path: root/.jshintrc
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Enforce a consistent ES6 coding styleMaxime Quandalle2015-09-031-91/+0
| | | | | | | | | Replace the old (and broken) jshint + jscsrc by eslint and configure it to support some of the ES6 features. The command `eslint` currently has one error which is a bug that was discovered by its static analysis and should be fixed (usage of a dead object).
* Replace the component bounded `cachedValue` by a global `UnsavedEdits`Maxime Quandalle2015-08-311-0/+1
| | | | | | | | This new draft saving system is currently only implemented for the card description and comment. We need better a component inheritance/composition model to support this for all editable fields. Fixes #186
* Implement a modal systemMaxime Quandalle2015-08-261-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | I decided to create my own and not to use a community package, because 1. it's straightforward 2. it's better integrated with our others libs such as EscapeActions 3. monitoring third-party packages evolutions (eg, CSS changes) is a lot of work. This is basically the same rationale than for our other generic UI components such as the Popup/Popover. This commit also slightly modify the general layout to remove unnecessary wrapper DOM nodes.
* Work on the card activities and commentsMaxime Quandalle2015-06-121-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | This commit also introduces a new CSSEvents object that is used to abstract vendor specifics events related to CSS transitions and animations. Fixes #183. Fixes #179.
* Re-factor the avatar system and support avatar uploadsMaxime Quandalle2015-06-091-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The user is now able to upload an avatar, and pick one in a list. This functionality should eventually be abstracted in a community package but we still need to work on a great public API. We rely on collectionFS to manage uploaded avatars. We also removed bengott:avatar which was trying to solve the wrong problem (namely displaying the avatar, which is as simple as displaying an image), and not a avatar system as it should be. Gravatar support is coming (back) soon. We may also want to have a list of default fun avatars the user can choose instead of uploading its own one.
* Autosize the rich editor (for card description and comments)Maxime Quandalle2015-06-061-0/+1
* Implement presence indicatorsMaxime Quandalle2015-05-301-0/+2
* Implement multi-selectionMaxime Quandalle2015-05-301-1/+2
| | | | | | The UI and the internal APIs are still rough around the edges but the feature is basically working. You can now select multiple cards and move them together or (un|)assign them a label.
* Implement a new system to handle "escape actions"Maxime Quandalle2015-05-261-3/+4
| | | | | | | | The new EscapeActions object decide what to do when the user press the Escape key (such as closing a opened popup or inlined form). This commit also re-introduced the sidebar current view as a sidebar component local state.
* Improve scrollingMaxime Quandalle2015-05-241-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | We now replace native scrollbar by custom ones on the list card (which is required by the new ergonomics in the parent commit), but the "scrolling engine", is still native, we just hide the scrollbar and draw our own in HTML/CSS using the perfect-scrollbar package (from bower). This commit also implements component scrolling when certain actions are performed, eg scroll to the bottom when the new card composer is opened.
* Experiment new ergonomics to interact with card detailsMaxime Quandalle2015-05-241-1/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | The idea is that by displaying card details in a sidebar stuck on the right of the screen, the mouse had to travel too much before interacting with it. I also don’t want to use the Trello solution (modal) on big screens, because I like the ability to interact with the selected card and with the board at the same time (like in a e-mail client). The solution introduced in this commit consist of opening the card detail in a column next to the minicard list. This commit also fix right sidebar members and labels drag and drop.
* RenaissanceMaxime Quandalle2015-05-121-0/+82
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