diff options
3 files changed, 112 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/client/components/lists/listHeader.jade b/client/components/lists/listHeader.jade
index 597e2bbd..922ac27b 100644
--- a/client/components/lists/listHeader.jade
+++ b/client/components/lists/listHeader.jade
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ template(name="listImportCardPopup")
| {{_ 'card-json'}}
- //+editor(class="js-card-json" autofocus=true)
textarea.js-card-json(placeholder="{{_ 'card-json-placeholder'}}" autofocus)
input.primary.wide(type="submit" value="{{_ 'import'}}")
diff --git a/client/components/lists/listHeader.js b/client/components/lists/listHeader.js
index c4cace08..9aa26194 100644
--- a/client/components/lists/listHeader.js
+++ b/client/components/lists/listHeader.js
@@ -54,63 +54,23 @@{
// 1. get the json data out of the form and parse it
const jsonData = $(evt.currentTarget).find('textarea').val();
- const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);
- // 2. map all fields for the card to create
const firstCardDom = $(`#js-list-${this._id} .js-minicard:first`).get(0);
const sortIndex = Utils.calculateIndex(null, firstCardDom).base;
- const cardToCreate = {
- title:,
- description: data.desc,
- listId: this._id,
- boardId: this.boardId,
- userId: Meteor.userId(),
- sort: sortIndex,
- archived: data.closed,
- };
- // 3. map labels
- data.labels.forEach((current) => {
- const color = current.color;
- const name =;
- const existingLabel = this.board().getLabel(name, color);
- let labelId = undefined;
- if (existingLabel) {
- labelId = existingLabel._id;
- } else {
- let labelCreated = this.board().addLabel(name, color);
- // XXX currently mutations return no value so we have to fetch the label we just created
- // waiting on to remove...
- labelCreated = this.board().getLabel(name, color);
- labelId = labelCreated._id;
- }
- if(labelId) {
- if (!cardToCreate.labelIds) {
- cardToCreate.labelIds = [];
- }
- cardToCreate.labelIds.push(labelId);
- }
- });
- // 4. insert new card into list
- const _id = Cards.insert(cardToCreate);
- // 5. parse actions and add comments
- data.actions.forEach((current) => {
- if(current.type === 'commentCard') {
- const commentToCreate = {
- boardId: this.boardId,
- cardId: _id,
- userId: Meteor.userId(),
- text:,
- };
- CardComments.insert(commentToCreate);
- }
- // XXX add other type of activities?
+ try {
+ const trelloCard = JSON.parse(jsonData);
+ const cardId ='importTrelloCard', trelloCard, this._id, sortIndex);
+ // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly inserted card in
+ // the list of exceptions -- cards that are not filtered. Otherwise the
+ // card will disappear instantly.
+ // See
+ Filter.addException(cardId);
- });
- // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly inserted card in
- // the list of exceptions -- cards that are not filtered. Otherwise the
- // card will disappear instantly.
- // See
- Filter.addException(_id);
+ } catch(e) {
+ // XXX handle error
+ // this.error.set('avatar-too-big');
+ console.log('Invalid JSON');
+ return;
+ }
diff --git a/models/import.js b/models/import.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83559078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/import.js
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ importTrelloCard(trelloCard, listId, sortIndex) {
+ DateString = Match.Where(function (dateAsString) {
+ check(dateAsString, String);
+ //const date = new Date(dateAsString);
+ //return (date.toString() !== 'Invalid Date') && !isNan(date);
+ return moment(dateAsString, moment.ISO_8601).isValid();
+ });
+ check(trelloCard, Match.ObjectIncluding({
+ name: String,
+ desc: String,
+ closed: Boolean,
+ dateLastActivity: DateString,
+ labels: [Match.ObjectIncluding({
+ name: String,
+ color: String,
+ })],
+ actions: [Match.ObjectIncluding({
+ type: String,
+ date: DateString,
+ data: Object,
+ })],
+ members: [Object],
+ }));
+ check(listId, String);
+ check(sortIndex, Number);
+ const list = Lists.findOne(listId);
+ if(!list) {
+ throw 'exception-list-doesNotExist';
+ }
+ // XXX check we are allowed to run method
+ // 1. map all fields for the card to create
+ const dateOfImport = new Date();
+ // XXX parse trelloCard.actions to determine creation date
+ const cardToCreate = {
+ title:,
+ description: trelloCard.desc,
+ listId: list._id,
+ boardId: list.boardId,
+ userId: Meteor.userId(),
+ sort: sortIndex,
+ archived: trelloCard.closed,
+ // XXX dateOfImport
+ createdAt: dateOfImport,
+ dateLastActivity: dateOfImport,
+ };
+ // 2. map labels
+ trelloCard.labels.forEach((currentLabel) => {
+ const color = currentLabel.color;
+ const name =;
+ const existingLabel = list.board().getLabel(name, color);
+ let labelId = undefined;
+ if (existingLabel) {
+ labelId = existingLabel._id;
+ } else {
+ let labelCreated = list.board().addLabel(name, color);
+ // XXX currently mutations return no value so we have to fetch the label we just created
+ // waiting on to remove...
+ labelCreated = list.board().getLabel(name, color);
+ labelId = labelCreated._id;
+ }
+ if(labelId) {
+ if (!cardToCreate.labelIds) {
+ cardToCreate.labelIds = [];
+ }
+ cardToCreate.labelIds.push(labelId);
+ }
+ });
+ // 3. insert new card into list
+ // XXX replace with direct MongoDB inserts
+ const _id =;
+ // XXX then add import activity
+ // 4. parse actions and add comments
+ trelloCard.actions.forEach((currentAction) => {
+ if(currentAction.type === 'commentCard') {
+ const commentToCreate = {
+ boardId: list.boardId,
+ cardId: _id,
+ userId: Meteor.userId(),
+ text:,
+ createdAt:,
+ };
+ // console.log(commentToCreate);
+ }
+ // XXX add other type of activities?
+ // XXX look for createCard to set create date > no do it BEFORE saving
+ });
+ return _id;
+ },