path: root/client/components/lists
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'client/components/lists')
3 files changed, 67 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/client/components/lists/body.jade b/client/components/lists/body.jade
index 9d4a903d..3e769206 100644
--- a/client/components/lists/body.jade
+++ b/client/components/lists/body.jade
@@ -5,32 +5,7 @@ template(name="listBody")
+inlinedForm(autoclose=false position="top")
+addCardForm(listId=_id position="top")
each cards
- .minicard.card.js-minicard(
- class="{{#if isSelected}}is-selected{{/if}}")
- if cover
- .minicard-cover.js-card-cover(style="background-image: url({{cover.url}});")
- if labels
- .minicard-labels
- each labels
- .minicard-label(class="card-label-{{color}}" title="{{name}}")
- .minicard-title= title
- if members
- .minicard-members.js-minicard-members
- each members
- +userAvatar(userId=this size="small" cardId="{{../_id}}")
- .badges
- if comments.count
- .badge(title="{{_ 'card-comments-title' comments.count }}")
- span.badge-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-comment-o
- .badge-text= comments.count
- if description
- .badge.badge-state-image-only(title=description)
- span.badge-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-align-left
- if attachments.count
- .badge
- span.badge-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-paperclip
- span.badge-text= attachments.count
+ +minicard(this)
if currentUser.isBoardMember
+inlinedForm(autoclose=false position="bottom")
+addCardForm(listId=_id position="bottom")
@@ -49,4 +24,4 @@ template(name="addCardForm")
button.primary.confirm(type="submit") {{_ 'add'}}
- a.fa.fa-times.dark-hover.cancel.js-close-inlined-form
+ a.fa.fa-times-thin.js-close-inlined-form
diff --git a/client/components/lists/body.js b/client/components/lists/body.js
index d8238c9a..8400af96 100644
--- a/client/components/lists/body.js
+++ b/client/components/lists/body.js
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
return [Mixins.PerfectScrollbar];
- isSelected: function() {
- return Session.equals('currentCard', this.currentData()._id);
- },
openForm: function(options) {
options = options || {};
options.position = options.position || 'top';
@@ -37,11 +33,6 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
sortIndex = Utils.getSortIndex(this.find('.js-minicard:last'), null);
- // Clear the form in-memory cache
- // var inputCacheKey = "addCard-" + this.listId;
- // InputsCache.set(inputCacheKey, '');
- // title trim if not empty then
if ($.trim(title)) {
title: title,
@@ -49,16 +40,18 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
sort: sortIndex
}, function(err, _id) {
- // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly
- // inserted card in the list of exceptions -- cards that are
- // not filtered. Otherwise the card will disappear instantly.
+ // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly inserted card
+ // in the list of exceptions -- cards that are not filtered. Otherwise
+ // the card will disappear instantly.
// See
// We keep the form opened, empty it, and scroll to it.
- Utils.Scroll(this.find('.js-minicards')).top(1000, true);
+ if (position === 'bottom') {
+ this.scrollToBottom();
+ }
@@ -67,9 +60,9 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
scrollToBottom: function() {
- var $container = $(this.firstNode());
- $container.animate({
- scrollTop: $container.height()
+ var container = this.firstNode();
+ $(container).animate({
+ scrollTop: container.scrollHeight
@@ -94,7 +87,12 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
// Pressing Enter should submit the card
if (evt.keyCode === 13) {
- $(evt.currentTarget).parents('form:first').submit();
+ var $form = $(evt.currentTarget).parents('form:first');
+ // XXX For some reason $form.submit() does not work (it's probably a bug
+ // of blaze-component related to the fact that the submit event is non-
+ // bubbling). This is why we click on the submit button instead -- which
+ // work.
+ $form.find('button[type=submit]').click();
// Pressing Tab should open the form of the next column, and Maj+Tab go
// in the reverse order
@@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
var isReverse = evt.shiftKey;
var list = $('#js-list-' +;
- var listSelector = '.js-list:not(.js-add-list)';
+ var listSelector = '.js-list:not(.js-list-composer)';
var nextList = list[isReverse ? 'prev' : 'next'](listSelector).get(0);
// If there isn't no next list, loop back to the beginning.
if (! nextList) {
diff --git a/client/components/lists/main.js b/client/components/lists/main.js
index 3464865a..8f86183a 100644
--- a/client/components/lists/main.js
+++ b/client/components/lists/main.js
@@ -24,58 +24,69 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
// powerful enough for our use casesShould we “simply” write the drag&drop
// code ourselves?
onRendered: function() {
- if (Meteor.user().isBoardMember()) {
- var boardComponent = this.componentParent();
- var itemsSelector = '.js-minicard:not(.placeholder, .hide, .js-composer)';
- var $cards = this.$('.js-minicards');
- $cards.sortable({
- connectWith: '.js-minicards',
- tolerance: 'pointer',
- appendTo: '.js-lists',
- helper: 'clone',
- items: itemsSelector,
- placeholder: 'minicard placeholder',
- start: function(event, ui) {
- $('.minicard.placeholder').height(ui.item.height());
- Popup.close();
- boardComponent.showNewCardForms(false);
- },
- stop: function(event, ui) {
- // To attribute the new index number, we need to get the dom element
- // of the previous and the following card -- if any.
- var cardDomElement = ui.item.get(0);
- var prevCardDomElement = ui.item.prev('.js-minicard').get(0);
- var nextCardDomElement ='.js-minicard').get(0);
- var sort = Utils.getSortIndex(prevCardDomElement, nextCardDomElement);
- var cardId = Blaze.getData(cardDomElement)._id;
- var listId = Blaze.getData(ui.item.parents('.list').get(0))._id;
- Cards.update(cardId, {
- $set: {
- listId: listId,
- sort: sort
- }
- });
- boardComponent.showNewCardForms(true);
- }
- }).disableSelection();
+ var self = this;
+ if (! Meteor.userId() || ! Meteor.user().isBoardMember())
+ return;
- $(document).on('mouseover', function() {
+ var boardComponent = self.componentParent();
+ var itemsSelector = '.js-minicard:not(.placeholder, .hide, .js-composer)';
+ var $cards = self.$('.js-minicards');
+ $cards.sortable({
+ connectWith: '.js-minicards',
+ tolerance: 'pointer',
+ appendTo: '.js-lists',
+ helper: 'clone',
+ items: itemsSelector,
+ placeholder: 'minicard placeholder',
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ $('.minicard.placeholder').height(ui.item.height());
+ Popup.close();
+ boardComponent.showNewCardForms(false);
+ },
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ // To attribute the new index number, we need to get the dom element
+ // of the previous and the following card -- if any.
+ var cardDomElement = ui.item.get(0);
+ var prevCardDomElement = ui.item.prev('.js-minicard').get(0);
+ var nextCardDomElement ='.js-minicard').get(0);
+ var sort = Utils.getSortIndex(prevCardDomElement, nextCardDomElement);
+ var cardId = Blaze.getData(cardDomElement)._id;
+ var listId = Blaze.getData(ui.item.parents('.list').get(0))._id;
+ Cards.update(cardId, {
+ $set: {
+ listId: listId,
+ sort: sort
+ }
+ });
+ boardComponent.showNewCardForms(true);
+ }
+ });
+ // We want to re-run this function any time a card is added.
+ self.autorun(function() {
+ var currentBoardId = Tracker.nonreactive(function() {
+ return Session.get('currentBoard');
+ });
+ Cards.find({ boardId: currentBoardId }).fetch();
+ Tracker.afterFlush(function() {
hoverClass: 'draggable-hover-card',
accept: '.js-member,.js-label',
drop: function(event, ui) {
var cardId = Blaze.getData(this)._id;
+ var addToSet;
if (ui.draggable.hasClass('js-member')) {
var memberId = Blaze.getData(ui.draggable.get(0)).userId;
- Cards.update(cardId, {$addToSet: {members: memberId}});
+ addToSet = { members: memberId };
} else {
var labelId = Blaze.getData(ui.draggable.get(0))._id;
- Cards.update(cardId, {$addToSet: {labelIds: labelId}});
+ addToSet = { labelIds: labelId };
+ Cards.update(cardId, { $addToSet: addToSet });
- }
+ });