefined";
+ // Filters out unconfigured services in case they"re not to be displayed
+ if (!showUnconfigured) {
+ services = _.filter(services, function(service) {
+ return service.configured;
+ });
+ }
+ // Sorts services by name
+ services = _.sortBy(services, function(service) {
+ return service._id;
+ });
+ return services;
+AT.prototype.removeField = function(fieldId) {
+ // Fields can be removed only before initialization
+ if (this._initialized) {
+ throw new Error("AccountsTemplates.removeField should strictly be called before AccountsTemplates.init!");
+ }
+ // Tries to look up the field with given _id
+ var index = _.indexOf(_.pluck(this._fields, "_id"), fieldId);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ return this._fields.splice(index, 1)[0];
+ } else if (!(Meteor.isServer && _.contains(this.SPECIAL_FIELDS, fieldId))) {
+ throw new Error("A field called " + fieldId + " does not exist!");
+ }
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/field.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/field.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3ecfbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/field.js
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Field object
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Field = function(field) {
+ check(field, FIELD_PAT);
+ _.defaults(this, field);
+ this.validating = new ReactiveVar(false);
+ this.status = new ReactiveVar(null);
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.clearStatus = function() {
+ return this.status.set(null);
+ };
+if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ Field.prototype.clearStatus = function() {
+ // Nothing to do server-side
+ return;
+ };
+Field.prototype.fixValue = function(value) {
+ if (this.type === "checkbox") {
+ return !!value;
+ }
+ if (this.type === "select") {
+ // TODO: something working...
+ return value;
+ }
+ if (this.type === "radio") {
+ // TODO: something working...
+ return value;
+ }
+ // Possibly applies required transformations to the input value
+ if (this.trim) {
+ value = value.trim();
+ }
+ if (this.lowercase) {
+ value = value.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ if (this.uppercase) {
+ value = value.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ if (!!this.transform) {
+ value = this.transform(value);
+ }
+ return value;
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.getDisplayName = function(state) {
+ var displayName = this.displayName;
+ if (_.isFunction(displayName)) {
+ displayName = displayName();
+ } else if (_.isObject(displayName)) {
+ displayName = displayName[state] || displayName["default"];
+ }
+ if (!displayName) {
+ displayName = capitalize(this._id);
+ }
+ return displayName;
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.getPlaceholder = function(state) {
+ var placeholder = this.placeholder;
+ if (_.isObject(placeholder)) {
+ placeholder = placeholder[state] || placeholder["default"];
+ }
+ if (!placeholder) {
+ placeholder = capitalize(this._id);
+ }
+ return placeholder;
+ };
+Field.prototype.getStatus = function() {
+ return this.status.get();
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.getValue = function(templateInstance) {
+ if (this.type === "checkbox") {
+ return !!(templateInstance.$("#at-field-" + this._id + ":checked").val());
+ }
+ if (this.type === "radio") {
+ return templateInstance.$("[name=at-field-"+ this._id + "]:checked").val();
+ }
+ return templateInstance.$("#at-field-" + this._id).val();
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.hasError = function() {
+ return this.negativeValidation && this.status.get();
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.hasIcon = function() {
+ if (this.showValidating && this.isValidating()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (this.negativeFeedback && this.hasError()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (this.positiveFeedback && this.hasSuccess()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.hasSuccess = function() {
+ return this.positiveValidation && this.status.get() === false;
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient)
+ Field.prototype.iconClass = function() {
+ if (this.isValidating()) {
+ return AccountsTemplates.texts.inputIcons["isValidating"];
+ }
+ if (this.hasError()) {
+ return AccountsTemplates.texts.inputIcons["hasError"];
+ }
+ if (this.hasSuccess()) {
+ return AccountsTemplates.texts.inputIcons["hasSuccess"];
+ }
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.isValidating = function() {
+ return this.validating.get();
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.setError = function(err) {
+ check(err, Match.OneOf(String, undefined, Boolean));
+ if (err === false) {
+ return this.status.set(false);
+ }
+ return this.status.set(err || true);
+ };
+if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ Field.prototype.setError = function(err) {
+ // Nothing to do server-side
+ return;
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.setSuccess = function() {
+ return this.status.set(false);
+ };
+if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ Field.prototype.setSuccess = function() {
+ // Nothing to do server-side
+ return;
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.setValidating = function(state) {
+ check(state, Boolean);
+ return this.validating.set(state);
+ };
+if (Meteor.isServer) {
+ Field.prototype.setValidating = function(state) {
+ // Nothing to do server-side
+ return;
+ };
+if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Field.prototype.setValue = function(templateInstance, value) {
+ if (this.type === "checkbox") {
+ templateInstance.$("#at-field-" + this._id).prop('checked', true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.type === "radio") {
+ templateInstance.$("[name=at-field-"+ this._id + "]").prop('checked', true);
+ return;
+ }
+ templateInstance.$("#at-field-" + this._id).val(value);
+ };
+Field.prototype.validate = function(value, strict) {
+ check(value, Match.OneOf(undefined, String, Boolean));
+ this.setValidating(true);
+ this.clearStatus();
+ if (_.isUndefined(value) || value === '') {
+ if (!!strict) {
+ if (this.required) {
+ this.setError(AccountsTemplates.texts.requiredField);
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return AccountsTemplates.texts.requiredField;
+ } else {
+ this.setSuccess();
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.clearStatus();
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ var valueLength = value.length;
+ var minLength = this.minLength;
+ if (minLength && valueLength < minLength) {
+ this.setError(AccountsTemplates.texts.minRequiredLength + ": " + minLength);
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return AccountsTemplates.texts.minRequiredLength + ": " + minLength;
+ }
+ var maxLength = this.maxLength;
+ if (maxLength && valueLength > maxLength) {
+ this.setError(AccountsTemplates.texts.maxAllowedLength + ": " + maxLength);
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return AccountsTemplates.texts.maxAllowedLength + ": " + maxLength;
+ }
+ if ( && valueLength && !value.match( {
+ this.setError(this.errStr);
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return this.errStr;
+ }
+ if (this.func) {
+ var result = this.func(value);
+ var err = result === true ? this.errStr || true : result;
+ if (_.isUndefined(result)) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ this.status.set(err);
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return err;
+ }
+ this.setSuccess();
+ this.setValidating(false);
+ return false;
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/methods.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d3a070d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* global
+ AccountsTemplates: false
+"use strict";
+ ATRemoveService: function(serviceName) {
+ check(serviceName, String);
+ var userId = this.userId;
+ if (userId) {
+ var user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
+ var numServices = _.keys(; // including "resume"
+ var unset = {};
+ if (numServices === 2) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.cannotRemoveService, {});
+ }
+ unset["services." + serviceName] = "";
+ Meteor.users.update(userId, {$unset: unset});
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/server.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/server.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a925dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/server.js
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/* global
+ AT: false,
+ AccountsTemplates: false
+"use strict";
+// Initialization
+AT.prototype.init = function() {
+ console.warn("[AccountsTemplates] There is no more need to call AccountsTemplates.init()! Simply remove the call ;-)");
+AT.prototype._init = function() {
+ if (this._initialized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Checks there is at least one account service installed
+ if (!Package["accounts-password"] && (!Accounts.oauth || Accounts.oauth.serviceNames().length === 0)) {
+ throw Error("AccountsTemplates: You must add at least one account service!");
+ }
+ // A password field is strictly required
+ var password = this.getField("password");
+ if (!password) {
+ throw Error("A password field is strictly required!");
+ }
+ if (password.type !== "password") {
+ throw Error("The type of password field should be password!");
+ }
+ // Then we can have "username" or "email" or even both of them
+ // but at least one of the two is strictly required
+ var username = this.getField("username");
+ var email = this.getField("email");
+ if (!username && !email) {
+ throw Error("At least one field out of username and email is strictly required!");
+ }
+ if (username && !username.required) {
+ throw Error("The username field should be required!");
+ }
+ if (email) {
+ if (email.type !== "email") {
+ throw Error("The type of email field should be email!");
+ }
+ if (username) {
+ // username and email
+ if (username.type !== "text") {
+ throw Error("The type of username field should be text when email field is present!");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // email only
+ if (!email.required) {
+ throw Error("The email field should be required when username is not present!");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // username only
+ if (username.type !== "text" && username.type !== "tel") {
+ throw Error("The type of username field should be text or tel!");
+ }
+ }
+ // Possibly publish more user data in order to be able to show add/remove
+ // buttons for 3rd-party services
+ if (this.options.showAddRemoveServices) {
+ // Publish additional current user info to get the list of registered services
+ // XXX TODO: use
+ // Accounts.addAutopublishFields({
+ // forLoggedInUser: ['services.facebook'],
+ // forOtherUsers: [],
+ // })
+ // ...adds only*.id
+ Meteor.publish("userRegisteredServices", function() {
+ var userId = this.userId;
+ return Meteor.users.find(userId, {fields: {services: 1}});
+ /*
+ if (userId) {
+ var user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
+ var services_id = _.chain(
+ .keys()
+ .reject(function(service) {return service === "resume";})
+ .map(function(service) {return "services." + service + ".id";})
+ .value();
+ var projection = {};
+ _.each(services_id, function(key) {projection[key] = 1;});
+ return Meteor.users.find(userId, {fields: projection});
+ }
+ */
+ });
+ }
+ // Security stuff
+ if (this.options.overrideLoginErrors) {
+ Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function(attempt) {
+ if (attempt.error) {
+ var reason = attempt.error.reason;
+ if (reason === "User not found" || reason === "Incorrect password") {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.loginForbidden);
+ }
+ }
+ return attempt.allowed;
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.options.sendVerificationEmail && this.options.enforceEmailVerification) {
+ Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function(attempt) {
+ if (!attempt.allowed) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (attempt.type !== "password" || attempt.methodName !== "login") {
+ return attempt.allowed;
+ }
+ var user = attempt.user;
+ if (!user) {
+ return attempt.allowed;
+ }
+ var ok = true;
+ var loginEmail = attempt.methodArguments[0];
+ if (loginEmail) {
+ var email = _.filter(user.emails, function(obj) {
+ return obj.address.toLowerCase() === loginEmail;
+ });
+ if (!email.length || !email[0].verified) {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // we got the username, lets check there's at lease one verified email
+ var emailVerified = _.chain(user.emails)
+ .pluck('verified')
+ .any()
+ .value();
+ if (!emailVerified) {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(401, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.verifyEmailFirst);
+ }
+ return attempt.allowed;
+ });
+ }
+ //Check that reCaptcha secret keys are available
+ if (this.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ var atSecretKey = AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha && AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ var settingsSecretKey = Meteor.settings.reCaptcha && Meteor.settings.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ if (!atSecretKey && !settingsSecretKey) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(401, "User Accounts: reCaptcha secret key not found! Please provide it or set showReCaptcha to false." );
+ }
+ }
+ // Marks AccountsTemplates as initialized
+ this._initialized = true;
+AccountsTemplates = new AT();
+// Client side account creation is disabled by default:
+// the methos ATCreateUserServer is used instead!
+// to actually disable client side account creation use:
+// AccountsTemplates.config({
+// forbidClientAccountCreation: true
+// });
+ forbidClientAccountCreation: true
+// Initialization
+Meteor.startup(function() {
+ AccountsTemplates._init();
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/server_methods.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/server_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..500440d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/server_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* global
+ AccountsTemplates
+"use strict";
+ ATCreateUserServer: function(options) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.forbidClientAccountCreation) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.accountsCreationDisabled);
+ }
+ // createUser() does more checking.
+ check(options, Object);
+ var allFieldIds = AccountsTemplates.getFieldIds();
+ // Picks-up whitelisted fields for profile
+ var profile = options.profile;
+ profile = _.pick(profile, allFieldIds);
+ profile = _.omit(profile, "username", "email", "password");
+ // Validates fields" value
+ var signupInfo = _.clone(profile);
+ if (options.username) {
+ signupInfo.username = options.username;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ signupInfo.username = signupInfo.username.trim().replace(/\s+/gm, ' ');
+ = signupInfo.username;
+ signupInfo.username = signupInfo.username.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/gm, '');
+ options.username = signupInfo.username;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( {
+ =;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ =\s+/gm, '');
+ =;
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.password) {
+ signupInfo.password = options.password;
+ }
+ var validationErrors = {};
+ var someError = false;
+ // Validates fields values
+ _.each(AccountsTemplates.getFields(), function(field) {
+ var fieldId = field._id;
+ var value = signupInfo[fieldId];
+ if (fieldId === "password") {
+ // Can"t Pick-up password here
+ // NOTE: at this stage the password is already encripted,
+ // so there is no way to validate it!!!
+ check(value, Object);
+ return;
+ }
+ var validationErr = field.validate(value, "strict");
+ if (validationErr) {
+ validationErrors[fieldId] = validationErr;
+ someError = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ var secretKey = null;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha && AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.secretKey) {
+ secretKey = AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ } else {
+ secretKey = Meteor.settings.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ }
+ var apiResponse ="", {
+ params: {
+ secret: secretKey,
+ response: options.profile.reCaptchaResponse,
+ remoteip: this.connection.clientAddress,
+ }
+ }).data;
+ if (!apiResponse.success) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.captchaVerification,
+ apiResponse['error-codes'] ? apiResponse['error-codes'].join(", ") : "Unknown Error.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (someError) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.validationErrors, validationErrors);
+ }
+ // Possibly removes the profile field
+ if (_.isEmpty(options.profile)) {
+ delete options.profile;
+ }
+ // Create user. result contains id and token.
+ var userId = Accounts.createUser(options);
+ // safety belt. createUser is supposed to throw on error. send 500 error
+ // instead of sending a verification email with empty userid.
+ if (! userId) {
+ throw new Error("createUser failed to insert new user");
+ }
+ // Call postSignUpHook, if any...
+ var postSignUpHook = AccountsTemplates.options.postSignUpHook;
+ if (postSignUpHook) {
+ postSignUpHook(userId, options);
+ }
+ // Send a email address verification email in case the context permits it
+ // and the specific configuration flag was set to true
+ if ( && AccountsTemplates.options.sendVerificationEmail) {
+ Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(userId,;
+ }
+ },
+ // Resend a user's verification e-mail
+ ATResendVerificationEmail: function (email) {
+ check(email, String);
+ var user = Meteor.users.findOne({ "emails.address": email });
+ // Send the standard error back to the client if no user exist with this e-mail
+ if (!user) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, "User not found");
+ }
+ try {
+ Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(user._id);
+ } catch (error) {
+ // Handle error when email already verified
+ //
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, "Already verified");
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_error.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_error.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5673dfe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_error.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+AT.prototype.atErrorHelpers = {
+ singleError: function() {
+ var errors = AccountsTemplates.state.form.get("error");
+ return errors && errors.length === 1;
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.state.form.get("error");
+ },
+ errorText: function(){
+ var field, err;
+ if (this.field){
+ field = T9n.get(this.field, markIfMissing=false);
+ err = T9n.get(this.err, markIfMissing=false);
+ }
+ else
+ err = T9n.get(this.valueOf(), markIfMissing=false);
+ // Possibly removes initial prefix in case the key in not found inside t9n
+ if (err.substring(0, 15) === "error.accounts.")
+ err = err.substring(15);
+ if (field)
+ return field + ": " + err;
+ return err;
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_form.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_form.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95a34c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_form.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+AT.prototype.atFormHelpers = {
+ hide: function(){
+ var state = this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return state === "hide";
+ },
+ showTitle: function(next_state){
+ var state = next_state || this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ if (Meteor.userId() && state === "signIn")
+ return false;
+ return !!AccountsTemplates.texts.title[state];
+ },
+ showOauthServices: function(next_state){
+ var state = next_state || this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ if (!(state === "signIn" || state === "signUp"))
+ return false;
+ var services = AccountsTemplates.oauthServices();
+ if (!services.length)
+ return false;
+ if (Meteor.userId())
+ return AccountsTemplates.options.showAddRemoveServices;
+ return true;
+ },
+ showServicesSeparator: function(next_state){
+ var pwdService = Package["accounts-password"] !== undefined;
+ var state = next_state || this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ var rightState = (state === "signIn" || state === "signUp");
+ return rightState && !Meteor.userId() && pwdService && AccountsTemplates.oauthServices().length;
+ },
+ showError: function(next_state) {
+ return !!AccountsTemplates.state.form.get("error");
+ },
+ showResult: function(next_state) {
+ return !!AccountsTemplates.state.form.get("result");
+ },
+ showMessage: function(next_state) {
+ return !!AccountsTemplates.state.form.get("message");
+ },
+ showPwdForm: function(next_state) {
+ if (Package["accounts-password"] === undefined)
+ return false;
+ var state = next_state || this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ if ((state === "verifyEmail") || (state === "signIn" && Meteor.userId()))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ },
+ showSignInLink: function(next_state){
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.hideSignInLink)
+ return false;
+ var state = next_state || this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.forbidClientAccountCreation && state === "forgotPwd")
+ return true;
+ return state === "signUp";
+ },
+ showSignUpLink: function(next_state){
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.hideSignUpLink)
+ return false;
+ var state = next_state || this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return ((state === "signIn" && !Meteor.userId()) || state === "forgotPwd") && !AccountsTemplates.options.forbidClientAccountCreation;
+ },
+ showTermsLink: function(next_state){
+ //TODO: Add privacyRoute and termsRoute as alternatives (the point of named routes is
+ // being able to change the url in one place only)
+ if (!!AccountsTemplates.options.privacyUrl || !!AccountsTemplates.options.termsUrl) {
+ var state = next_state || this.state || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ if (state === "signUp" || state === "enrollAccount" ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ if (state === "signIn"){
+ var pwdService = Package["accounts-password"] !== undefined;
+ if (!pwdService)
+ return true;
+ }
+ */
+ return false;
+ },
+ showResendVerificationEmailLink: function(){
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return (state === "signIn" || state === "forgotPwd") && AccountsTemplates.options.showResendVerificationEmailLink;
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_input.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_input.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe74eeb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_input.js
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+AT.prototype.atInputRendered = [function(){
+ var fieldId =;
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.focusFirstInput) {
+ var firstVisibleInput = _.find(AccountsTemplates.getFields(), function(f){
+ return _.contains(f.visible, state);
+ });
+ if (firstVisibleInput && firstVisibleInput._id === fieldId) {
+ this.$("input#at-field-" + fieldId).focus();
+ }
+ }
+AT.prototype.atInputHelpers = {
+ disabled: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.disabled();
+ },
+ showLabels: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.options.showLabels;
+ },
+ displayName: function() {
+ var parentData = Template.parentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ var displayName = this.getDisplayName(state);
+ return T9n.get(displayName, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ optionalText: function(){
+ return "(" + T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.optionalField, markIfMissing=false) + ")";
+ },
+ templateName: function() {
+ if (this.template)
+ return this.template;
+ if (this.type === "checkbox")
+ return "atCheckboxInput";
+ if (this.type === "select")
+ return "atSelectInput";
+ if (this.type === "radio")
+ return "atRadioInput";
+ if (this.type === "hidden")
+ return "atHiddenInput";
+ return "atTextInput";
+ },
+ values: function(){
+ var id = this._id;
+ return, function(select){
+ var s = _.clone(select);
+ s._id = id + "-" + select.value;
+ = id;
+ return s;
+ });
+ },
+ errorText: function() {
+ var err = this.getStatus();
+ return T9n.get(err, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ placeholder: function() {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.showPlaceholders) {
+ var parentData = Template.parentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ var placeholder = this.getPlaceholder(state);
+ return T9n.get(placeholder, markIfMissing=false);
+ }
+ },
+AT.prototype.atInputEvents = {
+ "focusin input": function(event, t){
+ var field = Template.currentData();
+ field.clearStatus();
+ },
+ "focusout input, change select": function(event, t){
+ var field = Template.currentData();
+ var fieldId = field._id;
+ var rawValue = field.getValue(t);
+ var value = field.fixValue(rawValue);
+ // Possibly updates the input value
+ if (value !== rawValue) {
+ field.setValue(t, value);
+ }
+ // Client-side only validation
+ if (!field.validation)
+ return;
+ var parentData = Template.parentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ // No validation during signIn
+ if (state === "signIn")
+ return;
+ // Special case for password confirmation
+ if (value && fieldId === "password_again"){
+ if (value !== $("#at-field-password").val())
+ return field.setError(AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.pwdMismatch);
+ }
+ field.validate(value);
+ },
+ "keyup input": function(event, t){
+ var field = Template.currentData();
+ // Client-side only continuous validation
+ if (!field.continuousValidation)
+ return;
+ var parentData = Template.parentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ // No validation during signIn
+ if (state === "signIn")
+ return;
+ var fieldId = field._id;
+ var rawValue = field.getValue(t);
+ var value = field.fixValue(rawValue);
+ // Possibly updates the input value
+ if (value !== rawValue) {
+ field.setValue(t, value);
+ }
+ // Special case for password confirmation
+ if (value && fieldId === "password_again"){
+ if (value !== $("#at-field-password").val())
+ return field.setError(AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.pwdMismatch);
+ }
+ field.validate(value);
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_message.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_message.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baa9ca04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_message.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+AT.prototype.atMessageHelpers = {
+ message: function() {
+ var messageText = AccountsTemplates.state.form.get("message");
+ if (messageText)
+ return T9n.get(messageText, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_nav_button.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_nav_button.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c434060d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_nav_button.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+AT.prototype.atNavButtonHelpers = {
+ text: function(){
+ var key = Meteor.userId() ? AccountsTemplates.texts.navSignOut : AccountsTemplates.texts.navSignIn;
+ return T9n.get(key, markIfMissing=false);
+ }
+AT.prototype.atNavButtonEvents = {
+ 'click #at-nav-button': function(event){
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (Meteor.userId())
+ AccountsTemplates.logout();
+ else
+ AccountsTemplates.linkClick("signIn");
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_oauth.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_oauth.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b1d13c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_oauth.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+AT.prototype.atOauthHelpers = {
+ oauthService: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.oauthServices();
+ },
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f8d53c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form.js
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+AT.prototype.atPwdFormHelpers = {
+ disabled: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.disabled();
+ },
+ fields: function() {
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return _.filter(AccountsTemplates.getFields(), function(s) {
+ return _.contains(s.visible, state);
+ });
+ },
+ showForgotPasswordLink: function() {
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return state === "signIn" && AccountsTemplates.options.showForgotPasswordLink;
+ },
+ showReCaptcha: function() {
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return state === "signUp" && AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha;
+ },
+var toLowercaseUsername = function(value){
+ return value.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/gm, '');
+AT.prototype.atPwdFormEvents = {
+ // Form submit
+ "submit #at-pwd-form": function(event, t) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ t.$("#at-btn").blur();
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(true);
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ var preValidation = (state !== "signIn");
+ // Client-side pre-validation
+ // Validates fields values
+ // NOTE: This is the only place where password validation can be enforced!
+ var formData = {};
+ var someError = false;
+ var errList = [];
+ _.each(AccountsTemplates.getFields(), function(field){
+ // Considers only visible fields...
+ if (!_.contains(field.visible, state))
+ return;
+ var fieldId = field._id;
+ var rawValue = field.getValue(t);
+ var value = field.fixValue(rawValue);
+ // Possibly updates the input value
+ if (value !== rawValue) {
+ field.setValue(t, value);
+ }
+ if (value !== undefined && value !== "") {
+ formData[fieldId] = value;
+ }
+ // Validates the field value only if current state is not "signIn"
+ if (preValidation && field.getStatus() !== false){
+ var validationErr = field.validate(value, "strict");
+ if (validationErr) {
+ if (field.negativeValidation)
+ field.setError(validationErr);
+ else{
+ var fId = T9n.get(field.getDisplayName(), markIfMissing=false);
+ //errList.push(fId + ": " + err);
+ errList.push({
+ field: field.getDisplayName(),
+ err: validationErr
+ });
+ }
+ someError = true;
+ }
+ else
+ field.setSuccess();
+ }
+ });
+ // Clears error and result
+ AccountsTemplates.clearError();
+ AccountsTemplates.clearResult();
+ AccountsTemplates.clearMessage();
+ // Possibly sets errors
+ if (someError){
+ if (errList.length)
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("error", errList);
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ //reset reCaptcha form
+ if (state === "signUp" && AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ grecaptcha.reset();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Extracts username, email, and pwds
+ var current_password = formData.current_password;
+ var email =;
+ var password = formData.password;
+ var password_again = formData.password_again;
+ var username = formData.username;
+ var username_and_email = formData.username_and_email;
+ // Clears profile data removing username, email, and pwd
+ delete formData.current_password;
+ delete;
+ delete formData.password;
+ delete formData.password_again;
+ delete formData.username;
+ delete formData.username_and_email;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.confirmPassword){
+ // Checks passwords for correct match
+ if (password_again && password !== password_again){
+ var pwd_again = AccountsTemplates.getField("password_again");
+ if (pwd_again.negativeValidation)
+ pwd_again.setError(AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.pwdMismatch);
+ else
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("error", [{
+ field: pwd_again.getDisplayName(),
+ err: AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.pwdMismatch
+ }]);
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ //reset reCaptcha form
+ if (state === "signUp" && AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ grecaptcha.reset();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // -------
+ // Sign In
+ // -------
+ if (state === "signIn") {
+ var pwdOk = !!password;
+ var userOk = true;
+ var loginSelector;
+ if (email) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ email = toLowercaseUsername(email);
+ }
+ loginSelector = {email: email};
+ }
+ else if (username) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ username = toLowercaseUsername(username);
+ }
+ loginSelector = {username: username};
+ }
+ else if (username_and_email) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ username_and_email = toLowercaseUsername(username_and_email);
+ }
+ loginSelector = username_and_email;
+ }
+ else
+ userOk = false;
+ // Possibly exits if not both 'password' and 'username' are non-empty...
+ if (!pwdOk || !userOk){
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("error", [AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.loginForbidden]);
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ return Meteor.loginWithPassword(loginSelector, password, function(error) {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state);
+ });
+ }
+ // -------
+ // Sign Up
+ // -------
+ if (state === "signUp") {
+ // Possibly gets reCaptcha response
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ var response = grecaptcha.getResponse();
+ if (response === "") {
+ // recaptcha verification has not completed yet (or has expired)...
+ // ...simply ignore submit event!
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ formData.reCaptchaResponse = response;
+ }
+ }
+ var hash = Accounts._hashPassword(password);
+ var options = {
+ username: username,
+ email: email,
+ password: hash,
+ profile: formData,
+ };
+ // Call preSignUpHook, if any...
+ var preSignUpHook = AccountsTemplates.options.preSignUpHook;
+ if (preSignUpHook) {
+ preSignUpHook(password, options);
+ }
+ return"ATCreateUserServer", options, function(error){
+ if (error && error.reason === 'Email already exists.') {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ grecaptcha.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, undefined, function(){
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.sendVerificationEmail && AccountsTemplates.options.enforceEmailVerification){
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function () {
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("result",;
+ // Cleans up input fields' content
+ _.each(AccountsTemplates.getFields(), function(field){
+ // Considers only visible fields...
+ if (!_.contains(field.visible, state))
+ return;
+ var elem = t.$("#at-field-" + field._id);
+ // Naïve reset
+ if (field.type === "checkbox") elem.prop('checked', false);
+ else elem.val("");
+ });
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ AccountsTemplates.avoidRedirect = true;
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ var loginSelector;
+ if (email) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ email = toLowercaseUsername(email);
+ }
+ loginSelector = {email: email};
+ }
+ else if (username) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ username = toLowercaseUsername(username);
+ }
+ loginSelector = {username: username};
+ }
+ else {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ username_and_email = toLowercaseUsername(username_and_email);
+ }
+ loginSelector = username_and_email;
+ }
+ Meteor.loginWithPassword(loginSelector, password, function(error) {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function(){
+ AccountsTemplates.setState("signIn");
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ //----------------
+ // Forgot Password
+ //----------------
+ if (state === "forgotPwd"){
+ return Accounts.forgotPassword({
+ email: email
+ }, function(error) {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function(){
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("result",;
+ t.$("#at-field-email").val("");
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ //--------------------------------
+ // Reset Password / Enroll Account
+ //--------------------------------
+ if (state === "resetPwd" || state === "enrollAccount") {
+ var paramToken = AccountsTemplates.getparamToken();
+ return Accounts.resetPassword(paramToken, password, function(error) {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function(){
+ var pwd_field_id;
+ if (state === "resetPwd")
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("result",;
+ else // Enroll Account
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("result",;
+ t.$("#at-field-password").val("");
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.confirmPassword)
+ t.$("#at-field-password_again").val("");
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ //----------------
+ // Change Password
+ //----------------
+ if (state === "changePwd"){
+ return Accounts.changePassword(current_password, password, function(error) {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function(){
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("result",;
+ t.$("#at-field-current_password").val("");
+ t.$("#at-field-password").val("");
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.confirmPassword)
+ t.$("#at-field-password_again").val("");
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ //----------------
+ // Resend Verification E-mail
+ //----------------
+ if (state === "resendVerificationEmail"){
+ return"ATResendVerificationEmail", email, function (error) {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function(){
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set("result",;
+ t.$("#at-field-email").val("");
+ AccountsTemplates.avoidRedirect = true;
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form_btn.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form_btn.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc263623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form_btn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+AT.prototype.atPwdFormBtnHelpers = {
+ submitDisabled: function(){
+ var disable = _.chain(AccountsTemplates.getFields())
+ .map(function(field){
+ return field.hasError() || field.isValidating();
+ })
+ .some()
+ .value()
+ ;
+ if (disable)
+ return "disabled";
+ },
+ buttonText: function() {
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.button[state], markIfMissing=false);
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_link.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_link.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd93a398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_link.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+AT.prototype.atPwdLinkHelpers = {
+ disabled: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.disabled();
+ },
+ forgotPwdLink: function(){
+ return AccountsTemplates.getRoutePath("forgotPwd");
+ },
+ preText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.pwdLink_pre, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ linkText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.pwdLink_link, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ suffText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.pwdLink_suff, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+AT.prototype.atPwdLinkEvents = {
+ "click #at-forgotPwd": function(event, t) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ AccountsTemplates.linkClick("forgotPwd");
+ },
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_reCaptcha.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_reCaptcha.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea0c0c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_reCaptcha.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+AT.prototype.atReCaptchaRendered = function() {
+ $.getScript('//' + T9n.getLanguage());
+AT.prototype.atReCaptchaHelpers = {
+ key: function() {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha && AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.siteKey)
+ return AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.siteKey;
+ return Meteor.settings.public.reCaptcha.siteKey;
+ },
+ theme: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha && AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.theme;
+ },
+ data_type: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha && AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.data_type;
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_resend_verification_email_link.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_resend_verification_email_link.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5587900c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_resend_verification_email_link.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+AT.prototype.atResendVerificationEmailLinkHelpers = {
+ disabled: function () {
+ return AccountsTemplates.disabled();
+ },
+ resendVerificationEmailLink: function () {
+ return AccountsTemplates.getRoutePath("resendVerificationEmail");
+ },
+ preText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.resendVerificationEmailLink_pre, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ linkText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.resendVerificationEmailLink_link, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ suffText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.resendVerificationEmailLink_suff, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+AT.prototype.atResendVerificationEmailLinkEvents = {
+ "click #at-resend-verification-email": function(event, t) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ AccountsTemplates.linkClick('resendVerificationEmail');
+ },
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_result.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_result.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4b287dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_result.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+AT.prototype.atResultHelpers = {
+ result: function() {
+ var resultText = AccountsTemplates.state.form.get("result");
+ if (resultText)
+ return T9n.get(resultText, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_sep.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_sep.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c27557d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_sep.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+AT.prototype.atSepHelpers = {
+ sepText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.sep, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_signin_link.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_signin_link.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14f6e88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_signin_link.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+AT.prototype.atSigninLinkHelpers = {
+ disabled: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.disabled();
+ },
+ signInLink: function(){
+ return AccountsTemplates.getRoutePath("signIn");
+ },
+ preText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.signInLink_pre, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ linkText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.signInLink_link, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ suffText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.signInLink_suff, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+AT.prototype.atSigninLinkEvents = {
+ "click #at-signIn": function(event, t) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ AccountsTemplates.linkClick("signIn");
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_signup_link.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_signup_link.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29c809a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_signup_link.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+AT.prototype.atSignupLinkHelpers = {
+ disabled: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.disabled();
+ },
+ signUpLink: function(){
+ return AccountsTemplates.getRoutePath("signUp");
+ },
+ preText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.signUpLink_pre, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ linkText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.signUpLink_link, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ suffText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.signUpLink_suff, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+AT.prototype.atSignupLinkEvents = {
+ "click #at-signUp": function(event, t) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ AccountsTemplates.linkClick('signUp');
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_social.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_social.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..912fd6e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_social.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+AT.prototype.atSocialHelpers = {
+ disabled: function() {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.disabled())
+ return "disabled";
+ var user = Meteor.user();
+ if (user){
+ var numServices = 0;
+ if (
+ numServices = _.keys(; // including "resume"
+ if (numServices === 2 &&[this._id])
+ return "disabled";
+ }
+ },
+ name: function(){
+ return this._id;
+ },
+ iconClass: function() {
+ var ic = AccountsTemplates.texts.socialIcons[this._id];
+ if (!ic)
+ ic = "fa fa-" + this._id;
+ return ic;
+ },
+ buttonText: function() {
+ var service = this;
+ var serviceName = this._id;
+ if (serviceName === "meteor-developer")
+ serviceName = "meteor";
+ serviceName = capitalize(serviceName);
+ if (!service.configured)
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.socialConfigure, markIfMissing=false) + " " + serviceName;
+ var showAddRemove = AccountsTemplates.options.showAddRemoveServices;
+ var user = Meteor.user();
+ if (user && showAddRemove){
+ if ( &&[this._id]){
+ var numServices = _.keys(; // including "resume"
+ if (numServices === 2)
+ return serviceName;
+ else
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.socialRemove, markIfMissing=false) + " " + serviceName;
+ } else
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.socialAdd, markIfMissing=false) + " " + serviceName;
+ }
+ var parentData = Template.parentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ var prefix = state === "signIn" ?
+ T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.socialSignIn, markIfMissing=false) :
+ T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.socialSignUp, markIfMissing=false);
+ return prefix + " " + T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.socialWith, markIfMissing=false) + " " + serviceName;
+ },
+AT.prototype.atSocialEvents = {
+ "click button": function(event, t) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.currentTarget.blur();
+ if (AccountsTemplates.disabled())
+ return;
+ var user = Meteor.user();
+ if (user && &&[this._id]){
+ var numServices = _.keys(; // including "resume"
+ if (numServices === 2)
+ return;
+ else{
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(true);
+"ATRemoveService", this._id, function(error){
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(true);
+ var parentData = Template.parentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ var serviceName = this._id;
+ var methodName;
+ if (serviceName === 'meteor-developer')
+ methodName = "loginWithMeteorDeveloperAccount";
+ else
+ methodName = "loginWith" + capitalize(serviceName);
+ var loginWithService = Meteor[methodName];
+ options = {
+ loginStyle: AccountsTemplates.options.socialLoginStyle,
+ };
+ if (Accounts.ui) {
+ if (Accounts.ui._options.requestPermissions[serviceName]) {
+ options.requestPermissions = Accounts.ui._options.requestPermissions[serviceName];
+ }
+ if (Accounts.ui._options.requestOfflineToken[serviceName]) {
+ options.requestOfflineToken = Accounts.ui._options.requestOfflineToken[serviceName];
+ }
+ }
+ loginWithService(options, function(err) {
+ AccountsTemplates.setDisabled(false);
+ if (err && err instanceof Accounts.LoginCancelledError) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ else if (err && err instanceof ServiceConfiguration.ConfigError) {
+ if (Accounts._loginButtonsSession)
+ return Accounts._loginButtonsSession.configureService(serviceName);
+ }
+ else
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(err, state);
+ });
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_terms_link.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_terms_link.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ada35cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_terms_link.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+AT.prototype.atTermsLinkHelpers = {
+ disabled: function() {
+ return AccountsTemplates.disabled();
+ },
+ text: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.termsPreamble, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ privacyUrl: function(){
+ return AccountsTemplates.options.privacyUrl;
+ },
+ privacyLinkText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.termsPrivacy, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ showTermsAnd: function(){
+ return !!AccountsTemplates.options.privacyUrl && !!AccountsTemplates.options.termsUrl;
+ },
+ and: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.termsAnd, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+ termsUrl: function(){
+ return AccountsTemplates.options.termsUrl;
+ },
+ termsLinkText: function(){
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.termsTerms, markIfMissing=false);
+ },
+AT.prototype.atTermsLinkEvents = {
+ "click a": function(event) {
+ if (AccountsTemplates.disabled())
+ event.preventDefault();
+ },
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_title.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_title.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74f711b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/at_title.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+AT.prototype.atTitleHelpers = {
+ title: function() {
+ var parentData = Template.currentData();
+ var state = (parentData && parentData.state) || AccountsTemplates.getState();
+ return T9n.get(AccountsTemplates.texts.title[state], markIfMissing = false);
+ },
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/ensure_signed_in.html b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/ensure_signed_in.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08c0d7e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/ensure_signed_in.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- Template level auth -->
+<template name="ensureSignedIn">
+ {{#if signedIn}}
+ {{> Template.dynamic template=template}}
+ {{else}}
+ {{#if auth}}
+ {{> Template.dynamic template=auth}}
+ {{else}}
+ {{> fullPageAtForm}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{/if}}
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/ensure_signed_in.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/ensure_signed_in.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d947aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/templates_helpers/ensure_signed_in.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ signedIn: function () {
+ if (!Meteor.user()) {
+ AccountsTemplates.setState(AccountsTemplates.options.defaultState, function(){
+ var err = AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.mustBeLoggedIn;
+ AccountsTemplates.state.form.set('error', [err]);
+ });
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ AccountsTemplates.clearError();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/utils.js b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30b108ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/meteor-useraccounts-core/lib/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+capitalize = function(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
+signedInAs = function() {
+ var user = Meteor.user();
+ if (user) {
+ if (user.username) {
+ return user.username;
+ } else if (user.profile && {
+ return;
+ } else if (user.emails && user.emails[0]) {
+ return user.emails[0].address;
+ } else {
+ return "Signed In";
+ }
+ }