path: root/packages/wekan-scrollbar/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/wekan-scrollbar/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js')
1 files changed, 2423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/wekan-scrollbar/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js b/packages/wekan-scrollbar/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7883579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/wekan-scrollbar/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2423 @@
+== malihu jquery custom scrollbar plugin ==
+Version: 3.1.3
+Plugin URI:
+Author: malihu
+Author URI:
+License: MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright Manos Malihutsakis (email:
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+The code below is fairly long, fully commented and should be normally used in development.
+For production, use either the minified jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.js script or
+the production-ready jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js which contains the plugin
+and dependencies (minified).
+ if(typeof module!=="undefined" && module.exports){
+ module.exports=factory;
+ }else{
+ factory(jQuery,window,document);
+ }
+ var _rjs=typeof define==="function" && define.amd, /* RequireJS */
+ _njs=typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports; /* NodeJS */
+ if(!_rjs){
+ if(_njs){
+ require("jquery-mousewheel")($);
+ }else{
+ /* Only load locally jquery-mousewheel plugin.
+ (works when mCustomScrollbar fn is called on window load) */
+ $.event.special.mousewheel;
+ }
+ }
+ init();
+ /*
+ ----------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------
+ */
+ var pluginNS="mCustomScrollbar",
+ pluginPfx="mCS",
+ defaultSelector=".mCustomScrollbar",
+ /*
+ ----------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------
+ */
+ defaults={
+ /*
+ set element/content width/height programmatically
+ values: boolean, pixels, percentage
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ setWidth false
+ setHeight false
+ */
+ /*
+ set the initial css top property of content
+ values: string (e.g. "-100px", "10%" etc.)
+ */
+ setTop:0,
+ /*
+ set the initial css left property of content
+ values: string (e.g. "-100px", "10%" etc.)
+ */
+ setLeft:0,
+ /*
+ scrollbar axis (vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars)
+ values (string): "y", "x", "yx"
+ */
+ axis:"y",
+ /*
+ position of scrollbar relative to content
+ values (string): "inside", "outside" ("outside" requires elements with position:relative)
+ */
+ scrollbarPosition:"inside",
+ /*
+ scrolling inertia
+ values: integer (milliseconds)
+ */
+ scrollInertia:950,
+ /*
+ auto-adjust scrollbar dragger length
+ values: boolean
+ */
+ autoDraggerLength:true,
+ /*
+ auto-hide scrollbar when idle
+ values: boolean
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ autoHideScrollbar false
+ */
+ /*
+ auto-expands scrollbar on mouse-over and dragging
+ values: boolean
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ autoExpandScrollbar false
+ */
+ /*
+ always show scrollbar, even when there's nothing to scroll
+ values: integer (0=disable, 1=always show dragger rail and buttons, 2=always show dragger rail, dragger and buttons), boolean
+ */
+ alwaysShowScrollbar:0,
+ /*
+ scrolling always snaps to a multiple of this number in pixels
+ values: integer, array ([y,x])
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ snapAmount null
+ */
+ /*
+ when snapping, snap with this number in pixels as an offset
+ values: integer
+ */
+ snapOffset:0,
+ /*
+ mouse-wheel scrolling
+ */
+ mouseWheel:{
+ /*
+ enable mouse-wheel scrolling
+ values: boolean
+ */
+ enable:true,
+ /*
+ scrolling amount in pixels
+ values: "auto", integer
+ */
+ scrollAmount:"auto",
+ /*
+ mouse-wheel scrolling axis
+ the default scrolling direction when both vertical and horizontal scrollbars are present
+ values (string): "y", "x"
+ */
+ axis:"y",
+ /*
+ prevent the default behaviour which automatically scrolls the parent element(s) when end of scrolling is reached
+ values: boolean
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ preventDefault null
+ */
+ /*
+ the reported mouse-wheel delta value. The number of lines (translated to pixels) one wheel notch scrolls.
+ values: "auto", integer
+ "auto" uses the default OS/browser value
+ */
+ deltaFactor:"auto",
+ /*
+ normalize mouse-wheel delta to -1 or 1 (disables mouse-wheel acceleration)
+ values: boolean
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ normalizeDelta null
+ */
+ /*
+ invert mouse-wheel scrolling direction
+ values: boolean
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ invert null
+ */
+ /*
+ the tags that disable mouse-wheel when cursor is over them
+ */
+ disableOver:["select","option","keygen","datalist","textarea"]
+ },
+ /*
+ scrollbar buttons
+ */
+ scrollButtons:{
+ /*
+ enable scrollbar buttons
+ values: boolean
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ enable null
+ */
+ /*
+ scrollbar buttons scrolling type
+ values (string): "stepless", "stepped"
+ */
+ scrollType:"stepless",
+ /*
+ scrolling amount in pixels
+ values: "auto", integer
+ */
+ scrollAmount:"auto"
+ /*
+ tabindex of the scrollbar buttons
+ values: false, integer
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ tabindex null
+ */
+ },
+ /*
+ keyboard scrolling
+ */
+ keyboard:{
+ /*
+ enable scrolling via keyboard
+ values: boolean
+ */
+ enable:true,
+ /*
+ keyboard scrolling type
+ values (string): "stepless", "stepped"
+ */
+ scrollType:"stepless",
+ /*
+ scrolling amount in pixels
+ values: "auto", integer
+ */
+ scrollAmount:"auto"
+ },
+ /*
+ enable content touch-swipe scrolling
+ values: boolean, integer, string (number)
+ integer values define the axis-specific minimum amount required for scrolling momentum
+ */
+ contentTouchScroll:25,
+ /*
+ enable/disable document (default) touch-swipe scrolling
+ */
+ documentTouchScroll:true,
+ /*
+ advanced option parameters
+ */
+ advanced:{
+ /*
+ auto-expand content horizontally (for "x" or "yx" axis)
+ values: boolean, integer (the value 2 forces the non scrollHeight/scrollWidth method, the value 3 forces the scrollHeight/scrollWidth method)
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ autoExpandHorizontalScroll null
+ */
+ /*
+ auto-scroll to elements with focus
+ */
+ autoScrollOnFocus:"input,textarea,select,button,datalist,keygen,a[tabindex],area,object,[contenteditable='true']",
+ /*
+ auto-update scrollbars on content, element or viewport resize
+ should be true for fluid layouts/elements, adding/removing content dynamically, hiding/showing elements, content with images etc.
+ values: boolean
+ */
+ updateOnContentResize:true,
+ /*
+ auto-update scrollbars each time each image inside the element is fully loaded
+ values: "auto", boolean
+ */
+ updateOnImageLoad:"auto",
+ /*
+ auto-update scrollbars based on the amount and size changes of specific selectors
+ useful when you need to update the scrollbar(s) automatically, each time a type of element is added, removed or changes its size
+ values: boolean, string (e.g. "ul li" will auto-update scrollbars each time list-items inside the element are changed)
+ a value of true (boolean) will auto-update scrollbars each time any element is changed
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ updateOnSelectorChange null
+ */
+ /*
+ extra selectors that'll allow scrollbar dragging upon mousemove/up, pointermove/up, touchend etc. (e.g. "selector-1, selector-2")
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ extraDraggableSelectors null
+ */
+ /*
+ extra selectors that'll release scrollbar dragging upon mouseup, pointerup, touchend etc. (e.g. "selector-1, selector-2")
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ releaseDraggableSelectors null
+ */
+ /*
+ auto-update timeout
+ values: integer (milliseconds)
+ */
+ autoUpdateTimeout:60
+ },
+ /*
+ scrollbar theme
+ values: string (see CSS/plugin URI for a list of ready-to-use themes)
+ */
+ theme:"light",
+ /*
+ user defined callback functions
+ */
+ callbacks:{
+ /*
+ Available callbacks:
+ callback default
+ -------------------------------------
+ onCreate null
+ onInit null
+ onScrollStart null
+ onScroll null
+ onTotalScroll null
+ onTotalScrollBack null
+ whileScrolling null
+ onOverflowY null
+ onOverflowX null
+ onOverflowYNone null
+ onOverflowXNone null
+ onImageLoad null
+ onSelectorChange null
+ onBeforeUpdate null
+ onUpdate null
+ */
+ onTotalScrollOffset:0,
+ onTotalScrollBackOffset:0,
+ alwaysTriggerOffsets:true
+ }
+ /*
+ add scrollbar(s) on all elements matching the current selector, now and in the future
+ values: boolean, string
+ string values: "on" (enable), "once" (disable after first invocation), "off" (disable)
+ liveSelector values: string (selector)
+ option default
+ -------------------------------------
+ live false
+ liveSelector null
+ */
+ },
+ /*
+ ----------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------
+ */
+ totalInstances=0, /* plugin instances amount */
+ liveTimers={}, /* live option timers */
+ oldIE=(window.attachEvent && !window.addEventListener) ? 1 : 0, /* detect IE < 9 */
+ touchActive=false,touchable, /* global touch vars (for touch and pointer events) */
+ /* general plugin classes */
+ classes=[
+ "mCSB_dragger_onDrag","mCSB_scrollTools_onDrag","mCS_img_loaded","mCS_disabled","mCS_destroyed","mCS_no_scrollbar",
+ "mCS-autoHide","mCS-dir-rtl","mCS_no_scrollbar_y","mCS_no_scrollbar_x","mCS_y_hidden","mCS_x_hidden","mCSB_draggerContainer",
+ "mCSB_buttonUp","mCSB_buttonDown","mCSB_buttonLeft","mCSB_buttonRight"
+ ],
+ /*
+ ----------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------
+ */
+ methods={
+ /*
+ plugin initialization method
+ creates the scrollbar(s), plugin data object and options
+ ----------------------------------------
+ */
+ init:function(options){
+ var options=$.extend(true,{},defaults,options),
+; /* validate selector */
+ /*
+ if live option is enabled, monitor for elements matching the current selector and
+ apply scrollbar(s) when found (now and in the future)
+ */
+ if({
+ var liveSelector=options.liveSelector || this.selector || defaultSelector, /* live selector(s) */
+ $liveSelector=$(liveSelector); /* live selector(s) as jquery object */
+ if("off"){
+ /*
+ disable live if requested
+ usage: $(selector).mCustomScrollbar({live:"off"});
+ */
+ removeLiveTimers(liveSelector);
+ return;
+ }
+ liveTimers[liveSelector]=setTimeout(function(){
+ /* call mCustomScrollbar fn on live selector(s) every half-second */
+ $liveSelector.mCustomScrollbar(options);
+ if("once" && $liveSelector.length){
+ /* disable live after first invocation */
+ removeLiveTimers(liveSelector);
+ }
+ },500);
+ }else{
+ removeLiveTimers(liveSelector);
+ }
+ /* options backward compatibility (for versions < 3.0.0) and normalization */
+ options.setWidth=(options.set_width) ? options.set_width : options.setWidth;
+ options.setHeight=(options.set_height) ? options.set_height : options.setHeight;
+ options.axis=(options.horizontalScroll) ? "x" : _findAxis(options.axis);
+ options.scrollInertia=options.scrollInertia>0 && options.scrollInertia<17 ? 17 : options.scrollInertia;
+ if(typeof options.mouseWheel!=="object" && options.mouseWheel==true){ /* old school mouseWheel option (non-object) */
+ options.mouseWheel={enable:true,scrollAmount:"auto",axis:"y",preventDefault:false,deltaFactor:"auto",normalizeDelta:false,invert:false}
+ }
+ options.mouseWheel.scrollAmount=!options.mouseWheelPixels ? options.mouseWheel.scrollAmount : options.mouseWheelPixels;
+ options.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta=!options.advanced.normalizeMouseWheelDelta ? options.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta : options.advanced.normalizeMouseWheelDelta;
+ options.scrollButtons.scrollType=_findScrollButtonsType(options.scrollButtons.scrollType);
+ _theme(options); /* theme-specific options */
+ /* plugin constructor */
+ return $(selector).each(function(){
+ var $this=$(this);
+ if(!${ /* prevent multiple instantiations */
+ /* store options and create objects in jquery data */
+ $,{
+ idx:++totalInstances, /* instance index */
+ opt:options, /* options */
+ scrollRatio:{y:null,x:null}, /* scrollbar to content ratio */
+ overflowed:null, /* overflowed axis */
+ contentReset:{y:null,x:null}, /* object to check when content resets */
+ bindEvents:false, /* object to check if events are bound */
+ tweenRunning:false, /* object to check if tween is running */
+ sequential:{}, /* sequential scrolling object */
+ langDir:$this.css("direction"), /* detect/store direction (ltr or rtl) */
+ cbOffsets:null, /* object to check whether callback offsets always trigger */
+ /*
+ object to check how scrolling events where last triggered
+ "internal" (default - triggered by this script), "external" (triggered by other scripts, e.g. via scrollTo method)
+ usage:"mCS").trigger
+ */
+ trigger:null,
+ /*
+ object to check for changes in elements in order to call the update method automatically
+ */
+ poll:{size:{o:0,n:0},img:{o:0,n:0},change:{o:0,n:0}}
+ });
+ var d=$,o=d.opt,
+ /* HTML data attributes */
+ htmlDataAxis=$"mcs-axis"),htmlDataSbPos=$"mcs-scrollbar-position"),htmlDataTheme=$"mcs-theme");
+ if(htmlDataAxis){o.axis=htmlDataAxis;} /* usage example: data-mcs-axis="y" */
+ if(htmlDataSbPos){o.scrollbarPosition=htmlDataSbPos;} /* usage example: data-mcs-scrollbar-position="outside" */
+ if(htmlDataTheme){ /* usage example: data-mcs-theme="minimal" */
+ o.theme=htmlDataTheme;
+ _theme(o); /* theme-specific options */
+ }
+; /* add plugin markup */
+ if(d && o.callbacks.onCreate && typeof o.callbacks.onCreate==="function"){;} /* callbacks: onCreate */
+ $("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container img:not(."+classes[2]+")").addClass(classes[2]); /* flag loaded images */
+,$this); /* call the update method */
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* ---------------------------------------- */
+ /*
+ plugin update method
+ updates content and scrollbar(s) values, events and status
+ ----------------------------------------
+ usage: $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("update");
+ */
+ update:function(el,cb){
+ var selector=el ||; /* validate selector */
+ return $(selector).each(function(){
+ var $this=$(this);
+ if(${ /* check if plugin has initialized */
+ var d=$,o=d.opt,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_dragger=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal")];
+ if(!mCSB_container.length){return;}
+ if(d.tweenRunning){_stop($this);} /* stop any running tweens while updating */
+ if(cb && d && o.callbacks.onBeforeUpdate && typeof o.callbacks.onBeforeUpdate==="function"){;} /* callbacks: onBeforeUpdate */
+ /* if element was disabled or destroyed, remove class(es) */
+ if($this.hasClass(classes[3])){$this.removeClass(classes[3]);}
+ if($this.hasClass(classes[4])){$this.removeClass(classes[4]);}
+ /* css flexbox fix, detect/set max-height */
+ mCustomScrollBox.css("max-height","none");
+ if(mCustomScrollBox.height()!==$this.height()){mCustomScrollBox.css("max-height",$this.height());}
+; /* expand content horizontally */
+ if(o.axis!=="y" && !o.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll){
+ mCSB_container.css("width",_contentWidth(mCSB_container));
+ }
+; /* determine if scrolling is required */
+; /* show/hide scrollbar(s) */
+ /* auto-adjust scrollbar dragger length analogous to content */
+ if(o.autoDraggerLength){;}
+; /* calculate and store scrollbar to content ratio */
+; /* bind scrollbar events */
+ /* reset scrolling position and/or events */
+ var to=[Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetTop),Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft)];
+ if(o.axis!=="x"){ /* y/yx axis */
+ if(!d.overflowed[0]){ /* y scrolling is not required */
+; /* reset content position */
+ if(o.axis==="y"){
+ }else if(o.axis==="yx" && d.overflowed[1]){
+ _scrollTo($this,to[1].toString(),{dir:"x",dur:0,overwrite:"none"});
+ }
+ }else if(mCSB_dragger[0].height()>mCSB_dragger[0].parent().height()){
+; /* reset content position */
+ }else{ /* y scrolling is required */
+ _scrollTo($this,to[0].toString(),{dir:"y",dur:0,overwrite:"none"});
+ d.contentReset.y=null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(o.axis!=="y"){ /* x/yx axis */
+ if(!d.overflowed[1]){ /* x scrolling is not required */
+; /* reset content position */
+ if(o.axis==="x"){
+ }else if(o.axis==="yx" && d.overflowed[0]){
+ _scrollTo($this,to[0].toString(),{dir:"y",dur:0,overwrite:"none"});
+ }
+ }else if(mCSB_dragger[1].width()>mCSB_dragger[1].parent().width()){
+; /* reset content position */
+ }else{ /* x scrolling is required */
+ _scrollTo($this,to[1].toString(),{dir:"x",dur:0,overwrite:"none"});
+ d.contentReset.x=null;
+ }
+ }
+ /* callbacks: onImageLoad, onSelectorChange, onUpdate */
+ if(cb && d){
+ if(cb===2 && o.callbacks.onImageLoad && typeof o.callbacks.onImageLoad==="function"){
+ }else if(cb===3 && o.callbacks.onSelectorChange && typeof o.callbacks.onSelectorChange==="function"){
+ }else if(o.callbacks.onUpdate && typeof o.callbacks.onUpdate==="function"){
+ }
+ }
+; /* initialize automatic updating (for dynamic content, fluid layouts etc.) */
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* ---------------------------------------- */
+ /*
+ plugin scrollTo method
+ triggers a scrolling event to a specific value
+ ----------------------------------------
+ usage: $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo",value,options);
+ */
+ scrollTo:function(val,options){
+ /* prevent silly things like $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo",undefined); */
+ if(typeof val=="undefined" || val==null){return;}
+ var; /* validate selector */
+ return $(selector).each(function(){
+ var $this=$(this);
+ if(${ /* check if plugin has initialized */
+ var d=$,o=d.opt,
+ /* method default options */
+ methodDefaults={
+ trigger:"external", /* method is by default triggered externally (e.g. from other scripts) */
+ scrollInertia:o.scrollInertia, /* scrolling inertia (animation duration) */
+ scrollEasing:"mcsEaseInOut", /* animation easing */
+ moveDragger:false, /* move dragger instead of content */
+ timeout:60, /* scroll-to delay */
+ callbacks:true, /* enable/disable callbacks */
+ onStart:true,
+ onUpdate:true,
+ onComplete:true
+ },
+ methodOptions=$.extend(true,{},methodDefaults,options),
+,val),dur=methodOptions.scrollInertia>0 && methodOptions.scrollInertia<17 ? 17 : methodOptions.scrollInertia;
+ /* translate yx values to actual scroll-to positions */
+ to[0],to[0],"y");
+ to[1],to[1],"x");
+ /*
+ check if scroll-to value moves the dragger instead of content.
+ Only pixel values apply on dragger (e.g. 100, "100px", "-=100" etc.)
+ */
+ if(methodOptions.moveDragger){
+ to[0]*=d.scrollRatio.y;
+ to[1]*=d.scrollRatio.x;
+ }
+ methodOptions.dur=_isTabHidden() ? 0 : dur; //skip animations if browser tab is hidden
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ /* do the scrolling */
+ if(to[0]!==null && typeof to[0]!=="undefined" && o.axis!=="x" && d.overflowed[0]){ /* scroll y */
+ methodOptions.dir="y";
+ methodOptions.overwrite="all";
+ _scrollTo($this,to[0].toString(),methodOptions);
+ }
+ if(to[1]!==null && typeof to[1]!=="undefined" && o.axis!=="y" && d.overflowed[1]){ /* scroll x */
+ methodOptions.dir="x";
+ methodOptions.overwrite="none";
+ _scrollTo($this,to[1].toString(),methodOptions);
+ }
+ },methodOptions.timeout);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* ---------------------------------------- */
+ /*
+ plugin stop method
+ stops scrolling animation
+ ----------------------------------------
+ usage: $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("stop");
+ */
+ stop:function(){
+ var; /* validate selector */
+ return $(selector).each(function(){
+ var $this=$(this);
+ if(${ /* check if plugin has initialized */
+ _stop($this);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* ---------------------------------------- */
+ /*
+ plugin disable method
+ temporarily disables the scrollbar(s)
+ ----------------------------------------
+ usage: $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("disable",reset);
+ reset (boolean): resets content position to 0
+ */
+ disable:function(r){
+ var; /* validate selector */
+ return $(selector).each(function(){
+ var $this=$(this);
+ if(${ /* check if plugin has initialized */
+ var d=$;
+,"remove"); /* remove automatic updating */
+; /* unbind events */
+ if(r){;} /* reset content position */
+,true); /* show/hide scrollbar(s) */
+ $this.addClass(classes[3]); /* add disable class */
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* ---------------------------------------- */
+ /*
+ plugin destroy method
+ completely removes the scrollbar(s) and returns the element to its original state
+ ----------------------------------------
+ usage: $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("destroy");
+ */
+ destroy:function(){
+ var; /* validate selector */
+ return $(selector).each(function(){
+ var $this=$(this);
+ if(${ /* check if plugin has initialized */
+ var d=$,o=d.opt,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ scrollbar=$(".mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar");
+ if({removeLiveTimers(o.liveSelector || $(selector).selector);} /* remove live timers */
+,"remove"); /* remove automatic updating */
+; /* unbind events */
+; /* reset content position */
+ $this.removeData(pluginPfx); /* remove plugin data object */
+ _delete(this,"mcs"); /* delete callbacks object */
+ /* remove plugin markup */
+ scrollbar.remove(); /* remove scrollbar(s) first (those can be either inside or outside plugin's inner wrapper) */
+ mCSB_container.find("img."+classes[2]).removeClass(classes[2]); /* remove loaded images flag */
+ mCustomScrollBox.replaceWith(mCSB_container.contents()); /* replace plugin's inner wrapper with the original content */
+ /* remove plugin classes from the element and add destroy class */
+ $this.removeClass(pluginNS+" _"+pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx+" "+classes[6]+" "+classes[7]+" "+classes[5]+" "+classes[3]).addClass(classes[4]);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------- */
+ },
+ /*
+ ----------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------
+ */
+ /* validates selector (if selector is invalid or undefined uses the default one) */
+ _selector=function(){
+ return (typeof $(this)!=="object" || $(this).length<1) ? defaultSelector : this;
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* changes options according to theme */
+ _theme=function(obj){
+ var fixedSizeScrollbarThemes=["rounded","rounded-dark","rounded-dots","rounded-dots-dark"],
+ nonExpandedScrollbarThemes=["rounded-dots","rounded-dots-dark","3d","3d-dark","3d-thick","3d-thick-dark","inset","inset-dark","inset-2","inset-2-dark","inset-3","inset-3-dark"],
+ disabledScrollButtonsThemes=["minimal","minimal-dark"],
+ enabledAutoHideScrollbarThemes=["minimal","minimal-dark"],
+ scrollbarPositionOutsideThemes=["minimal","minimal-dark"];
+ obj.autoDraggerLength=$.inArray(obj.theme,fixedSizeScrollbarThemes) > -1 ? false : obj.autoDraggerLength;
+ obj.autoExpandScrollbar=$.inArray(obj.theme,nonExpandedScrollbarThemes) > -1 ? false : obj.autoExpandScrollbar;
+ obj.scrollButtons.enable=$.inArray(obj.theme,disabledScrollButtonsThemes) > -1 ? false : obj.scrollButtons.enable;
+ obj.autoHideScrollbar=$.inArray(obj.theme,enabledAutoHideScrollbarThemes) > -1 ? true : obj.autoHideScrollbar;
+ obj.scrollbarPosition=$.inArray(obj.theme,scrollbarPositionOutsideThemes) > -1 ? "outside" : obj.scrollbarPosition;
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* live option timers removal */
+ removeLiveTimers=function(selector){
+ if(liveTimers[selector]){
+ clearTimeout(liveTimers[selector]);
+ _delete(liveTimers,selector);
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* normalizes axis option to valid values: "y", "x", "yx" */
+ _findAxis=function(val){
+ return (val==="yx" || val==="xy" || val==="auto") ? "yx" : (val==="x" || val==="horizontal") ? "x" : "y";
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* normalizes scrollButtons.scrollType option to valid values: "stepless", "stepped" */
+ _findScrollButtonsType=function(val){
+ return (val==="stepped" || val==="pixels" || val==="step" || val==="click") ? "stepped" : "stepless";
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* generates plugin markup */
+ _pluginMarkup=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ expandClass=o.autoExpandScrollbar ? " "+classes[1]+"_expand" : "",
+ scrollbar=["<div id='mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar_vertical' class='mCSB_scrollTools mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar mCS-"+o.theme+" mCSB_scrollTools_vertical"+expandClass+"'><div class='"+classes[12]+"'><div id='mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical' class='mCSB_dragger' style='position:absolute;' oncontextmenu='return false;'><div class='mCSB_dragger_bar' /></div><div class='mCSB_draggerRail' /></div></div>","<div id='mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar_horizontal' class='mCSB_scrollTools mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar mCS-"+o.theme+" mCSB_scrollTools_horizontal"+expandClass+"'><div class='"+classes[12]+"'><div id='mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal' class='mCSB_dragger' style='position:absolute;' oncontextmenu='return false;'><div class='mCSB_dragger_bar' /></div><div class='mCSB_draggerRail' /></div></div>"],
+ wrapperClass=o.axis==="yx" ? "mCSB_vertical_horizontal" : o.axis==="x" ? "mCSB_horizontal" : "mCSB_vertical",
+ scrollbars=o.axis==="yx" ? scrollbar[0]+scrollbar[1] : o.axis==="x" ? scrollbar[1] : scrollbar[0],
+ contentWrapper=o.axis==="yx" ? "<div id='mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container_wrapper' class='mCSB_container_wrapper' />" : "",
+ autoHideClass=o.autoHideScrollbar ? " "+classes[6] : "",
+ scrollbarDirClass=(o.axis!=="x" && d.langDir==="rtl") ? " "+classes[7] : "";
+ if(o.setWidth){$this.css("width",o.setWidth);} /* set element width */
+ if(o.setHeight){$this.css("height",o.setHeight);} /* set element height */
+ o.setLeft=(o.axis!=="y" && d.langDir==="rtl") ? "989999px" : o.setLeft; /* adjust left position for rtl direction */
+ $this.addClass(pluginNS+" _"+pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx+autoHideClass+scrollbarDirClass).wrapInner("<div id='mCSB_"+d.idx+"' class='mCustomScrollBox mCS-"+o.theme+" "+wrapperClass+"'><div id='mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container' class='mCSB_container' style='position:relative; top:"+o.setTop+"; left:"+o.setLeft+";' dir="+d.langDir+" /></div>");
+ var mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container");
+ if(o.axis!=="y" && !o.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll){
+ mCSB_container.css("width",_contentWidth(mCSB_container));
+ }
+ if(o.scrollbarPosition==="outside"){
+ if($this.css("position")==="static"){ /* requires elements with non-static position */
+ $this.css("position","relative");
+ }
+ $this.css("overflow","visible");
+ mCustomScrollBox.addClass("mCSB_outside").after(scrollbars);
+ }else{
+ mCustomScrollBox.addClass("mCSB_inside").append(scrollbars);
+ mCSB_container.wrap(contentWrapper);
+ }
+; /* add scrollbar buttons */
+ /* minimum dragger length */
+ var mCSB_dragger=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal")];
+ mCSB_dragger[0].css("min-height",mCSB_dragger[0].height());
+ mCSB_dragger[1].css("min-width",mCSB_dragger[1].width());
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* calculates content width */
+ _contentWidth=function(el){
+ var val=[el[0].scrollWidth,Math.max.apply(Math,el.children().map(function(){return $(this).outerWidth(true);}).get())],w=el.parent().width();
+ return val[0]>w ? val[0] : val[1]>w ? val[1] : "100%";
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* expands content horizontally */
+ _expandContentHorizontally=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container");
+ if(o.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll && o.axis!=="y"){
+ /* calculate scrollWidth */
+ mCSB_container.css({"width":"auto","min-width":0,"overflow-x":"scroll"});
+ var w=Math.ceil(mCSB_container[0].scrollWidth);
+ if(o.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll===3 || (o.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll!==2 && w>mCSB_container.parent().width())){
+ mCSB_container.css({"width":w,"min-width":"100%","overflow-x":"inherit"});
+ }else{
+ /*
+ wrap content with an infinite width div and set its position to absolute and width to auto.
+ Setting width to auto before calculating the actual width is important!
+ We must let the browser set the width as browser zoom values are impossible to calculate.
+ */
+ mCSB_container.css({"overflow-x":"inherit","position":"absolute"})
+ .wrap("<div class='mCSB_h_wrapper' style='position:relative; left:0; width:999999px;' />")
+ .css({ /* set actual width, original position and un-wrap */
+ /*
+ get the exact width (with decimals) and then round-up.
+ Using jquery outerWidth() will round the width value which will mess up with inner elements that have non-integer width
+ */
+ "width":(Math.ceil(mCSB_container[0].getBoundingClientRect().right+0.4)-Math.floor(mCSB_container[0].getBoundingClientRect().left)),
+ "min-width":"100%",
+ "position":"relative"
+ }).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* adds scrollbar buttons */
+ _scrollButtons=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ mCSB_scrollTools=$(".mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar:first"),
+ tabindex=!_isNumeric(o.scrollButtons.tabindex) ? "" : "tabindex='"+o.scrollButtons.tabindex+"'",
+ btnHTML=[
+ "<a href='#' class='"+classes[13]+"' oncontextmenu='return false;' "+tabindex+" />",
+ "<a href='#' class='"+classes[14]+"' oncontextmenu='return false;' "+tabindex+" />",
+ "<a href='#' class='"+classes[15]+"' oncontextmenu='return false;' "+tabindex+" />",
+ "<a href='#' class='"+classes[16]+"' oncontextmenu='return false;' "+tabindex+" />"
+ ],
+ btn=[(o.axis==="x" ? btnHTML[2] : btnHTML[0]),(o.axis==="x" ? btnHTML[3] : btnHTML[1]),btnHTML[2],btnHTML[3]];
+ if(o.scrollButtons.enable){
+ mCSB_scrollTools.prepend(btn[0]).append(btn[1]).next(".mCSB_scrollTools").prepend(btn[2]).append(btn[3]);
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* auto-adjusts scrollbar dragger length */
+ _setDraggerLength=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ mCSB_dragger=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal")],
+ ratio=[mCustomScrollBox.height()/mCSB_container.outerHeight(false),mCustomScrollBox.width()/mCSB_container.outerWidth(false)],
+ l=[
+ parseInt(mCSB_dragger[0].css("min-height")),Math.round(ratio[0]*mCSB_dragger[0].parent().height()),
+ parseInt(mCSB_dragger[1].css("min-width")),Math.round(ratio[1]*mCSB_dragger[1].parent().width())
+ ],
+ h=oldIE && (l[1]<l[0]) ? l[0] : l[1],w=oldIE && (l[3]<l[2]) ? l[2] : l[3];
+ mCSB_dragger[0].css({
+ "height":h,"max-height":(mCSB_dragger[0].parent().height()-10)
+ }).find(".mCSB_dragger_bar").css({"line-height":l[0]+"px"});
+ mCSB_dragger[1].css({
+ "width":w,"max-width":(mCSB_dragger[1].parent().width()-10)
+ });
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* calculates scrollbar to content ratio */
+ _scrollRatio=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ mCSB_dragger=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal")],
+ scrollAmount=[mCSB_container.outerHeight(false)-mCustomScrollBox.height(),mCSB_container.outerWidth(false)-mCustomScrollBox.width()],
+ ratio=[
+ scrollAmount[0]/(mCSB_dragger[0].parent().height()-mCSB_dragger[0].height()),
+ scrollAmount[1]/(mCSB_dragger[1].parent().width()-mCSB_dragger[1].width())
+ ];
+ d.scrollRatio={y:ratio[0],x:ratio[1]};
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* toggles scrolling classes */
+ _onDragClasses=function(el,action,xpnd){
+ var expandClass=xpnd ? classes[0]+"_expanded" : "",
+ scrollbar=el.closest(".mCSB_scrollTools");
+ if(action==="active"){
+ el.toggleClass(classes[0]+" "+expandClass); scrollbar.toggleClass(classes[1]);
+ el[0]._draggable=el[0]._draggable ? 0 : 1;
+ }else{
+ if(!el[0]._draggable){
+ if(action==="hide"){
+ el.removeClass(classes[0]); scrollbar.removeClass(classes[1]);
+ }else{
+ el.addClass(classes[0]); scrollbar.addClass(classes[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* checks if content overflows its container to determine if scrolling is required */
+ _overflowed=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ contentHeight=d.overflowed==null ? mCSB_container.height() : mCSB_container.outerHeight(false),
+ contentWidth=d.overflowed==null ? mCSB_container.width() : mCSB_container.outerWidth(false),
+ h=mCSB_container[0].scrollHeight,w=mCSB_container[0].scrollWidth;
+ if(h>contentHeight){contentHeight=h;}
+ if(w>contentWidth){contentWidth=w;}
+ return [contentHeight>mCustomScrollBox.height(),contentWidth>mCustomScrollBox.width()];
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* resets content position to 0 */
+ _resetContentPosition=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ mCSB_dragger=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal")];
+ _stop($this); /* stop any current scrolling before resetting */
+ if((o.axis!=="x" && !d.overflowed[0]) || (o.axis==="y" && d.overflowed[0])){ /* reset y */
+ mCSB_dragger[0].add(mCSB_container).css("top",0);
+ _scrollTo($this,"_resetY");
+ }
+ if((o.axis!=="y" && !d.overflowed[1]) || (o.axis==="x" && d.overflowed[1])){ /* reset x */
+ var cx=dx=0;
+ if(d.langDir==="rtl"){ /* adjust left position for rtl direction */
+ cx=mCustomScrollBox.width()-mCSB_container.outerWidth(false);
+ dx=Math.abs(cx/d.scrollRatio.x);
+ }
+ mCSB_container.css("left",cx);
+ mCSB_dragger[1].css("left",dx);
+ _scrollTo($this,"_resetX");
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* binds scrollbar events */
+ _bindEvents=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt;
+ if(!d.bindEvents){ /* check if events are already bound */
+ if(o.contentTouchScroll){;}
+ if(o.mouseWheel.enable){ /* bind mousewheel fn when plugin is available */
+ function _mwt(){
+ mousewheelTimeout=setTimeout(function(){
+ if(!$.event.special.mousewheel){
+ _mwt();
+ }else{
+ clearTimeout(mousewheelTimeout);
+ }
+ },100);
+ }
+ var mousewheelTimeout;
+ _mwt();
+ }
+ if(o.advanced.autoScrollOnFocus){;}
+ if(o.scrollButtons.enable){;}
+ if(o.keyboard.enable){;}
+ d.bindEvents=true;
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* unbinds scrollbar events */
+ _unbindEvents=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ sb=".mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar",
+ sel=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+",#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container,#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container_wrapper,"+sb+" ."+classes[12]+",#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical,#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal,"+sb+">a"),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container");
+ if(o.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors){sel.add($(o.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors));}
+ if(o.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors){sel.add($(o.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors));}
+ if(d.bindEvents){ /* check if events are bound */
+ /* unbind namespaced events from document/selectors */
+ $(document).add($(!_canAccessIFrame() || top.document)).unbind("."+namespace);
+ sel.each(function(){
+ $(this).unbind("."+namespace);
+ });
+ /* clear and delete timeouts/objects */
+ clearTimeout($this[0]._focusTimeout); _delete($this[0],"_focusTimeout");
+ clearTimeout(d.sequential.step); _delete(d.sequential,"step");
+ clearTimeout(mCSB_container[0].onCompleteTimeout); _delete(mCSB_container[0],"onCompleteTimeout");
+ d.bindEvents=false;
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* toggles scrollbar visibility */
+ _scrollbarVisibility=function(disabled){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ contentWrapper=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container_wrapper"),
+ content=contentWrapper.length ? contentWrapper : $("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ scrollbar=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar_horizontal")],
+ mCSB_dragger=[scrollbar[0].find(".mCSB_dragger"),scrollbar[1].find(".mCSB_dragger")];
+ if(o.axis!=="x"){
+ if(d.overflowed[0] && !disabled){
+ scrollbar[0].add(mCSB_dragger[0]).add(scrollbar[0].children("a")).css("display","block");
+ content.removeClass(classes[8]+" "+classes[10]);
+ }else{
+ if(o.alwaysShowScrollbar){
+ if(o.alwaysShowScrollbar!==2){mCSB_dragger[0].css("display","none");}
+ content.removeClass(classes[10]);
+ }else{
+ scrollbar[0].css("display","none");
+ content.addClass(classes[10]);
+ }
+ content.addClass(classes[8]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(o.axis!=="y"){
+ if(d.overflowed[1] && !disabled){
+ scrollbar[1].add(mCSB_dragger[1]).add(scrollbar[1].children("a")).css("display","block");
+ content.removeClass(classes[9]+" "+classes[11]);
+ }else{
+ if(o.alwaysShowScrollbar){
+ if(o.alwaysShowScrollbar!==2){mCSB_dragger[1].css("display","none");}
+ content.removeClass(classes[11]);
+ }else{
+ scrollbar[1].css("display","none");
+ content.addClass(classes[11]);
+ }
+ content.addClass(classes[9]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!d.overflowed[0] && !d.overflowed[1]){
+ $this.addClass(classes[5]);
+ }else{
+ $this.removeClass(classes[5]);
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* returns input coordinates of pointer, touch and mouse events (relative to document) */
+ _coordinates=function(e){
+ var t=e.type,!==document ? [$(frameElement).offset().top,$(frameElement).offset().left] : null,
+ io=_canAccessIFrame() &&!==top.document ? [$(e.view.frameElement).offset().top,$(e.view.frameElement).offset().left] : [0,0];
+ switch(t){
+ case "pointerdown": case "MSPointerDown": case "pointermove": case "MSPointerMove": case "pointerup": case "MSPointerUp":
+ return o ? [e.originalEvent.pageY-o[0]+io[0],e.originalEvent.pageX-o[1]+io[1],false] : [e.originalEvent.pageY,e.originalEvent.pageX,false];
+ break;
+ case "touchstart": case "touchmove": case "touchend":
+ var touch=e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0],
+ touches=e.originalEvent.touches.length || e.originalEvent.changedTouches.length;
+ return!==document ? [touch.screenY,touch.screenX,touches>1] : [touch.pageY,touch.pageX,touches>1];
+ break;
+ default:
+ return o ? [e.pageY-o[0]+io[0],e.pageX-o[1]+io[1],false] : [e.pageY,e.pageX,false];
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content via scrollbar dragging
+ */
+ _draggable=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ draggerId=["mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical","mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal"],
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ mCSB_dragger=$("#"+draggerId[0]+",#"+draggerId[1]),
+ draggable,dragY,dragX,
+ rds=o.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors ? mCSB_dragger.add($(o.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors)) : mCSB_dragger,
+ eds=o.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors ? $(!_canAccessIFrame() || top.document).add($(o.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors)) : $(!_canAccessIFrame() || top.document);
+ mCSB_dragger.bind("mousedown."+namespace+" touchstart."+namespace+" pointerdown."+namespace+" MSPointerDown."+namespace,function(e){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(!_mouseBtnLeft(e)){return;} /* left mouse button only */
+ touchActive=true;
+ if(oldIE){document.onselectstart=function(){return false;}} /* disable text selection for IE < 9 */
+ _iframe(false); /* enable scrollbar dragging over iframes by disabling their events */
+ _stop($this);
+ draggable=$(this);
+ var offset=draggable.offset(),y=_coordinates(e)[0],x=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left,
+ h=draggable.height(),w=draggable.width()+offset.left;
+ if(y<h && y>0 && x<w && x>0){
+ dragY=y;
+ dragX=x;
+ }
+ _onDragClasses(draggable,"active",o.autoExpandScrollbar);
+ }).bind("touchmove."+namespace,function(e){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var offset=draggable.offset(),y=_coordinates(e)[0],x=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left;
+ _drag(dragY,dragX,y,x);
+ });
+ $(document).add(eds).bind("mousemove."+namespace+" pointermove."+namespace+" MSPointerMove."+namespace,function(e){
+ if(draggable){
+ var offset=draggable.offset(),y=_coordinates(e)[0],x=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left;
+ if(dragY===y && dragX===x){return;} /* has it really moved? */
+ _drag(dragY,dragX,y,x);
+ }
+ }).add(rds).bind("mouseup."+namespace+" touchend."+namespace+" pointerup."+namespace+" MSPointerUp."+namespace,function(e){
+ if(draggable){
+ _onDragClasses(draggable,"active",o.autoExpandScrollbar);
+ draggable=null;
+ }
+ touchActive=false;
+ if(oldIE){document.onselectstart=null;} /* enable text selection for IE < 9 */
+ _iframe(true); /* enable iframes events */
+ });
+ function _iframe(evt){
+ var el=mCSB_container.find("iframe");
+ if(!el.length){return;} /* check if content contains iframes */
+ var val=!evt ? "none" : "auto";
+ el.css("pointer-events",val); /* for IE11, iframe's display property should not be "block" */
+ }
+ function _drag(dragY,dragX,y,x){
+ mCSB_container[0].idleTimer=o.scrollInertia<233 ? 250 : 0;
+ if(draggable.attr("id")===draggerId[1]){
+ var dir="x",to=((draggable[0].offsetLeft-dragX)+x)*d.scrollRatio.x;
+ }else{
+ var dir="y",to=((draggable[0].offsetTop-dragY)+y)*d.scrollRatio.y;
+ }
+ _scrollTo($this,to.toString(),{dir:dir,drag:true});
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content via touch swipe
+ Emulates the native touch-swipe scrolling with momentum found in iOS, Android and WP devices
+ */
+ _contentDraggable=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ mCSB_dragger=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal")],
+ draggable,dragY,dragX,touchStartY,touchStartX,touchMoveY=[],touchMoveX=[],startTime,runningTime,endTime,distance,speed,amount,
+ durA=0,durB,overwrite=o.axis==="yx" ? "none" : "all",touchIntent=[],touchDrag,docDrag,
+ iframe=mCSB_container.find("iframe"),
+ events=[
+ "touchstart."+namespace+" pointerdown."+namespace+" MSPointerDown."+namespace, //start
+ "touchmove."+namespace+" pointermove."+namespace+" MSPointerMove."+namespace, //move
+ "touchend."+namespace+" pointerup."+namespace+" MSPointerUp."+namespace //end
+ ],
+ mCSB_container.bind(events[0],function(e){
+ _onTouchstart(e);
+ }).bind(events[1],function(e){
+ _onTouchmove(e);
+ });
+ mCustomScrollBox.bind(events[0],function(e){
+ _onTouchstart2(e);
+ }).bind(events[2],function(e){
+ _onTouchend(e);
+ });
+ if(iframe.length){
+ iframe.each(function(){
+ $(this).load(function(){
+ /* bind events on accessible iframes */
+ if(_canAccessIFrame(this)){
+ $(this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document).bind(events[0],function(e){
+ _onTouchstart(e);
+ _onTouchstart2(e);
+ }).bind(events[1],function(e){
+ _onTouchmove(e);
+ }).bind(events[2],function(e){
+ _onTouchend(e);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function _onTouchstart(e){
+ if(!_pointerTouch(e) || touchActive || _coordinates(e)[2]){touchable=0; return;}
+ touchable=1; touchDrag=0; docDrag=0; draggable=1;
+ $this.removeClass("mCS_touch_action");
+ var offset=mCSB_container.offset();
+ dragY=_coordinates(e)[0];
+ dragX=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left;
+ touchIntent=[_coordinates(e)[0],_coordinates(e)[1]];
+ }
+ function _onTouchmove(e){
+ if(!_pointerTouch(e) || touchActive || _coordinates(e)[2]){return;}
+ if(!o.documentTouchScroll){e.preventDefault();}
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ if(docDrag && !touchDrag){return;}
+ if(draggable){
+ runningTime=_getTime();
+ var offset=mCustomScrollBox.offset(),y=_coordinates(e)[0],x=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left,
+ easing="mcsLinearOut";
+ touchMoveY.push(y);
+ touchMoveX.push(x);
+ touchIntent[2]=Math.abs(_coordinates(e)[0]-touchIntent[0]); touchIntent[3]=Math.abs(_coordinates(e)[1]-touchIntent[1]);
+ if(d.overflowed[0]){
+ var limit=mCSB_dragger[0].parent().height()-mCSB_dragger[0].height(),
+ prevent=((dragY-y)>0 && (y-dragY)>-(limit*d.scrollRatio.y) && (touchIntent[3]*2<touchIntent[2] || o.axis==="yx"));
+ }
+ if(d.overflowed[1]){
+ var limitX=mCSB_dragger[1].parent().width()-mCSB_dragger[1].width(),
+ preventX=((dragX-x)>0 && (x-dragX)>-(limitX*d.scrollRatio.x) && (touchIntent[2]*2<touchIntent[3] || o.axis==="yx"));
+ }
+ if(prevent || preventX){ /* prevent native document scrolling */
+ if(!touchAction){e.preventDefault();}
+ touchDrag=1;
+ }else{
+ docDrag=1;
+ $this.addClass("mCS_touch_action");
+ }
+ if(touchAction){e.preventDefault();}
+ amount=o.axis==="yx" ? [(dragY-y),(dragX-x)] : o.axis==="x" ? [null,(dragX-x)] : [(dragY-y),null];
+ mCSB_container[0].idleTimer=250;
+ if(d.overflowed[0]){_drag(amount[0],durA,easing,"y","all",true);}
+ if(d.overflowed[1]){_drag(amount[1],durA,easing,"x",overwrite,true);}
+ }
+ }
+ function _onTouchstart2(e){
+ if(!_pointerTouch(e) || touchActive || _coordinates(e)[2]){touchable=0; return;}
+ touchable=1;
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ _stop($this);
+ startTime=_getTime();
+ var offset=mCustomScrollBox.offset();
+ touchStartY=_coordinates(e)[0];
+ touchStartX=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left;
+ touchMoveY=[]; touchMoveX=[];
+ }
+ function _onTouchend(e){
+ if(!_pointerTouch(e) || touchActive || _coordinates(e)[2]){return;}
+ draggable=0;
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ touchDrag=0; docDrag=0;
+ endTime=_getTime();
+ var offset=mCustomScrollBox.offset(),y=_coordinates(e)[0],x=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left;
+ if((endTime-runningTime)>30){return;}
+ speed=1000/(endTime-startTime);
+ var easing="mcsEaseOut",slow=speed<2.5,
+ diff=slow ? [touchMoveY[touchMoveY.length-2],touchMoveX[touchMoveX.length-2]] : [0,0];
+ distance=slow ? [(y-diff[0]),(x-diff[1])] : [y-touchStartY,x-touchStartX];
+ var absDistance=[Math.abs(distance[0]),Math.abs(distance[1])];
+ speed=slow ? [Math.abs(distance[0]/4),Math.abs(distance[1]/4)] : [speed,speed];
+ var a=[
+ Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetTop)-(distance[0]*_m((absDistance[0]/speed[0]),speed[0])),
+ Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft)-(distance[1]*_m((absDistance[1]/speed[1]),speed[1]))
+ ];
+ amount=o.axis==="yx" ? [a[0],a[1]] : o.axis==="x" ? [null,a[1]] : [a[0],null];
+ durB=[(absDistance[0]*4)+o.scrollInertia,(absDistance[1]*4)+o.scrollInertia];
+ var md=parseInt(o.contentTouchScroll) || 0; /* absolute minimum distance required */
+ amount[0]=absDistance[0]>md ? amount[0] : 0;
+ amount[1]=absDistance[1]>md ? amount[1] : 0;
+ if(d.overflowed[0]){_drag(amount[0],durB[0],easing,"y",overwrite,false);}
+ if(d.overflowed[1]){_drag(amount[1],durB[1],easing,"x",overwrite,false);}
+ }
+ function _m(ds,s){
+ var r=[s*1.5,s*2,s/1.5,s/2];
+ if(ds>90){
+ return s>4 ? r[0] : r[3];
+ }else if(ds>60){
+ return s>3 ? r[3] : r[2];
+ }else if(ds>30){
+ return s>8 ? r[1] : s>6 ? r[0] : s>4 ? s : r[2];
+ }else{
+ return s>8 ? s : r[3];
+ }
+ }
+ function _drag(amount,dur,easing,dir,overwrite,drag){
+ if(!amount){return;}
+ _scrollTo($this,amount.toString(),{dur:dur,scrollEasing:easing,dir:dir,overwrite:overwrite,drag:drag});
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content when text is selected
+ */
+ _selectable=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,seq=d.sequential,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ wrapper=mCSB_container.parent(),
+ action;
+ mCSB_container.bind("mousedown."+namespace,function(e){
+ if(touchable){return;}
+ if(!action){action=1; touchActive=true;}
+ }).add(document).bind("mousemove."+namespace,function(e){
+ if(!touchable && action && _sel()){
+ var offset=mCSB_container.offset(),
+ y=_coordinates(e)[0][0].offsetTop,x=_coordinates(e)[1]-offset.left+mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft;
+ if(y>0 && y<wrapper.height() && x>0 && x<wrapper.width()){
+ if(seq.step){_seq("off",null,"stepped");}
+ }else{
+ if(o.axis!=="x" && d.overflowed[0]){
+ if(y<0){
+ _seq("on",38);
+ }else if(y>wrapper.height()){
+ _seq("on",40);
+ }
+ }
+ if(o.axis!=="y" && d.overflowed[1]){
+ if(x<0){
+ _seq("on",37);
+ }else if(x>wrapper.width()){
+ _seq("on",39);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }).bind("mouseup."+namespace+" dragend."+namespace,function(e){
+ if(touchable){return;}
+ if(action){action=0; _seq("off",null);}
+ touchActive=false;
+ });
+ function _sel(){
+ return window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().toString() :
+ document.selection && document.selection.type!="Control" ? document.selection.createRange().text : 0;
+ }
+ function _seq(a,c,s){
+ seq.type=s && action ? "stepped" : "stepless";
+ seq.scrollAmount=10;
+ _sequentialScroll($this,a,c,"mcsLinearOut",s ? 60 : null);
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content via mouse-wheel
+ via mouse-wheel plugin (
+ */
+ _mousewheel=function(){
+ if(!$(this).data(pluginPfx)){return;} /* Check if the scrollbar is ready to use mousewheel events (issue: #185) */
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_dragger=[$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal")],
+ iframe=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container").find("iframe");
+ if(iframe.length){
+ iframe.each(function(){
+ $(this).load(function(){
+ /* bind events on accessible iframes */
+ if(_canAccessIFrame(this)){
+ $(this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document).bind("mousewheel."+namespace,function(e,delta){
+ _onMousewheel(e,delta);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ mCustomScrollBox.bind("mousewheel."+namespace,function(e,delta){
+ _onMousewheel(e,delta);
+ });
+ function _onMousewheel(e,delta){
+ _stop($this);
+ if(_disableMousewheel($this,{return;} /* disables mouse-wheel when hovering specific elements */
+ var deltaFactor=o.mouseWheel.deltaFactor!=="auto" ? parseInt(o.mouseWheel.deltaFactor) : (oldIE && e.deltaFactor<100) ? 100 : e.deltaFactor || 100,
+ dur=o.scrollInertia;
+ if(o.axis==="x" || o.mouseWheel.axis==="x"){
+ var dir="x",
+ px=[Math.round(deltaFactor*d.scrollRatio.x),parseInt(o.mouseWheel.scrollAmount)],
+ amount=o.mouseWheel.scrollAmount!=="auto" ? px[1] : px[0]>=mCustomScrollBox.width() ? mCustomScrollBox.width()*0.9 : px[0],
+ contentPos=Math.abs($("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container")[0].offsetLeft),
+ draggerPos=mCSB_dragger[1][0].offsetLeft,
+ limit=mCSB_dragger[1].parent().width()-mCSB_dragger[1].width(),
+ dlt=e.deltaX || e.deltaY || delta;
+ }else{
+ var dir="y",
+ px=[Math.round(deltaFactor*d.scrollRatio.y),parseInt(o.mouseWheel.scrollAmount)],
+ amount=o.mouseWheel.scrollAmount!=="auto" ? px[1] : px[0]>=mCustomScrollBox.height() ? mCustomScrollBox.height()*0.9 : px[0],
+ contentPos=Math.abs($("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container")[0].offsetTop),
+ draggerPos=mCSB_dragger[0][0].offsetTop,
+ limit=mCSB_dragger[0].parent().height()-mCSB_dragger[0].height(),
+ dlt=e.deltaY || delta;
+ }
+ if((dir==="y" && !d.overflowed[0]) || (dir==="x" && !d.overflowed[1])){return;}
+ if(o.mouseWheel.invert || e.webkitDirectionInvertedFromDevice){dlt=-dlt;}
+ if(o.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta){dlt=dlt<0 ? -1 : 1;}
+ if((dlt>0 && draggerPos!==0) || (dlt<0 && draggerPos!==limit) || o.mouseWheel.preventDefault){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if(e.deltaFactor<2 && !o.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta){
+ //very low deltaFactor values mean some kind of delta acceleration (e.g. osx trackpad), so adjusting scrolling accordingly
+ amount=e.deltaFactor; dur=17;
+ }
+ _scrollTo($this,(contentPos-(dlt*amount)).toString(),{dir:dir,dur:dur});
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* checks if iframe can be accessed */
+ _canAccessIFrame=function(iframe){
+ var html=null;
+ if(!iframe){
+ try{
+ var doc=top.document;
+ html=doc.body.innerHTML;
+ }catch(err){/* do nothing */}
+ return(html!==null);
+ }else{
+ try{
+ var doc=iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
+ html=doc.body.innerHTML;
+ }catch(err){/* do nothing */}
+ return(html!==null);
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* disables mouse-wheel when hovering specific elements like select, datalist etc. */
+ _disableMousewheel=function(el,target){
+ var tag=target.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+ /* elements that require focus */
+ focusTags=["select","textarea"];
+ return $.inArray(tag,tags) > -1 && !($.inArray(tag,focusTags) > -1 && !$(target).is(":focus"));
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content via dragger rail
+ */
+ _draggerRail=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ wrapper=mCSB_container.parent(),
+ mCSB_draggerContainer=$(".mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar ."+classes[12]),
+ clickable;
+ mCSB_draggerContainer.bind("mousedown."+namespace+" touchstart."+namespace+" pointerdown."+namespace+" MSPointerDown."+namespace,function(e){
+ touchActive=true;
+ if(!$("mCSB_dragger")){clickable=1;}
+ }).bind("touchend."+namespace+" pointerup."+namespace+" MSPointerUp."+namespace,function(e){
+ touchActive=false;
+ }).bind("click."+namespace,function(e){
+ if(!clickable){return;}
+ clickable=0;
+ if($([12]) || $("mCSB_draggerRail")){
+ _stop($this);
+ var el=$(this),mCSB_dragger=el.find(".mCSB_dragger");
+ if(el.parent(".mCSB_scrollTools_horizontal").length>0){
+ if(!d.overflowed[1]){return;}
+ var dir="x",
+ clickDir=e.pageX>mCSB_dragger.offset().left ? -1 : 1,
+ to=Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft)-(clickDir*(wrapper.width()*0.9));
+ }else{
+ if(!d.overflowed[0]){return;}
+ var dir="y",
+ clickDir=e.pageY>mCSB_dragger.offset().top ? -1 : 1,
+ to=Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetTop)-(clickDir*(wrapper.height()*0.9));
+ }
+ _scrollTo($this,to.toString(),{dir:dir,scrollEasing:"mcsEaseInOut"});
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content via element focus (e.g. clicking an input, pressing TAB key etc.)
+ */
+ _focus=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ wrapper=mCSB_container.parent();
+ mCSB_container.bind("focusin."+namespace,function(e){
+ var el=$(document.activeElement),
+ nested=mCSB_container.find(".mCustomScrollBox").length,
+ dur=0;
+ if(!{return;}
+ _stop($this);
+ clearTimeout($this[0]._focusTimeout);
+ $this[0]._focusTimer=nested ? (dur+17)*nested : 0;
+ $this[0]._focusTimeout=setTimeout(function(){
+ var to=[_childPos(el)[0],_childPos(el)[1]],
+ contentPos=[mCSB_container[0].offsetTop,mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft],
+ isVisible=[
+ (contentPos[0]+to[0]>=0 && contentPos[0]+to[0]<wrapper.height()-el.outerHeight(false)),
+ (contentPos[1]+to[1]>=0 && contentPos[0]+to[1]<wrapper.width()-el.outerWidth(false))
+ ],
+ overwrite=(o.axis==="yx" && !isVisible[0] && !isVisible[1]) ? "none" : "all";
+ if(o.axis!=="x" && !isVisible[0]){
+ _scrollTo($this,to[0].toString(),{dir:"y",scrollEasing:"mcsEaseInOut",overwrite:overwrite,dur:dur});
+ }
+ if(o.axis!=="y" && !isVisible[1]){
+ _scrollTo($this,to[1].toString(),{dir:"x",scrollEasing:"mcsEaseInOut",overwrite:overwrite,dur:dur});
+ }
+ },$this[0]._focusTimer);
+ });
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* sets content wrapper scrollTop/scrollLeft always to 0 */
+ _wrapperScroll=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ wrapper=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container").parent();
+ wrapper.bind("scroll."+namespace,function(e){
+ if(wrapper.scrollTop()!==0 || wrapper.scrollLeft()!==0){
+ $(".mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar").css("visibility","hidden"); /* hide scrollbar(s) */
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content via up, down, left and right buttons
+ */
+ _buttons=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,seq=d.sequential,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ sel=".mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar",
+ btn=$(sel+">a");
+ btn.bind("mousedown."+namespace+" touchstart."+namespace+" pointerdown."+namespace+" MSPointerDown."+namespace+" mouseup."+namespace+" touchend."+namespace+" pointerup."+namespace+" MSPointerUp."+namespace+" mouseout."+namespace+" pointerout."+namespace+" MSPointerOut."+namespace+" click."+namespace,function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(!_mouseBtnLeft(e)){return;} /* left mouse button only */
+ var btnClass=$(this).attr("class");
+ seq.type=o.scrollButtons.scrollType;
+ switch(e.type){
+ case "mousedown": case "touchstart": case "pointerdown": case "MSPointerDown":
+ if(seq.type==="stepped"){return;}
+ touchActive=true;
+ d.tweenRunning=false;
+ _seq("on",btnClass);
+ break;
+ case "mouseup": case "touchend": case "pointerup": case "MSPointerUp":
+ case "mouseout": case "pointerout": case "MSPointerOut":
+ if(seq.type==="stepped"){return;}
+ touchActive=false;
+ if(seq.dir){_seq("off",btnClass);}
+ break;
+ case "click":
+ if(seq.type!=="stepped" || d.tweenRunning){return;}
+ _seq("on",btnClass);
+ break;
+ }
+ function _seq(a,c){
+ seq.scrollAmount=o.scrollButtons.scrollAmount;
+ _sequentialScroll($this,a,c);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ scrolls content via keyboard
+ Keys: up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End
+ */
+ _keyboard=function(){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,seq=d.sequential,
+ namespace=pluginPfx+"_"+d.idx,
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ wrapper=mCSB_container.parent(),
+ editables="input,textarea,select,datalist,keygen,[contenteditable='true']",
+ iframe=mCSB_container.find("iframe"),
+ events=["blur."+namespace+" keydown."+namespace+" keyup."+namespace];
+ if(iframe.length){
+ iframe.each(function(){
+ $(this).load(function(){
+ /* bind events on accessible iframes */
+ if(_canAccessIFrame(this)){
+ $(this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document).bind(events[0],function(e){
+ _onKeyboard(e);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ mCustomScrollBox.attr("tabindex","0").bind(events[0],function(e){
+ _onKeyboard(e);
+ });
+ function _onKeyboard(e){
+ switch(e.type){
+ case "blur":
+ if(d.tweenRunning && seq.dir){_seq("off",null);}
+ break;
+ case "keydown": case "keyup":
+ var code=e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which,action="on";
+ if((o.axis!=="x" && (code===38 || code===40)) || (o.axis!=="y" && (code===37 || code===39))){
+ /* up (38), down (40), left (37), right (39) arrows */
+ if(((code===38 || code===40) && !d.overflowed[0]) || ((code===37 || code===39) && !d.overflowed[1])){return;}
+ if(e.type==="keyup"){action="off";}
+ if(!$(document.activeElement).is(editables)){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ _seq(action,code);
+ }
+ }else if(code===33 || code===34){
+ /* PgUp (33), PgDn (34) */
+ if(d.overflowed[0] || d.overflowed[1]){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ }
+ if(e.type==="keyup"){
+ _stop($this);
+ var keyboardDir=code===34 ? -1 : 1;
+ if(o.axis==="x" || (o.axis==="yx" && d.overflowed[1] && !d.overflowed[0])){
+ var dir="x",to=Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft)-(keyboardDir*(wrapper.width()*0.9));
+ }else{
+ var dir="y",to=Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetTop)-(keyboardDir*(wrapper.height()*0.9));
+ }
+ _scrollTo($this,to.toString(),{dir:dir,scrollEasing:"mcsEaseInOut"});
+ }
+ }else if(code===35 || code===36){
+ /* End (35), Home (36) */
+ if(!$(document.activeElement).is(editables)){
+ if(d.overflowed[0] || d.overflowed[1]){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ }
+ if(e.type==="keyup"){
+ if(o.axis==="x" || (o.axis==="yx" && d.overflowed[1] && !d.overflowed[0])){
+ var dir="x",to=code===35 ? Math.abs(wrapper.width()-mCSB_container.outerWidth(false)) : 0;
+ }else{
+ var dir="y",to=code===35 ? Math.abs(wrapper.height()-mCSB_container.outerHeight(false)) : 0;
+ }
+ _scrollTo($this,to.toString(),{dir:dir,scrollEasing:"mcsEaseInOut"});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ function _seq(a,c){
+ seq.type=o.keyboard.scrollType;
+ seq.scrollAmount=o.keyboard.scrollAmount;
+ if(seq.type==="stepped" && d.tweenRunning){return;}
+ _sequentialScroll($this,a,c);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* scrolls content sequentially (used when scrolling via buttons, keyboard arrows etc.) */
+ _sequentialScroll=function(el,action,trigger,e,s){
+ var,o=d.opt,seq=d.sequential,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ once=seq.type==="stepped" ? true : false,
+ steplessSpeed=o.scrollInertia < 26 ? 26 : o.scrollInertia, /* 26/1.5=17 */
+ steppedSpeed=o.scrollInertia < 1 ? 17 : o.scrollInertia;
+ switch(action){
+ case "on":
+ seq.dir=[
+ (trigger===classes[16] || trigger===classes[15] || trigger===39 || trigger===37 ? "x" : "y"),
+ (trigger===classes[13] || trigger===classes[15] || trigger===38 || trigger===37 ? -1 : 1)
+ ];
+ _stop(el);
+ if(_isNumeric(trigger) && seq.type==="stepped"){return;}
+ _on(once);
+ break;
+ case "off":
+ _off();
+ if(once || (d.tweenRunning && seq.dir)){
+ _on(true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* starts sequence */
+ function _on(once){
+ if(o.snapAmount){seq.scrollAmount=!(o.snapAmount instanceof Array) ? o.snapAmount : seq.dir[0]==="x" ? o.snapAmount[1] : o.snapAmount[0];} /* scrolling snapping */
+ var c=seq.type!=="stepped", /* continuous scrolling */
+ t=s ? s : !once ? 1000/60 : c ? steplessSpeed/1.5 : steppedSpeed, /* timer */
+ m=!once ? 2.5 : c ? 7.5 : 40, /* multiplier */
+ contentPos=[Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetTop),Math.abs(mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft)],
+ ratio=[d.scrollRatio.y>10 ? 10 : d.scrollRatio.y,d.scrollRatio.x>10 ? 10 : d.scrollRatio.x],
+ amount=seq.dir[0]==="x" ? contentPos[1]+(seq.dir[1]*(ratio[1]*m)) : contentPos[0]+(seq.dir[1]*(ratio[0]*m)),
+ px=seq.dir[0]==="x" ? contentPos[1]+(seq.dir[1]*parseInt(seq.scrollAmount)) : contentPos[0]+(seq.dir[1]*parseInt(seq.scrollAmount)),
+ to=seq.scrollAmount!=="auto" ? px : amount,
+ easing=e ? e : !once ? "mcsLinear" : c ? "mcsLinearOut" : "mcsEaseInOut",
+ onComplete=!once ? false : true;
+ if(once && t<17){
+ to=seq.dir[0]==="x" ? contentPos[1] : contentPos[0];
+ }
+ _scrollTo(el,to.toString(),{dir:seq.dir[0],scrollEasing:easing,dur:t,onComplete:onComplete});
+ if(once){
+ seq.dir=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ clearTimeout(seq.step);
+ seq.step=setTimeout(function(){
+ _on();
+ },t);
+ }
+ /* stops sequence */
+ function _off(){
+ clearTimeout(seq.step);
+ _delete(seq,"step");
+ _stop(el);
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* returns a yx array from value */
+ _arr=function(val){
+ var o=$(this).data(pluginPfx).opt,vals=[];
+ if(typeof val==="function"){val=val();} /* check if the value is a single anonymous function */
+ /* check if value is object or array, its length and create an array with yx values */
+ if(!(val instanceof Array)){ /* object value (e.g. {y:"100",x:"100"}, 100 etc.) */
+ vals[0]=val.y ? val.y : val.x || o.axis==="x" ? null : val;
+ vals[1]=val.x ? val.x : val.y || o.axis==="y" ? null : val;
+ }else{ /* array value (e.g. [100,100]) */
+ vals=val.length>1 ? [val[0],val[1]] : o.axis==="x" ? [null,val[0]] : [val[0],null];
+ }
+ /* check if array values are anonymous functions */
+ if(typeof vals[0]==="function"){vals[0]=vals[0]();}
+ if(typeof vals[1]==="function"){vals[1]=vals[1]();}
+ return vals;
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* translates values (e.g. "top", 100, "100px", "#id") to actual scroll-to positions */
+ _to=function(val,dir){
+ if(val==null || typeof val=="undefined"){return;}
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ wrapper=mCSB_container.parent(),
+ t=typeof val;
+ if(!dir){dir=o.axis==="x" ? "x" : "y";}
+ var contentLength=dir==="x" ? mCSB_container.outerWidth(false) : mCSB_container.outerHeight(false),
+ contentPos=dir==="x" ? mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft : mCSB_container[0].offsetTop,
+ cssProp=dir==="x" ? "left" : "top";
+ switch(t){
+ case "function": /* this currently is not used. Consider removing it */
+ return val();
+ break;
+ case "object": /* js/jquery object */
+ var obj=val.jquery ? val : $(val);
+ if(!obj.length){return;}
+ return dir==="x" ? _childPos(obj)[1] : _childPos(obj)[0];
+ break;
+ case "string": case "number":
+ if(_isNumeric(val)){ /* numeric value */
+ return Math.abs(val);
+ }else if(val.indexOf("%")!==-1){ /* percentage value */
+ return Math.abs(contentLength*parseInt(val)/100);
+ }else if(val.indexOf("-=")!==-1){ /* decrease value */
+ return Math.abs(contentPos-parseInt(val.split("-=")[1]));
+ }else if(val.indexOf("+=")!==-1){ /* inrease value */
+ var p=(contentPos+parseInt(val.split("+=")[1]));
+ return p>=0 ? 0 : Math.abs(p);
+ }else if(val.indexOf("px")!==-1 && _isNumeric(val.split("px")[0])){ /* pixels string value (e.g. "100px") */
+ return Math.abs(val.split("px")[0]);
+ }else{
+ if(val==="top" || val==="left"){ /* special strings */
+ return 0;
+ }else if(val==="bottom"){
+ return Math.abs(wrapper.height()-mCSB_container.outerHeight(false));
+ }else if(val==="right"){
+ return Math.abs(wrapper.width()-mCSB_container.outerWidth(false));
+ }else if(val==="first" || val==="last"){
+ var obj=mCSB_container.find(":"+val);
+ return dir==="x" ? _childPos(obj)[1] : _childPos(obj)[0];
+ }else{
+ if($(val).length){ /* jquery selector */
+ return dir==="x" ? _childPos($(val))[1] : _childPos($(val))[0];
+ }else{ /* other values (e.g. "100em") */
+ mCSB_container.css(cssProp,val);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* calls the update method automatically */
+ _autoUpdate=function(rem){
+ var $this=$(this),d=$,o=d.opt,
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container");
+ if(rem){
+ /*
+ removes autoUpdate timer
+ usage:,"remove");
+ */
+ clearTimeout(mCSB_container[0].autoUpdate);
+ _delete(mCSB_container[0],"autoUpdate");
+ return;
+ }
+ upd();
+ function upd(){
+ clearTimeout(mCSB_container[0].autoUpdate);
+ if($this.parents("html").length===0){
+ /* check element in dom tree */
+ $this=null;
+ return;
+ }
+ mCSB_container[0].autoUpdate=setTimeout(function(){
+ /* update on specific selector(s) length and size change */
+ if(o.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange){
+ d.poll.change.n=sizesSum();
+ if(d.poll.change.n!==d.poll.change.o){
+ d.poll.change.o=d.poll.change.n;
+ doUpd(3);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* update on main element and scrollbar size changes */
+ if(o.advanced.updateOnContentResize){
+ d.poll.size.n=$this[0].scrollHeight+$this[0].scrollWidth+mCSB_container[0].offsetHeight+$this[0].offsetHeight+$this[0].offsetWidth;
+ if(d.poll.size.n!==d.poll.size.o){
+ d.poll.size.o=d.poll.size.n;
+ doUpd(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* update on image load */
+ if(o.advanced.updateOnImageLoad){
+ if(!(o.advanced.updateOnImageLoad==="auto" && o.axis==="y")){ //by default, it doesn't run on vertical content
+ d.poll.img.n=mCSB_container.find("img").length;
+ if(d.poll.img.n!==d.poll.img.o){
+ d.poll.img.o=d.poll.img.n;
+ mCSB_container.find("img").each(function(){
+ imgLoader(this);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(o.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange || o.advanced.updateOnContentResize || o.advanced.updateOnImageLoad){upd();}
+ },o.advanced.autoUpdateTimeout);
+ }
+ /* a tiny image loader */
+ function imgLoader(el){
+ if($(el).hasClass(classes[2])){doUpd(); return;}
+ var img=new Image();
+ function createDelegate(contextObject,delegateMethod){
+ return function(){return delegateMethod.apply(contextObject,arguments);}
+ }
+ function imgOnLoad(){
+ this.onload=null;
+ $(el).addClass(classes[2]);
+ doUpd(2);
+ }
+ img.onload=createDelegate(img,imgOnLoad);
+ img.src=el.src;
+ }
+ /* returns the total height and width sum of all elements matching the selector */
+ function sizesSum(){
+ if(o.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange===true){o.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange="*";}
+ var total=0,sel=mCSB_container.find(o.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange);
+ if(o.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange && sel.length>0){sel.each(function(){total+=this.offsetHeight+this.offsetWidth;});}
+ return total;
+ }
+ /* calls the update method */
+ function doUpd(cb){
+ clearTimeout(mCSB_container[0].autoUpdate);
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* snaps scrolling to a multiple of a pixels number */
+ _snapAmount=function(to,amount,offset){
+ return (Math.round(to/amount)*amount-offset);
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* stops content and scrollbar animations */
+ _stop=function(el){
+ var,
+ sel=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container,#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container_wrapper,#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical,#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal");
+ sel.each(function(){
+ });
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ This is where the actual scrolling happens
+ */
+ _scrollTo=function(el,to,options){
+ var,o=d.opt,
+ defaults={
+ trigger:"internal",
+ dir:"y",
+ scrollEasing:"mcsEaseOut",
+ drag:false,
+ dur:o.scrollInertia,
+ overwrite:"all",
+ callbacks:true,
+ onStart:true,
+ onUpdate:true,
+ onComplete:true
+ },
+ options=$.extend(defaults,options),
+ dur=[options.dur,(options.drag ? 0 : options.dur)],
+ mCustomScrollBox=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx),
+ mCSB_container=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_container"),
+ wrapper=mCSB_container.parent(),
+ totalScrollOffsets=o.callbacks.onTotalScrollOffset ?,o.callbacks.onTotalScrollOffset) : [0,0],
+ totalScrollBackOffsets=o.callbacks.onTotalScrollBackOffset ?,o.callbacks.onTotalScrollBackOffset) : [0,0];
+ d.trigger=options.trigger;
+ if(wrapper.scrollTop()!==0 || wrapper.scrollLeft()!==0){ /* always reset scrollTop/Left */
+ $(".mCSB_"+d.idx+"_scrollbar").css("visibility","visible");
+ wrapper.scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0);
+ }
+ if(to==="_resetY" && !d.contentReset.y){
+ /* callbacks: onOverflowYNone */
+ if(_cb("onOverflowYNone")){[0]);}
+ d.contentReset.y=1;
+ }
+ if(to==="_resetX" && !d.contentReset.x){
+ /* callbacks: onOverflowXNone */
+ if(_cb("onOverflowXNone")){[0]);}
+ d.contentReset.x=1;
+ }
+ if(to==="_resetY" || to==="_resetX"){return;}
+ if((d.contentReset.y || !el[0].mcs) && d.overflowed[0]){
+ /* callbacks: onOverflowY */
+ if(_cb("onOverflowY")){[0]);}
+ d.contentReset.x=null;
+ }
+ if((d.contentReset.x || !el[0].mcs) && d.overflowed[1]){
+ /* callbacks: onOverflowX */
+ if(_cb("onOverflowX")){[0]);}
+ d.contentReset.x=null;
+ }
+ if(o.snapAmount){ /* scrolling snapping */
+ var snapAmount=!(o.snapAmount instanceof Array) ? o.snapAmount : options.dir==="x" ? o.snapAmount[1] : o.snapAmount[0];
+ to=_snapAmount(to,snapAmount,o.snapOffset);
+ }
+ switch(options.dir){
+ case "x":
+ var mCSB_dragger=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_horizontal"),
+ property="left",
+ contentPos=mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft,
+ limit=[
+ mCustomScrollBox.width()-mCSB_container.outerWidth(false),
+ mCSB_dragger.parent().width()-mCSB_dragger.width()
+ ],
+ scrollTo=[to,to===0 ? 0 : (to/d.scrollRatio.x)],
+ tso=totalScrollOffsets[1],
+ tsbo=totalScrollBackOffsets[1],
+ totalScrollOffset=tso>0 ? tso/d.scrollRatio.x : 0,
+ totalScrollBackOffset=tsbo>0 ? tsbo/d.scrollRatio.x : 0;
+ break;
+ case "y":
+ var mCSB_dragger=$("#mCSB_"+d.idx+"_dragger_vertical"),
+ property="top",
+ contentPos=mCSB_container[0].offsetTop,
+ limit=[
+ mCustomScrollBox.height()-mCSB_container.outerHeight(false),
+ mCSB_dragger.parent().height()-mCSB_dragger.height()
+ ],
+ scrollTo=[to,to===0 ? 0 : (to/d.scrollRatio.y)],
+ tso=totalScrollOffsets[0],
+ tsbo=totalScrollBackOffsets[0],
+ totalScrollOffset=tso>0 ? tso/d.scrollRatio.y : 0,
+ totalScrollBackOffset=tsbo>0 ? tsbo/d.scrollRatio.y : 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(scrollTo[1]<0 || (scrollTo[0]===0 && scrollTo[1]===0)){
+ scrollTo=[0,0];
+ }else if(scrollTo[1]>=limit[1]){
+ scrollTo=[limit[0],limit[1]];
+ }else{
+ scrollTo[0]=-scrollTo[0];
+ }
+ if(!el[0].mcs){
+ _mcs(); /* init mcs object (once) to make it available before callbacks */
+ if(_cb("onInit")){[0]);} /* callbacks: onInit */
+ }
+ clearTimeout(mCSB_container[0].onCompleteTimeout);
+ _tweenTo(mCSB_dragger[0],property,Math.round(scrollTo[1]),dur[1],options.scrollEasing);
+ if(!d.tweenRunning && ((contentPos===0 && scrollTo[0]>=0) || (contentPos===limit[0] && scrollTo[0]<=limit[0]))){return;}
+ _tweenTo(mCSB_container[0],property,Math.round(scrollTo[0]),dur[0],options.scrollEasing,options.overwrite,{
+ onStart:function(){
+ if(options.callbacks && options.onStart && !d.tweenRunning){
+ /* callbacks: onScrollStart */
+ if(_cb("onScrollStart")){_mcs();[0]);}
+ d.tweenRunning=true;
+ _onDragClasses(mCSB_dragger);
+ d.cbOffsets=_cbOffsets();
+ }
+ },onUpdate:function(){
+ if(options.callbacks && options.onUpdate){
+ /* callbacks: whileScrolling */
+ if(_cb("whileScrolling")){_mcs();[0]);}
+ }
+ },onComplete:function(){
+ if(options.callbacks && options.onComplete){
+ if(o.axis==="yx"){clearTimeout(mCSB_container[0].onCompleteTimeout);}
+ var t=mCSB_container[0].idleTimer || 0;
+ mCSB_container[0].onCompleteTimeout=setTimeout(function(){
+ /* callbacks: onScroll, onTotalScroll, onTotalScrollBack */
+ if(_cb("onScroll")){_mcs();[0]);}
+ if(_cb("onTotalScroll") && scrollTo[1]>=limit[1]-totalScrollOffset && d.cbOffsets[0]){_mcs();[0]);}
+ if(_cb("onTotalScrollBack") && scrollTo[1]<=totalScrollBackOffset && d.cbOffsets[1]){_mcs();[0]);}
+ d.tweenRunning=false;
+ mCSB_container[0].idleTimer=0;
+ _onDragClasses(mCSB_dragger,"hide");
+ },t);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ /* checks if callback function exists */
+ function _cb(cb){
+ return d && o.callbacks[cb] && typeof o.callbacks[cb]==="function";
+ }
+ /* checks whether callback offsets always trigger */
+ function _cbOffsets(){
+ return [o.callbacks.alwaysTriggerOffsets || contentPos>=limit[0]+tso,o.callbacks.alwaysTriggerOffsets || contentPos<=-tsbo];
+ }
+ /*
+ populates object with useful values for the user
+ values:
+ content: this.mcs.content
+ content top position:
+ content left position: this.mcs.left
+ dragger top position: this.mcs.draggerTop
+ dragger left position: this.mcs.draggerLeft
+ scrolling y percentage: this.mcs.topPct
+ scrolling x percentage: this.mcs.leftPct
+ scrolling direction: this.mcs.direction
+ */
+ function _mcs(){
+ var cp=[mCSB_container[0].offsetTop,mCSB_container[0].offsetLeft], /* content position */
+ dp=[mCSB_dragger[0].offsetTop,mCSB_dragger[0].offsetLeft], /* dragger position */
+ cl=[mCSB_container.outerHeight(false),mCSB_container.outerWidth(false)], /* content length */
+ pl=[mCustomScrollBox.height(),mCustomScrollBox.width()]; /* content parent length */
+ el[0].mcs={
+ content:mCSB_container, /* original content wrapper as jquery object */
+ top:cp[0],left:cp[1],draggerTop:dp[0],draggerLeft:dp[1],
+ topPct:Math.round((100*Math.abs(cp[0]))/(Math.abs(cl[0])-pl[0])),leftPct:Math.round((100*Math.abs(cp[1]))/(Math.abs(cl[1])-pl[1])),
+ direction:options.dir
+ };
+ /*
+ this refers to the original element containing the scrollbar(s)
+ usage:, this.mcs.leftPct etc.
+ */
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ Lighter and faster than jquery animate() and css transitions
+ Animates top/left properties and includes easings
+ */
+ _tweenTo=function(el,prop,to,duration,easing,overwrite,callbacks){
+ if(!el._mTween){el._mTween={top:{},left:{}};}
+ var callbacks=callbacks || {},
+ onStart=callbacks.onStart || function(){},onUpdate=callbacks.onUpdate || function(){},onComplete=callbacks.onComplete || function(){},
+ startTime=_getTime(),_delay,progress=0,from=el.offsetTop,,_request,tobj=el._mTween[prop];
+ if(prop==="left"){from=el.offsetLeft;}
+ var diff=to-from;
+ tobj.stop=0;
+ if(overwrite!=="none"){_cancelTween();}
+ _startTween();
+ function _step(){
+ if(tobj.stop){return;}
+ if(!progress){;}
+ progress=_getTime()-startTime;
+ _tween();
+ if(progress>=tobj.time){
+ tobj.time=(progress>tobj.time) ? progress+_delay-(progress-tobj.time) : progress+_delay-1;
+ if(tobj.time<progress+1){tobj.time=progress+1;}
+ }
+ if(tobj.time<duration){;}else{;}
+ }
+ function _tween(){
+ if(duration>0){
+ tobj.currVal=_ease(tobj.time,from,diff,duration,easing);
+ elStyle[prop]=Math.round(tobj.currVal)+"px";
+ }else{
+ elStyle[prop]=to+"px";
+ }
+ }
+ function _startTween(){
+ _delay=1000/60;
+ tobj.time=progress+_delay;
+ _request=(!window.requestAnimationFrame) ? function(f){_tween(); return setTimeout(f,0.01);} : window.requestAnimationFrame;
+ }
+ function _cancelTween(){
+ if({return;}
+ if(!window.requestAnimationFrame){clearTimeout(;
+ }else{window.cancelAnimationFrame(;}
+ }
+ function _ease(t,b,c,d,type){
+ switch(type){
+ case "linear": case "mcsLinear":
+ return c*t/d + b;
+ break;
+ case "mcsLinearOut":
+ t/=d; t--; return c * Math.sqrt(1 - t*t) + b;
+ break;
+ case "easeInOutSmooth":
+ t/=d/2;
+ if(t<1) return c/2*t*t + b;
+ t--;
+ return -c/2 * (t*(t-2) - 1) + b;
+ break;
+ case "easeInOutStrong":
+ t/=d/2;
+ if(t<1) return c/2 * Math.pow( 2, 10 * (t - 1) ) + b;
+ t--;
+ return c/2 * ( -Math.pow( 2, -10 * t) + 2 ) + b;
+ break;
+ case "easeInOut": case "mcsEaseInOut":
+ t/=d/2;
+ if(t<1) return c/2*t*t*t + b;
+ t-=2;
+ return c/2*(t*t*t + 2) + b;
+ break;
+ case "easeOutSmooth":
+ t/=d; t--;
+ return -c * (t*t*t*t - 1) + b;
+ break;
+ case "easeOutStrong":
+ return c * ( -Math.pow( 2, -10 * t/d ) + 1 ) + b;
+ break;
+ case "easeOut": case "mcsEaseOut": default:
+ var ts=(t/=d)*t,tc=ts*t;
+ return b+c*(0.499999999999997*tc*ts + -2.5*ts*ts + 5.5*tc + -6.5*ts + 4*t);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* returns current time */
+ _getTime=function(){
+ if(window.performance &&{
+ return;
+ }else{
+ if(window.performance && window.performance.webkitNow){
+ return window.performance.webkitNow();
+ }else{
+ if({return;}else{return new Date().getTime();}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* stops a tween */
+ _stopTween=function(){
+ var el=this;
+ if(!el._mTween){el._mTween={top:{},left:{}};}
+ var props=["top","left"];
+ for(var i=0; i<props.length; i++){
+ var prop=props[i];
+ if(el._mTween[prop].id){
+ if(!window.requestAnimationFrame){clearTimeout(el._mTween[prop].id);
+ }else{window.cancelAnimationFrame(el._mTween[prop].id);}
+ el._mTween[prop].id=null;
+ el._mTween[prop].stop=1;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* deletes a property (avoiding the exception thrown by IE) */
+ _delete=function(c,m){
+ try{delete c[m];}catch(e){c[m]=null;}
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* detects left mouse button */
+ _mouseBtnLeft=function(e){
+ return !(e.which && e.which!==1);
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* detects if pointer type event is touch */
+ _pointerTouch=function(e){
+ var t=e.originalEvent.pointerType;
+ return !(t && t!=="touch" && t!==2);
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* checks if value is numeric */
+ _isNumeric=function(val){
+ return !isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && isFinite(val);
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* returns element position according to content */
+ _childPos=function(el){
+ var p=el.parents(".mCSB_container");
+ return [el.offset().top-p.offset().top,el.offset().left-p.offset().left];
+ },
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /* checks if browser tab is hidden/inactive via Page Visibility API */
+ _isTabHidden=function(){
+ var prop=_getHiddenProp();
+ if(!prop) return false;
+ return document[prop];
+ function _getHiddenProp(){
+ var pfx=["webkit","moz","ms","o"];
+ if("hidden" in document) return "hidden"; //natively supported
+ for(var i=0; i<pfx.length; i++){ //prefixed
+ if((pfx[i]+"Hidden") in document)
+ return pfx[i]+"Hidden";
+ }
+ return null; //not supported
+ }
+ };
+ /* -------------------- */
+ /*
+ ----------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------
+ */
+ /* plugin constructor functions */
+ $.fn[pluginNS]=function(method){ /* usage: $(selector).mCustomScrollbar(); */
+ if(methods[method]){
+ return methods[method].apply(this,,1));
+ }else if(typeof method==="object" || !method){
+ return methods.init.apply(this,arguments);
+ }else{
+ $.error("Method "+method+" does not exist");
+ }
+ };
+ $[pluginNS]=function(method){ /* usage: $.mCustomScrollbar(); */
+ if(methods[method]){
+ return methods[method].apply(this,,1));
+ }else if(typeof method==="object" || !method){
+ return methods.init.apply(this,arguments);
+ }else{
+ $.error("Method "+method+" does not exist");
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ allow setting plugin default options.
+ usage: $.mCustomScrollbar.defaults.scrollInertia=500;
+ to apply any changed default options on default selectors (below), use inside document ready fn
+ e.g.: $(document).ready(function(){ $.mCustomScrollbar.defaults.scrollInertia=500; });
+ */
+ $[pluginNS].defaults=defaults;
+ /*
+ add window object (window.mCustomScrollbar)
+ usage: if(window.mCustomScrollbar){console.log("custom scrollbar plugin loaded");}
+ */
+ window[pluginNS]=true;
+ $(window).load(function(){
+ $(defaultSelector)[pluginNS](); /* add scrollbars automatically on default selector */
+ /* extend jQuery expressions */
+ $.extend($.expr[":"],{
+ /* checks if element is within scrollable viewport */
+ mcsInView:$.expr[":"].mcsInView || function(el){
+ var $el=$(el),content=$el.parents(".mCSB_container"),wrapper,cPos;
+ if(!content.length){return;}
+ wrapper=content.parent();
+ cPos=[content[0].offsetTop,content[0].offsetLeft];
+ return cPos[0]+_childPos($el)[0]>=0 && cPos[0]+_childPos($el)[0]<wrapper.height()-$el.outerHeight(false) &&
+ cPos[1]+_childPos($el)[1]>=0 && cPos[1]+_childPos($el)[1]<wrapper.width()-$el.outerWidth(false);
+ },
+ /* checks if element is overflowed having visible scrollbar(s) */
+ mcsOverflow:$.expr[":"].mcsOverflow || function(el){
+ var d=$(el).data(pluginPfx);
+ if(!d){return;}
+ return d.overflowed[0] || d.overflowed[1];
+ }
+ });
+ });