path: root/i18n
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Diffstat (limited to 'i18n')
4 files changed, 3116 insertions, 3116 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/ar.i18n.json b/i18n/ar.i18n.json
index 93ccfd05..1363295c 100644
--- a/i18n/ar.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/ar.i18n.json
@@ -1,780 +1,780 @@
- "accept": "قبول",
- "act-activity-notify": "اشعارات النشاط",
- "act-addAttachment": "added attachment __attachment__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteAttachment": "deleted attachment __attachment__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addSubtask": "added subtask __subtask__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addedLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removedLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklist": "added checklist __checklist__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklistItem": "added checklist item __checklistItem__ to checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklist": "removed checklist __checklist__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklistItem": "removed checklist item __checklistItem__ from checklist __checkList__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-checkedItem": "checked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncheckedItem": "unchecked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-completeChecklist": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncompleteChecklist": "uncompleted checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addComment": "commented on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-editComment": "edited comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteComment": "deleted comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createBoard": "created board __board__",
- "act-createSwimlane": "created swimlane __swimlane__ to board __board__",
- "act-createCard": "created card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteCustomField": "deleted custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
- "act-setCustomField": "edited custom field __customField__: __customFieldValue__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createList": "added list __list__ to board __board__",
- "act-addBoardMember": "added member __member__ to board __board__",
- "act-archivedBoard": "Board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedCard": "Card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedList": "List __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedSwimlane": "Swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-importBoard": "imported board __board__",
- "act-importCard": "imported card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-importList": "imported list __list__ to swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-joinMember": "added member __member__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__",
- "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "moved card __card__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ at board __oldBoard__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeBoardMember": "removed member __member__ from board __board__",
- "act-restoredCard": "restored card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "removed member __member__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-withBoardTitle": "__لوح__",
- "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
- "actions": "الإجراءات",
- "activities": "الأنشطة",
- "activity": "النشاط",
- "activity-added": "تمت إضافة %s ل %s",
- "activity-archived": "%s انتقل الى الارشيف",
- "activity-attached": "إرفاق %s ل %s",
- "activity-created": "أنشأ %s",
- "activity-customfield-created": "%s احدت حقل مخصص",
- "activity-excluded": "استبعاد %s عن %s",
- "activity-imported": "imported %s into %s from %s",
- "activity-imported-board": "imported %s from %s",
- "activity-joined": "انضم %s",
- "activity-moved": "تم نقل %s من %s إلى %s",
- "activity-on": "على %s",
- "activity-removed": "حذف %s إلى %s",
- "activity-sent": "إرسال %s إلى %s",
- "activity-unjoined": "غادر %s",
- "activity-subtask-added": "تم اضافة مهمة فرعية الى %s",
- "activity-checked-item": "تحقق %s في قائمة التحقق %s من %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item": "ازالة تحقق %s من قائمة التحقق %s من %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "أضاف قائمة تحقق إلى %s",
- "activity-checklist-removed": "ازالة قائمة التحقق من %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "لم يتم انجاز قائمة التحقق %s من %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-added": "تم اضافة عنصر قائمة التحقق الى '%s' في %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-removed": "تم ازالة عنصر قائمة التحقق الى '%s' في %s",
- "add": "أضف",
- "activity-checked-item-card": "checked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item-card": "unchecked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed-card": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "uncompleted the checklist %s",
- "activity-editComment": "edited comment %s",
- "activity-deleteComment": "deleted comment %s",
- "add-attachment": "إضافة مرفق",
- "add-board": "إضافة لوحة",
- "add-card": "إضافة بطاقة",
- "add-swimlane": "Add Swimlane",
- "add-subtask": "Add Subtask",
- "add-checklist": "إضافة قائمة تدقيق",
- "add-checklist-item": "إضافة عنصر إلى قائمة التحقق",
- "add-cover": "إضافة غلاف",
- "add-label": "إضافة ملصق",
- "add-list": "إضافة قائمة",
- "add-members": "تعيين أعضاء",
- "added": "أُضيف",
- "addMemberPopup-title": "الأعضاء",
- "admin": "المدير",
- "admin-desc": "إمكانية مشاهدة و تعديل و حذف أعضاء ، و تعديل إعدادات اللوحة أيضا.",
- "admin-announcement": "إعلان",
- "admin-announcement-active": "Active System-Wide Announcement",
- "admin-announcement-title": "Announcement from Administrator",
- "all-boards": "كل اللوحات",
- "and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other بطاقة",
- "and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other بطاقات",
- "apply": "طبق",
- "app-is-offline": "Loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If loading does not work, please check that server has not stopped.",
- "archive": "نقل الى الارشيف",
- "archive-all": "نقل الكل الى الارشيف",
- "archive-board": "نقل اللوح الى الارشيف",
- "archive-card": "نقل البطاقة الى الارشيف",
- "archive-list": "نقل القائمة الى الارشيف",
- "archive-swimlane": "نقل خط السباحة الى الارشيف",
- "archive-selection": "نقل التحديد إلى الأرشيف",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "نقل الوح إلى الأرشيف",
- "archived-items": "أرشيف",
- "archived-boards": "الالواح في الأرشيف",
- "restore-board": "استعادة اللوحة",
- "no-archived-boards": "لا توجد لوحات في الأرشيف.",
- "archives": "أرشيف",
- "template": "Template",
- "templates": "Templates",
- "assign-member": "تعيين عضو",
- "attached": "أُرفق)",
- "attachment": "مرفق",
- "attachment-delete-pop": "حذف المرق هو حذف نهائي . لا يمكن التراجع إذا حذف.",
- "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "تريد حذف المرفق ?",
- "attachments": "المرفقات",
- "auto-watch": "مراقبة لوحات تلقائيا عندما يتم إنشاؤها",
- "avatar-too-big": "الصورة الرمزية كبيرة جدا (70 كيلوبايت كحد أقصى)",
- "back": "رجوع",
- "board-change-color": "تغيير اللومr",
- "board-nb-stars": "%s نجوم",
- "board-not-found": "لوحة مفقودة",
- "board-private-info": "سوف تصبح هذه اللوحة <strong>خاصة</strong>",
- "board-public-info": "سوف تصبح هذه اللوحة <strong>عامّة</strong>.",
- "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "تعديل خلفية الشاشة",
- "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "إعادة تسمية اللوحة",
- "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "تعديل وضوح الرؤية",
- "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "تغيير المتابعة",
- "boardMenuPopup-title": "Board Settings",
- "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "عرض اللوحات",
- "boards": "لوحات",
- "board-view": "عرض اللوحات",
- "board-view-cal": "التقويم",
- "board-view-swimlanes": "خطوط السباحة",
- "board-view-collapse": "Collapse",
- "board-view-lists": "القائمات",
- "bucket-example": "مثل « todo list » على سبيل المثال",
- "cancel": "إلغاء",
- "card-archived": "البطاقة منقولة الى الارشيف",
- "board-archived": "اللوحات منقولة الى الارشيف",
- "card-comments-title": "%s تعليقات لهذه البطاقة",
- "card-delete-notice": "هذا حذف أبديّ . سوف تفقد كل الإجراءات المنوطة بهذه البطاقة",
- "card-delete-pop": "سيتم إزالة جميع الإجراءات من تبعات النشاط، وأنك لن تكون قادرا على إعادة فتح البطاقة. لا يوجد التراجع.",
- "card-delete-suggest-archive": "يمكنك نقل بطاقة إلى الأرشيف لإزالتها من اللوحة والمحافظة على النشاط.",
- "card-due": "مستحق",
- "card-due-on": "مستحق في",
- "card-spent": "امضى وقتا",
- "card-edit-attachments": "تعديل المرفقات",
- "card-edit-custom-fields": "تعديل الحقل المعدل",
- "card-start-voting": "Start voting",
- "card-cancel-voting": "Delete voting and all votes",
- "card-edit-labels": "تعديل العلامات",
- "card-edit-members": "تعديل الأعضاء",
- "card-labels-title": "تعديل علامات البطاقة.",
- "card-members-title": "إضافة او حذف أعضاء للبطاقة.",
- "card-start": "بداية",
- "card-start-on": "يبدأ في",
- "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "إرفاق من",
- "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "تغير التاريخ",
- "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "تعديل الحقل المعدل",
- "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Start a vote",
- "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents",
- "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents",
- "vote-question": "Voting question",
- "vote-public": "Public vote",
- "vote-for-it": "for it",
- "vote-against": "against",
- "cardDeletePopup-title": "حذف البطاقة ?",
- "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "إجراءات على البطاقة",
- "cardLabelsPopup-title": "علامات",
- "cardMembersPopup-title": "أعضاء",
- "cardMorePopup-title": "المزيد",
- "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Create template",
- "cards": "بطاقات",
- "cards-count": "بطاقات",
- "casSignIn": "تسجيل الدخول مع CAS",
- "cardType-card": "بطاقة",
- "cardType-linkedCard": "البطاقة المرتبطة",
- "cardType-linkedBoard": "Linked Board",
- "change": "Change",
- "change-avatar": "تعديل الصورة الشخصية",
- "change-password": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
- "change-permissions": "تعديل الصلاحيات",
- "change-settings": "تغيير الاعدادات",
- "changeAvatarPopup-title": "تعديل الصورة الشخصية",
- "changeLanguagePopup-title": "تغيير اللغة",
- "changePasswordPopup-title": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
- "changePermissionsPopup-title": "تعديل الصلاحيات",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "تغيير الاعدادات",
- "subtasks": "Subtasks",
- "checklists": "قوائم التّدقيق",
- "click-to-star": "اضغط لإضافة اللوحة للمفضلة.",
- "click-to-unstar": "اضغط لحذف اللوحة من المفضلة.",
- "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
- "close": "غلق",
- "close-board": "غلق اللوحة",
- "close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archive” button from the home header.",
- "color-black": "black",
- "color-blue": "blue",
- "color-crimson": "crimson",
- "color-darkgreen": "darkgreen",
- "color-gold": "gold",
- "color-gray": "gray",
- "color-green": "green",
- "color-indigo": "indigo",
- "color-lime": "lime",
- "color-magenta": "magenta",
- "color-mistyrose": "mistyrose",
- "color-navy": "navy",
- "color-orange": "orange",
- "color-paleturquoise": "paleturquoise",
- "color-peachpuff": "peachpuff",
- "color-pink": "pink",
- "color-plum": "plum",
- "color-purple": "purple",
- "color-red": "red",
- "color-saddlebrown": "saddlebrown",
- "color-silver": "silver",
- "color-sky": "sky",
- "color-slateblue": "slateblue",
- "color-white": "white",
- "color-yellow": "yellow",
- "unset-color": "Unset",
- "comment": "تعليق",
- "comment-placeholder": "أكتب تعليق",
- "comment-only": "التعليق فقط",
- "comment-only-desc": "يمكن التعليق على بطاقات فقط.",
- "no-comments": "No comments",
- "no-comments-desc": "Can not see comments and activities.",
- "worker": "Worker",
- "worker-desc": "Can only move cards, assign itself to card and comment.",
- "computer": "حاسوب",
- "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete subtask?",
- "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist?",
- "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "نسخ رابط البطاقة إلى الحافظة",
- "linkCardPopup-title": "ربط البطاقة",
- "searchElementPopup-title": "بحث",
- "copyCardPopup-title": "نسخ البطاقة",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Copy Checklist Template to Many Cards",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Destination Card Titles and Descriptions in this JSON format",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"First card title\", \"description\":\"First card description\"}, {\"title\":\"Second card title\",\"description\":\"Second card description\"},{\"title\":\"Last card title\",\"description\":\"Last card description\"} ]",
- "create": "إنشاء",
- "createBoardPopup-title": "إنشاء لوحة",
- "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "استيراد لوحة",
- "createLabelPopup-title": "إنشاء علامة",
- "createCustomField": "Create Field",
- "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Create Field",
- "current": "الحالي",
- "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.",
- "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox",
- "custom-field-date": "تاريخ",
- "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List",
- "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(none)",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options",
- "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)",
- "custom-field-number": "Number",
- "custom-field-text": "Text",
- "custom-fields": "Custom Fields",
- "date": "تاريخ",
- "decline": "Decline",
- "default-avatar": "صورة شخصية افتراضية",
- "delete": "حذف",
- "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?",
- "deleteLabelPopup-title": "حذف العلامة ?",
- "description": "وصف",
- "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "تحديد الإجراء على العلامة",
- "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "تحديد الإجراء على العضو",
- "discard": "التخلص منها",
- "done": "Done",
- "download": "تنزيل",
- "edit": "تعديل",
- "edit-avatar": "تعديل الصورة الشخصية",
- "edit-profile": "تعديل الملف الشخصي",
- "edit-wip-limit": "Edit WIP Limit",
- "soft-wip-limit": "Soft WIP Limit",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "تغيير تاريخ البدء",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "تغيير تاريخ الاستحقاق",
- "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field",
- "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Change spent time",
- "editLabelPopup-title": "تعديل العلامة",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "تصحيح الإشعار",
- "editProfilePopup-title": "تعديل الملف الشخصي",
- "email": "البريد الإلكتروني",
- "email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-fail": "Sending email failed",
- "email-fail-text": "Error trying to send email",
- "email-invalid": "Invalid email",
- "email-invite": "Invite via Email",
- "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
- "email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-resetPassword-subject": "Reset your password on __siteName__",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo reset your password, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-sent": "Email sent",
- "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "enable-wip-limit": "Enable WIP Limit",
- "error-board-doesNotExist": "This board does not exist",
- "error-board-notAdmin": "You need to be admin of this board to do that",
- "error-board-notAMember": "You need to be a member of this board to do that",
- "error-json-malformed": "Your text is not valid JSON",
- "error-json-schema": "Your JSON data does not include the proper information in the correct format",
- "error-list-doesNotExist": "This list does not exist",
- "error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
- "error-user-notAllowSelf": "لا يمكنك دعوة نفسك",
- "error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
- "error-username-taken": "إسم المستخدم مأخوذ مسبقا",
- "error-email-taken": "البريد الإلكتروني مأخوذ بالفعل",
- "export-board": "Export board",
- "sort": "Sort",
- "sort-desc": "Click to Sort List",
- "list-sort-by": "Sort the List By:",
- "list-label-modifiedAt": "Last Access Time",
- "list-label-title": "Name of the List",
- "list-label-sort": "Your Manual Order",
- "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(L)",
- "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
- "list-label-short-sort": "(M)",
- "filter": "تصفية",
- "filter-cards": "Filter Cards or Lists",
- "list-filter-label": "Filter List by Title",
- "filter-clear": "مسح التصفية",
- "filter-no-label": "لا يوجد ملصق",
- "filter-no-member": "ليس هناك أي عضو",
- "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee",
- "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields",
- "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists",
- "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists",
- "filter-on": "التصفية تشتغل",
- "filter-on-desc": "أنت بصدد تصفية بطاقات هذه اللوحة. اضغط هنا لتعديل التصفية.",
- "filter-to-selection": "تصفية بالتحديد",
- "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter",
- "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i",
- "fullname": "الإسم الكامل",
- "header-logo-title": "الرجوع إلى صفحة اللوحات",
- "hide-system-messages": "إخفاء رسائل النظام",
- "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "إنشاء لوحة",
- "home": "الرئيسية",
- "import": "Import",
- "link": "Link",
- "import-board": "استيراد لوحة",
- "import-board-c": "استيراد لوحة",
- "import-board-title-trello": "Import board from Trello",
- "import-board-title-wekan": "Import board from previous export",
- "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
- "import-sandstorm-warning": "Imported board will delete all existing data on board and replace it with imported board.",
- "from-trello": "من تريلو",
- "from-wekan": "From previous export",
- "import-board-instruction-trello": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text",
- "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
- "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
- "import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here",
- "import-map-members": "رسم خريطة الأعضاء",
- "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
- "import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping",
- "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select member",
- "info": "الإصدار",
- "initials": "أولية",
- "invalid-date": "تاريخ غير صالح",
- "invalid-time": "Invalid time",
- "invalid-user": "Invalid user",
- "joined": "انضمّ",
- "just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
- "keyboard-shortcuts": "اختصار لوحة المفاتيح",
- "label-create": "إنشاء علامة",
- "label-default": "%s علامة (افتراضية)",
- "label-delete-pop": "لا يوجد تراجع. سيؤدي هذا إلى إزالة هذه العلامة من جميع بطاقات والقضاء على تأريخها",
- "labels": "علامات",
- "language": "لغة",
- "last-admin-desc": "لا يمكن تعديل الأدوار لأن ذلك يتطلب صلاحيات المدير.",
- "leave-board": "مغادرة اللوحة",
- "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.",
- "leaveBoardPopup-title": "مغادرة اللوحة ؟",
- "link-card": "ربط هذه البطاقة",
- "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Archive",
- "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.",
- "list-move-cards": "نقل بطاقات هذه القائمة",
- "list-select-cards": "تحديد بطاقات هذه القائمة",
- "set-color-list": "Set Color",
- "listActionPopup-title": "قائمة الإجراءات",
- "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Swimlane Actions",
- "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Add a Swimlane below",
- "listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
- "listMorePopup-title": "المزيد",
- "link-list": "رابط إلى هذه القائمة",
- "list-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the list. There is no undo.",
- "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
- "lists": "القائمات",
- "swimlanes": "خطوط السباحة",
- "log-out": "تسجيل الخروج",
- "log-in": "تسجيل الدخول",
- "loginPopup-title": "تسجيل الدخول",
- "memberMenuPopup-title": "أفضليات الأعضاء",
- "members": "أعضاء",
- "menu": "القائمة",
- "move-selection": "Move selection",
- "moveCardPopup-title": "نقل البطاقة",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "التحرك إلى القاع",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "التحرك إلى الأعلى",
- "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Move selection",
- "multi-selection": "تحديد أكثر من واحدة",
- "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on",
- "muted": "مكتوم",
- "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
- "my-boards": "لوحاتي",
- "name": "اسم",
- "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Archive.",
- "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Archive.",
- "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Archive.",
- "no-results": "لا توجد نتائج",
- "normal": "عادي",
- "normal-desc": "يمكن مشاهدة و تعديل البطاقات. لا يمكن تغيير إعدادات الضبط.",
- "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet",
- "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member",
- "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching",
- "optional": "اختياري",
- "or": "or",
- "page-maybe-private": "قدتكون هذه الصفحة خاصة . قد تستطيع مشاهدتها ب <a href='%s'>تسجيل الدخول</a>.",
- "page-not-found": "صفحة غير موجودة",
- "password": "كلمة المرور",
- "paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)",
- "participating": "المشاركة",
- "preview": "Preview",
- "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Preview",
- "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Preview",
- "private": "خاص",
- "private-desc": "هذه اللوحة خاصة . لا يسمح إلا للأعضاء .",
- "profile": "ملف شخصي",
- "public": "عامّ",
- "public-desc": "هذه اللوحة عامة: مرئية لكلّ من يحصل على الرابط ، و هي مرئية أيضا في محركات البحث مثل جوجل. التعديل مسموح به للأعضاء فقط.",
- "quick-access-description": "أضف لوحة إلى المفضلة لإنشاء اختصار في هذا الشريط.",
- "remove-cover": "حذف الغلاف",
- "remove-from-board": "حذف من اللوحة",
- "remove-label": "إزالة التصنيف",
- "listDeletePopup-title": "حذف القائمة ؟",
- "remove-member": "حذف العضو",
- "remove-member-from-card": "حذف من البطاقة",
- "remove-member-pop": "حذف __name__ (__username__) من __boardTitle__ ? سيتم حذف هذا العضو من جميع بطاقة اللوحة مع إرسال إشعار له بذاك.",
- "removeMemberPopup-title": "حذف العضو ?",
- "rename": "إعادة التسمية",
- "rename-board": "إعادة تسمية اللوحة",
- "restore": "استعادة",
- "save": "حفظ",
- "search": "بحث",
- "rules": "Rules",
- "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board",
- "search-example": "Text to search for?",
- "select-color": "اختيار اللون",
- "set-wip-limit-value": "Set a limit for the maximum number of tasks in this list",
- "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Set WIP Limit",
- "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself to current card",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "الإكمال التلقائي للرموز التعبيرية",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "الإكمال التلقائي لأسماء الأعضاء",
- "shortcut-clear-filters": "مسح التصفيات",
- "shortcut-close-dialog": "غلق النافذة",
- "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "تصفية بطاقاتي",
- "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "عرض قائمة الإختصارات ،تلك",
- "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar",
- "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "إظهار-إخفاء الشريط الجانبي للوحة",
- "show-cards-minimum-count": "إظهار عدد البطاقات إذا كانت القائمة تتضمن أكثر من",
- "sidebar-open": "فتح الشريط الجانبي",
- "sidebar-close": "إغلاق الشريط الجانبي",
- "signupPopup-title": "إنشاء حساب",
- "star-board-title": "اضغط لإضافة هذه اللوحة إلى المفضلة . سوف يتم إظهارها على رأس بقية اللوحات.",
- "starred-boards": "اللوحات المفضلة",
- "starred-boards-description": "تعرض اللوحات المفضلة على رأس بقية اللوحات.",
- "subscribe": "اشتراك و متابعة",
- "team": "فريق",
- "this-board": "هذه اللوحة",
- "this-card": "هذه البطاقة",
- "spent-time-hours": "Spent time (hours)",
- "overtime-hours": "Overtime (hours)",
- "overtime": "Overtime",
- "has-overtime-cards": "Has overtime cards",
- "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time cards",
- "time": "الوقت",
- "title": "عنوان",
- "tracking": "تتبع",
- "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
- "type": "Type",
- "unassign-member": "إلغاء تعيين العضو",
- "unsaved-description": "لديك وصف غير محفوظ",
- "unwatch": "غير مُشاهد",
- "upload": "Upload",
- "upload-avatar": "رفع صورة شخصية",
- "uploaded-avatar": "تم رفع الصورة الشخصية",
- "username": "اسم المستخدم",
- "view-it": "شاهدها",
- "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Archive",
- "watch": "مُشاهد",
- "watching": "مشاهدة",
- "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
- "welcome-board": "لوحة التّرحيب",
- "welcome-swimlane": "Milestone 1",
- "welcome-list1": "المبادئ",
- "welcome-list2": "متقدم",
- "card-templates-swimlane": "Card Templates",
- "list-templates-swimlane": "List Templates",
- "board-templates-swimlane": "Board Templates",
- "what-to-do": "ماذا تريد أن تنجز?",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks in this list is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please move some tasks out of this list, or set a higher WIP limit.",
- "admin-panel": "لوحة التحكم",
- "settings": "الإعدادات",
- "people": "الناس",
- "registration": "تسجيل",
- "disable-self-registration": "Disable Self-Registration",
- "invite": "دعوة",
- "invite-people": "الناس المدعوين",
- "to-boards": "إلى اللوحات",
- "email-addresses": "عناوين البريد الإلكتروني",
- "smtp-host-description": "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.",
- "smtp-port-description": "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.",
- "smtp-tls-description": "تفعيل دعم TLS من اجل خادم SMTP",
- "smtp-host": "مضيف SMTP",
- "smtp-port": "منفذ SMTP",
- "smtp-username": "اسم المستخدم",
- "smtp-password": "كلمة المرور",
- "smtp-tls": "دعم التي ال سي",
- "send-from": "من",
- "send-smtp-test": "Send a test email to yourself",
- "invitation-code": "رمز الدعوة",
- "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ أرسل دعوة لك",
- "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email",
- "email-smtp-test-text": "You have successfully sent an email",
- "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "رمز الدعوة غير موجود",
- "error-notAuthorized": "أنتَ لا تملك الصلاحيات لرؤية هذه الصفحة.",
- "webhook-title": "Webhook Name",
- "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)",
- "outgoing-webhooks": "الويبهوك الصادرة",
- "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks",
- "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "الويبهوك الصادرة",
- "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Card Title Filter",
- "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook",
- "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks",
- "new-outgoing-webhook": "ويبهوك جديدة ",
- "no-name": "(غير معروف)",
- "Node_version": "إصدار النود",
- "Meteor_version": "Meteor version",
- "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version",
- "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine",
- "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled",
- "OS_Arch": "معمارية نظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Cpus": "استهلاك وحدة المعالجة المركزية لنظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Freemem": "الذاكرة الحرة لنظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Loadavg": "متوسط حمل نظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Platform": "منصة نظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Release": "إصدار نظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Totalmem": "الذاكرة الكلية لنظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Type": "نوع نظام التشغيل",
- "OS_Uptime": "مدة تشغيل نظام التشغيل",
- "days": "days",
- "hours": "الساعات",
- "minutes": "الدقائق",
- "seconds": "الثواني",
- "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card",
- "automatically-field-on-card": "Auto create field to all cards",
- "showLabel-field-on-card": "Show field label on minicard",
- "yes": "نعم",
- "no": "لا",
- "accounts": "الحسابات",
- "accounts-allowEmailChange": "السماح بتغيير البريد الإلكتروني",
- "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change",
- "createdAt": "Created at",
- "verified": "Verified",
- "active": "Active",
- "card-received": "Received",
- "card-received-on": "Received on",
- "card-end": "End",
- "card-end-on": "Ends on",
- "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Change received date",
- "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Change end date",
- "setCardColorPopup-title": "Set color",
- "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "setListColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "assigned-by": "Assigned By",
- "requested-by": "Requested By",
- "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
- "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
- "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?",
- "delete-board": "Delete Board",
- "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board",
- "default": "Default",
- "queue": "Queue",
- "subtask-settings": "Subtasks Settings",
- "card-settings": "Card Settings",
- "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Board Subtasks Settings",
- "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Card Settings",
- "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:",
- "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:",
- "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:",
- "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path",
- "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent",
- "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path",
- "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent",
- "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent",
- "parent-card": "Parent card",
- "source-board": "Source board",
- "no-parent": "Don't show parent",
- "activity-added-label": "added label '%s' to %s",
- "activity-removed-label": "removed label '%s' from %s",
- "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an attachment from %s",
- "activity-added-label-card": "added label '%s'",
- "activity-removed-label-card": "removed label '%s'",
- "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an attachment",
- "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s",
- "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s",
- "r-rule": "Rule",
- "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger",
- "r-add-action": "Add action",
- "r-board-rules": "Board rules",
- "r-add-rule": "Add rule",
- "r-view-rule": "View rule",
- "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule",
- "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title",
- "r-no-rules": "No rules",
- "r-when-a-card": "When a card",
- "r-is": "is",
- "r-is-moved": "is moved",
- "r-added-to": "added to",
- "r-removed-from": "Removed from",
- "r-the-board": "the board",
- "r-list": "list",
- "set-filter": "Set Filter",
- "r-moved-to": "Moved to",
- "r-moved-from": "Moved from",
- "r-archived": "Moved to Archive",
- "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive",
- "r-a-card": "a card",
- "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is",
- "r-when-the-label": "When the label",
- "r-list-name": "list name",
- "r-when-a-member": "When a member is",
- "r-when-the-member": "When the member",
- "r-name": "name",
- "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment",
- "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is",
- "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist",
- "r-completed": "Completed",
- "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete",
- "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is",
- "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item",
- "r-checked": "Checked",
- "r-unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "r-move-card-to": "Move card to",
- "r-top-of": "Top of",
- "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of",
- "r-its-list": "its list",
- "r-archive": "نقل الى الارشيف",
- "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive",
- "r-card": "card",
- "r-add": "أضف",
- "r-remove": "Remove",
- "r-label": "label",
- "r-member": "member",
- "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card",
- "r-set-color": "Set color to",
- "r-checklist": "checklist",
- "r-check-all": "Check all",
- "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all",
- "r-items-check": "items of checklist",
- "r-check": "Check",
- "r-uncheck": "Uncheck",
- "r-item": "item",
- "r-of-checklist": "of checklist",
- "r-send-email": "Send an email",
- "r-to": "to",
- "r-subject": "subject",
- "r-rule-details": "Rule details",
- "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Move card to top of its list",
- "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Move card to top of list",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Move card to bottom of its list",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Move card to bottom of list",
- "r-d-send-email": "Send email",
- "r-d-send-email-to": "to",
- "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject",
- "r-d-send-email-message": "message",
- "r-d-archive": "Move card to Archive",
- "r-d-unarchive": "Restore card from Archive",
- "r-d-add-label": "Add label",
- "r-d-remove-label": "Remove label",
- "r-create-card": "Create new card",
- "r-in-list": "in list",
- "r-in-swimlane": "in swimlane",
- "r-d-add-member": "Add member",
- "r-d-remove-member": "Remove member",
- "r-d-remove-all-member": "Remove all member",
- "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list",
- "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list",
- "r-d-check-one": "Check item",
- "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item",
- "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist",
- "r-d-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
- "r-d-remove-checklist": "Remove checklist",
- "r-by": "by",
- "r-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
- "r-with-items": "with items",
- "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3",
- "r-add-swimlane": "Add swimlane",
- "r-swimlane-name": "swimlane name",
- "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.",
- "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.",
- "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list",
- "r-set": "Set",
- "r-update": "Update",
- "r-datefield": "date field",
- "r-df-start-at": "start",
- "r-df-due-at": "due",
- "r-df-end-at": "end",
- "r-df-received-at": "received",
- "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time",
- "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from",
- "ldap": "LDAP",
- "oauth2": "OAuth2",
- "cas": "CAS",
- "authentication-method": "Authentication method",
- "authentication-type": "Authentication type",
- "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name",
- "layout": "Layout",
- "hide-logo": "Hide Logo",
- "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after <body> start",
- "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before </body> end",
- "error-undefined": "Something went wrong",
- "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login",
- "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method",
- "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method",
- "duplicate-board": "Duplicate Board",
- "people-number": "The number of people is:",
- "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Delete Swimlane ?",
- "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.",
- "restore-all": "Restore all",
- "delete-all": "Delete all",
- "loading": "Loading, please wait.",
- "previous_as": "last time was",
- "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__",
- "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be",
- "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be",
- "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be",
- "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be",
- "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching",
- "pastdue": "current due time %s is past",
- "duenow": "current due time %s is today",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
- "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching",
- "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past",
- "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now",
- "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
- "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.",
- "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account",
- "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text",
- "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles",
- "assignee": "Assignee",
- "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Assignee",
- "addmore-detail": "Add a more detailed description",
- "show-on-card": "Show on Card",
- "new": "New",
- "editUserPopup-title": "Edit User",
- "newUserPopup-title": "New User",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "view-all": "View All",
- "filter-by-unread": "Filter by Unread",
- "mark-all-as-read": "Mark all as read",
- "remove-all-read": "Remove all read",
- "allow-rename": "Allow Rename",
- "allowRenamePopup-title": "Allow Rename"
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ "accept": "قبول",
+ "act-activity-notify": "اشعارات النشاط",
+ "act-addAttachment": "added attachment __attachment__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-deleteAttachment": "deleted attachment __attachment__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addSubtask": "added subtask __subtask__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addedLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removedLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addChecklist": "added checklist __checklist__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addChecklistItem": "added checklist item __checklistItem__ to checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklist": "removed checklist __checklist__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklistItem": "removed checklist item __checklistItem__ from checklist __checkList__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-checkedItem": "checked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-uncheckedItem": "unchecked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-completeChecklist": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-uncompleteChecklist": "uncompleted checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addComment": "commented on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-editComment": "edited comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-deleteComment": "deleted comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-createBoard": "created board __board__",
+ "act-createSwimlane": "created swimlane __swimlane__ to board __board__",
+ "act-createCard": "created card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
+ "act-deleteCustomField": "deleted custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
+ "act-setCustomField": "edited custom field __customField__: __customFieldValue__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-createList": "added list __list__ to board __board__",
+ "act-addBoardMember": "added member __member__ to board __board__",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "Board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedCard": "Card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedList": "List __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedSwimlane": "Swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-importBoard": "imported board __board__",
+ "act-importCard": "imported card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-importList": "imported list __list__ to swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-joinMember": "added member __member__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__",
+ "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "moved card __card__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ at board __oldBoard__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "removed member __member__ from board __board__",
+ "act-restoredCard": "restored card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "removed member __member__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-withBoardTitle": "__لوح__",
+ "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
+ "actions": "الإجراءات",
+ "activities": "الأنشطة",
+ "activity": "النشاط",
+ "activity-added": "تمت إضافة %s ل %s",
+ "activity-archived": "%s انتقل الى الارشيف",
+ "activity-attached": "إرفاق %s ل %s",
+ "activity-created": "أنشأ %s",
+ "activity-customfield-created": "%s احدت حقل مخصص",
+ "activity-excluded": "استبعاد %s عن %s",
+ "activity-imported": "imported %s into %s from %s",
+ "activity-imported-board": "imported %s from %s",
+ "activity-joined": "انضم %s",
+ "activity-moved": "تم نقل %s من %s إلى %s",
+ "activity-on": "على %s",
+ "activity-removed": "حذف %s إلى %s",
+ "activity-sent": "إرسال %s إلى %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "غادر %s",
+ "activity-subtask-added": "تم اضافة مهمة فرعية الى %s",
+ "activity-checked-item": "تحقق %s في قائمة التحقق %s من %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item": "ازالة تحقق %s من قائمة التحقق %s من %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "أضاف قائمة تحقق إلى %s",
+ "activity-checklist-removed": "ازالة قائمة التحقق من %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "لم يتم انجاز قائمة التحقق %s من %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-added": "تم اضافة عنصر قائمة التحقق الى '%s' في %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-removed": "تم ازالة عنصر قائمة التحقق الى '%s' في %s",
+ "add": "أضف",
+ "activity-checked-item-card": "checked %s in checklist %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item-card": "unchecked %s in checklist %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed-card": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "uncompleted the checklist %s",
+ "activity-editComment": "edited comment %s",
+ "activity-deleteComment": "تعليق محذوف %s",
+ "add-attachment": "إضافة مرفق",
+ "add-board": "إضافة لوحة",
+ "add-card": "إضافة بطاقة",
+ "add-swimlane": "Add Swimlane",
+ "add-subtask": "إضافة مهمة فرعية",
+ "add-checklist": "إضافة قائمة تدقيق",
+ "add-checklist-item": "إضافة عنصر إلى قائمة التحقق",
+ "add-cover": "إضافة غلاف",
+ "add-label": "إضافة ملصق",
+ "add-list": "إضافة قائمة",
+ "add-members": "تعيين أعضاء",
+ "added": "أُضيف",
+ "addMemberPopup-title": "الأعضاء",
+ "admin": "المدير",
+ "admin-desc": "إمكانية مشاهدة و تعديل و حذف أعضاء ، و تعديل إعدادات اللوحة أيضا.",
+ "admin-announcement": "إعلان",
+ "admin-announcement-active": "Active System-Wide Announcement",
+ "admin-announcement-title": "Announcement from Administrator",
+ "all-boards": "كل اللوحات",
+ "and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other بطاقة",
+ "and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other بطاقات",
+ "apply": "طبق",
+ "app-is-offline": "Loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If loading does not work, please check that server has not stopped.",
+ "archive": "نقل الى الارشيف",
+ "archive-all": "نقل الكل الى الارشيف",
+ "archive-board": "نقل اللوح الى الارشيف",
+ "archive-card": "نقل البطاقة الى الارشيف",
+ "archive-list": "نقل القائمة الى الارشيف",
+ "archive-swimlane": "نقل خط السباحة الى الارشيف",
+ "archive-selection": "نقل التحديد إلى الأرشيف",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "نقل الوح إلى الأرشيف",
+ "archived-items": "أرشيف",
+ "archived-boards": "الالواح في الأرشيف",
+ "restore-board": "استعادة اللوحة",
+ "no-archived-boards": "لا توجد لوحات في الأرشيف.",
+ "archives": "أرشيف",
+ "template": "نموذج",
+ "templates": "نماذج",
+ "assign-member": "تعيين عضو",
+ "attached": "أُرفق)",
+ "attachment": "مرفق",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "حذف المرق هو حذف نهائي . لا يمكن التراجع إذا حذف.",
+ "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "تريد حذف المرفق ?",
+ "attachments": "المرفقات",
+ "auto-watch": "مراقبة لوحات تلقائيا عندما يتم إنشاؤها",
+ "avatar-too-big": "الصورة الرمزية كبيرة جدا (70 كيلوبايت كحد أقصى)",
+ "back": "رجوع",
+ "board-change-color": "تغيير اللومr",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s نجوم",
+ "board-not-found": "لوحة مفقودة",
+ "board-private-info": "سوف تصبح هذه اللوحة <strong>خاصة</strong>",
+ "board-public-info": "سوف تصبح هذه اللوحة <strong>عامّة</strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "تعديل خلفية الشاشة",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "إعادة تسمية اللوحة",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "تعديل وضوح الرؤية",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "تغيير المتابعة",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "Board Settings",
+ "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "عرض اللوحات",
+ "boards": "لوحات",
+ "board-view": "عرض اللوحات",
+ "board-view-cal": "التقويم",
+ "board-view-swimlanes": "خطوط السباحة",
+ "board-view-collapse": "Collapse",
+ "board-view-lists": "القائمات",
+ "bucket-example": "مثل « todo list » على سبيل المثال",
+ "cancel": "إلغاء",
+ "card-archived": "البطاقة منقولة الى الارشيف",
+ "board-archived": "اللوحات منقولة الى الارشيف",
+ "card-comments-title": "%s تعليقات لهذه البطاقة",
+ "card-delete-notice": "هذا حذف أبديّ . سوف تفقد كل الإجراءات المنوطة بهذه البطاقة",
+ "card-delete-pop": "سيتم إزالة جميع الإجراءات من تبعات النشاط، وأنك لن تكون قادرا على إعادة فتح البطاقة. لا يوجد التراجع.",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "يمكنك نقل بطاقة إلى الأرشيف لإزالتها من اللوحة والمحافظة على النشاط.",
+ "card-due": "مستحق",
+ "card-due-on": "مستحق في",
+ "card-spent": "امضى وقتا",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "تعديل المرفقات",
+ "card-edit-custom-fields": "تعديل الحقل المعدل",
+ "card-start-voting": "ابدأ التصويت",
+ "card-cancel-voting": "حذف التصويت وجميع الأصوات",
+ "card-edit-labels": "تعديل العلامات",
+ "card-edit-members": "تعديل الأعضاء",
+ "card-labels-title": "تعديل علامات البطاقة.",
+ "card-members-title": "إضافة او حذف أعضاء للبطاقة.",
+ "card-start": "بداية",
+ "card-start-on": "يبدأ في",
+ "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "إرفاق من",
+ "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "تغير التاريخ",
+ "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "تعديل الحقل المعدل",
+ "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "ابدأ تصويت",
+ "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents",
+ "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents",
+ "vote-question": "Voting question",
+ "vote-public": "Public vote",
+ "vote-for-it": "مع",
+ "vote-against": "ضد",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "حذف البطاقة ?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "إجراءات على البطاقة",
+ "cardLabelsPopup-title": "علامات",
+ "cardMembersPopup-title": "أعضاء",
+ "cardMorePopup-title": "المزيد",
+ "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Create template",
+ "cards": "بطاقات",
+ "cards-count": "بطاقات",
+ "casSignIn": "تسجيل الدخول مع CAS",
+ "cardType-card": "بطاقة",
+ "cardType-linkedCard": "البطاقة المرتبطة",
+ "cardType-linkedBoard": "Linked Board",
+ "change": "Change",
+ "change-avatar": "تعديل الصورة الشخصية",
+ "change-password": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
+ "change-permissions": "تعديل الصلاحيات",
+ "change-settings": "تغيير الاعدادات",
+ "changeAvatarPopup-title": "تعديل الصورة الشخصية",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "تغيير اللغة",
+ "changePasswordPopup-title": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
+ "changePermissionsPopup-title": "تعديل الصلاحيات",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "تغيير الاعدادات",
+ "subtasks": "المهمات الفرعية",
+ "checklists": "قوائم التّدقيق",
+ "click-to-star": "اضغط لإضافة اللوحة للمفضلة.",
+ "click-to-unstar": "اضغط لحذف اللوحة من المفضلة.",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "close": "غلق",
+ "close-board": "غلق اللوحة",
+ "close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archive” button from the home header.",
+ "color-black": "black",
+ "color-blue": "blue",
+ "color-crimson": "crimson",
+ "color-darkgreen": "اخضر غامق",
+ "color-gold": "ذهبي",
+ "color-gray": "رمادي",
+ "color-green": "green",
+ "color-indigo": "indigo",
+ "color-lime": "lime",
+ "color-magenta": "magenta",
+ "color-mistyrose": "mistyrose",
+ "color-navy": "navy",
+ "color-orange": "orange",
+ "color-paleturquoise": "paleturquoise",
+ "color-peachpuff": "peachpuff",
+ "color-pink": "pink",
+ "color-plum": "plum",
+ "color-purple": "purple",
+ "color-red": "red",
+ "color-saddlebrown": "saddlebrown",
+ "color-silver": "فضي",
+ "color-sky": "sky",
+ "color-slateblue": "slateblue",
+ "color-white": "أبيض",
+ "color-yellow": "yellow",
+ "unset-color": "Unset",
+ "comment": "تعليق",
+ "comment-placeholder": "أكتب تعليق",
+ "comment-only": "التعليق فقط",
+ "comment-only-desc": "يمكن التعليق على بطاقات فقط.",
+ "no-comments": "لا يوجد تعليقات",
+ "no-comments-desc": "Can not see comments and activities.",
+ "worker": "Worker",
+ "worker-desc": "Can only move cards, assign itself to card and comment.",
+ "computer": "حاسوب",
+ "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete subtask?",
+ "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist?",
+ "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "نسخ رابط البطاقة إلى الحافظة",
+ "linkCardPopup-title": "ربط البطاقة",
+ "searchElementPopup-title": "بحث",
+ "copyCardPopup-title": "نسخ البطاقة",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Copy Checklist Template to Many Cards",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Destination Card Titles and Descriptions in this JSON format",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"First card title\", \"description\":\"First card description\"}, {\"title\":\"Second card title\",\"description\":\"Second card description\"},{\"title\":\"Last card title\",\"description\":\"Last card description\"} ]",
+ "create": "إنشاء",
+ "createBoardPopup-title": "إنشاء لوحة",
+ "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "استيراد لوحة",
+ "createLabelPopup-title": "إنشاء علامة",
+ "createCustomField": "انشاء حقل",
+ "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "انشاء حقل",
+ "current": "الحالي",
+ "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.",
+ "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox",
+ "custom-field-date": "تاريخ",
+ "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(none)",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)",
+ "custom-field-number": "رقم",
+ "custom-field-text": "نص",
+ "custom-fields": "Custom Fields",
+ "date": "تاريخ",
+ "decline": "Decline",
+ "default-avatar": "صورة شخصية افتراضية",
+ "delete": "حذف",
+ "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?",
+ "deleteLabelPopup-title": "حذف العلامة ?",
+ "description": "وصف",
+ "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "تحديد الإجراء على العلامة",
+ "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "تحديد الإجراء على العضو",
+ "discard": "التخلص منها",
+ "done": "Done",
+ "download": "تنزيل",
+ "edit": "تعديل",
+ "edit-avatar": "تعديل الصورة الشخصية",
+ "edit-profile": "تعديل الملف الشخصي",
+ "edit-wip-limit": "Edit WIP Limit",
+ "soft-wip-limit": "Soft WIP Limit",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "تغيير تاريخ البدء",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "تغيير تاريخ الاستحقاق",
+ "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field",
+ "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Change spent time",
+ "editLabelPopup-title": "تعديل العلامة",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "تصحيح الإشعار",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "تعديل الملف الشخصي",
+ "email": "البريد الإلكتروني",
+ "email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-fail": "Sending email failed",
+ "email-fail-text": "Error trying to send email",
+ "email-invalid": "Invalid email",
+ "email-invite": "Invite via Email",
+ "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
+ "email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-resetPassword-subject": "Reset your password on __siteName__",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo reset your password, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-sent": "Email sent",
+ "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "enable-wip-limit": "Enable WIP Limit",
+ "error-board-doesNotExist": "This board does not exist",
+ "error-board-notAdmin": "You need to be admin of this board to do that",
+ "error-board-notAMember": "You need to be a member of this board to do that",
+ "error-json-malformed": "Your text is not valid JSON",
+ "error-json-schema": "Your JSON data does not include the proper information in the correct format",
+ "error-list-doesNotExist": "This list does not exist",
+ "error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
+ "error-user-notAllowSelf": "لا يمكنك دعوة نفسك",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
+ "error-username-taken": "إسم المستخدم مأخوذ مسبقا",
+ "error-email-taken": "البريد الإلكتروني مأخوذ بالفعل",
+ "export-board": "Export board",
+ "sort": "Sort",
+ "sort-desc": "Click to Sort List",
+ "list-sort-by": "Sort the List By:",
+ "list-label-modifiedAt": "Last Access Time",
+ "list-label-title": "Name of the List",
+ "list-label-sort": "Your Manual Order",
+ "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(L)",
+ "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
+ "list-label-short-sort": "(M)",
+ "filter": "تصفية",
+ "filter-cards": "Filter Cards or Lists",
+ "list-filter-label": "Filter List by Title",
+ "filter-clear": "مسح التصفية",
+ "filter-no-label": "لا يوجد ملصق",
+ "filter-no-member": "ليس هناك أي عضو",
+ "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee",
+ "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields",
+ "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists",
+ "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists",
+ "filter-on": "التصفية تشتغل",
+ "filter-on-desc": "أنت بصدد تصفية بطاقات هذه اللوحة. اضغط هنا لتعديل التصفية.",
+ "filter-to-selection": "تصفية بالتحديد",
+ "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter",
+ "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i",
+ "fullname": "الإسم الكامل",
+ "header-logo-title": "الرجوع إلى صفحة اللوحات",
+ "hide-system-messages": "إخفاء رسائل النظام",
+ "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "إنشاء لوحة",
+ "home": "الرئيسية",
+ "import": "Import",
+ "link": "رابط",
+ "import-board": "استيراد لوحة",
+ "import-board-c": "استيراد لوحة",
+ "import-board-title-trello": "Import board from Trello",
+ "import-board-title-wekan": "Import board from previous export",
+ "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
+ "import-sandstorm-warning": "Imported board will delete all existing data on board and replace it with imported board.",
+ "from-trello": "من تريلو",
+ "from-wekan": "From previous export",
+ "import-board-instruction-trello": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text",
+ "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
+ "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
+ "import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here",
+ "import-map-members": "رسم خريطة الأعضاء",
+ "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
+ "import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping",
+ "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select member",
+ "info": "الإصدار",
+ "initials": "أولية",
+ "invalid-date": "تاريخ غير صالح",
+ "invalid-time": "Invalid time",
+ "invalid-user": "Invalid user",
+ "joined": "انضمّ",
+ "just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "اختصار لوحة المفاتيح",
+ "label-create": "إنشاء علامة",
+ "label-default": "%s علامة (افتراضية)",
+ "label-delete-pop": "لا يوجد تراجع. سيؤدي هذا إلى إزالة هذه العلامة من جميع بطاقات والقضاء على تأريخها",
+ "labels": "علامات",
+ "language": "لغة",
+ "last-admin-desc": "لا يمكن تعديل الأدوار لأن ذلك يتطلب صلاحيات المدير.",
+ "leave-board": "مغادرة اللوحة",
+ "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.",
+ "leaveBoardPopup-title": "مغادرة اللوحة ؟",
+ "link-card": "ربط هذه البطاقة",
+ "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Archive",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.",
+ "list-move-cards": "نقل بطاقات هذه القائمة",
+ "list-select-cards": "تحديد بطاقات هذه القائمة",
+ "set-color-list": "Set Color",
+ "listActionPopup-title": "قائمة الإجراءات",
+ "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Swimlane Actions",
+ "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Add a Swimlane below",
+ "listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
+ "listMorePopup-title": "المزيد",
+ "link-list": "رابط إلى هذه القائمة",
+ "list-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the list. There is no undo.",
+ "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
+ "lists": "القائمات",
+ "swimlanes": "خطوط السباحة",
+ "log-out": "تسجيل الخروج",
+ "log-in": "تسجيل الدخول",
+ "loginPopup-title": "تسجيل الدخول",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "أفضليات الأعضاء",
+ "members": "أعضاء",
+ "menu": "القائمة",
+ "move-selection": "Move selection",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "نقل البطاقة",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "التحرك إلى القاع",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "التحرك إلى الأعلى",
+ "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Move selection",
+ "multi-selection": "تحديد أكثر من واحدة",
+ "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on",
+ "muted": "مكتوم",
+ "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
+ "my-boards": "لوحاتي",
+ "name": "اسم",
+ "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Archive.",
+ "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Archive.",
+ "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Archive.",
+ "no-results": "لا توجد نتائج",
+ "normal": "عادي",
+ "normal-desc": "يمكن مشاهدة و تعديل البطاقات. لا يمكن تغيير إعدادات الضبط.",
+ "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet",
+ "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member",
+ "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching",
+ "optional": "اختياري",
+ "or": "or",
+ "page-maybe-private": "قدتكون هذه الصفحة خاصة . قد تستطيع مشاهدتها ب <a href='%s'>تسجيل الدخول</a>.",
+ "page-not-found": "صفحة غير موجودة",
+ "password": "كلمة المرور",
+ "paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)",
+ "participating": "المشاركة",
+ "preview": "Preview",
+ "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Preview",
+ "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Preview",
+ "private": "خاص",
+ "private-desc": "هذه اللوحة خاصة . لا يسمح إلا للأعضاء .",
+ "profile": "ملف شخصي",
+ "public": "عامّ",
+ "public-desc": "هذه اللوحة عامة: مرئية لكلّ من يحصل على الرابط ، و هي مرئية أيضا في محركات البحث مثل جوجل. التعديل مسموح به للأعضاء فقط.",
+ "quick-access-description": "أضف لوحة إلى المفضلة لإنشاء اختصار في هذا الشريط.",
+ "remove-cover": "حذف الغلاف",
+ "remove-from-board": "حذف من اللوحة",
+ "remove-label": "إزالة التصنيف",
+ "listDeletePopup-title": "حذف القائمة ؟",
+ "remove-member": "حذف العضو",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "حذف من البطاقة",
+ "remove-member-pop": "حذف __name__ (__username__) من __boardTitle__ ? سيتم حذف هذا العضو من جميع بطاقة اللوحة مع إرسال إشعار له بذاك.",
+ "removeMemberPopup-title": "حذف العضو ?",
+ "rename": "إعادة التسمية",
+ "rename-board": "إعادة تسمية اللوحة",
+ "restore": "استعادة",
+ "save": "حفظ",
+ "search": "بحث",
+ "rules": "Rules",
+ "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board",
+ "search-example": "Text to search for?",
+ "select-color": "اختيار اللون",
+ "set-wip-limit-value": "Set a limit for the maximum number of tasks in this list",
+ "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Set WIP Limit",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself to current card",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "الإكمال التلقائي للرموز التعبيرية",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "الإكمال التلقائي لأسماء الأعضاء",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "مسح التصفيات",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "غلق النافذة",
+ "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "تصفية بطاقاتي",
+ "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "عرض قائمة الإختصارات ،تلك",
+ "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "إظهار-إخفاء الشريط الجانبي للوحة",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "إظهار عدد البطاقات إذا كانت القائمة تتضمن أكثر من",
+ "sidebar-open": "فتح الشريط الجانبي",
+ "sidebar-close": "إغلاق الشريط الجانبي",
+ "signupPopup-title": "إنشاء حساب",
+ "star-board-title": "اضغط لإضافة هذه اللوحة إلى المفضلة . سوف يتم إظهارها على رأس بقية اللوحات.",
+ "starred-boards": "اللوحات المفضلة",
+ "starred-boards-description": "تعرض اللوحات المفضلة على رأس بقية اللوحات.",
+ "subscribe": "اشتراك و متابعة",
+ "team": "فريق",
+ "this-board": "هذه اللوحة",
+ "this-card": "هذه البطاقة",
+ "spent-time-hours": "Spent time (hours)",
+ "overtime-hours": "وقت اضافي (ساعات)",
+ "overtime": "وقت اضافي",
+ "has-overtime-cards": "Has overtime cards",
+ "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time cards",
+ "time": "الوقت",
+ "title": "عنوان",
+ "tracking": "تتبع",
+ "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
+ "type": "النوع",
+ "unassign-member": "إلغاء تعيين العضو",
+ "unsaved-description": "لديك وصف غير محفوظ",
+ "unwatch": "غير مُشاهد",
+ "upload": "Upload",
+ "upload-avatar": "رفع صورة شخصية",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "تم رفع الصورة الشخصية",
+ "username": "اسم المستخدم",
+ "view-it": "شاهدها",
+ "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Archive",
+ "watch": "مُشاهد",
+ "watching": "مشاهدة",
+ "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
+ "welcome-board": "لوحة التّرحيب",
+ "welcome-swimlane": "Milestone 1",
+ "welcome-list1": "المبادئ",
+ "welcome-list2": "متقدم",
+ "card-templates-swimlane": "Card Templates",
+ "list-templates-swimlane": "List Templates",
+ "board-templates-swimlane": "Board Templates",
+ "what-to-do": "ماذا تريد أن تنجز?",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks in this list is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please move some tasks out of this list, or set a higher WIP limit.",
+ "admin-panel": "لوحة التحكم",
+ "settings": "الإعدادات",
+ "people": "الناس",
+ "registration": "تسجيل",
+ "disable-self-registration": "Disable Self-Registration",
+ "invite": "دعوة",
+ "invite-people": "الناس المدعوين",
+ "to-boards": "إلى اللوحات",
+ "email-addresses": "عناوين البريد الإلكتروني",
+ "smtp-host-description": "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.",
+ "smtp-port-description": "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.",
+ "smtp-tls-description": "تفعيل دعم TLS من اجل خادم SMTP",
+ "smtp-host": "مضيف SMTP",
+ "smtp-port": "منفذ SMTP",
+ "smtp-username": "اسم المستخدم",
+ "smtp-password": "كلمة المرور",
+ "smtp-tls": "دعم التي ال سي",
+ "send-from": "من",
+ "send-smtp-test": "Send a test email to yourself",
+ "invitation-code": "رمز الدعوة",
+ "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ أرسل دعوة لك",
+ "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email",
+ "email-smtp-test-text": "You have successfully sent an email",
+ "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "رمز الدعوة غير موجود",
+ "error-notAuthorized": "أنتَ لا تملك الصلاحيات لرؤية هذه الصفحة.",
+ "webhook-title": "Webhook Name",
+ "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)",
+ "outgoing-webhooks": "الويبهوك الصادرة",
+ "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks",
+ "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "الويبهوك الصادرة",
+ "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Card Title Filter",
+ "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook",
+ "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks",
+ "new-outgoing-webhook": "ويبهوك جديدة ",
+ "no-name": "(غير معروف)",
+ "Node_version": "إصدار النود",
+ "Meteor_version": "Meteor version",
+ "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version",
+ "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine",
+ "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled",
+ "OS_Arch": "معمارية نظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Cpus": "استهلاك وحدة المعالجة المركزية لنظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Freemem": "الذاكرة الحرة لنظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Loadavg": "متوسط حمل نظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Platform": "منصة نظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Release": "إصدار نظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Totalmem": "الذاكرة الكلية لنظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Type": "نوع نظام التشغيل",
+ "OS_Uptime": "مدة تشغيل نظام التشغيل",
+ "days": "أيام",
+ "hours": "الساعات",
+ "minutes": "الدقائق",
+ "seconds": "الثواني",
+ "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card",
+ "automatically-field-on-card": "Auto create field to all cards",
+ "showLabel-field-on-card": "Show field label on minicard",
+ "yes": "نعم",
+ "no": "لا",
+ "accounts": "الحسابات",
+ "accounts-allowEmailChange": "السماح بتغيير البريد الإلكتروني",
+ "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change",
+ "createdAt": "Created at",
+ "verified": "Verified",
+ "active": "نشط",
+ "card-received": "Received",
+ "card-received-on": "Received on",
+ "card-end": "End",
+ "card-end-on": "Ends on",
+ "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Change received date",
+ "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Change end date",
+ "setCardColorPopup-title": "حدد اللون",
+ "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "اختر لوناً",
+ "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "اختر لوناً",
+ "setListColorPopup-title": "اختر لوناً",
+ "assigned-by": "Assigned By",
+ "requested-by": "Requested By",
+ "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
+ "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
+ "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?",
+ "delete-board": "Delete Board",
+ "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board",
+ "default": "Default",
+ "queue": "Queue",
+ "subtask-settings": "Subtasks Settings",
+ "card-settings": "Card Settings",
+ "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Board Subtasks Settings",
+ "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Card Settings",
+ "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:",
+ "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:",
+ "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:",
+ "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path",
+ "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent",
+ "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path",
+ "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent",
+ "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent",
+ "parent-card": "Parent card",
+ "source-board": "Source board",
+ "no-parent": "Don't show parent",
+ "activity-added-label": "added label '%s' to %s",
+ "activity-removed-label": "removed label '%s' from %s",
+ "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an attachment from %s",
+ "activity-added-label-card": "added label '%s'",
+ "activity-removed-label-card": "removed label '%s'",
+ "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an attachment",
+ "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s",
+ "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s",
+ "r-rule": "Rule",
+ "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger",
+ "r-add-action": "Add action",
+ "r-board-rules": "Board rules",
+ "r-add-rule": "Add rule",
+ "r-view-rule": "View rule",
+ "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule",
+ "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title",
+ "r-no-rules": "No rules",
+ "r-when-a-card": "When a card",
+ "r-is": "is",
+ "r-is-moved": "is moved",
+ "r-added-to": "added to",
+ "r-removed-from": "Removed from",
+ "r-the-board": "the board",
+ "r-list": "list",
+ "set-filter": "Set Filter",
+ "r-moved-to": "Moved to",
+ "r-moved-from": "Moved from",
+ "r-archived": "Moved to Archive",
+ "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive",
+ "r-a-card": "a card",
+ "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is",
+ "r-when-the-label": "When the label",
+ "r-list-name": "list name",
+ "r-when-a-member": "When a member is",
+ "r-when-the-member": "When the member",
+ "r-name": "name",
+ "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment",
+ "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is",
+ "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist",
+ "r-completed": "Completed",
+ "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete",
+ "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is",
+ "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item",
+ "r-checked": "Checked",
+ "r-unchecked": "Unchecked",
+ "r-move-card-to": "Move card to",
+ "r-top-of": "Top of",
+ "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of",
+ "r-its-list": "its list",
+ "r-archive": "نقل الى الارشيف",
+ "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive",
+ "r-card": "card",
+ "r-add": "أضف",
+ "r-remove": "Remove",
+ "r-label": "label",
+ "r-member": "member",
+ "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card",
+ "r-set-color": "Set color to",
+ "r-checklist": "checklist",
+ "r-check-all": "Check all",
+ "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all",
+ "r-items-check": "items of checklist",
+ "r-check": "Check",
+ "r-uncheck": "Uncheck",
+ "r-item": "item",
+ "r-of-checklist": "of checklist",
+ "r-send-email": "Send an email",
+ "r-to": "to",
+ "r-subject": "subject",
+ "r-rule-details": "Rule details",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Move card to top of its list",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Move card to top of list",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Move card to bottom of its list",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Move card to bottom of list",
+ "r-d-send-email": "Send email",
+ "r-d-send-email-to": "to",
+ "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject",
+ "r-d-send-email-message": "message",
+ "r-d-archive": "Move card to Archive",
+ "r-d-unarchive": "Restore card from Archive",
+ "r-d-add-label": "Add label",
+ "r-d-remove-label": "Remove label",
+ "r-create-card": "Create new card",
+ "r-in-list": "in list",
+ "r-in-swimlane": "in swimlane",
+ "r-d-add-member": "Add member",
+ "r-d-remove-member": "Remove member",
+ "r-d-remove-all-member": "Remove all member",
+ "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list",
+ "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list",
+ "r-d-check-one": "Check item",
+ "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item",
+ "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist",
+ "r-d-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
+ "r-d-remove-checklist": "Remove checklist",
+ "r-by": "by",
+ "r-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
+ "r-with-items": "with items",
+ "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3",
+ "r-add-swimlane": "Add swimlane",
+ "r-swimlane-name": "swimlane name",
+ "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.",
+ "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.",
+ "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list",
+ "r-set": "Set",
+ "r-update": "Update",
+ "r-datefield": "date field",
+ "r-df-start-at": "start",
+ "r-df-due-at": "due",
+ "r-df-end-at": "end",
+ "r-df-received-at": "received",
+ "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time",
+ "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from",
+ "ldap": "LDAP",
+ "oauth2": "OAuth2",
+ "cas": "CAS",
+ "authentication-method": "Authentication method",
+ "authentication-type": "Authentication type",
+ "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name",
+ "layout": "Layout",
+ "hide-logo": "Hide Logo",
+ "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after <body> start",
+ "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before </body> end",
+ "error-undefined": "Something went wrong",
+ "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login",
+ "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method",
+ "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method",
+ "duplicate-board": "Duplicate Board",
+ "people-number": "The number of people is:",
+ "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Delete Swimlane ?",
+ "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.",
+ "restore-all": "Restore all",
+ "delete-all": "Delete all",
+ "loading": "Loading, please wait.",
+ "previous_as": "last time was",
+ "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__",
+ "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be",
+ "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be",
+ "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be",
+ "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be",
+ "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching",
+ "pastdue": "current due time %s is past",
+ "duenow": "current due time %s is today",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
+ "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching",
+ "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past",
+ "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now",
+ "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
+ "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.",
+ "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account",
+ "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text",
+ "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles",
+ "assignee": "Assignee",
+ "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Assignee",
+ "addmore-detail": "Add a more detailed description",
+ "show-on-card": "Show on Card",
+ "new": "New",
+ "editUserPopup-title": "Edit User",
+ "newUserPopup-title": "New User",
+ "notifications": "Notifications",
+ "view-all": "View All",
+ "filter-by-unread": "Filter by Unread",
+ "mark-all-as-read": "Mark all as read",
+ "remove-all-read": "Remove all read",
+ "allow-rename": "Allow Rename",
+ "allowRenamePopup-title": "Allow Rename"
diff --git a/i18n/da.i18n.json b/i18n/da.i18n.json
index 222f1053..766b7976 100644
--- a/i18n/da.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/da.i18n.json
@@ -1,780 +1,780 @@
- "accept": "Accepter",
- "act-activity-notify": "Activity Notification",
- "act-addAttachment": "added attachment __attachment__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteAttachment": "deleted attachment __attachment__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addSubtask": "added subtask __subtask__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addedLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removedLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklist": "added checklist __checklist__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklistItem": "added checklist item __checklistItem__ to checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklist": "removed checklist __checklist__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklistItem": "removed checklist item __checklistItem__ from checklist __checkList__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-checkedItem": "checked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncheckedItem": "unchecked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-completeChecklist": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncompleteChecklist": "uncompleted checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addComment": "commented on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-editComment": "edited comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteComment": "deleted comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createBoard": "created board __board__",
- "act-createSwimlane": "created swimlane __swimlane__ to board __board__",
- "act-createCard": "created card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteCustomField": "deleted custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
- "act-setCustomField": "edited custom field __customField__: __customFieldValue__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createList": "added list __list__ to board __board__",
- "act-addBoardMember": "added member __member__ to board __board__",
- "act-archivedBoard": "Board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedCard": "Card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedList": "List __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedSwimlane": "Swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-importBoard": "imported board __board__",
- "act-importCard": "imported card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-importList": "imported list __list__ to swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-joinMember": "added member __member__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__",
- "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "moved card __card__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ at board __oldBoard__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeBoardMember": "removed member __member__ from board __board__",
- "act-restoredCard": "restored card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "removed member __member__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
- "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "activities": "Activities",
- "activity": "Activity",
- "activity-added": "added %s to %s",
- "activity-archived": "%s moved to Archive",
- "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s",
- "activity-created": "created %s",
- "activity-customfield-created": "created custom field %s",
- "activity-excluded": "excluded %s from %s",
- "activity-imported": "imported %s into %s from %s",
- "activity-imported-board": "imported %s from %s",
- "activity-joined": "joined %s",
- "activity-moved": "moved %s from %s to %s",
- "activity-on": "on %s",
- "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s",
- "activity-sent": "sent %s to %s",
- "activity-unjoined": "unjoined %s",
- "activity-subtask-added": "added subtask to %s",
- "activity-checked-item": "checked %s in checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item": "unchecked %s in checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
- "activity-checklist-removed": "removed a checklist from %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "uncompleted the checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-added": "added checklist item to '%s' in %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-removed": "removed a checklist item from '%s' in %s",
- "add": "Add",
- "activity-checked-item-card": "checked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item-card": "unchecked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed-card": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "uncompleted the checklist %s",
- "activity-editComment": "edited comment %s",
- "activity-deleteComment": "deleted comment %s",
- "add-attachment": "Add Attachment",
- "add-board": "Add Board",
- "add-card": "Add Card",
- "add-swimlane": "Add Swimlane",
- "add-subtask": "Add Subtask",
- "add-checklist": "Add Checklist",
- "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
- "add-cover": "Add Cover",
- "add-label": "Add Label",
- "add-list": "Add List",
- "add-members": "Add Members",
- "added": "Added",
- "addMemberPopup-title": "Members",
- "admin": "Admin",
- "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.",
- "admin-announcement": "Announcement",
- "admin-announcement-active": "Active System-Wide Announcement",
- "admin-announcement-title": "Announcement from Administrator",
- "all-boards": "All boards",
- "and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other card",
- "and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other cards",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "app-is-offline": "Loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If loading does not work, please check that server has not stopped.",
- "archive": "Move to Archive",
- "archive-all": "Move All to Archive",
- "archive-board": "Move Board to Archive",
- "archive-card": "Move Card to Archive",
- "archive-list": "Move List to Archive",
- "archive-swimlane": "Move Swimlane to Archive",
- "archive-selection": "Move selection to Archive",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Move Board to Archive?",
- "archived-items": "Archive",
- "archived-boards": "Boards in Archive",
- "restore-board": "Restore Board",
- "no-archived-boards": "No Boards in Archive.",
- "archives": "Archive",
- "template": "Template",
- "templates": "Templates",
- "assign-member": "Assign member",
- "attached": "attached",
- "attachment": "Attachment",
- "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.",
- "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?",
- "attachments": "Attachments",
- "auto-watch": "Automatically watch boards when they are created",
- "avatar-too-big": "The avatar is too large (70KB max)",
- "back": "Back",
- "board-change-color": "Change color",
- "board-nb-stars": "%s stars",
- "board-not-found": "Board not found",
- "board-private-info": "This board will be <strong>private</strong>.",
- "board-public-info": "This board will be <strong>public</strong>.",
- "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Change Board Background",
- "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board",
- "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Change Visibility",
- "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Change Watch",
- "boardMenuPopup-title": "Board Settings",
- "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "Board View",
- "boards": "Boards",
- "board-view": "Board View",
- "board-view-cal": "Calendar",
- "board-view-swimlanes": "Swimlanes",
- "board-view-collapse": "Collapse",
- "board-view-lists": "Lists",
- "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "card-archived": "This card is moved to Archive.",
- "board-archived": "This board is moved to Archive.",
- "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.",
- "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.",
- "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo.",
- "card-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a card to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
- "card-due": "Due",
- "card-due-on": "Due on",
- "card-spent": "Spent Time",
- "card-edit-attachments": "Edit attachments",
- "card-edit-custom-fields": "Edit custom fields",
- "card-start-voting": "Start voting",
- "card-cancel-voting": "Delete voting and all votes",
- "card-edit-labels": "Edit labels",
- "card-edit-members": "Edit members",
- "card-labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.",
- "card-members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.",
- "card-start": "Start",
- "card-start-on": "Starts on",
- "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From",
- "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Change date",
- "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Edit custom fields",
- "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Start a vote",
- "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents",
- "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents",
- "vote-question": "Voting question",
- "vote-public": "Public vote",
- "vote-for-it": "for it",
- "vote-against": "against",
- "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?",
- "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Card Actions",
- "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels",
- "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members",
- "cardMorePopup-title": "More",
- "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Create template",
- "cards": "Cards",
- "cards-count": "Cards",
- "casSignIn": "Sign In with CAS",
- "cardType-card": "Card",
- "cardType-linkedCard": "Linked Card",
- "cardType-linkedBoard": "Linked Board",
- "change": "Change",
- "change-avatar": "Change Avatar",
- "change-password": "Change Password",
- "change-permissions": "Change permissions",
- "change-settings": "Change Settings",
- "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Change Avatar",
- "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language",
- "changePasswordPopup-title": "Change Password",
- "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Change Settings",
- "subtasks": "Subtasks",
- "checklists": "Checklists",
- "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
- "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
- "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
- "close": "Close",
- "close-board": "Close Board",
- "close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archive” button from the home header.",
- "color-black": "black",
- "color-blue": "blue",
- "color-crimson": "crimson",
- "color-darkgreen": "darkgreen",
- "color-gold": "gold",
- "color-gray": "gray",
- "color-green": "green",
- "color-indigo": "indigo",
- "color-lime": "lime",
- "color-magenta": "magenta",
- "color-mistyrose": "mistyrose",
- "color-navy": "navy",
- "color-orange": "orange",
- "color-paleturquoise": "paleturquoise",
- "color-peachpuff": "peachpuff",
- "color-pink": "pink",
- "color-plum": "plum",
- "color-purple": "purple",
- "color-red": "red",
- "color-saddlebrown": "saddlebrown",
- "color-silver": "silver",
- "color-sky": "sky",
- "color-slateblue": "slateblue",
- "color-white": "white",
- "color-yellow": "yellow",
- "unset-color": "Unset",
- "comment": "Comment",
- "comment-placeholder": "Write Comment",
- "comment-only": "Comment only",
- "comment-only-desc": "Can comment on cards only.",
- "no-comments": "No comments",
- "no-comments-desc": "Can not see comments and activities.",
- "worker": "Worker",
- "worker-desc": "Can only move cards, assign itself to card and comment.",
- "computer": "Computer",
- "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete subtask?",
- "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist?",
- "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Copy card link to clipboard",
- "linkCardPopup-title": "Link Card",
- "searchElementPopup-title": "Search",
- "copyCardPopup-title": "Copy Card",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Copy Checklist Template to Many Cards",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Destination Card Titles and Descriptions in this JSON format",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"First card title\", \"description\":\"First card description\"}, {\"title\":\"Second card title\",\"description\":\"Second card description\"},{\"title\":\"Last card title\",\"description\":\"Last card description\"} ]",
- "create": "Create",
- "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board",
- "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Import board",
- "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label",
- "createCustomField": "Create Field",
- "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Create Field",
- "current": "current",
- "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.",
- "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox",
- "custom-field-date": "Date",
- "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List",
- "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(none)",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options",
- "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)",
- "custom-field-number": "Number",
- "custom-field-text": "Text",
- "custom-fields": "Custom Fields",
- "date": "Date",
- "decline": "Decline",
- "default-avatar": "Default avatar",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?",
- "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?",
- "description": "Description",
- "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Disambiguate Label Action",
- "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Disambiguate Member Action",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "done": "Done",
- "download": "Download",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "edit-avatar": "Change Avatar",
- "edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
- "edit-wip-limit": "Edit WIP Limit",
- "soft-wip-limit": "Soft WIP Limit",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date",
- "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field",
- "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Change spent time",
- "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification",
- "editProfilePopup-title": "Edit Profile",
- "email": "Email",
- "email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-fail": "Sending email failed",
- "email-fail-text": "Error trying to send email",
- "email-invalid": "Invalid email",
- "email-invite": "Invite via Email",
- "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
- "email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-resetPassword-subject": "Reset your password on __siteName__",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo reset your password, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-sent": "Email sent",
- "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "enable-wip-limit": "Enable WIP Limit",
- "error-board-doesNotExist": "This board does not exist",
- "error-board-notAdmin": "You need to be admin of this board to do that",
- "error-board-notAMember": "You need to be a member of this board to do that",
- "error-json-malformed": "Your text is not valid JSON",
- "error-json-schema": "Your JSON data does not include the proper information in the correct format",
- "error-list-doesNotExist": "This list does not exist",
- "error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
- "error-user-notAllowSelf": "You can not invite yourself",
- "error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
- "error-username-taken": "This username is already taken",
- "error-email-taken": "Email has already been taken",
- "export-board": "Export board",
- "sort": "Sort",
- "sort-desc": "Click to Sort List",
- "list-sort-by": "Sort the List By:",
- "list-label-modifiedAt": "Last Access Time",
- "list-label-title": "Name of the List",
- "list-label-sort": "Your Manual Order",
- "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(L)",
- "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
- "list-label-short-sort": "(M)",
- "filter": "Filter",
- "filter-cards": "Filter Cards or Lists",
- "list-filter-label": "Filter List by Title",
- "filter-clear": "Clear filter",
- "filter-no-label": "No label",
- "filter-no-member": "No member",
- "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee",
- "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields",
- "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists",
- "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists",
- "filter-on": "Filter is on",
- "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.",
- "filter-to-selection": "Filter to selection",
- "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter",
- "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i",
- "fullname": "Full Name",
- "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.",
- "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages",
- "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Create Board",
- "home": "Home",
- "import": "Import",
- "link": "Link",
- "import-board": "import board",
- "import-board-c": "Import board",
- "import-board-title-trello": "Import board from Trello",
- "import-board-title-wekan": "Import board from previous export",
- "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
- "import-sandstorm-warning": "Imported board will delete all existing data on board and replace it with imported board.",
- "from-trello": "From Trello",
- "from-wekan": "From previous export",
- "import-board-instruction-trello": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text.",
- "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
- "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
- "import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here",
- "import-map-members": "Map members",
- "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
- "import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping",
- "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select member",
- "info": "Version",
- "initials": "Initials",
- "invalid-date": "Invalid date",
- "invalid-time": "Invalid time",
- "invalid-user": "Invalid user",
- "joined": "joined",
- "just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
- "keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "label-create": "Create Label",
- "label-default": "%s label (default)",
- "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.",
- "labels": "Labels",
- "language": "Language",
- "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.",
- "leave-board": "Leave Board",
- "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.",
- "leaveBoardPopup-title": "Leave Board ?",
- "link-card": "Link to this card",
- "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Archive",
- "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.",
- "list-move-cards": "Move all cards in this list",
- "list-select-cards": "Select all cards in this list",
- "set-color-list": "Set Color",
- "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions",
- "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Swimlane Actions",
- "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Add a Swimlane below",
- "listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
- "listMorePopup-title": "More",
- "link-list": "Link to this list",
- "list-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the list. There is no undo.",
- "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
- "lists": "Lists",
- "swimlanes": "Swimlanes",
- "log-out": "Log Out",
- "log-in": "Log In",
- "loginPopup-title": "Log In",
- "memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
- "members": "Members",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "move-selection": "Move selection",
- "moveCardPopup-title": "Move Card",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top",
- "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Move selection",
- "multi-selection": "Multi-Selection",
- "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on",
- "muted": "Muted",
- "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
- "my-boards": "My Boards",
- "name": "Name",
- "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Archive.",
- "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Archive.",
- "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Archive.",
- "no-results": "No results",
- "normal": "Normal",
- "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.",
- "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet",
- "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member",
- "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching",
- "optional": "optional",
- "or": "or",
- "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by <a href='%s'>logging in</a>.",
- "page-not-found": "Page not found.",
- "password": "Password",
- "paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)",
- "participating": "Participating",
- "preview": "Preview",
- "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Preview",
- "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Preview",
- "private": "Private",
- "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "public": "Public",
- "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.",
- "quick-access-description": "Star a board to add a shortcut in this bar.",
- "remove-cover": "Remove Cover",
- "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board",
- "remove-label": "Remove Label",
- "listDeletePopup-title": "Delete List ?",
- "remove-member": "Remove Member",
- "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card",
- "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.",
- "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?",
- "rename": "Rename",
- "rename-board": "Rename Board",
- "restore": "Restore",
- "save": "Save",
- "search": "Search",
- "rules": "Rules",
- "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board",
- "search-example": "Text to search for?",
- "select-color": "Select Color",
- "set-wip-limit-value": "Set a limit for the maximum number of tasks in this list",
- "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Set WIP Limit",
- "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself to current card",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete members",
- "shortcut-clear-filters": "Clear all filters",
- "shortcut-close-dialog": "Close Dialog",
- "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filter my cards",
- "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Bring up this shortcuts list",
- "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar",
- "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle Board Sidebar",
- "show-cards-minimum-count": "Show cards count if list contains more than",
- "sidebar-open": "Open Sidebar",
- "sidebar-close": "Close Sidebar",
- "signupPopup-title": "Create an Account",
- "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.",
- "starred-boards": "Starred Boards",
- "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.",
- "subscribe": "Subscribe",
- "team": "Team",
- "this-board": "this board",
- "this-card": "this card",
- "spent-time-hours": "Spent time (hours)",
- "overtime-hours": "Overtime (hours)",
- "overtime": "Overtime",
- "has-overtime-cards": "Has overtime cards",
- "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time cards",
- "time": "Time",
- "title": "Title",
- "tracking": "Tracking",
- "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
- "type": "Type",
- "unassign-member": "Unassign member",
- "unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.",
- "unwatch": "Unwatch",
- "upload": "Upload",
- "upload-avatar": "Upload an avatar",
- "uploaded-avatar": "Uploaded an avatar",
- "username": "Username",
- "view-it": "View it",
- "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Archive",
- "watch": "Watch",
- "watching": "Watching",
- "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
- "welcome-board": "Welcome Board",
- "welcome-swimlane": "Milestone 1",
- "welcome-list1": "Basics",
- "welcome-list2": "Advanced",
- "card-templates-swimlane": "Card Templates",
- "list-templates-swimlane": "List Templates",
- "board-templates-swimlane": "Board Templates",
- "what-to-do": "What do you want to do?",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks in this list is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please move some tasks out of this list, or set a higher WIP limit.",
- "admin-panel": "Admin Panel",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "people": "People",
- "registration": "Registration",
- "disable-self-registration": "Disable Self-Registration",
- "invite": "Invite",
- "invite-people": "Invite People",
- "to-boards": "To board(s)",
- "email-addresses": "Email Addresses",
- "smtp-host-description": "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.",
- "smtp-port-description": "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.",
- "smtp-tls-description": "Enable TLS support for SMTP server",
- "smtp-host": "SMTP Host",
- "smtp-port": "SMTP Port",
- "smtp-username": "Username",
- "smtp-password": "Password",
- "smtp-tls": "TLS support",
- "send-from": "From",
- "send-smtp-test": "Send a test email to yourself",
- "invitation-code": "Invitation Code",
- "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
- "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email",
- "email-smtp-test-text": "You have successfully sent an email",
- "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "Invitation code doesn't exist",
- "error-notAuthorized": "You are not authorized to view this page.",
- "webhook-title": "Webhook Name",
- "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)",
- "outgoing-webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks",
- "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks",
- "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Outgoing Webhooks",
- "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Card Title Filter",
- "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook",
- "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks",
- "new-outgoing-webhook": "New Outgoing Webhook",
- "no-name": "(Unknown)",
- "Node_version": "Node version",
- "Meteor_version": "Meteor version",
- "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version",
- "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine",
- "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled",
- "OS_Arch": "OS Arch",
- "OS_Cpus": "OS CPU Count",
- "OS_Freemem": "OS Free Memory",
- "OS_Loadavg": "OS Load Average",
- "OS_Platform": "OS Platform",
- "OS_Release": "OS Release",
- "OS_Totalmem": "OS Total Memory",
- "OS_Type": "OS Type",
- "OS_Uptime": "OS Uptime",
- "days": "days",
- "hours": "hours",
- "minutes": "minutes",
- "seconds": "seconds",
- "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card",
- "automatically-field-on-card": "Auto create field to all cards",
- "showLabel-field-on-card": "Show field label on minicard",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "accounts": "Accounts",
- "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Allow Email Change",
- "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change",
- "createdAt": "Created at",
- "verified": "Verified",
- "active": "Active",
- "card-received": "Received",
- "card-received-on": "Received on",
- "card-end": "End",
- "card-end-on": "Ends on",
- "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Change received date",
- "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Change end date",
- "setCardColorPopup-title": "Set color",
- "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "setListColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "assigned-by": "Assigned By",
- "requested-by": "Requested By",
- "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
- "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
- "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?",
- "delete-board": "Delete Board",
- "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board",
- "default": "Default",
- "queue": "Queue",
- "subtask-settings": "Subtasks Settings",
- "card-settings": "Card Settings",
- "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Board Subtasks Settings",
- "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Card Settings",
- "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:",
- "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:",
- "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:",
- "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path",
- "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent",
- "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path",
- "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent",
- "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent",
- "parent-card": "Parent card",
- "source-board": "Source board",
- "no-parent": "Don't show parent",
- "activity-added-label": "added label '%s' to %s",
- "activity-removed-label": "removed label '%s' from %s",
- "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an attachment from %s",
- "activity-added-label-card": "added label '%s'",
- "activity-removed-label-card": "removed label '%s'",
- "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an attachment",
- "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s",
- "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s",
- "r-rule": "Rule",
- "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger",
- "r-add-action": "Add action",
- "r-board-rules": "Board rules",
- "r-add-rule": "Add rule",
- "r-view-rule": "View rule",
- "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule",
- "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title",
- "r-no-rules": "No rules",
- "r-when-a-card": "When a card",
- "r-is": "is",
- "r-is-moved": "is moved",
- "r-added-to": "added to",
- "r-removed-from": "Removed from",
- "r-the-board": "the board",
- "r-list": "list",
- "set-filter": "Set Filter",
- "r-moved-to": "Moved to",
- "r-moved-from": "Moved from",
- "r-archived": "Moved to Archive",
- "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive",
- "r-a-card": "a card",
- "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is",
- "r-when-the-label": "When the label",
- "r-list-name": "list name",
- "r-when-a-member": "When a member is",
- "r-when-the-member": "When the member",
- "r-name": "name",
- "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment",
- "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is",
- "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist",
- "r-completed": "Completed",
- "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete",
- "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is",
- "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item",
- "r-checked": "Checked",
- "r-unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "r-move-card-to": "Move card to",
- "r-top-of": "Top of",
- "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of",
- "r-its-list": "its list",
- "r-archive": "Move to Archive",
- "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive",
- "r-card": "card",
- "r-add": "Add",
- "r-remove": "Remove",
- "r-label": "label",
- "r-member": "member",
- "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card",
- "r-set-color": "Set color to",
- "r-checklist": "checklist",
- "r-check-all": "Check all",
- "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all",
- "r-items-check": "items of checklist",
- "r-check": "Check",
- "r-uncheck": "Uncheck",
- "r-item": "item",
- "r-of-checklist": "of checklist",
- "r-send-email": "Send an email",
- "r-to": "to",
- "r-subject": "subject",
- "r-rule-details": "Rule details",
- "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Move card to top of its list",
- "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Move card to top of list",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Move card to bottom of its list",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Move card to bottom of list",
- "r-d-send-email": "Send email",
- "r-d-send-email-to": "to",
- "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject",
- "r-d-send-email-message": "message",
- "r-d-archive": "Move card to Archive",
- "r-d-unarchive": "Restore card from Archive",
- "r-d-add-label": "Add label",
- "r-d-remove-label": "Remove label",
- "r-create-card": "Create new card",
- "r-in-list": "in list",
- "r-in-swimlane": "in swimlane",
- "r-d-add-member": "Add member",
- "r-d-remove-member": "Remove member",
- "r-d-remove-all-member": "Remove all member",
- "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list",
- "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list",
- "r-d-check-one": "Check item",
- "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item",
- "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist",
- "r-d-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
- "r-d-remove-checklist": "Remove checklist",
- "r-by": "by",
- "r-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
- "r-with-items": "with items",
- "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3",
- "r-add-swimlane": "Add swimlane",
- "r-swimlane-name": "swimlane name",
- "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.",
- "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.",
- "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list",
- "r-set": "Set",
- "r-update": "Update",
- "r-datefield": "date field",
- "r-df-start-at": "start",
- "r-df-due-at": "due",
- "r-df-end-at": "end",
- "r-df-received-at": "received",
- "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time",
- "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from",
- "ldap": "LDAP",
- "oauth2": "OAuth2",
- "cas": "CAS",
- "authentication-method": "Authentication method",
- "authentication-type": "Authentication type",
- "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name",
- "layout": "Layout",
- "hide-logo": "Hide Logo",
- "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after <body> start",
- "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before </body> end",
- "error-undefined": "Something went wrong",
- "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login",
- "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method",
- "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method",
- "duplicate-board": "Duplicate Board",
- "people-number": "The number of people is:",
- "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Delete Swimlane ?",
- "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.",
- "restore-all": "Restore all",
- "delete-all": "Delete all",
- "loading": "Loading, please wait.",
- "previous_as": "last time was",
- "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__",
- "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be",
- "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be",
- "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be",
- "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be",
- "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching",
- "pastdue": "current due time %s is past",
- "duenow": "current due time %s is today",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
- "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching",
- "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past",
- "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now",
- "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
- "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.",
- "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account",
- "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text",
- "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles",
- "assignee": "Assignee",
- "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Assignee",
- "addmore-detail": "Add a more detailed description",
- "show-on-card": "Show on Card",
- "new": "New",
- "editUserPopup-title": "Edit User",
- "newUserPopup-title": "New User",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "view-all": "View All",
- "filter-by-unread": "Filter by Unread",
- "mark-all-as-read": "Mark all as read",
- "remove-all-read": "Remove all read",
- "allow-rename": "Allow Rename",
- "allowRenamePopup-title": "Allow Rename"
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ "accept": "Accepter",
+ "act-activity-notify": "Aktivitetsnotits",
+ "act-addAttachment": "tilføjede vedhæftningen __attachment__ til kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-deleteAttachment": "slettede vedhæftning __attachment__ til kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-addSubtask": "tilføjede delopgave __subtask__ til kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-addLabel": "Tilføjede etiketten __label__ til kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-addedLabel": "Tilføjede etiketten __label__ til kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-removeLabel": "Fjernede etiketten __label__ fra kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på kortet __board__",
+ "act-removedLabel": "Fjernede etiketten __label__ fra kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på kortet __board__",
+ "act-addChecklist": "tilføjede tjeklisten __checklist__ til kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-addChecklistItem": "tilføjede elementet i tjekliste __checklistItem__ til tjeklisten __checklist__ i kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklist": "fjernede tjeklisten __checklist__ fra kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklistItem": "fjernede elementet i tjekliste __checklistItem__ fra tjeklisten __checkList__ fra kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-checkedItem": "markerede __checklistItem__ fra tjeklisten __checklist__ fra kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-uncheckedItem": "afmarkerede __checklistItem__ fra tjeklisten __checklist__ fra kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-completeChecklist": "afsluttet tjekliste __checklist__ i kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-uncompleteChecklist": "uafsluttet tjekliste __checklist__ i kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-addComment": "kommenterede på kortet __card__: __comment__ til listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-editComment": "redigerede kommentar på kortet __card__: __comment__ til listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-deleteComment": "slettede kommentar på kortet __card__: __comment__ til listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-createBoard": "oprettede tavlen __board__",
+ "act-createSwimlane": "oprettede svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-createCard": "oprettede kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-createCustomField": "oprettede brugerdefineret felt __customField__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-deleteCustomField": "slettede brugerdefineret felt __customField__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-setCustomField": "redigerede brugerdefineret felt __customField__: __customFieldValue__ i kortet __card__ på lsten __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "act-createList": "tilføjede listen __list__ til tavlen __board__",
+ "act-addBoardMember": "tilføejede medlemmet __member__ til tavlen __board__",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "Tavlen __board__ blev flyttet til Arkiv",
+ "act-archivedCard": "Card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedList": "List __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedSwimlane": "Swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-importBoard": "imported board __board__",
+ "act-importCard": "imported card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-importList": "imported list __list__ to swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-joinMember": "added member __member__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__",
+ "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "moved card __card__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ at board __oldBoard__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "removed member __member__ from board __board__",
+ "act-restoredCard": "restored card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "removed member __member__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
+ "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
+ "actions": "Handlinger",
+ "activities": "Aktiviteter",
+ "activity": "Aktivitet",
+ "activity-added": "tilføjede %s til %s",
+ "activity-archived": "%s flyttet til Arkiv",
+ "activity-attached": "vedhæftede %s til %s",
+ "activity-created": "oprettede %s",
+ "activity-customfield-created": "oprettede brugerdefineret felt %s",
+ "activity-excluded": "ekskluderet %s fra %s",
+ "activity-imported": "importerede %s ind i %s fra %s",
+ "activity-imported-board": "importerede %s fra %s",
+ "activity-joined": "indgik i %s",
+ "activity-moved": "flyttede %s fra %s til %s",
+ "activity-on": "per %s",
+ "activity-removed": "fjernede %s fra %s",
+ "activity-sent": "sendte %s til %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "udgik fra %s",
+ "activity-subtask-added": "tilføjede delopgave til %s",
+ "activity-checked-item": "checked %s in checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item": "unchecked %s in checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "activity-checklist-removed": "removed a checklist from %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "uncompleted the checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-added": "added checklist item to '%s' in %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-removed": "removed a checklist item from '%s' in %s",
+ "add": "Add",
+ "activity-checked-item-card": "checked %s in checklist %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item-card": "unchecked %s in checklist %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed-card": "udført tjekliste __checklist__ i kortet __card__ på listen __list__ i svømmebanen __swimlane__ på tavlen __board__",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "uncompleted the checklist %s",
+ "activity-editComment": "edited comment %s",
+ "activity-deleteComment": "deleted comment %s",
+ "add-attachment": "Add Attachment",
+ "add-board": "Add Board",
+ "add-card": "Add Card",
+ "add-swimlane": "Add Swimlane",
+ "add-subtask": "Add Subtask",
+ "add-checklist": "Add Checklist",
+ "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-cover": "Add Cover",
+ "add-label": "Add Label",
+ "add-list": "Add List",
+ "add-members": "Add Members",
+ "added": "Added",
+ "addMemberPopup-title": "Members",
+ "admin": "Admin",
+ "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.",
+ "admin-announcement": "Announcement",
+ "admin-announcement-active": "Active System-Wide Announcement",
+ "admin-announcement-title": "Announcement from Administrator",
+ "all-boards": "All boards",
+ "and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other card",
+ "and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other cards",
+ "apply": "Apply",
+ "app-is-offline": "Loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If loading does not work, please check that server has not stopped.",
+ "archive": "Move to Archive",
+ "archive-all": "Move All to Archive",
+ "archive-board": "Move Board to Archive",
+ "archive-card": "Move Card to Archive",
+ "archive-list": "Move List to Archive",
+ "archive-swimlane": "Move Swimlane to Archive",
+ "archive-selection": "Move selection to Archive",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Move Board to Archive?",
+ "archived-items": "Archive",
+ "archived-boards": "Boards in Archive",
+ "restore-board": "Restore Board",
+ "no-archived-boards": "No Boards in Archive.",
+ "archives": "Archive",
+ "template": "Template",
+ "templates": "Templates",
+ "assign-member": "Assign member",
+ "attached": "attached",
+ "attachment": "Attachment",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.",
+ "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?",
+ "attachments": "Attachments",
+ "auto-watch": "Automatically watch boards when they are created",
+ "avatar-too-big": "The avatar is too large (70KB max)",
+ "back": "Back",
+ "board-change-color": "Skift farve",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s stjerner",
+ "board-not-found": "Fandt ikke tavle ",
+ "board-private-info": "Denne tavle vil være <strong>privat</strong>.",
+ "board-public-info": "Denne tavle vil være <strong>offentlig</strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Skift tavlens baggrund",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Omdøb tavle",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Tilpas synlighed",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Tilpas ur",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "Tavleindstillinger",
+ "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "Tavlevisning",
+ "boards": "Tavler",
+ "board-view": "Tavlevisning",
+ "board-view-cal": "Kalender",
+ "board-view-swimlanes": "Svømmebaner",
+ "board-view-collapse": "Sammenfold",
+ "board-view-lists": "Lister",
+ "bucket-example": "Eksempelvis \"Bucked-liste\"",
+ "cancel": "Annullér",
+ "card-archived": "Dette kort blev flyttet til arkivet.",
+ "board-archived": "Denne tavle blev flyttet til arkivet.",
+ "card-comments-title": "Dette kort har %s kommentar.",
+ "card-delete-notice": "Sletning vil være permanent. Du mister alle handlinger knyttet til dette kort.",
+ "card-delete-pop": "Alle handlinger vil blive fjernet fra aktivitetsfeedet, og du kan ikke genåbne kortet. Det kan ikke omgøres.",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Du kan flytte et kort til arkivet for at fjerne det fra tavlen, og bevare aktiviteten.",
+ "card-due": "Forfalder",
+ "card-due-on": "Forfaldsdato",
+ "card-spent": "Anvendt tid",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "Redigér vedhæftninger",
+ "card-edit-custom-fields": "Redigér brugerdefinerede felter",
+ "card-start-voting": "Start stemmegivning",
+ "card-cancel-voting": "Slet stemmegivning og alle stemmer",
+ "card-edit-labels": "Redigér etiketter",
+ "card-edit-members": "Redigér medlemmer",
+ "card-labels-title": "Ændr etiketter for kortet.",
+ "card-members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.",
+ "card-start": "Start",
+ "card-start-on": "Starts on",
+ "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From",
+ "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Change date",
+ "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Redigér brugerdefinerede felter",
+ "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Start a vote",
+ "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents",
+ "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents",
+ "vote-question": "Voting question",
+ "vote-public": "Public vote",
+ "vote-for-it": "for it",
+ "vote-against": "against",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Card Actions",
+ "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels",
+ "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members",
+ "cardMorePopup-title": "More",
+ "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Create template",
+ "cards": "Cards",
+ "cards-count": "Cards",
+ "casSignIn": "Sign In with CAS",
+ "cardType-card": "Card",
+ "cardType-linkedCard": "Linked Card",
+ "cardType-linkedBoard": "Linked Board",
+ "change": "Change",
+ "change-avatar": "Change Avatar",
+ "change-password": "Change Password",
+ "change-permissions": "Change permissions",
+ "change-settings": "Change Settings",
+ "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Change Avatar",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language",
+ "changePasswordPopup-title": "Change Password",
+ "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Change Settings",
+ "subtasks": "Subtasks",
+ "checklists": "Checklists",
+ "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
+ "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "close": "Close",
+ "close-board": "Close Board",
+ "close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archive” button from the home header.",
+ "color-black": "black",
+ "color-blue": "blue",
+ "color-crimson": "crimson",
+ "color-darkgreen": "darkgreen",
+ "color-gold": "gold",
+ "color-gray": "gray",
+ "color-green": "green",
+ "color-indigo": "indigo",
+ "color-lime": "lime",
+ "color-magenta": "magenta",
+ "color-mistyrose": "mistyrose",
+ "color-navy": "navy",
+ "color-orange": "orange",
+ "color-paleturquoise": "paleturquoise",
+ "color-peachpuff": "peachpuff",
+ "color-pink": "pink",
+ "color-plum": "plum",
+ "color-purple": "purple",
+ "color-red": "red",
+ "color-saddlebrown": "saddlebrown",
+ "color-silver": "silver",
+ "color-sky": "sky",
+ "color-slateblue": "slateblue",
+ "color-white": "white",
+ "color-yellow": "yellow",
+ "unset-color": "Unset",
+ "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment-placeholder": "Write Comment",
+ "comment-only": "Comment only",
+ "comment-only-desc": "Can comment on cards only.",
+ "no-comments": "No comments",
+ "no-comments-desc": "Can not see comments and activities.",
+ "worker": "Worker",
+ "worker-desc": "Can only move cards, assign itself to card and comment.",
+ "computer": "Computer",
+ "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete subtask?",
+ "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist?",
+ "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Copy card link to clipboard",
+ "linkCardPopup-title": "Link Card",
+ "searchElementPopup-title": "Search",
+ "copyCardPopup-title": "Copy Card",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Copy Checklist Template to Many Cards",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Destination Card Titles and Descriptions in this JSON format",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"First card title\", \"description\":\"First card description\"}, {\"title\":\"Second card title\",\"description\":\"Second card description\"},{\"title\":\"Last card title\",\"description\":\"Last card description\"} ]",
+ "create": "Create",
+ "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board",
+ "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Import board",
+ "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label",
+ "createCustomField": "Create Field",
+ "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Create Field",
+ "current": "current",
+ "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.",
+ "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox",
+ "custom-field-date": "Date",
+ "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(none)",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)",
+ "custom-field-number": "Number",
+ "custom-field-text": "Text",
+ "custom-fields": "Custom Fields",
+ "date": "Date",
+ "decline": "Decline",
+ "default-avatar": "Default avatar",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?",
+ "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?",
+ "description": "Description",
+ "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Disambiguate Label Action",
+ "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Disambiguate Member Action",
+ "discard": "Discard",
+ "done": "Done",
+ "download": "Download",
+ "edit": "Edit",
+ "edit-avatar": "Change Avatar",
+ "edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
+ "edit-wip-limit": "Edit WIP Limit",
+ "soft-wip-limit": "Soft WIP Limit",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date",
+ "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field",
+ "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Change spent time",
+ "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "Edit Profile",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-fail": "Sending email failed",
+ "email-fail-text": "Error trying to send email",
+ "email-invalid": "Invalid email",
+ "email-invite": "Invite via Email",
+ "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
+ "email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-resetPassword-subject": "Reset your password on __siteName__",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo reset your password, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-sent": "Email sent",
+ "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "enable-wip-limit": "Enable WIP Limit",
+ "error-board-doesNotExist": "This board does not exist",
+ "error-board-notAdmin": "You need to be admin of this board to do that",
+ "error-board-notAMember": "You need to be a member of this board to do that",
+ "error-json-malformed": "Your text is not valid JSON",
+ "error-json-schema": "Your JSON data does not include the proper information in the correct format",
+ "error-list-doesNotExist": "This list does not exist",
+ "error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
+ "error-user-notAllowSelf": "You can not invite yourself",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
+ "error-username-taken": "This username is already taken",
+ "error-email-taken": "Email has already been taken",
+ "export-board": "Export board",
+ "sort": "Sort",
+ "sort-desc": "Click to Sort List",
+ "list-sort-by": "Sort the List By:",
+ "list-label-modifiedAt": "Last Access Time",
+ "list-label-title": "Name of the List",
+ "list-label-sort": "Your Manual Order",
+ "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(L)",
+ "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
+ "list-label-short-sort": "(M)",
+ "filter": "Filter",
+ "filter-cards": "Filter Cards or Lists",
+ "list-filter-label": "Filter List by Title",
+ "filter-clear": "Clear filter",
+ "filter-no-label": "No label",
+ "filter-no-member": "No member",
+ "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee",
+ "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields",
+ "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists",
+ "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists",
+ "filter-on": "Filter is on",
+ "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.",
+ "filter-to-selection": "Filter to selection",
+ "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter",
+ "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i",
+ "fullname": "Full Name",
+ "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.",
+ "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages",
+ "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Create Board",
+ "home": "Home",
+ "import": "Import",
+ "link": "Link",
+ "import-board": "import board",
+ "import-board-c": "Import board",
+ "import-board-title-trello": "Import board from Trello",
+ "import-board-title-wekan": "Import board from previous export",
+ "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
+ "import-sandstorm-warning": "Imported board will delete all existing data on board and replace it with imported board.",
+ "from-trello": "From Trello",
+ "from-wekan": "From previous export",
+ "import-board-instruction-trello": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text.",
+ "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
+ "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
+ "import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here",
+ "import-map-members": "Map members",
+ "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
+ "import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping",
+ "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select member",
+ "info": "Version",
+ "initials": "Initials",
+ "invalid-date": "Invalid date",
+ "invalid-time": "Invalid time",
+ "invalid-user": "Invalid user",
+ "joined": "joined",
+ "just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
+ "label-create": "Create Label",
+ "label-default": "%s label (default)",
+ "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.",
+ "labels": "Labels",
+ "language": "Language",
+ "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.",
+ "leave-board": "Leave Board",
+ "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.",
+ "leaveBoardPopup-title": "Leave Board ?",
+ "link-card": "Link to this card",
+ "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Archive",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.",
+ "list-move-cards": "Move all cards in this list",
+ "list-select-cards": "Select all cards in this list",
+ "set-color-list": "Set Color",
+ "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions",
+ "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Swimlane Actions",
+ "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Add a Swimlane below",
+ "listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
+ "listMorePopup-title": "More",
+ "link-list": "Link to this list",
+ "list-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the list. There is no undo.",
+ "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
+ "lists": "Lister",
+ "swimlanes": "Svømmebaner",
+ "log-out": "Log Out",
+ "log-in": "Log In",
+ "loginPopup-title": "Log In",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
+ "members": "Members",
+ "menu": "Menu",
+ "move-selection": "Move selection",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "Move Card",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top",
+ "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Move selection",
+ "multi-selection": "Multi-Selection",
+ "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on",
+ "muted": "Muted",
+ "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
+ "my-boards": "My Boards",
+ "name": "Name",
+ "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Archive.",
+ "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Archive.",
+ "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Archive.",
+ "no-results": "No results",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.",
+ "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet",
+ "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member",
+ "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching",
+ "optional": "optional",
+ "or": "or",
+ "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by <a href='%s'>logging in</a>.",
+ "page-not-found": "Page not found.",
+ "password": "Password",
+ "paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)",
+ "participating": "Participating",
+ "preview": "Preview",
+ "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Preview",
+ "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Preview",
+ "private": "Private",
+ "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.",
+ "profile": "Profile",
+ "public": "Public",
+ "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.",
+ "quick-access-description": "Star a board to add a shortcut in this bar.",
+ "remove-cover": "Remove Cover",
+ "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board",
+ "remove-label": "Remove Label",
+ "listDeletePopup-title": "Delete List ?",
+ "remove-member": "Remove Member",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card",
+ "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.",
+ "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?",
+ "rename": "Rename",
+ "rename-board": "Omdøb tavle",
+ "restore": "Restore",
+ "save": "Save",
+ "search": "Search",
+ "rules": "Rules",
+ "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board",
+ "search-example": "Text to search for?",
+ "select-color": "Select Color",
+ "set-wip-limit-value": "Set a limit for the maximum number of tasks in this list",
+ "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Set WIP Limit",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself to current card",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete members",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "Clear all filters",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "Close Dialog",
+ "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filter my cards",
+ "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Bring up this shortcuts list",
+ "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle Board Sidebar",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "Show cards count if list contains more than",
+ "sidebar-open": "Open Sidebar",
+ "sidebar-close": "Close Sidebar",
+ "signupPopup-title": "Create an Account",
+ "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.",
+ "starred-boards": "Starred Boards",
+ "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.",
+ "subscribe": "Subscribe",
+ "team": "Team",
+ "this-board": "this board",
+ "this-card": "this card",
+ "spent-time-hours": "Spent time (hours)",
+ "overtime-hours": "Overtime (hours)",
+ "overtime": "Overtime",
+ "has-overtime-cards": "Has overtime cards",
+ "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time cards",
+ "time": "Time",
+ "title": "Title",
+ "tracking": "Tracking",
+ "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "unassign-member": "Unassign member",
+ "unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.",
+ "unwatch": "Unwatch",
+ "upload": "Upload",
+ "upload-avatar": "Upload an avatar",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "Uploaded an avatar",
+ "username": "Username",
+ "view-it": "View it",
+ "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Archive",
+ "watch": "Watch",
+ "watching": "Watching",
+ "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
+ "welcome-board": "Welcome Board",
+ "welcome-swimlane": "Milestone 1",
+ "welcome-list1": "Basics",
+ "welcome-list2": "Advanced",
+ "card-templates-swimlane": "Card Templates",
+ "list-templates-swimlane": "List Templates",
+ "board-templates-swimlane": "Board Templates",
+ "what-to-do": "What do you want to do?",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks in this list is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please move some tasks out of this list, or set a higher WIP limit.",
+ "admin-panel": "Admin Panel",
+ "settings": "Settings",
+ "people": "People",
+ "registration": "Registration",
+ "disable-self-registration": "Disable Self-Registration",
+ "invite": "Invite",
+ "invite-people": "Invite People",
+ "to-boards": "To board(s)",
+ "email-addresses": "Email Addresses",
+ "smtp-host-description": "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.",
+ "smtp-port-description": "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.",
+ "smtp-tls-description": "Enable TLS support for SMTP server",
+ "smtp-host": "SMTP Host",
+ "smtp-port": "SMTP Port",
+ "smtp-username": "Username",
+ "smtp-password": "Password",
+ "smtp-tls": "TLS support",
+ "send-from": "From",
+ "send-smtp-test": "Send a test email to yourself",
+ "invitation-code": "Invitation Code",
+ "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
+ "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email",
+ "email-smtp-test-text": "You have successfully sent an email",
+ "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "Invitation code doesn't exist",
+ "error-notAuthorized": "You are not authorized to view this page.",
+ "webhook-title": "Webhook Name",
+ "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)",
+ "outgoing-webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks",
+ "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks",
+ "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Outgoing Webhooks",
+ "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Card Title Filter",
+ "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook",
+ "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks",
+ "new-outgoing-webhook": "New Outgoing Webhook",
+ "no-name": "(Unknown)",
+ "Node_version": "Node version",
+ "Meteor_version": "Meteor version",
+ "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version",
+ "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine",
+ "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled",
+ "OS_Arch": "OS Arch",
+ "OS_Cpus": "OS CPU Count",
+ "OS_Freemem": "OS Free Memory",
+ "OS_Loadavg": "OS Load Average",
+ "OS_Platform": "OS Platform",
+ "OS_Release": "OS Release",
+ "OS_Totalmem": "OS Total Memory",
+ "OS_Type": "OS Type",
+ "OS_Uptime": "OS Uptime",
+ "days": "days",
+ "hours": "hours",
+ "minutes": "minutes",
+ "seconds": "seconds",
+ "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card",
+ "automatically-field-on-card": "Auto create field to all cards",
+ "showLabel-field-on-card": "Show field label on minicard",
+ "yes": "Yes",
+ "no": "No",
+ "accounts": "Accounts",
+ "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Allow Email Change",
+ "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change",
+ "createdAt": "Created at",
+ "verified": "Verified",
+ "active": "Active",
+ "card-received": "Received",
+ "card-received-on": "Received on",
+ "card-end": "End",
+ "card-end-on": "Ends on",
+ "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Change received date",
+ "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Change end date",
+ "setCardColorPopup-title": "Set color",
+ "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
+ "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
+ "setListColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
+ "assigned-by": "Assigned By",
+ "requested-by": "Requested By",
+ "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
+ "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
+ "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?",
+ "delete-board": "Delete Board",
+ "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board",
+ "default": "Default",
+ "queue": "Queue",
+ "subtask-settings": "Subtasks Settings",
+ "card-settings": "Card Settings",
+ "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Board Subtasks Settings",
+ "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Card Settings",
+ "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:",
+ "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:",
+ "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:",
+ "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path",
+ "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent",
+ "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path",
+ "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent",
+ "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent",
+ "parent-card": "Parent card",
+ "source-board": "Source board",
+ "no-parent": "Don't show parent",
+ "activity-added-label": "added label '%s' to %s",
+ "activity-removed-label": "removed label '%s' from %s",
+ "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an attachment from %s",
+ "activity-added-label-card": "added label '%s'",
+ "activity-removed-label-card": "removed label '%s'",
+ "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an attachment",
+ "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s",
+ "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s",
+ "r-rule": "Rule",
+ "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger",
+ "r-add-action": "Add action",
+ "r-board-rules": "Board rules",
+ "r-add-rule": "Add rule",
+ "r-view-rule": "View rule",
+ "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule",
+ "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title",
+ "r-no-rules": "No rules",
+ "r-when-a-card": "When a card",
+ "r-is": "is",
+ "r-is-moved": "is moved",
+ "r-added-to": "added to",
+ "r-removed-from": "Removed from",
+ "r-the-board": "the board",
+ "r-list": "list",
+ "set-filter": "Set Filter",
+ "r-moved-to": "Moved to",
+ "r-moved-from": "Moved from",
+ "r-archived": "Moved to Archive",
+ "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive",
+ "r-a-card": "a card",
+ "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is",
+ "r-when-the-label": "When the label",
+ "r-list-name": "list name",
+ "r-when-a-member": "When a member is",
+ "r-when-the-member": "When the member",
+ "r-name": "name",
+ "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment",
+ "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is",
+ "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist",
+ "r-completed": "Completed",
+ "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete",
+ "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is",
+ "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item",
+ "r-checked": "Checked",
+ "r-unchecked": "Unchecked",
+ "r-move-card-to": "Move card to",
+ "r-top-of": "Top of",
+ "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of",
+ "r-its-list": "its list",
+ "r-archive": "Move to Archive",
+ "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive",
+ "r-card": "card",
+ "r-add": "Add",
+ "r-remove": "Remove",
+ "r-label": "label",
+ "r-member": "member",
+ "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card",
+ "r-set-color": "Set color to",
+ "r-checklist": "checklist",
+ "r-check-all": "Check all",
+ "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all",
+ "r-items-check": "items of checklist",
+ "r-check": "Check",
+ "r-uncheck": "Uncheck",
+ "r-item": "item",
+ "r-of-checklist": "of checklist",
+ "r-send-email": "Send an email",
+ "r-to": "to",
+ "r-subject": "subject",
+ "r-rule-details": "Rule details",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Move card to top of its list",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Move card to top of list",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Move card to bottom of its list",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Move card to bottom of list",
+ "r-d-send-email": "Send email",
+ "r-d-send-email-to": "to",
+ "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject",
+ "r-d-send-email-message": "message",
+ "r-d-archive": "Move card to Archive",
+ "r-d-unarchive": "Restore card from Archive",
+ "r-d-add-label": "Add label",
+ "r-d-remove-label": "Remove label",
+ "r-create-card": "Create new card",
+ "r-in-list": "in list",
+ "r-in-swimlane": "in swimlane",
+ "r-d-add-member": "Add member",
+ "r-d-remove-member": "Remove member",
+ "r-d-remove-all-member": "Remove all member",
+ "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list",
+ "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list",
+ "r-d-check-one": "Check item",
+ "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item",
+ "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist",
+ "r-d-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
+ "r-d-remove-checklist": "Remove checklist",
+ "r-by": "by",
+ "r-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
+ "r-with-items": "with items",
+ "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3",
+ "r-add-swimlane": "Add swimlane",
+ "r-swimlane-name": "swimlane name",
+ "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.",
+ "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.",
+ "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list",
+ "r-set": "Set",
+ "r-update": "Update",
+ "r-datefield": "date field",
+ "r-df-start-at": "start",
+ "r-df-due-at": "due",
+ "r-df-end-at": "end",
+ "r-df-received-at": "received",
+ "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time",
+ "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from",
+ "ldap": "LDAP",
+ "oauth2": "OAuth2",
+ "cas": "CAS",
+ "authentication-method": "Authentication method",
+ "authentication-type": "Authentication type",
+ "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name",
+ "layout": "Layout",
+ "hide-logo": "Hide Logo",
+ "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after <body> start",
+ "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before </body> end",
+ "error-undefined": "Something went wrong",
+ "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login",
+ "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method",
+ "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method",
+ "duplicate-board": "Duplicate Board",
+ "people-number": "The number of people is:",
+ "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Delete Swimlane ?",
+ "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.",
+ "restore-all": "Restore all",
+ "delete-all": "Delete all",
+ "loading": "Loading, please wait.",
+ "previous_as": "last time was",
+ "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__",
+ "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be",
+ "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be",
+ "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be",
+ "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be",
+ "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching",
+ "pastdue": "current due time %s is past",
+ "duenow": "current due time %s is today",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
+ "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching",
+ "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past",
+ "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now",
+ "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
+ "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.",
+ "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account",
+ "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text",
+ "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles",
+ "assignee": "Assignee",
+ "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Assignee",
+ "addmore-detail": "Add a more detailed description",
+ "show-on-card": "Show on Card",
+ "new": "New",
+ "editUserPopup-title": "Edit User",
+ "newUserPopup-title": "New User",
+ "notifications": "Notifications",
+ "view-all": "View All",
+ "filter-by-unread": "Filter by Unread",
+ "mark-all-as-read": "Mark all as read",
+ "remove-all-read": "Remove all read",
+ "allow-rename": "Allow Rename",
+ "allowRenamePopup-title": "Allow Rename"
diff --git a/i18n/es-AR.i18n.json b/i18n/es-AR.i18n.json
index 412a646e..f2931ce3 100644
--- a/i18n/es-AR.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/es-AR.i18n.json
@@ -1,780 +1,780 @@
- "accept": "Aceptar",
- "act-activity-notify": "Notificación de Actividad",
- "act-addAttachment": "added attachment __attachment__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteAttachment": "deleted attachment __attachment__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addSubtask": "added subtask __subtask__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addedLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removedLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklist": "added checklist __checklist__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklistItem": "added checklist item __checklistItem__ to checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklist": "removed checklist __checklist__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklistItem": "removed checklist item __checklistItem__ from checklist __checkList__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-checkedItem": "checked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncheckedItem": "unchecked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-completeChecklist": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncompleteChecklist": "uncompleted checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addComment": "commented on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-editComment": "edited comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteComment": "deleted comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createBoard": "created board __board__",
- "act-createSwimlane": "created swimlane __swimlane__ to board __board__",
- "act-createCard": "created card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteCustomField": "deleted custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
- "act-setCustomField": "edited custom field __customField__: __customFieldValue__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createList": "added list __list__ to board __board__",
- "act-addBoardMember": "added member __member__ to board __board__",
- "act-archivedBoard": "Board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedCard": "Card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedList": "List __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-archivedSwimlane": "Swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
- "act-importBoard": "imported board __board__",
- "act-importCard": "imported card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-importList": "imported list __list__ to swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-joinMember": "added member __member__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__",
- "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "moved card __card__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ at board __oldBoard__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeBoardMember": "removed member __member__ from board __board__",
- "act-restoredCard": "restored card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "removed member __member__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
- "act-withCardTitle": "__card__ [__board__] ",
- "actions": "Acciones",
- "activities": "Actividades",
- "activity": "Actividad",
- "activity-added": "agregadas %s a %s",
- "activity-archived": "%s moved to Archive",
- "activity-attached": "adjuntadas %s a %s",
- "activity-created": "creadas %s",
- "activity-customfield-created": "created custom field %s",
- "activity-excluded": "excluidas %s de %s",
- "activity-imported": "importadas %s en %s de %s",
- "activity-imported-board": "importadas %s de %s",
- "activity-joined": "unidas %s",
- "activity-moved": "movidas %s de %s a %s",
- "activity-on": "en %s",
- "activity-removed": "eliminadas %s de %s",
- "activity-sent": "enviadas %s a %s",
- "activity-unjoined": "separadas %s",
- "activity-subtask-added": "added subtask to %s",
- "activity-checked-item": "checked %s in checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item": "unchecked %s in checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "agregada lista de tareas a %s",
- "activity-checklist-removed": "removed a checklist from %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "uncompleted the checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-added": "agregado item de lista de tareas a '%s' en %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-removed": "removed a checklist item from '%s' in %s",
- "add": "Agregar",
- "activity-checked-item-card": "checked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item-card": "unchecked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed-card": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "uncompleted the checklist %s",
- "activity-editComment": "edited comment %s",
- "activity-deleteComment": "deleted comment %s",
- "add-attachment": "Agregar Adjunto",
- "add-board": "Agregar Tablero",
- "add-card": "Agregar Tarjeta",
- "add-swimlane": "Agregar Calle",
- "add-subtask": "Agregar Subtarea",
- "add-checklist": "Agregar Lista de Tareas",
- "add-checklist-item": "Agregar ítem a lista de tareas",
- "add-cover": "Agregar Portadas",
- "add-label": "Agregar Etiqueta",
- "add-list": "Agregar Lista",
- "add-members": "Agregar Miembros",
- "added": "Agregadas",
- "addMemberPopup-title": "Miembros",
- "admin": "Administrador",
- "admin-desc": "Puede ver y editar tarjetas, eliminar miembros, y cambiar opciones para el tablero.",
- "admin-announcement": "Anuncio",
- "admin-announcement-active": "Anuncio del Sistema Activo",
- "admin-announcement-title": "Anuncio del Administrador",
- "all-boards": "Todos los tableros",
- "and-n-other-card": "Y __count__ otra tarjeta",
- "and-n-other-card_plural": "Y __count__ otras tarjetas",
- "apply": "Aplicar",
- "app-is-offline": "Loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If loading does not work, please check that server has not stopped.",
- "archive": "Mover al Archivo",
- "archive-all": "Mover Todo al Archivo",
- "archive-board": "Mover Tablero al Archivo",
- "archive-card": "Mover Tarjeta al Archivo",
- "archive-list": "Mover Lista al Archivo",
- "archive-swimlane": "Mover Calle al Archivo",
- "archive-selection": "Mover selección al Archivo",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "¿Mover Tablero al Archivo?",
- "archived-items": "Archivar",
- "archived-boards": "Tableros en el Archivo",
- "restore-board": "Restaurar Tablero",
- "no-archived-boards": "No hay Tableros en el Archivo",
- "archives": "Archivar",
- "template": "Plantilla",
- "templates": "Plantillas",
- "assign-member": "Asignar miembro",
- "attached": "adjunto(s)",
- "attachment": "Adjunto",
- "attachment-delete-pop": "Borrar un adjunto es permanente. No hay deshacer.",
- "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "¿Borrar Adjunto?",
- "attachments": "Adjuntos",
- "auto-watch": "Seguir tableros automáticamente al crearlos",
- "avatar-too-big": "El avatar es muy grande (70KB max)",
- "back": "Atrás",
- "board-change-color": "Cambiar color",
- "board-nb-stars": "%s estrellas",
- "board-not-found": "Tablero no encontrado",
- "board-private-info": "Este tablero va a ser <strong>privado</strong>.",
- "board-public-info": "Este tablero va a ser <strong>público</strong>.",
- "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Cambiar Fondo del Tablero",
- "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Renombrar Tablero",
- "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Cambiar Visibilidad",
- "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Alternar Seguimiento",
- "boardMenuPopup-title": "Opciones del Tablero",
- "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "Vista de Tablero",
- "boards": "Tableros",
- "board-view": "Vista de Tablero",
- "board-view-cal": "Calendario",
- "board-view-swimlanes": "Calles",
- "board-view-collapse": "Collapse",
- "board-view-lists": "Listas",
- "bucket-example": "Como \"Lista de Contenedores\" por ejemplo",
- "cancel": "Cancelar",
- "card-archived": "Esta tarjeta es movida al Archivo.",
- "board-archived": "Este tablero es movido al Archivo.",
- "card-comments-title": "Esta tarjeta tiene %s comentario.",
- "card-delete-notice": "Borrar es permanente. Perderás todas las acciones asociadas con esta tarjeta.",
- "card-delete-pop": "Todas las acciones van a ser eliminadas del agregador de actividad y no podrás re-abrir la tarjeta. No hay deshacer.",
- "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Podés mover una tarjeta al Archivo para eliminarla del tablero y preservar la actividad.",
- "card-due": "Vence",
- "card-due-on": "Vence en",
- "card-spent": "Tiempo Empleado",
- "card-edit-attachments": "Editar adjuntos",
- "card-edit-custom-fields": "Editar campos personalizados",
- "card-start-voting": "Start voting",
- "card-cancel-voting": "Delete voting and all votes",
- "card-edit-labels": "Editar etiquetas",
- "card-edit-members": "Editar miembros",
- "card-labels-title": "Cambiar las etiquetas de la tarjeta.",
- "card-members-title": "Agregar o eliminar de la tarjeta miembros del tablero.",
- "card-start": "Empieza",
- "card-start-on": "Empieza el",
- "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Adjuntar De",
- "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha",
- "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Editar campos personalizados",
- "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Start a vote",
- "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents",
- "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents",
- "vote-question": "Voting question",
- "vote-public": "Public vote",
- "vote-for-it": "for it",
- "vote-against": "against",
- "cardDeletePopup-title": "¿Borrar Tarjeta?",
- "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Acciones de la Tarjeta",
- "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etiquetas",
- "cardMembersPopup-title": "Miembros",
- "cardMorePopup-title": "Mas",
- "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Crear plantilla",
- "cards": "Tarjetas",
- "cards-count": "Tarjetas",
- "casSignIn": "Ingresar con CAS",
- "cardType-card": "Tarjeta",
- "cardType-linkedCard": "Tarjeta Vinculada",
- "cardType-linkedBoard": "Tablero Vinculado",
- "change": "Cambiar",
- "change-avatar": "Cambiar Avatar",
- "change-password": "Cambiar Contraseña",
- "change-permissions": "Cambiar permisos",
- "change-settings": "Cambiar Opciones",
- "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Cambiar Avatar",
- "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Cambiar Lenguaje",
- "changePasswordPopup-title": "Cambiar Contraseña",
- "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Cambiar Permisos",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Cambiar Opciones",
- "subtasks": "Subtareas",
- "checklists": "Listas de ítems",
- "click-to-star": "Clickeá para darle una estrella a este tablero.",
- "click-to-unstar": "Clickeá para sacarle la estrella al tablero.",
- "clipboard": "Portapapeles o arrastrar y soltar",
- "close": "Cerrar",
- "close-board": "Cerrar Tablero",
- "close-board-pop": "Podrás restaurar el tablero clickeando el \"Archivo\" desde el encabesado de inicio.",
- "color-black": "negro",
- "color-blue": "azul",
- "color-crimson": "crimson",
- "color-darkgreen": "verdeoscuro",
- "color-gold": "dorado",
- "color-gray": "gris",
- "color-green": "verde",
- "color-indigo": "índigo",
- "color-lime": "lima",
- "color-magenta": "magenta",
- "color-mistyrose": "rosamística",
- "color-navy": "navy",
- "color-orange": "naranja",
- "color-paleturquoise": "paleturquoise",
- "color-peachpuff": "peachpuff",
- "color-pink": "rosa",
- "color-plum": "plum",
- "color-purple": "púrpura",
- "color-red": "rojo",
- "color-saddlebrown": "marróntriste",
- "color-silver": "plata",
- "color-sky": "cielo",
- "color-slateblue": "slateblue",
- "color-white": "blanco",
- "color-yellow": "amarillo",
- "unset-color": "Deseleccionado",
- "comment": "Comentario",
- "comment-placeholder": "Comentar",
- "comment-only": "Comentar solamente",
- "comment-only-desc": "Puede comentar en tarjetas solamente.",
- "no-comments": "Sin comentarios",
- "no-comments-desc": "Can not see comments and activities.",
- "worker": "Worker",
- "worker-desc": "Can only move cards, assign itself to card and comment.",
- "computer": "Computadora",
- "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete subtask?",
- "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist?",
- "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Copiar enlace a tarjeta en el portapapeles",
- "linkCardPopup-title": "Tarjeta vinculada",
- "searchElementPopup-title": "Buscar",
- "copyCardPopup-title": "Copiar Tarjeta",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Copiar Plantilla Checklist a Muchas Tarjetas",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Títulos y Descripciones de la Tarjeta Destino en este formato JSON",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"Título de primera tarjeta\", \"description\":\"Descripción de primera tarjeta\"}, {\"title\":\"Título de segunda tarjeta\",\"description\":\"Descripción de segunda tarjeta\"},{\"title\":\"Título de última tarjeta\",\"description\":\"Descripción de última tarjeta\"} ]",
- "create": "Crear",
- "createBoardPopup-title": "Crear Tablero",
- "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Importar tablero",
- "createLabelPopup-title": "Crear Etiqueta",
- "createCustomField": "Crear Campo",
- "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Crear Campo",
- "current": "actual",
- "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.",
- "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox",
- "custom-field-date": "Fecha",
- "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List",
- "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(ninguno)",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options",
- "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)",
- "custom-field-number": "Número",
- "custom-field-text": "Texto",
- "custom-fields": "Custom Fields",
- "date": "Fecha",
- "decline": "Rechazar",
- "default-avatar": "Avatar por defecto",
- "delete": "Borrar",
- "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?",
- "deleteLabelPopup-title": "¿Borrar Etiqueta?",
- "description": "Descripción",
- "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Desambiguación de Acción de Etiqueta",
- "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Desambiguación de Acción de Miembro",
- "discard": "Descartar",
- "done": "Hecho",
- "download": "Descargar",
- "edit": "Editar",
- "edit-avatar": "Cambiar Avatar",
- "edit-profile": "Editar Perfil",
- "edit-wip-limit": "Editar Lìmite de TEP",
- "soft-wip-limit": "Límite TEP suave",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de inicio",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de vencimiento",
- "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field",
- "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Cambiar tiempo empleado",
- "editLabelPopup-title": "Cambiar Etiqueta",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Editar Notificación",
- "editProfilePopup-title": "Editar Perfil",
- "email": "Email",
- "email-enrollAccount-subject": "Una cuenta creada para vos en __siteName__",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hola __user__,\n\nPara empezar a usar el servicio, simplemente clickeá en el enlace de abajo.\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
- "email-fail": "Fallo envío de email",
- "email-fail-text": "Error intentando enviar email",
- "email-invalid": "Email inválido",
- "email-invite": "Invitar vía Email",
- "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ te envió una invitación",
- "email-invite-text": "Querido __user__,\n\n__inviter__ te invita a unirte al tablero \"__board__\" para colaborar.\n\nPor favor sigue el enlace de abajo:\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
- "email-resetPassword-subject": "Restaurá tu contraseña en __siteName__",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Hola __user__,\n\nPara restaurar tu contraseña, simplemente clickeá el enlace de abajo.\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
- "email-sent": "Email enviado",
- "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verificá tu dirección de email en __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hola __user__,\n\nPara verificar tu cuenta de email, simplemente clickeá el enlace de abajo.\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
- "enable-wip-limit": "Activar Límite TEP",
- "error-board-doesNotExist": "Este tablero no existe",
- "error-board-notAdmin": "Necesitás ser administrador de este tablero para hacer eso",
- "error-board-notAMember": "Necesitás ser miembro de este tablero para hacer eso",
- "error-json-malformed": "Tu texto no es JSON válido",
- "error-json-schema": "Tus datos JSON no incluyen la información correcta en el formato adecuado",
- "error-list-doesNotExist": "Esta lista no existe",
- "error-user-doesNotExist": "Este usuario no existe",
- "error-user-notAllowSelf": "No podés invitarte a vos mismo",
- "error-user-notCreated": " El usuario no se creó",
- "error-username-taken": "El nombre de usuario ya existe",
- "error-email-taken": "El email ya existe",
- "export-board": "Exportar tablero",
- "sort": "Sort",
- "sort-desc": "Click to Sort List",
- "list-sort-by": "Sort the List By:",
- "list-label-modifiedAt": "Last Access Time",
- "list-label-title": "Name of the List",
- "list-label-sort": "Your Manual Order",
- "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(L)",
- "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
- "list-label-short-sort": "(M)",
- "filter": "Filtrar",
- "filter-cards": "Filter Cards or Lists",
- "list-filter-label": "Filter List by Title",
- "filter-clear": "Sacar filtro",
- "filter-no-label": "Sin etiqueta",
- "filter-no-member": "No es miembro",
- "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee",
- "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields",
- "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists",
- "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists",
- "filter-on": "El filtro está activado",
- "filter-on-desc": "Estás filtrando cartas en este tablero. Clickeá acá para editar el filtro.",
- "filter-to-selection": "Filtrar en la selección",
- "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter",
- "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i",
- "fullname": "Nombre Completo",
- "header-logo-title": "Retroceder a tu página de tableros.",
- "hide-system-messages": "Esconder mensajes del sistema",
- "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Crear Tablero",
- "home": "Inicio",
- "import": "Importar",
- "link": "Link",
- "import-board": "importar tablero",
- "import-board-c": "Importar tablero",
- "import-board-title-trello": "Importar tablero de Trello",
- "import-board-title-wekan": "Import board from previous export",
- "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
- "import-sandstorm-warning": "El tablero importado va a borrar todos los datos existentes en el tablero y reemplazarlos con los del tablero en cuestión.",
- "from-trello": "De Trello",
- "from-wekan": "From previous export",
- "import-board-instruction-trello": "En tu tablero de Trello, ve a 'Menú', luego a 'Más', 'Imprimir y Exportar', 'Exportar JSON', y copia el texto resultante.",
- "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
- "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
- "import-json-placeholder": "Pegá tus datos JSON válidos acá",
- "import-map-members": "Mapear Miembros",
- "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
- "import-show-user-mapping": "Revisar mapeo de miembros",
- "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select member",
- "info": "Versión",
- "initials": "Iniciales",
- "invalid-date": "Fecha inválida",
- "invalid-time": "Tiempo inválido",
- "invalid-user": "Usuario inválido",
- "joined": "unido",
- "just-invited": "Fuiste invitado a este tablero",
- "keyboard-shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado",
- "label-create": "Crear Etiqueta",
- "label-default": "%s etiqueta (por defecto)",
- "label-delete-pop": "No hay deshacer. Esto va a eliminar esta etiqueta de todas las tarjetas y destruir su historia.",
- "labels": "Etiquetas",
- "language": "Lenguaje",
- "last-admin-desc": "No podés cambiar roles porque tiene que haber al menos un administrador.",
- "leave-board": "Dejar Tablero",
- "leave-board-pop": "¿Estás seguro que querés dejar __boardTitle__? Vas a salir de todas las tarjetas en este tablero.",
- "leaveBoardPopup-title": "¿Dejar Tablero?",
- "link-card": "Enlace a esta tarjeta",
- "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Archive",
- "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.",
- "list-move-cards": "Mueve todas las tarjetas en esta lista",
- "list-select-cards": "Selecciona todas las tarjetas en esta lista",
- "set-color-list": "Set Color",
- "listActionPopup-title": "Listar Acciones",
- "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Acciones de la Calle",
- "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Add a Swimlane below",
- "listImportCardPopup-title": "Importar una tarjeta Trello",
- "listMorePopup-title": "Mas",
- "link-list": "Enlace a esta lista",
- "list-delete-pop": "Todas las acciones van a ser eliminadas del agregador de actividad y no podás recuperar la lista. No se puede deshacer.",
- "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
- "lists": "Listas",
- "swimlanes": "Calles",
- "log-out": "Salir",
- "log-in": "Entrar",
- "loginPopup-title": "Entrar",
- "memberMenuPopup-title": "Opciones de Miembros",
- "members": "Miembros",
- "menu": "Menú",
- "move-selection": "Mover selección",
- "moveCardPopup-title": "Mover Tarjeta",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Mover al Final",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Mover al Tope",
- "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Mover selección",
- "multi-selection": "Multi-Selección",
- "multi-selection-on": "Multi-selección está activo",
- "muted": "Silenciado",
- "muted-info": "No serás notificado de ningún cambio en este tablero",
- "my-boards": "Mis Tableros",
- "name": "Nombre",
- "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Archive.",
- "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Archive.",
- "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Archive.",
- "no-results": "No hay resultados",
- "normal": "Normal",
- "normal-desc": "Puede ver y editar tarjetas. No puede cambiar opciones.",
- "not-accepted-yet": "Invitación no aceptada todavía",
- "notify-participate": "Recibí actualizaciones en cualquier tarjeta que participés como creador o miembro",
- "notify-watch": "Recibí actualizaciones en cualquier tablero, lista, o tarjeta que estés siguiendo",
- "optional": "opcional",
- "or": "o",
- "page-maybe-private": "Esta página puede ser privada. Vos podrás verla <a href='%s'>entrando</a>.",
- "page-not-found": "Página no encontrada.",
- "password": "Contraseña",
- "paste-or-dragdrop": "pegar, arrastrar y soltar el archivo de imagen a esto (imagen sola)",
- "participating": "Participando",
- "preview": "Previsualización",
- "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Previsualización",
- "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Previsualización",
- "private": "Privado",
- "private-desc": "Este tablero es privado. Solo personas agregadas a este tablero pueden verlo y editarlo.",
- "profile": "Perfil",
- "public": "Público",
- "public-desc": "Este tablero es público. Es visible para cualquiera con un enlace y se va a mostrar en los motores de búsqueda como Google. Solo personas agregadas a este tablero pueden editarlo.",
- "quick-access-description": "Dale una estrella al tablero para agregar un acceso directo en esta barra.",
- "remove-cover": "Remover Portada",
- "remove-from-board": "Remover del Tablero",
- "remove-label": "Remover Etiqueta",
- "listDeletePopup-title": "¿Borrar Lista?",
- "remove-member": "Remover Miembro",
- "remove-member-from-card": "Remover de Tarjeta",
- "remove-member-pop": "¿Remover __name__ (__username__) de __boardTitle__? Los miembros va a ser removido de todas las tarjetas en este tablero. Serán notificados.",
- "removeMemberPopup-title": "¿Remover Miembro?",
- "rename": "Renombrar",
- "rename-board": "Renombrar Tablero",
- "restore": "Restaurar",
- "save": "Grabar",
- "search": "Buscar",
- "rules": "Rules",
- "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board",
- "search-example": "¿Texto a buscar?",
- "select-color": "Seleccionar Color",
- "set-wip-limit-value": "Fijar un límite para el número máximo de tareas en esta lista",
- "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Establecer Límite TEP",
- "shortcut-assign-self": "Asignarte a vos mismo en la tarjeta actual",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocompletar emonji",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocompletar miembros",
- "shortcut-clear-filters": "Limpiar todos los filtros",
- "shortcut-close-dialog": "Cerrar Diálogo",
- "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filtrar mis tarjetas",
- "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Traer esta lista de atajos",
- "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Activar/Desactivar Barra Lateral de Filtros",
- "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Activar/Desactivar Barra Lateral de Tableros",
- "show-cards-minimum-count": "Mostrar cuenta de tarjetas si la lista contiene más que",
- "sidebar-open": "Abrir Barra Lateral",
- "sidebar-close": "Cerrar Barra Lateral",
- "signupPopup-title": "Crear Cuenta",
- "star-board-title": "Clickear para darle una estrella a este tablero. Se mostrará arriba en el tope de tu lista de tableros.",
- "starred-boards": "Tableros con estrellas",
- "starred-boards-description": "Tableros con estrellas se muestran en el tope de tu lista de tableros.",
- "subscribe": "Suscribirse",
- "team": "Equipo",
- "this-board": "este tablero",
- "this-card": "esta tarjeta",
- "spent-time-hours": "Tiempo empleado (horas)",
- "overtime-hours": "Sobretiempo (horas)",
- "overtime": "Sobretiempo",
- "has-overtime-cards": "Tiene tarjetas con sobretiempo",
- "has-spenttime-cards": "Ha gastado tarjetas de tiempo",
- "time": "Hora",
- "title": "Título",
- "tracking": "Seguimiento",
- "tracking-info": "Serás notificado de cualquier cambio a aquellas tarjetas en las que seas creador o miembro.",
- "type": "Type",
- "unassign-member": "Desasignar miembro",
- "unsaved-description": "Tienes una descripción sin guardar.",
- "unwatch": "Dejar de seguir",
- "upload": "Cargar",
- "upload-avatar": "Cargar un avatar",
- "uploaded-avatar": "Cargado un avatar",
- "username": "Nombre de usuario",
- "view-it": "Verlo",
- "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Archive",
- "watch": "Seguir",
- "watching": "Siguiendo",
- "watching-info": "Serás notificado de cualquier cambio en este tablero",
- "welcome-board": "Tablero de Bienvenida",
- "welcome-swimlane": "Hito 1",
- "welcome-list1": "Básicos",
- "welcome-list2": "Avanzado",
- "card-templates-swimlane": "Card Templates",
- "list-templates-swimlane": "List Templates",
- "board-templates-swimlane": "Board Templates",
- "what-to-do": "¿Qué querés hacer?",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Límite TEP Inválido",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": " El número de tareas en esta lista es mayor que el límite TEP que definiste.",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Por favor mové algunas tareas fuera de esta lista, o seleccioná un límite TEP más alto.",
- "admin-panel": "Panel de Administración",
- "settings": "Opciones",
- "people": "Gente",
- "registration": "Registro",
- "disable-self-registration": "Desactivar auto-registro",
- "invite": "Invitar",
- "invite-people": "Invitar Gente",
- "to-boards": "A tarjeta(s)",
- "email-addresses": "Dirección de Email",
- "smtp-host-description": "La dirección del servidor SMTP que maneja tus emails",
- "smtp-port-description": "El puerto que tu servidor SMTP usa para correos salientes",
- "smtp-tls-description": "Activar soporte TLS para el servidor SMTP",
- "smtp-host": "Servidor SMTP",
- "smtp-port": "Puerto SMTP",
- "smtp-username": "Usuario",
- "smtp-password": "Contraseña",
- "smtp-tls": "Soporte TLS",
- "send-from": "De",
- "send-smtp-test": "Enviarse un email de prueba",
- "invitation-code": "Código de Invitación",
- "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ te envió una invitación",
- "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email",
- "email-smtp-test-text": "Enviaste el correo correctamente",
- "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "El código de invitación no existe",
- "error-notAuthorized": "No estás autorizado para ver esta página.",
- "webhook-title": "Webhook Name",
- "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)",
- "outgoing-webhooks": "Ganchos Web Salientes",
- "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks",
- "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Ganchos Web Salientes",
- "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Card Title Filter",
- "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook",
- "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks",
- "new-outgoing-webhook": "Nuevo Gancho Web",
- "no-name": "(desconocido)",
- "Node_version": "Versión de Node",
- "Meteor_version": "Meteor version",
- "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version",
- "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine",
- "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled",
- "OS_Arch": "Arch del SO",
- "OS_Cpus": "Cantidad de CPU del SO",
- "OS_Freemem": "Memoria Libre del SO",
- "OS_Loadavg": "Carga Promedio del SO",
- "OS_Platform": "Plataforma del SO",
- "OS_Release": "Revisión del SO",
- "OS_Totalmem": "Memoria Total del SO",
- "OS_Type": "Tipo de SO",
- "OS_Uptime": "Tiempo encendido del SO",
- "days": "days",
- "hours": "horas",
- "minutes": "minutos",
- "seconds": "segundos",
- "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card",
- "automatically-field-on-card": "Auto create field to all cards",
- "showLabel-field-on-card": "Show field label on minicard",
- "yes": "Si",
- "no": "No",
- "accounts": "Cuentas",
- "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Permitir Cambio de Email",
- "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change",
- "createdAt": "Creado en",
- "verified": "Verificado",
- "active": "Activo",
- "card-received": "Recibido",
- "card-received-on": "Recibido en",
- "card-end": "Termino",
- "card-end-on": "Termina en",
- "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de recepción",
- "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de término",
- "setCardColorPopup-title": "Set color",
- "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "setListColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
- "assigned-by": "Assigned By",
- "requested-by": "Requested By",
- "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
- "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
- "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?",
- "delete-board": "Delete Board",
- "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board",
- "default": "Default",
- "queue": "Queue",
- "subtask-settings": "Subtasks Settings",
- "card-settings": "Card Settings",
- "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Board Subtasks Settings",
- "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Card Settings",
- "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:",
- "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:",
- "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:",
- "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path",
- "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent",
- "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path",
- "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent",
- "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent",
- "parent-card": "Parent card",
- "source-board": "Source board",
- "no-parent": "Don't show parent",
- "activity-added-label": "added label '%s' to %s",
- "activity-removed-label": "removed label '%s' from %s",
- "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an attachment from %s",
- "activity-added-label-card": "added label '%s'",
- "activity-removed-label-card": "removed label '%s'",
- "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an attachment",
- "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s",
- "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s",
- "r-rule": "Rule",
- "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger",
- "r-add-action": "Add action",
- "r-board-rules": "Board rules",
- "r-add-rule": "Add rule",
- "r-view-rule": "View rule",
- "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule",
- "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title",
- "r-no-rules": "No rules",
- "r-when-a-card": "When a card",
- "r-is": "is",
- "r-is-moved": "is moved",
- "r-added-to": "added to",
- "r-removed-from": "Removed from",
- "r-the-board": "the board",
- "r-list": "list",
- "set-filter": "Set Filter",
- "r-moved-to": "Moved to",
- "r-moved-from": "Moved from",
- "r-archived": "Moved to Archive",
- "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive",
- "r-a-card": "a card",
- "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is",
- "r-when-the-label": "When the label",
- "r-list-name": "list name",
- "r-when-a-member": "When a member is",
- "r-when-the-member": "When the member",
- "r-name": "name",
- "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment",
- "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is",
- "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist",
- "r-completed": "Completed",
- "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete",
- "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is",
- "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item",
- "r-checked": "Checked",
- "r-unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "r-move-card-to": "Move card to",
- "r-top-of": "Top of",
- "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of",
- "r-its-list": "its list",
- "r-archive": "Mover al Archivo",
- "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive",
- "r-card": "card",
- "r-add": "Agregar",
- "r-remove": "Remove",
- "r-label": "label",
- "r-member": "member",
- "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card",
- "r-set-color": "Set color to",
- "r-checklist": "checklist",
- "r-check-all": "Check all",
- "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all",
- "r-items-check": "items of checklist",
- "r-check": "Check",
- "r-uncheck": "Uncheck",
- "r-item": "item",
- "r-of-checklist": "of checklist",
- "r-send-email": "Send an email",
- "r-to": "to",
- "r-subject": "subject",
- "r-rule-details": "Rule details",
- "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Move card to top of its list",
- "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Move card to top of list",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Move card to bottom of its list",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Move card to bottom of list",
- "r-d-send-email": "Send email",
- "r-d-send-email-to": "to",
- "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject",
- "r-d-send-email-message": "message",
- "r-d-archive": "Move card to Archive",
- "r-d-unarchive": "Restore card from Archive",
- "r-d-add-label": "Add label",
- "r-d-remove-label": "Remove label",
- "r-create-card": "Create new card",
- "r-in-list": "in list",
- "r-in-swimlane": "in swimlane",
- "r-d-add-member": "Add member",
- "r-d-remove-member": "Remove member",
- "r-d-remove-all-member": "Remove all member",
- "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list",
- "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list",
- "r-d-check-one": "Check item",
- "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item",
- "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist",
- "r-d-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
- "r-d-remove-checklist": "Remove checklist",
- "r-by": "by",
- "r-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
- "r-with-items": "with items",
- "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3",
- "r-add-swimlane": "Add swimlane",
- "r-swimlane-name": "swimlane name",
- "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.",
- "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.",
- "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list",
- "r-set": "Set",
- "r-update": "Update",
- "r-datefield": "date field",
- "r-df-start-at": "start",
- "r-df-due-at": "due",
- "r-df-end-at": "end",
- "r-df-received-at": "received",
- "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time",
- "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from",
- "ldap": "LDAP",
- "oauth2": "OAuth2",
- "cas": "CAS",
- "authentication-method": "Authentication method",
- "authentication-type": "Authentication type",
- "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name",
- "layout": "Layout",
- "hide-logo": "Hide Logo",
- "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after <body> start",
- "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before </body> end",
- "error-undefined": "Something went wrong",
- "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login",
- "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method",
- "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method",
- "duplicate-board": "Duplicate Board",
- "people-number": "The number of people is:",
- "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Delete Swimlane ?",
- "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.",
- "restore-all": "Restore all",
- "delete-all": "Delete all",
- "loading": "Loading, please wait.",
- "previous_as": "last time was",
- "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__",
- "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be",
- "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be",
- "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be",
- "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be",
- "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching",
- "pastdue": "current due time %s is past",
- "duenow": "current due time %s is today",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
- "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching",
- "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past",
- "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now",
- "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
- "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.",
- "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account",
- "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text",
- "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles",
- "assignee": "Assignee",
- "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Assignee",
- "addmore-detail": "Add a more detailed description",
- "show-on-card": "Show on Card",
- "new": "New",
- "editUserPopup-title": "Edit User",
- "newUserPopup-title": "New User",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "view-all": "View All",
- "filter-by-unread": "Filter by Unread",
- "mark-all-as-read": "Mark all as read",
- "remove-all-read": "Remove all read",
- "allow-rename": "Allow Rename",
- "allowRenamePopup-title": "Allow Rename"
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ "accept": "Aceptar",
+ "act-activity-notify": "Notificación de Actividad",
+ "act-addAttachment": "agregado archivo adjunto __attachment__ a tarjeta __card__ en la lista __list__ en el swimlane __swimlane__ en el tablero __board__",
+ "act-deleteAttachment": "eliminado archivo adjunto __attachment__ de la tarjeta __card__ en la lista __list__ en el swimlane __swimlane__ en el tablero __board__",
+ "act-addSubtask": "added subtask __subtask__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addedLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removedLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addChecklist": "added checklist __checklist__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addChecklistItem": "added checklist item __checklistItem__ to checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklist": "removed checklist __checklist__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklistItem": "removed checklist item __checklistItem__ from checklist __checkList__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-checkedItem": "checked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-uncheckedItem": "unchecked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-completeChecklist": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-uncompleteChecklist": "uncompleted checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-addComment": "commented on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-editComment": "edited comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-deleteComment": "deleted comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-createBoard": "created board __board__",
+ "act-createSwimlane": "created swimlane __swimlane__ to board __board__",
+ "act-createCard": "created card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
+ "act-deleteCustomField": "deleted custom field __customField__ at board __board__",
+ "act-setCustomField": "edited custom field __customField__: __customFieldValue__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-createList": "added list __list__ to board __board__",
+ "act-addBoardMember": "added member __member__ to board __board__",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "Board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedCard": "Card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedList": "List __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-archivedSwimlane": "Swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__ moved to Archive",
+ "act-importBoard": "imported board __board__",
+ "act-importCard": "imported card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-importList": "imported list __list__ to swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-joinMember": "added member __member__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__",
+ "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "moved card __card__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ at board __oldBoard__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "removed member __member__ from board __board__",
+ "act-restoredCard": "restored card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "removed member __member__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
+ "act-withCardTitle": "__card__ [__board__] ",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "activities": "Actividades",
+ "activity": "Actividad",
+ "activity-added": "agregadas %s a %s",
+ "activity-archived": "%s moved to Archive",
+ "activity-attached": "adjuntadas %s a %s",
+ "activity-created": "creadas %s",
+ "activity-customfield-created": "created custom field %s",
+ "activity-excluded": "excluidas %s de %s",
+ "activity-imported": "importadas %s en %s de %s",
+ "activity-imported-board": "importadas %s de %s",
+ "activity-joined": "unidas %s",
+ "activity-moved": "movidas %s de %s a %s",
+ "activity-on": "en %s",
+ "activity-removed": "eliminadas %s de %s",
+ "activity-sent": "enviadas %s a %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "separadas %s",
+ "activity-subtask-added": "added subtask to %s",
+ "activity-checked-item": "checked %s in checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item": "unchecked %s in checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "agregada lista de tareas a %s",
+ "activity-checklist-removed": "removed a checklist from %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "uncompleted the checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-added": "agregado item de lista de tareas a '%s' en %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-removed": "removed a checklist item from '%s' in %s",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "activity-checked-item-card": "checked %s in checklist %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item-card": "unchecked %s in checklist %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed-card": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "uncompleted the checklist %s",
+ "activity-editComment": "comentario %s editado",
+ "activity-deleteComment": "comentario %s eliminado",
+ "add-attachment": "Agregar Adjunto",
+ "add-board": "Agregar Tablero",
+ "add-card": "Agregar Tarjeta",
+ "add-swimlane": "Agregar Calle",
+ "add-subtask": "Agregar Subtarea",
+ "add-checklist": "Agregar Lista de Tareas",
+ "add-checklist-item": "Agregar ítem a lista de tareas",
+ "add-cover": "Agregar Portadas",
+ "add-label": "Agregar Etiqueta",
+ "add-list": "Agregar Lista",
+ "add-members": "Agregar Miembros",
+ "added": "Agregadas",
+ "addMemberPopup-title": "Miembros",
+ "admin": "Administrador",
+ "admin-desc": "Puede ver y editar tarjetas, eliminar miembros, y cambiar opciones para el tablero.",
+ "admin-announcement": "Anuncio",
+ "admin-announcement-active": "Anuncio del Sistema Activo",
+ "admin-announcement-title": "Anuncio del Administrador",
+ "all-boards": "Todos los tableros",
+ "and-n-other-card": "Y __count__ otra tarjeta",
+ "and-n-other-card_plural": "Y __count__ otras tarjetas",
+ "apply": "Aplicar",
+ "app-is-offline": "Loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If loading does not work, please check that server has not stopped.",
+ "archive": "Mover al Archivo",
+ "archive-all": "Mover Todo al Archivo",
+ "archive-board": "Mover Tablero al Archivo",
+ "archive-card": "Mover Tarjeta al Archivo",
+ "archive-list": "Mover Lista al Archivo",
+ "archive-swimlane": "Mover Calle al Archivo",
+ "archive-selection": "Mover selección al Archivo",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "¿Mover Tablero al Archivo?",
+ "archived-items": "Archivar",
+ "archived-boards": "Tableros en el Archivo",
+ "restore-board": "Restaurar Tablero",
+ "no-archived-boards": "No hay Tableros en el Archivo",
+ "archives": "Archivar",
+ "template": "Plantilla",
+ "templates": "Plantillas",
+ "assign-member": "Asignar miembro",
+ "attached": "adjunto(s)",
+ "attachment": "Adjunto",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "Borrar un adjunto es permanente. No hay deshacer.",
+ "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "¿Borrar Adjunto?",
+ "attachments": "Adjuntos",
+ "auto-watch": "Seguir tableros automáticamente al crearlos",
+ "avatar-too-big": "El avatar es muy grande (70KB max)",
+ "back": "Atrás",
+ "board-change-color": "Cambiar color",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s estrellas",
+ "board-not-found": "Tablero no encontrado",
+ "board-private-info": "Este tablero va a ser <strong>privado</strong>.",
+ "board-public-info": "Este tablero va a ser <strong>público</strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Cambiar Fondo del Tablero",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Renombrar Tablero",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Cambiar Visibilidad",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Alternar Seguimiento",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "Opciones del Tablero",
+ "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "Vista de Tablero",
+ "boards": "Tableros",
+ "board-view": "Vista de Tablero",
+ "board-view-cal": "Calendario",
+ "board-view-swimlanes": "Calles",
+ "board-view-collapse": "Collapse",
+ "board-view-lists": "Listas",
+ "bucket-example": "Como \"Lista de Contenedores\" por ejemplo",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "card-archived": "Esta tarjeta es movida al Archivo.",
+ "board-archived": "Este tablero es movido al Archivo.",
+ "card-comments-title": "Esta tarjeta tiene %s comentario.",
+ "card-delete-notice": "Borrar es permanente. Perderás todas las acciones asociadas con esta tarjeta.",
+ "card-delete-pop": "Todas las acciones van a ser eliminadas del agregador de actividad y no podrás re-abrir la tarjeta. No hay deshacer.",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Podés mover una tarjeta al Archivo para eliminarla del tablero y preservar la actividad.",
+ "card-due": "Vence",
+ "card-due-on": "Vence en",
+ "card-spent": "Tiempo Empleado",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "Editar adjuntos",
+ "card-edit-custom-fields": "Editar campos personalizados",
+ "card-start-voting": "Start voting",
+ "card-cancel-voting": "Delete voting and all votes",
+ "card-edit-labels": "Editar etiquetas",
+ "card-edit-members": "Editar miembros",
+ "card-labels-title": "Cambiar las etiquetas de la tarjeta.",
+ "card-members-title": "Agregar o eliminar de la tarjeta miembros del tablero.",
+ "card-start": "Empieza",
+ "card-start-on": "Empieza el",
+ "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Adjuntar De",
+ "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha",
+ "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Editar campos personalizados",
+ "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Start a vote",
+ "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents",
+ "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents",
+ "vote-question": "Voting question",
+ "vote-public": "Public vote",
+ "vote-for-it": "for it",
+ "vote-against": "against",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "¿Borrar Tarjeta?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Acciones de la Tarjeta",
+ "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etiquetas",
+ "cardMembersPopup-title": "Miembros",
+ "cardMorePopup-title": "Mas",
+ "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Crear plantilla",
+ "cards": "Tarjetas",
+ "cards-count": "Tarjetas",
+ "casSignIn": "Ingresar con CAS",
+ "cardType-card": "Tarjeta",
+ "cardType-linkedCard": "Tarjeta Vinculada",
+ "cardType-linkedBoard": "Tablero Vinculado",
+ "change": "Cambiar",
+ "change-avatar": "Cambiar Avatar",
+ "change-password": "Cambiar Contraseña",
+ "change-permissions": "Cambiar permisos",
+ "change-settings": "Cambiar Opciones",
+ "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Cambiar Avatar",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Cambiar Lenguaje",
+ "changePasswordPopup-title": "Cambiar Contraseña",
+ "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Cambiar Permisos",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Cambiar Opciones",
+ "subtasks": "Subtareas",
+ "checklists": "Listas de ítems",
+ "click-to-star": "Clickeá para darle una estrella a este tablero.",
+ "click-to-unstar": "Clickeá para sacarle la estrella al tablero.",
+ "clipboard": "Portapapeles o arrastrar y soltar",
+ "close": "Cerrar",
+ "close-board": "Cerrar Tablero",
+ "close-board-pop": "Podrás restaurar el tablero clickeando el \"Archivo\" desde el encabesado de inicio.",
+ "color-black": "negro",
+ "color-blue": "azul",
+ "color-crimson": "crimson",
+ "color-darkgreen": "verdeoscuro",
+ "color-gold": "dorado",
+ "color-gray": "gris",
+ "color-green": "verde",
+ "color-indigo": "índigo",
+ "color-lime": "lima",
+ "color-magenta": "magenta",
+ "color-mistyrose": "rosamística",
+ "color-navy": "navy",
+ "color-orange": "naranja",
+ "color-paleturquoise": "paleturquoise",
+ "color-peachpuff": "peachpuff",
+ "color-pink": "rosa",
+ "color-plum": "plum",
+ "color-purple": "púrpura",
+ "color-red": "rojo",
+ "color-saddlebrown": "marróntriste",
+ "color-silver": "plata",
+ "color-sky": "cielo",
+ "color-slateblue": "slateblue",
+ "color-white": "blanco",
+ "color-yellow": "amarillo",
+ "unset-color": "Deseleccionado",
+ "comment": "Comentario",
+ "comment-placeholder": "Comentar",
+ "comment-only": "Comentar solamente",
+ "comment-only-desc": "Puede comentar en tarjetas solamente.",
+ "no-comments": "Sin comentarios",
+ "no-comments-desc": "Can not see comments and activities.",
+ "worker": "Worker",
+ "worker-desc": "Can only move cards, assign itself to card and comment.",
+ "computer": "Computadora",
+ "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete subtask?",
+ "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist?",
+ "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Copiar enlace a tarjeta en el portapapeles",
+ "linkCardPopup-title": "Tarjeta vinculada",
+ "searchElementPopup-title": "Buscar",
+ "copyCardPopup-title": "Copiar Tarjeta",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Copiar Plantilla Checklist a Muchas Tarjetas",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Títulos y Descripciones de la Tarjeta Destino en este formato JSON",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"Título de primera tarjeta\", \"description\":\"Descripción de primera tarjeta\"}, {\"title\":\"Título de segunda tarjeta\",\"description\":\"Descripción de segunda tarjeta\"},{\"title\":\"Título de última tarjeta\",\"description\":\"Descripción de última tarjeta\"} ]",
+ "create": "Crear",
+ "createBoardPopup-title": "Crear Tablero",
+ "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Importar tablero",
+ "createLabelPopup-title": "Crear Etiqueta",
+ "createCustomField": "Crear Campo",
+ "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Crear Campo",
+ "current": "actual",
+ "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.",
+ "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox",
+ "custom-field-date": "Fecha",
+ "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(ninguno)",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)",
+ "custom-field-number": "Número",
+ "custom-field-text": "Texto",
+ "custom-fields": "Custom Fields",
+ "date": "Fecha",
+ "decline": "Rechazar",
+ "default-avatar": "Avatar por defecto",
+ "delete": "Borrar",
+ "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?",
+ "deleteLabelPopup-title": "¿Borrar Etiqueta?",
+ "description": "Descripción",
+ "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Desambiguación de Acción de Etiqueta",
+ "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Desambiguación de Acción de Miembro",
+ "discard": "Descartar",
+ "done": "Hecho",
+ "download": "Descargar",
+ "edit": "Editar",
+ "edit-avatar": "Cambiar Avatar",
+ "edit-profile": "Editar Perfil",
+ "edit-wip-limit": "Editar Lìmite de TEP",
+ "soft-wip-limit": "Límite TEP suave",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de inicio",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de vencimiento",
+ "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field",
+ "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Cambiar tiempo empleado",
+ "editLabelPopup-title": "Cambiar Etiqueta",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "Editar Notificación",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "Editar Perfil",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "email-enrollAccount-subject": "Una cuenta creada para vos en __siteName__",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hola __user__,\n\nPara empezar a usar el servicio, simplemente clickeá en el enlace de abajo.\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
+ "email-fail": "Fallo envío de email",
+ "email-fail-text": "Error intentando enviar email",
+ "email-invalid": "Email inválido",
+ "email-invite": "Invitar vía Email",
+ "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ te envió una invitación",
+ "email-invite-text": "Querido __user__,\n\n__inviter__ te invita a unirte al tablero \"__board__\" para colaborar.\n\nPor favor sigue el enlace de abajo:\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
+ "email-resetPassword-subject": "Restaurá tu contraseña en __siteName__",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Hola __user__,\n\nPara restaurar tu contraseña, simplemente clickeá el enlace de abajo.\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
+ "email-sent": "Email enviado",
+ "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verificá tu dirección de email en __siteName__",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hola __user__,\n\nPara verificar tu cuenta de email, simplemente clickeá el enlace de abajo.\n\n__url__\n\nGracias.",
+ "enable-wip-limit": "Activar Límite TEP",
+ "error-board-doesNotExist": "Este tablero no existe",
+ "error-board-notAdmin": "Necesitás ser administrador de este tablero para hacer eso",
+ "error-board-notAMember": "Necesitás ser miembro de este tablero para hacer eso",
+ "error-json-malformed": "Tu texto no es JSON válido",
+ "error-json-schema": "Tus datos JSON no incluyen la información correcta en el formato adecuado",
+ "error-list-doesNotExist": "Esta lista no existe",
+ "error-user-doesNotExist": "Este usuario no existe",
+ "error-user-notAllowSelf": "No podés invitarte a vos mismo",
+ "error-user-notCreated": " El usuario no se creó",
+ "error-username-taken": "El nombre de usuario ya existe",
+ "error-email-taken": "El email ya existe",
+ "export-board": "Exportar tablero",
+ "sort": "Sort",
+ "sort-desc": "Click to Sort List",
+ "list-sort-by": "Sort the List By:",
+ "list-label-modifiedAt": "Last Access Time",
+ "list-label-title": "Name of the List",
+ "list-label-sort": "Your Manual Order",
+ "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(L)",
+ "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
+ "list-label-short-sort": "(M)",
+ "filter": "Filtrar",
+ "filter-cards": "Filter Cards or Lists",
+ "list-filter-label": "Filter List by Title",
+ "filter-clear": "Sacar filtro",
+ "filter-no-label": "Sin etiqueta",
+ "filter-no-member": "No es miembro",
+ "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee",
+ "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields",
+ "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists",
+ "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists",
+ "filter-on": "El filtro está activado",
+ "filter-on-desc": "Estás filtrando cartas en este tablero. Clickeá acá para editar el filtro.",
+ "filter-to-selection": "Filtrar en la selección",
+ "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter",
+ "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i",
+ "fullname": "Nombre Completo",
+ "header-logo-title": "Retroceder a tu página de tableros.",
+ "hide-system-messages": "Esconder mensajes del sistema",
+ "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Crear Tablero",
+ "home": "Inicio",
+ "import": "Importar",
+ "link": "Link",
+ "import-board": "importar tablero",
+ "import-board-c": "Importar tablero",
+ "import-board-title-trello": "Importar tablero de Trello",
+ "import-board-title-wekan": "Import board from previous export",
+ "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
+ "import-sandstorm-warning": "El tablero importado va a borrar todos los datos existentes en el tablero y reemplazarlos con los del tablero en cuestión.",
+ "from-trello": "De Trello",
+ "from-wekan": "From previous export",
+ "import-board-instruction-trello": "En tu tablero de Trello, ve a 'Menú', luego a 'Más', 'Imprimir y Exportar', 'Exportar JSON', y copia el texto resultante.",
+ "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
+ "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
+ "import-json-placeholder": "Pegá tus datos JSON válidos acá",
+ "import-map-members": "Mapear Miembros",
+ "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
+ "import-show-user-mapping": "Revisar mapeo de miembros",
+ "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select member",
+ "info": "Versión",
+ "initials": "Iniciales",
+ "invalid-date": "Fecha inválida",
+ "invalid-time": "Tiempo inválido",
+ "invalid-user": "Usuario inválido",
+ "joined": "unido",
+ "just-invited": "Fuiste invitado a este tablero",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado",
+ "label-create": "Crear Etiqueta",
+ "label-default": "%s etiqueta (por defecto)",
+ "label-delete-pop": "No hay deshacer. Esto va a eliminar esta etiqueta de todas las tarjetas y destruir su historia.",
+ "labels": "Etiquetas",
+ "language": "Lenguaje",
+ "last-admin-desc": "No podés cambiar roles porque tiene que haber al menos un administrador.",
+ "leave-board": "Dejar Tablero",
+ "leave-board-pop": "¿Estás seguro que querés dejar __boardTitle__? Vas a salir de todas las tarjetas en este tablero.",
+ "leaveBoardPopup-title": "¿Dejar Tablero?",
+ "link-card": "Enlace a esta tarjeta",
+ "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Archive",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.",
+ "list-move-cards": "Mueve todas las tarjetas en esta lista",
+ "list-select-cards": "Selecciona todas las tarjetas en esta lista",
+ "set-color-list": "Set Color",
+ "listActionPopup-title": "Listar Acciones",
+ "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Acciones de la Calle",
+ "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Add a Swimlane below",
+ "listImportCardPopup-title": "Importar una tarjeta Trello",
+ "listMorePopup-title": "Mas",
+ "link-list": "Enlace a esta lista",
+ "list-delete-pop": "Todas las acciones van a ser eliminadas del agregador de actividad y no podás recuperar la lista. No se puede deshacer.",
+ "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
+ "lists": "Listas",
+ "swimlanes": "Calles",
+ "log-out": "Salir",
+ "log-in": "Entrar",
+ "loginPopup-title": "Entrar",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "Opciones de Miembros",
+ "members": "Miembros",
+ "menu": "Menú",
+ "move-selection": "Mover selección",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "Mover Tarjeta",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "Mover al Final",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "Mover al Tope",
+ "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Mover selección",
+ "multi-selection": "Multi-Selección",
+ "multi-selection-on": "Multi-selección está activo",
+ "muted": "Silenciado",
+ "muted-info": "No serás notificado de ningún cambio en este tablero",
+ "my-boards": "Mis Tableros",
+ "name": "Nombre",
+ "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Archive.",
+ "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Archive.",
+ "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Archive.",
+ "no-results": "No hay resultados",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "normal-desc": "Puede ver y editar tarjetas. No puede cambiar opciones.",
+ "not-accepted-yet": "Invitación no aceptada todavía",
+ "notify-participate": "Recibí actualizaciones en cualquier tarjeta que participés como creador o miembro",
+ "notify-watch": "Recibí actualizaciones en cualquier tablero, lista, o tarjeta que estés siguiendo",
+ "optional": "opcional",
+ "or": "o",
+ "page-maybe-private": "Esta página puede ser privada. Vos podrás verla <a href='%s'>entrando</a>.",
+ "page-not-found": "Página no encontrada.",
+ "password": "Contraseña",
+ "paste-or-dragdrop": "pegar, arrastrar y soltar el archivo de imagen a esto (imagen sola)",
+ "participating": "Participando",
+ "preview": "Previsualización",
+ "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Previsualización",
+ "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Previsualización",
+ "private": "Privado",
+ "private-desc": "Este tablero es privado. Solo personas agregadas a este tablero pueden verlo y editarlo.",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "public": "Público",
+ "public-desc": "Este tablero es público. Es visible para cualquiera con un enlace y se va a mostrar en los motores de búsqueda como Google. Solo personas agregadas a este tablero pueden editarlo.",
+ "quick-access-description": "Dale una estrella al tablero para agregar un acceso directo en esta barra.",
+ "remove-cover": "Remover Portada",
+ "remove-from-board": "Remover del Tablero",
+ "remove-label": "Remover Etiqueta",
+ "listDeletePopup-title": "¿Borrar Lista?",
+ "remove-member": "Remover Miembro",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "Remover de Tarjeta",
+ "remove-member-pop": "¿Remover __name__ (__username__) de __boardTitle__? Los miembros va a ser removido de todas las tarjetas en este tablero. Serán notificados.",
+ "removeMemberPopup-title": "¿Remover Miembro?",
+ "rename": "Renombrar",
+ "rename-board": "Renombrar Tablero",
+ "restore": "Restaurar",
+ "save": "Grabar",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "rules": "Rules",
+ "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board",
+ "search-example": "¿Texto a buscar?",
+ "select-color": "Seleccionar Color",
+ "set-wip-limit-value": "Fijar un límite para el número máximo de tareas en esta lista",
+ "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Establecer Límite TEP",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "Asignarte a vos mismo en la tarjeta actual",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocompletar emonji",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocompletar miembros",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "Limpiar todos los filtros",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "Cerrar Diálogo",
+ "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filtrar mis tarjetas",
+ "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Traer esta lista de atajos",
+ "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Activar/Desactivar Barra Lateral de Filtros",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Activar/Desactivar Barra Lateral de Tableros",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "Mostrar cuenta de tarjetas si la lista contiene más que",
+ "sidebar-open": "Abrir Barra Lateral",
+ "sidebar-close": "Cerrar Barra Lateral",
+ "signupPopup-title": "Crear Cuenta",
+ "star-board-title": "Clickear para darle una estrella a este tablero. Se mostrará arriba en el tope de tu lista de tableros.",
+ "starred-boards": "Tableros con estrellas",
+ "starred-boards-description": "Tableros con estrellas se muestran en el tope de tu lista de tableros.",
+ "subscribe": "Suscribirse",
+ "team": "Equipo",
+ "this-board": "este tablero",
+ "this-card": "esta tarjeta",
+ "spent-time-hours": "Tiempo empleado (horas)",
+ "overtime-hours": "Sobretiempo (horas)",
+ "overtime": "Sobretiempo",
+ "has-overtime-cards": "Tiene tarjetas con sobretiempo",
+ "has-spenttime-cards": "Ha gastado tarjetas de tiempo",
+ "time": "Hora",
+ "title": "Título",
+ "tracking": "Seguimiento",
+ "tracking-info": "Serás notificado de cualquier cambio a aquellas tarjetas en las que seas creador o miembro.",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "unassign-member": "Desasignar miembro",
+ "unsaved-description": "Tienes una descripción sin guardar.",
+ "unwatch": "Dejar de seguir",
+ "upload": "Cargar",
+ "upload-avatar": "Cargar un avatar",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "Cargado un avatar",
+ "username": "Nombre de usuario",
+ "view-it": "Verlo",
+ "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Archive",
+ "watch": "Seguir",
+ "watching": "Siguiendo",
+ "watching-info": "Serás notificado de cualquier cambio en este tablero",
+ "welcome-board": "Tablero de Bienvenida",
+ "welcome-swimlane": "Hito 1",
+ "welcome-list1": "Básicos",
+ "welcome-list2": "Avanzado",
+ "card-templates-swimlane": "Card Templates",
+ "list-templates-swimlane": "List Templates",
+ "board-templates-swimlane": "Board Templates",
+ "what-to-do": "¿Qué querés hacer?",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Límite TEP Inválido",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": " El número de tareas en esta lista es mayor que el límite TEP que definiste.",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Por favor mové algunas tareas fuera de esta lista, o seleccioná un límite TEP más alto.",
+ "admin-panel": "Panel de Administración",
+ "settings": "Opciones",
+ "people": "Gente",
+ "registration": "Registro",
+ "disable-self-registration": "Desactivar auto-registro",
+ "invite": "Invitar",
+ "invite-people": "Invitar Gente",
+ "to-boards": "A tarjeta(s)",
+ "email-addresses": "Dirección de Email",
+ "smtp-host-description": "La dirección del servidor SMTP que maneja tus emails",
+ "smtp-port-description": "El puerto que tu servidor SMTP usa para correos salientes",
+ "smtp-tls-description": "Activar soporte TLS para el servidor SMTP",
+ "smtp-host": "Servidor SMTP",
+ "smtp-port": "Puerto SMTP",
+ "smtp-username": "Usuario",
+ "smtp-password": "Contraseña",
+ "smtp-tls": "Soporte TLS",
+ "send-from": "De",
+ "send-smtp-test": "Enviarse un email de prueba",
+ "invitation-code": "Código de Invitación",
+ "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ te envió una invitación",
+ "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email",
+ "email-smtp-test-text": "Enviaste el correo correctamente",
+ "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "El código de invitación no existe",
+ "error-notAuthorized": "No estás autorizado para ver esta página.",
+ "webhook-title": "Webhook Name",
+ "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)",
+ "outgoing-webhooks": "Ganchos Web Salientes",
+ "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks",
+ "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Ganchos Web Salientes",
+ "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Card Title Filter",
+ "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook",
+ "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks",
+ "new-outgoing-webhook": "Nuevo Gancho Web",
+ "no-name": "(desconocido)",
+ "Node_version": "Versión de Node",
+ "Meteor_version": "Meteor version",
+ "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version",
+ "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine",
+ "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled",
+ "OS_Arch": "Arch del SO",
+ "OS_Cpus": "Cantidad de CPU del SO",
+ "OS_Freemem": "Memoria Libre del SO",
+ "OS_Loadavg": "Carga Promedio del SO",
+ "OS_Platform": "Plataforma del SO",
+ "OS_Release": "Revisión del SO",
+ "OS_Totalmem": "Memoria Total del SO",
+ "OS_Type": "Tipo de SO",
+ "OS_Uptime": "Tiempo encendido del SO",
+ "days": "days",
+ "hours": "horas",
+ "minutes": "minutos",
+ "seconds": "segundos",
+ "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card",
+ "automatically-field-on-card": "Auto create field to all cards",
+ "showLabel-field-on-card": "Show field label on minicard",
+ "yes": "Si",
+ "no": "No",
+ "accounts": "Cuentas",
+ "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Permitir Cambio de Email",
+ "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change",
+ "createdAt": "Creado en",
+ "verified": "Verificado",
+ "active": "Activo",
+ "card-received": "Recibido",
+ "card-received-on": "Recibido en",
+ "card-end": "Termino",
+ "card-end-on": "Termina en",
+ "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de recepción",
+ "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Cambiar fecha de término",
+ "setCardColorPopup-title": "Set color",
+ "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
+ "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
+ "setListColorPopup-title": "Choose a color",
+ "assigned-by": "Assigned By",
+ "requested-by": "Requested By",
+ "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
+ "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
+ "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?",
+ "delete-board": "Delete Board",
+ "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board",
+ "default": "Default",
+ "queue": "Queue",
+ "subtask-settings": "Subtasks Settings",
+ "card-settings": "Card Settings",
+ "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Board Subtasks Settings",
+ "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Card Settings",
+ "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:",
+ "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:",
+ "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:",
+ "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path",
+ "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent",
+ "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path",
+ "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent",
+ "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent",
+ "parent-card": "Parent card",
+ "source-board": "Source board",
+ "no-parent": "Don't show parent",
+ "activity-added-label": "added label '%s' to %s",
+ "activity-removed-label": "removed label '%s' from %s",
+ "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an attachment from %s",
+ "activity-added-label-card": "added label '%s'",
+ "activity-removed-label-card": "removed label '%s'",
+ "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an attachment",
+ "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s",
+ "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s",
+ "r-rule": "Rule",
+ "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger",
+ "r-add-action": "Add action",
+ "r-board-rules": "Board rules",
+ "r-add-rule": "Add rule",
+ "r-view-rule": "View rule",
+ "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule",
+ "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title",
+ "r-no-rules": "No rules",
+ "r-when-a-card": "When a card",
+ "r-is": "is",
+ "r-is-moved": "is moved",
+ "r-added-to": "added to",
+ "r-removed-from": "Removed from",
+ "r-the-board": "the board",
+ "r-list": "list",
+ "set-filter": "Set Filter",
+ "r-moved-to": "Moved to",
+ "r-moved-from": "Moved from",
+ "r-archived": "Moved to Archive",
+ "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive",
+ "r-a-card": "a card",
+ "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is",
+ "r-when-the-label": "When the label",
+ "r-list-name": "list name",
+ "r-when-a-member": "When a member is",
+ "r-when-the-member": "When the member",
+ "r-name": "name",
+ "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment",
+ "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is",
+ "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist",
+ "r-completed": "Completed",
+ "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete",
+ "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is",
+ "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item",
+ "r-checked": "Checked",
+ "r-unchecked": "Unchecked",
+ "r-move-card-to": "Move card to",
+ "r-top-of": "Top of",
+ "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of",
+ "r-its-list": "its list",
+ "r-archive": "Mover al Archivo",
+ "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive",
+ "r-card": "card",
+ "r-add": "Agregar",
+ "r-remove": "Remove",
+ "r-label": "label",
+ "r-member": "member",
+ "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card",
+ "r-set-color": "Set color to",
+ "r-checklist": "checklist",
+ "r-check-all": "Check all",
+ "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all",
+ "r-items-check": "items of checklist",
+ "r-check": "Check",
+ "r-uncheck": "Uncheck",
+ "r-item": "item",
+ "r-of-checklist": "of checklist",
+ "r-send-email": "Send an email",
+ "r-to": "to",
+ "r-subject": "subject",
+ "r-rule-details": "Rule details",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Move card to top of its list",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Move card to top of list",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Move card to bottom of its list",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Move card to bottom of list",
+ "r-d-send-email": "Send email",
+ "r-d-send-email-to": "to",
+ "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject",
+ "r-d-send-email-message": "message",
+ "r-d-archive": "Move card to Archive",
+ "r-d-unarchive": "Restore card from Archive",
+ "r-d-add-label": "Add label",
+ "r-d-remove-label": "Remove label",
+ "r-create-card": "Create new card",
+ "r-in-list": "in list",
+ "r-in-swimlane": "in swimlane",
+ "r-d-add-member": "Add member",
+ "r-d-remove-member": "Remove member",
+ "r-d-remove-all-member": "Remove all member",
+ "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list",
+ "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list",
+ "r-d-check-one": "Check item",
+ "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item",
+ "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist",
+ "r-d-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
+ "r-d-remove-checklist": "Remove checklist",
+ "r-by": "by",
+ "r-add-checklist": "Add checklist",
+ "r-with-items": "with items",
+ "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3",
+ "r-add-swimlane": "Add swimlane",
+ "r-swimlane-name": "swimlane name",
+ "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.",
+ "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.",
+ "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list",
+ "r-set": "Set",
+ "r-update": "Update",
+ "r-datefield": "date field",
+ "r-df-start-at": "start",
+ "r-df-due-at": "due",
+ "r-df-end-at": "end",
+ "r-df-received-at": "received",
+ "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time",
+ "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from",
+ "ldap": "LDAP",
+ "oauth2": "OAuth2",
+ "cas": "CAS",
+ "authentication-method": "Authentication method",
+ "authentication-type": "Authentication type",
+ "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name",
+ "layout": "Layout",
+ "hide-logo": "Hide Logo",
+ "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after <body> start",
+ "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before </body> end",
+ "error-undefined": "Something went wrong",
+ "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login",
+ "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method",
+ "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method",
+ "duplicate-board": "Duplicate Board",
+ "people-number": "The number of people is:",
+ "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Delete Swimlane ?",
+ "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.",
+ "restore-all": "Restore all",
+ "delete-all": "Delete all",
+ "loading": "Loading, please wait.",
+ "previous_as": "last time was",
+ "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__",
+ "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
+ "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be",
+ "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be",
+ "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be",
+ "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be",
+ "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching",
+ "pastdue": "current due time %s is past",
+ "duenow": "current due time %s is today",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
+ "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching",
+ "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past",
+ "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now",
+ "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
+ "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.",
+ "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account",
+ "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text",
+ "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles",
+ "assignee": "Assignee",
+ "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Assignee",
+ "addmore-detail": "Add a more detailed description",
+ "show-on-card": "Show on Card",
+ "new": "New",
+ "editUserPopup-title": "Edit User",
+ "newUserPopup-title": "New User",
+ "notifications": "Notifications",
+ "view-all": "View All",
+ "filter-by-unread": "Filter by Unread",
+ "mark-all-as-read": "Mark all as read",
+ "remove-all-read": "Remove all read",
+ "allow-rename": "Allow Rename",
+ "allowRenamePopup-title": "Allow Rename"
diff --git a/i18n/pl.i18n.json b/i18n/pl.i18n.json
index c064f921..31291ce7 100644
--- a/i18n/pl.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/pl.i18n.json
@@ -1,780 +1,780 @@
- "accept": "Akceptuj",
- "act-activity-notify": "Powiadomienia aktywności",
- "act-addAttachment": "dodał(a) załącznik __attachment__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-deleteAttachment": "usunął załącznik __attachment__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-addSubtask": "dodał(a) podzadanie __subtask__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-addLabel": "dodał(a) etykietę __label__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-addedLabel": "dodał(a) etykietę __label__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-removeLabel": "usunął etykietę __label__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-removedLabel": "usunął etykietę __label__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-addChecklist": "dodał(a) listę zadań __checklist__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-addChecklistItem": "dodał(a) element listy zadań __checklistItem__ do listy zadań __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-removeChecklist": "usunął listę zadań __checklist__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-removeChecklistItem": "usunął element listy zadań __checklistItem__ z listy zadań __checkList__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-checkedItem": "zaznaczył(a) __checklistItem__ na liście zadań __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-uncheckedItem": "odznaczył(a) __checklistItem__ na liście __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-completeChecklist": "wykonał(a) wszystkie zadania z listy __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-uncompleteChecklist": "wycofał(a) ukończenie wykonania listy __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-addComment": "dodał(a) komentarz na karcie __card__: __comment__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-editComment": "edytował(a) komentarz na karcie __card__: __comment__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-deleteComment": "usunął komentarz na karcie __card__: __comment__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-createBoard": "utworzył(a) tablicę __board__",
- "act-createSwimlane": "utworzył(a) diagram czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-createCard": "utworzył(a) kartę __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-createCustomField": "utworzył(a) niestandardowe pole __customField__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-deleteCustomField": "usunął niestandardowe pole __customField__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-setCustomField": "zmienił(a) niestandardowe pole __customField__: __customFieldValue__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-createList": "dodał(a) listę __list__ do tablicy __board__",
- "act-addBoardMember": "dodał(a) użytykownika __member__ do tablicy __board__",
- "act-archivedBoard": "Tablica __board__ została przeniesiona do Archiwum",
- "act-archivedCard": "przeniósł kartę __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__ do Archiwum",
- "act-archivedList": "przeniósł listę __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__ do Archiwum",
- "act-archivedSwimlane": "przeniósł diagram czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__ do Archiwum",
- "act-importBoard": "zaimportował(a) tablicę __board__",
- "act-importCard": "zaimportował(a) kartę __card__ do listy __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-importList": "zaimportował(a) listę __list__ na diagram czynności __swimlane__ do tablicy __board__",
- "act-joinMember": "dodał(a) użytkownika __member__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-moveCard": "przeniósł kartę __card__ na tablicy __board__ z listy __oldList__ na diagramie czynności __oldSwimlane__ na listę __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__",
- "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "przeniósł kartę __card__ z listy __oldList__ na diagramie czynności __oldSwimlane__ na tablicy __oldBoard__ do listy __listy__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-removeBoardMember": "usunął użytkownika __member__ z tablicy __board__",
- "act-restoredCard": "przywrócił(a) kartę __card__ na listę __list__ na diagram czynności__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "usunął użytkownika __member__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
- "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
- "actions": "Akcje",
- "activities": "Ostatnia aktywność",
- "activity": "Aktywność",
- "activity-added": "dodał(a) %s z %s",
- "activity-archived": "%s została przeniesiona do Archiwum",
- "activity-attached": "załączono %s z %s",
- "activity-created": "utworzył(a) %s",
- "activity-customfield-created": "utworzył(a) niestandardowe pole %s",
- "activity-excluded": "wyłączono %s z %s",
- "activity-imported": "zaimportowano %s to %s z %s",
- "activity-imported-board": "zaimportowano %s z %s",
- "activity-joined": "dołączono %s",
- "activity-moved": "przeniesiono % z %s to %s",
- "activity-on": "w %s",
- "activity-removed": "usunięto %s z %s",
- "activity-sent": "wysłano %s z %s",
- "activity-unjoined": "odłączono %s",
- "activity-subtask-added": "dodano podzadanie do %s",
- "activity-checked-item": "zaznaczono %s w liście zadań%s z %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item": "odznaczono %s w liście zadań %s z %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "dodał(a) listę zadań do %s",
- "activity-checklist-removed": "usunął listę zadań z %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed": "ukończono listę zadań %s z %s",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "nieukończono listy zadań %s z %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-added": "dodał(a) zadanie '%s' do %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-removed": "usunął element z listy zadań '%s' w %s",
- "add": "Dodaj",
- "activity-checked-item-card": "zaznaczono %s w liście zadań %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item-card": "odznaczono %s w liście zadań %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed-card": "wykonał(a) wszystkie zadania z listy __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "wycofano ukończenie listy zadań %s",
- "activity-editComment": "edytował(a) komentarz %s",
- "activity-deleteComment": "usunął komentarz %s",
- "add-attachment": "Dodaj załącznik",
- "add-board": "Dodaj tablicę",
- "add-card": "Dodaj kartę",
- "add-swimlane": "Dodaj diagram czynności",
- "add-subtask": "Dodaj podzadanie",
- "add-checklist": "Dodaj listę kontrolną",
- "add-checklist-item": "Dodaj element do listy kontrolnej",
- "add-cover": "Dodaj okładkę",
- "add-label": "Dodaj etykietę",
- "add-list": "Dodaj listę",
- "add-members": "Dodaj członków",
- "added": "Dodane",
- "addMemberPopup-title": "Członkowie",
- "admin": "Administrator",
- "admin-desc": "Może widzieć i edytować karty, usuwać członków oraz zmieniać ustawienia tablicy.",
- "admin-announcement": "Ogłoszenie",
- "admin-announcement-active": "Włącz ogłoszenie systemowe",
- "admin-announcement-title": "Ogłoszenie od administratora",
- "all-boards": "Wszystkie tablice",
- "and-n-other-card": "I __count__ inna karta",
- "and-n-other-card_plural": "I __count__ inne karty",
- "apply": "Zastosuj",
- "app-is-offline": "Trwa ładowanie, proszę czekać. Odświeżenie strony może spowodować utratę danych. Jeśli strona się nie przeładowuje, upewnij się, że serwer działa poprawnie.",
- "archive": "Przenieś do Archiwum",
- "archive-all": "Przenieś wszystko do Archiwum",
- "archive-board": "Przenieś tablicę do Archiwum",
- "archive-card": "Przenieś kartę do Archiwum",
- "archive-list": "Przenieś listę do Archiwum",
- "archive-swimlane": "Przenieś diagram czynności do Archiwum",
- "archive-selection": "Przenieś zaznaczone do Archiwum",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Przenieść tablicę do Archiwum?",
- "archived-items": "Archiwum",
- "archived-boards": "Tablice w Archiwum",
- "restore-board": "Przywróć tablicę",
- "no-archived-boards": "Brak tablic w Archiwum.",
- "archives": "Archiwum",
- "template": "Szablon",
- "templates": "Szablony",
- "assign-member": "Dodaj członka",
- "attached": "załączono",
- "attachment": "Załącznik",
- "attachment-delete-pop": "Usunięcie załącznika jest nieodwracalne.",
- "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć załącznik?",
- "attachments": "Załączniki",
- "auto-watch": "Automatycznie obserwuj tablice gdy zostaną stworzone",
- "avatar-too-big": "Awatar jest za duży (maksymalnie 70KB)",
- "back": "Wstecz",
- "board-change-color": "Zmień kolor",
- "board-nb-stars": "%s odznaczeń",
- "board-not-found": "Nie znaleziono tablicy",
- "board-private-info": "Ta tablica będzie <strong>prywatna</strong>.",
- "board-public-info": "Ta tablica będzie <strong>publiczna<strong>.",
- "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Zmień tło tablicy",
- "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Zmień nazwę tablicy",
- "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Zmień widoczność tablicy",
- "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Zmień sposób wysyłania powiadomień",
- "boardMenuPopup-title": "Ustawienia tablicy",
- "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "Widok tablicy",
- "boards": "Tablice",
- "board-view": "Widok tablicy",
- "board-view-cal": "Kalendarz",
- "board-view-swimlanes": "Diagramy czynności",
- "board-view-collapse": "Zwiń",
- "board-view-lists": "Listy",
- "bucket-example": "Tak jak na przykład \"lista kubełkowa\"",
- "cancel": "Anuluj",
- "card-archived": "Ta karta została przeniesiona do Archiwum.",
- "board-archived": "Ta tablica została przeniesiona do Archiwum.",
- "card-comments-title": "Ta karta ma %s komentarzy.",
- "card-delete-notice": "Usunięcie jest trwałe. Stracisz wszystkie akcje powiązane z tą kartą.",
- "card-delete-pop": "Wszystkie akcje będą usunięte z widoku aktywności, nie można będzie ponownie otworzyć karty. Usunięcie jest nieodwracalne.",
- "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Możesz przenieść kartę do Archiwum, a następnie usunąć ją z tablicy i zachować ją w Aktywności.",
- "card-due": "Ukończenie",
- "card-due-on": "Ukończenie w",
- "card-spent": "Spędzony czas",
- "card-edit-attachments": "Edytuj załączniki",
- "card-edit-custom-fields": "Edytuj niestandardowe pola",
- "card-start-voting": "Start voting",
- "card-cancel-voting": "Delete voting and all votes",
- "card-edit-labels": "Edytuj etykiety",
- "card-edit-members": "Edytuj członków",
- "card-labels-title": "Zmień etykiety karty",
- "card-members-title": "Dodaj lub usuń członków tablicy z karty.",
- "card-start": "Rozpoczęcie",
- "card-start-on": "Zaczyna się o",
- "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Dodaj załącznik z",
- "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Zmień datę",
- "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Edytuj niestandardowe pola",
- "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Start a vote",
- "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents",
- "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents",
- "vote-question": "Voting question",
- "vote-public": "Public vote",
- "vote-for-it": "for it",
- "vote-against": "against",
- "cardDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć kartę?",
- "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Czynności kart",
- "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etykiety",
- "cardMembersPopup-title": "Członkowie",
- "cardMorePopup-title": "Więcej",
- "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Utwórz szablon",
- "cards": "Karty",
- "cards-count": "Karty",
- "casSignIn": "Zaloguj się poprzez CAS",
- "cardType-card": "Karta",
- "cardType-linkedCard": "Podpięta karta",
- "cardType-linkedBoard": "Podpięta tablica",
- "change": "Zmień",
- "change-avatar": "Zmień avatar",
- "change-password": "Zmień hasło",
- "change-permissions": "Zmień uprawnienia",
- "change-settings": "Zmień ustawienia",
- "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Zmień avatar",
- "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Zmień język",
- "changePasswordPopup-title": "Zmień hasło",
- "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Zmień uprawnienia",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Zmień ustawienia",
- "subtasks": "Podzadania",
- "checklists": "Listy zadań",
- "click-to-star": "Kliknij by odznaczyć tę tablicę.",
- "click-to-unstar": "Kliknij by usunąć odznaczenie tej tablicy.",
- "clipboard": "Schowka lub poprzez przeciągnij & upuść",
- "close": "Zamknij",
- "close-board": "Zamknij tablicę",
- "close-board-pop": "Będziesz w stanie przywrócić tablicę poprzez kliknięcie przycisku \"Archiwizuj\" w nagłówku strony domowej.",
- "color-black": "czarny",
- "color-blue": "niebieski",
- "color-crimson": "karmazynowy",
- "color-darkgreen": "ciemnozielony",
- "color-gold": "złoty",
- "color-gray": "szary",
- "color-green": "zielony",
- "color-indigo": "indygo",
- "color-lime": "limonkowy",
- "color-magenta": "fuksjowy",
- "color-mistyrose": "różowy",
- "color-navy": "granatowy",
- "color-orange": "pomarańczowy",
- "color-paleturquoise": "turkusowy",
- "color-peachpuff": "brzoskwiniowy",
- "color-pink": "różowy",
- "color-plum": "śliwkowy",
- "color-purple": "fioletowy",
- "color-red": "czerwony",
- "color-saddlebrown": "jasnobrązowy",
- "color-silver": "srebrny",
- "color-sky": "błękitny",
- "color-slateblue": "szaroniebieski",
- "color-white": "miały",
- "color-yellow": "żółty",
- "unset-color": "Nieustawiony",
- "comment": "Komentarz",
- "comment-placeholder": "Dodaj komentarz",
- "comment-only": "Tylko komentowanie",
- "comment-only-desc": "Może tylko komentować w kartach.",
- "no-comments": "Bez komentarzy",
- "no-comments-desc": "Nie widzi komentarzy i aktywności.",
- "worker": "Pracownik",
- "worker-desc": "Możesz tylko przenieść karty, przypisać je do siebie i na nich komentować.",
- "computer": "Komputera",
- "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć to podzadanie?",
- "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć listę zadań?",
- "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Skopiuj łącze karty do schowka",
- "linkCardPopup-title": "Podepnij kartę",
- "searchElementPopup-title": "Wyszukaj",
- "copyCardPopup-title": "Skopiuj kartę",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Kopiuj szablon listy zadań do wielu kart",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Docelowe tytuły i opisy kart są w formacie JSON",
- "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"Tytuł pierwszej karty\", \"description\":\"Opis pierwszej karty\"}, {\"title\":\"Tytuł drugiej karty\",\"description\":\"Opis drugiej karty\"},{\"title\":\"Tytuł ostatniej karty\",\"description\":\"Opis ostatniej karty\"} ]",
- "create": "Utwórz",
- "createBoardPopup-title": "Utwórz tablicę",
- "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Import tablicy",
- "createLabelPopup-title": "Utwórz etykietę",
- "createCustomField": "Utwórz pole",
- "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Utwórz pole",
- "current": "obecny",
- "custom-field-delete-pop": "Nie ma możliwości wycofania tej operacji. To usunie te niestandardowe pole ze wszystkich kart oraz usunie ich całą historię.",
- "custom-field-checkbox": "Pole wyboru",
- "custom-field-date": "Data",
- "custom-field-dropdown": "Lista rozwijana",
- "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(puste)",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options": "Opcje listy",
- "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Naciśnij przycisk Enter by zobaczyć więcej opcji",
- "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(nieznany)",
- "custom-field-number": "Numer",
- "custom-field-text": "Tekst",
- "custom-fields": "Niestandardowe pola",
- "date": "Data",
- "decline": "Odrzuć",
- "default-avatar": "Domyślny avatar",
- "delete": "Usuń",
- "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Usunąć niestandardowe pole?",
- "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Usunąć etykietę?",
- "description": "Opis",
- "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Ujednolić etykiety czynności",
- "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Ujednolić etykiety członków",
- "discard": "Odrzuć",
- "done": "Zrobiono",
- "download": "Pobierz",
- "edit": "Edytuj",
- "edit-avatar": "Zmień avatar",
- "edit-profile": "Edytuj profil",
- "edit-wip-limit": "Zmień limit kart na liście",
- "soft-wip-limit": "Pozwól na nadmiarowe karty na liście",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę rozpoczęcia",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę ukończenia",
- "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edytuj pole",
- "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Zmień spędzony czas",
- "editLabelPopup-title": "Zmień etykietę",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Zmień tryb powiadamiania",
- "editProfilePopup-title": "Edytuj profil",
- "email": "Email",
- "email-enrollAccount-subject": "Konto zostało utworzone na __siteName__",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zacząć korzystać z serwisu, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.",
- "email-fail": "Wysyłanie emaila nie powiodło się.",
- "email-fail-text": "Bład w trakcie wysyłania wiadomości email",
- "email-invalid": "Nieprawidłowy email",
- "email-invite": "Zaproś przez email",
- "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ wysłał Ci zaproszenie",
- "email-invite-text": "Drogi __user__,\n__inviter__ zaprosił Cię do współpracy w tablicy \"__board__\".\nZobacz więcej:\n__url__\nDzięki.",
- "email-resetPassword-subject": "Zresetuj swoje hasło na __siteName__",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zresetować hasło, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.",
- "email-sent": "Email wysłany",
- "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Zweryfikuj swój adres email na __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zweryfikować adres email, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.",
- "enable-wip-limit": "Włącz limit kart na liście",
- "error-board-doesNotExist": "Ta tablica nie istnieje",
- "error-board-notAdmin": "Musisz być administratorem tej tablicy żeby to zrobić",
- "error-board-notAMember": "Musisz być członkiem tej tablicy, żeby wykonać tę czynność",
- "error-json-malformed": "Twoja fraza nie jest w formacie JSON",
- "error-json-schema": "Twoje dane JSON nie zawierają prawidłowych informacji w poprawnym formacie",
- "error-list-doesNotExist": "Ta lista nie isnieje",
- "error-user-doesNotExist": "Ten użytkownik nie istnieje",
- "error-user-notAllowSelf": "Nie możesz zaprosić samego siebie",
- "error-user-notCreated": "Ten użytkownik nie został stworzony",
- "error-username-taken": "Ta nazwa jest już zajęta",
- "error-email-taken": "Adres email jest już zarezerwowany",
- "export-board": "Eksportuj tablicę",
- "sort": "Sortuj",
- "sort-desc": "Kliknij by sortować listę",
- "list-sort-by": "Sortuj listę przez:",
- "list-label-modifiedAt": "Ostatni czas dostępu",
- "list-label-title": "Nazwa listy",
- "list-label-sort": "Twoja kolejność ustawiona ręcznie",
- "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(O)",
- "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
- "list-label-short-sort": "(K)",
- "filter": "Filtr",
- "filter-cards": "Filtruj karty i listy",
- "list-filter-label": "Filtruj listy względem tytułu",
- "filter-clear": "Usuń filter",
- "filter-no-label": "Brak etykiety",
- "filter-no-member": "Brak członków",
- "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee",
- "filter-no-custom-fields": "Brak niestandardowych pól",
- "filter-show-archive": "Pokaż zarchiwizowane listy",
- "filter-hide-empty": "Ukryj puste listy",
- "filter-on": "Filtr jest włączony",
- "filter-on-desc": "Filtrujesz karty na tej tablicy. Kliknij tutaj by edytować filtr.",
- "filter-to-selection": "Odfiltruj zaznaczenie",
- "advanced-filter-label": "Zaawansowane filtry",
- "advanced-filter-description": "Zaawansowane filtry pozwalają na wykorzystanie ciągu znaków wraz z następującymi operatorami: == != <= >= && || (). Spacja jest używana jako separator pomiędzy operatorami. Możesz przefiltrowywać wszystkie niestandardowe pola wpisując ich nazwy lub wartości, na przykład: Pole1 == Wartość1.\nUwaga: Jeśli pola lub wartości zawierają spację, musisz je zawrzeć w pojedyncze cudzysłowie, na przykład: 'Pole 1' == 'Wartość 1'. Dla pojedynczych znaków, które powinny być pominięte należy użyć \\, na przykład Pole1 == I\\'m. Możesz także wykorzystywać mieszane warunki, na przykład P1 == W1 || P1 == W2. Standardowo wszystkie operatory są interpretowane od lewej do prawej. Możesz także zmienić kolejność interpretacji wykorzystując nawiasy, na przykład P1 == W1 && (P2 == W2 || P2 == W3). Możesz także wyszukiwać tekstowo wykorzystując wyrażenia regularne, na przykład: P1 == /Tes.*/i",
- "fullname": "Pełna nazwa",
- "header-logo-title": "Wróć do swojej strony z tablicami.",
- "hide-system-messages": "Ukryj wiadomości systemowe",
- "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Utwórz tablicę",
- "home": "Strona główna",
- "import": "Importuj",
- "link": "Podłącz",
- "import-board": "importuj tablice",
- "import-board-c": "Import tablicy",
- "import-board-title-trello": "Importuj tablicę z Trello",
- "import-board-title-wekan": "Importuj tablicę z poprzedniego eksportu",
- "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Nie usuwaj danych, które importujesz ze źródłowej tablicy lub Trello zanim upewnisz się, że wszystko zostało prawidłowo przeniesione przy czym brane jest pod uwagę ponowne uruchomienie strony, ponieważ w przypadku błędu braku tablicy stracisz dane.",
- "import-sandstorm-warning": "Zaimportowana tablica usunie wszystkie istniejące dane na aktualnej tablicy oraz zastąpi ją danymi z tej importowanej.",
- "from-trello": "Z Trello",
- "from-wekan": "Z poprzedniego eksportu",
- "import-board-instruction-trello": "W twojej tablicy na Trello przejdź do 'Menu', następnie 'Więcej', 'Drukuj i eksportuj', 'Eksportuj jako JSON' i skopiuj wynik",
- "import-board-instruction-wekan": "Na Twojej tablicy przejdź do 'Menu', a następnie wybierz 'Eksportuj tablicę' i skopiuj tekst w pobranym pliku.",
- "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "W przypadku, gdy otrzymujesz błędy importowania tablicy, czasami importowanie pomimo wszystko działa poprawnie i tablica znajduje się w oknie Wszystkie tablice.",
- "import-json-placeholder": "Wklej Twoje dane JSON tutaj",
- "import-map-members": "Przypisz członków",
- "import-members-map": "Twoje zaimportowane tablice mają kilku członków. Proszę wybierz członków których chcesz zaimportować dla Twoich użytkowników",
- "import-show-user-mapping": "Przejrzyj wybranych członków",
- "import-user-select": "Wybierz istniejącego użytkownika, który ma stać się członkiem",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Wybierz użytkownika",
- "info": "Wersja",
- "initials": "Inicjały",
- "invalid-date": "Błędna data",
- "invalid-time": "Błędny czas",
- "invalid-user": "Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika",
- "joined": "dołączył",
- "just-invited": "Zostałeś zaproszony do tej tablicy",
- "keyboard-shortcuts": "Skróty klawiaturowe",
- "label-create": "Utwórz etykietę",
- "label-default": "'%s' etykieta (domyślna)",
- "label-delete-pop": "Nie da się tego wycofać. To usunie tę etykietę ze wszystkich kart i usunie ich historię.",
- "labels": "Etykiety",
- "language": "Język",
- "last-admin-desc": "Nie możesz zmienić roli użytkownika, ponieważ musi istnieć co najmniej jeden administrator.",
- "leave-board": "Opuść tablicę",
- "leave-board-pop": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz opuścić tablicę __boardTitle__? Zostaniesz usunięty ze wszystkich kart tej tablicy.",
- "leaveBoardPopup-title": "Opuścić tablicę?",
- "link-card": "Link do tej karty",
- "list-archive-cards": "Przenieś wszystkie karty z tej listy do Archiwum",
- "list-archive-cards-pop": "To usunie wszystkie karty z tej listy z tej tablicy. Aby przejrzeć karty w Archiwum i przywrócić na tablicę, kliknij \"Menu\" > \"Archiwizuj\".",
- "list-move-cards": "Przenieś wszystkie karty z tej listy",
- "list-select-cards": "Zaznacz wszystkie karty z tej listy",
- "set-color-list": "Ustaw kolor",
- "listActionPopup-title": "Lista akcji",
- "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Opcje diagramu czynności",
- "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Dodaj diagram czynności poniżej",
- "listImportCardPopup-title": "Zaimportuj kartę z Trello",
- "listMorePopup-title": "Więcej",
- "link-list": "Podepnij do tej listy",
- "list-delete-pop": "Wszystkie czynności zostaną usunięte z Aktywności i nie będziesz w stanie przywrócić listy. Nie ma możliwości cofnięcia tej operacji.",
- "list-delete-suggest-archive": "Możesz przenieść listę do Archiwum, a następnie usunąć ją z tablicy i zachować ją w Aktywności.",
- "lists": "Listy",
- "swimlanes": "Diagramy czynności",
- "log-out": "Wyloguj",
- "log-in": "Zaloguj",
- "loginPopup-title": "Zaloguj",
- "memberMenuPopup-title": "Ustawienia członków",
- "members": "Członkowie",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "move-selection": "Przenieś zaznaczone",
- "moveCardPopup-title": "Przenieś kartę",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Przenieś na dół",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Przenieś na górę",
- "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Przenieś zaznaczone",
- "multi-selection": "Wielokrotne zaznaczenie",
- "multi-selection-on": "Wielokrotne zaznaczenie jest włączone",
- "muted": "Wycisz",
- "muted-info": "Nie dostaniesz powiadomienia o zmianach w tej tablicy.",
- "my-boards": "Moje tablice",
- "name": "Nazwa",
- "no-archived-cards": "Brak kart w Archiwum.",
- "no-archived-lists": "Brak list w Archiwum.",
- "no-archived-swimlanes": "Brak diagramów czynności w Archiwum",
- "no-results": "Brak wyników",
- "normal": "Użytkownik standardowy",
- "normal-desc": "Może widzieć i edytować karty. Nie może zmieniać ustawiań.",
- "not-accepted-yet": "Zaproszenie jeszcze niezaakceptowane",
- "notify-participate": "Otrzymuj aktualizacje kart, w których uczestniczysz jako twórca lub członek.",
- "notify-watch": "Otrzymuj powiadomienia z tablic, list i kart, które obserwujesz",
- "optional": "opcjonalny",
- "or": "lub",
- "page-maybe-private": "Ta strona może być prywatna. Możliwe, że możesz ją zobaczyć po <a href='%s'>zalogowaniu</a>.",
- "page-not-found": "Strona nie znaleziona.",
- "password": "Hasło",
- "paste-or-dragdrop": "wklej lub przeciągnij & upuść (tylko grafika)",
- "participating": "Uczestniczysz",
- "preview": "Podgląd",
- "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Podgląd",
- "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Podgląd",
- "private": "Prywatny",
- "private-desc": "Ta tablica jest prywatna. Tylko osoby dodane do tej tablicy mogą ją zobaczyć i edytować.",
- "profile": "Profil",
- "public": "Publiczny",
- "public-desc": "Ta tablica jest publiczna. Jest widoczna dla wszystkich, którzy mają do niej odnośnik i będzie wynikiem silników wyszukiwania takich jak Google. Tylko użytkownicy dodani do tablicy mogą ją edytować.",
- "quick-access-description": "Odznacz tablicę aby dodać skrót na tym pasku.",
- "remove-cover": "Usuń okładkę",
- "remove-from-board": "Usuń z tablicy",
- "remove-label": "Usuń etykietę",
- "listDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć listę?",
- "remove-member": "Usuń członka",
- "remove-member-from-card": "Usuń z karty",
- "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.",
- "removeMemberPopup-title": "Usunąć członka?",
- "rename": "Zmień nazwę",
- "rename-board": "Zmień nazwę tablicy",
- "restore": "Przywróć",
- "save": "Zapisz",
- "search": "Wyszukaj",
- "rules": "Reguły",
- "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board",
- "search-example": "Czego mam szukać?",
- "select-color": "Wybierz kolor",
- "set-wip-limit-value": "Ustaw maksymalny limit zadań na tej liście",
- "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Ustaw limit kart na liście",
- "shortcut-assign-self": "Przypisz siebie do obecnej karty",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autouzupełnianie emoji",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autouzupełnianie członków",
- "shortcut-clear-filters": "Usuń wszystkie filtry",
- "shortcut-close-dialog": "Zamknij okno",
- "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filtruj moje karty",
- "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Przypnij do listy skrótów",
- "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Przełącz boczny pasek filtru",
- "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Przełącz boczny pasek tablicy",
- "show-cards-minimum-count": "Pokaż licznik kart, jeśli lista zawiera więcej niż",
- "sidebar-open": "Otwórz pasek boczny",
- "sidebar-close": "Zamknij pasek boczny",
- "signupPopup-title": "Utwórz konto",
- "star-board-title": "Kliknij by oznaczyć tę tablicę gwiazdką. Pojawi się wtedy na liście tablic na górze.",
- "starred-boards": "Odznaczone tablice",
- "starred-boards-description": "Tablice oznaczone gwiazdką pojawią się na liście na górze.",
- "subscribe": "Zapisz się",
- "team": "Zespół",
- "this-board": "ta tablica",
- "this-card": "ta karta",
- "spent-time-hours": "Spędzony czas (w godzinach)",
- "overtime-hours": "Nadgodziny (czas)",
- "overtime": "Dodatkowo",
- "has-overtime-cards": "Ma dodatkowych kart",
- "has-spenttime-cards": "Ma karty z wykorzystanym czasem",
- "time": "Czas",
- "title": "Tytuł",
- "tracking": "Śledź",
- "tracking-info": "Dostaniesz powiadomienie o zmianach kart, w których bierzesz udział jako twórca lub członek.",
- "type": "Typ",
- "unassign-member": "Nieprzypisany członek",
- "unsaved-description": "Masz niezapisany opis.",
- "unwatch": "Nie obserwuj",
- "upload": "Wyślij",
- "upload-avatar": "Wyślij avatar",
- "uploaded-avatar": "Wysłany avatar",
- "username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
- "view-it": "Zobacz",
- "warn-list-archived": "Ostrzeżenie: ta karta jest na liście będącej w Archiwum",
- "watch": "Obserwuj",
- "watching": "Obserwuj",
- "watching-info": "Dostaniesz powiadomienie o każdej zmianie na tej tablicy.",
- "welcome-board": "Tablica powitalna",
- "welcome-swimlane": "Kamień milowy 1",
- "welcome-list1": "Podstawy",
- "welcome-list2": "Zaawansowane",
- "card-templates-swimlane": "Utwórz szablony",
- "list-templates-swimlane": "Wyświetl szablony",
- "board-templates-swimlane": "Szablony tablic",
- "what-to-do": "Co chcesz zrobić?",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Nieprawidłowy limit kart na liście",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "Aktualna ilość kart na tej liście jest większa niż aktualny zdefiniowany limit kart.",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Proszę przenieś zadania z tej listy lub zmień limit kart na tej liście na wyższy.",
- "admin-panel": "Panel administracyjny",
- "settings": "Ustawienia",
- "people": "Osoby",
- "registration": "Rejestracja",
- "disable-self-registration": "Wyłącz samodzielną rejestrację",
- "invite": "Zaproś",
- "invite-people": "Zaproś osoby",
- "to-boards": "Do tablic(y)",
- "email-addresses": "Adres e-mail",
- "smtp-host-description": "Adres serwera SMTP, który wysyła Twoje maile.",
- "smtp-port-description": "Port, który Twój serwer SMTP wykorzystuje do wysyłania emaili.",
- "smtp-tls-description": "Włącz wsparcie TLS dla serwera SMTP",
- "smtp-host": "Serwer SMTP",
- "smtp-port": "Port SMTP",
- "smtp-username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
- "smtp-password": "Hasło",
- "smtp-tls": "Wsparcie dla TLS",
- "send-from": "Od",
- "send-smtp-test": "Wyślij wiadomość testową do siebie",
- "invitation-code": "Kod z zaproszenia",
- "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ wysłał Ci zaproszenie",
- "email-invite-register-text": "Drogi __user__,\n\n__inviter__ zaprasza Cię do współpracy na naszej tablicy kanban.\n\nAby kontynuować, wejdź w poniższy link:\n__url__\n\nTwój kod zaproszenia to: __icode__\n\nDziękuję.",
- "email-smtp-test-subject": "Wiadomość testowa SMTP",
- "email-smtp-test-text": "Wiadomość testowa została wysłana z powodzeniem.",
- "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "Kod zaproszenia nie istnieje",
- "error-notAuthorized": "Nie jesteś uprawniony do przeglądania tej strony.",
- "webhook-title": "Nazwa webhooka",
- "webhook-token": "Token (opcjonalny do autoryzacji)",
- "outgoing-webhooks": "Wychodzące webhooki",
- "bidirectional-webhooks": "Dwustronne webhooki",
- "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Wychodzące webhooki",
- "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Filtruj poprzez nazwę karty",
- "disable-webhook": "Wyłącz tego webhooka",
- "global-webhook": "Globalne webhooki",
- "new-outgoing-webhook": "Nowy wychodzący webhook",
- "no-name": "(nieznany)",
- "Node_version": "Wersja Node",
- "Meteor_version": "Wersja Meteor",
- "MongoDB_version": "Wersja MongoDB",
- "MongoDB_storage_engine": "Silnik MongoDB",
- "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB - włączony Oplog",
- "OS_Arch": "Architektura systemu",
- "OS_Cpus": "Ilość rdzeni systemu",
- "OS_Freemem": "Wolna pamięć RAM",
- "OS_Loadavg": "Średnie obciążenie systemu",
- "OS_Platform": "Platforma systemu",
- "OS_Release": "Wersja jądra",
- "OS_Totalmem": "Dostępna pamięć RAM",
- "OS_Type": "Typ systemu",
- "OS_Uptime": "Czas działania systemu",
- "days": "dni",
- "hours": "godzin",
- "minutes": "minut",
- "seconds": "sekund",
- "show-field-on-card": "Pokaż te pole na karcie",
- "automatically-field-on-card": "Automatycznie stwórz pole dla wszystkich kart",
- "showLabel-field-on-card": "Pokaż pole etykiety w minikarcie",
- "yes": "Tak",
- "no": "Nie",
- "accounts": "Konto",
- "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Zezwól na zmianę adresu email",
- "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Zezwól na zmianę nazwy użytkownika",
- "createdAt": "Stworzono o",
- "verified": "Zweryfikowane",
- "active": "Aktywny",
- "card-received": "Odebrano",
- "card-received-on": "Odebrano",
- "card-end": "Koniec",
- "card-end-on": "Kończy się",
- "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę odebrania",
- "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę ukończenia",
- "setCardColorPopup-title": "Ustaw kolor",
- "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Wybierz kolor",
- "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Wybierz kolor",
- "setListColorPopup-title": "Wybierz kolor",
- "assigned-by": "Przypisane przez",
- "requested-by": "Zlecone przez",
- "board-delete-notice": "Usuwanie jest permanentne. Stracisz wszystkie listy, kart oraz czynności przypisane do tej tablicy.",
- "delete-board-confirm-popup": "Wszystkie listy, etykiety oraz aktywności zostaną usunięte i nie będziesz w stanie przywrócić zawartości tablicy. Tego nie da się cofnąć.",
- "boardDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć tablicę?",
- "delete-board": "Usuń tablicę",
- "default-subtasks-board": "Podzadania dla tablicy __board__",
- "default": "Domyślny",
- "queue": "Kolejka",
- "subtask-settings": "Ustawienia podzadań",
- "card-settings": "Ustawienia karty",
- "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Ustawienia tablicy podzadań",
- "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Ustawienia kart",
- "deposit-subtasks-board": "Przechowuj podzadania na tablicy:",
- "deposit-subtasks-list": "Początkowa lista dla podzadań jest przechowywana w:",
- "show-parent-in-minicard": "Pokaż rodzica w minikarcie:",
- "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix z pełną ścieżką",
- "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix z rodzicem",
- "subtext-with-full-path": "Podtekst z pełną ścieżką",
- "subtext-with-parent": "Podtekst z rodzicem",
- "change-card-parent": "Zmień rodzica karty",
- "parent-card": "Karta rodzica",
- "source-board": "Tablica źródłowa",
- "no-parent": "Nie pokazuj rodzica",
- "activity-added-label": "dodał(a) etykietę '%s' z '%s'",
- "activity-removed-label": "usunął etykietę '%s' z '%s'",
- "activity-delete-attach": "usunął załącznik z %s",
- "activity-added-label-card": "dodał(a) etykietę '%s'",
- "activity-removed-label-card": "usunął etykietę '%s'",
- "activity-delete-attach-card": "usunął załącznik",
- "activity-set-customfield": "ustawiono niestandardowe pole '%s' do '%s' na '%s'",
- "activity-unset-customfield": "wyczyszczono niestandardowe pole '%s' na '%s'",
- "r-rule": "Reguła",
- "r-add-trigger": "Dodaj przełącznik",
- "r-add-action": "Dodaj czynność",
- "r-board-rules": "Reguły tablicy",
- "r-add-rule": "Dodaj regułę",
- "r-view-rule": "Zobacz regułę",
- "r-delete-rule": "Usuń regułę",
- "r-new-rule-name": "Nowa nazwa reguły",
- "r-no-rules": "Brak regułę",
- "r-when-a-card": "Gdy karta",
- "r-is": "jest",
- "r-is-moved": "jest przenoszona",
- "r-added-to": "dodana do",
- "r-removed-from": "usunął z",
- "r-the-board": "tablicy",
- "r-list": "lista",
- "set-filter": "Ustaw filtr",
- "r-moved-to": "Przeniesiono do",
- "r-moved-from": "Przeniesiono z",
- "r-archived": "Przeniesione z Archiwum",
- "r-unarchived": "Przywrócone z Archiwum",
- "r-a-card": "karta",
- "r-when-a-label-is": "Gdy etykieta jest",
- "r-when-the-label": "Gdy etykieta jest",
- "r-list-name": "nazwa listy",
- "r-when-a-member": "Gdy członek jest",
- "r-when-the-member": "Gdy członek jest",
- "r-name": "nazwa",
- "r-when-a-attach": "Gdy załącznik",
- "r-when-a-checklist": "Gdy lista zadań jest",
- "r-when-the-checklist": "Gdy lista zadań",
- "r-completed": "Ukończono",
- "r-made-incomplete": "Niedokończone",
- "r-when-a-item": "Gdy lista zadań jest",
- "r-when-the-item": "Gdy element listy zadań",
- "r-checked": "Zaznaczony",
- "r-unchecked": "Odznaczony",
- "r-move-card-to": "Przenieś kartę do",
- "r-top-of": "Góra od",
- "r-bottom-of": "Dół od",
- "r-its-list": "tej listy",
- "r-archive": "Przenieś do Archiwum",
- "r-unarchive": "Przywróć z Archiwum",
- "r-card": "karta",
- "r-add": "Dodaj",
- "r-remove": "Usuń",
- "r-label": "etykieta",
- "r-member": "członek",
- "r-remove-all": "Usuń wszystkich członków tej karty",
- "r-set-color": "Ustaw kolor na",
- "r-checklist": "lista zadań",
- "r-check-all": "Zaznacz wszystkie",
- "r-uncheck-all": "Odznacz wszystkie",
- "r-items-check": "elementy listy",
- "r-check": "Zaznacz",
- "r-uncheck": "Odznacz",
- "r-item": "element",
- "r-of-checklist": "z listy zadań",
- "r-send-email": "Wyślij wiadomość email",
- "r-to": "do",
- "r-subject": "temat",
- "r-rule-details": "Szczegóły reguł",
- "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Przenieś kartę na górę tej listy",
- "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Przenieś kartę na górę listy",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Przenieś kartę na dół tej listy",
- "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Przenieś kartę na dół listy",
- "r-d-send-email": "Wyślij wiadomość email",
- "r-d-send-email-to": "do",
- "r-d-send-email-subject": "temat",
- "r-d-send-email-message": "wiadomość",
- "r-d-archive": "Przenieś kartę z Archiwum",
- "r-d-unarchive": "Przywróć kartę z Archiwum",
- "r-d-add-label": "Dodaj etykietę",
- "r-d-remove-label": "Usuń etykietę",
- "r-create-card": "Utwórz nową kartę",
- "r-in-list": "na liście",
- "r-in-swimlane": "w diagramie zdarzeń",
- "r-d-add-member": "Dodaj członka",
- "r-d-remove-member": "Usuń członka",
- "r-d-remove-all-member": "Usuń wszystkich członków",
- "r-d-check-all": "Zaznacz wszystkie elementy listy",
- "r-d-uncheck-all": "Odznacz wszystkie elementy listy",
- "r-d-check-one": "Zaznacz element",
- "r-d-uncheck-one": "Odznacz element",
- "r-d-check-of-list": "z listy zadań",
- "r-d-add-checklist": "Dodaj listę zadań",
- "r-d-remove-checklist": "Usuń listę zadań",
- "r-by": "przez",
- "r-add-checklist": "Dodaj listę zadań",
- "r-with-items": "z elementami",
- "r-items-list": "element1,element2,element3",
- "r-add-swimlane": "Dodaj diagram zdarzeń",
- "r-swimlane-name": "Nazwa diagramu",
- "r-board-note": "Uwaga: pozostaw pole puste, aby każda wartość była brana pod uwagę.",
- "r-checklist-note": "Uwaga: wartości elementów listy muszą być oddzielone przecinkami.",
- "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "Gdy karta jest przeniesiona do innej listy",
- "r-set": "Ustaw",
- "r-update": "Aktualizuj",
- "r-datefield": "pole daty",
- "r-df-start-at": "start",
- "r-df-due-at": "rozpoczęcie",
- "r-df-end-at": "zakończenie",
- "r-df-received-at": "odebrano",
- "r-to-current-datetime": "o aktualnej dacie/godzinie",
- "r-remove-value-from": "usunął wartość z",
- "ldap": "LDAP",
- "oauth2": "OAuth2",
- "cas": "CAS",
- "authentication-method": "Sposób autoryzacji",
- "authentication-type": "Typ autoryzacji",
- "custom-product-name": "Niestandardowa nazwa produktu",
- "layout": "Układ strony",
- "hide-logo": "Ukryj logo",
- "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Dodaj niestandardowy kod HTML po <body> starcie",
- "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Dodaj niestandardowy kod HTML przed </body> końcem",
- "error-undefined": "Coś poszło nie tak",
- "error-ldap-login": "Wystąpił błąd w trakcie logowania",
- "display-authentication-method": "Wyświetl metodę logowania",
- "default-authentication-method": "Domyślna metoda logowania",
- "duplicate-board": "Duplikuj tablicę",
- "people-number": "Liczba użytkowników to:",
- "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć diagram czynności?",
- "swimlane-delete-pop": "Wszystkie akcje będą usunięte z widoku aktywności, nie można będzie przywrócić diagramu czynności. Usunięcie jest nieodwracalne.",
- "restore-all": "Przywróć wszystkie",
- "delete-all": "Usuń wszystkie",
- "loading": "Ładowanie, proszę czekać.",
- "previous_as": "ostatni czas był",
- "act-a-dueAt": "zmienił(a) czas zakończenia na: __timeValue__ w karcie __card__, poprzedni czas: __timeOldValue__",
- "act-a-endAt": "zmienił(a) czas zakończenia na __timeValue__ z __timeOldValue__",
- "act-a-startAt": "zmienił(a) czas rozpoczęcia na __timeValue__ z __timeOldValue__",
- "act-a-receivedAt": "zmienił(a) czas odebrania zadania na __timeValue__ z __timeOldValue__",
- "a-dueAt": "zmieniono czas zakończenia na",
- "a-endAt": "zmieniono czas zakończenia na",
- "a-startAt": "zmieniono czas startu na",
- "a-receivedAt": "zmieniono czas odebrania zadania na",
- "almostdue": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s dobiega końca",
- "pastdue": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s jest w przeszłości",
- "duenow": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s jest dzisiaj",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ przypomina o 1szym zakończeniu terminu [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ posiada przypomnienia zakończenia terminu [__board__]",
- "act-almostdue": "przypomina o zbliżającej się dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
- "act-pastdue": "przypomina o ubiegłej dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
- "act-duenow": "przypomina o ubiegającej teraz dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
- "act-atUserComment": "Zostałeś wspomniany w [__board] __list__/__card__",
- "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć te konto? Nie można tego wycofać.",
- "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Pozwól użytkownikom na usuwanie własnych kont",
- "hide-minicard-label-text": "Ukryj opisy etykiet minikart",
- "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Pokaż przeciągnięcia na pulpit",
- "assignee": "Przypisujący",
- "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Przypisujący",
- "addmore-detail": "Dodaj bardziej szczegółowy opis",
- "show-on-card": "Pokaż na karcie",
- "new": "Nowy",
- "editUserPopup-title": "Edytuj użytkownika",
- "newUserPopup-title": "Nowy użytkownik",
- "notifications": "Powiadomienia",
- "view-all": "Wyświetl wszystko",
- "filter-by-unread": "Filtruj nieprzeczytane",
- "mark-all-as-read": "Zaznacz wszystkie jako przeczytane",
- "remove-all-read": "Remove all read",
- "allow-rename": "Zezwól na zmianę nazwy",
- "allowRenamePopup-title": "Zezwól na zmianę nazwy"
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ "accept": "Akceptuj",
+ "act-activity-notify": "Powiadomienia aktywności",
+ "act-addAttachment": "dodał(a) załącznik __attachment__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-deleteAttachment": "usunął załącznik __attachment__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-addSubtask": "dodał(a) podzadanie __subtask__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-addLabel": "dodał(a) etykietę __label__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-addedLabel": "dodał(a) etykietę __label__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-removeLabel": "usunął etykietę __label__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-removedLabel": "usunął etykietę __label__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-addChecklist": "dodał(a) listę zadań __checklist__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ w diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-addChecklistItem": "dodał(a) element listy zadań __checklistItem__ do listy zadań __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklist": "usunął listę zadań __checklist__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-removeChecklistItem": "usunął element listy zadań __checklistItem__ z listy zadań __checkList__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-checkedItem": "zaznaczył(a) __checklistItem__ na liście zadań __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-uncheckedItem": "odznaczył(a) __checklistItem__ na liście __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-completeChecklist": "wykonał(a) wszystkie zadania z listy __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-uncompleteChecklist": "wycofał(a) ukończenie wykonania listy __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-addComment": "dodał(a) komentarz na karcie __card__: __comment__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-editComment": "edytował(a) komentarz na karcie __card__: __comment__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-deleteComment": "usunął komentarz na karcie __card__: __comment__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-createBoard": "utworzył(a) tablicę __board__",
+ "act-createSwimlane": "utworzył(a) diagram czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-createCard": "utworzył(a) kartę __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-createCustomField": "utworzył(a) niestandardowe pole __customField__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-deleteCustomField": "usunął niestandardowe pole __customField__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-setCustomField": "zmienił(a) niestandardowe pole __customField__: __customFieldValue__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-createList": "dodał(a) listę __list__ do tablicy __board__",
+ "act-addBoardMember": "dodał(a) użytykownika __member__ do tablicy __board__",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "Tablica __board__ została przeniesiona do Archiwum",
+ "act-archivedCard": "przeniósł kartę __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__ do Archiwum",
+ "act-archivedList": "przeniósł listę __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__ do Archiwum",
+ "act-archivedSwimlane": "przeniósł diagram czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__ do Archiwum",
+ "act-importBoard": "zaimportował(a) tablicę __board__",
+ "act-importCard": "zaimportował(a) kartę __card__ do listy __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-importList": "zaimportował(a) listę __list__ na diagram czynności __swimlane__ do tablicy __board__",
+ "act-joinMember": "dodał(a) użytkownika __member__ do karty __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-moveCard": "przeniósł kartę __card__ na tablicy __board__ z listy __oldList__ na diagramie czynności __oldSwimlane__ na listę __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__",
+ "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "przeniósł kartę __card__ z listy __oldList__ na diagramie czynności __oldSwimlane__ na tablicy __oldBoard__ do listy __listy__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "usunął użytkownika __member__ z tablicy __board__",
+ "act-restoredCard": "przywrócił(a) kartę __card__ na listę __list__ na diagram czynności__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "usunął użytkownika __member__ z karty __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
+ "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
+ "actions": "Akcje",
+ "activities": "Ostatnia aktywność",
+ "activity": "Aktywność",
+ "activity-added": "dodał(a) %s z %s",
+ "activity-archived": "%s została przeniesiona do Archiwum",
+ "activity-attached": "załączono %s z %s",
+ "activity-created": "utworzył(a) %s",
+ "activity-customfield-created": "utworzył(a) niestandardowe pole %s",
+ "activity-excluded": "wyłączono %s z %s",
+ "activity-imported": "zaimportowano %s to %s z %s",
+ "activity-imported-board": "zaimportowano %s z %s",
+ "activity-joined": "dołączono %s",
+ "activity-moved": "przeniesiono % z %s to %s",
+ "activity-on": "w %s",
+ "activity-removed": "usunięto %s z %s",
+ "activity-sent": "wysłano %s z %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "odłączono %s",
+ "activity-subtask-added": "dodano podzadanie do %s",
+ "activity-checked-item": "zaznaczono %s w liście zadań%s z %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item": "odznaczono %s w liście zadań %s z %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "dodał(a) listę zadań do %s",
+ "activity-checklist-removed": "usunął listę zadań z %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed": "ukończono listę zadań %s z %s",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "nieukończono listy zadań %s z %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-added": "dodał(a) zadanie '%s' do %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-removed": "usunął element z listy zadań '%s' w %s",
+ "add": "Dodaj",
+ "activity-checked-item-card": "zaznaczono %s w liście zadań %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item-card": "odznaczono %s w liście zadań %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed-card": "wykonał(a) wszystkie zadania z listy __checklist__ na karcie __card__ na liście __list__ na diagramie czynności __swimlane__ na tablicy __board__",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "wycofano ukończenie listy zadań %s",
+ "activity-editComment": "edytował(a) komentarz %s",
+ "activity-deleteComment": "usunął komentarz %s",
+ "add-attachment": "Dodaj załącznik",
+ "add-board": "Dodaj tablicę",
+ "add-card": "Dodaj kartę",
+ "add-swimlane": "Dodaj diagram czynności",
+ "add-subtask": "Dodaj podzadanie",
+ "add-checklist": "Dodaj listę kontrolną",
+ "add-checklist-item": "Dodaj element do listy kontrolnej",
+ "add-cover": "Dodaj okładkę",
+ "add-label": "Dodaj etykietę",
+ "add-list": "Dodaj listę",
+ "add-members": "Dodaj członków",
+ "added": "Dodane",
+ "addMemberPopup-title": "Członkowie",
+ "admin": "Administrator",
+ "admin-desc": "Może widzieć i edytować karty, usuwać członków oraz zmieniać ustawienia tablicy.",
+ "admin-announcement": "Ogłoszenie",
+ "admin-announcement-active": "Włącz ogłoszenie systemowe",
+ "admin-announcement-title": "Ogłoszenie od administratora",
+ "all-boards": "Wszystkie tablice",
+ "and-n-other-card": "I __count__ inna karta",
+ "and-n-other-card_plural": "I __count__ inne karty",
+ "apply": "Zastosuj",
+ "app-is-offline": "Trwa ładowanie, proszę czekać. Odświeżenie strony może spowodować utratę danych. Jeśli strona się nie przeładowuje, upewnij się, że serwer działa poprawnie.",
+ "archive": "Przenieś do Archiwum",
+ "archive-all": "Przenieś wszystko do Archiwum",
+ "archive-board": "Przenieś tablicę do Archiwum",
+ "archive-card": "Przenieś kartę do Archiwum",
+ "archive-list": "Przenieś listę do Archiwum",
+ "archive-swimlane": "Przenieś diagram czynności do Archiwum",
+ "archive-selection": "Przenieś zaznaczone do Archiwum",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Przenieść tablicę do Archiwum?",
+ "archived-items": "Archiwum",
+ "archived-boards": "Tablice w Archiwum",
+ "restore-board": "Przywróć tablicę",
+ "no-archived-boards": "Brak tablic w Archiwum.",
+ "archives": "Archiwum",
+ "template": "Szablon",
+ "templates": "Szablony",
+ "assign-member": "Dodaj członka",
+ "attached": "załączono",
+ "attachment": "Załącznik",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "Usunięcie załącznika jest nieodwracalne.",
+ "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć załącznik?",
+ "attachments": "Załączniki",
+ "auto-watch": "Automatycznie obserwuj tablice gdy zostaną stworzone",
+ "avatar-too-big": "Awatar jest za duży (maksymalnie 70KB)",
+ "back": "Wstecz",
+ "board-change-color": "Zmień kolor",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s odznaczeń",
+ "board-not-found": "Nie znaleziono tablicy",
+ "board-private-info": "Ta tablica będzie <strong>prywatna</strong>.",
+ "board-public-info": "Ta tablica będzie <strong>publiczna<strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Zmień tło tablicy",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Zmień nazwę tablicy",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Zmień widoczność tablicy",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Zmień sposób wysyłania powiadomień",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "Ustawienia tablicy",
+ "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "Widok tablicy",
+ "boards": "Tablice",
+ "board-view": "Widok tablicy",
+ "board-view-cal": "Kalendarz",
+ "board-view-swimlanes": "Diagramy czynności",
+ "board-view-collapse": "Zwiń",
+ "board-view-lists": "Listy",
+ "bucket-example": "Tak jak na przykład \"lista kubełkowa\"",
+ "cancel": "Anuluj",
+ "card-archived": "Ta karta została przeniesiona do Archiwum.",
+ "board-archived": "Ta tablica została przeniesiona do Archiwum.",
+ "card-comments-title": "Ta karta ma %s komentarzy.",
+ "card-delete-notice": "Usunięcie jest trwałe. Stracisz wszystkie akcje powiązane z tą kartą.",
+ "card-delete-pop": "Wszystkie akcje będą usunięte z widoku aktywności, nie można będzie ponownie otworzyć karty. Usunięcie jest nieodwracalne.",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Możesz przenieść kartę do Archiwum, a następnie usunąć ją z tablicy i zachować ją w Aktywności.",
+ "card-due": "Ukończenie",
+ "card-due-on": "Ukończenie w",
+ "card-spent": "Spędzony czas",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "Edytuj załączniki",
+ "card-edit-custom-fields": "Edytuj niestandardowe pola",
+ "card-start-voting": "Rozpocznij głosowanie",
+ "card-cancel-voting": "Usuń głosowanie i wszystkie głosy",
+ "card-edit-labels": "Edytuj etykiety",
+ "card-edit-members": "Edytuj członków",
+ "card-labels-title": "Zmień etykiety karty",
+ "card-members-title": "Dodaj lub usuń członków tablicy z karty.",
+ "card-start": "Rozpoczęcie",
+ "card-start-on": "Zaczyna się o",
+ "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Dodaj załącznik z",
+ "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Zmień datę",
+ "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Edytuj niestandardowe pola",
+ "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Zacznij głosowanie",
+ "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Zwolennicy",
+ "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Przeciwnicy",
+ "vote-question": "Pytanie do głosowania",
+ "vote-public": "Głosowanie publiczne",
+ "vote-for-it": "za",
+ "vote-against": "przeciwko",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć kartę?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Czynności kart",
+ "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etykiety",
+ "cardMembersPopup-title": "Członkowie",
+ "cardMorePopup-title": "Więcej",
+ "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Utwórz szablon",
+ "cards": "Karty",
+ "cards-count": "Karty",
+ "casSignIn": "Zaloguj się poprzez CAS",
+ "cardType-card": "Karta",
+ "cardType-linkedCard": "Podpięta karta",
+ "cardType-linkedBoard": "Podpięta tablica",
+ "change": "Zmień",
+ "change-avatar": "Zmień avatar",
+ "change-password": "Zmień hasło",
+ "change-permissions": "Zmień uprawnienia",
+ "change-settings": "Zmień ustawienia",
+ "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Zmień avatar",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Zmień język",
+ "changePasswordPopup-title": "Zmień hasło",
+ "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Zmień uprawnienia",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Zmień ustawienia",
+ "subtasks": "Podzadania",
+ "checklists": "Listy zadań",
+ "click-to-star": "Kliknij by odznaczyć tę tablicę.",
+ "click-to-unstar": "Kliknij by usunąć odznaczenie tej tablicy.",
+ "clipboard": "Schowka lub poprzez przeciągnij & upuść",
+ "close": "Zamknij",
+ "close-board": "Zamknij tablicę",
+ "close-board-pop": "Będziesz w stanie przywrócić tablicę poprzez kliknięcie przycisku \"Archiwizuj\" w nagłówku strony domowej.",
+ "color-black": "czarny",
+ "color-blue": "niebieski",
+ "color-crimson": "karmazynowy",
+ "color-darkgreen": "ciemnozielony",
+ "color-gold": "złoty",
+ "color-gray": "szary",
+ "color-green": "zielony",
+ "color-indigo": "indygo",
+ "color-lime": "limonkowy",
+ "color-magenta": "fuksjowy",
+ "color-mistyrose": "różowy",
+ "color-navy": "granatowy",
+ "color-orange": "pomarańczowy",
+ "color-paleturquoise": "turkusowy",
+ "color-peachpuff": "brzoskwiniowy",
+ "color-pink": "różowy",
+ "color-plum": "śliwkowy",
+ "color-purple": "fioletowy",
+ "color-red": "czerwony",
+ "color-saddlebrown": "jasnobrązowy",
+ "color-silver": "srebrny",
+ "color-sky": "błękitny",
+ "color-slateblue": "szaroniebieski",
+ "color-white": "miały",
+ "color-yellow": "żółty",
+ "unset-color": "Nieustawiony",
+ "comment": "Komentarz",
+ "comment-placeholder": "Dodaj komentarz",
+ "comment-only": "Tylko komentowanie",
+ "comment-only-desc": "Może tylko komentować w kartach.",
+ "no-comments": "Bez komentarzy",
+ "no-comments-desc": "Nie widzi komentarzy i aktywności.",
+ "worker": "Pracownik",
+ "worker-desc": "Możesz tylko przenieść karty, przypisać je do siebie i na nich komentować.",
+ "computer": "Komputera",
+ "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć to podzadanie?",
+ "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć listę zadań?",
+ "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Skopiuj łącze karty do schowka",
+ "linkCardPopup-title": "Podepnij kartę",
+ "searchElementPopup-title": "Wyszukaj",
+ "copyCardPopup-title": "Skopiuj kartę",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Kopiuj szablon listy zadań do wielu kart",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Docelowe tytuły i opisy kart są w formacie JSON",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"Tytuł pierwszej karty\", \"description\":\"Opis pierwszej karty\"}, {\"title\":\"Tytuł drugiej karty\",\"description\":\"Opis drugiej karty\"},{\"title\":\"Tytuł ostatniej karty\",\"description\":\"Opis ostatniej karty\"} ]",
+ "create": "Utwórz",
+ "createBoardPopup-title": "Utwórz tablicę",
+ "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Import tablicy",
+ "createLabelPopup-title": "Utwórz etykietę",
+ "createCustomField": "Utwórz pole",
+ "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Utwórz pole",
+ "current": "obecny",
+ "custom-field-delete-pop": "Nie ma możliwości wycofania tej operacji. To usunie te niestandardowe pole ze wszystkich kart oraz usunie ich całą historię.",
+ "custom-field-checkbox": "Pole wyboru",
+ "custom-field-date": "Data",
+ "custom-field-dropdown": "Lista rozwijana",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(puste)",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options": "Opcje listy",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Naciśnij przycisk Enter by zobaczyć więcej opcji",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(nieznany)",
+ "custom-field-number": "Numer",
+ "custom-field-text": "Tekst",
+ "custom-fields": "Niestandardowe pola",
+ "date": "Data",
+ "decline": "Odrzuć",
+ "default-avatar": "Domyślny avatar",
+ "delete": "Usuń",
+ "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Usunąć niestandardowe pole?",
+ "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Usunąć etykietę?",
+ "description": "Opis",
+ "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Ujednolić etykiety czynności",
+ "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Ujednolić etykiety członków",
+ "discard": "Odrzuć",
+ "done": "Zrobiono",
+ "download": "Pobierz",
+ "edit": "Edytuj",
+ "edit-avatar": "Zmień avatar",
+ "edit-profile": "Edytuj profil",
+ "edit-wip-limit": "Zmień limit kart na liście",
+ "soft-wip-limit": "Pozwól na nadmiarowe karty na liście",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę rozpoczęcia",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę ukończenia",
+ "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edytuj pole",
+ "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Zmień spędzony czas",
+ "editLabelPopup-title": "Zmień etykietę",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "Zmień tryb powiadamiania",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "Edytuj profil",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "email-enrollAccount-subject": "Konto zostało utworzone na __siteName__",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zacząć korzystać z serwisu, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.",
+ "email-fail": "Wysyłanie emaila nie powiodło się.",
+ "email-fail-text": "Bład w trakcie wysyłania wiadomości email",
+ "email-invalid": "Nieprawidłowy email",
+ "email-invite": "Zaproś przez email",
+ "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ wysłał Ci zaproszenie",
+ "email-invite-text": "Drogi __user__,\n__inviter__ zaprosił Cię do współpracy w tablicy \"__board__\".\nZobacz więcej:\n__url__\nDzięki.",
+ "email-resetPassword-subject": "Zresetuj swoje hasło na __siteName__",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zresetować hasło, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.",
+ "email-sent": "Email wysłany",
+ "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Zweryfikuj swój adres email na __siteName__",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zweryfikować adres email, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.",
+ "enable-wip-limit": "Włącz limit kart na liście",
+ "error-board-doesNotExist": "Ta tablica nie istnieje",
+ "error-board-notAdmin": "Musisz być administratorem tej tablicy żeby to zrobić",
+ "error-board-notAMember": "Musisz być członkiem tej tablicy, żeby wykonać tę czynność",
+ "error-json-malformed": "Twoja fraza nie jest w formacie JSON",
+ "error-json-schema": "Twoje dane JSON nie zawierają prawidłowych informacji w poprawnym formacie",
+ "error-list-doesNotExist": "Ta lista nie isnieje",
+ "error-user-doesNotExist": "Ten użytkownik nie istnieje",
+ "error-user-notAllowSelf": "Nie możesz zaprosić samego siebie",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "Ten użytkownik nie został stworzony",
+ "error-username-taken": "Ta nazwa jest już zajęta",
+ "error-email-taken": "Adres email jest już zarezerwowany",
+ "export-board": "Eksportuj tablicę",
+ "sort": "Sortuj",
+ "sort-desc": "Kliknij by sortować listę",
+ "list-sort-by": "Sortuj listę przez:",
+ "list-label-modifiedAt": "Ostatni czas dostępu",
+ "list-label-title": "Nazwa listy",
+ "list-label-sort": "Twoja kolejność ustawiona ręcznie",
+ "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(O)",
+ "list-label-short-title": "(N)",
+ "list-label-short-sort": "(K)",
+ "filter": "Filtr",
+ "filter-cards": "Filtruj karty i listy",
+ "list-filter-label": "Filtruj listy względem tytułu",
+ "filter-clear": "Usuń filter",
+ "filter-no-label": "Brak etykiety",
+ "filter-no-member": "Brak członków",
+ "filter-no-assignee": "Nieprzypisane ",
+ "filter-no-custom-fields": "Brak niestandardowych pól",
+ "filter-show-archive": "Pokaż zarchiwizowane listy",
+ "filter-hide-empty": "Ukryj puste listy",
+ "filter-on": "Filtr jest włączony",
+ "filter-on-desc": "Filtrujesz karty na tej tablicy. Kliknij tutaj by edytować filtr.",
+ "filter-to-selection": "Odfiltruj zaznaczenie",
+ "advanced-filter-label": "Zaawansowane filtry",
+ "advanced-filter-description": "Zaawansowane filtry pozwalają na wykorzystanie ciągu znaków wraz z następującymi operatorami: == != <= >= && || (). Spacja jest używana jako separator pomiędzy operatorami. Możesz przefiltrowywać wszystkie niestandardowe pola wpisując ich nazwy lub wartości, na przykład: Pole1 == Wartość1.\nUwaga: Jeśli pola lub wartości zawierają spację, musisz je zawrzeć w pojedyncze cudzysłowie, na przykład: 'Pole 1' == 'Wartość 1'. Dla pojedynczych znaków, które powinny być pominięte należy użyć \\, na przykład Pole1 == I\\'m. Możesz także wykorzystywać mieszane warunki, na przykład P1 == W1 || P1 == W2. Standardowo wszystkie operatory są interpretowane od lewej do prawej. Możesz także zmienić kolejność interpretacji wykorzystując nawiasy, na przykład P1 == W1 && (P2 == W2 || P2 == W3). Możesz także wyszukiwać tekstowo wykorzystując wyrażenia regularne, na przykład: P1 == /Tes.*/i",
+ "fullname": "Pełna nazwa",
+ "header-logo-title": "Wróć do swojej strony z tablicami.",
+ "hide-system-messages": "Ukryj wiadomości systemowe",
+ "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Utwórz tablicę",
+ "home": "Strona główna",
+ "import": "Importuj",
+ "link": "Podłącz",
+ "import-board": "importuj tablice",
+ "import-board-c": "Import tablicy",
+ "import-board-title-trello": "Importuj tablicę z Trello",
+ "import-board-title-wekan": "Importuj tablicę z poprzedniego eksportu",
+ "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Nie usuwaj danych, które importujesz ze źródłowej tablicy lub Trello zanim upewnisz się, że wszystko zostało prawidłowo przeniesione przy czym brane jest pod uwagę ponowne uruchomienie strony, ponieważ w przypadku błędu braku tablicy stracisz dane.",
+ "import-sandstorm-warning": "Zaimportowana tablica usunie wszystkie istniejące dane na aktualnej tablicy oraz zastąpi ją danymi z tej importowanej.",
+ "from-trello": "Z Trello",
+ "from-wekan": "Z poprzedniego eksportu",
+ "import-board-instruction-trello": "W twojej tablicy na Trello przejdź do 'Menu', następnie 'Więcej', 'Drukuj i eksportuj', 'Eksportuj jako JSON' i skopiuj wynik",
+ "import-board-instruction-wekan": "Na Twojej tablicy przejdź do 'Menu', a następnie wybierz 'Eksportuj tablicę' i skopiuj tekst w pobranym pliku.",
+ "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "W przypadku, gdy otrzymujesz błędy importowania tablicy, czasami importowanie pomimo wszystko działa poprawnie i tablica znajduje się w oknie Wszystkie tablice.",
+ "import-json-placeholder": "Wklej Twoje dane JSON tutaj",
+ "import-map-members": "Przypisz członków",
+ "import-members-map": "Twoje zaimportowane tablice mają kilku członków. Proszę wybierz członków których chcesz zaimportować dla Twoich użytkowników",
+ "import-show-user-mapping": "Przejrzyj wybranych członków",
+ "import-user-select": "Wybierz istniejącego użytkownika, który ma stać się członkiem",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Wybierz użytkownika",
+ "info": "Wersja",
+ "initials": "Inicjały",
+ "invalid-date": "Błędna data",
+ "invalid-time": "Błędny czas",
+ "invalid-user": "Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika",
+ "joined": "dołączył",
+ "just-invited": "Zostałeś zaproszony do tej tablicy",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "Skróty klawiaturowe",
+ "label-create": "Utwórz etykietę",
+ "label-default": "'%s' etykieta (domyślna)",
+ "label-delete-pop": "Nie da się tego wycofać. To usunie tę etykietę ze wszystkich kart i usunie ich historię.",
+ "labels": "Etykiety",
+ "language": "Język",
+ "last-admin-desc": "Nie możesz zmienić roli użytkownika, ponieważ musi istnieć co najmniej jeden administrator.",
+ "leave-board": "Opuść tablicę",
+ "leave-board-pop": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz opuścić tablicę __boardTitle__? Zostaniesz usunięty ze wszystkich kart tej tablicy.",
+ "leaveBoardPopup-title": "Opuścić tablicę?",
+ "link-card": "Link do tej karty",
+ "list-archive-cards": "Przenieś wszystkie karty z tej listy do Archiwum",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "To usunie wszystkie karty z tej listy z tej tablicy. Aby przejrzeć karty w Archiwum i przywrócić na tablicę, kliknij \"Menu\" > \"Archiwizuj\".",
+ "list-move-cards": "Przenieś wszystkie karty z tej listy",
+ "list-select-cards": "Zaznacz wszystkie karty z tej listy",
+ "set-color-list": "Ustaw kolor",
+ "listActionPopup-title": "Lista akcji",
+ "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Opcje diagramu czynności",
+ "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Dodaj diagram czynności poniżej",
+ "listImportCardPopup-title": "Zaimportuj kartę z Trello",
+ "listMorePopup-title": "Więcej",
+ "link-list": "Podepnij do tej listy",
+ "list-delete-pop": "Wszystkie czynności zostaną usunięte z Aktywności i nie będziesz w stanie przywrócić listy. Nie ma możliwości cofnięcia tej operacji.",
+ "list-delete-suggest-archive": "Możesz przenieść listę do Archiwum, a następnie usunąć ją z tablicy i zachować ją w Aktywności.",
+ "lists": "Listy",
+ "swimlanes": "Diagramy czynności",
+ "log-out": "Wyloguj",
+ "log-in": "Zaloguj",
+ "loginPopup-title": "Zaloguj",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "Ustawienia członków",
+ "members": "Członkowie",
+ "menu": "Menu",
+ "move-selection": "Przenieś zaznaczone",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "Przenieś kartę",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "Przenieś na dół",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "Przenieś na górę",
+ "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Przenieś zaznaczone",
+ "multi-selection": "Wielokrotne zaznaczenie",
+ "multi-selection-on": "Wielokrotne zaznaczenie jest włączone",
+ "muted": "Wycisz",
+ "muted-info": "Nie dostaniesz powiadomienia o zmianach w tej tablicy.",
+ "my-boards": "Moje tablice",
+ "name": "Nazwa",
+ "no-archived-cards": "Brak kart w Archiwum.",
+ "no-archived-lists": "Brak list w Archiwum.",
+ "no-archived-swimlanes": "Brak diagramów czynności w Archiwum",
+ "no-results": "Brak wyników",
+ "normal": "Użytkownik standardowy",
+ "normal-desc": "Może widzieć i edytować karty. Nie może zmieniać ustawiań.",
+ "not-accepted-yet": "Zaproszenie jeszcze niezaakceptowane",
+ "notify-participate": "Otrzymuj aktualizacje kart, w których uczestniczysz jako twórca lub członek.",
+ "notify-watch": "Otrzymuj powiadomienia z tablic, list i kart, które obserwujesz",
+ "optional": "opcjonalny",
+ "or": "lub",
+ "page-maybe-private": "Ta strona może być prywatna. Możliwe, że możesz ją zobaczyć po <a href='%s'>zalogowaniu</a>.",
+ "page-not-found": "Strona nie znaleziona.",
+ "password": "Hasło",
+ "paste-or-dragdrop": "wklej lub przeciągnij & upuść (tylko grafika)",
+ "participating": "Uczestniczysz",
+ "preview": "Podgląd",
+ "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Podgląd",
+ "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Podgląd",
+ "private": "Prywatny",
+ "private-desc": "Ta tablica jest prywatna. Tylko osoby dodane do tej tablicy mogą ją zobaczyć i edytować.",
+ "profile": "Profil",
+ "public": "Publiczny",
+ "public-desc": "Ta tablica jest publiczna. Jest widoczna dla wszystkich, którzy mają do niej odnośnik i będzie wynikiem silników wyszukiwania takich jak Google. Tylko użytkownicy dodani do tablicy mogą ją edytować.",
+ "quick-access-description": "Odznacz tablicę aby dodać skrót na tym pasku.",
+ "remove-cover": "Usuń okładkę",
+ "remove-from-board": "Usuń z tablicy",
+ "remove-label": "Usuń etykietę",
+ "listDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć listę?",
+ "remove-member": "Usuń członka",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "Usuń z karty",
+ "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.",
+ "removeMemberPopup-title": "Usunąć członka?",
+ "rename": "Zmień nazwę",
+ "rename-board": "Zmień nazwę tablicy",
+ "restore": "Przywróć",
+ "save": "Zapisz",
+ "search": "Wyszukaj",
+ "rules": "Reguły",
+ "search-cards": "Szukaj w tytułach kart/list oraz opisach i niestandardowych polach na tej tablicy",
+ "search-example": "Czego mam szukać?",
+ "select-color": "Wybierz kolor",
+ "set-wip-limit-value": "Ustaw maksymalny limit zadań na tej liście",
+ "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Ustaw limit kart na liście",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "Przypisz siebie do obecnej karty",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autouzupełnianie emoji",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autouzupełnianie członków",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "Usuń wszystkie filtry",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "Zamknij okno",
+ "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filtruj moje karty",
+ "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Przypnij do listy skrótów",
+ "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Przełącz boczny pasek filtru",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Przełącz boczny pasek tablicy",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "Pokaż licznik kart, jeśli lista zawiera więcej niż",
+ "sidebar-open": "Otwórz pasek boczny",
+ "sidebar-close": "Zamknij pasek boczny",
+ "signupPopup-title": "Utwórz konto",
+ "star-board-title": "Kliknij by oznaczyć tę tablicę gwiazdką. Pojawi się wtedy na liście tablic na górze.",
+ "starred-boards": "Odznaczone tablice",
+ "starred-boards-description": "Tablice oznaczone gwiazdką pojawią się na liście na górze.",
+ "subscribe": "Zapisz się",
+ "team": "Zespół",
+ "this-board": "ta tablica",
+ "this-card": "ta karta",
+ "spent-time-hours": "Spędzony czas (w godzinach)",
+ "overtime-hours": "Nadgodziny (czas)",
+ "overtime": "Dodatkowo",
+ "has-overtime-cards": "Ma dodatkowych kart",
+ "has-spenttime-cards": "Ma karty z wykorzystanym czasem",
+ "time": "Czas",
+ "title": "Tytuł",
+ "tracking": "Śledź",
+ "tracking-info": "Dostaniesz powiadomienie o zmianach kart, w których bierzesz udział jako twórca lub członek.",
+ "type": "Typ",
+ "unassign-member": "Nieprzypisany członek",
+ "unsaved-description": "Masz niezapisany opis.",
+ "unwatch": "Nie obserwuj",
+ "upload": "Wyślij",
+ "upload-avatar": "Wyślij avatar",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "Wysłany avatar",
+ "username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "view-it": "Zobacz",
+ "warn-list-archived": "Ostrzeżenie: ta karta jest na liście będącej w Archiwum",
+ "watch": "Obserwuj",
+ "watching": "Obserwuj",
+ "watching-info": "Dostaniesz powiadomienie o każdej zmianie na tej tablicy.",
+ "welcome-board": "Tablica powitalna",
+ "welcome-swimlane": "Kamień milowy 1",
+ "welcome-list1": "Podstawy",
+ "welcome-list2": "Zaawansowane",
+ "card-templates-swimlane": "Utwórz szablony",
+ "list-templates-swimlane": "Wyświetl szablony",
+ "board-templates-swimlane": "Szablony tablic",
+ "what-to-do": "Co chcesz zrobić?",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Nieprawidłowy limit kart na liście",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "Aktualna ilość kart na tej liście jest większa niż aktualny zdefiniowany limit kart.",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Proszę przenieś zadania z tej listy lub zmień limit kart na tej liście na wyższy.",
+ "admin-panel": "Panel administracyjny",
+ "settings": "Ustawienia",
+ "people": "Osoby",
+ "registration": "Rejestracja",
+ "disable-self-registration": "Wyłącz samodzielną rejestrację",
+ "invite": "Zaproś",
+ "invite-people": "Zaproś osoby",
+ "to-boards": "Do tablic(y)",
+ "email-addresses": "Adres e-mail",
+ "smtp-host-description": "Adres serwera SMTP, który wysyła Twoje maile.",
+ "smtp-port-description": "Port, który Twój serwer SMTP wykorzystuje do wysyłania emaili.",
+ "smtp-tls-description": "Włącz wsparcie TLS dla serwera SMTP",
+ "smtp-host": "Serwer SMTP",
+ "smtp-port": "Port SMTP",
+ "smtp-username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "smtp-password": "Hasło",
+ "smtp-tls": "Wsparcie dla TLS",
+ "send-from": "Od",
+ "send-smtp-test": "Wyślij wiadomość testową do siebie",
+ "invitation-code": "Kod z zaproszenia",
+ "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ wysłał Ci zaproszenie",
+ "email-invite-register-text": "Drogi __user__,\n\n__inviter__ zaprasza Cię do współpracy na naszej tablicy kanban.\n\nAby kontynuować, wejdź w poniższy link:\n__url__\n\nTwój kod zaproszenia to: __icode__\n\nDziękuję.",
+ "email-smtp-test-subject": "Wiadomość testowa SMTP",
+ "email-smtp-test-text": "Wiadomość testowa została wysłana z powodzeniem.",
+ "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "Kod zaproszenia nie istnieje",
+ "error-notAuthorized": "Nie jesteś uprawniony do przeglądania tej strony.",
+ "webhook-title": "Nazwa webhooka",
+ "webhook-token": "Token (opcjonalny do autoryzacji)",
+ "outgoing-webhooks": "Wychodzące webhooki",
+ "bidirectional-webhooks": "Dwustronne webhooki",
+ "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Wychodzące webhooki",
+ "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Filtruj poprzez nazwę karty",
+ "disable-webhook": "Wyłącz tego webhooka",
+ "global-webhook": "Globalne webhooki",
+ "new-outgoing-webhook": "Nowy wychodzący webhook",
+ "no-name": "(nieznany)",
+ "Node_version": "Wersja Node",
+ "Meteor_version": "Wersja Meteor",
+ "MongoDB_version": "Wersja MongoDB",
+ "MongoDB_storage_engine": "Silnik MongoDB",
+ "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB - włączony Oplog",
+ "OS_Arch": "Architektura systemu",
+ "OS_Cpus": "Ilość rdzeni systemu",
+ "OS_Freemem": "Wolna pamięć RAM",
+ "OS_Loadavg": "Średnie obciążenie systemu",
+ "OS_Platform": "Platforma systemu",
+ "OS_Release": "Wersja jądra",
+ "OS_Totalmem": "Dostępna pamięć RAM",
+ "OS_Type": "Typ systemu",
+ "OS_Uptime": "Czas działania systemu",
+ "days": "dni",
+ "hours": "godzin",
+ "minutes": "minut",
+ "seconds": "sekund",
+ "show-field-on-card": "Pokaż te pole na karcie",
+ "automatically-field-on-card": "Automatycznie stwórz pole dla wszystkich kart",
+ "showLabel-field-on-card": "Pokaż pole etykiety w minikarcie",
+ "yes": "Tak",
+ "no": "Nie",
+ "accounts": "Konto",
+ "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Zezwól na zmianę adresu email",
+ "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Zezwól na zmianę nazwy użytkownika",
+ "createdAt": "Stworzono o",
+ "verified": "Zweryfikowane",
+ "active": "Aktywny",
+ "card-received": "Odebrano",
+ "card-received-on": "Odebrano",
+ "card-end": "Koniec",
+ "card-end-on": "Kończy się",
+ "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę odebrania",
+ "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Zmień datę ukończenia",
+ "setCardColorPopup-title": "Ustaw kolor",
+ "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Wybierz kolor",
+ "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Wybierz kolor",
+ "setListColorPopup-title": "Wybierz kolor",
+ "assigned-by": "Przypisane przez",
+ "requested-by": "Zlecone przez",
+ "board-delete-notice": "Usuwanie jest permanentne. Stracisz wszystkie listy, kart oraz czynności przypisane do tej tablicy.",
+ "delete-board-confirm-popup": "Wszystkie listy, etykiety oraz aktywności zostaną usunięte i nie będziesz w stanie przywrócić zawartości tablicy. Tego nie da się cofnąć.",
+ "boardDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć tablicę?",
+ "delete-board": "Usuń tablicę",
+ "default-subtasks-board": "Podzadania dla tablicy __board__",
+ "default": "Domyślny",
+ "queue": "Kolejka",
+ "subtask-settings": "Ustawienia podzadań",
+ "card-settings": "Ustawienia karty",
+ "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Ustawienia tablicy podzadań",
+ "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Ustawienia kart",
+ "deposit-subtasks-board": "Przechowuj podzadania na tablicy:",
+ "deposit-subtasks-list": "Początkowa lista dla podzadań jest przechowywana w:",
+ "show-parent-in-minicard": "Pokaż rodzica w minikarcie:",
+ "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix z pełną ścieżką",
+ "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix z rodzicem",
+ "subtext-with-full-path": "Podtekst z pełną ścieżką",
+ "subtext-with-parent": "Podtekst z rodzicem",
+ "change-card-parent": "Zmień rodzica karty",
+ "parent-card": "Karta rodzica",
+ "source-board": "Tablica źródłowa",
+ "no-parent": "Nie pokazuj rodzica",
+ "activity-added-label": "dodał(a) etykietę '%s' z '%s'",
+ "activity-removed-label": "usunął etykietę '%s' z '%s'",
+ "activity-delete-attach": "usunął załącznik z %s",
+ "activity-added-label-card": "dodał(a) etykietę '%s'",
+ "activity-removed-label-card": "usunął etykietę '%s'",
+ "activity-delete-attach-card": "usunął załącznik",
+ "activity-set-customfield": "ustawiono niestandardowe pole '%s' do '%s' na '%s'",
+ "activity-unset-customfield": "wyczyszczono niestandardowe pole '%s' na '%s'",
+ "r-rule": "Reguła",
+ "r-add-trigger": "Dodaj przełącznik",
+ "r-add-action": "Dodaj czynność",
+ "r-board-rules": "Reguły tablicy",
+ "r-add-rule": "Dodaj regułę",
+ "r-view-rule": "Zobacz regułę",
+ "r-delete-rule": "Usuń regułę",
+ "r-new-rule-name": "Nowa nazwa reguły",
+ "r-no-rules": "Brak regułę",
+ "r-when-a-card": "Gdy karta",
+ "r-is": "jest",
+ "r-is-moved": "jest przenoszona",
+ "r-added-to": "dodana do",
+ "r-removed-from": "usunął z",
+ "r-the-board": "tablicy",
+ "r-list": "lista",
+ "set-filter": "Ustaw filtr",
+ "r-moved-to": "Przeniesiono do",
+ "r-moved-from": "Przeniesiono z",
+ "r-archived": "Przeniesione z Archiwum",
+ "r-unarchived": "Przywrócone z Archiwum",
+ "r-a-card": "karta",
+ "r-when-a-label-is": "Gdy etykieta jest",
+ "r-when-the-label": "Gdy etykieta jest",
+ "r-list-name": "nazwa listy",
+ "r-when-a-member": "Gdy członek jest",
+ "r-when-the-member": "Gdy członek jest",
+ "r-name": "nazwa",
+ "r-when-a-attach": "Gdy załącznik",
+ "r-when-a-checklist": "Gdy lista zadań jest",
+ "r-when-the-checklist": "Gdy lista zadań",
+ "r-completed": "Ukończono",
+ "r-made-incomplete": "Niedokończone",
+ "r-when-a-item": "Gdy lista zadań jest",
+ "r-when-the-item": "Gdy element listy zadań",
+ "r-checked": "Zaznaczony",
+ "r-unchecked": "Odznaczony",
+ "r-move-card-to": "Przenieś kartę do",
+ "r-top-of": "Góra od",
+ "r-bottom-of": "Dół od",
+ "r-its-list": "tej listy",
+ "r-archive": "Przenieś do Archiwum",
+ "r-unarchive": "Przywróć z Archiwum",
+ "r-card": "karta",
+ "r-add": "Dodaj",
+ "r-remove": "Usuń",
+ "r-label": "etykieta",
+ "r-member": "członek",
+ "r-remove-all": "Usuń wszystkich członków tej karty",
+ "r-set-color": "Ustaw kolor na",
+ "r-checklist": "lista zadań",
+ "r-check-all": "Zaznacz wszystkie",
+ "r-uncheck-all": "Odznacz wszystkie",
+ "r-items-check": "elementy listy",
+ "r-check": "Zaznacz",
+ "r-uncheck": "Odznacz",
+ "r-item": "element",
+ "r-of-checklist": "z listy zadań",
+ "r-send-email": "Wyślij wiadomość email",
+ "r-to": "do",
+ "r-subject": "temat",
+ "r-rule-details": "Szczegóły reguł",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Przenieś kartę na górę tej listy",
+ "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Przenieś kartę na górę listy",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Przenieś kartę na dół tej listy",
+ "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Przenieś kartę na dół listy",
+ "r-d-send-email": "Wyślij wiadomość email",
+ "r-d-send-email-to": "do",
+ "r-d-send-email-subject": "temat",
+ "r-d-send-email-message": "wiadomość",
+ "r-d-archive": "Przenieś kartę z Archiwum",
+ "r-d-unarchive": "Przywróć kartę z Archiwum",
+ "r-d-add-label": "Dodaj etykietę",
+ "r-d-remove-label": "Usuń etykietę",
+ "r-create-card": "Utwórz nową kartę",
+ "r-in-list": "na liście",
+ "r-in-swimlane": "w diagramie zdarzeń",
+ "r-d-add-member": "Dodaj członka",
+ "r-d-remove-member": "Usuń członka",
+ "r-d-remove-all-member": "Usuń wszystkich członków",
+ "r-d-check-all": "Zaznacz wszystkie elementy listy",
+ "r-d-uncheck-all": "Odznacz wszystkie elementy listy",
+ "r-d-check-one": "Zaznacz element",
+ "r-d-uncheck-one": "Odznacz element",
+ "r-d-check-of-list": "z listy zadań",
+ "r-d-add-checklist": "Dodaj listę zadań",
+ "r-d-remove-checklist": "Usuń listę zadań",
+ "r-by": "przez",
+ "r-add-checklist": "Dodaj listę zadań",
+ "r-with-items": "z elementami",
+ "r-items-list": "element1,element2,element3",
+ "r-add-swimlane": "Dodaj diagram zdarzeń",
+ "r-swimlane-name": "Nazwa diagramu",
+ "r-board-note": "Uwaga: pozostaw pole puste, aby każda wartość była brana pod uwagę.",
+ "r-checklist-note": "Uwaga: wartości elementów listy muszą być oddzielone przecinkami.",
+ "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "Gdy karta jest przeniesiona do innej listy",
+ "r-set": "Ustaw",
+ "r-update": "Aktualizuj",
+ "r-datefield": "pole daty",
+ "r-df-start-at": "start",
+ "r-df-due-at": "rozpoczęcie",
+ "r-df-end-at": "zakończenie",
+ "r-df-received-at": "odebrano",
+ "r-to-current-datetime": "o aktualnej dacie/godzinie",
+ "r-remove-value-from": "usunął wartość z",
+ "ldap": "LDAP",
+ "oauth2": "OAuth2",
+ "cas": "CAS",
+ "authentication-method": "Sposób autoryzacji",
+ "authentication-type": "Typ autoryzacji",
+ "custom-product-name": "Niestandardowa nazwa produktu",
+ "layout": "Układ strony",
+ "hide-logo": "Ukryj logo",
+ "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Dodaj niestandardowy kod HTML po <body> starcie",
+ "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Dodaj niestandardowy kod HTML przed </body> końcem",
+ "error-undefined": "Coś poszło nie tak",
+ "error-ldap-login": "Wystąpił błąd w trakcie logowania",
+ "display-authentication-method": "Wyświetl metodę logowania",
+ "default-authentication-method": "Domyślna metoda logowania",
+ "duplicate-board": "Duplikuj tablicę",
+ "people-number": "Liczba użytkowników to:",
+ "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć diagram czynności?",
+ "swimlane-delete-pop": "Wszystkie akcje będą usunięte z widoku aktywności, nie można będzie przywrócić diagramu czynności. Usunięcie jest nieodwracalne.",
+ "restore-all": "Przywróć wszystkie",
+ "delete-all": "Usuń wszystkie",
+ "loading": "Ładowanie, proszę czekać.",
+ "previous_as": "ostatni czas był",
+ "act-a-dueAt": "zmienił(a) czas zakończenia na: __timeValue__ w karcie __card__, poprzedni czas: __timeOldValue__",
+ "act-a-endAt": "zmienił(a) czas zakończenia na __timeValue__ z __timeOldValue__",
+ "act-a-startAt": "zmienił(a) czas rozpoczęcia na __timeValue__ z __timeOldValue__",
+ "act-a-receivedAt": "zmienił(a) czas odebrania zadania na __timeValue__ z __timeOldValue__",
+ "a-dueAt": "zmieniono czas zakończenia na",
+ "a-endAt": "zmieniono czas zakończenia na",
+ "a-startAt": "zmieniono czas startu na",
+ "a-receivedAt": "zmieniono czas odebrania zadania na",
+ "almostdue": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s dobiega końca",
+ "pastdue": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s jest w przeszłości",
+ "duenow": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s jest dzisiaj",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ przypomina o 1szym zakończeniu terminu [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ posiada przypomnienia zakończenia terminu [__board__]",
+ "act-almostdue": "przypomina o zbliżającej się dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
+ "act-pastdue": "przypomina o ubiegłej dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
+ "act-duenow": "przypomina o ubiegającej teraz dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
+ "act-atUserComment": "Zostałeś wspomniany w [__board] __list__/__card__",
+ "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć te konto? Nie można tego wycofać.",
+ "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Pozwól użytkownikom na usuwanie własnych kont",
+ "hide-minicard-label-text": "Ukryj opisy etykiet minikart",
+ "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Pokaż przeciągnięcia na pulpit",
+ "assignee": "Przypisujący",
+ "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Przypisujący",
+ "addmore-detail": "Dodaj bardziej szczegółowy opis",
+ "show-on-card": "Pokaż na karcie",
+ "new": "Nowy",
+ "editUserPopup-title": "Edytuj użytkownika",
+ "newUserPopup-title": "Nowy użytkownik",
+ "notifications": "Powiadomienia",
+ "view-all": "Wyświetl wszystko",
+ "filter-by-unread": "Filtruj nieprzeczytane",
+ "mark-all-as-read": "Zaznacz wszystkie jako przeczytane",
+ "remove-all-read": "Usuń wszystkie przeczytane",
+ "allow-rename": "Zezwól na zmianę nazwy",
+ "allowRenamePopup-title": "Zezwól na zmianę nazwy"