path: root/webapp
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Diffstat (limited to 'webapp')
10 files changed, 725 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/de.json b/webapp/i18n/de.json
index 2a8757fc9..53cdf034b 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/de.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/de.json
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Beschreibung für Ihre OAuth 2.0 Anwendung.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Beschreibung für die OAuth 2.0 Anwendung ist erforderlich.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Ihre OAuth 2.0 Anwendung wurde eingerichtet. Bitte verwenden Sie die folgende Client ID und Secret bei Autorisierungsanforderungen Ihrer Anwendung.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Die folgenden sind Ihre autorisierten Umleitungs-URL(s).",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Hinzufügen",
"": "Die URL für die Homepage der OAuth 2.0 Anwendung. Stellen Sie sicher das Sie HTTP oder HTTPS in Ihrer URL basierend Ihrer Serverkonfiguration verwenden.",
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
"admin.database.title": "Datenbank Einstellungen",
"admin.developer.title": "Entwickler Einstellungen",
"": " Ich verstehe und akzeptiere <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">die Bedingungen</a> des Mattermost Hosted Push Notification Service Terms of Service und die <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Datenschutzerklärung</a>.",
- "": "Wenn wahr, Mattermost erlaubt Nutzern sich mit E-Mail und Passwort anzumelden.",
+ "": "Wenn wahr, erlaubt Mattermost Nutzern sich mit E-Mail und Passwort anzumelden.",
"": "Erlaube Login mit E-Mail: ",
"": "Wenn wahr erlaubt Mattermost Teamerstellung und Registrierung via E-Mail und Passwort. Dieser Wert sollte nur Falsch sein, wenn Sie Anmeldungen nur via SSO Dienste wie OAuth oder AD/LDAP zulassen möchten.",
"": "Erlaube die Erstellen einen Accounts mit der E-Mail: ",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Breite des Vorschaubildes:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Benutzerdefinierte Integrationen",
"admin.integrations.external": "Externe Dienste",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "Die Basisdomäne ist der ausgezeichnete Name, mit dem Mattermost mit der Suche nach Nutzern im AD/LDAP Baum beginnen soll.",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "z.B.: \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "Basisdomäne:",
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@
"admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "z.B.: \"AD/LDAP Benutzername\"",
"admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "Login Feld Name:",
"admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "z.B.: \"2000\"",
- "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "Die maximale Anzahl von Benutzern, die der Mattermost Server vom LDAP Server auf einmal anfordern wird. 0 ist unendlich.",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "Die maximale Anzahl von Benutzern, die der Mattermost Server vom AD/LDAP Server auf einmal anfordern wird. 0 ist unendlich.",
"admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "Maximale Seitengröße:",
"admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) Das Attribut des AD/LDAP Servers, welches benutzt wird um den Nachname des Nutzers in Mattermost auszufüllen.",
"admin.ldap.nicknameAttrEx": "z.B.: \"Spitzname\"",
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "AD/LDAP jetzt abgleichen",
"admin.ldap.testFailure": "AD/LDAP Test Fehler: {error}",
"admin.ldap.testHelpText": "Überprüft ob der Mattermost sich mit dem angegebenen AD/LDAP Server verbinden kann. Schauen Sie im Log für detailliertere Fehlermeldungen nach.",
- "admin.ldap.testSuccess": "AD/LDAP Test Successful",
+ "admin.ldap.testSuccess": "AD/LDAP Test erfolgreich",
"admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "Das Attribut des AD/LDAP-Servers das zum Befüllen des Benutzernamens in Mattermost verwendet wird. Das kann auch dem des ID-Attributes entsprechen.",
"admin.ldap.userFilterDisc": "(Optional)Geben Sie einen AD/LDAP-Filters zur Begrenzung bei der Suche nach Benutzer-Objekten ein. Nur die zurückgegebenen Benutzer dieser Abfrage werden Zugriff auf Mattermost erhalten. Für Active-Directory lautet die Abfrage zum Ausschluss von deaktivierten Benutzern (&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))).",
"admin.ldap.userFilterEx": "z.B.: \"(objectClass=user)\"",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Anmelden mit OAuth 2.0 Provider nicht erlauben",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Wenn wahr kann Mattermost als OAuth 2.0 Dienstprovider auftreten und API Anfragen von externen Anwendungen erlauben.",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications. See <a href=\"\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Aktiviere OAuth 2.0 Dienstprovider: ",
"": "OAuth 2.0 Service Provider auswählen:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>Melden Sie sich in Ihrem <a href=''>Microsoft oder Office 365</a> Konto an. Stellen Sie sicher das der Account zum selben <a href=''>Mandant</a> gehört mit dem sich die Nutzer anmelden können sollen.</li><li>Wechseln Sie zu <a href=''></a>, klicken auf <strong>App hinzufügen</strong> und verwenden <strong>Mattermost - <your-company-name></strong> als den Namen der App.</li><li>Unter <strong>Geheime Anwendungsschlüssel</strong> klicken Sie auf <strong>Generiere neues Passwort</strong> und speichern es um die Felder unten später zu vervollständigen.</li><li>Unter <strong>Platform</strong> klicken Sie auf <strong>Plattform hinzufügen</strong>, wählen <strong>Web</strong> und geben <strong><your-mattermost-url>/signup/office365/complete</strong> (zum Beispiel: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) unter <strong>Umleitungs-URI</strong> ein. Außerdem sollten Sie <strong>Erlaube Implizite Weiterleitung</strong> deaktivieren.</li><li>Abschließend klicken Sie auf <strong>Speichern</strong> und vervollständigen die <strong>Anwendungs-ID</strong> und <strong>geheimer Anwendungsschlüssel</strong> Felder unten.</li></ol>",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "Wenn ausgefüllt, wird der Begrenzer an dem spezifizierten HTTP Header unterschieden (z.B. NGINX auf \"X-Real-IP\" stellen, bei Amazon ELB auf \"X-Forwarded-For\" stellen).",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "z.B.: \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Mittels HTTP Header drosseln",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Max Burst:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "z.B.: \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Die maximale Anzahl an verbundenen Benutzer-Sitzungen, festgelegt durch die Einstellungen \"Mittels Absender-Adresse drosseln\" bzw. \"Mittels HTTP Header drosseln\".",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "z.B.: \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Speichergröße:",
@@ -607,7 +611,7 @@
"admin.saml.usernameAttrDesc": "Das Attribut des LDAP Servers, welches benutzt wird um den Benutzernamen des Nutzers in Mattermost auszfüllen.",
"admin.saml.usernameAttrEx": "z.B. \"Benutzername\"",
"admin.saml.usernameAttrTitle": "Attribut Benutzername:",
- "admin.saml.verifyDescription": "Wenn wahr verifiziert Mattermost das die Signatur in den SAML Antworten der Service Provider Login URL entspricht",
+ "admin.saml.verifyDescription": "Wenn wahr verifiziert Mattermost, dass die Signatur in den SAML Antworten der Service Provider Login URL entspricht",
"admin.saml.verifyTitle": "Signatur überprüfen:",
"": "Speichern",
"admin.saving": "Speichere Einstellungen...",
@@ -641,11 +645,11 @@
"admin.service.insecureTlsDesc": "Wenn Wahr werden alle ausgehenden HTTPS Anfragen von selbst-signierten Zertifikaten ungeprüft angenommen. Zum Beispiel werden ausgehende Webhooks an einen Server mit einem selbst-signiertem TLS Zertifikat an eine beliebige Domäne zugelassen. Hinweis: das macht diese Verbindungen anfällig für \"Man-In-The-Middle\" Attacken.",
"admin.service.insecureTlsTitle": "Erlaube unsichere ausgehende Verbindungen: ",
"admin.service.integrationAdmin": "Verwaltung der Integrationen auf Admins beschränken:",
- "admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "Wenn wahr, können Webhooks und Slash Befehle nur durch Team- und Systemadministratoren erstellt, bearbeitet oder betrachtet werden. OAuth 2.0 Anwendungen nur durch Systemadministratoren. Integrationen stehen allen Benutzern zur Verfügung nachdem ein Admin sie erstellt hat.",
+ "admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "Wenn wahr, können Webhooks und Slash Befehle nur durch Team- und Systemadministratoren erstellt, bearbeitet oder betrachtet werden. OAuth 2.0 Anwendungen nur durch Systemadministratoren. Integrationen stehen allen Benutzern zur Verfügung nachdem ein Systemadministrator sie erstellt hat.",
"admin.service.listenAddress": "Empfangs-Adresse:",
"admin.service.listenDescription": "Die Adresse auf die gebunden und gehört werden soll. Die Eingabe von \":8065\" bindet alle Schnittstellen, \"\" bindet an die angegebene Schnittstelle. Änderung dieses Wertes erfordert einen Serverneustart bevor er gültig wird.",
"admin.service.listenExample": "z.B.: \":8065\"",
- "admin.service.mfaDesc": "Wenn wahr erhalten Nutzer die Möglichkeit Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung zu ihren Zugängen hinzuzufügen. Sie benötigen ein Smartphone und eine Authenticator App wie Google Authenticator.",
+ "admin.service.mfaDesc": "Wenn wahr erhalten Nutzer die Möglichkeit Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung zu ihren Zugängen hinzuzufügen. Sie benötigen ein Smartphone und eine Authenticator App wie beispielsweise den Google Authenticator.",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "Multi-Faktor Authentifizierung einschalten:",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Sessiondauer für mobile Anwendungen (Tage):",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "Die Anzahl der Tage seit der letzten Anmeldung des Benutzers bis zum Ablauf der Sitzung. Bei Änderung dieser Einstellung tritt die neue Sitzungsdauer in Kraft nachdem der Benutzer sich das nächste Mal anmeldet.",
@@ -653,7 +657,7 @@
"admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Aktiviere ausgehende Webhooks: ",
"admin.service.overrideDescription": "Wenn wahr, werden Webhooks, Slash Befehle und andere Integrationen wie <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zapier</a> erlaubt den Benutzernamen zu ändern mit dem Sie Nachrichten senden. Hinweis: Kombiniert mit der Erlaubnis das Profilbild zu ändern können Benutzer Phishing Attacken ausführen indem Sie sich als andere Nutzer ausgeben.",
"admin.service.overrideTitle": "Erlaube Integrationen den Benutzernamen zu ändern:",
- "admin.service.securityDesc": "Wenn Wahr werden System Administratoren durch E-Mails informiert, dass ein Sicherheitsrelevantes Update in den letzen 12 Stunden angekündigt wurde. Setzt voraus, dass E-Mail aktiviert wurde.",
+ "admin.service.securityDesc": "Wenn Wahr werden Systemadministratoren durch E-Mails informiert, dass ein sicherheitsrelevantes Update in den letzen 12 Stunden angekündigt wurde. Setzt voraus, dass E-Mail aktiviert wurde.",
"admin.service.securityTitle": "Sicherheitsbenachrichtigungen aktivieren: ",
"admin.service.segmentDescription": " ist ein Online Dienst der zur optionalen Erhebung von detaillierten Systemstatistiken. Sie können einen Schlüssel über einen kostenlosen Account bei erhalten.",
"admin.service.segmentExample": "z.B.: \"g3fgGOXJAQ43QV7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gs\"",
@@ -666,7 +670,7 @@
"admin.service.siteURLExample": "z.B.: \"\"",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Sessiondauer für SSO Anwendungen (Tage):",
"admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "Die Anzahl der Tage seit der letzten Anmeldung des Benutzers bis zum Ablauf der Sitzung. Wenn die Authentifizierungsmethode SAML oder GitLab ist, wird der Benutzer automatisch wieder angemeldet sofern er noch bei SAML oder GitLab angemeldet ist. Bei Änderung dieser Einstellung tritt die neue Sitzungsdauer in Kraft nachdem der Benutzer sich das nächste Mal anmeldet.",
- "admin.service.testingDescription": "Wenn wahr wird der /loadtest Slash Befehl aktiviert um Testaccounts, -daten und -Textformatierungen zu laden. Änderung erfordern einen Server Neustart.",
+ "admin.service.testingDescription": "Wenn wahr wird der /loadtest Slash Befehl aktiviert um Testaccounts, -daten und Textformatierungen zu laden. Änderung erfordern einen Server Neustart.",
"admin.service.testingTitle": "Aktiviere Testkommandos: ",
"admin.service.webSessionDays": "Sitzungsdauer AD/LDAP und E-Mail (in Tagen):",
"admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "Die Anzahl der Tage seit der letzten Anmeldung des Benutzers bis zum Ablauf der Sitzung. Bei Änderung dieser Einstellung tritt die neue Sitzungsdauer in Kraft nachdem der Benutzer sich das nächste Mal anmeldet.",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "Benutzer",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "Benutzer und Teams",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "System Statistiken",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "System Konsole",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "Datenquelle:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "Treibername:",
@@ -740,7 +745,7 @@
"admin.sql.noteDescription": "Änderungen an Einstellungen in diesem Bereich erfordern einen Server Neustart.",
"admin.sql.noteTitle": "Notiz:",
"admin.sql.replicas": "Datenquellen Replikas:",
- "admin.sql.traceDescription": "(Entwickler Modus) Wenn wahr werden ausgeführe SQL Befehle ins Log geschrieben.",
+ "admin.sql.traceDescription": "(Entwickler Modus) Wenn wahr werden ausgeführte SQL Befehle ins Log geschrieben.",
"admin.sql.traceTitle": "Verfolgung: ",
"admin.sql.warning": "Warnung: Neugenerierung dieses Salts kann für einige Spalten der Datenbank leere Ergebnisse zurückgeben.",
"": "Link zur Über-Seite für mehr Informationen über Ihre Mattermost Umgebung, zum Beispiel ihren Zweck und Zielgruppe innerhalb Ihrer Organization. Standard ist die Mattermost Informationsseite.",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Umschalten zu E-Mail-Adresse/Passwort",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "Systemadministrator",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "Team Administrator",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "Wenn wahr, erlaubt Mattermost die Erstellung von <strong>eins-zu-eins</strong> Videokonferenzen. WebRTC Anrufe sind in Chrome, Firefox und Mattermost Desktop Anwendungen verfügbar.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Aktiviere Mattermost WebRTC: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Enter your admin secret password to access the Gateway Admin URL.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "z.B.: \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Gateway Admin Secret:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Enter https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid tokens for each peer to establish the connection.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "Gateway Admin URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Enter wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>. Make sure you use WS or WSS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This is the websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "Ex \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Gateway Websocket URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Enter your STUN URI as stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>. STUN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to access its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Shared Key. This is used to created dynamic passwords to establish the connection. Each password is valid for a short period of time.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "Ex \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN Shared Key:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Enter your TURN URI as turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>. TURN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to establish a connection by using a relay public IP address if it is located behind a symmetric NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Username.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "z.B.: \"Benutzername\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN Username:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Deaktiviert",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Der Mattermost Server wird keine statischen Dateien bereitstellen.",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Eingehende Webhooks",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 Applikationen",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Ausgehende Webhooks",
+ "calling_screen": "Calling",
"center_panel.recent": "Klicken Sie hier um zu vorherigen Mittelungen zurückzukehren. ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "Mitglieder hinzufügen",
"change_url.close": "Schließen",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "Kanal",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "Kanalüberschrift festlegen...",
"channel_header.delete": "Lösche {term}...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "Markierte Nachrichten",
"": "Gruppe",
"channel_header.leave": "Verlasse {term}",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "Mitglieder verwalten",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Setze {term} Zweck...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Info anzeigen",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "Zeige Mitglieder",
+ "": "Videoanruf starten",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"channel_info.about": "Über",
"channel_info.close": "Schließen",
"channel_info.header": "Überschrift:",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "Dateien über {max}MB können nicht hochgeladen werden: {filenames}",
"": "Anzahl an Uploads begrenzt auf maximal {count}. Bitte nutzen Sie zusätzliche Nachrichten für mehr Dateien.",
"file_upload.pasted": "Bild eingefügt am ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 Mitglieder} one {Mitglied} other {Mitglieder}}",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 Mitglieder} one {Mitglied} other {Mitglieder}} von {total} insgesamt",
+ "": "Search channels",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "Alle Benutzer",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 Mitglieder} one {Mitglied} other {Mitglieder}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 Mitglieder} one {Mitglied} other {Mitglieder}} von {total} insgesamt",
@@ -1230,7 +1265,7 @@
"help.composing.deleting": "## Eine Nachricht löschen\nSie können eine Nachricht durch einen Klick auf das **[...]** Icon neben jeder Ihrer Mitteilungen und anschließendem Klick auf **Löschen** entfernen. System- und Teamadministratoren können jede Nachricht Ihres Systems oder Teams löschen.",
"help.composing.editing": "## Eine Nachricht bearbeiten\nSie können eine Nachricht durch einen Klick auf das **[...]** Icon neben jeder Ihrer Mitteilungen und anschließendem Klick auf **Bearbeiten** editieren, drücken Sie **Enter** um die Änderungen zu speichern. Bearbeitete Nachrichten lösen keine neuen @Erwähnungen, Desktop Benachrichtigungen oder Töne aus.",
"help.composing.linking": "## Eine Nachricht verlinken\nDer **dauerhafte Link** Feature erstellt einen Link für jede Mitteilung. Den Link mit anderen Kanalmitgliedern zu teilen ermöglicht ihnen die verknüpfte Nachricht im Archiv zu betrachten. Benutzer die nicht Mitglied des originären Kanals können den Link nicht betrachten. Um den dauerhaften Link zu einer Nachricht zu erhalten klicken Sie auf das **[...]** Icon neben einer Nachricht > **Dauerhafter Link** > **Link kopieren**.",
- "help.composing.posting": "## Eine Nachricht senden\nSchreiben Sie eine Nachricht indem Sie diesen in das Eingabefeld eingeben und drücken anschließend **Enter** um ihn zu senden. Verwenden Sie **Shift + Enter** um einen Zeilenumbruch zu erzeugen ohne die Nachricht zu versenden. Um Nachrichten durch **Strg + Enter** zu senden wechseln Sie zu **Hauptmenü > Kontoeinstellungen > Erweitert > Sende Nachrichten mit Strg + Enter**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Eine Nachricht senden\nSchreiben Sie eine Nachricht indem Sie diese in das Eingabefeld eingeben und drücken anschließend **Enter** um sie zu senden. Verwenden Sie **Shift + Enter** um einen Zeilenumbruch zu erzeugen ohne die Nachricht zu versenden. Um Nachrichten durch **Strg + Enter** zu senden, wechseln Sie zu **Hauptmenü > Kontoeinstellungen > Erweitert > Sende Nachrichten mit Strg + Enter**.",
"help.composing.posts": "#### Nachrichten\nNachrichten können als übergeordnete Mitteilungen verstanden werden. Sie sind häufig die Nachrichten die den Start für Antworten sind. Nachrichten werden über das Eingabefeld am Ende des mittleren Feldes erzeugt und versendet.",
"help.composing.replies": "#### Antworten\nAntworten Sie auf eine Nachricht in dem Sie auf das Antworten Icon neben einer Nachricht klicken. Diese Aktion öffnet die rechte Seitenleiste in der Sie den Nachrichtenverlauf sehen, und Sie Ihre Antwort schreiben und versenden können. Antworten werden etwas eingerückt im mittleren Feld dargestellt um zu signalisieren das es sich um eine Antwort einer übergeordneten Nachricht handelt.\n\nWenn Sie eine Antwort in der rechten Seitenleiste erstellen, klicken Sie auf das erweitern/verkleinern Icon mit den zwei Pfeilen in der oberen Ecke der Seitenleiste um leichter lesen zu können.",
"help.composing.title": "# Senden von Nachrichten\n_____",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "Beschreibung",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "Keine OAuth 2.0 Applikationen gefunden",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 Applikationen",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 Applikationen sind für jeden auf dem Server verfügbar.",
+ "": "Create OAuth 2.0 applications to securely integrate bots and third-party applications with Mattermost. Please see {link} to learn more.",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "Dokumentation",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "Homepage",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "Icon URL",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "Ist vertrauenswürdig: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "Suchergebnisse",
"search_header.title2": "Letzte Erwähnungen",
"search_header.title3": "Markierte Nachrichten",
- "": "Direktnachricht",
+ "": "Direct Message (with {username})",
"search_item.jump": "Sprung",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>Wenn Sie nach einem Textteil suchen(z.b. suche nach \"rea\", wenn Sie \"Realität\" oder \"Reaktion\" finden möchten), hängen Sie ein * an Ihren Suchbegriff</li><li>Wegen zu vieler Treffer werden Suchen mit nur zwei Buchstaben oder häufigen Wörtern wie \"this\", \"a\" und \"is\" im Suchergebnis nicht angezeigt.</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden. Nochmal versuchen?",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Bitte einen Teamnamen eingeben",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Benachrichtigt jedem in diesem Kanal, in {townsquare} benachrichtigt er das gesamte Team",
"": "Benachrichtigt jeden in diesem Kanal",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "Meine Kanäle",
"": "Benachrichtigt jeden der im Kanal und online ist",
"suggestion.mention.members": "Kanalmitglieder",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Other Channels",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Nicht im Kanal",
"suggestion.mention.special": "Spezielle Erwähnungen",
"": "Private Gruppen",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Sende Nachrichten mit Strg + Enter",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "Erlaube externe Anwendung Slash Autovervollständigung anzubieten",
"user.settings.advance.title": "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Enable the ability to make and receive one-on-one WebRTC calls",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Abwesend Anzeige",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Button Hintergrund",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Button Text",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "E-Mail Benachrichtigung",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Benachrichtigungen",
"": "Desktopbenachrichtigungen sind für Firefox, Safari und Chrome verfügbar.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "Nie",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Keine Wörter konfiguriert",
"": "Aus",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Ein",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "Sicherheitseinstellungen",
"": "Zeige Zugriffshistorie",
"user_list.notFound": "Keine Benutzer gefunden",
+ "": "Videoanruf starten",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"view_image.loading": "Laden ",
"": "Herunterladen",
"view_image_popover.file": "Datei {count} von {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "Bedingungen",
"web.header.back": "Zurück",
"web.root.signup_info": "Die gesamte Team Kommunikation an einem Ort, sofort durchsuchbar und überall verfügbar",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} is busy.",
+ "": "Call",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "Call with {username} ended.",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "Cancel call",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} cancelled the call.",
+ "webrtc.declined": "Your call has been declined by {username}.",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} has WebRTC disabled, and cannot receive calls. To enable the feature, they must go to Account Settings > Advanced > Preview pre-release features and turn on WebRTC.",
+ "webrtc.failed": "There was a problem connecting the video call.",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "Hangup",
+ "webrtc.header": "Call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "You have a call in progress. Please hangup first.",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "Unable to access camera or microphone.",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "Mute microphone",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} is not answering the call.",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "Answer",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "Decline",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} is calling you.",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Return to ongoing call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} is offline.",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "Turn off camera",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Unmute microphone",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "Turn on camera",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username} client does not support video calls.",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Video nicht gefunden"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/en.json b/webapp/i18n/en.json
index a48671425..dc7e5fec4 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/en.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/en.json
@@ -532,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "When filled in, vary rate limiting by HTTP header field specified (e.g. when configuring NGINX set to \"X-Real-IP\", when configuring AmazonELB set to \"X-Forwarded-For\").",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Ex \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Vary rate limit by HTTP header",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Maximum Burst Size:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Ex \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Maximum number of users sessions connected to the system as determined by \"Vary rate limit by remote address\" and \"Vary rate limit by HTTP header\" settings below.",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "Ex \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Memory Store Size:",
@@ -543,9 +546,6 @@
"admin.rate.remoteDescription": "When true, rate limit API access by IP address.",
"admin.rate.remoteTitle": "Vary rate limit by remote address: ",
"admin.rate.title": "Rate Limit Settings",
- "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Maximum Burst Size:",
- "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Ex \"100\"",
- "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
"admin.recycle.button": "Recycle Database Connections",
"admin.recycle.loading": " Recycling...",
"admin.recycle.recycleDescription": "Deployments using multiple databases can switch from one master database to another without restarting the Mattermost server by updating \"config.json\" to the new desired configuration and using the <a href=\"../general/configuration\"><b>Configuration > Reload Configuration from Disk</b></a> feature to load the new settings while the server is running. The administrator should then use <b>Recycle Database Connections</b> feature to recycle the database connections based on the new settings.",
@@ -2066,8 +2066,5 @@
"webrtc.unmute_audio": "Unmute microphone",
"webrtc.unpause_video": "Turn on camera",
"webrtc.unsupported": "{username} client does not support video calls.",
- "youtube_video.notFound": "Video not found",
- "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
- "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
- "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)"
+ "youtube_video.notFound": "Video not found"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/es.json b/webapp/i18n/es.json
index d217ffeb8..bfe7260b4 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/es.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/es.json
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Secreto de Cliente</b>: {secret}",
"": "Descripción para tu aplicación de OAuth 2.0.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "La descripción para tu aplicación de OAuth 2.0 es obligatoria.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "La aplicación de OAuth 2.0 se ha establecido. Por favor utiliza el siguiente ID de Cliente y Secreto de Cliente cuando solicites autorización para tu aplicación.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Tu aplicación de OAuth 2.0 se ha establecido. Por favor, utiliza el siguiente ID de Cliente y el Secreto de Cliente cuando se solicite autorización para tu aplicación (ver la <a href=\"\"> documentación</a> para más detalles).",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Los siguientes son los URL de redireccionamiento autorizado(s).",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Agregar",
"": "La dirección URL de la página web de la aplicación OAuth 2.0. Asegúrese de utilizar HTTP o HTTPS en la dirección URL dependiendo de la configuración del servidor.",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Ancho de las Miniaturas de los Adjuntos:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Integraciones Personalizadas",
"admin.integrations.external": "Servicios Externos",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "El DN Base es el Nombre Distinguido de la ubicación donde Mattermost debe comenzar a buscar a los usuarios en el árbol del AD/LDAP.",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "Ej \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "DN Base:",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "No permitir el inicio de sesión por medio de un proveedor de OAuth 2.0",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Cuando es verdadero, Mattermost puede actuar como proveedor de servicios de OAuth 2.0 permitiendo que Mattermost autorize solicitudes a las API por aplicaciones externas.",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Cuando es verdadero, Mattermost puede actuar como un proveedor de servicios de OAuth 2.0 permitiendo a que Mattermost autorice las solicitudes de API de aplicaciones externas. Ver la<a href=\"\">documentación</a> para obtener más información.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Habilitar el Proveedor de Servicios de OAuth 2.0: ",
"": "Selecciona un proveedor de servicio de OAuth 2.0",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Inicia sesión</a> con tu cuenta de Microsoft u Office 365. Asegura que la cuenta sea un <a href=''>inquilino de Azure AD</a> para que los usuarios puedan iniciar sesión.</li><li>Dirígete a <a href=''></a>. haz clic en <strong>Ir a la lista de aplicaciones</strong> > <strong>Agregar una aplicación</strong> y utiliza \"Mattermost - el-nombre-de-tu-empresa\" como el <strong>Nombre de la aplicación</strong>.</li><li>Bajo <strong>Secretos de aplicación</strong>, haz clic en <strong>Generar nueva contraseña</strong> y pegala en el campo inferior <strong>Contraseña Secreta de la Aplicación</strong>.</li><li>Bajo <strong>Plataformas</strong>, haz clic en <strong>Agregar plataforma</strong>, selecciona <strong>Web</strong> e ingresa <strong>url-de-tu-mattermost/signup/office365/complete</strong> (ejemplo: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) en <strong>URI de redireccionamiento</strong>. Tambíen desmarca <strong>Permitir flujo implícito</strong>.</li><li>Finalmente, haz clic en <strong>Guardar</strong> y pega el <strong>ID de aplicación</strong> en el campo inferior.</li></ol>",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "Al llenar este campo, se limita la velocidad según el encabezado HTTP especificado (e.j. cuando se configura con NGINX asigna \"X-Real-IP\", cuando se configura con AmazonELB asigna \"X-Forwarded-For\").",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Ej \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Variar el límite de velocidad según el encabezado HTTP",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Máximo de Ráfagas",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Máximo número de solicitudes permitidas más allá del límite de consultas por segundo.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Ej \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "El número máximo de sesiones de usuarios conectados en el sistema es determinado por \"Variar el límite de velocidad por dirección remota\" y \"Variar el límite de velocidad según el encabezado HTTP\" en la configuración siguiente.",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "Ej \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Tamaño de memoria de almacenamiento:",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "Usuarios",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "Usuarios y Equipos",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "Estadísticas del Sitio",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "Consola de sistema",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "Origen de datos:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "Nombre de controlador:",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Cambiar a Correo Electrónico/Contraseña",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "Admin de Sistema",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "Admin de Equipo",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "Cuando es verdadero, Mattermost permite hacer llamadas de vídeo <strong>uno-a-uno</strong>. Las llamadas con WebRTC están disponibles en Chrome, Firefox y la Aplicación de Escritorio de Mattermost.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Habilitar Mattermost WebRTC: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Ingresa la clave secreta para accesar a la Administración de la puerta de enlace.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "Ej \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Clave secreta de Administración de la Puerta de enlace:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Introduce https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<puerto>/admin. Asegúrate de utilizar HTTP o HTTPS en la dirección URL dependiendo de la configuración del servidor. Mattermost WebRTC utiliza esta dirección para obtener tokens válidos para que cada uno de los pares pueda establecer la conexión.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "Ej \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "URL de Administración de la puerta de enlace:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Introduce wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<puerto>. Asegúrate de usar WS o WSS en la dirección URL dependiendo de la configuración del servidor. Este es el websocket utilizado para enviar señales y establecer la comunicación entre los compañeros.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "Ej \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Dirección URL del websocket de la puerta de enlace:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Introduce el STUN URI como stun:<tu-stun-url>:<puerto>. STUN es un estándar de protocolo de red que permite accesar la dirección IP pública de los dispositivos si se encuentran detrás de un NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "Ej \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Introduce la Clave Compartida del Servidor TURN. Esta es usada para crear contraseñas dinámicas para establecer la conexión. Cada contraseña es válida por un período corto de tiempo.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "Ej \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "Clave compartida TURN:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Introduce el TURN URI como turn:<tu-turn-url>:<puerto>. TURN es un protocolo estándar de red que permitir a los dispositivos establecer una conexión mediante un relé a una dirección IP pública si se encuentra detrás de un NAT simétrico.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "Ej \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Introduce el Nombre de usuario del Servidor TURN.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "Ej \"miusuario\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "Nombre de usuario TURN:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Desactivado",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "El servidor Mattermost no servirá archivos estáticos.",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Webhooks de Entrada",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "Aplicaciones OAuth 2.0",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Webhooks de Salida",
+ "calling_screen": "Llamando",
"center_panel.recent": "Clic aquí para ir a los mensajes más recientes. ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "Agregar Miembros",
"change_url.close": "Cerrar",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "Canal",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "Asignar Encabezado del Canal...",
"channel_header.delete": "Borrar {term}...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "Mensajes Marcados",
"": "Grupo",
"channel_header.leave": "Abandonar {term}",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "Administrar Miembros",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Propósito del {term}...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Ver Info",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "Ver Miembros",
+ "": "Iniciar llamada de vídeo",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "No se puede realizar una nueva llamada hasta que la llamada actual finalice",
"channel_info.about": "Acerca",
"channel_info.close": "Cerrar",
"channel_info.header": "Encabezado:",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "No se pueden subir archivos de más de {max}MB: {filenames}",
"": "Se pueden subir un máximo de {count} archivos. Por favor envía otros mensajes para adjuntar más archivos.",
"file_upload.pasted": "Imagen Pegada el ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 canales} one {canal} other {canales}}",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 canales} one {canal} other {canales}} de {total} Total",
+ "": "Buscar canales",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "Todos los Usuarios",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 miembros} one {miembro} other {miembros}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 miembros} one {miembro} other {miembros}} de {total} Total",
@@ -1232,7 +1267,7 @@
"help.composing.linking": "## Enlace a un mensaje\nLa característica de **Enlace Permanente** crea un vínculo de cualquier mensaje. Al compartir este enlace con otros usuarios en el canal les permite ver el mensaje vinculado en los Archivos de Mensajes. Los usuarios que no son miembros del canal de donde se envió el mensaje no podrán ver el enlace permanente. Obtén el enlace permanente a cualquier mensaje haciendo clic en el icono **[...]** al lado del mensaje de texto > **Enlace Permanente** > **Copiar Enlace**.",
"help.composing.posting": "## Publicar un Mensaje\nPublica un mensaje escribiendo en el campo de texto, a continuación, pulsa **RETORNO** para enviar. Usa **Mayus + RETORNO** para crear una nueva línea sin necesidad de enviar el mensaje. Para enviar mensajes pulsando **Ctrl+RETORNO** ve al **Menú Principal > Configuración de la Cuenta > Enviar mensajes en Ctrl + RETORNO**.",
"help.composing.posts": "#### Mensajes\nLos mensajes pueden ser considerados mensajes padre. Son los mensajes que a menudo comienzan con un hilo de respuestas. Los mensajes son compuestos y enviados desde el campo de texto en la parte inferior del panel central.",
- "help.composing.replies": "#### Respuestas\nResponde a un mensaje haciendo clic en el icono responder junto a cualquier mensaje de texto. Esta acción abre la barra lateral derecha (RHS), donde se puede ver el hilo de mensajes, a continuación, redacta y envía tu respuesta. Las respuestas tienen una ligera sangría en el centro del panel para indicar que ellos son hijos de los mensajes de los padres.\n\nA la hora de componer una respuesta en la barra lateral derecha, haz clic en el icono de expandir/contraer el cual es dos flechas en la parte superior de la barra lateral para que sea más fácil de leer.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Respuestas\nResponde a un mensaje haciendo clic en el icono responder junto a cualquier mensaje de texto. Esta acción abre la barra lateral derecha, donde se puede ver el hilo de mensajes, a continuación, redacta y envía tu respuesta. Las respuestas tienen una ligera sangría en el centro del panel para indicar que ellos son hijos de los mensajes de los padres.\n\nA la hora de componer una respuesta en la barra lateral derecha, haz clic en el icono de expandir/contraer el cual es dos flechas en la parte superior de la barra lateral para que sea más fácil de leer.",
"help.composing.title": "# Enviar Mensajes\n_____",
"help.composing.types": "## Tipos de Mensaje\nResponde a mensajes a fin de mantener conversaciones organizadas en hilos.",
"help.formatting.checklist": "Haz una lista de tareas al incluir entre corchetes:",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "Descripción",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "No se encontraron Aplicaciones OAuth 2.0",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "Apliaciones OAuth 2.0",
- "": "Las Aplicaciones OAuth 2.0 están disponibles para todos los usuarios en el servidor.",
+ "": "Crear aplicaciones OAuth 2.0 para integrar con seguridad los bots y las aplicaciones de terceros con Mattermost. Por favor, consulta la {link} para obtener más información.",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "documentación",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "Página web",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "URI del Icono",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "De confianza: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "Resultados de la Búsqueda",
"search_header.title2": "Menciones Recientes",
"search_header.title3": "Mensajes Marcados",
- "": "Mensjae Directo",
+ "": "Mensajes Directos (con {username})",
"search_item.jump": "Ir ",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>Si estás buscando un frase parcial (ej. buscando \"aud\", tratando de encontrar \"audible\" o \"audifonos\"), agrega un * a la palabra que estás buscando</li><li>Debido a la cantidad de resultados, la búsqueda con dos letras y palabras comunes como \"this\", \"a\" and \"es\" no aparecerán en los resultados debido a la cantidad excesiva de resultados retornados.</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "No se encontraron resultados. ¿Inténtalo de nuevo?",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Please enter a team name",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifica a todos en el canal, utiliza en {townsquare} para notificar a todo el equipo",
"": "Notifica a todas las personas en el canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "Mis Canales",
"": "Notifica a todos en el canal que estén en línea",
"suggestion.mention.members": "Miembros del Canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Otros Canales",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "No en el Canal",
"suggestion.mention.special": "Menciones especiales",
"": "Grupos Privados",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Enviar mensajes con Ctrl + RETORNO",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "Habilitar que una aplicación externa ofrezca el autocompletado de los comandos de barra",
"user.settings.advance.title": "Configuración Avanzada",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Habilitar la capacidad para hacer y recibir llamadas WebRTC uno-a-uno",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Indicador Ausente",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Fondo Botón",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Texto Botón",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notificaciones de correo",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notificaciones",
"": "Las notificaciones de escritorio están disponibles en Firefox, Safari y Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "Nunca",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "No hay palabras configuradas",
"": "Apagado",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Encendido",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "Configuración de Seguridad",
"": "Visualizar historial de acceso",
"user_list.notFound": "No se encontraron usuarios",
+ "": "Iniciar llamada de vídeo",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "No se puede realizar una nueva llamada hasta que la llamada actual finalice",
"view_image.loading": "Cargando ",
"": "Descargar",
"view_image_popover.file": "Archivo {count} de {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "Términos",
"web.header.back": "Atrás",
"web.root.signup_info": "Todas las comunicaciones del equipo en un sólo lugar, con búsquedas y accesible desde cualquier parte",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} está ocupado.",
+ "": "Llamar",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "Llamada con {username} terminó.",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "Cancelar la llamada",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} canceló la llamada.",
+ "webrtc.declined": "La llamada ha sido rechazada por {username}.",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} tiene desactivado WebRTC y no puede recibir llamadas. Para habilitar la función, se debe ir a Configuración de la Cuenta > Avanzada > Previsualizar características de pre-lanzamiento y activar WebRTC.",
+ "webrtc.failed": "Hubo un problema al conectar la llamada de vídeo.",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "Colgar",
+ "webrtc.header": "Llamada con {username}",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "Tienes una llamada en curso. Debes colgar para realizar la acción.",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "No puede acceder a la cámara o el micrófono.",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "Silenciar micrófono",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} no contesta.",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "Contestar",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "Rechazar",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} está llamando.",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Volver a la llamada en curso con {username}",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} está fuera de línea.",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "Apagar la cámara",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Activar micrófono",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "Encender la cámara",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "El cliente de {username} no admite llamadas de vídeo.",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Video no encontrado"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/fr.json b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
index ef83d49cb..3e4e1e78b 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/fr.json
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Clé secrète du client</b>: {secret}",
"": "Description pour votre application OAuth 2.0.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Une description pour votre application OAuth 2.0 est requise.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Votre application OAuth 2.0 est en place. Merci d'utiliser l'identifiant client et la clé secrète suivants pour demander une autorisation pour votre application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "Liste des URLs de redirection autorisées.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Ajouter",
"": "L'URL de la page d'accueil de votre application OAuth 2.0. Veillez à saisir HTTP ou HTTPS dans l'URL en fonction de votre configuration.",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Largeur des aperçus de pièces jointes :",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Intégrations personnalisées",
"admin.integrations.external": "Services externes",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "Le DN de base est le Distinguished Name à partir du quel Mattermost doit rechercher les utilisateurs dans l'arborescence LDAP.",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "Exemple : \"ou=Unit Name, dc=example, dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "DN de base :",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Ne pas autoriser la connexion à travers un fournisseur OAuth 2.0",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Lorsqu'activé, Mattermost peut agir comme un véritable fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 permettant à Mattermost de répondre aux requêtes d'API venant d'autres applications.",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications. See <a href=\"\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Activer le fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 :",
"": "Choisissez un fournisseur de service OAuth 2.0 :",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Connectez-vous</a> à votre compte Microsoft ou Office 365. Veuillez vous assurer que le compte est sur le même <a href=''>tenant</a> que celui avec lequel vous voulez connecter vos utilisateurs.</li><li>Allez à <a href=''></a>, cliquez sur <strong>Go to app list</strong> > <strong>Add an app</strong> et utilisez \"Mattermost - votre-nom-d-entreprise\" comme <strong>Application Name</strong>.</li><li>Dans <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, cliquez sur <strong>Generate New Password</strong> et collez-le en-dessous dans le champ <strong>Application Secret Password</strong>.</li><li>Sous <strong>Platforms</strong>, cliquez sur <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choisissez <strong>Web</strong> et saisissez <strong>votre-url-mattermost/signup/office365/complete</strong> (exemple: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) sous <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Décochez aussi <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Enfin, cliquez sur <strong>Save</strong> et collez l'<strong>Application ID</strong> ci-dessous.</li></ol>",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "Quand ce champ est rempli, les flux des requêtes sont limités par l'en-tête HTTP spécifié (par exemple \"X-Real-IP\" avec Nginx, \"X-Forwarded-For\" pour AmazonELB)",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Exemple : \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Limiter l'accès au moyen d'un en-tête HTTP",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Max Burst:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Exemple : \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Nombre maximum de sessions utilisateur connectées au système, comme indiqué dans les paramètres \"Adresse distante Vary By\" et \"En-tête HTTP Vary By\" ci-dessous.",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "Exemple : \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Taille du stockage en mémoire :",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "Utilisateurs",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "Utilisateur et équipes",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "Statistiques du serveur",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "Console système",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "Source de données :",
"admin.sql.driverName": "Nom du pilote :",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Basculer vers votre adresse électronique / mot de passe",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "Administrateur système",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "Administrateur d'équipe",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows making <strong>one-on-one</strong> video calls. WebRTC calls are available on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Enable Mattermost WebRTC: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Enter your admin secret password to access the Gateway Admin URL.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "Ex \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Gateway Admin Secret:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Enter https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid tokens for each peer to establish the connection.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "Gateway Admin URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Enter wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>. Make sure you use WS or WSS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This is the websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "Ex \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Gateway Websocket URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Enter your STUN URI as stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>. STUN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to access its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Shared Key. This is used to created dynamic passwords to establish the connection. Each password is valid for a short period of time.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "Ex \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN Shared Key:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Enter your TURN URI as turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>. TURN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to establish a connection by using a relay public IP address if it is located behind a symmetric NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Username.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "Ex : \"Username\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN Username:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Désactivé",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Le serveur Mattermost ne servira pas les fichiers statiques.",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Webhooks entrants",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "Applications OAuth 2.0",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Webhooks sortants",
+ "calling_screen": "Calling",
"center_panel.recent": "Cliquez ici pour voir les messages les plus récents. ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "Ajouter des membres",
"change_url.close": "Fermer",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "Canal",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "Définir l'en-tête du canal...",
"channel_header.delete": "Supprimer {term}...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "Postes avec indicateur",
"": "Groupe",
"channel_header.leave": "Quitter {term}",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "Gérer les membres",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Choisir la description de {term}...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Informations",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "Voir les membres",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"channel_info.about": "À propos",
"channel_info.close": "Fermer",
"channel_info.header": "En-tête :",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "Les fichiers plus grands que {max}Mo ne peuvent pas être téléchargés : {filenames}",
"": "Les téléchargements sont limités à {count} fichiers par message. Envoyez d'autres messages pour ajouter d'autres fichiers.",
"file_upload.pasted": "Image collée à ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} un {member} autres {members}} sur {total} au total",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} un {member} autres {members}} sur {total} au total",
+ "": "Search channels",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "Tous les utilisateurs",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} un {member} autres {members}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} un {member} autres {members}} sur {total} au total",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "Description",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "Pas d'applications OAuth 2.0 trouvées",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "Applications OAuth 2.0",
- "": "Les applications OAuth 2.0 sont accessibles à tous sur votre serveur.",
+ "": "Create OAuth 2.0 applications to securely integrate bots and third-party applications with Mattermost. Please see {link} to learn more.",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "documentation",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "Page d'accueil",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "URL de l'icône",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "De confiance : <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "Résultats de la recherche",
"search_header.title2": "Mentions récentes",
"search_header.title3": "Postes avec indicateur",
- "": "Message direct",
+ "": "Direct Message (with {username})",
"search_item.jump": "Lien (jump)",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>Pour rechercher une partie d'un mot (ex. rechercher \"réa\" en souhaitant \"réagir\" ou \"réaction\"), ajoutez un * au terme recherché</li><li>En raison du nombre de résultats, les recherches sur deux lettres ou sur les mots communs tels que \"ce\", \"un\" et \"est\" n'apparaîtront pas dans les résultats de la recherche</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "Aucun résultat. Recommencer ?",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Saisissez le nom de votre équipe",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Avertit tout le monde dans le canal, utilisez dans {townsquare} pour notifier toute l'équipe",
"": "Notifier tout le monde dans le canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "Plus de canaux",
"": "Notifier toutes les personnes connectées dans ce canal",
"suggestion.mention.members": "Membres du canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Other Channels",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Pas dans le canal",
"suggestion.mention.special": "Mentions spéciales",
"": "Groupes privés",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Envoyer vos messages avec Ctrl+Entrée",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "Autoriser les applications externes à propose l'auto-complétion",
"user.settings.advance.title": "Paramètres avancés",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Enable the ability to make and receive one-on-one WebRTC calls",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Indicateur \"absent\"",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Fond de bouton",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Texte de bouton",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notifications par courriel",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notifications",
"": "Les notifications de bureau sont disponibles sur Firefox, Safari et Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "Jamais",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Aucun mot configuré",
"": "Désactivé",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Activé",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "Paramètres de sécurité",
"": "Voir l'historique des accès",
"user_list.notFound": "Aucun utilisateur trouvé.",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"view_image.loading": "Chargement ",
"": "Télécharger",
"view_image_popover.file": "Fichier {count} sur {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "Termes",
"web.header.back": "Précédent",
"web.root.signup_info": "Toute la communication de votre équipe au même endroit, accessible de partout",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} is busy.",
+ "": "Call",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "Call with {username} ended.",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "Cancel call",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} cancelled the call.",
+ "webrtc.declined": "Your call has been declined by {username}.",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} has WebRTC disabled, and cannot receive calls. To enable the feature, they must go to Account Settings > Advanced > Preview pre-release features and turn on WebRTC.",
+ "webrtc.failed": "There was a problem connecting the video call.",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "Hangup",
+ "webrtc.header": "Call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "You have a call in progress. Please hangup first.",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "Unable to access camera or microphone.",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "Mute microphone",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} is not answering the call.",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "Answer",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "Decline",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} is calling you.",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Return to ongoing call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} is offline.",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "Turn off camera",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Unmute microphone",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "Turn on camera",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username} client does not support video calls.",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Vidéo non trouvé"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ja.json b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
index 9fcbce059..30a9819e8 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ja.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ja.json
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>クライアント秘密情報</b>: {secret}",
"": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションの説明です。",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションの説明は必須です。",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "あなたのOAuth 2.0アプリケーションは既に設定されています。以下のクライアントIDとクライアント秘密情報は、あなたのアプリケーションへの認可がリクエストされた際に利用してください。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "あなたのOAuth 2.0アプリケーションがセットアップされました。あなたのアプリケーションから認証を要求する際には、以下のクライアントIDと秘密情報を使用してください(詳しくは<a href=\"\">説明文書</a>を参照してください)。",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "認証されたリダイレクトURLは以下の通りです。",
"add_oauth_app.header": "追加する",
"": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションのホームページのURLです。サーバーの設定によりHTTPかHTTPSかは異なりますので注意してください。",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "添付サムネイル幅:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "カスタム統合機能",
"admin.integrations.external": "外部のサービス",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "ベースDNはMattermostがAD/LDAPツリーでユーザー検索を始める場所の識別名です。",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "例: \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "ベースDN:",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "OAuth 2.0プロバイダーを通じてのサインインは許可されていません",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365(ベータ版)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "有効な場合、外部アプリケーションからのAPIリクエストを認証できるOAuth 2.0サービスプロバイダーとしてMattermostを動作させることができるようになります。",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "有効な場合、MattermostはOAuth 2.0サービスプロバイダーとして働き、外部のアプリケーションからのAPIリクエストを認証することできます。詳細は、<a href=\"\">説明文書</a>を参照してください。",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "OAuth 2.0サービスプロバイダーを有効にする: ",
"": "OAuth 2.0サービスプロバーダーを選択する:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>Microsoftアカウント、もしくはOffice365アカウントに<a href=''>ログイン</a>します。そのアカウントが、ユーザーにログインさせたい<a href=''>テナント</a>と同じテナントであることを確認してください。</li><li><a href=''></a>へ行き、<strong>アプリの追加</strong>をクリックし、<strong>アプリケーションの名前</strong>として\"Mattermost - 会社名\"を使用してください。</li><li><strong>アプリケーション シークレット</strong>の下にある<strong>新しいパスワードを生成</strong>をクリックし、表示されるパスワードを下記の<strong>アプリケーション秘密パスワード</strong>欄に貼り付けてください。</li><li><strong>プラットフォーム</strong>の下にある<strong>プラットフォームの追加</strong>をクリックし、<strong>ウェブ</strong>を選択した後、<strong>リダイレクト URI</strong>に<strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong>(例: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)を入力してください。また、<strong>暗黙的フローを許可する</strong>のチェックを外してください。</li><li>最後に<strong>保存</strong>をクリックして、<strong>アプリケーション ID</strong>を下記の欄に貼り付けてください。</li></ol>",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "入力した場合、指定されたHTTPヘッダーフィールド(例えば、NGINXで設定する場合には\"X-Real-IP\"、AmazonELBの場合には\"X-Forwarded-For\")で投稿頻度制限を変更できます。",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "例: \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "HTTPヘッダーで投稿頻度制限を変更する",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "最大バースト:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "1秒間当たりのクエリーの上限数を指定してください。",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "例: \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "以下で「リモートアドレスで投稿頻度制限を変更する」または「HTTPヘッダーで投稿頻度制限を変更する」の設定でシステムへ接続するユーザーのセッションの最大数を指定します。",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "例: \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "メモリー保存サイズ:",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "ユーザー",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "ユーザーとチーム",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "システムの使用統計",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (ベータ版)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "システムコンソール",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "データソース:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "ドライバー名:",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "電子メールアドレス/パスワードに切り替える",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "システム管理者",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "チーム管理者",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "有効な場合、Mattermostは<strong>1対1</strong>のビデオ通話を可能にします。WebRTC通話は、ChromeとFirefox、Mattermostデスクトップアプリで利用可能です。",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Mattermost WebRTCを有効化する: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "ゲートウェイ管理者URLにアクセスするための管理者パスワードを入力してください。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "例 \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "ゲートウェイ管理者秘密情報:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin を入力してください。サーバーの設定によりHTTPかHTTPSかは異なりますので注意してください。ピア同士が接続を確立するための有効なトークンを入手するために、Mattermost WebRTCはこのURLを使用します。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "例 \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "ゲートウェイ管理者URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port> を入力してください。サーバーの設定によりWSかWSSかは異なりますので注意してください。これはピア間のコミュニケーションを確立するために使用されるウェブソケットです。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "例 \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "ゲートウェイウェブソケットURL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "stun:<your-stun-url>:<port> のようにSTUN URIを入力してください。STUNは、デバイスがNATの背後に置かれていた場合に、パブリックなIPアドレスへのアクセスをエンドホストがアシストすることを許可するために使われる標準的なネットワークプロトコルです。",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "例 \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "TURNサーバー共通鍵を入力してください。これは接続を確立するための動的なパスワードを生成するために使用されます。それぞれのパスワードが有効なのは短期間です。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "例 \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN共通鍵:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "turn:<your-turn-url>:<port> のようにTURN URIを入力してください。TURNは、デバイスが対称型NATの背後に置かれていた場合に、リレー用パブリックIPアドレスを使用することによって接続を確立することを、エンドホストがアシストするための標準的なネットワークプロトコルです。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "例 \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "TURNサーバーユーザー名を入力してください。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "例 \"myusername\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURNユーザー名:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "無効",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Mattermostサーバーは静的なファイルを保持しません。",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "内向きのウェブフック",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーション",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "外向きのウェブフック",
+ "calling_screen": "呼び出し中",
"center_panel.recent": "ここクリックして最近のメッセージへ移動します。 ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "メンバーを追加する",
"change_url.close": "閉じる",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "チャンネル",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "チャンネルのヘッダーを設定する…",
"channel_header.delete": "{term}を削除する…",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "フラグの立てられた投稿",
"": "グループ",
"channel_header.leave": "{term}から出る",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "メンバーを管理する",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "{term}の目的を設定する…",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "情報を表示する",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "メンバーを見る",
+ "": "ビデオ通話の開始",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "あなたの現在の通話を終了するまで新しい通話を利用することはできません",
"channel_info.about": "チャンネル情報",
"channel_info.close": "閉じる",
"channel_info.header": "ヘッダー:",
@@ -1011,7 +1043,7 @@
"channel_notifications.unreadInfo": "チャンネル名は未読のメッセージがある場合、サイドバーで太字で表示されます。「あなたについての投稿のみ」を選択することで、あなたについての投稿がある場合のみ太字で表示されます。",
"channel_select.placeholder": "--- チャンネルを選択してください ---",
"": "(ダイレクトメッセージ)",
- "": "チャンネル名を入力してください。↑↓ で閲覧, TAB で選択, ↵ で切り替え, ESC でキャンセル",
+ "": "チャンネル名を入力してください。↑↓ で閲覧、TAB で選択、↵ で切り替え、ESC でキャンセル",
"channel_switch_modal.not_found": "一致するものは見つかりませんでした。",
"channel_switch_modal.submit": "切り替える",
"channel_switch_modal.title": "チャンネルを切り替える",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "{max}MBを越えるファイルはアップロードできません: {filenames}",
"": "同時にアップロードできるのは{count}ファイルまでです。これ以上アップロードするには新しい投稿をしてください。",
"file_upload.pasted": "画像の貼り付け先: ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 channels} one {channel} other {channels}}",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 channels} one {channel} other {channels}} of {total} Total",
+ "": "チャンネルを検索する",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "全てのユーザー",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} one {member} other {members}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} one {member} other {members}} of {total} 合計",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"get_app.iosHeader": "iPhoneアプリへ移行するとMattermostは最高の働きをします",
"get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc",
"get_app.openMattermost": "Mattermostを開く",
- "get_link.clipboard": " クリップボードにリンクをコピーします。",
+ "get_link.clipboard": " クリップボードにリンクをコピーしました。",
"get_link.close": "閉じる",
"get_link.copy": "リンクをコピーする",
"": "以下のリンクから、ログインしているユーザーは、あなたの投稿を確認できます。",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "説明",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションが見つかりませんでした",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーション",
- "": "OAuth 2.0アプリケーションはサーバー上の全員が利用できます。",
+ "": "Mattermostにボットまたはサードパーティーのアプリケーションを安全に統合するるために、OAuth 2.0アプリケーションを作成してください。詳細は{link}を参照してください。",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "説明文書",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "ホームページ",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "アイコンのURL",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "信頼済み: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1390,7 +1426,7 @@
"invite_member.send": "招待状を送信する",
"invite_member.send2": "招待状を送信する",
"invite_member.sending": " 送信しています",
- "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "{link}を使っている人も招待することができます。",
+ "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "{link}を使って招待することもできます。",
"ldap_signup.find": "参加しているチームを探す",
"ldap_signup.ldap": "AD/LDAPアカウントでチームを作成する",
"ldap_signup.length_error": "名称は3文字以上15文字以下にしてください",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "検索結果",
"search_header.title2": "最近のあなたについての投稿",
"search_header.title3": "フラグの立てられた投稿",
- "": "ダイレクトメッセージ",
+ "": "ダイレクトメッセージ({username}を参照)",
"search_item.jump": "ジャンプする",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>語句の一部を検索するには*を付けてください(\"reach\"や\"reaction\"を検索するのに\"rea\"を使う場合等)</li><li>検索結果の件数によっては、2文字の検索、一般的な\"this\"や\"a\"、\"is\"は表示されません</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "結果が見付かりません。もう一度試しますか?",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "チーム名を入力してください",
"suggestion.mention.all": "チャンネルの全員に通知します。{townsquare}で使うとチーム全体に通知します。",
"": "チャンネルの全員に通知します。",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "私のチャンネル",
"": "チャンネル内のオンラインな全員へ通知します",
"suggestion.mention.members": "チャンネルのメンバー",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "他のチャンネル",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "チャンネルにいません",
"suggestion.mention.special": "特殊な誰かについての投稿",
"": "非公開グループ",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "CTRL + ENTERでメッセージを投稿する",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "スラッシュコマンドの自動補完をするために外部のアプリケーションを有効にする",
"user.settings.advance.title": "詳細の設定",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "1対1のWebRTC通話をかけたり受けたりすることを可能にします",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "離席表示",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "ボタンBG",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "ボタンテキスト",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "電子メール通知",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
"": "デスクトップ通知はFirefox、Safari、Chromeで利用可能です。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "通知しない",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "設定された単語はありません",
"": "オフ",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "オン",
@@ -1922,7 +1962,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "チーム全体についての「@all」",
"user.settings.notifications.title": "通知の設定",
"user.settings.notifications.usernameMention": "あなたのユーザー名についての「@{username}」",
- "user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "誰かについての投稿となる単語",
+ "user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "あなたについての投稿となる単語",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "離席中もしくはオフライン時の全てのアクティビティーについて",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "オフライン時の全てのアクティビティーについて",
"user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "オンライン、離席中もしくはオフライン時の全てのアクティビティーについて",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "セキュリティーの設定",
"": "アクセス履歴を見る",
"user_list.notFound": "ユーザーが見付かりません",
+ "": "ビデオ通話の開始",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "あなたの現在の通話を終了するまで新しい通話を利用することはできません",
"view_image.loading": "読み込み中です ",
"": "ダウンロードする",
"view_image_popover.file": "ファイル {count} / {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "使用条件",
"web.header.back": "戻る",
"web.root.signup_info": "チームの全てのコミュニケーションを一箇所で、検索可能で、どこからでもアクセスできるものにします",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username}は通話中です。",
+ "": "発信",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "{username}との通話が終了しました。",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "通話をキャンセルする",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username}が通話をキャンセルしました。",
+ "webrtc.declined": "あなたの通話は{username}によって辞退されました。",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username}はWebRTCを無効にしているため、通話を受けることができません。この機能を有効にするためには、アカウント設定 > 詳細 > プリリリース機能をプレビューする へ行き、WebRTCをオンにしなくてはなりません。",
+ "webrtc.failed": "ビデオ通話の接続に問題があります。",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "中止する",
+ "webrtc.header": "{username}との通話",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "通話中です。現在の通話を中止してください。",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "カメラとマイクへのアクセスができません。",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "マイクをミュートする",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username}が通話に応答しません。",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "応答する",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "辞退する",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username}から着信中です。",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "{username}との通話に戻る",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username}はオフラインです。",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "カメラをオフにする",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "マイクのミュートを解除する",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "カメラをオンにする",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username}のクライアントはビデオ通話をサポートしていません。",
"youtube_video.notFound": "ビデオが見つかりません"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ko.json b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
index 55c06d67b..eda4112be 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ko.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"about.database": "데이터베이스:",
"": "빌드 일자:",
"about.enterpriseEditionLearn": "엔터프라이즈 에디션에 대한 자세한 정보 ",
- "about.enterpriseEditionSt": "개인 방화벽 안에 구축 가능한 현대적인 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼",
+ "about.enterpriseEditionSt": "방화벽 안에 구축 가능한 현대적인 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼",
"about.enterpriseEditione1": "엔터프라이즈 에디션",
"about.hash": "빌드 해쉬:",
"about.hashee": "EE 빌드 해쉬:",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"add_command.autocomplete": "자동완성",
"": "(선택사항) 명령어가 자동완성 목록에서 보이게 합니다.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "자동완성 설명",
- "": "자동완성 목록에서 보여질 부가적인 설명을 입력하세요.",
+ "": "(선택사항) 자동완성 목록에서 보여질 부가적인 설명을 입력하세요.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "예시: \"환자 기록에 대한 검색결과를 보여줍니다\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "자동완성 힌트",
"": "(선택사항) 자동완성 목록에서 보여질, 명령어와 관련된 매개변수 도움말을 입력하세요.",
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
"": "저장",
"add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "The redirect URIs to which the service will redirect users after accepting or denying authorization of your application, and which will handle authorization codes or access tokens. Must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://.",
- "add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "One or more callback URLs are required",
+ "add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "하나 이상의 콜백 URL들이 필요합니다.",
"add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Description for your OAuth 2.0 application.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Description for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "귀하의 OAuth 2.0 응용 프로그램이 설정되었습니다. 응용 프로그램에 대한 승인을 요청할 때 다음과 같은 클라이언트 ID 및 클라이언트 시크릿을 사용하십시오. (더 자세한 내용은 <a href=\"\">문서</a>를 확인하십시오.)",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "The following are your authorized redirect URL(s).",
"add_oauth_app.header": "추가",
"": "The URL for the homepage of the OAuth 2.0 application. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.",
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityNone": "None",
"admin.connectionSecurityNoneDescription": "Mattermost will connect over an unsecure connection.",
"admin.connectionSecurityPlain": "PLAIN",
- "admin.connectionSecurityPlainDescription": "Mattermost will connect over an unsecure connection.",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityPlainDescription": "Mattermost는 안전하지 않은 연결을 통해 인증 및 접속할 것입니다.",
"admin.connectionSecurityStart": "STARTTLS",
"admin.connectionSecurityStartDescription": "Takes an existing insecure connection and attempts to upgrade it to a secure connection using TLS.",
"admin.connectionSecurityTest": "연결 테스트",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Attachment Thumbnail Width:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Custom Integrations",
"admin.integrations.external": "외부 서비스",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "The Base DN is the Distinguished Name of the location where Mattermost should start its search for users in the LDAP tree.",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "Ex \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
@@ -413,26 +414,26 @@
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrEx": "예시 \"sn\"",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "Last Name Attribute:",
- "admin.ldap.ldap_test_button": "AD/LDAP Test",
+ "admin.ldap.ldap_test_button": "AD/LDAP 테스트",
"admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "The placeholder text that appears in the login field on the login page. Defaults to \"LDAP Username\".",
"admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "예시 \"LDAP Username\"",
"admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "Login Field Name:",
"admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "예시 \"2000\"",
- "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "The maximum number of users the Mattermost server will request from the LDAP server at one time. 0 is unlimited.",
- "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "Maximum Page Size",
- "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "한번에 AD/LDAP서버로부터 요청할 Mattermost 서버의 최대 유저 숫자 값입니다. 0은 무제한을 뜻합니다.",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "최대 페이지 크기",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) Mattermost 사용자들의 닉네임을 채우기 위해 사용될 AD/LDAP 서버의 속성",
"admin.ldap.nicknameAttrEx": "예시 \"nickname\"",
"admin.ldap.nicknameAttrTitle": "별명 속성:",
"admin.ldap.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Note:</h4><p>Compliance 는 엔터프라이즈 에디션의 기능입니다. 현재 라이센스는 Compliance 기능을 지원하지 않습니다. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">이 곳</a>에서 엔터프라이즈 라이센스에 대한 정보를 확인하세요.</p>",
- "admin.ldap.portDesc": "The port Mattermost will use to connect to the LDAP server. Default is 389.",
+ "admin.ldap.portDesc": "Mettermost가 AD/LDAP서버에 연결할 때 사용될 포트 값입니다. 기본값은 389입니다.",
"admin.ldap.portEx": "Ex \"389\"",
- "admin.ldap.portTitle": "LDAP 포트:",
- "admin.ldap.queryDesc": "The timeout value for queries to the LDAP server. Increase if you are getting timeout errors caused by a slow LDAP server.",
+ "admin.ldap.portTitle": "AD/LDAP 포트:",
+ "admin.ldap.queryDesc": "AD/LDAP서버 조회를 할때 사용되는 timeout 값입니다.. 만양 느린 AD/LDAP 서버에 의해 timout 에러가 발생한다면 증가시키십시오.",
"admin.ldap.queryEx": "Ex \"60\"",
"admin.ldap.queryTitle": "Query Timeout (초):",
"admin.ldap.serverDesc": "LDAP 서버의 도메인 또는 IP 주소",
"admin.ldap.serverEx": "Ex \"\"",
- "admin.ldap.serverTitle": "LDAP 서버:",
+ "admin.ldap.serverTitle": "AD/LDAP 서버:",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Skip Certificate Verification",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Skips the certificate verification step for TLS or STARTTLS connections. Not recommended for production environments where TLS is required. For testing only.",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "동기화 실패: {error}",
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "지금 LDAP 동기화하기",
"admin.ldap.testFailure": "AD/LDAP 테스트 실패: {error}",
"admin.ldap.testHelpText": "Tests if the Mattermost server can connect to the AD/LDAP server specified. See log file for more detailed error messages.",
- "admin.ldap.testSuccess": "AD/LDAP Test Successful",
+ "admin.ldap.testSuccess": "AD/LDAP 테스트가 성공하였습니다.",
"admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost. This may be the same as the ID Attribute.",
"admin.ldap.userFilterDisc": "(Optional) Enter an LDAP Filter to use when searching for user objects. Only the users selected by the query will be able to access Mattermost. For Active Directory, the query to filter out disabled users is (&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))).",
"admin.ldap.userFilterEx": "예시 \"(objectClass=user)\"",
@@ -499,14 +500,14 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications.",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications. See <a href=\"\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Enable OAuth 2.0 Service Provider: ",
"": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>여러분의 마이크로소프트 또는 오피스 365 계정에 <a href=''>로그인</a> 하십시요. 로그인하는 계정은 <a href=''>테넌트</a>의 >계정과 동일해야 합니다.</li><li><a href=''></a>을 방문하셔서, <strong>Go to app list</strong>의 <strong>Add an app</strong>를 클릭한 다음 \"Mattermost - 여러분의 회사 이름\"을 <strong>어플리케이션 이름</strong>으로 사용하십시요. </li><li><strong>Application Secrets</strong>에서, <strong>Generate New Password</strong>를 클릭한 다음 아래<strong>Application Secret Password</strong> 필드에 그 값을 복사하여 붙여넣으십시요.</li><li><strong>Platforms</strong>에서, <strong>Add Platform</strong>을 클릭한 다음, <strong>Web</strong>을 선택하고 <strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong> (예시: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)을 <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>에 기입하십시요. 또한 <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>의 체크를 해제하십시요.</li><li>마지막으로, <strong>Save</strong>를 클릭한 다음 아래의 <strong>Application ID</strong>붙여넣으십시요.</li></ol>",
- "admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "인증 엔드포인트:",
"admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
"admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
- "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "Application ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "애플리케이션 ID:",
"admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.",
"admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
"admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "When filled in, vary rate limiting by HTTP header field specified (e.g. when configuring NGINX set to \"X-Real-IP\", when configuring AmazonELB set to \"X-Forwarded-For\").",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Ex \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Vary rate limit by HTTP header",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Max Burst:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Ex \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Maximum number of users sessions connected to the system as determined by \"Vary rate limit by remote address\" and \"Vary rate limit by HTTP header\" settings below.",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "Ex \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Memory Store Size:",
@@ -627,7 +631,7 @@
"admin.service.attemptExample": "Ex \"10\"",
"admin.service.attemptTitle": "Maximum Login Attempts:",
"admin.service.cmdsDesc": "When true, custom slash commands will be allowed. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
- "admin.service.cmdsTitle": "슬래시 명령어 활성화: ",
+ "admin.service.cmdsTitle": "사용자 정의 슬래시 명령어 활성화: ",
"admin.service.corsDescription": "Enable HTTP Cross origin request from a specific domain. Use \"*\" if you want to allow CORS from any domain or leave it blank to disable it.",
"admin.service.corsEx": "",
"admin.service.corsTitle": "Enable cross-origin requests from:",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "사용자",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "팀과 사용자",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "사이트 통계",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "관리자 도구",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "Data Source:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "Driver Name:",
@@ -809,7 +814,7 @@
"admin.user_item.confirmDemotion": "Confirm Demotion",
"admin.user_item.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform -assign_role -team_name=\"yourteam\" -email=\"\" -role=\"system_admin\"",
"admin.user_item.emailTitle": "<strong>이메일:</strong> {email}",
- "admin.user_item.inactive": "비활성",
+ "admin.user_item.inactive": "비활성화",
"admin.user_item.makeActive": "활성화",
"admin.user_item.makeInactive": "비활성화",
"admin.user_item.makeMember": "Make Member",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Switch to Email/Password",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "시스템 관리자",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "팀 관리자",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows making <strong>one-on-one</strong> video calls. WebRTC calls are available on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Enable Mattermost WebRTC: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Enter your admin secret password to access the Gateway Admin URL.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "Ex \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Gateway Admin Secret:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Enter https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid tokens for each peer to establish the connection.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "Gateway Admin URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Enter wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>. Make sure you use WS or WSS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This is the websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "Ex \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Gateway Websocket URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Enter your STUN URI as stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>. STUN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to access its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Shared Key. This is used to created dynamic passwords to establish the connection. Each password is valid for a short period of time.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "Ex \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN Shared Key:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Enter your TURN URI as turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>. TURN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to establish a connection by using a relay public IP address if it is located behind a symmetric NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Username.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "Ex \"Username\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN Username:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Disabled",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "The Mattermost server will not serve static files.",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Incoming Webhooks",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks",
+ "calling_screen": "Calling",
"center_panel.recent": "Click here to jump to recent messages. ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "회원 추가",
"change_url.close": "닫기",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "채널",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "채널 헤더 설정...",
"channel_header.delete": "{term} 삭제...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "중요 메시지",
"": "그룹",
"channel_header.leave": "{term} 떠나기",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "회원 관리",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "{term}의 설명 설정...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "정보 보기",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "회원 보기",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"channel_info.about": "About",
"channel_info.close": "닫기",
"channel_info.header": "헤더:",
@@ -1019,7 +1051,7 @@
"claim.email_to_ldap.enterLdapPwd": "Enter the ID and password for your LDAP account",
"claim.email_to_ldap.enterPwd": "Enter the password for your {site} email account",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapId": "AD/LDAP ID",
- "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "LDAP ID를 입력하세요.",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "AD/LDAP ID를 입력하세요.",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPasswordError": "LDAP 비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPwd": "LDAP 비밀번호",
"claim.email_to_ldap.pwd": "비밀번호",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "Files above {max}MB cannot be uploaded: {filenames}",
"": "Uploads limited to {count} files maximum. Please use additional posts for more files.",
"file_upload.pasted": "Image Pasted at ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
+ "": "Search channels",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "모든 사용자",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "설명",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션이 없습니다",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 Applications are available to everyone on your server.",
+ "": "Create OAuth 2.0 applications to securely integrate bots and third-party applications with Mattermost. Please see {link} to learn more.",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "문서",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "홈페이지",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "아이콘 URL",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "Is Trusted: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "검색 결과",
"search_header.title2": "최근 멘션",
"search_header.title3": "중요 메시지",
- "": "개인 메시지",
+ "": "Direct Message (with {username})",
"search_item.jump": "바로가기",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>문구의 일부분을 검색하려면(예: \"rea\", 를 검색하여 \"reach\" 또는 \"reaction\") 단어 앞 또는 뒤에 와일드카드 문자(*)를 붙여보세요.</li><li>두 글자 검색이나 \"this\", \"a\", \"is\"같이 일반적인 단어는 과도한 결과를 반환하기 때문에 검색결과에 표시되지 않습니다.</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "검색 결과가 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요.",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifies everyone in the channel, use in {townsquare} to notify the whole team",
"": "모든 채널 회원들에게 알림을 보냅니다",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "채널 더보기",
"": "채널에 접속 중인 회원들에게 알림을 보냅니다",
"suggestion.mention.members": "채널 회원",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Other Channels",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Not in Channel",
"suggestion.mention.special": "Special Mentions",
"": "비공개 그룹",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Ctrl + Enter로 메시지 보내기",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "외부 어플리케이션을 활성화하면 슬래시 명령어 자동 완성을 제안할 수 있습니다",
"user.settings.advance.title": "고급 설정",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Enable the ability to make and receive one-on-one WebRTC calls",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Away Indicator",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Button BG",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Button Text",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "이메일 알림",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "알림",
"": "데스크탑 알림은 Firefox, Safari, Chrome 브라우저에서 사용할 수 있습니다.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "알림을 받지 않기",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "설정한 단어가 없습니다",
"": "끄기",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "켜기",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "보안 설정",
"": "접속 내역 보기",
"user_list.notFound": "사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다 :(",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"view_image.loading": "로딩 중 ",
"": "다운로드",
"view_image_popover.file": "File {count} of {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "서비스 약관",
"web.header.back": "돌아가기",
"web.root.signup_info": "모든 팀 커뮤니케이션 활동을 한 곳에 모아 쉽고 빠르게 접근할 수 있습니다.",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} is busy.",
+ "": "Call",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "Call with {username} ended.",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "Cancel call",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} cancelled the call.",
+ "webrtc.declined": "Your call has been declined by {username}.",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} has WebRTC disabled, and cannot receive calls. To enable the feature, they must go to Account Settings > Advanced > Preview pre-release features and turn on WebRTC.",
+ "webrtc.failed": "There was a problem connecting the video call.",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "Hangup",
+ "webrtc.header": "Call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "You have a call in progress. Please hangup first.",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "Unable to access camera or microphone.",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "Mute microphone",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} is not answering the call.",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "Answer",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "Decline",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} is calling you.",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Return to ongoing call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} is offline.",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "Turn off camera",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Unmute microphone",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "Turn on camera",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username} client does not support video calls.",
"youtube_video.notFound": "비밀번호를 찾을 수 없습니다."
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/nl.json b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
index 1e1469d90..21f053af8 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/nl.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/nl.json
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
"about.close": "Afsluiten",
"about.copyright": "Copyright 2016 Mattermost, Inc. Alle rechten voorbehouden",
"about.database": "Database:",
- "": "Bouw datum:",
+ "": "Compilatiedatum:",
"about.enterpriseEditionLearn": "Meer informatie over de Enterprise Editie op",
"about.enterpriseEditionSt": "Moderne communicatie achter de eigen firewall.",
"about.enterpriseEditione1": "Enterprise Editie",
- "about.hash": "Bouw hash:",
- "about.hashee": "EE Bouw hash:",
+ "about.hash": "Compilatiehash:",
+ "about.hashee": "EE Compilatiehash:",
"about.licensed": "Onder licentie van:",
- "about.number": "Bouw nummer:",
- "about.teamEditionLearn": "Neem deel aan de Mattermost commune op ",
- "about.teamEditionSt": "Alle team communicatie op een plaats, doorzoekbaar en van overal bereikbaar.",
- "about.teamEditiont0": "Team Editie",
+ "about.number": "Compilatienummer:",
+ "about.teamEditionLearn": "Kom bij de Mattermost-gemeenschap op ",
+ "about.teamEditionSt": "Alle team-communicatie op één plaats, doorzoekbaar en van overal bereikbaar.",
+ "about.teamEditiont0": "Team-Editie",
"about.teamEditiont1": "Enterpsise Editie",
"about.title": "Over Mattermost",
"about.version": "Versie:",
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
"activity_log.moreInfo": "Meer informatie",
"activity_log.os": "OS: {os}",
"activity_log.sessionId": "Sessie ID: {id}",
- "activity_log.sessionsDescription": "Sessies worden tijdens het inloggen met een nieuwe webbrowser gecreeerd. Met een sessie kan Mattermost gebruikt worden, voor een ingestelde periode, zonder steeds opnieuw in te hoeven loggen. Om uit te loggen, gebruik de 'Afmeld' knop hieronder.",
+ "activity_log.sessionsDescription": "Sessies worden gemaakt wanneer je inlogt met een nieuwe webbrowser. Met een sessie kan Mattermost je gebruiken zonder dat je opnieuw hoeft in te loggen tijdens de ingestelde periode. Om eerder uit te loggen, gebruik je de 'Afmelden'-knop hieronder.",
"": "Android",
- "activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android eigen applicatie",
- "activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone eigen applicatie",
+ "activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "Android-applicatie",
+ "activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "iPhone-app",
"add_command.autocomplete": "Automatisch aanvullen",
- "": "(optioneel) Toon slash commando's in de autocomplete lijst.",
+ "": "(Optioneel) Toon slash-commando's bij het automatisch aanvullen.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "Automatisch aanvullen omgeschrijving",
"": "(Optionele) korte omschrijving van de 'slash' opdracht voor in de automatisch aanvullen lijst.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "Bevoorbeeld: \"Geeft zoek resultaten op patienten dossiers\"",
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "Voorbeelden: klant, werknemer, patient, weer",
"add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "Gereserveerd: {link}",
"add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "bekijk een lijst van ingebouwde slash commando's",
- "add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Opdracht activeren, b.v. \"hallo\"",
+ "add_command.trigger.placeholder": "Opdracht activeren, bijv. \"hallo\"",
"add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "Een activeer-woord moet minimaal {min} en maximaam {max} tekens bevatten",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "Een activeer-woord kan niet met een / beginnen",
"add_command.triggerInvalidSpace": "Een activeer-woord kan geen spaties bevatten",
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Omschrijving voor jouw OAuth 2.0 applicatie.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Omschrijving voor jouw OAuth 2.0 applicatie is verplicht.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Jouw OAuth 2.0 applicatie is ingesteld. Gebruik onderstaande Client ID en Client Secret bij autorisatie verzoeken van jouw applicatie.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application (see <a href=\"\">documentation</a> for further details).",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "De volgende zijn jouw geautoriseerde doorstuur URL(s).",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Toevoegen",
"": "De URL van de homepagina van de OAuth 2.0 applicatie. Gebruik HTTP of HTTPS in de URL afhankelijk van de configuratie.",
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"admin.cluster.status_table.url": "Inter-Node URL",
"admin.cluster.status_table.version": "Versie",
"admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "De directory waar de \"compliance\" rapporten worden weggeschreven. Indien leeg, word ./data/ gebruikt.",
- "admin.compliance.directoryExample": "B.v. \"./data/\"",
+ "admin.compliance.directoryExample": "Bijv. \"./data/\"",
"admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "Nalevingsrapport Map:",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "Indien gekozen, dan zal Mattermost dagenlijks een \"compliance\" rapport genereren.",
"admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "Schakel dagenlijkse rapportages in:",
@@ -181,14 +181,14 @@
"admin.compliance_reports.emails": "E-mailadressen:",
"admin.compliance_reports.emails_placeholder": "Bv.: \",\"",
"admin.compliance_reports.from": "Van:",
- "admin.compliance_reports.from_placeholder": "B.v. \"11-mrt-2016\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.from_placeholder": "Bijv. \"11-mrt-2016\"",
"admin.compliance_reports.keywords": "Trefwoorden:",
- "admin.compliance_reports.keywords_placeholder": "B.v. \"aandelen\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.keywords_placeholder": "Bijv. \"aandelen\"",
"admin.compliance_reports.reload": "Het opnieuw laden van de Compliance Rapporten is voltooid",
"": "Compliance rapportage uitvoeren",
"admin.compliance_reports.title": "\"Compliance\" rapportage",
"": "Aan:",
- "admin.compliance_reports.to_placeholder": "B.v. \"15-mrt-2016\"",
+ "admin.compliance_reports.to_placeholder": "Bijv. \"15-mrt-2016\"",
"admin.compliance_table.desc": "Omschrijving",
"": "Downloaden",
"admin.compliance_table.params": "Parameters",
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
"": "Stuur een bericht met samenvatting",
"": "Stuur een algemeen bericht met de gebruiker en kanaal namen",
"": "32-karakter 'salt' word gebruikt voor het versturen van e-mail uitnodigingen. Deze worden willekeurig gegenereerd tijdens de installatie. Klik op \"Opnieuw Genereren\" om een nieuwe 'salt' te maken.",
- "": "B.v. \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
+ "": "Bijv. \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
"": "Email uitnodiging salt:",
"": "Gebruik de versleutelde aansluiting op HPNS van productie-kwaliteit voor iOS-en Android-apps",
"": "Download <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS-app</a> van iTunes. Download <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android app</a> uit Google Play. Meer informatie over <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HPNS</a>.",
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
"": "Download <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost iOS-app</a> van iTunes. Download <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattermost Android app</a> uit Google Play. Meer informatie over <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TPNS</a>.",
"": "Bijvoorbeeld \"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\"",
"": "Weergavenaam van e-mail account word gebruikt tijdens het versturen van meldings-e-mails vanuit Mattermost.",
- "": "B.v.: \"Mattermost Melding\", \"Systeem\", \"Niet-Antwoorden\"",
+ "": "Bijv.: \"Mattermost Melding\", \"Systeem\", \"Niet-Antwoorden\"",
"": "Meldings-weergave naam:",
"": "In meldings-e-mails van Mattermost word het e-mailadres van het account gebruikt.",
"": "Bv. \"\", \"\"",
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
"": "Meestal ingesteld op ingeschakeld in productie. Wanneer dit ingeschakeld is, zal Mattermost e-mailberichten verzenden. Ontwikkelaars kunnen dit veld op uitgeschakeld zetten om e-mail instellen over te slaan voor een snellere ontwikkeling.<br />Wanneer ingeschakeld wordt de preview mode banner niet meer getoond (dit vereist uitloggen en opnieuw inloggen nadat deze instelling wordt gewijzigd).",
"": "Inschakelen van E-mail Meldingen: ",
"": "32-karakter 'salt' wordt gebruikt om wachtwoord reset mails te beveiligen. Deze wordt tijdens installatie aangemaakt. Klik op \"Opnieuw Genereren\" om een nieuwe 'salt' te maken.",
- "": "B.v. \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
+ "": "Bijv. \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"",
"": "Wachtwoord reset 'salt':",
"": "Het selecteren van \"Verzend algemene beschrijving met de gebruiker en kanaal namen\" biedt push-notificaties met generieke berichten, met inbegrip van de namen van de gebruikers en kanalen, maar geen specifieke details uit de tekst van het bericht. <br /> <br /> \"Verstuur volledige bericht snippet\" stuurt uittreksels uit berichten die worden getriggered door notificaties met specifieke kenmerken en kunnen vertrouwelijke informatie bevatten. Als uw Push Notification Service zich buiten een firewall bevindt, is het STERK AANBEVOLEN deze optie alleen te gebruiken met een 'https' protocol om de verbinding te versleutelen.",
"": "Push meldings-berichten:",
@@ -270,20 +270,20 @@
"": "Verstuur geen meldings-notificaties",
"": "Zie de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">documentatie over push-meldingen</a> voor meer informatie over setup-opties.",
"": "Locatie van Mattermost push meldingen service kunt u achter uw firewall gebruiken via Voor het testen kunt u gebruik maken van die een verbinding maakt van de voorbeeld Mattermost iOS-app in de openbare AppStore van Apple. Gebruik geen test service voor productie-implementaties.",
- "": "B.v.: \"\"",
+ "": "Bijv.: \"\"",
"": "Push meldingen-server:",
"": "Inschakelen Push Meldingen: ",
"": "Meestal ingesteld op ingeschakeld in productie. Wanneer dit ingeschakeld is, zal Mattermost een e-mail verificatie versturen na het aanmaken van een account voor het maken van een account. Ontwikkelaars kunnen dit veld op uitgeschakeld zetten om het versturen van de verificatie-e-mails over te slaan voor een snellere ontwikkeling.",
"": "Vereist e-mail verificatie: ",
"": "Voer de locatie van de push meldingen service handmatig in",
"": " Vraag de credentials op bij de beheerder van de e-mail server.",
- "": "B.v. \"uwwachtwoord\", \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "": "Bijv. \"uwwachtwoord\", \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
"": "SMTP server wachtwoord:",
"": "De poort van de SMTP (mailserver).",
- "": "B.v. \"25\", \"465\"",
+ "": "Bijv. \"25\", \"465\"",
"": "SMTP server poort :",
"": "Naam of ip adres van de SMTP (mail)server.",
- "": "B.v. \"\", \"\"",
+ "": "Bijv. \"\", \"\"",
"": "SMTP (mail)server:",
"": " Vraag de credentials op bij de beheerder van de e-mail server.",
"": "Bv. \"\", \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
@@ -322,12 +322,12 @@
"admin.gitlab.authExample": "Bijv. \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize\"",
"admin.gitlab.authTitle": "Auth eindpunt:",
"admin.gitlab.clientIdDescription": "Bepaal deze waarde via de instructies hierboven, zodat ingelogt kan worden via GitLab",
- "admin.gitlab.clientIdExample": "B.v. \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientIdExample": "Bijv. \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
"admin.gitlab.clientIdTitle": "Applicatie ID:",
- "admin.gitlab.clientSecretExample": "B.v. \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.gitlab.clientSecretExample": "Bijv. \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
"admin.gitlab.clientSecretTitle": "Applicatie Geheime Sleutel:",
"admin.gitlab.enableDescription": "Indien gezet, dan kunnen teams en gebruikers binnen Mattermost worden aangemaakt via Gitlab OAuth.",
- "admin.gitlab.enableTitle": "Inschakelen authenticatie met GitLan: ",
+ "admin.gitlab.enableTitle": "Inschakelen authenticatie met GitLab: ",
"admin.gitlab.settingsTitle": "GitLab instellingen",
"admin.gitlab.tokenDescription": "Geef https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token in. Zorg ervoor dat u HTTP of HTTPS in de URL gebruikt, afhankelijk van de configuratie van uw server.",
"admin.gitlab.tokenExample": "Bijv. \"https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token\"",
@@ -346,37 +346,37 @@
"": "Token Eindpunt:",
"": "Gebruikers API Eindpunt:",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "De naam die gekozen is voor de S3 bucket op AWS.",
- "admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "B.v. \"mattermost-media\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "Bijv. \"mattermost-media\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:",
"admin.image.amazonS3IdDescription": "Verkrijg de credentials van uw Amazon EC2 beheerder.",
- "admin.image.amazonS3IdExample": "B.v. \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3IdExample": "Bijv. \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3IdTitle": "Amazon S3 toegangs sleutel ID:",
"admin.image.amazonS3RegionDescription": "AWS regie die gekozen is tijdens het aanmaken van uw S3 bucket.",
- "admin.image.amazonS3RegionExample": "B.v. \"us-east-1\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3RegionExample": "Bijv. \"us-east-1\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3RegionTitle": "Amazon S3 Regio:",
"admin.image.amazonS3SecretDescription": "Verkrijg deze credential van de Amazon EC2 beheerder.",
- "admin.image.amazonS3SecretExample": "B.v. \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
+ "admin.image.amazonS3SecretExample": "Bijv. \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"",
"admin.image.amazonS3SecretTitle": "Amazon S3 geheime toegangs sleutel:",
"admin.image.localDescription": "Map waar bestanden en afbeeldingen worden ogeslagen. Wanneer leeg, standaard is ./data/.",
- "admin.image.localExample": "B.v. \"./data/\"",
+ "admin.image.localExample": "Bijv. \"./data/\"",
"admin.image.localTitle": "Lokale opslagmap:",
"admin.image.maxFileSizeDescription": "Maximale bestandsgroote voor bijlages in megabytes. Let Op: Controleer server geheugen voor jouw keuze. Grote bestanden kunnen het risico op server crashes en gefaalde uploads vergroten door netwerk interrupties.",
"admin.image.maxFileSizeExample": "50",
"admin.image.maxFileSizeTitle": "Maximale bestandsgrootte:",
"admin.image.previewHeightDescription": "De maximale hoogte van het beeld (\"0\": Stelt automatisch de hoogte in). Het bijwerken van deze waarde verandert hoe voorbeeld afbeeldingen worden afgebeeld in de toekomst, maar verandert niets aan beelden die reeds gemaakt zijn.",
- "admin.image.previewHeightExample": "B.v. \"0\"",
+ "admin.image.previewHeightExample": "Bijv. \"0\"",
"admin.image.previewHeightTitle": "Afbeelding Voorbeeld Hoogte:",
"admin.image.previewWidthDescription": "De maximale breedte van de voorbeeld afbeelding. Het bijwerken van deze waarde verandert hoe voorbeld afbeeldingen worden afgebeeld in de toekomst, maar verandert niets aan beelden die reeds gemaakt zijn.",
- "admin.image.previewWidthExample": "B.v. \"1024\"",
+ "admin.image.previewWidthExample": "Bijv. \"1024\"",
"admin.image.previewWidthTitle": "Afbeeldingsvoorbeeld Breedte: ",
"admin.image.profileHeightDescription": "Hoogte van het profiel figuur.",
- "admin.image.profileHeightExample": "B.v. \"0\"",
+ "admin.image.profileHeightExample": "Bijv. \"0\"",
"admin.image.profileHeightTitle": "Profiel Afbeelding Hoogte: ",
"admin.image.profileWidthDescription": "Breedte van profiel figuur.",
- "admin.image.profileWidthExample": "B.v. \"1024\"",
+ "admin.image.profileWidthExample": "Bijv. \"1024\"",
"admin.image.profileWidthTitle": "Profiel Afbeelding Breedte:",
"admin.image.publicLinkDescription": "'salt' van 32 tekens welke wordt gebruikt voor het signeren van publieke afbeeldingen. Deze worden willekeurig gegenereerd tijdens de installatie. Klik op \"Opnieuw genereren\" om een nieuwe 'salt' te maken.",
- "admin.image.publicLinkExample": "B.v. \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
+ "admin.image.publicLinkExample": "Bijv. \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
"admin.image.publicLinkTitle": "Publieke link 'salt':",
"admin.image.shareDescription": "Sta gebruikers toe om publieke links naar bestanden en figuren te delen.",
"admin.image.shareTitle": "Inschakelen publieke bestand links: ",
@@ -385,13 +385,14 @@
"admin.image.storeLocal": "Lokaal bestandssysteem",
"admin.image.storeTitle": "Bestand Opslagsysteem:",
"admin.image.thumbHeightDescription": "De hoogte van de thumbnails gegenereerd op basis van geüploade foto's. Het bijwerken van deze waarde verandert hoe thumbnail afbeeldingen worden afgebeeld in de toekomst, maar verandert niets aan beelden die reeds gemaakt zijn.",
- "admin.image.thumbHeightExample": "B.v. \"100\"",
+ "admin.image.thumbHeightExample": "Bijv. \"100\"",
"admin.image.thumbHeightTitle": "Bijlage Miniatuur Hoogte:",
"admin.image.thumbWidthDescription": "Breedte van de thumbnails gegenereerd op basis van geüploade foto's. Het bijwerken van deze waarde verandert hoe thumbnail afbeeldingen worden afgebeeld in de toekomst, maar verandert niets aan beelden die reeds gemaakt zijn.",
- "admin.image.thumbWidthExample": "B.v. \"120\"",
+ "admin.image.thumbWidthExample": "Bijv. \"120\"",
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Bijlage Miniatuur Breedte:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Aangepaste Intergraties",
"admin.integrations.external": "Externe services",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "De Base DN is de DN-Naam van de locatie waar Mattermost moet beginnen met het zoeken naar gebruikers in de AD/LDAP-boom.",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "Bijv. \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "Achternaam attribuut:",
"admin.ldap.ldap_test_button": "AD/LDAP Test",
"admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "De tijdelijke tekst die wordt weergegeven in het veld 'login' op de login pagina. Standaard ingesteld op \"AD/LDAP-Gebruikersnaam\".",
- "admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "B.v. \"AD/LDAP Gebruikersnaam\"",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "Bijv. \"AD/LDAP Gebruikersnaam\"",
"admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "Login veld naam:",
"admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "Bv. \"2000\"",
"admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "Het maximaal aantal gebruikers die de Mattermost server zal opvragen bij de AD/LDAP server in 1 keer. 0 is ongelimiteerd.",
@@ -425,10 +426,10 @@
"admin.ldap.nicknameAttrTitle": "Nickname attribuut:",
"admin.ldap.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Nota:</h4><p>AD/LDAP is an enterprise optie, welke geen deel uitmaakt van de huidige licentie. Klink <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">hier</a> voor meer informatie en prijzen van de enterprise licentie(s).</p>",
"admin.ldap.portDesc": "De poort die Mattermost zal gebruiken om verbinding te maken met de AD/LDAP-server. Standaard is 389.",
- "admin.ldap.portEx": "B.v. \"389\"",
+ "admin.ldap.portEx": "Bijv. \"389\"",
"admin.ldap.portTitle": "AD/LDAP poort:",
"admin.ldap.queryDesc": "De time-out waarde voor query's naar de AD/LDAP-server. Vergroot deze waarde indien u timeout-fouten krijgt door een trage AD/LDAP-server.",
- "admin.ldap.queryEx": "B.v. \"60\"",
+ "admin.ldap.queryEx": "Bijv. \"60\"",
"admin.ldap.queryTitle": "Time-out voor Query (seconden):",
"admin.ldap.serverDesc": "Het domein of het IP-adres van de AD/LDAP-server.",
"admin.ldap.serverEx": "Bijv. \"\"",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Sta niet toe in te loggen via een OAuth 2.0 provider",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Wanneer dit aanstaat kan Mattermost fungeren als een OAuth 2.0 service provider welke Mattermost in staat stelt externe applicaties toe om geautoriseerde verzoeken te sturen naar de Mattermost API.",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications. See <a href=\"\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Aanzetten van OAuth 2.0 Service Provider:",
"": "Selecteer OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> to your Microsoft or Office 365 account. Make sure it's the account on the same <a href=''>tenant</a> that you would like users to log in with.</li><li>Go to <a href=''></a>, click <strong>Go to app list</strong> > <strong>Add an app</strong> and use \"Mattermost - your-company-name\" as the <strong>Application Name</strong>.</li><li>Under <strong>Application Secrets</strong>, click <strong>Generate New Password</strong> and paste it to the <strong>Application Secret Password</strong> field below.</li><li>Under <strong>Platforms</strong>, click <strong>Add Platform</strong>, choose <strong>Web</strong> and enter <strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong> (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) under <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>. Also uncheck <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>.</li><li>Finally, click <strong>Save</strong> and then paste the <strong>Application ID</strong> below.</li></ol>",
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@
"admin.password.lowercase": "Minimaal 1 kleine letter",
"admin.password.minimumLength": "Minimale Wachtwoordlengte",
"admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Het wachtwoord moet minimaal uit {{.Min}} karakters bestaan. Het moet een lengte hebben groter of gelijk aan {min} tekens en maximaal {max}",
- "admin.password.minimumLengthExample": "B.v. \"5\"",
+ "admin.password.minimumLengthExample": "Bijv. \"5\"",
"admin.password.number": "Minimaal 1 cijfer",
"admin.password.preview": "Foutboodschap voorbeeld",
"admin.password.requirements": "Wachtwoord Vereisten: ",
@@ -529,15 +530,18 @@
"admin.rate.enableLimiterDescription": "Wanneer ingeschakeld worden APIs beperkt tot de frequentie die hieronder staat.",
"admin.rate.enableLimiterTitle": "Aanzetting Beperking: ",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "Wanneer ingevuld, zal rate limiting door HTTP hoofd veld worden gespecificeerd (bv. wanneer NGINX is geconfigureerd met \"X-Real-IP\", wanneer AmazonELB is geconfigureerd met \"X-Forwarded-For\").",
- "admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "B.v. \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
+ "admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Bijv. \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Vary rate limit by HTTP header",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Max Burst:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Bijv. \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Maximum aantal geberuikers sessies verbonden met het systeem als \"Vary By Remote Address\" and \"Vary By Header\" instellingen hieronder",
- "admin.rate.memoryExample": "B.v. \"10000\"",
+ "admin.rate.memoryExample": "Bijv. \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Geheugen opslag grootte:",
"admin.rate.noteDescription": "Wanneer u wijzigingen aanbrengt in deze sectie moet de server opnieuw worden opgestart.",
"admin.rate.noteTitle": "Let op:",
"admin.rate.queriesDescription": "Beperk API oproepen tot dit aantal opvragingen per seconde.",
- "admin.rate.queriesExample": "B.v. \"10\"",
+ "admin.rate.queriesExample": "Bijv. \"10\"",
"admin.rate.queriesTitle": "Maximaal Queries per Seconde:",
"admin.rate.remoteDescription": "Wanneer aan, limiteer API toegang op basis van IP adres.",
"admin.rate.remoteTitle": "Vary rate limit by remote address: ",
@@ -624,7 +628,7 @@
"": "Selecteer",
"admin.select_team.selectTeam": "Selecteer team",
"admin.service.attemptDescription": "Aantal aanmeldingspogingen die zijn toegestaan voordat de gebruiker is vergrendeld en het wachtwoord gereset moet worden via e-mail.",
- "admin.service.attemptExample": "B.v. \"10\"",
+ "admin.service.attemptExample": "Bijv. \"10\"",
"admin.service.attemptTitle": "Maximum aantal aanmeldingspogingen:",
"admin.service.cmdsDesc": "Wanneer dit aanstaat, aangepaste slash commando's zijn toegestaan. Bekijk de <a href='' target='_blank'>documentatie</a> om hier meer over te leren.",
"admin.service.cmdsTitle": "Inschakelen van Slash opdrachten: ",
@@ -634,7 +638,7 @@
"admin.service.developerDesc": "Javascript fout worden weergeven in een rode bar boven in de user interface. Niet aangeraden voor productie.",
"admin.service.developerTitle": "Developer mode inschakelen: ",
"admin.service.googleDescription": "Zet deze sleutel om de titel van ingevoegde Youtube video's te tonen. Zonder deze sleutel zullen Youtube previews nog steeds gemaakt worden op basis van links die in berichten en reacties worden geplaatst, maar er word geen titel getoond. Bekijken een <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Developers Tutorial</a> voor instructies over hoe deze sleutel te krijgen.",
- "admin.service.googleExample": "B.v. \"7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gsg3fgGOXJAQ43QV\"",
+ "admin.service.googleExample": "Bijv. \"7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gsg3fgGOXJAQ43QV\"",
"admin.service.googleTitle": "Google API Sleutel:",
"admin.service.iconDescription": "Wanneer aangezet, webhooks, slash commando's en andere integraties, zoals <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zapier</a>, kunnen de profiel afbeelding wijzigen waar mee geplaatst word. Let op: Gecombineerd met toestaan dat integraties gebruikersnamen kunnen overschrijven, kunnen gebruikers zich voordoen als iemand anders.",
"admin.service.iconTitle": "Aanzetten van integraties die overschrijven van profiel afbeeldingen mogelijk maakt:",
@@ -644,7 +648,7 @@
"admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "Wanneer aangezet, webhooks en slash commando's kunnen alleen gemaakt, bewerkt en bekeken worden door Team en Systeem Beheerders, en OAuth 2.0 applicaties door Systeem Beheerders. Integraties zijn beschikbaar voor alle gebruikers als ze zijn gemaakt door de Beheerder.",
"admin.service.listenAddress": "Luister Adres:",
"admin.service.listenDescription": "Het adres waar aan te luisteren. Ingeven van \":8065\" zal alle interfaces gebruiken of je kan er 1 kiezen zoals \"\". Wijziging hiervan zal een herstart van de server vereisen om de verandering zichtbaar te maken.",
- "admin.service.listenExample": "B.v. \":8065\"",
+ "admin.service.listenExample": "Bijv. \":8065\"",
"admin.service.mfaDesc": "Wanneer dit ingeschakeld is, krijgen de gebruikers de mogelijkheid om multi-factor authenticatie te gebruiken om in te loggen. Ze zullen een smartphone en een authenticator-app zoals Google Authenticator nodig hebben.",
"admin.service.mfaTitle": "Aanzetten multi-factor authenticatie:",
"admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Sessie duur voor mobiel (dagen):",
@@ -656,11 +660,11 @@
"admin.service.securityDesc": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, worden systeembeheerders per e-mail verwittigd wanneer er een relevante security fix alert is aangekondigd in de laatste 12 uur. Vereist dat e-mail is ingeschakeld.",
"admin.service.securityTitle": "Schakel beveiligings alarmen in: ",
"admin.service.segmentDescription": " is een optionele online service voor systeem diagnostiek. Een key is verkrijgbaar door middel van een gratis registratie bij",
- "admin.service.segmentExample": "B.v. \"g3fgGOXJAQ43QV7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gs\"",
+ "admin.service.segmentExample": "Bijv. \"g3fgGOXJAQ43QV7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gs\"",
"admin.service.segmentTitle": "Segment Schrijf Sleutel:",
"admin.service.sessionCache": "Sessie cache in minuten:",
"admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "Het aantal minuten dat een sessie in het geheugen wordt gecached.",
- "admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "B.v. \"30\"",
+ "admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "Bijv. \"30\"",
"admin.service.siteURL": "Site URL:",
"admin.service.siteURLDescription": "De URL, inclusief poort nummer en protocol, wat gebruikers zullen gebruiken om toegang te krijgen tot Mattermost. Dit veld kan leeg gelaten worden, tenzij je bulk email configureert in <b>Notificaties > Email</b>. Wanneer dit veld leeg is, dan zal de URL automatisch worden gebaseerd op inkomend verkeer.",
"admin.service.siteURLExample": "Bv \"\"",
@@ -725,17 +729,18 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "Gebruikers",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "Gebruikers en Teams",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "Site statistieken",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "Systeem console",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "Gegevensbron:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "Stuurprogrammanaam:",
"admin.sql.keyDescription": "salt van 32 tekens, beschikbaar voor het coderen en decoderen van gevoelige velden in de database.",
- "admin.sql.keyExample": "B.v. \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
+ "admin.sql.keyExample": "Bijv. \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"",
"admin.sql.keyTitle": "At Rest Encrypt Key:",
"admin.sql.maxConnectionsDescription": "Maximum aantal actieve verbindingen open gehouden naar de database.",
- "admin.sql.maxConnectionsExample": "B.v. \"10\"",
+ "admin.sql.maxConnectionsExample": "Bijv. \"10\"",
"admin.sql.maxConnectionsTitle": "Maximum aantal vrije verbindingen:",
"admin.sql.maxOpenDescription": "Maximum aantal open verbindingen open gehouden naar de database.",
- "admin.sql.maxOpenExample": "B.v. \"10\"",
+ "admin.sql.maxOpenExample": "Bijv. \"10\"",
"admin.sql.maxOpenTitle": "Maximum aantal open verbindingen:",
"admin.sql.noteDescription": "Wanneer u wijzigingen aanbrengt in deze sectie moet de server opnieuw worden opgestart.",
"admin.sql.noteTitle": "Let op:",
@@ -772,7 +777,7 @@
"": "Wanneer dit aanstaat, teams die geconfigureerd zijn om zichtbaar te zijn in de team directory zullen zichtbaar zijn op de hoofdpagina in plaats van het maken van een nieuw team.",
"": "Inschakelen Team Directory: ",
"": "Maximum aantal gebruikers per team, inclusief actieve en niet-actieve gebruikers.",
- "": "B.v. \"25\"",
+ "": "Bijv. \"25\"",
"": "Maximaal aantal gebruikers per team:",
"": "Geen beeldmerk geupload.",
"": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, kan iedereen een gebruikers account maken op deze server zonder uitnodiging.",
@@ -787,7 +792,7 @@
"": "Elke gebruiker van de Mattermost server",
"": "Elke gebruiker van het team",
"": "Naam van de site welke getoond wordt op inlog- en andere schermen.",
- "": "B.v. \"Mattermost\"",
+ "": "Bijv. \"Mattermost\"",
"": "Site naam:",
"": "Wanneer uitgeschakeld kunnen alleen Systeem Beheerders teams maken.",
"": "Team maken inschakelen: ",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Overschakelen naar e-mail/wachtwoord",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "Systeem beheerder",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "Team beheerder",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows making <strong>one-on-one</strong> video calls. WebRTC calls are available on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Enable Mattermost WebRTC: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Enter your admin secret password to access the Gateway Admin URL.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "Ex \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Gateway Admin Secret:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Enter https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid tokens for each peer to establish the connection.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "Gateway Admin URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Enter wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>. Make sure you use WS or WSS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This is the websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "Ex \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Gateway Websocket URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Enter your STUN URI as stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>. STUN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to access its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Shared Key. This is used to created dynamic passwords to establish the connection. Each password is valid for a short period of time.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "Ex \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN Shared Key:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Enter your TURN URI as turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>. TURN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to establish a connection by using a relay public IP address if it is located behind a symmetric NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Username.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "Bv. \"Gebruikersnaam\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN Username:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Uitgeschakeld",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Mattermost server zal geen statische file serveren.",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Inkomende webhooks",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 Applicaties",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Uitgaande webhooks",
+ "calling_screen": "Calling",
"center_panel.recent": "Klik hier om naar uw recente berichten te gaan. ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "Leden toevoegen",
"change_url.close": "Afsluiten",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "Kanaal",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "Stel de kanaal koptekst in...",
"channel_header.delete": "Verwijder {term}...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "Gemarkeerde Berichten",
"": "Groep",
"channel_header.leave": "Verlaat {term}",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "Leden beheren",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Zet {term} doel...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Bekijk informatie",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "Bekijk Leden",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"channel_info.about": "Over",
"channel_info.close": "Afsluiten",
"channel_info.header": "Kop:",
@@ -992,7 +1024,7 @@
"channel_modal.headerHelp": "Geef de tekst die zal verschijnen in het hoofd van de {term} naast de {term} naam. Bijvoorbeeld, veelgebruikte links door het opgeven van [Link Titel](",
"channel_modal.modalTitle": "Nieuw ",
"": "Naam",
- "channel_modal.nameEx": "B.v.: \"Bugs\", \"Marketing\", \"客户支持\"",
+ "channel_modal.nameEx": "Bijv.: \"Bugs\", \"Marketing\", \"客户支持\"",
"channel_modal.optional": "(optioneel)",
"channel_modal.privateGroup1": "Maak een nieuwe privé groep met beperkt lidmaatschap. ",
"channel_modal.privateGroup2": "Maak een privé groep",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "Bestanden groter dan {max}MB kunnen niet worden geüpload: {filenames}",
"": "Uploads gelimiteerd op maximum {count} bestanden. Gebruik additionele berichten voor meer bestanden.",
"file_upload.pasted": "Afbeelding Geplakt in ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 channels} one {channel} other {channels}}",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 channels} one {channel} other {channels}} of {total} Total",
+ "": "Search channels",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "Alle gebruikers",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} een {member} andere {members}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 deelnemers} een {deelnemer} other {deelnemers}} van {total} totaal",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "Omschrijving",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "Geen OAuth 2.0 Applicaties gevonden",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 Applicaties",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 Applicaties zijn beschikbaar voor iedereen op jouw server.",
+ "": "Create OAuth 2.0 applications to securely integrate bots and third-party applications with Mattermost. Please see {link} to learn more.",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "documentatie",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "Homepagina",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "Pictogram-URL",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "Is Vertrouwd: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1407,7 +1443,7 @@
"login.createTeamAdminOnly": "Deze optie is alleen beschikbaar voor Systeem Beheerders, en word niet getoond aan andere gebruikers.",
"": "E-mail",
"login.find": "Zoek uw andere teams",
- "login.forgot": "I ben mijn wachtwoord vergeten",
+ "login.forgot": "Ik ben mijn wachtwoord vergeten",
"login.gitlab": "GitLab",
"": "Google Apps",
"login.invalidPassword": "Uw wachtwoord is niet juist.",
@@ -1563,9 +1599,9 @@
"search_header.results": "Zoekresultaten",
"search_header.title2": "Recente vermeldingen",
"search_header.title3": "Gemarkeerde Berichten",
- "": "Privé bericht",
+ "": "Direct Message (with {username})",
"search_item.jump": "Spring",
- "search_results.because": "<ul><li>Wanneer u op zoek bent naar een gedeeltelijk woord (b.v. zoek naar \"tele\", op zoek naar \"telefooon\" of \"televisie\"), moet u een * aan de zoekterm toevoegen</li><li>Zoekopdrachten van 2 letters en algemene woorden zoals \"dit\", \"een\", \"het\" verschijnen niet in de zoekresultaten</li></ul>",
+ "search_results.because": "<ul><li>Wanneer u op zoek bent naar een gedeeltelijk woord (bijv. zoek naar \"tele\", op zoek naar \"telefooon\" of \"televisie\"), moet u een * aan de zoekterm toevoegen</li><li>Zoekopdrachten van 2 letters en algemene woorden zoals \"dit\", \"een\", \"het\" verschijnen niet in de zoekresultaten</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "Geen resultaten gevonden. Opnieuw proberen?",
"search_results.usage": "<ul><li>Gebruik <b>\"aanhalingstekens\"</b> om hele zinnen te zoeken</li><li>Gebruik <b>van:</b> om berichten van specifieke gebruikers te zoeken en <b>in:</b> om berichten in specifieke kanalen te zoeken</li></ul>",
"search_results.usageFlag1": "Je hebt nog geen berichten gemarkeerd.",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Voer de naam in van het team",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notificeert iedereen in het kanaal, gebruik in {townsquare} to notificeer het hele team",
"": "Notificeer iedereen in het kanaal",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "Meer kanalen",
"": "Notificeert iedereen in het kanaal en online",
"suggestion.mention.members": "Kanaal Leden",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Other Channels",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Niet in kanaal",
"suggestion.mention.special": "Speciale Vermeldingen",
"": "Privé groepen",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Stuur berichten wanner u op CTRL + ENTER drukt",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "Aanzetten van externe applicatie om slash commando autocomplete te gebruiken",
"user.settings.advance.title": "Geavanceerde instellingen",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Enable the ability to make and receive one-on-one WebRTC calls",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Weg Indicator",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Knop achtergrond",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Knoptekst",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "E-mail meldingen",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Meldingen",
"": "Desktop notificaties zijn beschikbaar op Firefox, Safari en Chrome",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "Nooit",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Geen woorden geconfigureerd",
"": "Uit",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Aan",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "Beveiligingsinstellingen",
"": "Bekijk Toegang Geschiedenis ",
"user_list.notFound": "Geen gebruikers gevonden",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"view_image.loading": "Bezig te laden ",
"": "Downloaden",
"view_image_popover.file": "Bestand {count} van {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "Termen",
"web.header.back": "Terug",
"web.root.signup_info": "Alle team communicatie op een plaats, doorzoekbaar en van overal bereikbaar",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} is busy.",
+ "": "Call",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "Call with {username} ended.",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "Cancel call",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} cancelled the call.",
+ "webrtc.declined": "Your call has been declined by {username}.",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} has WebRTC disabled, and cannot receive calls. To enable the feature, they must go to Account Settings > Advanced > Preview pre-release features and turn on WebRTC.",
+ "webrtc.failed": "There was a problem connecting the video call.",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "Hangup",
+ "webrtc.header": "Call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "You have a call in progress. Please hangup first.",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "Unable to access camera or microphone.",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "Mute microphone",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} is not answering the call.",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "Answer",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "Decline",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} is calling you.",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Return to ongoing call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} is offline.",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "Turn off camera",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Unmute microphone",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "Turn on camera",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username} client does not support video calls.",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Video niet gevonden"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
index 9d4bfbb08..57813c77e 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/pt-BR.json
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Cliente Chave Secreta</b>: {secret}",
"": "Descrição para sua aplicação OAuth 2.0.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Descrição para a aplicação OAuth 2.0 é obrigatória.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Sua aplicação OAuth 2.0 foi configurada. Por favor use o seguinte ID Cliente e Chave Secreta Cliente ao solicitar a autorização para a sua aplicação.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Sua aplicação OAuth 2.0 foi configurada. Por favor use o seguinte ID de Cliente e Chave Secreta ao solicitar a autorização para a sua aplicação (veja a <a href=\"\">documentação</a> para mais detalhes).",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "A seguir estão as URL(s) de redirecionamento autorizadas.",
"add_oauth_app.header": "Adicionar",
"": "A URL para a página inicial da aplicação OAuth 2.0. Certifique-se de usar HTTP ou HTTPS em sua URL dependendo da sua configuração do servidor.",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Anexo Thumbnail Largura:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Integrações Personalizadas",
"admin.integrations.external": "Serviços Externos",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "Base DN é o nome distinto do local onde Mattermost deve começar sua busca para os usuários na árvore AD/LDAP.",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "Ex \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Não é permitido login via um provedor OAuth 2.0",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Quando verdadeiro, Mattermost pode atuar como um provedor de serviços OAuth 2.0 pra permitir solicitações de API de aplicações externas.",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "Quando verdadeiro, Mattermost pode atuar como um provedor de serviço OAuth 2.0 permitindo que o Mattermost autorize requisições de API de aplicações externas. Veja a <a href=\"\">documentação</a> para saber mais.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Ativar Provedor de Serviço OAuth 2.0: ",
"": "Selecione provedor de serviço OAuth 2.0:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>Log in</a> na sua conta Microsoft ou Office 365. Certifique-se que esta conta é do mesmo <a href=''>tenant</a> que você gostaria que os usuários entrassem.</li><li>Vá para <a href=''></a>, clique <strong>Ir para lista de aplicativo</strong> > <strong>Adicionar um aplicativo</strong> e use \"Mattermost - nome-da-sua-empresa\" como <strong>Nome da Aplicação</strong>.</li><li>Dentro de <strong>Segredos do Aplicativo</strong>, clique <strong>Gerar Nova Senha</strong> copie e cole no campo abaixo <strong>Aplicativo Senha Secreta</strong>.</li><li>Dentro de <strong>Plataformas</strong>, clique <strong>Adicionar Plataforma</strong>, escolha <strong>Web</strong> e digite <strong>url-da-sua-empresa/signup/office365/complete</strong> (exemplo: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete) dentro de <strong>Redirecionar URIs</strong>. Também desmarque <strong>Permitir Fluxo Implícito</strong>.</li><li>Finalmente, clique <strong>Salvar</strong> e então copie e cole no campo abaixo <strong>ID da Aplicação</strong>.</li></ol>",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "Quando preenchido, variam limitação de taxa pelo compo cabeçalho HTTP especificado (ex. quando configurado NGINX ajustado para \"X-Real-IP\", quando configurado AmazonELB ajustado para \"X-Forwarded-For\").",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Ex \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Variar o rate limit pelo cabeçalho HTTP",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Max Burst:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Ex \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Número máximo de sessões de usuários conectados ao sistema conforme determinado pelas configurações abaixo \"Variar rate limit pelo endereço remoto\" e \"Variar rate limit pelo cabeçalho HTTP\".",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "Ex \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Tamanho da Memória de Armazenamento:",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "Usuários",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "Usuários e Equipes",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "Estatísticas do Site",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "Console do Sistema",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "Fonte de Dados:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "Nome do Driver:",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Trocar para Email/Senha",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "Admin do Sistema",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "Admin Equipe",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows making <strong>one-on-one</strong> video calls. WebRTC calls are available on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Ativar Mattermost WebRTC: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Digite sua chave secreta para acessar a URL de Administração do Gateway.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "Ex \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Chave Secreta de Administração:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Entre em http://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin. Certifique-se de usar HTTP ou HTTPS em sua URL, dependendo da sua configuração do servidor. Mattermost WebRTC usa esta URL para obter tokens válidos para cada ponto para estabelecer a conexão.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "URL Administração do Gateway:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Entre wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>. Certifique-se de usar WS ou WSS em sua URL dependendo da sua configuração do servidor. Este é o websocket usado para sinalizar e estabelecer a comunicação entre os pontos.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "Ex \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Gateway Websocket URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Digite sua STUN URI como stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>. STUN é um protocolo de rede padronizado que permite que um host de destino auxilie dispositivos para estabelecer uma conexão usando um endereço IP público se este está localizado atrás de um NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Digite sua Chave Compartilhada TURN. Isto é usado para criar senhas dinâmicas para estabelecer a conexão. Cada senha é válida para um período de tempo curto.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "Ex \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "Chave Compartilhada TURN:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Digite sua TURN URI como turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>. TURN é um protocolo de rede padronizado que permite que um host de destino auxilie dispositivos para estabelecer uma conexão usando um endereço IP público se este está localizado atrás de um NAT simétrico.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Digite seu Usuário para o Servidor TURN.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "Ex \"meuusuario\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "Usuário TURN:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Desabilitado",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "O servidor Mattermost não serve arquivos estáticos.",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Webhooks Entrada",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "Aplicativos OAuth 2.0",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Webhooks Saída",
+ "calling_screen": "Chamando",
"center_panel.recent": "Clique aqui para pular para mensagens recentes. ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "Adicionar Membros",
"change_url.close": "Fechar",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "Canal",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "Definir Cabeçalho do Canal...",
"channel_header.delete": "Deletar {term}...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "Posts Marcados",
"": "Grupo",
"channel_header.leave": "Sair {term}",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "Gerenciar Membros",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "Ajustar Propósito {term}...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "Ver Informações",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "Ver Membros",
+ "": "Iniciar Vídeo Chamada",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "Nova chamada não disponível até que você termine a chamada existente",
"channel_info.about": "Sobre",
"channel_info.close": "Fechar",
"channel_info.header": "Cabeçalho:",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "Arquivos acima {max}MB não podem ser enviados: {filenames}",
"": "Limite máximo de uploads de {count} arquivos. Por favor use um post adicional para mais arquivos.",
"file_upload.pasted": "Imagem Colada em ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 canais} one {canal} other {canais}}",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 canais} one {canal} other {canais}} of {total} Total",
+ "": "Procurar canais",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "Todos os Usuários",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 membros} one {membro} other {membros}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} {count, plural, =0 {0 membros} one {membro} other {membros}} de {total} Total",
@@ -1229,16 +1264,16 @@
"help.commands.title": "# Executando Comandos\n___",
"help.composing.deleting": "## Deletando uma mensagem\nDelete uma mensagem clicando no ícone **[...]** ao lado do texto da mensagem que você escreveu, em seguida, clique em **Deletar**. Administrador de Sistema e de Equipe podem excluir qualquer mensagem em seu sistema ou equipe.",
"help.composing.editing": "## Edição de Mensagem\nEditar uma mensagem clicando no ícone **[...]** ao lado o texto da mensagem que você compôs, em seguida, clique em **Editar**. Depois de fazer modificações no texto da mensagem, pressione **ENTER** para salvar as modificações. Edições mensagem não desencadeiam novas notificações de @menção, notificações de área de trabalho ou sons de notificação.",
- "help.composing.linking": "## Link para uma mensagem\nO recurso **Permalink** cria um link para qualquer mensagem. Compartilhar este link com outros usuários no canal lhes permite visualizar a mensagem lincada no Arquivos de Mensagem. Os usuários que não são membros do canal onde a mensagem foi postada não podem ver o permalink. Obter o permalink de qualquer mensagem, clicando no ícone **[...]** ao lado do texto da mensagem > **Permalink** > **Copiar Link**.",
- "help.composing.posting": "## Postando uma Mensagem\nEscreva uma mensagem, digitando na caixa de entrada de texto, em seguida, pressione **ENTER** para enviá-la. Use **Shift + ENTER** para criar uma nova linha sem enviar uma mensagem. Para enviar mensagens pressionando **CTRL+ENTER** vá para **Menu Principal > Configurações de Conta > Enviar mensagens com CTRL + ENTER**.",
+ "help.composing.linking": "## Link para uma mensagem\nO recurso **Permalink** cria um link para qualquer mensagem. Compartilhar este link com outros usuários no canal lhes permite visualizar a mensagem lincada no Arquivos de Mensagem. Os usuários que não são membros do canal onde a mensagem foi postada não podem ver o permalink. Obter o permalink de qualquer mensagem clicando no ícone **[...]** ao lado do texto da mensagem > **Permalink** > **Copiar Link**.",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## Postando uma Mensagem\nEscreva uma mensagem digitando na caixa de entrada de texto, em seguida, pressione **ENTER** para enviá-la. Use **Shift + ENTER** para criar uma nova linha sem enviar uma mensagem. Para enviar mensagens pressionando **CTRL + ENTER** vá para **Menu Principal > Configurações de Conta > Enviar mensagens com CTRL + ENTER**.",
"help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts podem ser consideradas as mensagens principais. Eles são as mensagens que, muitas vezes iniciam uma discussão com respostas. Posts são criados e enviados a partir da caixa de entrada de texto na parte inferior do painel central.",
- "help.composing.replies": "#### Respostas\nResponda a uma mensagem clicando no ícone de resposta ao lado de qualquer texto da mensagem. Esta ação abre a barra lateral direita, onde você pode ver as mensagens relacionadas, e escrever e enviar sua resposta. As respostas são recuada ligeiramente no painel central para indicar que eles são mensagens filha de um post pai.\n\nAo compor uma resposta no lado direito, clique no ícone de expandir/fechar com duas setas na parte superior da barra lateral para tornar as coisas mais fáceis de ler.",
+ "help.composing.replies": "#### Respostas\nResponda a uma mensagem clicando no ícone de resposta ao lado de qualquer texto da mensagem. Esta ação abre a barra lateral direita, onde você pode ver as mensagens relacionadas, e então escrever e enviar sua resposta. As respostas são recuada ligeiramente no painel central para indicar que eles são mensagens filha de um post pai.\n\nAo compor uma resposta no lado direito, clique no ícone de expandir/fechar com duas setas na parte superior da barra lateral para tornar as coisas mais fáceis de ler.",
"help.composing.title": "# Enviando Mensagens\n_____",
"help.composing.types": "## Tipos de Mensagem\nResponda a postagem para manter a conversa organizada em tópicos.",
"help.formatting.checklist": "Faça uma lista de tarefas, incluindo colchetes:",
"help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item um\n- [ ] Item dois\n- [x] Item concluído",
"help.formatting.code": "## Bloco de Código\n\nCriar um bloco de código pelo recuo cada linha por quatro espaços, ou colocando ``` na linha acima e abaixo de seu código.",
- "help.formatting.codeBlock": "bloco de código",
+ "help.formatting.codeBlock": "Bloco de código",
"help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:",
"help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nAbra o preenchimento automático de emoji digitando `:`. A lista completa de emojis pode ser encontrada [aqui]( Também é possível criar seu próprio [Emoji Personalizado]( se o emoji que pretende utilizar não existir.",
"help.formatting.example": "Exemplo:",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "Descrição",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "Nenhum Aplicativo OAuth 2.0 encontrado",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "Aplicativos OAuth 2.0",
- "": "Aplicativos OAuth 2.0 estão disponíveis para todo mundo no seu servidor.",
+ "": "Criar aplicações OAuth 2.0 para integrar com segurança bots e aplicativos de terceiros com Mattermost. Por favor veja {link} para saber mais.",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "documentação",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "Página inicial",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "URL do Ícone",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "É Confiável: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "Resultados da Pesquisa",
"search_header.title2": "Menções Recentes",
"search_header.title3": "Posts Marcados",
- "": "Mensagem Direta",
+ "": "Mensagem Direta (com {username})",
"search_item.jump": "Pular",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>Se você está pesquisando uma parte da frase (ex. pesquisando \"rea\", procurando por \"reagir\" ou \"reação\"), acrescente um * ao seu termo de pesquisa</li><li>Devido ao grande volume de resultados, pesquisas com duas letras e palavras comuns como \"este\", \"um\" e \"é\" não aparecerão nos resultados de pesquisa</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "Nenhum resultado encontrado. Tentar novamente?",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "Por favor entre o nome da equipe",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifique a todos no canal, use {townsquare} para notificar toda a equipe",
"": "Notifica todos no canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "Meus Canais",
"": "Notifica todos os conectados ao canal",
"suggestion.mention.members": "Membros do Canal",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Outros Canais",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Não no Canal",
"suggestion.mention.special": "Menções Especiais",
"": "Grupos Privados",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Enviar mensagens com CTRL + ENTER",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "Ativar aplicação externa para autocompletar comandos slash",
"user.settings.advance.title": "Configurações Avançadas",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Ativar a capacidade de fazer e receber chamadas WebRTC um-pra-um",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Indicador de Afastamento",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Fundo Botão",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Texto do Botão",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "Notificações por email",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "Notificações",
"": "Notificações no desktop estão disponíveis no Firefox, Safari e Chrome.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "Nunca",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "Nenhuma palavra configurada",
"": "Desligado",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "Ligado",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "Configurações de Segurança",
"": "Ver Histórico de Acesso",
"user_list.notFound": "Nenhum usuário encontrado",
+ "": "Iniciar Video Chamada",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "Nova chamada não disponível até que você termine a chamada existente",
"view_image.loading": "Carregando ",
"": "Download",
"view_image_popover.file": "Arquivo {count} de {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "Termos",
"web.header.back": "Voltar",
"web.root.signup_info": "Toda comunicação em um só lugar, pesquisável e acessível em qualquer lugar",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} está ocupado.",
+ "": "Chamada",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "Terminada a chamada com {username}.",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "Cancelar chamada",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} cancelou a chamada.",
+ "webrtc.declined": "Sua chamada foi recusada por {username}.",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} está com WebRTC desativado, e não pode receber chamadas. Para ativar o recurso, eles devem ir para Configurações de Conta > Avançado > Visualizar recursos de pré-lançamento e ativar WebRTC.",
+ "webrtc.failed": "Houve um problema na conexão da vídeo chamada.",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "Desligar",
+ "webrtc.header": "Chamada com {username}",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "Você tem uma chamada em progresso. Por favor desligue primeiro.",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "Não foi possível acessar a câmera ou microfone.",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "Silenciar microfone",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} não está respondendo a chamada.",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "Resposta",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "Recusar",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} está chamando.",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Retornar a chamada em curso com {username}",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} está desconectado.",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "Desligar a câmera",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Ligar microfone",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "Ligar a câmera",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "O cliente de {username} não suporta vídeo chamadas.",
"youtube_video.notFound": "Vídeo não encontrado"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
index ba9757343..6bc90f536 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_CN.json
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"": "(可选) 在自动完成列表显示斜杠命令。",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "自动完成描述",
"": "(可选) 在自动补全列表中显示斜杠命令的简述。",
- "add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "例如: 返回关于病人记录的搜索结果",
+ "add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "例如:\"返回病人记录搜索结果\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "自动完成提示",
"": "(可选) 你的斜杠命令在自动完成列表中显示的参数。",
"add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "例如: [患者姓名]",
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>客户端秘密</b>:{secret}",
"": "您的 OAuth 2.0 应用描述。",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "OAuth 2.0 应用描述为必填。",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "您的OAuth 2.0应用已设定。请在给您的应用请求授权时使用以下客户端ID和客户端秘密。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "您的 OAuth 2.0 应用已设置。请在您应用申请授权时使用以下客户端 ID 和客户端秘密 (参见<a href=\"\">文档</a>了解详情)。",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "以下是您许可的重指向网址。",
"add_oauth_app.header": "添加",
"": "OAuth 2.0 应用首页网址。请您确认有根据服务器设置使用 HTTP 或 HTTPS 网址。",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "附件缩略图宽度:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "自定义集成",
"admin.integrations.external": "外部服务",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "Base DN 是 Mattermost 在 AD/LDAP 树中搜索用户开始的专有名称路径。",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "例如:\"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrEx": "例如\"sn\"",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "姓氏属性:",
"admin.ldap.ldap_test_button": "AD/LDAP 测试",
- "admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "出现在登录页面登录框的占位符文本,默认为 \"AD/LDAP 用户名\"。",
+ "admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "出现在登录页面登录框的占位符文本。默认为 \"AD/LDAP 用户名\"。",
"admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "前 \"AD/LDAP 用户名\"",
"admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "域名登录:",
"admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "例如\"2000\"",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "不允许通过 OAuth 2.0 提供商登入",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "当设为是时,Mattermost 可做为 OAuth 2.0 服务提供商以给予外部应用的API请求授权。",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "当设为是时,Mattermost 可以做为 OAuth 2.0 服务提供商允许 Mattermost 给外部应用 API 请求授权。参见<a href=\"\">文档</a>了解更多。",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "启动 OAuth 2.0 服务提供商:",
"": "选择 OAuth 2.0 服务提供商:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a>到您的微软或Office 365帐号。确定是和您想让用户登入的同一个<a href=''>租户</a>。</li><li>到<a href=''></a>,点击<strong>转到应用列表</strong> > <strong>添加应用</strong>然后用\"Mattermost - your-company-name\"做为<strong>应用名</strong>。</li><li>在<strong>应用秘密</strong>下,点击<strong>生成新密码</strong>后粘贴到以下<strong>应用密码</strong>栏。</li><li>在<strong>平台</strong>下,点击<strong>添加平台</strong>,选择<strong>网页</strong>并在<strong>重指向网址</strong>下输入<strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong> (例: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)。同时反选择<strong>允许隐含流程</strong>。</li><li>最后,点击<strong>保存</strong>并粘贴<strong>应用ID</strong>到下方。</li></ol>",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "填充时,变化率限制通过HTTP头字段指定(例如当配置NGINX\"X-Real-IP\",当配置AmazonELB为\"X-Forwarded-For\").",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "例如\"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "通过HTTP头变化频率限制",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "最大过载:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "超过每秒查询限制的最大请求数。",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "例如 \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "连接到系统的最大用户会话数由以下 \"根据远程地址改变频率限制\" 以及 \"通过HTTP头变化频率限制\" 设定而决定。",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "例如\"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "内存存储大小:",
@@ -591,7 +595,7 @@
"admin.saml.nicknameAttrDesc": "(可选)使用SAML断言中的属性做为Mattermost中用户的昵称。",
"admin.saml.nicknameAttrEx": "例如:\"昵称\"",
"admin.saml.nicknameAttrTitle": "昵称属性:",
- "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileDesc": "用于解析从身份认证商中返回的SAML数据的私钥",
+ "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileDesc": "用于解密从身份认证商中返回的 SAML 断言的私钥。",
"admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileRemoveDesc": "移除用于解析从身份认证商中返回的SAML数据的私钥。",
"admin.saml.privateKeyFileTitle": "服务提供商密钥:",
"admin.saml.publicCertificateFileDesc": "当Mattermost是服务提供商时,用来生成从服务提供者到身份提供者产生的SAML请求使用的证书。",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "用户",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "成员和团队",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "站点统计",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "系统控制台",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "数据源:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "驱动名:",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "切换到电子邮件/密码",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "系统管理员",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "团队管理员",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "当设为是时,Mattermost 允许<strong>一对一</strong>视频通话。WebRTC 通话可在 Chrome,火狐以及 Mattermost 桌面应用使用。",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "开启 Mattermost WebRTC:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "输入您访问网关管理网址的管理密码。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "例如 \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "网关管理密码:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "输入 https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin。请根据您服务器设定使用 HTTP 或 HTTPS 的网址。Mattermost WebRTC 用此网址给每个用户获取创建连接的有效令牌。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "例如 \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "网关管理网址:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "输入 wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>。请根据您服务器设定使用 WS 的 WSS 网址。此 websocket 用于用户之间的信号和创建通讯。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "例如 \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "网关 Websocket 网址:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "输入您的 STUN 网址 stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>。STUN 是一个网络协议标准用于让一个主机帮助双方都在 NAT 背后的用户连接到公网 IP。",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "例如 \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "输入您的 TURN 服务器共享密钥。此用来生成动态密码来创建连接。每个密码只有短暂有效期。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "例如 \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN 共享密钥:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "输入您的 TURN 网址以格式 turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>。TURN 是个标准的网络协议能协助双方都在NAT后时创建连接。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "例如 \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "输入您的 TURN 服务器用户名。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "例如 \"myusername\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN 用户名:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "已禁用",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Mattermost 服务器不会提供静态文件。",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "引入Webhooks",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 应用",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "对外Webhooks",
+ "calling_screen": "呼叫中",
"center_panel.recent": "点击这里跳转到最近的消息。",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "添加成员",
"change_url.close": "关闭",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "频道",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "设置频道标题…",
"channel_header.delete": "删除{term}...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "已标记的信息",
"": "群组",
"channel_header.leave": "离开{term}",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "成员管理",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "设置{term}用途…",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "查看信息",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "查看成员",
+ "": "开始视频通话",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "不能在结束当前通话前开新通话",
"channel_info.about": "关于",
"channel_info.close": "关闭",
"channel_info.header": "标题:",
@@ -1010,7 +1042,7 @@
"channel_notifications.sendDesktop": "发送桌面通知",
"channel_notifications.unreadInfo": "有未读消息时,侧边栏的频道名称粗体显示。只有当您被提及时选择“仅对提及”会加粗频道名称。",
"channel_select.placeholder": "--- 选择一个频道 ---",
- "": "(私信)",
+ "": "(私信)",
"": "输入频道名。↑↓浏览,TAB选择,↵确认,ESC取消",
"channel_switch_modal.not_found": "无匹配项。",
"channel_switch_modal.submit": "切换",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "文件超过{max}MB不能被上传:{filenames}",
"": "最大上传文件数限制为 {count}。请使用新信息来上传更多文件。",
"file_upload.pasted": "图片已粘贴至",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count} 个频道",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{count} 个频道,共 {total} 个频道",
+ "": "搜索频道",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "所有用户",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count} 位成员",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{count} 位,共 {total} 位成员",
@@ -1230,7 +1265,7 @@
"help.composing.deleting": "## 删除消息\n点击您在自己发送的消息中想删除的消息旁的 **[...]** 文字图标,然后点击 **删除**。系统或团队管理员可以删除任何在系统或团队中的消息。",
"help.composing.editing": "## 修改消息\n点击您在自己发送的消息中想删除的消息旁的 **[...]** 文字图标,然后点击 **修改**。在修改消息内容后,按 **回车** 以保存改动。消息内容不触发新的 @mention 通知,桌面通知或通知声音。",
"help.composing.linking": "## 消息链接\n**永久链接** 功能可以给任何消息创建链接。共享此链接给此频道的其他用户让他们直接访问消息归档里的消息。不在此频道的成员无法看永久链接。点任何消息旁边 **[...]** 图标 > **永久链接** > **复制链接** 来获取链接。",
- "help.composing.posting": "## 发布消息\n在文字输入框里打入消息,然后按 **回车** 发送。用 **Shift + 回车** 将在不发送消息下换行。如果想使用 **Ctrl+回车** 发信息,请到 **主菜单 > 帐号设定 > 用 Ctrl + Enter 发消息**。",
+ "help.composing.posting": "## 发布消息\n在文字输入框里打入消息,然后按 **ENTER** 发送。用 **Shift + ENTER** 将在不发送消息下换行。如果想使用 **Ctrl+ENTER** 发信息,请到 **主菜单 > 帐号设定 > 用 Ctrl + Enter 发消息**。",
"help.composing.posts": "#### 发文\n发文被视为母消息。它们通常时回复串的开头。发文是从中间面板下方的输入框发送。",
"help.composing.replies": "#### 回复\n点击任意消息旁的回复图标来回复该消息。此操作将打开显示消息串的右边栏,然后您可以编写并发送您的回复。回复会有少许的缩进来标识它们时回复母消息的子消息。\n\n当在右边栏编写回复时,在上方点击展开/合并图标以便更容易阅读。",
"help.composing.title": "# 发送信息\n_____",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "描述",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "没有找到 OAuth 2.0 应用",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 应用",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 应用对您服务器上所有用户开放。",
+ "": "创建 OAuth 2.0 应用以安全得与 Mattermost 整合机器人和第三方应用。详情请见 {link}。",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "文档",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "首頁",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "图标网址",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "是受信任的:<strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "搜索结果",
"search_header.title2": "最近提及",
"search_header.title3": "已标记的信息",
- "": "私信",
+ "": "私信 (与 {username})",
"search_item.jump": "跳转",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>如果您需搜索一个部分词组(例如搜索 \"rea\",查找 \"reach\" 或 \"reaction\"),请在结尾附上 *。</li><li>由于搜索结果的数量限制,双字母的搜索和 \"this\",\"a\" 及 \"is\" 等常用词不会出现在搜索结果中。</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "没任何结果。重试?",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "输入团队名",
"suggestion.mention.all": "通知频道全员,使用在 {townsquare} 来通知团队",
"": "通知每个频道",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "我的频道",
"": "通知所有在此频道在线的人",
"suggestion.mention.members": "频道成员",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "其他频道",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "不在频道中",
"suggestion.mention.special": "特别提及",
"": "私有组",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "按 Ctrl+Enter 发送消息",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "启用外部应用程序提供斜杠命令的自动补全功能",
"user.settings.advance.title": "高级设置",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "开启使用 WebRTC 的一对一通话",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "离开显示",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "按钮BG",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "文本按钮",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "邮件通知",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
"": "桌面通知可在 火狐, Safari 以及 Chrome 下使用。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "从不",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "敏感词没有配置",
"": "关闭",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "开启",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "安全设置",
"": "查看访问历史",
"user_list.notFound": "没有找到用户",
+ "": "开始视频通话",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "不能在结束当前通话前开新通话",
"view_image.loading": "加载中 ",
"": "下载",
"view_image_popover.file": "文件 {total}/{count}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "条款",
"web.header.back": "返回",
"web.root.signup_info": "所有团队的通讯一站式解决,随时随地可访问和搜索",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} 繁忙中。",
+ "": "通话",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "已结束与 {username} 的通话。",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "取消通话",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} 已取消通话。",
+ "webrtc.declined": "您的呼叫被 {username} 拒绝。",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} 已禁用 WebRTC,因此无法接听。如想开启此功能,他们需要到帐号设定 > 高级 > 预览预发布功能并开启 WebRTC。",
+ "webrtc.failed": "连接视频通话出现问题。",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "挂断",
+ "webrtc.header": "与 {username} 的通话",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "您已经有通话。请先挂断。",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "无法连接摄像头或麦克风。",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "静音麦克风",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} 没有回应。",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "接听",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "拒接",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} 正在呼叫您。",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "返回到与 {username} 的通话",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} 离线中。",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "关闭摄像头",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "取消静音麦克风",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "开启摄像头",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username} 客户端不支持视频通话。",
"youtube_video.notFound": "视频未找到"
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
index 299a0bbd8..7b4fbc4f5 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/zh_TW.json
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>用戶端密碼</b>:{secret}",
"": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式的敘述。",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "請填入 OAuth 2.0 應用程式的敘述。",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "已設定 OAuth 2.0 應用程式。當應用程式要求認證時請用以下的用戶端 ID 與用戶端密碼。",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式設定完畢。當應用程式要求授權時,請用下面的用戶端 ID 跟密碼 (詳請參閱<a href=\"\">文件</a>)。",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "以下為您所授權的重導向網址。",
"add_oauth_app.header": "新增",
"": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式的首頁網址。請根據伺服器設定選擇 HTTP 或 HTTPS。",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "附加檔案縮圖寬:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "自訂整合",
"admin.integrations.external": "外部服務",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "BaseDN 是 Mattermost 在 AD/LDAP 樹搜尋使用者的起始點的識別名。",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "例如:\"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "不允許經由 OAuth 2.0 提供者登入",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 將可以作為一個 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者以授權外部應用程式的 API 要求。",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "啟用時,Mattermost 將可以作為一個 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者以授權外部應用程式的 API 要求。詳請參閱<a href=\"\">文件</a>。",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "啟用 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者:",
"": "選擇 OAuth 2.0 服務提供者:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li><a href=''>登入</a> Microsoft 或 Office 365 帳號。請確定該帳號跟其他使用者的登入帳號在同一個<a href=''>租用戶</a>下。</li><li>前往 <a href=''></a>,按 <strong>前往應用程式列表</strong> > <strong>新增應用程式</strong> 並用 \"Mattermost - 您的公司名稱\" 作為<strong>應用程式名稱</strong>。</li><li>在 <strong>應用程式密碼</strong> 下,按 <strong>產生新密碼</strong> 並黏貼至底下的<strong>應用程式密碼</strong>欄位。</li><li>在 <strong>平台</strong> 下,按 <strong>新增平台</strong> 選擇 <strong>Web</strong> 並在 <strong>重新導向 URI</strong> 欄位輸入 <strong>您的-mattermost-網址/signup/office365/complete</strong> (如:http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)。同時取消 <strong>允許隱含流程</strong>。</li><li>最後,按下 <strong>儲存</strong> 並貼上底下的<strong>應用程式識別碼</strong>欄位。</li></ol>",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "當有內容的時候,會根據內容指定的 HTTP 標頭欄位(如 NGINX的情況設定 \"X-Real-IP\"、AmazonELB的情況設定\"X-Forwarded-For\")改變張貼頻率限制。",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "例如 \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "根據 HTTP 標頭改變張貼頻率限制",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Max Burst:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "例如:\"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "能連到此系統的最大使用者工作階段數由下面\"根據遠端位址改變張貼頻率限制\"跟\"根據 HTTP 標頭改變張貼頻率限制\"設定所決定",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "例如 \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "記憶體儲存體大小:",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "使用者",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "使用者與團隊",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "系統統計",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "系統控制台",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "資料來源:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "驅動程式名稱:",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "切換帳戶到電子郵件地址/密碼",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "系統管理員",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "團隊管理員",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows making <strong>one-on-one</strong> video calls. WebRTC calls are available on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "啟用 Mattermost WebRTC:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "輸入管理員密碼以存取閘道管理員網址。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "如:\"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "閘道管理員密碼:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "請輸入 https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin。請根據伺服器設定選擇 HTTP 或 HTTPS。Mattermost WebRTC 將使用此網址來取得有效 Token 用以為每個端點建立連線。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "如 \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "閘道管理員網址:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "請輸入 wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>。請根據伺服器設定選擇 WS 或 WSS。這將是用來在端點間發送訊號以及建立通訊的 Websocket。",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "如:\"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "閘道 Websocket 網址:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "輸入 stun:<your-stun-url>:<port> 作為 STUN URI。STUN 是個讓位於 NAT 後方的裝置取得公開 IP 位置的標準網路協定。",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "如:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "輸入 TURN 伺服器共用金鑰。這將用來產生動態密碼以建立連線。每個密碼只在短期內有效。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "如:\"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN 共用金鑰:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "輸入 turn:<your-turn-url>:<port> 作為 TURN URI。TURN 是個讓位於對稱性 NAT 後方的裝置透過公開 IP 轉發以建立連線的標準網路協定。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "如:\"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "如入 TURN 伺服器使用者名稱。",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "如:\"myusername\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN 使用者名稱:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "停用",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "Mattermost 不會傳送靜態檔案。",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "傳入的 Webhook",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "傳出的 Webhook",
+ "calling_screen": "撥打中",
"center_panel.recent": "按這裡跳到最新的訊息。",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "新增成員",
"change_url.close": "關閉",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "頻道",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "設定頻道標題…",
"channel_header.delete": "刪除{term}…",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "被標記的訊息",
"": "群組",
"channel_header.leave": "退出{term}",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "成員管理",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "設定{term}用途…",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "檢視資訊",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "檢視成員",
+ "": "開始視訊通話",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "在當前通訊結束前不能建立新的通訊",
"channel_info.about": "關於",
"channel_info.close": "關閉",
"channel_info.header": "標題:",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "無法上傳超過{max}MB 的檔案:{filenames}",
"": "同時只能上傳{count}個檔案。請用新訊息來上傳更多的檔案。",
"file_upload.pasted": "圖片已上傳至:",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{count}個頻道",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{total}中{count}個頻道",
+ "": "搜尋頻道",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "所有使用者",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count}位成員",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{total}位中{count}位成員",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "敘述",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "沒有找到 OAuth 2.0 應用程式",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 應用程式對所有在伺服器上的使用者開放。",
+ "": "建立 OAuth 2.0 應用程式以安全的將 Mattermost 與機器人跟第三方應用程式整合。詳請參閱{link}。",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "說明文件",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "首頁",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "圖示網址",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "是受信任的:<strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "搜尋結果",
"search_header.title2": "最近提及",
"search_header.title3": "被標記的訊息",
- "": "直接傳訊",
+ "": "直接訊息 (與{username})",
"search_item.jump": "跳至",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>如果要搜尋部份語句(如搜尋\"rea\"以尋找\"reach\"或\"reaction\"),請在搜尋詞尾附上*。</li><li>為了減少收尋結果,兩個字母的搜尋跟常用字像\"this\"、\"a\"跟\"is\"不會顯示在結果當中。</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "沒有任何結果。再嘗試一次?",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "請輸入團隊名稱",
"suggestion.mention.all": "通知頻道全員。在{townsquare}使用來通知全團隊。",
"": "通知頻道全員",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "我的頻道",
"": "通知此頻道所有在線的人",
"suggestion.mention.members": "頻道成員",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "其他頻道",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "不在頻道中",
"suggestion.mention.special": "特別提及",
"": "私人群組",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "用 Ctrl + Enter 貼文",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "啟用外部程式以提供自動完成斜線命令",
"user.settings.advance.title": "進階設定",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "啟用此功能以撥打或接收一對一的 WebRTC 通訊",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "離開標識",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "按鈕 BG",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "按鈕文字",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "電子郵件通知",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "通知",
"": "Firefox、Safari、Chrome 可以使用桌面通知。",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "永不",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "沒有設定單字",
"": "關閉",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "啟用",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "安全性設定",
"": "檢視存取紀錄",
"user_list.notFound": "找不到任何使用者",
+ "": "開始視訊通話",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "在當前通訊結束前不能建立新的通訊",
"view_image.loading": "載入中",
"": "下載",
"view_image_popover.file": "檔案 {count} / {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "條款",
"web.header.back": "返回",
"web.root.signup_info": "團隊溝通皆在同處,隨時隨地皆可搜尋與存取。",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} 通話中。",
+ "": "通訊",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "與 {username} 的通訊結束了。",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "取消通訊",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} 取消了通訊。",
+ "webrtc.declined": "{username} 拒絕了通訊。",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} 停用了 WebRTC,無法接收通訊。他必須到 帳號設定 > 進階 > 預覽預先發佈功能 啟用 WebRTC 以啟用此功能。",
+ "webrtc.failed": "連接視訊通話時發生錯誤。",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "掛斷",
+ "webrtc.header": "與 {username} 的通訊",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "通訊中。請先掛斷現在的通訊。",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "無法存取攝影機或麥克風。",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "麥克風靜音",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} 沒有接聽呼叫。",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "接聽",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "拒絕",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} 來電。",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "返回到與 {username} 的通訊",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} 不在線上。",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "關閉攝影機",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "解除麥克風靜音",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "開啟攝影機",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username} 的用戶端不支援視訊通話。",
"youtube_video.notFound": "找不到影片"