path: root/sandstorm.js
diff options
authorMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:20:58 +0200
committerMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:33:50 +0200
commit2dbea30842ec63a68055245fe26633bb7913daf3 (patch)
treee9143893a3d3bf4ad34dd3a97d6f3466561c8756 /sandstorm.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'sandstorm.js')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sandstorm.js b/sandstorm.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5319ee60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandstorm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Sandstorm context is detected using the METEOR_SETTINGS environment variable
+// in the package definition.
+var isSandstorm = Meteor.settings && Meteor.settings.public &&
+ Meteor.settings.public.sandstorm;
+// In sandstorm we only have one board per sandstorm instance. Since we want to
+// keep most of our code unchanged, we simply hard-code a board `_id` and
+// redirect the user to this particular board.
+var sandstormBoard = {
+ _id: 'sandstorm',
+ slug: 'board',
+ // XXX Should be shared with the grain instance name.
+ title: 'LibreBoard',
+ permission: 'public',
+ background: {
+ type: 'color',
+ color: '#16A085'
+ },
+ // XXX Not certain this is a bug, but we except these fields to get inserted
+ // by the `Lists.before.insert` collection-hook. Since this hook is not called
+ // in this case, we have to duplicate the logic and set them here.
+ archived: false,
+ createdAt: new Date()
+// On the first launch of the instance a user is automatically created thanks to
+// the `accounts-sandstorm` package. After its creation we insert the unique
+// board document. Note that when the `Users.after.insert` hook is called, the
+// user is inserted into the database but not connected. So despite the
+// appearances `userId` is null in this block.
+// If the hard-coded board already exists and we are inserting a new user, we
+// assume that the owner of the board want to share write privileges with the
+// new user.
+// XXX Improve that when the Sandstorm sharing model (“Powerbox”) arrives.
+if (isSandstorm && Meteor.isServer) {
+ Users.after.insert(function(userId, doc) {
+ if (! Boards.findOne(sandstormBoard._id)) {
+ Boards.insert(_.extend(sandstormBoard, { userId: doc._id }));
+ Boards.update(sandstormBoard._id, {
+ $set: {
+ 'members.0.userId': doc._id
+ }
+ });
+ Activities.update({
+ activityTypeId: sandstormBoard._id
+ }, {
+ $set: {
+ userId: doc._id
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ Boards.update({
+ _id: sandstormBoard._id,
+ permission: 'public'
+ }, {
+ $push: {
+ members: doc._id
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+// On the client, redirect the user to the hard-coded board. On the first launch
+// the user will be redirected to the board before its creation. But that’s not
+// a problem thanks to the reactive board publication.
+if (isSandstorm && Meteor.isClient) {
+ Router.go('Board', {
+ boardId: sandstormBoard._id,
+ slug: getSlug(sandstormBoard.title)
+ });
+ // XXX Hack. `Meteor.absoluteUrl` doesn't work in Sandstorm, since every
+ // session has a different URL whereas Meteor computes absoluteUrl based on
+ // the ROOT_URL environment variable. So we overwrite this function on a
+ // sandstorm client to return relative paths instead of absolutes.
+ var _absoluteUrl = Meteor.absoluteUrl;
+ var _defaultOptions = Meteor.absoluteUrl.defaultOptions;
+ Meteor.absoluteUrl = function(path, options) {
+ var url = _absoluteUrl(path, options);
+ return url.replace(/^https?:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1:[0-9]{2,5}/, '');
+ };
+ Meteor.absoluteUrl.defaultOptions = _defaultOptions;
+// We use this blaze helper in the UI to hide some template that does not make
+// sense in the context of sandstorm, like board staring, board archiving, user
+// name edition, etc.
+Blaze.registerHelper('isSandstorm', function() {
+ return isSandstorm;